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Corsair II

Historical Summary:

Corsair II was custom built in 1926 for an avid predicted log racer and Tacoma Yacht Club officer. She participated in many early Seattle-Victoria races, and her feats were described in advertising for Buffalo Marine Engines and Standard Oil products. She was honored with the privilege of celebrating her 60th birthday as a featured yacht at the Vancouver World's Fair.

Was she a rumrunner? Well, according to an old fisherman in Pender, “I know your boat. She used to have a foot well in the afterdeck, see where those deck planks are strangely butted? Well when I was a kid some guys from the Olmstead gang came in on her with their women who were mad at them because they were drunk. So the men left them and went to a bar. The women invited us aboard and we partied until the men were noticed returning. We ran like hell!” Olmstead was a Seattle Police Captain, eventually convicted of tax evasion during Prohibition. His wife broadcast childrens’ stories on the radio. The stories contained coded drop point messages.

Sean and Katey Wood purchased the boat from Bob and Sally Bryan in June of 2022.

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Corsair II

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An Opening Day To Remember! It was Opening Day 1999 when the rudder fell off in front of Jensens Boatyard in Portage Bay.  Dick Carrol, a talented artist that hung out there  captured the moment with his interpretation of the, 'ahem, "incident".  Ol' man Anchor told us it was a production defect(1926)  and to return it;0) haha- Anchor saved the day for the old gal...never did find the bronze rudder.⚓

Corsair lost rudder

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J. P. Morgan’s former yacht CORSAIR sailed as a deluxe cruise ship from California to Mexico until disaster struck in 1948.

J. P. Morgan’s former yacht CORSAIR sailed as a deluxe cruise ship from California to Mexico until disaster struck in 1948.

Posted by: Michael Grace January 25, 2019

J. Pierpont Morgan Jr. could never imagine his yacht Corsair IV would be turned into a deluxe cruise ship just after World War 2  whose short career with voyages from California would end in tragedy, but it happened.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • J.P. Morgan Jr. and his legendary business tycoon father, J. Pierpont Morgan, owned four yachts christened Corsair and built three of them. Each yacht was bigger, faster, and more comfortable than the preceding one.
  • The Morgan Corsair created major media attention for the times resulting in a legendary quote by the senior Morgan when he was asked how much it cost to operate a boat that size. His quick response: “Sir, if you have to ask that question, you can’t afford it.”


corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • Corsair IV was constructed in Maine at the beginning of the Great Depression for $2.5 million (or about $60 million in today’s currency).
  • Measuring 2,142 gross tons, with a registered length of 300 feet and overall length of 343 feet, the Corsair IV was the largest yacht ever built in the U.S. Designed in the traditional piratical look of Morgan yachts; Corsair IV was long, dark, heavy underneath – paler and suaver in the superstructure.
  • When it was ready for launching in 1930, Morgan brought three private railway cars of family and friends up to the Maine shipyards for the occasion.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • Morgan used her for ten years, mostly on the East Coast, in the West Indies and for trans-Atlantic record-breaking crossings.
  • After an eventful career with Morgan, the Corsair IV was turned over to British Admiralty in 1940.


Following World War II, rich Americans had money to spend on cruises, but choices were limited.

  • Half the commercial passenger vessels had been sunk, and the surviving liners demanded extensive refurbishing.
  • It would be several years before many refurbished ships would be back in service or any new ships built.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • This was especially true in California and on the West Coast. American Presidents Lines took three years to re-establish liner service to the Orient, and it wasn’t until 1948 when Matson Line’s famous Lurline sailed again to Hawaii.
  • The magnificent pre-war Canadian Pacific and Japanese liners that once plied the Pacific had been brutally sunk in seagoing battles.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • Realizing there was an untapped post-War luxury cruise market, the Skinner and Eddy Corporation, owners of the Alaska Steamship Company, created Pacific Cruise Lines in 1946.
  • The newly formed subsidiary immediately went looking for a ship and was lucky enough to quickly spot its prize, Corsair IV.
  • The former Morgan yacht was bought from undisclosed buyers and placed under Panamanian registry.


The Corsair (the IV was dropped) was taken to Todd Shipyards in New York for repair and overhaul and then sailed to the Victoria Machinery Depot in Victoria, Canada, for conversion to a luxury cruise vessel.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • In charge of her interior was the firm of William F. Schorn Associates of New York. Schorn was also responsible for giving the pre-war Moore-McCormick Liners cruising to South America from New York – Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay –a much more contemporary look.
  • He provided the same meticulous detail to designing the modern accommodations for the new elegant Corsair.
  • This was not just a paint job but also a total conversion for the former Morgan yacht to create elegant surroundings for the line’s future passengers.


corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • The goal of Pacific Cruise Lines was to offer to the traveling public the world’s most luxurious cruise ship.
  • The many letters received from the cruise passengers during the first year of service attested to that accomplishment.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

Accommodating only 82 First Class passengers, all rooms were much larger and more commodious than as expected on shipboard at that time.

  • No expense was spared in furnishing decorating each room with the very finest of materials and artistry available.
  • There were no berths on the Corsair, and all staterooms featured beds. Each room had its own private bath.
  • There were a total of 42 rooms on the ship, and the steward’s department personnel alone numbered more than forty.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking


  • Each was responsible for the sole purpose of catering to the slightest desire of the carriage trade passengers.
  • All public rooms, including the main lounge, forward observation lounge, cocktail lounge, etc., were completely carpeted and air-conditioned.
  • This was also true of all bedrooms, sitting rooms, and suites.
  • Top European chiefs were hired to create haute cuisine.
  • A total of 76 crewmembers and officers were aboard the new cruise ship, making the passenger to crew ratio almost one to one, equaling or surpassing the most high-end cruise ships operating today.

The new Corsair made her debut on September 29, 1947 offering two-week cruises from Long Beach, California, to Acapulco, Mexico. The standard price per person rate averaged $600. Hardly a bargain since the ship’s cruise fare equaled more than a quarter of the 1947 typical U.S. family income.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

The new cruise line placed attractive full-page ads for cruising on the new stylish first class Corsair in Holiday magazine.

  • Demand for passage was heavy and the waitlists lengthy.
  • During the summers of 1948, the Corsair was switched to Alaska.
  • Sailing out of Vancouver, British Columbia, she provided the first deluxe two-week cruises ever offered to the Inside Passage.
  • Another first for the Corsair Alaska cruises was a specially chartered train transporting passengers from Whittier to famed McKinley National Park.

A series of cruises to Mexico, Havana via the Panama Canal and the Gulf of California were scheduled and completed in the spring of 1949.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

The cruise ship returned to Alaska for summer sailings and was to be followed by a season of cruises to Mexico from Long Beach beginning in October. Then tragedy struck on November 12, 1949.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • The Corsair, during one of her autumn Mexican Riviera cruises, struck a rock and beached at Acapulco.
  • Her crew and 55 passengers were put ashore in lifeboats.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

  • There was no loss of life.
  • Examined by her owners, the former Morgan yacht was determined to be a total constructive loss and abandoned to Davy Jones’ locker.

corsair, yacht, j. p. morgan jr., cruises, michael l grace, pacific cruise lines, alaska steamship company, first class, ship sinking

It would be more than 15 years until Princess Cruises began offering sailings to Mexico with a regular year ’round service would be offered. There would be numerous attempts to offer Mexico cruises in the meantime. At least five different cruise lines didn’t make it.

Even during this age of mega-liners, no other ships will ever equal the elegance, exclusivity, and style of the former Morgan yacht. The Corsair’s legacy lives on only for divers willing to explore the remains of the vessel deep in the warm seas off Acapulco.

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Personal items revealing j.p. morgan's opulent life at sea to be sold.

  • Artifacts to be sold from J.P. Morgan's yacht reveal high life of 19th-century American elite
  • Items include silver sculpted lamp, ivory poker chips and hundreds of pieces of rare china
  • Auction organizer says items show personal side of man known for exquisite taste
  • Morgan commissioned the 241-foot yacht "Corsair II" in 1890

(CNN) -- Artifacts from the megayacht of 19th-century financier J.P. Morgan are to be sold this weekend at an auction set to reveal how one of America's most influential men enjoyed life aboard his second home on the high seas.

Commissioned by Morgan in 1890, the 241-foot yacht "Corsair II" played host to many of the era's richest and most prominent figures, including U.S. presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft, billionaire tycoons John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, as well as light-bulb inventor Thomas Edison.

Although the "Corsair II" has been long-since scrapped for parts, intimate items from the elegant, wood-paneled yacht will be auctioned Sunday in Boston -- with some lots expected to achieve bids in excess of $200,000.

The hundreds of artifacts for sale range from hand-crafted bone china bearing the Morgan family crest, to specially designed Tiffany cigar-cutters, to a vast and intricate silver lamp carved in the shape of a mythological dolphin and -- most luxurious of all -- a fully restored 30-foot launch boat.

But for Larry Lannan, owner of Boston Harbor Auctions , who will be handling the sale, the standout item is stored in a velvet-lined box with the "Corsair" flag embossed in silver: Morgan's set of ivory poker chips.

"The man loved poker and was known to play high stakes with all the heavyweight industrialists, financiers and politicians of the day," said Lannan.

"Imagine the hands that have touched these chips -- the likes of Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford. Just imagine all the late-night cigar-fueled drama in the middle of the sea, the fortunes won and lost!"

John Pierpont Morgan dominated the world of corporate finance throughout the late 1800s until his death at the turn of the century, but was also renowned for his passion of and investment in the arts, once stating: "No price is too great for a work of unquestioned beauty and known authenticity."

While Morgan filled rooms with masterpieces of fine art and collections of expensive gems, "most of it he never touched," said Lannan. "What we have here is a selection of very personal belongings that he and his closest circle would have handled on a daily basis -- his whiskey tumblers, tea cups, his chess table."

But, though prosaic, they are no less refined. The 220 pieces of china on auction were specifically tailored to Morgan's demands by English firm Mintons -- who at the time supplied crockery to the royal family.

"The blue trim with the gold accents and the Morgan signature flag of a crescent moon and star alongside the New York Yacht Club burgee -- all this would have been to Morgan's specific wishes," Lannan revealed. "He was certainly a man of highly particular tastes."

And for those who'd like to know what success really tasted like in the 19th century, then the auction also contains a rare bottle of J & G Stewart Scotch whiskey direct from Morgan's cellar.

"I'm not sure that it'll actually taste very nice," conceded Lannan. "So I hope whoever buys it won't be doing so for the flavor!"

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At Auction: Nautical Curiosities from J.P. Morgan’s Corsair

corsair 2 yacht

The second in a series of enormous steam yachts named Corsair was built for J.P. Morgan in 1890 by Neafie & Levy of Philadelphia, replacing an earlier craft used by the financier as a ferry between his Hudson River estate and office on Wall St. In 1897 the 241-ft. Corsair II became the flagship of the famed New York Yacht Club when Morgan was elected Commodore; in 1898 it was bought by the government and renamed the USS Gloucester , serving as a gunship in the Spanish-American War. Morgan, who commissioned an even larger Corsair to replace it, entertained great men of the day from Teddy Roosevelt and Thomas Edison to Mark Twain aboard the floating mansions fitted with every possible luxury.

Corsair with a Flagship banner. Some 220 pieces of it will be included in an historic sale of nautical curiosities from the various Corsairs and more at Boston Harbor Auctions on May 1. Other items from Morgan’s collection include a silver Tiffany & Co. cigar cutter designed in the Corsair ‘s crescent and star motif; his mahogany poker set complete with ivory chips; Boston-made brass ship’s clocks; embroidered table linens; specially bottled Scotch whisky and engraved tumblers; canvas covered wicker provisions trunks; and even a classic wooden launch from the Corsair III (pictured below in front of the NYYC in Newport). Not a bad haul….

Jared Paul Stern is the editor of Driven .

corsair 2 yacht

All photos courtesy Boston Harbor Auctions.

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Comments on “ at auction: nautical curiosities from j.p. morgan’s corsair ”.

Cute house.

Amazing. The interior is a wonder, I’m sure. I’ve been on Victorian Yachts at the Museum in Newport. Pianos, red velvet sofas. I can only imagine what’s in there.

Very cool. Great find MW.

Sweet! Bit of fun: the on-line catalog of the Morgan Library is called “Corsair.”

Jamie Dimon should buy it all.

I love the simplicity of the poker chips.

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J.P. Morgan's Corsair IV

When J.P. Morgan Junior took delivery of the Corsair IV   in 1930, she was the largest and most luxurious private yacht ever built in the USA. Morgan used her for a decade, mainly on the East Coast and in the Caribbean, before gifting her to the British Admiralty to help with the war effort.

After WWII she re-entered service as a cruise ship, plying routes in Alaska and from Long Beach California down to Mexico. The photo below shows her in Vancouver, 1948. Less than a year later she struck a rock and sank in shallow waters off Acapulco.

JP Morgan's Corsair IV

The story began in 1882 when J.P. Morgan Senior, one of the world's richest men and an avid yachtsman, bought the 185-foot steamship Corsair . He then commissioned the bigger, faster and more luxurious Corsair II   (which the US Navy conscripted into service as a gunboat during the Spanish-American War) and the 304-foot Corsair III ,  a superyacht that featured a full-beam library, cases of wine and brandy, and humidors stocked with Cuban cigars.

Each of these three yachts generated great publicity, but media attention was particularly intense when the Corsair III was launched in 1898. It was at this time that Morgan made one of the most famous comments ever recorded. When a journalist asked him how much it would cost to operate a yacht of this size, Morgan replied:

Sir, if you have to ask that question, you can't afford it.

J.P. Morgan Senior

The Corsair IV

The Corsair IV was commissioned by J.P. Morgan Junior and built at Bath Iron Works, Maine. When she was launched in April 1930 she measured 343 feet in length and was the largest private yacht ever constructed in the USA. Nicknamed the "Princess of the Sea", she was an object of beauty with her black hull, clipper bow and elegant teak interiors. Morgan adored her, and reveled in the privacy she afforded him. One of his annual guests while cruising in Europe was the UK's Archbishop of Canterbury, and on one memorable occasion the two of them sailed across the Mediterranean to the Holy Land.

Following the outbreak of WWII and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, most privately-owned yachts in America were requisitioned by the US Maritime Commission and converted for use as gunships or patrol boats. For reasons which aren't entirely clear, Morgan gave the Corsair IV not to the US Navy but to the British Admiralty. Based in Bermuda, she served out the war as a patrol ship in the Western Atlantic.

Life as a Cruise Ship

After the war there was a dearth of cruise ships on America's West Coast. Many of the great Canadian Pacific and Japanese liners that serviced this coastline in the 1920s and 1930s had been lost in sea battles or fallen victim to mines. To plug this gap, the Pacific Cruise Lines company was formed in 1946 and promptly snapped up J.P. Morgan's Corsair IV . The yacht was re-named Corsair and taken to Canada to be converted to a luxury cruise liner.

With accommodation for 82 passengers and a crew of 76, the new Corsair exuded luxury. Staterooms were not only bigger and better equipped than rival ships, they were fitted with carpets and air-conditioning (almost unheard of at the time), and included furnishings made from the finest materials. The Corsair debuted in September 1947, offering two-week cruises from California to Acapulco. Ticket prices were high, but in booming post-war America, so was the demand.

SS Corsair Cruise Ship

The Corsair was a great success. Her cruises sold out well in advance and her popularity exceeded anything her new owners had imagined. Before long she switched from Mexico to Alaska and became the first ship to offer luxury cruises to the Inside Passage. Soon after she reverted to Mexico, the Panama Canal and across the Caribbean to Havana. And then tragedy struck: in November 1949 the Corsair hit a rock off the coast of Acapulco and sank. Fortunately none of her 55 passengers or crew were harmed.

Made in China: the Nero

In the early years of this century, British entrepreneur Neil Taylor began hunting for a classic yacht to restore and re-model along the lines of the Corsair IV . When he couldn't find what he wanted, Taylor set up his own company, Corsair Yachts, and commissioned a near replica of J.P. Morgan's yacht from Yantai Raffles Shipyard in China. Launched in 2008, the sleek, black-hulled superyacht was christened Nero . The following year she triumphed in the "Best Motor Yacht Over 75 Metres" category at the ShowBoats Design Awards.

Nero Yacht

In 2014 the Nero was bought by Irish billionaire Denis O'Brien. Two years later he had her refurbished in Spain, requesting that she be brought up to European standards and given a classic, contemporary elegance. The Nero is now available for summer charters in the Mediterranean and winter service in the Caribbean & Bahamas. Since her introduction to the charter circuit she has won praise for her fusion of old-world charm and tasteful styling, with many clients commenting positively on her spacious interiors, Ralph Lauren decor and relaxed living environments.

Nero Yacht Interior

Pinnacle Marine New Zealand

We have years of practical experience dealing with luxury yachts and are supported by a network of contacts throughout the industry. If you would like more information about luxury yachts, or anything else connected to the world of yachting, please feel free to contact us.

Grace, Michael (2008), The Tragic Life of the Corsair IV , New York Social Diary

Merl, Risa (2017), Nero: Inside the 90m Modern Classic Superyacht's MB92 Refit , Boat International

Viju, Mathew (2016), Eight Ways J.P. Morgan Defined the Good Life , Robb Report

Wisner, Bill (1975), The Golden Age of Yachts , Motor Boating and Sailing

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Corsair F-24 Boat Test

The corsair f-24 mk i cooks up a budget-friendly taste of fast..

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In May 1999 Practical Sailor reviewed the then-new Corsair F-24 Mark II trimaran. Nearly 20 years later, were here to follow up with a focus on the Corsair F-24 Mark I, a boat that can represent a good value today since many newer designs have entered the market.

The late Ian Farrier (1947-2017) designed fast, trailerable trimarans for more than 40 years. A New Zealander, his first production success was the 18-foot Trailertri. His 19-foot Tramp was Boat-of-the-Year in Australia in 1981. In 1983 John Walton (of the Wal Mart family) founded Corsair to build high-performance multihulls, lured Farrier to Chula Vista, California, and the result was the very popular F-27 ( PS September 1990 ). Almost 500 have been sold since it went into production in 1985. It has since been superceded by the F-28.

In 1991, Corsair added the F-24 Sport Cruiser. This abbreviated version of the F-27, with a starting price more than 30 percent lower than the F-27, was designed to be affordable.

While she remained sharp in the performance department, her accommodations were even more spartan. We spoke with Ian Farrier several times about anchoring and cruising; it was pretty clear that his heart was in racing and he even suggested we were probably better in tune with the needs and practicalities of small multi-hull cruising than he was. Still, he designed a cabin that can handily do both, if you can accept the compromises.

Corsair F-24 Boat

The deck layout is similar to the typical 24-foot monohull, except that it is wide-18 feet-with wing trampolines on both sides. In addition to providing stability, this gives lounging space in fair weather and greatly increases safety in rough weather. Though lacking railings and lifelines-other than a pulpit and wrap-around stern rail-its hard to fall off the F-24 if jacklines and tethers are used. A single large Lewmar foredeck hatch provides ample ventilation. The cockpit will easily seat six, but three is more comfortable for vigorous sailing.

The cockpit is equipped with four Lewmar 16 winches (the jib winches are one-speed self-tailers, the reacher winches are standard two-speed), two multi-line jammers, and ten cam cleats. All essential sail controls, including halyards, are accessible from the cockpit, making for easy single-handed sailing.

The mainsail furls by winding around the boom; fast, convenient, and very gentle on the typical Mylar/carbon laminate sails. Reefing requires a quick trip to the mast to crank the boom around and attach the down haul, but that is it. The set up makes a vang impractical but few multihulls use them anyway, preferring to control the boom with the traveler.

The bow anchor locker holds two anchors and two rodes, so long as they are folding designs. Trimarans are best anchored using a bridle; the test boat uses a 20-foot Dyneema bridle that is retracted onto the wing nets when not in use.

The typical 6 horsepower outboard delivers about 5.3 knots at 1/3 throttle and about 6.5 knots wide open. The side mount provides decent performance in chop, pitching less than transom-mounted engines.

The portable fuel tank is protected from the sun and solar heating in an under-seat locker. It is wide is open for venting (but sealed from the cabin) and drains out through the open transom, safe and out of the way.

Since the emphasis was fast cruising and racing, storage and amenities are sparse. In the cabin there is storage behind the seat backs. The large rectangular top-opening lockers in the galley counter and under the seats can be fitted with hanging bags for easier access.

The head compartment has sufficient space for toilet paper and cleaning supplies. There is a large bottomless locker in the cockpit that also provides access to under cockpit areas. Lockers in the amas (outriggers) can hold light, bulky items.

There is sitting head room and ample seating for four on the starboard settee. An Origo alcohol stove and sink with rocker pump provide a minimal galley. A large cooler slides easily under the companionway. The forward V-berth is quite long, though a little pinched at the foot. The settee converts into a twin-sized bed using filler boards that slide neatly into storage slots under the companionway.

A portable head sits in a well behind a curtain, and is typically moved into the cockpit at bedtime for better privacy. Some owners rate the interior as poor, but most call it camping-out comfortable, suitable for an overnight or weekend.


Everyone wants to know how fast the little trimaran will go. To windward it points as well as most monohulls, thanks to a deep centerboard. Shell tack through less than 90 degrees if you pinch, though it’s faster if you bear off just a little. Keeping up with 40-foot cruisers is easy on any point of the sail, and you quickly chase them down on a reach.

With the wind free, expect to match true wind speed up to about 12 knots, after which you may reef or bleed power, depending on your mood. In lighter winds, pop out the reacher and you’ll get a whole new gear, easily exceeding wind speed.

In stronger winds, bear off until the true wind is on the quarter, and you’ll see 14 knots or more, although handling requires sharp attention if you haven’t reefed.

Compared to the Stiletto 27 (see PS July 2016), it is more weatherly, tacks faster, can safely handle more wind, but is slightly slower off the wind (though not as scary).

Upwind reefing begins at about 15 knots true for those who like fast sailing, but there is no reason not to reef a little earlier and enjoy more relaxed, but still spirited sailing. Maximum angle of heel is about 15 degrees.

With two reefs and the jib rolled up a little, shell take quite a lot of wind, perhaps 30 knots, without much excitement. Upwind in 20 knots is fun with the right reefs in, and that’s pretty good for a 24-foot boat. Farrier designed these conservatively, with windy conditions in mind. They are quite popular on San Francisco Bay, an area known for strong breezes.

The Mark II was touted as the new and improved version of the Mark I. By replacing the centerboard with a daggerboard, weight was reduced, and a rotating mast increased power, making the Mark II noticeably faster. The Mark I has more usable cabin space, since the centerboard case is hidden inside the settee, and the Mark I cockpit is also several feet longer, a boon to fun daysailing.

The centerboard is also a blessing in shoal water, automatically pivoting up if it smells the bottom, instead of breaking things when you find a sandbar at 15 knots. The Mark I has a kick-up rudder fitted into a cassette, keeping it under the boat, while the Mark II has a transom hung rudder. The Mark I works as a day sailor and weekender, while racers prefer the Mark II.

As with any multihull, there is always the capsize canard. Sailed poorly, any sailboat can capsize, says Farrier. My designs are not immune to this. With over 1,000 Farriers now sailing, even a low 1 percent capsize ratio would mean 10 capsizes a year. However, the capsize rate actually appears to be averaging .03 percent.

Large ocean-going monohull yachts are foundering annually, sometimes with loss of life. The basic safety difference is that the monohulls ultimate stability is resting on the bottom, while the multihulls is floating on top.

Reef appropriately and the risk is truly small. F-27s have completed successful transpacific and transatlantic crossings, and even the first circumnavigation of the North Pole under sail. Finally, the F-24 can’t sink. Built-in foam flotation, light construction, and multiple crash tanks in the amas and foam-filled akas (cross beams) make this impossible.

The F-24s main hull is fine, with a V-entry forward, U-sections mid-ships, and a relatively flat transom to damp pitching and provide lift for planing. Going to weather, most of the weight is on the amas, with fine V-sections that cut nicely through waves. Powering through short chop is not a strong suit among multihulls, but she has demonstrated considerable ability in choppy waters such as San Francisco Bay and the Chesapeake.

The heart of Farriers designs is the patented Farrier Folding System. Refined over the years, the mechanism allows the akas to fold-up, which reduces the F-24s beam from 17 feet 11 inches to 8 feet 2 inches.

We kept our F-24 in a small boat marina for a time, folding after every sail; we did this while motoring in the channel, requiring only a few minutes of light effort by one person.

While the claim of trailering to sailing in 20 minutes may be true for seasoned crews that race every weekend, allow two hours for the transition if you do this only occasionally.

Although no single step is physically difficult for a single person, there are many steps and a second pair of hands makes for safer work. The engineering has proved very reliable, and now that the patents have expired, copies abound.


Performance multihulls built to their designed displacements are hardly ever built on production lines. Corsair has been the exception to that rule. Light weight is an essential if you want a cat or trimaran to sail up to its speed potential, but you’re not likely to achieve it with normal materials and common construction techniques.

Turning out an F-24 that weighs 1,800 pounds (1,650 pounds for the Mark II) is no simple matter. It involves almost 50 separate molded parts, considerably more than same-length monohulls.

Carbon fiber and Kevlar reinforcement, vacuum-bagging, double-biased fabrics, acrylic-modified epoxy resin, and NPG gelcoat are all elements you’d expect to see in a custom shop. They all go into the F-24.

Glass/resin control, published laminate schedules, a computer-generated production protocol, universally bonded top hat joints between hull and deck, barrier coats of vinyl ester resin, isopthalic resin throughout the rest of the laminate, and bulkheads tabbed in seven places to the hull makes for a light but sturdy boat.

The akas appear to be held in place by the anchor bolts inserted when unfolding, but the sailing forces are actually carried by strong pivot arms connecting the akas to anchor points near the waterline, anchored deep within the hull, and by compression blocks where the arms meet the hull at deck level.

After 20 years we’ve had a few minor issues related to failed bedding and damage to the balsa core, but nothing affecting the main structural elements.


Whether you’re downsizing from a cruising cat, or upsizing from the family Hobie, the F-24 offers the sports car of youthful dreams, on a budget.

Is it worth paying three times as much as you would for a 24-foot mono-hull with more room? Not if you’re looking for cabin space and need an enclosed head. On the other hand, if fun sailing is the goal, the dollar-to-grin ratio is very high. Market demand is dependable and you will get your money back. It’s not the best beginners boat.

You can’t just sheet-and-forget, and getting the best from her requires experience and attention. But if you have a beach cat or fast dinghy background, it’s a great way to gain weekender capability without losing any of the fun. If you need a little more comfort or more speed, look at the Corsair F-27. And if money is no object there’s a world of Farrier designs to choose from.

Corsair F-24 Boat Test

Cruising in an F-24 is a tiny step above camping, but for the bare-bones cruiser who wants to cover some ground quickly, it fits the bill quite handily.

1. An alcohol stove and a small sink serve the micro-galley. 2. The V-berth is tight, but the convertible settee in the main cabin makes a twin-sized bed. 3. The porta-potty sits under the V-berth. It is often moved to the cockpit at night while sleeping. 4. A folding table seats one for dining.

Corsair F-24 Boat Test

  • Fast, weatherly, and quick to tack.
  • Stable. Only 15 degrees heel.
  • Reefing starts at about 18 knots apparent.
  • Easy to fold from 18-foot beam to
  • 8-foot in about two minutes.
  • Roomy cockpit. Tramps are fun in the summer.
  • Eighteen-foot beam makes it hard to fall off.
  • Well-built with stout rigging.
  • Cramped cabin. No standing headroom and few amenities.
  • Limited storage space.
  • Portable head and no head compartment.
  • Quick motion.
  • Slow under power.

Corsair F-24 Boat Test

  • Corsair Marine


By far the most comprehensive review of the F-24 I was able to find online. Many thanks for the write-up, very informative and helpful.

Lakeside Marine & Motorsports has been awarded Best of Forsyth Boat and Marine Service as well as Used Boat Sales. Please contact us for any kind of Boat work or Purchase.

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Nero Charter Yacht

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Nero Yacht 2

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90.1m  /  295'7   corsair yachts   2007 / 2021.

  • Previous Yacht

Cabin Configuration

  • 2 Convertible

Special Features:

  • Beautiful classic styled yacht offering a fantastic array of generous interior and exterior socialising areas
  • Large Owner's duplex, including his and hers bathrooms, private study, office and lounge
  • Approved RYA water sports centre
  • Sundeck Jacuzzi and gym
  • Outdoor cinema
  • Impressive array of water sports toys and tenders
With plenty of onboard entertainment, classic yacht Nero is an exceptional yacht charter choice

The 90.1m/295'7" 'Nero' classic yacht built by shipyard Corsair Yachts is available for charter for up to 12 guests in 6 cabins. This award winning yacht features interior styling by Neil Taylor.

For refined luxury and elegance, look no further than classic yacht Nero. Offering an array of sumptuous living areas coupled with superb amenities, you'll feel like Hollywood royalty aboard this spectacular vessel. She is equipped with a movie theatre and gym.

Guest Accommodation

Built in 2007, Nero offers guest accommodation for up to 12 guests in 6 suites comprising a master suite located on the main deck, one VIP cabin, two double cabins and two twin cabins. The supremely spacious full beam master suite incorporates its own study benefits from a his and her bathroom. There are 8 beds in total, including 2 king, 2 queen, 1 double, 4 singles and 2 convertible. A crew of twenty, who specialize in creating exceptional charters, are on hand to provide guests with a yacht charter vacation to remember.

Onboard Comfort & Entertainment

Keeping comfortable and entertained on Nero is easy thanks to the available amenities such as a state-of-the-art movie theatre for movie nights. Take a plunge in the pool under the sun or elsewhere, a gym with all the latest equipment is available for a good work out. Retreat to the deck jacuzzi and soak up the scenery.

Nero benefits from some excellent features to improve your charter such as satellite communications, keeping you connected on any voyage. With Wi-Fi connectivity you don't have to lose contact with the outside world, unless you want to or elsewhere, you can stay comfortable on board whatever the weather, with air conditioning during your charter.

Performance & Range

Built with a steel hull and steel superstructure, she offers greater on-board space and is more stable when at anchor thanks to her full-displacement hull. Powered by twin MAK engines, she comfortably cruises at 12 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 17 knots with a range of up to 3,800 nautical miles from her 176,000 litre fuel tanks at cruising speed. An advanced stabilisation system on board reduces the side-to-side roll of the yacht and promises guests exceptional comfort levels at anchor or when underway.

Nero has aboard a plentiful range of water toys and accessories ready to entertain you and your guests whilst on charter. Principle among these are waterslides bringing a sense of fun that all the family can enjoy. Take to the sea on the Jet Skis offering you power and control on the water. Guests can feel the wind in their hair and jump the waves on one of the two Yamaha GP1300R WaveRunners. If that isn't enough Nero also features towable toys, waterskis, a seabob, canoes, fishing equipment and much more. When it comes to Tenders, Nero has you covered - with three tenders, including a 9.5m/31'2" Cabin Cruiser Tender.

Book your next the Mediterranean luxury yacht charter aboard Nero this summer. She is already accepting bookings this winter for cruising in the Caribbean.

Showcasing meticulous craftsmanship coupled with high-end luxurious finishes, classic yacht Nero certainly has the "wow" factor, along with state-of-the-art amenities and array of water toys, promising truly unforgettable yacht charters for even the most discerning guests.


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Stand Out Features

Vast master suite on Nero

Vast master suite

A home away from home. Complete with private office, cinema lounge and an exclusive dining area.

Expansive deck space on Nero

Expansive deck space

Entertain up to 36 guests on the vast deck layout which features a Jacuzzi, sunloungers, and a sunpad quad.

Extensive water toy collection on Nero

Extensive water toy collection

Adrenaline pumping fun is catered for with jet skis, canoes, paddleboards, inflatables, and wave runners.

Nero Photos

Nero Yacht 17

Length 90.1m / 295'7
Beam 12.03m / 39'6
Draft 4.42m / 14'6
Gross Tonnage 1,413 GT
Cruising Speed 12.5 Knots
Built | (Refitted)
Builder Corsair Yachts
Model Custom
Exterior Designer Neil Taylor
Interior Design Neil Taylor, Luxury Projects

Amenities & Entertainment

For your relaxation and entertainment Nero has the following facilities, for more details please speak to your yacht charter broker.

Rendez-vous diving only.

Nero is reported to be available to Charter with the following recreation facilities:

  • 1 x 9.5m  /  31'2 Custom Cabin Cruiser Tender
  • 1 x 7.39m  /  24'3 Zeta Elle rigid inflatable
  • 1 x 5.2m  /  17'1 Nautica RIB

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.

Nero Awards & Nominations

  • The World Superyacht Awards 2009 Best Displacement Motor Yacht of 1,300GT to 2,999GT (approximately 60m – 84m) Finalist
  • International Superyacht Society Awards 2017 Best Refit Finalist
  • The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2017 Master Cabin Winner
  • The World Superyacht Awards 2022 Best Refitted Yacht Nomination
  • + shortlist

For a full list of all available amenities & entertainment facilities, or price to hire additional equipment please contact your broker.


Your family and friends could learn to use the water toys on your charter vacation onboard this luxury charter yacht. Motor Yacht Nero is a certified RYA Training Centre yacht.

'Nero' Charter Rates & Destinations

Mediterranean Summer Cruising Region

Summer Season

May - September

€497,000 p/week + expenses Approx $552,500

High Season

€525,000 p/week + expenses Approx $583,500

Cruising Regions

Mediterranean Croatia, France, Italy, Monaco, Montenegro, Turkey

HOT SPOTS:   Amalfi Coast, Corsica, French Riviera, Ibiza, Sardinia, The Balearics

Caribbean Winter Cruising Region

Winter Season

October - April

$497,000 p/week + expenses

$595,000 p/week + expenses

Caribbean Antigua, Saint Martin, St Barts

HOT SPOTS:   Virgin Islands

This yacht is available for Corporate Yacht Charter and Events

Charter Nero

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On Board Review

Invited on board at the Antigua Charter Yacht Show, the team at YachtCharterFleet discovers what makes the award-winning 90m/295ft classic motor yacht NERO such an icon.

Classic elegance and modern luxury fuse harmoniously aboard NERO

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Billionaire Yacht Was Piloted Recklessly Before Deadly Sinking, Its Builder Warns

"everything that has been done reveals a very long sum of errors.".

The builder of the sunken superyacht owned by British billionaire Mike Lynch, who died with six others after the vessel went down earlier this week , is blaming an "endless chain of errors" for the maritime disaster.

Flying under a British flag, the 184 foot Bayesian was built in 2008 by Italian builders Perini Navi and should've been "unsinkable" had proper procedures been followed, argues Giovanni Costantino, CEO of the Italian Sea Group, which owns the yacht manufacturer.

"Everything that has been done reveals a very long sum of errors," Costantino told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera in an interview, as translated by People . "The people should not have been in the cabins, the boat should not have been at anchor. And then why didn't the crew know about the incoming disturbance?"

Red Sky at Morning

An investigation into the sinking is ongoing. It's believed that a small waterspout , or a waterborne tornado, struck the vessel as it was anchored off the coast of Porticello, Sicily, around 5 am local time on Monday, according to  CNN .

At some point after encountering the fierce winds, the ship's towering mast — the second tallest aluminum mast in the world — snapped, before the vessel appears to have capsized and sank with 22 people on board.

Costantino argues — pretty bluntly, we have to say — that the crew and passengers should've anticipated the stormy conditions.

"The passengers reported an absurd thing, namely that the storm came unexpected, suddenly," he said in the interview, per People . "It's not true. Everything was predictable. I have the weather charts in front of me here. Nothing came suddenly."

"Ask yourself, why was no fisherman from Porticello out that night?" he added. "A fisherman reads the weather conditions and a ship doesn't? The disturbance was fully readable in all the weather charts."

Batten Down

Their errors didn't end there, according to Costantino, who said in the interview that there would've been "zero risk" had the right maneuvers been made.

The captain and crew, he further explained to the New York Times , should've turned on the engine, lifted anchor, steered the boat into the wind, and lowered the keel for extra stability, while the passengers should've been gathered in the deck's main hall.

Another precaution would be shutting all the doors and hatches on the ship's side and stern. Costantino claimed that the Bayesian could list, or tilt to one side, to 75 degrees without capsizing, and shouldn't have sunk. But if some of those doors and hatches were left open, he told NYT , the ship could've taken on water too quickly.

As it stands, it's unclear how many of these procedures were executed. The ship's captain, James Cutfield, survived the ordeal and was questioned by authorities, but has not spoken to the media.

It's worth noting that Costantino's arguments could be seen as trying to exonerate his company of any wrongdoing. That being said, the speed at which a vessel of Bayesian's size and reputation sank has stunned sailors and investigators , who are trying to understand why most of the crew survived while six passengers perished.

More on nautical terrors: Orcas Strike Again, Sinking Yacht as Oil Tanker Called for Rescue

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The "cruze" - this 32-footer combines the performance of the f-31 and comfort of the 37. while in sport or carbon guise this boat approaches the blistering speed of the corsair 37., a combination of performance and comfort, change the cruising game with the new corsair 970.

Qualities including rugged construction and build quality made Corsair 970 the choice for a number of epic adventures in the Artic, including an incredible voyage through the notorious Northwest and East/ West Passages in a single season.

The Corsair 970 is an evolution of the popular C31 design but with greater comfort and amenities – similar to that found on the larger C37.  The 970 is also slightly longer than the C31 and the deck has been raised creating approximately 15% additional interior volume.  Most importantly, there is full standing headroom in the saloon area.


For sailing performance, the high volume floats have been designed with additional buoyancy giving the Corsair 970 greater stability and comfort for her passengers.

The saloon area is finished with a clean, white GRP liner. The galley is larger with additional drawers and ample storage. The forward and aft bunks are now longer and wider giving more generous accommodation area for crew.  The Corsair 970 also caters for privacy with a fully enclosed head.

CHANGE THE CRUISING GAME WITH THE NEW CORSAIR 970 As always, Corsair’s trusted folding system, proven in over 2,000 Corsairs ensures that road trailering remains easy. The retractable daggerboard and rudder enable the boat to be floated in just inches of water or pushed up onto the beach when enjoying cruising adventures with family and friends.

CHANGE THE CRUISING GAME WITH THE NEW CORSAIR 970 Prior to the development of the 32ft Cruze 970, over 300 C31s were delivered to owners all around the world making this model one of the most successful trimarans in the world. The C31 was chosen for its great sailing qualities & rugged construction for a number of epic adventures in the Arctic including an incredible voyage through the notorious North West and East West Passages in a single season. However most were used for cruising and racing.

CHANGE THE CRUISING GAME WITH THE NEW CORSAIR 970 Being used for cruising as much or more than racing, Corsair embarked on a plan to change the cruising game and the new Corsair 970 is the result. The 970 delivers full standing headroom (not possible on the C31), an extended cockpit and included an aft deck mainsheet track which is far more practical day-to-day.

corsair 2 yacht


Overall length, 31' 10" / 9.7 m, 22' 7" / 6.88 m, beam folded, 8' 4" / 2.55 m, upwind sail area, draft (hull only), 1' 5" / 0.45 m, draft d/b down, 6' 10" / 2.1 m, mast length, 44' 3" / 13.5 m, unladen weight, 4,808 lbx / 2,181 kg, 1' 5"/ 0.45 m, 13.5m aluminium, 39' 4" / 12 m, recommended options.

corsair 2 yacht


Anchoring kit.

This simple option includes:

  • Delta Anchor & rode
  • 3 x high quality fenders
  • 2 x mooring lines
  • Aluminium boat hook.

corsair 2 yacht


A portable AC/DC 45-litre fridge/freezer which includes a 12V outlet and wiring for a second battery.

corsair 2 yacht


In addition to the standard USB outlets included, we can install additional units in other areas of the boat to enable tablet or phone charging where you prefer to do you navigational or phone work.

corsair 2 yacht


Solar panel package.

A complete solar panel system included all of the wiring and regulators.  2 x high quality flexible solar panels will be installed behind the cock-pit AFT helm seats.

corsair 2 yacht


A factory installed outboard throttle control – this is a “must have” option to ensure the best placement of engine controls, even if you will buy and install an outboard locally.

corsair 2 yacht


Advanced navigation package.

The advanced navigation kit for your Corsair provides all of the sailing and navigation essentials including 7” plotter, 4.1” multifunction display, wind, speed and depth transducers.

corsair 2 yacht


B&g v50 vhf radio.

The V50 is a full-featured VHF with DSC function, suitable for any user. Added Value comes in the shape of a built-in AIS receiver – one antenna required. The sophisticated Wireless Handset comes with unique inductive charging. Easy to use – the large screen is packed with info, and has time-tested and proven rotary controls

FEATURES Large 57mm diameter speaker for loud & clear audio (94dBA @ 1m) High quality fist mic: In-built speaker for noisy environments, 6 keys for easy helm operation, Easy grip rubber over moulding Advanced radio features including AIS plot, waypoints, navigation and MOB features Track Your Buddy when connected to a B&G MFD PA/Hailer Horn output with Listen back feature Flush mount kit & sun cover included as standard

VHF FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY All International, CANADA, USA Channels 10 weather channel with 1050hz alert tone detect (for US) Selectable 25/1-watt Transmit Power (conduct) Support Private channels (able to vary by dealer at site by clone s/w) PLL Controlled Circuitry 2nd Receiver for CH70 NMEA0183 IN for GPS function NMEA0183 OUT for AIS Distress + polling calls function NMEA 2000 Interface for quick and easy DSC/AIS Connection to MFD. Update radio software over N2K via Navico MFD 4 Watt external speaker output Additional speaker in fist mic Auto / manual FOG ATIS Function (for EU) Local / Distant function Dual Watch/TRI Watch Function Memory Retention 20 user Programmable names with MMSI All Channel Priority Scan Memory Channel Scan Water Resistance – JIS 7 GPS Input for Automatic Time and Position Update

AIS FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY Dual AIS receiver: Receiver Frequency: 161.975MHz, 162.025MHz PLL Controlled Circuitry Supporting AIS Information: Vessel Name, Type of vessel, Call sign, MMSI number, IMO number, Draft/Size of vessel, Vessel position, SOG/COG/Rate of turn/Heading, Status/Destination/ETA NMEA0183HS Output (38400 Baud) GPS Input Interface RS232 and RS422 output AIS PPI on LCD (Plot)

corsair 2 yacht


Jumping back onboard after a refreshing dip… Wash all that salt off with a cold water transom shower. The award winning Whale Twist deck shower is a radical innovation in deck showers. The Twist puts control in your hands with it’s unique handset incorporating temperature and flow control in a single easy to use unit.

corsair 2 yacht


This option enhances your performance potential with a pack including the following:

  • Battle stick
  • Windex 15 wind indicator
  • 2 Harken & 2 Ronstan blocks

corsair 2 yacht


A Bartel furling unit for your Doyle screecher with the accompanying deck hardware – this is required if optioning a screecher.

corsair 2 yacht


A “must-have” option for those seeking a coloured sail including the Corsair 970 Spinnaker, the kit includes:

  • Double braid ropes
  • Winch pocket & winch handle
  • 2 Single 57mm carbo block

corsair 2 yacht


Carbon bowsprit.

If you are planning to install a screecher, Code-0 headsail or assymetric spinnaker you will first need to have a bowsprit and assosciated deck hardware installed. Many people are opting for bowsprits as the ease and light air performance offered by a furling headsail is extremly attractive for both cruising and performance boats.

The bowsprit is retractable, allowing for fast retraction for sail attachment or berthing limitations.

  • 1x Carbon fiber bowsprit
  • 2x Combing winches
  • 2x Screecher tracks
  • 2x Spinnaker block and straps
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  • 5 Reasons Why The Corsair 760 Trimaran Won Multihull Of The Year
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corsair 2 yacht

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  1. Corsair II

    corsair 2 yacht

  2. Corsair II

    corsair 2 yacht

  3. 1926 MY Corsair II

    corsair 2 yacht

  4. Corsair II

    corsair 2 yacht

  5. Corsair II

    corsair 2 yacht

  6. Corsair Yachts' Nero: Classic Lineage, Modern Nobility

    corsair 2 yacht


  1. Corsair II

    Historical Summary: Corsair II was custom built in 1926 for an avid predicted log racer and Tacoma Yacht Club officer. She participated in many early Seattle-Victoria races, and her feats were described in advertising for Buffalo Marine Engines and Standard Oil products. She was honored with the privilege of celebrating her 60th birthday as a ...

  2. Corsair II

    Corsair II, second of the large yachts built by J. P. Morgan that saw service as USS Gloucester in the Spanish-American War. Ling-Temco-Vought A-7 Corsair II, a U.S. Navy Vietnam war era aircraft. This page was last edited on 16 October 2020, at 12:20 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons ...

  3. Corsair boats for sale

    Some of the most popular Corsair models now listed include: 880, 880 Sport, 760R, F-28R and Sprint 750. Corsair models are available through yacht brokers, dealers, and brokerages on YachtWorld. The listings encompass a range of years, starting from 1991 models up to 2025. Find Corsair boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld.

  4. J. P. Morgan's former yacht CORSAIR sailed as a deluxe cruise ship from

    Corsair IV was constructed in Maine at the beginning of the Great Depression for $2.5 million (or about $60 million in today's currency). Measuring 2,142 gross tons, with a registered length of 300 feet and overall length of 343 feet, the Corsair IV was the largest yacht ever built in the U.S. Designed in the traditional piratical look of Morgan yachts; Corsair IV was long, dark, heavy ...

  5. USS Oceanographer (AGS-3)

    USS Oceanographer (AGS-3) was a survey ship of the United States Navy during World War II that produced charts chiefly of passages in the Solomon Islands area of the Pacific Ocean.Upon transfer to the Navy, she had initially briefly been named and classed as gunboat USS Natchez (PG-85).Before her World War II Navy service, she had been USC&GS Oceanographer (OSS-26), a survey ship with the ...

  6. Personal items revealing J.P. Morgan's opulent life at sea to be sold

    Commissioned by Morgan in 1890, the 241-foot yacht "Corsair II" played host to many of the era's richest and most prominent figures, including U.S. presidents Theodore Roosevelt and William Taft ...

  7. At Auction: Nautical Curiosities from J.P. Morgan's Corsair

    The second in a series of enormous steam yachts named Corsair was built for J.P. Morgan in 1890 by Neafie & Levy of Philadelphia, replacing an earlier craft used by the financier as a ferry between his Hudson River estate and office on Wall St. In 1897 the 241-ft. Corsair II became the flagship of the famed New York Yacht Club when Morgan was elected Commodore; in 1898 it was bought by the ...

  8. Corsair Trimaran boats for sale

    Find Corsair Trimaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Corsair boats to choose from. ... Ashley Yachts - Charleston | Charleston, South Carolina. 2024 Neel 52. US$1,210,375. Performance Yacht Sales | Annapolis, Maryland. 2024 Neel 47.

  9. Corsair Marine Trimarans

    Corsair Marine trimarans are especially weight-conscious, and sit low on their trailers meaning they have excellent trailering characteristics. They are equally easy to launch, giving you more time on the water, and the ability to expore many more remote cruising grounds or participate in regattas far from home. Some Corsair trimaran models go ...

  10. Corsair Marine

    Corsair Marine International is a sailboat builder that builds trailerable trimarans. Since 1984, Corsair Marine has sold more than 2,500 trimarans. Dealers represent and service Corsair Marine's trimarans in 6 regions of the US and 19 other locations internationally. ... [2] [3] Dash 750 (2009-2016) (24'): The Dash 750, a pocket cruiser, was ...

  11. J.P. Morgan's Corsair IV Yacht

    The Corsair IV. The Corsair IV was commissioned by J.P. Morgan Junior and built at Bath Iron Works, Maine. When she was launched in April 1930 she measured 343 feet in length and was the largest private yacht ever constructed in the USA. Nicknamed the "Princess of the Sea", she was an object of beauty with her black hull, clipper bow and elegant teak interiors.

  12. Corsair F-24 Boat Test

    2. In May 1999 Practical Sailor reviewed the then-new Corsair F-24 Mark II trimaran. Nearly 20 years later, were here to follow up with a focus on the Corsair F-24 Mark I, a boat that can represent a good value today since many newer designs have entered the market. The late Ian Farrier (1947-2017) designed fast, trailerable trimarans for more ...

  13. Corsair boats for sale

    View a wide selection of Corsair boats for sale in your area, ... and fenders 2 batteries with solar panel Sunrise replacement nets (teal) FE double axle trailer Electronics: Tacktick wireless transducers for wind speed, boat speed, and depth 2 way radio with antenna Interior: sleeps 4-6 (4) Marine head with black tank Sink and freshwater tank ...

  14. Corsair 760

    The Corsair 760 is Corsair Marine's newest pocket cruiser. This new trailerable trimaran is destined to bring trailer sailing to the next level. Originating from the ever popular Corsair 24 and 750 range this new model has received a radical redesign by our partners at Perus Yacht Design.

  15. NERO Yacht Charter Price

    Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise indicated. NERO is a 90m luxury motor mega yacht available for charter built in 2007, refitted in 2021. Charter up to 12 guests in 6 cabins (1 Master, 1 VIP, 4 Double, 2 Twin & 2 Convertable) with a crew of 20. She is also available for events and ...

  16. New Trimarans

    The "Cruze" - this 32ft trimaran combines the performance of the F-31 and comfort of the 37. While in Sport or Carbon guise, this trimaran sailboat approaches the blistering speed of the Corsair 37. CORSAIR 970. Discover our range of trailerable and foldable trimarans suitable for regatta racing and family cruising.

  17. Corsair Trimaran boats for sale in United States

    Find Corsair Trimaran boats for sale in United States. Offering the best selection of Corsair boats to choose from. ... United Yacht Sales - Florida SE Coast | Fort Myers, Florida. 2024 Neel 52 Hybrid. US$1,223,824. Performance Yacht Sales | Miami, Florida. 2002 Newick 36. US$98,500. Sea Lake Yachts LLC | Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands.

  18. Chris-craft Corsair boats for sale

    2006 Chris-Craft Corsair. US$121,188. ↓ Price Drop. US $921/mo. Estimated monthly payment based on a 240-month loan at 6.74% APR. Thunderbird Yacht Sales | West Vancouver, British Columbia. Request Info.

  19. Corsair boats for sale

    Corsair is a builder that currently has 43 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 10 new vessels and 33 used yachts, listed by experienced yacht brokers mainly in the following countries: United States, Australia, United Kingdom, British Virgin Islands and Guatemala. YachtWorld offers various models, showcasing a comprehensive range of sizes ...

  20. Billionaire Yacht Was Piloted Recklessly Before Deadly ...

    Billionaire Yacht Was Piloted Recklessly Before Deadly Sinking, Its Builder Warns. by Frank Landymore "Everything that has been done reveals a very long sum of errors." Aug 23, 2:58 PM EDT.


    The Pulse 600 is a sport trimaran that is about pure fun. A new one design 20′ Corsair trimaran - more compact and affordable than ever before, to appeal to modern sailors and families who can now join the growing Corsair trimaran community. The Pulse 600 trimaran offers countless hours of fun, excitement and adventure in an easy to launch ...

  22. Chris-Craft Corsair 34 (Power boats) for Sale and Charter

    All about model Chris-Craft Corsair 34, brand Chris-Craft. Yacht technical specifications, layout, equipment and offers for rent and sale. Global Yacht Platform ... At the end of September 2012 to the test yacht full displacement of 5.44 tons with two 430-HP Mercury 8.2 L engines have developed a crazy max speed at 54.2 node. Read more ...

  23. Chris-Craft Corsair 22 (Power boats) for Sale and Charter

    34 liters. Download offer. Description. Reviews. The boat Chris-Craft Corsair 22 is only a meter longer than Chris-Craft Lancer 20, but the shipyard was able to make it much more comfortable. At a constant maintaining the elegance and style of the younger models, the Corsair 22 affords the opportunity to relax on Board in a small cabin with ...

  24. Corsair 970

    The Corsair 970 trimaran combines the performance of the F-31 and comfort of the 37. A true game changer in the cruising community. Exit. NEW TRIMARANS. CORSAIR 880; CORSAIR 760; ... 2 x high quality flexible solar panels will be installed behind the cock-pit AFT helm seats. C-32CR1261 OUTBOARD CONTROL.

  25. It Sank in 15 Minutes. How Tragedy Struck Mike Lynch's Yacht

    How Tragedy Struck Mike Lynch's Yacht. Prosecutors are investigating possible criminal negligence after the boat trip to celebrate Lynch's acquittal in a U.S. fraud trial ended in a fatal wreck.