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  • 2024 ROUND 2 – SWSC
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  • 2023 ROUND 2 – LOBMBC
  • 2023 ROUND 3 – SWSC
  • 2023 SPRINTS
  • 2024 STANDINGS
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The CPA is the recognised authority for Circuit Powerboat Racing in Great Britain by the National Governing Body the British Power Boat Association (BPBA) as recognised by the UIM the international governing body for Powerboat Racing. The CPA was formed at the end of 2018 when the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) ended its role as the National Authority for Powerboat Racing.

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Cumbria House, Broad Street Windermere, Cumbria, LA23 2AB

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[email protected] +44 (0) 15394 43284

WMBRC club flag

Windermere Motor Boat Racing Club

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Members Login

Racing past the jetty

click on images to view gallery

Powerboat racing at WMBRC since 1925

Come and watch the racing at the oldest powerboat club in the world, come and watch the racing, race days at wmbrc are open to the public.  the gardens overlooking the lake and foreshore offer a fantastic vantage point in a breathtaking setting., see our contacts page for directions, refreshments and toilet facilities, play area for supervised children, to find out more about getting involved in the racing or support roles contact the racing secretary at   [email protected].

Please note that parking is NOT available on race days

Watching the racing from the foreshore at Broad Leys


Our racing calendar includes race days at WMBRC and races held at our sister club - The Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club (LPRC) at Carr Mill Dam near St Helens, Merseyside

13 April 2024

Test & Training Day at LPRC

20 April 2024

Race Day 1 - Sustainable Race Day

04 May 2024

Racing at LPRC

11 May 2024

Race Day 2 - Rear Commodore's

15 June 2024

Race Day 3 - Vice Commodore’s

22 June 2024

06 July 2024

Race Day 4 - Summer Regatta

20 July 2024

17 Aug 2024

28 Sept 2024

Race Day 5 - Commodore's

19 Oct 2024

If you have attended our race days on Windermere, your feedback is invaluable to WMBRC and The Lake District National Park Authority.  Please take a few moments to complete our race day visitor survey.

Sustainable Racing

The E1 series has recently brought sustainability to powerboat racing;  On April 20, 2024, Windermere Motor Boat Racing Club and Coryton Advanced Fuels Ltd hosted the first Sustainable Handicap Racing Event.

Sustainable Race Day Brochure

Coryton Sustain logo

Drivers get set for WMBRC Sustainable Race Day 2024

Featuring various sustainable fuel sources, from Coryton's Sustain range to HVO fuel and even an electric Nissan Leaf-powered Formula 2 Catamaran piloted by Club Commodore Ted Walsh, the event showcased green technology's future in the sport.

20th April 2024 - Sustainable Race Day on Windermere - Image Matt Dust Photograohy

Sustainable Race Day 2024-04-20 (169)

History of WMBRC and motor boat racing at Broad Leys

There have been various Water Carnivals on Windermere since the 18th century, but the post war Regattas and Carnivals held in 1923 and 1924 also included events for motorboats and hydroplanes.  Between the carnivals a group of friends who owned boats met to race informally and the first trophy was presented in 1924 by Harold Pattinson to add interest to the event.  This trophy is still in existence and current drivers compete to win it annually. As more people became interested in the sport and came together, the Windermere Motor Boat Club was born on 24th October 1925.

Early powerboats at Waterhead late 1940s

Early powerboats at Waterhead in the late 1940s

'North of England whippet class' racing in 1939

'North of England whippet class' racing in 1939

Initially the club occupied a boathouse situated in Bowness Bay, the original building having been demolished now forms the headquarters of the Lake District Boat Club.  The initial design of the burgee had a "W" on the blue, but this was later altered to the red rose of Lancashire that is still currently seen on all the club boats.  It was also decided that ladies be admitted to membership of the club and several joined in 1927.  They took part in racing and the winner of the first official race was in fact a woman.

Read more about the history of the Club in the History section of this site

Timeline of 100 years of racing

1938 at Wateredge

click on image to enlarge

In the 1930s a shotgun was used to start the racing, but this was sensibly replaced by a chronometer in 1939.  Boats were wooden craft inboard hydroplanes with the crew often sat right at the back of the boat and the engine amidships. In those days the drivers would not get their hands dirty, relying on professional mechanics to maintain the boats.  They would literally arrive, cigars in mouth, remove their jackets and start racing.   ….no helmets or life jackets for them!

1938 at  Wateredge, Ambleside

Frank Lydall's Cheetah late 1940s

World War 2 interrupted the racing for a few years with many of the boats being used in the war effort. Racing was tentatively resumed in 1946 with two races taking place that year. By 1949 racing was fully established and the tradition of the Fitting Out Dinner – where drivers thanked their mechanics - on the evening of the first race was established.  The Club held its first International meeting that same year which was run over a 3 mile triangular course. 

Frank Lydall's Cheetah late 1940s

International Meet October 1951

By 1950 there were more than 100 members and with the end of petrol rationing more people became interested in powerboat racing.  The original clubhouse in the bay of Bowness was far too small so the members found and purchased Broad Leys on 18th August 1950. In 1951 a second international meeting took place and racing was held at the new premises of Broad Leys.  The Club had two of the fastest boats in the world at this time in Norman Buckley’s “Miss Windermere 2” and E.C. Giles’ “Diana” which could register 70 – 80 mph.

International Meet October 1951

1950s on the Jetties at Broad Leys

1950s on the jetties at Broad Leys

Towards the end of the fifties the general pattern of boat building changed. Chris Craft had superseded the individual custom-built boats and they, in turn along with the hydroplanes gave way to the smaller Albatross with Coventry Climax engine, followed by the Whippet (a lightweight hydro) and the Delta which had a similar hull construction, but a 1500cc Ford engine. The Club has played a part in many local celebrations of national events such as the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth when twelve of the Club's racing boats escorted the Teal as it took Her Majesty and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh across the lake.  More recently, in June 2012 Club members sailing in the Queen of the Lake joined the huge flotilla on the Thames to celebrate The Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

Catamaran racing at WMBRC

Catamaran racing at WMBRC

In 1964, one of the highlights for WMBC occurred when three boats from the Club took part in the Paris Six Hours Race on the Seine.  In 1968, following a demonstration by Bill Shakespeare in his Bristol V hull, the style of racing boats took another turn with boats racing with an outboard engine for the first time. Catamarans came and their sleek hulls painted in wild colours took maximum speeds up another notch.  It was around this time that the name of the club was altered to WMBRC to include the word racing in it to emphasise the true purpose of the Club.

1970s Richard Solomon in Sheba

Richard Solomon in Sheba

In 1971 the first International Grand Prix took place on Windermere with drivers from Italy, France, Holland, Belgium, Ireland, South Africa and Germany as well as Great Britain. Sadly, the event was to be forever remembered as the demise of Bill Shakespeare who died during pre-race practice.  A plaque to his memory can be found on the terrace wall of Broad Leys overlooking Windermere. Several more Internationals took place and 1973 heralded the arrival of the rotary engine allowing boats to reach speeds of 100mph on the straight. 

recent years

Airtours 44 at Barrow Docks

​ Airtours 44 at Barrow Docks

Racing on Windermere persisted throughout the 80s and 90s until 2005, when a 10nmph speed limit was imposed on all powered craft on the lake.  Subsequently, WMBRC relocated their races to the docks in Barrow.

Following successful discussions with the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) and other lake users WMBRC was granted exemption in 2013 to hold racing back on the lake for Regatta and the Commodore’s race day.  2018 saw a third Windermere race event added to the club’s calendar and in 2020 a fourth race event was granted.  All other races take place at Carr Mill St. Helens courtesy of Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club (LPRC).  Ongoing discussions take place on a regular basis to maintain the Club’s ability to race on specified days of the year.

Racing Today

The racing season begins in April and runs until September with eight race events taking place; four on Windermere and four at Carr Mill, St. Helens which is the base for LPRC.  The race course is in front of Broad Leys within the bay area South of Storrs Hall Hotel to Rawlinson’s Nab and is marked by orange buoys on race days.  Typically, there are up to seven races, each with a designated trophy. Most races are five laps which last approximately 5 minutes each and there is usually one ten lap race.

All races are handicapped according to the performance of the boat and the experience of the driver. Due to the handicap system all boats from the fastest to the slowest have an equal chance of winning. All types of boats can take part from recreational boats to full blown racing outfits, but all must be fitted according to Circuit Powerboat Association (CPA) guidelines.

Drivers observe the start clock and begin their laps at their allocated start time. It is then a race to the chequered flag to be the first over the finish line. Sometimes it is not the first across the line that wins a race though, because if you bust your handicap time then you drop back in the results order.

All drivers must have a racing licence from the CPA and complete a training programme by the club and have an annual medical. Drivers over the age of 16 years can take part in racing on Windermere as a passenger or driver in a boat with an engine under 115hp.

Over the age of 18 years they can then be a passenger or drive in a boat with an engine over 115hp. Anyone can request this course and we can provide full training in our club training boat 'Spirit of Windermere'. Should you decide this sport is for you then there is the option of attending a training day at LPRC

During the racing a full Safety and Patrol system is in place under CPA rules. The internationally renowned Osprey Power Boat Rescue Team joins us for every race. Patrol boats flying a pale blue flag are stationed around the perimeter of the course to ensure that no one can sail inadvertently onto the course and the LDNPA Ranger is also present. Ambulance presence is also required under CPA rules.

WMBRC club boats range from 60mph small mono hulls powered by 90hp engine up to Formula 2 class Catamarans capable of a straight line speed of 120mph in the right conditions. Many though opt for the mid-sized Phantom speed boat with V6 engines of varying power. This sees some competitive racing in the mid pack. A common opinion is that powerboat racing is very expensive. However, with handicap racing there is the opportunity for a variety of budgets with a competitive club boat costing in the region of £2,000 to £8,000. Some are single seaters and others two seaters meaning costs can be shared.

Blue Flag - Patrol Boat 

Green Flag - Course open and racing underway 

Yellow Flag  - Proceed with caution in area of flown flags 

Yellow Flag waved low - Large waves on race course 

Red Flag - Reduce speed and stop racing immediately 

Chequered Flag - End of the race

How to get involved

Powerboat racing in the UK is organised and regulated by the Circuit Powerboat Association (CPA) of which WMBRC is an affiliated club. WMBRC is one of several clubs in the UK where powerboat racing takes place. Members who prefer not to race are welcome to join in with this sport through rescue and patrol as well as the all-important time keeping. So why not come down to the club on a race day and see what it’s all about. You’ll be made very welcome.

For more information please contact the chair of racing via [email protected] or come along to Broad Leys on a race day

For full details of national rules & licences please follow this link to the cpa website.

CPA logo

For details of Lancashire Powerb oat Racing Club and their venue at Carr Mill Dam near St Helens

LPRC logo

See these documents for details of WMBRC Racing Rules and a more detailed explanation of the WMBRC Handicapping System 



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Cowes Torquay Cowes Race takes on a new look

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Cowes Powerboat Festival 2024

September 16, 2024

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Newly-named Cowes Powerboat Festival to feature three races over August Bank Holiday weekend. British Powerboat Racing Club in new partnership with Powerboat P1 to grow the event. World-famous tourism destination Experience Kissimmee becomes presenting sponsor.

Powerboat P1, the international marine motorsport promoter, and the British Powerboat Racing Club (BPRC) have jointly announced a new partnership for this year’s Cowes Torquay Cowes offshore powerboat race that sees P1 provide marketing, communications and sponsorship support for the 63rd staging of the famous event in August.

Based in Cowes on the Isle of Wight, the British Powerboat Racing Club organises the Cowes Torquay race which has been running since 1961. This was the first powerboat race outside the USA and is the longest running race in the world. Held every year over the August Bank Holiday weekend with international teams competing in different classes, the race covers a challenging 210-mile course along the south coast of England. Boats reach speeds in excess of 100mph, with the fleet racing non-stop to Torquay on the South Devon coast, where the teams will stop for approximately 90 minutes to the delight of local crowds, before returning non-stop to Cowes.

Earlier this month Powerboat P1 announced details of a unique agreement with Experience Kissimmee that sees the world-famous tourism destination in Central Florida sponsor both UIM Class 1 offshore racing and this year’s Cowes Torquay Cowes event. “We are thrilled with the evolution of our established partnership with P1 and joining the historic and prestigious Cowes endurance race in the UK presents another exciting opportunity for us to spotlight Kissimmee and its family-friendly attractions in one of our top international visitor markets,” commented DT Minich, President/CEO of Experience Kissimmee.

The racing fleet will assemble at Cowes Yacht Haven for scrutineering and safety inspection on Friday 23 August. The Cowes Torquay Cowes race will start at 9.30 the following morning (Saturday 24 August) followed immediately afterwards by the Cowes Poole Cowes race at 10.00am. Both races will start off the Squadron Line, Egypt Point, in the Solent. Sunday will see the start of the Round the Island Race at 10.00am, a unique event that the founders of the BPRC started in 1968 for all sizes of both race and leisure boats, old and new.

  • Fri Aug 23 - Sun Aug 25 2024 The British Powerboat Racing Club presents the Cowes Powerboat Festival presented by Experience Kissimmee
  • Sat 24 Aug - Cowes - Torquay - Cowes Race 10:10 am Race Started
  • Sat 24 Aug - Cowes - Poole - Cowes Race 10:15 am start
  • Sun 25 Aug - Round the Island Race
  • WaterSkiing
  • Booking System

Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club

Free & Premium WordPress Theme Design

Welcome to the official website of Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club, based at Carr Mill Dam, St, Helens WA11 7LZ.

The club is run by members with the aim of promoting the enjoyment of powered water sports on the Dam.

The club’s principal activity is Circuit Powerboat Racing, and we’re proud to have National and World Champions along with National and World Water Speed Record holders amongst our members. We also have some extremely talented members who enjoy water-skiing and wake-boarding all year round.

At LPRC, we run a series of Circuit Powerboat Association (CPA) race days and events each year. These include mixed class club racing, class based club racing and a round of UK National Circuit Powerboat Racing Championships.

We’re the owners of the main boathouse, within our extensive grounds. The boathouse is licensed and open to all. It is currently tenanted and is trading as The Dam, Bar and Grill

We provide Circuit Powerboat Association (CPA) approved powerboat taster and race training, using our 3 training boats GT15 (age 9-16 years), GT30 (age 14 years +) and a Phantom, suitable for those aged over 18 years.

We have various membership options each with many benefits including the ability to be involved and support our action packed motorsport, use of the water for racing and water-skiing, get involved in our exclusive social activities, use of camping facilities and you can also receive a membership discount at The Dam, Bar and Grill.

We are currently accepting and welcome applications for new racing and skiing members. Send enquiries to [email protected]

We also have some affiliated clubs that work with us to provide their own activities, these include Wet Wings model flying boat club, and St Helens Canoe Club that run canoeing and paddleboarding sessions on Monday evenings throughout the summer months.

We are currently taking applications for new racing and skiing members and information about all our activities can be found on this site.

We hope that you enjoy visiting our site and please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about the club.

Entertaining, thrilling and exciting are just some of the words you could use to describe the national and world-class sport of Powerboat Racing.

Would you like to try your hand at powerboat racing in one of our training boats.

The club has an active ski/wakeboarding membership and is keen to promote both recreational and competition water skiing and wakeboarding.

Amazing views of Carr Mill dam with Function and meeting rooms for hire that can cater for most events. Coffee shop and licensed bar with drinks

From 9 Years to Adult.

Carr Mill Trophy

Carr Mill Trophy 24th July. After two race meetings on the churning waters of Windermere we were once again in our own back yard at Carr Mill Dam. A split field of club boats and international class […]

Duckhams Trophy 12th june

After a week or more of idyllic weather, the Race Gods decided otherwise for Saturday’s second post Covid bash around the Dam. Although quite warm, a stiff and gusting North Westerly wind greeted us racers. […]

October 5, 2024    12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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Team25 Racing

Come and see us racing in this season's British Offshore Championships

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Dragon (now replaced)

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V24 Bat Boat

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Outer Limits (Class 1)

NEW FOR 2023

Team 25 will now be running 2 boats in the 2023 British Championships

New for 2023 Team 25 will be replacing the Twin Ilmor Dragon with a newly refitted 52' Outer Limits Powered by twin Mercury Racing V8's

V24 Bat Boat, Which has already proven her capabilities by winning her first outing.

Proudly sponsored by..

Life Racing was formed in 2002 to provide specialist electronics for the professional motor racing industry, OEM automotive suppliers and military applications. Life Racing has extensive experience in the design, manufacture, development and support of a broad range of products including engine control units (ECUs), power distribution units (PDUs), display units, integrated paddle shift systems and high reliability wiring harnesses to all levels and variations of motorsport and OEM applications.


Patriot Marine, formed in 1988, is one of the largest shallow-water dredging companies in the north-east of the United States. They specialise in environmental remediation dredging along with navigational projects for the US army corps of engineers, U.S. Navy and Coast Guard. Patriot provides heavy marine support for the construction industry from Canadian border to Miami.


The current members of Team 25 came together in 2021, initially with the Class 1 Dragon followed by the Class 3 V24 Bat Boat in late 2022. Most of us are known in powerboat racing over the years but this is the first time we are all together with a concentrated effort.


Feel free to look around.


The Cowes-Torquay-Cowes powerboat race is considered to be one of the toughest and most prestigious offshore powerboat races in the world. The race covers a distance of approximately 190 nautical miles, starting and finishing in Cowes on the Isle of Wight, England, and passing through Torquay on the south coast of England.

The race has a rich history, dating back to 1961, and has attracted some of the biggest names in powerboat racing over the years. Drew Langdon is a British powerboat racer who has competed in the Cowes-Torquay-Cowes race, as well as other offshore powerboat races around the world. He has achieved multiple victories and podium finishes in various powerboat racing events throughout his career.

Pressing on at the week end – A second win in the championship at Poole Bay Classic

Poole Bay 100 is an offshore powerboat race that takes place annually in Poole Bay, on the south coast of England. The race covers a distance of 100 nautical miles and is organized by the UK Offshore Powerboat Racing Association (UKOPRA).The UKOPRA is the governing body for offshore powerboat racing in the UK and is responsible for organizing a number of offshore powerboat races throughout the country. The organization sets the rules and regulations for the races and ensures that they are conducted safely and fairly.

The Poole Bay 100 is one of the most popular races organized by the UKOPRA and attracts competitors from all over the world. The race takes place in September each year and features a variety of different classes of powerboats, ranging from smaller entry-level boats to larger high-performance racing boats.

The Lymington Challenge is an offshore powerboat race that takes place in Lymington, a coastal town located in Hampshire, England. The race covers a distance of approximately 100 nautical miles and is organized by the Lymington Powerboat Racing Club.

The Lymington Challenge is open to powerboats of all types and sizes, and is known for attracting a diverse range of competitors, from amateur enthusiasts to professional racers. The race is typically held in June or July each year and is one of the highlights of the UK offshore powerboat racing calendar.

The course for the Lymington Challenge takes competitors along the Solent, around the Isle of Wight, and back to Lymington. The race is known for its challenging conditions, with strong currents, rough seas, and shifting winds adding to the difficulty of the race. Despite the challenges, the Lymington Challenge is a popular event among powerboat racing enthusiasts and is widely regarded as one of the most exciting offshore powerboat races in the UK.


The Cornish 100 Trophy is an offshore powerboat race that takes place in Cornwall, a county located in the southwest of England. The race covers a distance of approximately 100 nautical miles and is organized by the South West Offshore Racing Association (SWORA).

The Cornish 100 Trophy is open to powerboats of all types and sizes, and typically attracts a range of competitors from amateur enthusiasts to professional racers. The race is usually held in July or August each year and is one of the most popular offshore powerboat races in the UK.

The course for the Cornish 100 Trophy takes competitors along the Cornish coast, past rugged cliffs and beautiful beaches, and around the famous Land’s End landmark. The race is known for its challenging conditions, with strong winds, choppy seas, and unpredictable weather adding to the difficulty of the race.

Despite the challenges, the Cornish 100 Trophy is a popular event among powerboat racing enthusiasts and offers a unique opportunity to experience the stunning coastline of Cornwall from the water.

The John Mace Perpetual Trophy

The Late Mike Fiore was awarded ‘The John Mace Perpetual Trophy’. I was honoured to accept on his behalf at The Royal Yacht Squadron Cowes UK for his contribution to Powerboat development. Mike having designed and built my Outerlimits SV43 which has now given us two consecutive wins at the International Cowes Torquay Cowes Powerboat Race In 2018 & 2019.



Offshore racing in the UK is a highly competitive and exciting sport that involves high-performance powerboats and attracts top teams and drivers from around the world. The sport is governed by two main organizations: the British Powerboat Racing Club (BPRC) and the UK Offshore Racing Association (UKOPRA).

The BPRC is responsible for organizing and promoting the races themselves, while the UKOPRA oversees the technical and safety aspects of offshore powerboat racing in the UK.

Class one vee powerboats are a popular type of powerboat used in offshore racing in the UK. These boats are designed for speed and maneuverability, and can reach speeds of up to 120 mph. They are typically piloted by a team consisting of a driver and a throttleman, who work together to control the boat’s speed and direction.

Offshore racing events in the UK featuring class one vee powerboats include the Cowes-Torquay-Cowes and Poole-Bournemouth-Poole races, as well as the Guernsey Gold Cup and the Falmouth Fowey race. These events are highly competitive and attract large crowds of fans and spectators.

Safety is a top priority in offshore racing with class one vee powerboats, and strict rules and regulations are in place to ensure the safety of the drivers, teams, and spectators. The boats are equipped with advanced safety features like roll cages, fire suppression systems, and emergency air supplies for the crew.

Experience the Thrill : Class 1 Vee Powerboat Racing

Dive into the adrenaline-fueled world of Class 1 Vee racing, where cutting-edge technology meets extreme speed. Governed by the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM), the sport’s international authority, Class 1 Vee racing adheres to stringent rules and regulations, covering everything from boat design to team requirements.Constructed with precision and safety in mind, these boats boast specific hull designs, cockpit layouts, and engine specifications. Advanced materials like carbon fiber and Kevlar ensure both strength and minimal weight, allowing for optimal performance.

Behind the wheel, a skilled duo of driver and throttleman work in harmony to master the boat’s speed and direction. The driver focuses on steering, while the throttleman fine-tunes the boat’s power, adjusting the throttles accordingly.Racecourses, marked by buoys or other markers, challenge teams with multiple laps around 6-8 mile-long tracks. The length and difficulty of these courses can vary based on location and conditions, but one thing remains constant: sheer exhilaration.

Propelled by twin engines generating up to 1750 horsepower each, these powerboats can reach astonishing speeds of up to 120 mph. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and safety is paramount in Class 1 Vee racing. Advanced features like roll cages, fire suppression systems, and emergency air supplies keep the crew protected.Before joining the ranks of this high-octane sport, drivers and teams must undergo extensive training and certification. Only then can they experience the unbridled thrill of Class 1 Vee racing. Join the excitement, and witness powerboat racing at its finest.

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Powerboat Racing World

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Frode Sundsdal

What is prw.

It’s a powerboat racing website that has covered circuit racing, offshore racing and PWC since 2016. Maintained by The Race Factory based in Norway who have specialists in event planning and promotion, social media, graphic design, and photography. We are currently working on our vision and believe that we can and will make a different in powerboating. We will dedicate our time to produce accurate factual stories and to promote the sport to a wider global audience.

uk powerboat racing

There must be something about the date 02-02-2022 that inspires offshore racing series organisers to publish their calendars. So, having seen what’s happening across the pond in the sunshine state the British based United Kingdom Offshore Powerboat Racing Association published their World ‘Offshore’ Powerboat Championships for 2022.

Amongst those racers keen to see what’s happening was Miles Jennings who once again will be racing on both sides of the pond.

uk powerboat racing

I’m looking forward to collecting a lot of Air Miles this year. I’m starting off the season by racing around the Isle of Wight, just off the south coast of England with Drew Langdon in Silverline Bullet at the opening round of the UKOPRA series. Then two weeks later I’m in Cocoa Beach, Florida with P1 Offshore and Zabo Racing.

uk powerboat racing

Jennings went onto say.

We had a pre-season meeting with a lot of the UK racers earlier this week and I’m really excited to see that we are going to have the largest amount of UKOPRA Class 1 competitors ever seen. It’s going to look like the great days of UK offshore racing from back in the 1990’s.

UKOPRA 2022 World ‘Offshore’ Powerboat Championships.

30 April/01 May – Round the Island / Southampton

10/11/12 June – Poole Bay 100 / Poole Quay

14/18 July – Guernsey Gold Cup / Guernsey

27/28 August – Cowes Torquay Cowes / Cowes Poole Cowes / Isle of Wight

30 September/01 October – Falmouth / Cornwall

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    uk powerboat racing

  3. OCR Class Powerboat Racing at Torquay England, UK Stock Photo

    uk powerboat racing

  4. Powerboat Racing Uk High Resolution Stock Photography and Images

    uk powerboat racing

  5. Cowes Winners

    uk powerboat racing

  6. OCR Class Powerboat Racing at Torquay England, UK Stock Photo

    uk powerboat racing


  1. Circuit Powerboat Association

    The CPA is the recognised authority for Circuit Powerboat Racing in Great Britain by the National Governing Body the British Power Boat Association (BPBA) as recognised by the UIM the international governing body for Powerboat Racing. The CPA was formed at the end of 2018 when the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) ended its role as the National ...

  2. Welcome

    The British Powerboat Racing Club was formed in 2001 following the gala dinner held at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes to celebrate the 40th running of the Cowes-Torquay-Cowes offshore powerboat race. The Cowes-Torquay launched offshore powerboat racing as a sport in Britain in 1961. Initially sponsored by the Daily Express newspaper, its ...

  3. Fast-paced powerboat racing to hit Carr Mill Dam this weekend

    Over September 14 and 15, Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club is hosting the third and final round of the Circuit Powerboat Association (CPA) British National Powerboat Championships at Carr Mill Dam. Powerboat racers from across the UK will be competing in the spectacular, adrenaline fuelled two-day motorsport event.

  4. Racing

    Powerboat racing in the UK is organised and regulated by the Circuit Powerboat Association (CPA) of which WMBRC is an affiliated club. WMBRC is one of several clubs in the UK where powerboat racing takes place. Members who prefer not to race are welcome to join in with this sport through rescue and patrol as well as the all-important time ...

  5. World Powerboat Championships set to return to The Broads

    The powerboat world championships are to return to a 90-year-old club on The Broads for the first time in 16 years. More than 29 competitors are due to race at the Lowestoft and Oulton Broad Motor ...

  6. Cowes Torquay Cowes Race takes on a new look

    Powerboat P1, the international marine motorsport promoter, and the British Powerboat Racing Club (BPRC) have jointly announced a new partnership for this year's Cowes Torquay Cowes offshore powerboat race that sees P1 provide marketing, communications and sponsorship support for the 63rd staging of the famous event in August.

  7. P1 Superstock

    2320 Clark Street. Suite A1-3. Apopka, FL 32703. USA. Phone: +1 407 985 1938. Email Us. P1 Powerboat Management Ltd. Queen Anne Mansions. 86/87 Wimpole Street.

  8. British Powerboat Racing Club

    British Powerboat Racing Club, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, United Kingdom. 33,750 likes · 1,115 talking about this · 391 were here. Offshore 'Open Sea'... Offshore 'Open Sea' Powerboat Racing UK

  9. About Us

    The British Powerboat Racing Club was formed in 2001 following the gala dinner held at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes celebrating the 40th running of the Cowes-Torquay-Cowes offshore powerboat race. The Cowes-Torquay launched offshore powerboat racing as a sport in Britain in 1961. Initially sponsored by the Daily Express newspaper, its ...

  10. UK Circuit Racing into 2022 ⋆ Powerboat Racing World

    They also mentioned that Ben Jelf might even be making a comeback but that's still to be confirmed. CPA 2022 British Championship. 28/29 May - Carr Mill Dam - Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club. 23/24 July - Oulton Broad - Lowestoft & Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club. 17/18 September - Stewartby Lake - Stewartby Powerboat & Hydroplane ...

  11. Cowes Torquay Cowes & Cowes Poole Cowes Offshore Powerboat Races

    The racing fleet will assemble at Cowes Yacht Haven for scrutineering and safety inspection on Friday 23 August. The Cowes Torquay Cowes race will start at 9.30 the following morning (Saturday 24 August) followed immediately afterwards by the Cowes Poole Cowes race at 10.00am. Both races will start off the Squadron Line, Egypt Point, in the ...

  12. Stewartby Serves up Sprints ⋆ Powerboat Racing World

    Chris Davies on 10th August 2022. Stewartby Powerboat and Hydroplane Racing Club, host the 2022 Circuit Powerboat Association British Sprint Championships where seven winners will be crowned this weekend at their venue in Bedfordshire England. The British Sprint Championship will see competitors compete in their respective classes over the ...

  13. UKOPRA posts 'ambitious' 2021 calendar

    Bobin added to the UKOPRA Facebook page in a late night post: It is our 'Ambition' to open the racing calendar this year with our first event to be in Poole on 29/30th May 2021. From there it is our 'Hope' that we return to the testing waters and hospitality of Guernsey on 26/27th June 2021. Our friends in Bristol 'Desire' our ...

  14. Powerboat GP

    The OFFICIAL home of the RYA British Championships for Circuit Powerboat Racing ! 'Like'... Powerboat GP, Lincoln, Lincolnshire. 3,511 likes · 4 were here. The OFFICIAL home of the RYA British Championships for Circuit Powerboat Racing ! 'Like' our page & keep up to date with live race...

  15. Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club

    Welcome to the official website of Lancashire Powerboat Racing Club, based at Carr Mill Dam, St, Helens WA11 7LZ. The club is run by members with the aim of promoting the enjoyment of powered water sports on the Dam. The club's principal activity is Circuit Powerboat Racing, and we're proud to have National and World Champions along with ...

  16. Team25Racing

    TEAM 25 RACING. The current members of Team 25 came together in 2021, initially with the Class 1 Dragon followed by the Class 3 V24 Bat Boat in late 2022. Most of us are known in powerboat racing over the years but this is the first time we are all together with a concentrated effort.

  17. Bullet Offshore Racing

    Poole Bay 100 is an offshore powerboat race that takes place annually in Poole Bay, on the south coast of England. The race covers a distance of 100 nautical miles and is organized by the UK Offshore Powerboat Racing Association (UKOPRA).The UKOPRA is the governing body for offshore powerboat racing in the UK and is responsible for organizing a number of offshore powerboat races throughout the ...

  18. Offshore powerboat racing

    Class1 offshore powerboat. Offshore powerboat racing is a type of racing by ocean-going powerboats, typically point-to-point racing.. In most of the world, offshore powerboat racing is led by the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) regulated Class 1 and Powerboat P1. [1] In the US, offshore powerboat racing is led by the APBA/UIM and consists of races hosted by Powerboat P1 USA.

  19. Powerboat racing returns to Brixham

    Powerboat racing returns to Brixham. Brixham hosted Round 3 of the 7-race series organised by the Offshore Circuit Racing Drivers Association (OCRDA) at the weekend when a fleet of 20 of the UK's fastest race boats came to town. The F1 and F2 Classes were very well represented, but only single entries for F3 and Formula Sport.

  20. News

    United Kingdom Offshore Powerboat Racing Association . Skip to content. UKOPRA. Home; About; Lymington Challenge. Lymington Challenge Racing Instructions; Bulletin #1; Advance Notice of the Lymington Challenge; 2024 Lymington Challenge - Entry Details; 2024 Lymington Challenge Entry Form ...

  21. Powerboat racing

    In the interests of simplicity, there are three basic types of powerboat racing: Jet Sport, Circuit and Offshore. These three classes encompass plenty of scope for you to find a race series that suits you, with all kinds of formats, from personal watercraft to outboard-powered Thundercats, hydroplanes, fast monohulls and P1 Superstock race boats.

  22. UK Offshore OK ⋆ Powerboat Racing World

    It's going to look like the great days of UK offshore racing from back in the 1990's. UKOPRA 2022 World 'Offshore' Powerboat Championships. 30 April/01 May - Round the Island / Southampton. 10/11/12 June - Poole Bay 100 / Poole Quay. 14/18 July - Guernsey Gold Cup / Guernsey. 27/28 August - Cowes Torquay Cowes / Cowes Poole ...