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History of the Yacht Club de Monaco

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Yacht Class n°21 (june-july-august 2020)

The Yacht Club de Monaco, along with the Automobile Club, is one of the most prestigious and active sports and social institutions in Monaco. Created in 1953 by Prince Rainier to become one of the key components of the economic and tourist development of the port of Monaco, it has managed over the years, by combining high level sport, social and mundane life, to make Principality of Monaco, the world’s capital of Yachting. This success is a result the three essential criteria to the launch of any enterprise : political will, skills and means.

Written by Noëlle Duck – Photos : Gilles Martin-Raget, Carlo Borlenghi, Thierry Ameller, MC-Clic, Franck Terlin, Isabelle Touquette, Mesi, Guillaume Plisson, Fausto Picedi, Jack Esten & Georges Lukomski / Archives du Palais princier & All rights reserved

As an example, we selected two clubs that perpetuate the tradition, conveying the values that make yachting much more than just a sport, but a philosophy, a philosophy of life even. One is the oldest entity in the world, the Royal Cork Yacht Club, created in 1720, the other is more recent, the Yacht Club de Monaco, born in 1953. Twinned since 2015, they are both born from the will of forward-thinking sovereigns who wished, through the development of a sport, to provide their country with a promotion and outreach tool. In Ireland, it was the beginnings of pleasure boating and in Monaco, the remarkable evolution of sailing as a true social phenomenon that the fifties were going to simply name ‘pleasure boating’.

Creation of the Yacht Club de Monaco

During the inauguration of the Yacht Club, on June 17th 1953, Prince Rainier III declared “the future of Monaco lies with the sea” . At the beginning of the fifties, Prince Rainier III, himself a keen sailor, and not only in the Mediterranean, foresaw that post-war prosperity would lead to a yachting boom. He decided then to found in Monaco a yacht club like those he visited during his cruises. The main thrust of the Prince’s proposal was that the Yacht Club should also be a key factor in the development of Monaco’s port, the spearhead of tourism in the Principality.

Monaco, already perceived as a quality port for a stopover, had to become famous as a centre for marine leisure activities : pleasure boating and top-level yacht racing, water skiing, diving, marine archaeology, and promoting awareness among young people of the marine habitat and environment. The future club was at once to acquire all the facilities required to host and practice these disciplines.On 17th June 1953, the Constitutive Assembly was held in the International Hydrographic Bureau’s premises on the Quai des Etats-Unis, in the presence of Prince Rainier. The board of directors, immediately appointed, then met as laid down in the by-laws to elect the Bureau. Called upon to become High President of the Yacht Club de Monaco, Prince Rainier addressed the assembly: “ I am deeply touched by your gesture and I thank you most sincerely. It is therefore without the least hesitation that I accept the Presidency you offer, and I warmly welcome the creation of the Yacht Club de Monaco. All the more so in that I believe it fulfils a real long-standing need. It was indeed my desire that we could welcome and bring together the yachtsmen who come here, with an organization worthy of the tourist facilities offered by the principality. This need now has been met, thanks to the enthusiasm and hard work of Mr. Paul Gingoux and his staff at the International Sporting Club ; I thank them and congratulate them on bringing this project to fruition so rapidly. I would also like to thank the Société des Bains de Mer for its understanding and effort in bringing this club to life and making its club-house so attractive… I hope most sincerely that the Yacht Club de Monaco will succeed in creating links between lovers of the sea, that it will enhance the attractiveness and the reputation of Monaco and that it will, both at home and abroad, inspire fellow-feeling and friendship”. Since the club had no premises of its own it was accommodated by the SBM, in the former pottery, avenue d’Ostende. And the SBM even installed a showcase in the lobby of the Hôtel de Paris to display the Yacht Club’s cups and trophies. And with no more ado, all hands set to work !

Sports, glamour and prestige

Prince Rainier III remained president of the Yacht Club until 1966, doubly qualified both as Sovereign committed to the development of the port of Monaco and an experienced sailor. He had owned many pleasure crafts, both sailing boats and motor yachts, visiting seas and oceans with his family on summer cruises. These were for him an absolute priority in 1955 he turned down an invitation to the Agadir Yacht Club in August for the Agadir-Las Palmas offshore race, “as he will be cruising at the time”. Princess Caroline perpetuates the tradition summer family cruises on her motor-yacht Pacha III.

Princess Grace, whose father and brother were both rowing champions, sailed a Star, the favourite boat of the sons and daughters of good East Coast families – the Kennedy brothers were championship winners – and she could often be seen in the bay of Monaco at the helm of Nibbly. Obviously their children, used to sailing from their earliest childhood, were no strangers to the sea. And it was Prince Albert II who decided in 1995 to purchase Tuiga, described by Eric Tabarly as “one of the most beautiful yachts in the world”. Whenever possible, the Sovereign Prince attended the regattas to signal the start of races from his own yacht ; or he world visit the port at the helm of a Riva. A great friend of Carlo Riva, the Sovereign, still visionary, had anticipated the success of the magnificent motorboats from Lake Iseo and supported his installation on the port of Monaco, which is still today Riva’s base in the Mediterranean.

In 1954, the Grande Semaine Internationale de la Voile attracted International 6-metres, 5.5s and Stars. That year came to a triumphant end on December 18th with the Coupe Monégasque de Noël de ski nautique : water-skiing was at that time a very fashionable summer sport both in the Riviera coastal resorts and on inland lakes.

At the same time, Prince Rainier III pursued a policy of prestige, making members of several royal families Honorary Members : his own sister, Princess Antoinette, as from summer 1953 : then Prince Philipp of Edinburgh, Long Gustave VI of Sweden, ex-king Farouk of Egypt, in exile in Rome and a frequent visitor to the principality, and Infant Juan Carlos of Spain. Two journalists Pierre Lazareff and Jacques Goddet, general manager of the newspaper L’Equipe, received the coveted card, but on the political side, one can note that Maurice Arrexck, mayor of Toulon, had to write to request one.

In 1984, Prince Hereditary Albert was appointed by Prince Rainier III as President of the Yacht Club. At 26 year-old, the future Sovereign inspired a multifaceted development. An accomplished athlete and a high-caliber manager, he created or encouraged the organization of major international competitions. Regattas were run in Monaco – the Primo Cup in winter, the maxis in summer – a transatlantic race was even organized between Monaco and New-York. These top level races attracted owners, but also the finest international crews who appreciated the warm welcome, the sense of celebration and the unique setting offered by Port Hercules. One could even come to enjoy the moods of the capricious winds that make the water body very technical !

Since its creation, the YCM sailing division, sponsored by Princess Caroline, educates all the Monegasque children. It is a sailor incubator, where owners pick up their crews. This is where values are passed on, and young sportsmen turned into the yachtsmen of tomorrow, one of the values to which all the Yacht Club is attached, which unite generations.

In 1994, to celebrate Prince Albert’s 10th anniversary of presidency, the Club organised an innovative event, dedicated to classical yachting, which was in full revival at that time. The Monaco Classic Week (MCW) brings together motorboats, motor-yachts and traditional sailing boats. A new kind of gathering that still today draws attracts every two years in Monaco the most beautiful yachts in the world, gathered by enthusiast shipowners. That year, in Saint-Tropez, the Nioulargue is at its best and its big winner was a 15 Metre Internationl rule boat : Tuiga, a 1909 gaff cutter designed by the famous Scottish architect William Fife. This work of art, which had just undergone a restoration, seduced Prince Albert II and all his staff. A few months later, Tuiga became the flagship of the Yacht Club de Monaco. Out of a series of twenty 15 Metre Class – or 15 M International Rule –, only four have survived. And in 2011, the Yacht Club brought them together for a historic regatta, the highlight of the MCW, 73 years after their last race together !

The Yacht Club, cramped in its premises on Quai Antoine 1er, deserved a Club House worthy of its success. The architect Norman Foster was commissioned to design this immaculate “ocean liner”, which took ten years to build and was inaugurated in June 2014. According to the yachtsmen from all over the world present that evening, it is the most beautiful in the world ! With 2 000 members, representing 60 nationalities, the Club brings together under its burgee the largest number of private yachts in the world. Their owners interacts wihtin La Belle Classe Tradition, where today’s yachtsmen are united to perpetuate the naval etiquette and the spirit of seafarers.

Twinning, what brings together yacht clubs from all over the world

When you look at the list of clubs twinned with the Yacht Club de Monaco, yachtsmen from various nations were obviously committed to forge links allowing them to meet up in clubs similar to their own and to feel at home, taking advantage of the hospitality and infrastructure that make their stopover a privileged moment. Here’s how the statutes of the YCM define the twinning with another club : Twinning between clubs enables : – The development of sporting activities between clubs, with all members being able to participate freely under equal conditions – Free access for society members of the twinned clubs to the premises, restaurant and lounges and services on offer on presentation of their membership card – Exchanges between the two clubs Sailing Schools, including competitions and coaches. – Any active member of a club who takes up residence in the country of a twinned club is obliged to change affiliation to that club after six months residence and to conform to the statutes of the club concerned.

Actually, when looking at the history of the Royal Cork Yacht Club, we discovered that actually the English did not create Yachting, but it was the Irish, and Ireland being an independent republic we cannot say “the British” either ! But, far from chauvinism, we owe it to the English to have, when they were the masters of the maritime world, wanted to restore some of their habits in the remotest parts of their colonial empire. The oldest Asian yacht club, the Republic of Singapore Yacht Club, twinned with the YCM, was created in 1826, during the commercial epic of the East India Company, and the British colonization. The Royal Bombay Yacht Club, as early as 1846, brought together her Majesty’s subjects serving in the Vice-Kingdom of India. The one in Hong Kong, at the vanguard of China, which still today trains generations of outstanding racers, offered the benefits of a splendid water body, vey exposed to the wind and dotted with islands planted in a devilishly exotic emerald green water. In the Mediterranean, the Royal Yacht Club Malta, located at the port entrance of this arid rock ideally placed between East and West, offered the coolness of its marble floors and the comfort of its Chesterfield sofas on the return from the first great Mediterranean offshore race, the Middle Sea Race. In Spain, where sovereigns participated in high-level regattas, the RCN Barcelona has welcomed yachts cruising in the Western Mediterranean since 1879.

In South America, Argentina and Brazil have dynamic clubs, created by Europeans who relocated there during the 19th century. While in the United States, the New York Yacht Club, the most venerable institution on the East Coast, has written the most beautiful pages of the yachting history with the America’s Cup saga. New York has another club, which organizes regattas at the foot of Manhattan – its most important sports club – led by a team that would not miss the Monaco Classic Week for the world : the Manhattan Yacht Club is, among the reciprocal clubs, one of the most dynamic of all those linked with the YCM.

This non-exhaustive overview leads us to the oldest Yacht Club in the world: the Royal Cork Yacht Club, South of Ireland, twinned since June 28th 2015 with the Yacht Club de Monaco.

History of the Royal Cork Yacht Club

The story began in early 1600s… Indeed, it was at this time that the idea of owning boats for private pleasure was born somewhere in the Netherlands, where the young King of England Charles II, also King of Scotland and Ireland, driven out by Cromwell, found refuge in 1648. He discovered there the pleasures of sailing. When his exile ended in 1660, he brought back a yacht named Mary, which he sailed on the Thames. Obviously, his courtiers followed his example, and among them the Irishman Murrough O’Brien. And soon, in Cork, sailing activities met great success, encouraged by the sovereign. Around 1720, interest in the sport had progressed so much that young William O’Brien, the 9th Inchiquin Lord, then aged 26, one of the most important personalities in the kingdom, and five of his friends formalised their activities and created “The Water Club of the Harbour of Cork”. They moved into a castle, where they drafted their statutes that still govern the sport practice, membership, social events, and established a number of rules, known today as “The Old Rules”… That’s what bring together the Yacht Club de Monaco and the Royal Cork Yacht Club : the respect of traditions, the desire to pass on, and the very appealing sporting and distinguished atmosphere, as evidenced by the number of members close to 2 000 !

But let’s go back to History, which played a big part in the club’s one. Undoubtedly, the American Revolution and the French Revolution, contributed to the Royal Navy’s decision to build up their presence in the safe & strategic harbour of Cork. Kinsale, once the the main naval centre on this coast, had made way to Cork, since its insufficient draught does not allow warships there.

By 1806, the “Water Club of the Harbour of Cork” has become the “Cork Harbour Water Club”. Later on, in the 1820’s, it dropped “Harbour”, and, following the fashion of the few other clubs that associated the word “yacht” to their name, it dropped the word “Water”. In 1831, the then “Cork Yacht Club” was granted, by King William IV, the privilege of using the prefix “Royal”.

A sports club, a pleasant stopover

Ask around, a stopover at the RCYC leaves an excellent memory for those who, after a challenging crossing of the Iroise Sea, come to enjoy the legendary Irish hospitality. I still remember the stage finish of the Figaro Race, in the 1970s, where, after a rough navigation, we were greeted by fiddles playing Sean O’Riada’s great ballads and the most delicious Irish coffee I have ever had, offered by the Club’s team. Unforgettable!

In Cork, the water body winding through the shores of a deep estuary is nested in a morning ghostly mist, even in mid-summer, and hosts a lot of regattas, on small units, Laser, Optimist, and other dinghies, providing a solid training for the young club members. Which proves necessary considering the difficult, even brutal conditions once out at sea. The club has 1 800 members, including many seasoned ocean racers. They can be found in major events : Fastnet Race, Cowes Week, Round Ireland Race, and you can see them, during the summer, sailing along the beautiful South and West coasts of Ireland.

Its geographical location makes it a perfect festive and technical stopover on the northern route for yachts coming from the Mediterranean. Scandinavia, or even the regions of the polar circle, have become trendy destinations in recent years for cruises by explorer motor yachts, popular among owners of this type of vessel, who are often members of the Yacht Club de Monaco. A member of the European Community since 1973, Ireland, halfway between the Mediterranean and Scandinavia via the Western route, also allows for extended stopovers.

All the conditions were right for the twinning to strengthen the ties forged over the years between the two clubs. They were actually preparing for a grand celebration, the 300th anniversary of the Irish Club. The IRC European Championship was supposed to enhance the Cork Week. But alas, we have to talk about all this in the past tense, as even St. Patrick could not defeat the virus ! 


We want to thank Thomas Fouilleron and Sylvie Ruau, Archives of the Prince’s Palace of Monaco, Gavin Deane, General manager of the RCYC, Isabelle Andrieux, Maguelonne Turcat for their availability in these trouble times, as all archives and communication department were closed.

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  • Cars, Jets & Yachts

Monaco Yacht Show 2024: The Biggest, Boldest and Most Expensive Superyachts To See

Even in its 33rd year, Monaco Yacht Show continues to break its own milestones.

By Ellys Woodhouse and Toby Louch

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The principality of Monaco has a calendar that’s filled with major events. While the financial benefits of this little tax haven ensure its population remains fairly well stocked with super-rich and socialites year-round, it’s these events that truly bring the masses. April calls for the tennis at The Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters; in May it’s time for the Formula One Grand Prix ; June brings the world-famous car show Top Marques ; and summer draws to a close with perhaps the most glam of the bunch, the Monaco Yacht Show, which this year falls on September 25 – 28.

For those interested in gazing upon some of the finest yachts that can be found anywhere in the world, Monaco ’s Port Hercules is a pretty good spot year-round, but for the weekend of the Monaco Yacht Show, things enter a different league.

The Monaco Yacht Show is essentially a gathering of the global superyacht community. From owners to innovators, manufacturers and brokers, all head to the principality. Each year, builders and brokers present around 120 superyachts and 60 luxury tenders , with many of these reflecting current industry trends and revealing the potential future direction of the industry. These vessels boast an average length of around 160 ft, with a sprinkling of superyachts that top the 320 ft mark – with this year’s headliner clocking in at 400 ft.

Aside from the yachts themselves, visitors can expect countless designers improving yacht interiors and engineers working to ensure the industry becomes more sustainable. There’s sure to be a lot going on.

So ahead of this year’s event, Elite Traveler has looked into which yachts will be on display at Port Hercules and curated a list of some of the show’s unmissable vessels. So blow the dust off your Panama hat and add a few zeros to your credit card limit, because these are some of the biggest, boldest and most expensive boats attending the 2024 Monaco Yacht Show.

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The undisputed biggest headline of this year’s show – in every sense of the word – Lürssen’s Kismet will be the largest yacht to go on display in Port Hercules. While the previous title holder was another from Lürssen, the 377.6-ft Ahpo, the Kismet takes its victory by a considerable mile, clocking in at 400 ft. Previously known as Project Jag, the Kisamet was handed over to owner Shahid Khan in May 2024, making it one of the show’s newest deliveries, too. 

With exterior design by Nuvolari Lenard and naval architecture by Lürssen Yachts along with Reymond Langton Design working on the yacht’s interiors , Kismet is decked out with a helipad, beauty salon, indoor and outdoor cinema, dance floor and gym. Perhaps unsurprising, but all this makes Kisamet one of the most expensive yachts to charter , too, asking for €3m (approx. $3.4m) per week with Cecil Wright & Partners. 

[See also: How Louis Vuitton Made the America’s Cup the Voyage en Vogue]

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yacht club de monaco burgee

Delivered in 2019 by SilverYachts and refitted in 2024, the almost 280-ft, self-described ‘sports activity vessel’ Bold takes center stage at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Designers Espen Øino created the superyacht’s striking, military-inspired exterior, creating a unique glass-enclosed loft on the upper deck that covers over 3,200 sq-ft of interior space. Meanwhile, Vain Interiors has created an opulent, New York-style loft, which is built to accommodate up to 12 overnight guests in eight luxurious staterooms and can carry up to 96 passengers while cruising.

With a a huge selection of water toys, a vast outdoor entertaining area with a bar and Teppanyaki grill, a cinema, an eight-person hot tub and a lounge surrounding a firepit, it’s no surprise that the Bold is a popular charter yacht, with Holl Robinson asking €875,000 ($972, 800) per week. 

yacht club de monaco burgee

Following an extensive, three-year rebuild, the most expensive superyacht on the market has returned to Port Hercules for 2024, complete with a new look – and price tag, too, asking for €295m ($328m). The 344.5-ft Oceanco H3 superyacht has already picked up a handful of international awards for the new look and is expected to impress many fans at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. 

In addition to the extra 10 meters that were added to the H3 ’s hull, the rebuild – from the likes of Reymond Langton Design, which worked on both the exterior and interior redesign, and the collaboration between Lateral Naval Architects and Oceanco on its naval architecture – also saw a pool deck, huge spa and wellness area and climate-controlled winter garden added to H3 ’s numerous amenities. 

[See also: Life Onboard The World Residences at Sea]

yacht club de monaco burgee

With its distinctive, shark-like exterior design, the 295-ft superyacht DAR will be hard not to miss at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Built by Oceanco with exteriors designed by Luiz de Basto Design, the glossy black silhouette was inspired by the look of the hammerhead shark, with sinuous lines, wide set wing stations and a mast modeled after a dorsal fin. 

Meanwhile, renowned Italy-based studio Nuvolari & Lenard has crafted swooping, contemporary interiors. DAR’s impressive features include a complete owner’s deck, complete with a private salon and jacuzzi, a wellness area, an impressive beach club, and two helipads for private use. Offering grandeur and complete privacy in equal doses, DAR can accommodate up to 14 guests in overnight accommodation, with separate living quarters to host as many as 31 crew members.

[See also: Does this 357-Foot New Yacht Belong to Steven Spielberg?]

yacht club de monaco burgee

Despite only hitting the waters in June this year, the first wallywind110, Galma , is set to make its global debut at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Measuring almost 110 ft, Galma ’s naval architecture comes from German studio judel/vrolijk & co while interior and exterior lines are designed by Wally in collaboration with Santa Maria Magnolfi. With a design that offers the comfort of a cruising yacht while maintaining the performance of a racing boat, Galma is characterized by the 22.6-ft telescopic keel and an all-carbon hull that has been painted in light metallic blue.

Other highlights of Galma include an 860-sq-ft full-beam cockpit with seating and dining for up to 15 people, as well as an open-plan raised saloon. Galma can accommodate up to eight guests overnight, with five crew members. 


[See also: The Ultimate Guide to Hydrogen-powered Yachts]

Photo of Ellys Woodhouse

Ellys Woodhouse

Photo of Toby Louch

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Yacht Club de Monaco, Monaco

© Yacht Club de Monaco

Yacht Club de Monaco, Monaco

Yacht Club de Monaco

Founded in 1953 this yacht club is an integral part of Monaco

Many of the world’s most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco’s burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

The Yacht Club de Monaco’s Sports Section offers a wide variety of courses all year round to give people a range of experiences whatever their level and learning objectives. From summer camps for children to improvement and competition courses for experienced yachtsmen, this club can provide a programme to suit your needs.

This is a course for complete beginners that runs most Saturdays and several evenings during the week. In addition, those who are passionate about yachting and classic yachts can enjoy training sessions on these magnificent boats.

The club hosts a variety of competitions throughout the year and is heavily involved in many of the larger events that are hosted in the waters of Monaco.

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Release Summary

120 boats gather in Southern Europe for the Monaco Classic Week to celebrate US yachting. The Yacht Club de Monaco is the capital of yachting.

Yacht Club de Monaco

Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world’s most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco’s burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

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'); // End -->  and include your web address, or an image of the burgee.  Registering your burgee in the International Burgee Registry is FREE.


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Business Development Agency : your point of contact for the Welcome Plan

The Prince’s Government has charged the Business Development Agency with implementing private sector measures relating to the overall Welcome Plan, and with following through on the Monaco Welcome Certified programme. The Business Development Agency is therefore a dedicated point of contact for businesses taking part in the initiative, and for clients and future participants, ensuring that everyone is kept well informed. Dedicated to meeting the needs of entrepreneurs In addition to its role as specific point of contact and facilitator for the Welcome Plan, the Business Development Agency is the gateway for anyone who is considering moving to the Principality in a professional capacity. A dedicated point of contact for the Principality’s retailers The Business Development Agency is also a dedicated point of contact for the Principality’s retailers. It coordinates the work of the Trade Group and establishes personalised interaction with businesses in this sector on thematic and geographical issues.

The Business Development Agency  Monaco Business Office  Tel : +377 98 98 83 45  [email protected]

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Yacht Club de Monaco

Yacht club monaco.

Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 1600 members from 66 nationalities. Many of the world’s most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco’s burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

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Yacht Club De Monaco

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Officer Flags Our Officer Flags are made from woven polyester and are all sewn, roped & toggled ready to fly as per Club Burgees above. Select an Officer from the options below and a flag size from the table on the right.

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Yacht Club de Monaco | Quai Louis II | + 377 93 10 63 00

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Yacht Club de Monaco

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  • Monegasque crews
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  • Hall of Honours 2024
  • Hall of Honours 2023
  • Hall of Honours 2022
  • Smeralda 888
  • Classic Boats
  • Cagliari Monaco
  • Monaco Energy Boat Challenge
  • 2024 Optimist European Team Racing Championship
  • J/70 World Championship
  • Fête de la Mer
  • Monaco Classic Week
  • Monaco Optimist Team Race
  • Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series
  • Navicap Challenge Elena Sivoldaeva Trophy
  • Palermo – Montecarlo
  • Primo Cup – Trophée UBS
  • Smeralda 888 Championship
  • Trophée Virginie Hériot
  • YCM Awards – Trophée UBS
  • Members’ cocktail
  • Business Symposium
  • Captains’ Forum
  • Environmental Symposium
  • Historic Grand Prix
  • Monaco E-Prix
  • Monaco F1 Grand Prix
  • Oktoberfest
  • Smart & Sustainable Marina Rendezvous
  • Smart Yacht Rendezvous
  • Superyacht Chef Competition
  • YCM Concert
  • YCM Explorer Awards
  • Captains’ Club
  • Cluster Yachting Monaco
  • Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting
  • Monaco Yacht Show
  • Sustainable yachting
  • LBC Academy
  • LBC Explorer
  • LBC Destinations
  • LBC Superyachts
  • LBC Tradition
  • Sustainable marina

Become a member

One team, one spirit, one club.

An individual wishing to become a member of the YCM needs to be introduced by two ‘sponsors’, both must be YCM society members. Any person who has been a society member for more than one year (with the exception of Board Members) may propose one applicant per session.

Twice a year, HSH Prince Albert II, President of the Yacht Club de Monaco, convenes a meeting of the Admissions Committee to examine all applications. New members are officially welcomed to the YCM at a cocktail party attended by members, after which it is customary for the new entrant to celebrate his or her membership at a dinner in the Club’s restaurant.

yacht club de monaco burgee

The Candidate

One of the sponsors must request an application form from the ‘Service Membres’ and go in person to pick it up. The form, having been duly completed and signed by the candidate and the two sponsors, should be accompanied by a letter of introduction from the first sponsor, explaining why the candidate wishes to join. It must be returned to ‘Service Membres’ within six months. After this date, the application will be cancelled.

The Sponsor

The sponsor plays a key role when introducing a new member to the Yacht Club de Monaco. It is their responsibility to ensure that newcomers fully embrace life at the Yacht Club, by introducing them to other members and involving them in events organised by the Club, whether they be of a social, cultural or sporting nature. The sponsor should also be committed to ensuring that the person they propose is encouraged to adopt the YCM’s philosophy and values, by actively participating in the life of the Club and constantly striving to raise the YCM’s standards.

Only one applicant per sponsor (society member) may be proposed and submitted per session for approval to the Admissions Committee which reserves the right to refuse any applicant without notification.

yacht club de monaco burgee

Service Membres

[email protected]

Phone Number

+377 93 10 63 00

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  1. Yacht Club Burgees

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  2. Yacht Club

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  3. Yacht Club

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  4. Yacht Club

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  5. Welcome to the Yacht Club de Monaco website

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  6. Yacht Club de Monaco, Monaco, Monaco

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  1. Welcome to the Yacht Club de Monaco website

    Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 81 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

  2. Yacht Club

    Yacht Club Monaco. Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2.500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the ...

  3. Home

    Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2.500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

  4. Monaco Yacht Club

    Almost a century of famous regattas preceded the founding in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by Prince Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco. The Club brings together more than 2000 members from 66 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its ...

  5. Inside Monaco Yacht Club: The Price of Exclusivity Revealed!

    Explore the luxurious Yacht Club de Monaco and uncover the staggering costs of exclusivity during major events like the Grand Prix! Join us as we delve into ...

  6. History of the Yacht Club de Monaco

    Yacht Class n°21 (june-july-august 2020) The Yacht Club de Monaco, along with the Automobile Club, is one of the most prestigious and active sports and social institutions in Monaco. Created in 1953 by Prince Rainier to become one of the key components of the economic and tourist development of the port of Monaco, it has managed over the years ...

  7. Monaco Yacht Show 2024: The Biggest, Boldest and Most Expensive

    Kismet The 400-ft Kismet is the largest superyacht on display at Monaco Yacht Show 2024 / ©Lürssen. The undisputed biggest headline of this year's show - in every sense of the word - Lürssen's Kismet will be the largest yacht to go on display in Port Hercules. While the previous title holder was another from Lürssen, the 377.6-ft Ahpo, the Kismet takes its victory by a considerable ...

  8. Yacht Club de Monaco

    Founded in 1953 this yacht club is an integral part of Monaco. featured in Watersports. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene. The Yacht Club de Monaco's Sports Section offers a wide variety of courses all year round ...

  9. J70 home

    With 20 boats flying our burgee thanks to the proactive Monaco J/70 Class Association, the Club can claim to own one of the largest J/70 fleets in the world. Special J/70 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. ... the Yacht Club de Monaco plays a key role on the international yachting scene. Providing a true link between seamen, the Yacht Club de Monaco's aim ...

  10. 14th Monaco Classic Week: Stars and Stripes forever!

    The Yacht Club de Monaco is the capital of yachting. ... Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the ...

  11. Yacht Club de Monaco

    Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

  12. Yacht Club Burgees From Around The World Home Page

    While older sailing vessels fly the burgee from the main masthead. Power boats fly their Burgee off a short staff on the bow. Yachtees love "Opening Day" when they get to parade their yachts and fly their Burgees. To Register Your Burgee -- send an email to [email protected] and include your web address, or an image of the burgee.

  13. Home

    Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting ...

  14. Principality of Monaco: Sports flags

    Yacht club de Monaco Burgee of YCM, two versions - Images by Ivan Sache, 10 May 2010. On 19 May 1953, the Société des Régates de Monaco, founded in 1988, split into the Société Nautique de Monaco (SNM), dedicated to rowing, and the Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM), dedicated to yachting.. The home of big sailing and motor boats, the YCM organizes famous races such as the Primo Cup, the Monaco ...

  15. The Boutique

    Latest news. Consistency at all costs 1 September 2024. Penultimate stage of the season 1 September 2024. 4th place for Tuiga 31 August 2024. Information. Adress : Quai Louis II. Tel: +377 93 10 63 00. Restaurant: +377 93 25 19 09. Email: [email protected].

  16. Sponsors

    yacht club de monaco. Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 81 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the ...

  17. Yacht Club de Monaco

    Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 1600 members from 66 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony to its unique position on the international yachting scene.

  18. Leopard 3 a winner

    At the end of three races, Leopard 3 of Yacht Club de Monaco's Joost Schuijff was crowned Rolex IMA Maxi 1 World Champion. Other YCM members also held their own against stiff competition with Peter Harrison (Jolt) coming 2nd in the Maxi 2 as did Benoit de Froidmont (Wallyno) in the Maxi 4.

  19. Yacht Club De Monaco

    Yacht Club De Monaco. Club Burgees Our yachting flags are sewn from woven polyester and are supplied roped and toggled ready to fly. Each flag is of the highest quality and available in a wide range of sizes. The design appears on both sides, but is read correctly on one side only. Inglefield clips can be fitted at an extra cost.

  20. MoU signed as Yacht Club de Monaco and Astir Marina Vouliagmeni take

    The Yacht Club de Monaco uses cookies on this site. With your consent, we use them to measure and analyze the use of the site (analytical cookies) and to adapt it to your interests and uses (personalization cookies according to your navigation and your browser). To formalize your agreement (or refusal), go to "privacy Preference.

  21. Yacht Club Burgees

    Yacht Club Burgees beginning in X, Y & Z from Around The World--Burgee Group X,Y,Z. International Burgee Registry ... Yacht Club de Monaco, Monaco: Yacht Club de Morgat, France: Yacht Club de Quebec, Canada Founded 1861: Yacht Club Domaso, Italy: Saltwater Flushing Bags Flush Outboard Motors

  22. Ready for the Vendée

    The Tour de l'île de Groix, the final event in the five-day Défi Azimut, was won on Sunday 15 September by Jérémie Beyou (Charal).The Lorient based skipper was followed by Louis Duc (Fives Group - Lantana Environnement) and then Boris Herrmann (Malizia - Seaexplorer) from Yacht Club de Monaco.The day before the German skipper had crossed the finish of the Défi Azimut 48h at 12:52 in ...

  23. Become a member

    An individual wishing to become a member of the YCM needs to be introduced by two 'sponsors', both must be YCM society members. Any person who has been a society member for more than one year (with the exception of Board Members) may propose one applicant per session. Twice a year, HSH Prince Albert II, President of the Yacht Club de Monaco ...