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Combien consomme un yacht ?

Il y a quelques semaines de cela, nous nous étions interrogés sur le coût de l’entretien d’un yacht ; aussi pour aller plus loin sur ce point, nous avons souhaité nous intéresser tout particulièrement à sa consommation en carburant car il est vrai que ce poste de dépense peut vite devenir important. Aussi, en tant que broker de yachts de luxe, CSO Yachts vous présente les différents éléments à connaître pour faire son choix de bateau en toute transparence.

Quels sont les critères d’importance pour estimer la consommation d’un yacht ?

Les bateaux de luxe que sont les yachts, à l’instar des voitures, consomment plus ou moins de carburant en fonction de certains facteurs. Aussi pour vous aider et vous permettre de faire votre choix en toute sérénité, CSO Yachts vous propose de les découvrir ; en d’autres termes, grâce à ces critères de sélection, vous pourrez faire cette acquisition en toute connaissance de cause :

– Le type de yacht : il s’agit certes d’un critère évident quand on cherche à savoir combien consomme un yacht mais que l’on ne doit pas négliger. En effet, selon le type de yacht que vous choisirez (à moteur ou à voile) sa consommation ne sera pas la même : un yacht à voiles peut se propulser grâce au vent (les moteurs viennent en soutien en cas de faible houle) alors qu’un bateau à moteur aura nécessairement besoin de ses moteurs pour naviguer. 

– La motorisation : un autre facteur d’importance pour déterminer combien consomme un yacht est la puissance de ses moteurs. Plus le moteur est gros, plus il demandera du carburant pour l’alimenter.

– Le poids et la taille du yacht : par exemple, on estime qu’en moyenne la consommation d’un yacht de 70 mètres de long est d’environ 500 litres de diesel par heure (de ce fait, vous devez compter un budget annuel de carburant de près de 400 000 $). Pour résumer, plus le navire est gros et grand, plus il a besoin de carburant pour fonctionner (si vous êtes à la recherche d’un yacht plus sobre énergétiquement, vous opterez pour un modèle de plus petite taille : nos agents pourront vous conseiller à ce sujet).

– La vitesse de navigation : gardez en tête que plus la vitesse du navire augmente, plus sa consommation aussi.

– L’entretien : on n’y pense pas suffisamment mais un bateau et un moteur mal entretenus auront tendance à consommer davantage. C’est pourquoi, en tant que broker de luxe, nous vous conseillons vivement de veiller au respect des consignes de maintenance fournies par le constructeur pour garantir des performances et une longévité optimales à votre yacht.

– Le type de coque: déplacement, semi-déplacement, planante.

Les réservoirs de carburant : un critère primordial pour déterminer l’autonomie de votre yacht

Les réservoirs quant à eux déterminent la portée ou l’autonomie de votre bateau. Ainsi, en disposant de grands réservoirs, votre yacht aura une autonomie plus importante en mer et vous permettra donc d’effectuer de plus grandes traversées sans avoir à vous soucier d’effectuer le plein. Cet aspect ne doit donc pas être décorrélé de la question “ combien consomme un yacht ? ” car cela vous évitera de nombreux aller-retour au port pour remplir vos réservoirs en carburant.

À noter que la plupart des yachts mesurant plus de 40 mètres de long disposent d’une autonomie de croisière équivalente à celle d’une traversée transatlantique, soit environ 3 000 milles. 

Comment calculer la consommation de votre navire ?

Comme n’importe quel autre véhicule, il est indispensable d’estimer la consommation en carburant de votre yacht pour non seulement planifier un voyage mais aussi prévoir le coût annuel que cela va représenter pour votre portefeuille. 

Le calcul se fait en Litre par Mile nautique et est référencé par un essai en mer où le nombre de litres est divisé par la distance parcourue. De manière générale, on estime que la consommation en carburant d’un bateau essence correspond à peu près au tiers et, dans le cas d’un bateau diesel au cinquième, de la puissance maximale de son moteur. 

Néanmoins, bien entendu, il ne s’agit que d’un calcul estimatif puisque d’autres facteurs tels que la force du vent et des courants ou encore le fonctionnement de certains équipements (climatisation, piscine…) vont impacter considérablement cette consommation. 

Quel est le carburant utilisé par un yacht ?

Dans la majorité des cas, les yachts, mega yachts et autres superyachts fonctionnent à l’aide d’une motorisation diesel. Il ne s’agit pas d’un carburant standard tel qu’on peut le trouver dans les stations service traditionnelles mais bel et bien d’une énergie spécifique : en l’occurrence un diesel marine léger de couleur bleue. Il comporte au moins 0,1% de soufre et ses caractéristiques de tenue au froid varient en fonction de la saison.

Combien consomme un yacht ? CSO Yachts à votre service !

On le voit au prix d’achat du yacht, les frais annexes d’équipage, d’entretien et de consommation qui s’ajoutent ne doivent pas être négligés et même pris en compte au moment de votre acquisition ! En effet, pour les bateaux les plus grands, ils peuvent représenter plusieurs millions d’euros par an.

Aussi, afin de devenir propriétaire en toute tranquillité, notre équipe est là pour vous conseiller. Ensemble, nous étudierons et définirons attentivement vos critères de recherche pour dénicher, dans le monde entier, le yacht le plus à même de vous satisfaire. 

En tant que spécialiste de ce secteur, nous en maîtrisons parfaitement ces différents aspects et nous pourrons donc estimer le plus justement le coût annuel de votre future propriété ! Soyez-en certain, avec CSO Yachts, vous ne serez jamais seul. 

Vous souhaitez vous lancer dans l’achat d’un yacht ou d’un superyacht ? Découvrez nos offres de yachts de luxe à vendre ici. Parmi nos yachts disponibles à l’achat, figure le yacht Eclipse ; ce Feadship, d’une longueur de 43 mètres et doté de deux unités de moteur de 775 hp (Caterpillar 3508), se caractérise par une décoration sobre et élégante que l’on doit au célèbre designer Terence Disdale. Grâce à ses six cabines, il vous permettra d’accueillir jusqu’à 12 personnes avec tout le confort nécessaire ! Vous souhaitez en savoir plus ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter !

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Yachts And Fuel – How Much Do They Really Consume?

consommation yacht 15m

Fuel is one of many annual running costs of a yacht. Not only does the yacht need fuel for cruising; the generators require it to keep the vessel running while at anchor and underway. As well as this, many of the water sports toys require it too.

Some yachts cross the Atlantic Ocean twice a year between the Mediterranean and Caribbean while others embark on world cruises. That equates to a lot of fuel.

So How Much Do They Really Consume?

According to the Yachting Pages, the longest Superyacht in the world, 180m M/Y Azzam, holds 1,000,000 litres of fuel. To put it into perspective, that is the equivalent of filling a regular hatchback car 23,800 times. Or, six Boeing 747 commercial airliners.

West Nautical’s Vessel Manager, Tony Hildrew, a former Yacht Chief Engineer said:

“Fuel is the single biggest expense when it comes to yacht operations, it is estimated that the global spend on fuel is around $150bn annually however this shouldn’t put you off, there are a number of ways to ensure your fuel consumption doesn’t get out of hand. Implementing a Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan or SEEMP for short is a great way to keep fuel costs down without compromising on your cruising experience.”

Each yacht will consume fuel differently for a number of reasons. It could be the size and make of the engines. Or, how often the yacht is using generators. As well as the number of tenders and water sports toys on board that require fuel. For example, if the yacht is out at anchor and running on generators 90% of the time, the fuel consumption will be much higher than a yacht that is in a marina at night and connected to shore power and water.

Another factor that will affect fuel consumption is the yacht’s itinerary. This is because the sea conditions will impact how much fuel the engines consume.

consommation yacht 15m

How Is Consumption Measured?

You will be able to input the start and ending points of your cruise on the map. This will automatically update the distance table. The next step is to enter the speed, fuel consumption and cost of fuel per litre to determine the cost of the trip.

Here is an example: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots will consume roughly 400 – 500 litres depending on the engine type. This would equate to the total consumption of 2500 litres for a distance of 100 nautical miles.

Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage. Depending on where the yacht bunkered, the estimated cost with the price per litre being on the low end at €0.90 per litre would cost a total of €7501.50. An example of a 100 nautical mile passage would take you from Saint Tropez to The North Coast of Corsica.

How Much Does It Cost?

Fuel prices fluctuate depending on which country you bunker in and some places you bunker offer tax free fuel such a Gibraltar and Montenegro. Fuel prices can vary but typically costs between €0.80 and €1.30 per litre.

Yacht charter, sales and management company West Nautical added:

“Fuel costs should be at the top of any yacht owner and captain’s minds for two reasons: to minimise costs as well as reduce the environmental impact of burning unnecessary fuel. The superyacht charter market, more than most other markets, relies on pristine waters for their guests to enjoy their holiday. If the oceans in popular charter destinations are not maintained, it will decrease the demand for yacht charter and therefore the revenue for owners.” “If you are looking for expertise in operational management and engineering in order to plan a SEEMP, West Nautical would be delighted to assist.”

consommation yacht 15m

About West Nautical

West Nautical sell, charter and manage superyachts from their head office in Newcastle upon Tyne. The business currently employs a team of 21 staff throughout their offices based in the UK, Russia, France and Cyprus.

  Since their inception over 25 years ago, West Nautical have become recognised as one of the most respected, trusted, knowledgeable and accountable professional services firms in yachting – largely due to their relentless determination to act in our clients’ best interests. Their approach and attitude is transparent, refreshing and focused on providing value-added services delivered simply, elegantly and affordably. 

Visit West Nautical’s website here: https://westnautical.com

For Media enquiries please contact  sarah.mackenzie@westnautical.com

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consommation yacht 15m

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Dufour 48 sailboat

An innovative luxury yacht of almost 15 metres.

The Dufour 48 yacht offers an unparalleled experience and promotes living in the great outdoors, a return to the ocean. This luxury 15- meter sailing yacht reveals an aft cockpit that guarantees instinctive, safe and convivial sailing. A new feature is a second cockpit with sunbathing areas forward on the yacht, offering unrivalled comfort both under way and at anchor.

With the Dufour 48, the shipyard is continuing to innovate, again and again. The DNA of the Dufour brand has been preserved to offer owners the performance and comfort they deserve. The teams’ extensive know-how and experience promise a robust, efficient yacht for all types of boating.

Dufour 48 - Smart Electric
Smart Elec PackEngines27 Kw
Fixed propeller/
Battery park (lithium battery)27 Kw/h
Generator11 Kw
Interface monitoring/
OptionsImproved batteries32 Kw/h
12V/230V converter6 Kw
Hydrogeneration1,5 kw
Folding propellerTBC
Quick charger6 Kw


The Dufour 48 luxury yacht has been designed for enjoying the fresh air on the ocean. Life on board is comfortable at all times, both below deck and outside.

The aft cockpit has been redesigned to offer significant space. When under way, moving around on board is simple and natural. Two tables provide a splendid spot for enjoying meals or simply relaxing at anchor.

What would a Dufour be without its aft platform? Once again equipped with a plancha grill, it comes with a host of new features. It’s a genuine outdoor galley, equipped with all the essentials.

To complete the layout, the Dufour 48 has a second cockpit, this time, forward. Here, a sun lounger can be installed for unforgettable moments of relaxation at anchor or under way.


The design of the Dufour 48 sailboat has been redrawn by naval architect Umberto Felci of Felci Yachts Design. The lines are fluid and the boat offers a great amount of volume. The usual coachroof glazing has been redesigned as longitudinal windows with integrated opening hatches.


Already a focal point aboard previous models of the Dufour 48, light is once again a major feature. The coachroof’s full-length windows provide constant light, which is diffused throughout the interior saloon and galley.

When the mattresses from the sun loungers are removed from the forward cockpit, large windows are revealed, letting in even more light to the yacht’s interior.


Depending on which version of the Dufour 48 sailboat you choose, all the furniture has been optimised to ensure unrivalled comfort. If you choose the forward or lateral galley, there is always plenty of storage space provided.

Dedicated interior saloon tables have been created by interior designer Ardizio Design. These are optimised for the three- and four-cabin versions.

In the cabins, blackout blinds are integrated directly into the ceiling. So, despite the brightness of the boat, you won’t be disturbed by the very first rays of daybreak.

consommation yacht 15m






2 or 3

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


consommation yacht 15m






2, 3 or 4

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


consommation yacht 15m






2 or 3

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


consommation yacht 15m






2, 3 or 4

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


consommation yacht 15m

Technical specs

consommation yacht 15m


  • Architect: Felci Yacht Design
  • Interior Designer: Ardizio Design
  • Deck construction: Injection

Technical specifications

  • Overall length 50.2 ft - 15.29 m
  • Waterline length 43.10 ft - 12.23 m
  • Hull length 46.12 ft - 14.32 m
  • Max beam 15.11 ft - 4.85 m
  • Light displacement 28 652 lbs - 13 000 kg
  • Draft 5.9 ft - 1.75 m / 7.99 ft - 2.35 m
  • Keel weight 8 375 lbs - 3800 kg
  • Fuel tank capacity 66 gal - 250 L
  • Water tank capacity 140 gal - 530 L
  • Engine power 60 cv / 60 hp
  • Sail area /

In the Press

The dufour 41, a sailboat already acclaimed with 4 international nominations, cruising world – #dufour470 #dufour61 – march 2022 (english), voile magazine – #dufour470 – march 2022 (french), voile magazine – #dufour32 – january 2022 (french), are you interested in the dufour 48 sailboat.

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consommation yacht 15m

Yachts and Fuel – how much do they really consume

Superyachts are the most elite asset a person can own, your own private yacht to cruise the world’s most beautiful destinations. Some yachts cross the Atlantic Ocean twice a year between the Mediterranean and Caribbean while others embark on world cruises.

Fuel is one of many annual running costs of a yacht and not only does the yacht need fuel for cruising; the generators require fuel to keep the vessel running while at anchor and underway, as well as many of the water sports toys requiring fuel.

consommation yacht 15m

So how much do they really consume?

According to the Yachting Pages, the longest Superyacht in the world, 180m M/Y Azzam, holds 1,000,000 litres of fuel. To put it into perspective, that is the equivalent of filling a regular hatchback car 23,800 times or six Boeing 747 commercial airliners.

West Nautical’s Vessel Manager, Tony Hildrew, a former Yacht Chief Engineer said: “Fuel is the single biggest expense when it comes to yacht operations, it is estimated that the global spend on fuel is around $150bn annually however this shouldn’t put you off, there are a number of ways to ensure your fuel consumption doesn’t get out of hand. Implementing a Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan or SEEMP for short is a great way to keep fuel costs down without compromising on your cruising experience.”

Each yacht will consume fuel differently for a number of reasons – the size and make of the engines, how often the yacht is using generators and the number of tenders and water sports toys on board that require fuel. For example, if the yacht is out at anchor and running on generators 90% of the time, the fuel consumption will be much higher than a yacht that is in a marina at night and connected to shore power and water.

Another factor that will affect fuel consumption is the yacht’s itinerary as the sea conditions will impact how much fuel the engines consume.

Fuel consumption is often measured in litres per hour, the best way to calculate the total fuel consumption for your itinerary is by using a fuel calculator like the one found here on the West Nautical website.

You will be able to input the start and ending points of your cruise on the map, this will automatically update the distance table. The next step is to enter the speed, fuel consumption and cost of fuel per litre to determine the cost of the trip.

Here is an example: A fast 30m yacht cruising at 20 knots will consume roughly 400 – 500 litres depending on the engine type, this would equate to the total consumption of 2500 litres for a distance of 100 nautical miles.

Another example is, a 70m yacht looking to travel 100 nautical miles with the engines burning 1000 litres per hour would add up to a total consumption of 8335L for that passage. Depending on where the yacht bunkered, the estimated cost with the price per litre being on the low end at €0.90 per litre would cost a total of €7501.50. An example of a 100 nautical mile passage would take you from Saint Tropez to The North Coast of Corsica.

Fuel prices fluctuate depending on which country you bunker in and some places you bunker offer tax free fuel such a Gibraltar and Montenegro. Fuel prices can vary but typically costs between €0.80 and €1.30 per litre.

Yacht charter, sales and management company West Nautical added; “Fuel costs should be at the top of any yacht owner and captain's minds for two reasons: to minimise costs as well as reduce the environmental impact of burning unnecessary fuel. The superyacht charter market, more than most other markets, relies on pristine waters for their guests to enjoy their holiday. If the oceans in popular charter destinations are not maintained, it will decrease the demand for yacht charter and therefore the revenue for owners.” “If you are looking for expertise in operational management and engineering in order to plan a SEEMP, West Nautical would be delighted to assist.”

Yachting World

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First look: Owen Clarke 15m expedition yacht

  • Rupert Holmes
  • April 21, 2022

This new Owen Clarke 15m expedition yacht is designed as a go-anywhere cruiser which can take on all parts of the planet from the tropics to the Northwest Passage

consommation yacht 15m

The Owen Clarke 15m is an aluminium lifting keel expedition yacht, which builds on the success of the Owen Clarke-designed 20m (66ft) Qilak , one of the most notable vessels of its type to be launched in recent years.

The Owen Clark 15m, Lynx , was commissioned for its very experienced Swiss owners to explore all parts of the planet, from the tropics to the Northwest Passage, so the hull is reinforced to deal with ice encounters.

Quick passage times are one of Lynx ’s strengths, despite its smaller size and the weight associated with systems, tankage and equipment needed for long periods of self sufficiency.

Climate analysis for a number of voyages indicate average speeds under sail of more that 8 knots are achievable. Yet this is a yacht that carries enough diesel to motor for 3,000 miles, with a generous reserve.

This was a prerequisite for transiting the Northwest Passage, which invariably involves covering the colossal mileage in a tight time frame. The large tankage will also enable the boat to remain on schedule when faced with light winds during other long passages.

The hull shape carries the broad beam well aft, with soft chines and twin rudders, plus relatively full forward sections. This is topped by a 7/8ths fractional rig, with a furling/reefing jib, furling staysail and optional carbon spars.

consommation yacht 15m

Owen Clarke-designed expedition yacht Lynx is being built for comfortable extended cruising off grid

This approach, and much of the deck layout, has a lot in common with today’s short-handed raceboats, although a displacement close to 17 tonnes gives this boat a very different character. This is echoed in the deck gear, which includes granny bars for safety when working at the mast, plus five hefty mooring bollards each side for securing in small, sheltered coves.

The boat is also designed to carry two tenders – a smaller one can be stowed in the lazarette, while a substantial military spec boat, with inflatable keel and floor, will fit on the foredeck. This can also be stowed in the forepeak when not in use.

Excellent shelter at the forward end of the cockpit is provided by the aft overhang of the pilothouse roof, below which there’s full standing headroom. The main accommodation is laid out with two double aft cabins each side of the machinery space, plus a generous galley to port and saloon forward of the box for the lifting keel.

Pullman berths opposite allow a further four people to sleep in this part of the boat if necessary. The area forward of the main bulkhead is given over to workshop and extensive storage areas. This is also the second design Owen Clarke has produced with a two-person sauna, with the space able to double as additional stowage when necessary.

It’s easy for project creep to filter into custom yacht designs, with a seemingly small number of improvements resulting in a larger yacht than originally planned. However, Allen Clarke says this tendency was strongly resisted for two reasons. The first was one of containing the overall budget, but the second was equally important – keeping the boat small enough to be easily handled by the owner and his partner.

Clarke told me it was therefore “a challenge to create enough space in the pilothouse for a decent size wet locker, good navstation and a full-length sea berth.” At the same time, the owner would have liked a coffee grinder in the cockpit to facilitate handling the rig, but that would have required an extra three feet of overall length, so there are two electric winches instead.

The result is “a boat that reflects a very specific set of client requirements,” Clarke says. “That’s why the saloon is further forward than usual and there’s an expansive workshop and stowage area in the forepeak.” The latter was one of many necessities to make the boat genuinely self-sufficient for very extended periods. Although intended as a private yacht, Lynx is one of the few boats of her size to fully comply with the MGN 280 code for commercial/charter voyages in all oceans and polar regions. Building started in February this year at the Koopmans Kasko’s yard in northern Holland.

Owen Clark 15m specifications

LOA: 15.15m / 49ft 8in Hull length: 14.3m / 47ft 0in Beam: 4.58m / 15ft 0in Draught: 1.41m-3.15m / 4ft 7in-10ft 8in Displacement: 16,800kg / 37,000lb Price: TBA Builder: owenclarkedesign.com

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consommation yacht 15m

Do you operate a yacht? Our app is perfect for you

Creating a maintenance schedule for a 15m motor yacht.

Creating a Maintenance Schedule For a 15m Motor Yacht

Owning a 15m yacht can be challenging. The boat is too small for a crew, so you’ll have to wear many hats. You are the captain, engineer, and deck officer, all in one. This requires a practical nature and strong organization skills. 

In this article, we help you set up a maintenance schedule for your 15m motor yacht. We also discuss the best way to track expenses, and when these might be higher. After reading this post you will have the tools to create a better overview of your boat’s needs, and more time to enjoy it.

How to track maintenance tasks on a 15m yacht

How much does it cost to maintain a 15m yacht, repairs vs maintenance tasks.

Since you will most likely work on the vessel alone, there will be many tasks to attend to. You may have to start your day by checking the proper operation of all essential and non-essential systems. This could be followed by cleaning, repairs, and logistics. Finally, you may need to communicate with marinas, repair services, and suppliers. 

All in all, a heavy workload requires proper planning. Thankfully, planned maintenance systems (PMS) can help with that. They usually come in the form of software applications and can be accessed by desktop or phone. You can use them to organize recurring maintenance tasks, set triggers, review daily work, and create a log of past repairs. This can be useful for insurance purposes, time efficiency, and saving on potential costs associated with avoidable mistakes.

The cost of a PMS is also very competitive, considering the money and time you will save by being organized at all times. Our PMS software, PlanM8, is a great example. You can inquire for a 15-day free trial and have a qualified team assist you with the whole setup process. The app is customizable, and thus very adaptable to the needs of your vessel.

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On average, a 15m yacht costs between $20.000 and $25.000 to maintain. This amount can easily double if you decide to make a long trip overseas (mainly due to fuel). The best way to track your expenses is by using a simple excel sheet. We have prepared a sample sheet that you can use for this purpose. You can view and download it by clicking here . Simply click on File , and then on Make a copy. You can now use the sheet online or download it to your storage if an internet connection is hard to establish.

So, what should you track? In the sheet, we have categorized costs into some basic categories.

Tracking sheet breakdown

  • Fuel - This will most likely be your biggest annual expense if you plan to make trips. Obviously, if you just keep the vessel in your main port and go nowhere, the cost will be close to zero.
  • Oil/Filters/Racors - This tab refers to the yearly oil change, filter change, and other related maintenance tasks.
  • Slips - That’s what you pay to keep your yacht docked at the port. You may pay an annual fee to reserve a spot year round, which may lead to a small discount. Alternatively, all short stays and their fees should be calculated together.
  • Repairs - Add costs related to repairs of all systems onboard. If you choose to fix a breakdown add costs related to supplies you had to purchase.
  • Improvements - Costs related to things you do to the vessel to improve it, not necessarily attend a breakdown. This can include preventative maintenance. For example, you may choose to update your electronics or add new driveshaft ceilings.
  • Maintenance - Maintenance tasks do not have certain timeframes of recurrence. Some may have to be performed on a quarterly basis while others have to be done every 10 years. To improve long-term tracking, you may want to spread the expenses across time. For example, if a maintenance task costs $1200 but has to be performed only once per year, you can add $100 to each month of the ensuing year.
  • Cleaning - You can here add the costs of cleaning services and, if needed, cleaning products.
  • Insurance - Add the combined cost of your annual insurance needs.
  • Tips - Here you can add the tips you have given (e.g. for the dock hands of your local marina).
  • Miscellaneous - All other smaller costs are best grouped in one category unless you want to add more rows for exact tracking.

Following the breakdown of the above expenses, it is important to differentiate between repairs and maintenance tasks. Repairs will usually be more expensive and are linked to mistakes or accidental breakdowns. When something breaks, you fix it. 

You can log breakdowns on PlanM8 as unplanned maintenance events , in order to log your steps of action in the software’s history.

Maintenance tasks are recurring tasks that need your attention on a regular basis. They are mainly tied to the up keeping and correct function of your vessel while they are often tied with insurance. These tasks are triggered based on predetermined timeframes or your vessel’s meters.

You can set up maintenance tasks on the Components section of PlanM8. Select the system you want to create a recurring task for, and add descriptions, triggers, and other relevant information.

Finally, it’s important to remember that your vessel will need fewer repairs if you don’t take long trips. Maintenance tasks should be performed regardless of your vessel’s activity, with an exception for tasks that need to be attended based on meter triggers.

Wrapping up

Creating a yacht maintenance schedule reduces your annual costs and helps avoid unplanned breakdowns. In this post we looked at the benefits of using PlanM8, the different types of expenses you’ll come across, and how to track them effectively. Following this post, make sure you check out the rest of our blog for helpful yachting tips and guides.

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  • Non-Sleep Deck Paint
  • Barrier Coat
  • Steel Paint
  • Grit Blasting
  • Sun Odyssey 45
  • Jeanneau 42 DS
  • Carbon Manufacturing
  • Balsa Core Repearing
  • GRP Damage Repearing
  • GRP Modification
  • Bow Thruster Installition
  • Carbon Repearing
  • Infusion Productions
  • Post Curing Application
  • Delamination Repairing
  • Osmosis Treatment
  • Interior Illumination
  • Under Water Light Installition
  • DC Charge System Upgrade
  • Navigation Equipment
  • Managment System Application
  • Deck Port Panel Design
  • DC Consumption Account
  • Engine Remote Control
  • Renew Standing Rigs
  • Stepping / Unstepping Mast
  • Rig Repairing
  • Mast Head Report
  • Mast Foot Report
  • Mast Coller Preparation
  • Chain Plate Check and Report
  • Spartite Application
  • Mast Electric Works
  • Furling Installation
  • Hydraulic System Services
  • Easy Tracing System Production
  • Splicing Works
  • New Sail Supply
  • Sail Winterizing Maintenance
  • Cruising Shut Systems
  • Carbon Composite Works
  • Deck Hardware
  • Valeting Works
  • Conservation Works
  • Winterizing Sail
  • Main Engine
  • Battery Charge
  • Life & Raft
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Dehumidifiers Service
  • Bilge Cleaning
  • Winter Cover
  • Shrink Wrap
  • Out Board Maintenance
  • Portable Hangar
  • 316L Stainless Steel Bow Protection Plate
  • Mechanic Engineering
  • Technical Service
  • Bonning Electronic Control Services
  • Engine Performance Analyze
  • Warranty Subjects
  • Recommending
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  • Sunreef Supreme 68
  • Prenses 35 Mt.
  • Bougainvillaea 62
  • Sunseeker 76
  • Princess 64
  • Bavaria 2010 Criser 55
  • Sunseeker Manhattan 60
  • Ferretti Custom Navetta 33
  • Catamaran Salina 47
  • Beneteau 57
  • Hallberg Rassy 37
  • Fairline Squadron 680
  • Hallberg Rassy 43
  • Cardinal 46
  • Hallberg Rassy 382
  • Lagoon 450F
  • Outremer 5X
  • Leopard 27 Mt
  • Look after and winterising works
  • Catamaran Manufacturing
  • HR 352 MODEL
  • 65 ft Sailing yacht
  • 24 M Wooden Gulet Sailing Yacht
  • 12 M Wooden Sailing Yacht
  • 17 M Wooden Motor Yacht
  • Beneteau 361
  • Sun Odyssey 42i
  • Sun Odyseey 47
  • Halberg Rassy 352
  • Sunseeker Predator 74
  • Halberg Rassy 37
  • Beneteau Oceanis 393
  • Halberg Rassy 382
  • Ferretti Navetta 33 Customline
  • Aluminium 60 feet Custom Sail
  • Benetti 115
  • X yacht 562
  • Sunseeker 84
  • Ferretti 225
  • Riva rivarama Super
  • Oceanis 42CC
  • Grand Banks Classic Sedan
  • Rivama Super
  • Couach Yachts 35
  • Wooden Gulet
  • Ferretti Custom Line 33
  • Custom Wooden Sailing yacht
  • Custom GRP Service Boat
  • Sunseeker Manhattan 70
  • Apremare Maestro 56
  • Madera Ribs 16 Mt.
  • Hudson Force 50
  • 13 Mt. Custom Sailing Yacht
  • Beneteau 38
  • X Yacht 562
  • Eurotrawler 17.5
  • Nimbus 370 coupe
  • Sunreef 60 Catamaran
  • 30 M Custom Sailing Yacht
  • Grand Banks 32 Sedan
  • 40 M Custom Sailing Yacht
  • Ferretti Custom Line Navetta 33
  • Princess 23 M
  • 13M Sailing yacht
  • Fairline 57
  • Finngulf 44
  • Gelcoat Restore
  • Composite Repair
  • Hoek Design Refit
  • Farr 50 Refit
  • Yacht Refitting
  • Vacuum Infusion
  • Composite Repairing On The Bow Keel
  • Electrical Control Panels
  • Additional DC Alternator
  • Engine Rectification
  • Custom Product
  • Teak Renewing
  • Mast & Boom Paint
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  • Non-Slip Surface
  • Mast Replacement
  • Mast Reparing
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  • (Türkçe) Nasıl bir tekne alayım?
  • Names of the Wind – Compass Directions in 7 Languages
  • Turkish names of Aegean Islands
  • Mustafa Pasa
  • The “Grand Wind” in the Gökova Körfezi
  • “Yayla Tepmesi” or the Katabatic Winds of Mt. Kiran
  • Piri Reis in “Bahriye (Seamanship)” “The Ceramic Gulf Explained”
  • Ottoman Sailing Ships (A remarkable book)
  • Turkish Water
  • Uluburun II
  • Skylax: A “Rooster” from Gölköy
  • (Türkçe) Sıcak daldırma galvaniz nedir?
  • (Türkçe) Taksan TTU 500 Torna İlerleme Mekanizması
  • (Türkçe) Cıvatalar için önerilen çevirme momentleri
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  • (Türkçe) Kum Raspası
  • No.01 Keel Repairing Gallery
  • No.02 Repair of Balsa and Core Osmosis Gallery
  • No. 03 Bow thruster Installation Gallery
  • No.04 Teak Deck Renewing and Mast/Boom Repainting Gallery
  • Steel Keel Preparation
  • Seacock Installition
  • FAQ Procedures
  • How To Obtain a Residence Permit
  • Ports of Entry of Turkey
  • “INSTRUCTIONS TO FOREIGN FLAG PRIVATE YACHTS” as printed on the cover page of the Turkish Transit log.
  • Some details to be considered when sending goods to yachtWORKS from abroad
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Fuel consumption and range values for motoryachts

With sample measurements on a grand banks 36 my trawler data source: powerboat & motoryacht magazine.

We all know, we all hear, that consumption, range, noise and engine wear are strongly related to the engine revolutions. The data below show that these relations are beyond the imagination of most of us.

All what has been done is that a boat was run with varying engine revolutions and consumption, speed and noise were recorded.

1. Speed of the vessel is the variable least depending on engine revs. When the engine revs are 1000-1 speed is 6.3 knots. When the engine is revved up to 2650-1 , the speed has increased to 15.7 knots. 2. Range, way made good per unit fuel and hourly consumption are highly dependent on the engine revs. As an example, while at 1000-1 revs the hourly fuel consumption is 7.6 liters. At 2650-1 revs this has increased to 84.9 liters. Thus, the hourly consumption has increased more than TEN fold. At the same time, range and way made good per unit fuel has decreased FIVE fold. At this example the “good” revs are 1500 – 1750 revs. Specially the green curves show the “hump” at these revs. Above these revs the range drops more significantly.

In summary, whoever runs his/her engines calmly, reduces engine wear, saves money and has the comfort of a larger range. Whoever “beats” the engines harm the environment and themselves..




[1]Original tables from PMY magazine


Boat Grand Banks 36 MY Test Conditions
Length OA 11.23 m Temperature 21 ºC
Beam 3.86 m Humidity %85
Fuel Capacity 1515 l Wind No wind
Draft 1.22 m Sea Condition Very Calm
Displacement 12.2 ton Fuel ½ capacity
Engines Dual 210-hp Cummins 6B15.9M Water Full
Transmission Twin Disc MG 5050 2.54:1 Crew 3
Propellers 28”x25” 3-blade bronze Load Light

The speed has been measured as average of two direction by radar.

Source:  Powerboat & Motoryacht, January 1996, page 92

Achat yacht 15 m

consommation yacht 15m

Sunseeker PREDATOR 56

Longueur hors tout : 17.50 m

Année : 2000

Prix : 350 000 € TTC

Voir l'annonce

Pershing 92

Pershing 92

Longueur hors tout : 27.96 m

Année : 2012

Prix : 3 795 000 € TTC

CRN 132

Longueur hors tout : 40.00 m

Année : 1976

Prix : 3 950 000 € TTC

Pershing 54

Pershing 54

Longueur hors tout : 16.45 m

Année : 1999

Prix : 295 000 € TTC

Riva CORSARO 100

Riva CORSARO 100

Longueur hors tout : 29.90 m

Année : 2019

Prix : 7 950 000 € HT

Pershing 62

Pershing 62

Longueur hors tout : 18.94 m

Année : 2020

Prix : 1 890 000 € HT

Ferretti Yachts 53

Ferretti Yachts 53

Longueur hors tout : 16.79 m

Année : 1998

Prix : 260 000 € TTC

Ferretti Yachts 550

Ferretti Yachts 550

Longueur hors tout : 17.42 m

Prix : 1 490 000 € TTC

Ladenstein 72

Ladenstein 72

Longueur hors tout : 21.85 m

Année : 2004

Prix : 595 000 € TTC

VanDutch 40

VanDutch 40

Longueur hors tout : 12.08 m

Année : 2011

Prix : 390 000 € TTC

Goldfish 38 SPORT

Goldfish 38 SPORT

Longueur hors tout : 11.90 m

Année : 2021

Prix : 450 000 € HT

Sunseeker MANHATTAN 68

Sunseeker MANHATTAN 68

Longueur hors tout : 21.21 m

Année : 2024

Prix : 3 300 000 € HT

Pershing 82

Pershing 82

Longueur hors tout : 23.99 m

Année : 2016

Prix : 3 320 000 € TTC



Longueur hors tout : 8.78 m

Année : 1996

Prix : 800 000 € TTC



Longueur hors tout : 17.30 m

Année : 2023

Prix : 1 675 000 € HT

Baia ITALIA 70

Baia ITALIA 70

Longueur hors tout : 22.00 m

Année : 2010

Prix : 875 000 € HT

Custom Line 106

Custom Line 106

Longueur hors tout : 32.82 m

Prix : 9 750 000 € HT

Azimut 55S

Longueur hors tout : 17.29 m

Année : 2017

Prix : 819 000 € TTC

Ferretti Yachts 960

Ferretti Yachts 960

Longueur hors tout : 29.20 m

Prix : 6 390 000 € HT

Custom Line NAVETTA 27

Custom Line NAVETTA 27

Longueur hors tout : 27.45 m

Prix : 2 600 000 € HT

Achat yacht 15 m : contactez un broker

Abys Yachting vous propose une grande présélection de yachts d’occasion à vendre.

Parfaitement situé sur la Côte d’Azur à Saint-Tropez, Antibes et Monaco (Monte Carlo), Abys Yachting met son expérience du brokerage à votre service.

Que vous cherchiez d’un yacht d'occasion Flybridge, Cruiser ou Open, nos experts vous accompagnent.

Vous êtes amateurs de nautisme et désirez concrétiser votre rêve d’acquérir un bateau d'occasion pour voyager sur les plus belles mers. Yacht brokers, nos spécialistes vous exposent les meilleures annonces de bateaux d'occasion.

Des services haut de gamme

Vous recherchez un yacht pour réaliser un voyage grandiose, vous trouverez le bateau parfait parmi notre catalogue de yachts en vente sur notre site internet.

Peu importe vos besoins, Abys Yachting sera ravi de vous proposer son savoir faire afin de vous donner entière satisfaction.

Toutes nos prestations sont réalisées continuellement par un groupe de professionnels du monde nautique. Avec notre positionnement sur la Côte d’Azur, notre équipe est capable de vous procurer les plus belles annonces de yachts d’occasion.

Trouver le yacht de vos rêves, tout en maîtrisant votre budget. Abys Yachting vous propose une multitude de bateaux disponibles à la vente sur la Côte d’Azur.

Pourquoi sélectionner un yacht d’occasion ?

Pour profiter des plaisirs de la navigation et de la plaisance, acheter un bateau d’occasion est une très bonne option.

Avançant des prix plus abordables, cette option vous permet également d’acquérir un yacht plus de qualité supérieure tout en maintenant votre budget de base.

C’est une bonne opportunité de connaître le nautisme. Apprenez de ce fait la navigation avec un bateau moins onéreux. Un yacht d’occasion vous permet de plus de limiter les coûts d’assurance.

Le marché du bateau à moteur d’occasion est très large. De nombreuses annonces sont disponibles. Abys Yachting vous permet de faire le bon choix et saura vous suggérer le yacht le plus pertinent.

Abys Yachting, vente de bateau de plaisance

Créée en 1997, Abys Yachting est un intervenant majeur du monde nautique. Notre expertise et notre professionnalisme nous ont permis de devenir dealer exclusif du groupe Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Mochi Craft et Custom Line.

Acquérir un bateau d’occasion peut s'avérer compliqué. Il est donc primordial de remettre votre projet à un professionnel du monde nautique qui saura prendre en compte vos besoins et votre budget. C'est pourquoi Abys Yachting vous propose un support sur mesure pour répondre à tous vos besoins.

Toutes les annonces diffusées sur notre site internet sont certifiées par notre équipe de manière à vous fournir des annonces de bateaux d’occasion adaptées.

Achat yacht 15 m : pourquoi consulter Abys Yachting ?

Nous vous accompagnons lors de vos démarches administratives et vous encadrons tout au long du processus d’achat.

Depuis plus de 20 ans, nous apportons notre expérience et nos compétences techniques et nautiques à nos clients. Notre équipe apporte des garanties ainsi qu’une grande disponibilité pour que l’achat de yachts d’occasion soit un moment simple et mémorable.

Accomplir une transaction directement de particulier à particulier peut s’avérer parfois complexe surtout dans le domaine du nautisme. Et à l'inverse de ce que l’on peut croire, faire confiance à notre équipe de brokerage n'est pas plus onéreux. Ayant une très grande perception du marché actuel, nos commerciaux dénicheront les meilleures annonces, au meilleur prix.

Abys Yachting, distributeur officiel Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Custom Line et Mochi Craft

Ferretti Yachts

Le chantier naval Ferretti Yachts a toujours su s’entourer des meilleurs artisans, depuis l'ouverture de son chantier en 1968. Nos équipes perpétuent tradition et savoir-faire, tout en réalisant les innovations techniques du yachting du futur. Ferretti Yachts reflète l'excellence de fabrication et le savoir-faire technologique acquis au fil des années, grâce aux intuitions créatrices de ses fondateurs, Alessandro et Norberto Ferretti.

L'équilibre entre ingénierie et design est garant de l'âme artisanale que le produit garde inchangé, dans le respect du caractère italien inscrit dans son ADN. Ferretti est le mélange entre le charme intemporel et le souci du détail. La marque Ferretti est depuis bien longtemps une référence dans le nautisme sur le marché des flybridges, avec des embarcations planantes et à demi-déplacement, qui répondent aux multiples exigences des armateurs du monde entier.. C'est l'essence de l'intelligence nautique à l’italienne.

Un caractère sportif et un confort sans pareil, sans pour autant renoncer à l'élégance : Pershing, créateur de yachts open aux lignes racées, s'inscrit depuis toujours dans la lignée des plus prestigieuses marques du yachting. Sous le giron du Groupe Ferretti, Pershing n'a de cesse d’innover tout en gardant le souci du détail.

La carène Silver, typique de la marque, ou la dernière couleur Brillant White, font la singularité de ces yachts. Performances sportives prodigieuses, agréments intérieurs de très haute facture, aux détails méticuleusement réfléchis: une gamme qui s'étend du Pershing 5X au majestueux Pershing 170, et qui fait de Pershing une référence en la matière.

Mochi Craft

Une ligne reconnaissable parmi toutes les autres, une carène colorée qui fait la célébrité de ses modèles, MOCHI CRAFT réinvente à chaque nouvelle unité le concept de lobster. Elégance et recherche de l'ergonomie animent les concepteurs des unités Mochi Craft : en plus d'être totalement uniques dans le domaine nautique, les lobsters du constructeur transalpin sont toujours à la pointe de la recherche en terme de confort et d'espace : cabines armateurs gigantesques, surfaces agencées au millimètre, tout n'est que luxe à bord d'un Mochi Craft.

Soucieux de l'environnement et passionnés par les nouveaux défis du nautisme, les concepteurs des yachts Mochi Craft rivalisent d'inventivité, comme en témoigne les extraordinaires Long Range 23 & 25, à la coque minutieusement étudiée et à la motorisation hybride, uniquedans le monde ! Déclinant sa gamme du Dolphin 44' au Long Range 25, en passant par les modèles Dolphin 54', 64' Cruiser ou 74' Cruiser, le chantier italien s'impose comme l'icône atypique de référence.

Custom Line

Custom Line a été créée en 1996 pour répondre aux demandes de yachts personnalisables de plus de 30 mètres.

La marque se démarque par des coques flybridges planantes en fibre de verre. Les unités disponibles offrent une habitabilité unique. La gamme est composée à la fois de coques planantes et de coques à semi-déplacement, de 28 à 42 mètres.

Trouvons ensemble votre yacht !

Nos experts yachting vous accompagnent pour trouver le bien correspondant à vos attentes.

consommation yacht 15m

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  • Sichterman T38
  • Libertas 54
  • Felicitatem 68

consommation yacht 15m


LOA 15M / 20M / 24M 50FT / 65FT / 78FT

Top Speed 38 KNOTS

Range 500NM



Get the ultimate sense of freedom on the most powerful and fastest yacht in our fleet.

consommation yacht 15m

Your personal freedom

The honoring of the goddess of liberty began over 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome. To the Romans, liberty meant freedom of action, independence and personal freedom, among other things. Values that are still a vital part of everyday life.

The Sichterman Libertas incorporates all of these elements.

Aluminium Masterpiece

The Libertas’s relatively wide, round-bilge aluminium hull is optimized for a broad speed range. It equals the hard-chine planning hull forms which are most commonly built in this size range in terms of speed, but with a much more economical and comfortable low-speed operation.

consommation yacht 15m

Exterior impressions

consommation yacht 15m


Whether it is the joystick steering option that makes the yacht easy and fun to navigate, the on-board air compressor to inflate toys and equipment, or the private space to freshen up below deck before going on land.

Every detail is designed with a purpose, making the Libertas able to accommodate everything one could wish for. Being able to do so, this all-around functional companion gives its owners the ultimate freedom of choice. The Romans would be proud.

The signature of Cor D. Rover is written clearly on the Libertas, as well as on other Sichterman yachts.

The unique design isn’t only easy on the eyes but serves a purpose as well.
It’s functional, safe and brings a smile to every passenger’s face.

The Libertas’s relatively wide, roundbilge hull is optimized for a broad speed range. It equals the hard-chine planning hull forms which are most commonly built in this size range in terms of speed, but with a much more economical and comfortable
low-speed operation.

With the optimized hull lines by Van Oossanen, the Libertas is able to achieve speeds up to 40 knots with 2 times IPS 950 installed, making it one of the most fuel-efficient boats to sail the international waters.

The simplicity and effectiveness of the design of the Libertas are the result of hundreds of years of sailing yacht history.

Interior impressions

consommation yacht 15m

360°Virtual Tour

consommation yacht 15m


DesignCor D. Rover
Naval ArchitectureVan Oossanen Naval Architects
BuilderWorkumer Yachtservice
Design CategoryISO Category A
Length over all16,42 M / 53.87 FT
Beam4,76 M / 15.62 FT
Max. passengers14
Cabins1 double

Get in contact

Want to find out more about the Libertas 15M? Click on ‘Request information’ and please fill out form.

We’ll get in contact with you as soon as possible.

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  • 24m Fast Cruising Catamaran
  • 23m Performance Cruiser
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  • 20m High Performance Cruiser
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  • 12m Explorer Yacht
  • Multihull Design
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  • 40m Blue Water Cruiser
  • 40m Cruiser Racer
  • 33m Performance Cruiser
  • 30m Wally Cento
  • 24m ORCsy Racer Cruiser
  • 24m Day Sailer
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  • 'Letto Di Pletto' #47
  • 'Mowgli' #41
  • 'Graybeard' #39
  • 23.8m Ultime Trimaran
  • 20.7m Orma Trimaran
  • 18.28m Orma Trimaran
  • 16.75m Cruising Catamaran
  • 16.1m Cruising Catamaran
  • 12.8m Crowther Shockwave Catamaran
  • 9.1m Seacart 30 Trimaran
  • 26.3m Aluminium Sloop
  • 21.0m Steel Schooner
  • 21.0m Aluminium Cruising Ketch
  • 20.0m Aluminium Explorer Yacht
  • 20.0m Luca Brenta Racer Cruiser
  • 19.6m Aluminium Bluewater Cruiser
  • 19.2m Aluminium Lifting Keel Sloop
  • 18.8m Custom Steel Sloop
  • 16.0m Sly Cruiser Racer
  • 14.5m Aluminium Cruising yacht
  • 13.87m Wooden Motor Sailer
  • 25.25m Reichel Pugh Maxi
  • 18.28m IMOCA 60 Nexans WeWise
  • 18.28m IMOCA 60 'Canada Ocean Racing'
  • 18.28m IMOCA 60 Gentoo
  • 18.28m IMOCA 60 One Planet
  • 15.85m TP52 Georgia
  • 15.84m TP52 Racing Yacht 'Alizee'
  • 15.25m Pegasus Open 50
  • 12.8m Fast 40
  • 10.89m Figaro 3
  • 10.11m Sun Fast 3300
  • 19.2m Lifting Keel Sloop
  • 14.5m Aluminium Cruising Yacht
Engine2 Volvo Penta IPS 600
Cruise speed28 knots
Top speed38 knots
Range500 nm
Fuel capacity3.200 liters
Fuel consumption160 liters per hour at cruise speed
Fresh Water Capacity540 liters
Black Water Capaity190 liters
HullFast Planing Hull by Van Oossanen
Special featurePanoramic sea view from interior

This 15m blue water performance cruising yacht with lifting keel has been designed for comfortable trans ocean sailing. The yacht is suitable for construction in either aluminium alloy or composite materials. The new Owen Clarke 50’ has all the comforts expected for extended cruising and by altering keel configuration and interior could be configured as a cruiser racer. Specifically designed for short-handed sailing she has been developed from our successful open class racing yacht design heritage, while allowing comfortable accommodation for up to eight people, either dining al-fresco in the cockpit or in the spacious raised saloon.

To discuss your own particular cruising requirements contact:

For an explanation of the technology behind the design process go to:

For an insight into our engineering and detailed design work go to:

consommation yacht 15m

Kazan Russia — a thousand-year Russian city


Kazan city and Tatarstan Republic of Russia coats of arms

The city of Kazan is also known as the Eternal City of Russia. The reason is not only in the number of hills on the left bank of the Volga river modern Kazan is standing on. Look at the coat of arms of Tatarstan republic .

Tatarstan republic of Russia coat of arms

The coat of arms of Russian Tatarstan republic consists of winged snow leopard with round shield sideways. The front right pad is uplifted. The sun's disk is a background. Tatar people national ornamental pattern is framing the whole composition. The inscription means "Tatarstan" . The wings of snow leopard consist of seven feathers, the shield rosette consists of eight petals. The colors of Tatarstan republic coat of arms are the colors of Tatarstan national flag .

The central form of Tatarstan coat of arms is winged snow leopard - the ancient deity of fertility, the protector of kids. In the Tatarstan coat of arms - the protector of Tatarstan republic people . The sun is an ancient deity of various nations. Red sun on the Tatarstan coat of arms means success, life and happiness. The round shield is the symbol of law, power and economics.

The shield aster flower with even number of petals means the source of eternal life and longevity. The uplifted front right pad of the snow leopard is the traditional heraldic gesture showing the greatness of supreme power. It also means the beginning of motion. Three golden ring shape the Tatarstan coat of arms on three levels. The mean the ideas of unity, infinity and perfection.

Golden color - the symbol of elegancy, beauty, wealth of Tatarstan land.

Green color - the symbol of spring, Tatarstan rebirth.

White color - the symbol of purity of Tatar people thoughts.

Red color -the symbol of maturity, energy, power and life.

There is a legend about this beautiful winged snow leopard depicted on the Tatarstan republic coat of arms . The legend says that a snow leopard found an orphan and saved him from enemies. It looks like the same way as a she-wolf raised the founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus.

And here look at Kazan city coat of arms .

Kazan city of Russia coat of arms

The modern description of Russian city of Kazan coat of arms : "The black dragon with dark red wings and tongue, golden pads, claws and eyes crowned golden coronet in the silver field on the green land. The shield is crowned with Kazan cap."

The dragon is the symbol of creation and the power that helps people. The dragon has supernatural power. The dragon also symbolizes might, greatness, life, light, wisdom, invincibility, immortality and eternal rebirth. The arrow styled tongue means impulse, swiftness and purposefulness.

The green land is the keeper of life and wealth, the symbol of life. The coronet is the symbol of an advanced stage of development. Kazan cap means the status of Kazan city as a capital of territory and Kazan city ancient traditions.

The symbolic meanings of colors:

Green - the symbol of spring, joy, hope, nature, prosperity, stability.

Gold - the symbol of wealth, greatness, constancy, solidity, strength, generosity, intellect, intuition, sun light.

Silver - the symbol of perfection, nobility, peace.

Dark red - the symbol of bravery, spirit, fearlessness, maturity, energy.

Black - the symbol of sense, wisdom, honesty, humility.

For more information about Russia you may visit the following Russian cities, towns and regions guidebook

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  1. Prestige 450 15m Motor Yacht, Santa Eulalia

    consommation yacht 15m

  2. 15m Motor Yacht Beneteau Monte Carlo 5

    consommation yacht 15m

  3. Sichterman Libertas 15 Metre Yacht Begins Sea Trials

    consommation yacht 15m

  4. 15m Blue Water Polar Expedition Cruising Yacht : Owen Clarke Design

    consommation yacht 15m

  5. Invictus TT460, un yacht de 15 m avec terrasse sur la mer

    consommation yacht 15m

  6. 15 m Yacht kaufen

    consommation yacht 15m


  1. 15m aluminum yacht sea trail made by GOSPEL BOAT #fishingboatsforsale #fishingboatsforsale

  2. Motor Yacht NO RUSH, 2023 (Mangusta 165 REV)

  3. Dutch Barge 15m WESTLANDER

  4. 15m luxury yacht aluminum fishing boat

  5. Gospel Boat 15m Yacht

  6. Wingerden 15m Sailing Yacht


  1. Combien consomme un yacht

    Plus le moteur est gros, plus il demandera du carburant pour l'alimenter. - Le poids et la taille du yacht : par exemple, on estime qu'en moyenne la consommation d'un yacht de 70 mètres de long est d'environ 500 litres de diesel par heure (de ce fait, vous devez compter un budget annuel de carburant de près de 400 000 $).

  2. Yacht Fuel Cost Calculator

    To obtain this information, divide the number of nautical miles by the cruising speed of your vessel (knots). For example, if you want to make a journey that totals 150 nautical miles while traveling at 20 knots, the yacht fuel formula looks as follows: ‍. Total duration = 150 nm / 20kn. Total duration = 7,5 hrs.

  3. Yachts And Fuel

    Fuel prices can vary but typically costs between €0.80 and €1.30 per litre. Yacht charter, sales and management company West Nautical added: "Fuel costs should be at the top of any yacht owner and captain's minds for two reasons: to minimise costs as well as reduce the environmental impact of burning unnecessary fuel.

  4. 15m sailing yacht Dufour 48

    AN INNOVATIVE LUXURY YACHT OF ALMOST 15 METRES. The Dufour 48 yacht offers an unparalleled experience and promotes living in the great outdoors, a return to the ocean. This luxury 15- meter sailing yacht reveals an aft cockpit that guarantees instinctive, safe and convivial sailing. A new feature is a second cockpit with sunbathing areas forward on the yacht, offering unrivalled comfort both ...

  5. Combien coûte un yacht et son entretien

    Ce chiffre représente environ 10 % du prix du bateau. Un exemple pratique sera beaucoup plus révélateur : si vous achetez un yacht neuf de 22 m pour environ 2 600 000€, les coûts annuels de fonctionnement et d'entretien s'élèveront à 260 000€. C'est pourquoi, même si tous les yachts de luxe ne sont pas d'un prix prohibitif, il est ...

  6. First look: 15m Explorer Yacht Lynx

    The 15m Explorer Yacht Lynx is a multipurpose and multi-climates yacht and is both a bluewater cruiser and a high lats explorer, capable of transiting the Northwest Passage Product Overview Product:

  7. Yachts and Fuel

    Fuel prices can vary but typically costs between €0.80 and €1.30 per litre. Yacht charter, sales and management company West Nautical added; "Fuel costs should be at the top of any yacht owner and captain's minds for two reasons: to minimise costs as well as reduce the environmental impact of burning unnecessary fuel.

  8. First look: Owen Clarke 15m expedition yacht

    The Owen Clarke 15m is an aluminium lifting keel expedition yacht, which builds on the success of the Owen Clarke-designed 20m (66ft) Qilak, one of the most notable vessels of its type to be ...

  9. Creating a Maintenance Schedule For a 15m Motor Yacht

    On average, a 15m yacht costs between $20.000 and $25.000 to maintain. This amount can easily double if you decide to make a long trip overseas (mainly due to fuel). The best way to track your expenses is by using a simple excel sheet. We have prepared a sample sheet that you can use for this purpose.

  10. Fuel consumption and range values for motoryachts

    Riva Yacht; Custom Wooden Sailing yacht; Custom GRP Service Boat; Maxi 88; X yacht 562; Lagoon 560; Custom S/Y; Nimbus 370 Coupe; Sunseeker Manhattan 70; Bavaria 45; 2018. Apremare Maestro 56; Nimbus 370; Magnum 50; Madera Ribs 16 Mt. Hudson Force 50; 13 Mt. Custom Sailing Yacht; Beneteau 57; Solare 46; Beneteau 38; Wooden S/y; X Yacht 562 ...

  11. 15 Metre

    The 15-Metre class is a construction class, meaning that the boats are not identical but are all designed to meet specific measurements in a formula. In their heyday, Metre classes were the most important group of international yacht racing classes, and they are still actively raced around the world. "Metre" does not refer to the length of the ...

  12. Yacht Crew Agency : Votre Guide pour une Navigation Éco-Responsable et

    Tout savoir sur la consommation de carburant des yachts et les meilleures pratiques pour des aventures marines éco-responsables avec Yacht Crew Agency. ... La consommation de carburant d'un méga-yacht lors d'une croisière d'une semaine varie considérablement en fonction de sa taille, de sa vitesse et de l'utilisation des moteurs. ...

  13. What is the fuel consumption of a yacht? • YACHTIC.com Blog

    Fuel consumption of sailing yachts. It is assumed that offshore sailing yachts consume approximately 2 to 5l of oil per hour. This will all depend on the size of the yacht and engine capacity. A small 30-foot yacht, with a 25hp engine will consume about 2l per hour. A large 55-footer, with a 100hp engine, may even need approx. 5-6l per hour.

  14. Boat Review: Excess 15

    In fact, no XCS model, current or future, will be a fly design, in an effort to emphasize the line's focus on sportiness under sail. On Deck. Like its two siblings (XCS 12 and 11), the XCS 15 comes equipped with twin helms on the aft ends of the boat's two hulls. The starboard steering pod includes a Raymarine MFD and engine controls; the ...

  15. Achat yacht 15 m

    Trouvons ensemble votre yacht ! le bien correspondant à vos attentes. Depuis 1997, ABYS Yachting est votre spécialiste : Achat yacht 15 m. Découvrez nos annonces de bateaux disponibles. Les meilleures annonces dès maintenant.

  16. Libertas 15M

    15M / 20M / 24M. 50FT / 65FT / 78FT. Top Speed. 38 KNOTS. Range. 500NM. 'SAILING AT SEA IS THE ULTIMATE FEELING OF FREEDOM'. Get the ultimate sense of freedom on the most powerful and fastest yacht in our fleet. The honoring of the goddess of liberty began over 2,000 years ago in ancient Rome.

  17. New OC 15m blue water cruising yacht starts build

    OC Yacht Brokerage operating from new UK office; June ( 2 ) New OC Class 40 scow design leaves yard for USA; 18m blue water cruiser build commences at KM Yacht; April ( 1 ) Ground breaking 15m explorer, Lynx leaves yard; 2022 (4 Posts) November ( 1 ) New Owen Clarke Class 40 scow in-build; September ( 1 ) New rudder design for the US West Coast ...

  18. 15m Explorer Yacht

    This is a 15m aluminium sailboat by designers Owen Clarke originally created for blue water cruising, the Northwest Passage and high latitude sailing in ice. The yacht is now available as a semi-custom or as a stock design with in-build support if required. The stock boat is an EC compliant blue water cruiser.

  19. 15m Lifting Keel Performance Cruising Yacht : Owen Clarke Design

    15m Performance Cruiser. This 15m blue water performance cruising yacht with lifting keel has been designed for comfortable trans ocean sailing. The yacht is suitable for construction in either aluminium alloy or composite materials. The new Owen Clarke 50' has all the comforts expected for extended cruising and by altering keel configuration ...

  20. Kazan

    Kazan [a] is the largest city and capital of Tatarstan, Russia.The city lies at the confluence of the Volga and the Kazanka Rivers, covering an area of 425.3 square kilometres (164.2 square miles), with a population of over 1.3 million residents, [14] and up to nearly 2 million residents in the greater metropolitan area.Kazan is the fifth-largest city in Russia, being the most populous city on ...

  21. Kazan Global Youth Summit

    Kazan Global Youth Summit. This is the unique educational and expert platform for exchanging opinions and best practices on youth policy and involvement of children and youth locally, regionally, and globally. The Summit is designed for 4 days on 21-24 August 2024 and consists of ministerial plenary sessions, panel discussions, interactive ...

  22. Kazan city and Tatarstan republic coats of arms

    The modern description of Russian city of Kazan coat of arms: "The black dragon with dark red wings and tongue, golden pads, claws and eyes crowned golden coronet in the silver field on the green land. The shield is crowned with Kazan cap." The dragon is the symbol of creation and the power that helps people.

  23. Kazan

    Kazan, capital city, Tatarstan republic, western Russia.It lies just north of the Samara Reservoir on the Volga River, where it is joined by the Kazanka River.The city stretches for about 15 miles (25 km) along hills, which are much dissected by ravines. Ancient Kazan (Iske Kazan) was founded in the late 13th century by the Mongols (Tatars) of the Golden Horde after their overthrow of the ...