james wharram pahi 42

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pahi 42 catamaran for sale

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pahi 42 catamaran for sale

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pahi 42 catamaran for sale

WHARRAM PAHI 42: A Polynesian Catamaran

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The catamaran designs that British multihull pioneer James Wharram first created for amateur boatbuilders in the mid-1960s were influenced by the boats he built and voyaged upon during the 1950s. These “Classic” designs, as Wharram termed them, feature slab-sided, double-ended, V-bottomed plywood hulls with very flat sheerlines and simple triangular sections. The hulls are joined together by solid wood beams and crude slat-planked open bridgedecks.

Wharram’s second-generation “Pahi” designs, which he started developing in the mid-1970s, still feature double-ended V-bottomed hulls, but the sections are slightly rounder and the sheerlines rise at either end in dramatically up-swept prows and sterns. The most successful of these in terms of number of boats built–and also probably the most successful of any of Wharram’s larger designs–is the Pahi 42. It is an excellent example of a no-frills do-it-yourself cruising catamaran with enough space for a family to live aboard long term.

First introduced in 1980, the Pahi 42, a.k.a. the “Captain Cook,” was the first Wharram design to include accommodations space on the bridgedeck in the form of a small low-profile pod containing a berth and/or (in some variations) a nav station. Unlike the Classic designs, which have no underwater foils other than rudders, the Pahis also have daggerboards, though these are quite shallow and are set far forward in each hull. The rudders are inboard, rather than transom-hung, set in V-shaped wells behind the aft cross-beam.

As on the Classic designs, the cross-beams are flexibly mounted to the hulls, but are lashed with rope rather than bolted on with large rubber bushings. Hull construction likewise is very simple, all in plywood, and explicitly conceived to facilitate home-building by amateurs. The frames consist of a series of flat bulkhead panels fastened to a long centerline backbone with longitudinal stringers running down either side to support the plywood skin panels. Through the main central area of each hull the bulkheads all have large cutouts in their midsections to allow room for interior accommodations space. To increase moisture and abrasion resistance the hull exteriors are sheathed in fiberglass cloth and epoxy.

As designed the Pahi 42 has a single mast and flies a loose-footed mainsail with a wishbone boom. There is also a staysail on a wishbone boom and a conventional genoa flying on a bridle over the forward beam. Many owner-builders have substituted other rigs, including Wharram’s unique gaff “wingsail” rig, where the main has a luff sleeve enveloping the mast, but conventional Marconi rigs are probably the most common. The original design also calls for a single outboard engine mounted on the stern deck to serve as auxiliary power, but many owners have engineered other arrangements, including inboard diesel engines and even electric drives.

As its light-ship D/L and SA/D ratios attest, the Pahi 42 has the potential to be a very fast performance cruiser. Wharram claims top speeds in the neighborhood of 18 knots with average cruising speeds of 9 to 12 knots. In reality, however, it probably takes an unusually attentive, disciplined sailor to achieve anything like this. The Pahi seems to be more weight sensitive than most cats and typical owners, who carry lots of stuff on their boats, report average speeds more on the order of 5 to 8 knots.

The boat also does not sail well to windward, as its daggerboards are not large enough and are not positioned properly to generate much lift. Instead they act more like trim boards and help balance the helm while sailing. They also make it difficult to tack. Most owner-builders therefore consider the boards more trouble than they’re worth and don’t install them, preferring instead to retain the extra space below for storage and accommodations. With only its V-shaped hulls to resist leeway the Pahi reportedly sails closehauled at a 60 degree angle to the wind, though performance-oriented owners who keep their boats light claim they can make progress upwind faster than other boats sailing tighter angles. A few builders have also put long fin keels on their boats and these reportedly improve windward performance to some extent.

As for its accommodations plan, the Pahi 42 has much in common with other open-bridgedeck catamarans. Except for the small pod on deck all sheltered living space is contained within the narrow hulls, which have a maximum beam of just 6 feet. The standard layout puts double berths at both ends of each hull, though many may regard the aft “doubles” as wide singles. The central part of the port hull contains a small dinette table and a large galley; the center of the starboard hull is given over to a long chart table or work bench, plus a head.

Naturally, many owner-builders have fiddled the design a bit to suit their own tastes. The most significant changes involve the deck pod. Those who crave more living space tend to enlarge it; in at least one case it has blossomed into something approaching a full-on bridgedeck saloon, which must hurt sailing performance. In other instances, in an effort to save weight and improve performance, builders have omitted the pod entirely.

The great advantage of a Pahi 42, or any Wharram cat for that matter, is its relatively low cost compared to other cats in the same size range. To obtain one new, however, you normally must build it yourself. Wharram estimates this takes between 2,500 to 3,000 hours of effort. The alternative is to buy one used, which now normally costs less than building one.

There is an active brokerage market with boats listed for sale all over the world. The best sources for listings are Wharram himself and another Brit, Scott Brown , who operates mostly online. Because Wharrams are built of plywood, even if sheathed with epoxy and glass, the most important defect to look for is simple rot. This, however, is not hard to detect and, because the boats are structurally so simple, is also not hard to repair.


Beam: 22’0”

–Boards up: 2’1”

–Boards down: 3’6”


–Light ship: 7,840 lbs.

–Maximum load: 14,560 lbs.

–Working sail: 640 sq.ft.

–Maximum sail: 1,000 sq.ft.

Fuel: Variable

Water: Variable

–Light ship: 89

–Maximum load: 165

–Working sail: 25.91 (light ship); 17.14 (max. load)

–Maximum sail: 40.48 (light ship); 26.78 (max. load)

Nominal hull speed

–Light ship: 11.9 knots

–Maximum load: 9.8 knots

Build cost: $70K – $120K

Typical asking prices: $40K – 100K

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please more info and prices for this model!

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Response to Goran below: I recommend you follow the link above to Scott Brown’s website. Lots of boats and prices there!

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pahi 42 catamaran for sale

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James Wharram Designs

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The Pahi 42 is a good size for family long distance cruising. The deck pod was a new venture for James Wharram Designs in 1980. Not only does it provide shelter for the steering/watch crew, but a sleeping cabin for the skipper or navigator to be on instant call and has been appreciated by the many builders.

pahi 42 catamaran for sale

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Ply/epoxy          --> --> -->
    Ply/Epoxy      Phils, beautiful     
    Ply/Epoxy      German built     
    Ply/Epoxy      In Greece     
    Ply/Epoxy      In UK     
    Ply/Epoxy      Pro built, fantastic     
    Ply/Epoxy      One of only 2, in UK     
    Ply/Epoxy      Almost new, in Spain     
    Ply/Epoxy      Recent build     
    Ply/Epoxy      Philippines     
    Ply/Epoxy      In UK     
    Ply/Epoxy      In Germany     
    Ply/Epoxy      In UK     
    Ply/Epoxy      Great, in Turkey     
    Ply/Epoxy      Some work!     
    Strip Plank          
    Ply/Epoxy      Tiki 30 (pro built)     
    Ply/Epoxy      Project     
Ply/epoxy    Much admired     
Ply/epoxy     Channel Isles    
    Ply/Epoxy      Tiki 30 (pro built) in Australia    
    Ply/Epoxy      Tiki 30 with pod in Italy    
    GRP      Proven Tiki 26 in Greece    
Ply/epoxy     Scotland (but could deliver)    
Ply/epoxy    Beautiful Gleda    
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by Imagine Multihulls     Spain    
by Imagine Multihulls     England    SOLD     
Ply/epoxy     In Sweden    SOLD     
Ply/epoxy     UK reg, in France
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Ply/epoxy     In Greece - rare opportunity    
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    Ply/epoxy      In Med (Austian flagged)    
    Ply/epoxy      In Italy (N. Adriatic)    
     GRP     in Portugal.    
     with pod     in UK.    
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Ply/epoxy     In Italy. (Adriatic) "good condition"     Now Sold    
Ply/epoxy     "NW" (UK)
     Ply/epoxy composite               in Greece.                   
    Ply/epoxy      In UK, with pod and many extras    
    Ply/epoxy      In NW England    
    Ply/epoxy      In Caribbean, superb example    
Pahi 31 project    Ply/epoxy    Tiki rigged with pod. In Panama   
    Strip Plank      Very rare! Pro built.     
    Ply/epoxy     German built, nice example .        
Pahi 52/53    Ply/epoxy    Pro built, superb condition. In Med   
Pahi 31    Ply/epoxy    Report great build .
Pahi 42    Ply/epoxy    Modified with nice bridgedeck. Reduced
    Ply/epoxy     Great example .        
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is still . I thought it was gone but buyer couldn't come up with the . PM me for the link to the site containing information on the .

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  1. 1994 james wharram pahi 42 sailboat for sale in Outside United States

    Pahi 42 catamaran build on James Wharram design. Very good sailor boat for traveling, safe, strong, simple. and beautiful... I used this boat to make diving charter for 16 years, in Mediterrane and then traveling(www.vagabondive.com). Strong plywood fiberglass West system epoxy construction. 42 x 21 feet, cutter riging. Launched in 1994, french ...

  2. WHARRAM PAHI 42: A Polynesian Catamaran

    The great advantage of a Pahi 42, or any Wharram cat for that matter, is its relatively low cost compared to other cats in the same size range. To obtain one new, however, you normally must build it yourself. Wharram estimates this takes between 2,500 to 3,000 hours of effort. The alternative is to buy one used, which now normally costs less ...

  3. Wharram pahi 42 for sale

    Buy Wharram pahi 42. Wharram pahi 42 for sale on DailyBoats.com are listed for a range of prices, valued from $20,324 on the more basic models to $20,324 for the most expensive. The boats can differ in size from 12.8 m to 12.8 m. The oldest one built in 1998 year. This page features Wharram boats located in countries: Greece.

  4. Pahi 42

    The Pahi 42 is a good size for family long distance cruising. The deck pod was a new venture for James Wharram Designs in 1980. Not only does it provide shelter for the steering/watch crew, but a sleeping cabin for the skipper or navigator to be on instant call and has been appreciated by the many builders. Pahi 42 Building Plans Pahi 42 Study Plan Pahi 42 Videos

  5. Wharram Cats

    Wharram Catamarans for Sale. Home ... Wharram Cats ; Wharram catamarans currently on Brokerage. Tiki's For Sale Pahi's For Sale Classic Wharrams For Sale Current list of Tiki's for sale Tiki 46 ... Pahi 42 ply/epoxy in W.I. Asking €uro77,000 View Details:

  6. 1990 Wharram Pahi 42 Catamaran for sale

    View pictures & full details of a Catamaran built in 1990 by Wharram Pahi 42 and available for sale. ... Catamaran ⁄ / Wharram ⁄ / 1990 Wharram Pahi 42; 1990 Wharram Pahi 42. €93,000 (£78,680) La Rapita, Tarragona.

  7. Wharram Catamaran boats for sale

    Find Wharram Catamaran boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Wharram boats to choose from. ... 1996 Prout Catamaran. US$189,265. WORLDWIDE YACHT SALES | Norfolk, Virginia. 1998 Shuttleworth Ocean Cheetah 37. US$149,900. YaZu Yachting | Deltaville, Virginia. 2006 Switch 55. US$549,000.

  8. 2007 Wharram Pahi 42 Multi-Hull for sale

    View pictures & full details of a Multi-Hull built in 2007 by Wharram Pahi 42 and available for sale. ... Catamaran: Offered By: cat sale Gmbh & Co KG - cat sale GmbH & Co KG: Description. 2007 Wharram Pahi 42. This unique and modified Wharram Pahi 42 catamaran with cabin, was manufactured with precision in Germany. This blue water catamaran ...

  9. Wharram pahi 42 for sale

    DailyBoats.com lists Wharram pahi 42 for sale , with prices ranging from $20,324 for the more basic models to $20,324 for the most expensive. These yachts come in various sizes, ranging from 41.99 ft to 41.99 ft, with the oldest yacht built in 1998. This page features Wharram boats located in Greece. To buy Wharram pahi 42 near you, use the ...

  10. Wharram Pahi 42 boats for sale

    2007 Wharram Pahi 42. A$114,464. cat sale Gmbh & Co KG | Ostsee, Schleswig-Holstein. Request Info. <. 1. >. * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats Group does not guarantee the accuracy of conversion rates and rates may differ than those provided by financial institutions at the time of ...

  11. Wharram boats for sale

    Wharram. Wharram is a yacht builder that currently has 3 yachts for sale on YachtWorld, including 0 new vessels and 3 used yachts, listed by experienced boat and yacht brokers mainly in the following countries: Germany, France and Thailand. Models currently listed on YachtWorld vary in size and length from 39 feet to 47 feet.

  12. 1998 Wharram Pahi 42 for sale. View price, photos and Buy 1998 Wharram

    The optimal number of people on board the 1998 Wharram Pahi 42 is 8. Total berths - 8. For fresh water are designed tanks with a capacity of 250 liters. 1998 Wharram Pahi 42 refers to classes: multihull sailboats, sailing catamarans, sailboats and sailing sloops. To clarify the price €20,000 and buy Wharram Pahi 42 - contact the offerer!

  13. Wharram Catamaran boats for sale

    Wharram Catamaran boats for sale. Save Search. Clear Filter Make / Model: All Wharram Class: Sail - Catamaran. Location. By Radius. By Country. country-all. All Countries. Country-DE. Germany. Country-FR. France. Country-TH. Thailand. All. All 25 miles 50 miles 100 miles 200 miles 300 miles 500 miles 1000 miles 2000 miles 5000 miles. from your ...

  14. For Sale: Wharram Pahi 42 Catamaran

    For Sale: Wharram Pahi 42 Catamaran - $80k OBO. Hi guys just telling everyone my boat is still for sale. ... pahi 42 wharram cat for sale: Finditsurfit: Classifieds Archive: 6: 27-12-2008 12:17: Wharram Catamaran: SkiprJohn: Multihull Sailboats: 6: 12-08-2007 20:03: Advertise Here. Recent Discussions:

  15. Used 1990 Wharram Pahi 42, 43540 La Rapita

    Check out this Used 1990 Wharram Pahi 42 for sale in La Rapita, T 43540. View this Catamaran and other Sail boats on boattrader.com

  16. Wharram Pahi 42 Custom: Sailing Catamaran for Sale

    Wharram Pahi 42 Custom: Sailing Catamaran for Sale | Ply/ply-glass All Soft Spots Removed, New Ply And Completely Re-fibreglassed Sail Boats | Boats Online

  17. Sailing catamarans Wharram pahi 42 for sale

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  18. Wharram boats for sale

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    Cheap apartment 42 sqm on the 28th floor. Contact for price; Beregovoy proezd 5k1, Moscow. 1 Bedroom; 1 Bathroom; 453 . Sq Ft. For Rent For Sale ... and apartments for sale make up 96% of the properties on the market in this neighborhood. The price of a square meter (3.28 sqft) for an apartment in a new building with penthouses is, on average ...

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  22. Catamarans Wharram for sale

    Explore a broad selection of catamarans Wharram for sale in your area, explore comprehensive details, pictures, costs, and uncover your next boat on DailyBoats.com. Toggle navigation ... 1998 Wharram Pahi 42 for sale Wharram. Municipal Unit of Apollonioi Ionian Islands Region, Greece. 1998. 41.99 ft. Used. £17,145. Class: Catamarans. 1979 ...

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    Mansion 785 sqm in the most expensive place in the Moscow Oblast. 55.686574, 37.089623. 6. 8450 Sq Ft. Houses for Rent, Houses for Sale, Luxury Real Estate, Mansions In Russia. Details. Featured. For Rent. $8,400/Monthly.