Guide to Understanding Sail Rig Types (with Pictures)

There are a lot of different sail rig types and it can be difficult to remember what's what. So I've come up with a system. Let me explain it in this article.

What are the different types of sail rig? The sail rig is determined by the number of masts and the layout and shape of sails. Most modern ships are fore-and-aft rigged, while old ships are square-rigged. Rigs with one mast are sloops and cutters. Ketches, yawls, brigs, and schooners have two masts. Barques have three masts. Rigs can contain up to seven masts.

'Yeah, that's a gaff brig, and that a Bermuda cutter' - If you don't know what this means (neither did I) and want to know what to call a two-masted ship with a square-rigged mainsail, this article is definitely for you.

Sailboat in front of NYC with Bermuda mainsail and Jib

On this page:

More info on sail rig types, mast configurations and rig types, rigs with one mast, rigs with two masts, rigs with three masts, related questions.

This article is part 2 of my series on sails and rig types. Part 1 is all about the different types of sails. If you want to know everything there is to know about sails once and for all, I really recommend you read it. It gives a good overview of sail types and is easy to understand.

yacht with 4 masts

The Ultimate Guide to Sail Types and Rigs (with Pictures)

First of all, what is a sail rig? A sail rig is the way in which the sails are attached to the mast(s). In other words, it's the setup or configuration of the sailboat. The rig consists of the sail and mast hardware. The sail rig and sail type are both part of the sail plan. We usually use the sail rig type to refer to the type of boat.

Let's start by taking a look at the most commonly used modern sail rigs. Don't worry if you don't exactly understand what's going on. At the end of this article, you'll understand everything about rig types.

Diagram of most common rig types (Bermuda sloop, gaff cutter, gaff ketch, gaf schooner, full rigged ship)

The sail rig and sail plan are often used interchangeably. When we talk of the sail rig we usually mean the sail plan . Although they are not quite the same. A sail plan is the set of drawings by the naval architect that shows the different combinations of sails and how they are set up for different weather conditions. For example a light air sail plan, storm sail plan, and the working sail plan (which is used most of the time).

So let's take a look at the three things that make up the sail plan.

The 3 things that make up the sail plan

I want to do a quick recap of my previous article. A sail plan is made up of:

  • Mast configuration - refers to the number of masts and where they are placed
  • Sail type - refers to the sail shape and functionality
  • Rig type - refers to the way these sails are set up on your boat

I'll explore the most common rig types in detail later in this post. I've also added pictures to learn to recognize them more easily. ( Click here to skip to the section with pictures ).

How to recognize the sail plan?

So how do you know what kind of boat you're dealing with? If you want to determine what the rig type of a boat is, you need to look at these three things:

  • Check the number of masts, and how they are set up.
  • You look at the type of sails used (the shape of the sails, how many there are, and what functionality they have).
  • And you have to determine the rig type, which means the way the sails are set up.

Below I'll explain each of these factors in more detail.

The most common rig types on sailboats

To give you an idea of the most-used sail rigs, I'll quickly summarize some sail plans below and mention the three things that make up their sail plan.

  • Bermuda sloop - one mast, one mainsail, one headsail, fore-and-aft rigged
  • Gaff cutter - one mast, one mainsail, two staysails, fore-and-aft rigged
  • Gaff schooner - two-masted (foremast), two mainsails, staysails, fore-and-aft rigged
  • Gaff ketch - two-masted (mizzen), two mainsails, staysails, fore-and-aft rigged
  • Full-rigged ship or tall ship - three or more masts, mainsail on each mast, staysails, square-rigged

The first word is the shape and rigging of the mainsail. So this is the way the sail is attached to the mast. I'll go into this later on. The second word refers to the mast setup and amount of sails used.

Most sailboats are Bermuda sloops. Gaff-rigged sails are mostly found on older, classic boats. Square-rigged sails are generally not used anymore.

But first I want to discuss the three factors that make up the sail plan in more detail.

Ways to rig sails

There are basically two ways to rig sails:

  • From side to side, called Square-rigged sails - the classic pirate sails
  • From front to back, called Fore-and-aft rigged sails - the modern sail rig

Almost all boats are fore-and-aft rigged nowadays.

Square sails are good for running downwind, but they're pretty useless when you're on an upwind tack. These sails were used on Viking longships, for example. Their boats were quicker downwind than the boats with fore-and-aft rigged sails, but they didn't handle as well.

The Arabs first used fore-and-aft rigged sails, making them quicker in difficult wind conditions.

Quick recap from part 1: the reason most boats are fore-and-aft rigged today is the increased maneuverability of this configuration. A square-rigged ship is only good for downwind runs, but a fore-and-aft rigged ship can sail close to the wind, using the lift to move forward.

The way the sails are attached to the mast determines the shape of the sail. The square-rigged sails are always attached the same way to the mast. The fore-and-aft rig, however, has a lot of variations.

The three main sail rigs are:

  • Bermuda rig - most used - has a three-sided (triangular) mainsail
  • Gaff rig - has a four-sided mainsail, the head of the mainsail is guided by a gaff
  • Lateen rig - has a three-sided (triangular) mainsail on a long yard

The Bermuda is the most used, the gaff is a bit old-fashioned, and the lateen rig is outdated (about a thousand years). Lateen rigs were used by the Moors. The Bermuda rig is actually based on the Lateen rig (the Dutch got inspired by the Moors).

Diagram of lateen, gaff, and bermuda rig

Other rig types that are not very common anymore are:

  • Junk rig - has horizontal battens to control the sail
  • Settee rig - Lateen with the front corner cut off
  • Crabclaw rig

Mast configuration

Okay, we know the shape of the mainsail. Now it's time to take a look at the mast configuration. The first thing is the number of masts:

  • one-masted boats
  • two-masted boats
  • three-masted boats
  • four masts or up
  • full or ship-rigged boats - also called 'ships' or 'tall ships'

I've briefly mentioned the one and two mast configurations in part 1 of this article. In this part, I'll also go over the three-masted configurations, and the tall ships as well.

A boat with one mast has a straightforward configuration because there's just one mast. You can choose to carry more sails or less, but that's about it.

A boat with two masts or more gets interesting. When you add a mast, it means you have to decide where to put the extra mast: in front, or in back of the mainmast. You can also choose whether or not the extra mast will carry an extra mainsail. The placement and size of the extra mast are important in determining what kind of boat we're dealing with. So you start by locating the largest mast, which is always the mainmast.

From front to back: the first mast is called the foremast. The middle mast is called the mainmast. And the rear mast is called the mizzenmast.

Diagram of different mast names (foremast, mainmast, mizzenmast)

What is the mizzenmast? The mizzenmast is the aft-most (rear) mast on a sailboat with three or more masts or the mast behind the mainmast on a boat with two masts. The mizzenmast carries the mizzen sail. On a two-masted boat, the mizzenmast is always (slightly) smaller than the mainmast. What is the purpose of the mizzen sail? The mizzen sail provides more sail area and flexibility in sail plan. It can be used as a big wind rudder, helping the sailor to have more control over the stern of the ship. It pushes the stern away from the wind and forces the bow in the opposite way. This may help to bring the bow into the wind when at anchor.

I always look at the number of masts first, because this is the easiest to spot. So to make this stuff more easy to understand, I've divided up the rig types based on the number of masts below.

Why would you want more masts and sail anyways?

Good question. The biggest advantage of two masts compared to one (let's say a ketch compared to a sloop), is that it allows you to use multiple smaller sails to get the same sail area. It also allows for shorter masts.

This means you reduce the stress on the rigging and the masts, which makes the ketch rig safer and less prone to wear and tear. It also doesn't capsize as quickly. So there are a couple of real advantages of a ketch rig over a sloop rig.

In the case of one mast, we look at the number of sails it carries.

Boats with one mast can have either one sail, two sails, or three or more sails.

Most single-masted boats are sloops, which means one mast with two sails (mainsail + headsail). The extra sail increases maneuverability. The mainsail gives you control over the stern, while the headsail gives you control over the bow.

Sailor tip: you steer a boat using its sails, not using its rudder.

The one-masted rigs are:

  • Cat - one mast, one sail
  • Sloop - one mast, two sails
  • Cutter - one mast, three or more sails

Diagram of one-masted rigs (bermuda cat, bermuda sloop, gaff cutter)

The cat is the simplest sail plan and has one mast with one sail. It's easy to handle alone, so it's very popular as a fishing boat. Most (very) small sailboats are catboats, like the Sunfish, and many Laser varieties. But it has a limited sail area and doesn't give you the control and options you have with more sails.

The most common sail plan is the sloop. It has one mast and two sails: the main and headsail. Most sloops have a Bermuda mainsail. It's one of the best racing rigs because it's able to sail very close to the wind (also called 'weatherly'). It's one of the fastest rig types for upwind sailing.

It's a simple sail plan that allows for high performance, and you can sail it short-handed. That's why most sailboats you see today are (Bermuda) sloops.

This rig is also called the Marconi rig, and it was developed by a Dutch Bermudian (or a Bermudian Dutchman) - someone from Holland who lived on Bermuda.

A cutter has three or more sails. Usually, the sail plan looks a lot like the sloop, but it has three headsails instead of one. Naval cutters can carry up to 6 sails.

Cutters have larger sail area, so they are better in light air. The partition of the sail area into more smaller sails give you more control in heavier winds as well. Cutters are considered better for bluewater sailing than sloops (although sloops will do fine also). But the additional sails just give you a bit more to play with.

Two-masted boats can have an extra mast in front or behind the mainmast. If the extra mast is behind (aft of) the mainmast, it's called a mizzenmast . If it's in front of the mainmast, it's called a foremast .

If you look at a boat with two masts and it has a foremast, it's most likely either a schooner or a brig. It's easy to recognize a foremast: the foremast is smaller than the aft mast.

If the aft mast is smaller than the front mast, it is a sail plan with a mizzenmast. That means the extra mast has been placed at the back of the boat. In this case, the front mast isn't the foremast, but the mainmast. Boats with two masts that have a mizzenmast are most likely a yawl or ketch.

The two-masted rigs are:

  • Lugger - two masts (mizzen), with lugsail (a cross between gaff rig and lateen rig) on both masts
  • Yawl - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Main mast is much taller than mizzen. Mizzen without a mainsail.
  • Ketch - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Main mast with only slightly smaller mizzen. Mizzen has mainsail.
  • Schooner - two masts (foremast), generally gaff rig on both masts. Main mast with only slightly smaller foremast. Sometimes build with three masts, up to seven in the age of sail.
  • Bilander - two masts (foremast). Has a lateen-rigged mainsail and square-rigged sails on the foremast and topsails.
  • Brig - two masts (foremast), partially square-rigged. The main mast carries small lateen-rigged sail.

Diagram of two-masted rigs (gaff yawl, gaff ketch, gaff schooner, and brig)

The yawl has two masts that are fore-and-aft rigged and a mizzenmast. The mizzenmast is much shorter than the mainmast, and it doesn't carry a mainsail. The mizzenmast is located aft of the rudder and is mainly used to increase helm balance.

A ketch has two masts that are fore-and-aft rigged. The extra mast is a mizzenmast. It's nearly as tall as the mainmast and carries a mainsail. Usually, the mainsails of the ketch are gaff-rigged, but there are Bermuda-rigged ketches too. The mizzenmast is located in front of the rudder instead of aft, as on the yawl.

The function of the ketch's mizzen sail is different from that of the yawl. It's actually used to drive the boat forward, and the mizzen sail, together with the headsail, are sufficient to sail the ketch. The mizzen sail on a yawl can't really drive the boat forward.

Schooners have two masts that are fore-and-aft rigged. The extra mast is a foremast which is generally smaller than the mainmast, but it does carry a mainsail. Schooners are also built with a lot more masts, up to seven (not anymore). The schooner's mainsails are generally gaff-rigged.

The schooner is easy to sail but not very fast. It handles easier than a sloop, except for upwind, and it's only because of better technology that sloops are now more popular than the schooner.

The brig has two masts. The foremast is always square-rigged. The mainmast can be square-rigged or is partially square-rigged. Some brigs carry a lateen mainsail on the mainmast, with square-rigged topsails.

Some variations on the brig are:

Brigantine - two masts (foremast), partially square-rigged. Mainmast carries no square-rigged mainsail.

Hermaphrodite brig - also called half brig or schooner brig. Has two masts (foremast), partially square-rigged. Mainmast carries a gaff rig mainsail and topsail, making it half schooner.

Three-masted boats are mostly barques or schooners. Sometimes sail plans with two masts are used with more masts.

The three-masted rigs are:

  • Barque - three masts, fore, and mainmast are square-rigged, the mizzenmast is usually gaff-rigged. All masts carry mainsail.
  • Barquentine - three masts, foremast is square-rigged, the main and mizzenmast are fore-and-aft rigged. Also called the schooner barque.
  • Polacca - three masts, foremast is square-rigged, the main and mizzenmast are lateen-rigged.
  • Xebec - three masts, all masts are lateen-rigged.

Diagram of three-masted rigs (barque, full rigged ship)

A barque has three or four masts. The fore and mainmast are square-rigged, and the mizzen fore-and-aft, usually gaff-rigged. Carries a mainsail on each mast, but the mainsail shape differs per mast (square or gaff). Barques were built with up to five masts. Four-masted barques were quite common.

Barques were a good alternative to full-rigged ships because they require a lot fewer sailors. But they were also slower. Very popular rig for ocean crossings, so a great rig for merchants who travel long distances and don't want 30 - 50 sailors to run their ship.


The barquentine usually has three masts. The foremast is square-rigged and the main and mizzenmast fore-and-aft. The rear masts are usually gaff-rigged.

Faster than a barque or a schooner, but the performance is worse than both.

The polacca or polacre rig has three masts with a square-rigged foremast. The main and mizzenmast are lateen-rigged. Beautiful boat to see. Polacca literally means 'Polish' (it's Italian). It was a popular rig type in the Mediterranean in the 17th century. It looks like the xebec, which has three lateen-rigged masts.

Fun fact: polaccas were used by a Dutch sailor-turned-Turkish-pirate (called Murat Reis).

The xebec is a Mediterranean trading ship with three masts. All masts are lateen-rigged. I couldn't find any surviving xebecs, only models and paintings. So I guess this rig is outdated a long time.

A boat with three or more masts that all carry square-rigged sails is called a ship, a tall ship, or a full-rigged ship. So it's at this point that we start calling boats 'ships'. It has nothing to do with size but with the type of rigging.

More sails mean less stress on all of them. These ships use a lot of sails to distribute the forces, which reduces the stress on the rigging and the masts. Square sails mean double the sail area in comparison to triangular sails.

They are quite fast for their size, and they could outrun most sloops and schooners (schooners were relatively a lot heavier). The reason is that tall ships could be a lot longer than sloops, giving them a lot of extra hull speed. Sloops couldn't be as large because there weren't strong enough materials available. Try making a single triangular sail with a sail area of over 500 sq. ft. from linen.

So a lot of smaller sails made sense. You could have a large ship with a good maximum hull speed, without your sails ripping apart with every gust of wind.

But you need A LOT of sailors to sail a tall ship: about 30 sailors in total to ie. reef down sails and operate the ship. That's really a lot.

Tall ships are used nowadays for racing, with the popular tall ship races traveling the world. Every four years I go and check them out when they are at Harlingen (which is very close to where I live).

Check out the amazing ships in this video of the tall ship races last year near my hometown. (The event was organized by friends of mine).

What is the difference between a schooner and a sloop? A schooner has two masts, whereas the sloop only has one. The schooner carries more sails, with a mainsail on both masts. Also, sloops are usually Bermuda-rigged, whereas schooners are usually gaff-rigged. Most schooners also carry one or two additional headsails, in contrast to the single jib of the sloop.

What do you call a two-masted sailboat? A two-masted sailboat is most likely a yawl, ketch, schooner, or brig. To determine which one it is you have to locate the mainmast (the tallest). At the rear: schooner or brig. In front: yawl or ketch. Brigs have a square-rigged foremast, schooners don't. Ketches carry a mainsail on the rear mast; yawls don't.

What is a sloop rig? A sloop rig is a sailboat with one mast and two sails: a mainsail and headsail. It's a simple sail plan that handles well and offers good upwind performance. The sloop rig can be sailed shorthanded and is able to sail very close to the wind, making it very popular. Most recreational sailboats use a sloop rig.

What is the difference between a ketch and a yawl? The most important difference between a ketch and a yawl are the position and height of the mizzenmast. The mizzenmast on a yawl is located aft of the rudder, is shorter than the mainmast and doesn't carry a mainsail. On a ketch, it's nearly as long as the mainmast and carries a mainsail.

Pinterest image for Guide to Understanding Sail Rig Types (with Pictures)

There are a wonderful lots of DIY changeability shows on the cable airwaves these days.

Rick the rigger

There are SO many errors on this site it really should be taken down.

First major mistake is to say you are no longer afraid of the sea.

One that truly gets up my nose is the term ‘fully’ rigged ship. It’s a FULL rigged ship!! Your mast names are the wrong way round and just because there may be 3 it doesn’t automatically mean the one in the middle is the main.

I could go on and totally destroy your over inflated but fragile ego but I won’t. All I will say is go learn a lot more before posting.

Shawn Buckles

Thanks for your feedback. If you like to point out anything more specific, please let me know and I will update the articles. I’ve changed fully-rigged to full-rigged ship - which is a typo on my part. I try to be as concise as I can, but, obviously, we all make mistakes every now and then. The great thing about the internet is that we can learn from each other and update our knowledge together.

If you want to write yourself and share your knowledge, please consider applying as a writer for my blog by clicking on the top banner.

Thanks, Shawn

Well, I feel that I’ve learned a bit from this. The information is clear and well laid out. Is it accurate? I can’t see anything at odds with the little I knew before, except that I understood a xebec has a square rigged centre mainmast, such as the Pelican ( )

Hi, Shawn, You forgot (failed) to mention another type of rig? The oldest type of rig known and still functions today JUNK RIG!

Why are so many of the comments here negative. I think it is wonderful to share knowledge and learn together. I knew a little about the subject (I’m an Aubrey-Maturin fan!) but still found this clarified some things for me. I can’t comment therefore on the accuracy of the article, but it seems clear to me that the spirit of the author is positive. We owe you some more bonhomme I suggest Shawn.

As they say in the Navy: “BZ” - for a good article.

Been reading S.M. Stirling and wanted to understand the ship types he references. Thank you, very helpful.

This site is an awesome starting point for anyone who would like to get an overview of the subject. I am gratefull to Shawn for sharing - Thanks & Kudos to you! If the negative reviewers want to get a deeper technical knowledge that is accurate to the n-th then go study the appropriate material. Contribute rather than destroy another’s good work. Well done Shawn. Great job!

Good stuff Shawn - very helpful. As a novice, it’s too confusing to figure out in bits and pieces. Thanks for laying it out.

First of all I have to say that Rick ‘the rigger’ is obviously the one with the “over inflated but fragile ego” and I laughed when you suggested he share his knowledge on your blog, well played!

As for the content it’s great, hope to read more soon!

Alec Lowenthal

Shawn, I have a painting of a Spanish vessel, two masted, with. Lateen sails on both masts and a jib. The mainsail is ahead of the main mast (fore) and the other is aft of the mizzen mast. Would this be what you call lugger rig? I have not seen a similar picture. Thanks, Alec.

Thank you for your article I found easy to read and understand, and more importantly remember, which emphasises the well written.. Pity about the negative comments, but love your proactive responses!

This vessel, “SEBASTIAN” out of Garrucha, Almería, España, was painted by Gustave Gillman in 1899.

Sorry, picture not accepted!

Thank you for a very informative article. I sail a bit and am always looking for more knowledge. I like the way you put forth your info and I feel if you can’t say anything positive, then that person should have their own blog or keep their opinions to their-self. I will be looking for more from you. I salute your way of dealing with negative comments.

Thank you for a great intro to sailing boats! I searched different sailboats because I use old sails tp make bags and wanted to learn the difference. Way more than I ever expected. Thanks for all the work put in to teach the rest of us.

Your description of a cutter is lacking, and your illustrations of “cutters” are actually cutter-rigged sloops. On a true cutter, the mast is moved further aft (with more than 40% of the ship forward of the mast). A sloop uses tension in the backstay to tension the luff of the foresail. The cutter can’t do this.

Also, a bermuda-rigged ketch will have a line running from the top of the mainmast to the top of the mizzenmast.

wow great guide to rig types! thanks

Interesting guide, however I am confused about the description of the brig. You say the main mast on a brig can have a lateen sail, but in your picture it looks like a gaff sail to me. How is it a lateen sail?

Hi Shawn, thank you for taking the time to share this information. It is clear and very helpful. I am new to sailing and thinking of buying my own blue water yacht. The information you have supplied is very useful. I still am seeking more information on performance and safety. Please keep up the good work. Best Regards

mickey fanelli

I’m starting to repair a model sailboat used in the lake I have three masts that have long been broken off and the sails need replacement. So my question is there a special relationship between the three masts I do have reminents of where the masts should go. they all broke off the boat along with the sails I can figure out where they go because of the old glue marks but it makes no sense. or does it really matter on a model thank you mickey

Cool, total novice here. I have learnt a lot. Thanks for sharing - the diagrams along with the text make it really easy to understand, especially for a beginner who hasn’t even stepped on a sailing boat.

Daryl Beatt

Thank you. Cleared up quite a few things for me. For example, I was familiar with the names “Xebecs” and “Polaccas” from recent reading about the Barbary War. I had gathered that the two Barbary types were better suited to sailing in the Med, but perhaps they were less able to be adaptable to military uses,(but one might assume that would be ok if one plans to board and fight, as opposed to fight a running gun duel). Specifically, the strangely one sided August 1, 1801 battle between the USS Enterprise under Lt. John Sterett and the Polacca cruiser Tripoli under Admiral Rais Mahomet Rous. On paper both ships seemed nearly equal in size, guns and crew, but pictures of the battle are confusing. While the Enterprise is usually rendered as the familiar schooner, the polacca Tripoli has been pictured in radically different ways. Thus the Wikipedia picture by Hoff in 1878 used to illustrate the Battle shows a Brig design for Tripoli, indicating 77 years later, polaccas were no longer common.

Lee Christiansen

I am curious as to what you would call a modern race boat with a fractional jib,not equipped for full masthead hoist? Thanks Lee

Thanks Guy: The information and pictures really eliminate a lot of the mystery of the terminology and the meanings. Also appreciate the insight of the handling idiosyncrasies “hand” (staff) requirements to manage a vessel for one that has not been on the water much. I long to spend significant time afloat, but have concern about the ability to handle a vessel due to advancing age. The Significant Other prefers to sit (in AC comfort)and be entertained by parties of cruise line employees. Thanks again for the information.

Gordon Smith

Your discussion made no mention of the galleon, a vessel with either square-rigged Fore and Main masts and a shorter lateen-rigged Mizzen, or, on larger galleons, square-rigged Fore and Main masts, with a lateen-rigged Mizzen and a lateen-rigged Bonaventure mast, both shorter than either the Fore or Main masts. Also, it was not uncommon for a galleon to hoist a square-rigged bowsprit topsail in addition to the usual square-rigged spritsail.

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Southern Spars


A mast is one of the most dynamic and complex components of a yacht, with the job of transferring the power generated by the wind and sails into the yacht. It must withstand a multitude of ever-changing forces, including torsion, bend and compression. Yet it must maintain the perfect combination of stiffness and flexibility to maximize performance of the sail plan.

At Southern Spars we are spurred on by two key drivers; performance and reliability. The foundations of our success in these areas are sound principles of design and manufacture, combined with a detailed understanding of our customers’ requirements.

At Southern Spars, we build packages for everything from mega yachts, to race yachts and Olympic dinghies. Developments made in one area are disseminated through all of our teams, meaning the rate of progression throughout the company is extremely high.


Grand prix / racing, classic cruiser.

aglaia superyacht mast by southern spars

Phenomenal strength is needed in the mast and  rigging  to support a superyacht’s immense sail plan. The yacht’s dimensions must be balanced with the mast and boom for both aesthetics and engineering capabilities. Modern superyacht spars have added functionality like furling mainsails, and rafts of electronic, navigation and communications components.

As superyacht owners seek ever-larger and more performance-oriented yachts,  designs  draw extensively on developments made in the Grand Prix arena. Southern Spars’  ECsix continuous carbon fibre rigging  is now used in most superyacht projects.  Thin ply carbon fibre  for mast construction is also beginning to cross over the race/luxury boundary.

The many international design awards won by superyachts carrying Southern Spars’ packages highlights the vital role that our team plays in creating world-leading superyachts.

vo65 - southern spars performance masts

With almost universal domination of the world’s elite inshore, offshore and around the world events; Southern Spars’ race results speak for themselves.

Our dedication to performance and  reliability  makes us the obvious choice for racing yachts that want the edge over their competitors with a product that they can trust. Throughout the  design process , we integrate the sail maker’s design into our own so that the spars and sails work as one cohesive unit. This enables racers to extract maximum performance and trust that the mast will get them across the finish line.

Southern Spars rigs are made from  thin ply carbon fibre , which allows us to  design  tubes lighter and stronger than our competition, while achieving a more accurate bend profile.

ac50 - southern spars masts

The spirit of multihull yachts is generally more radical, not conforming to the limits imposed on monohulls. Catamarans and trimarans often seek something different and more exciting – a spirit embraced by Southern Spars.

Multihulls allow many different rig and  rigging  configurations, which allows Southern Spars to  design  innovative and often unique solutions to aid the yacht’s performance.

We work together with the yacht’s designer and sailmaker to ensure the whole yacht works together to embody the essence of multihull sailing – the perfect combination of comfort, space and effortless speed.

Southern Spars’  carbon technology  allows us to build more than just masts. We produce many of the carbon components in a multihull including the crossbeams, spine, and bowsprit for everything from foiling AC72s to multihull superyachts.

j class southern spars rig

One of the best ways to bring new life to an older vessel is to upgrade the spar package. Doing so will significantly increase its performance, safety and  ease of operation  making sailing more enjoyable and therefore done more often.

Classic yachts are great to look at, but can be difficult to sail. Upgrading to a carbon mast from Southern Spars will make an older yacht sail like new one, with a more efficient sail plan and improved righting moment. Southern Spars’ attention to detail, from  design  through  manufacture  to paint and final fit out mean that all of this can be done without compromising any of the cosmetic attributes or traditional feel of your yacht.

Southern Spars have built new carbon fibre masts for single, double and triple masted classic yachts, cutting significant amounts of weight and  improving the reliability  of a rig package.

World’s two tallest masts of sailing yacht Salute and superyacht M5 serviced by Marine Results

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Written by Chelsea Smith

Marine Results, an international rigging and structural inspection company has just carried out service work on the masts of sailing yacht M5 and superyacht Salute – two of the world’s tallest masts.  Marine Results inspected the rig of fast cruising sloop Salute which has the world’s tallest aluminium mast at a towering 75 metres.  But even that measurement was dwarfed by the next project on the schedule, that of the giant 89 metres high rig belonging to the 75m yacht M5 (ex Mirabella) .  Sailing yacht M5 is not only the world’s largest sailing sloop but she has the world’s tallest carbon rig.

Marine Results personnel work on the gigantic M5 sailing yacht mast.

Marine Results personnel work on the gigantic M5 sailing yacht mast.

“We have worked extensively with both yachts since they were launched,” comments Jon Morris of Marine Results. “Following completion of the two most recent projects we reflected that we had just carried out work on the world’s two largest rigs in their particular construction category.  We are pretty proud of that achievement and the way that it illustrates our capabilities.”

In the case of the 56m Perini Navi yacht Salute, Marine Results carried out an extensive inspection after the team un-stepped the rig at the Perini Navi yard in La Spezia, where she was originally built.  Marine Results then worked with Perini’s mast division to complete the inspection on the mast and rigging systems. Marine Results specialises in a range of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques to check for concealed stressing and damage.

The second of the two record breakers, the M5 yacht had her mast pulled out as part of a substantial one-year refit at Pendennis Shipyard in Cornwall.  Marine Results was called in to unstep the rig prior to an extensive modification programme which is expected to last until the end of 2012.

“Unstepping the rig was no small job,” said Morris. “The rig weighs a colossal 46 tonnes. To give you an idea of the size of the job, when we removed the boom vang, this alone was 9.5 metres long and weighed 900 kg.

“One of our strengths is our ability to deploy our teams around the world to carry out service work on dozens of the world’s most advanced racing and cruising superyachts,” concludes Jon Morris.  Marine Results is based in Hamble, England and La Ciotat, France .

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "World’s two tallest masts of sailing yacht Salute and superyacht M5 serviced by Marine Results".

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Perini Navi

The 43m Yacht VICTORIA


95m Yacht KISMET By Lurssen In London

Sailing yacht M5 (ex Mirabella V) leaves Pendennis after comprehensive refit

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Successful sea trials for Ron Holland-designed mega yacht M5

Sailing yacht M5's 89m mast re-stepped at Pendennis by Marine Results

Sailing yacht M5’s 89m mast re-stepped at Pendennis by Marine Results

Refit of the 75m superyacht M5 (ex Mirabella V) at Pendennis well underway

Refit of the 75m superyacht M5 (ex Mirabella V) at Pendennis well underway

yacht with 4 masts

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yacht with 4 masts

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Hall Spars


Discover the advantages of choosing Hall Spars for your rigging needs. Whether you’re a cruising enthusiast or a dedicated racer, our elegant and aerodynamic carbon solutions are tailored to meet your specific requirements. We prioritise safety, reliability, comfort, and performance to ensure an exceptional sailing experience.

With over 40 years of experience, we utilise advanced engineering software to create a unique laminate that forms the foundation of your pleasure on the water. Our team of skilled design and project managers collaborate closely with you and your stakeholders to refine and develop the rig, ensuring it meets your exact demands.

Through our proprietary mandrel laminating process, we create seamless and aerodynamic masts, optimized for weight savings. Paired with our stylish and sophisticated boom solutions, our rigs offer minimal windage and enhance your overall sailing experience.

Performance, reliability & elegance guaranteed.

Hall Spars masts are meticulously built to exact design specifications. Our dedicated design team absorbs client needs and utilizes our advanced in-house software to deliver the ideal solution. With our extensive knowledge and technology, we incorporate the latest innovations in rig and sail design, including load sharing and load monitoring technologies, as well as backstay-less rigs.

Each design specification undergoes detailed analysis, considering your yacht’s characteristics and intended sailing style. This comprehensive process determines crucial factors such as rig loads, mast section, fiber modulus, and rigging sizes. The result is a well-integrated and balanced final product, guaranteeing unrivaled performance on the water.

yacht with 4 masts

Using our unique male mandrel moulding process, we apply thin, unidirectional pre-preg carbon fiber layers, debulk between each layer, and use an aerospace-grade autoclave for curing. The result is flawlessly smooth, aerodynamic, and weight-optimized seamless spars.

Find out more about our manufacturing process .

Designed to elevate the aesthetics, comfort, and performance of your yacht. Our booms are a testament to lightweight construction, strength, and reliability.

Built with purpose in mind, our booms are engineered for effortless handling, tailored to suit your yacht’s specific setup and personal preferences. Just like our masts, they undergo a seamless curing process in our aerospace-grade autoclave. This ensures an optimal strength-to-weight ratio that guarantees exceptional performance.

Get in touch with our experts to discuss the ideal boom for your yacht and explore our range of optional features and upgrades. Hall Spars is committed to delivering the perfect boom solution that aligns with your unique requirements.



Advantages of hall spars, reliability.

At Hall Spars, reliability is at the forefront of our design process. Our expert engineering team utilizes cutting-edge, in-house design software and leverages decades of experience to thoroughly analyze rig behavior under various adjustments and conditions. Through the use of advanced Finite Element Analysis (FEA) techniques, we make informed and data-driven design choices, ensuring precise load figures and optimal performance.

At Hall Spars, we understand the importance of aesthetics in creating your dream rig. We take a holistic approach, seamlessly blending performance and elegance to deliver a visually stunning result. Whether you prefer a classic or cutting-edge look, perfectly matching or complementing the design of your yacht. Trust in Hall Spars to bring your vision to life and elevate the aesthetic appeal of your rig to new heights.

Enhanced ease of handling

Tailored Solutions for Effortless Sailing

At Hall Spars, we prioritize ease of handling in our rig designs. If this is a specific priority for you, we can go the extra mile to create a rig package that perfectly meets your needs. Whether you intend to sail shorthanded or wish to reduce working loads on the system, we offer a range of optional features that significantly enhance and simplify your sailing experience.

Our expert team is ready to assist you in exploring these tailored solutions. Speak to one of our knowledgeable professionals to discover how we can optimise your rig for effortless handling, allowing you to enjoy every moment on the water.


If performance is your top priority, we offer tailored packages designed to maximize aerodynamics and weight-saving, giving you a competitive edge.

Our team consists of experienced grand-prix sailors who bring their expertise to every project. We ensure that your rig is reliable and built for optimal performance. We closely consider the stiffness-to-weight ratio, ensuring that every component is carefully engineered to deliver exceptional results.

Hall Spars rigs leverage the lightweight properties of carbon, resulting in a substantial weight saving. This key advantage unlocks a range of benefits when considering the comfort of your sailing experience:

  • Less heel: Experience more comfortable sailing and improved manoeuvrability.
  • Reduced pitching and rolling: Enjoy a smoother experience at sea and at anchor.
  • Increased fuel efficiency: Benefit from improved fuel economy.
  • More capacity for luxury installations: Create a yacht with greater space for luxurious amenities.


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Yachting Monthly

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The best mast climbing gear for sailors & solo climbers

  • April 19, 2023

The best mast climbing gear for sailors isn't necessarily anything fancy and marinised with a premium price tag, instead you can pick up the best mast climbing gear from a regular high street store with a climbing department. This buyers guide has all the gear for climbing a mast solo, double handed or fully crewed.

yacht with 4 masts

The best mast climbing gear for solo sailors or double handed sailors can be found in some well known high street stores and not necessarily in a chandlery.

This buyers guide curates all the gear you might need with plenty of alternative options to suit individual tastes and needs.

If you are unsure how to climb a mast on your own or with a short handed team of two, then you can read how to do that in my other article explaining in a step by step guide how to climb a mast , using some of the gear in this buyers guide.

Happy climbing!

best mast climbing gear demonstrated

The basic set up at a glance

DMM Women’s Vixen Harness – Buy now from

Petzl ascension ascender – buy petzl ascension left handed from, petzl gri gri + – buy grigriplus from decathlon, best mast climbing gear: essential buyer’s guide, harnesses and bosun’s chairs.

DMM vixen womens harness - climbing a mast

DMM Women’s Vixen Harness

Reasons to Buy: Light weight, easy to stow, custom fit and secure Reasons to Avoid : Can cut off circulation to legs if hanging around a long time

This is the harness I used in the video. It is designed for women. I’ve used it for about 8 years and it is still in great condition. It comes in sizes XS to L. I bought the L to fit over my foulies or larger clothes, but it is a little big when wearing just light form fitting clothes. Ideally I would get a smaller sized harness for that purpose.

Specifications • 5 gear loops • breathable • 345g (xs) – 410g (large)

Buy now from

Reasons to Buy : Light weight, easy to stow, custom fit and secure Reasons to Avoid : Can cut off circulation to legs if hanging around a long time

The Beal harness, which is designed for high level climbing is my second harness for use when I am not wearing full foulies. It fits comfortably over shorts or leggings. The soft fit feels snug and comfortable around my hips and thighs and the harness has a good number of gear loops to clips bits and bobs to. It has a double ziplock fastening and is a little lighter weight than the DMM harness above. The leg loops are nicely adjustable to avoid pinch too.

Specifications • 4 gear loops • breathable • 321g (size 1 – waist 61-76cm, thigh 45-57cm) • 358g (size 2 – waist 75-90cm, thigh 54-66cm)

Note: We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site, at no extra cost to you. This doesn’t affect our editorial independence. Where indicated, items have been tested independently of manufacturers influence.

Petzl Adjama mens harness - climbing a mast gear

PETZL Adjama Harness

Reasons to Buy: Light weigtht, easy to stow, custom fit and secure Reasons to Avoid : Can cut off circulation to legs if hanging around a long time

 Leg loops adjustable with doubleback buckles, to adapt to different body types and to seasonal clothing. Capacity to carry large amount of gear.

Specifications • 5 gear loops • 460g (s) – 545g (large)

Buy now at

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Lalizans bosuns chair - climbing a mast

Lalizas Bosun’s Chair

Reasons to Buy: comfortable for lengthy spells working up a mast, built in tool stowage, can be used in conjunction with a harness Reasons to Avoid : smaller users might find the metal triangles can hit their chest, not as secure as a dedicated harness

Rigid seat, basic bosun’s chair  from Lalizas as seen on many boats around the world. I have used this one a lot. The only niggle I have with it is the hard metal triangles used for attaching to the halyard have bruised the middle of my chest when they push back while working aloft. I make sure I wear good padding when I use it now, and this may not affect taller people. I keep using it because the hard seat suits me and it’s better than a wooden plank with carpet stapled to it.  Combine this with a harness when working aloft on a lengthy job.

Specifications • tool pockets and loops • rigid seat • no frills but does the job

Buy now on

professional bosuns chair for working aloft on a yacht mast

Lalizas Professional Bosun’s Chair

Reasons to Buy: comfortable for lengthy spells working up a mast, built in tool stowage Reasons to Avoid : smaller people might feel a bit too enclosed in this larger seat

A comfortable bosun’s chair with secure back to avoid slipping through. Good tool storage onboard and tool loops. I’ve used this one on various boats over the years including in the opening picture to this article. It always inspires confidence and comfort.

Specifications • Used by many professional riggers • Comfortable for lengthy spells • Lots of tool storage

Buy Lalizas Professional Bosun’s Chair from Bataeu Plus via

petzl ascension ascender left and right hand models best mast climbing gear

Petzl Ascension Ascender

Reasons to Buy: good for use on most boats using up to 13mm halyards Reasons to Avoid : if you have halyards larger than 13mm this wont fit

This is the ascender I use on my own climbing gear. I use a left handed version because I am right hand dominant and it’s easier for me to slide the ascender up with my left hand while pulling up on the lazy line with my right hand.

Specifications • line size: 8mm – 13mm • 165g • left or right handed versions

Buy Petzl Ascension from

Climbing Technology Quick Up+ Ascender

Climbing Technology Quick Up+ Ascender

Reasons to Buy: good for use on most boats using up to 13mm halyards, two seperate holes for gear and lanyards on the bottom keeps gear organised Reasons to Avoid : if you have halyards larger than 13mm this wont fit

The easy-to-use Quick Up+ ascender from Climbing Technology comes with an ergonomic, glove-friendly grip that makes it a solid option for fixed-rope ascents.

Specifications • line size: 8mm – 13mm • 215g • left or right hand versions

Buy CT Quickup Ascender from

Belay Devices

Petzl Gri Gri + climbing a mast best mast climbing gear

Petzl GriGri+

Reasons to Buy: enables a smooth controlled descent and easy to take up slack when climbing, easy to use Reasons to Avoid : a little pricey for some, involves moving part so you need to ensure you use it correctly to avoid damage

This belay device can be used with all single ropes (optimised for 8.9 to 10.5 mm diameter ropes) and is equipped with an assisted breaking function. Suitable for beginner mast climbers to expert riggers.

Specifications • line size: 8.9mm – 10.5mm • 200g • auto-locking

Buy GriGriplus from

Matik belay

Matik belay

Reasons to Buy: enables a smooth controlled descent and easy to take up slack when climbing Reasons to Avoid : a little pricey, if you prefer to side feed you may want the other style of belay device

This works in a similar way to the GriGri but the line feeds in a straight line rather than from the side. Some people prefer this to avoid their lines becoming twisted.

• line size:  8.6mm to 10.2mm

• antipanic auto clutch engagement

Buy Matik Belay from

Petzl reverso

Petzl Reverso

Reasons to Buy: enables a smooth controlled descent, simple device with very little to go wrong Reasons to Avoid : requires a little more skill to use

No moving parts, the Petzle Reverso is a simple belay device that can be more easily put on or taken off a line as you go. You push a bight of rope through one of the apertures and clip a carabiner through to act as the friction turn. A really handy bit of a kit.

Specifications • line size 8.5mm to 10.5mm • 57g • very simple device with little to go wrong.

Buy Petzl Reverso from

Grivel Mega K6N Screw Lock Snap Hook climbing a mast

Grivel Mega K6N Screw Lock Snap Hook

Reasons to Buy: You need several carabiners to rappel, good value for money Reasons to Avoid : Don’t use in places where cross loading might be likely

For belaying and rappelling. It is designed for use with both single and double ropes.

I use two of these in my solo mast climb gear. One is used from the bottom of the ascender to hold the footloop and personal lanyard and the other is used on the top of the ascender to work as a reduction turning point for the belay lazy line.

Specifications • 7000-series aluminum • Screwgate • 78g

Buy Grivel K4n Carabiner from Trek Inn

Black Diamond Gridlock Screwgate Carabiner climbing a mast

Black Diamond Gridlock Screwgate Carabiner

Reasons to Buy: use these in areas where cross loading is likely to happen, easy to use Reasons to Avoid : they don’t fit on to the ascender as easily as some others

Designed specifically for belaying, the GridLock isolates the belay loop behind its uniquely shaped gate, thereby keeping the carabiner in its proper orientation.

I use two of these carabiners, both from my harness. The anti-crossloading design is reassuring as the repeated loading and unloading of both the belay and ascender has a tendency to make standard carabiners rotate and there’s a high risk of crossloading when solo rappelling.

Specifications • Anti cross load design • 76g

Buy Black Diamond Gridlock from

DMM - Rhino Quicklock - Locking carabiner climbing a mast best mast climbing gear

DMM –  Rhino Quicklock – Locking carabiner

Reasons to Buy: anti crossloading horn can be useful, some love the twist lock feature of the gate Reasons to Avoid : the twist lock gate might not suit some people

For regular users of pulleys or GriGri like belay devices.

I use this carabiner on my prusik line. The horn stops the hitched on line sliding around the carabiner as it is repeatedly adjusted.

Specifications • Anti cross load horn • Quicklock gate • 81g

Buy DMM Rhino from Alpine

Slings and quickdraws

DMM Dyneema sling best mast climbing gear

DMM Dyneema sling

Reasons to Buy: basic lanyard, nothing to go wrong Reasons to Avoid : some might find they need a greater degree of adjustment

Dyneema has several advantages over traditional nylon webbing – it’s incredibly light and strong, less susceptible to UV degradation and is more abrasion resistant. I use this sling as my personal lanyard between harness carabiner and the ascender. You need to find a sling that can be adjusted to your own personal reach length. I double this one over to give me the correct length.

Specifications • 11mm Dyneema tape • 120cm • Strength: 22kN

Buy DMM Dyneema sling from

Multi Chain Evo Daisychain

Multi Chain Evo Daisychain

Reasons to Buy: gives a greater degree of adjustment than a simple sling, easy to use Reasons to Avoid : Costs more than a simple sling

A daisy chain is a versatile alternative to the above single sling option. You can use this to adjust lengths for multiple applications, which might be ideal if more than one of you will be using it to climb the rig, especially if you’re notably different heights. Obviously there’s a cost implication as it’s four times the costs a basic dyneema sling.

Specifications • 90g • Tensile strength: 24 kN • Dyeema loops

Buy Multi Chain Evo from

Beal Nylon Sling used as footloop for climbing a mast

Beal Nylon Sling

Reasons to Buy: a budget way to get a good quality footloop, can be used for a multitude of other tasks Reasons to Avoid : some prefer a rigid foot section to their footloop, not as easy to adjust as a dedicated footloop

A basic Nylon loop, ideal for use on a multitude of climbing uses, I personally use this as my footloop. I have two of them. They are cow-hitched onto the bottom of my ascender, one is tucked away and the other used for climbing. When I reach working height I use the second loop to stand up with both feet or to wrap one around the mast. It’s very handy to have two of these.

Specifications • length 120cm • width 16mm

Buy Beal Nylon Sling from

PETZL - Footape - Foot loop sling

PETZL –  Footape – Foot loop sling

Reasons to Buy: Adjustable footloop with a decent foot spreader to avoid your foot being squashed under tension Reasons to Avoid : a bit more pricey than a basic loop, designed solely as a footloop so not suitable for other jobs

Specifications • 65g – 20mm webbing • Minimum length 84cm • Maximum length 125cm

Buy Petzl Foot loop sling from

Black Diamond Quick Draw

Black Diamond Quickdraw

Reasons to Buy: really handy for carrying kit or gear aloft, useful for tethering yourself in place to hold you while you work Reasons to Avoid : none

Wire gate and solid gate carabiners. quick and easy to clip to a harness and then to secure tools, gear, or yourself to a solid point while you work at height.

Specifications • 103g • 12cm sling

Buy Black Diamond Quick Draw from Decathlon

DMM Quickdraw Shadow

DMM Quickdraw Shadow

Two solid gates on an 18cm sling. Quickdraws comes in a variety of wire and solid gate styles with a variety of sling lengths. You can buy them in multipacks or individually.

Specifications • 113g • 18cm sling

Buy DMM Shadow quickdraw from GoOutdoors

How to climb a mast: Step by step guide

Don’t forget to use your own judgement when following our advice, or use a professional. Here’s our full disclaimer.  

Further reading on mast climbing methods and equipment

How to climb a mast safely at sea – masterclass with Pip Hare

Mast Climbing for short handed crews

7 mast climbing kits on test

12 Bosun’s chairs tested

What happens when you dismast in the antarctic

Enjoyed reading Climbing a mast – best climbing gear & practical guide?

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NBC New York

Video shows moments before superyacht went down in storm off Sicily

A celebration turned into tragedy for a british tycoon when the storm sank the vessel off sicily. six people remain missing., by henry austin and corky siemaszko | nbc news • published august 21, 2024 • updated on august 21, 2024 at 4:08 pm.

Newly released video captures a luxury superyacht being battered by a violent storm before it suddenly sank off Sicily with 22 people aboard  Monday.

The grainy images obtained by NBC News and other outlets were recorded on closed-circuit television not far from where the Bayesian was anchored,  about a half-mile from the port of Porticello, on Sicily’s northern coast .

The yacht's 250-foot mast, illuminated with lights and lashed by the storm, appears to bend to one side before it finally disappears and is replaced by darkness.

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The speed with which a yacht built to handle the roughest seas capsized stunned maritime experts.  

“I can’t remember the last time I read about a vessel going down quickly like that, you know, completely capsizing and going down that quickly, a vessel of that nature, a yacht of that size,” said Stephen Richter  of SAR Marine Consulting.

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and five of the 22 other people who were aboard the 184-foot vessel remain unaccounted for and are believed to be trapped in the Bayesian’s hull, nearly 170 feet underwater.

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Officials confirmed Monday that at least one person, the ship’s cook, had died.  

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Missing revealed as divers search superyacht that sank in storm off Sicily

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British tech magnate Mike Lynch, 2 US citizens among missing after luxury yacht sinks off Sicily

Superyachts like the Bayesian, which had been available for charters at a rate of $215,000 a week, are designed to stay afloat even as they are taking on water to give the people aboard a chance to escape, Richter said. 

“Boats of this size, they’re taking passengers on an excursion or a holiday,” Richter said. “They are not going to put them in situations where it may be dangerous or it may be uncomfortable, so this storm that popped up was obviously an anomaly. These vessels that carry passengers, they’re typically very well-maintained, very well-appointed.”

Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites. Its nearly 250-foot mast is the tallest aluminum sailing mast in the world,  according to  CharterWorld Luxury Yacht Charters. 

On Tuesday, Italian rescue workers  resumed the search for Lynch  and the five other passengers still missing: Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah; Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife; and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife.

“The fear is that the bodies got trapped inside the vessel,” Salvatore Cocina, the head of civil protection in Sicily, told Reuters .

The Bayesian is owned by a firm linked to Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who was one of the 15 people rescued Monday after it capsized.

“It’s extremely rare for a boat of this size to sink,” Richter said.

What’s not rare is the kind of storm that sank it , said Simon Boxall, senior lecturer in oceanography at Britain’s University of Southampton.

“People assume the Mediterranean is this rather calm and passive place that never gets storms and always blue skies,” Boxall said. “In fact, you get some quite horrendous storms that are not uncommon at this time of year.”

The president of Italy’s meteorological society has said Monday’s violent storm may have involved a waterspout, essentially a tornado over water, or a downburst, which occurs more frequently but doesn’t involve the rotation of the air.

Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorology Society, also said recent temperatures may have been a factor. 

“The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30 degrees Celsius [86 Fahrenheit], which is almost 3 degrees more than normal,” Mercalli told Reuters. “This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms.”

The Mediterranean sailing vacation was designed to be a celebration for Lynch, who two months ago was  acquitted by a San Francisco jury of fraud charges  stemming from the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion.

Prosecutors alleged that Lynch, dubbed “Britain’s Bill Gates,” and Autonomy’s vice president for finance, Stephen Chamberlain, had padded the firm’s finances ahead of the sale. Lynch’s lawyers argued that HP was so eager to acquire Autonomy that it failed to  adequately check the books .

Lynch had taken Morvill, who was one of his defense attorneys, on the luxury trip. 

Chamberlain was not on the Bayesian.

In what appears to be a tragic coincidence, a  car struck and killed Chamberlain on Saturday as he was jogging in a village about 68 miles north of London, local police said.

“Steve fought successfully to clear his good name at trial earlier this year, and his good name now lives on through his wonderful family,” Chamberlain’s lawyer, Gary Lincenberg, said in a statement .

Henry Austin reported from London and Corky Siemaszko from New York City.

This story first appeared on . More from NBC News:

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Mast Stepped: A Comprehensive Guide to Properly Installing and Maintaining Your Sailboat’s Mast

by Emma Sullivan | Jul 17, 2023 | Sailboat Gear and Equipment

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Short answer mast stepped: Mast stepped refers to the position where a sailing boat’s mast is supported and secured on deck. It commonly involves attaching the base of the mast to a step or partners, ensuring proper rigidity and stability for sailing operations.

What does it mean for a mast to be stepped on a sailboat?

Blog Title: Navigating the Seas: Demystifying Mast Stepping on a Sailboat

Introduction: Sailing is often associated with a sense of freedom and adventure, as you glide through the serene waters powered only by the wind. However, behind every majestic sailboat lies a complex set of components working in synchrony. One such crucial element is the mast, which plays an integral role in allowing your vessel to conquer the seas. In this blog post, we will delve into what it truly means for a mast to be stepped on a sailboat and explore its significance in sailing.

What is Mast Stepping? When we refer to “stepping” the mast on a sailboat, we are essentially describing the process of erecting or installing it onto the boat’s deck. Picture this: just like erecting a tent requires setting up poles, attaching beams, and securing them firmly in place – stepping the mast follows similar principles but with much more complexity.

The Role of Mast: To comprehend why this process holds vital importance for sailors, understanding the role of a mast itself is paramount. The mast serves as an essential vertical spar that supports and secures all standing rigging – encompassing shrouds and stays – which ensures that your sails remain taut amidst ever-changing weather conditions. Additionally, it houses various components necessary for smooth navigation, including halyards (ropes used to raise and lower sails), sheaves (pulleys facilitating rope movement), and even instrumentation like wind sensors or radar systems.

Now that we have established why masts are pivotal in sailing, let’s explore the different types of masts commonly found on sailboats:

1. Keel-Stepped Mast: In modern sailboats, keel-stepped masts are prevalent. These masts rest securely in support at their base within or directly on top of the keel (the large fin-like structure underwater). This design enhances structural integrity and stability while also allowing for easy maintenance.

2. Deck-Stepped Mast: Alternatively, some sailboats feature deck-stepped masts. These masts are secured on the boat’s deck itself, with a lower support or compression post transmitting the mast’s loads to the keel. Deck-stepped masts offer advantages like simplified installation and removal, making them particularly favorable for smaller boats or those frequently transported by trailer.

The Process of Stepping the Mast: Now that you grasp the significance of the mast and understand its types let’s explore how this intricate process is executed:

1. Preparation: Before embarking on mast stepping, it is crucial to ensure that all necessary rigging hardware, lines, hoisting equipment (such as a crane or gin pole), and safety gear are readily available. Thoroughly inspecting all components for wear and tear is equally important to avoid any mishaps during installation.

2. Alignment & Integrity Check: Next comes aligning the mast properly at its designated step point on the boat’s deck or within/upon the keel structure (depending on mast type). Checking for proper alignment prevents undue stress on both the boat and mast while ensuring efficient sailing performance.

3. Hoisting & Securing: With preparation complete and alignment precise, it’s time to gently hoist the mast using an appropriate force measurement technique to prevent overloading any connection points or causing damage. Adequately securing the mast at its step point is paramount – utilizing sturdy stainless steel bolts, shackles, or other suitable fixtures ensures a robust connection.

4. Rigging Installation: Once your mast stands tall and firm, it’s time to attach various standing rigging elements such as shrouds, stays, halyards – each with their specific task in supporting sail control systems aboard your vessel. This requires careful attention to detail – adjusting tensions correctly according to manufacturer guidelines guarantees optimal sail performance across different wind conditions.

Conclusion: Stepping the mast on a sailboat is a critical procedure that sets the foundation for successful and safe sailing adventures. A well-adjusted mast brings stability, facilitates efficient control, and allows your sails to harness the power of the wind, propelling you towards new horizons. So, next time you embark on an aquatic journey, appreciate the skill and craftsmanship behind this process – knowing that every smooth glide owes its gratitude to a perfectly stepped mast.

How is a mast stepped on a sailboat? A step-by-step guide.

Stepping the mast on a sailboat is a fundamental process that marks the beginning of every sailing adventure. It involves raising and securing the mast into its proper position, allowing for the attachment of sails and rigging, ultimately enabling the boat to harness the power of wind and embark on exciting voyages. In this step-by-step guide, we will explore the intricacies of stepping a mast, providing you with all the necessary knowledge to do so successfully.

Step 1: Preparation Before stepping your mast, it is important to ensure that all preceding preparations have been completed. This includes assembling all necessary tools and equipment such as shackles, halyards, or winches. Additionally, inspecting both your boat’s standing rigging and mast itself for any signs of damage or wear is crucial for safety and optimal performance during future sailing endeavors.

Step 2: Clearing obstructions In order to safely step your mast onto your sailboat’s deck, make sure that all potential obstructions are removed. Check for any lines or fittings that may hinder the smooth process of raising the mast. A clutter-free workspace will significantly reduce stress and allow for seamless progress throughout this procedure.

Step 3: Proper positioning You now need to position your sailboat in an ideal location from where you can safely step the mast. Find a spot protected from strong winds or currents that might make this task more challenging. Ideally, choose an area with ample space around you to maneuver freely without risking damage to your vessel or nearby objects.

Step 4: Assemble assistance team Without doubt, stepping a mast is rarely a one-person job. Recruiting assistance from fellow sailors or friends will not only make this process less physically demanding but also contribute to safer execution overall. Ensure everyone involved understands their assigned roles and responsibilities before proceeding further.

Step 5: Attach standing rigging Begin the process of stepping the mast by attaching and adjusting the standing rigging. This includes securing your forestay, backstay, shrouds, and any other supporting cables or wires. Follow manufacturer guidelines and best practices to ensure proper tension and alignment. It is vital to double-check all connections, as loose or improperly attached rigging can compromise the stability and performance of your sailboat.

Step 6: Hoisting the mast Here comes the exciting part – raising the mast! Depending on your boat’s design, this step might require a crane or a simple manual lifting mechanism. Communicate clearly with your team and follow a synchronized approach while hoisting the mast to avoid any accidents or setbacks.

Step 7: Aligning and securing Once your mast is in an upright position, carefully align it with its designated base partner (known as a step) on deck. Any misalignment at this stage can result in unwanted stress on fittings or potentially damage critical components of your sailboat’s rigging system. Use shims if necessary to level out any minor discrepancies.

Step 8: Stabilizing and tightening Now that your mast is properly aligned, securely fasten it using nuts, bolts, or pins provided by its design specifications. Pay close attention to recommended torque values to avoid under- or over-tightening. This step ensures that even under significant wind forces, your mast remains steadfastly anchored.

Step 9: Check for secure fit Before celebrating the successful completion of stepping your sailboat’s mast, conduct a final inspection to ensure everything is secure. Inspect all attachments points thoroughly, checking for signs of movement or looseness. Shake the mast gently from various angles to identify any wobbling that may indicate insufficient tightening.

By following these nine steps meticulously, you will have successfully stepped the mast on your sailboat like a pro! Properly stepping a mast ensures both safety and optimal performance, granting you the freedom to set sail and explore new horizons with confidence. Remember, if you ever feel unsure or uncomfortable during any stage of this process, consult your boat’s manufacturer or seek professional assistance for guidance. Happy sailing!

Mast Stepped: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

At Mast Stepped, we understand that many boat owners have questions about the mast-stepping process. To help alleviate any concerns or confusion, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) below. Read on to discover detailed professional answers to these queries.

1. What is mast stepping, and why is it important? Mast stepping refers to the process of raising a boat’s mast into its designated position. This task is crucial because it enables your boat to properly harness wind power for sailing or cruising. A well-aligned and secured mast ensures better performance and stability on the water.

2. When should I step my mast? Mast stepping is typically done during spring commissioning, when boats are taken out of winter storage and prepared for the upcoming season. However, it can also be necessary if you’re re-rigging your mast or performing maintenance on your rigging system.

3. Can I step my mast by myself? Stepping a mast requires careful planning, preparation, and coordination. While some experienced sailors may be able to do it alone, it’s generally recommended to have at least one other person assisting you. Moreover, enlisting professionals who specialize in mast stepping can provide extra peace of mind and ensure a smooth process.

4. How much does professional mast stepping cost? The cost of professional mast stepping services varies depending on factors such as the size and complexity of your boat’s rigging system, location, and additional services required. It’s best to request quotes from reputable marine service providers who can assess your specific needs accurately.

5. What steps are involved in the mast-stepping process? Mast stepping involves several key steps:

– Preparation: Ensure all rigging lines are securely attached with no tangles or snags. – Support: Use sturdy supports such as a crane or gin pole to temporarily hold your mast in place during the raising process. – Alignment: Carefully align the mast with the boat’s keel, making sure it is perpendicular to the waterline. – Attachment: Securely attach the mast to its base (deck or keel) using appropriate hardware and fasteners. – Rigging: Reconnect all necessary lines, cables, and electrical connections according to your boat’s specific rigging configuration.

6. Are there any safety precautions I should take during mast stepping? Safety is paramount when dealing with a tall structure like a mast. It’s essential to follow best practices such as wearing proper protective gear (e.g., harnesses), using secure lifting equipment, and conducting a thorough inspection of all rigging materials beforehand. Additionally, be cautious of overhead powerlines that may pose a hazard during the mast raising process.

7. How often should I inspect my mast and rigging system? Regular inspections are crucial for detecting any signs of wear, corrosion, or damage that could compromise your boat’s safety while at sea. Ideally, you should visually inspect your rigging system yearly and perform more detailed examinations every three to five years or as recommended by professionals.

8. Can Mast Stepped assist me in selecting the right rigging components? Absolutely! Our team of experts can provide guidance on selecting appropriate rigging components tailored to your boat’s specifications and sailing needs. From wire ropes to turnbuckles and fittings, we’ll help you choose durable and reliable equipment from trusted manufacturers.

9. What are some common indicators that my mast needs attention? Signs that your mast may require attention include loose shrouds or stays, clanging noises while under sail, excessive movement or swaying of the mast when underway, leaks around deck penetrations connected to your mast (e.g., halyard exits), visible cracks or deformation on any part of the structure. If you notice any of these issues, it’s best to have them inspected promptly by professionals.

10. Can Mast Stepped assist with unstepping a mast too? Absolutely! Just as we specialize in mast stepping, our services also encompass unstepping masts. Whether you’re preparing for winter storage or need to address rigging maintenance, we have the expertise and equipment to safely handle the de-rigging process.

In conclusion, at Mast Stepped, we understand that proper mast stepping is essential for optimal sailing performance and safety. By addressing frequently asked questions about this process, we aim to empower boat owners with knowledge and resources to ensure their rigs are ready for every adventure on the water. Whether you decide to tackle mast stepping yourself or seek professional assistance, don’t overlook this crucial aspect of boat maintenance – your sailing experience will thank you!

The importance of proper mast stepping for sailboat performance.

Title: Elevating Sailboat Performance: Unveiling the Crucial Role of Proper Mast Stepping

Introduction: Ah, the allure of sailing! The mere thought of gliding through azure waters on a sailboat evokes a sense of freedom and adventure. Yet, behind every successful seafaring expedition lies an often overlooked factor that can make or break a sailor’s experience – proper mast stepping. In this blog, we delve deeper into the importance of ensuring your sailboat’s mast is securely and skillfully stepped, unlocking the secrets behind achieving optimal performance on the high seas.

1. Stability in Every Gust: Imagine navigating a turbulent sea only to find yourself at the mercy of every gusty squall. The trunk-like stability of proper mast stepping is precisely what separates sublime sailing from unbridled chaos. By meticulously aligning and securing your boat’s mast, you establish a foundation that resists excessive movement when encountering powerful wind currents. This stability not only enhances safety but also allows you to maintain better control over your vessel, optimizing performance even in challenging conditions.

2. Maintaining Alignment: Taming Sail Power: A crucial aspect of proper mast stepping lies in maintaining perfect alignment between your sails and rigging components. Just as an orchestra conductor ensures each musician produces harmonious melodies, correctly aligning your mast orchestrates collaboration between sail power and hull dynamics – key factors influencing boat speed and responsiveness. Through careful adjustment and tuning during mast stepping, optimum alignment can be achieved, maximizing propulsion efficiency while minimizing unnecessary strain on vital components.

3. Mastering Balance for Speed: Speed aficionados know that reducing drag is paramount to capturing those elusive knots on open waters. Correctly stepped masts enable boats to strike an equilibrium where dynamic forces align symmetrically with hydrodynamic profiles beneath the waterline—less drag equals more speed! Aligning the center of effort (where sails produce force) with the centerboard or keel down below ensures enhanced balance and a streamlined course through the waves, transforming your boat into a true speed demon.

4. The Symphonic Rigging Ensemble: Proper mast stepping unifies all elements of your sailboat’s rigging system into a harmonious symphony. Whether sails, sheaves, halyards, or shrouds – each element has its part to play in creating the perfect melody that propels you forward. By ensuring precise mast alignment during stepping, you unleash the full potential of each component to work together seamlessly, unlocking enhanced efficiency and promoting optimal performance on every seafaring escapade.

5. Defying Cataclysm: Durability and Safety: A sailboat is only as strong as its weakest link, and improper mast stepping can undermine not just performance but also safety at sea. The consequences of neglecting this critical aspect can range from sagging masts to compromised connections that give way when challenged by harsh weather or sudden jolts. Skillful mast stepping eliminates vulnerability by guaranteeing robust connections, significantly reducing the risk of structural failure or catastrophic dismasting when navigating choppy waters.

Conclusion: From beginners embarking on their maiden voyage to seasoned sailors seeking to optimize their craft’s performance, proper mast stepping remains an indispensable factor deserving meticulous attention. When done skillfully, it unveils a world where stability meets agility, harmony merges with power, and durability fuses with safety—all seamlessly working together to elevate your sailboat’s performance above all expectations. So next time you set sail, don’t overlook the importance of proper mast stepping – let it be the wind in your sails!

Common challenges and troubleshooting when stepping a mast.

Stepping a mast can often be a daunting task, especially for novice sailors or boat owners who are new to the process. It is important to approach it with caution and follow proper techniques to ensure a successful outcome. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the common challenges that you may encounter when stepping a mast and provide effective troubleshooting tips to overcome them.

1. Aligning the Mast: One of the primary challenges is aligning the mast properly during installation. Improper alignment can lead to structural issues or difficulty in raising and lowering the sails smoothly. To tackle this challenge, utilize a mast-stepping partner if available or seek assistance from crew members. Communicate clearly and establish guidelines to ensure everyone understands their roles in aligning the mast correctly.

2. Clearing Obstacles: Another challenge involves clearing any potential obstacles such as rigging lines, electrical wires, or deformed deck hardware that might hinder the smooth stepping of the mast. Conduct a thorough inspection of your boat’s setup beforehand and anticipate these obstacles in advance. If possible, reroute or temporarily remove any obstructions before beginning the process.

3. Dealing with Underneath Services: Boats often have various services passing through their decks, including plumbing lines, wiring conduits, or even fuel lines. Ensuring that these services are adequately protected during mast stepping is crucial to prevent damage while also ensuring they don’t impede the process. Consider using protective covers such as pipe insulation or duct tape where necessary.

4. Adjusting Tension: Proper tension adjustment for shrouds and stays plays an essential role in maintaining structural integrity and sail performance after stepping the mast. However, achieving optimum tension can be challenging due to factors such as limited visibility or excessive friction on turnbuckles when adjusting rigging lines under pressure. Utilize proper tools like turnbuckle wrenches or lubricants specifically designed for marine applications to ease tension adjustments effectively.

5. Securing the Mast: Once the mast is stepped and correctly aligned, it is crucial to secure it firmly while also avoiding excessive compression or stress points. Common methods include tensioning support lines (also known as “baby stays”) or using strap systems directly connected to the mast base. Ensure that these securing measures are evenly distributed on both sides of the mast and properly tensioned to maintain its stability.

6. Rigging Tuning: After successfully stepping the mast, you may need to fine-tune your boat’s rigging for optimal sailing performance. This can involve adjusting shroud tensions, forestay length, or mast rake depending on wind conditions and desired sail shape. Consult your boat’s manual or seek advice from experienced sailors to ensure proper tuning techniques specific to your vessel.

Stepping a mast requires patience, attention to detail, and a methodical approach. By understanding and addressing potential challenges in advance, you will be well-prepared to troubleshoot any problems that arise during this critical process. Remember, seeking guidance from seasoned sailors or professional riggers can greatly assist you in overcoming these challenges effectively and maintaining a safe sailing experience.

Mastering the art of mast stepping: Tips and techniques for sailboat owners.

Mastering the Art of Mast Stepping: Tips and Techniques for Sailboat Owners

Are you a proud sailboat owner? If so, then you already know that becoming an expert at mast stepping is a critical skill to possess. The process of stepping the mast might seem daunting at first, but with the right knowledge and technique, it can be mastered in no time. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of mastering this art form, offering you valuable tips and techniques that will make raising your sailboat’s mast a breeze.

1. Safety First – Before even attempting to step your boat’s mast, ensure that safety is at the forefront of your mind. Taking precautions such as wearing appropriate safety gear (including a sturdy helmet), having a spotter to assist you, and checking all equipment thoroughly will minimize potential risks.

2. Plan Ahead – Planning plays a pivotal role in any successful endeavor, and stepping your boat’s mast is no exception. Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions specific to your sailboat model. Understanding the exact procedure beforehand will prevent unnecessary confusion or errors during the process.

3. Gather Your Tools – To execute this task seamlessly, prepare by gathering all necessary tools and equipment beforehand. Common tools required include a tape measure, wrenches or socket sets (size determined by fasteners), shackles or pins for connecting stays/drill booms/Bob Stay/etc., halyards (mainly used for aligning fixtures), lubricants for easier installation, grease or anti-seize compound for preventing corrosion in stainless steel fittings.

4. Proper Alignment – Aligning your sailboat’s mast correctly is crucial to avoid damage when stepping it. Start by positioning the keel amidships while ensuring that fore/aft alignment rails are straightened in line with deck plates and web frames below decks using various measurements provided within manufacturers’ guidelines.

5. Calling on Friends – Family or friends come in handy during mast stepping. Having an extra pair of hands to assist you significantly reduces stress and increases efficiency. Assigning roles helps delegation, such as someone holding the base of the mast while another person secures the stays or shrouds.

6. Slow and Steady – While eagerness may prompt a desire to rush through this process, taking it slow and steady is key. Moving too quickly can lead to mistakes, mishaps, or even accidents. Patience and attention to detail are your allies throughout mast stepping.

7. The Power of Technology – Modern technology offers various tools that simplify mast-stepping tasks. Using a block-and-tackle system or an electric winch will reduce physical strain when raising your boat’s mast, allowing for smoother operations.

8. Avoiding Snags – Ensure that all lines, halyards, and anything else that could snag on surrounding objects are cleared away before starting the mast-stepping process. This prevents unnecessary snags and potential damage to your sailboat or surrounding structures.

9. The Perfect Alignment – Achieving perfect alignment involves using halyards or temporary stays to adjust for lateral movement once the spar is raised partially but not fully secured yet – don’t be afraid to make minor tweaks until satisfied with the outcome.

10.Preventing Corrosion – Regularly inspecting fittings for corrosion is essential in maintaining your sailboat’s overall integrity. Consider using anti-seize compound or grease on stainless steel fasteners during reassembly to mitigate future corrosion risks.

Mastering the art of mast stepping requires patience, practice, and attention to detail – but with these tips and techniques under your belt, you’ll soon become a pro at this vital skill for every sailboat owner! Remember always to prioritize safety first and enjoy many successful ventures out on the open water!

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fire on atina heesen yacht

Sunken 47m Heesen superyacht Atina to be recovered by the end of September

What remains of the 47-metre Heesen yacht Atina will be recovered by the end of the month, according to the maritime directorate of Olbia, Ugo Piras.

On 11 August, Atina sunk approximately 300 metres from the coast of Olbia in Sardinia, Italy following a fire that broke out in the stern. Dramatic footage taken by the Olbia Coast Guard shows the flames spread until the superyacht is entirely engulfed. She then begins to list and sink.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Direzione Marittima Olbia (@guardiacostieraolbia)

The Olbia Fire Brigade worked alongside the Olbia Coast Guard to tackle the blaze from 8pm local time. Eight people were on board but were evacuated and confirmed safe by authorities.

The recovery of the yacht follows an operation to remove the 33,000 litres of fuel and 18 batteries that were on board at the time, which was completed on 30 August. Piras also told BOAT International that the defueling process caused "a small leak" from a pipe compromised in the fire, but was promptly remediated on site. 

No other pollutants were reported. Anti-pollution pads have been placed on the scene and an area prohibition order has been issued.

Atina was delivered by the Dutch shipyard in 2008 and won a Neptune at the World Superyacht Awards the following year.

She has sailed under many names, including Elandess , Raasta and Naseem . The superyacht was most recently sold in 2021 at a last known asking price of €16,250,000. Atina then underwent an extensive, multi-month refit with Turkish shipyard FDC Yachts to optimise her for charter .

The most noteworthy change was the sundeck, which was redesigned with a larger pool set forward of the new navigation mast, a Teppanyaki grill and a large bar that could seat up to 12 guests for parties or sporting events.

The cause of the fire is being investigated by the Maritime Authority of Olbia.

BOAT International will update the story as it develops.

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    The two-masted rigs are: Lugger - two masts (mizzen), with lugsail (a cross between gaff rig and lateen rig) on both masts. Yawl - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts. Main mast is much taller than mizzen. Mizzen without a mainsail. Ketch - two masts (mizzen), fore-and-aft rigged on both masts.

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    Maltese Falcon was built for the late American venture capitalist Tom Perkins.The iconic three-masted schooner is the fifth-largest sailing yacht in the world. Maltese Falcon's rig is made up of three unstayed, 'weapons-grade' carbon fibre masts, with a fully computerised sail and rotating mast system. The system has been dubbed a triumph of design, development and engineering and Maltese ...

  3. List of large sailing yachts

    4-mast steel barque, launched as Hussar V, currently serving as a cruiseship Black Pearl: 106.70 m (350 ft) ... Aegean Yacht: Yavuz Osman Mete: 2009: 3-mast staysail steel gulet, originally Montigne: Salvaje: 56.40 m (185 ft) Alloy Yachts: Ed Dubois: 2013: Flybridge aluminium ketch, originally Mondango III:

  4. Sailboat Mast Guide: Types, Maintenance, and Upgrades

    Yacht Masts: Sailing in Style. For those looking to take their sailing experience to the next level, upgrading to a yacht mast can be a game-changer. Differences Between Sailboat and Yacht Masts. Yacht masts are typically taller and offer enhanced sail performance. They are often equipped with advanced rigging systems and technology for a more ...

  5. Mirabella V

    The owner specifications combined fast sailing with motoryacht amenities. [4] M5 has achieved speeds in excess of 19 knots (35 km/h; 22 mph) in 8 1/2 ft seas. [1] To achieve the amenity requirements, a single mast was preferred to other rig types in order to maximize interior volumes in keel-stepped sailing yachts; To achieve the performance requirements, the higher aspect ratio of the single ...

  6. Mast (sailing)

    Three-masted training ship Mersey Main topgallant mast. The mast of a sailing vessel is a tall spar, or arrangement of spars, erected more or less vertically on the centre-line of a ship or boat.Its purposes include carrying sails, spars, and derricks, giving necessary height to a navigation light, look-out position, signal yard, control position, radio aerial or signal lamp. [1]

  7. Six of the best superyacht masts in the world

    Okto. A slim mast acts as an exclamation point on the sublimely silent 66 metre superyacht Okto, while domes fan like a four-leaf clover around the roof of the upper deck superyacht gym. The current flagship of Italian yard ISA, Okto was launched in 2014 with exterior styling by Andrea Vallicelli. Photo: Quin Bisset.

  8. Sailboat Masts Explained: From Basics to Repairs

    Yacht Masts: Designed for grandeur, these masts are equipped to handle multiple heavy sails, sophisticated rigging systems, and the weight and balance demands of a large vessel. Sailboat Masts: Engineered for agility, they prioritize speed, wind optimization, and quick adjustments. Maintenance, Repairs, and the Importance of Both.

  9. Unveiling ship mast secrets: All about masts in sailing

    Ketches, with their two masts—the mainmast and a smaller mizzenmast—embody versatility on the water. The mizzenmast adds extra sail area, enhancing maneuverability and control. Ketches excel in long-distance cruising, as they can handle a wide range of wind and sea conditions. Schooners: The tall ships of yore.

  10. Sail Boat Masts: The Essential Guide for Smooth Sailing

    5. The Wing Mast: More commonly seen on high-performance racing yachts, the wing mast is a modern departure from traditional designs. Resembling an airplane wing, this mast enhances aerodynamics and minimizes drag. Wing masts are known for delivering outstanding speeds by efficiently converting wind energy into propelling force. However, they ...

  11. Sailing Terms: Sailboat Types, Rigs, Uses, and Definitions

    June 17, 2024. Sailboats are powered by sails using the force of the wind. They are also referred to as sailing dinghies, boats, and yachts, depending on their size. Sailboats range in size, from lightweight dinghies like the Optimist dinghy (7'9") all the way up to mega yachts over 200 feet long. The length is often abbreviated as LOA (length ...

  12. M5: The largest single-masted sailing yacht in the world

    A massive sailing yacht refit for an aviator with a need for speed - Marilyn Mower discovers a project that combines pragmatism and ambition in perfect measure that came to create M5. At 75 metres, Rod Lewis initially dismissed Mirabella V (now M5) as too much boat. A dozen years ago, the Texan owner was looking to build a composite sailing ...

  13. Sailboat Mast: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Maintaining

    4. Sail Control: Mast Dynamics Understanding how the sail interacts with the mast is essential for optimizing performance. Controlling sail shape is achieved through tensioning and releasing various lines such as halyards, cunninghams, and outhauls. These adjustments influence mast bend, which in turn affects the distribution of power and ...

  14. Masts

    As superyacht owners seek ever-larger and more performance-oriented yachts, designs draw extensively on developments made in the Grand Prix arena. Southern Spars' ECsix continuous carbon fibre rigging is now used in most superyacht projects. Thin ply carbon fibre for mast construction is also beginning to cross over the race/luxury boundary.

  15. Sailing Mast: A Comprehensive Guide to ...

    4. Bend Characteristics: Understanding bend characteristics is essential when selecting a sailing mast. The amount of bend in the mast significantly affects the sail's shape and performance. Masts with more bend can offer a better power delivery and less heeling force, making them suitable for cruising or heavy wind conditions.

  16. World's two tallest masts of sailing yacht Salute and superyacht M5

    Marine Results, an international rigging and structural inspection company has just carried out service work on the masts of sailing yacht M5 and superyacht Salute - two of the world's tallest masts. Marine Results inspected the rig of fast cruising sloop Salute which has the world's tallest aluminium mast at a towering 75 metres. But even that measurement was dwarfed by the next project ...

  17. Rig Solutions

    Just like our masts, they undergo a seamless curing process in our aerospace-grade autoclave. This ensures an optimal strength-to-weight ratio that guarantees exceptional performance. Get in touch with our experts to discuss the ideal boom for your yacht and explore our range of optional features and upgrades. Hall Spars is committed to ...

  18. The best mast climbing gear for sailors & solo climbers

    It has a double ziplock fastening and is a little lighter weight than the DMM harness above. The leg loops are nicely adjustable to avoid pinch too. Specifications. • 4 gear loops. • breathable. • 321g (size 1 - waist 61-76cm, thigh 45-57cm) • 358g (size 2 - waist 75-90cm, thigh 54-66cm) Buy it now.

  19. 5 facts about the world's tallest carbon yacht masts

    4. The masts will hold sails that are larger than a football pitch. It's not surprising that the tallest composite masts in the world - destined for the world's largest sailing yacht White Pearl - will carry a lot of cloth. Magma reports that the masts will support a sail area that out-measures a standard football pitch.

  20. Mast for Sailboat: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing and Maintaining

    Step 4: Standing Tall - Raising the Mast With reliable hands at work (possibly recruit some strong friends), use a crane or hoist to carefully raise the mast towards its rightful spot on your sailboat's deck. Maintain communication with those assisting you and adapt swiftly if any hiccups arise; teamwork makes this dream work! ...

  21. Rig-Rite

    Since 1961, RIG-RITE has engineered, manufactured and distributed Spars, Rigging and Hardware Systems for Sailboats. RIG-RITE stocks the largest variety of related Systems and Hardware available anywhere, Specializing in original replacement parts for Systems on yachts built the world over. Spars - Masts, Booms, Spreaders, Spinnaker Poles ...

  22. Video shows moment sailing yacht Bayesian sinks during violent storm

    Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites. Its nearly 250-foot mast is ...

  23. 4Yachts

    Visit our store and check our offer. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. BUY IN STORE. Contact us. Gdansk, Poland. +48 789 491 273. [email protected].

  24. Mast Stepped: A Comprehensive Guide to Properly Installing and

    These masts are secured on the boat's deck itself, with a lower support or compression post transmitting the mast's loads to the keel. Deck-stepped masts offer advantages like simplified installation and removal, making them particularly favorable for smaller boats or those frequently transported by trailer. The Process of Stepping the Mast:

  25. Sunken 47m Heesen superyacht Atina to be recovered by the end of September

    What remains of the 47-metre Heesen yacht Atina will be recovered by the end of the month, according to the maritime directorate of Olbia, Ugo Piras.. On 11 August, Atina sunk approximately 300 metres from the coast of Olbia in Sardinia, Italy following a fire that broke out in the stern. Dramatic footage taken by the Olbia Coast Guard shows the flames spread until the superyacht is entirely ...