About John P.

One Man's Blog

Specialization is for Insects.

CatamaYak: How to Build a Kayak Catamaran

2 kayak catamaran

August 14, 2013 By John P.

We happen to own four identical kayaks, we bought the Equinox 10.4 kayaks at Costco, and we started working on ways to hack them to make them even better! First, I hacked a motor onto my kayak , and then I thought I’d give it a shot and see if we could build a catamaran out of a couple of em.

The CatamaYak Concept

When we go out on the water there is usually a group of us. Some are faster than others, and some just enjoy a leisurely time on the lake. We wanted to be able to turn a couple of kayaks into a floating relaxation station and give it a motor so that a couple of people could simply sit back and relax while still being able to tag along.

The CatamaYak needed to have a few important characteristics:

  • be light and easy to assemble at the lake
  • be extremely waterproof and not get slippery
  • be durable enough to take a pounding from the waves
  • be rigid enough to deal with the forces encountered

Given the design considerations I took a few measurements and drew up a quick sketch of the components and how I imagined they would fit together.

CatamaYak Design

If you are going to design your own there are a few important things to keep in mind.

  • The bow (nose) of the kayak is generally narrower than the stern (rear). So don’t just make the front and rear crossbeams the same length or it will look funny and not perform as well.
  • You could substitute wood 2x4s for PVC in my design, but its not going to last as long and its going to flex and expand as it takes on water. Its also going to be a LOT heavier.
  • If you intend to add a motor like I did you must make sure that the distance between the two kayaks in the center is sufficient for the motor to turn 360 degrees without the blades hitting the side of the watercraft.

The Kayak Catamaran Parts List

Everything I used for this experiment came from Lowe’s. I’m sure you could also find it at Home Depot or other home improvement stores.

  • 3 – 10′ sections of 2″ PVC pipe
  • 4 – 2″ PVC T sections
  • 4 – 2″ PVC end caps
  • PVC cleaner and cement
  • 1 – 18″ x 72″ wood board
  • 4 – 2″ stainless steel U bolts with lock nuts and washers
  • 4 – 5″ stainless steel eye bolts with lock nuts and washers
  • 1 – 8′ 2×4 (or a couple of 8″ scraps)
  • 2 – 8″ 5/8×16 bolts with lock nuts and washers
  • 4 – Ratcheting straps

I also needed a rubber mallet, wrenches, a drill, a set of drill bits, and a table saw. You could do without the table saw by having the store cut the wood for you.

Building the Kayak Catamaran

The first thing I did was set the two kayaks beside one another and lay the crossbeam PVC pipes on top of it. This allowed me to take measurements and make sure my design was roughly accurate.

Laying out the Parts (1)

It turns out that the exact finished dimensions worked perfectly for my kayaks and particular brand of trolling motor (Minn Kota 30 pound unit). See the design sketch above if you have Equinox 10.4 kayaks and want to exactly duplicate this build.

I then cut all the PVC pipes and dry fit the pieces. I used my table saw to cut the PVC, but you could use a hacksaw and do it by hand, or you could use a reciprocating saw or basically anthing with a blade long enough to go through 2″ of PVC. Its a very soft material so its easy to cut – but keep your cut very straight as you go. The pieces won’t fit properly if the cuts are all crooked.

Catamaran Kayak parts cut and ready to attach (1)

Then it was time to attach the pieces. First, you must start with the rectangular center frame, and you have to be VERY careful when assembling this piece to make sure you get it extremely straight!

I carefully cleaned and cemented each fitting and lightly attached a T union to one end of the support frame. I then VERY QUICKLY laid it on the flat piece of wood to make sure the T’s were pointing straight. After a little adjusting I took a rubber mallet and pounded the T’s on as far as they would go.

Catamaran Kayak end pieces assembled first (1)

You’ll know when the pieces are fully inserted because there is a little ridge in each connector or end cap that won’t let the pipe go any farther. So you don’t need to worry that you put it in too far. In fact, if you follow my design its extremely important that all PVC is assembled as tightly as possible for proper fit and structural integrity.

If done right you can look inside the T fitting and see there are no gaps and some of the cement is pretty much sealing all the way around the tube where they meet.

Inside the PVC fitting for the Catamaran Kayak (1)

First glue up both end pieces, then attach the two long PVC supports to one end, and follow up by attaching the other end piece – which will require you to glue up two pipes at the same time. Work quickly as the PVC cement drys fast! And remember – HAMMER EVERYTHING TOGETHER WITH A RUBBER MALLET!

After that you’re in the home stretch. Time to glue on the cross beam pieces. These are the most critical joints so make sure they are very clean and you have plenty of cement. You don’t want these to break on the water! Also, notice again that in my design the front and rear are different lengths. Here is a photo showing just one side glued up.

Front and Rear different lengths on Catamaran Kayak (1)

Once you’ve finished connecting all the PVC joints and adding end caps, you can lay the frame back down on your kayaks and begin attaching the connecting hardware. First up, the wooden platform needs to be connected on top. This serves two purposes. First, it provides a lot of torsional rigidity. And secondly, it gives you a spot where you can put stuff!

I used 4 long eye bolts pointing upwards to connect the wood to my PVC frame by drilling down through the wood and directly through the center of each of the 4 T-connectors in the corners. By using the eye bolts it gives connection points in each of the 4 corners that can be used for lashing things to the top, or could even be used for lifting / hanging the platform.

Eye Hooks for Catamaran Kayak (1)

You’re going to attach 4 eye bolts pointing downward from the end of each crossbeam. These are going to be used for connecting the ratcheting strap to hold the kayaks in place.

Eye bolts on Catamaran Kayak frame (1)

The other end of the strap mounting is a U bolt mounted directly on the platform. Make sure and leave enough room that the ratchet can be entirely on top when its mounted securely. This does a couple of things, but most importantly it allows you to ratchet it up a little while on the water if it loosens up, which it will do a bit when it gets wet. I’ve already proven out this point on the Lake, so don’t skip it.

Ratchet Hooks for Kayak Catamaran (1)

You’re about done at this point! Now if you intend to mount a motor on it you need to add a wood block that will fit it. I accomplished this by cutting two 2×4″s down to 8″ wide. These were attached with several stainless steel screws and an L bracket (found near the fencing stuff in the lumber department) for some added rigidity. I wanted to make sure there was NO flex with the motor so all of the power translated to forward momentum instead of any wiggle in the mount.

Motor Mount for Kayak Catamaran (1)

At this point you should be done and ready to simply slip a ratcheting strap under each mounting point, front and rear, on both Kayaks and secure them tightly.

We took the double Kayak Catamaran out on the lake for the day and it performed FAR better than I ever expected! The little 30 pound Minn Kota trolling motor was able to EASILY push the watercraft! By the way, you need to really watch the video I did about the single Kayak motor mount in order to see how to wire it up and which battery to use, etc. But even with the little trolling motor battery I used we were out on the lake messing around with the motor in use for over an hour and only used 20% of the battery life.

Cali and John lounging on the Catamaran Kayak (1)

Not only was this rig able to easily push and steer the CatamaYak, but we were able to even TOW both of the other Kayaks without any issue! Amazing.

Catamaran Kayak towing two kayaks rear (1)

A couple of last little things. You’ll see in all of the photos that the wood panel in the middle is exposed untreated wood. That’s because we bought some special textured extremely waterproof paint to cover it with, but I didn’t do it before the first trip out to the lake. We’ll be painting it for long term durability soon.

Olympic Rescue It Paint for Kayak Catamaran (1)

Finally, if you do this, you’re technically changing your kayak into a home built motor boat. And in Texas, and probably most states, you’re going to have to register it as a watercraft. It costs like $30 in Texas to do it, but be warned that if the lake police come by you could be ticketed for taking this on the water without registration. So make sure you’re covered so you don’t worry about it.

Oh, and be prepared for a LOT of attention on the water! Because no one has ever seen anything like this before so they’ll all want to be checking it out!

So, that’s it! I hope you guys enjoy the hack / build. Let me know if you have any questions in the comments below and I’ll help as best I can. This is a project that you can build in just a couple of hours if you have the right tools, and the entire cost was around $100 including PVC, wood, bolts, paint, etc. So that’s a pretty good value!

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John P. is a former CEO, former TV Show Host, and the Founder and Wizard behind Texas Metal Works . You can find him on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn . Feel free to send shoutouts, insults, and praise. Or Money. Money is good.

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May 11, 2016 at 9:30 pm

This is awesome! I am with Robert on the straps..confused about the role of the U bolts. I thought the ratchet strap hooked back to the platform eye bolt. Please clarify. By the way John, why did you take yours apart?

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May 12, 2016 at 10:32 am

I used the u-bolts on the platform so that the base of the ratchets could lay flat against the wood once everything was tightened up. This way when you’re on the water you can use one hand to ratchet it tighter if need be.

You may be able to use the same I look somewhere and put both ends of the ratchet on it. You just want to make sure that you have enough room for the straps to Route Around everything and still be accessible when you’re on the water. It could be fairly disastrous to have anything separate with your stuff on that Central platform. It would pretty much just think…

I disassembled mine because I wasn’t going to register it as a watercraft, and it takes up too much room in the garage for something I’m not using constantly. If we had a lake house I would have definitely left it hooked up. It was great! :-)

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December 14, 2015 at 5:37 pm

This is something I have been wanting to do for a long time. Great instructions. One thing that isn’t clear to me is how the ratchet straps attach to the u-bolts. Could yo show a top view picture to make it easy to see? Thanks.

January 5, 2016 at 10:59 pm

Sorry Robert, I took it apart a while back so I can’t take a photo any more. But since the ratcheting straps have hooks on them, as long as you get them hooked into the eye bolt and just tighten them up, they’ll stay! :-)

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April 10, 2015 at 10:53 am

Great modification! I have 2 identical Perception Sport Pescador 120 kayaks and this has definitely inspired me to build a similar setup. I also own a Hobie Adventure island and love the extra space gained from the trapoline sides between the kayak and the amas (just like your wooden platform has done). You could also add additional cargo space to the void formed between the wooden platform and the front of the two kayaks from a lightweight water repellent material. Great work, thanks for sharing!

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July 14, 2014 at 9:27 am

I wanted to say thank you for posting this project. My son is handicapped and i had wanted to take him our on my kayaks and could not imagine how to make it safe for him to enjoy. This is perfect. We even got a thumbs up from the Vessel Assist Boat Crew on our Maiden Voyage. The stability is amazing even in Lake Washington with the chop and larger motorized vessels. Your measurements were spot on for our boats. High Five! Would love to share a pic. This has opened up a whole new world to a boy and his dog. Thank you!

July 23, 2014 at 11:30 pm

Yeah! I’m so happy to hear that this was helpful! :-)

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August 15, 2013 at 8:33 am

That definitely seems easier than I thought.

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August 14, 2013 at 2:40 pm

I was going to say if John built it a Catastrophe but it looks pretty good. Cali has large feet or John has small ones. :)

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August 14, 2013 at 1:10 pm

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How to Make a Catamaran Out of Two Kayaks? Here’s What You Need to Know

2 kayak catamaran

If you’re looking for an inexpensive and simple way to make your own catamaran out of two kayaks, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this guide, we’ll provide the necessary steps to create a stable and secure catamaran from two kayaks.

You’ll learn the benefits of making a catamaran out of two kayaks, the supplies you’ll need, a step-by-step guide to tying the kayaks together, constructing the platform, and more.

Plus, we’ll provide tips for ensuring a safe and fun day on the water.

So, let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Short Answer

Making a catamaran out of two kayaks is actually relatively simple and can be done in a few steps.

First, you’ll need to attach the two kayaks together using either rope or straps.

Make sure the kayaks are well secured together and evenly balanced.

Then, tie a cross beam between the two kayaks to make a platform for seating and storage.

Finally, add any additional gear, such as paddles and life jackets, that you may need for your journey.

With these steps, you’ll have your own DIY catamaran made out of two kayaks!

Benefits of Making a Catamaran Out of Two Kayaks

Making a catamaran out of two kayaks is a great way to enjoy the open waters with added stability and capacity compared to a single kayak.

Not only is it relatively easy and inexpensive to do, but it also allows you to explore further and carry more gear than you would with a single kayak.

One of the main benefits of making a catamaran out of two kayaks is that it provides added stability.

A catamaran is inherently more stable than a single kayak because the two hulls provide a wider base, which helps prevent tipping over.

This is especially beneficial for those who are new to kayaking, as it gives them additional confidence on the water.

Another benefit of making a catamaran out of two kayaks is that it gives you more capacity.

By combining two kayaks, you can carry more gear and supplies than you would with a single kayak.

This makes it perfect for overnight trips or long-distance paddles, as you can easily carry enough food, water, and other supplies to last the entire trip.

Finally, making a catamaran out of two kayaks is also relatively easy and inexpensive.

All that is needed are two kayaks, a few pieces of wood, and some basic tools.

With a few simple steps, you can have a great time on the water without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, making a catamaran out of two kayaks can be a great way to explore open waters with added stability and capacity.

So if youre looking for a fun and safe way to enjoy the water, making a catamaran out of two kayaks is definitely worth considering.

Necessary Supplies

2 kayak catamaran

When it comes to making a catamaran out of two kayaks, there are certain supplies that are necessary for the job.

The most important items needed are two kayaks, some pieces of wood, and basic tools.

Depending on the type of kayaks, rope or bungee cord may also be necessary.

The two kayaks should be tied together with rope or bungee cord.

This will provide the necessary stability and capacity that a catamaran needs.

The rope or bungee cord should be tied securely, but not too tightly, to ensure that the kayaks dont move apart when in use.

Using the pieces of wood, a platform should be constructed to attach the kayaks together.

This will provide the necessary support for the kayaks to be on the same level.

The platform should be made with durable wood that can withstand the elements and the weight of the kayaks.

Once the platform is in place, the kayaks should be secured together with more rope or bungee cord.

This will ensure that the kayaks stay together and remain secure.

With these supplies, youll be able to construct a catamaran out of two kayaks, providing a great way to explore open waters with added stability and capacity.

It is a relatively simple process to do, and with the right supplies, youll be able to enjoy a fun and safe day on the water.

Step-by-Step Guide for Tying the Kayaks Together

Tying two kayaks together to create a catamaran is a fairly straightforward process that can be completed with minimal supplies and basic tools.

To get started, select two kayaks that are similar in size and shape.

If the kayaks are not the same size, one may need to be secured higher than the other for balance.

Once the kayaks are selected, its time to start tying them together.

Begin by securing a rope or bungee cord around the kayaks, making sure to wrap the cord around both kayaks several times.

Its important to make sure the cord is tied tightly and securely; if the cord is too loose, the kayaks are likely to move while in the water, which could be dangerous.

After the rope or bungee cord is secured, a platform should be constructed out of wood and attached to the kayaks.

This platform should be large enough for the items being stored on the catamaran, such as coolers, fishing gear, and other supplies.

Once the platform is attached, its important to securely tie the kayaks together with additional rope or bungee cord.

This will help ensure that the kayaks stay together and dont move while in the water.

By following these simple steps, anyone can easily create a catamaran out of two kayaks.

With a little bit of planning and the right supplies, this project can be completed in just a few hours.

With the catamaran in place, its time to hit the open waters and enjoy a great day on the water.

Constructing the Platform

2 kayak catamaran

Constructing the platform for a catamaran out of two kayaks is the next step in the process.

The platform should be constructed out of wood, such as lumber or plywood.

The size of the platform will vary depending on the size of the kayaks and the desired capacity, but the general rule is that the platform should be at least twice the width of the kayaks.

The platform should also be long enough to span the distance between the two kayaks.

The platform should be constructed with two crossbeams for added stability.

These should be secured to the kayaks with bolts, screws, or rope.

The crossbeams should be evenly spaced along the length of the platform.

Once the platform is constructed, it should be secured to the kayaks with more rope or bungee cord.

It is important to make sure the platform is strong and secure.

Make sure that the crossbeams are securely attached to the kayaks and that the platform is securely attached to the crossbeams.

If the platform is not secure, it can cause an instability that could lead to an accident while out on the water.

Once the platform is secure, it’s time to enjoy your new catamaran!

Securing the Kayaks Together

Once the kayaks are tied together, it is time to secure them for a more stable and reliable ride.

This is done by looping additional rope or bungee cord around the kayaks and tying them together.

This creates a secure connection between the two kayaks and ensures that they will remain connected while out on the water.

Additionally, it is important to make sure that all knots are tightly tied and not loose.

This will help to ensure that the connection between the kayaks remains strong and secure.

Additionally, it is important to inspect the knots periodically throughout the day to ensure that they are still tight and secure.

This is especially important if the kayaks are being used in choppy or turbulent waters.

Tips for Ensuring a Safe and Fun Day on the Water

2 kayak catamaran

Making a catamaran out of two kayaks is a great way to explore open waters with added stability and capacity, and it can be done relatively easily and with minimal supplies.

However, its important to take the proper steps to ensure a safe and fun day on the water.

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary supplies.

This includes two kayaks, a few pieces of wood, rope or bungee cord, and basic tools.

Make sure you have enough of each material to complete the project.

Once you have all the supplies, its time to tie the kayaks together.

Make sure the rope or bungee cord is tied securely and tightly, as it will be responsible for keeping the kayaks together.

Its also important to make sure the kayaks are tied together in the correct way.

The best way to do this is to tie the sterns together and then tie the bows together.

Next, you will need to build a platform out of the wood.

Make sure the platform is the correct size and securely attached to the kayaks.

This will be the base for the catamaran.

Finally, to ensure the kayaks stay together, you should use additional rope or bungee cord to tie the kayaks together.

Once you have completed all these steps, youre ready to hit the open waters! Just remember to be safe and have fun.

And, if you ever have any doubts, seek out professional help to make sure your catamaran is constructed correctly.

Other Ways to Make a Catamaran Out of Two Kayaks

Making a catamaran out of two kayaks is a great way to explore open waters with added stability and capacity.

It can be done relatively easily and with minimal supplies, allowing you to save money and still have a great time.

In addition to the rope and wood mentioned above, there are a few other methods that can be used to make a catamaran out of two kayaks.

One option is to use a pair of inflatable air mattresses.

These mattresses can be used to create a platform between the two kayaks that will provide additional stability.

The mattresses should be connected with rope or bungee cord and then secured to the kayaks.

This is a great option for those who dont want to build a wooden platform or dont have the necessary tools.

Another option is to use two pieces of foam.

This method is similar to the inflatable mattress option, but instead of using air mattresses, two pieces of foam are used to form the platform.

The foam should be cut to shape and then connected to the kayaks with rope or bungee cord.

This is a great option if you dont have access to an air mattress, but it may not be as durable as a wooden platform.

Finally, another option is to use a piece of plywood.

This method is similar to the wooden platform option, but instead of using individual pieces of wood, a piece of plywood is used to form the platform.

The plywood should be cut to shape and then connected to the kayaks with rope or bungee cord.

This is a great option if you have the necessary tools and access to a sheet of plywood, but it may not be as strong as a wooden platform.

No matter which method you choose, making a catamaran out of two kayaks is a great way to explore open waters with added stability and capacity.

With the right supplies and tools, you can have a fun and safe day on the water.

Final Thoughts

With the right supplies and a bit of knowledge, you can easily construct your own catamaran.

So why not give it a try? You’ll be sure to have a great time out on the water with your new craft.

James Frami

At the age of 15, he and four other friends from his neighborhood constructed their first boat. He has been sailing for almost 30 years and has a wealth of knowledge that he wants to share with others.

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One sail rig for two kayaks makes a catamaran!

See  Item 6008  for the basic kit.  For Deluxe and Super Deluxe packages see item 6010 and item 6011 .

Customer Feedback

"Hello,I just want to tell you that I had a great weekend of sailing my kayakamaran!" Ellen (June 2014)

"Hi Jim & Betty,

We took our new Kayakamaran out for a nice sail at a local lake which was totally not suitable for sail boats! But the large Lateen sail still had us trolling right along at over a knot!!   And the few spots where  the wind got down to us we really took off!! :)

Thanks again, Smitty!! " (August 2022)

"Subject: Fun, Fun, Fun!

My wife and I are enjoying sailing with the kayakamaran sail kit. It is a lot of fun. - Dave L." (June 2010)

See the Many Configurations You Can Create With The Kayakamaran Sail Kit

2 kayak catamaran

Two different hard-shell kayaks.

2 kayak catamaran

Two identical hardshell kayaks.

2 kayak catamaran

Two different inflatable kayaks.

See Kayakamarans in action with these video links:

Click  Here for another video clip of the above kayakamaran in action.. 

And  Here  for a whole folder of video clips you can watch.  

More Photos 

2 kayak catamaran


2 kayak catamaran

Why is this better than the sail rig on one kayak?   (a) More room. (b)  More stable, which also means it's faster because the mast stays more upright, presenting more sail area to the wind.  Consider getting the Super Deluxe Package that makes a Kayakamaran or a sail kit for just one kayak -- use it as a kayakamaran in the morning and a single-kayak sail kit in the afternoon, for example.

Questions?  Email:   [email protected]

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2 kayaks to make 1 cat ?

Discussion in ' Boat Design ' started by fabrice , Mar 23, 2009 .


fabrice Junior Member

Hi everyone, I'm owner of a pair of "twin" kayaks. My wife tried my sea kayak and wanted just the same ! So, I was wondering how to get a cat out of these. 2 PVC pipes and ratcheted webbing does a very efficient job to create the double hull. I then fitted other pvc pipes (all 5 cm diameter) to make a mast support. Mast is made of wood, so are crab claw spars. The overall design may look crappy, but it worked without snapping in 3-4 b on the nearest lake. (sorry no pics for the moment) First of all, I'd like to hear from your background on this peculiar design. Second, I'm now working on an major improvement : It's obvious that my yaks aren't built to do a beating or even a reach, and slipped a lot. what's the best design ? A leeboard on each side ? Just one leeboard ? Maybe a centerboard attached in the middle of one of the pvc pipes ? Would a rudder be enough ? After all, cats don't even got any board, if I'm not mistaken ? Same questions then with the rudder : centered ? each kayak one like any cat ? ... Gee, so many questions, so less time left to live ... (Hope my english is readable, don't be afraid to correct the weirdest faults, I'm inclined to improve myself every time I can)  
never tried this concept ? anyone ?  

ancient kayaker

ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

I have tried a sail rig on a kayak and it worked well, but the sail area was too small for working upwind well. Your "catyak" can carry more sail area. Cats usually have daggerboards or sometimes angled foils to prevent sideways drift or leeway. You will need a board to prevent leeway on a reach or when beating into the wind, because kayaks do not have much resistance to leeway. The location of the board in the side to side direction is not very important while both hulls are in the water; the inboard of either hull should be OK. You can start with the leeboard directly under the mast and move it until you find the best fore or aft location. A foot-operated rudder would leave your hands free for sail handling; do the kayaks already have rudders? If they do you could use either one to steer, and mount the leeboard on the same hull. A kayak rudder may be too small for sailing but you can attach a piece of plywood to it to make it larger.  

alan white

alan white Senior Member

A twin cockpit kayak with two floats (aka a trimaran) would work better. More waterline, more speed, and not subject to losing feeboard when heeled. I've seen single tris but not a double. The board would go behind the back of the forward seat. How much board area relates to how much sail and how much vee the hull (s) have, and Dave Gerr's .book, The Nature of Boats, should help you to determine the size. The book is great for all kinds of calculations and rule of thumb. , .  
The tri would be faster and simpler than the cat. You can also have 2 single-seater tris of course. If you go that route, the floats or amas can cause more drag at speed than is desirable. There are two solutions to that: 1) sail with the amas out of the water, which requires you to balance the wind force on the sail and is not easy to do in a kayak 2) design the amas to plane at speed, which requires a more sophisticated shape and construction I took a 3rd route: I used a Bruce foil which is a leeboard mounted on an outrigger at an angle so the sideways force of the wind produces lift from the foil, resulting in zero heeling force. It is not as efficient as a vertical board when beating but it worked great on a reach.  
AK--- did the foil also make drag as well as lift? Did it skew the boat (cause weather helm)?  


CrazyRU Junior Member

Kruger canoe fabrice said: ↑ never tried this concept ? anyone ? Click to expand...


Chris Ostlind Previous Member

Fabrice, Check these out for ideas and suitability. http://www.easyriderkayaks.com/catamaran1.htm http://www.easyriderkayaks.com/airfoil_kayaks.htm You can do this yourself with a little thought and planning. I've built all sorts of sailing systems for kayaks and canoes in the past and they make for fun boating experiences.  

Attached Files:

Tacking away w.jpg, love boat breakaway w.jpg.

Thanks a lot for all your answers ! food for thoughts, I guess. The variocat seems to be the nearest concept, and comes with a large board and rudder. I might stick to this. I'd like to stress that I'm not trying to sail my yaks, but actually use the available hulls. I really enjoy paddling a kayak. If only this comes to a happy ending, I'll post pics and give backup info. humm, eventually, it could end in buying a used hobie, but I should have learned a lot in the meantime I hope.  
http://www.switchsports.com.au/Boats/Switch/tabid/56/Default.aspx This one looks just like I planed. But fails to answer the problems listed : too small rudders (even with two) I guess, and lacks a good board.  
alan white said: ↑ AK--- did the foil also make drag as well as lift? Did it skew the boat (cause weather helm)? Click to expand...


rwatson Senior Member

Try looking up James Wharrams designs. He does a cat that is designed as two individual canoe hulls. Its a plywood design you can get plans for  
rwatson, this link is great. Hitia makes sense to me, although hitia hulls are V shaped : coming more from polynesian canoe than kayak. Thanks !  
I would imagine a Vee shaped hull makes sense in a dedicated catamaran to minimise the increase of wetted surface as one hull takes the entire weight when heeled with the other hull out of the water. Such a Vee shaped hull would be useless as a monohull, and a Hitia, although small, is far from the 2-kayak concept of the first post.  
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humm, I read from other sources that the V shape is more wetted than U or elliptic. I'm new to these concepts, so I believe what I read (maybe misread, indeed ) So far, It comes to my mind that the V shape is more likely to be accurate without any "whatever"board. Most trad/ethnic canoes I see sailing on the web roughly take the same V shape. So ... I guess you're right from a hull designer point of view. Hulls apart : same LOA (17), symetric, simple design. Maybe inflatable cats could be nearest in concept and usage. I just ran into "smartkat". --> centerboard, centered rudder. Inspiring.  


Do homebuilt kayaks & canoes need hull identification numbers in the U.S.?


Outriggers and pontoons for my design sailng kayaks

river runner

Planing hull kayaks??


Liferaft Certificates

Joe Mooney

Mirror dinghy modification

Nicolas Knap

catamaran float


Plywood on Frame Modification Questions

brian eiland

Central Nacelle on Crusing Catamaran (lots of pluses)

Silas McGhee

Small Power Catamarans?


central foil design for an e-catamaran

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Boat Design Net

Noisy River Outdoors

Flip Kat® Portable Kayak

Portable Flip Kat

Portable Flip-Kat®

2 kayak catamaran

The Flip-Kat® is a portable kayak that focuses on portability, stability, and storability. When folded you can fit two Flip-Kats® in the back of a large SUV or UTV for the off-road destination. The stability of the Flip-Kat® is world class for kayaks. The over 11-foot-long flat bottom catamaran hull design gets you though the choppy water and into the shallow. As for storability, the Flip-Kat® is designed to fit into a standard closet.

  • 5 position Flip Up Pedal Drive with Kick Up prop shaft and guard
  • Chair Back/Leaning Post Adjustable Angle 90-45
  • Height Adjustable Seat 1”-15” with cup holder
  • Adjustable Seat Back
  • Optional Telescopic Canopy Mounts to Chair Frame for Obstacle Free Casting
  • Tiller style Rudder with adjustable handle for stand up or sit down use.
  • Optional Mount for Bixpy propulsion system
  • 4 water tight pontoons
  • Tons of T-track
  • Access Hatches
  • Accessory Rails with skid plates and quick attach wheel system
  • Catamaran Hulls with approximately 12”x48” of Covered Storage each
  • Pull Handle Allows for Clip on Accessories Flip Down for Step
  • Bridge Deck with T-track 4” Deep Basin, Scupper Holes and Convenient Prop Access

Roto molded body with stainless steel and aluminum components.

  • Folded – 53” long, 23” wide, 27” tall
  • Flipped out – 11’ 3” long, 4’ wide.
  • 146 lbs including pedal drive, chair/leaning post, and accessory rail/skid plates with quick attach wheel mounts
  • 350 pound capacity
  • Maximum capacity 1 person 250lbs
  • Maximum gross capacity 1 person & gear 350lbs

For warranty and return questions, click Here

Introducing the FLIP-KAT®

The Patented Flip-Kat® is the first portable kayak made for the serious sportsman by serious sportsmen. The Portable Flip-Kat® focuses on stability, performance and comfort all while taking up a fraction of the space a traditional kayak does, without sacrificing the sportsman’s needs. The large 4-foot wide deck gives you plenty of stable room to move around freely so you are not stuck in one position all day. It also allows you to net that monster bass or take that quick waterfowl shot. Made in the Good Ole USA!

Flip-Kat ® in the Media

The Flip-Kat ® kayak has been featured in a variety of media outlets & podcasts, and we are thrilled to share our latest appearance with you. Check out our podcast appearance on Paddle N' Fin Network, where we discuss the inspiration behind the Flip-Kat ®, its unique features, and how it stands out from other kayaks in the market. At Noisy River Outdoors, we believe in providing the best possible kayaking experience for our customers. We are constantly innovating and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with our Flip-Kat kayaks. Check back here and stay up-to-date with our latest media appearances and learn more about our company's mission and values. Thank you for choosing Noisy River Outdoors - we can't wait for you to experience the joy of kayaking with the Flip-Kat ® kayak!

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Your Premier Kayak Fishing Lifestyle Page, Gear, appreal, and seasonal techniques to help catch fish!

"The Flip Kat kayak is a fully portable catamaran style kayak that goes where you go! Regardless of your storage capabilities, the flip kat gives you the ability to get on the water anywhere you want!"

flip kat features

Who is the Flip-Kat® Made For?

The Flip-Kat® is the ultimate kayak for hunters who want a versatile and portable boat that can handle the demands of the great outdoors. Its flat bottom catamaran hull design allows it to navigate shallow waters with ease, making it perfect for stalking game in the marsh or the river. The kayak's integrated pedal drive provides a whisper-quiet propulsion system that won't spook game, and its adjustable chair/leaning post combination allows the user to customize their seating position for maximum comfort and ease of use during long hunting excursions. With its ability to navigate shallow waters, the Flip-Kat® allows hunters to easily pedal or paddle the kayak right to the edge of the land, swiftly hop out, and shoot game. Additionally, the kayak can be easily converted into a mobile hunting blind, making it perfect for duck hunting. Whether you're hunting in the marsh, the river, or the lake, the Flip-Kat® is the perfect kayak for hunters who want to take their adventure to the next level. Read our blog on Choosing a Hunting Kayak to learn more!

The Flip-Kat® is the perfect kayak for fishermen who want a versatile and portable boat with an integrated pedal drive, leaving their hands free to fish. Its unique kick-up propeller and flat bottom catamaran hull design allow it to encounter underwater obstacles without the user even realizing, meaning no depth of water is off limits. The kayak's pedal drive provides a whisper-quiet propulsion system that won't disturb fish, and its adjustable chair/leaning post combination allows the user to stand, sit, or lean in over 57 different positions. The Flip-Kat® offers a multitude of T-tracks and storage space for fishing gear and a telescoping canopy that protects the user from the sun while still enabling obstacle-free casting. Additionally, the Flip-Kat's® folding design allows it to be easily transported and stored, making it the perfect choice for fishermen who want a kayak that is convenient, fast-launching, and simple to use. The Flip-Kat® was designed with fishermen in mind so no detail went overlooked. Read our blog on Choosing a Fishing Kayak to learn more!

The Flip-Kat® is the perfect kayak for photographers who want to get up close and personal with wildlife while enjoying the beauty of nature. Leave your zoom lens at home; its flat bottom catamaran hulls, which measure at over 11 feet long, provide stability and enable the kayak to navigate shallow waters and easily approach wildlife. The kayak's adjustable chair/leaning post combination allows the photographer to customize their seating position for maximum comfort and support for those hard-to-get photo angles. Additionally, the Flip-Kat's stability empowers the user to easily stand up and capture photos, resulting in completely unique shots. Photography gear is already heavy to carry and cumbersome to store so kayak photographers need a compact kayak like the Flip-Kat® which never requires you to lift even half of its weight during transportation. Whether you're shooting in the marshy wetlands or open ocean, the Flip-Kat® is the ultimate kayak for photographers who want to capture stunning shots of the great outdoors. Read our blog on Choosing a Photography Kayak to learn more!

The Flip-Kat® is the perfect kayak for seniors who want a versatile and portable boat that is easy to use and store. Its flat bottom catamaran hull design provides unmatched stability, allowing seniors to enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about tipping over. The kayak's folding design allows it to be easily stored in small homes, and its compact size and lightweight construction make it easy to transport. With its advanced hitch rack system, seniors will never have to lift even half the weight of the kayak, making it easy to load and unload. The kayak's adjustable chair/leaning post combination allows seniors to customize their seating position for maximum comfort, and its durable construction ensures that it will hold up to the rigors of the great outdoors. The Flip-Kat® also enables seniors to kayak for longer thanks to the ability to quickly switch from paddling to pedaling. Flip-Kat® is the ultimate kayak for seniors who want to enjoy the beauty of nature alone or keep up with their family. Read our blog on Choosing a Kayak for Seniors to learn more!

The Flip-Kat® is the ultimate kayak for leisure kayakers who want to invest in a versatile, durable portable kayak that will remain their go-to vessel as their passion for kayaking develops. Its flat bottom catamaran hull design allows it to navigate shallow waters with ease, making it perfect for exploring the shallow marsh, rocky river, or weedy lake. The kayak's integrated pedal drive provides a whisper-quiet propulsion system that allows you to enjoy the peacefulness of nature, and its adjustable chair/leaning post combination allows the user to customize their seating position for maximum comfort and ease of use. With its ample storage space, the Flip-Kat® is the perfect kayak for leisure kayakers who want to bring along plenty of snacks, books, and miscellaneous gear on their adventure. Additionally, the kayak's folding design allows it to be easily transported and stored, making it the perfect choice for leisure kayakers who want a kayak that is convenient and easy to use. Whether you're kayaking for fun, exercise, or relaxation, the Flip-Kat™ is the ultimate kayak for leisure kayakers who want to enjoy the beauty of nature. Read our blog on Choosing a Portable Kayak to learn more!

2 kayak catamaran

Portability/ Storability

Take your Flip-Kat® on your next trip whether it's business or pleasure. The 4’wide x 11’3” Long Flip-Kat® folds up to a compact 53” long x 23” wide x 27” tall and that’s with the built-in pedal system and combo chair/leaning post. Perfect for storing in the corner of the garage or the hall closet. Even If you live in an apartment or condo you won’t need to have a storage unit for this kayak. Simply pull it out of the closet, pop on the quick attach wheel system and roll it to the elevator and go. Slide it into your SUV, truck, RV, or UTV. You can also opt for the Flip-Kat® hitch rack system that fits up to 2 kayaks on the back of your vehicle. Flip-Kat’s® don’t need an expensive trailer to tag, maintain, and store and you won’t spend half of your day on preparation. Flip it out in about 2 minutes and get started on your next adventure.

Pedal Drive

Pedal Drive

The Flip-Kat’s® pedal drive is unlike any other on the market. It’s fully integrated into the Flip-Kat® and is ready to go when you flip it up. Its unique belt driven design allows for a powerful yet quiet experience without any of the headaches of gear driven systems. With multiple adjustable positions in the pedal drive alone there is a spot for everyone. Shallow water, logs, stumps and rocks are no problem for the auto kick-up prop shaft. The Flip-Kat® can also accommodate the Bixpy jet drive in conjunction with the pedal drive or as a stand alone propulsion system.

Chair & Leaning Post

Chair & Leaning Post

Spend hours out on the water in the Flip-Kat’s® ergonomically designed, fully integrated, and adjustable chair system that goes from a comfortable multi position seat to a full stand-up leaning post. The chair/leaning post combination has 6 adjustable height and 9 tilt positions. That’s 54 standing and sitting positions ranging from straight up at 90 degrees to laying back at a comfortable 45 degrees. This range of movement allows the Flip-Kat® to fit many different uses and people.” The adjustable chair with built-in cup holder and tool slot allows you to find that sweet spot for fishing, duck hunting, photography or just a relaxing day on the water. The chair back includes a T-Track System for attaching rod holders, paddles, navigation lights and other accessories like the optional flip-up wide open canopy. The sturdy leaning post gives you a steady secure position for your stand up activities like fly fishing, sight casting, bow fishing or using the optional Bixpy jet drive in the stand-up mode

Ultimate Fishing & Hunting Platform

Ultimate Fishing & Hunting Platform

The Flip-Kat’s® catamaran hull design offers an unbelievably stable platform with a 4 foot wide deck that allows you the freedom you need to work a fish or take that odd shot at a duck. The center cockpit is a raised deck, positioned above the hulls to help keep you high and dry whether fishing, hunting or pedaling to your next destination. The two 11 feet 3-inch-long flat bottom cat hulls cut through the chop and get you into and out of the shallows. The two large side hulls offer 5 cubic feet of covered cargo space to keep your decoys, fish bags, soft coolers, dry bags, or your day’s bounty. With the chair in the leaning post position, you are secure and comfortable for stand-up sight casting, fly fishing and bow fishing. For the duck hunters the Flip-Kat® makes for a great portable duck blind. The chair’s multiple elevated positions allows easy stand up/sit-down shooting or goes back to 45 degrees for a layout position.(or just in case you need a nap!)

Adventure, Recreation, & Photography

Adventure, Recreation, & Photography

The Flip-Kat® is perfect for a day out in the sun with your family and friends. In kayaking, one of the highest concerns is stability for young and old. The Flip-Kat® makes for a comfortable and secure feeling on the water. Don't be afraid to take a dip and cool off, the drop down step/handle allows you to exit and re-enter the Flip-Kat® with ease. The multi-position chair and pedal drive offers a combination of over 250 positions to fit almost everyone. Our incredibly stable kayak is also perfect for on the water scenic photography. Sneaking up on wildlife is a breeze with the whisper quiet pedal drive. Flip-Kats® give you the ability to pedal, paddle, or jet your way across the lake to your favorite destination to get that perfect pic!

For Rescue & Wildlife Enforcement

For Rescue & Wildlife Enforcement

The extremely stable Flip-Kat® makes a perfect everyday add on for rescue and wildlife enforcement agencies. Its ability to be stored inside or on the back of a vehicle full time yet be rapidly deployed when the need arises. The additional stability of the catamaran design makes it more secure than the traditional kayak; especially when dealing with panicked people or wildlife. With four sealed pontoons, staying afloat is significantly more reliable in rough situations. The adjustability of the seat and pedal drive also allow the user to sit much higher on the kayak for a significantly better vantage point and full access to their gear/toolbelt. This can make the difference between life and death when making a stop or looking for something or someone in distress.

Stable + Playful

The large 4-foot-wide deck gives you plenty of stand up, stable, moving around room so you’re not stuck in that one aching position all day. In hot weather, you can take a dip in the water and use the pull-down step system to get back on deck easily!

You Found Our Blog! Enter to Win a Flip-Kat™

To celebrate our pre-launch we are giving one lucky individual their very own Flip-Kat™. Enter below!

I Want to Win a Flip-Kat™!

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First Look at Native Watercraft’s Biyak Fishing Catamaran

N ative Watercraft has taken on the development of the Biyak catamaran. The boat features twin pontoons held together with a metal frame. The pontoons can be moved in and out to improve paddling speed or stability depending on the need. Back at the launch, collapse the pontoons to load the boat in the back of a pick-up truck. Or quickly remove the frame and stack the parts in an SUV. Native added a high-low seat with storage compartment. The final version of Biyak will accept an electric or gas motor. Storage hatches in the pontoons will accept camping gear.

[ See more kayaks from Native Watercraft ]


Bonafide XTR130 fishing kayak on display at ICAST 2024

First Look: Bonafide XTR130

man sits on NuCanoe U10 fishing kayak at ICAST 2024 Demo Day

First Look: NuCanoe U10

Vibe Uptown 100 inflatable paddleboard with new Dual Drive on display at ICAST 2024

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Newport Vessels NK180PRO electric outboard motor on display at ICAST 2024

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person sits on the Wilderness Systems Tactical Pro 128 at ICAST 2024 Demo Day

First Look: Wilderness Systems Tactical Pro 128


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437ps Paddleski™

Inflatable boat, about the 437ps paddleski™ inflatable boat.

The New and Improved Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran Boat is the world's most versatile inflatable watercraft! Providing you "all-in-one" benefits of a catamaran, motorboat, and extremely rugged portable inflatable with stability, speed, and versatility! It's packable, remarkably stable, completely self-bailing, and fun! It glides across the water with ease and provides the option to Paddle, Motor, Fish, Sail, Travel, and Go! A true "four-in-one" inflatable watercraft for the impressive price of just one!

About the PaddleSki™ Series

Sea Eagle PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran Boat is the most versatile watercraft in the world! A unique 4-in-1 hull you can Paddle, Motor, Sail, and Fish. It packs down to a mere fraction of its inflatable size. Storage and transportation are a dream and it features two widely spaced inflatable tubes that glide through the water while providing a solid well-balanced hull.

The PaddleSki™ can be rigged "to the nines" with the Sea Eagle Sun and Rain Canopy, Scotty Fishing Accessories, up to 6 HP gas engine that will produce up to 16 mph and roughly 20 mpg, and the Sea Eagle EZ-CART that makes rolling to and from the water with ease.

So get ready for the ride of your life! This is one of the most efficient and comfortably cushioned rides on the water. Floating on the water like pillowy clouds with a hydrofoil shock-absorbing system that prevents slapping of traditional hulls. With friction reduced, fuel economy is increased, and with five independent safety air chambers, you're guaranteed added safety.


Person Capacity 2
Hull Weight 26 kg. (31 kg. with with Transom)
Length 437 cm
Beam 122 cm
Interior 356 cm x 54 cm
Load Capacity 2 Persons or 387 kg
Deflated 91cm x 53cm x 30cm
Chambers 5 (2-port, 2-starboard, floor)
Tube Diameter 35 cm
Air Valves 5 Recessed One Way
Inflation time 10 min
Seam Quadruple Overlap
Material 1100 Decitex Reinforced
Engine Capacity 6 hp gas (max motor weight 27kg, min. 38.1cm shaft) or up to 70 lb. thrust electric motor (min 76cm shaft)
Floor 1000 Denier Reinforced Material
Speed Estimates 5 hp (up to 26 kph w/ 1 adult, up to 23 kph w/ 2 adults)
Whitewater Rating Not rated for whitewater
Inflation Pressure Side Chambers 3.2 psi, Floor 8-10 psi


Deflated hull size, when deflated and packed well, this hull will fit in:.

check_circle Backpack

check_circle Car Trunk

check_circle SUV

check_circle Truck/Large SUV

Standard Features

  • NMMA Certified
  • New rigid high-pressure inflatable drop stitch floor
  • Rapid self-bailing
  • Incredibly fuel-efficient, minimal draft, near-zero drag, catamaran hull design

Five separate independent air chambers for added safety

  • Removable transom for increased storability and portability
  • Seven conveniently located high-strength carry/grab handles
  • Two Universal Scotty® Pads to attach a vast array of optional Scotty® accessories
  • Sun & Rain Canopy mounting system for optional canopy attachment
  • Rolls up and stows in most any car trunk
  • Can take up to a 6 hp outboard
  • Travels up to 16 mph w/ 5 hp outboard
  • EZ-Attach on/off seating system
  • Completely self-bailing
  • Option to use gas or electric motors
  • Non-slip EVA foam deck padding
  • Anti-splash protective rubbing strake bumper
  • High-strength bow D-ring

Top, Front & Side Views

top view

437ps Paddleski™ Reviews

Awesome, versatile watercraft, especially for us as RVer’s. We can easily store ours in one of our RV bays when traveling, or in the car. It’s a breeze to inflate with the electric pump. Delivery was fast and on point, the customer service and staff is out of this world good with fast replies and assistance. Definitely recommend this product.

The whole experience dealing with your company has been seamless from the initial order to delivery to inflation.

We are in our 70s and appreciate how stable the vessel is on the water and getting in/out on the shore.

We have discussed the dingy with many of our Fly-Fishing Club members who are also impressed. We have recommended it to a number already and see no reason why we should not continue.

Will be using it in the ocean for 2 weeks from 16 Sept and will let you know how it performes with the 40lb Minkota motor.

I am a sixty-something woman and have been very pleased with this- you can motor to where the fish are, and then raise the motor and paddle into very shallow places to fish. I can manage loading, unloading, etc all by myself. I bought an e-propulsion 3 hp motor (long shaft) and it works great. Recommend: leaving the transom on once you get it on the first time, it’s a bit of a struggle; 2) getting a 12v pump that you can use w your car cigarette lighter; 3) needs a heavier anchor than a 3-LB kayak anchor; 4) get the trolley, it’s really good quality and makes life easier! Note: If you buy Scotty mount and accessories you need the shorter stainless screws to use with the glued on Scotty pads. Have gotten lots of compliments at boat ramps from fishermen with ‘real’ boats.

After much research, my wife and I purchased the 437 Paddleski 2 swivel seat package with the free electric pump in November 2022. We equipped it with a 55 lb trolling motor. We finally got to use it the first week in April, 2023. We love it and it is everything the ads and reviews stated. It's small enough to fit in our truck along with our ebikes when we go camping. I'm a 79 year old male with prior back issues and am able to inflate/set it up, transport and launch it with the wheels, and deflate it and load it back into my truck by myself (it is, however, the maximum weight I can handle). Delivery of it was much faster than expected and the customer service via telephone and email was extraordinary. Since it has a motor, it had to be registered. Sea Eagle recommended Boatnumberplate.com for attaching the registration numbers, which worked much better than the numbers I had made with Cricket. The only improvement I would make is to add a metal ring at each of the side handles, similar to the back handles.

Key Features

Catamaran hull design.

Catamaran Hull Design

The unique design feature of the Sea Eagle PaddleSki™ is the fact that it is actually an inflatable catamaran. This means the center cockpit floor rides 4" above the waterline, greatly reducing the drag of this boat on the water. This makes it faster to paddle, motor, and sail!

5 Safety Air Chambers

5 Safety Air Chambers

High-Pressure Rigid Inflatable Floor

High-Pressure Rigid Inflatable Floor

The new high-pressure, rigid, inflatable floor can be inflated up to 10 psi, bringing added rigidity, stability, buoyancy, and a wonderful platform stable for standing.

Custom Removable Transom

Custom Removable Transom

Custom removable transom for increased storability and portability

Canopy Attachment System

Canopy Attachment System

Canopy Attachment System for attaching the optional Sun & Rain Canopy.

Attach Up To A 6 HP Gas Motor

Attach Up To A 6 HP Gas Motor

With the ability to attach up to a 6 HP gas motor, the PaddleSki™ is faster and more efficient than ever! Speeds up to 16 mph with a Honda 5S

5 Separate Independent Safety Air Chambers

5 Separate Independent Safety Air Chambers

5 Separate Independent Safety Air Chambers for added safety: Starboard Side Bow, Starboard Side Stern, Floor, Portside Bow, and Portside Stern. Providing added levels of security and peace of mind.

437ps Paddleski™ Discount Packages

Solo start-up package.

437ps Solo Start-up

The Solo Start-up Package is perfect for solo riders ready for a great day of PaddleSki™ fun and who may already own motors. Package includes 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, swivel seat kit, paddle, manual pump, and repair kit.

Component Value
Total: $1,900
437ps Solo Start-up Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_ST) $1,299
Your Savings: $601
Hull $1,499
Swivel Seat for PaddleSki $229
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

In Stock   Freight Quote to Russia

2 Person Swivel Seat Package

437ps 2 Person Swivel Seat

The 2 Person Swivel Seat Package is a great two-person package for those who may already own a motor. Package includes 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, manual pump, and repair kit.

Component Value
Total: $2,188
437ps 2 Person Swivel Seat Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_SW) $1,449
Your Savings: $739
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

Swivel Seat Canopy Package

437ps Swivel Seat Canopy

The Swivel Seat Canopy Package is a great two-person package for those who may already own a motor. Package includes 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, Canopy, manual pump, and repair kit.

Component Value
Total: $2,387
437ps Swivel Seat Canopy Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_SWC) $1,599
Your Savings: $788
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

Watersnake Motor Package

437ps Watersnake Motor

The Watersnake Motor Package is a great two-person package for those wanting an electric motor. Providing speeds up to 4 mph, this package includes 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, manual pump, repair kit, and Watersnake Venom 34 electric motor.

Component Value
Total: $2,437
437ps Watersnake Motor Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_WSM) $1,649
Your Savings: $788
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

50w Solar Boat Package

437ps 50w Solar Boat

The Solar Boat Package is the perfect two-person package for those in the market for a reliable, efficient, powerful electric motor with the added benefit of a self-charging solar panel. Package includes a 437 PaddleSki™, canopy with Solar Panel, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, manual pump, repair kit, and WaterSnake Venom 34 Electric Motor.

Component Value
Total: $3,214
437ps 50w Solar Boat Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_S50) $2,399
Your Savings: $815
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

110w Solar Boat Package

437ps 110w Solar Boat

Component Value
Total: $3,564
437ps 110w Solar Boat Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_S110) $2,799
Your Savings: $765
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

Honda Motor Package

437ps Honda Motor

The Honda Motor Package is a great two-person package for those in the market for a reliable, efficient, gas motor. Providing speeds up to 16 mph and over 40 mins of full-throttle runtime, this package includes a 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, manual pump, repair kit, and Honda 5 hp gas engine with 1.5 L internal gas tank.

Component Value
Total: $4,187
437ps Honda Motor Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_HM) $3,389
Your Savings: $798
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

Ultimate Package

437ps Ultimate

The Ultimate Package is a great two-person package for those in the market for a reliable, efficient, powerful electric motor. Package includes a 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, manual pump, repair kit, and Torqeedo 903L Electric Motor.

Component Value
Total: $4,787
437ps Ultimate Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_U) $3,499
Your Savings: $1,288
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49

Torqeedo / Solar Package

437ps Torqeedo / Solar

The S138 Package is a great two-person package for those in the market for a reliable, efficient, powerful electric motor. Package includes a 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, manual pump, repair kit, and Torqeedo 903L Electric Motor, Solar Panel & Canopy.

Component Value
Total: $5,315
437ps Torqeedo / Solar Package Price:(Item# 437PSK_S138) $3,999
Your Savings: $1,316
Hull $1,499
Two Swivel Seats for PaddleSki $458
Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki $49


download instructions

Sea Eagle Used Boats

  • have never been damaged, punctured or patched
  • have been test inflated for 48 hours
  • might have very minimal wear (no barnacles or algae)
  • are covered by our regular 120 day money back guarantee
  • and three year bow-to-stern warranty , just like our new boats.
  • might contain prior-generation components

Delivery Estimate

Swivel seat for paddleski.

2 kayak catamaran

Swivel Seat Kit for 437ps PaddleSki™

AB43 paddle

2 kayak catamaran

AB43 2-Part Paddle

Boat Carry Bag for PaddleSki

2 kayak catamaran

Boat Carry Bag for 437ps PaddleSki™

2 kayak catamaran

SUP Pump w/ Pressure Gauge

2 kayak catamaran

Canopy-smaller boat

2 kayak catamaran

Sun & Rain Canopy

Watersnake Venom 34

2 kayak catamaran

Watersnake Venom SX 34lb Thrust Electric Motor (Fresh & Saltwater)

Covered by the Watersnake 1 Year Warranty

All Sales are final. This item is not covered by the Sea Eagle 120 Day Trial.

50W Solar Panel

2 kayak catamaran

50W Semi-Flexible Solar Panel w/ Charge Controller

Covered by the PowerFilm Solar Panel Warranty

Solar 50 Canopy-smaller boat

2 kayak catamaran

Sun & Rain Solar 50 Canopy (For use with 50W solar

Trolling Motor Power Center

2 kayak catamaran

Minn Kota Trolling Motor Power Center

Covered by the Minn Kota Manufacturer Warranty

110w Solar Panel

2 kayak catamaran

110 Watt Semi-Flexible Solar Panel w/ Charge Controller

Solar 110 Canopy-smaller boat

2 kayak catamaran

Sun & Rain Solar 110 Canopy (For use with 110W solar panel)

2 kayak catamaran

Honda 5S (Short Shaft)

Covered by the Honda Marine Warranty

Torqeedo 903L

2 kayak catamaran

Travel 903 Long Shaft w/915 Wh Battery

Covered by the Torqeedo Factory Warranty

138w Solar Panel for Torqeedo

2 kayak catamaran

138 Watt Semi-Flexible Solar Panel for use with Torqeedo

Covered by the Sol Go Warranty

Solar 138 Canopy-smaller boat

2 kayak catamaran

Sun/Rain 138 Solar Canopy (For use with 138W solar panel)

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Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat

2 kayak catamaran

2 kayak catamaran

Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat Description

The New and Improved Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat is the world's most versatile inflatable watercraft - providing you "all-in-one" benefits of a catamaran, kayak, motorboat, and extremely rugged portable inflatable with Stability, Speed, and Versatility! It's packable, remarkably stable, and fun! It glides across the water with ease and provides the option to Paddle, Motor, Fish, Sail, Travel, and Go! A true "four-in-one" inflatable watercraft for the impressive price of one!

The Sea Eagle PaddleSki™ can also be accessorized "to the nines" with a Sea Eagle Sun and Rain Canopy, Scotty Fishing Accessories, up to 6 HP gas engine that will produce up to 16 mph at over 40 mpg, and the Sea Eagle EZ-CART that makes rolling to and from the water easy.

Get ready for the ride of your life! This Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat is one of the most efficient and comfortably cushioned rides on the water. Floating on top of the water like pillowy clouds with a hydrofoil shock-absorbing system that prevents the slapping of traditional hulls. With friction reduced, fuel economy is increased, and with five independent safety air chambers, you're guaranteed added safety.

  • More information about Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat
  • View all products from Sea Eagle Inflatables

Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat Specs and Features

  • Structure: Inflatable
  • Cockpit Type: Sit on Top / Open Cockpit
  • Seating Configuration: Solo, Tandem
  • Ideal Paddler Size: Smaller Adult/Child, Average Adult
  • Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Additional Attributes

  • High-pressure inflatable drop stitch floor for standing
  • Custom removable transom for easy storage and added portability
  • Compatible with the Sea Eagle Sun & Rain Canopy from SeaEagle.com
  • Compatible with up to a 6 hp gas engine
  • Produces speeds of up to 16 mph and 40+ mpg with a Honda 5S gas motor
  • Manufacturer

Sea Eagle Inflatables Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat Reviews

Read reviews for the Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat by Sea Eagle Inflatables as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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More Kayaks from Sea Eagle Inflatables :

2 kayak catamaran

350fx Fishing Explorer

2 kayak catamaran

385fta FastTrack Angler Series



microskiff, stable kayak, portable boat

W720 Catamaran Kayak-Skiff

W720 Kayak Skiff

The most stable kayak skiff that you can launch, drive, paddle and beach anywhere, and easily cartop

2025 W720 Kayak-Skiff

The 2025 model W720 is Wavewalk’s newest, patented catamaran kayak skiff from the 700 series. The W720 delivers top performance in paddling and driving, for solo and tandem crews.

2025 Colors: Gator Green, White

Price: $2,900 + shipping to client’s address (see more info below). Discount on factory pickup in Latta, SC.

Owners Reviews With Pictures »

W720 video playlist.

Starting with a W720 walkaround:

Super stability, unrivaled by any kayak of any size

The W720 is not as stable as the S4 microskiff, but its stability is better than that of any kayak of any size, and it is comparable to that of a small fishing boat.

Motorizing and Driving the W720

You can drive the W720 riding the comfortable and stable saddle-seat, or standing up

With a load capacity of 400 lbs, the W720 can serve as a boat tender , and for touring:

The W720 passengers ride its 7’8″ long ergonomic saddle, which is similar to the saddles of jet-skis, all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and snowmobiles, and they can stand up anytime. The average US male weighs 200 lbs, and the average US female weighs 165 lbs, so with its 400 lbs total payload, the W720 has enough room and carrying capacity for a crew of two adult passengers and their gear, or two adult passengers and one child.

2 kayak catamaran

Carrying a Motorized W720 (Video) »

Paddling the w720.

The W720 works perfectly for solo and tandem paddling, with canoe, kayak, and SUP paddles »

Summary of W720 Features, Benefits, and Pricing

$2,900 + shipping (see info below)
Vessel Type kayak – canoe / with catamaran hull
Total Length 12’10”
Total Boat Width (Beam) 31″
Total Weight Without Accessories 80 lbs
Hull Width 2 hulls, each 9″ wide
Total Cockpit Length L = 7’6″
Total Cockpit Width W = 31″
Saddle-Seat Height 14 3/8″
MDO (Wood Composite) Saddle Bracket Installed yes, 1 unit
Molded-In Polyethylene Saddle Brackets yes, 7 units
Built-In Large-Size Saddle Flotation yes
Transom Motor Mount yes, with mounting plate for 3 HP motor
Max Payload (Passengers + Gear + Motor) 400 lbs
Paddling 2 adult paddlers in full comfort + child
Fishing 2 adult anglers in full comfort + outboard motor
Motorizing calm water, protected bays, estuaries
Driving With Electric Trolling Motor yes
Driving With 20″ Long (L) Outboard Gas Motor yes, max 3 hp motor
Driving With 15″ Short (S) Outboard Gas Motor no

For additional W720 kayak-skiff tech specs and info see here »

Looking for even more stability, seaworthiness, speed, and load capacity? Checkout the S4 Microskiff » The S4 is the highest standard in small craft:  A 100 lbs twin-hull super skiff that delivers full-size boat stability, speed and seaworthiness, plus great paddling capabilities and hassle-free car-top transportation. Read more »

W720 Price and Ordering Info

  • Price: $2,900 plus shipping to your address.
  • Discount on factory pickup in Latta, SC 29565

Please contact us for a quote on shipping to your address

  • We ship to addresses in the contiguous US and Canada.
  • Shipping includes insurance and call before delivery service.
  • We ship every S4 Microskiff in a custom heavy-duty cardboard box.
  • We do not ship to addresses on islands, unless the island is connected to the mainland by a bridge enabling a trailer truck to cross over and deliver the S4 to the client’s address.
  • All overseas clients, including clients in Hawaii and Alaska, take care of shipping their order from the factory to their address. We’ve found that UPS Air Freight offers competitive rates for shipping to addresses in Europe and elsewhere. Please contact us for details.

Wavewalk does not collect sales tax, but you’ll be required to pay sales tax when you register your W720 motorized kayak with your local authorities.

Some states require issuing a title for a motorized kayak, and the W720 is classified as a kayak. You’d have to find out what the specific requirements are with your state’s authority that’s responsible for registering boats.

Ordering info

To order your W720 simply send us an email to [email protected] In your order, please include your name, address, the color and accessories you chose for your S4, and the best phone number for the carrier to call you before delivery.

Please make your check payable to Wavewalk, Inc, and mail it to –

Wavewalk, Inc. 115 Terrace Avenue Riverside, RI 02915

Do you have any questions for us about the W720 kayak-skiff?

order cancellation, product warranty, and service POLICY»

W720 dimensions.

Total Length: 154″  12’10” (391 cm) Total Width: 31″ (79 cm) Total Height: 17″ Total Weight: 85 lbs (36 kg) including motor mount

Cockpit Length   95″  7’11”  (231 cm)

Hull Dimensions

Hull Width: 9″ (23 cm) x 2 hulls Hull Height Below The Saddle: 9″ (23 cm) Hull Tip Length From Cockpit To End: 30″   2’6″ (76 cm)

Saddle-Seat Dimensions

Total Saddle Height: 14.375″ up from the bottom of the hulls (38 cm) Total Saddle Length: 90″ (228 cm) Total Saddle Volume: 24 gallons (3 cubic ft / 90 liters) for the closed-wall part Total Positive Buoyancy: (Net Flotation Capacity) 180 lbs (81 kg)

W720 Carrying Capacity (Payload) and Draft

The average US adult male weighs 200 lbs, and the average US adult female weighs 165 lbs. With its maximal recommended payload of 400 lbs, the W720 tandem kayak-skiff can carry two average size passengers, plus a portable outboard gas motor up to 3 HP.

  • Max Recommended Load: 400 lbs (181 kg)

SHALLOW DRAFT IN REAL-WORLD TERMS The W720 offers its crew to paddle easily, effectively and comfortably in water that’s too shallow for an outboard motor’s propeller to work in. Poling over long distances is not an option for most people, which is why the W720’s full paddling alternative to motorizing makes it the most practical boat for fishing in shallow water, as well as in places where aquatic vegetation and underwater structures limit the use of a motor. The full-fledged paddling option also makes it possible to launch and beach the W720 practically anywhere.

Onboard Storage

The W720 has an internal volume for storage and passengers that’s extremely large: 20.5 cubic ft (153 gallons, 580 liters). This volume does not include the space inside of the watertight Saddle, which should not be used for storage, since it is designated to serve as flotation. Practically, the W720 offers as much onboard storage space as a medium size Jon boat does. Read more about onboard storage »

W720 Flotation

The W720 saddle is a large-volume watertight compartment that provides 180 lbs (81 kg) of positive buoyancy, which works as flotation in case of capsize.

Paddling mode: The W720 is considerably faster when powered by a tandem crew or a strong paddler, and it’s pretty fast for an average solo paddler. Motorized: With a 3 HP outboard motor, the W720 can rarely exceed 10 mph. Note : Currently, no manufacturer of outboard gas motors offers a 4-cycle 3 HP  model, and the closest are 2.5 HP outboards. As for various electric motors that are presented as being equivalent in power to 3 HP gas outboard motors, they are not, to the best of our understanding. See the “Thrust, Horsepower (HP) and Kilowatts (KW)” section in this article on motorized kayaks »

W720 Construction

The W720 is assembled from two parts rotomolded from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). These two parts are –

  • The Saddle , which is closed from all directions and watertight. These attributes makes it effective as flotation for the boat.
  • The Twinhull , which includes the two hulls, the Spray Deflector that goes around the cockpit, and a base for the Saddle part that’s dubbed the Central Platform.

The Twinhull is protected by seven molded-in plastic brackets integrated with the Saddle, plus one MDO (wood and polymer resin composite) heavy duty bracket installed behind the saddle, in a special compartment. This 3D animation video shows how the W720’s Twinhull and Saddle parts are assembled:

The saddle part is watertight, and serves as flotation. It features seven integrated (molded-in) plastic brackets (see above video) which keep the boat rigid.

Heavy Duty (HD) Wooden Saddle Bracket and Motor Mounting Plate

W720 saddle bracket and motor mounting plate support

The above video doesn’t show the MDO (composite of wood and polymer resin) W720 bracket installed behind the saddle, in a special compartment.

This additional saddle bracket reinforces the boat’s structure in the stern area, where the load created by the combined weight of a heavy passenger and an outboard motor requires it.

In addition, this bracket provides support for the W720 motor mounting plate, which is attached to it from behind by means of a pair of 5/16 bolts and a pair of screws.

W720 lite-duty mounting plate for 3 HP outboard motor

The wooden bracket and mounting plate form the motor mount for outboard motors up to 3 HP.

For more W720 kayak-skiff tech specs, see here »

W720 materials:.

Thanks to the extra durability and resilience of Polyethylene, it is the polymer resin of choice for molding nearly all modern kayaks.

Our boats and kayaks are made from 100% recyclable materials

W720 Country of Origin:

Transportation and carrying.

Car topping a W720 is easy and quick, even for one person –

Carrying a W720 can be as easy as dragging it on the ground:

Note: We ship the W720 without Nylon eyelets (tie-downs), flotation tubes,  and spray shield seen in this video. The motor mount seen in it is an old, discontinued model. We do not recommend driving or paddling the W720 in the open ocean.

Owners Reviews »

W720 – users and applications.

  • Big Guys. These users can enjoy extreme stability, a roomy cockpit, and a high saddle seat that’s considerably more comfortable and ergonomic than any other kayak seat.  Read a big guy’s review »
  • Tandem Paddlers (Touring). Typically, two paddlers looking to paddle together in a stable, comfortable, dry, and easy to paddle craft that they could car-top without problems. The W720 is a better solution compared to both canoes and regular tandem kayaks. With two average size paddlers on board, the W720 can carry some gear on board as well, or a small child, or a dog.
  • Tandem Kayak Anglers. Typically, two guys who fish out of a large size kayak or canoe. Recommended models: W720 or S4, depending on propulsion preference (paddle or motor), and type of water (e.g. flat water, bays, offshore). The W720 is a perfect tandem fishing kayak that works well with a small, lightweight outboard motor up to 3 HP, while the S4 is a high-performance motorboat that works pretty well as a tandem kayak too.
  • Solo Hunters. There is enough room on board a W720 for a large size hunter, plus plenty of hunting gear including dozens of decoys (see storage video ), a motor, and a dog or two.
  • Tandem Hunters. Typically, duck hunters and other waterfowl hunters, and their gear. Recommended models: W720, S4. The W720 works perfectly for paddling, and the S4 works perfectly for motorizing, including with a surface drive ( mud motor ).
  • Families. The W720 is suitable for a couple paddling on flat water together with two young children, and it can be outfitted with an outboard gas motor up the 3 HP.
  • Boaters. The 720 works very well as a tender (service boat) for a big boat or a yacht. The S4 works better in this capacity thanks to its bigger payload capability and seaworthiness, and the fact that you can tow it behind the boat, which is not advised for the W720.
  • Solo Kayak Anglers. The W720 is lighter and much more stable than any high-end SOT or sit-in fishing kayak out there. The S4 has a bigger load capacity, and it’s more seaworthy than all kayaks and most microskiffs.
  • Flats Fishermen. Typically, these anglers fish out of a Jon boat, a microskiff or a skiff, which is a name given to a broad range of small, shallow-draft, stable motorboats that are too heavy to car-top, and can’t be paddled effectively. The W720 is easy to car top even for one person, and unrivaled as a mobile and stable paddle craft.  More microskiff info »
  • Offshore Fishermen. The S4 is considerably more seaworthy than the W720.
  • Offshore Technical Crews. People working on offshore scientific, engineering and maintenance projects that typically involve the use of Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB) or RIB (Rigid-Inflatable Boat).  Recommended model: S4.
  • Catamaran-Dinghy Sailors. For a 1-2 crew. Recommended model: S4.
  • Speed, Fun, and Adventure Seekers. For a 1-2 crew. Recommended model: Motorized S4.

W720 Owners Reviews »

W720 or s4.

  • W720 advantages over the S4:  Solo kayaking, solo canoeing, light tandem kayaking, light tandem canoeing, portability.
  • S4 advantages over the W720: Driving, seaworthiness, ocean, tandem motorizing, tandem fishing, stability, offshore trips, load capacity (big guys, additional passengers, heavy gear, powerful motor).
  • Shallow water – The S4 drafts a bit less than the W720, and it features a skiff stand up casting platform, but the W720 paddles better.
  • Offshore –  The S4 is much more seaworthy than the W720.
  • Motor – The S4 features a molded-in motor mount and a 1.5″ heavy-duty wooden mounting plate, while the W720 features a 3/4″ wooden mounting plate that’s attached to a wooden saddle bracket inside its cockpit. The S4 is considerably more stable and has a higher load capacity than the W720, and due to all these differences, the S4 is rated for a 6 HP motor and the W720 for a 3 HP motor.

W700 vs S4

Do you feel unsure? Please don’t hesitate to call or email us. We’re always happy to answer questions about our products and the best ways to use them, and offer more details about performance, outfitting, etc.

More reading about the W720 Kayak-Skiff

  • Choosing an outboard motor »
  • 15 miles round trip, offshore »
  • In the fish – Filling an electric kayak with Blue Catfish »  By Captain Larry Jarboe
  • W720 Owners reviews »
  • Onboard storage »

For more W720 kayak-skiff tech specs and info see here »

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Power Traveller

Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran

Key West is a vibrant island destination known for its lively atmosphere and stunning natural beauty. The sunset party cruise aboard a spacious catamaran offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the city’s iconic sunsets in style. With live music , complimentary drinks , and delectable appetizers, this 2-hour excursion promises an unforgettable evening of entertainment and socializing. Departing from the heart of the city, the cruise provides breathtaking views of the famous Key West sunset, making it an ideal setting for those seeking a memorable and joyful experience. But there’s more to this excursion than meets the eye, as the details of the onboard experience reveal a truly captivating opportunity.

Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran - Key Points

  • Enjoy a 2-hour sunset cruise on a spacious catamaran with live music, complimentary drinks, and seasonal appetizers in Key West, Florida.
  • Witness the renowned Key West sunset while dancing and socializing with an elevated party atmosphere.
  • Suitable for adults, children, and infants, but not recommended for those prone to seasickness or with mobility issues.
  • Departure from the local tour operator’s office at 631 Greene Street, Key West, with efficient check-in and boarding.
  • Exceptional value, with an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 from 131 reviews praising the friendly crew and overall experience.

More tours and experiences nearby.

  • Guided Bicycle Tour of Old Town Key West
  • Key West Sunset Sail With Full Bar, Live Music and Hors Doeuvres
  • Shark and Wildlife Viewing Adventure in Key West
  • Key West Mangrove Kayak Eco Tour

Activity Overview

Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran - Activity Overview

The Key West Sunset Party Cruise is a 2-hour excursion aboard a spacious catamaran, offering guests the opportunity to witness the renowned Key West sunset while enjoying live music, complimentary drinks , and seasonal appetizers.

Priced from $85.95 per person, the cruise provides free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund.

Suitable for adults, children, and infants, the experience features a relaxing atmosphere with ocean breezes, allowing participants to dance and socialize as they toast the night with champagne.

The cruise departs from the local tour operator’s office at 631 Greene Street, Key West, Florida.

Experience Highlights

Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran - Experience Highlights

Guests aboard the Key West Sunset Party Cruise can look forward to an array of delightful experience highlights.

Live music entertainment from top Key West musicians sets the festive tone, as cruisers soak in the scenic views of the famous Key West sunset.

Complimentary seasonal appetizers and free drinks , including margaritas, beer, wine, and champagne, ensure a fun and indulgent experience.

The spacious, state-of-the-art catamaran provides a relaxing atmosphere with ocean breezes, allowing guests to dance, socialize, and toast the night with champagne while enjoying the mesmerizing sunset.

Onboard Experience

Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran - Onboard Experience

Aboard the spacious, state-of-the-art catamaran, guests can revel in the relaxing atmosphere, as ocean breezes caress their skin. The onboard experience offers an opportunity to dance and socialize, immersed in the breathtaking sunset views.

Activity Description
Music Live music entertainment from top Key West musicians sets the festive tone.
Drinks Complimentary margaritas, beer, wine, and champagne elevate the celebration.
Appetizers Seasonal appetizers are served, complementing the drinks and atmosphere.
Views Guests can toast the night with champagne while admiring the famous Key West sunset.
Ambiance The relaxing environment and ocean vistas create an unforgettable experience.

Participant Information

A wide range of participants can enjoy the Key West Sunset Party Cruise , including adults aged 11 to 99, children aged 4 to 10, and even infants 3 and younger.

However, the cruise may not be suitable for individuals prone to seasickness or wheelchair users. Passengers should bring their passport or ID card , as it’s required.

Pets, drones, and baby strollers aren’t allowed on the cruise.

The spacious, state-of-the-art catamaran provides a relaxing atmosphere with ocean breezes, allowing guests to dance, socialize, and toast the sunset with champagne.

Meeting Point

Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran - Meeting Point

The local tour operator’s office at 631 Greene Street in Key West, Florida serves as the meeting point for the Key West Sunset Party Cruise .

Guests are instructed to arrive at this centrally located office prior to the scheduled departure time. From there, they’ll be directed to the nearby dock where the state-of-the-art catamaran awaits.

The meeting point is easy to find and accessible, ensuring a smooth start to the sunset cruise experience. Reviews consistently praise the organization of the tour, with many noting the efficient check-in and boarding process.

Attendees should bring a valid photo ID , as they’ll need to present it before setting sail on the unforgettable two-hour journey.

Customer Reviews

Customers consistently praise the excellent service and enjoyable atmosphere of the Key West Sunset Party Cruise.

With an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 from 131 reviews, the cruise has received overwhelmingly positive feedback.

Reviewers highlight the following:

  • Outstanding crew , described as friendly, knowledgeable, and attentive
  • Delicious and plentiful seasonal appetizers
  • Free-flowing drinks, including margaritas, beer, wine, and champagne
  • Lively entertainment from top local musicians, creating a vibrant party atmosphere

The consensus among customers is that the Key West Sunset Party Cruise delivers an exceptional value , with many praising the transportation, organization, and overall experience as top-notch.

Booking Details

To book the Key West Sunset Party Cruise , customers can easily check availability and secure their spots online through the local tour operator’s website.

The 2-hour excursion is priced at $85.95 per person, with free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund.

The cruise departs from the operator’s office at 631 Greene Street in Key West, Florida. Guests can choose from various starting times throughout the day to catch the famous Key West sunset.

The spacious, state-of-the-art catamaran offers a relaxing atmosphere with live music, complimentary drinks , and seasonal appetizers, making it an ideal way to toast the night and enjoy the scenic views.

Important Notes

Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran - Important Notes

Guests should be aware of several important considerations before embarking on the Key West Sunset Party Cruise .

The cruise isn’t suitable for individuals prone to seasickness or wheelchair users, as the catamaran, though spacious, may pose difficulties for those with mobility issues.

Participants are required to bring a valid passport or ID card for the cruise. Plus, the cruise doesn’t allow pets, drones, or baby strollers onboard.

The cruise is suitable for adults, children aged 4-10, and infants 3 and younger, providing a family-friendly experience .

With these key details in mind, guests can better prepare for an enjoyable and memorable sunset cruise in Key West.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • Half-Day Cruise From Key West With Kayaking and Snorkeling
  • Southernmost Food & Cultural Walking Tour by Key West Food Tours
  • Key West Island Adventure Jet Ski Tour: Bring a Partner for Free
  • Key West Small-Group Sunset Sail With Wine
  • Key West Dolphin Watch and Snorkel Cruise
  • Key West Sunset Cruise With Live Music, Drinks and Appetizers

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i bring my own food and drinks.

No, guests are not allowed to bring their own food and drinks on the cruise. The package includes complimentary seasonal appetizers and free drinks like margaritas, beer, wine, and champagne.

How Many Passengers Can the Catamaran Accommodate?

The catamaran can accommodate a large number of passengers. According to the details provided, it’s a spacious, state-of-the-art vessel that offers a relaxing atmosphere and opportunity to dance and socialize during the sunset cruise.

Is There a Dress Code for the Cruise?

There is no specific dress code for the cruise. Passengers are encouraged to wear comfortable, casual attire suitable for the tropical climate and being on the water. Swimwear and cover-ups are also acceptable.

Can I Purchase Additional Alcoholic Beverages on Board?

Yes, you can purchase additional alcoholic beverages on board. The cruise provides complimentary margaritas, beer, wine, and champagne, but passengers can also buy extra alcoholic drinks during the 2-hour sunset cruise.

What Happens in Case of Inclement Weather?

In the event of inclement weather, the tour operator offers flexible options. They’ll either reschedule the cruise or provide a full refund if the conditions make it unsafe to proceed. Passengers’ safety and satisfaction are the top priorities.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Key West: Southernmost Food and Cultural Walking Tour
  • Key West Morning Sail, Snorkel & Kayak Excursion
  • Key West: Helicopter Tour, Optional Doors Off
  • Key West: All Inclusive Watersports Adventure Tour
  • Premium Day Sail, Snorkel &, Kayak With Lunch
  • Key West: Multiple Water Sports Excursion With Lunch & Beer
  • Key West Island Adventure Eco Tour
  • Dark Corners of Key West – Walking Tour
  • Key West: Jet Ski Island Tour
  • Key West: Private Tiki Boat Sunset Cruise
  • Key West: Private Florida Keys Sandbar Tiki Boat Cruise
  • Key West Tour: The Conch Republic Come Alive
  • Key West: 4-Hour Private Sandbar Cruise on a Tiki Bar Boat
  • Key West: Helicopter Pilot Experience
  • Key West: Helicopter Sunset Celebration

The Key West Sunset Party Cruise offers an unforgettable evening of live music, complimentary drinks , and breathtaking views of the famous Key West sunset. With seasonal appetizers and a lively atmosphere, this 2-hour excursion aboard a spacious catamaran provides an ideal setting for socializing and dancing. Departing from 631 Greene Street, this $85.95 per person cruise is a must-do activity for those seeking a memorable Key West experience.

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  1. Our version of a sturdy catamaran with two kayaks , powered by electric

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    2 kayak catamaran


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  3. WAVEWALK 700 Catamaran Kayak with 24 Volt 70 lbs thrust electric motor

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  1. CatamaYak: How to Build a Kayak Catamaran

    4 - 2″ stainless steel U bolts with lock nuts and washers. 4 - 5″ stainless steel eye bolts with lock nuts and washers. 1 - 8′ 2×4 (or a couple of 8″ scraps) 2 - 8″ 5/8×16 bolts with lock nuts and washers. 4 - Ratcheting straps. I also needed a rubber mallet, wrenches, a drill, a set of drill bits, and a table saw.

  2. How to Make a Catamaran Out of Two Kayaks? Here's ...

    No matter which method you choose, making a catamaran out of two kayaks is a great way to explore open waters with added stability and capacity. With the right supplies and tools, you can have a fun and safe day on the water. Final Thoughts. Making a catamaran out of two kayaks is a great way to explore open waters with added stability and ...

  3. Marrying two different sized kayaks into an awesome catamaran ...

    This Part2/2 features the custom designed SS fixture for the shorter Pelican kayak to address the kayak height differences. The SS pipe catamaran frame is al...

  4. Marrying two sized kayaks into an awesome catamaran-Part 1/2

    A Hobie tied knot with a Pelican: giving birth to "The Calf" - an awesome three person catamaran. We made it in such a way that one can easily assemble or di...

  5. Does anyone out there have any experance converting two kayaks into a

    Amy Junior Member. Hi, I'm new to this page but I am trying to convert two scrambler xt kayaks into a catamaran. I so far have worked out basic plan and would like to get some feedback on the probility of this working. I have two scrambler xt sit on top dive kayaks. Thay are 12' long and 29" wide and can carry about 300 to 350 lbs each.

  6. Your Guide to Catamaran Kayaks

    A catamaran kayak, like the Flip-Kat®, has two hulls. This design has been around in boats for over 3000 years. Beginning with Polynesians, they were made for long voyages across the sea. Catamaran kayaks are now increasing in popularity. People enjoy the stability and comfort that these kayaks offer.

  7. Catayak

    Kayak fishing is easy with optional bait tank and fishing pole holders. Safety is built in with two sealed hulls offering superior stability and buoyancy. The blending of a catamaran and kayak creates a new safe, versatile and fun personal watercraft. So Many Ways to Enjoy It! All models, features, prices and options shown on the website ...

  8. Ocean Kaycat, catamaran project

    Ocean Kayak Malibu 2xl Catamaran Kayak, Loch Ard in the Trossachs. This is a wee hobby project to ultimately design a modular system that will link two kayak...

  9. Katamayak

    Kayakamaran. One sail rig for two kayaks makes a catamaran! See Item 6008 for the basic kit. For Deluxe and Super Deluxe packages see item 6010 and item 6011. Customer Feedback. "Hello,I just want to tell you that I had a great weekend of sailing my kayakamaran!" Ellen (June 2014) ==========. "Hi Jim & Betty,

  10. 2 kayaks to make 1 cat

    has built in hardware to convert two boats into catamaran for rougth water paddling and sailing. They normally use bi-plan twin sail rig and leeboards however it is faster to paddle the boats upwind. There are some European companies sell kits to transfer two kayaks into sailing catamaran.

  11. Sea Eagle FastCat12 2 person Inflatable Boat. Package Prices starting

    The Sea Eagle Inflatable FastCat12™ Catamaran Boat is a rugged, dependable, rigid, high-pressure, all-drop stitch constructed, two-person, inflatable, runabout boat that fits into a bag and provides the Smoothest Ride On The Water! No need for a trailer, storage fees, maintenance fees, or heavy fuel prices. Accompanied by a 3yr Warranty, Free Shipping, 120 Day Money Back Guarantee Trial Period.

  12. Meet the Flip-Kat® Portable Kayak

    The Flip-Kat® is a portable kayak that focuses on portability, stability, and storability. When folded you can fit two Flip-Kats® in the back of a large SUV or UTV for the off-road destination. The stability of the Flip-Kat® is world class for kayaks. The over 11-foot-long flat bottom catamaran hull design gets you though the choppy water ...

  13. First Look at Native Watercraft's Biyak Fishing Catamaran

    By. Ric Burnley. Native Watercraft has taken on the development of the Biyak catamaran. The boat features twin pontoons held together with a metal frame. The pontoons can be moved in and out to improve paddling speed or stability depending on the need. Back at the launch, collapse the pontoons to load the boat in the back of a pick-up truck.

  14. Personal Catamaran

    Definition: A Catamaran, a.k.a. 'Cat' is a twin hulled watercraft that features two slender, parallel hulls of equal size, and an upper structure that holds them together at a distance from each other. This structure makes the typical catamaran a geometry-stabilized craft, that derives its lateral stability from its wide beam and the ...

  15. 2 kayaks = catamaran?

    08-06-2009, 04:25 PM. Re: 2 kayaks = catamaran? Really wrong wavemaking shape, not to mention no grip on the water. Also you'd be fooling about to properly support the decks in the way of the connecting beams. Really interesting rudder problems. It would go to weather very poorly, so you'd paddle that way anyhow.

  16. Two kayaks connected as catamaran

    Two kayaks connected as catamaran - First attempt at seaשני קיאקים מחוברים כמו קטמרן #Fishing#Boat#DIY

  17. FastCat14™ Catamaran

    The Sea Eagle Inflatable FastCat14™ Catamaran Boat is a rugged, dependable, rigid, high-pressure, all-drop stitch constructed, four-person, inflatable, runabout, family pontoon boat that still fits into a bag and provides the Smoothest Ride On The Water! No need for storage fees, maintenance fees, or heavy fuel prices. Accompanied by a 3yr Extendable Warranty, Free Shipping, and 120 Day ...

  18. Sea Eagle 437ps 2 person Inflatable Boat. Package Prices starting at

    The 2 Person Swivel Seat Package is a great two-person package for those who may already own a motor. Package includes 437 PaddleSki™, hull carry bag, (2) swivel seat kits, (2) paddles, manual pump, and repair kit. Package price and FREE SHIPPING offer valid through Monday, September 30, 2024.

  19. Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat

    The New and Improved Sea Eagle 437ps PaddleSki™ Inflatable Catamaran-Kayak-Boat is the world's most versatile inflatable watercraft - providing you "all-in-one" benefits of a catamaran, kayak, motorboat, and extremely rugged portable inflatable with Stability, Speed, and Versatility! It's packable, remarkably stable, and fun!

  20. The Stablest Kayaks and Microskiffs

    2. W720 Kayak Skiff. Super Stable Catamaran Kayak. W720 Key Features & Benefits. L = 12'10", W = 31″, H = 17″, Weight = 85 lbs total. Patented twin-hull (catamaran) offers utmost stability for its size. Personal watercraft (PWC) saddle seat for optimal balancing capability, true comfort, and zero back pain.

  21. W720 Catamaran Kayak-Skiff

    The 2024 model W720 is Wavewalk's newest, patented catamaran kayak skiff from the 700 series. The W720 delivers top performance in paddling and driving, for solo and tandem crews. 2024 Colors: Gator Green, White. ... Catamaran-Dinghy Sailors. For a 1-2 crew. Recommended model: S4. Speed, Fun, and Adventure Seekers. ...

  22. The Layaran ~ The kayak that expands into a catamaran

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  23. Key West: Sunset Party Cruise by Catamaran

    Key West is a vibrant island destination known for its lively atmosphere and stunning natural beauty. The sunset party cruise aboard a spacious catamaran offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the city's iconic sunsets in style. With live music, complimentary drinks, and delectable appetizers, this 2-hour excursion promises an unforgettable evening of entertainment and socializing.

  24. Kayak Catamaran with electric trolling motor Haswing Osapian 2

    Kayak Catamaran project with Haswing Osapian 40 lbs electric trolling motor. More info about construction and Haswing Osapian in progress. We plan build sola...