Bavaria Yachts : Change of management in Giebelstadt

Michael Good

 ·  29.06.2021

Bavaria Yachts: Change of management in Giebelstadt

The new CEO Marc Diening is moving from the traditional fire protection specialist Magirus to the yacht builders in Giebelstadt. Prior to this, he worked for over 10 years in a management position at Bombardier and as a consultant for numerous well-known companies, including Deutsche Bahn. In addition, the 45-year-old has been a keen sailor since his early youth and is also very familiar with the yachting industry. "We are convinced that Marc Diening's proven success in the sustainable development of companies and his personal qualities make him the right person to continue Bavaria's current course with the necessary continuity," explains Kai Brandes, Managing Partner at Captial Management-Partner (CMP), the investor in Bavaria Yachts.

The change at the top of Germany's traditional shipyard will take place on 1 August. The current CEO of Bavaria, Michael Müller, initially came on board as Head of Marketing and Sales in November 2018 when investor CMP joined the company and was appointed to the position of Managing Director in 2019. The 64-year-old is now handing over the management of the shipyard to Marc Diening and will join the company's advisory board. As Bavaria writes in a press release today, Müller would like to have more time for his family in future.

Bavaria Yachts in Giebelstadt near Würzburg and its subsidiary Nautitech Catamarans in Rochefort (France) currently build just over 500 motorboats, sailing boats and catamarans a year. A total of around 700 people are employed at the two production sites.

Most read in category Yachts

bavaria yachtbau giebelstadt

Yachts estranged from any navigable waters sounds perplexing at first. But the answer lies in Bavaria Yachts’ history; because revolution often happens where you least expect it. Bavaria Yachts, located in the small town of Giebelstadt in Würzburg, has not always manufactured yachts. With no navigable waters in sight, Winfried Herrmann’s idea to turn his company for plastic windows into a top-notch shipyard sprung from seeing a grand opportunity for true innovation. In 1978, Herrmann realised his ambitious plan and started to specialise in building yachts. The primary difference to other shipyards? Herrmann’s optimised manufacturing process.

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bavaria yachtbau giebelstadt

Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH Bavariastraße 1 97232 Giebelstadt Germany Phone: +49 9334 942 0 Fax: +49 9334 942 1160 Email: info(at) Internet: Represented by the Board of Management: Jens Abromeit, Michael Müller, Dr. Ralph Kudla Registered at court: Frankfurt a. Main Register number: HRB 112933 VAT‐Identification according to § 27 a German Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE320301233 Responsible for this website according German § 6 MDStV: Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH, represented by the Board of Management

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bavaria yachtbau giebelstadt


  • Bavariastraße 1, 97232 Giebelstadt

In 1978, the first yacht of the Bavaria brand came off the stocks at a shipyard in the German city of Gibelshdat. It was the 807. The founder of the company, Winfred Hermann, could not have imagined at the time that in a few years his production would have the most modern facilities to produce a wide range of yachts.

This manufacturer of plastic windows decided to re-equip its factory for the production of inexpensive cruise yachts, and the assembly of models on an on-line conveyor became a feature of the shipyard's work. This made it possible to speed up the production of finished products, divide functions among the working staff, improve quality control at each stage of assembly . Over time, Bavaria became the first company in the yachting world to use robotic technology in the construction of yachts and boats.

Constantly feeling the pulse of the market, this company has been mastering the production of motor boats since 2003 . Today their share in the total number of manufactured products is 40%.

Today BAVARIA-Yachtbau is a shipyard with 200 thousand sq. m. production space . 70 thousand sq.m. were allocated directly for the body molding shops, workshops, carpentry shops and five assembly lines. The model range of the manufacturer includes 40 models of sailing cruising catamarans and planing yachts with a flybridge with a hull length from 9 to 18 meters. The main production facilities with a staff of 600 are located in the German Giebelstadt. In La Rochelle, France, the company employs 250 people to assemble Nautitech catamarans. Every year 2 thousand motor and sailing yachts leave the stocks of this leader of the yachting industry with an excellent combination of price and quality. It is for him that many experts on the yacht and boat market call BAVARIA-Yachtbau a people's brand.

The shipyard's own test center in Markbraith am Main also takes an active part in the technological chain. The work of this division allows you to research, test, modify yachts, bring innovations to their designs. The center's specialists work on each model until the quality inspectors of the shipyard give their approval for its serial launch. In the structure of the center, there is a test pool, in which yachts, before falling into the hands of their owners, are tested for their strength and reliability indicators.

All Bavaria yachts and boats are certified and meet the most stringent quality standards .

Yacht models

Bavaria S29 Open

Cruiser Line

Bavaria CRUISER 34

Sailing Catamaran

Bavaria Nautitech 40 Open

Virtess Line

Bavaria Virtess 420 Fly

Vision Line

Bavaria Vision 42

Motor Catamaran

Bavaria Nautitech 47 Power

Discontinued production models

Bavaria Basileus

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Bavaria Reviews


The firm’s current range includes motor boats, catamarans and sailing yachts, ranging in size from 30ft to 55ft.

New models are currently imported to the UK by brokerage firms Clipper Marine (power & sail boats) and Key Yachting (catamarans).

1 - 12 of 12

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Our guided tour of the Bavaria 450 Coupe, taken from the 2015 Dusseldorf Boat Show

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Bavaria 38 sport.

This 38-footer is a marked step up for the German yard

Review Price: £157,000.00

Bavaria 28 sport.

Bavaria delivers an affordable cruiser with attitude

Review Price: £103,061.00

Bavaria 46 - built in conjunction with BMW Design Works

Review Price: £390,000.00

Bavaria new deep blue 46 ht.

New Bavaria Deep Blue 46 HT - slightly retro style

Bavaria 30 Hardtop

Bavaria 30 Hardtop - roomy and comfortable with more room inside than seems possible!

Review Price: £127,500.00

Bavaria deep blue 46 flybridge.

Bavaria Deep Blue 46 Flybridge is their first ever flybridge

Latest videos

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MIA Accreditation Programs

Bavaria Yachts is relying on 100 percent “Made in Giebelstadt”

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bavaria yachtbau giebelstadt

Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH Bavariastraße 1 97232 Giebelstadt Germany

Phone: +49 9334 942 0 Fax: +49 9334 942 1160

Email:  info(at) Internet:

Represented by the Board of Management: Michael Müller (Chairman), Thorsten Gatz, Norbert Leifeld

Registered at court: Frankfurt a. Main Register number: HRB 112933

VAT‐Identification according to § 27 a German Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE320301233

Responsible for this website according German § 6 MDStV: Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH, represented by the Board of Management

Concept, Design and Hosting

bavaria yachtbau giebelstadt

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All technical details for the boats can be changed at any given time without notifications. The legally binding information and data for the boats are only and exclusively given in the legal contract via the dealer.

The photographs on this website are of existing models of the BAVARIA YACHTS product range. There may be details and scenery sets shown in the photographs that are not included in the standard furniture of the models shown. Specifications on the website are samples only.

Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH reserves the right not to be held responsible for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims regarding damage caused by the use of any information provided, including any kind of information which is incomplete or incorrect, will therefore be rejected.

All offers are not‐binding and without obligation. Parts of the pages or the complete publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH without separate announcement.

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Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from her pages – unless Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the visitors of her site from viewing those pages. If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, only the author of the respective pages might be liable, not the one who has linked to these pages. Furthermore, Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH is not liable for any postings or messages published by users of discussion boards, guestbooks or mailinglists provided on her page.

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  1. Bavaria Yachts

    BAVARIA YACHTS has been a manufacturer of innovative series yachts for 45 years. Over 42,000 sailing yachts and motorboats have been built on the 200,000 m² site since 1978. What makes us special and what we especially show greatness in, is the experience of our employees. We deliver perfection, for which about 700 employees give their best.

  2. Bavaria Yachts

    BAVARIA YACHTS erweitert die erfolgreiche SR-LINIE um ein neues Modell: die Bavaria SR33 OPEN TOP. Nach dem großen Erfolg der BAVARIA SR36 OPEN TOP präsentiert die Werft aus Giebelstadt nun eine weitere Open-Top-Version und folgt mit der BAVARIA SR33 OPEN TOP dem Wunsch vieler Kunden nach einem einzigartig offenen Fahrerlebnis.

  3. Bavaria Yachtbau

    Bavaria Yachtbau ist die größte Sportboot-Werft für Segel- und Motorboote in Deutschland mit Sitz in Giebelstadt, Bayern. Das Unternehmen wurde 1978 gegründet, gehört seit 2018 einem Finanzinvestor und produziert jährlich bis zu 1200 Boote.

  4. The shipyard

    Learn about the history, innovation and quality of BAVARIA YACHTS, one of the most modern manufacturers of sailing yachts and motorboats worldwide. See how over 600 yachts are produced annually at the shipyard in Giebelstadt, near Würzburg.

  5. Bavaria Yachtbau

    Bavaria Yachtbau is also one of the top three global market leaders for yachts ranging from 30 to 56 feet. In June 2007 the US private equity investor, ... Today Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH has about 600 employees in Giebelstadt. 150 people work in the administration department. The yard in Giebelstadt is more than 656,000 square feet with ...

  6. Bavaria Yachts: Models, Price Lists & Sales

    Germany, Giebelstadt. Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH. Bavariastraße 1, 97232. ... Bavaria Yachts was founded in 1978 by Winfried Hermann, owner of the plastic window factory. As a yachtsman he decided to refit the shipyard and start producing sailing cruise yachts at low prices. He liked the idea of making yachts more affordable.

  7. Bavaria Yachts: Change of management in Giebelstadt

    Bavaria Yachts in Giebelstadt near Würzburg and its subsidiary Nautitech Catamarans in Rochefort (France) currently build just over 500 motorboats, sailing boats and catamarans a year. A total of around 700 people are employed at the two production sites.

  8. Bavaria Yachts

    Bavaria Yachts, Giebelstadt. 35,599 likes · 245 talking about this · 981 were here. At BAVARIA we don´t just build yachts - we make dreams come true. Passionately, with real German engineering, with...

  9. Bavaria Yachts

    Bavaria Yachts, located in the small town of Giebelstadt in Würzburg, has not always manufactured yachts. With no navigable waters in sight, Winfried Herrmann's idea to turn his company for plastic windows into a top-notch shipyard sprung from seeing a grand opportunity for true innovation. In 1978, Herrmann realised his ambitious plan and ...

  10. Bavaria Yachts

    BAVARIA YACHTS ist der modernste Hersteller für Segelyachten, Motorboote und Katamarane weltweit. Eine BAVARIA Yacht ist das perfekte Zusammenspiel vieler Komponenten. Im Mittelpunkt: das umfassende Know‐how von Bootsbau, Ingenieurskunst und Design. Heute ist es möglich, all dieses Wissen mit einem Höchstmaß an Präzision und Qualität ...

  11. Bavaria Yachts

    At BAVARIA we don´t just build yachts - we make dreams come true. Passionately, with real german engineering, with absolute attention to detail and always 100 % made in germany. For the happiest ...

  12. Die Werft

    BAVARIA YACHTS ist ein führender Hersteller von Segelyachten und Motorbooten mit über 600 Yachten pro Jahr. Erfahren Sie mehr über die Geschichte, die Qualität und die Innovationen der Werft in Giebelstadt.

  13. Bavaria Yachts

    Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH Bavariastraße 1 97232 Giebelstadt Germany Phone: +49 9334 942 0 Fax: +49 9334 942 1160 Email: info(at) Internet: Represented by the Board of Management: Jens Abromeit, Michael Müller, Dr. Ralph Kudla Registered at court: Frankfurt a. Main

  14. Bavaria Yachts For Sale and Charter

    Bavariastraße 1, 97232 Giebelstadt ; In 1978, the first yacht of the Bavaria brand came off the stocks at a shipyard in the German city of Gibelshdat. It was the 807. ... Today BAVARIA-Yachtbau is a shipyard with 200 thousand sq. m. production space. 70 thousand sq.m. were allocated directly for the body molding shops, workshops, carpentry ...

  15. 37' Bavaria Cruiser/Racer HOLD FAST

    The HOLD FAST is a 2020 model BAVARIA 37 Cruiser as produced by BAVARIA YACHTBAU of Giebelstadt, Germany. Designed by Bruce Farr and introduced in 2013, the new "37 CR" was immediately successful as a proven yacht with very good performance capabilities that are true to this Naval Architect's track record. A strong and sophisticated yacht, the ...

  16. Bavaria

    Bavaria Reviews. Founded in 1976, Bavaria Yachtbau is the largest yacht manufacturer in Germany with its headquarters in Giebelstadt. The firm's current range includes motor boats, catamarans and sailing yachts, ranging in size from 30ft to 55ft. New models are currently imported to the UK by brokerage firms Clipper Marine (power & sail boats ...

  17. Bavaria Yachts is relying on 100 percent "Made in Giebelstadt"

    Motor yacht BAVARIA R55 will be produced in Giebelstadt from 2019 Production of the BAVARIA C50 revised, on the production line as of November ... Bearing the seal of quality "Made in Giebelstadt", both sailing and motor yachts will be manufactured and handed over to customers in Franconia. The R55 motor yacht, previously produced in Croatia ...

  18. We are BAVARIA

    The pages of BAVARIA Stories are the right place to find interesting articles about the shipyard in Giebelstadt. Read more. Career. Come aboard! At BAVARIA YACHTS you work for a product that inspires people. ... BAVARIA YACHTS - 100 % pure joy. BAVARIA YACHTS is one of the most modern manufacturers of sailing yachts and motorboats worldwide ...

  19. Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH of Giebelstadt at boot 2024 in Düsseldorf -- boot

    Visit Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH from Giebelstadt at boot 2024 in Düsseldorf in Hall 16 Stand B40. Menu . close back Home Exhibit Trade Fair Participation Online Registration Stand Cost Calculator Focus Topics Checklist Information Contact persons ...


    BAVARIA-YACHTBAU in Giebelstadt, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Giebelstadt and beyond.

  21. BAVARIA YACHTS is relying on 100 percent "Made in Giebelstadt"

    published on 17 October 2018. The future development of Bavaria is taking clear shape: The yacht builder, respected worldwide for its good price/performance ratio, will once again build its boats one hundred percent in Germany. Bearing the seal of quality "Made in Giebelstadt", both sailing and motor yachts will be manufactured and handed ...

  22. Giebelstadt

    Giebelstadt has a population of about 5,000 people, and has the largest volunteer fire department in its area. Giebelstadts population consists of 92% German, 5% Eastern European, 1% that of Asian, middle eastern and American ... Noted Manufactures The largest employer in Giebelstadt is BAVARIA YACHT, a Bavarian Yacht company owned by American ...

  23. Imprint

    97232 Giebelstadt Germany. Phone: +49 9334 942 0 Fax: +49 9334 942 1160. Email: info(at) Internet: ... Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH is not responsible for any contents linked or referred to from her pages - unless Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH has full knowledge of illegal contents and would be able to prevent the ...