Model Yachting Overview


Model Yachting is the magazine of the American Model Yachting Association

A sample issue of model yachting.


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Model Yachting: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hobby

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  • By - Kyle Hilson
  • Posted on November 13, 2023 November 14, 2023
  • Posted in RC Boats

Model yachting is a fascinating hobby or sport that involves building miniature versions of sailing yachts that can be sailed on water. It is a popular pastime enjoyed by people of all ages, and it is a great way to improve one’s patience, attention to detail and enjoyment of nature. Model yachting has a long and rich history, having begun as a hobby for wealthy yacht owners who wanted to recreate their vessels in miniature form. Over time, it has evolved into an organized sport, with national and international competitions held regularly. The boats used in model yachting come in different types such as radio-controlled, free-sailing, and pond yachts each having unique characteristics that make them ideal for different situations. With its history, different types of boats are used, and competitions it has to offer, model yachting is truly a fascinating and engaging hobby for all enthusiasts. In this article, we will dive into the different aspects of model yachting to give you a better understanding of what this sport is all about.

The History of Model Yachting

Model yachting has a long and rich history that dates back to the 1840s when wealthy yacht owners created miniature versions of their boats to be sailed on ponds and lakes. Since then, model yachting has come a long way, with its own subcultures, clubs, and competitions. Here are some key events and figures in the history of model yachting :

  • In 1876, model yachting was introduced to the United States through the New York Yacht Club .
  • The National Model Sailing Association (NMSA) was established in 1901 and became the governing body for model yachting in the US.
  • The first world championships in model yachting were held in England in 1920.

Over the years, model yachting continued to evolve, with new materials and technologies allowing for even more intricate and realistic models. Today, there are many different types of model yachts available, ranging from simple wooden boats to high-tech carbon fiber creations. If you’re interested in learning more about the history of model yachting , there are many resources available, including websites, books, and magazines. Some popular websites for model yachting enthusiasts include Model Yachting Magazine and the American Model Yachting Association .

What is the history of racing yachts?

Racing yachts have been around for centuries but the modern era of yacht racing began in the mid-19th century with the creation of regattas and yacht clubs. The America’s Cup, first held in 1851, is one of the oldest and most prestigious yacht races in the world. In the 20th century, advances in technology led to the development of faster and more efficient racing yachts. Today, yacht racing is a popular sport, with many competitions held around the world.

For more information about yacht racing, you can visit the websites of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF), World Sailing, and the Royal Yacht Association (RYA). Yacht racing enthusiasts can find a wide variety of products, from sailing gear to yacht equipment, on websites such as West Marine and Sailrite.

How to Get Started in Model Yachting

If you’re interested in trying model yachting for the first time, here are some steps you can take to get started:

  • Research different types of model yachts: There are many different types of model yachts available, each with its own unique features and characteristics. Research different types of boats and their advantages and disadvantages to decide which one is right for you.
  • Join a local club: Joining a local model yachting club is a great way to connect with other enthusiasts, learn about the sport and practice your skills.
  • Find a body of water: You’ll need a pond, lake, or small bay to sail your model yacht. Ensure it’s a safe location and has good access.
  • Get the right equipment: You’ll need a model yacht kit, radio control equipment, batteries and more. Take the time to get good equipment to prevent scale effect over time.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Learning to sail a model yacht takes time and patience. Keep practicing to improve your skills.

Moreover, model yachting can also have a creative, DIY aspect too. Some people enjoy building every part of their boats from scratch, while others enjoy customizing commercially available models with their own unique touches. A table displaying the different types and features of available model yachts can be a good way to showcase this information.

How do I start working on a yacht?

To start working on a yacht, you can follow the below steps:

  • Get necessary training and certifications, such as STCW Basic Safety Training, ENG1 medical certificate, and a sailing license.
  • Network and connect with people in the industry, attend job fairs and conferences.
  • Consider joining a crew agency, such as Crew4Yachts, YPI Crew, or DieselCrew.
  • Search for job postings on yacht-specific job websites, such as Yachting Pages or Yotspot.

It’s essential to have relevant experience in the yachting industry and a willingness to work hard. With persistence and dedication, you can begin your career on a yacht.

Types of Model Yachting Boats

Model yachts come in different shapes and sizes, making them suitable for different levels of experience, budgets, and preferences. Here are some popular types of model yachting boats :

  • Radios Control, or RC boats: Ideal for those who prefer precision, remote control or competitive sailing, these boats can be maneuvered with precision steering and speed control through specialized remote control units or employing the usage of mobile applications.
  • Free Sailing Boats: Although this type of model yacht has limited control over the yacht’s trajectory, these boats are perfect for casual sailing and less organized competitions. They typically use a built-in sail and do not rely on radio control.
  • Pond Yachts: Pond yacht’s roots date back to the sailboat models collectors and enthusiasts of the 19th century. These newly available from companies like vintage model company’s pond yachts come equipped with high-end details, advanced manufacturing techniques, and optional upgrades, making them both stunning and practical.

Regardless of the type of model yacht you choose, investing in a good quality boat that suits your skill level and sailing preference is key. There are several online resources and stores you can use, such as model yacht online shops, specialized forums and websites, like .

Model yachting competitions have become increasingly popular and organized over the years, attracting enthusiasts from around the world who compete for titles and medals. Here are some of the different types of model yachting competitions:

  • Club Events: These are typically small, casual events held by local clubs, where participants can practice their sailing skills and get to know other enthusiasts in their area.
  • Regional Competitions: Held throughout the year, regional competitions gather competitors from clubs within a specific region or state. These events often spark long-lasting friendships and rivalries, making them a great opportunity to see how well you stand next to others outside of your demographic.
  • National and International Events: These are the biggest and most prestigious model yachting events, drawing competitors from all over the world. They typically take place over multiple days and involve a variety of competitions and social events.

To compete in these events, it is important to follow the specific rules and guidelines of each competition. Registration is required and can come at a steep price tag. There are also specialized websites such as and various model yachting magazines like Model Yachting Magazine and Yachts & Yachting offering coverage of competitions and general information about the sport.

What is competitive yachting?

Competitive yachting, also known as yacht racing, involves sailing boats of different classes in a race against each other to determine the fastest vessel and crew. Yacht racing can take place in open seas, lakes or rivers and can range from a casual contest to a highly competitive international event.

Types of yacht racing categories may include:

  • Inshore racing
  • Offshore racing
  • Match racing
  • Cruising racing

There are several international organizations that govern yacht racing, including World Sailing, International Maxi Association and Offshore Racing Congress.

For those interested in getting involved in competitive yachting, there are several resources available, including:

  • Yacht racing clubs
  • Online forums and communities
  • Training courses and schools

Additionally, there are several websites that provide information on upcoming yacht races, yacht racing news and results, and resources for yacht owners and crew members, including Sail World, Yachting World, and Sailing Anarchy.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Model Yachting

Model yachting is a fun and rewarding hobby, but it does come with its own sets of advantages and disadvantages.

  • Improves Patience: Building and sailing a model yacht involves a lot of patience and attention to detail, helping you become more focused and disciplined.
  • Embraces Nature: Model yachting takes place on water, providing a great opportunity to spend time outdoors and enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Friendly Competition: Competitions offer a chance to meet other enthusiasts and participate in friendly competitions that can help improve your skills.
  • Provides a Sense of Accomplishment: Successfully building and sailing a model yacht can provide a great sense of achievement and satisfaction.
  • Time-Consuming: The construction of a model yacht can take up a significant amount of time, depending on the size of the yacht and level of detail put into it.
  • Equipment Challenges: Model yachting equipment can be expensive and needs to be well-maintained in order to work correctly, that requires long-term financial and time commitments.
  • Weather Restrictions: Inclement weather can affect sailing conditions, limiting the amount of time you can spend on the water.
  • Seasonal Hobby: Model yachting is a seasonal hobby for most people, as cold temperatures and frozen bodies of water can make it impossible to sail during the winter months.

In the end, the choice of whether or not to pursue model yachting depends largely on personal interests and the amount of time and money one is willing to commit. Nonetheless, it’s an excellent and satisfying sport/hobby that is well worth considering for those who love challenges and being close to nature.

What is the benefit of yachting?

There are numerous benefits of yachting, including:

  • Relaxation: Yachting provides an escape from the stresses of everyday life and can be a peaceful way to unwind and recharge.
  • Adventure: Exploring new destinations and discovering hidden coves and beaches can be an exciting and adventurous experience.
  • Socialization: Yachting can be a great way to connect with others who share your passion for the water and boating.
  • Health and Wellness: Yachting offers opportunities for exercise such as swimming, snorkeling and paddleboarding, which can promote physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Nature Appreciation: Yachting allows for a unique perspective to appreciate the beauty of nature such as marine life and stunning sunsets.

If you are interested in taking up yachting, there are many websites and products available that can help you get started. Some popular resources include:

  • Boatsetter: A platform for renting or chartering a yacht with a network of over 14,000 yachts worldwide.
  • YachtWorld: A global resource for buying and selling yachts with over 100,000 listings.
  • Cruising World: A magazine focused on yachting and cruising lifestyle that provides information on destinations, boats, gear and more.

In conclusion, model yachting is an exciting sport/hobby that combines your interest in recreation, art, and the outdoors. With a rich history and a variety of boats and competitions on offer; building and sailing a model yacht can be a great way for people of all ages to enjoy time in the great outdoors, learning new skills and meeting like-minded individuals. While it does require time, patience, and passion, the end result is a beautiful and functional model yacht that gives complete satisfaction and builds self-confidence.

Whether you’re looking for a peaceful and relaxing hobby or one that challenges your competitive spirit, model yachting covers it all. With a little bit of research, joining local clubs or attending competitions could be your first step towards the world of model navigation. Investing in high-quality equipment, building a model yacht from scratch, and sailing it on water can provide a lifetime of enjoyment, personal satisfaction, and memories that would last a lifetime. So why wait? Start sailing your way to a fun and fulfilling hobby today!

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London Model Yacht Club  The Round Pond, Kensington Gardens Patrons Sir Robin Knox-Johnston CBE Dr Charles Clarke

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...the oldest Model Yacht Club in the UK incorporating The Model Yacht Sailing Association

& mysa  .

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The home of model yacht sailing in central London since 1876

The Round Pond in Kensington Gardens, overlooked by Kensington Palace, is the home of the oldest model yacht club in the country – the Model Yacht Sailing Association (Est. 1876) and the London Model Yacht Club (Est. 1884).

There is a long and rich history of model boat sailing in London Royal Parks, which our past Commodore David Keay  researched and summarised below. The London Model Yacht Club is proud to continue this tradition and to entrance visitors to Kensington Gardens .

Today, the club focuses on the racing of radio controlled 10-Rater, International One Metres, DF95s and Vintage yachts. We have one of the largest 10-Rater fleets in the world.

Model yacht clubs in the London Royal Parks

David Keay, Commodore MYSA 2003.

As an island race, interest in boats & their models is an integral part of our heritage. Regattas were being held on the Serpentine from the 18th century. Yacht Clubs were also being formed (the Royal Cork was founded in 1720) & model boats were sailed on the ponds in the Royal Parks soon after they were opened.

During the 1820’s a group of enthusiasts – including Cooper the Gunsmith, shoemakers & other mechanics – met on Sundays to sail small boats, up to 2’6”, on the Green Park Pond; finishing in time for a glass of ale at the White Horse Cellar in Piccadilly before public houses closed for Church Time at 11 a.m. {they could stay inside until reopening at 1 p.m.}. Cooper is credited with introducing external lead ballast; it is tempting to picture him discussing his designs in the cellar.

When the Green Park Pond was altered & surrounded by railings in 1834, sailing moved to the Serpentine where they had to stop for bathing time at 10a.m. A monthly sweepstake was introduced on Monday afternoons, organised by the ‘Serpentine Sailing Society’.

The Serpentine was used for other events, such as blowing up of a fleet of model warships in 1814 to rival a similar French spectacle at Versailles. There was a defined area for bathing with a pavilion for changing. Rowing boats were available for hire which were a considerable hazard for free sailing yachts. Wealthy yachtsmen occasionally sailed models of their yachts out of season, during the winter.

Rules were necessary for the sweepstake & to avoid conflict between other activities. These were drawn up by Tom Davis in 1838 & accepted at a Meeting of the Serpentine Sailing Society, later adapted by the Yacht Racing Association  in 1881.

It must be appreciated that at this time class distinction was paramount

Sailors were considered ‘artisans’. Further the Royal Parks had carefully regulated access (one had to be respectably dressed) & Kensington Gardens was closed until around 1840.

In 1845 W. Gilbert promoted a formal club, with one class  -  big boats, 6 feet long, weighing over 50lb and requiring at least 2 boys to carry!

This first London Model Yacht Club was founded in 1846, with Flag Officers, trophies & ambitions for a Clubhouse. Membership soon rose to nearly 80 with new members who were definitely not ‘artisans’. These were the full sized yachtsmen who introduced new classes – 1/12 scale models or prototypes, also a 12 foot experimental class.

The actual sailing was undertaken by professionals, of whom W.J.Daniels was to later become the most successful, who had to accept getting wet.

These newcomers effectively hijacked the club with elaborate rules designed to exclude any element of trade, & specified uniforms, both for dress & for sailing. They also rigged elections & invited Commodores from clubs with a Royal Warrant.

Unsurprisingly dissensions arose. Model sailing declined, newcomers returned to their River Clubs, & the London Model Yacht Club faded away in spite of a ‘reconstruction’ in 1871.

The Serpentine Model Yacht Club was founded in 1872 with Dixon Kemp as Commodore (he was Editor of The Field). The Committee included a couple of baronets & some senior army officers, plus Rob Roy McGregor. The Serpentine was a big boat club, sailing model 20 & 40 Tonners, weighing 60 lb or more, to the 1720 Rule.

Applications to erect a clubhouse had been refused but permission to store boats under the bandstand, where there was room for about 20 boats (limiting membership), had been obtained. However, in 1884 the bandstand was demolished so a direct appeal to the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) resulted (1886) in a site being granted by the Serpentine for a peppercorn rent of one shilling per annum.

The club raised £100 to erect a boathouse (putting the boys out of work!). Membership was limited to 30 (boathouse capacity) & racing commenced in difficult conditions due to the rowing boats. Sailing became impossible when the Office of Works closed the path at the eastern end.

The boathouse was pulled down in 1930 & the Club removed to the Rick Pond, adopting the A & 6M classes, to enjoy the excellent clubhouse (about 40 x 30 ft) provided by T. B. Davis (owner of the J-Class Westward) & designed by W.J.Daniels.

Incidentally the secretary of the 6M class was J.G.Feltwell whose daughter in 1928 designed the charming logo for Model Yachtsman, later adopted by the Vintage Group. Feltwell died in 1949.

The MYSA had been founded in 1876 when meetings were held in a room over the local Turkish Baths. The founder members were Tyrell Biddle, his 2 brothers, W.O. Hastings & Mr Sanderson (ex London MYC). Hastings & the Biddle brothers had earlier founded the Victoria Club in Hackney (1862) before moving to Kensington.  Initially they sailed small, 1st & 2nd Class boats but soon adopted larger classes.

By 1881 monthly meetings were being held at the Clubhouse, Thurloe Square; actually the home of the secretary, W.O.Hastings. Regular sweepstakes races were organised & continued until after 1945 at which time the entrance fee was sixpence; prizes of half a crown were awarded for a 1st & a shilling for 2nd.

Sailing in Hackney was abandoned when the pond was opened for rowing boats & bathing; the Club there being wound up in 1892.

The ‘new’ London was formed at the Crown Hotel, courtesy of Mr Burgess, on September 8th, 1884. The Commodore was T. F. Drinian & Secretary H.D.Pring.

Sir Thomas Brassey, owner of Sunbeam, was invited to be President. He was an MP, a Member of the Royal Yacht Squadron & Warden of the Cinque Ports and later elevated as Viscount Hythe.

The George was founded in 1886, also based on the Round Pond, actively racing, & a Kensington appeared in February that year with a secretary in Lambeth but with no record of any activities. This could be a result of the Pond being drained in June 1886 until March 1887.

The London defined 2 Classes that year:

A: LWL * beam < 240 B: 1/12 scale to the YRA 10 ton rule of 1883 (sometimes called the 1730 rule)

Thanks to the influence of Lord Brassey, in 1887 Col Wheatley was appointed by the Dept of Works to oversee the building of a boathouse of about 30 feet by 20 feet adjacent to the Orangery in Kensington Gardens. This was a timber framed shed with small windows, clad in corrugated iron, completed during 1888.

The Initial Licence demanded a rental of £9 p.a. for an undefined term, subject to 3 months notice of termination. The Solicitors cost for this was 2 guineas.

Capt Methven & E. R. Tatchell headed a Committee of Management to transform this shed into a congenial Clubhouse. They arranged panelling the inside at a cost of £15, installing lockers with standing for boats above (£10), & erecting a coal store for the heating stove (£10). The interior was completed in time for the AGM of January,1890.

They also arranged subletting to the M.Y.S.A & George Clubs. By 1900 the rental of the boathouse was £16 p.a. The sub-letting rental was £4 to MYSA & £2 to the George. The income from lockers was £6 & the Steward (Doolan) was paid £9.

Racing Classes were redefined: 1st: 15 rater (first measurement of sail area) 2nd: 10 Ton (former B Class) 3rd: Former 240 Class

Prince Batthyany Strathman, a Hungarian Noble, Count of the Holy Roman Empire (the first Catholic foreigner to be admitted to Eton) became Honorary President of the London in 1889. He was later encouraged by Dixon Kemp to found the YRA. Sir Algernon Borthwick, M.P. for Kensington, was elected Vice President in March 1890.

It was noted in the Minutes that in 1889 sailing on the Round Pond was difficult on account of weed, which is still an on-going problem.

The boathouse was extended for the George in 1892. When this Club was disbanded the clubhouse was taken over by the London to form the ‘Junior London’ in April, 1902, popularly known as the Boys Club based in the Boys Clubhouse. The members were sons of London Members between ages 10 – 18 all attending Public Schools such as Rugby & Repton. They were expelled, hopefully joining the senior club, at age 21. A large majority voted not to admit girls!

Percy Tatchell supervised the junior racing for the single class of 24inches, later extended in 1905 to include the IYRU 30in. linear rated class designed by John Odgers. The boys were encouraged to become serious racers & were given formal tuition.

By 1912 most Members had transferred to senior membership & the section declined. The boy’s clubhouse was then used to store old boats. (The inventory of 1947 listed 47 boats, only 5 of which were registered).

The boathouse was considered to be utilitarian by the Establishment, detracting from Wren’s Orangery alongside, so during 1908 the Dept of Works moved the boathouse 50 yards to the NW, extending by 15 feet the area occupied by MYSA, & improving the flooring. The rent rose to £20 p.a.

Post 1918 the London found itself very short of members & a subscription income of only £11. Nevertheless the Flag officers funded refurbishing the boathouse, later installing gas for heating. They further planned to adopt classes defined by the YRA

Also post-war interest in power boats had developed with the establishment of specialist clubs who attracted large numbers of spectators & in the 1930’s a further extension was added to the boathouse for the West London Model Power Boat Club.

The Marquess of Ailsa was elected President of the London in 1919. Major Heckstall-Smith, later Editor of Yachting Monthly, was an active Member during this period & he further persuaded the Marquess to be president of the embryo MYA. W.J.Daniels was elected an Associate Member of the London in 1920.

The Marquess was also President of the MYSA with whom he sailed 10 raters. Sir William Burton was elected President in 1926, later succeeded by Sir Harold Kenyon. Sir William, with Sir Charles Allom & C. E. Nicholson continued as Vice Presidents of the MYSA until the 1950’s.

The London League was established in 1908 for inter-Club Racing but had to address the problem that each club favoured its own designs, highlighted by a complaint from Forest Gate, after which the MYA Rules were adopted, with a reservation over protest procedure.

In 1923 the Round Pond was emptied for cleaning & Major Heckstall-Smith started refining the London Club classes in line with the YRA & IRYU. This process continued during the 1930’s, alongside that for full-size.

In 1927 the Steward, Doolan, suffered a stroke & had to stand down after 39 years.

A new threat to model sailing arose in 1937 when the Office of Works railed off the NE corner of the Round Pond as a paddling pool for children. A fierce editorial in the September issue of Marine Models inspired widespread protests & the railings were removed the following year. The area remains shallow with a pipe to trap the unwary.

There were fewer leisure activity restrictions at this time. In addition to sailing, the pond was used for large model steam warships & high speed power boats.

During a Television recording in 1939 a petrol-engine seaplane even took off from the water; while Control Line model aircraft were being flown in Hyde Park. There was a further TV broadcast from Alexandra Palace in 1947.

The Archery Club was formed in 1938, but since the emphasis by then was on serious shooting, did not become active until after the war. In 1947 an agreement was reached for them to store their targets & other gear in the Boys Clubhouse.

During the war years the membership of MYSA at £1 p.a. increased to the limit imposed by Locker Space & a Waiting List for both Senior & Junior (up to age 17) Membership was introduced. Boats owned by Members had to be approved by the Committee. Reserves in investments grew from £90 to £200, whilst fortunes of the London declined.

By 1948 within the London League MYSA were the top Club in Marblehead Racing, with Robin Redhead & Babbie to the fore, but bottom in 10R (both Vane steered). Fixtures for 36inch & 18 footers were discontinued.

Registrations of 10R started to increase, encouraged by Robin’s success with Daddy Longlegs, & soon equalled that for all other classes, but even so racing activity was declining. An inventory of boats stored in the clubhouse during 1954 showed 30 10Raters, 28 Marbleheads & 2 18 footers.

In 1955 the Minister of Works demanded an annual rent increase from £10 to £86, plus another expensive lease, & this forced an amalgamation of the Clubs in December 1972, together with a subscription increase to survive.

In 1987 notice to quit was served so the Clubhouse could be demolished to make space for more palace car parking. A new building was offered but since security was paramount it had to be ‘armour plated’ & the rental would be £4500. The income of the combined club was £300 so this was clearly unaffordable. As an alternative the totally unsuitable space under the bandstand was again offered, or an equally unsuitable parks hut near the Albert Memorial, both at a rental of £400. (The counter inflation Rent Restriction Act had been passed in 1972 but did not apply to the Crown, Parliament or Local Authorities).

A site at the top of Perks Field, which did not require enhanced security was suggested & the Club offered to buy the existing shed to be re-erected on this site (the Club owned all the interior fixtures & fittings). The boathouse had previously been moved in 1908 but this reasonable proposal was also refused.

Protests by the Commodore, Tony Gurr, pointing out that the Clubs & the clubhouses had been in existence for 100 years were ignored, as was a direct appeal to the MYA Patron, Prince Philip, by Architect Rodney Tatchell.

Reluctantly, after further negotiation, the present small shed adjacent to the Royal Household Football Club, was accepted at a rent of £400 p.a. This shed, originally housing equipment for monitoring activities at the nearby Russian Embassy during the cold war; was far from ideal & had to be shared with the Archery Club. There was no space for the contents of the former Clubhouse & perhaps 20 boats could be accommodated, compared with the 60 or more formerly.

A further threat arose after the death of Princess Diana, when Gordon Brown supported a proposal to install a fountain, with a jet to 300 feet, rivalling that of Chatsworth. Common sense prevailed after all Kensington rose in revolt at a memorable public meeting. Subsequent debacles lost around £20 million that had been collected.

The edging of the Pond had subsided & required extensive repairs as spectators had fallen in on account of the slippery edging so the proposal in 2003 was to lower the water level. The pond would then be inaccessible & too shallow for deep keel boats, ending 10R racing, by far the most popular large class, which is the backbone of the Kensington Club. The proposal was reconsidered 2 years later when it was realised that injuries could arise from the greater drop if spectators fell in.

It is interesting to observe that in 1874 the American MYC was given a splendid Boat House with space for 50 boats by the Park Commissioners in Central Park, NY, Eastbourne, Gosport, Hove, Southwold , Fleetwood & other coastal waters have had clubhouses erected by the Local Council. Clapham have a purpose built Clubhouse as does the Rick Pond at Hampton.

References: Russell Potts ‘Sporting Hobbies & Social Class’ ‘Model Yachtsman’ Ed. Tom Bruce, & successive publications. Surviving Minutes of the London & MYSA Clubs Reminiscences of Robin Redhead, Gareth Morgan & others.

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London  Model  Yacht  Club -  LMYC

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  • MYA Districts
  • MYA Ranking Lists

The Model Yachting Association Great Britain

Knowledge Base

For the newcomer, association documents, measurement & certification, club and skipper development, race and event documents, how to use our website, identification and restoration of unknown boats, acquaint back issues.

Cat Sails


  1. J Class Model Yacht Endeavour

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  2. Modern Yachts Models

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  3. American Model Yachting Assoc

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  5. American Model Yachting Assoc

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  6. Modern Yachts Models

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    The AMYA was established in 1970 as a not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting racing, designing, building, and preservation of all model sailing yachts, and membership is open to all who are interested in these activities. Our quarterly magazine is the only publication devoted 100% to model yachting. It is a great benefit of AMYA ...

  2. Model Yachting Association Great Britain

    The MYA is the representative body for radio and free sailing in the UK, affiliated to the RYA and IRSA. It promotes and supports all branches of the sport, from home built to competitive yachts, and provides links to clubs and events.


    WELCOME TO THE PAST The US Vintage Model Yacht Group (US VMYG) is a Special Interest Group of the American Model Yachting Association.The US VMYG is also a close collaborator with the Vintage Model Yacht Group (United Kingdom).Our organizational goals are the preservation, building, and sailing of older model yacht designs, and the study of the history of the sport of model yachting.


    The model yacht classes recognized by the AMYA are managed in one of two ways. Traditionally, each have an elected Class Secretary that acts as registrar, championship regatta coordinator, and head cheerleader for the class. In 1995, a provision was voted into the by-laws that allows a class to be managed instead by a Class Owners Association.

  5. Classified Ads

    The design is called Ibis and this is the first of 4 yachts built to that design. It comes with the original mast and stand but nothing else. The fittings were made by John Gale and he won the yachting monthly trophy with it in 1994. 91 inches long £300 ono Tel: 07907 501651


    The ISAF (International Sailing Federation, formerly IYRU) is the worldwide organization for all yacht racing. The ISAF designates a "national authority" in each nation. In the United States, the national authority is US Sailing (formerly USYRU). US Sailing recognizes the American Model Yachting Association (AMYA) as the authority for model ...

  7. U.S. Vintage Model Yacht Group

    The US Vintage Model Yacht Group (US VMYG) is a Special Interest Group of the American Model Yachting Association. The US VMYG is also a close collaborator with the Vintage Model Yacht Group (United...

  8. The Model Yachting Center: Turning the Vision into Reality

    The Model Yachting Center (TMYC) will promote, perpetuate, and preserve the sport of model yachting, which has its roots in the 1850s. This facility will include indoor ponds, outdoor ponds, workshops, boat shop, banquet rooms, food and beverages, displays, and archival space. The indoor and outdoor ponds will host year-round leagues and clubs ...

  9. About the MYA

    The MYA is the representative body for Radio and Free sailing in the UK, affiliated to the Royal Yachting Association and the International Radio Sailing Association. It provides a racing system, class rules, events, news and history for model yacht enthusiasts.

  10. About Us

    The US Vintage Model Yacht Group is a Special Interest Group of the American Model Yachting Association. Our organizational goals are the preservation, building, and sailing of older model yacht designs and the study of the history of the sport of model yachting. "Vintage" primarily means any older model sailboats no longer sailed (or never ...


    Mission Statement: National Club Directory Listing for American Model Yachting Association Clubs: About Us: We are a 40 year old, not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting the designing, building, racing, and preservation of all model sailing yachts, and membership is open to all who are interested in these activities.

  12. THE AMYA

    There are people who are doing it every day. And it is still the same happy feeling. The fun of building, testing, tuning, and just plain sailing. It is called model yachting. Model yachting has been taken seriously practically ever since sailing began. However, the advent of relatively low-cost, reliable radio control electronics in the 1960's ...

  13. Model Yachting Association UK

    Watch videos of radio sailing events, classes, and free sailing by the MYA, the home of radio sailing in the UK. Subscribe to the channel and follow the MYA on Facebook and other platforms.

  14. Events

    Home; About. About Mega 1. About the MYA; What We Do; Getting Started; Council Members; Officers Board; MYA Awards; About Mega 2. IRSA; RYA; RYA Racing Charter; World ...

  15. History

    X boats tend to be long, lean and handsome, and the class was very popular on the West Coast. During the late 1940s the Model Yacht Racing Association of America fell prey to internal strife and the last publication devoted exclusively to the hobby went under.

  16. Model yachting

    Radio-controlled model sailboats on Conservatory Water in Central Park in New York City. Radio control may be used in many locations. Typically two controls are provided for sailing yacht models, a general-purpose small servo for rudder control and a specialized sail winch to draw in the mainsheet and jib. Motorized craft control rudder and throttle, and perhaps other functions such as ...

  17. THE AMYA

    Model Yachting is an 8½ X 11" format color cover publication, printed and distributed to registered members of the American Model Yachting Association, and to businesses advertising within Model Yachting. Full-color digital versions of MY, after issue number 200, are available to all members in the "Member Portal" section of this website.

  18. Model Yachting: A Comprehensive Guide to the Hobby

    The National Model Sailing Association (NMSA) was established in 1901 and became the governing body for model yachting in the US. The first world championships in model yachting were held in England in 1920. Over the years, model yachting continued to evolve, with new materials and technologies allowing for even more intricate and realistic models.

  19. What We Do

    Model Yachting. The term Model Yachting is based on the heritage and traditions of our sport which go back over 200 years, however the boats we sail are in most instances not models or scale versions of full sized boats but specifically design purpose built yachts for racing, nowadays primarily with radio controls but also for free sailing.

  20. History

    Learn about the origins and evolution of model yacht clubs and classes in the London Royal Parks since 1876. The web page covers the history of the Model Yacht Sailing Association, the London Model Yacht Club, and other clubs and events in Kensington Gardens and other locations.

  21. News

    Eastern District Dragon Flight 95 Events Club News. Take it to the River! Huntingdon Radio Yacht Club's event on 17 August. While having a post racing beer following our DF95 Twilight series a few weeks ago, Andy Johnson, the…. 19/08/2024. Dragon Force 65 Scottish District Racing Reports.

  22. Plans

    Some are JPG format. Multi-sheet plans will be provided with separate download links for each sheet. Select a class from the list on the right to see all the model yacht plans available in that class. Each plan will be listed with the boat name and a short description. Click on the product thumbnail to see a larger preview of the plan.

  23. Knowledge Base

    Find documentation and information for newcomers, clubs, skippers, races and events in model yachting. Browse articles on measurement, certification, identification, restoration and more.