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Windward Yachts

Yacht crew positions : Hierarchy, Missions & Salaries explained

work on a luxury yacht

Like any well-run hotel, restaurant, or other luxury service, a crewed yacht needs organized structure and good management. Whether you’re staffing your own luxury vessel or looking for an exciting career working and traveling the world, you need to know how this structure works, and what you can expect to pay or earn and do in the various roles on board.

Every yacht is a little different, and organization may reflect the style of the captain or the demands of the owner. But the same jobs need to be done on almost every boat. Organized with ranks, heads of each division report to the Captain. It’s not a military-style organization, but there are parallels with merchant marine grades and structures.

Smaller yachts need fewer crew, and staff may wear multiple hats that cross more traditional divisions and may combine some jobs with others. Large yachts have more distinct divisions or subdivisions, with more specialization to divide tasks and manage staffing. The core skills are the same, but finding staff with the right blends to do the jobs is key. Crew with broader skills are highly sought after.

As a yacht owner, you shouldn’t have to worry about day-to-day management decisions or organizing all this. That’s why you have a captain, and it’s better to leave staffing decisions entirely up to him or her. But it’s still important to know what it is people you’re hiring do, why they’re there, and how many you need. You don’t want too many crew, or to be short-handed. An understanding of what your yacht needs helps you talk to the captain to keep your yacht running how you want it.

For those looking to break into yacht crew work, consider your skills and strengths, and what jobs appeal to you. You’ll need training before you work, and you can direct your job path through the training you seek. Your goal is a suitable position on a well-run yacht, so make yourself the most attractive candidate possible.

Yacht Work Life

work on a luxury yacht

Working on a yacht is also living on the yacht. Crew must have a space to sleep, food, and all the basics that any employee needs. Large yachts have space reserved for crew, and owners looking for quality crew should provide good working and living conditions. Your crew takes care of you, and you should take care of them.

Depending on where a yacht operates or what flag she flies, a variety of labor laws or rules may be in effect. These requirements may be for work visas, contracts and written agreements, and compliance with merchant and ship crew treaties and laws. Be prepared to have work and non-disclosure agreements between yacht and crew, though a few yachts skip this.

Seasonal Jobs

Many yacht positions are seasonal. Year-round employment is more likely for senior crew like the captain and department heads, but not all yachts see year-round use. And some yachts may use different crew in different locales between seasonal moves.

Any job listing should give seasonal information, with geographic information, the length of the season, and the prospects for year-round positions and repeat employment.

Hours, Salaries, and Expectations

Yacht crew is a service job at its core, and every yacht owner is looking for service-oriented people who understand how to deliver a hotel-quality living and restaurant-quality fine dining. Work experience in luxury hotels and restaurants is a big plus for some jobs, and makes breaking into yacht work easier.

Yacht work can be very demanding, with periods of intense work when the owner and guests or a charter party is on board. Long days aren’t uncommon, but often balance with slack time when the boat is empty of passengers. There is always work to be done, but there’s usually a chance for time off.

Most salaries are monthly, since many positions are seasonal. Pay ranges are commensurate with experience, rank, and responsibility. Private vessels usually offer higher base pay, as charter crew can earn tips on top of their base salary. Because of the demands of the lifestyle, compensation is good and you have minimal living expenses on board.

Benefits and Time Off

Because so many jobs are seasonal and may occur in different countries and locations, benefits offered to yacht crew vary widely. But it is not uncommon for crew to be offered health and accident insurance and a flight to the vessel. Living on board, you’ll get food, rooming (usually shared), basic toiletries, uniforms, and laundry. Yachts with a longer view may offer additional training to long-term prospects.

Time off is usually linked to boat use, and may be sporadic in-season or when the boat has the owner and guests on board. There will always be some time off, but it may be between very intense work periods.

Most crew jobs have an employment contract that meets the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC). This should spell out the contract period and duration, as well as salary, leave and time off, probationary periods, repatriation policies, and any other crucial details to meet the minimum international standards of crew welfare.

This contract should also contain shipboard policies on confidentiality and non-disclosures, drug and alcohol use on board, personal hygiene expectations, interpersonal relationships, and dispute resolution. Job expectations and requirements can also be included, with specific language about roles, tasks, and cooperation between divisions.

Note that all crew agreements will explicitly prohibit drug use on board, most limit alcohol consumption and ban hard liquor on board, and many boats have policies prohibiting intimate personal crew relationships. Because the crew is living on board full time and in close quarters, rules to maintain decorum and crew harmony may be in writing.

Training & Certificates

Two key certifications are required for yacht crew. Employers look for the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers) and the ENG1 (Seafarer Medical Certificate). Insurers generally require crew to have these two certifications or the equivalent.

The ENG1 isn’t a class. It’s a medical exam to ensure that the crew is physically fit to serve at sea and has no underlying conditions that may arise far from help. It’s best for prospective crew to secure the ENG1 before investing more time and money training.

STCW is a week-long class on the basics of onboard safety. This includes hands-on modules covering personal survival, fire safety, first aid and CPR, accident prevention, and security awareness. It needs to be refreshed every five years.

Shared, Hybrid, and Crossover Jobs

Larger vessels will have more defined duties and specific areas of responsibility. But smaller yachts may want the crew to have different roles in different situations. For example, a hybrid job description may read “3rd Engineer/Steward” and describe a role in engineering when the boat is empty but on inside crew when passengers are on board.

When hiring or seeking jobs be prepared to look for creative crossover skill sets to meet the needs of the vessel.

Extra Skills and Duties

Any extra skills outside the regular duties makes crew more attractive. From stewards who can teach yoga, give massages or play cocktail piano to deck crew who know how to water ski, SCUBA dive, or fish, anything that crew can bring to enhance the passenger experience adds value to the employee.

If you’re looking for a position, list the skills you’d be comfortable using. If a vessel owner is looking for something specific, spell it out and figure out how that special duty fits into the employee work day.

The Four Main Divisions

work on a luxury yacht

Most yacht crews break into four primary divisions which group related tasks and responsibilities together. While the grouping sounds like it’s by section of the boat, they’re really more functional. For example, stewards (Interior) will definitely serve meals, whether they’re in the main dining room or out on deck. Deckhands (deck) are going to be involved in painting, sanding, and varnish jobs anywhere on the boat.

The deck crew handles most of the exterior operations of the yacht, and runs it. Deck hands and crew keep the boat looking clean and shiny, and handling most vessel operations. This includes driving and operating the yacht, navigation, running all launches and ship’s craft, handling lines, and all maintenance and painting, washing, and shining.

2-Interior (or Inside)

Inside crew are primarily the stewards and housekeepers. Larger vessels will have a dedicated housekeeping staff separate from the stewards, but smaller vessels may not.

Stewards keep the interior clean, do all housekeeping, laundry, food and beverage service, cabin preparation, and anything else needed for the comfort of the passengers.


Below decks, the engineering department ensures the safe and smooth running of all the ship’s machinery and electronics. Engineers are engine and systems specialists, and there will usually be a dedicated electronics expert. Most engineer jobs require professional training and certification.

Fine dining is a hallmark of the yachting experience, and a full-time galley crew prepares all meals for passengers and crew. The head chef plans the menus and provisions the boat, while junior chefs assist the head chef with meal preparation and keeping the galley spotless.

Yacht Job and Department Details

work on a luxury yacht

Departments are all organized in a hierarchy, with a department head reporting to the Captain. The clear chain of command makes for smooth operations, with all communications going up and down ranks. Junior staff will occasionally take instructions from other divisions as all crew is expected to help as needed. A captain or department head may organize staff differently, so reporting structures listed are guidelines only.

All salary ranges are monthly figures and are ranges based on yacht size and crew experience. Senior jobs on larger yachts have more responsibility than the same job title on yachts with smaller crews. Experienced crew are very desirable and can expect more pay for their positions.

Listed responsibilities are not exhaustive, and different yachts may allocate some jobs to different positions.

Read also: The yacht charter experience ladder

The Captain

work on a luxury yacht

The captain of the vessel is the overall decision maker for the yacht in all situations, including the safety of the vessel. The owner should leave the Captain responsible for operational decisions about hiring and staff and operating the ship. To become a captain requires years of experience and training, and a broad set of skills including yacht operations, personnel management, budgeting and finance. The captain works directly with the owner and owner’s representative, if the captain is not also acting as the representative.

On an organization chart, the Captain is usually placed in the deck division, but the Captain is always the senior-most crew on the yacht and all division heads report to the Captain.

Responsibilities include:

  • Responsible for all navigation and running the yacht.
  • Senior decision maker on all crew hiring.
  • Manage repairs, refits, and yard work.
  • Manage budgets and accounting. On larger yachts, this task ends more on the Purser, but the captain is always responsible.
  • Ensure all paperwork, clearances, and legal requirements are completed.
  • Primary contact with the owner or charter parties.

Reports to: The yacht owner

Salary Range: $6,000 to $22,000

The deckhands handle all the outside responsibilities of the ship, including cleaning and maintenance of the yacht and all the ship’s vessels and toys on board. Deck crew will have significant contact with passengers in this role, operating launches and delivering guests to and from shore and handling the toys.

All deck crew have watch responsibilities on passage, and daily responsibilities keeping the yacht pristine and clean. They will also do line handling and secure the yacht.

Deck department : Chief Mate/First Officer

The Chief Mate or First Officer is the second in command of the vessel, and left in charge when the Captain is not on board. The first mate has the requisite skills to stand in for the captain and run the yacht if needed and usually acts as the division head of the deck team.

The seamanship skills needed are similar to the Captain’s position.

  • Primary safety officer for the yacht and all passengers and crew.
  • Supervise and manage all operations on deck.
  • Bridge watches on passage.
  • Passage planning and navigation.

There may be additional mates on larger vessels, these 2nd, 3rd, etc. mates have similar responsibilities on rotation. But the first mate is senior and always second in command.

Reports to: Captain

Salary Range: $4,000 to $9,500 (First mate)

Second and more junior mates may earn $2,000 to $4,000

Deck department : Bosun

work on a luxury yacht

The Bosun is the senior deckhand and manages the junior hands on board. This will usually be the most experienced hand on board.

  • Organizing all operations on deck.
  • Coordinating the use, storing and launching of the ship’s boats, toys, and equipment.
  • Managing the passerelle, watching passenger safety.
  • Contact point for guest service on boats, toys, and trips to shore.

Reports to: First mate

Salary Range: $3,000 to $5,000

Deck department : Deckhands

work on a luxury yacht

Deckhands are constantly busy with maintenance, cleaning, polishing, and assisting guests as needed. They will assist other departments as needed or given special duties.

  • Daily cleaning of the yacht’s exterior.
  • Painting, varnishing, polishing.
  • Line handling.
  • Launching and operating dinghies and tenders.
  • Repairs and carpentry.
  • Helping guests as needed – everything from handling baggage and gear to embarking and disembarking.

Reports to: Bosun

Salary range: $1,300 to $3,000

Though every position on a yacht is service-oriented, the interior or inside crew provides the primary customer service. They will interact the most with the passengers daily, and they’re directly responsible for the quality of their experience on board.

Interior department : the Purser

work on a luxury yacht

The purser is the chief financial officer of the yacht and handles all the financial operations on board. Accounting, purchasing, payroll and hiring, and all money matters end up with the Purser. This is a senior staff position, and may be the interior department head. Smaller yachts may eliminate the purser’s job and add it to the captain’s and other senior staff duties.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Accounting and bookkeeping for all financial transactions.
  • Human resources and payroll.
  • Handling logistics for all departments related to purchasing.
  • Managing contracts.
  • Event coordination, including off yacht bookings and payments.
  • Primary administration of the boat’s business paperwork.
  • Inventory and supply management.

Salary Range: $4,000 to $8,000

Interior department : The Chief Steward/ess

work on a luxury yacht

The chief steward or stewardess has primary responsibility for all service roles inside. Food and drink service, cabin preparation, and anything to do with helping the passengers be more comfortable and enjoy their stay. The chief steward will be inside crew with several years of experience.

The chief steward manages the interior staff, setting and enforcing vessel service standards. The chief steward ensures the crew delivers a five-star hospitality experience.

Chief Steward Responsibilities:

  • Scheduling and training junior crew for meal and drink service and cabin preparation.
  • Primary contact with guests for meals and drinks.
  • Sommelier and wine service.
  • Coordinate with the galley for meals and presentation.
  • Decorate the interior, from flower arrangement to table settings.
  • Arrange onshore activities and outings.

Reports to: Captain or Purser, depending on the yacht

Salary Range: $4,000 to $8,500


The stewards and stewardesses are the primary guest service staff. They will work closely with guests and passengers, and have daily contact with them as they meet most of their needs while on board.

Steward Responsibilities:

  • Food and drink service.
  • Room preparation and turndown service.
  • Cleaning, polishing, housekeeping, and inside maintenance.
  • Cabin detailing.
  • Laundry, pressing, and folding.
  • Help with outings, trips, debarkations.

Reports to: Chief Steward

Salary Range: $1,500 to $4,500


work on a luxury yacht

Larger yachts may have a dedicated housekeeping and laundry staff. This will be part of the inside crew, under either the purser or the head steward. There may be a senior housekeeper, if there are more than one housekeeping crew on board.

Responsibilities are the cleaning and laundry portions of the steward’s job, and a laundry steward may spend most of her time inside the ship’s laundry.

An experienced Head of Housekeeping may earn from $4,500 to $7,000, while a Laundry Steward typically earns from $2,500 to $3,500.


Food service requirements on any yacht are high. Whether it’s a privately owned vessel or a charter, the expectations are always for top tier food service, with a variety of meals planned for the requirements of every passenger. Chefs and cooks prepare all meals on board for passengers and crew, but sometimes other interior crew may help with prep work or cleanup.

Smaller yachts have smaller galley crews, but the largest vessels may have an executive chef and several sous chefs. All chef positions require formal culinary training and experience, but cook positions are often entry level. Promotion from cook to chef is unusual without additional training.

Galley department : the Head / Executive Chef

work on a luxury yacht

On larger yachts, an Executive Chef will run the entire galley with the help of sous chefs and cooks. With an Executive Chef, there’s an expectation that the food and menus will be on a level with Michelin star-rated restaurants.

The executive chef brings a thorough understanding of food preparation and presentation, and moves food preparation past creative up to artistic. Job responsibilities are similar to a chef, but the job demands and the required experience and education are much higher.

Salary range: $7,000 to $11,000

work on a luxury yacht

The chef has overall responsibility for all meals on the yacht, from provisioning in remote places to hygiene and good safety. If there’s only one chef, she’s the head of the galley crew. Finding the best provisions in far away locations and making the best of local food availability is a major part of the job.

  • Planning a delicious and varied menu for passengers.
  • Sourcing all food and arranging transport to the yacht.
  • Maintaining and operating within the galley budget.
  • Preparing passenger meals with professional presentation and style.
  • Cleaning and maintaining galley and galley equipment.
  • Deliver menus and meals on time, while running an organized and spotless galley.

Galley department : Sous Chef

The sous chefs assist the chef in all aspects of running the galley, and may have independent assignments to plan and guest and crew meals. While not primarily responsible for provisioning, the sous chef will help with food selection, menu preparation, and planning. A sous chef must have formal culinary training.

Reports to: Head chef

Salary Range: $3,500 – $6,000.

work on a luxury yacht

Galley department : The Cook

Cooks may be entry-level positions or experienced, but do not require formal gastronomy education. They will assist the chef and sous chefs, cooking meals and dishes for guests and crew, helping with provisioning, and keeping the galley neat.

  • Assist with provisioning and buying high-quality food from local sources.
  • Follow all food handling and safety guidelines.
  • Assist the head chef as needed, taking direction and guidance.
  • Prepare guest and crew meals as required.
  • Staying on top of galley inventories and supplies.

Salary Range: $2,500 to $3,500


work on a luxury yacht

The engineering department keeps the yacht and all its systems working. Whether it’s the engines, electronics, air conditioning, or the plumbing – it’s up to engineering to keep it running.

There is considerable overlap with commercial shipping in the engineering field, as many of the same skills apply. And there is a broader range of qualifications and grades based on the size and power of the vessel. Job ratings may be set by required experience based on tonnage of ship or power of engines, with corresponding levels of pay and responsibility.

Unlike commercial shipping, engineers may get involved in other aspects of running the yacht, like helping with docking and water sports with mechanical toys.

Engineering certifications, training, ratings, experience and licensing are critical to hiring competent engineers, and for engineering crew it’s an important facet of career advancement. This is important for Chief and 2nd Engineers, which are often broken out by MCA (U.K. Maritime and Coastguard Agency) rating or other international equivalent.

MCA ratings for engineers Commercial and Private Yachts over 24m are:

Y4: Less than 200 Gross Tons and less than 1,500 kW engine power Y3: Less than 500 GT and 3,000 kW Y2: Less than 3,000 GT and 3,000 kW Y1: Less than 3,000 GT and 9,000 kW

There is also an unlimited rating for merchant vessels larger than the Y1 category. For discussing salary and responsibilities, we will include all ratings in one position description, but pay scales with the size of the yacht and any required higher ratings.

Chief Engineer

The chief engineer manages all aspects of keeping the yacht and its systems running. The chief engineer manages all the engineering staff, and directs all maintenance, repairs, troubleshooting and upgrades. This is a management position, but requires extensive hands-on technical experience and knowledge. Chief engineers on large yachts hold an MCA Y1 or Y2, smaller boats will have a lower rated chief and a smaller staff. Check  Jooble.org  to find abroad marine engineer vacancies.

  • Provisioning, shopping, and stocking.
  • Preparing passenger and crew meals.
  • Following instructions and cooking under the direction of others.
  • Galley cleaning.
  • Follow food safety and storage procedures.
  • Food pre-preparation.

Salary Range: $6,000 to $15,000

2nd Engineer

The second engineer is also a highly skilled position requiring a rating or license and several years of experience. This senior level engineer also needs knowledge of how to troubleshoot and maintain all yacht systems.

  • Maintain and manage all engineering operations.
  • Hire, train and supervise all engineers.
  • Project manage all upgrades and retrofits, including managing budgets, contracts, and suppliers.
  • Coordinate maintenance schedule for the entire yacht around the usage and seasonal schedules.
  • Maintain costs and accounting for engineering operations.
  • Design and handle all safety operations.
  • Set and maintain standards for operations and cleanliness in the engine room.

Reports to: Chief engineer

Salary Range: $5,500 – $10,000

OOW (Officer of the Watch) Engineer

The OOW is a junior engineering position, but still licensed. There are two categories of OOW – MEOL (Marine Engine Operator License) and the more junior AEC (Assistant Engine Course). The overall responsibilities are similar, working to support the senior engineers and handle independent assignments. The AEC rating is entry level for licensed crew, but has training and certification.

  • Support the chief in all projects.
  • Maintain a clean, safe engine room.
  • Perform all maintenance, troubleshooting and repair tasks as needed.
  • Support motorized water sports.
  • Occasionally assist with other vessel operations, like line handling.

Reports to: Chief Engineer

Salary Range, MEOL: $4,500 to $6,000 Salary Range, AEC: $2,500 to $3,500

Electronics/Technology Officer (ETO)

The ETO takes responsibility for all audio-visual and information technology on board. Ensuring passengers have access to the internet, movies, television, and music is a primary responsibility. This position carries a fair amount of passenger interaction, and an ETO needs good troubleshooting skills to go with customer service skills.

  • Ensure all audio/visual and entertainment systems are always available for passengers.
  • Assist passengers with personal technology and ship systems as needed.
  • Conduct regular maintenance and upgrades of the network, information, and A/V systems around passenger schedules.
  • Assist other engineers as needed, especially with electronic systems.
  • Contribute as needed with other departments for boat and passenger operations.

Salary Range: $4,000 to $9,000

Junior Engineer

This is a lower or entry level position for someone with engineering skills but without formal licensing or certification. The junior engineer will help with safety and cleanliness, and assist in any engineering tasks as needed. The ability to solve problems and fix things opens this spot for anyone capable and willing to do the job.

  • Help with cleaning, maintenance, and safety functions.
  • Help anywhere needed on the yacht.
  • Assist senior engineers as needed, taking direction and following instructions exactly.
  • Constantly develop skills.


Whether you are a yacht owner or considering entering this dynamic industry with an established and reliable crew, it is essential to have an understanding of the yacht’s hierarchical structure, mission priorities, and salary expectations. By doing your research on the complexity of yachting before hiring your team, you can confidently select the right group of experienced and qualified professionals for your needs. Staying up-to-date on top industry trends and knowing the capabilities of each type of yacht crew position will enable you to make sound decisions that support a safe and cost-effective journey. With quality personnel at your helm, you can cruise unhindered in luxury and explore new destinations with peace of mind.

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Yacht Crew Jobs: How To Get Hired + Work On A Superyacht

Yacht Crew Jobs: How To Get Hired + Work On A Superyacht

August 7, 2020 4:50 pm

Interested in working on a yacht denison’s lead crew coordinator jill maderia details what aspiring crew professionals need to know before their first job..

Looking for a job that allows you to travel the world? Working as a crew on a superyacht may be a dream for many. Yacht crew are held to the highest standards of professionalism, catering to superyacht owners and guests to create the ultimate yachting experience. Whether you’re interested in becoming a deckhand, stewardess, or chef, we’ll break down how to enter the yachting industry and provide tips on how to prepare for your first yacht crew job.

Q: What courses do I need to complete before working on a yacht?

yacht crew jobs denison superyachts

A: Crew must have the basic safety course called STCW. If they are working on a charter yacht, they will also need the ENG1 (medical clearance). While STCW is the basic course needed, addition courses might set you apart, as it shows commitment to a career on yachts.

For example: The Power Boat class is important to have if you are deckhand, but having this and learning how to drive a tender, would benefit anyone that works on a yacht.

Any extra courses such as hospitably, silver service, mixology are a plus and will help crew better market themselves for opportunities.

Q: After completing my courses, how do I get a job on a yacht?

kid friendly yacht vacation charter

A: You must have a great CV. Create a portfolio of your work. If you are a Chef or stew, have photos of your food, table settings, flower arrangements. I have had a deckhand show “before and after” projects such as teak work on deck too. Our crew website can create an album of your work.

Plus, showcase your skills. While qualifications are required, your skills that you have might be the reason you get that dream job. Many boats, especially charter yachts, seek out crew with additional skills, whether it be a stew with cooking or childcare experience, or a deckhand that is also a drone operator or photographer.

Q: Do I want to work on a private yacht or a charter yacht?

yacht crew jobs denison superyachts

A: There are benefits to both. There is a difference, as charter boats you will have a combination of owner vs. charter guests. In addition, crew often like the benefit of the additional gratuity at the end of a charter, which can be a range of 15-20%.

Q: What is the interview process like for yacht crew?

yacht crew jobs denison superyachts

Presentation is key: Both with your CV, and in your interview. Your first impression is important, so dress the part as much as you can. Keep in mind, many interviews are via FaceTime or Zoom. Treat virtual interviews the same as you would in-person, show up on time and be professional.

Q: How can networking help my crew career?

yacht crew jobs denison superyachts

Go to crew events, or consider crew housing. You never know where your next job may come from. Maintain relationships with crew agents, other crew members, and industry professionals. It important to be out and meeting people in person or even virtually on Zoom.

Q: Any other tips that will help in landing a yacht crew career?

yacht crew jobs denison superyachts

  • 1) Research: Read industry publications. This is especially important for those who have never worked in the hospitality industry. In addition to taking your courses, conduct your own research.
  • 2) Crew Housing: When crew stay at a crew house, they have the benefit of networking with other crew. They may even find jobs from crew mates and share ideas and tips in the industry. There are a variety of crew typically, from green to experienced and they all have a story to tell or some wisdom to share.
  • 3) Daywork: Sometimes daywork can lead to long term opportunities. While daywork is temporary, crew may not realize that daywork can lead to the Captain or department head interviewing you and seeing how you might fit in with a boat full time.
  • 4) Checking in: Check in with your agents. The better your crew agent knows you, the easier it is for them to properly match you to a boat. Keep your crew agent informed on if you’re still looking for work.

Ready to start your career in crew? Contact Lead Crew Coordinator Jill Maderia , or explore all the options Denison Yachting offers in our crew division.

Jill Maderia

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How to become a yachtie.

  • November 1, 2023

“Ahoy there, future yachties! Are you ready to embark on an exciting and luxurious career on the high seas?” If the idea of working on a yacht, traveling to exotic locations, and catering to the needs of the rich and famous sounds like a dream come true, then you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the ins and outs of the yachting industry, from the essential skills and certifications needed to make a splash, to tips on building a strong resume and making valuable connections in the yachting world. We’ll also discuss the various career paths available, from starting out as a deckhand to eventually taking the helm as a captain. Finally, we’ll delve into the yachtie lifestyle, and how to strike the perfect balance between work and play while living and working on the world’s most luxurious vessels. So grab your deck shoes and let’s set sail on this exciting journey to becoming a yachtie!

How to become a Yachtie

1. Discovering the Yachting Industry: Opportunities and Requirements

The yachting industry offers a wide range of career opportunities for those who are passionate about the sea and luxury vessels. From deckhands and engineers to chefs and stewardesses, there is a position for every skill set and interest. To begin your journey in this exciting field, it is essential to understand the requirements and qualifications needed for each role. This will help you determine which path is best suited for your skills and aspirations.

Before diving into the world of yachting, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the certifications and training necessary for your desired position. For example, aspiring deckhands should obtain their STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) certification, while engineers may need to complete an MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency) approved course. Additionally, it is essential to have a valid passport, a seafarer’s medical certificate, and potentially a visa, depending on the country you plan to work in.

Once you have acquired the necessary qualifications, it is time to start networking and job hunting . Many yachties find their first job through word-of-mouth or by connecting with others in the industry. Attending boat shows, yachting events, and joining online forums can help you make valuable connections and learn about job openings. Furthermore, registering with a reputable yacht crew agency can increase your chances of finding the perfect position. Remember to create a professional CV and be prepared for interviews, as competition in the yachting industry can be fierce.

2. Essential Skills and Certifications for Aspiring Yachties

Entering the world of yachting requires a unique set of skills and qualifications, which are essential for ensuring a successful career. Obtaining the necessary certifications is a crucial step in becoming a yachtie, as these credentials demonstrate your competence and commitment to the industry. Some of the most important certifications include the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) Basic Safety Training, which covers essential safety and survival skills, and the ENG1 Medical Certificate, which confirms your fitness to work at sea.

Aside from certifications, aspiring yachties should also focus on developing their soft skills and practical abilities . Excellent communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are highly valued in the yachting industry, as crew members must work closely together to ensure smooth operations and guest satisfaction. Additionally, proficiency in various tasks such as cooking, cleaning, and maintenance is crucial, as yachties are often expected to perform a wide range of duties on board. By honing these skills and obtaining the necessary certifications, you will be well on your way to a rewarding career as a yachtie.

3. Building a Strong Resume: Tips for Landing Your First Yacht Job

As a newcomer to the yachting industry, it’s essential to create a compelling resume that showcases your skills, experience, and passion for the job. Start by highlighting any relevant experience you may have, such as working in hospitality, customer service, or a related field. If you have any certifications or licenses, be sure to include them as well. When crafting your resume, consider the following tips:

  • Keep it concise: Aim for a one-page resume that’s easy to read and understand.
  • Use a professional format: Choose a clean, modern design that highlights your most relevant information.
  • Include a personal statement: Write a brief introduction that explains your interest in the yachting industry and what makes you a great candidate for the job.

Networking is a crucial aspect of landing your first yacht job, so attend industry events and connect with professionals in the field. This can help you learn about job opportunities, gain valuable insights, and make a lasting impression on potential employers. Additionally, consider joining online forums and social media groups dedicated to yachting to expand your network and stay informed about the latest industry news.

Finally, be persistent and proactive in your job search. Apply to multiple positions, even if they’re not your ideal role, as this can help you gain experience and make connections within the industry. Don’t be discouraged by rejection – it’s a natural part of the job search process. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve your resume and interview skills. With determination and a strong resume, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful yachtie.

4. Networking in the Yachting World: Making Connections that Matter

Establishing a strong network is crucial for success in the yachting industry. Building relationships with fellow yachties, captains, and industry professionals can open doors to new opportunities and help you advance in your career. Attend industry events, such as boat shows and yacht crew meetups, to meet like-minded individuals and expand your network. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and engage in conversations, as this can lead to valuable connections and potential job offers.

Utilizing social media platforms is another effective way to network in the yachting world. Join Facebook groups, follow industry influencers on Instagram, and connect with professionals on LinkedIn to stay informed about the latest news and job openings. Be active in these online communities by sharing your experiences, asking questions, and offering advice. This will not only help you learn from others but also showcase your expertise and passion for the industry.

Finally, consider creating a checklist to track your networking efforts and ensure you’re making the most of every opportunity. This can include goals such as attending a certain number of events per month, connecting with a specific number of professionals online, or following up with contacts you’ve made. By setting measurable objectives and regularly reviewing your progress, you’ll be well on your way to building a powerful network in the yachting world.

5. Climbing the Yachtie Career Ladder: From Deckhand to Captain

Embarking on a career in the yachting industry can be both rewarding and challenging. One of the key aspects to success is understanding the various roles on a yacht and how to progress from one position to another. Starting as a deckhand , you will gain valuable experience and skills that will serve as the foundation for your future growth in the industry. As you continue to learn and develop your abilities, you will have the opportunity to advance to higher positions, such as mate, engineer, or even captain.

One of the most important factors in climbing the yachtie career ladder is gaining relevant qualifications and certifications . For example, obtaining your STCW (Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping) certificate is essential for working on any yacht. Additionally, pursuing specialized training in areas such as navigation, engineering, or hospitality can significantly increase your chances of securing a higher position on a yacht. It is also crucial to network within the industry, as many job opportunities are found through personal connections and recommendations.

Lastly, developing a strong work ethic and demonstrating professionalism at all times will set you apart from other crew members. This includes being punctual, maintaining a positive attitude, and taking pride in your work. As you continue to excel in your role and gain the trust of your captain and fellow crew members, you will be well on your way to climbing the yachtie career ladder and achieving your ultimate goal of becoming a captain.

6. Living the Yachtie Lifestyle: Balancing Work and Play on the High Seas

Embracing the yachtie lifestyle requires a delicate balance between hard work and enjoying the perks of the job. While the days can be long and demanding, the rewards are often worth the effort. To maintain this equilibrium, it’s essential to develop a routine that allows you to excel in your duties while still finding time for relaxation and personal growth. A checklist can be a helpful tool to ensure you’re staying on track with your responsibilities and making the most of your downtime.

One of the key aspects of living the yachtie lifestyle is learning how to adapt to the unique challenges of working on a yacht. This includes mastering the art of multitasking, being prepared for unexpected situations, and maintaining a positive attitude even when the going gets tough. By staying organized and focused, you’ll be able to enjoy the incredible experiences that come with working on a luxury yacht, such as exploring exotic destinations, meeting new people, and indulging in world-class cuisine. Remember, the key to success in this industry is finding the right balance between work and play, so make sure to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. what are the different roles available on a yacht, 2. how long does it take to become a qualified yachtie, 3. can i work on a yacht without prior experience in the industry, 4. what is the salary range for yacht crew members, 5. what are the typical working hours and conditions for yacht crew members.

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9 superyacht crew members share what it's really like working for a billionaire on board

  • Superyachts are luxurious, but working on them isn't.
  • Insider polled superyacht crew members to find out what it's really like working for a billionaire on board.
  • They said their days are spent fulfilling requests and keeping the yacht in top shape — but it really all depends on the superyacht owner.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories .

Insider Today

While working on a superyacht sounds glamorous, in reality it can be anything but.

Insider polled superyacht crew members to get an inside look at life on board. When asked what working for a millionaire or billionaire is really like, they agreed on a few things, like long hours.

Many superyacht  crew members wake up before dawn to start their day, which typically involves a lot of cleaning and catering to the requests of owners and guests.

Read more: The super rich are hoarding cash — instead bartering yachts, $30 million mansions, and caviar to ride out the pandemic

But while some superyacht owners are demanding, others are less so — it really all depends on their personality. Some crew members said that owners and guests are more like regular people than you'd expect.

Here's what life on board looks like, according to nine superyacht crew members.

Note: Insider was able to verify each crew member's identity, but we refrained from publishing their full names to protect their privacy.

Working on a yacht can be lucrative.

work on a luxury yacht

Insider previously reported that deckhands earn an average of $3,083 to $3,574 a month, depending on the boat size. Captains reportedly get paid even more — they earn $7,750 to $19,961 a month on average.

Kate Lardy of the Sun Sentinel reported that a captain in Fort Lauderdale once spent a total of $14,255 on day workers, who are hired temporarily for onboard services, during a two-month period.

But it's also tiring and demanding.

work on a luxury yacht

One captain who works on a 120-foot boat alluded to tiring conditions. Working for a billionaire is "demanding," he said, with hours that begin very early — before 6 a.m. — and end very late.

Yacht crew members have to meet high expectations.

work on a luxury yacht

One electronic technical officer who works on a 223-foot yacht stressed the pressure of delivering top-notch service while remaining level-headed.

Working on a yacht involves "very, very long days with little rest and expectations to perform at the highest levels of service while not losing your cool under pressure," he said.

They have to work hard to keep yachts spotless.

work on a luxury yacht

Guests and owners can be messy and dirty — and it's up to the crew to make sure it doesn't look that way. A mate on a 92-foot yacht said he had to wake up before guests or other crew members to get the yacht's exterior ready for the day.

"They expect it to look like no one has touched it," he said. "So any rain or dew, water spots, bird crap, or salt spray has to be continuously cleaned, not to mention having to constantly wipe stainless [steel] and glass when guests move around the boat. They leave smudges and fingerprints everywhere.

"By the time I start at the top of the boat and move around drying the boat, washing windows, and prepping water toys, depending on where the guests are, it's time to clean behind them."

He said he then has to be available for whatever the day brings, whether guests want to take the tender out or play with water toys, the interior crew needs help with service, or any maintenance issues need to be addressed.

There's a lot of cleaning, smiling, and snacking.

work on a luxury yacht

Nic, a chief stewardess, shared her typical daily itinerary, which extends from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m., with a one-hour break for a power nap.

There's constant snacking, as she doesn't always have time to sit and eat, she said. She's also "always thinking and planning ahead for the next meal or excursion," like what guests "need to take with them and what they need upon return," she said.

"Always thinking of ways to make the day special and 'perfect' (as much as possible)," she said.

She added: "Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and lots of smiling. Behind the scenes, a lot of running around and working at high speed, throwing stuff into drawers and sorting it out later when you have time, laughing, and keeping crew spirits high. Never-ending laundry."

Work is easier when the owners are away, which is often.

work on a luxury yacht

Billionaire owners actually don't spend a lot of time on their multimillion-dollar yachts. Neither do the guests who charter them.

"Owners or guests are typically not on the boat all that much, so most of the time the crew has the boat to themselves," said Michael, a former yacht captain who worked on yachts ranging from 130 to 170 feet.

"Work is pretty easy and consists of general maintenance and keeping the boat in perfect/ready state for when the owner does show up. If you have a good crew it can be very enjoyable. If you do not, it can be very stressful and miserable."

Everything depends on the owner's personality.

work on a luxury yacht

Some crew members get lucky working for generous yacht owners, while others get treated like the help.

"It's hard work and long days when they are on board," said Martin, the captain of a 155-foot yacht. "It really depends on the owner. Some have treated me like family, and some have treated me like a servant."

But sometimes it's not the owner who's difficult.

work on a luxury yacht

A chef on a 150-foot motor yacht also said that working for a billionaire could be unpredictable, as every boat and owner is different.

But it's not the owner of the yacht who's always difficult to work for.

"Bear in mind that the captain is every bit as much your boss as the owner is, and sometimes the captain is a bigger pain in the ass than the billionaire owner," she said.

Yacht owners are just your everyday people on vacation — with more money.

work on a luxury yacht

According to Mark, the captain of a 114-foot yacht, billionaire owners are just like normal vacationers. Kind of.

"They're just people holidaying, but with more money and toys to fill their days," he said.

They can be more down-to-earth than expected, but their spontaneity can be frustrating.

work on a luxury yacht

"It's really nice to find out that some of the wealthiest people you'll work for are actually more down-to-earth and normal like any person you'd meet on the street," a stewardess on a 112-foot sailing yacht said. "The saying is 'money screams, wealth whispers.'"

She added: "A typical day involves turning heads, beds, and laundry for guests and crew, which can be a lot if you're a department of one. Food and beverage service three times a day. A lot of plans and schedules change on the fly depending on the owners and their wants and whims, which can be a bit frustrating."

work on a luxury yacht

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Types of Crew Positions on a Luxury Yacht

Image 0916: "May - Types of Crew Positions on a Luxury Yacht"

Discover the world of luxury yachting and luxury yacht charters, starting by focusing on yacht crew positions. From captains to chefs, each crew member plays a crucial role in ensuring an unforgettable experience on board the vessel.

Whether you’re dreaming of a yacht crew job or searching for a yacht crew, Yacht Management South Florida will guide you through the intricacies of yacht crew roles, skills, and responsibilities needed to operate a luxury yacht seamlessly. 

What Is the Crew on a Yacht? The crew on a yacht consists of individuals who fulfill various roles and responsibilities that are crucial for the vessel’s operation and the overall comfort of the occupants onboard. Yacht crew positions can range from a captain and first mate to a stewardess and chef. Each individual contributes expertise and skills to ensure an enjoyable guest experience.

Yacht crew jobs are very diverse and require great adaptability, teamwork, and attention to detail to meet the standards of a luxury yacht. Whether the crew maintains the yacht’s exterior or provides top-notch guest services, every crew member plays a vital role. 

Yacht Crew Positions – Crew Jobs on Private Yachts

The concierge services at Yacht Management can handle your entire yachting trip from start to finish. That includes crewing your South Florida yacht with the best-qualified yacht crew professionals. Our yacht management company is responsible for crew employment and placement for numerous private yachts.

Our yacht managers are highly knowledgeable and experienced yachting professionals, including licensed yacht captains. They understand the importance of hiring the right yacht crew to ensure a superior yachting experience.

Below is a list of yacht crew positions that can be filled on your vessel:

Yacht Captain The most well-known and respected position aboard any private yacht - the captain. The captain must be licensed. The captain is responsible for safely manning and operating the vessel and ensuring the well-being of the guests and crew. This position takes strong managerial and decision-making skills.

Engineer The engineer is responsible for the upkeep of all the yacht’s mechanical and electrical systems, including its plumbing. They must ensure that everything remains functional by troubleshooting and fixing any problems. For smaller yachts, a hybrid Captain/Engineer position may be needed.

Boat Mates and Deck Officers Mates include the First, Second, and Third Mate, sometimes called officers. These are highly qualified in

dividuals responsible for bridge duty, managing the deck crew, and other tasks to assist the captain or to fill in when the captain is unavailable.

Deckhand This position entails long hours and hard work. Deckhands are responsible for the exterior maintenance of the yacht, including cleaning, waxing, and even varnishing. They also assist guests with water toys and other outdoor features, like the jacuzzi.

An incredibly important crew position. Arguably, the better the food, the better the overall yacht experience for you and your guests. The yacht chef is responsible for preparing meals for guests and the crew. They may help with service if required.

Steward/Stewardess The bigger a yacht is, the more stewards and stewardesses it will likely have. The Chief Stew leads the team. Stews are responsible for the interior maintenance of the yacht as well as providing food, drink, and overall service to the guests.

Do I Need a Crew For My Yacht? Whether you are a seasoned yacht owner or considering buying your first yacht, you may wonder if you need a crew for your vessel. While some smaller yachts may be manageable on your own, larger yachts often benefit more from a dedicated crew to ensure smooth op

erations.Having a yacht crew onboard brings great expertise in navigation, maintenance, hospitality, and culinary arts. This alleviates the burden of responsibility for the owners or charter guests. 

Yacht Management offers crewing services if you’re looking for a dedicated team on board your vessel. We will recruit and place individuals who are the best-fit captains, engineers, mates, chefs, and stewardesses on your yacht. With a skilled crew at the helm, you can relax and enjoy the stress-free luxury of your vessel. 

Yacht Management Crewing Services Navigating the luxury yachting world is full of opulence and precision, where every detail truly matters. Yacht Management South Florida provides top-tier provisioning, management, and crewing services for yachts and superyachts.

Our meticulous selection and placement of skilled crew, from captains to chefs, will ensure a seamless experience onboard. We handle every detail, allowing you to relax and indulge in stress-free living on your vessel. 

Contact us today for comprehensive crewing services.

Types of Yacht Crew Positions infographic


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Do you Want to Work on a Yacht? The truth about Yacht Crew Life

We know a thing or two after having spent over 10 years living the luxury yacht life . It sounds glamorous, epic and like so much fun and totally not like a “real” job at all. I mean you get to travel the world and rub shoulders with the rich and sometimes even the famous. But pretty postcards, endless parties and bikinis it is not. It’s hard work crewing a luxury yacht. And it’s not for everyone. 

Here’s the truth about yacht crew life.

It can be all the fun, sunshine, exploration and travel – but that is not the job. Yachting is an industry of extreme highs and extreme lows. Not all yachts are the same. You may strike it incredibly lucky and land yourself the utopian yacht, crew and billionaires who care. But in reality, you’re more likely to be living off Red Bull and doing 36 hour shifts, too tired to do anything but stare at the shore from your porthole window. No day aboard a yacht is the same. Workload and the type of work you’ll be doing changes depending on the season, whether you have guests on board, have any maintenance issues and also how new you are to the crew (rank & position too). A superyacht requires never ending upkeep. The yacht needs to be kept in immaculate condition, as do the crew, and the crew always need to be prepared for any situation.

Working on a superyacht is very hard work; you have to be at the beck and call of guests who have some quite particular requests that are almost impossible to fulfill. Whatever the guests require it is your job to make sure they get it. With a smile. The money is great though, but also varies based on position, qualifications, yacht size, where the yacht is located and if it’s private or charter. In general, a slightly higher salary is offered if the yacht is private with the hope that, if you work on a charter, you will make up your salary with tips. Once you have completed a particular charter you might just get a day or a night to explore the splendid ports of call with a nice big gratuity in your pocket. These kinds of opportunities are extraordinary and for that moment, any trials you may have encountered with the world’s wealthiest whilst facing unruly seas, unpredictable weather and even more unpredictable and unruly guests, diminishes.

All in all what happens to so many people in this industry may happen to you. Despite the challenges, you join for a season and fall in love with the lifestyle. Yacht life might not be for everyone, but if the bug bites you, it bites hard!  Yachtie for life ! If you are thinking about getting into the yachting industry, download our eBook and find out all the insider tips of surviving , and preparing for yacht crew life.

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RYA/MCA Online

1. what are the basic requirements you need to be eligible to work in the yachting industry, 2. what is the stcw and why do i need it, 3. what is the eng1 medical certificate, 4. what land based experience will help me find a super yacht job, 5. what are the different departments onboard, 6. what crew training is required for me to work as a junior deckhand.

  • Yachtmaster/Coastal Skipper Theory
  • Yachtmaster/Coastal Practical
  • Specialist Super Yacht Training Course (Deck Hand Training Course)
  • RYA Power Boat Level II
  • RYA Personal Watercraft Course
  • RYA Competent Crew Certificate
  • RYA Day Skipper Theory and Practical Certificates
  • VHF Radio Operator’s License

7. What crew training is required for me to work as a junior stewardess?

  • Stewardess Course
  • Proficiency in Designated Security Duties (PDSD)
  • MCA Food Safety Level 2
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2

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My Crew Kit

Superyacht Jobs

Search hundreds of superyacht jobs from around the world:.

Stay up to date with the latest deckhand , steward(ess) , engineer ,   officer, captain & chef yacht crew positions available.

Stay up to date with the latest deckhand , steward(ess) , engineer ,   officer, captain & chef superyacht and yacht jobs around the world.

Operations Director Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Operations Director to manage the day-to-day activities of a well-established Maritime company in the UK. The ideal candidate will: - have a Superyacht Officer/Captain background - have an excellent leadership skills - have a proven ability to lead a team to meet goals and quotas - be results-oriented with strong analytical skills - have an experience in setting sales goals - a good knowledge of the marine industry Start: Flexible Location: United Kingdom (Right permit to work and live is a MUST) Salary: DOE Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Technical Admin Support Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Technical Administrator Support to join an established Maritime company located in London, United Kingdom. The ideal candidate will: -come from an engineering maritime background and / or education with a strong organisational skills. - be able to navigate, interpret and analyse International Maritime Conventions and National Legislation. - be comfortable in a fast-moving work environment with tight deadlines and diverse tasks - have attention to detail and accuracy - have the initiative and knows what to prioritise - have strong IT skills Personal characteristics include: - Dedication - Strong individual worker and a team player - Personable - Positive attitude and realistic outlook - Strong work ethic, responsive and proactive Start: ASAP Location: United Kingdom (Must have the right permit to work and live in the UK) Salary: 32000 PA Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Owner’s Representative / Yacht Manager Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Owner's Representative / Yacht Manager to look after the Management and Private / Charter of 45m+ vessel. The ideal candidate will: - have an extensive experience as an Owner's Rep / Yacht Manager in the Superyacht Industry - have a strong Accounting experience - have a crew management background, looking after contracts, employment and salaries - Yacht maintenance experience Personal characteristics include: - Great interpersonal skills - Dedication - Strong individual worker and a team player - Efficient - Excellent verbal and written communication skills - Positive attitude and realistic outlook - Strong work ethic, responsive and proactive - Pragmatic and direct Salary: Generous and competitive salary TBD Location: Palma Start: October Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you.

Deckhand 40m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand with a minimum of 1 years experience in the industry to join a 40m+ Private Motor Yacht. Successful candidates will have experience working with Jet drive tenders. Requirements: Yachtmaster STCW Eng1 Package: Start ASAP 60 days leave 3000 per month

Nurse/Housekeeper 100m+ Private Motor Yacht

Wilsonhalligan are looking for Nurse/Housekeeper for a 100m+ Private Motor Yacht The ideal candidate will confident, mature and have excellent communication skills todealdirectly with the owners and their guests regarding their medical needs/requirements. They will be confident in all aspects of Housekeeping to assist the team when not carrying out nursing duties and ideally have at least 2 years' experience onboard 70m+ superyachts. Requirements:

STCW ENG1 Food and Hygiene Level 2 Nursing Qualification

Salary: DOE Start: September Leave: 2:2 Rotation

Service Stewardess 100m+ sail yacht

Wilsonhalligan arelooking for a Service Stewardess to join an 100m+ Private Sailing Yacht. The ideal candidate will be confident and passionate about service and have at least 1 and a half yearsyachting experience within a service role. This is an opportunity to join a lovely vessel with great crew with a worldwide program. Requirements: STCW ENG1 Food & Hygiene Level II Package: Salary: DOE Package: 3:1 rotation Start: August

2nd Chef 60m+ Private/Charter Motor Yacht

Wilsonhalliganare looking for a 2nd Chef to join a60m+ private/charter motor yacht. Ideally, the successful candidate will have at least 1-2 years yachtingexperience along with somestrong restaurant back ground. The opportunity offers the chance to work on a vessel with exciting itinerary plans,with a good team and established yacht owners. Requirements: STCW ENG1 Level 2 F&H Package: Leave: 2:2 rotation Salary: 4,500 Start: Early September

Crew Coordinator Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Crew Coordinator to join an established, industry leading Yacht Management Company based in the Middle East. The ideal candidate will: - be responsible for the overall recruitment process for all crew members working onboard - be working closely with Crewing Superintendent, Fleet Crew Manager and Onboard Management team to develop and implement effective recruitment practices, policies, and procedures to the support and develop high performing teams. Personal characteristics include: - Dedication - Strong individual worker and a team player - Personable - Positive attitude and realistic outlook - Strong work ethic, responsive and proactive Start: ASAP Location: Middle East + Relocation package on offer TBD Salary: DOE Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

2nd Engineer 60m+ Private Charter Motor Yacht

We are working with a great 60m+ private and charter motor yacht, looking for a rotational Second Engineer to join them ASAP. The role is largely responsible for AVIT systems on board, so the ideal candidate must be very comfortable in this role. Offering a competitive package, the position provides the opportunity to travel extensively, work on a busy private and charter vessel and work with some great Chief Engineers. Requirements: EOOW / Y3 or equivalent STCW ENG1 Package: DOE Salary 10/10 rotation Start ASAP

Spa Stewardess 100m+ Private Motor Yacht

Wilsonhalligan arelooking for a Spa Stewardess to join an 100m+ Private Motor Yacht. The ideal candidate will be confident in Facials, Nails and Massages and have at least 1 yearsyachting experience. This is an opportunity to join a worldwide program with amazing locations planned for the next year and great crew. Requirements: STCW ENG1 Food & Hygiene Level II B1/B2 Visa is preferable

Package: Salary: 3800 euros + DOE Package: 3:1 rotation Start: Mid August

General Manager Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an General Manager to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: - Manage yacht agency business by organising and optimising resources. - Collaborate with Corporate on strategic, commercial, and operational activities to maintain client/supplier relationships and explore new market opportunities. - Organise and manage activities within budget, ensuring client targets are met annually. - Report seasonal trends and data to the CEO and CFO by set deadlines. - Work with Corporate Management to develop and implement company procedures. - Ensure business unit services align with company policies and maintain high quality. - Monitor business trends, market activities, and competitors, providing reports and consumer needs analysis. - Follow Management instructions to achieve business goals. - Supervise operational activities and use of company digital tools. - Oversee quality of services offered, including excursions, events, dinners, transfers, bunkering, medical assistance, banking, and provisions for guests and crew. - Maintain effective client communication to optimise service quality and promote business growth, including promoting the company. - Support Management and Commercial Team in expanding the customer portfolio by identifying new opportunities and participating in shows and client visits. - Collaborate with legal and accounting advisors on financial statements. - Ensure Administration Department compliance with local laws and oversee invoicing and credit recovery activities. - Act as legal and financial responsible for the area of competence. - Support staff management and training for professional growth. - Ensure use of company devices, tools, and IT platforms within the team. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Identify training needs with HR to develop staff knowledge and capabilities. - Support Chief HR Manager in applying company policies and maintain staff communication. - Be available outside working hours for business travel and contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Expert knowledge of the yachting market - Proficiency in English and French - Strong performance reporting and financial/budgeting skills - Proficient in software applications and platforms - Entrepreneurial skills with a talent for spotting revenue opportunities - Deep understanding of market research and analysis - Commercial awareness with a strategic mindset - Creative strategist with excellent organisational skills - Exceptional project and time management abilities - Natural leadership with strong managerial and motivational skills - Analytical skills for interpreting sales performance and market trends - Excellent communication, interpersonal, and networking skills - Strong negotiation and formal presentation skills - Results-oriented and persuasive - Collaborative and team-oriented - Dynamic, proactive, adaptable, and flexible - Full, clean driving license - Willingness to travel frequently for business Start: ASAP Location: Europe (TBD) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Deckhand 60m+ Private Motor Yacht

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Deckhand with minimum 2 year's experience to join a 60m+ Private Motor Yacht. This is a permanent role starting in August. Requirements: Yachtmaster STCW Eng1 Package: 90 Days Leave 3250 Per Month

Temporary 2nd Engineer 70m+ Private Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Temporary Second Engineer to join a 70m private MY in Europe, the ideal candidate will be available immediately until the end of September. The position offers a good salary and the opportunity to evolve into a rotational position for the right candidate. Requirements: Second Unlimited STCW ENG1 Package: 7400 Start : ASAP

Sole Engineer 50m+ Private Sail Yacht

We are looking for a Y3 Chief Engineer to join a 50m private and charter SY in Europe.The position is initially a permanent role, but will become rotational following a winter yard period. The position would suit a Y3 with experience on board SYs, who is hands on and happy to assist in other areas. Requirements: Y3 or equivalent STCW ENG1 Sail Yacht experience Package: 60 days leave (rotational following winter season) Salary DOE Start early September 2024

Operations Officer Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Operations Officer to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: -Forward mooring requests to authorities and input vessel data in AYPRO, gathering as much information as possible about the vessel and visit purpose. - Inform the captain about harbour access and stay guidelines, including required documents before and after arrival. - Assist clients pre-arrival by collecting specific requests and offering services to organise their stay. - Be present at the yachts arrival berth, ensuring no obstacles during berthing. - Welcome clients on board, gather necessary documentation for authorities, collect ID documents for border control, provide information on requested services, and manage additional requests. - Quote all services during the stay and pre-arrival to get the captains approval and avoid disputes. - Organise provisioning during the yachts harbour stay. - Monitor and promptly address any service issues or changes. - Collect all service information and costs in the vessel folder and/or AYPRO to assist the administration office with invoicing. - Share information with colleagues to plan services according to Company standards. - Make purchases if needed, following the Administration Departments guidelines and obtaining invoices/receipts. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Support and help train new staff in collaboration with HR and under the Office Managers supervision. - Follow Company procedures and policies. - Be available outside working hours for any contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Excellent English and French proficiency - Valid Driving License B - Proficient in Microsoft Office, Internet, and company platforms - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Flexible and adaptable - Can work under pressure - Ability to prioritise effectively - Problem-solving skills - Commercial skills to offer additional services - Team player Start: ASAP Location: Europe (TBD) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Sales Officer Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Sales Officer to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: - Enhance service value to expand the market and create business opportunities aligned with brand identity. - Implement commercial and sales strategies to drive revenue and business growth. - Handle various commercial projects. - Conduct market research and analysis to develop business plans on expansion, development, budget, and client prospects. - Interpret market trends to adapt to yachting industry changes and provide strategic advice to the CCO. - Understand and share customer requirements to ensure their needs are met. - Identify new opportunities, develop client relationships, create business proposals, and write bids; assess risks and opportunities for new accounts and investigate lost sales. - Manage key client relationships. - Build and maintain profitable partnerships with stakeholders. - Set individual commercial targets with the CCO, coordinate action plans, and oversee team performance. - Support commercial campaigns with the Marketing Department. - Utilise internal company platforms. - Assist in setting financial targets, developing, and monitoring budgets. - Support the CCO in specific projects, analysing growth opportunities and performing due diligence. - Support Management in business development activities to reach company targets. - Manage all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Participate in commercial trips, boat shows, and dock walking. - Foster corporate policies and procedures within the team and encourage communication and company initiatives. - Be available outside working hours for business travel and contingency issues. Personal characteristics include:. - Knowledge of the yachting market - Proficiency in English and French - Strong understanding of performance reporting and financial/budgeting processes - Familiarity with software applications and platforms - Entrepreneurial skills with the ability to identify revenue opportunities - Expertise in market research methods and analysis - Commercial awareness with a strategic mindset - Creative strategist with excellent organisational skills - Strong project and time management abilities - Leadership and motivational skills - Analytical skills to interpret sales performance and market trends - Excellent communication, interpersonal, and networking abilities - Negotiation and formal presentation skills - Results-oriented and persuasive - Team collaboration and teamwork - Adaptability and flexibility - Willingness to travel frequently for business Start: ASAP Location: Europe (TBD) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Deckhand/Carpenter 80m+ Private/Charter Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Deckhand/Carpenter with boatbuilding experience and minimum 1 season working on yachts to join a 80m+ Private/Charter Motor Yacht. Requirements: STCW Eng1 Carpentry/Boatbuilding experience 1 season Yacht experience. Package: Start ASAP 60 Days leave. 4000 Per Month

Wilsonhalligan are looking for an Operations Officer to join an established company based in Europe. The ideal candidate will: -Forward mooring requests to authorities and input vessel data in AYPRO, gathering as much information as possible about the vessel and visit purpose. - Inform the captain about harbour access and stay guidelines, including required documents before and after arrival. - Assist clients pre-arrival by collecting specific requests and offering services to organise their stay. - Be present at the yachts arrival berth, ensuring no obstacles during berthing. - Welcome clients on board, gather necessary documentation for authorities, collect ID documents for border control, provide information on requested services, and manage additional requests. - Quote all services during the stay and pre-arrival to get the captains approval and avoid disputes. - Organise provisioning during the yachts harbour stay. - Monitor and promptly address any service issues or changes. - Collect all service information and costs in the vessel folder and/or AYPRO to assist the administration office with invoicing. - Share information with colleagues to plan services according to Company standards. - Make purchases if needed, following the Administration Departments guidelines and obtaining invoices/receipts. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Support and help train new staff in collaboration with HR and under the Office Managers supervision. - Follow Company procedures and policies. - Be available outside working hours for any contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Excellent English and French proficiency - Valid Driving License B - Proficient in Microsoft Office, Internet, and company platforms - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Flexible and adaptable - Can work under pressure - Ability to prioritise effectively - Problem-solving skills - Commercial skills to offer additional services - Team player Start: ASAP Location: Europe (Barcelona) Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Yacht Agent Shoreside

Wilsonhalligan are looking for a Yacht Agent to join an established company in the Caribbean. The ideal candidate will: -Forward mooring requests to authorities and input vessel data in AYPRO, gathering as much information as possible about the vessel and visit purpose. - Inform the captain about harbour access and stay guidelines, including required documents before and after arrival. - Assist clients pre-arrival by collecting specific requests and offering services to organise their stay. - Be present at the yachts arrival berth, ensuring no obstacles during berthing. - Welcome clients on board, gather necessary documentation for authorities, collect ID documents for border control, provide information on requested services, and manage additional requests. - Quote all services during the stay and pre-arrival to get the captains approval and avoid disputes. - Organise provisioning during the yachts harbour stay. - Monitor and promptly address any service issues or changes. - Collect all service information and costs in the vessel folder and/or AYPRO to assist the administration office with invoicing. - Share information with colleagues to plan services according to Company standards. - Make purchases if needed, following the Administration Departments guidelines and obtaining invoices/receipts. - Handle all information confidentially and in compliance with GDPR. - Support and help train new staff in collaboration with HR and under the Office Managers supervision. - Follow Company procedures and policies. - Be available outside working hours for any contingencies. Personal characteristics include:. - Excellent English and French proficiency - Valid Driving License B - Proficient in Microsoft Office, Internet, and company platforms - Strong communication and interpersonal skills - Flexible and adaptable - Can work under pressure - Ability to prioritise effectively - Problem-solving skills - Commercial skills to offer additional services - Team player Start: ASAP Location: Caribbean Salary: Competitive Apply now or get in touch if you think this job is for you: [email protected]

Chief Engineer 50m+ Private/Charter Motor Yacht

We are looking for a Chief Engineer to join a 55m world cruising, private and charter motor yacht. The yacht is travelling to the US and therefore a B1/B2 visa is preferred. Ideally, the successful candidate will be an accomplished Engineer, comfortable working with IDEA and managing a Second Engineer. The opportunity offers the chance to work on a world cruising, private and charter yacht with a good team and established yacht owners. Requirements: Y2 or equivalent STCW ENG1 B1/B2 visa preferred due to the yachts location Package: 2:2 rotation DOE salary Start September 2024


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  • 243 Superyacht Training Schools
  • 34 Crew Housing / Accommodation
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  • Brokerage New Construction How to Buy How to Sell
  • Yacht Fleet Yacht Catalog Charter Marketing Destination Guides
  • Financial Services Payroll & Accounting Payroll Service Process Logistical Support Admin Services Crew Admin
  • Job Descriptions Crew FAQ
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  • Yachting Industry

What is the yachting industry?

Yachts range in size from 50-450 ft. For the most part they are owned by individuals who vacation onboard. Yachts that are used uniquely by the owner, his family and friends are referred to as private. If an owner leases his yacht to a third party the yacht is considered a charter yacht. Both private and charter yachts in all size ranges require crew to maintain and run the vessel. The itinerary (where the vessel travels) is determined by the owner. Standards of service, while usually very high, vary from yacht to yacht. For the most part, yachting is an industry that brings together like minded people as crew who are prepared to work hard. Yachting is unlike any other industry and, as such, the rewards and expectations are unique.

How do I get started in the yachting industry?

First of all you are in the right place. Luxury Yacht Group is regarded as the industry leader for the proper placement of crew and we receive job orders from employers on a daily basis. To get started in the yachting industry there are a couple of key steps. Firstly, research and understand the industry by reading the following frequently asked questions and familiarizing yourself with the rest of our website. Secondly, complete your online LYG registration. Finally, we encourage all crew to obtain their Basic STCW 95.

Do yachts hire people with no experience in yachting?

Absolutely! The most common entry-level positions which offer new crew the ability to learn the “ropes” of yachting are:

Depending on your previous work background, you may fit very well into a role as yacht crew. Although there are no solid “requirements” for some entry level positions, each Captain will put forth a list of his/her specific “preferences” in a candidate. Should your background be consistent with what the owner or Captain may be looking for, you should be prepared to undertake any variety of duties that would include:

  • Cabin preparation
  • Detailing the interior of the vessel
  • Food service
  • Drink service
  • Detailing exterior
  • Line handling

What skills do I have that would be useful on a yacht?

For new to industry crew, there are many ways to make yourself more appealing to yacht owners and Captains. Emphasize your present skills and experience and focus on what characteristics you have may be applicable to the job you desire. There are a variety of skills that can help give you an edge, such as:

  • Nanny / Babysitting / Au Pair
  • Formal service training / Silver Service / White Glove
  • Carpentry / Woodworking
  • Diving / Water sports
  • Experience in a Hotel, Resort, Cruise Ship, Restaurant or Estate
  • CPR, First Aid certification or any emergency medical training
  • Masseuse / Esthetician license

What if I get seasick?

You can expect to have to work regardless.

Do I need a visa to work on a boat that cruises US waters?

Many foreign flagged yachts will only hire non-American crew if they hold a B1/B2 visa for the United States. A C1-D visa is not appropriate for private yacht crew. If you do not have a B1/B2 visa a Captain may be willing to hire you on the condition that you are prepared to obtain the visa, then you can apply for the visa using boat documents. Please visit our resources section for more visa information.

What is STCW 95?

The STCW training classes include the following elements:

Personal Survival Techniques

  • Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
  • Elementary First Aid
  • Personal Safety and Social Responsibility
  • Competence in Security Awareness

Elementary First-Aid Training

One day First Aid and CPR which is instructed in compliance with STCW Code A-VI/1-3 and consists of approximately seven hours of theory and practical covering basic First Aid and CPR in marine situations. The course is followed by a written exam.

Basic Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting

Two day fire prevention and fire fighting module which is instructed in compliance with STCW Code A – VI/1-2 including shipboard fire fighting organization, the elements of fire and explosion, types of ignition, fire and smoke detection, breathing apparatus use and automatic alarm system familiarization. Trainees will fight and extinguish actual fires using personal equipment, practical instruction taught by licensed and certified fire fighting professionals.

Proficiency in Maritime Security Awareness

A half day module which is instructed in compliance with STCW Reg V1/6 and Part A of Section A-VI/6 paragraph 4 and consists of a half day in the classroom covering subjects such as maritime security key threats, recognition and awareness of threats, plans and procedures for combatting threats, drills, communications and reporting.

This module is required from January 1, 2014 as a part of the update to the STCW Code mandated by the 2010 Manila Amendments, by all personnel employed or engaged on-board ships to which the ISPS Code applies.

One and a half day personal survival course module, also known as Basic Sea Survival, which is instructed in compliance to STCW Code A – VI/1-1 and consists of a day in the classroom covering subjects such as emergency situations, evacuation, survival craft and rescue boats, personal lifesaving appliances, survival at sea, emergency radio equipment and helicopter assistance. The theory part is followed by a written exam. The remainder of the course is spent in a swimming pool performing the simulation of abandon ship procedures. The practical exercises are subject to ongoing assessment by the instructor.

Personal Safety and Social Responsibilities

This is a one day course which is instructed to STCW Code A – VI/1-4 as revised by the 2010 Manila Amendment. The course covers working relationships on board, health and hygiene, drugs and alcohol, shipboard management structure and responsibilities, emergencies and safe working practices, with enhanced coverage of communications, control of fatigue, teamwork and marine environmental awareness issues. The course is followed by a written exam.

  • Registration

How does the LYG system work?

Luxury Yacht Group introduces employers to crew through a balance of technology and personal contact. Our website is database driven, so it is in your best interest to keep your online registration updated. In addition, our crew coordinators have the capacity to introduce you to many employers so approach all interaction with a high level of decorum.

To get the most from our system:

  • Login to our site on a regular basis and check your My Jobs page. Our database will alert you to open jobs for which you may be an appropriate candidate.
  • For each of these jobs either confirm or decline your interest. If you confirm interest our crew coordinators and the employer will be able to view your details and you are then a potential candidate for the position.
  • Most importantly, we request crew to change their availability status to unavailable when they are no longer looking for work.
  • If you find work remember to update your availability and experience.
  • If you complete a course update your certifications.
  • If you update your resume make sure to upload the latest version.

By keeping your online file current you are helping our crew coordinators to find you your dream job.

What is the first step after I register?

Once you are registered and your file is adequately complete the system will indicate to you that you can submit your file for consideration. Once you have submitted your file our team of crew coordinators will review your file and begin the reference verification process.

  • Finding Work

What positions are available on luxury yachts?

Depending on the size of the yacht, you will find a variety of positions. See our job descriptions page for more details.

Can yachting be a career?

Of course, and many yachtsmen have dedicated themselves to the industry and established successful careers. LYG is committed to helping you make yachting a career. Once you are placed and gaining experience please stay in contact with your crew coordinator. Our web site is a great tool to providing extensive information on licensing and training and you may track your experience and longevity in relation to salary and certifications.

How long will it take to find a job?

This is not an easy question to answer. Yachts are always looking for crew and in many instances it is about being in the right place at the right time. There are many factors that contribute to your "place-ability" and consequently the time it will take to find a job. The best thing to do is to be well presented on paper and in person. Stay in touch with your crew coordinator and check your My Jobs page frequently.

How do I make my interviews successful?

First impressions are paramount, it is important to make a terrific, lasting impression.

  • Make sure to arrive on time, dress in professional yachting attire and be immaculately presented.
  • Bring copies of your resume, licenses and references.
  • Please don't chew gum, smell of cigarettes or wear excessive jewelry.
  • Turn off your cell phone and try to keep your tattoos hidden.
  • Greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and make eye contact.
  • Speak with confidence and be honest about your experience and ability.
  • Be clear about your career objectives and how they apply to your career path.
  • Stress positives, avoid negatives.
  • Keep your questions focused on the job and its requirements - not the benefits.

What can I do to increase my chances of finding the right job?

Return job related phone calls and emails promptly. While you are waiting for an employer to contact you we suggest that you enroll in additional courses to increase your suitability for your dream job. Maritime Training Schools offer entry level courses for interior and deck departments in the following areas:

  • Professional Etiquette and Social Skills
  • International Table Service (French, Russian, etc.)
  • Interior and Exterior Detailing
  • Bartending and drink service
  • Wine courses
  • Flower arranging
  • Massage Therapy
  • Boat handling and general boat operations

Please visit our resource section for list of schools in your area.

Is there a right time of year to find work on a yacht?

Yachts move around the globe in predictable patterns based on the season.

Fort Lauderdale is the nucleus of the industry year round and especially during the shoulder seasons (beginning and end of summer and winter). From April to September the Mediterranean (Antibes, France) and New England are the hubs of the industry. From October to March the Caribbean becomes the focal point.

We recommend that you base yourself in one of the yachting capitals at the appropriate time of year to facilitate finding a job.

Although we place crew at all times of the year the busiest time for crew turnover is at the end of each season.

Ok sounds good - How do I find my dream job?

Registration with Luxury Yacht Group is free. You can complete the application process online from anywhere in the world. We require from you:

  • Personal Information
  • Objectives – What you wish to achieve
  • Certificates – Your qualifications
  • Experience – Your past employment
  • References – Contact information for previous employers
  • Resume / CV – Uploaded in Word format
  • Digital Photograph – Passport Style in professional attire

The application process should take about 15–20 minutes. LYG requires a minimum of three past work experiences and references in addition to an uploaded resume and digital photograph before your application is complete and we can consider you for our available jobs.

What can I do to stand out from the crowd?

Make sure your LYG online profile is properly completed and always current. Your photo must be a professional reflection of you. Your statement of career objectives should be professional, concise and honest. Also, make sure to upload a simple, professional resume (two pages maximum) that shows all yachting related employment and skills.

  • Expectations

What salary can I expect?

Salary guidelines are based on industry experience, licensing and longevity. As an entry level candidate you can expect to be at the lower end of the pay scale. If your salary expectations are unreasonable most employers will disregard you. It is in your best interest to request a competitive, realistic salary and be placed. The good news is that your salary will undoubtedly improve as you gain experience in the industry. View Salary Guidelines

What will be expected of me once I am onboard?

Crewing on a yacht is not glamorous. It is not a vacation and it is certainly not for the faint hearted. At an entry level, you can expect your living quarters to be tight and your tasks to be menial. You will often have to work extremely long hours without a break or a day off. In addition you can expect to work holidays and weekends and be away from your family for extended periods of time. You need to carry out your job with a smile and pleasant demeanor — regardless of your level of exhaustion.

The good news is that when you do have time off you may be in a beautiful corner of the world, the crew onboard have become your friends and you will undoubtedly experience the true meaning of being a "yachtie".

What are general Terms of Employment on a yacht?

Again, working on a yacht is not comparable to any land based industry. Many (but not all) yachts may ask you to sign crew agreements, non-disclosure agreements, or comprehensive job descriptions. Crew are normally paid on a monthly basis and are rarely compensated for overtime. Many yachts offer benefit packages that can include health insurance, paid vacations (from 2–8 weeks per annum), annual flights and education allowances. Although your crew coordinator can make recommendations regarding your conditions of employment, you are responsible for all employment related negotiations.

I work on a cruise ship — can I work on a private yacht?

Cruise ship personnel have many skills that transfer to the private yachting industry, though it is important to remember that it is not the same industry. Crew on private yachts tend to work longer hours and have more extensive job descriptions with less time off. We suggest that anyone with cruise ship experience research our job description pages to get an idea of how employment on yachts differs to cruise ships.

Captains and engineers with a cruise ship background often have advanced licenses and ISM experience which can be beneficial to luxury yachts so remember to emphasize this on your application and resume.

Housekeeping skills are easily transferable and, as such, Cruise Ship Housekeeping personnel are regularly placed in the yachting industry.

However, the move to the yachting industry may require even experienced cruise ship personnel to compromise their hierarchal status and prove they are an integral crew member before moving up the ranks.

What about accommodation?

In each of the industry hubs there are Crew Houses that cater specifically to crew looking for employment. Accommodation is reasonably priced and rooms are often shared. Many crew make life long friends during their time at a crew house.

work on a luxury yacht

Sicily yacht sinking LIVE: Survivors could be in air pockets, says engineer

LIVE – Updated at 07:01

Six people who went missing when a British superyacht capsized off the coast of Sicily could still be alive in air pockets, an engineer has claimed.

British technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his daughter Hannah, 18, are among six tourists missing a fter the yacht, named Bayesian, was battered during intense storms off the coast of Palermo in the early hours of Monday.

Nick Sloane, who worked on the Costa Concordia salvage operation in 2012, said that rescue divers had a “very small window of time to try to find people stuck inside with hopefully an air pocket, and they could be rescued”.

“You’ve got a maximum of two to three days to try to get someone out, so the next 24 hours are critical,” he said.

“If the yacht is on its side, it might have more air pockets than if it’s upright. She’s got quite a large keel, and that will deflect and put her on her side, I’m sure.”

Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo are also confirmed among the missing. Mr Morvillo’s wife is also unaccounted for, the head of Sicily's Civil Protection said.

The 56m Bayesian was carrying 22 people including Brits, Americans and Canadians when it sank. Fifteen people were rescued including a mother and her one-year-old daughter.

Survivors said the trip had been organised by Lynch for his work colleagues.

Divers have warned that they are only able to search the wreckage for 10 minutes at a time.

See below for the latest updates.

  • Morgan Stanley bank boss and his wife confirmed among the missing
  • Mike Lynch co-defendant killed in separate car crash
  • Six people still missing as search resumes
  • Rescuers face difficulty accessing wreck

Search to resume

Good morning, and welcome to the Standard’s live blog.

The search for British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and his daughter is set to resume this morning, after a luxury yacht sank in a tornado off the coast of Sicily yesterday.

The pair are among six tourists missing after the yacht, named Bayesian, was battered during intense storms off the coast of Palermo in the early hours of Monday.

We’ll be bringing you all the latest updates throughout the day.

Who are the six people still missing?

British technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his teenage daughter are among six people still unaccounted for after yesterday’s tragedy.

Morgan Stanley International Bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer, and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo are now also thought to be among the missing.

The Daily Mail reports Mr Bloomer’s wife is also unaccounted for, while a colleague of Mr Morvillo told Business Insider his wife is also missing.

Mr Bloomer is also chairman of insurance provider Hiscox. The Daily Mail reports his wife is also unaccounted for.

A body, believed to be that of the vessel's cook, was discovered by search teams on Monday.

Italian news website la Repubblica reports that four of the missing passengers are British while the other two are American.

Who is tech billionaire Mike Lynch?

British technology tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah are missing following yesterday’s luxury yacht sinking.

Mr Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, was also on board the yacht but survived the tragedy.

Born in Ilford in east London, Mr Lynch became one of Britain’s most influential entrepreneurs after founding software giant  Autonomy  in 1996.

He has been described at points as ‘the Bill Gates of  Britain ’, for founding the company which became one of the biggest enterprise software firms on the planet.He went on to negotiate an $11bn (£8.64bn) sale of Autonomy to Hewlett Packard  (HP), which generated him a more than $800m windfall (£616m).

But the sale also kicked off a 13-year legal saga, in which HP alleged he had inflated the value of Autonomy - which had turned out to be a costly take-on for the firm.

Mr Lynch was finally cleared of fraud and conspiracy in June this year. He said at the time that he was "elated".

The Times reported that he had previously spent 13 months under house arrest awaiting the trial.

Mr Lynch has a PhD from Cambridge University, where he carried out research in machine learning which he later applied to set up his software firms.

He is co-founder of Cambridge-based cybersecurity company Darktrace, and is a major figure in the tech belt around Cambridge known as Silicon Fen.

You can read more about Mike Lynch here .

Firefighters struggling to access wreck

Italian firefighters have reportedly been struggling to fully access the wreck of the Bayesian yacht because of the position in which it sank, and the way its contents have fallen.

Italy’s fire brigade Vigili del Fuoco said on X that early inspections of the wreck were “unsuccessful” due to limited access to the bridge and furniture obstructing passages.

Britain’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch said four of its inspectors were being deployed to Palermo to help assess the situation.

A basic assessment of the scene will be made by the team, with no investigation launched at this stage.

Mike Lynch's wife gives first account of tragedy

Angela Bacares, the wife of British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, has revealed a “slight tilt” of the yacht Bayesian was the first sign it was about to sink.

Ms Bacares, 57, is among 15 people who were rescued from a lifeboat at the scene of the tragedy, but remains anxiously awaiting updates as her husband and 18-year-old daughter Hannah remain missing.

She and Mr Lynch were awoken around 4am on Monday after the 180ft superyacht suddenly “tilted” in a violent storm, she told Italian news outlet La Repubblica.

Though they had initially not been worried, she got out of bed to investigate what had happened.

Glass then suddenly shattered, reportedly causing confusion among those on board.

Ms Bacares is said to be in a wheelchair following the tragedy. She is understood to have suffered injuries to her feet, caused by walking on broken glass.

What we know about the Bayesian superyacht

The Bayesian, a British-registered superyacht, sank with 22 people onboard shortly before sunrise on Monday, said the Italian coastguard.

It said the wreck of the the 56-metre-long (184-ft) luxury sailboat is now lying on the sea floor at a depth of 49 metres.

The Bayesian was built by Italian shipbuilder Perini in 2008 and was last refitted in 2020. Its 75-metre mast is the tallest aluminium mast in the world, Perini said on its website.

The shipspotting.com website says the boat is owned by a firm called Revtom Limited. Mike Lynch's wife Angela Bacares, who survived the sinking, is named as the sole shareholder of the firm on company documents.

The yacht's name is likely to have resonated with Mr Lynch, because his PhD thesis and the software that made his fortune was based on Bayesian theory.

The ship won a string of awards for its design and can accommodate up to 12 guests in six suites and a crew of 10, according to online specialist yacht sites.T

he boat left the Sicilian port of Milazzo on August 14 and was last tracked east of Palermo on Sunday evening, when it was "at anchor", according to vessel tracking app Vesselfinder.

Search and rescue operation resumes

The search and rescue mission appears to have resumed. Photos taken by Reuters appear to show a number of rescue boats including a Coastguard vessel at the scene, off the coast of Porticello near the Sicilian city of Palermo.

Mike Lynch fraud trial co-defendant dies after being hit by car, says lawyer

The co-defendant of missing tech tycoon  Mike Lynch  in his US fraud trial has died after being hit by a car on Saturday, his lawyer has said.

Mr Lynch has been confirmed as one of the six tourists missing after the Bayesian yacht sank on Monday.

Stephen Chamberlain was cleared earlier this year alongside Mr Lynch of conducting a massive fraud over the sale of software company  Autonomy  to Hewlett-Packard (HP) in 2011.

Gary Lincenberg, Mr Chamberlain’s lawyer, said in a statement: “Our dear client and friend Steve Chamberlain was fatally struck by a car on Saturday while out running.

“He was a courageous man with unparalleled integrity. We deeply miss him.

“Steve fought successfully to clear his good name at trial earlier this year, and his good name now lives on through his wonderful family.”

Read more here .

Recap: Key points we know so far

  • Six people are missing after the British-flagged superyacht Bayesian sank in ferocious weather off the port of Porticello, near the Sicilian city of Palermo, shortly before dawn on Monday
  • On Monday, rescue teams recovered the body of the yacht's onboard chef, identified as Antiguan citizen Ricardo Thomas
  • British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah are among the missing
  • Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley International and Chris Morvillo, a lawyer at Clifford Chance who represented Lynch in a long-standing trial in the US, are also among the missing. The wives of both men were also unaccounted for, Salvatore Cocina, head of Civil Protection in Sicily, told Italian media.
  • Fifteen people had escaped before the boat went down, including Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, who owned the boat, and a one-year-old girl who was saved by her mother
  • Specialist divers had reached the ship on Monday at a depth of 49 metres, but access was limited due to objects in the way, the fire brigade said
  • Search and rescue operations were beginning again on Tuesday morning

Yacht trip had been 'corporate holiday'

Survivors have said the ill-fated yacht trip was organised by British tech boss Mike Lynch, for his work colleagues and for lawyers who recently helped clear his name in a long-running fraud case.

Ayla Reynold, a New Zealand national working at leading law firm Clifford Chance, is among 15 people who survived the ordeal.

Her father Lin Ronald told the Telegraph she had been invited aboard the superyacht as thanks for assistance in Mr Lynch's recent court case .

"Ayla is a lawyer who is part of the legal team that were invited to go sailing as a result of the success in the recent United States court case,” he said.

Jonathan Bloomer, chairman of Morgan Stanley International and Chris Morvillo, a lawyer at Clifford Chance who represented Mr Lynch in his fraud trial, are also among the missing. Their wives are also unaccounted for, according to authorities.

Also among the survivors is Charlotte Golunski, who is understood to be a partner at Mr Lynch’s firm Invoke Capital. Her husband James and their one-year-old daughter Sofia were also on the trip. They all survived.

Mr Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter, Hannah, also remain missing.

Rescuers at scene of search amid fears 'bodies trapped in vessel'

Photos taken this morning show rescue teams have returned to the scene where the Bayesian sank.

Divers loaded a rescue dinghy at the port of Porticello, near Palermo, as the search resumed.

They are to try accessing the wreck, which is lying on the sea bed at a depth of around 49m about half-a-mile from Porticello.

Salvatore Cocina, head of civil protection in Sicily, has told news agency Reuters: “The fear is that the bodies got trapped inside the vessel.”

Specialist divers yesterday struggled to search the wreck, as objects had fallen in a way that obstructed access.

Jonatham Bloomer's wife confirmed to be among missing

Judy Bloomer, wife of Morgan Stanley International bank chairman Jonathan Bloomer, has been confirmed among the six people who are still missing.

It was already confirmed that Mr Bloomer is among those unaccounted for.

"Our thoughts are with all those affected, in particular our Chair, Jonathan Bloomer, and his wife Judy, who are among the missing," said Aki Hussain, of UK-based insurance firm Hiscox which is chaired by Mr Bloomer, in a statement to AFP news agency.

Who is missing Jonathan Bloomer?

Jonathan Bloomer is chairman of Morgan Stanley International bank, and non-executive chairman of insurance provider Hiscox.He is also an alumnus of Imperial College London, from which he graduated with a BSc in physics in 1974.

The Financial Times reported Mr Bloomer appeared as a defence witness for Mike Lynch at his trial that ended in June, while media reports suggest the pair are close friends.

He and his wife, Judy, have been confirmed as among the six people still missing from the Bayesian yacht.

Aki Hussain, the group chief executive of Hiscox, said this morning he is “deeply shocked and saddened” by the yacht tragedy.

“Our thoughts are with all those affected, in particular our chair, Jonathan Bloomer, and his wife Judy, who are among the missing, and with their family as they await further news from this terrible situation,” he said.

Bayesian captain breaks silence

The captain of the Bayesian has broken his silence following yesterday’s tragedy.

James Catfield is said to have been captaining the luxury yacht when it sank around 5am on Monday in severe weather.

“We didn't see it coming,” he told Italian news outlet La Repubblica this morning.

He uttered the one line statement from his room in a hospital in the town of Termini Imerese, near the city of Palermo.

Mr Catfield was reportedly one of the 15 people - a mixture of crew members and passengers - who was rescued from a lifeboat following the tragedy.

Map shows where search is being carried out

Family of stephen chamberlain pay tribute to 'amazing individual'.

The family of Stephen Chamberlain, who died after being hit by a car while out running in Cambridgeshire on Saturday, have paid tribute to him as “a much-loved husband, father, son, brother and friend”.

Mr Chamberlain was a co-defendant in the recent US trial of technology tycoon Mike Lynch, who is now among the six people missing following the separate sinking of the yacht Bayesian.

He was cleared, alongside Mr Lynch, of conducting a massive fraud over the sale of software firm Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard in 2011. Mr Chamberlain was formerly vice-president of finance at Autonomy.

In a statement released through Cambridgeshire Police, Mr Chamberlain’s family said: “Steve was a much-loved husband, father, son, brother and friend.

“He was an amazing individual whose only goal in life was to help others in any way possible.

“He made a lasting impression on everyone who had the privilege of knowing him.

“He will be deeply missed but forever in the hearts of his loved ones.”

Gary Lincenberg, Mr Chamberlain’s lawyer, also said: “Our dear client and friend Steve Chamberlain was fatally struck by a car on Saturday while out running.

Photos show search and rescue teams at the scene this morning

Morgan stanley 'shocked and saddened by tragedy'.

A spokesperson for Morgan Stanley has said the bank is "shocked and saddened" by news non-executive chairman of Morgan Stanley International Jonathan Bloomer is among those missing.

"We are deeply shocked and saddened by this tragedy,” said the spokesperson.

"Our thoughts are with all those affected, in particular the Bloomer family, as we all wait for further news from this terrible situation."

Earlier the group chief executive of insurance firm Hiscox, where Mr Bloomer is non-executive chairman, confirmed both Mr Bloomer and his wife Judy are missing following the sinking of Bayesian.

Bayesian 'was not moored in a safe place', claims journalist

A Sicilian journalist has claimed the Bayesian sank during Monday’s storm because of where it was moored.

Piero Messina told Sky News: "The boat went down because the boat was anchored 500m from the coast of the little port of Santa Flavia, and that means that it was not in a safe place.

"Some fishermen told me that they had never seen a storm like that, but that it was not a safe place to stay - so far from the coast.

"I think the authorities will need to clarify what's happened."

The cause of the sinking has not yet been confirmed. An investigation is expected to take place.

'I have never seen a vessel of this size go down so quickly' - eyewitness

A captain of a nearby sailboat that was beside the Bayesian when it sank says the doomed vessel disappeared beneath the waves in a matter of minutes.

Karsten Borner, 69, told The Guardian he too was awoken by the raging storm, and immediately started his boat’s engine to help counteract the power of the wind and waves.

“The first thing I did was to start the engines of my sailboat to give more stability to the vessel. I don’t know if the Bayesian did the same,” he told The Guardian. “It seems like they were also suddenly caught by the storm.

“After securing our boat, we immediately approached the Bayesian. But it had already sunk.

“I have never seen a vessel of this size go down so quickly. Within a few minutes, there was nothing left. Then we saw the raft with the 15 passengers. It was a tragedy.”

Probe 'likely to examine whether Bayesian crew had time to close hatches'

One expert at the scene of the disaster, who declined to be named, told news agency Reuters an early focus of the investigation would be whether the Bayesian’s crew had had time to close access hatches into the vessel before the storm struck in the early hours of Monday.

The British government's Marine Accident Investigation Branch has sent four inspectors to Sicily to conduct a "preliminary assessment”.

Severe weather 'amplified by global warming' has swept Italy in recent days

Storms and heavy rainfall have swept Italy in recent days, after weeks of scorching heat lifted the temperature of the Mediterranean sea to record levels, raising the risk of extreme weather conditions, experts have said.

The Bayesian sank shortly before dawn on Monday after being caught in ferocious weather while anchored around half-a-mile off the coast of northern Sicily.

"The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30C, which is almost three degrees more than normal. This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms," meteorologist Luca Mercalli told news agency Reuters.

He added: "We can't say that this is all due to global warming but we can say that it has an amplifying effect.”

The fierce weather that sank the Bayesian is believed to have struck relatively suddenly.

The captain of a boat that was next to the yacht - and who was also “suddenly caught by the storm” - earlier told how the Bayesian sank “within a few minutes. He added: “I have never seen a vessel of this size go down so quickly.”Italy’s fire service, The Vigili del Fuoco, says it has been called out to more than 100 incidents including flooding and road accidents across Italy’s Mediterranean islands in the last day, as bad weather has continued.

Depth is 'biggest difficulty' rescuers face as they vow to 'search centimetre by centimetre'

Fire department diver Marco Tilotta has told reporters: "The biggest difficulty we have is due to the depth, which does not allow long times of intervention.

"We plan...to search centimetre by centimetre,” he added.

Mr Tilotta said the Bayesian appeared to be intact and was lying on its right side.

Missing Judy Bloomer hailed 'brilliant' women's health champion by charity

Judy Bloomer - who is missing from the Bayesian along with her husband Jonathan, chairman of Morgan Stanley International Bank - has been hailed a “brilliant champion for women’s health”.

Mrs Bloomer has been a trustee of UK gynaecological cancer research charity The Eve Appeal for more than 20 years.

CEO Athena Lamnisos told the BBC the charity is “deeply shocked to hear the news that our very dear friend and her husband Jonathan, are among those missing".

She described Mrs Bloomer as a "brilliant champion for women's health".

"Our thoughts are with Judy and Jonathan’s family, as well as all those who are still waiting for news after this tragic event,” she added.

Divers trying to find 'easier' way to access yacht

Italy’s fire service, the Vigili del Fuoco, has said its specialist divers are currently trying to find an easier way to enter the wreckage of the yacht.

“The entrance to the yacht was complex, planning is underway to open easier access and inspect the interior,” it said in a tweet on X.

It shared a video that appeared to show firefighters observing plans of the Bayesian, as they tried to work out the best way to enter.

Yesterday, divers reached the wreck where it is lying around 49m below surface level, but struggled to get inside and carry out a full search of the vessel, due to obstructions including furniture.

The yacht is said to be lying intact on its right side. A diver earlier said the depth of the wreck poses a problem, as divers have a limited amount of time under the water.

Fishermen 'saw tornado' near scene of tragedy

Local fisherman Giuseppe Cefalu has said he saw a “tornado” close to the port of Porticello on Monday morning.

Mr Cefalu told the PA news agency through a translator that he and his brother Fabio saw a flare in the sky around 5am, when the Bayesian sank.

The pair aided efforts to locate people in the water, but Mr Cefalu said he only saw cushions and a buoy.

He said weather conditions on the morning of the sinking were “fierce”, with “very strong” wind and rain.

British Ambassador supporting survivors in 'incredibly sad and difficult situation'

The British ambassador to Italy has expressed his sympathy for the families involved in the yacht sinking off the coast of Sicily.

Speaking outside a nearby hotel where he met survivors, Ed Llewellyn said: “My heart goes out to them.”

He added: “I’ve spoken to some of the British survivors both yesterday and today — I want to express my deep sympathy from myself and colleagues at the British Embassy for what’s happened.

“We’re doing what we can to support them in this incredibly sad and difficult situation to help them with contacts from the Italian authorities at a practical level.”

Divers have 10 minutes to search wreckage before having to resurface

Divers sent to search the wreckage of the yacht have said no bodies were found on the ship’s bridge, where the captain controls the vessel.

Luca Cari, the head of emergency communications of Italy's fire and rescue department, told Italian news agency Ansa the bridge was found full of electrical cables.

Mr Cari said divers have 10 minutes at a time to search the wreck before they have to resurface for air, the BBC reports.

Rescuers have been unable to see inside the yacht but entered the lounge through a ladder and are trying to find a route forward from there.

A three centimetre thick glass window is also being considered as a point of entry.

Why did the superyacht Bayesian sink?

Hatches and doors left open overnight on the superyacht Bayesian may have caused it to sink in  Italy , a sailing expert has said.

Sam Jefferson, editor of magazine Sailing Today, believes the vessel’s huge mast is also likely to have contributed to the deadly event.

Mr Jefferson told the PA news agency: “I would have said that the boat got hit very hard by the wind, it was pinned over on its side.

“I imagine all the doors were open because it was hot, so there were enough hatches and doors open that it filled with water very quickly and sank like that.

“The reason it got pinned over so hard was because the mast is huge.

“It acted almost like a sail. (It) pushed the boat hard over on its side.

“(The boat) filled with water before it could right.

“This is all speculation, but that’s the only logical explanation.”

You can read more about what Mr Jefferson had to say here .

Ship 'capsized within a few minutes' survivors tell doctor

A doctor who has been treating survivors after the yacht sank has been told the ship capsized “within a few minutes”.

Dr Domenico Cipolla, who was speaking from Di Cristina Children’s Hospital in Palermo, said: “They told me they found themselves in an incredible condition, let's say of physical and psychological upheaval of their lives, and that the boat capsized within a few minutes."

He explained a psychologist had been with some survivors including Charlotte Golunski, who held her baby above the waves as she desperately waited for help.

The doctor added: "Psychological support was constant and is constant even today, because basically it is the wounds of the soul are the most in need of healing in these cases."

He said the hospital provided "toys for the baby, cuddles, and fed them because they were frightened and hungry".

Divers carrying out 'very complicated searches' of wreckage

Marco Tilotta, a firefighter diver from Palermo, has revealed the £30 million super yacht was lying on its side at around a depth of 48 metres.

He said divers were unable to gain access because of floating furnishings and other debris inside the vessel.

In his interview with Il Messaggero, he said: “It looked like a scenario similar to the Costa Concordia on a smaller scale. Unfortunately, these are very complicated searches.

“When we went down to the water around 5:30am, we found a yacht that was practically intact. It is resting on its side on the starboard side. It has no gashes, no signs of impact.’’

Mother leaves hospital with baby she heroically saved from sea

Mother Charlotte Golunski has left hospital with her one-year-old daughter, who she saved from drowning after the Bayesian sank.

Mrs Golunski was on board the vessel with her husband, James, and their baby daughter Sofia when the tragedy happened.

All three were discharged from the Di Cristina hospital in Palermo this afternoon. They were pictured leaving in a black private car.

“For two seconds I lost my daughter in the sea then quickly hugged her amid the fury of the waves,” Mrs Golunski told La Repubblica newspaper yesterday, recounting her heroism.

“I held her afloat with all my strength, my arms stretched upwards to keep her from drowning.

“It was all dark. In the water I couldn’t keep my eyes open. I screamed for help but all I could hear around me was the screams of others.”

Six missing people are believed to be inside boat, says Italian coastguard

The Italian coastguard believes the six missing people may still be inside the sunken superyacht.

Spokesperson Vincenzo Zagarola has told the PA news agency that this is the working theory of officials, because the Bayesian is believed to have sunk quickly, and those unaccounted for have not yet been found despite search and rescue efforts by sea and air.

"We think they are still inside the boat, that is our very hard idea,” said Mr Zagarola.

"Our search and rescue activity by sea and air has gone on for around 36 hours.

"Of course, we do not exclude that they are not inside the boat, but we know the boat sank quickly.

"We suppose that the six people missing may not have had time to get out of the boat."

Divers working to reach the cabins of sunken yacht

Police divers searching for the six missing people are trying to access the sunken yacht’s cabins.

Italy's fire brigade Vigili del Fuoco said it is developing a plan to enter the wreckage of Bayesian, which is resting on the seabed off the coast of Sicily at a depth of 50 metres.

It described the operation as "complex", with divers limited to 12-minute underwater shifts.

Rescue crews said they assume the six missing tourists will be found in the cabins, which they were unable to enter on Monday due to debris.

Bayesian was moored around half-a-mile off the coast of Porticello when it sank at about 5am local time on Monday as the area was hit by a storm.

Marco Tilotta, a firefighter who works as a specialist diver, previously Reuters news agency that entering the vessel is complicated by the fact it is lying on its right side, with "a world of objects" obstructing stairs that lead into the yacht’s cabins.

Photos show lifeboat in which 15 people escaped tragedy

Photos taken in Porticello Harbour on the Sicilian coast, around half-a-mile from where the Bayesian sank, show the rapid inflatable emergency lifeboat which carried 15 people to safety following the sinking of the luxury yacht on Monday.

Captain of nearby ship says vessel 'sank in two minutes'

The captain of a ship that rescued Bayesian passengers from the water before emergency services arrived has recalled watching the boat sink.

Captain Karsten Borner worked to keep his ship upright during the storm, before noticing the luxury yacht that had been near his vessel had disappeared.

He told Reuters: "I don't absolutely know what they did. I only know that they went flat with a mast on the water and that they sank in two minutes.”

He said the sea temperature was at around 30C - "way too hot for the Mediterranean, and this causes, for sure, heavy storms".

Staff at top London private school 'shocked' as ex-pupil among those missing

A prestigious west London school is “incredibly shocked” over news an 18-year-old former pupil is among those missing after the Bayesian superyacht sunk off the coast of Sicily.

Hannah Lynch was on the superyacht with her father  Mike Lynch and her mother Angela Bacares when it was struck by the violent storm in the early hours of Monday.

Hannah is a former pupil of £25,000-a-year Latymer Upper School in  Hammersmith  - a private school which counts Alan Rickman,  Hugh Grant  and Heston Blumenthal among alumni.Read about what the school said here .

Names of two more survivors confirmed

The Italian Coastguard has confirmed the names of two more survivors of the yacht sinking.

South African nationals Leah Randall and Katja Chicken worked as crew members on the Bayesian.

Coastguard confirms name of another crew member

The Italian Coastguard has confirmed the name of another crew member.

Spokesman Vincenzo Zagarola said Leo Eppel was on board the yacht that sank.

Watch: 'Bill Gates of Britain’ Mike Lynch missing from superyacht Bayesian

Rescue teams 'could be listening for timed banging noise'.

Rescue teams trying to access the submerged Bayesian yacht could be listening out for a timed banging noise, a senior university lecturer has said.

Dr Jean-Baptiste Souppez, who teaches mechanical, biomedical and design engineering at Aston University, said: "A sign the rescuers may be looking for is a banging noise at regular intervals: this is common practice on submarines, and was one of the signs the search mission for the Titan submarine was looking for after it went missing last year."

He added the possibility of air pockets forming inside the vessel was "simply impossible to predict".

Neighbour describes Mike Lynch as 'very charitable man'

A neighbour of Mike Lynch has described the tycoon as a “very charitable man”.

Ruth Leigh, of Pettistree in Suffolk, said: "You'd see him driving about and he'd always wave and say hello and use your name.

"Once a year he'd host a party on the lawn and we'd all go to it.

"He's just a really nice person. I know that sounds a bit trite, but for a man in his position with every right he could have been quite lofty but he wasn't, he got involved.

"He used to come and speak at the church in the village on Remembrance Sunday.

"He was a very charitable man, he gave a lot of his time and effort which was good. We just had an incredibly high opinion of him."

Coastguard confirms name of body recovered from yacht

The body recovered from close to where the luxury yacht sank was that of Recaldo Thomas, the Italian coastguard told Sky News.

Gareth Williams a friend of the chef, who was reportedly Antiguan-Canadian, told the BBC: "I can talk for everyone that knew him when I say he was a well-loved, kind human being with a calm spirit."

A spokesperson for the Canadian foreign ministry said they were "aware of reports that a Canadian citizen has died" and said consular officials were in contact with local authorities but declined to offer any further information.

Mr Thomas had previously been named in reports as Ricardo Thomas.

Emergency teams will need to make 'big choice', says expert

Emergency teams trying to access the submerged Bayesian yacht will have to make "a big choice" as the rescue efforts intensify, a maritime diving and wreckage expert has said.

Bertrand Sciboz told BBC News: "I think 50 metres is a limit to dive with a certain category of professional divers, so you will need to dive with some kind of helmet and pipe and (be) connected to the surface for oxygen, and also for for speaking and hearing and telling what you see and and do.

"It's always very difficult, and especially with a sailing vessel, because you've got rope everywhere, you've got a sail which is floating in the current, because we are in Mediterranean Sea and not in the English Channel.

"But the main thing, you know, it's the fact that in those kind of conditions, it's very hard to go inside the wreck, and they will have to have to make a big choice at one moment, of salvaging the whole wreck or rescuing the bodies."



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  23. Yacht Crew

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  24. 56m luxury sailing yacht sinks off Sicily, 7 missing

    A tech mogul, a luxury yacht and a work cruise gone awry: What we know about the Bayesian sinking Six people are missing, including a man dubbed the British Bill Gates, after a luxury yacht sank off the Sicilian coast. ... 56m luxury sailing yacht sinks off Sicily, 7 missing

  25. Sicily yacht sinking LIVE: Survivors could be in air pockets ...

    Survivors have said the ill-fated yacht trip was organised by British tech boss Mike Lynch, for his work colleagues and for lawyers who recently helped clear his name in a long-running fraud case.

  26. One person still missing as officials work to identify five bodies

    The Bayesian is a luxury yacht built by Italian shipbuilders Perini Navi in 2008, designed with luxury interiors and six bedroom suites on board. It measures 56m (184ft) long and sports a 72m ...