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Najem jadrnice, najem plovil online BIZZONE - DOMINIK KOŠIČ, S.P. Šmarje pri Jelšah

Z jadranjem se ukvarjamo že več kot desetletje , podjetje za navtični turizem BIZZONE – NAUTIC TOURISM pa smo ustanovili leta 2002 z namenom približati jadranje ljubiteljem vetra, sonca in morja ter dobre morske hrane.

V preteklosti je jadranje pomenilo prestižno preživljanje dopusta. Danes pa je križarjenje z jadrnico dostopno skoraj vsakumur.

Z dolgoletnimi jadralskimi izkušnjami pri oddajanju plovil lahko zadovoljimo družino, študente ali podjetnike in še tako zelo zahtevnega jadralca, ki želi jadrnico za sodelovanje na regati.

Ugodne cene in široko ponudbo najema plovil nam omogoča partnersko sodelovanje s 32 charter podjetji in lastniki plovil iz Slovenije, Hrvaške…

Predlagamo vam tip jadrnice in jadralsko ruto glede na izhodiščno marino in postrežemo z informacijami o dobri morski hrani za navtike.


Najem jadrnice, najem plovil online BIZZONE - DOMINIK KOŠIČ, S.P. Šmarje pri Jelšah


Križarjenje, šola jadranja.

Najem plovila je pri nas hiter in enostaven. Vse lahko opravite preko  ON-LINE BOOKING  sistema, kjer vpišete željen tip jadrnice, termin najema in posebne želje.

Več o najemu plovil si preberite v zavihku Ponudba podjetja ali obiščite našo uradno  spletno stran .


Križarjenje z jadrnico vam bo popestrilo dopust in družinske počitnice. Naučili vas bomo osnovnih pomorskih veščin, uživali boste v domačih dalmatinskih specialitetah, plavali boste v kristalno jasnem morju, spoznali nove zanimive ljudi in kraje in uživali v soncu, morju in vetru.

Več o naši ponudbi križarjenj si poglejte v zavihku Ponudba podjetja ali na naši uradni   spletni strani .

Za prijave in informacije smo vam na voljo:

E-mail: [email protected]

Gsm slovenija: 031 843 438, gsm hrvaška: +385 91 935 87 14.

Najem jadrnice, najem plovil online BIZZONE - DOMINIK KOŠIČ, S.P. Šmarje pri Jelšah


Nudimo programe začetniških, nadaljevalnih in regatnih tečajev jadranja. Naši tečaji potekajo v zabavnem in sproščenem vzdušju, kjer vas naši inštruktorji naučijo vseh pomorskih veščin, situacij in postopkov, ki jih boste potrebovali za samostojno vodenje plovil.

Podrobnosti o naši ponudbi jadralnih tečajev si preberite v zavihku Ponudba podjetja ali na naši uradni   spletni strani .

“YACHTING BIZZONE” – Nautic Tourism

Mi se zavedamo!  Zavedajte se tudi vi, da je za vas in za vaš denar, najpomembnejša kvaliteta materialov in kvalitetno izpeljana storitev. To vam ponujamo pri nas in tako lahko z zagotovostjo vam trdimo, da sta to še samo dva pomembna razloga, da bo vaša odločitev pri izbiri nas, še toliko hitrejša.

8 x Zakaj obiskati ravno nas?

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Najem jadrnice, najem plovil online BIZZONE - DOMINIK KOŠIČ, S.P. Šmarje pri Jelšah

več na strani,….    

Stopite v stik z nami!


Če želite o nas izvedeti več podrobnosti , nas pokličite ali nam pišite.

Z veseljem vam bomo pomagali.

Najem jadrnice, najem plovil online BIZZONE - DOMINIK KOŠIČ, S.P. Šmarje pri Jelšah

bizzone yachting

V kolikor ste zainteresirani, pustite komentar in odgovorjeno vam bo v najkrajšem možnem času.

  • Naslov: Celjska cesta 23, Šmarje pri Jelšah, 3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah
  • Telefon: 031 843438
  • Spletna stran: http://www.bizzone.org
  • Lokacija: Šmarje pri Jelšah
  • Besede: ELAN 36, HANSE 355, Hrvaške, ki jih boste potrebovali za samostojno vodenje plovil., kjer vas naši inštruktorji naučijo vseh pomorskih veščin, lastniki plovil iz Slovenije, nadaljevalnih in regatnih tečajev jadranja. Naši tečaji potekajo v zabavnem in sproščenem vzdušju, NAJ JADRANJE POSTANE TUDI VAŠA NAVADA, Najem jadrnice, najem plovil online BIZZONE - DOMINIK KOŠIČ, Nudimo programe začetniških, S.P. Šmarje pri Jelšah, SI 87742616, situacij in postopkov
  • Davčna številka: SI 87742616
  • Govorimo: Slovensko, Angleško, Nemško, Hrvaško, Italijansko
  • Kontaktna oseba: DOMINIK KOŠIČ
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Taxi 555 Bled, prevozi oseb, Žiga Stanojev s.p. Bled

,,AVTO-TAXI PREVOZI-Bled,, Taxi 555, Žiga Stanojev s.p.-Bled   Govorimo    O nas       Nudimo odličen taksi prevoz v mestu. Naravnost pred vaša vrata – najhitreje in najceneje, 24 ur na dan, 7 dni na teden. Omogočamo vam lahko najbolj fleksibilni, najcenejši in najhitrejši taksi transport. Delujemo kot posredniki med povpraševanjem in ponudbo, pri […]

Urška Volavšek s.p., pomoč in nega na domu

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Embark and experience the exhilarating world of yachting on one of our handpicked yachts. From spacious mega-yachts to thrilling sports yachts– we’ll take you on an adventure to remember.


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Bizzona Yacht

Sailing yachts (monohulls) have dominated the charter industry for the past 30 years. The Captain’s sailors and guests love the feel of wind and salt on their faces while cutting through the water with full sails. The sail yacht heeling over at 45 degrees, adjusting the sails for maximum speed, is just what is enjoyed. There is no feeling better than entering a quiet lagoon and dropping the entire sail with one flick of the wrist; the change from wind to no wind, the change from the soft swell of the ocean to the glossy calm of a protected anchorage, is exactly what drives these folks. This has won the hearts of everyone onboard.

In this new glossy wind-free lagoon, the exciting feeling of being away from the crowd, doing something completely new, is invigorating and also has a sense of accomplishment. Island hopping is the only crowd pleaser, this gets you away from the crowds and into Mother Nature’s playground.

itinerary, and there are no crowds, just you and your family.

Bizzona Yacht Location

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BIZZONE - DOMINIK KOŠIČ, S.P. Najem plovil hrvaška obala

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Najem plovil hrvaška obala

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  • Najem jadrnice hrvaška obala
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Ponudba in storitve

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Najem plovil hrvaška obala  |

V podjetju BIZZONE vam nudimo hiter, enostaven in predvsem zelo ugoden najem plovil vzdolž hrvaške obale. 

V naši ponudbi je kar 1700 različnih plovil, tako da boste zagotovo našli najprimernejšo jadrnico ali jahto zase. 

bizzone yachting

Če je "najem plovil hrvaška obala" storitev, ki jo iščete, potem ste zanesljivo na pravem naslovu. 

Pri nas vas čakajo najbolj žepu prijazen cene, poleg tega pa smo zelo fleksibilni glede terminov najema plovil.

Namen naše storitve je, da vam v vsakem trenutku zagotovimo ugoden najem plovil, ki so vzdrževana, udobna in vam omogočajo veliko jadralskih užitkov. Imamo odlično "last minute" ponudbo, nad katero ne boste razočarani, če ste se odločili za skok na morje. 

Še ena naša prednost je, da za najem plovil na hrvaški obali sploh ne rabite od doma, dokler se ne začne vaš jadralski dopust. Rezervacijo namreč opravite kar na naši spletni strani!

Če vseeno potrebujete dodatne informacije, ki se nanašajo na najem plovil hrvaška obala, smo vam na voljo tudi na telefonu in preko e-pošte, da odgovorimo na vaša vprašanja, vam pomagamo pri izbiri tipa jadrnice ali glede jadralske rute. 


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Naši nasveti

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Triki za nakup rabljenega vozila

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Nasveti za dolgo življenjsko dobo vašega plovila

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Najem avtodoma - Svoboda in udobje potovanja po svetu

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Mi poiščemo ponudbe za vas

Vi določite povpraševanje, mi poskrbimo, da ga prejmejo preverjeni izvajalci.

Niste našli, kar potrebujete?

Bizzone - dominik košič, s.p., oh, ti piškotki ... 🍪 🍪 🍪.

BZ Maritime Leadership



professional maritime leadership


Exceptional leadership is essential to successful superyacht operations, increasing safety, enhancing crew performance, well-being, and retention. It ultimately results in a better onboard owner/guest experience. BZ empowers aspiring and ascending superyacht leaders to develop exceptional professional leadership practice, allowing them to capably lead teams onboard superyachts, or ashore, and confidently progress their careers. For the senior and experienced cadre, experiential learning and targeted reflection are used as a catalyst to deliver leadership mastery. Focusing on complex strategic and operational settings, BZ delivers superior Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to sharpen high-end leadership skills and enhance professional credibility.  Learn more.

high performing crew


Superyacht crews are the maritime equivalent of a F1 Team; operating incredibly expensive state-of-the-art equipment, working under immense pressure, and perpetually judged by results. Marginal gains in performance can make all the difference, and exceptional teamwork is critical. BZ has vast expertise in accelerating the creation of High Performing Teams and applying it in the superyacht environment. We are highly qualified performance coaches, and utilise Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques, psychometrics, and practical-based experiential learning to maximise impact. We understand that High Performing Teams seek stimuli, and nurturing, to stay in the ‘performance zone,’ so our dynamic solutions are designed to ensure crew flourish and remain inspired to excel onboard.  Learn more.

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Studies highlight that poor mental health is becoming a significant issue for superyachts. Indeed, many crew members say that their mental health has deteriorated since joining the industry, with poor management, high workload, inadequate sleep, conflict, and separation, all identified as contributing factors. We offer proactive training designed to energise and embolden. Armed with knowledge, understanding, and skills, the crew can develop a mentally strong, optimistic, and resilient mindset. This positive methodology is underpinned by extensive academic research, is utilised by elite teams, and is more effective than a reactive mental health approach. BZ support leaders in creating and then implementing positive mental health and well-being strategies. This enables them to embed an onboard culture that champions mental fortitude and ultimately generates a high-performing and successful crew.  Learn more.

intelligent recruitment


An erroneous selection is a big RISK to a yacht’s operation, particularly when recruiting for a senior or HOD position. It is financially expensive, problematic to manage, disrupts crew performance, re-recruiting is time-consuming, and the situation could negatively impact the owner/guests. Other leading industries have moved away from recruiting purely using a candidate’s CV, Reference, and Interview, as it often results in negative outcomes. There is also no counter to the significant danger posed by your unconscious BIAS, which inescapably undermines your professional judgement and leads to misguided decision-making. Using internationally reputable psychometrics, BZ’s experts help remove bias from the process, whilst also providing an objective insight into the candidate’s personal attributes, emotional stability, likely behaviours, strengths and weaknesses. You can then confidently assess the candidate’s personality and whether it’s a fit for the yacht’s culture, before making that all-important hiring decision.  Learn more.

maritime onboard training


Mandated exercises and drills, development training, onboarding, and professional education, are all routinely conducted by the crew on yachts. However, individuals teaching these activities onboard often have little or no appropriate instruction on how to effectively deliver training. This situation can result in poor professional standards, is dangerous to the yacht’s operation, and can put the safety of crew and guests at increased risk. We are professionally qualified Teachers and maritime onboard training specialists, who have designed and delivered the industry-leading Train-2-Train courses to produce capable Maritime Onboard Trainers. The Train-2-Train courses deliver the necessary knowledge, understanding, and skills, required for the crew to deliver highly effective training onboard yachts. This not only improves safety, it engenders a professional culture, and enhances the yacht’s reputation for investing in its crew.  Learn more.

growth mindset


Being a leader or crew on a superyacht can be extremely challenging, particularly for those in more senior positions. Frequently operating in isolation, and carrying great responsibilities, you may often feel under pressure and unsupported. Who do you confide in and who empowers you to excel? We have several Performance Coaches qualified and skilled in working on a 1:1 basis with leaders and crew aspiring to develop, improve, and reach their full potential. Our coaches can also work with you to explore career options and we have specialists in supporting other welfare or well-being challenges. All of BZ’s Performance and Leadership Coaches have maritime leadership backgrounds, so they understand your language and the challenges of operating at sea. They provide a highly impactful, authentic, and totally confidential service, helping you face professional challenges, release your potential, and achieve your goals.  Learn more.

Whilst technical ability and skills are important, the greatest RISKs to superyacht operations are poor leadership, under-performing crew members, and inadequate teamwork.


Gallup data shows that a lack of development and career growth is the number 1 reason employees leave a job

Professional Maritime Leadership

is fundamental to everything that happens onboard a yacht, from increased safety and performance, crew well-being and retention, to owner and guest experience.

BZ welcomes direct contact from you by email or phone. 

[email protected] +44 (0) 7523 293063 +33 (0) 6 03 85 44 57

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Complete the form below and we will get in touch to discuss how we can meet your professional development needs.

BZ Maritime Leadership are members of the Superyacht Training Group

Superyacht Training Group

The Superyacht Training Group is a syndicate of world-leading superyacht training and consultancy companies providing a large range of specialist technical training and consultancy services to the superyacht industry. 


BZ Maritime Leadership | Superyacht Leader & Crew Training

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Website by  www.keithsnowdon.co.uk

What yachting industry insiders have to say about Jeff Bezos' superyacht

  • Jeff Bezos' yacht , which reportedly cost $500 million to build, completed its first year at sea.
  • The superyacht, Koru, was a frequent topic of conversation at the Palm Beach boat show.
  • Here's what industry insiders think about the vessel.

Insider Today

It's been just about a year since Koru, Jeff Bezos ' $500 million megayacht, set sail from the Oceanco shipyard in the Netherlands, capturing the attention of yachting insiders and land dwellers alike.

Even after her first season at sea, the 127-meter ship is still one of the most talked about vessels among those in the know — and not just for the busty figurehead on its prow, which many have wrongly speculated is based on Bezos's fiancée . Koru was a hot topic at the annual Palm Beach International Boat Show, where the yachts of other billionaires were on display for sale or charter.

The overwhelming response from those Business Insider spoke to was awe, with many praising her unique design, commenting on her immense size, or remarking that they'd been lucky enough to see her up close.

"It's absolutely beautiful," said Federico Rossi, the COO of luxury yachtbuilder Rossinavi.

Still, due to the small size of the industry — and the fact that privacy is paramount in the yachting community — even those who complimented Koru mostly did not want to go on record in order to protect professional relationships.

"That thing's amazing," one such superyacht expert told BI. "It's very well done in terms of craftsmanship."

Unlike many other megayachts, Koru, which media billionaire Barry Diller's Eos inspired, is designed as a sailing yacht. That bucks the current trend of more severe-looking explorer boats — though Koru's 75-meter support vessel Abeona is of a more typical style.

"I heard back in 2018 or something that somebody had ordered a classic sailing yacht," the superyacht expert also told BI. "You order 125 meters, that's not really going to be classic. But it is. I think it's pretty cool."

Like most other megayachts, Koru is powered by her engines, which are reportedly innovative in their use of a kinetic energy recovery system. Industry experts, therefore, pointed out that her sails are more for looks than anything else — but that still works in her favor, with many praising her overall aesthetic appeal.

"It's stunning," added a captain who has worked on several megayachts. He said he'd seen Koru in St. Barts, a favorite spot of Bezos and his fiancée Lauren Sanchez , over the holidays.

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"There are definitely uglier boats out there," one yacht architect said. "It's not like it's shaped like his rocket," he jokily added, referring to the phallic design of Blue Origin's New Shephard .

Some, though, think the yacht is a bit excessive — which is saying something in a world where bigger is better and $250 million is a normal amount to spend.

"That's over the top. That's an insanely ridiculous boat," a longtime broker who favors discretion said. It's a "whole big show."

And the expert who praised the yacht's craftsmanship balanced his admiring comments by saying Koru's liberal use of teak — a wood traditionally used for yacht decks — was "bizarre."

The material has gained a bad reputation in the industry in recent years, as it typically comes from Myanmar, a country with a checkered human rights record. Plus, it takes a long time to grow, leading to deforestation.

Many shipyards have now turned to alternatives, like bamboo or plantation-grown teak, in their pushes toward sustainability. Bezos' team did not respond to BI's question about the origin of the deck's wood.

Teak or not, the yachting industry isn't generally known for being all that environmentally friendly — or indeed lowkey, so many who BI talked to didn't buy into the idea that Koru is "too much."

"If this is genuinely Jeff's dream come true, then great," Anders Kurtén, the CEO of brokerage Fraser Yachts, said. "I'm genuinely happy for him, and I'm happy for the people who got the opportunity to have employment to work on that."

And Bezos, of course, isn't the only billionaire with a stunning yacht . Billionaires like Jerry Jones and Bernard Arnault have also, at times, turned heads with their boats.

Most recently, insiders have tied Mark Zuckerberg to a 118-meter ship named Launchpad . It's the latest superyacht to capture the yachting world's attention.

So, as she sets sail for her debut summer season, Launchpad may take Koru's place as the main yacht on everyone's radar this year.

Watch: Inside the world's biggest cruise ship that just set sail

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    YACHTING BIZZONE Nautic Tourism BIZZONE - Dominik Košič s.p. Celjska cesta 23 SI-3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah Slovenija ID št. za DDV / VAT ID No.: SI87742616 Matična št.: 1726790 TRR Št./ IBAN: SI56021400253136824 SWIFT Code / BIC: LJBASI2X Banka / Bank: Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Trg republike 2, SI-1520 LJUBLJANA.


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    YACHTING BIZZONE Nautic Tourism BIZZONE - Dominik Košič s.p. Celjska cesta 23 SI-3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah Slovenija ID št. za DDV / VAT ID No.: SI87742616 Matična št.: 1726790 TRR Št./ IBAN: SI56021400253136824 SWIFT Code / BIC: LJBASI2X Banka / Bank: Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Trg republike 2, SI-1520 LJUBLJANA.


    YACHTING BIZZONE Nautic Tourism BIZZONE - Dominik Košič s.p. Celjska cesta 23 SI-3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah Slovenija ID št. za DDV / VAT ID No.: SI87742616 Matična št.: 1726790 TRR Št./ IBAN: SI56021400253136824 SWIFT Code / BIC: LJBASI2X Banka / Bank: Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Trg republike 2, SI-1520 LJUBLJANA.

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    A-Z Yachting consistently strives for greatness by always deploying an exceptional level of experience and expertise, providing a top quality, recruitment and placement service for seagoing individuals within the industry. We have an experienced team who are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you with any personnel requests. ...

  14. Jeff Bezos $500 Million Yacht Koru Makes Maiden Voyage

    Above: Video footage of Koru - Jeff Bezos' yacht - on YachtWorld's YouTube channel that shows the superyacht on her maiden voyage before setting sail into serene waters amidst the morning air.. A $500 Million Masterpiece. Koru, formerly referred to as Y721, is a sailing yacht that stands out in multiple ways.Constructed with a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure she has three ...

  15. Bizzona Yacht

    The sail yacht heeling over at 45 degrees, adjusting the sails for maximum speed, is just what is enjoyed. There is no feeling better than entering a quiet lagoon and dropping the entire sail with one flick of the wrist; the change from wind to no wind, the change from the soft swell of the ocean to the glossy calm of a protected anchorage, is ...


    YACHTING BIZZONE Nautic Tourism BIZZONE - Dominik Košič s.p. Celjska cesta 23 SI-3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah Slovenija ID št. za DDV / VAT ID No.: SI87742616 Matična št.: 1726790 TRR Št./ IBAN: SI56021400253136824 SWIFT Code / BIC: LJBASI2X Banka / Bank: Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d., Trg republike 2, SI-1520 LJUBLJANA.


    Najem plovil hrvaška obala |V podjetju BIZZONE vam nudimo hiter, enostaven in predvsem zelo ugoden najem plovil vzdolž hrvaške obale. V naši ponudbi je kar 1...

  18. BZ Maritime Leadership

    This situation can result in poor professional standards, is dangerous to the yacht's operation, and can put the safety of crew and guests at increased risk. We are professionally qualified Teachers and maritime onboard training specialists, who have designed and delivered the industry-leading Train-2-Train courses to produce capable Maritime ...

  19. What Yachting Insiders Have to Say About Jeff Bezos' Superyacht

    Jeff Bezos' yacht, which reportedly cost $500 million to build, completed its first year at sea. The superyacht, Koru, was a frequent topic of conversation at the Palm Beach boat show. Here's what ...

  20. Yacht Managment

    Discover expert yacht management, charters, and brokerage services at The Boating Zone. We ensure top-tier support, professionalism, and care for all your boating needs. Size matters! We have all size of yachts and boats ready to go out with you in the beautiful Miami waters. Welcome Aboard to The Boating Zone family!


    Najem plovila ali navtičnih storitev po programu YACHTING BIZZONE lahko rezervirate po telefonu, e-pošti ali faxu. Na osnovi naše ponudbe izstavimo potencialnemu NAJEMNIKU "Opcijo", kar pomeni, da ima NAJEMNIK čas za odločitev in potrditev rezervacije do največ 5 dni, če le-to ni drugače v ponudbi določeno. ...

  22. Beyoncé And Jay-Z Live Large Aboard 450-Foot-Long Superyacht ...

    People notice when Jay-Z and Beyoncé go on vacation aboard the 450-foot-long, 67-foot-wide superyacht Flying Fox that was built by Lürssen in Germany, costs roughly $4 million per week to ...


    YACHTING BIZZONE Nautic Tourism BIZZONE - Dominik Košič s.p. Celjska cesta 23 SI-3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah Slovenija ID št. za DDV / VAT ID No.: SI87742616 Matična št.: 172679