catamarano brio usato


“if you can dream it, you can do it.”, walt disney, catamarani nuovi.

Vuoi acquistare un catamarano nuovo?

Siamo sub-dealer Lagoon e possiamo indirizzarti sulla scelta del tuo prossimo catamarano, fornendoti assistenza dalla configurazione fino alla consegna. Se vuoi ricavare una rendita consistente dal tuo catamarano dai un occhiata ai nostri programmi di gestione.


Cerchi un catamarano usato?

Dai un’occhiata alla nostra selezione di catamarani usati, o affidaci l’incarico di cercare la barca adatta alle tue esigenze, gratuitamente e senza impegno. Ti supporteremo nella trattativa fino alla conclusione dell’affare.


Vuoi vendere il tuo catamarano?

Affidandoci l’incarico della vendita della tua barca potrai contare sulla nostra professionalità ed esperienza.  Pubblicheremo la barca sui principali portali, organizzeremo le visite e ci occuperemo della burocrazia fino alla conclusione della vendita.


339.000 € + iva se dovuta.

La barca ha sempre fatto charter con uno skipper professionista e si presenta in ottime condizioni. Si trova in secca in cantiere a Genova, pronta per la perizia e con antivegetativa eseguita a dicembre 2023.

catamarano brio usato

– Versione charter 4 cabine doppie e 4 bagni, oltre a 2 cabine singole per l’equipaggio con bagno. Divano in dinette abbattibile con due posti letto addizionali.


– Plotter cartografico Raymarine touchscreen – Vhf portatile – Radar e AIS – Telecomando autopilota bluetooth


– Motori revisionati prima di ogni stagione – Vele stivate ogni anno – Antivegetativa eseguita a dicembre 2023


– Inverter 2000W – Parco batterie servizi AGM comprate nuove nel 2022 con battery monitor -Tender chiglia rigida Highfield 2.60 m con motore fuoribordo 10 CV con serbatoio esterno e filtro separatore, issabile comodamente a bordo tramite due gruette – Winch elettrico di manovra – Ancora Mantus 35kg e ancora di rispetto Delta 25kg, 70m di catena zincata nel 2022, salpancora 1400W – Kayak Bic con pagaia – Zattera 10 posti senza limiti dalla costa, dotazioni di sicurezza entro le 50 miglia per 12 persone. – Pozzetto in teak, ampio tavolo in teak con copertura – Dissalatore ZP 200 litri/ora – 4 Wc elettrici Jabsco quiet flush con 4 casse delle acque nere – 2 Frigoriferi Isotherm 130L con frontale in inox – Cucina a 3 fuochi e forno a gas – Cuscineria esterna completa e tendalino in timoneria

catamarano brio usato

– CABINE: 4 + 2 equipaggio

– CUCCETTE : 8 + 2 + 2

– BAGNI: 4 + 1 equipaggio



– OMOLOGAZIONE CE: A10, B12, C16, D20

– LUNGHEZZA FT: 11.74 m

– BAGLIO: 6,76 m

– PESCAGGIO:  1,35 m

– MOTORI:  2×45 cv

– ORE MOTORE: 2458

– VELATURA: 80 mq

Per informazioni e visite scrivici a [email protected] o chiamaci al +39 3479498966 (Luca)


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Catamarani usate

625 annunci, nautitech 47, jeanneau rush, cna tribellule 44.2, outremer 40, nautitech 435, lagoon 450 f, aventura 36, louisiane 37, eleuthera 60, robertson and caine leopard 38, perché fidarsi di noi, 1722 barche vendute grazie a noi, cos'è un catamarano, caratteristiche di un catamarano.

Il catamarano è un'imbarcazione a vela multiscafo: è composto da due scafi paralleli, collegati tra loro da un corpo rigido. Gli scafi sono più sottili di quelli dei monoscafi, il che conferisce ai catamarani una velocità più elevata, grazie all'attrito ridotto con l'acqua. Questo garantisce anche una migliore stabilità e più spazio sul ponte. Anche se si guadagna in velocità, questo non si traduce necessariamente in emozioni di navigazione. A causa della stabilità del catamarano, infatti, il brivido della navigazione è inferiore a quelle che si prova su un monoscafo. Come ogni barca a vela, il catamarano viene sospinto dalla forza del vento e il piano antideriva è costituito da derive o da pinne situate sui galleggianti.

Storicamente, i primi catamarani apparvero 4.000 anni fa in Polinesia, i cui abitanti utilizzavano piroghe a bilanciere, il quale fungeva da galleggiante. Il primo catamarano occidentale risale invece al 1662, progettato da William Petty, filosofo ed economista inglese.

Quando si vuole acquistare un catamarano, è importante avere in mente le diverse caratteristiche di questa imbarcazione. Prima di tutto, nonostante il suo assetto stabile, un catamarano tende al beccheggio, soprattutto in caso di maltempo. Inoltre, il costo di manutenzione è spesso più elevato, considerando la sua lunghezza, la sovrastruttura e i suoi due motori. Infine, date le sue grandi dimensioni, questo tipo di multiscafo avrà più difficoltà a entrare in un porto, il che a volte costringe a ormeggiare fuori dal porto (usando una boa) e a raggiungere il porto con un tender, sia che si tratti di un dinghy, di una barca, di un gommone a chiglia pneumatica o a chiglia rigida.

Quali sono i vantaggi e gli svantaggi di un catamarano?

Per ogni velista tentato dalla vela, il catamarano riserva molti vantaggi:

  • Ha un assetto stabile, quindi la navigazione è più piacevole,
  • è più veloce sottovento,
  • possedendo due motori, risulta più manovrabile a motore, e ciò facilita l'ingresso nei porti,
  • ha un pescaggio poco profondo, il che gli permette di navigare in acque poco profonde.

Tuttavia, per chi preferisce le sensazioni forti, è consigliabile scegliere un monoscafo, in quanto un catamarano (generalmente più pesante) sarà più stabile e meno sportivo.

Equipaggiamento di un catamarano

Dai 12 metri in su, lo spazio a bordo di un catamarano sarà più grande e più confortevole di un monoscafo di pari dimensioni. Questo fornirà più spazio abitativo, con la possibilità di una bella cucina, un grande soggiorno e una grande cabina di pilotaggio. Questa caratteristica sarà apprezzata da chi vuole navigare con più persone, sia con gli amici che con la famiglia. Inoltre, dispone di ben quattro cabine, una per ogni estremità degli scafi, offrendo così privacy e tranquillità.

Sei pronto per l'avventura? Sfoglia i nostri annunci di catamarani usati su Band of Boats e naviga a gonfie vele verso il tuo destino.

Altri tipi di barche a vela usate

Ricerche correlate.


Cambia Lingua

catamarano brio usato

Cantiere / Modello / Codice IDO

  • Registrazione Professionisti Nautici
  • Listino Prezzi


catamarano brio usato

Cantiere / Modello


catamarano brio usato

IDO 00913125

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  1x15 HP Suzuky Benzina

Catamarano disegno di Crowther costruzione custom in materiale composito. Tuga sollevabile in 2 parti per dimette e bagno Derive mobili con controllo

Lunghezza:  10,00 mt

Anno:  2011

Yachtsynergy srl

IDO 00913108

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x30 HP Volvo Penta --


Lunghezza:  11,55 mt

Anno:  2008

Oceanis Yachts - OY

IDO 00913326

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x240 HP Yanmar --

Buone condizioni generali.

Lunghezza:  22,40 mt

Anno:  2015

Mar Tirreno

Vacchelli, De Angelis e Sannino - Yachts Brokers

IDO 00912703

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x150 HP Yanmar Diesel


Lunghezza:  19,77 mt

Anno:  2025

Admiral Yachting

IDO 00912508

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x80 HP Yanmar --

Bali 48 Own-Vers. 2024 info Andrea Michelazzo [email protected] +393472234548 Andrea Gentile [email protected] +39335349349

Lunghezza:  14,92 mt

Anno:  2024

Pedetti yacht sales srl

IDO 00912470

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x30 HP Yanmar Diesel

Catamarano ben accessoriato e con molti lavori di refitting già effettuati: pannelli solari da 700w del 2022, 5 batterie del 2022, cuscineria completa

Abayachting Srl

IDO 00912848

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x57 HP Yanmar Diesel

VERSIONE ARMATORIALE 3 CABINE 2 SERVIZI UNICO PROPRIETARIO - NO CHARTER Questo generoso e accogliente BALI 4.3, "il miglior catamarano da crociera" s

Lunghezza:  13,10 mt

Anno:  2020

Mare Adriatico

Mulazzani Trading Company srl

IDO 00912069

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x110 HP VOLVO PENTA Diesel


Lunghezza:  17,81 mt

Anno:  2017


IDO 00911880

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x20 Yanmar Diesel

Barca in ottime condizione con motori revisionati 2024, timonieri idraulica l'imbarcazione è comoda e veloce

Lunghezza:  10,60 mt

Anno:  1992


IDO 00911297

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x40 Yanmar Diesel


Lunghezza:  12,37 mt

Anno:  2019


IDO 00911613

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x39 HP Yanmar Diesel

Lagoon 39 unico proprietario, mai usato il charter e super accessoriato. Dispone infatti di generatore 220v, dissalatore della Shenker, pannelli solar

Lunghezza:  11,74 mt

IDO 00911612

catamarano brio usato

Catamarano unico proprietario. Vendibile con fattura. Super accessoriato con generatore da 8kw, dissalatore, un winch elettrico, 5 gruppi di aria cond

Lunghezza:  12,79 mt

IDO 00911611

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x45 HP Yanmar Diesel

Catamarano Lagoon 40 unico proprietario; Tagliando e carena Maggio 2024; Accessoriata con pannelli solari, 1 winch elettrico, inverter da 2000w, coper

catamarano brio usato

IDO 00911603

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x30 HP Volvo Penta Diesel

Versione super accessorriata: Dissalatore 100 lt/h, generatore 220v, aria condizionata, pannelli solari da 300w, bimini top, gruetta elettrica per il

Lunghezza:  11,73 mt

Anno:  2018

IDO 00911602

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x29 HP YANMAR Diesel

ASCOLTA I NOSTRI INVIATI, E GUARDA LA VIDEO VISITA ABAYACHTING. Abbiamo provato questo catamarano: con 5 nodi di vento reale abbiamo raggiunto una vel

Lunghezza:  11,06 mt

IDO 00911598

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x60 HP Volvo Penta Diesel

Catamarano Dufour 48 unico proprietario; Tagliando motori e antivegetativa Maggio 2024; Generatore 220v 9 kw, un winch elettrico, aria condizionata, b

Lunghezza:  14,20 mt

IDO 00911119

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x57 HP YANMAR Diesel


Lunghezza:  12,80 mt

catamarano brio usato

IDO 00910293

catamarano brio usato

“Abbiamo sviluppato un catamarano innovativo in linea con la filosofia Dufour su cui abbiamo lavorato negli ultimi anni. Il Dufour Catamarans 48 manti

Lunghezza:  14,60 mt

Marina Yacht Sales srl

IDO 00909791

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x240 YANMAR ANNO 2019 Diesel


Lunghezza:  21,40 mt



IDO 00909145

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x29 hp Yanmar Diesel

Imbarcazione Excess 11 - versione 3 cabine e 2 bagni - Legni Alpi Honey Teak (WC elettrici)

Lunghezza:  11,42 mt

43 Parallelo S.n.c

IDO 00909474

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x115 HP Nanni Diesel


Lunghezza:  16,56 mt

Anno:  2023

IDO 00909473

catamarano brio usato


Lunghezza:  13,99 mt

Anno:  2021

IDO 00909469

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x75 HP Yanmar --


Lunghezza:  17,07 mt

IDO 00908177

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x45 Yanmar Diesel

Lagoon 40 in ottimo stato perfettamente mantenuta

Lunghezza:  11,76 mt

Spartivento group spa

IDO 00908165

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x225 John Deer Diesel

Sunreef 70 Sailing - from 2022 - “NAOMA” Sunreef 70 Sailing built for current owner, perfect conditions and very completely equipped. Availa...

Lunghezza:  22,00 mt

Anno:  2022


IDO 00908049

catamarano brio usato

Bali 4.8 2024 Open Space NUOVA Per Informazioni: Andrea Michelazzo +39 347 223 4548 [email protected] Andrea Gentile + 39 335 349 349 agent

Lunghezza:  14,86 mt

IDO 00908036

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x45 HP Yanmar --

Per Informazioni: Andrea Michelazzo +39 347 223 4548 [email protected] Andrea Gentile + 39 335 349 349 [email protected]

Lunghezza:  13,70 mt

IDO 00908035

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  1x10 HP Yamaha --

Bali 4.1 2019 in ottime condizioni Per Informazioni: Andrea Michelazzo +39 347 223 4548 [email protected] Andrea Gentile + 39 335 349 349

Lunghezza:  12,12 mt

IDO 00907918

catamarano brio usato

barca in eccellenti condizioni, IMMEDIATAMENTE DISPONIBILE E PRONTA ALLA BOA. Ottimo residuo leasing (agevolato) in corso con possibilita' di subentro


IDO 00907521

catamarano brio usato

Motori:  2x57 HP Yanmar --

Bali 46 Open Space 2022 bellissima pari al nuovo, completa di moltissimi accessori,

Lunghezza:  13,56 mt

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Attendere prego... Elaborazione in corso

    Beam:  13.5'    Draft:  0.75'
    Draft:  12'
    Beam:  13'10'    Draft:  3.5'
    Beam:  13.6'    Draft:  5.6'
    Beam:  8'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  5'
    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  11'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  11.4'    Draft:  4.5'
    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7.8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  6''
    Beam:  7'11"'    Draft:  10"'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  16'    Draft:  1'8'
    Beam:  7-6'    Draft:  2-0'
    Beam:  7'
    Beam:  -'    Draft:  -'
    Beam:  13.8'    Draft:  4.2'
    Beam:  18''    Draft:  8'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  7'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  7"11'    Draft:  .83'
    Beam:  13' 8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  .8'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  .75'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  11'
    Beam:  18'    Draft:  3'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  1'
    Beam:  14'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  7''    Draft:  6'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  4'
    Beam:  8'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  17'    Draft:  2.5'
    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  12'    Draft:  12'
    Beam:  20'    Draft:  2'
    Beam:  6'9'

catamarano brio usato

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catamarano brio usato

Meet the Team

Will miller charleston, south carolina.

Captain Will Miller is President and CEO of The Multihull Company. Will grew up in Virginia and learned to sail in the Chesapeake Bay. He has lived in Charleston since 2001 and knows the city well. Throughout his life Will’s parents have owned a variety of sail, ski, and fishing boats in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, the Carolinas, and the Caribbean. Family vacations included chartering in the Virgin...

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  • See All Team Members

Andrew Holland Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Andrew Holland is the COO of The Multihull Company and is an avid catamaran enthusiast. He began working at The Multihull Company in 2007 after graduating from Temple University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Marketing. Before joining TMC in 2007, Andrew worked for Philadelphia Media Holdings on the production team and freelanced for several major magazines around the country. After joining the The Multihull Company...

Lynn Miller Charleston, South Carolina

Lynn Marie Miller was born into a family with several generations of professional mariners who traversed the globe by sea. She was raised in Charleston, SC by her local sportfishing legend father, and perennial 1st mate mother, who instilled a passion and respect for the world's oceans. With salt water flowing through her veins Lynn became an avid angler, surfer, and boating enthusiast as soon as she learned to swim....

Courtney Greider Charleston, South Carolina

Courtney Greider is the Director of Sales and Marketing for The Multihull Company, located at our branch in Charleston, SC. Courtney discovered her love for boating and marina life over twenty years ago, working through college as a dock assistant at the Charleston City Marina. In these years as marina concierge to every variety of boating clientele – from the most extravagant to the most humble - she found an...

Lee Evans Charleston, South Carolina

Lee Evans is the Sales and Marketing Manager for The Multihull Company, located at our branch in Charleston, SC. Lee is passionate about being out on the water and has operated vessels all over the world from the Bering Sea to the Caribbean. He also holds a 100-ton captains license and has worked with individuals to gain confidence and proficiency in their newly purchased vessels. Lee enlisted in the U.S....

Andrew Hodgdon St Augustine, Florida

Andrew grew up sailing his father's Hobie Cat and transitioned that into a long career as a USCG licensed captain in the yachting industry. Working his way up from his college years as a sailing instructor to a position as a private yacht captain aboard a Gunboat 57, he brings with him a comprehensive knowledge of catamarans and the cruising life. His career has taken him from his home waters...

Conor Dugan 1936 Harbortown Dr, , Florida

Conor was born and raised in a small beach town in New Jersey and began sailing Optimists competitively at a young age. He and his family relocated to Wilmington, North Carolina during his highschool years, where his interest in sailing bloomed into a lifelong passion. In the summer he transferred between schools, Conor’s family sent him on a month-long catamaran sailing excursion from Grenada to St. Lucia with Broadreach Excursions....

Alexis de Boucaud Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Alexis grew up racing dinghies in the waters of Brittany, France. He immigrated to the United States as a young man and developed his interest in offshore cruising and racing in New England and the Bahamas. Alexis began his professional yachting career as a charter captain sailing the storied seas of French Polynesia on a Fountaine-Pajot Marquises 56 catamaran. There he developed a talent for sharing and communicating his love...

Caroline Laviolette Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

I learned how to walk on a boat. I've cruised, raced and lived aboard in my youth. I too share your dream of perfect afternoon sails and secluded anchorages. I started as a yacht broker in 2000 and have had the opportunity to work with clients in the purchase and sale of almost every type of cruising catamaran on the water today. I have helped hundreds of clients purchase yachts...

Cynthia Wummer Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

The Multihull Company is excited to announce the addition of Cynthia Wummer to its team of brokers in Fort Lauderdale. Cynthia delivers lasting value for her clients as a genuine sailboat specialist. Her vast racing and cruising resumé bears a depth of knowledge that creates a winning connection. Cynthia says, “Some people come to the buying process with next-to-no experience, while others are extremely qualified cruisers looking for their next-level...

Mike grew up on the Delaware River and Jersey shore where he spent as much time as possible on the water wakeboarding, kite surfing, and surfing. It wasn’t until his late 20’s that he discovered sailing when he and his brother refit a Bob Perry monohull and sailed from New England to New Zealand. After the trip across the Pacific, he knew a catamaran was in the cards.  After years of...

Dunbar Lewis Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Captain Dunbar Lewis is a seasoned yacht broker with a rich and varied sailing background that spans several decades and continents. His maritime journey began as a teenager windsurfing on his local dam, evolving into a passion for racing dinghies and keelboats in Table Bay, South Africa. This early experience laid the foundation for a distinguished career in sailing and yacht brokerage. Dunbar’s adventurous spirit and expertise were further demonstrated...

Cal Landau West Palm Beach, Florida

Cal grew up in Pennsylvania, spending every summer since born on the rivers, on houseboats, speedboats and did some serious water skiing with his brothers before diverting to racing rally cars for almost 30 years winning two National Championships driving for Dominos Pizza. His next career path took him to become an international award winning wedding and portrait photographer. It was in that time Cal’s father, who was a live...

Michael Streng Florida Keys, Florida

Michael Streng grew up in Ohio where his love of the outdoors and water developed at an early age on ski boats with his family. This love affair for being on the water has blossomed today so that Mike, his wife, Melanie, and their two cats spend a significant amount of time on their catamaran, a Leopard 46, serving the Florida Keys. When not sailing, Mike can be found water-skiing,...

Josie Tucci St. Petersburg, Florida

Josie Tucci is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of experience in the marine industry. Originally hailing from the UK, Josie embarked on her sales and marketing career in France with Dufour Yachts. Her journey then led her across the Atlantic to the US, where she made significant contributions to The Moorings Yacht Ownership and Leopard Catamarans. Josie's expertise in the catamaran sector deepened during her tenure as VP...

Karl Reed Annapolis, Maryland

Captain Karl Reed is one of The Multihull Company’s youngest brokers but is perhaps one of the most ambitious and hardworking. Karl not only has over 70,000 nautical miles under his belt but he is also a co-founder of Rhea Yacht Management, which operates on the US East Coast and in the Caribbean. As a kid, Karl spent his formative years going to sailing camps along the Potomac River, near...

Alan Prater Hampton Roads, Virginia

Meet Alan Prater, a highly experienced and skilled yacht broker and maritime training professional. Growing up in Arkansas, Alan developed a love for being on the water at a young age. He spent his childhood kneeboarding, wakeboarding, and playing sports on the lakes, before joining the United States Navy at 18. During his 22 years in the Navy, Alan had the opportunity to drive and be assigned to various sized...

Riley Dunn Charleston, South Carolina

Riley Dunn's journey from the inland city of Florence, South Carolina, to the coastal waters of California and beyond has been a testament to his passion for sailing and maritime life. While vacationing in Charleston, he discovered the thrill of sailing the harbor, and exploring the Atlantic down to the Bahamas. Upon graduating with a degree in Psychology from the University of South Carolina, Riley embarked on a professional journey...

Matthew Dunning Tacoma, Washington

Matthew brings 30 years experience cruising multihulls on Puget Sound and points north to the TMC brokerage team. Along with his practical knowledge of multihull designs and seamanship, Matthew is a graduate of Dartmouth College with a degree in Geography. He has 14 years of experience with TMC and an intimate knowledge of the Northwest’s unique maritime geography that he describes as, “One of the world’s most beautiful, intricate, and...

George Ottoni

Born in Long Island, New York, George Ottoni is the first generation Brazilian-American in his family. His father shared his love for sailing with his young son with a fleet of seven model sailboats. Years of racing at New York’s annual Central Park Regatta resulted in a New York Times story depicting their boat in the lead, turning back halfway, and still finishing in 3rdplace. George became “hooked” on boating...

Chris Rundlett L ‘Anse Espines, Grenada,

Chris Rundlett’s first sailing adventure was on a small Sunfish owned by the U.S. Coast Guard where his father was stationed in North Dakota. There was plenty of wind – but not much water! Since then he dreamed of bigger horizons and sailed whenever he had the chance. Chris is a true son of a sailor. Chris started his maritime career teaching USCG Captains Licensing courses in the Pacific Northwest....

Chrystal Young L ‘Anse Espines, Grenada,

As owners of a sailing school, it quickly became evident that many people learning to sail also want to buy boats! The partnership with The Multihull Company and LTD Sailing in beautiful Port Louis Marina is a natural progression to complete the circle of services offered in Grenada and the Grenadines. Do what you love! Sailing and sailboats are at the top of the list of Chrystal’s passions and now...

Paco Montaner Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Captain Francisco “Paco” Montaner was born and raised on the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. Captain Paco, as most know him, has been sailing the Caribbean waters from an early age. Having worked in almost every aspect, Paco now holds a solid grasp over many concepts within the maritime industry. Paco began performing offshore crossings in his early 20’s and has never stopped. He is known to have sailed over...

Charles Badoian Bastimentos Island, Panama,

At 12 years old Charles told his mom he wanted to live on a boat and that dream became a reality at 35 when he moved onboard a baby trimaran full time. Growing up in Greece and moving back to the USA for highschool and college, Charles has never veered far from the water. After a decade in the Florida Keys and the Bahamas, Charles is now based in Bocas...

Jaryd Forbes Chaguaramas, Carenage, Trinidad

Growing up in Trinidad & Tobago, Jaryd Forbes love of the ocean started at a very young age. Travelling aboard his Fathers Lagoon 42 “Delphini”, Jaryd developed a thorough knowledge and affinity for crafts of all types as well as ocean faring. With experience ranging from power to sailboats of all models and sizes, and assisting with pre-purchase surveys and deliveries, he possesses an intimate knowledge of his native Trinidad...

Bernard Tarres Port-Pin-Rolland,

Meet Bernard Tarres, a yacht sales expert with a passion for catamarans and a long history in the maritime industry. At the age of 16, he discovered his love for sailing while in Brittany and spent several years honing his skills at sailing schools. At 18, he purchased his own Hobbie Cat 16 and raced along the French and Italian coastlines. From 1986 to 1990, he served as a permanent...

Jean Gerber Port-Pin-Rolland,

Jean was born in 1985 in Toulouse where he grew up on the family farm with four sisters.   Although he was far from the sea, he discovered sailing at the age of 6, thanks to am uncle and mentor who at that time owned a 30 feet wooden monohull and ran a sailing school near La Rochelle.   He was hooked right away and spent all of his childhood...

Zvonimir Kalinic Rijeka, Croatia,

Meet Zvonimir, also known as "Zee," a catamaran broker at The Multihull Company with a decade of experience in yacht brokerage. Hailing from the Island of Krk, Croatia's largest island, Zvonimir's adventurous spirit found its perfect match along the stunning coast of the Adriatic Sea. Zvonimir's love for the sea began with scuba diving and exploring beautiful underwater locations. Alongside sailing, underwater photography, spearfishing, and playing the guitar, he found...

By Sailors, For Sailors

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Recent News

The multihull company opens a new office on florida’s gulf coast.

The Multihull Company is pleased to announce that Josie Tucci has joined its team of expert yacht brokers in the Gulf Coast. Josie brings over 25 years of experience in the marine industry, with a strong focus on catamarans.Josie's career began in France with Dufour Yachts, where she honed her sales and marketing skills. She then transitioned to the US,...

Sailing the Tao 452

Join Multihull Company Broker Captain Conor Dugan as he takes the helm aboard ‘Moxie’ in the azure waters of the Bahamas, to see how the Tao 452 performs under sail with a full cruising payload.


The Multihull Company is thrilled to announce its appointment as the exclusive distributor for Omaya Yachts, an exciting new brand of Power Catamarans built with precision at the esteemed Elica Yard in Silastra, Bulgaria. This exciting new partnership further solidifies The Multihull Company's position as a premier distributor in the maritime industry, offering clients unparalleled access to cutting-edge vessels designed...

6 Great Starter Catamarans

In early 2023, Cruising World approached us to seek our opinion on recommending a couple of brokerage catamaran options for first time catamaran buyers to consider when they first stepping into the catamaran market. Here are six boats hand-picked by The Multihull Company’s president and CEO, Capt. Will Miller, as excellent choices for brokerage-catamaran seekers. These are all worth a...

The Multihull Company Named Exclusive Dealer for Dolphin Catamarans and their New Model, the Dolphin 380

The Multihull Company, the world’s leader in multihull sales and service is excited to announce that it has been named the exclusive dealer for Dolphin Catamarans, a premier builder of high-quality catamarans, and their newest model, the Dolphin 380, designed by Philippe Pouvreau. "We are thrilled to be working with Dolphin Catamarans again and to be able to offer their...

Join Us At The 2024 Annapolis Sailboat Show Aboard The Current Marine 46

The Multihull Company is thrilled to participate in the 2024 Annapolis Sailboat Show, held from October 10 – 14, 2024 in downtown Annapolis, Maryland. The Annapolis Boat Show is a highly anticipated annual event that brings together boating enthusiasts, industry professionals, and maritime aficionados from around the world. Visitors to the Annapolis Sailboat Show can look forward to an exclusive...

The Multihull Company Announces the Sale of the First Pre-Owned Balance 482

The Multihull Company is pleased to announce the closing on the Balance 482 "SeaLife" We wanted to take a moment and thank her new owners on their amazing new catamaran, and to also congratulate our team handling the sale. TMC agent Andrew Hodgdon successfully represented the buyers on the sale of the vessel, while TMC CEO Will Miller represented the...

Introducing the Tao 452: On Display At The Annapolis Boat Show October 12 – 15, 2023

The Multihull Company is thrilled to unveil the new Tao 452, an exciting addition to the world of blue-water performance cruising catamarans. Meticulously engineered and crafted to perfection, the Tao 452 is set to redefine the catamaran experience for sailors worldwide. If you've ever felt the need for more sailing performance from your current production charter catamaran or been disappointed...

Join Us At The Annapolis Boat Show Aboard the Voyage 590

The Multihull Company is excited to announce its participation in this year's Annapolis Sailboat Show. The event will be held from October 12 - 15, 2023 in downtown Annapolis, and The Multihull Company will be showcasing the exquisite Voyage 590 catamaran from Voyage Yachts. The Annapolis Boat Show is a highly anticipated annual event that brings together boating enthusiasts, industry...


The Multihull Company is pleased to announce their appointment as a dealer for Voyage Yachts and their new model – the Voyage 590!  The Voyage 590 is being celebrated as the ultimate, luxury sailing catamaran with all the comforts of home surrounded by panoramic views of paradise. She maximizes luxury accommodation and comfort, with the performance and blue-water capability characteristic...

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We take pride in our happy customers

Andrew, and Andrew are both fantastic. Transaction was smooth and professional highly recommend the team over at Multihull.

— Paul Fosler

I just purchased my first large boat (my dreamboat) and Michael Streng and the rest of TMC was amazing! I really felt like I was a VIP customer because they were fast and easy to communicate with and worked ahead of me. It really was a treat and I would use them again any day!

— Collin Simmons

Andrew Hodgdon and The Multihull Company have done an extraordinary job facilitating the sale of our catamaran. There were a couple of challenges (geography and timing) that made this sale a little tricky, but, as usual, Andrew was amazing. I’ve been buying and selling cruising boats for over 12 years and Andrew is, without a doubt, the best broker I’ve worked with.

— Mort Orlov

Andrew Hodgdon at TMC-St. Augustine kept us thoroughly informed during the sale of our boat and took the extra steps necessary to complete the deal. His knowledge of the process made a complex deal very easy. Needless to say, we are extremely happy and satisfied with the job that Andrew did.

— David Baxter

A shout out to Andrew Holland at the TMC main office, who handled the closing transaction of the sale of our boat. Very professional and thorough. Thank you!!

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Successful relationships cannot exist without it. At The Multihull Company we base every relationship on a firm commitment to earning and retaining our client’s trust.

Advice of any kind is valuable only when grounded in hard-won expertise. It too, must be trustworthy. Trust and expertise define the heart and soul of The Multihull Company. We are a team of skilled professionals who thrive on providing expert, trustworthy advice and service to catamaran and trimaran sailors around the globe.

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  • Eastern Europe
  • Moscow Oblast


Chernogolovka Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Zarechye , Noginsk and Losino-Petrovsky .


Find all the information of Chernogolovka or click on the section of your choice in the left menu.

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Chernogolovka Demography

Information on the people and the population of Chernogolovka.

Chernogolovka Population21,787 inhabitants
Chernogolovka Population Density1,037.5 /km² (2,687.1 /sq mi)

Chernogolovka Geography

Geographic Information regarding City of Chernogolovka .

Chernogolovka Geographical coordinatesLatitude: , Longitude:
56° 0′ 0″ North, 38° 22′ 0″ East
Chernogolovka Area2,100 hectares
21.00 km² (8.11 sq mi)
Chernogolovka Altitude147 m (482 ft)
Chernogolovka ClimateHumid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)

Chernogolovka Distance

Distance (in kilometers) between Chernogolovka and the biggest cities of Russia.

Chernogolovka Map

Locate simply the city of Chernogolovka through the card, map and satellite image of the city.

Chernogolovka Nearby cities and villages

Chernogolovka Weather

Weather forecast for the next coming days and current time of Chernogolovka.

Chernogolovka Sunrise and sunset

Find below the times of sunrise and sunset calculated 7 days to Chernogolovka.

DaySunrise and sunsetTwilightNautical twilightAstronomical twilight
12 September04:53 - 11:22 - 17:5204:15 - 18:2903:29 - 19:15 02:38 - 20:06
13 September04:55 - 11:22 - 17:4904:17 - 18:2703:31 - 19:12 02:41 - 20:03
14 September04:57 - 11:21 - 17:4604:19 - 18:2403:33 - 19:09 02:44 - 19:59
15 September04:59 - 11:21 - 17:4404:21 - 18:2103:36 - 19:06 02:46 - 19:56
16 September05:01 - 11:21 - 17:4104:23 - 18:1803:38 - 19:04 02:49 - 19:52
17 September05:02 - 11:20 - 17:3804:25 - 18:1603:40 - 19:01 02:52 - 19:49
18 September05:04 - 11:20 - 17:3604:27 - 18:1303:42 - 18:58 02:54 - 19:46

Chernogolovka Hotel

Our team has selected for you a list of hotel in Chernogolovka classified by value for money. Book your hotel room at the best price.

Surrounded by 420,000 m² of parkland and overlooking Kovershi Lake, this hotel outside Moscow offers spa and fitness facilities, and a private beach area with volleyball court and loungers...

Ekotel Bogorodsk Hotel is located in a picturesque park near Chernogolovsky Pond. It features an indoor swimming pool and a wellness centre. Free Wi-Fi and private parking are provided...

Located in a quiet area of Litvinovo on a large lake surrounded by nature, Fishing Club Litvinovo offers guests an ideal fishing setting along with a sauna, an on-site restaurant, and free Wi-Fi...

Located in the green area Yamskiye Woods, 5 km from Elektrostal city centre, this hotel features a sauna and a restaurant. It offers rooms with a kitchen...

Located in a green area, 4 km away from the centre of Fryazino, Sosnoviy Bor Hotel features a variety of sports and entertainment facilities. Indoor swimming pool, sauna, tennis court can be found onsite...

Chernogolovka Nearby

Below is a list of activities and point of interest in Chernogolovka and its surroundings.

Chernogolovka Page

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  1. Noleggio Catamarano Sicilia

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  3. Sold Catamaran-2002 PERFORMANCE CRUISING Gemini 105Mc-Vessel Summary

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  1. Catamarano Vittoria M esce dal porto di Favignana e si mette in rada

  2. Catamarano Vittoria M in partenza dal porto di Favignana

  3. il catamarano Gabriele m in arrivo al porto di Lipari

  4. Partenza del catamarano Snav Aquila dal porto di Casamicciola

  5. 2004 Cabo 43 Flybridge "Miss Christina" For Sale

  6. Catamarano Federica M in arrivo al porto di Favignana


  1. Usate catamarani (a vela) in vendita

    Boats Group non garantisce l'accuratezza dei tassi di conversione e i tassi possono differire da quelli forniti dagli istituti finanziari al momento della transazione. Trova 1453 usate catamarani (a vela) in vendita vicino a te, con prezzi delle barche, foto e molto altro. Individua i distribuitori e trova la tua barca in YachtWorld.

  2. Catamarano a vendere: Più di 600 offerte di tutta l'Europa

    Il multiscafo non è un fenomeno dell'età moderna. Già i polinesi hanno usato queste barche come buttafuori. Oggi si trovano due tipi di multiscafi: catramarono e trimarano. Il catamarano è formato da due scafi collegati. I modelli grandi sono forniti con delle zone abitabili che si trovano nei due scafi e nella cabina in mezzo ai scafi.

  3. Usate catamarani (a vela) in vendita

    Trova 92 usate catamarani (a vela) in vendita vicino a te, con prezzi delle barche, foto e molto altro. Individua i distribuitori e trova la tua barca in TopBoats.

  4. Usate catamarani (a motore) in vendita

    Trova 153 usate catamarani (a motore) in vendita vicino a te, con prezzi delle barche, foto e molto altro. Individua i distribuitori e trova la tua barca in Youboat.

  5. Vendita Catamarani Usati

    VENDI IL TUO CATAMARANO. Vuoi vendere il tuo catamarano? Affidandoci l'incarico della vendita della tua barca potrai contare sulla nostra professionalità ed esperienza. Pubblicheremo la barca sui principali portali, organizzeremo le visite e ci occuperemo della burocrazia fino alla conclusione della vendita. CHIEDI INFORMAZIONI.

  6. Usate catamarani (a vela) in vendita

    Usate catamarani (a vela) in vendita - Italia. Salva ricerca. Azzera filtro Condizione: Usate Paese: Italia Classe: Barche a vela - Catamarani (a vela) Posizione. Distanza. Paese. country-all. Tutti i paesi. Country-IT. Italia. Tutte. Kaikki 25 km 50 km 100 km 200 km 300 km 500 km 1000 km 2000 km 5000 km. dalla tua posizione. Regione.

  7. Catamarani usati in vendita

    Sfoglia i nostri annunci di catamarani usati su Band of Boats e naviga a gonfie vele verso il tuo destino. Altri tipi di barche a vela usate. Piccola barca a vela leggera. Barca a Vela Monoscafo. Barca a Vela Multiscafo. Catamarano. Catamarano sportivo. Cutter. Barca a deriva mobile. Goletta. Sailing super yacht. Ketch.

  8. Catamarano a motore Barche in vendita

    Biddeford, Maine, Stati Uniti. 2024. €1.172.210. The DSK Kraken 52 is an amazing design & build by Offshore Powerboat World Record holder and Race Winner of the United Kingdom Offshore Powerboat Racing Association (UKOPRA), Michael D Howe. Michael & Sarah Howe have logged over 4000 miles testing this incredible vessel on their Globally famous ...

  9. Catamarano a vela in vendita, Annunci barche Catamarano a vela, cerco

    Catamarano a vela: Yachts e barche Catamarano a vela in vendita nuovi usati e charter. Le ultime offerte Catamarano a vela selezionate dai professionisti del settore, yacht brokers e cantieri. ... Cerco Catamarano a vela nuovi ed usati, MondialBroker. Login Cambia Lingua English; Français; Deutsch; Español; русский; 中国的; Cantiere ...

  10. Used Catamarans For Sale

    Introducing the Tao 452: On Display At The Annapolis Boat Show October 12 - 15, 2023. The Multihull Company is thrilled to unveil the new Tao 452, an exciting addition to the world of blue-water performance cruising catamarans. Meticulously engineered and crafted to perfection, the Tao 452 is set to redefine the catamaran experience for ...

  11. Used catamaran boats for sale in United States

    Featured Catamaran Brands Used catamaran boats for sale in United States 316 Boats Available. Currency $ - USD - US Dollar Sort Sort Order List View Gallery View Submit. Advertisement. Save This Boat. Voyage Yachts Voyage 43 . Ft. Pierce, Florida. 1999. $190,000 Seller Just Catamarans, Inc 34. Contact. 954-833-5530. ×. Save This Boat ...

  12. Catamaran sailboats for sale by owner.

    fiberglass catamaran: Location: Old Greenwich, Connecticut; Asking: $2,750: Sailboat Added 24-Oct-2023 More Details: Featured Sailboats (all): 33.5' Hunter South Portland, Maine Asking $41,000. 30' Nonsuch Ultra 30 keyport, New Jersey Asking $55,000. 38' Hans Christian 39 Pilot House

  13. Catamarano a motore- Nautica e barche usate

    Catamarano a motore. Pagamenti sicuri e spedizioni in tutta Italia. Con TuttoSubito acquisti quello che cerchi in sicurezza, anche a distanza. Catamarano a motore: scopri subito migliaia di annunci di nautica, barche e accessori su

  14. Sail Catamaran boats for sale in United States

    Find Sail Catamaran boats for sale in United States. Offering the best selection of boats to choose from.

  15. Catamarano- Nautica e barche usate

    Catamarano. Pagamenti sicuri e spedizioni in tutta Italia. Con TuttoSubito acquisti quello che cerchi in sicurezza, anche a distanza. Catamarano: scopri subito migliaia di annunci di nautica, barche e accessori su

  16. The Multihull Company

    Introducing the Tao 452: On Display At The Annapolis Boat Show October 12 - 15, 2023. The Multihull Company is thrilled to unveil the new Tao 452, an exciting addition to the world of blue-water performance cruising catamarans. Meticulously engineered and crafted to perfection, the Tao 452 is set to redefine the catamaran experience for ...

  17. Catamarans Sailboats for Sale

    A catamaran is an excellent choice for those who want the best of both worlds. The difference between a motor yacht, sailing yacht, and a catamaran is that a catamaran is a multi-hulled vessel, built with two parallel hulls that are the same size. A catamaran can be powered by both motor and sail, or a combination of the two.

  18. Catamarano Barche in vendita

    Catamaran Leopard 45 . Key Largo, Florida, Stati Uniti. 2021. €672.231 Annunciante privato. 34. Salvare Questa Barca. Outremer 5X . PAPEETE, Polinesia Francese. 2022. €2.200.000 Annunciante privato. 42. Salvare Questa Barca. ... Venditore USATO IN ADRIATICO e non solo ...

  19. Milanuncios

    Catamaran Brio 7.8 Catamaran Brio eslora 7.8m de eslora, hecho de fibra en Itlalia. Quillas abatibles. Motor foraborda Yamaha de 8cv. Kit de velas completo (mayor, genova, tormentín, foque y spinnaker). Capacidad para 8 personas navegando, para dormir 6 (3 en cada patín), cama doble en popa y cama individual en proa. Es desmontable y puede transportarse por carretera.

  20. Chernogolovka

    Dialing code (s) +7 49652. OKTMO ID. 46781000001. Website. Chernogolovka (Russian: Черноголо́вка) is a town in Moscow Oblast, Russia. Center of the town is located some 43 km (27 miles) northeast of the Moscow city limit and 59 km (37 miles) from Red Square. Its population in 2018 was 21,342.

  21. Chernogolovka Map

    Chernogolovka is a town in Moscow Oblast, Russia. Center of the town is located some 43 km northeast of the Moscow city limit and 59 km from Red Square. Its population in 2018 was 21,342. Photo: A.Savin, CC BY-SA 3.0. Photo: Svetlov Artem, CC BY 3.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive.

  22. Chernogolovka, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Chernogolovka Geographical coordinates: Latitude: 56, Longitude: 38.3667 56° 0′ 0″ North, 38° 22′ 0″ East Chernogolovka Area: 2,100 hectares 21.00 km² (8.11 sq mi): Chernogolovka Altitude: 147 m (482 ft) Chernogolovka Climate: Humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification: Dfb)