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All 890 Jump purchased on the official website come with a 85X included. [1]

With an elegant, sleek exterior that belies its spacious interior, the 890 Jump is a true engineering marvel; crafted to impress from every angle by combining a unique, innovative design with the finest materials and the most advanced technology. The result is a vessel that is in a class all of its own, a masterpiece worthy of the name ORIGIN.

  • 1.1 Upcoming features
  • 2 Default ship loadout
  • 3.1 Dealership
  • 4.1 Concepts
  • 6 Patch history
  • 7 References

Features [ ]

Armament The weaponry consists of four gun turrets and four missile turrets. Two gun turrets are remote controlled and each is equipped with two size 3 CF-337 Panther Repeaters , they can be controlled from the main bridge or the battle bridge. Two manned gun turrets are equipped with size 4 M6A Cannons , both can be accessed from the ship hangar. Four remote controlled missile turrets

Decks Main Deck The Main Bridge and an observation deck are located on the main deck. Access to the master suite is possible through two concealed doors on the observation deck.

Lower Deck The lower deck is in between the main deck and the lower deck, two guest bedrooms, the bar and the dining room are located on the lower deck.

Lido Deck The sauna and swimming pool can be found on the Lido Deck, as well as two guest rooms, two airlocks with storage lockers for EVA suits and two 8-person escape rafts in case of emergency.

Orlop Deck All supporting facilities are located on the Orlop Deck, that include the Tier 2 medical facility, the Battle Bridge or secondary bridge, a ship hangar with two small landing pads on a shared platform that can be raised up, the vehicle hangar located in the rear (stern) to transport ground vehicles or cargo and the chef's kitchen. As well as the crew restrooms and recreation facility. The engineering station is also located in the vehicle hangar.

Upcoming features [ ]

Features that are announced to be implemented in the future.

  • Camera controls for the Battle Bridge.
  • Deployable escape pods and escape raft.
  • Individual assigned stations to seats.

Default ship loadout [ ]


Main Thruster
Retro Thruster
Fixed Maneuvering Thruster


In game availability [ ]

Dealership [ ].




Concepts [ ]

890 Jump - action (1)

See also [ ]

  • List of ships
  • List of ship and vehicle prices

Patch history [ ]

References [ ].

  • ↑  " Included Vessels - Snub Fighters and Rovers ". Retrieved September 27, 2021.
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  • 3 C2 Hercules Starlifter

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Star Citizen Origin 890 Jump Carrier Operations Guide

The 890 Jump has long been a favorite of Star Citizen’s aircraft carrier enthusiasts, ever since it was first playable in a 3.6.2. With the recent introduction of manual rearmament and repair, this luxury liner is now fully equipped to serve as a starfighter carrier. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at the features that make the 890 Jump an ideal carrier and provide tips on how to conduct efficient and effective long-term carrier operations. From practical considerations to complex strategies, we’ve got you covered.

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Key takeaways

The 890 Jump, a luxury super-yacht, can be used as a starfighter carrier in Star Citizen.

Efficient and effective carrier operations can be conducted in the game right now, including flight path and parking slot management, rearming and repairing snubs, and handling the ship’s complement and crew requirements.

The 890 Jump requires an extended crew for carrier operations, including an Aero Boss, Mini Bosses, and technical support specialists.

The best practice for the launch and recovery of snubs depends on whether the snub is housed in the hangar bay or cargo bay.

Capabilities of the 890 Jump and crew

All about the 890 jump.

The 890 Jump is a Size 6 luxury super-yacht. Although intended for recreational cruises, it’s defended by two Size 4 shield generators, two Size 5 manned turrets, two Size 5 remote gun turrets, and four Size 5 missile turrets. It also features a hangar bay with a landing pad capable of supporting two Size 1 snub crafts or one Size 2 fighter of most types, as well all necessary crew amenities necessary for long-term operation—including a medical bay.

Flight deck availability

The 890 Jump has a hangar bay forward of the bridge, and an aft cargo bay. The hangar bay consists of a large open space with dorsal bay doors. It’s serviced by an elevating landing pad, which takes up most of the internal floor space. There’s sufficient room around the landing pad to store munitions and other small cargo without obstructing access to the pad or turret accesses. The landing pad is capable of seating at least half a dozen snub fighters safely.

The rear cargo bay consists of a space about half as large with ventral bay doors. It’s serviced by a small cargo elevator capable of seating a single snub craft. A recess forward of the elevator allows a single snub or surface vehicle of some types to be parked there safely. Like the hangar bay, there is sufficient room for munitions and cargo stowage, particularly along the starboard cargo bay wall.

Both bays are directly connected by a single hallway on the port side of the ship. The hallway is suitable for the movement of personnel and personnel-sized munitions, components, and materiel. However, the hallway is not large enough to move snubs through it. A second starboard hallway of the same size indirectly connects the two bays, enabling the efficient coordination and control of foot traffic moving fore and aft as well as deck to deck.

Rearmament, repair, and refueling capabilities

At the time of writing, the 890 Jump lacks the capability to rearm, repair, or refuel the hydrogen or quantum fuel stores of its carried ships and vehicles. Likewise, there is no way for a player to refuel a ship by hand with fuel carried as cargo. But a player can still rearm and repair a ship by hand provided that they have a Pyro RYT Multi-Tool, a TruHold tractor beam attachment, and one or more Cambio-Lite SRT attachments for repair and salvage.

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Operational considerations

Suitable snubs for an 890 jump carrier.

The most limiting aspect of using the 890 Jump as a fighter carrier is the inability to refuel the hydrogen fuel stores of snubs. As a result, carried ships should be equipped with hydrogen fuel scoops for practical purposes. This limits the types of snubs that should be considered to the P-72 Archimedes, C8 Pisces variants, and some models of “hoverbikes”.

The C8 variants can be narrowed down even further to just the C8X or C8R variants, as the C8X is superior to the base C8 in every way and the C8R offers the same combat capability as the base C8. However, the C8R is likely to be less useful than the C8X as the 890 Jump is already equipped with a medical bay and the C8X can just as easily recover an ejected pilot.

But the C8X’s biggest advantage is that it carries the same number and size of weapons as the P-72 Archimedes. This makes the C8X an extremely efficient logistics mule that can be equipped with a P-72’s spent ballistic weapons, carry them to a station within quantum jump distance, restock their ammo, and then carry them back to the 890 Jump to be reequipped on a P-72. What’s more, its cargo bay can carry at least four additional Size 1 weapons that can be exchanged with the recently restocked ones and then have their ammunition restocked, too.

While the hoverbikes may find purpose in providing the carrier with a ground vehicle capability, the intended purpose is as an immediate source of salvage to repair damaged snubs.

As a side note, it should be mentioned that the Razor series has been stated to have a hydrogen fuel scoop in its sales information. However, this has either not been implemented or has been abandoned and retconned. If the former, then Razor variants can serve as alternatives to either the P-72s or C8s in the future. The most practical variant to use would be the Razor EX for its stealth capability.

Flight paths and parking slots

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The contour of the 890 Jump and the positioning of the hangar bay and cargo bay accesses create natural flight paths (see: Fig. 1). Two flight paths intersect at the landing pad on top of the 890 Jump’s bow. The first path (Alfa) extends from the port quarter to the starboard bow, while the second (Bravo) extends from the starboard quarter to the port bow. A third flight path (Charlie) extends from the pad to the bow of the 890 Jump. The fourth and final flight path (Delta) extends vertically from the pad. These flight paths offer the best potential view of approaches and departures for an observer in the dining area of Deck 02.

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The hangar bay has six parking slots (see Fig. 2). The slots are composed of three rows organized into a triangle-like shape. All slots are referred to by their number. Numbering starts toward the bow and works its way backward from port to starboard (left to right). The first row holds Slot 1. The second row holds Slot 2 and Slot 3. The third row holds Slots 4, 5, and 6.

The cargo bay has two flight paths. The first is Echo, the second is Foxtrot. Echo extends from the cargo elevator to the bow, while Foxtrot starts from the cargo elevator and continues astern of the ship.

At first glance, it may seem like Echo and Foxtrot should be a single flight path. But the vertical lift arms which are on the port and starboard side of the cargo elevator create a dangerously narrow hazard to maneuver between. There’s also the matter of the crew elevator, which is located directly ahead of the cargo elevator and so has the potential to present an additional hazard. Thus, it’s safer to maintain Echo and Foxtrot as two separate flight paths.

As a result, snubs launched off of the cargo bay elevator should always launch opposite to the direction of the carrier’s travel. Typically, this means that snubs are launched backward along flight path Foxtrot, similar to how a Kruger P-52 snub fighter would launch from an RSI Constellation.

The cargo bay has two parking slots. Slot 1 is on the cargo elevator itself. Slot 2 is directly forward of the cargo elevator, in a large recess housing various systems of the 890 Jump. Slot 2 is turned 90 degrees from Slot 1 so that they form a T-like shape.

Rearmament, repair, and refueling

Rearmament is fairly straightforward, with guns and missiles capable of being swapped out by hand using the tractor-beam attachment. Currently, there is no way to refill ballistic gun ammunition in situ . But, replacing the entire gun with a newly-bought one effectively restocks the ammunition. Spent ballistic guns can be equipped on a quantum-capable ship and “muled” to a station to have their ammunition restocked before being returned to the 890 Jump and reequipped on other snubs.

When it comes to repair, any Cambio-Lite SRT attachments will need to be filled with Recycled Material Composite (RMC) either at a commodities kiosk, by a salvaging ship tending the 890 Jump, or by spare snubs small enough to be stored easily for salvage in either bay (such as the Drake Dragonfly or Nox). Otherwise, it won’t be possible to repair any damaged snubs.

To refuel its carried ships efficiently, an 890 Jump will have to return to port. However, operating time can be extended by using fighters and other snubs that are equipped with their own hydrogen fuel scoops. Meanwhile, quantum fuel isn’t essential since the 890 Jump can simply carry the snubs with it as it performs a quantum jump itself.

Aircraft handling

The landing pad takes up nearly all of the floor space in the 890 Jump’s hangar. Therefore, the safest place to park snub fighters at any given time is on the landing pad. But limiting the placement of snub fighters to the landing pad creates some minor operational inconveniences.

If rearming and repairing snubs is performed in the hangar with the pad down, workers are better protected and materiel will be easy to access from the 890 Jump’s stores. But, launch and recovery options will be impeded and the ship’s hangar itself will be more vulnerable when the hangar doors are open. If the landing pad is raised, launch and recovery operations are easier and personnel on the pad can still conduct rearmament and repairs. But crew will be exposed to any combat outside the 890 Jump, and the retrieval of ordnance and materiel will be severely limited. A third option sees the landing pad raised and lowered as needed, but this can be time consuming and may not offer enough practical benefit over other options.

There is enough space along the back wall of the hangar deck to park a snub fighter like the P-72 sideways. This way, one P-72 can be repaired and rearmed uninterrupted without influencing launch and recovery operations. While parking a snub in this area is likely to obstruct access to the lower manned turret, that’s only an issue when someone needs to enter or exit the turret.

Meanwhile, the cargo bay has its own operational obstacles to overcome. Although a snub that’s parked in the recess can be rearmed and repaired without issue, the other snub must remain on the elevator. This can cause a bottleneck if the snub in the recess is in mission-ready condition, but the snub on the cargo elevator isn’t.

Such a bottleneck can be mitigated by moving the second snub onto the cargo elevator after launching the first snub. If the first snub returns in a poor state, the second snub can be immediately launched. The damaged snub can then be recovered and parked in the cargo bay’s recess for repair while the second snub is recovered. If the first snub returns in a mission-ready state, the second snub can be moved back to the recess easily.

Maneuvering the subs while both are in the cargo bay is possible, but much too dangerous to encourage it as recommended practice.

Ship’s complement and crew requirements

There are at least three parts to the ship’s complement. First is the ship’s crew, which is necessary to maneuver and fight the carrier. Second is a dedicated flight deck crew, who will manage all operations related to the flight of the snub fighters. Personnel will be needed to direct the flow of aircraft into and out of the carrier’s controlled aerospace, monitor snubs as they travel within the carrier’s aerospace, manage and direct snub craft handling in each bay, and conduct rearmament and repair operations. The third part of the ship’s complement is the pilots who will fly the snubs.

All personnel permanently stationed on the carrier should be trained to medically assist personnel, and be able to prepare, respond to, and counter potential boarding action.

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Modern 890 Jump carrier operations

Carrier launch and recovery operations.

While operating within the proximity of the 890 Jump’s aerospace, a snub’s pilot will be guided by the Aero Boss. The Aero Boss will tell the pilot what pattern to enter into and hold, 1 which flight path to use during launch or recovery, and—for the hangar bay—which slot the pilot should attempt to land the ship in.

During launch operations, the snub pilot is released from the supervision of the Aero Boss once they are 10 km away from the carrier. During recovery operations, the snub pilot becomes subject to the direction of the appropriate Mini Boss the moment their snub touches down on the landing pad or cargo elevator.

Once a snub is successfully on the landing pad or cargo elevator, the appropriate Mini Boss and the technical support specialists under their direction are responsible for its handling. Any snub craft in a bay is the property of that bay’s Mini Boss. The Mini Boss will direct all movement of snub craft on the pad, elevator, or otherwise in the bay. He or she will direct rearmament and repair operations at their discretion. A snub craft isn’t ready to be launched without the Mini Boss signing off on it.

Snub pilots should obey all directions given to them by the flight deck crew at all times.

Crew and complement

A minimum of five crew are required to maneuver and fight the 890 Jump. They include a pilot, two support officers to help manage the ship’s systems and control the remote missile turrets, and two manned turret gunners. If gameplay systems allow for it in the future, it may be beneficial to have an additional two support officers at all times on the battle bridge as well.

Carrier crew should understand and have bare minimum knowledge of:

How to fight the 890 Jump, especially during launch and recovery operations.

All launch and recovery flight paths.

The flight deck crew, who will manage flight operations as they relate to the carried ships, should be composed of no less than five personnel. The roster includes an aerospace officer to direct all traffic within the 890 Jump’s aerospace, two assistant aerospace officers to manage and direct handling of snubs within the hangar and cargo bays respectively, and at least two technical support specialists split between each bay to focus on rearmament and repair.

The aerospace officer, or “Aero Boss”, is in charge of the overall management of carrier snub craft operations, including authorization and tracking of launch and recovery operations, and all snub craft movement within a 10 km radius of the 890 Jump.

Currently, the ideal location for the aerospace officer to observe most traffic is in the dining area on Deck 02. There, they’ll be able to see all approaches and departures for the hangar bay without impairing any other functions of the carrier. However, the role of the Aero Boss is primarily a “paper job”, meaning that it’s more dependent on organizing and keeping track of information than it is on actually doing anything with one’s character in the game. Therefore, as long as the Aero Boss maintains an efficient means of communication with personnel aboard the 890 Jump, he or she may not need to be aboard the carrier or even in the game itself to execute their role effectively.

One assistant aerospace officer is assigned to the hangar bay, while a second is assigned to the cargo bay. These assistants are known as the “Mini Bosses”. Each Mini Boss is responsible for aircraft handling and providing direction to technical support specialists and pilots in their respective bays. Additionally, either Mini Boss should be prepared to take over for the Aero Boss if the latter is unable to fulfill their role for any reason.

While the cargo bay’s Mini Boss may have fewer snubs to manage, they may have a more complex mission. This is because they’re responsible for the logistics that keep ammunition, salvage material, and other goods crucial to sustaining aerospace operations flowing to and from the carrier.

Flight deck crew should understand and have knowledge of:

The number and location of each parking slot.

How to facilitate rearmament and repair.

Basic logistics.

The technical support specialists assigned to each bay provide immediate rearmament and repair services. The mission of the technical support specialists is to conduct rearm and repair operations, as well as retrieve and manage cargo and inventory from the carrier’s stores in support of that mission.

Flight deck technical support specialists must understand and have knowledge of:

How to rearm and repair a ship.

How to walk pilots through the process for rearmament.

Finally, at least eight personnel will be needed to pilot the snubs. Their sole responsibility is to fly their snub fighters and manage their snub’s systems.

It’s imperative that snub pilots understand and have knowledge of:

How to open and close their sub’s ports for rearmament.

Read the “Self Status” display and relay the location of damage to support personnel.

It’s reasonable to expect that the 890 Jump may carry a larger complement. That may include additional technical support specialists to help with rearmament and repair, infantry troops, or even a small dedicated medical team. In any case, the ship’s complement should reflect the needs of the carrier’s expected scope of operations.

But how would you run your 890 Jump carrier? Are there other snubs that you would use instead of the P-72 Archimedes and C8 Pisces variants? Would you use a much bigger crew as standard? Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Discussion of specific holding patterns that suit the 890 Jump and its carried snubs are beyond the scope of this article, but are expected to reveal themselves naturally.

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890 Jump

With an elegant, sleek exterior that belies its spacious interior, the 890 Jump in Star Citizen is a true engineering marvel; crafted to impress from every angle by combining a unique, innovative design with the finest materials and the most advanced technology. The result is a vessel that is in a class all of its own, a masterpiece worthy of the name ORIGIN.

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Origin 890 Jump - 6 Years Insurance

400i cruising through Area18 3.15.png

The 400i is a high-performance luxury pathfinder manufactured by Origin Jumpworks . With greater range compared to other ships in its class, advanced exploration equipment, and substantial defensive capabilities, the 400i is a ship that can explore the most unforgiving sectors of the 'verse while retaining the comfort and elegance that Origin is well known for.


Ship profile.

Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear Below
Isometric Above Port-side Front Rear
Technical deck Habitation deck


400i Ship Showdown.jpg


In 2020, prior to 400i's introduction, the ship assets for the 400i were already in the game files, but not in the game itself. This meant that anyone could search the game files and extract the models details as well as the ships information/stats. Soon after, the assets were posted on Reddit without Cloud Imperium's consent. [1] [2]

On April Fools' Day 2021, Cloud Imperium teased the ship by introducing the invisible ship Origin 404 , when the community was expecting the 400i reveal. [3] [4]

The 400i was officially revealed at CitizenCon 2951 on October 9, 2021 [5] and was released in Alpha 3.15.0 . It was made available for in-game purchase with aUEC in Alpha 3.17.0 .

The ship concept is designed by Long Ouyang (Freelance Concept Artist) with collaboration from Paul Jones . [6]

  • 400i panel in CitizenCon 2951: Ship Talk on YouTube
  • ↑ 400i game assets posted on Reddit 1
  • ↑ 400i game assets posted on Reddit 2
  • ↑ Origin 404 - presentation page
  • ↑ Inside Star Citizen: A New Vision | Winter 2021
  • ↑ 400i panel in CitizenCon 2951: Ship Talk

Star Citizen: Best Origin Ships


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How black myth: wukong's difficulty compares to elden ring: shadow of the erdtree, call of duty is getting some very important updates today, quick links, origin 890 jump, origin 600i, origin 400i, origin 325a.

Star Citizen has it all. The open sandbox provides players with opportunities to play the game their way. Whether it's bounty hunting, mining, or simply delivering packages , there is something for everyone. Players have the opportunity to purchase and upgrade ships. From the utilitarianism of Drake to the exquisite luxury of Origin and everything in between. Origin is Star Citizen 's luxury ship manufacturer. With some of the most expensive craft in the game, it can be rare to see some of their ships soaring through the Stanton system .

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The name "Origin Jumpworks" derives from BMW's specialist division called "Motor works," which specifically works on motorcycle parts. This was to help give the company a sense of craftsmanship and excellence.

The 890 Jump is easily one of the most recognizable ships in the Star Citizen franchise. This beautiful space-faring super yacht is the most expensive ship in the game at 32,294,500 aUEC.

This cruiser is used as a luxury touring vessel to transport its passengers around the verse in an entirely immersive experience. With an onboard pool, spa, sauna, medical bay, kitchen, and more, there is no facility that the 890 Jump doesn’t hold.

The 2 size 4 shield generators and great for holding off oncoming attacks whilst the pilot prepares a quick jump to safety. Multiple size 6 turrets, ordnance, and missiles also help to protect the ship.

RELATED: Star Citizen: 5 Best RSI Ships

Unfortunately, the lack of speed and maneuvering makes it hard to take on more challenging targets. The 890J should only be purchased as an aesthetic piece rather than for its utility. However, the onboard hangar and med bay make it a great mobile base for large organizations.

The 600i is the smaller cousin of the 890 Jump is another luxury touring ship. The awesome panoramic view from the cockpit makes it easy to navigate planetary surfaces. This view extends to the master bedroom giving it an immersive view for the passengers.

The rover bay found at the bottom of the ship has enough room for an URSA Rover or the upcoming G12 Touring rover from Origin. This adds some versatility to the 600i allowing for ground exploration and infiltration of bunkers.

With 3 size 5 weapons for the pilot and 2 size 5 remote turrets, the 600i is an unexpected powerhouse when it comes to space combat . With 2 size 3 shield generators for protection, it’s difficult for small fighters to do damage consistently without being targeted by the turrets.

There are currently two variations of the 600i in Star Citizen ; the Explorer and the Touring. The Explorer replaces the luxury seating lounge with a scanning station and additional utility points.

The large scale of this ship gives it plenty of space for its bar, lounges, and seating areas; however, the space can feel somewhat underutilized at times, with some areas feeling like they take up more space than is necessary.

Overall, the 600i is a great option for those looking for a luxury touring ship that doesn’t require a budget of 8 figures. This is still on the expensive side for some players, but Origin has another great exploration ship.

The 400i is one of the best-looking ships in Star Citizen . The community has noticed its resemblance to the Nubian Royal Starship from Star Wars , particularly with the chrome paint.

This ship is great for players who want to participate in multiple gameplay loops. Although the 400i may not excel in any of these, the player has the facilities and utility to at least complete most (if not all) missions in the game. Few other ships have this luxury standard and the versatility of the 400i.

The 2 sizes 4 weapon mounts for the pilot and additional mounted turrets on the top and bottom of the hull give it excellent firepower and view coverage against attackers. The size 3 shield generator also helps to keep the ship in the fight for longer.

Unfortunately, the 400i isn’t quite large enough for a ship hanger. However, the front nose section does contain a vehicle bay specifically made to hold the upcoming Origin X1 racing bike.

RELATED: Star Citizen: Best Aegis Ships

The onboard accommodation and facilities give the 400i a unique feel, with stairs that drop to give access to the ship. This is a purposeful design to create a sense of hierarchy and ascension.

For those looking for a more specialized fighter, Origin has a limited roster to offer. Luckily they do design and manufacture one of the fastest and most nimble ships in the game.

The 325a is one of Origin’s only dedicated fighters currently in Star Citizen . Although the 300 series of Origin ships come with various models and specifications, the 325a comes with additional weapons and a dedicated targeting system.

With only 2 size 1 shield generators, the ship is on the weaker side when it comes to its health and damage resistance; luckily, the agility here more than makes up for it. The pilot has access to 1 size 4 Gatling and 2 size 3 repeaters which can deal some series damage to small/medium ships - perfect for taking on medium-risk bounty targets . Additionally, the ship can unload 8 missiles in total, making up for the lack of damage at range.

With a bed and interior space, the 325a is surprisingly versatile, and at a decent price of 944,200 aUEC, players looking for a solid early fighter should definitely consider this ship alongside others, such as the Aegis Avenger Titan.

Racetracks have just been introduced into Star Citizen . With patch 3.18 now in the persistent universe , race missions are now available to all players.

Currently, there are 7 races across the Stanton system , and players may now be looking for their first racing craft. Well, look no further.

The Origin M50 is one of the fastest ships in the game; with great acceleration and maneuverability, there are only a few other ships that can compete. With a top speed of 1.323 m/s, the M50 uses dedicated Origin Jumpworks thrusters to quickly get up to speed and change directional vectors.

At just 1,193,800 aUEC, this is a great entry ship for racing against other players in the verse. The M50 can be purchased from both New Deal (Lorville) and Astro Armada (Area 18).

Star Citizen is available on PC.

MORE: Star Citizen: How to Play as a Criminal

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Superyacht maker's CEO: Bayesian's crew made an 'incredible mistake'

T he body of British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch was recovered Thursday from his family's superyacht that sank off the coast of Italy after it encountered a sudden and powerful storm, authorities said.

After four bodies were recovered from the wreck Wednesday, Lynch's 18-year-old daughter, Hannah, remains the only person unaccounted for, Massimo Mariani, of Italy's interior ministry, told Reuters. Her body may have been swept out to sea, Mariani said.

It could take divers more time to find her body because of the difficulties of accessing the sunken ship more than 160 feet down, said Luca Cari, a fire brigade spokesperson. Rescuers faced a challenging task in scouring extremely deep and narrow spaces around the boat.

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Giovanni Costantino, the CEO of Italian ship manufacturer Perini, which made the ship in 2008, told Reuters on Thursday, "The boat suffered a series of indescribable, unreasonable errors."

He said the crew made an "incredible mistake" in not preparing for the storm, even though it was announced in a shipping forecast earlier. "This is the mistake that cries out for vengeance," he said.

Lynch, 59, was best known as the co-founder of Britain’s largest enterprise software, Autonomy, which was sold to Hewlett-Packard in 2011. He had invited his friends on the yacht to celebrate his acquittal in June of fraud charges related to the sale of Autonomy.

The Bayesian, a 184-feet-long British-registered sailboat, went down just before sunrise Monday off the coast of Porticello, near Palermo, where it was anchored when a strong storm swept across the area. Of the 22 passengers and crew members on board, 15, including Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, were pulled from the water Monday, and several were hospitalized. Divers then recovered the body of Ricardo Thomas, the yacht's chef, near the ship.

Who were among the missing?

An exhaustive search ensued for six missing people: Lynch and his daughter; Judy and Jonathan Bloomer, a non-executive chair of Morgan Stanley International; and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda Morvillo.

Jonathan Bloomer was a character witness at Lynch’s fraud trial, and Chris Morvillo, an American citizen, was part of the team that represented Lynch.

Hannah, the younger of Lynch's two daughters, was preparing to study English literature at Oxford University, according to the Sunday Times.

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Investigation opened into the tragedy

Local prosecutors have opened an investigation into the disaster and will hold a press conference on Saturday.

Costantino said there were no errors in the ship's construction or design. "It went down because it took on water. From where, the investigators will tell," he said.

The ship, owned by Lynch's wife, Bacares, was constructed in accordance with international maritime standards and commercially certified by the U.K.'s Maritime and Coastguard Agency, according to Matthew Schanck, chairman of the Maritime Search and Rescue Council. It was refitted for the second time in 2020.

Experts have pointed to  a waterspout, a tornado over the water that can travel up to 120 mph, that formed during the storm, as well as the weight of the ship's mast, one of the largest in the world, as possible factors in its sinking.

Contributing: Jeanine Santucci , USA TODAY ; Reuters

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Superyacht maker's CEO: Bayesian's crew made an 'incredible mistake'

Rescue personnel transport a body after a luxury yacht, which was carrying British entrepreneur Mike Lynch, sank off the coast of Porticello, near the Sicilian city of Palermo, Italy, August 21, 2024. REUTERS/Louiza Vradi

4 bodies found inside the Bayesian, Mike Lynch family yacht, amid search

Four bodies were recovered inside the Bayesian superyacht on Wednesday, more than two days after it sank off the coast of Italy , setting off an exhaustive search for six missing people, including British tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch .

Two of the bodies discovered earlier on Wednesday were brought to shore. One body recovered was a heavily built man, Reuters reported.

Six of the ship's 22 passengers, including Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter, went missing after the yacht plunged under the water just before 5 a.m. on Monday as a storm swept across the area. Americans are among the missing, officials have said.

The U.K.-registered yacht belonged to Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, who was also on board and was rescued. The tech tycoon was recently acquitted on fraud charges after a year under house arrest.

Ricardo Thomas, the ship's cook, was found dead on Monday, according to the coast guard.

The rescue mission saw a diving team, helicopters and multiple coast guard ships deployed to search the water. Fifteen people were pulled from the water on Monday, and eight were hospitalized in stable condition.

A 'black swan event'? Experts puzzle over why Bayesian yacht sank

An investigation opened by local prosecutors into the cause of the disaster is ongoing. Experts have pointed to a water spout, a tornado over the water that can travel up to 120 mph, that formed during the storm, as well as the heavy weight of ship's mast, one of the largest in the world.

The 184-feet-long ship was made by Italian ship manufacturer Perini in 2008.

Lynch set off on the cruise late last month to celebrate his acquittal on fraud charges in the U.S. that marked a decade of legal challenges, the Associated Press reported .

One of his lawyers and a character witness for Lynch during the trial were also on board and vanished when the boat went down. Authorities have not yet disclosed the identities of the four people found.

Here are the passengers who were declared missing.

Mike Lynch and Hannah Lynch

Mike Lynch, 59, is co-founder of Britain’s largest enterprise software, Autonomy, which was sold to Hewlett-Packard in 2011, and founder of venture capital fund Invoke Capital. 

Sometimes known as “Britain’s Bill Gates,” Lynch was slapped with charges after HP said it had uncovered deceit and a major accounting scandal within the firm. He spent a year on house arrest after being extradited from the UK.

In early June, at the end of a 12-week trial, a San Francisco jury acquitted Lynch of wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. He was also cleared on a charge of securities fraud later that month.

Lynch and Bacares have two daughters and six dogs, all named after engineering parts, according to the U.K.’s Sunday Times in a profile of Lynch from last month.

Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah, was also among the missing. She was preparing to study English literature at Oxford University, according to the Sunday Times. 

Hannah is the younger of Mike Lynch’s two daughters, the Times reported . Mike Lynch told the outlet that his daughters had grown up with their father being publicly accused of fraud. 

Jonathan Bloomer and Judy Bloomer

Jonathan Bloomer is the non-executive chairman of both Morgan Stanley International and the insurer Hiscox, among other companies. Bloomer acted as a character witness on Lynch’s behalf during his fraud trial. 

Hiscox Chief Executive Aki Hussain told Reuters in a statement that the firm was deeply shocked and saddened and their thoughts were with all those affected. 

Bloomer’s twin brother, Jeremy, told BBC that he is processing the news and the family is waiting to hear updates.

“He was my elder by half an hour, so, it means a lot when you lose a twin brother,” Jeremy Bloomer told BBC. “We’ll still wait and see, so it’s fingers crossed.”

Jonathan Bloomer’s wife, Judy, is a psychotherapist of nearly three decades and former teacher. She specializes in anxiety and stress. She studied English language and literature at Homerton College in Cambridge.

Christopher Morvillo and Neda Morvillo

A lawyer with Clifford Chance, Chris Morvillo was among the team that represented Mike Lynch during his trial. Morvillo is an American citizen. 

He was an assistant U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York from 1999 to 2005, and he worked on the criminal investigation stemming from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

Morvillo was a graduate of Fordham University School of Law and Villanova University. 

Neda Morvillo, his wife, owns a hand-crafted jewelry company under her maiden name, Neda Nassiri. The company’s website said she has been designing and making jewelry for over 20 years.

In a post on LinkedIn after the conclusion of Lynch’s trial, Chris Morvillo acknowledged his family for their support during the case. 

“And, finally, a huge thank you to my patient and incredible wife, Neda Morvillo, and my two strong, brilliant, and beautiful daughters, Sabrina Morvillo and Sophia Morvillo.  None of this would have been possible without your love and support. I am so glad to be home. 

And they all lived happily ever after…."

Contributing: Reuters

star citizen yacht

The feud between Kevin Durant and Dennis Schroder , which began at the 2024 Paris Olympics, evidently isn't over yet.

Schroder, who played for Germany during the Olympics and plays for the Brooklyn Nets, recently responded on his Twitch livestream to a social media post from Durant, who had responded to some comments from Schroder at the Olympics.

Got all that?

Schroder said that Durant was being "weak" by responding to his comments.

"They won, and Kevin Durant tweets, 'High IQ and entertainment.' For me, that's just being weak," Schroder said of Durant, who helped lead Team USA to the gold medal in Paris and plays for the Phoenix Suns.

'Entertainment & IQ': Kevin Durant trolls Dennis Schroder after USA gold medal with post

Dennis Schroder responds to Kevin Durant's trolling on social media

Schroder wasn't done criticizing Durant.

He continued: "You're that type of a star, and you have to say something to a person like me who not even meant it to be negative. It was just what I see from both sides, you know what I'm saying? I didn't appreciate it.

"I don't care, but at the end of the day, that tweet, or whatever he posted, was because of me. For me, it was never no negative stuff. I respect all of those guys, all GOATs, but to say that tells me how weak he is as a person."

"It is what it is. Not everybody is strong, not everybody is in a good place," Schroder later said.

'Stay on that side': Kevin Durant gets last laugh with Ja Morant post after USA gold medal

Backstory of the Dennis Schroder-Kevin Durant feud:

After Germany lost the bronze medal game at the Olympics to Serbia, 93-83, Schroder told reporters why the style of European basketball helped teams challenge Team USA, appearing to take a shot at the United States' apparent "entertainment" style.

He said "European basketball is no entertainment, it's straight IQ basketball, straight coaching. Really, really high IQ guys who know how to play the game. Serbia, Greece, Spain, France, Germany, so many teams out there who know how to play, is athletic, and I think there's a lot of people from Europe in the NBA who make some noise."

Durant evidently took issue with Schroder's comments, posting an "Entertainment & IQ" post on social media that threw shade at the Brooklyn Nets player after Team USA's gold medal win.

Now, Schroder is apparently upset that Durant trolled him on social media, which prompted him to reply to Durant's post on Twitch.

The ball appears to be back in Durant's court.

A slide, a yacht and Saint-Tropez: How Phoenix Suns' Kevin Durant, Devin Booker celebrated Team USA Olympic gold

Reach Jeremy Cluff at  [email protected] . Follow him on X, formerly Twitter  @Jeremy_Cluff.

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A true 30th-century company town. From polluted slums to opulent high-rises, Lorville’s workers live in the ever-present shadow of the vast Hurston Dynamics HQ. Escaping the city walls offers little respite, as forsaken weapons testing sites and strip mines litter the landscape, though the distant savannah shows glimmers of what once was.

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Deep in the microTech wilderness lies the crumbling remains of an outlaw settlement built from the wreck of a vast fallen starship. In its heyday, it was notorious for counterfeiting credits; though rumor has it, it’s back up and running again…

The Red God's atmosphere is almost entirely composed of Beryllium, which makes it the most Hostile planet in the Garron System Claimed entirely for military purposes, Eealus IV is home to the UEE Trade and Development Division and has the distinction of housQuasar the largest population of Inforunners in the Empire five minutes of debate later, Trunk launched from the Planet in a Khartu-Al recently seized for Smuggling contraband trafficking: That's a word that hasn't been associated much with Xi'An

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  1. 890 Jump

    The Origin 890 Jump is an interstellar super-yacht designed to immerse its passengers in opulent luxury as the ship cruises from system to system. Some 890 Jumps are privately owned by extremely wealthy individuals, in which case they serve as the ultimate social hotspots for friends, family, and guests. ... Star Citizen Wiki is an unofficial ...

  2. - Pledge

    The 890 Jump FROM. With an elegant, sleek exterior that belies its spacious interior, the 890 Jump is a true engineering marvel; crafted to impress from every angle by combining a unique, innovative design with the finest materials and the most advanced technology. The result is a vessel that is in a class all of its own, a masterpiece worthy ...


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    The Origin 890 Jump is an interstellar super-yacht designed to immerse its passengers in opulent luxury as the ship cruises from system to system.Price In-Ga...

  5. An Architect Reviews the 890J Super Yacht

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  6. 890 Jump

    The 890 Jump is a capital-sized multi-crew super-yacht from Origin Jumpworks GmbH. It has a total of four decks with a ship hangar in the front and a cargo bay/vehicle hangar in the rear. The ship can be controlled from either the Main Bridge or the Battle Bridge on the Orlop Deck. It also has a Tier 2 medical facility, two 8 persons escape rafts, and a spacious interior to accommodate guests ...

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  9. Extras

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  13. 400i

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  14. The 890 Jump

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    The 400i. To explore the stars is a most noble endeavor, and Origin Jumpworks has risen to the occasion in crafting the 400i, the ultimate high-performance pathfinder. Representing a harmonious concourse of style, quality, and sophistication, the 400i exhibits class-leading range, substantial defensive capabilities, and a factory-equipped ...

  22. Inside Bayesian yacht belonging to Mike Lynch, 4 bodies found

    Six of the ship's 22 passengers, including Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter, went missing after the yacht plunged under the water just before 5 a.m. on Monday as a storm swept across the area.

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  25. Yacht Club [YACHTCLUB]

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    The feud between Kevin Durant and Dennis Schroder, which began at 2024 Paris Olympics, evidently isn't over yet. One player clapped back at trolling.

  27. Star Citizen

    A true 30th-century company town. From polluted slums to opulent high-rises, Lorville's workers live in the ever-present shadow of the vast Hurston Dynamics HQ. Escaping the city walls offers little respite, as forsaken weapons testing sites and strip mines litter the landscape, though the distant savannah shows glimmers of what once was.