
What Is A Boat With 2 Masts Called?

What Is A Boat With 2 Masts Called? | Life of Sailing

Last Updated by

Daniel Wade

June 15, 2022

Two-mast sailboats hold special places in many sailors’ hearts. In addition to being dignified and majestic, a two-mast sailboat offers a perfect balance that can be easily achieved by adjusting the masts in many different ways. Let’s look at the different types of two-mast sailboats.

Whether you’re a sailboat fanatic or an interested observer, there’s something special about two-mast sailboats. In most cases, the first thing you’ll notice about a sailboat is the two masts. Generally, the mainmast is often taller than the aft-mast, which is often referred to as the mizzenmast. The mizzenmast is like a trusted old friend. It not only helps in stabilizing the sailboat under power but can also act as a bow thruster in certain scenarios. There are many reasons why sailors sing a lot of praises as far as two-mast sailboats are concerned. In heavier winds, you can break down the main mast and use the mizzen mast to give you a more balanced and comfortable sail even in the worst of conditions. But what is a boat with 2 masts called?

There are several sailboats with two masts. The most common ones include yawl, ketch, schooner, and brig. In most cases, the designs of the masts do vary but the main idea remains the same. They can have the extra mast either behind or in front of the mainmast. If the additional mast is in front of the mainmast, it’s known as a foremast but if the additional mast is behind (aft of) the mainmast, it’s known as a mizzenmast.

Let’s take a brief look at these two-mast sailboats.

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A yawl is one of the most common types of two-mast sailboats. It has two masts: a mizzenmast and the mainmast. The mizzenmast is usually much shorter than the mainmast. This makes it an oblique type of a sailboat in the sense that the mainmast is located in the front of the boat while the mizzenmast is located in the rear past or the boat.

The mizzenmast of a yawl is mainly used to increase the helm balance and is located aft of or behind the rudder.

It’s always easy to confuse a yawl with a ketch so it would only make sense to clear up before going any further. They both have two masts with the mainmast at the front while the mizzenmast is smaller. The difference between a ketch and a yawl comes down to the location of the mast. In a yawl, the mizzenmast is behind the rudder post while in a ketch, the mizzenmast if in front of the rudder post.

Again, the mizzenmast of a ketch is nearly as tall as the mainmast and is used to carry a mainsail. Its main function, however, is to drive the sailboat forward and can sufficiently sail the boat, especially in heavier winds. This is very different from the mizzenmast of a yawl, which is only used to increase the helm balance and cannot drive the boat forward. This means that the mizzenmast of a ketch is bigger than the mizzenmast of a yawl. In short, the mizzenmast on a ketch is technically a driving sail while the mizzenmast on a yawl is more of a balancing sail.

A ketch generally has an advantage over a sloop in downwind or in heavy winds. This is because it has a variety of setups than a typical sloop. The mizzenmast gives you a lot of options to depower in heavy winds and find the most perfect amount of canvas to fly. It can also help in stabilizing the sailboat under the power given that the mizzenmast is naturally in an excellent position.

In essence, a ketch has many practical benefits that can be ideal in most situations in the waters. In addition to sailing peacefully on a beam-reach, a ketch is easily manageable and can give you a lot of options in various weather conditions and situations.

When it comes to a two-mast schooner (a schooner can have two or more masts), the foremast is usually smaller than the aft most mast, which is essentially the mainmast. As such, the main characteristic of a schooner is that the masts are almost of the same height but the foremost mast is slightly smaller.

Even though a schooner is easier to sail than say a sloop (one-mast sailboat), it isn’t very fast. This is why most sailors prefer a sloop to a schooner but it’s a sight to behold, especially when under full sail. While a schooner with a square topsail is the most common, there are others with sprit rigs that run diagonally. Schooners with spritsails are not ideal in big seaways because the sprit rig cannot be lowered since it could become unmanageable. On the other hand, the sprit rig is ideal in coastal waters given that the topsail can catch a high up breeze. 

Like the above-mentioned two-mast sailboats, the brig has two masts with the foremost mast squared. The mainmast can be squared, partially squared or triangular. Some brig sailboats have a lateen mainsail on the mainmast. Historically, brigs were used by pirates and were set in motion using oars. Its name is derived from the Italian word “brigantine,” which loosely translates to “pirate.” These types of sailboats were used by pirates the Mediterranean in the 16th century before they became sailboats.

The two most common types of brigs are:

Brigantine – The foremost mast is usually partially squared but the mainmast is triangular.

Hermaphrodite brig – It’s also known as the schooner brig or the half brig. The two masts are partially squared but the mainmast is gaff-rigged and topsail, which technically makes it half schooner.

When it comes to speed and maneuverability, brigs are easy to handle and maneuver and perhaps that’s why they were preferred by pirates. Again, brigs are generally larger than other two-mast sailboats or single-mast sailboats.

There you have it; there are various types of two-mast sailboats, so there’s not a single name that fits all. You can choose any of them as they’ll serve you perfectly, especially in heavy wind conditions.

Bon Voyage!

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What Is A Boat With 2 Masts Called? (5 Options)

The mast is the tall vertical pole that supports the sails, and some sailboat designs can have one or more masts. These types of sailboats are often used for cruising and racing, and they come in a variety of designs. In this article, we'll help you easily identify the different types of boats with two masts.

Popular two-masted sailboats include:

Ketches and yawls are more stable, while schooners, brigs, and brigantines are faster and more maneuverable. Rigging configurations vary, with some having square sails on both masts, and others having fore-and-aft sails on one or both masts.

One of the most important features of a two-masted sailboat is its sail plan. A ketch has a mainsail and a mizzen sail, while a schooner has multiple sails on each mast. Let's find out the sail plan for other types of two-masted sailboats and what other features they differ from each other.

2 masted yacht

  • The mainmast and mizzenmast have different functions, with the former propelling the boat forward and the latter providing balance and stability.
  • If you're looking for a 2-masted sailboat that is comfortable and easy to handle, a ketch or yawl might be a good choice.
  • If you're looking for a 2-masted sailboat that is fast and maneuverable, a brigantine or schooner might be your best option.
  • A brig has square sails on both masts, while a brigantine has a square sail on the foremast and a fore-and-aft sail on the mainmast.

2 masted yacht

On this page:

How to recognize each sailboat, famous two-masted sailboats.

Below are the five most common types of two-masted sailboats and how you can quickly identify each:

One mast in the front and one in the back
One mast in the front and one in the back, with the mainmast in the back
One mast in the front and one in the back, with the mizzenmast in the back
Two mast masts, with the foremast being the taller of the two
One mast in the front and one in the back, with square sails on the front mast and fore-and-aft sails on the back mast

In a two-masted sailboat, the mainmast usually carries the driving sail, which is responsible for propelling the boat forward. Meanwhile, the mizzenmast usually carries the balancing sail, which helps to balance the boat and keep it stable in different wind conditions.

Some sailboats are designed for speed, while others prioritize maneuverability and ease of handling. If you're looking for a sailboat that is comfortable and easy to handle, a ketch or yawl might be a good choice. These sailboats are generally more stable and easier to handle than other types of sailboats.

If you're looking for a sailboat that is fast and maneuverable, a brigantine or schooner might be a good choice . These sailboats are generally more difficult to handle than other types of sailboats, but they offer a thrilling sailing experience.

You can read more on two-masted sailboats in this article.

2 masted yacht

How to recognize a ketch:

  • a medium-sized sailboat (30 ft and up) with two masts
  • a smaller mast in back
  • a taller mast in front
  • both masts have mainsails
  • sails are fore-and-aft rigged

Sail design of a ketch

A ketch has two masts, with a taller mizzenmast located more towards the middle of the boat and behind the main mast. You can identify a ketch through this article.

The sail design of a ketch allows for more sail area options and versatility in different wind conditions.

The two masts allow for a variety of sail configurations that can be adjusted depending on the wind conditions, making the ketch more versatile and adaptable in different sailing conditions.

Performance and maneuverability of a ketch

A ketch can be efficient and fast, especially when sailing downwind, due to the mizzen mast helping to balance the boat and reduce load on the main sail. The smaller size of the mizzen sail can be useful in strong winds, providing a smaller area of sail to catch the wind.

Maneuvering a ketch can be challenging due to more lines and rigging, but skilled sailors can learn to handle it with practice.

Rigging configuration of a ketch

The rigging configuration of a ketch allows for more control over sail trim and balance, with the main sail attached to the main mast and the smaller mizzen sail attached to the mizzen mast. The sails can be adjusted independently of each other, allowing for versatility in different sailing conditions. The mizzen sail can be used to balance the boat and keep it on course in light winds, or reduce the load on the main sail in stronger winds.

The ketch rig also allows for finer control over the shape of the sails, with the mizzen sail used to adjust the angle of attack of the main sail and balance the boat when sailing close to the wind.

2 masted yacht

How to recognize a schooner:

  • a sailboat with mostly two masts
  • a smaller mast in front
  • a taller mast in the back
  • mainsails have gaff-rigging (spar on top of the sail)

Sail design of a schooner

A schooner is a two-masted sailboat with the mainmast taller than the foremast, and triangular-shaped sails. The sails on the forward mast are smaller than those on the aft mast. Here's how to recognize a schooner .

Schooners can be sailed with a smaller crew due to the ease of adjusting the sails, and are often used for racing due to their speed and agility.

Schooners can also be used for cruising, but are less maneuverable than yawls and ketches due to their size.

Performance and maneuverability of a schooner

A schooner can be fast, especially in light winds, and its rigging configuration allows it to sail close to the wind, making it a good choice for long-distance cruising.

Schooners can cover a lot of ground quickly due to their ability to sail at a greater angle to the wind than some other types of sailboats.

Maneuvering a schooner can be relatively easy with a skilled crew, as the sails can be adjusted quickly and easily, allowing for easier turning and maneuvering than some other types of sailboats.

Rigging configuration of a schooner

The rigging configuration of a schooner allows for a greater variety of sail configurations due to the two masts and different sizes of the sails on each mast. This allows for versatility in different wind conditions, with the sails set up in different ways to catch more wind or provide more power.

Schooners can sail faster and more efficiently in light winds due to the ability to adjust the sails on each mast. In stronger winds, the sails can be adjusted to reduce sail area and prevent the boat from being overpowered, through reefing or changing the sail configuration.

2 masted yacht

How to recognize a yawl:

  • a sailboat with two masts
  • a main mast in front
  • a much smaller mast in the back
  • back mast doesn't carry a mainsail

Sail design of a yawl

A yawl is a two-masted sailboat with a shorter mizzenmast located behind the mainmast, usually behind the rudder post. The smaller mizzen sail on the aft mast can be used to balance the boat and provide additional power in light winds, while the larger mainsail on the main mast can be used for more power in stronger winds.

The advantage of a yawl is that it allows for more flexibility in sail handling.

Performance and maneuverability of a yawl

A yawl can be slower than other types of sailboats due to the additional weight of the second mast and rigging, but can be more stable and easier to handle in rough seas.

Yawls are a popular choice for cruising and long-distance sailing due to their stability.

Yawls can be easily maneuvered even with a small but skilled crew, making them suitable for cruising.

Rigging configuration of a yawl

The rigging configuration of a yawl provides several advantages, including:

  • Balance : The smaller mizzen sail on the aft mast helps to balance the boat and reduce weather helm (the tendency of the boat to turn into the wind). This makes the boat easier to steer and more comfortable to sail.
  • Flexibility : The smaller mizzen sail can be used to help control the boat in a variety of wind conditions, while the larger mainsail on the main mast provides more power in stronger winds.
  • Safety : The mizzen sail on the aft mast can be used as a backup sail in case the main sail on the main mast is damaged or needs to be taken down. This provides an added level of safety and security when sailing offshore or in rough conditions.
  • Ease of handling : The smaller mizzen sail on the aft mast can be used to help turn the boat quickly and with more control, making it easier to navigate in tight spaces or tricky conditions.
One in the front and one in the back Main and mizzen sails Fore-and-aft rigged mizzenmast, sometimes with a gaff-rigged sail
One in the front and one in the back, with the mainmast in the back Main and fore sails Fore-and-aft rigged masts, sometimes with gaff-rigged sails
One in the front and one in the back, with the mizzenmast in the back Main and mizzen sails Fore-and-aft rigged mizzenmast, sometimes with a gaff-rigged sail
Two masts, with the foremast being the taller of the two Square sails on the foremast, fore-and-aft sails on the mainmast Square-rigged foremast, fore-and-aft rigged mainmast
One in the front and one in the back, with square sails on the front mast and fore-and-aft sails on the back mast Square sails on the foremast, fore-and-aft sails on the mainmast Square-rigged foremast, fore-and-aft rigged mainmast

2 masted yacht

How to recognize a brig:

  • a square-rigged foremast
  • a mainmast that is either square-rigged or square-rigged and gaff-rigged

Sail design of a brig

A brig is a two-masted sailboat with square sails on both masts. The square sails are used to generate driving force when sailing downwind and are typically made of heavy canvas or durable materials. The sails are attached to the masts and yards using a series of ropes and lines known as the rigging.

The square sails on a brig are divided into smaller sections known as "panels," which can be adjusted individually to suit changing wind conditions.

Brig may also have one or more triangular-shaped fore-and-aft sails attached to the foremast, which can be adjusted using running rigging. Here's how to identify a brig.

Performance and maneuverability of a brig

The square-rigged sails of a brig allow it to sail closer to the wind than other types of sailing vessels, making it easier to maneuver in tight spaces and change direction quickly. This makes a brig ideal for naval warfare and piracy, where speed and maneuverability are essential for success.

The design of a brig allows for a smaller crew than other types of ships of similar size, which can make it easier to operate and maintain. Fewer crew members also means less weight and less space taken up by supplies and equipment, contributing to the ship's speed and maneuverability.

Rigging configuration of a brig

The rigging configuration of a brig typically includes square sails on both masts, which provide significant driving force when sailing downwind. However, this type of rig can be less effective when sailing upwind, as the sails are not as efficient at generating lift as a triangular sail.

One advantage of the brig's rigging configuration is that the square sails can be adjusted individually to suit changing wind conditions. The fore-and-aft sails can be used to fine-tune the vessel's speed and direction.

2 masted yacht

How to recognize a brigantine:

  • a two-masted sailboat that is similar to a brig, but with a different rigging configuration
  • a sailboat with a square-rigged foremast and a fore-and-aft rigged mainmast
  • mainmast is typically taller than the foremast
  • sails on the mainmast are fore-and-aft rigged, while the sails on the foremast are square-rigged

Sail design of a brigantine

A brigantine is a two-masted sailboat with square sails on the foremast and fore-and-aft sails on the mainmast. This configuration allows for a greater range of sail plan options. The square sails on the foremast can be used to drive the ship forward in strong winds, while the fore-and-aft sails on the mainmast can be used to maneuver the ship in more moderate winds.

Brigantines were used as cargo ships in the past and are still used for training and educational purposes.

Rigging configuration of a brigantine

The rigging configuration of a brigantine is complex, with multiple lines and cables used to control the sails and masts. The foremast typically has a topmast and a topgallant mast, while the mainmast may have a gaff and a boom to support the fore-and-aft sails. The rigging system includes shrouds, stays, and other lines that help stabilize the masts and sails and control their movement.

Performance and maneuverability of a brigantine

The combination of square and fore-and-aft sails allows for a greater range of sail plan options, which can help the ship maintain speed and maneuverability in different wind conditions.

However, the larger size and weight of the brigantine can make it more difficult to maneuver quickly or make sudden changes in direction, particularly in light winds.

For a better grasp of what each of these two-masted boats looks like , this article contains complete illustrations and pictures.

Here are some of the most popular two-masted sailboats that you might know:

Yawl 2 Forward Mainmast is taller than the mizzenmast
Ketch 2 Forward Mainmast is taller than the mizzenmast
Ketch 2 Forward Mainmast is taller than the mizzenmast
Schooner 2 Forward Foremast is taller than the mainmast

The sloop-rigged Hinckley Bermuda 40

The Hinckley Bermuda 40 is a classic sailboat that has been around since the 1960s. This boat is known for its beautiful lines, excellent handling, and comfortable interior.

The Bermuda 40 is a yawl-rigged sailboat, which means it has two masts, a mainmast, and a smaller mast called a mizzenmast. The mainmast is located forward, while the mizzenmast is aft. This arrangement allows for better balance and maneuverability, especially in heavy weather.

The ketch-rigged Amel Super Maramu

The Amel Super Maramu is a luxurious sailboat that is designed for long-distance cruising. This boat is known for its innovative features, such as an electric furling system, a hydraulic bow thruster, and a self-tacking jib.

The Super Maramu is a ketch-rigged sailboat, which means it has two masts, a taller mainmast, and a shorter mizzenmast. The mainmast is located forward, while the mizzenmast is aft. This configuration allows for better sail balance, especially when sailing downwind.

The ketch-rigged Westsail 42

The ketch-rigged Westsail 42 is a popular cruising sailboat that was designed by William Crealock in the 1970s. This boat is known for its sturdy construction and seaworthiness, making it a popular choice for long-distance cruising.

The ketch rig is known for being versatile and easy to handle, as it allows for a variety of sail combinations to be used depending on the wind conditions. It also allows for a versatile sail plan that can be easily adjusted to suit a wide range of wind conditions.

The schooner-rigged Bluenose II

The schooner-rigged Bluenose II is a replica of the original Bluenose, a famous Canadian racing schooner. The Bluenose II was built in 1963 and is used primarily as a tourist attraction and sail training vessel.

The schooner rig features two masts, with the forward mast being taller than the aft mast. This rig allows for a large sail area and a high degree of maneuverability, making it well-suited for racing and coastal cruising.

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What’s a Boat with Two Masts Called: Two masted sailing boat types

two masted sailboats

Two-masted sailing boats will always have a special place in the hearts of many sailors. Many sailors consider two-masted sailing boats to be the most attractive and graceful of all sailing vessels. They have an obvious elegance, but what do you know about these two masted sailboats? Let’s find out!

Among the most important aspects are the fact that two-masted sailing boats offer greater sail balance, engineless sailing and more heavy weather options.

Even if the two masted sailboats are not so common, the sailing world has a few of them and what is more, they represent a proof of the evolution and improvement of sailing boats over time. There are an almost endless number of ways sailors have arranged their sails on boats over the years.

two masted sailboat

Two-masted sailing boats are classified according to the size and position of their masts.

There are different two-masted sailing boat types and two of the most popular are schooners and yawls.

The origins of schooner-rigged vessels are unknown, however there is evidence of them in paintings by Dutch maritime painters dating back to the early 17th century.

Schooners were developed by Northern European countries, while yawls are believed to be descended from the fishing boats of England.

Sailboats with two masts include yawls, ketches, schooners and brigs (known as brigantines). Yawls and ketches are both types of sloops, which means they have one mast, but the difference between them is that the yawl has a second mast stepped at the bow.

Ketches and Yawls have a lower mast, unlike schooners that have a taller aft mast, which is also known as mizzen. Ketch sailing boats have something specific: the aft mast is  located in front of the rudder post.

The yawl’s mizzenmast serves as a counterbalance for the jib sails, so that it doesn’t have to be hung from the forestay (the rope running from the top of the mast down to the deck). They’re usually smaller than ketches and have less rigging because they don’t carry as many sails as a sloop with two masts.

Yawls are faster sailboats than schooners because they’re lighter, more balanced and easier to sail upwind. They can also go faster because their shorter sails catch more wind. But schooners have larger payloads, which means more people or cargo — an important consideration for long trips without resupply.

two-masted yawl

Schooners are two-masted sailing boats, but instead of having a jib sail like yawls, ketches and most sloops, schooners have a fore-and-aft spanker sail like a gaff sailboat. These two-masted sailboats have at least two masts, the foremast being slightly shorter than the main mast.

Schooners are larger than yawls, ketches and other sloops and weren’t used very much in modern times because they were more difficult to handle. They’re still used in racing competitions today.

Schooners have a longer bow portion than yawls. The mainsail is aft of the mast, and either one or two foresails are in front of it. In a schooner, these are triangular sails; in a yawl, they’re trapezoidal. Yawls have bowsprits — poles that extend beyond the bow for the jib and stay sail to be attached. Schooners have small bowsprits that can support jibs but not large sails.

two-masted schooner sailboat

The term ketch derives from the word catch, which hints to how it got its name in the 17th century. Ketches were initially intended to meet the specific requirements of offshore net fishing.

Ketch is a type of sailboat that features two masts and two sails, commonly used as a racing and cruising boat. The mainmast of this two-masted sailboat is typically taller than the mizzen mast (aft-mast). Its name derives from catch.

Taller masts allow you to use larger sails, so ketch boats are able to achieve better speeds than similar boats with only one mast. Some ketch designs feature a gaff rig, which is similar to a yawl, while others feature a yawl rig, which looks like a traditional sloop.

Ketch boats may look easy to sail but the slightest mistake can lead to disaster. You must be careful when operating this type of boat because it does not have as much stability as other boats, especially when you’re manoeuvring in tight quarters or windy conditions.

A ketch may also be a small recreational boat with only one head-sail in use. Many modern designs have moved away from sail altogether and are powered by engine, while others use both sails as well as engines depending on circumstance.

two masted ketch sailboat

The brigantine was once a tiny ship that carried both oars and sails. It was a favorite of Mediterranean pirates.

A brigantine is a square-rigged sailing boat with two masts, with a fully square-rigged foremast and two sails on the mainmast.

The mainmast is stepped forward of the deck, making it possible to sail into the wind using a triangular headsail known as a jib. The brig’s foremast is shorter than the mainmast.

The name of this type of boat with 2 masts is derived from the Italian word “brigantino”, which means brigand.

Also, this two-masted sailing boat type was most commonly used for coastal trade and pirate hunting. The brigantine had an advantage over other ships of the time because it could sail against the wind using both sails, making it easier to travel against strong winds.

Faster and easier to manoeuvre than a sloop or schooner, it was used for piracy and espionage.

two-masted brigantine sailboat

FAQ: Two-Masted Sailboats

What do you call a two-masted sailboat.

Two-masted sailboats are of several types: yawls, schooners, ketches or brigantines.

Why do some sailboats have two masts?

The vast majority of sailboats feature a mainsail and a jib. These two-masted sailboats provide several advantages in terms of speed and maneuverability. These two masts may be configured in a variety of ways.

The foresail directs air beyond the back of the mainsail, generating greater power from the wind. In order to help menouvering, the foresail can be backed. So, adding sails makes things simpler for bigger boats, making them easier to handle in heavy winds.

What is the difference between a ketch and a yawl sailboat?

Because they are lighter, more balanced, and easier to sail upwind, yawls are faster sailboats than schooners. They can also go at a faster speed since their shorter sails collect more wind. Schooners, on the other hand, have higher cargoes, which means more people or freight – a crucial consideration for extended journeys without replenishing.

What is a one masted sailboat?

It's a sailing boat having a single mast roughly one-third the length's aft of the bow. A sailboat with a single mast usually has one headsail in front of the mast and one mainsail behind the mast.

What is a two-masted square rigger?

It's a brig with two square-rigged masts. A gaff-rigged fore-and-aft sail also called a "mizzen" is used in addition to jibs and staysails (stays'ls) before the foremast and staysails between the masts.

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Understanding the Two-Masted Sailboat

By Matt Claiborne

Two-Masted Boats with Fore-and-Aft Rigged Sails

A ketch is a two-masted sailboat. The rear mast, called the mizzen mast, is shorter than the forward main mast. The mizzen mast is mounted forward of the rudder post.

A yawl is similar to a ketch, but the rear mizzen mast is moved farther aft, behind the rudder post. This makes the mizzen on a yawl seem like an afterthought, almost like it’s attached to the railing. 

If a two mast boat has masts of equal height or the forward mast is the shorter of the two, it is a schooner. They can have as many masts as the design called for.

Benefits of Two Masted Sailboats

Easy to balance steering forces

More sail plan options for heavy winds

Lower sheet loads mean smaller and less expensive

Lighter loads on smaller sails for easier handling

Shorter overall mast height for bridge clearance

Mizzen can be used as a riding sail at anchor

2 Masted Ship Examples with Square Rigged Sails

A brig is a double mast sailboat with both masts square rigged. In addition, it has fore-and-aft staysails and jibs and a mizzen sail on the aft mast–which is usually gaff-rigged.

A brigantine is a ship with two masts, with the foremast square-rigged and the aft mainmast fore-and-aft rigged.

The Two-Masted Sailboat

Boat maintenance.

  • The Enchanting World of Two-Masted Sailing Ships: A Comprehensive Guide

Two-masted sailboats, with their elegant profiles slicing through the waves, serve as a bridge between the past and present, combining traditional sailing heritage with contemporary performance. These vessels, marked by their dual masts—the foremast and the mainmast—embody a blend of artistry and engineering, appealing to a wide array of sailing enthusiasts.

History and Evolution: From Ancient Origins to Technological Advancements

The lineage of two-masted sailboats stretches back to ancient maritime civilizations, where the imperative of ocean exploration spurred the development of advanced sailing technologies. These early innovations laid the groundwork for the evolution of sailboats, which adapted over the centuries to meet the changing demands of navigation, trade, and warfare. The design and functionality of two-masted sailboats have been refined through technological advancements, making them as much a symbol of historical progress as they are of nautical tradition.

Design and Features: Anatomy and Types of Two-Masted Sailboats

Understanding the design of a two-masted sailboat is key to appreciating its capabilities. The complex arrangement of hull, masts, sails, rigging, and keel is essential for the boat's performance at sea. These components work in harmony to harness the power of the wind, enabling the vessel to navigate with precision and grace. The variety within this category, including schooners, ketches, yawls, and brigs, highlights the adaptability of two-masted sailboats to different sailing needs, from leisurely coastal cruising to high-stakes ocean racing.

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Silhouette of a two-masted schooner against a beautiful sunset with the sun on the horizon.

Two-Masted Sailboats in Use Today: Recreational and Competitive Sailing

Today, two-masted sailboats flourish in both recreational and competitive arenas. For leisure sailors, these vessels offer a unique combination of challenge and tranquility, allowing for intimate experiences with the sea. The versatility of two-masted sailboats makes them ideal for a range of activities, from day sailing to extended voyages. In the competitive realm, these sailboats demonstrate their enduring relevance and performance, participating in regattas and races that test the skill and strategy of their crews.

Maintenance and Upkeep: Ensuring Longevity and Performance

The beauty and functionality of two-masted sailboats are preserved through meticulous maintenance and thoughtful care. Routine inspections and maintenance tasks are crucial for keeping these vessels seaworthy, highlighting the importance of attention to detail in preserving their condition. Beyond the immediate upkeep, long-term care strategies are essential for ensuring that these iconic vessels continue to grace the world's waterways, serving as living links to the rich maritime heritage they embody.

Famous Two-Masted Ships: Icons of the Seas

Throughout history, several two-masted ships have etched their names into the annals of nautical lore, becoming icons of exploration, power, and adventure. Ships like the HMS Beagle, renowned for carrying Charles Darwin on his epic voyage that contributed to the development of evolutionary theory, and the schooner Bluenose, a racing legend and fishing vessel that symbolized Canadian grit and maritime prowess, are prime examples. These famous ships not only highlight the critical role of two-masted vessels in exploration and competition but also celebrate their timeless beauty and enduring spirit.

In essence, two-masted sailboats encapsulate the spirit of sailing, merging the allure of history with the thrill of modern-day navigation. They stand as a testament to human creativity and the ceaseless quest for harmony with the elements, inviting each new generation of sailors to partake in a journey that transcends time and tides.

So what are you waiting for? Take a look at our range of charter boats and head to some of our favourite  sailing destinations.

Interested in exploring the world of two-masted sailing ships? Contact me to book your yacht experience today!

Denisa Nguyenová

Denisa Nguyenová

What Is A Boat With 2 Masts Called?

Sailboats have held and air of mystique and romance ever since the early explores sailed the globe.

However, the early trade ships were somewhat restricted in their ability to sail into, or against, the wind. As a result, the ships that discovered the new world were slaves to the directions the trade winds were blowing.

Today, thanks to advances in hull design, sail orientation and mast placement, there are numerous sailboat designs that use multiple sail configurations that can travel around the world in any direction at any time of year.

Over the years the types of sailboats have been reduced to a few well-performing designs. These designs are divided into the two main classifications of one-masted boats and those with two or more masts with each mast being capable of supporting one or more sails.

2 masted yacht

The sloop is the most common type of sailboat and has just one mast, placed roughly at midship, with up to three headsails attached to the mast by guy lines. Boats with 2 masts or more are the ketch, yawl, brigantine, brig and the schooner , with the schooners having two, three, or in rare cases, four masts.

Many sailors like the ketch-rigged design for its off-shore performance, comfort and overall balance. This design has a main and mizzen sail, with the mainsail set in approximately the same position as on a sloop, The mizzen is a smaller mast sail set towards the rear of the boat.

The concept behind the two-sail setup on the ketch-rigged sailboat is that it provides two smaller sails that provide more overall sail area than the single sail design.

2 masted yacht

In theory the smaller sails are easier to work with in heavy off-shore winds, making the boat much easier to sail in storms. Because of the smaller and easier-to-handle sails, the design is a good choice for long distance short-handed sailing.

The mizzen sail also acts as sort of a “rudder” in helping to keep the boat sailing in the proper direction because of the downward force the mizzen applies to the rear of the boat.

Comfort is another strong selling point of this design. Whereas most sailboats are designed with the cockpit at the stern of the boat, this sailboat has a center cockpit design to allow for the placement of the mizzen sail aft.

Having the cockpit in the middle of the boat allows for more headroom below deck at the rear of the boat and a larger aft cabin. Additionally, unlike an aft cockpit that usually has the rear open to the ocean, a center cockpit is fully enclosed. This offers protection from the elements while at sea and makes for a much nicer sitting area.

The ketch-rigged sailboat is a time-proven rig that has made untold circumnavigations of the globe. For sailors who like the two-mast design, this sailboat is a hard choice to beat.

The yawl is also equipped with a main and a mizzen mast. However, a yawl typically has a smaller mizzen with the mast set aft of the rudder post.

There are as many arguments about whether the yawl is a practical off-shore design as there are species of fish in the ocean. While there are some that site the sail plan of the yawl as more aesthetic than functional, there are many long-time professional sailors who swear by the yawl design.

2 masted yacht

In theory, at least, the rear mast works as a rudder similarly to the ketch-rigged sailboat. The arguments typically start over the size and placement of the mizzen mast.

Some claim that placing the mizzen further back aids in helping to steer the boat. The other side of the argument is the reduced sail size makes it less efficient.

There is also the point that some sailors feel the mizzen being placed further back aids in heaving, or changing direction, and helps with steadying the boat at anchor.

Still, most sailors familiar with both the ketch and yawl say that the mizzen on the yawl is not a match for that of the ketch-rigged sailboat.

Brigantine and the Brig

Of similar, but not identical design, the brigantine and brig fall into the category of “clipper” or merchant ships.

2 masted yacht

Both are two-masted boats with the brigantine having square sails on the foremost mast and gaff sails on the mainmast. Here note that the smaller foremast is set forward of mast for the main sail.

Gaff sails are a four-cornered sail design attached to horizontal pole that hangs from the mast. Because of the smaller design, gaffs sails are more easily handled. In contrast, the brig uses square sails on both masts.

Both ships handle both coastal waters and ocean crossings as the square sails are well suited for sailing the trade wind routes.

A schooner is another boat with 2 masts, but can also have more. Like the brig and brigantine, a two-masted schooner has a foremast and an aft mast, the latter essentially being the mainmast.

2 masted yacht

The main characteristic of the schooner is the masts are almost the same size, with the foremost mast sometimes being slightly shorter. The schooner is equipped with gaff sails on all masts, making it better equipped to handle strong seas.

This makes the schooner very versatile and well suited to crossing the ocean on the trade-wind routes as well as sailing coastal waters with varying wind directions.

Closing Thoughts

Because of the versatile design, many pleasure sailboats during the 19th century were schooner-rigged.

While a square topsail is the most common schooner sail plan, some have sprit rigged topsails that run diagonally across the mast. However, sprit rigging is inefficient in adverse weather as the sails are not easily lowered.

Conversely, sprit rigging excels in coastal waters where the sails can more readily catch the light winds that tend to blow higher up.

While a schooner is easy to sail, can handle various wind and water conditions and is probably the most magnificent sight on the sea under full sail, the draw back of the schooner is it is definitely not the fastest sailboat design.

The Yacht Owner

Choose Smart for Happy Sailing!

Schooner – A Two Masted Sailing Vessel of Dutch Origins

October 8, 2017 By Daniel Mihai Popescu Leave a Comment

The schooner is a type of sailing vessel having a foremast and mainmast, with or without other masts, and having fore-and-aft sails on all lower masts. While the schooner was originally gaff-rigged, modern schooners typically carry a Bermuda rig.

A typical schooner

A typical schooner

The Bermuda rig consists of a triangular sail set aft of the mast with its head raised to the top of the mast; its luff runs down the mast and is normally attached to it for its entire length; its tack is attached at the base of the mast; its foot (in modern versions of the rig) controlled by a boom; and its clew attached to the aft end of the boom, which is controlled by its sheet.

Necessary Nautical Terms

The top of all sails is called the head , the leading edge is called the luff , the trailing edge is the leech , and the bottom edge is the foot . The corner where the leech and the foot connect is called the clew . The corner on a fore-and-aft sail where the luff and foot connect is called the tack .

Schooner – Short History

Schooners first evolved in the late 17th century from a variety of small two-masted gaff-rigged vessels used in the coast and estuaries of the Netherlands. They were further developed in North America from the early 18th century, and came into extensive use in New England. The most common type, with two masts, were popular in trades requiring speed and windward ability, such as slaving, privateering, blockade running, and offshore fishing.

More descriptive stuff from Wikipedia

Sailing vessels with a single mast will typically be sloops or cutters, either with a Bermuda or gaff mainsail. There is little economic justification for the cost and complexity of a second mast unless the vessel is reasonably large, say above 50 feet (15 m) LOA.

The Atlantic, a famous boat of this kind

The Atlantic, a famous boat of this kind

If a vessel’s size requires a second mast, the sail plan will usually be a schooner, ketch or yawl, all of which are fore-and-aft rigged, although the “topsail schooner” variant carries one or more square topsails on its foremast. The two-topsail schooner variant carries square topsails on both the mainmast and the foremast. The schooner may be distinguished from both the yawl and the ketch by the disposition of its masts, and thus the placement of the mainsail. On the yawl and ketch, the mainsail is flown from the forward mast, or mainmast, and the aft mast is the mizzen-mast. A two-masted schooner has the mainsail on the aft mast, and its other mast is the foremast. Compared to a single-masted vessel, all the two-masted vessels can have a lower center of pressure in the sail plan.

Although the ketch and, to a much lesser extent, the yawl are more popular than the schooner in Europe, the schooner is arguably more efficient. The schooner can carry a larger sail area, because of its much larger mainsail and the effective sail(s) between the masts. Also, in a schooner, all the sails work together in a complementary fashion, optimizing airflow and drive. By contrast, on a ketch, or especially a yawl, the mizzen sail provides proportionately less power, being smaller than, and frequently blanketed by, the mainsail. The ketch however offers advantages in sail handling in poor weather.

I’m sorry I had to use a lot of info from Wikipedia, but this time it was properly explained, so I agreed with it.

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Copyright © 2017 The Yacht Owner – Schooner – A Two Masted Sailing Vessel of Dutch Origins

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About Daniel Mihai Popescu

Daniel Mihai Popescu is a ship engineer with background in sea transportation, real estate, yacht brokerage, construction, entrepreneurship. Avid reader, traveled the world, explorer of the human nature. Never stopped learning, now I create and manage Wordpress based sites . • Twitter • Facebook • LinkedIn • Instagram • Pinterest • Goodreads • Medium •

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Sea Eagle II: The inside story of the world’s largest aluminium sailing yacht

Yachting World

  • June 17, 2020

Rupert Holmes talks to the build and design teams behind the 81m Royal Huisman flagship Sea Eagle II, which recently completed her sea trials off the coast of the Netherlands

Royal Huisman has an enviable track record of producing superlative sailing superyachts , with hundreds of projects completed to date. Yet the latest vessel to leave the shipyard is extraordinary even by these standards. She is the world’s largest aluminium yacht and is one of the top ten biggest sailing yachts ever built. 

Sea Eagle II is a magnificent 81m/266ft three-masted Panamax schooner, created by the same Dykstra and Mark Whiteley Design collaboration that produced the stunning 56m/186ft Royal Huisman ketch Aquarius just over a year ago. 

Her very experienced owner has sailed all his life and spent a lot of time at sea. “ Sailing around the world in the weekends is a phrase often used to outline his days on board,” says Royal Huisman project manager Arjo Spans. He is also a repeat client – the original Sea Eagle is a 43m/143ft Frers/Rhoades Young design launched by the Dutch yard in 2015. 


Sea Eagle II is due to be delivered to her owner in July 2020. Photo: Tom Van Oossanen

Initially the brief for the new boat was for a more classical yacht, similar to the 79m/259ft three-masted gaff schooner Athena , which Royal Huisman built for Silicon Valley mogul Jim Clark in 2004. However, the owner quickly realised he would prefer a more modern yacht: a fast-looking hull shape with straight lines, long waterline and plumb bow. The concept of Sea Eagle II was born. 

“Having worked with him to build the original Sea Eagle , we understood the owner’s priorities from the start,” says Spans. “These are: low maintenance, functionality, and safety, including ease of moving around the yacht, even when heeled at sea.

“For each of the key aspects of the boat he asked for three proposals, he would then choose one of them and leave us to implement it,” Spans adds. “He put a huge amount of trust in the shipyard and in our craftsmanship.”

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Sailing around Cape Horn on the world’s largest ketch Aquijo

When asked to help guide the 86m/282ft ketch Aquijo for a cruise in Tierra del Fuego and a Cape Horn…


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The scale of this yacht is nothing short of astounding. The sleek hull lines belie the 4m/13ft freeboard and the two-tier deckhouse, including a half-raised bridge, looks entirely in proportion. The main deck-level accommodation has a huge expanse of glass, with the 360º view interrupted only by minimal mullions. There are also acres of cockpit space, with room left over for a long sweep of uncluttered aft deck.

Mark Whiteley was responsible for developing the interior and refining the exterior styling. He created a simple and modern style for the interior, with straight lines. Lacquered Alpi walnut wall panels, brushed natural oak floors and dark stained wenge trims are complemented by light colour leather handrails and upholstered wall panels.

Part of the brief was for the yacht to be able to host business meetings – the forward part of the superstructure therefore includes a large saloon with expansive seating, plus a 16-seat table for formal dining.


The largest winches are capable of a tremendous 18-tonne pulling load. Photo: Rondal

A technical challenge 

Dykstra Naval Architects drew a narrow and efficient hull shape with a maximum beam of only 12.4m/40ft, while displacement has been kept down to a relatively light 1,050 tonnes at full load. The final shape was achieved following extensive computational flow dynamics (CFD) calculations, velocity prediction programming (VPP), and testing in both tow tanks and wind tunnels. These all helped to determine sail balance, keel position and predicted rudder angles.

The plumb bow is balanced by a modest, but graceful, stern overhang, with a contemporary, relatively wide transom at deck level. Twin knuckle lines extend aft from near the bow, merging into one amidships and then forming a chine aft. Right aft the hull has negative curvature on the flare below the chine, which gives interesting reflections in the gleaming paintwork.

The lead naval architect, Dykstra’s Erik Wassen, told me he introduced the knuckle lines to give the hull “a bolder and more interesting shape.” The owner liked the concept and Mark Whiteley helped to refine the detail. Wassen describes the underwater shape as being: “a very modern round bilge shape, with a nice slender hull that gives good sailing capabilities.” Appendages are a conventional fin keel and balanced rudder.


Photo: Priska van der Meulen

The latter presented an interesting technical challenge, according to Wassen. Initially they looked at fabricating the rudder stock in steel, but that alone would weigh three tonnes. Screening a number of alternatives led to a decision to use carbon for the stock, with a foam core section clad in a relatively thin composite skin for the blade. 

The result is what it’s producer, Royal Huisman’s sister company Rondal, believes to be the biggest ever carbon rudder, weighing only 1,250kg, which helps to keep weight out of the ends of the boat. The weight saving here also enabled the intended fore and aft trim to be achieved with the ballast in its optimal location.

The rudder includes load sensors to record and verify torque, side forces and bending moment while sailing. “There is not much load data available for rudders of this size of sailing yacht, so it’s very conservatively engineered,” says Spans. Fibre-optic sensors are incorporated to enable a database to be created that will help with designing future composite rudders for very large yachts.

Due to the distance of the helm stations from the rudder, the steering is via an electric-hydraulic system, which means there’s no feedback from the helm. The plan is to investigate whether data from the sensors can be used in a feedback system to give a more natural feel to steering the boat under sail. 

Structural engineering

This is one of the most interesting elements of yacht design, yet is all too often under appreciated. Extensive modelling showed a couple of unexpected problems that needed clever solutions during Sea Eagle II ’s design and engineering. 

Instead of the hull flexing smoothly under load, like an I-beam, the presence of a forward intermediate deck introduced hard spots in this area, resulting in stress concentrations at the forward end of the superstructure. This required a lot of design work to create a smooth transition of stress from the lower deck to the intermediate one and then on to the upper deck.


Structural engineering was extensively modelled for Sea Eagle II

The roof of the superstructure also posed a challenge, in that the inside surface of a beam needs to become shorter as it flexes. But the original plan for the aluminium roof wasn’t able to accommodate this, with the result the modelling showed stresses concentrating in the corners of the mullions and in the glass itself. 

The solution was to avoid welding the top of the mullions to the roof, opting instead for a flexible joint that allows for movement when necessary. Wassen likens it to the joints in large buildings that need to be included to allow for thermal expansion and contraction.

Whiteley also helped to refine the exterior styling. In addition to the detail of the knuckles, his input helped to refine the shapes – particularly curves and softening corners – in the superstructure.


COVID-19 restrictions meant her delivery date had to be pushed back by 3 months. Photo: Crea Fragma / Rondal

Panamax rig

The requirement to be able to clear the Bridge of the Americas at the Pacific end of the Panama canal called for the schooner rig with three equal masts. All are of carbon and are made by Rondal, with integrated sail handling systems and Carbo-Link carbon standing rigging.

Each mast has in-boom furling, while the aft two have staysails for use when reaching. The tank and wind tunnel testing was used to verify different headsail options, particularly to determine the differences between a large blade jib versus a large staysail or yankee.

“Obviously you have better windward performance with a large blade,” says Wassen, “but as soon as you bear away the yankee is much more forgiving in trimming, so we decided that made more sense.” A further advantage is that when the yankee is part furled the sheeting point remains the same. 


Rondal’s Integrated Sailing System consists of the three carbon Panamax masts with furling booms, hydraulic boomvangs, headsail furling systems, deck winches and equipment, captive winches and continuous solid carbon standing rigging by Carbo-Link, all equipped with load sensing capabilities. Photo: Rondal

In addition, a blade jib requires much higher sheet loads to maintain leech tension. Even though Sea Eagle II is a three-masted yacht, the yankee sheet loads are still predicted to reach 18 tonnes – but this still allows standard-size captive winches to be used, rather than larger custom-made units.

The Panamax limitation obviously poses the question as to whether sail area needed to be compromised to fulfil this criteria. However, this is clearly not the case for Sea Eagle II . Hull speed is close to 20 knots and the yacht is clearly capable of surfing at much higher speeds, despite being designed as a pure cruiser. This role, of course, suggests keeping heel angles to a maximum of 10-15°. 

Nevertheless, the VPP figures suggest potential boat speeds of 17-18 knots in 16 knots of true breeze with a true wind angle of 70°. “As soon as you can ease the sheets a little bit, we have a lot of sail area,” says Wassen, “so on a beam reach, I wouldn’t be surprised if a steady 20 knots is possible.” 


LOA: 81m (266ft) Air draught: 62m (205ft) Hull: Aluminium Guest accommodation: 11 Crew accommodation: 14 Exterior styling: Dykstra Naval Architects and Mark Whiteley Design Naval Architecture: Dykstra Naval Architects Interior design: Mark Whiteley Design Classification: Lloyd’s MCA (LY-3)

First published in the April 2020 edition of Supersail World.

2 masted yacht

2 Masted Schooner

2 masted yacht

Schooner – a sailing vessel with fore and aft sails on two masts. The foremast being shorter or equal height to the mainmast. Originally gaff rigged, nowadays many carry bermudan sails.


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Allied Yachting

Types of Sailboats by Type of Rig

16 December 2015

To have a better idea of which types of sailboats would best suit your needs, your Allied Yachting broker can advise you on the various options available on the market for new or second-hand vessels as well as new construction. In the meantime, here is a summarized guide to the different categories of sailing yachts by type of rig , whether they are monohull (single hull) or multihull , as they’re called in the Mediterranean.

Sailboats by rig type: hulls, masts

Single mast sailboat

Single masted sailboat with monohull

The most common monohull modern sailing yacht is the sloop, which features one mast and two sails, thus sloops are single-masted sailboats. If they have just two sails — a foresail and a headsail — then they’re a Bermudan sloop, the purest type of sailboat. This simple configuration is very efficient for sailing into the wind.

Sailing sloops with moderate rigs are probably the most popular of all cruising sailboats. Just a single-masted sailboat with two sails (a foresail or headsail, and a mainsail) and the minimum of rigging and sail control lines they are relatively simple to operate and less expensive than rigs with multiple masts.

Sloops are adapted for cruising as well as racing, depending on the height and size of their rig.

The cutter sailing yacht is also a monohull similar to a sloop with a single mast and mainsail but generally carries the mast further aft to allow for a jib and staysail to be attached to the head stay and inner forestay, respectively. Once a common racing configuration, today it gives versatility to cruising boats, especially in allowing a small staysail to be flown from the inner stay in high winds.

Thus, a cutter-rig sailboat has an additional sail (the staysail) set on its own stay between the foresail and the headsail.

Cutters are mostly adapted for cruising, but capable of good performance while racing as well.

A ketch is a two-masted sailboat, the main-mast forward and a shorter mizzen mast aft.

But not all two-masted sailboats are ketches — they might be yawls.

A ketch may also carry a staysail, with or without a bowsprit, in which case it would be known as a cutter-rigged ketch.

Ketches are also monohulls, but there is a second shorter mast astern of the mainmast, but forward of the rudder post. The second sailboat mast is called the mizzen mast and its sail is called the mizzen sail.

Yawls have their origins as old-time sail fishing boats, where the small mizzen sail was trimmed to keep the vessel steady when hauling the nets.

Similar to a ketch, the difference being that the yawl has the mizzen mast positioned aft of the rudder post whereas the ketch has its mizzen mast ahead of the rudder post.

Thus, a yawl is also a monohull, similar to a ketch, with a shorter mizzen mast carried astern the rudderpost more for balancing the helm than propulsion.

Schooners are generally the largest monohull sailing yachts.

Monohull sailboat

Monohull two masts sailing boat

A schooner has a mainmast taller than its foremast, distinguishing it from a ketch or a yawl. A schooner can have more than two masts, with the foremast always lower than the foremost main. Traditional topsail schooners have topmasts allowing triangular topsails sails to be flown above their gaff sails; many modern schooners are Bermuda rigged.

A schooner is a two-(or more) masted sailboat, in which the aft-most mast – the mainmast – is the same height or taller than the foremast. Many sailors agree that of all the different types of sailboats, a schooner under full sail is one of the most beautiful sights afloat.

Gaffed-rigged sailboats, or “gaffers”, have their mainsail supported by a spar – the “gaff” – which is hauled up the mast by a separate halyard. Often these types of sailboats are rigged with a topsail. The gaff rig is no longer seen on modern production yachts.

A catamaran (‘cat’ for short) is a multihull yacht consisting of two parallel hulls of equal size.

A catamaran is geometry-stabilized, that is, it derives its stability from its wide beam, rather than having a ballasted keel like a monohull. Being ballast-free and lighter than a monohull, a catamaran can have a very shallow draught. The two hulls will be much finer than a monohull’s, allowing reduced drag and faster speeds in some conditions, although the high wetted surface area is detrimental in lower wind speeds, but allows much more accommodations, living and entertaining space in stability and comfort.

Two parallel hulls catamaran

Two parallel hulls sailing catamaran

The speed and stability of these catamarans have made them a popular pleasure craft in Europe, most high-quality catamarans are built in France, but careful since their wide beams aren’t easy (or cheap) to berth in the French Riviera.

Racing catamarans technology has made them today’s leading racing sailboats of the world, like in the latest editions of America’s cup or other renowned transoceanic races.

Please surf through our website listings of sailing catamarans .


Even harder to berth in the Mediterranean, and most commonly designed for around-the-globe racing rather than cruising, the trimarans have also been gaining some popularity in the western hemisphere, especially by naval designers with futuristic projects.

A trimaran is a multihull boat that comprises a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls (or ‘floats’) which are attached to the main hull with lateral beams.


A motorsailer or “motorsailor”, is a type of sailing vessel, typically a pleasure yacht, that derives propulsion from its sails and engine(s) in equal measure.

While the sailing yacht appeals primarily to the purist sailing enthusiast, the motorsailer is more suited for long-distance cruising, as a home for ‘live-aboard’ yachtsmen. The special features of the motorsailer (large engine, smaller sails, etc.) mean that, while it may not be the fastest boat under sail, the vessel is easily handled by a small crew. As such, it can be ideal for retired people who might not be entirely physically able to handle large sail areas. In heavy weather, the motorsailer’s large engine allows it to punch into a headwind when necessary to make landfall, without endless tacking to windward.

The Turkish word gulet is a loanword from the French goélette, meaning ‘schooner’.

A gulet is a traditional design of a two-masted (more common) or even three-masted wooden sailing vessel from the southwestern coast of Turkey, particularly built in the coastal towns of Bodrum and Marmaris; although similar vessels can be found all around the eastern Mediterranean. For considerations of crew economy, Diesel power is commonly used on these vessels, similar to a motorsailer. Today, this type of vessel, varying in size from 14 to 45 meters, is very popular and affordable for tourist charters in Turkey, the Aegean, Greece and up to Croatia in the Adriatic.

Please surf through our website listings of cruising sailing yachts by type of rig.


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World’s two tallest masts of sailing yacht Salute and superyacht M5 serviced by Marine Results

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Written by Chelsea Smith

Marine Results, an international rigging and structural inspection company has just carried out service work on the masts of sailing yacht M5 and superyacht Salute – two of the world’s tallest masts.  Marine Results inspected the rig of fast cruising sloop Salute which has the world’s tallest aluminium mast at a towering 75 metres.  But even that measurement was dwarfed by the next project on the schedule, that of the giant 89 metres high rig belonging to the 75m yacht M5 (ex Mirabella) .  Sailing yacht M5 is not only the world’s largest sailing sloop but she has the world’s tallest carbon rig.

Marine Results personnel work on the gigantic M5 sailing yacht mast.

Marine Results personnel work on the gigantic M5 sailing yacht mast.

“We have worked extensively with both yachts since they were launched,” comments Jon Morris of Marine Results. “Following completion of the two most recent projects we reflected that we had just carried out work on the world’s two largest rigs in their particular construction category.  We are pretty proud of that achievement and the way that it illustrates our capabilities.”

In the case of the 56m Perini Navi yacht Salute, Marine Results carried out an extensive inspection after the team un-stepped the rig at the Perini Navi yard in La Spezia, where she was originally built.  Marine Results then worked with Perini’s mast division to complete the inspection on the mast and rigging systems. Marine Results specialises in a range of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques to check for concealed stressing and damage.

The second of the two record breakers, the M5 yacht had her mast pulled out as part of a substantial one-year refit at Pendennis Shipyard in Cornwall.  Marine Results was called in to unstep the rig prior to an extensive modification programme which is expected to last until the end of 2012.

“Unstepping the rig was no small job,” said Morris. “The rig weighs a colossal 46 tonnes. To give you an idea of the size of the job, when we removed the boom vang, this alone was 9.5 metres long and weighed 900 kg.

“One of our strengths is our ability to deploy our teams around the world to carry out service work on dozens of the world’s most advanced racing and cruising superyachts,” concludes Jon Morris.  Marine Results is based in Hamble, England and La Ciotat, France .

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "World’s two tallest masts of sailing yacht Salute and superyacht M5 serviced by Marine Results".

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Bayesian Yacht: Sixth Body Found In Italy, Reports Say

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A sixth body has been found after luxury yacht Bayesian sank off the coast of Sicily earlier this week, multiple outlets reported Friday, after divers recovered the bodies of British tech entrepreneur Michael Lynch and four others, including the chairman of Morgan Stanley International.

A body bag is brought ashore at the harbor in Porticello by rescue workers on Thursday, Aug. 22, ... [+] 2024.

The Italian Coastguard told media they had found another body, believed to be that of 18-year-old Hannah Lynch, the daughter of Michael Lynch and his wife, Angela Bacares, in the search for missing people, and the head of Sicily’s civil protection agency Salvatore Cocina reportedly said efforts to recover the body are “in progress.”

The bodies of Lynch, Morgan Stanley International chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife Judy, and attorney Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda, were all recovered from the sunken Bayesian yacht Wednesday, according to Reuters .

Bacares was rescued alive from the vessel.

Rescuers were able to breach the main hull of the sunken yacht Wednesday for the first time and recovered the five bodies, multiple outlets reported.

One person, believed to be the yacht's chef, Recaldo Thomas , was confirmed early on in the search to have died, and 15 others were rescued.

A spokesperson for the Italian coast guard on Tuesday said those missing were presumed dead.

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Crucial Quote

“It looks like we’ve lost our dear Dr Mike Lynch. RIP,” David Tabizel, who co-founded at Autonomy with Lynch, posted to X. “The world has lost a genius. His family have lost a giant of a man.”

Who Was On Board The Bayesian Yacht?

Lynch, 59, and his daughter, Hannah, were among the first to be identified as among the missing. Lynch is a founder of the software company Autonomy Corporation, Invoke Capital and cybersecurity company Darktrace. His daughter was reportedly set to attend Oxford University in the fall. Lynch's wife is the legal owner of the ship and was among those rescued. Others onboard were guests of the Lynch family, including Morvillo, Lynch’s lawyer, and his wife and jewelry designer Neda. Bloomer, 70, is reportedly a close friend of Lynch's. Among those resued were Charlotte Golunski, a partner at Lynch's Invoke Capital, her partner and her baby daughter. Lawyer Ayla Ronald and her partner were also rescued.

Key Background

The Bayesian, a 184-foot luxury sailing yacht, was anchored near the port of Porticello overnight Sunday with 12 crew members and 10 guests onboard. A storm that hit the coast reportedly included a waterspout , effectively a tornado over water, which tipped the boat into the sea. The ship's massive sail and mast dragged the vessel underwater and it sank—it had the tallest aluminum mast in the world at 246 feet. Fifteen people were rescued from the vessel. Of those, eight were treated at local hospitals and have since been released.

Surprising Fact

The ship’s sinking comes two months after Lynch, a one-time billionaire, was acquitted in a fraud trial after Hewlett-Packard accused him and his colleagues of artificially inflating the value of software company Autonomy before HP purchased it in 2011. Bloomer testified for the defense at Lynch’s trial, according to the Associated Press , and Morvillo was one of the lawyers on the case. The same weekend the ship sank, Lynch’s co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain was hit by a car while jogging and died Monday after being put on life support at a U.K. hospital.

Further Reading

Mary Whitfill Roeloffs

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Five bodies found inside superyacht that sank off Sicily

PORTICELLO, Sicily — Divers recovered four bodies Wednesday from inside a superyacht that sank in a sudden storm off Sicily , Salvatore Cocina, director of the island's Civil Protection Agency, confirmed to NBC News.

Cocina later confirmed to Sky News that a fifth body had been found and was being brought to shore. One passenger remains missing.

The identities of the bodies were not immediately released. Their recovery follows a dayslong search in the deep waters off Italy where British tech tycoon Mike Lynch  and several others were believed to be trapped in the hull. Fifteen of the 22 people aboard survived.

The rest had been missing since early Monday, when the Bayesian was caught in the storm anchored off the coast of Porticello, a village near the Sicilian capital city, Palermo.

The body of the ship’s cook, identified as Recaldo Thomas, a Canadian Antiguan national, was recovered Monday. 

On Wednesday, NBC News witnessed what appeared to be at least three body bags being lifted from fire department boats after they pulled into port at Porticello. It was unclear whose bodies they were. Some were later transferred to ambulances and driven away from the dock.

Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah; Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife, Judy; and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife, Neda, are also missing. 

Bayesian yacht accident in Sicily

The Bayesian is owned by a firm linked to Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who was among the survivors rescued by a nearby vessel after they got into a lifeboat.

Built by the Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered yacht could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist boating sites. Its nearly 250-foot mast is the tallest aluminum sailing mast in the world, according to CharterWorld Luxury Yacht Charters.  

Regularly described in U.K. media as “Britain’s Bill Gates,” Lynch was  acquitted of fraud by a San Francisco jury this year, stemming from the sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011.

The Mediterranean sailing vacation was designed to be a celebration for Lynch, who brought Bloomer, who testified in his defense, and Morvillo, one of his U.S. lawyers, on the trip.

Lynch's co-defendant Stephen Chamberlain was not aboard the Bayesian, but in what appears to be a tragic coincidence, a  car struck and killed  him Saturday as he was jogging in a village about 68 miles north of London, local police said.

Claudio Lavanga and Claudia Rizzo reported from Porticello. Henry Austin reported from London.

Claudio Lavanga is Rome-based foreign correspondent for NBC News.

Claudia Rizzo is an Italy based journalist.

2 masted yacht

Henry Austin is a senior editor for NBC News Digital based in London.

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UK tycoon's body found in sunken yacht, one woman still missing

Many questions remain about why the yacht sank off the coast of Sicily

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The body of UK tech tycoon Mike Lynch was recovered Thursday from his sunken yacht off Sicily, as the search continued for the last of the six people missing -- his teenage daughter.

Specialist divers were still looking for a missing woman, a coastguard official told AFP, with a source close to the investigation having earlier indicated Lynch's 18-year-old daughter Hannah had yet to be found. 

On Wednesday they pulled up four bodies from the wreck of the "Bayesian", while another was brought onland in Porticello, on the north shore of the Italian island near Palermo, Thursday morning. 

The latest grim discovery brings the death toll to six, after the body of a man believed to be the yacht's chef was found shortly after the ship went down in a storm before dawn on Monday. 

The 56-metre (185 feet) British-flagged sailing boat had been anchored some 700 metres off Porticello when it was struck by a waterspout -- akin to a mini-tornado.

It sank within minutes. 

Fifteen people were rescued, including Lynch's wife, but the businessman and his daughter were among six people reported missing.

- 'Unimaginable grief' -

The passengers were guests of 59-year-old Lynch -- a celebrated technology entrepreneur and investor sometimes referred to as the UK's answer to Bill Gates -- celebrating his recent acquittal in a massive US fraud case. 

Lynch's lawyer Christopher Morvillo and his wife Neda, and Jonathan Bloomer, the chair of Morgan Stanley International, and his wife Judy, were also among the missing.

"This is an unimaginable grief to shoulder," the Bloomer family said in a statement Thursday.

Jonathan and Judy "were incredible people and an inspiration to many, but first and foremost they were focused on and loved their family and spending time with their new grandchildren", it said.

"Together for five decades, our only comfort is that they are still together now."

Emergency workers brought a hyperbaric chamber to the quayside Thursday, and could be seen performing a test run.

The chambers are used to treat or prevent decompression sickness in divers, commonly known as the bends.

"I would think the hyperbaric chamber has been brought in as a precaution" as the divers searching the yacht are descending to a great depth, Matthew Schanck from the Maritime Search and Rescue Council, told AFP.

- 'Errors' -

Many questions remain about why the yacht sank, and on Thursday the head of the company which built the boat said the tragedy could have been avoided.

"Everything that was done reveals a very long summation of errors," said Giovanni Costantino, head of the Italian Sea Group, which includes the Perini Navi company that built "Bayesian" in 2008. 

He told Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper that bad weather was forecast and all the passengers should have been gathered at a pre-arranged assembly point, with all the doors and hatches closed. 

Security camera footage of the ship from the shore showed the lights on its mast going out, which Costantino said indicated a short circuit, meaning that the ship had already taken on water. 

"A Perini ship resisted Hurricane Katrina, a category 5 (hurricane). Does it seem to you that it can't resist a tornado from here?" he told the newspaper.

- 'Trapped like mice' -

Costantino said it was "good practice when the ship is at anchor to have a guard on the bridge, and if there was one he could not have failed to see the storm coming".

"Instead it took on water with the guests still in the cabin. They ended up in a trap, those poor people ended up like mice in a trap," he said.

The "Bayesian"  boasted a 75-metre mast, the tallest aluminium sailing mast in the world, according to the Charter World website.

It was reportedly owned by Lynch's family.

Lynch was acquitted on all charges in a San Francisco court in June after he was accused of an $11 billion fraud linked to the sale of his software firm Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard.

A co-defendant, former Autonomy executive Stephen Chamberlain, died after being hit by a car on Saturday in England.

Italian authorities have opened a probe into the sinking, while the UK's marine accident investigation branch sent four inspectors to Palermo.


The shock death of the beloved journalist has sent shockwaves through her local community.

Divers searching sunken yacht for UK tycoon's daughter find body

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Body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch recovered, 1 still missing after luxury superyacht sank in freak storm off Sicily. Here's what we know about the incident.

Rescue crews recovered the body of British tech magnate Mike Lynch off the coast of Sicily, the Italian coast guard said Thursday. One woman still remains missing.

Four bodies were recovered on Wednesday by divers searching for six missing passengers who were aboard the Bayesian, a luxury superyacht that sank on Monday after it was caught in the middle of an unexpected and violent storm.

Among the passengers were Lynch's 18-year-old daughter and "associates who had successfully defended him in a recent U.S. federal fraud trial," the Associated Press reported .

What happened?

The Bayesian capsized about half a mile off the coast of Porticello, a small fishing village. There were 22 people on board — 12 passengers and 10 crew members. The City Council of Bagheria said in a statement that seven adults were taken to the emergency room following the rescue, but “it seems that none are in serious conditions.”

While crews searched for the remaining bodies, others are trying to confirm why the boat sank in the first place. According to a BBC report , a heavy storm hit the coast of Sicily and created waterspouts , which are tornadoes that form over water. The waterspout winds were so powerful that they broke the boat’s mast in half, causing the ship, which was anchored, to lose its balance and sink.

The U.K.’s Marine Accident Investigation Branch plans to send a team of four investigators to make a preliminary assessment of why the Bayesian sank and why people were still on board.

As the ship was going down, 15 people were able to make it to safety and were rescued by a nearby boat.

The crew on a Dutch-flagged vessel nearby noticed the yacht had disappeared and saw flares being set off in the sea. They went to help survivors before the Italian coast guard could arrive.

One British passenger, Charlotte Golunski, told reporters she kept her 1-year-old daughter alive by holding her up above the water until they got on a lifeboat.

What to know about the Bayesian

Charter sites list the yacht’s weekly rent as $215,000, the Associated Press reported .

Boat International , a superyacht and luxury yacht guide, reported that the Bayesian had the tallest aluminum mast in the world at over 240 feet, making it one of the 50 largest sailing yachts in the world.

Who is Mike Lynch?

Lynch, 59, founded the software firm Autonomy and recently faced a legal battle with U.S.-based Hewlett-Packard after the tech company accused him of inflating Autonomy’s value in an $11 billion sale in 2011.

Lynch was acquitted of multiple fraud charges in June after a three-month trial, avoiding a potential 20-year jail sentence.

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World News | Divers recover 5 bodies from wrecked superyacht…

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World News | Divers recover 5 bodies from wrecked superyacht off Sicily; 1 still missing

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PORTICELLO, Sicily (AP) — Divers searching the wreck of a superyacht that sank off Sicily found the bodies of five passengers Wednesday, leaving one still missing as questions intensified about why the vessel sank so quickly when a nearby sailboat remained largely unscathed.

Rescue crews brought four body bags ashore at Porticello. Salvatore Cocina, head of the Sicily civil protection agency, said a fifth body had been located. Divers on-scene said they would try to recover it on Thursday while continuing the search for the sixth.

The discovery made clear the operation to search the hull on the seabed 50 meters (164 feet) underwater had quickly turned into a recovery one, not a rescue, given the amount of time that had passed and with no signs of life over three days of searching.

The Bayesian, a 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged yacht, went down in a storm early Monday as it was moored about a kilometer (a half-mile) offshore. Civil protection officials said they believed the ship was struck by a tornado over the water, known as a waterspout.

Fifteen people escaped in a lifeboat and were rescued by a nearby sailboat. The body of the ship’s chef, Recaldo Thomas of Antigua, was recovered Monday.

Thomas was born in Canada, according to his cousin David Isaac, but visited his parents’ homeland of Antigua as a child, and moved permanently to the tiny eastern Caribbean island in his early 20s. Italian officials previously listed Antigua and Canada as the nationality of people on board.

The fate of six missing passengers had driven the search effort, including British tech magnate Mike Lynch , his 18-year-old daughter and associates who had successfully defended him in a recent U.S. federal fraud trial.

Lynch’s spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Termini Imerese Public Prosecutor’s Office investigators were acquiring evidence for their criminal investigation, which they opened immediately after the tragedy despite no formal suspects having been publicly identified.

Questions have abounded about what caused the superyacht, built in 2008 by Italian shipyard Perini Navi, to rapidly sink, when the nearby Sir Robert Baden Powell sailboat was largely spared and managed to rescue the survivors.

Giovanni Costantino, head of The Italian Sea Group, which owns the ship maker, blamed human error for the disaster, which he said took 16 minutes. “The ship sank because it took on water. From where, the investigators will say,” he told RAI state television after he met with prosecutors.

Costantino cited AIS ship tracking data which he said showed the Bayesian had taken on water for four minutes when a sudden gust of wind flipped it and it continued taking on water. The ship straightened up slightly and then went down, he said.

But was it merely the case of a freak waterspout that knocked the ship to its side and allowed water to pour in through open hatches? What was the position of the keel, which on a large sailboat like the Bayesian might have been retractable to allow it to enter shallower ports?

“There’s a lot of uncertainty as to whether it had a lifting keel and whether it might have been up,” said Jean-Baptiste Souppez, a fellow of the Royal Institute of Naval Architects and the editor of the Journal of Sailing Technology. “But if it had, then that would reduce the amount of stability that the vessel had, and therefore made it easier for it to roll over on its side,” he said in an interview.

The captain of the sailboat that rescued survivors said his craft sustained minimal damage — the frame of a sun awning broke — even with winds that he estimated reached 12 on the Beaufort wind scale, which is the highest hurricane-strength force on the scale.

He said he had remained anchored with his engines running to try to maintain the ship’s position as the forecast storm rolled in.

“Another possibility is to heave anchor before the storm and to run downwind at open sea,” Karsten Borner said in a text message. But he said that might not have been possible for the Bayesian, given its trademark 75-meter (246-foot) tall mast.

“If there was a stability problem, caused by the extremely tall mast, it would not have been better at open sea,” he said.

Yachts like the Bayesian are required to have watertight, sub-compartments that are specifically designed to prevent a rapid, catastrophic sinking even when some parts fill with water.

The underwater search continued in dangerous and time-consuming conditions. Because of the wreck’s depth, which requires special precautions, divers working in pairs could only spend about 12 minutes at a time searching, though reinforcements outfitted with special equipment to enable longer dives were on the wreck Wednesday.

In all, some 27 divers took rotations, including four who helped with recovery after the 2012 Costa Concordia disaster off Tuscany. They called the Porticello wreck a “little Concordia,” fire crews said in a statement.

The limited dive time was aimed in part at avoiding decompression sickness, also known as the “bends,” which can occur when divers stay underwater for long periods and ascend too quickly, allowing nitrogen gas dissolved in the blood to form bubbles.

“The longer you stay, the slower your ascent has to be,” said Simon Rogerson, the editor of SCUBA magazine. He said the tight turnaround time suggested the operation’s managers were trying to limit the risks and recovery time after each dive.

“It sounds like they’re operating essentially on no decompression or very tight decompression, or they’re being extremely conservative,” he said.

Divers were also working with debris floating around them, limited visibility and air tanks on their backs.

“We are trying to advance in tight spaces, but any single thing slows us down,” said Luca Cari, spokesman for the fire rescue service. “An electric panel could set us back for five hours. These aren’t normal conditions. We’re at the limit of possibility.”

Winfield reported from Rome and Kirka from London. Associated Press journalists Trisha Thomas in Rome; Andrea Rosa in Porticello; and Anika Kentish in St. John’s, Antigua, contributed to this report.

This story has been corrected to reflect that Thomas was born in Canada, not Antigua.

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