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Masz pytanie lub potrzebujesz pomocy przy wyborze wakacji?

Nasi eksperci pomogą Ci wybrać się w podróż Twoich marzeń. Razem znajdziemy wycieczkę, którą zapamiętasz na całe życie!

Jesteśmy dostępni od poniedziałku do niedzieli: 7 dni/tyg. 8:00 - 23:00

Skontaktuj się z nami. Radość zaczyna się tutaj!

Znakomity wybór! Nasi Klienci byli tym hotelem zachwyceni.

  • Od dnia 19 kwietnia 2022 r. wjazd bez wizy dla pobytów turystycznych i tranzytowych do 90 dni w ciągu 180 dni.
  • Możliwość przekroczenia granicy na podstawie ważnego dowodu osobistego​​​​ lub paszportu.
  • Paszport musi być ważny co najmniej 60 dni dłużej niż dozwolony okres pobytu bezwizowego (minimum 150 dni, licząc od pierwszego dnia wjazdu do Turcji).
  • Ważność dowodu osobistego powinna obejmować cały planowany okres pobytu.
  • Udając się w podróż z dzieckiem, zalecane jest, by zabrać ze sobą wielojęzyczny odpis aktu urodzenia dziecka.
  • Brak szczególnych wymagań dotyczących szczepień.

Hotel Catamaran Quality Times

Turcja, kemer, beldibi.

scroll-to#scroll click->gtm#click click->ga#click" data-gtm_cee_gan_click="{"eventLabel":"Anchor Clicked"}" data-gtm_action_params="{"event":"trackEvent","eventCategory":"Hotel Detail","eventAction":"Description","nonInteraction":false}" data-ga-click-data-value="{"event":"hotel_detail","event_action":"select_description_anchor","non_interaction":"false","analytics":"ga4"}" > Więcej o hotelu

od 2 432 zł za os.

Wybierz termin

Wybraliśmy dla was, last minute, tylko zakwaterowanie, najlepsza cena, prognozowane ceny wycieczek w nadchodzących miesiącach.

Wykres przedstawia prognozowane ceny wycieczek w nadchodzących miesiącach

Minimalna cena za osobę z możliwymi różnicami w czasie trwania podróży

Catamaran Quality Times Ocena: 5/5

Nieoficjalny opis hotelu.

Numer hotelu: 11 206


Zakwaterowanie, usługi płatne.

Prezentowane w informacji opisy, opinie oraz zdjęcia przedstawiają subiektywne odczucia ich autora i nie stanowią części oficjalnego opisu obiektu organizatora turystyki (przedsiębiorcy turystycznego). Pokoje oraz udogodnienia mogą się różnić od zawartych w informacji, za co S.A. nie ponosi odpowiedzialności. Oficjalny opis dostarczony przez organizatora turystyki znajdziesz na stronie poświęconej wybranej przez Ciebie imprezie turystycznej, po wskazaniu interesującego Cię terminu wyjazdu.

Informacje o hotelu Informacje

  • Odległość od plaży Plaża 0 m
  • Odległość od centrum miasta Centrum miasta 10 km
  • Odległość od lotniska Lotnisko 45 km
  • Klimatyzacja Klimatyzacja tak
  • Basen zewnętrzny Basen zewnętrzny tak
  • Basen wewnętrzny Basen wewnętrzny tak
  • Bezpłatne leżaki i parasole przy basenie, Bezpłatne leżaki i parasole na plaży Bezpłatne leżaki i parasole przy basenie tak
  • Minibar, Bar Minibar tak
  • Kącik dziecięcy, Plac zabaw, Basen dla dzieci Kącik dziecięcy tak
  • Tenis, Siatkówka Tenis tak
  • Surfing Surfing tak
  • Centrum nurkowania Centrum nurkowania tak
  • Hotel przy ulicy Hotel przy ulicy tak
  • Fitness Fitness tak
  • Programy animacyjne Programy animacyjne tak
  • Ułatwienia dla niepełnosprawnych Ułatwienia dla niepełnosprawnych tak
  • Zwierzęta dozwolone Zwierzęta dozwolone tak
  • Hotelowa restauracja Hotelowa restauracja tak
  • Kawiarnia Kawiarnia tak
  • Recepcja 24h Recepcja 24h tak
  • Wypożyczalnia rowerów Wypożyczalnia rowerów tak

Opinie o hotelu

Bardzo Dobry (Na podstawie 51 opinii) Informacje

Ocena 4,4  / 5

Zakwaterowanie 4,3  / 5

Wyżywienie 4,6  / 5

Okolica 4,3  / 5

Cena 4,4  / 5

49 . najwyższa ocena z 566 hoteli w Kemer

Ocena 4,9  / 5

Zweryfikowana opinia ( Data pobytu 1.8. - 8.8.2024 Oceniono: Sierpień 2024

Catamaran Quality Times Ocena: 5/5 Turcja, Kemer

Polecam wakacje w tym hotelu!!

Zakwaterowanie 4,5  / 5

Wyżywienie 5,0  / 5

Okolica 5,0  / 5

Cena 5,0  / 5

Ta recenzja została automatycznie przetłumaczona za pomocą Google Translate

review-toggler#toggle"> Więcej Czy ta recenzja była pomocna? tak ( 0 ) nie ( 0 )

Zweryfikowana opinia ( Data pobytu 31.7. - 7.8.2024 Oceniono: Sierpień 2024

pełna satysfakcja...byliśmy na 2 imprezach i nie mam na co narzekać, morze ma super stopniowe wejście, trochę kamyczków poza tym piasek, urozmaicone jedzenie, zawsze można było coś wybrać, basen ze zjeżdżalniami, kącik dla dzieci 3 razy w tygodniu dziennie, ale wstęp od 4 roku życia, w cenie zestaw kawowy Starbucks oraz napoje, w tym alkohole importowane

Zakwaterowanie 5,0  / 5

Wyżywienie 4,5  / 5

Zakwaterowanie hotel jest piękny, czysty... pokój jest odpowiedni, na balkonie znajduje się miejsce do siedzenia i suszarka na stroje kąpielowe, klimatyzacja jest nieco przestarzała, ale kiedy pozwalamy jej działać przez cały dzień, w pokoju jest przyjemnie chłodno, co nam odpowiada z dziećmi

Wyżywienie jedzenie było wystarczające, zawsze można było coś wybrać, byliśmy zadowoleni, że obiad podano w barze na plaży, brakowało mi większej ilości ryb do wyboru, codziennie kawa Starbucks :-) -

Obsługa w hotelu zawsze i wszędzie było sprzątanie na plaży, był SBS, który sprawdzał, czy na hotelowych leżakach nie przebywa nikt poza gośćmi hotelowymi

Plaża plaża była trochę wąska i krótka, ale rekompensowało to pomost z leżakami, zawsze znaleźliśmy miejsce z parasolem obok jest plaża publiczna, więc czasami morze było „pełne”, wejście do morza jest stopniowe , na początek kilka kamyków, inaczej piasek

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  • Sortuj od najwyżej ocenionych

Filtruj opinie

Ocena 5,0  / 5

Zweryfikowana opinia ( Data pobytu 24.7. - 31.7.2024 Oceniono: Sierpień 2024

Polecam ???????? odpowiedni dla rodzin z dziećmi

Zakwaterowanie 4,8  / 5

review-toggler#toggle"> Więcej Czy ta recenzja była pomocna? tak ( 1 ) nie ( 0 )

Ocena 3,7  / 5

Zweryfikowana opinia ( Data pobytu 16.7. - 23.7.2024 Oceniono: Lipiec 2024

Zakwaterowanie średnie, jedzenie doskonałe.

Zakwaterowanie 3,3  / 5

Okolica 4,0  / 5

Cena 2,5  / 5

Klient chciał pozostać anonimowy

Ocena 4,3  / 5

Zweryfikowana opinia ( Data pobytu 11.7. - 18.7.2024 Oceniono: Lipiec 2024

Super, byliśmy bardzo zadowoleni

Zakwaterowanie 4,0  / 5

Cena 4,0  / 5

Nie udało się znaleźć oferty Twoich marzeń?

Zadzwoń lub wyślij zapytanie, a my wyszukamy dla Ciebie wyjazd, który będziesz długo i mile wspominać!

Jesteśmy dostępni 7 dni/tyg. 8:00-23:00 .

+48 71 771 76 83

Ładowanie położenia hotelu i opisu...

Aktualna pogoda

Temperatura powietrza 34 °C

Temperatura wody 28 °C

Najlepsze miesiące na wakacje w tym miejscu

  • Niski sezon
  • Styczeń: Niski sezon
  • Luty: Niski sezon
  • Marzec: Niski sezon
  • Kwiecień: Niski sezon
  • Czerwiec: Najlepszy
  • Lipiec: Najlepszy
  • Sierpień: Najlepszy
  • Wrzesień: Najlepszy
  • Październik: Dobry
  • Listopad: Niski sezon
  • Grudzień: Niski sezon

Więcej hoteli, które mogą Cię zainteresować

Czekaj masz pytanie lub potrzebujesz pomocy przy wyborze wakacji.

Zadzwoń, to najszybszy sposób na uzyskanie odpowiedzi. Nasi doświadczeni eksperci doradzą Ci przy wyborze destynacji, hotelu, a także pomogą Ci zorganizować wymarzone wakacje. Nie chcesz dzwonić? Napisz pytanie na czacie - nasi specjaliści chętnie pomogą. Skontaktuj się z nami i zarezerwuj wycieczkę z gwarancją najniższej ceny!

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Hotel Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort)

Chcesz wyjechać do tego hotelu? Sprawdź oferty!

Informacje o hotelu

Opis hotelu.

Hotel Komfortowy i elegancki hotel, do dyspozycji gości; lobby z recepcją, główna restauracja w formie bufetu, 2 restauracje a la carte (kuchnia turecka, ryby), 5 barów (w tym bar na plaży, z przekąskami, lobby bar), cukiernia, centrum SPA, 2 baseny wewnętrzne (1 dla dzieci), 2 baseny zewnętrzne (1 dla dzieci, 3 zjeżdżalnie), leżaki i parasole przy basenie, ręczniki plażowe (bezpłatnie). Położenie Około 15 km od Kemer, do lotniska Antalya odległość ok. 50 km. Plaża Przy hotelu, piaszczysto-żwirowa Sport i rekreacja Baseny, rzutki, tenis stołowy, zumba, dodatkowo płatne: sporty wodne, piłka plażowa, gimnastyka wodna, waterpolo, siatkówka plażowa, koszykówka, joga, pilates, aerobik, zumba, lekcje tańca. Rozrywka Festiwale, profesjonalne pokazy i muzyka na żywo. Animacje. Dla dzieci Zjeżdżalnie, miniklub, animacje, wózek (płatny), łóżeczko (na życzenie). SPA & Wellness Łaźnia turecka, sauna, masaże (płatne).

Ocena klientów

Opinia dodana w ramach konkursu Wakacje za opinię.

Pobyt w hotelu super otoczenie przepiękne bardzo miła obsługa hotelu wspaniali animatorzy i ratownicy bardzo sympatyczni pomocni.

Hotel kameralny duży plus sporo animacji dobre jedzenie

minus to słaba klimatyzacja i podczas naszej nieobecności w pokoju ktoś z obsługi sobie pożyczył nasze kosmetyki (ukradł) oczywiście zgłosiliśmy ten incydent ale już niczego nie odzyskaliśmy.

Świetne miejsce, każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Obsługa pomocna, świetne jedzenie.

Same plusy, hotel czysty cały czas sprzątany, pokoje schludne czyste codzienne sprzatane, oczywiście są jakieś niedociągnięcia ale byliśmy w gorszych, te oceniam na 4/5W restauracji i barach markowy alkohol, lody za free, kawa i napoje ze Starbucksa za free, codzienne animacje dla dorosłych i dzieci i animatorzy z językiem polskim, baseny czyste z 3 zjeżdżalniami. Hotel ma bezpośredni dostęp do morza z małą kamienista plażą i molo. Leżaków raczej dla każdego starczało o ile nie przychodził o 10 na basen, ale oczywiście rezerwacje były widoczne :)

Zajebiste jedzenie, bardzo dobre drinki i napoje oraz zawsze uśmiechnięta obsługa. Hotel dla rodzin z dziećmi i bez.

dla mnie brak

(...) Fantastycznie.Pyszne jedzenie.Super alkohole ze świata.Wspaniała,miła obsługa.Kolacja we włoskiej restauracji po prostu pierwsza klasa👍Piękne widoki.Ekstra animacje.Dziękujemy za wspanialy urlop Hotel Catamaran❤️Jesteście cudowni😍

Nie ma wad👍

Hotel Na Najwyższym Poziomie ,Obsługa 10/10 Jedzie Przepyszne I Dziennie coś innego Dbanie o Klienta Jest w tym Hotelu Największa zaleta Chodzą pytają przynoszą Człowiek czuję że jest zaopiekowany Byłem z córką i polecam ten hotel Jak Najbardziej Blisko do morza można powiedzieć że hotel przy Samej Plaży. Alkohole 1 półka POLECAM I napewno Tam wrócę Pokoje dziennie sprzątane itd

Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort)

  • Temperatura w dzień 34 °C
  • Temperatura w nocy 23 °C
  • Temperatura wody 27 °C
  • Liczba godzin słonecznych 12

Byłeś w tym hotelu? Podziel się opinią z innymi

Możesz opowiedzieć coś o tej ofercie? Polecasz ją czy wręcz przeciwnie? Podziel się swoimi doświadczeniami i pomóż innym podjąć decyzję, gdzie pojechać na wakacje.

Sprawdź, może coś jeszcze Cię zainteresuje

Najczęstsze pytania, czy na terenie hotelu catamaran quality times (ex. catamaran resort) znajduje się basen.

  • basen odkryty

Czy w hotelu Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort) jest internet?

Jakie rodzaje wyżywienia są dostępne w hotelu catamaran quality times (ex. catamaran resort).

  • all inclusive

Jakie atrakcje i udogodnienia oferuje hotel Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort)?

  • na terenie hotelu instytut SPA
  • udogodnienia dla rodzin z dziećmi
  • dostęp do internetu

Jakiego rodzaju aktywności mogę uprawiać w okolicy hotelu Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort)?

  • sporty wodne

Czy hotel Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort) jest odpowiedni na wczasy z dziećmi?

Jak goście oceniają hotel catamaran quality times (ex. catamaran resort).

  • Ogólne wrażenia - 9
  • Hotel - 8.8
  • Położenie - 8.7
  • Pokoje - 7.8
  • Wyżywienie - 9.3
  • Atrakcje dla dzieci - 8.6
  • Sport i rozrywka - 8.7

Ile kosztuje pobyt w hotelu Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort)?

Jak wysoki jest standard hotelu catamaran quality times (ex. catamaran resort), ile gwiazdek ma hotel catamaran quality times (ex. catamaran resort).

  • 0242 745 04 99
  • Online Rezervasyon

Beldibi Mah. Başkomutan Atatürk Cad. No: 99 Kemer / Antalya / Türkiye

catamaran resort opinie


catamaran resort opinie


We invite you to a unique happiness with its modern architecture and warm atmosphere.

Our hotel has 223 rooms. Comfort Room 203 - 24 m2, Family Room 9 - 35 m2 - with connecting door, Corner Suite Room 6 - 40 m2 - with connecting door, Junior Suite Room 5 - 55 m2 - with connecting door , LARGE ROOM WITH SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 2 units - 24 m2 wide.


Beach: 0 m. Airport: 35 km. Kemer: 10 km. Bus Station: 25 km.

catamaran resort opinie

"We Proudly Serve Our Starbucks" menu will be presented to you with its unique taste within the concept of our hotel.

Our hotel is located on beaches that have the international environmental award "Blue Flag".

Blue Flag Beach

Our hotel provides service with the quality ultra all inclusive concept. you can contact us for detailed information., are you ready to discover.

catamaran resort opinie

Safe Tourism Certificate

catamaran resort opinie

Honeymoon Concept

catamaran resort opinie

Ultra All Inclusive

  • Wi-fi internet access is FREE and super fast in public areas of the facility and in all rooms.
  • Our "We Proudly Serve Starbucks" menu will be presented to you with its unique taste within the concept of our hotel. It will serve our valued guests once per person per day between 10:00 and 18:00.

catamaran resort opinie

Food & Beverage

catamaran resort opinie

Pools & Beach

Early booking discount.


Unique holiday surrounded by nature

Catamaran Quality Times Resort Hotel will give you a wonderful holiday experience with its seafront location, perfect coastline and unique nature. Our hotel is 25 km away from the center of Antalya and a 1-hour drive from Antalya Airport. “Quality Ultra All Inclusive” concept is offered in our hotel. A' la Carte Restaurants, 3 bars and open buffet service options provide you with excellent service. Our hotel carries all the physical features of the Catamaran, a sports watercraft, in its architecture and is furnished with modern interior architecture.

catamaran resort opinie

Comfort Room

catamaran resort opinie

Family Room

catamaran resort opinie

Junior Suite

catamaran resort opinie

Corner Suite

catamaran resort opinie


Airport: 47 km - Kemer Centrum: 16 km - Antalya Bus Station: 35 km.

+ 90 (242) 745 04 99

Contact form, guest service is available 24/7, social media, follow us for up-to-date informations, sign up for our special offers and promotions.

Protect Your Trip »

Catamaran resort hotel and spa.

catamaran resort opinie

Courtesy of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa |

catamaran resort opinie

Find the Best Price

at the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

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On the northwest shore of Mission Bay, the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa attracts visitors looking for a bit of R&R. The property is visibly older than other modern luxury accommodations in the San Diego area. However, each of the guest rooms features a plasma TV and an iPod docking station. Still, some guests can't help but remark that the rooms need an upgrade. But the on-site amenities are better received, with travelers praising the Catamaran Spa for its soothing ambiance and its long list of treatments. Recent guests also commend the hotel staff members for their friendly nature and eagerness to help out. And for many, the resort's Sunday Champagne Brunch was a highlight of their visit. The property charges a $34 resort fee, which covers amenities like hotel-wide Wi-Fi access, in-room water and towel service.

  • Hotel Class 4.0

Tripadvisor Traveler Rating

U.S. News analyzed more than 35,000 hotels to find the best in the USA, Europe, Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean, based on reputation among travel experts, guest reviews and hotel class ratings.

  • # 30 in Best San Diego Hotels
  • # 12 in Best San Diego Resorts
  • # 282 in Best California Hotels
  • # 96 in Best California Resorts
  • # 1853 in Best USA Hotels
  • # 546 in Best USA Resorts
  • # 2 in Beach Cities

Similar Hotels Nearby

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Critic Reviews


A Polynesian theme prevails throughout the resort, with koi ponds, waterfalls, squawking macaws, nightly torch lightings, lei-making classes, weekly luaus, and Hawaiian music in Moray's Lounge (complete with huge live eel).

Guest Reviews

A hotel's guest rating is calculated using data provided under license by Tripadvisor. A total of 6939 have reviewed the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa , giving it a rating of 4.5 , on a scale of 1-5.

Tripadvisor Travel Rating: 

Guest Rooms

  • All rooms have patios or balconies with small tables and two chairs
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi access

Standard room size :  329 square feet

  • Premium channels
  • Workspace/desk
  • Bathrobes/slippers
  • Shower/tub combo
  • Separate shower
  • Separate tub
  • Wireless internet
  • Free internet
  • Fee for internet usage
  • Guest rooms with patios and balconies
  • Adjoining rooms available

Location & Parking

  • SeaWorld is about 3 miles south of the hotel; the San Diego Zoo and other downtown attractions are about 10 miles southeast
  • Located 8 miles north of San Diego International Airport
  • 24-hour valet parking ($29)
  • 24-hour self-parking ($25)
  • Airport shuttle
  • Car service

Within walking distance of :

  • Restaurants
  • Movie theater
  • Train station
  • Subway/metro stop
  • Grocery store
  • The hotel also offers a special Sunday brunch
  • Poolside and beach service offered seasonally

Number of restaurants :  2

Cuisine Types :  American

  • Fine dining
  • Casual dining
  • Quick service cafe/coffee shop/marketplace
  • Room service
  • 24-hour room service
  • free breakfast
  • Resort has a large, sand beach area on Mission Bay with complimentary lounge chairs
  • Wading pool
  • Family pool
  • Infinity pool
  • Whirlpool/hot tub
  • Adults-only pool
  • Lifeguard on duty
  • Poolside service
  • Deck chairs or cabanas
  • Spa hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Outdoor whirlpool provides views of Mission Bay

Services offered :

  • Body Treatments (i.e. scrubs, wraps)
  • Salon services
  • Outdoor treatment area
  • Rollaway beds and cribs can be requested but the hotel stresses they are not guaranteed
  • Kids menu available at the hotel's Oceana Coastal Kitchen restaurant
  • Free Kids Club
  • Fee for Kids Club
  • High Chairs
  • Fitness center hours are 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Open Air Yoga and Paddleboard Yoga are seasonal
  • Weight equipment
  • Cardio equipment
  • Free fitness classes
  • Premium fitness classes (with fee)
  • 24-hour business center
  • A/V services available
  • Resort offers room, transportation and admission discounts to groups

Number of meeting rooms :  5

  • Business center
  • Meeting rooms
  • Meeting and event planners available
  • Does not accept "aggressive breeds" including pit bulls, rottweilers, cane corsos, or any cross breed
  • Pets allowed (with fee)
  • Dog walking
  • Pet-sitting
  • Wedding packages available
  • Resort can host weddings for up to 400 attendees for outdoor celebrations (200 max for indoor)

Maximum wedding guest capacity :  400

  • Hotel hosts weddings
  • Outdoor space for weddings
  • Wedding planners available

Editor’s note: Hotel information is updated periodically. If this is your property and you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know .

If you make a purchase from our site, we may earn a commission. This does not affect the quality or independence of our editorial content.

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Máte dotazy a chcete poradit s výběrem zájezdu?

Máme tým skvělých operátorů, kteří rozumí vašim dovolenkovým potřebám. A můžete se vsadit, že budeme dělat vše, co je v našich silách, abychom našli váš vysněný zájezd!

Jsme k zastižení od pondělí do pátku   7 :00-22:00 a o víkendu 8:00-22:00 Vaše radost začíná u nás!

Zobrazit kontakty

Volejte pondělí – pátek 7.00 – 22.00, o víkendu 8.00 – 22.00

Máte výborný vkus, naši zákazníci byli s tímto hotelem nadmíru spokojeni.

  • Pro vstup do země je nutné mít cestovní doklad platný ještě minimálně 150 dní po návratu z dovolené.

Hotel Catamaran Quality Times

Turecko, kemer, beldibi.

scroll-to#scroll click->gtm#click click->ga#click" data-gtm_cee_gan_click="{"eventLabel":"Anchor Clicked"}" data-gtm_action_params="{"event":"trackEvent","eventCategory":"Hotel Detail","eventAction":"Description","nonInteraction":false}" data-ga-click-data-value="{"event":"hotel_detail","event_action":"select_description_anchor","non_interaction":"false","analytics":"ga4"}" > Více o ubytování

od 14 147 Kč za os.

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Catamaran Quality Times Hodnocení: 5/5

Vyberte si termín, neoficiální popis ubytování.

Číslo hotelu: 11 206

Informace o hotelu Informace

  • Vzdálenost od pláže Pláž 0 m
  • Vzdálenost od centra města Centrum 10 km
  • Vzdálenost od letiště Letiště 45 km
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  • Potápěčské centrum Potápěčské centrum ano
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  • Fitness Fitness ano
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Recenze ubytování

Výborné (na základě 51 hodnocení) Informace

Hodnocení 4,4  / 5

Ubytování 4,3  / 5

Strava 4,6  / 5

Okolí 4,3  / 5

Cena 4,4  / 5

Tento hotel je 49 . nejlépe hodnoceným hotelem z celkového počtu 566 v Kemer.

Hodnocení 4,9  / 5

Ověřená recenze ( Datum pobytu 1.8. - 8.8.2024 Hodnoceno: Srpen 2024

Catamaran Quality Times Hodnocení: 5/5 Turecko, Kemer

Dovolenku v tomto hotely odporúčam!!

Ubytování 4,5  / 5

Strava 5,0  / 5

Okolí 5,0  / 5

Cena 5,0  / 5

review-toggler#toggle"> Zobrazit více Byla tato recenze užitečná? ano ( 0 ) ne ( 0 )

Ověřená recenze ( Datum pobytu 31.7. - 7.8.2024 Hodnoceno: Srpen 2024

úplna spokojnosť ... boli sme s 2 deľmi a nemam čo vytknúť , more super pozvoľný vstup trochu kamienkov inak piesok, strava rozmanitá vždy sa dalo niečo vybrať, bazén s topogánmi , detský kútik 3x do dňa , ale vstup od 4 rokov, starbucks káva top a drinky v cene aj dovážaný alkohol

Ubytování 5,0  / 5

Strava 4,5  / 5

Ubytování hotel krásny, čistý ... izba primeraná, balkón so sedením a sušiakom na plavky , klimatizácia trochu zastaraná, ale ked sme ju nechali bežať celý deň izba bola príjemne vychladená čo nám pri deťoch vyhovovalo

Strava strava dostačujúca , vždy sa dalo niečo vybrať vyhovovalo nám že sa obed podával v plážovom bare chýbalo mi viac rýb na výber starbucks káva every day :-) -

Služby hotelu vždy a všade sa upratovalo na pláži bol SBS, ktorý kontroloval aby na hotelových lehátkach nebol nikto iný ako hostia z hotela

Pláž pláž bola trochu úzka a krátka , ale vykompenzované je to mólom s lehátkami vždy sme si našli miesto so slnečníkom vedľa je verejná pláž takže niekedy bolo v mori "plno" vstup do mora je pozvolný , na začiatku trochu kamienkov inak piesok

  • Nejhůř hodnocené
  • Nejlépe hodnocené

Filtrovat recenze

Hodnocení 5,0  / 5

Ověřená recenze ( Datum pobytu 24.7. - 31.7.2024 Hodnoceno: Srpen 2024

Odporúčam ???????? vhodné pre rodiny s detmi

Ubytování 4,8  / 5

review-toggler#toggle"> Zobrazit více Byla tato recenze užitečná? ano ( 1 ) ne ( 0 )

Hodnocení 3,7  / 5

Ověřená recenze ( Datum pobytu 16.7. - 23.7.2024 Hodnoceno: Červenec 2024

Ubytování průměrné, jídlo výborné.

Ubytování 3,3  / 5

Okolí 4,0  / 5

Cena 2,5  / 5

Zákazník nechtěl zveřejnit své jméno

Hodnocení 4,3  / 5

Ověřená recenze ( Datum pobytu 11.7. - 18.7.2024 Hodnoceno: Červenec 2024

Super boli sme velmi spokojní

Ubytování 4,0  / 5

Cena 4,0  / 5

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Zavolejte nám nebo spusťte live chat a zařídíme vám báječnou dovolenou, na kterou budete vzpomínat dlouhou dobu.

Jsme k zastižení Po-Pá 7:00-22:00; So-Ne 8:00-22:00 .

226 000 250

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Aktuální počasí

Teplota vzduchu 34 °C

Teplota vody 28 °C

Měsíce vhodné na dovolenou v této destinaci

  • Leden: Mimosezóna
  • Únor: Mimosezóna
  • Březen: Mimosezóna
  • Duben: Mimosezóna
  • Květen: Dobrý
  • Červen: Nejlepší
  • Červenec: Nejlepší
  • Srpen: Nejlepší
  • Září: Nejlepší
  • Říjen: Dobrý
  • Listopad: Mimosezóna
  • Prosinec: Mimosezóna

ga#click" data-ga-click-data-value="{"event":"hotel_detail","event_action":"select_atlas_anchor","non_interaction":false,"analytics":"ga4"}" data-gtm_action_params="{"event":"trackEvent","eventCategory":"Hotel Detail","eventAction":"Atlas","nonInteraction":false}" data-gtm_cee_gan_click="{"eventLabel":"Click"}" > Zjistěte více o lokalitě Turecko - Kemer v našem cestovním průvodci

Další hotely, které by vás mohly zaujmout

Počkejte máte nějaké otázky nebo potřebujete pomoci s výběrem zájezdu.

Invia má zkušené specialisty, kteří vám poradí ohledně ubytování a destinací a pomohou vám s výběrem zájezdu. Ozvěte se nám.

Jsme k zastižení Po‑Pá 7:00‑22:00; So‑Ne 8:00‑22:00 .

Garance nejnižší ceny : Získáte 5 000 Kč, pokud zájezd někde najdete levněji. Neztrácejte čas srovnáváním, můžete s důvěrou vybrat a rezervovat u nás.

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catamaran resort and spa reviews

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  • Reviews of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

catamaran resort opinie

Reviews of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa This rating is a reflection of how the property compares to the industry standard when it comes to price, facilities and services available. It's based on a self-evaluation by the property. Use this rating to help choose your stay!

3999 Mission Boulevard, Mission Bay, San Diego, CA 92109, United States of America

#167 of 237 hotels in San Diego

Review Score

Based on 231 hotel reviews

Score breakdown


Value for money

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Showing 1 - 25

Reviewed: July 31, 2024

  • • Leisure trip
  • • Family with young children
  • • Garden View Queens
  • • Stayed 5 nights
  • • Submitted from a mobile device

No shuttle bus

Great location. Lots of restaurants near by. Next to the beach. Good poolside bar

Stayed in July 2024

Reviewed: July 29, 2024

  • • Poolside Queens
  • • Stayed 3 nights

A bit worn down

Great location and neighbourhood

Reviewed: July 27, 2024

  • • Resort Queens

kiddie pool I wish there was one

Reviewed: July 24, 2024

  • • Business trip
  • • Group
  • • King Room with Sea View
  • • Stayed 1 night

we stayed in the high rise 590 the area is very dirty need upgraded, doors do not work properly main slider closet also flooring is bad

Reviewed: July 21, 2024

  • • Couple

Location to beach and dinning was great and added bonus of the bay on the back of the property.

Stayed in June 2024

Reviewed: June 15, 2024

  • • Stayed 4 nights

Slow to refresh our room.

Room excellent. Hotel location excellent. Facilities very good.

Reviewed: April 14, 2024

The shower pressure was poor The cost of the parking The rooms were dated and would benefit from freshening up.

The size of the room. The staff were very helpful.

Stayed in April 2024

Reviewed: April 8, 2024

The rooms were a tad out dated but clean.

The grounds were beautiful and the location was perfect. It sides on the bay side which would be great for parents with little kids. For our teens, the ocean side was a simple 5-7 minute walk.

Stayed in March 2024

catamaran resort and spa reviews

Reviewed: March 26, 2024

Check in not till 4 and check out at 10 that was not worth the money!

Landscape was beautiful. Pool area beautiful. Entertainment was good.

Reviewed: March 24, 2024

Loved the resort but felt a little outdated or at least our room/ room location was.

Loved the on-site cute coffee ship ❤️

Stayed in February 2024

Reviewed: March 17, 2024

  • • Resort King

Room was overlooking a parking lot and could hear cars coming and going. Over priced room, could have paid a lot less elsewhere for same accommodations and would have been quieter. Told them it was our anniversary and still end up next to an elevator….

Grounds were beautiful, lush greenery with ponds and koi. Nice gift shop. Yummy cinnamon buns at the coffee shop. Oceania Restaurant was good. Loved the outside fire pits.

Reviewed: December 30, 2023

  • • Resort Studio Queens

Not all the rooms advertised as having a full kitchen actually have a kitchen that includes a stove. I booked a studio in which the description listed a full kitchen with full size appliances and we had a small refrigerator and microwave a full size sink but no stove. Please update your descriptions so that customers can make better and more informed decisions.

The grounds are beautiful.

Stayed in December 2023

Reviewed: October 11, 2023

  • • Stayed 7 nights

The room I booked on the website was different then what they showed in their records. They help fix it so that I got the correct room

Location and amenities

Stayed in October 2023

Reviewed: October 6, 2023

  • • Solo traveler

I didn’t like the fact you had to pay a certain amount for each bit of clothing for laundry and dry cleaning.

The facilities and the location

Stayed in September 2023

catamaran resort and spa reviews

Reviewed: September 16, 2023

  • • Garden View King
  • • Stayed 2 nights

The room smelled very musty. No service at the pool.

Reviewed: September 15, 2023

Restaurant was overpriced with mediocre food.

The gardens and beach are what make this place special.

Reviewed: September 7, 2023

Prices at the spa too high

Reviewed: August 29, 2023

  • • Bay View Studio Queens

The decor is dated. There were only 2 ice machines in the building and one outside the building.

I liked the location. My room had a view of the bay a partially the ocean. I loved the floor plan and furnishing arrangements. I loved the resorts proximity to restaurants facing the ocean. More economical pricing for souveniers and food. PLUSE, they all were walking distance.

Stayed in August 2023

Reviewed: August 17, 2023

Additional Rest Rooms closer to the Beach. We had to walk far to use the bathroom is we were not in our room. Ladies room at pool was locked most of the time.

I am a Hawaii Resident, so I felt at Home at the Catamaran Hotel. Grounds are well kept, lots to see and take pictures of. Our room was in the tower and had all that you'd need to have a great stay.

Stayed in July 2023

catamaran resort and spa reviews

Reviewed: August 16, 2023

Our sliding door don’t completely shut. We spent a bunch of time trying to fix it. We asked front desk to fix it and it doesn’t appear anyone came to fix it and no-one contacted us with followup. Was surprised for the price what the bathroom looked like.

Outdoor areas Convenience location to local restaurants and stores Easy access to parking lot Secured Parking lot Outdoor Restaurant Coffee shop Pool - music at pool

Reviewed: August 11, 2023

The rooms are sooooooooooooo dated!!! The bathroom shower tiles disgusting and unable to be thoroughly cleaned. We had to change out our shower mat because it had mold/dirt on it. When we showered the pipes rattled and made loud noises. For the out the door price with parking, taxes, resort fee etc. of over $600 per night I really expected much more out of my room. Definitely suggest a remodel on the rooms sooner than later!

The location and grounds were fabulous! Reminded us of Hawaii. Adjacency to the bay and beach fantastic. Water sports and restaurants were great. The mobile concierge system was very responsive and convenient. Loved that feature.

Reviewed: July 26, 2023

Unfortunately, we were given wrong info about valet parking to self parking and were almost charged 2x because of it. We had to ask for our room to be cleaned and needed supplies. The restaurant was good but the servers weren’t very friendly.

We love the ambiance of the Catamaran. We’ve stayed here before. We like the options of activities on site and near by. The location is ideal and there is a beach so close

catamaran resort and spa reviews

Reviewed: July 18, 2023

Garden view room was looking over a parking garage. Tub and and bathroom sink would back up. Fixed tub.

Location & pool

Reviewed: July 17, 2023

Full housekeeping service instead of towels replacement and trash disposal.

Location is ideal. Resort grounds are beautiful. Rooms are older and bathrooms small and dated but still comfortable. Oceana provides excellent food and good choices of drinks. Staff is pleasant. The SPA is excellent and therapists are knowledgeable.

  • California Hotel Reviews
  • San Diego Metropolitan Area Hotel Reviews
  • San Diego County Hotel Reviews

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catamaran resort and spa reviews

  • Kid-Friendly

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

Mission Bay, California, United States

  • Subtract one room 1 Rooms Add one room
  • Subtract one adult 2 Adults Add one adult
  • Full Review
  • Lovely beachfront grounds with lush greenery, koi ponds, and tropical birds
  • Spacious rooms with private balconies, Keurig machines, iHome docks, and flat-screen TVs
  • Studios and suites have kitchenettes and living/dining areas
  • Pretty pool area with hot tub, loungers, and poolside bar and grill
  • Direct beach access with free loungers and umbrellas, plus water sports available
  • Restaurant and casual eatery with outdoor seating, plus room service
  • Spa and salon offer a variety of treatments, plus small fitness center
  • Beautiful boat offers sunset cruises around the bay, plus live music, DJs, and dancing at night
  • 14 meeting rooms
  • Game rooms with variety of arcade games
  • Shop with souvenirs, snacks, and drinks
  • Free Wi-Fi throughout
  • Interiors are dated and could use a refresh; room decor is bland and old
  • Fitness room is small and could use an update
  • Fee for parking

Bottom Line

Although the dated Polynesian-style decor and interiors could use an update, this three-pearl resort in San Diego's Pacific Beach area is a great family-friendly choice with an array of features and direct beach access. Set on pretty grounds filled with lush greenery, koi ponds, and exotic birds, the hotel offers two on-site eateries, a lovely outdoor pool and hot tub, as well as a spa, salon, and fitness center. There's even a beautiful classic boat that offers sunset cruises and family activities, transforming into a nightclub scene in the evenings. The 310 guest rooms are bland and could use a refresh, but they're spacious and outfitted with modern comforts like flat-screen TVs, Keurig machines, iHome docks, and free Wi-Fi, while studios and suites add kitchenettes and dining/living space. For nicer and more modern rooms, check out the similarly priced and also beachfront Paradise Point Resort and Spa in Mission Bay.

Hotel & Amenities Photos

Pool Area

Spa Jacuzzi

Spa Jacuzzi

Restaurants and Bars

Restaurants and Bars

Fitness Center

Pets allowed, oyster hotel review, mid-range family-friendly resort with dated polynesian-style decor, but pretty green grounds.

catamaran resort and spa reviews

This beachfront hotel sits on pretty green grounds full of palm trees, lush plants, trim lawns, ponds with colorful fish, and even exotic birds flying about. The greenery creeps inside as well -- a rock waterfall and koi pond in the lobby is skirted in ferns, small palms, and tropical greenery sprouting here and there beneath the sloped roof. Though dated, it somehow works, bringing a kitschy dose of the natural world inside. The place has a Polynesian vibe, with bamboo and rattan furniture, wooden art hanging on the walls, and teak wood elements. Though many spaces could use an update -- like the drab carpeting and beige walls in the lobby and hallways -- the resort is a fine choice with a great location and a good selection of amenities, garnering terrific ratings and reviews from guests.

Across the street from the beach on the shores of Mission Bay, close to restaurants and shops

The hotel is situated across the road from a beach in San Diego’s Pacific Beach community. The immediate area is residential, with private homes and vacation rentals, but there are a variety of shops and restaurants within walking distance. Nearby attractions include Belmont Park (five-minute drive), SeaWorld San Diego (10-minute drive), San Diego Zoo (17-minute drive), Cabrillo National Monument, (22-minute drive), and Legoland California (35-minute drive). Downtown San Diego is about a 15-minute drive from here, while the historic Gaslamp Quarter is 20 minutes away. San Diego International Airport is about a 20-minute drive from the hotel, or around an hour by public transportation. The nearest bus stop is a two-minute walk away.

Spacious but dated rooms, suites, and studios with private balconies/patios; some have kitchenettes 

catamaran resort and spa reviews

Rooms are plain and simple, and though they could use an update, they're clean and offer a decent set of amenities. Decor is dated, with beige walls and carpets, wooden furniture, and beds topped with striped bed runners. They're spacious, though, and have large glass doors that open onto private balconies or patios with views over the surroundings or onto the hotel's green grounds. Studios and suites have kitchenettes with four-burner stoves, ovens, microwaves, sinks, toasters, and full fridges, as well as living/dining space with blue couches, coffee tables, and chairs flanking small round tables. Standard amenities include flat-screen TVs, Keurig coffeemakers, mini-fridges (full fridges in units with kitchenettes), iHome docks, laptop safes, and free Wi-Fi. Bathrooms are equally bland decor-wise and quite small. They're outfitted with shower/tub combos, toiletries, and hairdryers; bathrobes can be found in the closets.

Two dining options, lovely pool and hot tub, direct beach access, spa and fitness facilities, and plenty of meeting rooms

catamaran resort and spa reviews

The hotel offers two on-site dining options: Oceana Coastal Kitchen is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, serving Californian fare in an waterfront setting (outdoor seating overlooks the beach), while Moray's is the more casual option serving light bites and drinks, with a fun outdoor space with fire pits and tiki torches. A Sunday Champagne brunch is also available, as is room service. For an alternative dining/drinking experience, guests can hop onto the Bahia Belle, the hotel's classic sternwheeler that offers family hour and cocktail cruises on Mission Bay. Drinks, snacks, and family activities are available during the evening, while at night, there is music and dancing, and on the weekends live DJs.

The hotel's lovely, green grounds include a pretty outdoor pool and hot tub surrounded by loungers and tall palm trees, plus there's a poolside bar and grill. The resort has direct access to a beach, where guests can use the free beach chairs and umbrellas. Various water sport rentals and lessons are available here, including surfing, sailing, stand-up paddleboarding, and kayaking. Bike and Segway rentals are also available.

The hotel has a spa that offers massages, body wraps, hydrotherapy treatments, facials, and other treatments. There's also a salon that offers hair styling, makeup, and nail services. The fitness room offers a handful of cardio and strength training machines as well as weights. Family-friendly facilities include a game room with a good selection of arcade games. Other facilities include 14 on-site meeting rooms available for various events, as well as a gift shop stocked with souvenirs, snacks, and drinks. There is a fee for both self-parking and valet.

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catamaran resort and spa reviews

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Things You Should Know About Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

Also known as.

  • Catamaran Resort Hotel

3999 Mission Blvd, San Diego, California 92109-6959, United States

Air Conditioner

Balcony / terrace / patio, basic television, beauty / hair salon, business center, dry cleaning, full kitchen, gameroom / arcade, kids allowed, meeting / conference rooms, poolside drink service, rental car service desk onsite, room service, separate bedroom / living room space, supervised kids activities, swim-up bar, tennis court.

Disclaimer: This content was accurate at the time the hotel was reviewed. Please check our partner sites when booking to verify that details are still correct.

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On the northwest shore of Mission Bay, the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa attracts visitors looking for a bit of R&R. The property is visibly older than other modern luxury accommodations in the San Diego area. However, each of the guest rooms features a plasma TV and an iPod docking station. Still, some guests can't help but remark that the rooms need an upgrade. But the on-site amenities are better received, with travelers praising the Catamaran Spa for its soothing ambiance and its long list of treatments. Recent guests also commend the hotel staff members for their friendly nature and eagerness to help out. And for many, the resort's Sunday Champagne Brunch was a highlight of their visit. The property charges a $34 resort fee, which covers amenities like hotel-wide Wi-Fi access, in-room water and towel service.

  • Hotel Class 4.0

Tripadvisor Traveler Rating

U.S. News analyzed more than 35,000 hotels to find the best in the USA, Europe, Canada, Mexico, Bermuda and the Caribbean, based on reputation among travel experts, guest reviews and hotel class ratings.

  • # 30 in Best San Diego Hotels
  • # 12 in Best San Diego Resorts
  • # 282 in Best California Hotels
  • # 96 in Best California Resorts
  • # 1853 in Best USA Hotels
  • # 546 in Best USA Resorts
  • # 2 in Beach Cities

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A Polynesian theme prevails throughout the resort, with koi ponds, waterfalls, squawking macaws, nightly torch lightings, lei-making classes, weekly luaus, and Hawaiian music in Moray's Lounge (complete with huge live eel).

Guest Reviews

A hotel's guest rating is calculated using data provided under license by Tripadvisor. A total of 6939 have reviewed the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa , giving it a rating of 4.5 , on a scale of 1-5.

Tripadvisor Travel Rating: 

Guest Rooms

  • All rooms have patios or balconies with small tables and two chairs
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi access

Standard room size :  329 square feet

  • Premium channels
  • Workspace/desk
  • Bathrobes/slippers
  • Shower/tub combo
  • Separate shower
  • Separate tub
  • Wireless internet
  • Free internet
  • Fee for internet usage
  • Guest rooms with patios and balconies
  • Adjoining rooms available

Location & Parking

  • SeaWorld is about 3 miles south of the hotel; the San Diego Zoo and other downtown attractions are about 10 miles southeast
  • Located 8 miles north of San Diego International Airport
  • 24-hour valet parking ($29)
  • 24-hour self-parking ($25)
  • Airport shuttle
  • Car service

Within walking distance of :

  • Restaurants
  • Movie theater
  • Train station
  • Subway/metro stop
  • Grocery store
  • The hotel also offers a special Sunday brunch
  • Poolside and beach service offered seasonally

Number of restaurants :  2

Cuisine Types :  American

  • Fine dining
  • Casual dining
  • Quick service cafe/coffee shop/marketplace
  • Room service
  • 24-hour room service
  • free breakfast
  • Resort has a large, sand beach area on Mission Bay with complimentary lounge chairs
  • Wading pool
  • Family pool
  • Infinity pool
  • Whirlpool/hot tub
  • Adults-only pool
  • Lifeguard on duty
  • Poolside service
  • Deck chairs or cabanas
  • Spa hours are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Outdoor whirlpool provides views of Mission Bay

Services offered :

  • Body Treatments (i.e. scrubs, wraps)
  • Salon services
  • Outdoor treatment area
  • Rollaway beds and cribs can be requested but the hotel stresses they are not guaranteed
  • Kids menu available at the hotel's Oceana Coastal Kitchen restaurant
  • Free Kids Club
  • Fee for Kids Club
  • High Chairs
  • Fitness center hours are 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
  • Open Air Yoga and Paddleboard Yoga are seasonal
  • Weight equipment
  • Cardio equipment
  • Free fitness classes
  • Premium fitness classes (with fee)
  • 24-hour business center
  • A/V services available
  • Resort offers room, transportation and admission discounts to groups

Number of meeting rooms :  5

  • Business center
  • Meeting rooms
  • Meeting and event planners available
  • Does not accept "aggressive breeds" including pit bulls, rottweilers, cane corsos, or any cross breed
  • Pets allowed (with fee)
  • Dog walking
  • Pet-sitting
  • Wedding packages available
  • Resort can host weddings for up to 400 attendees for outdoor celebrations (200 max for indoor)

Maximum wedding guest capacity :  400

  • Hotel hosts weddings
  • Outdoor space for weddings
  • Wedding planners available

Editor’s note: Hotel information is updated periodically. If this is your property and you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know .

If you make a purchase from our site, we may earn a commission. This does not affect the quality or independence of our editorial content.

catamaran resort and spa reviews

Discover the Catamaran Resort Hotel  A San Diego Beachfront Resort

Welcome to the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, a tropical hideaway in San Diego’s Pacific Beach community. Our Polynesian-themed resort, only 8 miles from San Diego International Airport, offers casual elegance with palm trees, lush vegetation, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, and exotic birds that like to strike up conversations with guests. With Mission Bay as our backyard and the Pacific Ocean across the street, there's no better choice among Pacific Beach San Diego hotels.

Whether you enjoy sunbathing at the beach, relaxing by the pool, rejuvenating in The Catamaran Spa’s hot tub that overlooks the bay, paddle boarding, or cruising up and down the boardwalk on a bike, we have something for everyone. When you’re ready to venture out into America’s Finest City, you are just 3 miles from SeaWorld San Diego, 12 miles from the world-famous San Diego Zoo, and 28 miles from LEGOLAND California.

Our family-owned hotel has made the difficult decision to temporarily close, in accordance with [ORDER] and [GUIDANCE]. While we are incredibly disappointed that it has come to this, the safety and well-being of our guests, employees, and community remain our top priority. We hope to reopen as soon as possible.

For existing reservations between DAY, MONTH DATE and DAY, MONTH DATE, guests will automatically receive a full refund. For reservations made through our travel partners, please contact them directly for their company’s policies. For group guests, please contact the organizer of the event.  Should you have any questions regarding reservations, please call (858) 488-1081 .

From our family to yours, we wish you the utmost health and safety during this uncertain time. We will all get through this together, and we look forward to welcoming you in the not too distant future.

Settle into your welcoming accommodations with postcard views of either Mission Bay, the Pacific Ocean, or lush tropical gardens.

Discover unique room packages and the best deals of the season.

A San Diego summer tradition on the shores of Mission Bay

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Your Ultimate San Diego Adventure Awaits

Be spoiled with endless activity options both on-property as well as in the surrounding Pacific Beach neighborhood. Relax at the resort with a waterfront meal and renewing spa treatment, or check out the exciting nearby attractions. From an on-site spa to award-winning California cuisine and a vibrant beachside community, enjoy the luxury you want and perks you expect from this top-rated beachfront hotel in San Diego.

Savor award-winning California cuisine paired with gorgeous bay views.

Explore the charming beachside community and best local attractions.

Unwind and focus on your health at San Diego's only beachfront spa.

A Spectacular Setting for Every Occasion

Make it your best event yet with an unbeatable Pacific Beach location. Experience the best of both worlds at our renowned San Diego beach resort with beautiful indoor and outdoor spaces that accommodate groups and occasions of all sizes. Plan your corporate meeting, dream wedding, or any social event at the Catamaran’s beautiful and versatile venues.

An unforgettable location for your convention or group meeting.

Romance is in the air at The Knot’s Best of Weddings winner.

All special occasions deserve a memorable setting to match.

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Best Sandals Resorts – All 18 Resorts Ranked (2024)

Posted In: All-Inclusive , Sandals Resorts

By Jim Campbell | Updated on July 5, 2024

Once in a while, you and your partner deserve a luxurious getaway. It’s a chance to reconnect with nature, spend quality time together, and bask in pure romantic bliss. Sandals is a great choice if you are considering going to the Caribbean . You’ll never go wrong when you choose any of the best Sandals Resorts. As a Sandals Chairman’s Royal Club member, is recognized as one of the top authorities on Sandals Resorts.

Sandals Resorts, named the World’s Only 5-Star Luxury Included ® resorts, has 17 properties on the beautiful Caribbean islands. Since the brand’s establishment in 1981, it has been the go-to choice of couples worldwide who want an adult-only and all-inclusive experience in its most authentic, grandest sense. 

We have reviewed the data on over 1,000 honeymooners that we have sent to Sandals, analyzed thousands of reviews, talked to customers, and integrated our first-hand experience at the resorts to create a comprehensive list of the best Sandals Resorts for a honeymoon. We have also included the average price paid by our honeymooners for a 7-night stay with airfare. The full list is below, but here are the top 3 Sandals Resorts for a honeymoon:

1. Sandals Regency La Toc

Saint Lucia

Explore on ➜

2. Sandals Royal Barbados

3. sandals montego bay, sandals resorts ranked.

Castries, Saint Lucia

Average Cost for 7-Nights and Airfare

The Emerald of The Caribbean

Number of Rooms

Distance from Airport

There’s something regal and glamorous about staying at Sandals Regency La Toc . Known as the Emerald of the Caribbean, this adults-only 220-acre estate sits on a crescent-shaped beach. The mesmerizing beauty of verdant hillsides and coral bluffs characterize the setting. And it’s well complemented by decadent amenities that range from luxurious rooms and suites to gourmet restaurants. 

Its Sunset Oceanview Bluff Village is another true stunner: It’s an enclave built at a higher elevation, giving it an exclusive resort-within-a-resort vibe. 

If you’re staying in the Eastern Caribbean, staying here will give you the best bang for your back. It’s included in Sandals’ Stay at 1, Play at 3 Exchange Program, letting you experience two more nearby resorts: Sandals Grande St. Lucian and Sandals Halcyon Beach.

St. Lawrence Gap, Barbados

Experience the New Vision of Luxury Included

This is one of the best Sandals resorts for couples who are big foodies. Situated on the unspoiled Maxwell Beach, Sandals Royal Barbados is an all-suite resort home to over ten restaurants. Its collection of gourmet dining options is a haven for food lovers, and two of its new concepts will surely elate your tastebuds. The GreenHouse is a modern farm-to-table dining hub, while Heart & Sol is an excellent juice bar and deli.

Don’t miss out on the resort’s gourmet doughnut shop for a sweet treat. You can grow your dining choices when you visit the next-door Sandals Barbados for free (as part of its exchange program). 

Regarding amenities, you and your loved one will have a great time lounging by their first-ever rooftop pool, whirlpool, and four-lane bowling alley. 

Montego Bay, Jamaica

Jamaica’s Largest, Exclusive White-Sand Beach

One of Sandals best locations is the brand’s original and flagship property: Sandals Montego Bay . This resort offers you an unforgettable beachfront experience and is located on what is dubbed Jamaica’s largest exclusive white sand beach. You can choose from its expansive collection of 272 rooms and suites and stay close to the Sangster International Airport (MBJ).

Its strategic location makes it one of the most popular Sandals resorts. But another stellar feature is its selection of over-the-water structures, including over-the-water gazebos, a non-denominational over-the-water chapel, and the Lattitudes overwater bar.

Take note that you can find most dining options here along the beach. So if you want a romantic dining experience with a view, this resort is an easy choice. 

The property also boasts a lively atmosphere, embodying the colorful Jamaican culture all day and all night. And if you want to double the fun, take advantage of its free 5-minute trip to Sandals Royal Caribbean and access its amenities, including restaurants.

4. Sandals Halcyon Beach

Simply Enchanting

As peaceful as its name sounds, Sandals Halcyon is for couples who seek relaxation. Simply enchanting, it’s the most intimate among the three Sandals resorts on this Caribbean island.

It’s often described as a Garden of Eden, thanks to its design where tropical flora thrive amid a picturesque beachside setting. Step outside, and you’ll enjoy a great stretch of unspoiled beach laced with swaying palm trees. If you ask us, it’s the perfect place to stroll around and walk hand in hand with your partner.

Your authentic Caribbean experience will be further elevated by its lineup of restaurants, including the over-the-water restaurant Kelly’s Dockside. When it comes to rooms, suites, and villas, Sandals Halcyon has its fair share of fantastic options: the newly launched Joli Beachfront Suites, Koko Rondoval Villas, and Crystal Lagoon Rooms set along the longest river pool in all of Eastern Caribbean.

As it’s located between two other Sandals Resorts that you can access for free (Sandals Grande St. Lucian and Sandals Regency La Toc), you can make the most of your Caribbean getaway here. 

5. Sandals South Coast

Whitehouse, Jamaica

All Water. All Luxury. All on Jamaica’s South Coast

1 hour 45 minutes

Escape from it all and stay at the sexy South Coast with your romantic partner. Sandals South Coast and its attentive staff are here to make your vacation one of the most relaxing experiences you and your loved one will ever have.

This gem is set within a 500-acre natural preserve along a two-mile stretch of pristine coastline. Boasting four distinctive villages, the whole property combines the elegant charm of European countries with the Caribbean’s tropical beauty. Depending on the kind of experience you want, you can stay at their Italian, Dutch, French, or South Seas Rondoval Village. The last one is its latest offering, which houses the brand’s first-ever Swim-Up Rondoval Suites.

Sandals South Coast has a dozen over-the-water bungalows with private beach cabanas if you want to stay closer to the water. It also has other built-above-the-water amenities, such as a wedding chapel and a 360-degree bar. 

If you want to host large groups or gatherings, the resort also has an expansive meeting and convention space spanning 14,000 square feet. Also, have we mentioned that it has Jamaica’s largest swimming pool?

6. Sandals Ochi Beach

Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Trendy When You Want It, Private When you Don’t

Sandals’ largest property is also its liveliest. Sandals Ochi Beach sits on over 100 acres of lush gardens offering unobstructed Caribbean Sea views. With over 500 rooms accommodating all sorts of couples from all walks of life, the resort allows you to bring out the social butterfly in you.

Mingle with resort-goers or indulge in various entertainment options, from live shows to karaoke sessions and cocktail evenings. Check out the Ochi Beach Club for an unforgettable beach party night, or fall down the “Rabbit Hole” and experience the region’s first-ever authentic speakeasy.

If you want privacy, consider booking a villa with a private pool. You can also access its overwater bar and restaurant with your loved one or even get married right above the Caribbean Sea at its over-the-water serenity wedding chapel. 

Apart from the resort’s vibrant nightlife, you can fill your day with epic excursions and golf games. Additionally, choosing to stay here also means you get to experience Sandals Dunn’s River . 

7. Sandals Grande Antigua

St. Johns, Antigua & Barbuda

Discover the World’s Most Romantic Resort

A quick ride from the airport will take you to what is consistently voted as the Caribbean’s — and the world’s — most romantic resort. 

Sandals Grande Antigua is set along Dickenson Bay, the most popular beach in Antigua, and boasts two unique worlds. When you stay at the Caribbean Beachfront Village, you’ll get to stay at a serene by-the-beach garden oasis. Its being low-rise is especially appealing for couples who want a quaint yet lovely stay near pristine waters. Meanwhile, the all-suite Mediterranean Oceanview Village offers a more opulent vibe. And its most striking amenity is Eastern Caribbean’s largest zero-entry pool.

From the resort, you can easily access natural and historical landmarks. If you want to shop or take your shot at casino games, you’ll quickly find an establishment for it. 

8. Sandals Grenada

St. George’s, Grenada

The World’s Most Innovative All-Inclusive Resort

If you’re the type of couple who relish things exotic and unconventional, this is the resort for you. Sandals Grenada is the world’s most innovative all-inclusive resort.

Just staying in Grenada’s exclusive Pink Gin Beach — surrounded by a fragrant aroma of spices (the island is known as the Spice Island, after all) — is already a wonderful experience. 

But on top of that, you’ll get to try unique amenities, such as the award-winning Skypool Suites that come with a private pool. It’s also the first Sandals property to feature the so-called Tranquility Soaking Tub, which can be your and your significant other’s little hideaway. 

You’ll also enjoy intricately designed river pools and waterfalls at the resort. Outside, you can take a trip to the world-famous Underwater Sculpture Park and dive into a one-of-a-kind attraction. Pro tip: Prebook and enjoy a 10% discount for this excursion.

9. Sandals Grande St. Lucian

Pigeon Island Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia

Sits on Its Own Peninsula with Grande Views from Sea to Shining Sea

With views taken straight out of a dreamy vacation postcard, Sandals Grande St. Lucian is the paradise to visit if you want to feast your eyes on scenic views. It’s set on a peninsula, and on one side of the property, you’ll enjoy unparalleled views of the island’s Rodney Bay. Meanwhile, the other side will bless you with impeccable vistas of the azure Atlantic Ocean. 

Among its assortment of rooms and suites are beautiful over-the-water bungalows that let you stay above turquoise waters. And if you want to say “I do” in a unique setting, this property also has its version of an above-water wedding chapel. A popular spot among resort-goers, Gordon’s On The Pier over-the-water restaurant is also something you must check out. 

If you want a sporty escape, head to Sandals St. Lucia Golf & Country Club at Cap Estate . Now, for a richer and fuller luxury experience, you can visit two more Sandals resorts: Sandals Regency La Toc and Sandals Halcyon. No need for extra fees — round-trip transportation and access to amenities are already included in the package. 

10. Sandals Negril

Negril, Jamaica

A True Beach Lovers Resort Just Steps From the Sand & Sea

This one is among those Sandals adults-only resorts locations designed with beach lovers in mind. It’s built directly on the shoreline, along the longest stretch of the iconic Seven-Mile Beach. 

If there’s one word to describe the vibe of this destination, “laidback” would be the most fitting. You can spend carefree days with your loved one in this space and enjoy Negril’s pristine waters through a leisurely swim or other exciting water adventures, such as wakeboarding and waterskiing.

You can also choose to stay in one of its swim-up lagoon suites or chill out in not just one but five swim-up bars. If you’re going there for your post-wedding vacation, we recommend their One Bedroom Millionaire Honeymoon Suite for a premium experience. It has its own private plunge pool, outdoor shower, and patio.

You can also rest easy knowing that this is Sandals’ greenest resort. It has an EarthCheck Double Platinum Certification, given to travel and tourism industry players who have shown strong, consistent commitment to environmental excellence for at least ten years.

11. Sandals Dunn’s River

Let Life Flow

1 hour 40 minutes

Sandals Dunn’s River is the newest addition to the family of Sandals resorts in the Caribbean region. Drawing inspiration from Jamaica’s natural wonders, this property is home to one-of-a-kind features, including Skypool suites overlooking the beach and the first-ever Sandals Sky Villa Rondoval Suites — featuring soaking tubs and many other unique rooftop hideaways. 

Elsewhere in the property, you and your loved one will get the chance to unwind as it brims with tropical flora and trees. If you want to enjoy Jamaican waters, you’ll be glad this property sits along a magnificent stretch of powdery white-sand shoreline.

You also won’t run out of options if you want to distress. You can play golf at the nearby Upton Estate Golf & Country Club, enjoy the resort’s rooftop fitness and aerobics studio, or visit the neighboring Sandals Ochie Beach Resort.

12. Sandals Royal Curacao

Willemstad, Curacao

Where Amazing Comes Together

A recent addition to the list of Sandals Resorts, Sandals Royal Curacao is a hotly rising establishment for honeymooners and couples who want to scuba dive, snorkel, and soak up the sun on this side of the Caribbean.

Amazing things come together in this property, which sits on 44 acres of land within a vast 3,000-acre estate. It’s in an ideal place where the desert meets the ocean, giving you jaw-dropping views that become even more beautiful once the sun casts its twilight glow. 

If you stay at any of its Awa Seaside Bungalows the fact, or Kurason Island Poolside Bungalows, you can reserve a MINI Cooper. Youluxurious, and the MINI, and use it to explore the entire island stylishly. But you don’t have to go far to have a romantic date with your loved one: Your package includes complimentary use of Dutch bikes, letting you see more of the resort more efficiently. 

The resort offers several dining options to treat yourself to sumptuous Latin and European meals and snacks. Another exciting amenity is its pool, a two-level island oasis that lets you stay close to the sea. 

If anything, Sandals Royal Curacao is one testament that a brand as established as Sandals Resorts still has many beautiful, luxuriously innovative things to offer.

13. Sandals Royal Bahamian

Nassau, The Bahamas

Where Love Comes Easy

Love comes easy in the newly renovated and reimagined Sandals property. Located a short drive from the airport, this is where you want to stay if you’re in the Bahamas and you want a new Sandals experience.

From the moment you land at the airport, you’ll already enjoy a luxurious treatment because its airport transfers let your ride on a Mercedes Benz or Rolls Royce. Upon arrival at the only resort in Nassau, a certain European elegance will greet you. Unsurprisingly, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor famously visited here. 

You can stay at the East Bay and West Bay Buildings, whose main highlights are brand-new river pools. Or, if you want a more secluded option, book your stay at the Island Village.

Sandals Royal Bahamian also has an offshore island. Hop on the resort’s Love Runner boat, sail to the postcard-worthy Sandals Barefoot Cay, and have unforgettable snorkeling adventures. 

14. Sandals Barbados

Where Exclusive is Always Inclusive

The neighboring Sandals Barbados is your serene and sweet escape from the lively energy of the St. Lawrence Gap area. 

Offering a more relaxed Caribbean atmosphere, stylish Crystal Lagoon Swim-up Suites are set along the island’s largest and longest river pool. It ensures an intimate experience because the pool features zero-entry access that you and your loved one can enter through your private patio.

However, you can always access the resort’s entertainment options if you want to liven up your stay. Join in the fun in their street jamborees, watch live bands and staff talent shows, or participate in carnival beach and cocktail parties.

You can also hop to the nearby Sandals Royal Barbados for more doses of fun and an expanded dining experience. 

15. Sandals Royal Caribbean 

Jamaica’s Most Alluring Resort

Are you a couple wondering which Sandals Resort is best for honeymooners? Look no more — Sandals Royal Caribbean is Jamaica’s most alluring resort, especially for newlyweds, for all the right reasons.

First off, it’s also Jamaica’s only resort with its private offshore island. While the scalloped beach-situated main resort takes pride in its British heritage — complete with wandering peacocks, polished gardens, and British-style tea served daily — the five-minute-boat-ride-away island exudes Balinese beauty. 

On the offshore island, you’ll find Bali-inspired beach cabanas and a Balinese-style pool with a swim-up bar. If you want to taste Asian cuisine, be sure to visit Royal Thai, which is an authentic Thai restaurant. 

You may want to stay at their over-the-water villas and bungalows for an even more sublime stay. With the resort’s proximity to the MBJ airport, you’ll also have more time for your vacation and less for your travel. And if you want to experience another Sandals resort, they got you covered: They provide shuttle services to and from Sandals Montego Bay , where you can freely enjoy its amenities and restaurants. 

16. Sandals Emerald Bay

Great Exuma, The Bahamas

Exquisite Sophistication in the Exotic Bahamian Out Islands

Pristine, powdery sand beach. Crystal-clear waters. An off-the-grid location. A resort with its own golf course designed by renowned Aussie golfer Greg Norman, tennis courts, and a 16,000-square-foot Red Lane Spa. You could ask for nothing more in one of the best Sandals Resorts locations.

Sandals Emerald Bay ’s accommodations blend the classic and contemporary elements with a dash of Bahamian vibe. And staying here means you also get to enjoy three freshwater pools, including a half-acre zero-entry pool (complete with a gorgeous fire pit right in the middle). The property is set on an expensive tropical land spanning 500 acres, which also houses 11 restaurants for a superb dining experience. 

Up for an adventure? You can dive, snorkel, and even arrange an excursion to try the popular Swimming with the Pigs tour.

17. Sandals Royal Plantation

Ocho Rios , Jamaica

Sandals Only All-Butler, All-Suite Resort

1 hour 50 minutes

In selecting among all its 17 Caribbean-located properties, you might ask: Which Sandals resort is the highest rated? Across reputable travel sites, Sandals Royal Plantation is considered the best-rated. This resort is Sandals’ highest caliber resort. The 74 rooms are all butler suites, Sandals’ highest quality room.

Nestled on an awe-inspiring coral bluff, the Sandals Royal Plantation is picture-perfect from any angle. It’s an all-butler, all-suite resort — the only Sandals property with this setup. 

Its 74 colonial-style suites offer lovely vistas of the ocean. When combined with an elegant, old-world Jamaican atmosphere, such spaces are a perfect candidate to be your lovers’ nest for a couple of days when you’re in this part of the Caribbean.

You’re bound to enjoy sophisticated and intimate days here, with your own butler attending to your needs. Access five top-class restaurants, two private cove beaches, and two freshwater pools. You can further expand your selection of amenities with full exchange privileges at Sandals Ochi. If you’re into golf, keep in mind that your package includes green fees and transportation to the Upton Estate Golf & Country Club.

Bonus: this resort is near the majestic Dunn’s River Falls and the Ocho Rios Blue Hole. 

18. Sandals Saint Vincent

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Leave the World Behind

Nestled within its own secluded cove and surrounded by a lush forest and a gentle, meandering river lies the newest addition to Sandals’ all-inclusive resorts in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The 301-room Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines offers a wide array of accommodation categories, including the grandeur of two-bedroom butler villas, which Sandals proudly declares to be the brand’s “most expansive suites to date.”

This haven will host a remarkable selection of 17 food and beverage outlets, making it a culinary paradise for honeymooners. Among these, Buccan stands out as Sandals’ inaugural communal-style restaurant, specializing in seasonal platters designed for sharing. It offers a unique experience with its open kitchen, allowing you to witness the artistry behind your delectable dishes.

Your taste buds will also be delighted by Parisol, an open-air beach club that serves up enticing small plates and refreshing cocktails, creating the perfect beachfront dining experience. For those seeking to savor the spirit of the Caribbean, Three Jewels, a rum bar, promises an array of tantalizing libations to savor. Additionally, Imoro, a grab-and-go concept, offers a menu tailored to health-conscious tastes, ensuring a perfect balance of indulgence and wellness throughout your stay.

Amidst the backdrop of Saint Vincent’s unparalleled natural beauty, Sandals Saint Vincent and the Grenadines invites you to embark on a journey of both exploration and culinary delight, creating cherished memories for your honeymoon.

Which Sandals Resort Is Best For Me? A Quick Guide

Sandals Resorts are known all over the world for being the only 5-Star, All-Inclusive, Luxury Included® resorts, making them a favorite choice for couples and honeymooners. With 18 locations scattered around the Caribbean , couples tend to ask: Which Sandals Resort is best for me and my partner? If you’ve wondered the same and have found it overwhelming to compare Sandals Resorts , fret no more. Here’s everything you need to know about the best Sandals resort for honeymoons — where even all your tips and gratuities are INCLUDED! We also created a Sandals Resorts comparison tool for you to easily find your perfect destination.

Just a few quick notes: Sandals is famous for pioneering innovations that constantly evolve and elevate the all-inclusive luxury vacation experience — such as creating the Caribbean’s first over-the-water villas and bungalows, its special Tranquility Blissful Beds (with fine Egyptian cotton linens), complimentary use of Mini Coopers at some resorts, and even $250 dining vouchers outside of your Sandals resort — at local restaurants — to constantly upgrade and elevate your luxury experience, and truly make your honeymoon into an exquisite escape.

Hopefully, by the end of this article, you will find the best Sandals resort that will meet all your expectations — and maybe even exceed them, for your most sublime stay.

Which Sandals resort is best for you?

One of the most common questions asked by couples planning their honeymoon or romantic vacation is how do we choose the perfect Sandals for us? Of course, there is no one simple answer, but it all comes down to your plans and expectations. Thankfully, Sandals resorts offer various activities ranging from a peaceful and relaxing spa day to more adventurous watersports such as scuba diving and snorkeling.

But the best way to find the best Sandals resort for couples is to ask the right questions, such as:

Which Sandals resort has the best beach? 

Of course, it’s no surprise that honeymooners and couples want to know the top Sandals resorts with the best beaches. After all, Sandals Resorts offers romantic tropical all-inclusive and adult-only luxury experiences in the best Caribbean islands. 

If one of your must-haves when deciding which Sandals Resort is best for you is access to the best beaches, the top five resorts to consider are:

  • Sandals Emerald Bay in The Bahamas
  • Sandals Grande St. Lucian
  • Sandals Grenada
  • Sandals Barbados and Royal Barbados
  • Sandals Montego Bay

Rest assured, you are guaranteed breathtaking beach views, sand, and waters, no matter which resort you choose. 

Most affordable Sandals Resorts 

Just because you want a 5-Star luxury honeymoon doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune . As you compare Sandals resorts and their prices, keep in mind Sandals Ochi, where prices start at $243 per night per guest.

Other options, such as Sandals Negril , only costs $266 per night per person, while Sandals Grande Antigua offers all the luxuries and impeccable Sandals-standard services for just $295 per night per person.

When it comes to providing excellent services and amenities, even the most affordable Sandals resorts are guaranteed to make your stay memorable and luxurious.

Sandals resorts with the highest ratings

For couples that don’t have a strict budget and want the best of the best that Sandals can offer, the highest-rates resorts should be at the top of your list. If ratings matter to you when making your final decision, Sandals Grenada and Sandals Royal Plantation will not disappoint. Other highly rated and recommended Sandals resorts are the Sandals Halcyon Beach located in St. Lucia or the ever-famous Sandals Montego Bay in Jamaica.

Higher ratings will give you peace of mind knowing you will be cared for and pampered during your entire stay.

What Sandals resort is the most accessible?

While planning a honeymoon or romantic vacation, knowing the accessibility of the resort is a must. Although the right answer depends on where you’re from in general, the closest resorts from the U.S. are those located in the Bahamas . Sandals Royal Bahamian and Sandals Emerald Bay are very easy to access as The Bahamas is just a short one-hour plane ride from Miami, Florida. 

But don’t let the distance dissuade you from choosing other Sandals Resorts, because you will be treated like royalty once you arrive at any of the resorts. 

Which Sandals resorts offer the best rooms?

This is probably the most difficult question to answer. Each Sandals resort offers its own unique and beautiful luxury rooms. Guests like yourself can choose from beachfront suites, suites with private pools, the penthouse suite, and so much more. Every room boasts luxurious furnishings and amazing views– truly spectacular settings for your romantic getaway.

For example, Sandals Grande St. Lucian, Sandals Royal Caribbean , and Sandals South Coast have over-the-water villas and bungalows. Meanwhile, you can book a Skypool Suite at Sandals Royal Barbados and Sandals Grenada, which give you access to a sky-high infinity pool and soaking tub. 

The best way to find out more about the rooms in a Sandals resort is to choose your location first and compare Sandals resorts on the island.

Best Sandals Resort for couples  

It’s no secret that all Sandals Resorts are made to cater to couples, so it can be difficult to choose the best one. The only way to decide which Sandals Resort is best for you is to think of your vacation goals and dreams. 

Couples who are more active and adventurous will enjoy staying at Sandals Ochi, Sandals Negril, or Sandals Montego Bay because of the many watersports and other fun activities you can participate in during your stay. If you want a more laidback and relaxing vacation Sandals Royal Caribbean or Sandals Royal Plantation would be the best choice.

Finally, couples who want to enjoy the Caribbean nightlife should stay at Sandals Ochi, Sandals Grande St. Lucian, or Sandals Royal Barbados.

The best Sandals Resort for Honeymoons

When it comes to choosing a resort for your honeymoon, there’s no wrong choice as long as you stay in a Sandals resort. However, specific resorts are ranked as the best for honeymoons . These resorts are Sandals Royal Plantation, Sandals Grande Antigua, and Sandals Grenada, just to name the top three. Of course, you can always look at other options depending on your budget and expectations.

In the end, no matter which Sandals resort you choose for you and your partner. You are guaranteed an amazing, romantic, and unforgettable couples’ vacation or honeymoon, where you can smooch the day away!

Which Sandals resorts offer the best excursions and tours?

One of the best things about staying at Sandals Resorts is the all-inclusive benefits. This means that all activities, from relaxing spa treatments to active watersports, are part of the package.

However, if you want to try different tours and excursions on your vacation, the best resort for you is Sandals Grande Antigua, which offers an island tour and a sunset Catamaran cruise for an additional fee. Another great choice is Sandals Emerald Bay in the Bahamas, where you can book an ATV sightseeing tour or a sea tour to visit the famous pigs of Exuma.

Which Sandals resorts are LGBTQ-friendly?

Not only is Sandals known for its 5-star luxury all-inclusive service that starts from the moment you arrive at the airport, but this luxury brand of resorts is also making strides to be more inclusive. Everyone deserves to have the wedding and honeymoon of their dreams, which is why resorts such as St. Lucian Grande and Sandals Grenada offer same-sex wedding packages. You will enjoy the penultimate party-for-two at every Sandals resort!

Everyone deserves to feel like royalty during their wedding and honeymoon, no matter their sexual orientation. So LGBTQ+ guests are welcomed with open arms at Sandals resorts.

Which Sandals resorts have over-the-water bungalows and villas?

There is nothing more opulent and luxurious than an over-the-water bungalow or villa. Combine that with the personal butler service and all-included perks of Sandals Resorts, and you are guaranteed to experience the honeymoon of your dreams. While all Sandals resorts offer amazing and romantic rooms, these over-the-water villas can only be found at Sandals South Coast, Sandals Grande St. Lucian, and Sandals Royal Caribbean.

If you want the ultimate romantic and luxurious Sandals experience, you cannot go wrong with staying at one of its world-famous over-the-water bungalows. In a word, an overwater bungalow is thrilling — and an extraordinary experience — where you will be two well-cared-for castaways. Bungalows feature glass panels in the floor, so you can watch the fish below you — even at night, when the waters are lit. From your bungalow, you can access the warm Caribbean waters in an instant — and don’t forget to bring your inflatable tube! We are sure you will enjoy floating in the water — cocktail in hand, of course!

Best Sandals resorts for scuba diving, snorkeling, or golf

Have you always wanted to become a certified PADI® diver? Then Sandals Royal Bahamian, Sandals Royal Curacao , or any of the Sandals Resorts in Barbados or Saint Lucia are perfect for you. If you’re not ready to commit to a license, the resorts also offer fun dive experiences where you can dive up to 40 feet. Don’t worry — all the professional diving gear, drive boat rental, and access to the best Caribbean dive spots are already included with all the dive course packages. 

If you want a more relaxing experience, snorkeling at Sandals Montego Bay is a must-try experience. The stunning reefs and pristine waters of Jamaica will surely impress you. Since Sandals is located all over the Caribbean, you will find amazing snorkeling tours in any of the resort locations. Finally, for couples who want to play golf, the award-winning St. Lucian Sandals Emerald Bay Golf Course is the top choice. However, complimentary golf courses are available in the Jamaican, St. Lucian, and Bahamian Sandals resorts. 

Which Sandals resorts are best for foodies?

What vacation or honeymoon is complete without enjoying world-class, five-star food with choices from cuisines all over the globe? As part of the 5-Star Luxury Included® experience, any and all Sandals Resorts are a foodie’s paradise. There are more than 190 restaurants spread out across all Sandals locations, where the best chefs lovingly prepare gourmet cuisine to offer the most authentic experience. And here is something new: At Sandals Royal Curacao, you will find the brand’s first-ever off-site dining program, which expands dining options to eight partner restaurants around the destination. Valid on seven-night minimum stays, the program is available to couples in select suites, and you will receive a $250US voucher to dine at one of the partner restaurants — with roundtrip transportation included!

All Sandals guests will enjoy unlimited dining and drinking during their stay as part of the all-inclusive deal. The hardest choice will be deciding where to eat next during your stay. However, serious foodies should consider booking their stay at Sandals Grenada, Sandals Montego Bay, Sandals Royal Barbados, and Sandals Barbados, as they all come highly recommended by food lovers worldwide.

Bon appetit!

About The Author

Jim Campbell

Jim is the owner of A lifelong traveler, Jim's wanderlust has led him to spend months living on the Mayan Rivera, instruct SCUBA diving in Croatia, sail from San Diego to Hawaii, and cruise the Caribbean on a catamaran. Jim launched his honeymoon business while planning his own honeymoon in 2019. Since then, he has helped thousands of honeymooners plan their trips through his honeymoon travel agency .

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Las Terrazas Resort

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Amenities & Services

  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • 100% non-smoking hotel
  • Doctor on call
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  • Air conditioning
  • Babysitting (on request)
  • Multi-lingual staff
  • Wake-up service
  • Rooftop terrace bar
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  • Swimming pool
  • Shuttle service

Need to Know

  • Cribs are available for infants under 3 years old free of charge.
  • Rooms cannot accommodate extra beds.

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Luftansicht des Sheraton Maui mit Pool und Strand

Bienvenido a Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa

Un hotel sofisticado en maui con excelentes vistas al mar.

Ubicado a orillas de la impresionante playa Kaanapali, el Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa es el punto de unión de un lugar excepcional y una motivación más profunda. Aunque el lele kawa nocturno de este resort de Kaanapali, el ritual de saltos desde los acantilados, ha alcanzado un estatus legendario, solo representa una de las facetas de la experiencia hawaiana inmersiva que te espera. Siente el espíritu de aloha en todos los rincones de este resort en Lahaina, que ofrece unas habitaciones meticulosamente dispuestas, una gran piscina de estilo laguna y tratamientos relajantes en The Spa at Black Rock. Embárcate en emocionantes aventuras marítimas, desde hacer esnórquel entre vibrantes arrecifes de coral a navegar en un catamarán surcando las aguas cristalinas. Descubre los amplios espacios abiertos en las 9 hectáreas de este resort en Maui, que invitan a la reflexión y a conectar aún más con la naturaleza. Más del 80 % de las habitaciones de nuestro hotel en Kaanapali ofrece vista al mar, el mirador ideal para ver las ballenas y las puestas de sol sobre el Pacífico. Sumérgete en la intensa belleza de Maui, donde surgió y se perfeccionó el estilo de vida de resort de playa en Kaanapali.

El mejor resort de Hawái en la playa favorita del mundo

Votado como el mejor hotel de Hawái en los premios 10Best 2023 Readers’ Choice Awards de USATODAY, el Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa es un oasis frente al mar situado en la extensión más privilegiada de la playa de Kaanapali, donde Puu Kekaa (Roca Negra) se encuentra con el Pacífico. La cala natural frente al Sheraton Maui es un lugar favorito para practicar snorkel y encuentros con honu (tortugas marinas verdes). Durante los meses de invierno, observa cómo las ballenas jorobadas se alejan de la costa. Experimenta el mejor hotel de Hawái en 9 hectáreas en la playa de Kaanapali, clasificada como la número 1 en los EE. UU. y la número 10 en el mundo en los premios Travellers' Choice Awards 2023 de TripAdvisor a las mejores playas.

Vista aérea del Sheraton Maui con piscina y playa

Habitaciones y suites frente al mar Moana

Ofrece las experiencias más profundas (y los paisajes marinos más impresionantes) de todo Kaanapali. Flotando sobre el océano como una majestuosa waa o canoa, las habitaciones y suites Moana frente al mar revitalizan a los huéspedes con una conexión renovada con el ritmo atemporal del océano. Mejora tu estancia y sube de categoría a Moana y recibe estacionamiento de autoservicio gratis y crédito en resort diario.

Vista aérea de Moana del Sheraton Maui

Habitaciones y suites

Actividades en la piscina, la playa y el resort.

Desde bucear en aguas cristalinas y flotar en nuestra piscina estilo laguna hasta cenas privadas bajo las estrellas, s'mores asados al atardecer y 5 km de playa de arena blanca, nuestro hotel de playa de Kaanapali ofrece aventuras inigualables por tierra y mar.

Aerial of Sheraton Maui pools and beach

El ritual nocturno Lele Kawa (clavados desde acantilados)

Una tradición desde que el resort abrió por primera vez en 1963 que rinde homenaje al último jefe de Maui, Kahekili, quien solía saltar desde el promontorio sagrado de Puu Kekaa para mostrar su fuerza espiritual y unir a sus guerreros. Conoce la historia y el significado cultural de esta inmersión todas las noches al atardecer.

Ceremonia de salto desde el acantilado

The Sandbar

Orgullosos de servir café de Starbucks y una selección de repostería casera y platos de desayuno.

Couple enjoying breakfast at Coral Reef

Coral Reef Breakfast

Comienza el día con un delicioso desayuno a la carta en Kaanapali y nuestro popular desayuno bufet No Ka Oi.

Cliff Dive Grill

Cliff Dive Grill

Este restaurante al aire libre en Kaanapali sirve una amplia variedad de tentadoras opciones para el almuerzo y la cena inspiradas en los sabores de Maui. Situado justo en la playa Kaanapali, ven a vernos por la noche durante el encendido de las antorchas y la ceremonia de saltos desde los acantilados.

Mai Tai Bar

Located just steps from Maui's famous Kaanapali Beach, Mai Tai Bar is an ideal setting for sipping on your favorite umbrella drink and enjoying tasty poolside bites.

Black Rock Shave Ice

Black Rock Shave Ice

Refréscate con los helados de estilo hawaiano, el favorito de los residentes locales. ¡Hay más de 30 sabores!

Teppan-yaki Dan - Carnes y mariscos

Teppan-yaki Dan

En Teppan-Yaki Dan, los habilidosos chefs preparan langosta fresca, carnes y más, directamente frente a sus ojos. Este restaurante japonés en Kaanapali también ofrece una amplia variedad de sakes y vinos de alta calidad para acompañar tu plato principal.

The Sandbar Cocktails

The Sandbar – Lobby Lounge

Disfruta de la vista panorámica de Kaanapali Beach, cócteles exclusivos y bocaditos locales con sabores isleños en este restaurante frente al mar de Kaanapali.

Coral Reef Dinner

Coral Reef Dinner

Disfruta de la gastronomía de la costa del Pacífico con especial hincapié en los ingredientes de cultivo local. Se recomienda reservar para la cena.

Ocean Lawn Evening Event

Maui Nui Luau

Descubre las sorprendentes historias, el pasado y la cultura de Valley Isle y Kaanapali a través de las canciones y los bailes de Maui y el Pacífico.

Exclusive Oceanfront Dining

Exclusive Oceanfront Dining

El Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa ofrece a sus huéspedes una exclusiva experiencia gastronómica. Relájate en la privacidad de nuestro bungaló para cenas frente al mar y disfruta de nuestro menú personalizado, con ingredientes de inspiración isleña, para un máximo de cuatro comensales.

Maui Strong

Si bien nuestro hotel permaneció físicamente intacto, nos hemos visto profundamente afectados.

Junior Suite con vistas

Malama Hawái

El Sheraton Maui se dedica a proteger y preservar la tierra sagrada sobre la que está construido nuestro resort. Como tal, la sostenibilidad es una de nuestras iniciativas estratégicas clave. Haz clic a continuación para conocer todas las formas en que puedes ayudarnos a hacer de Maui un lugar mejor.

Taro Fields

Espacios innovadores para cada ocasión

Di "Sí, acepto" en el paraíso

Desde encuentros privados bajo las estrellas hasta grandes veladas al atardecer, nuestro resort en Kaanapali cuenta con lugares perfectos para cada ocasión. El resort también ofrece el espacio para eventos al aire libre frente al mar más grande en la playa de Kaanapali: el espacio perfecto para la boda de tus sueños en Maui.

Jardín Ocean - Disposición para eventos


Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa

2605 Kaanapali Parkway, Lahaina, Maui, Hawái, EE. UU., 96761

En las instalaciones:

Estación de autobuses:

2023 Good Housekeeping Family Travel Awards logo

Servicio de traslado entre el aeropuerto y el hotel

El servicio de traslado entre el aeropuerto y el hotel Roberts Hawaii, se enorgullece de ofrecerte una forma conveniente de llegar desde el aeropuerto de Kahului (OGG) al resort en Maui. Tu servicio de traslado entre el aeropuerto y el hotel preestablecido garantiza una llegada y salida conveniente, rápida y amigable. Las reservas se solicitan 24 horas antes de la fecha del servicio.

Donde se une el mundo

Lobby, recepción

Te esperamos en el lobby

Pasa tiempo en el lobby del Sheraton. Hemos creado espacios para conectarse de maneras únicas e innovadoras.

Restaurant Reception

Servicio de bienvenida

Con más de 85 años de hospitalidad acogedora, nuestros empleados harán que desees regresar nuevamente.

Vista a la ciudad

Destinos internacionales

Busca Hoteles Sheraton en el corazón de ciudades de todo el mundo.

Detalles del hotel


Piscina al aire libre

Espacio para reuniones

WiFi Gratis

Actividades para niños

Acceso a la playa

Tienda de artículos varios

Tienda de regalos

Servicio a la habitación

Llamadas de despertador

Llave móvil

Registro de llegada digital

Solicitud de servicio

Registro de llegada: 15:00

Registro de salida: 11:00

Edad mínima para el registro de llegada: 18

Hotel para no fumadores

No se admiten mascotas

Pets are not allowed.

Diario: $39

Diario: $49.00

Acepta: Tarjetas de crédito

El hotel cuenta con ascensores

Máquina expendedora

Servicio de concierge

Idiomas que habla el personal: Inglés

No dudes en llamarnos si deseas más información sobre las características físicas de nuestras habitaciones y áreas comunes con instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales o servicios especiales relacionados con una discapacidad concreta +1 808-661-0031

Ascensor automático o entrada inclinada en las piscinas del hotel

Se aceptan animales de servicio

Acceso a habitaciones y suites por pasillo interior

La entrada a la piscina en el hotel tiene instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales

La entrada al centro de negocios en el hotel tiene instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales

La entrada al gimnasio en el hotel tiene instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales

La entrada al spa en el hotel tiene instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales

La entrada principal tiene instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales

Los espacios para reuniones tienen instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales

Asiento de bañera

Asiento del inodoro a la altura de la silla de ruedas - Inodoro para personas con necesidades especiales

Barras antideslizantes en el baño

Barras de sujeción de la bañera

Cadenas de seguridad y/o pestillos en las puertas de las habitaciones

Cerraduras secundarias en las ventanas de las habitaciones

Cerrojo de seguridad en las puertas de las habitaciones y suites

Cerrojos de seguridad a baja altura en las puertas de las habitaciones

Compatible con TTY/TTD

Ducha con acceso para sillas de ruedas

Habitaciones con instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales

Habitaciones o kits con instalaciones para personas con problemas de audición

Las ventanas de la habitación se abren

Llave electrónica de la habitación

Los huéspedes en habitaciones con instalaciones para personas con necesidades especiales pueden preguntar por la posibilidad de bajar la altura de la cama

Manillas en las puertas de las habitaciones

Mirillas a baja altura en las puertas de las habitaciones

Mirillas en las puertas de las habitaciones y suites

Puertas de habitaciones y suites con cierre automático

Soporte ajustable a la altura de la mano para la ducha

Televisión con subtítulos

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catamaran resort and spa reviews

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. 7,085 reviews. NEW AI Reviews Summary. #4 of 8 resorts in San Diego. 3999 Mission Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92109-6959. Visit hotel website. 1 (858) 779-2281. Write a review.

Specialties: The Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa has one of the most unique locations among San Diego hotels, nestled across the street from Mission Beach and just steps from the more relaxing, quiet strip of beach along Mission Bay. Several well-known attractions are only a few miles away, including SeaWorld, the world famous San Diego Zoo, Balboa Park, and historic Old Town. All 310 rooms at ...

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. 7,088 reviews. NEW AI Reviews Summary. #4 of 8 resorts in San Diego. 3999 Mission Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92109-6959. Visit hotel website. 1 (858) 779-2281. Write a review.

Book Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, San Diego on Tripadvisor: See 6,653 traveller reviews, 2,865 photos, and cheap rates for Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, ranked #20 of 284 hotels in San Diego and rated 4.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

Book Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, San Diego on Tripadvisor: See 7,058 traveller reviews, 3,174 candid photos, and great deals for Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, ranked #20 of 260 hotels in San Diego and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

Now £361 on Tripadvisor: Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, San Diego. See 7,072 traveller reviews, 3,185 candid photos, and great deals for Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, ranked #20 of 260 hotels in San Diego and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 07/07/2024 based on a check-in date of 14/07/2024.

Reviews of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa This rating is a reflection of how the property compares to the industry standard when it comes to price, facilities and services available. It's based on a self-evaluation by the property. Use this rating to help choose your stay! 3999 Mission Boulevard, Mission Bay, San Diego, CA 92109, United States of America

Set on pretty grounds filled with lush greenery, koi ponds, and exotic birds, the hotel offers two on-site eateries, a lovely outdoor pool and hot tub, as well as a spa, salon, and fitness center. There's even a beautiful classic boat that offers sunset cruises and family activities, transforming into a nightclub scene in the evenings.

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa Review: Who Stays Here and Why. Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa is my top pick for families looking to stay in Pacific Beach, a popular but eclectic San Diego beach neighborhood. The three-star resort is located on the Sail Bay part of Mission Bay, the largest human-made aquatic park in the country and San Diego ...

Choose dates to view prices. Travelers love the great staff, location, property grounds, amenities, and coffee. Book a stay at this beach resort in San Diego. Enjoy free WiFi, a full-service spa, and a beach locale. Popular attractions Mission Beach and Mission Bay are located nearby.

A total of 6939 have reviewed the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, giving it a rating of 4.5, on a scale of 1-5. Tripadvisor Travel Rating: Read most recent traveler reviews »

Welcome to the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, a tropical hideaway in San Diego's Pacific Beach community. Our Polynesian-themed resort, only 8 miles from San Diego International Airport, offers casual elegance with palm trees, lush vegetation, tiki torches, koi ponds, waterfalls, and exotic birds that like to strike up conversations with guests.

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. 6,992 reviews. NEW AI Review Summary. #3 of 8 resorts in San Diego. 3999 Mission Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92109-6959. Visit hotel website. 1 (858) 779-2281. Write a review. Check availability.

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa Review - Dining: The Catamaran is home to two restaurants, open year-round. Oceana Coastal Kitchen is the more upscale restaurant, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Indoor and outdoor seating are both available. This restaurant serves fresh seafood and hosts and award-winning Sunday brunch.

This means that all activities, from relaxing spa treatments to active watersports, are part of the package. However, if you want to try different tours and excursions on your vacation, the best resort for you is Sandals Grande Antigua, which offers an island tour and a sunset Catamaran cruise for an additional fee.

Specialties: Hilton Hawaiian Village Waikiki Beach Resort is located on 22 acres on the widest stretch of Waikiki Beach. Five swimming pools including the 10,000 square foot Super Pool. The resort offers a variety of restaurants and shops. Daily cultural activities include lei making and hula lessons. Morning exercise includes yoga and aerobics. The full-service Mandara Spa is open daily ...

Discover the Secrets Playa Mujeres Golf & Spa Resort- All Inclusive in beautiful Cancun. Learn more about this and other Mexico hotel packages at

Resorts near SenSip Thai Spa, Moscow on Tripadvisor: Find 122,688 traveller reviews, 109,773 candid photos, and prices for resorts near SenSip Thai Spa in Moscow, Russia.

Now £356 on Tripadvisor: Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, San Diego. See 7,092 traveller reviews, 3,210 candid photos, and great deals for Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa, ranked #21 of 260 hotels in San Diego and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 28/07/2024 based on a check-in date of 04/08/2024.

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Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

3999 Mission Boulevard, Mission Bay, San Diego, CA 92109, United States of America – Excellent location – show map

catamaran resort opinie

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa Reserve now


Value for money

Located 100 yards from the Pacific Ocean, this San Diego resort features an outdoor pool and full-service spa with beauty treatments. Rooms at the resort include free Wi-Fi. Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa provides rooms with balconies or patios. Every room contains a flat-screen cable TV with HBO and an iPod docking station. Guests can enjoy on-site dining at the property's restaurant, Oceana Coastal Kitchen. Guests can also rent inline skates and bicycles at Catamaran Resort Hotel. Water sport rentals, sand volleyball courts and children’s activities are also available at the hotel. The Catamaran Hotel Resort is 4 miles from SeaWorld. The San Diego zoo is 10.5 miles from the hotel.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 8.9 for a two-person trip.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Outdoor swimming pool
  • Private Parking
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Fitness center
  • Tea/Coffee Maker in All Rooms
  • Private beach area

Property highlights

Top Location: Highly rated by recent guests (9.0)

Want a great night's sleep? This hotel was highly-rated for its very comfy beds.

Private parking available


Select dates to see this property's availability and prices

Property practices

Categories:, see what guests loved the most:.

United States of America

Hotel area info

Restaurants 1 restaurant on site.

  • Cuisine American
  • Open for Breakfast • Brunch • Lunch • Dinner • Cocktail hour
  • Ambience Modern

Amenities of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

  • Free toiletries
  • Outdoor fireplace
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Bicycle rental Additional charge
  • Movie nights
  • Water sports facilities on site Additional charge
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable channels
  • Fruit Additional charge
  • Wine/Champagne Additional charge
  • Tea/Coffee maker
  • Parking garage
  • Accessible parking
  • ATM on site
  • Baggage storage
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Daily housekeeping
  • Dry cleaning Additional charge
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities Additional charge
  • Fire extinguishers
  • CCTV in common areas
  • Smoke alarms
  • Key card access
  • 24-hour security
  • Vending machine (snacks)
  • Vending machine (drinks)
  • Air conditioning
  • Smoke-free property
  • Wake-up service
  • Ironing facilities
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Room service
  • Open all year
  • All ages welcome
  • Heated pool
  • Pool/Beach towels
  • Beach chairs/Loungers
  • Locker rooms
  • Yoga classes
  • Full-body massage
  • Couples' massage
  • Back massage
  • Spa/Wellness packages
  • Spa lounge/Relaxation area
  • Spa facilities
  • Beach umbrellas Additional charge
  • Hot tub/Jacuzzi
  • Massage Additional charge
  • Spa Additional charge
  • Sauna Additional charge

House rules Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa takes special requests – add in the next step!

Child policies.

Children of all ages are welcome.

Children 18 and above will be charged as adults at this property.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

Cribs and extra beds aren't available at this property.

The fine print Must-know information for guests at this property

Please note:

The hotel allows only 1 room per reservation.

There will be a resort fee at the property beginning 1 October 2018. Please contact property for pricing details.

Resort fee includes:

Complimentary WiFi access in guest rooms and public areas

Use of beach chairs and umbrellas on Bay Beach, towels at the resort pool and whirlpool and fitness center

Two in-room waters per day

USA Today newspaper each morning in the lobby

Discounts at the on-site spa, Morays’ Happy Hour and Oceana Coastal Kitchen

Complimentary local and domestic long-distance phone calls.

Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.

FAQs about Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

How far is catamaran resort hotel and spa from the center of san diego.

Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa is 7.5 miles from the center of San Diego. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

Does Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa have a hot tub for its guests?

Yes, there's a hot tub. You can find out more about this and the other facilities at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa on this page.

How close to the beach is Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa?

The nearest beach is 500 feet from Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What is there to do at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa?

  • Swimming pool
  • Couples' massage
  • Water sports facilities on site
  • Bicycle rental

Does Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa have a restaurant on site?

  • Oceana Coastal Kitchen

What are the check-in and check-out times at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa?

Check-in at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa is from 4:00 PM, and check-out is until 11:00 AM.

How much does it cost to stay at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa?

The prices at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates, hotel's policy etc.). To see prices, enter your dates.

Does Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa have a pool?

Yes, this hotel has a pool. See details about the pool and other facilities on this page.

What type of room can I book at Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa?

catamaran resort opinie

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Four Seasons Hotel Moscow

Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Moscow

Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Moscow


Steps from the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow’s heart, the historic legacy gets a contemporary spin at Four Seasons Hotel Moscow. Discover a bold reimagining of the legendary 1930s-era Hotel Moskva at our modern legend that puts destination dining and decadent spa treatments in the spotlight.


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    catamaran resort opinie

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  3. Catamaran Resort Hotel Review: What To REALLY Expect If You Stay

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  4. Отель Catamaran Resort Hotel 5* (Beldibi, Турция, Кемер): фото и отзывы

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  5. Opinie o hotelu Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort) w Turcji

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  6. Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

    catamaran resort opinie


  1. Catamaran Quality Times Hotels

    Book Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, Antalya Province/Beldibi, Turkey on Tripadvisor: See 588 traveler reviews, 1,314 candid photos, and great deals for Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, ranked #5 of 74 hotels in Antalya Province/Beldibi, Turkey and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  2. Opinie o hotelu Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort) w Turcji

    Zanim wybierzesz wakacje w hotelu Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort) - Przeczytaj opinie turystów, którzy już byli na wakacjach w tym hotelu. Pomoc i kontakt Salony sprzedaży Magazyn ... Opinie o hotelu Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort) 8.7. Bardzo dobry. 225 opinii. Świetne miejsce, każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie

  3. Catamaran Quality Times, Kemer (updated prices 2024)

    The air-conditioned rooms of Catamaran Quality Times are decorated with wooden furniture and carpeted floors. All rooms have a private balcony, satellite TV, safe box and a mini-bar. Some rooms have a seating area. Catamaran Resort's entertainment staff organizes live music and dance, pool games and Turkish theme nights.

  4. Hotel Catamaran Quality Times, Kemer

    Catamaran Quality Times Turcja, Kemer. Zakwaterowanie średnie, jedzenie doskonałe. Zakwaterowanie średnie, jedzenie doskonałe. Zakwaterowanie 3,3 / 5. Wyżywienie 5,0 / 5. Okolica 4,0 / 5. Cena 2,5 / 5. Ta recenzja została automatycznie przetłumaczona za pomocą Google Translate. Więcej.

  5. Catamaran Quality Times Hotels

    Book Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, Antalya Province/Beldibi, Turkey on Tripadvisor: See 541 traveller reviews, 1,206 candid photos, and great deals for Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, ranked #12 of 71 hotels in Antalya Province/Beldibi, Turkey and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... I have spent a week in catamaran resort.everything was perfect ...

  6. Catamaran Quality Times, Kemer (aktualne ceny na rok 2024)

    Catamaran Quality Times (Ośrodek wypoczynkowy), Kemer (Turcja) - oferty. Przegląd. Informacje i ceny. Udogodnienia. Zasady pobytu. Opinie gości (16) Zarezerwuj teraz. Wyrównujemy ceny. Przy plaży · Prywatna plaża.

  7. Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

    Excellent. 7,108 reviews. #4 of 8 resorts in San Diego. Location. Cleanliness. Service. Value. The Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa is a paradisiacal destinationon the shores of Mission Bay and mere steps from San Diego's famous Pacific Beach. Featuring lush tropical gardens and a private beach, this Polynesian-themed hotel offers 310 guest ...

  8. Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

    Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. 7,099 reviews. NEW AI Reviews Summary. #4 of 8 resorts in San Diego. 3999 Mission Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92109-6959. Visit hotel website. 1 (858) 779-2281. Write a review. Check availability.

  9. Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort)

    Informacje o hotelu. Standard hotelu. Kod hotelu HOT6484. Nazwa Catamaran Quality Times (ex. Catamaran Resort) Miejsce Turcja / Riwiera Turecka / Kemer. Wyżywienie All inclusive. Udogodnienia basen odkryty, na terenie hotelu instytut SPA, na terenie sauna, udogodnienia dla rodzin z dziećmi, dostęp do internetu, sporty wodne.

  10. Catamaran Quality Times Hotels Rooms: Pictures & Reviews

    See photos and read reviews for the Catamaran Quality Times Hotels rooms in Beldibi, Türkiye. Everything you need to know about the Catamaran Quality Times Hotels rooms at Tripadvisor. ... Grecotel Eva Palace Pantai Inn Skogar Campsite Jetwing Blue Little Acre Hotel Irvine Marriott Soba Lanka Holiday Resort Pickalbatros Aqua Vista Resort ...

  11. Catamaran Quality Times Hotels

    Book Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, Antalya Province/Beldibi, Turkey on Tripadvisor: See 591 traveler reviews, 1,314 candid photos, and great deals for Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, ranked #5 of 74 hotels in Antalya Province/Beldibi, Turkey and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. ... I have spent a week in catamaran resort.everything was perfect if ...

  12. Catamaran Quality Times

    Catamaran Quality Times Resort Hotel will give you a wonderful holiday experience with its seafront location, perfect coastline and unique nature. Our hotel is 25 km away from the center of Antalya and a 1-hour drive from Antalya Airport. "Quality Ultra All Inclusive" concept is offered in our hotel. A' la Carte Restaurants, 3 bars and open ...

  13. Catamaran Quality Times, Kemer (updated prices 2024)

    Catamaran Resort's entertainment staff organises live music and dance, pool games and Turkish theme nights. Children can have fun at the kids club. Free Wi-Fi is available in the hotel's public areas. Guests can enjoy authentic Turkish dishes at the Pasa Restaurant, which has panoramic views of the beach. The Alesta Snack Bar and Restaurant ...

  14. Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

    The Catamaran Resort has 20,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor meeting space, and can do custom-themed event planning. In addition to meeting rooms, the hotel has the Bahia Belle sternwheeler ...

  15. Hotel Catamaran Quality Times, Turecko Kemer

    Aktuální počasí. Prohlédněte si recenze hotelu Catamaran Quality Times, a volné termíny Last Minute zájezdů do hotelu Catamaran Quality Times, včetně všech slev. Pestrá nabídka dovolených do hotelu Catamaran Quality Times na, největším online prodejci zájezdů v ČR.

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  17. Catamaran Quality Times Hotels

    Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, Antalya Province/Beldibi: See 569 traveller reviews, 1,285 user photos and best deals for Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, ranked #10 of 73 Antalya Province/Beldibi hotels, rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  18. 253 Verified Hotel Reviews of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

    Reviews of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa This rating is a reflection of how the property compares to the industry standard when it comes to price, facilities and services available. It's based on a self-evaluation by the property. Use this rating to help choose your stay! 3999 Mission Boulevard, Mission Bay, San Diego, CA 92109, United States of America

  19. catamaran resort and spa reviews

    Protect Your Trip » Catamaran resort hotel and spa. Courtesy of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa | Find the Best Price. at the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. Navigate forward to i

  20. Catamaran Quality Times Hotels

    Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, Turkey/Beldibi, Antalya Province: See 587 traveller reviews, 1,307 candid photos, and great deals for Catamaran Quality Times Hotels, ranked #7 of 74 hotels in Turkey/Beldibi, Antalya Province and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  21. catamaran resort hotel and spa reviews

    Protect Your Trip » Catamaran resort hotel and spa. Courtesy of Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa | Find the Best Price. at the Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. Navigate forward to i

  22. Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa

    Catamaran Resort Hotel and Spa. 3999 Mission Boulevard, Mission Bay, San Diego, CA 92109, United States of America - Excellent location - show map. +38 photos. Show on map. Located 100 yards from the Pacific Ocean, this San Diego resort features an outdoor pool and full-service spa with beauty treatments. Rooms at the resort include free Wi-Fi.

  23. Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5* official website of Moscow

    A few steps from the Kremlin and Red Square, - Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5*, the heritage of history is perfectly combined with modern design. Discover a refurbished version of the legendary 1930s Moskva Hotel to enjoy panoramic views of iconic landmarks, personalized service at restaurants and spas, and an unforgettable experience for yourself and your loved ones in the heart of the capital.