How SailGP’s foiling F50 catamarans sail so much faster than the wind

Jonathan Turner

Arguably the most technologically advanced sailboats on the planet right now, the one-design SailGP F50 foiling catamarans are capable of breathtaking speeds – at times, reaching four times the velocity of the wind that drives them. But how do they do it?

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Beneath The Surface

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Sail GP: how do supercharged racing yachts go so fast? An engineer explains

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Head of Engineering, Warsash School of Maritime Science and Engineering, Solent University

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Sailing used to be considered as a rather sedate pastime. But in the past few years, the world of yacht racing has been revolutionised by the arrival of hydrofoil-supported catamarans, known as “foilers”. These vessels, more akin to high-performance aircraft than yachts, combine the laws of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics to create vessels capable of speeds of up to 50 knots, which is far faster than the wind propelling them.

An F50 catamaran preparing for the Sail GP series recently even broke this barrier, reaching an incredible speed of 50.22 knots (57.8mph) purely powered by the wind. This was achieved in a wind of just 19.3 knots (22.2mph). F50s are 15-metre-long, 8.8-metre-wide hydrofoil catamarans propelled by rigid sails and capable of such astounding speeds that Sail GP has been called the “ Formula One of sailing ”. How are these yachts able to go so fast? The answer lies in some simple fluid dynamics.

As a vessel’s hull moves through the water, there are two primary physical mechanisms that create drag and slow the vessel down. To build a faster boat you have to find ways to overcome the drag force.

The first mechanism is friction. As the water flows past the hull, a microscopic layer of water is effectively attached to the hull and is pulled along with the yacht. A second layer of water then attaches to the first layer, and the sliding or shearing between them creates friction.

On the outside of this is a third layer, which slides over the inner layers creating more friction, and so on. Together, these layers are known as the boundary layer – and it’s the shearing of the boundary layer’s molecules against each other that creates frictional drag.

foil catamaran top speed

A yacht also makes waves as it pushes the water around and under the hull from the bow (front) to the stern (back) of the boat. The waves form two distinctive patterns around the yacht (one at each end), known as Kelvin Wave patterns.

These waves, which move at the same speed as the yacht, are very energetic. This creates drag on the boat known as the wave-making drag, which is responsible for around 90% of the total drag. As the yacht accelerates to faster speeds (close to the “hull speed”, explained later), these waves get higher and longer.

These two effects combine to produce a phenomenon known as “ hull speed ”, which is the fastest the boat can travel – and in conventional single-hull yachts it is very slow. A single-hull yacht of the same size as the F50 has a hull speed of around 12 mph.

However, it’s possible to reduce both the frictional and wave-making drag and overcome this hull-speed limit by building a yacht with hydrofoils . Hydrofoils are small, underwater wings. These act in the same way as an aircraft wing, creating a lift force which acts against gravity, lifting our yacht upwards so that the hull is clear of the water.

foil catamaran top speed

While an aircraft’s wings are very large, the high density of water compared to air means that we only need very small hydrofoils to produce a lot of the important lift force. A hydrofoil just the size of three A3 sheets of paper, when moving at just 10 mph, can produce enough lift to pick up a large person.

This significantly reduces the surface area and the volume of the boat that is underwater, which cuts the frictional drag and the wave-making drag, respectively. The combined effect is a reduction in the overall drag to a fraction of its original amount, so that the yacht is capable of sailing much faster than it could without hydrofoils.

The other innovation that helps boost the speed of racing yachts is the use of rigid sails . The power available from traditional sails to drive the boat forward is relatively small, limited by the fact that the sail’s forces have to act in equilibrium with a range of other forces, and that fabric sails do not make an ideal shape for creating power. Rigid sails, which are very similar in design to an aircraft wing, form a much more efficient shape than traditional sails, effectively giving the yacht a larger engine and more power.

As the yacht accelerates from the driving force of these sails, it experiences what is known as “ apparent wind ”. Imagine a completely calm day, with no wind. As you walk, you experience a breeze in your face at the same speed that you are walking. If there was a wind blowing too, you would feel a mixture of the real (or “true” wind) and the breeze you have generated.

The two together form the apparent wind, which can be faster than the true wind. If there is enough true wind combined with this apparent wind, then significant force and power can be generated from the sail to propel the yacht, so it can easily sail faster than the wind speed itself.

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The combined effect of reducing the drag and increasing the driving power results in a yacht that is far faster than those of even a few years ago. But all of this would not be possible without one further advance: materials. In order to be able to “fly”, the yacht must have a low mass, and the hydrofoil itself must be very strong. To achieve the required mass, strength and rigidity using traditional boat-building materials such as wood or aluminium would be very difficult.

This is where modern advanced composite materials such as carbon fibre come in. Production techniques optimising weight, rigidity and strength allow the production of structures that are strong and light enough to produce incredible yachts like the F50.

The engineers who design these high-performance boats (known as naval architects ) are always looking to use new materials and science to get an optimum design. In theory, the F50 should be able to go even faster.

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[2023] Hydrofoil Catamaran: The Ultimate Guide to Foiling on Water

Review Team

  • November 1, 2023
  • Hydrofoil Basics

Experience the thrill of flying above the water with a hydrofoil catamaran!

Are you ready to take your hydrofoil boarding to the next level? Look no further than the hydrofoil catamaran. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of hydrofoil catamarans, exploring their history, how they work, their benefits and drawbacks, and everything else you need to know to make an informed decision. So, buckle up and get ready to soar above the waves!

Table of Contents

Quick answer, quick tips and facts, how does a hydrofoil catamaran work, benefits of hydrofoil catamarans, drawbacks of hydrofoil catamarans, choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran, maintenance and care, recommended links, reference links.

A hydrofoil catamaran is a type of watercraft that combines the stability of a catamaran with the lift and speed of hydrofoils. It uses specially designed foils to lift the hulls out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for faster and smoother sailing. Hydrofoil catamarans are popular among sailors and water sports enthusiasts for their incredible speed, maneuverability, and thrilling foiling experience.

Shopping Links: Hydrofoil Catamarans on Amazon | Hydrofoil Catamarans on Walmart | Hydrofoil Catamarans on Etsy

  • Hydrofoil catamarans can reach speeds of up to 40 knots (46 mph) or more, depending on the design and conditions.
  • The foils on a hydrofoil catamaran can lift the hulls out of the water, reducing drag and allowing for a smoother and faster ride.
  • Hydrofoil catamarans are used for various purposes, including racing, recreational sailing, and even transportation.
  • Foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran requires some skill and practice, but it’s an exhilarating experience once you get the hang of it.
  • Hydrofoil catamarans come in different sizes and designs, catering to different skill levels and preferences.

Hydrofoil catamarans have a fascinating history that dates back to the early 20th century. The concept of using hydrofoils to lift boats out of the water and reduce drag was first explored by Italian engineer Enrico Forlanini in the late 1800s. However, it wasn’t until the 1950s that hydrofoil technology started to gain traction in the boating world.

The first hydrofoil catamaran, known as the “Aquavion,” was developed by the French engineer René Guilbaud in the 1950s. This innovative design combined the stability of a catamaran with the lift of hydrofoils, revolutionizing the world of sailing. Since then, hydrofoil catamarans have evolved and become more advanced, offering incredible speed, maneuverability, and stability on the water.

A hydrofoil catamaran works by utilizing hydrofoils, which are wing-like structures mounted underneath the hulls of the boat. These foils generate lift as the boat gains speed, lifting the hulls out of the water and reducing drag. This lift allows the hydrofoil catamaran to achieve higher speeds and a smoother ride compared to traditional boats.

The hydrofoils on a catamaran are typically designed with a curved shape, similar to an airplane wing. This shape creates a pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of the foil, generating lift. The foils are usually adjustable, allowing the sailor to fine-tune the performance of the catamaran based on the sailing conditions.

To control the hydrofoil catamaran, sailors use a combination of steering and sail trim. By adjusting the angle of the foils and the sails, they can optimize the lift and balance of the boat, ensuring a stable and efficient ride. It takes some practice to master the art of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Hydrofoil catamarans offer a range of benefits that make them a popular choice among sailors and water sports enthusiasts. Here are some of the key advantages of hydrofoil catamarans:

Speed : Hydrofoil catamarans are known for their incredible speed. By lifting the hulls out of the water, hydrofoils reduce drag and allow the boat to glide smoothly above the waves. This enables hydrofoil catamarans to reach impressive speeds, making them a thrilling choice for racing and high-performance sailing.

Maneuverability : The lift generated by hydrofoils enhances the maneuverability of catamarans. With reduced drag, hydrofoil catamarans can make sharp turns and quick maneuvers with ease. This agility is particularly useful in racing scenarios, where every second counts.

Stability : The dual-hull design of catamarans provides inherent stability, even at high speeds. When combined with hydrofoils, the stability of hydrofoil catamarans is further enhanced. This stability makes them suitable for sailors of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced professionals.

Efficiency : Hydrofoil catamarans are more efficient than traditional boats. By reducing drag, hydrofoils allow the boat to sail faster while using less power. This increased efficiency translates to longer sailing distances and reduced fuel consumption, making hydrofoil catamarans an environmentally friendly choice.

Versatility : Hydrofoil catamarans are versatile watercraft that can be used for various purposes. Whether you’re looking for a high-performance racing catamaran or a recreational sailboat for family outings, there’s a hydrofoil catamaran to suit your needs. Some models even offer the option to switch between foiling and non-foiling modes, providing flexibility on the water.

While hydrofoil catamarans offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider their drawbacks as well. Here are a few potential downsides to keep in mind:

Cost : Hydrofoil catamarans tend to be more expensive than traditional boats. The advanced technology and materials used in their construction contribute to the higher price tag. Additionally, maintenance and repairs can also be costly, especially if specialized parts or services are required.

Learning Curve : Foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran requires some skill and practice. It can take time to learn how to control the boat effectively and maintain stability while flying above the water. Beginners may find the learning curve steep, but with dedication and proper instruction, anyone can master the art of hydrofoil catamaran sailing.

Weather Conditions : Hydrofoil catamarans are sensitive to weather conditions. While they excel in flat water and moderate winds, rough seas and strong gusts can pose challenges. It’s important to be aware of the weather forecast and choose suitable sailing conditions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Transportation and Storage : Hydrofoil catamarans can be larger and bulkier than traditional boats, making transportation and storage more challenging. Specialized trailers or racks may be required to transport the catamaran, and adequate storage space is needed to protect it when not in use.

Despite these drawbacks, the thrill and excitement of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran outweigh the challenges for many sailing enthusiasts.

When it comes to choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran, there are several factors to consider. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

Skill Level : Consider your skill level and experience as a sailor. Some hydrofoil catamarans are designed for advanced sailors, while others are more beginner-friendly. Choose a catamaran that matches your skill level to ensure a safe and enjoyable sailing experience.

Intended Use : Determine how you plan to use the hydrofoil catamaran. Are you looking for a racing catamaran, a recreational sailboat, or something in between? Different models offer varying features and performance characteristics, so it’s essential to choose a catamaran that aligns with your intended use.

Budget : Set a budget for your hydrofoil catamaran purchase. Prices can vary significantly depending on the brand, model, and features. Consider both the upfront cost and the long-term maintenance expenses when determining your budget.

Brand and Reputation : Research different brands and their reputation in the hydrofoil catamaran industry. Look for brands with a track record of producing high-quality, reliable catamarans. Reading customer reviews and seeking recommendations from experienced sailors can also provide valuable insights.

Demo and Test Sails : Whenever possible, try out different hydrofoil catamarans before making a final decision. Many manufacturers and dealers offer demo and test sails, allowing you to experience the performance and handling of the catamaran firsthand. This hands-on experience can help you make an informed choice.

Remember, choosing the right hydrofoil catamaran is a personal decision that depends on your individual preferences and needs. Take your time, do your research, and consult with experts to find the perfect catamaran for your hydrofoil adventures.

Proper maintenance and care are essential to keep your hydrofoil catamaran in top shape and ensure its longevity. Here are some maintenance tips to help you keep your catamaran performing at its best:

Rinse with Fresh Water : After each sailing session, rinse your hydrofoil catamaran with fresh water to remove salt and debris. Pay special attention to the foils, as saltwater can cause corrosion over time.

Inspect for Damage : Regularly inspect your catamaran for any signs of damage or wear. Check the foils, hulls, rigging, and sails for any cracks, dents, or loose fittings. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Store Properly : When not in use, store your hydrofoil catamaran in a dry and secure location. If possible, keep it covered to protect it from the elements. Consider using a boat cover or storing it in a boat shed or garage.

Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines : Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and care. Each catamaran may have specific recommendations for cleaning, lubrication, and other maintenance tasks. Adhering to these guidelines will help prolong the life of your catamaran.

Seek Professional Assistance : If you’re unsure about any maintenance tasks or need assistance, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Local boatyards, sailing clubs, or authorized dealers can provide expert advice and services to keep your catamaran in optimal condition.

By following these maintenance tips and caring for your hydrofoil catamaran, you can enjoy many years of thrilling foiling adventures on the water.

Keppel Bay from Above

How fast is the hydrofoil catamaran?

Hydrofoil catamarans can reach impressive speeds, depending on various factors such as the design, wind conditions, and skill of the sailor. Some high-performance hydrofoil catamarans can exceed 40 knots (46 mph) or more. However, the exact speed will vary based on these factors.

How does a foil catamaran work?

A foil catamaran, also known as a hydrofoil catamaran, works by utilizing hydrofoils to lift the hulls out of the water. These foils generate lift as the boat gains speed, reducing drag and allowing for faster and smoother sailing. The lift created by the foils enables the catamaran to “fly” above the water, resulting in increased speed and improved performance.

What happened to hydrofoils?

Hydrofoils have a rich history and have been used in various applications, including passenger ferries, military vessels, and recreational boats. While hydrofoils experienced a surge in popularity in the mid-20th century, their use declined in some sectors due to factors such as high costs, maintenance challenges, and the development of alternative technologies. However, hydrofoils continue to be used in niche markets, including high-performance sailing and racing.

Read more about “… What is the World’s Largest Hydrofoil Boat?”

Are hydrofoil boats more efficient?

Yes, hydrofoil boats are generally more efficient than traditional boats. By lifting the hulls out of the water, hydrofoils reduce drag and allow the boat to sail faster while using less power. This increased efficiency translates to longer sailing distances and reduced fuel consumption. However, it’s important to note that the efficiency gains may vary depending on factors such as the design, sailing conditions, and skill of the sailor.

Hydrofoil catamarans offer an exhilarating and thrilling experience on the water. With their incredible speed, maneuverability, and stability, they have become a favorite among sailors and water sports enthusiasts. While they may come with a higher price tag and require some skill to master, the rewards of foiling on a hydrofoil catamaran are well worth it.

When choosing a hydrofoil catamaran, consider factors such as your skill level, intended use, budget, and the reputation of the brand. Take the time to research and test different models to find the perfect catamaran for your needs.

So, are you ready to take flight on a hydrofoil catamaran? Embrace the thrill, experience the freedom, and enjoy the incredible sensation of soaring above the water. Happy foiling!

  • Hydrofoil History
  • Advanced Hydrofoiling Techniques
  • Hydrofoil Equipment Reviews
  • Why do boats not use hydrofoils?
  • iFLY15 – iFLY Razzor Pro – Foiling Catamaran
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Amazon
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Walmart
  • Hydrofoil Catamarans on Etsy

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  • Nacra 17 Olympic

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Flying an Olympic Powerhouse

The Olympic standard in multihull sailing worldwide. Now upgraded to fully foiling beast. The first leisure catamaran built to Olympic standards.

The revolutionary Nacra 17 Olympic is the ultimate multihull for athletes. Now with full foiling capabilities, the 17 is faster than ever. Since the 2016 Rio Olympics, sailors keep pushing boundaries and setting records. With continuous innovation, performance keeps getting better. A true powerhouse. 

The Nacra 17 is the Olympic standard in catamarans. It is the world wide bench mark in profesional sailing. The Nacra 17 exhumes quality, speed and durability. Its curved foiling daggerboards give the cat space craft like features. The thrill to sail the Nacra 17 will stay with sailors capable enough the drive this high powered machine.

Usage Olympic racing Competitive racing Foiling

Crew 2  Mixed sailors

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The original Nacra 17 was initially designed to follow World Sailing´s strict requirements for the Olympic multihull. It was fitted with curved daggerboards at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, to provide extra buoyancy and boost its efficiency both downwind and upwind. In response to recent developments and requirements, the next generation Nacra 17 Olympic has now been upgraded into

a fully foiling race machine. The  Nacra 17 Olympic  is designed in collaboration with Morrelli & Melvin, a world-famous design office known for many other successful multihull projects. The Nacra 17 Olympic ‘s base obviously lies in the performance of the America’s Cup boats, also involving Morelli & Melvin. Once you start flying a Nacra 17 Olympic , you’ll realize its tremendous power on the water. 

Nacra 17 Olympic Games Start Tokyo 2020

UPGRADED FOILING Challenging, exciting and dynamic – the next gen  Nacra 17 Olympic is taking catamaran sailing to the next level. The quality standards for rigging, hull contruction and sail plan are unprecedented. The full carbon set-up engineered by a team of dedicated professionals has shown not only full foiling speed records but surprising durability at the same time. The Nacra 17  Olympic  comes standard in the full Olympic configuration, with curved and Z-foil daggerboards. Sailing the next gen Nacra 17 Olympic takes guts, physical strength, tactical ability and focus – a true Olympian’s craft.

Nacra 17 Olympic Games Race Tokyo 2020

NEW SAIL PLAN Being the only multihull sailmaker in the world granted the right to make official Olympic sails by World Sailing, Performance Sails delivers high quality hand made sails. Their 30+ year expertise in the catamaran racing world makes sure your sails can handle anything. The Pentex™ mainsail and jib are strong and durable, as is the polyester spinnaker. Since 2016 Performance Sails offers fully printed spinnakers with your country’s flag or sponsors, with a negligible weight increase of only ~0.2g/m 2 .

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Ready to start flying?


All models outfitted with an Foiling Package ( FCS or   Flight Control System for short ) are ready for full foiling – during your sail, specialized hydrodynamic daggerboards combined with upwards pressure make you get a controlled ‘flight’, meaning your whole boat will be above the water, rather than in it. Make alterations on the water during your flight to find the groove you are looking for and fly over water to leave others behind.

These so-called  Foil sets are designed to fly in a wide range of weather conditions, to make competitive catamaran sailing accessible to even more sailors, and are built to meet the highest safety standards. A real treat for the more, or a little less, experienced sailors.

Using the best possible manufacturing techniques available, we’ve obtained maximum strength with minimum weight using autoclave technology, curing the pre-impregnated carbon/epoxy at 120 degrees Celsius at an atmospheric pressure of 6 bar. It will put you miles ahead of any fleet in terms of performance and joy.

Nacra 17 Class

The Nacra 17 class organization is involved in every step the Olympic boat takes. After the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the class and Nacra Sailing agreed to evolve the boat to become a full foiling catamaran. The Nacra 17 class is open to any sailor with Olympic ambition.

Nacra 17 Class website

See all Nacra models

Shop all your spare parts and accessories directly from our online store.

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Do you order for a sailing school or club, a resort, or do you want to become a Nacra Certified Dealer? Contact Nacra Sailing to apply.

© Nacra Sailing INT. 2024

F1x A-class foiling catamaran

World champion, lighter = better, craftsmanship, meet the foiling f1x a-class catamaran.

This is the ultimate singlehanded foiling catamaran of the moment: ultramodern, incredibly fast, very agile, extremely strong and feather-light, in an aerodynamic and ergonomic design. The perfect total package, packed in 1 foiling catamaran. This is the world’s coolest boat for singlehanded races and the winner of several A-cat world championships and many other sailing races.

The 2020-F1x A-cat is exactly the same foiling catamaran that made Mischa Heemskerk Vice-World Champion at the Herveybay Worlds 2018 in Australia and World Champion at Weymouth 2019. All our foiling F1x A-class catamarans come straight, ready to race and ‘Mischa-tuned’ from our factory.

Unique design enables top performances

The F1x A-class foiling catamaran is the ultimate reflection of our current design language. The aerodynamic design accentuates the performance qualities of this super fast foiling racing boat. The sophisticated deck plan provides clear control and minimal air resistance.

Foils The rudders and daggerboard foils used on the F1x A-class foiling catamarans are produced with the highest quality carbon pre-preg fibers. The foils are cured in our own Autoclave . Our winning foil design was created in close cooperation with Glenn Ashby and the designers of AC Team New Zealand .

Construction The F1x A-cat is manufactured entirely according to the carbon pre-preg/ Nomex production method, and cured in our Autoclave. This technology is the same as used in the aerospace industry and within other foiling boats like for example, the America’s Cup.

Design The design of the F1x foiling A-class catamaran was completely conceived by the DNA design team and made at DNA’s own yard. In the DNA design team Pieterjan Dwarshuis, Mischa Heemskerk and the renowned Dutch industrial design engineer Rudo Enserink worked closely together to create the perfect foiling A-class catamaran.

We build your new foiling boat!

Technical details.

The F1x A-class foiling catamaran has a number of unique features that improve performance. For example:

  • Semi ridged trampoline. Gives extra torsional stiffness to the boat and increases its aerodynamic characteristics.
  • Patented main-sheet-wheel-system. For more direct and faster trim of the main sail.
  • Aerodynamically placed traveller car.
  • Flexible daggerboard casings. For minimal water absorption in floating mode.
  • Aerodynamically shaped ‘beams’.
  • Adjustable T-rudders. Foiling with rudder differential is possible.


LOA: 5.49 m BOA: 2.30 m Max. draught: 1.20 m Sail area: 13.94 m Total weight: ca. 53 kg Top speed: 31 kn Extra: All measurements according to IACA Class regulations.

Buy a champion's boat!

Are you excited to buy a F1x A-class foiling catamaran from DNA Performance Sailing? Please fill in our contact form:

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The TF35 is a new one-design catamaran with a unique computer-controlled automatic foil system, that will race in the TF35 Trophy. We get all the info on these incredible foiling catamarans

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In recent America’s Cups we have seen a small army of grinders pumping away to bring pressure to their flying yacht’s hydraulic lifeblood, while flight controllers attempt to keep up with their speeding craft’s accelerations in three dimensions. But while these athletic and technical skills are impressive, these days there are simply better alternatives to humans carrying out these roles. Enter the TF35.

The TF35 is a new one design foiling catamaran created to take foil-borne sailing to the next level. It has no hydraulics to keep primed. Conventional ropes and winches handle the sails and raising and lowering of foils, but battery powered electric actuators drive the rest, including split-second adjustments of the foils and rudder elevators. What’s more, these operations are automated, leaving crew free to focus on skills such as helming and tactics.

The shape, size and efficiency of the TF35’s foils means it requires just seven knots of wind to take off upwind and nine downwind (when boat speed reaches 2x and 3x wind speed respectively). It also passes the acid test of foiling upwind and through tacks.

foil catamaran top speed

The racks increase righting moment but also protect the foils when alongside pontoons and improve crew safety. Photo: Loris von Siebenthal

A small penalty for having such light wind take-off is ultimate top speed, which is 18-19 knots upwind and 34-35 knots downwind, but still plenty fast enough.

After the prototype launched at the end of 2019, the new TF35 is enjoying its first full season of competition this year. The class follows on from the D35, the one design catamaran that provided sterling service on Lake Geneva for 16 years and countless Bol d’Or Mirabaud victories for Ernesto Bertarelli’s Alinghi , his sister Dona’s Ladycat-Spindrift and many others.

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Aside from becoming fully foiling, a significant difference between the two boats is that the TF35 is designed to race not just on lakes but also on open water, and this year the circuit will include events in Scarlino, Italy, in September.

Behind the TF35 is an America’s Cup-level design team led by Gonzalo Redondo of d3 Applied Technologies, who most recently headed the CFD team for American Magic . On structures is Cup veteran Dirk Kramers with Swiss genius Luc du Bois on the design and flight control system, plus Britain’s own Adam May, Marc Menec and Jean-Marie Fragniere.

The majority of the TF35’s components were created in Brittany with Multiplast building the hulls, beams by Airbus, and Heol Composites fabricating the intricate foils. Spars are from Lorima, with some of the few non-French parts including carbon diamonds and PBO shrouds from Future Fibres.

foil catamaran top speed

The mainsail foot touches the central hull to create an endplate effect, but requires an unusual half-wishbone boom. Photo: Loris von Siebenthal

Surprisingly, the TF35’s platform was one of its least important parts. The aim was to remove every gram of weight while maintaining a structure stiff enough to prevent deformation due to high foil and rig loads.

The D35’s flying central hull now terminates beneath the mast with a long, heavily-rigged bowsprit protruding more than 4.5m forward of the bows. The rig is relatively conventional for a modern day multihull, with a wing section rotating spar and sails that, thanks to the boat’s near permanent upwind apparent wind angle, are never eased far.

To reduce weight the mast has a diamond and a two-part construction, allowing it to fit into a 40ft container along with the boat.

The mainsail is a ‘deck sweeper’, with part of the foot touching the flat deck of the centre hull, creating an end plate to increase the sail’s efficiency. However, this requires an unusual boom – it is curved, like half of a windsurfer’s wishbone boom.

foil catamaran top speed

The foil sits inside its own case enabling it to be raised/lowered in manoeuvres. The case can be inclined using a worm drive to alter overall rake

Understandably, much of the development has been focussed on the TF35’s foils, their operation and software control.

Most other flying cats have J-shaped lifting foils, with some ‘V’ (dihedral). This shape provides some inherent ride height stability (the more immersed the foil becomes, the more surface area there is to provide lift) without requiring constant trimming.

However, due to the foils on the TF35 being computer controlled this is less necessary, so they can have a more efficient, flatter and less draggy shape, albeit with a massive 2.7m span.

TF35 auto adjustment

On most flying catamarans the amount of lift a foil produces is determined by its rake. On the TF35 rake of the entire foil is controlled by a rope-driven worm-drive. This is a broad brush setting, determined by conditions, point of sail, wave state, etc.

foil catamaran top speed

The T-foils span 2.7m; substantial but necessary to achieve light wind lift off. Photo:

Split second adjustment of the amount of lift comes from an aircraft wing-style flap on its trailing edge which is able to articulate by up to 5°. This demanded some intricate construction but its operation requires substantially less power than adjusting the rake of the entire foil.

Compared to the main foils, the TF35’s rudders are a simpler inverted ‘T’ configuration with the shaft on each fitting into a cassette attached to each transom via gudgeons and pintles.

Like the main foil, lift is also adjusted by computer/electric actuator via a flap on the elevator’s trailing edge. The amount of rudder lift determines the overall pitch of the boat. This, in turn, affects the rake of the main foils, thus trimming them in conjunction is vital – another job that’s vastly improved by automation.

A key feature of the AC50 s was rudder differential – ie negative lift in the windward elevator, or a downward force that dramatically increases righting moment.

The TF35 also offers rudder differential, but to a much more limited degree. The automation means crew only have the option of switching rudder differential on or off, similarly they have just four settings for ride height and overall boat pitch.

This leaves the software to ensure that foils are trimmed to the optimum and that rudder differential (where loads can quickly spiral out of control) never causes structural limits to be exceeded.

foil catamaran top speed

The main lifting foil hangs off the end of a titanium bulb, with its trailing edge flaps all but invisible

The computer is stored alongside a lithium-ion battery within the central flying hull, controlling four electric motors operating trim flaps – a relatively straightforward system. However, the software behind it, monitoring parameters such as ride height, 3D attitude and accelerations with split second accuracy, is monumentally complex. It requires a multitude of sensors from state of the art GPS to ultrasonic altitude sensors and rate gyros.

While maxi racing yachts with complex hydraulic systems typically use a programmable logic controller (PLC), so the TF35 has a similarly programmable brain, the difference being that it is electronic, controlled via software.

This is especially tested during manoeuvres, when the software must recognise when two foils are in the water and the boat is developing twice its usual lift. So vital is this software that it’s one of the TF35’s strictest one design elements.

As a piece of ground-breaking technology, the TF35 is perhaps the first one-design class to have its own operating system.

TF35 specifications

Hull length: 10.85m / 35ft 7in Beam: 6.30m / 20ft 7in Draught: 2.45m / 8ft 10in Mast height: 21m / 68ft 11in Weight: 1,300kg / 2,866lb Sail area Mainsail: 79m² / 850ft2 Sail area Jib: 34-41m² / 365-440ft2 Sail area Gennaker: 120-140m² / 1,290-1,506ft2

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foil catamaran top speed


The UFO is a simplistic modern hydrofoiling boat, that allows anyone to fly through the air, freeing the hull from draggy water. More stable than the International Moth -or even a child’s pram- with a simple rig, and a set of fully retractable hydrofoils, all for $11,500 USD the UFO makes flying attainable. Thousands less than it’s nearest competition.  Built in the United States in high volume and quality control, the UFO maintains a one-design philosophy, creating close and exciting racing on foils!

foil catamaran top speed


  • Designed and built in the USA
  • $11,500 USD
  • Compatible and rewarding to all skill levels
  • Lightweight for easy maneuverability
  • Solid, nearly dent-proof, hull
  • Unique patented hull and rig designs
  • Stable on and above the water
  • Small footprint for carefree storage and shipping
  • Takeoff from about 8knts of wind
  • Fast, fun, easy to control foiling

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The wand system controlling the foils, which can be set to fly very high, very low (even ‘no fly mode’) and all points in between. This means you can progressively add challenges to your UFO experience as you feel ready for them, from ‘beginner mode’ all the way to ‘extreme mode’. Additionally, the highly tunable sail can be set up to provide only the amount of power that your body type needs, and no excess. This means that the UFO is accessible and fun for sailors of all sizes, ages and skill levels. Merely set up the boat for your skill level and body type and go play around.

The UFO is very broadly applicable and has flown payloads from 70 pounds -a tiny kid- to 270 pounds -a tall grown man and a teenage boy-. The foil package just needs power to climb. Ultra light sailors have been caught on camera flying in 5 knots of breeze and the baseline for 225 pound sailors to take off is 10 knots. 270 flies in 12 knots of breeze.


While the boat can be left on shore with everything in place, but the sail down, that doesn’t mean the UFO isn’t easy to put together or take apart. Quite the opposite. Simplicity begets simplicity and the boat is a cinch to put together and take apart.


Being small is it’s own reward when it comes to handling the boat through all sailing experiences. When you start to really push yourself learning to foil, there are good odds you’ll manage to capsize it. The UFO is easy to right from capsizes and even full “turtle” inversions. This last part is critical, because when catamarans are too heavy to right from turtle the only option is to make the mast float. This has the unintended downside of making the boat very likely to blow away from you. The UFO is designed to stay right alongside you in the event you are separated from the boat. Additionally, the boat possesses an uncommon “park” mode in which it will hold station of its own accord, apparently indefinitely without external input of any kind. The full benefits of that upside have not begun to be fully exploited.

foil catamaran top speed


The Fulcrum design team strictly adhered to the axion “if there’s a point of sail (say, upwind or downwind) that it can’t always foil on, you can’t call it a foiler”. The design team achieved their goal and the UFO is a fully flying boat on all points of sail, which drastically increases its fun-factor.

At what points of sail does the UFO foil at?

The UFO fully foils at all points of sail. Upwind, downwind and reaching.  Additionally, you can set it to  not foil when you’re tired and it will do that as well, so you can get home easily. These two factors make the UFO uniquely good for learning to foil.

Who can fly the UFO?

Within reason, anyone.

UFO pilots have ranged from 8 years old to 72, from 90 pounds to 235. Young sailors do well sailing as pairs or with a middleweight to light adult. It’s rare that anyone on the fulcrum team conceives of a boat with a narrow niche in mind. Why bother? It’s a mistake in yacht design to design a boat for a narrow range of users, when for the most part people are diverse and the objective of one-design boats is to garner large fleets. That said, the boat is likely to be most satisfactory in all wind conditions in the hands of teens, small and medium men and all women. At the extreme low end of the weight range, sailors may find themselves overpowered and at the extreme high end, the wind speed required for takeoff is about two knots higher than average. UFOs have been sailed “two up” as well, though the above limits of weight range still apply to the sum of the two sailors weights.

What wind and waves can I fly a UFO in?

The UFO will sail in practically any wind condition. However, it’s important to remember that with all sailboats there are days that are great to sail in and days where you do something else.

While the UFO can at times with a skilled skipper take off in very low wind speeds, the baseline for reliable flight is around eight knots. Trying to squeeze enough power to fly out of too little wind is tiresome and in those circumstances, it’s best to do something else. In 8 knots and above, flying is magical and unforgettable. In under 8 knots, the UFO reverts to being a pleasant displacement catamaran and goes from being exciting and fast to relaxing and tactical. This is another benefit of being a catamaran.

Over the last six years the UFO has proven to be uniquely good at flying safely and consistently in very high windspeeds. In multi-class foiling regattas the UFO has proven to be the only foiler built to date that simply  loves  high windspeeds. In winds above 22 knots when other foiling boats make for shore, the UFO wants to keep playing. The upper wind limit is more a matter of taste and skill. UFOs have been sailed in 36 knots, but that requires a great deal of skill and focus.  The UFO rig having shared DNA with a windsurf rig seems to play a part in the boat’s remarkable ability to get a kick out of big wind. Since the upper wind limit on the UFO is so much higher, this makes the number of optimal days to fly a UFO (if skilled in sailing one) higher per year than with any other production foiling boat.

Most chop and wave conditions present no issue for a UFO set for the days’ conditions. After all, powered hydrofoils were first developed by various leading Navy’s as a means of smoothly flying over challenging sea-states. Choking up the ride height helps the UFO fly smoothly through the bottom of the wave pattern, undeterred. Rolling seas present even less issue, as the UFO will ride along them just like any other. Extremely tight and tall chop can be very annoying, which is not peculiar to the UFO.

Waves do effect baseline windspeeds to achieve takeoff. Imagine getting a plane to take off on a bumpy runway. This is true for all hydrofoil boats. In choppy water, ten to twelve knots can be necessary to achieve fully easy takeoffs. Some UFO sailors use aggressive kinetic techniques to overcome this and take off in choppy water and low wind.

Will I fly my first time out?

Most people do, but bear in mind that flying is a whole new experience and it takes some learning.

Conditions, setup and technique matter and if you use it incorrectly, you are likely to get some degree of incorrect results. That’s the challenge that the UFO is built to address. Over six years on the market and over 500 boats delivered, the UFO has proven to be the best and most reliable platform for ordinary sailors to reliably teach themselves foiling technique on.

What happens when I crash my UFO into something?

You’ll probably do some damage to it.

The UFO is built with durability as a core objective but it’s worth noting that the gulf between “Feather light under engineered ragged-edge high performance craft” and “literally indestructible” is extremely wide. The UFO represents neither of these extremes. Do not attempt your first flight inside a densely packed mooring field. Obstacles only make you better once you’ve mastered the basics.

How easy is it to rig a UFO?

Best in class, vs other foiling boats on the market. With that said, it’s not easier than doing nothing. Doing nothing is very easy! Putting a boat together is worthwhile but obviously involves effort.

The current cartop to launched speed record is roughly 15 minutes. Socket the mast together. Attach the boom and stays in one go. Step the rig. Flip the boat on its side, insert the foils, right the boat, hoist the sail and launch. Complexity is best avoided.

Leaving the UFO on a dock or a beach with the rig in and the foils simply in the “up” position, achieves an ease of daily use on par with any light beach cat. To go foiling all you need to do is hoist the sail with the halyard, clip the sail to the boom and attach the downhaul line and you’re ready to launch. This brings setup and breakdown to a matter of five minutes or less.

How do I launch and land a UFO?

Far far far more easily than any other foiling boat on the market.

Because the UFO is a very small catamaran, while floating the hulls float relatively deep in the water and create lateral resistance, like the hulls on a hobie 16 or hobie wave. This means that it can sail upwind without a daggerboard of any kind in the water. This is not the case with non-catamaran foilers. The rudder is outfitted with a friction brake and a down-halyard to allow its depth to vary and allow steering in shallow water. So from 16 inches of water and beyond, you can sail away from and back to shore reliably.

Because the UFO’s forward foil assembly is located  in front of  the mast, the UFO can tack and gybe while the forward foil is fully withdrawn from the water. This is unique. It allows the UFO to navigate reliably in the period between launching or landing and flying. The benefits for usability and safety cannot be overstated.

Once you’ve got to deep enough water, lower your foils fully and fly away!

That’s if you’re using a dolly.

If you aren’t using a dolly, the UFO has even more party tricks to show off. Since the foils withdraw to above the waterline of the hull, the hull can be beached or slid up onto a dock float or boat deck without any risk to damaging the foils. The UFO is a boat that’s eager to go sailing.

Can I easily cartop a UFO?

At this hull weight, the boat is very easy to put on top of a car, and its flat bottoms allow it to be strapped down hard with no drama. The other components of the boat collapse down to the point of easily fitting in a standard hatchback.

Where can I store my UFO?

Anywhere you can carry it to. Anywhere it fits.

Behind couches, under beds, under porches, in basements, inside larger boats, chained to apartment fire escapes, hanging in garages. Anywhere it can go that’s convenient for your lifestyle is a good place for it to go.

Why does X look like Y? Surely it would be better to make it like Z.

Just trust us.

If you’ve thought of it, we’ve weighed the pros and cons and its been included or excluded for good reason. Creating a boat that can be produced at an affordable price, for a wide range of sailors with a maximum quantity of accessible performance is an extremely hard target to hit. The UFO meets all of its objectives and does so by blatantly ignoring a few conventions and norms. You simply don’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.

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The Blistering Speed of SailGP

The catamarans use wings, not sails, and hydrofoils help the boat fly over the water. It’s like a fast video game, with consequences.

foil catamaran top speed

By Kimball Livingston

A generation ago, sailing would not, could not have made the short list of team sports played at highway speeds. The boats that most people race are considered fast at nine knots; screaming at 15. That’s about 10 to 17 m.p.h.

Then came the F50 catamaran in 2019, with wings instead of sails and hydrofoils that lift the boats above the friction of the water, reaching speeds beyond 60 m.p.h., as they seemingly fly above the ocean. Indeed, the crew member helping make that happen is called the flight controller, who manipulates the elevations and angles of the left and right hydrofoils centered between bow and stern.

In SailGP lingo, the controller can fly the boat higher or lower. Higher is faster, but riskier because it also gets the boat closer to a nosedive.

The boats also require a new breed of helmsmen — they call themselves drivers — who direct the rapid-fire team choreography in which decisions must be made in fractions of a second.

The wing trimmer, a term from sail trimming days, shapes the wing — an airfoil — for speed and stability. Compared with fabric sails, a wing can provide more stability even while producing more speed. SailGP wings are built from carbon fiber with titanium fittings under a light plastic wrap. The old days of eyeballing sail shape are gone from these boats.

Data from racing and practicing is accumulated and analyzed to determine optimum wing shape for speed in different conditions, and the trimmer uses hydraulic controls to achieve the target settings.

With more moving parts than an airplane wing, an F50 wing has a larger menu of shape settings.

Given more wind, a sailboat tips over farther and farther until it spills wind out of the sails or loses control. Up to a point, SailGP catamarans just keep going faster. The British team hit a record 53.05 knots. or 61.05 m.p.h., during practice last summer.

“Compared to traditional boats, what is striking in SailGP is the complexity of the control systems,” said Nathan Outteridge , a two-time Olympic medalist who drives for the Japanese team. “I should say that driving is pretty easy, until things go wrong.”

Jason Waterhouse , an Olympic medalist who is flight controller for the Australian team, manages the hydrofoils that go up and down at precise angles with precise timing. Get it wrong, and the boat can nosedive.

“I have to have muscle memory,” Waterhouse said about operating the buttons and dials. It’s like a fast video game, with consequences.

Waterhouse also controls the rake, or angle, on the horizontal flaps on the two rudders the driver uses to steer. The flight controller contributes to level flight by dialing in as much as seven degrees of differential rake between the rudder flaps. The flap on the side being pushed down by the wind is angled to push up, and the flap on the opposite side is angled to push down.

“It adds an extra 300-400 kilos [650 to 900 pounds] of righting moment,” Waterhouse said, referring to the forces working to keep the boat from tipping over.

Paul Campbell-James, the wing trimmer for the U.S. team, said that because much of the boat’s hydraulic power was generated by a battery instead of by a crew member turning a grinding pedestal, his team had given that grinder a second job.

“We set up our forward-facing grinder to also be a tactician,” Campbell-James said. The grinder spins the pedestal’s handles to generate power for the hydraulics but also looks for wind shifts.

Wing shape on these boats has taken over most of the trim-in, trim-out of normal sail control, while contributing to level flight. The key is negative camber, shaping the upper wing to pull opposite to the lower wing, countering the forces trying to tip the boat over. Negative camber adds to the effect of the rudder flaps to make for level sailing. Old school it is not.

In turning maneuvers, the crew switches sides and Campbell-James crosses the boat first to take over driving duties before others follow him across. As they come, if he wobbles the helm, the motion could flick his teammates off the deck.

At the same time, he has to keep the boat level in a dynamic turn, press a foot button to raise a hydrofoil, respond as the wing loads up on the new side and hang on against “G-forces that are unbelievable because, remember, you might be going 50 knots. That’s a lot going on.”

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“iFLY15 is the unique combination of high performance with easy accessibility – for maximum performance and maximum fun.”

Cec catamarans -ifly15 team, “we love speed while keeping control – high speed needs to be controllable. the flying boat of the future, is a stable foiling sport catamaran.”, cec catamarans – ifly15 team, „ foiling: one of the things you have to experience to really feel it. “, jimmy spithill, skipper oracle team usa, “stable flight is the key to high performance sailing”, “ifly15 – get the balance right between a nice sporting challenge and a reasonable and controllable level – enjoy the exhilaration, the speed and the adrenaline in your veins, but always stay master of the situation “, “stable flight attitude is the most important prerequisite for high performance sailing.”, victor diaz de leon, sailgp team usa, “stable flight attitude is key for easy foiling. ifly15 with superior flight stability delivers immediate flying fun within the first minutes. advantage through high-tech.”, “the ifly15 is the quickest boat around the course, … “, arno terra – sailor, ifly 15 one design and ifly razzor pro, the  performance  foiling  catamaran, for maximum speed and maximum control.

  • highest quality standards – High-tech full carbon sailboat
  • completely modular – fully customizable
  • adjustable rake – MAIN FOIL DIFFERENTIAL during sailing for even more performance in the version IFLY Razzor Pro
  • Foiling Versatility and Speed …

The quality and performance have been proven for 8 years and further developed to maximum perfection in every detail


Racing     and     more   …..

 Have a high performance racing machine on regattas

  single handed or double Foiling

  crew weight up to 180 kg

  Racing and fun:

  Sail with Family & friends

in any sailing condition:

  Full foiling – upwind and downwind

  Waves and Flat waters

  Light and strong winds

  early take off

  Foiling maneuvers

Transport and Facilities

  Easily transportable on a road trailer

  Slipped with a conventional beach trolley

  ready to sail in 20 minutes

  iFLY15 is designed to sail on the sea and lakes

Stay tuned for foiling events and specials!

Flysafe® Flight assistance

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early take off in lightest breeze

F oiling maneuvers are heavily supported, superior flight attitude through active foil control, dynamic control of f light high , pitch and role, non-linear control and feedback control system for best flight stability, even in waves, the foils do not need to be manually manipulated, optimized performance: advanced sailors can adjust rake and gearing, more about flysafe®>>>, active flight assistance, the foil can be trimmed actively while sailing, the key to maximum performance , mdt for performance-orientated pro sailor, mdt extends the flysafe® foil control, to sail large xxl rigs, more about main foil differential ->>>, performance downwind: staying on the foils, full foiling, in 5-6kts tws, reaching max. boat speeds of up to 2.5*tws, performance upwind: full foiling from 8kts. tws, taking off from 7kts tws, video youtube channel, ifly15 foiling catamaran.

foil catamaran top speed

The most innovative development in foiling technology

About ifly15, stable flight  is  key for both: first for highest performance and foiling in a wide wind range, including rough and wavy conditions, but also easy access into foiling…...

iFLY stands for uniqueness in design and function. Its superior Flysafe ® active foil control system autonomously supports the stable horizontal flight position in the longitudinal and lateral direction. The 4 T-Foils do not have to be operated by the sailor during sailing.

Average skilled dinghy or catamaran sailors with some trapeze experience can safely foil with the iFLY15 after only a few hours. Quick access – the immediate sensation of success – steep learning curve. In the hand of an experienced sailor, iFLY15 offers a whole new sailing experience with previously not experienced speeds and agile maneuverability.

The flight control system, combined with numerous fine-tuned innovations , ensures safe foiling even in strong winds and rough seas.. Stable flight attitude allows pushing hard, so in good conditions, iFLY reaches high boat speed beyond 30 knots in a controllable way.

IFLY15 offers freedom to fly alone or in pairs. Due to the exclusive use of high-tech materials , iFLY15 is extremely rigid and weighs less than 90 kilos ready to sail. With its low weight and its state-of-the-art hydrofoils, it is airborne in winds as low as 2Bft. / 6 Knots.

iFLY15 has a length of only 15 feet, is easy to transport, quick to get ready to sail, and can be easily slipped from the beach using a conventional beach trolley.

Its sophisticated design reflects the highest demands on quality and function.

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“We’re taking off! Foiling is THE Watersports Trend! – „Boot International 2024“ in Düsseldorf / Germany once again showcases: Foiling is THE trend in watersports.

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iFLY Main Foil Differential Technology – MDT Foil Control – high Performance sailing





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Long distance Race – Duc d’Albe 2021 – Club Multicoques Hyères – sailing Race @iFLY Razzor Pro



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Boat of the Year 2020 F101: Best Foiler

  • By Dave Reed
  • Updated: December 10, 2019


At A Glance

Price As Sailed: $24,750

Design Purpose: Learn to foil, advance skills

Crew List: One or two

Rob Andrews and his ­business partner Alan Hillman have been teaching foiling for a few years now, and one thing they’ve learned is we get better by sailing, not by swimming. Thus was the genesis of the F101, a craft with which they could teach the fundamentals of foiling—without the crash and burn. But it’s not just a learn-to-foil boat, either. It’s a platform with which new and experienced converts alike can take their ­foiling skill set to a higher level.

The key to mastering the F101, Andrews explains, is grasping righting moment. With the trimaran platform, you get plenty of it, as well as a stable boat that’s more forgiving than any other small foiler. “The trimaran configuration gives you righting moment direct from the foil in the middle hull,” he says, “and gives a measure of safety. It’s hard to capsize the boat.”

The judges learn as much when it comes time to sail the F101. In 15 knots and more, and a steep Chesapeake chop, Powlison is first to give it a go. He settles into the boat, gets his bearings, perches skittishly on the weather hull, sheets on the mainsail (no need to use the boat’s gennaker above 12 knots) and off he goes like a bat out of hell, popping up on the foils without even trying.

“The trick is getting used to the sensation of heeling to windward,” he says. “It takes a bit of trust. Once foiling, it’s quiet and fast, and I felt like I had to be really active on the mainsheet to keep it on the foils.”

That’s true of any foiler, but the beauty of the F101, the judges agree, is when you do lose it, it’s no big deal. The boat drops off its foils, the bows auger in and you get a face full of water; but just reset, bear away and try again.

F101 foil

“The hull shape picks up the buoyancy gently,” Stewart says, “which makes it depress smoothly and prevents it from pitchpoling. When I dumped it a few times I thought I was going in, but not a chance. You quickly realize there’s plenty of floatation there to save you. In flat water, with one day of training you’d get up to speed quickly.”

When teaching people to foil, Hillman starts with “skimming,” a ride height barely above the surface. As the sailor becomes more accustomed to how the boat behaves, there’s a simple line adjustment at the foil head: Dial it up one setting and increase your ride height.

As you’re sailing, the foil wand hanging behind the trailing edge effectively feels where the boat is riding relative to the water and actuates the main flap. In light winds, it gives you more lift, and the boat pops up on the foil. Get too high, and the wand drops down even ­further, forcing negative lift on the flap, which brings you back down to your desired height and prevents the foils from breaking the surface.

In terms of construction, the judges praise its carbon-and-epoxy build quality and the all-up weight of 180 pounds, which makes it easy to get to and from the water. With the F101 sitting on its dolly in the boat park, going sailing is as simple as pulling back the covers, hoisting the main and launching from a dock, beach or boat ramp with minimal fuss.

“What I like about it is that it’s one of those boats that you buy and don’t need to add anything to it,” Allen says. “There’s ­nothing to change out or upgrade.”

For simplicity, the boat is set up with adjustments that let you ratchet up the experience as you climb the learning curve. On the rudder foil, for example, there is a clear numbering system so that as you twist the tiller extension, you change the rudder rake. The baseline setting is zero, and it’s the same for the main foil. The only thing left is to balance the forces with the mainsheet.

“When I first got up on the foils, I was thinking to myself, ‘This is too easy; I should be working harder,’ ” Powlison says. “As they said, this boat solves a lot of the problems associated with other foiling dinghies. It’s a great high-performance boat that represents the next step in making foiling accessible to the public.”

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Other Winners:

  • 2020 Boat of the Year
  • Best Crossover
  • Best Multihull
  • Best Foiler
  • Best Dinghy
  • More: BOTY , boty 2020 , foils , Sailboats
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Standard ● Optional ○
DesignNacra / Morelli&Melvin
Hull5.25m (17'22")Glass foam FRP polyester resin
Beam2.6 (8'5")
Mast length9.15m (30')Full carbon prepreg epoxy
Boat weight173kg (381 Lbs)Ready to sail
Trapeze system2 person
Mainsail16m² (172ft²)Pentex
Jib4.05m² (43ft²)Pentex
Spinnaker17.83m² (192ft²)Polyester
Spinnaker retriever system
Mainsheet system1 to 10
Mainsail cunningham system1 to 16
Jib cunningham system1 to 4
Z foil setFull carbon prepreg epoxy
T-rudders with elevatorsFull carbon prepreg epoxy
Rudder systemCast aluminium
Rudder & daggerboard cover set
Rope kit
Trapeze system including wires
Mast cover
Standing rigging with adjustable turnbuckles