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These extreme sailing superyacht concepts prove that the sky’s the limit

Yachting World

  • October 26, 2020

Feast your eyes on these sailing superyacht concepts. The future looks far-out, and it just might have sails, finds Sam Fortescue

For decades the superyacht world has undeniably been dominated by vast, fuel-guzzling motor boats. And, despite the elaborate marketing spiel of their designers and builders, many of them look remarkably similar from the outside: there’s a pointy end, a wedding cake in the middle, and pool and beach club at the back.

Refreshing, then, to see that many superyacht designers have neither given up on sail, nor on experimenting with form and function. When we spoke to some of the best-known names in yacht design, we received a very enthusiastic response.

First up, get ready to see a lot more catamaran designs. “Multihulls are the future of yachting concepts, simply because of sustainability,” says Espen Oeino, fêted designer of yachts such as 182m/600ft REV and 136m/446ft Flying Fox .


Phoenicia has an articulated helipad that deploys once the curved boom is raised up against the aft mast

“To make something sustainable, you have to look at what you can do to reduce resistance and therefore power requirements. There the length-to-beam ratio is very important because slender hulls have a much better angle of entry at the bow, displacing water more efficiently.”

Following this logic, the first of his new 35m/115ft SpaceCat design is nearing completion in China, offering 300m2 of interior space and nearly 600m2 on deck – all balanced on lightweight, low-resistance aluminium hulls.

“People’s concept of what is beautiful is changing but it will need a bit of time,” he adds. “There’s an automotive parallel – it was the same thing with the first SUVs. In the end, though, a cat gives you a much better platform for coming up with interesting layouts.”

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Why these extreme multihull concepts could be the future of catamaran design

As boats become ever more like homes on water, something else is changing: designers and builders have been turning their…

sail yacht concept

Video: See inside 9 of the most amazing modern sailing superyachts

1. Aquarius The brief for Aquarius included that she should be, ‘an elegant, muscular sailing yacht with a classic profile…

British designer Andrew Winch agrees on the point about sustainability. “The main focus of future sailing yachts will be minimising their environmental footprint to zero, to leave no negativity on the planet whatsoever,” he tells me. “The faster and lighter construction of catamarans and multihulls is a huge benefit to the integration of hybrid and electric propulsion, something that will continue to see extended growth for the foreseeable future.”

The right image

Many designers believe the green agenda will ultimately bring wealthy owners back to sailing yachts. French designer Mathis Rühl puts it like this: “In a world more and more threatened by climate change, debauchery and energy waste is negatively perceived. Wealthy people who care about their image and their impact have to deal with this paradox: how to enjoy the luxuriousness of the world without destroying it. Burning petrol must be avoided when the wind can be used!”

He also sees great advantages to the slim hulls of a catamaran or trimaran. It led him to design a 70m/230ft yacht with a radical semicircular superstructure balanced across three hulls. A 20m beam gives Wave Motion plenty of living space, including a sky deck and open deck space.


Mathis Rühl’s striking-looking Wave Motion trimaran features his own design of WM2 wing-sail

Perhaps most strikingly, he would power the boat with a 20m/65ft dual wing-sail of his own devising, called the WM2. He has compared rig types including traditional flexible sails and the odd-looking Flettner Rotor for drag and efficiency and concluded that his design is the best performer upwind. Rühl reports that it is more than three times more efficient than a standard non-rigid sail.

A number of concept boats have looked in detail at the rig and concluded that the best option is one that’s already available. The Falcon or DynaRig is only really suitable for yachts over 60m/200ft, but its ease of handling makes it exceedingly attractive. Just one person is able to set sail, reef, tack or furl the sails thanks to the modular design, which breaks huge sail areas down into smaller chunks, and total computerisation of the unstayed rig. “It’s easier to start and stop,” explains Dykstra’s Thys Nikkels. “The percentage of time that you sail is much higher with this rig.”

Philippe Briand chose it for his mould-breaking 152m/499ft trireme design, originally penned for a Russian client. So did Bill Dixon for his 70m/230ft New Dawn. “Unlike a conventional rig which requires a small army of crew, this vessel can be commanded and operated single-handedly,” Dixon says. “The twin rigs offer a healthy sail area to displacement ratio and will assure an exhilarating sailing experience.”


Bill Dixon’s New Dawn combines the features of a motoryacht with sailboat performance

New Dawn is billed as a game changer, and not just because of her regeneration potential of 75kW under sail, 60m2 of solar panels, ballasted centreboard and ability to motor at 9 knots under purely electric power. Dixon says the real novelty is to combine motoryacht features with sailboat performance.

“It’s clear that customers expect the comforts and space planning of motoryachts,” he explains. “They want ample entertainment spaces, a pool and large tenders. We have created this design on this premise rather from a traditional sailing yacht design approach. This does not mean she is not an efficient sailing yacht, in that department there is no compromise. This is a project that appeases the environmental consciousness of a potential owner.”

Roman galley roots

Briand’s design is on another scale altogether. A key plank in the client’s brief was to ensure there was a vast central gallery whose volume exceeded that of the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles – something he has achieved with room to spare. An astonishing 725m2 of glass and openings surround the gallery, while no fewer than three owner’s suites offer the choice between 180° views from the glass bow; the full 20m beam amidships; or an aft suite perched 14m above the water.


The brief for Philippe Briand’s trireme-inspired superyacht was to have a vast central gallery bigger than the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles

Lower deck beach clubs amount to more than 750m2 of real estate, plus room for pools, a helipad and more. Echoing the design of the Roman galley which inspired it, the yacht features dozens of hydraulically-operated ‘oars’ amidships, designed to move in time to the music on board.

“It is possible to imagine very different boats tomorrow,” Briand explains. “I foresee that boats will evolve towards even more efficiency, for sustainability’s sake. Also hybrid boats. We will assemble different energy sources, and wind energy should be the first. Wind by sails, motor by engines today. Tomorrow it will be motor by electric or by hydrogen.”

Interestingly, another designer has also drawn inspiration from the galley. Igor Lobanov’s design is called Phoenicia and features the same reverse bow, sloping down to a rostrum-like point at the waterline; it also picks up the motif of the raised ‘bowsprit’ and ‘bumpkin’ and recreates the effect of two decks of oars by aiming 33 ‘laser lights’ into the water at night.


Pronounced reverse bow and exaggerated ‘bowsprit’ give an unmistakably trireme look to Phoenicia

Her four masts drop down through a great glass-walled gallery that dominates the main deck. She also employs something akin to a traditional staysail rig , complete with gigantic fishermen sails. Used by schooners and ketches, these sails resemble inverted jibs strung between the masts.

Despite the veneer of antiquity, both yachts feature ample shell doors to enlarge deck and living spaces. Phoenicia even has an articulated helipad, which unfolds from the roof of the raised owner’s suite when the curved boom is pinned up to the mast.

This is designed, “with the intention of creating the feel of ‘a house on the cliff’, with a balcony and panoramic windows that surround the space, leaving the views completely open to the vast open sea,” Lobanov explains.

He thinks the yachts of the future will be more automatic. “Probably there will be less crew on board, which may have a trickle-down effect on all the spaces, including water and food storage.”


A key design concept in Phoenicia is the long gallery with its all-round glass walls. Special Venetian blinds allow a game of light and shadows to create an arresting pattern inside

Inspired by nature

Even now, most yachts – whether sail or motor – are built using a linear arrangement of ribs, stringers, beams and plates, with the result that the space inside is often divided up into regular-shaped boxes. Some designers find this strange. “It’s not a hotel!” exclaims Ken Freivokh. “We’re very retrograde in terms of the structure. The bigger [yachts] get, the more they rely on one of post and beam: just columns and beams, like buildings were built.”

Freivokh, whose projects include everything from production sailing boats to the much-praised 107m Black Pearl , is desperate to get more organic forms and creative design into superyacht building. Taking an example from nature, he thinks that yachts could rely on the strength of a kind of ‘exoskeleton’, which would free up the interior to create more curved and open spaces without littering them with columns. Couple that with the emergence of structural glass, and you have a blueprint for a very different type of yacht.

But the problem is not just due to conservative shipyards and cautious classification bodies, according to Freivokh. Part of it is the owners themselves.

“It is quite typical that most owners when they’re briefing you make reference to existing projects,” he says. “If you ask an owner ‘why do you need a saloon on each deck? Why don’t you have a single saloon with double heights, and totally unique?’ Then the shipyard says how much they love the plans, but if we just did it like this… In the end, they point out it is £2m cheaper to use an existing technical platform, and that’s hard to resist.”

Briand says that every one of his superyacht clients starts from an existing yacht, not a blank piece of paper. “Sometimes those boats have been designed ten years ago,” he says. “Of course, this is not very positive for pushing us towards new technology. You have to make a long and difficult speech in order to convince them that progress in terms of technology is possible.”


Dykstra’s Exo concept borrows the idea of exoskeletons from nature to create wide open space below decks

Dutch J-Class maestros Dykstra published an ambitious design a few years back which made use of another exoskeleton design in a 46m/150ft concept called Exo. Produced as a collaboration with Claydon Reeves, it takes the root structures of a tree as its inspiration.

“Not only does the long vertical trunk represent the mast, but the root ball forms the hull, providing strength and the support for the vertical structure,” explains James Claydon. “We also considered the skeletal structure of small but strong creatures. In nature it is the exoskeleton, which provides the ‘chassis’ for these organisms.

“These exoskeletons do not employ straight lines but instead have twisting and turning curves which imbue the creature with optimal strength – their forms defined by millions of years of evolution. By setting aside some of the established thinking of past projects, we strived for a new aesthetic that was both attractive and buildable.”


Exo’s composite lattice enabled the interior to be completely opened up, with curved glass panels amidships to create a unique sensation of sitting on the waves. I asked Dykstra’s Thys Nikkels why he thought the concept wasn’t picked up, despite a positive reaction at the Monaco Yacht Show .

“Maybe we haven’t pushed the concept hard enough,” he shrugs. “It’s probably a piece of art in itself. That opened our eyes to what is possible in structures. I think the owners are ready for it, but are we as a market ready for it in a way the owner can contemplate it: ie cost?”

Squares and polygons

There is another design school which prefers brutally straight lines. Aspiring yacht designer George Lucian has garnered more column inches than many veterans with a series of increasingly radical designs, none of which have yet been built. The aptly named Origami is a sailing boat that is entirely composed of triangular and trapezoid shapes connected with hard angles, like the folds in a piece of paper.


Folded paper is the inspiration for George Lucian’s Origami

This is a concept, so there is no attempt to work out how this craft would actually function, but it involves acres of glass and huge fold-out wings to offer a helipad close to water level. “I think the necessary technology and materials already exist, but all my projects would be very challenging to build, that is for sure,” he admits. “I really think that if one is going to put so much money into a project, it has to be recognisable, different, iconic.”

More recently, Lucian published a design for a motoryacht partly resembling a jumble of ice blocks, and making use of a kite to assist propulsion. Another headline-grabber put a 100m/330ft airship at the heart of the design for a yacht shaped like a wedge, her lines angling out of the sea like arrows.

Beiderbeck designs in Germany has put more intense studies into its design for a gigantic 200m+/660ft+ catamaran, named Galileo2. Capable of berthing an 80m/260ft yacht alongside her beach club, the boxy cat includes a host of innovative features such as marine thermal energy generation, which exploits the lower temperatures far below the surface of the sea, and methanol propulsion.


Galileo2 is so large that it would have to be built in parts and assembled afloat. It has a 500m2 swimming pool, can carry 25 tenders, toys or submarines and can still do 22 knots

“This was a study to figure out what was possible; to figure out the step ahead of the next one,” says partner Immo Lüdeling. “It is a catamaran in a size that isn’t built yet; its own shadow vessel.”

Galileo2 is buildable now, but there were still unexpected design challenges. “Just the routes to walk get quite long – from the beach club up to the upper-deck saloon, for instance. Galileo2 has lifts to the bathing platforms.”

The bridge was another problem area on a boat with an 80m/260ft beam. “Our bridge can fly from one side to another, like on a very large crane where you have the crane house moving from one side to the other.” The boat is already sparking interest, including a serious enquiry about a smaller 120m/394ft version. “It’s half the size of Galileo2, but that means eight times less space.”


Another of Lucian’s concepts involving trapezoid shapes

Limited only by imagination

Electric propulsion is one of the great hopes of the yachting world, but the question is how to get the power on board. In principle, methanol offers carbon-free electricity, although it is usually manufactured using fossil fuels. Stellar Dutch design house Sinot made waves last year when it published a design for 112m/368ft Aqua , using the technology.

Andrew Winch, designer of monster yachts like 156m/512ft Dilbar and 99m/325ft Madame Gu , has taken a different approach in work with Royal Huisman for a super-efficient 30.5m/100ft sailing monohull, where he favours using renewable energy. “The widened stern deck allows for increased underdeck storage in the stern-wings, allowing for the placement of fan-extending solar panels,” he explains. “The concept also has twin rudders and a canting keel for maximum efficiency, as well as twin electrical propulsion that can be used for the regeneration of power at anchor or while sailing.”

There are as many different concepts as there are designers, and while they all have their own take on the yachts of the future , they agree on one point. It will take daring owners to push the boundaries and help these concepts off the drawing board and into the water. Or, as Andrew Winch puts it: “The only limitation is the imagination of the client.”

First published in the October 2020 issue of Yachting World.

Royal Huisman

…Royal Huisman, Dykstra Naval Architects and Mark Whiteley Design. This 100m / 330ft ground-breaking concept expressly focuses on the highest standards of environmental sustainability with proven technology for worldwide reliability. Its advanced systems platform easily accommodates future technological advances and regulatory requirements.

The innovative, aluminum-hulled WING 100 is a true sailing yacht – not a heavy sail assisted motor yacht – yet one with an important difference. She can be easily and securely handled and quickly deployed without the least fuss or drama. WING 100 has been conceived not only to appeal to sailing yacht owners, but to provide the perfect cross-over for motor yacht owners who want to minimize their environmental footprint by reducing the weight of their yacht, but retain the highest standards of amenity and comfort.

These benefits – and many others – arise because WING 100 is no ‘normal’ supersized sailing yacht: she has a highly advanced rig by Rondal. The wing masts have airfoil profiles; are free standing, and rotate to provide very powerful, integrated airfoils with the sails. The shape of the airfoil can easily and remotely be adjusted to maximize or reduce power. Being free-standing, the wing masts have no standing rigging or associated deck clutter, maximizing safe, clean amenity space on deck. The wing masts are easily and safely remote-controlled to ensure fast, energy-efficient sailing, providing a comfortable experience for all onboard.

sail yacht concept

To put the WING 100 concept into perspective: she is a true sailing yacht that will properly earn her ranking among the world’s top ten sailing yachts, along with Royal Huisman builds ATHENA and SEA EAGLE II; soon to be joined by the exciting new 85m / 280ft New World Sloop, PROJECT 410, currently under construction in Vollenhove. The supersized and highly innovative WING 100 would not only be a top-tier yacht in this elite group, but would also become the acknowledged pioneer among the even more prestigious ‘true’ supersized sailing yachts.

Royal Huisman is the only shipyard in the world with the expertise, infrastructure and continued technological evolution required to build the largest and most advanced of the top ten true sailing yachts. The range of new technologies applied by the shipyard to maximize the energy efficiency of WING 100 will bring substantial advantages to the owner – and not just while exploring the outer corners of our vulnerable planet.

sail yacht concept

WING 100 and a high performance foiling boat: one picture worth a thousand words

The combination of the concept’s pioneering board systems and advanced wing mast rig, alone, qualifies WING 100 as a defining breakthrough in mega yacht design. A host of additional smart refinements ensure that WING 100 can also claim distinction as the world’s most innovative sailing yacht – a role model for the industry. “Watch this space” to see these technologies develop through the mega yacht and superyacht sectors and, almost certainly, be embraced by wind-assisted cargo sailing ships, too. And that is why this significant project stands to benefit the whole planet.

WING 100 offers the perfect platform for a visionary owner looking to minimize footprint. The concept is well advanced towards fully sustainable technology and Royal Huisman expertise is on hand to ensure the owner realizes the full potential of his or her dreams.

sail yacht concept

Royal Huisman supersized sailing yachts: SEA EAGLE II (81m / 266ft), PROJECT 410 (85m / 280ft) and  ATHENA ( 90m / 295ft) . WING 100 (100m / 330ft) would be a top-tier yacht in this elite group.

Editor’s notes featuring: 

  • Main specifications
  • Eco-focus and  fast, easy handling: wing mast rig is the answer
  • Fresh and dramatic looks
  • Generous and bespoke accommodation
  • More eco credentials
  • Who could build such a ground-breaking superyacht?

The editor’s notes can be found in the full press release: click here (opens new tab).

sail yacht concept

“A dramatically innovative Royal Huisman concept that redefines supersized sailing yachts – delivering unprecedented performance, amenity, easy handling and energy efficiency.”

sail yacht concept

“The emergence of sailing yachts on this scale, with the level of energy efficiency and eco-responsibility offered by WING 100, would have been unthinkable just a decade ago.

The team is incredibly excited to be at the forefront of this conceptual revolution. we look forward to applying our renowned innovation and engineering skills to the realization of this highly ambitious project – creating the fourth and largest royal huisman build yet in the global top 10 of supersized sailing yachts.”.

Royal Huisman CEO Jan Timmerman

sail yacht concept

Supersized sailing yachts by Royal Huisman: an attractive (and possibly even better) alternative to motor yachts

In general, the comfort of motor yachts is enjoyed by their owners while “on location” – in a pretty marina or at an idyllic anchorage. Sailing yachts provide the same enjoyment, but are also much (more) fun while…

Read on at this website > news > inhuis stories & updates [ link ]

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Energy-saving and green energy features in more detail

Thanks to her efficient and easy to deploy rig, WING 100 will consume less than 20% of the energy required by an equivalent-sized conventionally powered motor yacht on passage.

Under sail, 200kW can be produced by the hydro generator equivalent to over 40,000 liters / year fuel saving.

480m 2 / 5167ft 2 of solar panels are integrated on the carbon Rondal masts to generate 250kW / day equivalent to a further savings of over 20,000 liters / year.

The main sails and staysails of the wing mast rig can be set in few minutes making sailing the easy choice. This results in 750kW average power saving, equivalent to over 166,000 liters/year.

The electrical system provides for flexible and economical electric propulsion when under power, saving more energy.

The system of WING 100 is calculated to save in total over 225,000 liters of fuel per year compared with similar sized, conventional engine-powered mega yachts.

More features and background information about WING 100 can be found in the editor’s notes in the full press release: click here (opens new tab).

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Blue-sky superyacht concepts range from pure fantasy to easily buildable. Here are our 10 favorites in the last year.

To stand out from the crowd, more and more superyacht buyers—many new to the market—are challenging designers to break molds, go extreme, and think way outside of the traditional box. And they’re doing it with head-spinning bow designs, huge windows, and much larger interior and exterior spaces.

They’re also trading traditional monohulls for big-volume catamarans and trimarans, taking inspiration from oddball places—an aircraft carrier or 1930s Hollywood-style automobile—and, at the same time, future-proofing them with new propulsion systems, including hydrogen fuel cells, solar power, and advanced battery power.

These 10 concepts, from a range of designers and studios, show that the future of superyacht design has never been more exciting—if at times a little bizarre.

Superyacht Concept Aware

Sinot, ‘Aware’

Not all superyachts need to look like multi-tiered wedding cakes. That’s according to Dutch studio Sinot Yacht, which has just penned conceptual renderings for a sleek, almost-minimalist cruiser called  Aware . Yes, the 262-footer does have the look of some super-stylish European river boat from the likes of Viking or Uniworld. But the aim here is to optimize the spaces experienced owners tend to use the most. Like the owner’s suite on the main deck, which in  Aware  spans the full beam and totals over 860 square feet. Then there’s the super-size beach club with its twin fold-out terraces, gym, bar, cinema, 36-foot-long pool, and glass-sided dining area. As for power, Sinot envisions a hybrid diesel-electric propulsion system good for a 21 mph max, and a 4,000 nautical mile range at 14 mph.

Superyacht Concepts Mission Icon Yachts

Icon Yachts, ‘Mission’

Ice-breaking, globe-trotting expedition yachts are nothing new for Holland’s Icon Yachts. Its rugged, 224-foot, converted ice-breaker  Ragnar  literally wrote the rule-book on building high-latitude-friendly luxury superyachts. But Icon’s concept for a brand-new, ultimate explorer it’s calling  Mission  adds Indiana Jones–levels of off-the-grid exploration. Designed by Dutch explorer-yacht specialist Bernd Weel,  Mission  is all towering, ice-crushing bow, trademark geometric hull sides, and endless space for all that adventure-seeking gear. Here we’re talking six tenders of all sizes, a three-person submersible, an Airbus H130 helicopter, and space midships for a multitude of shipping containers for when you want to become the next Jacques Cousteau. As for range, Icon would target over 6,000 nautical miles.

Superyacht Concepts Waugh Decadence

Andy Waugh Yacht Design, ‘Decadence’

Flick through the pages of any automotive history book and you’ll notice that 1930s design is dominated by the outrageous, teardrop-fendered creations of the French duo of Figoni et Falaschi. Their designs look to be the inspiration behind London-based designer Andy Waugh’s jaw-dropping concept for a 264-foot catamaran he quite aptly calls  Decadence . Featuring a central hull flanked by four teardrop-like pods, the concept evolves the idea of so-called SWATH catamaran hull design used in a number of oil-platform support, research vessels, and even some superyachts. Providing immense stability through reduced roll and pitch, the design makes perfect sense for a superyacht. One drawback: the yacht’s massive, marina-unfriendly 98-foot beam. Though that becomes a positive when you consider  Decadence ‘s vast owner’s suite measures 66 feet wide and almost 100 feet long.

Superyacht Concepts Oceanco

Oceanco, ‘Aeolus’

When the Dutch superyacht maestros at Oceanco release a blue-sky design, the concept is likely just a few steps away from reality. Fresh from delivering the 410-foot  Koru , the world’s largest sailing yacht, to new owner Jeff Bezos, and the 357-foot  Seven Seas  to Steven Spielberg, Oceanco has unveiled  Aeolus , a concept for a highly sustainable 430-foot gigayacht. Drawn by former Rolls-Royce head of design Giles Taylor, this curvaceous, quad-deck world cruiser looks to the future by incorporating Oceanco’s Energy Transition Platform (ETP) philosophy. The propulsion could start with diesel-electric power, with battery banks charged by twin MTU V16 diesel generators. Then, as technologies advance, it could more to more advanced fuel types such as methanol or other, even wilder technologies like nuclear power.

Superyacht concepts Star Trek

Anthony Glasson, ‘Star Trek’

Designed to boldly go across oceans, this concept for a massive 275-foot trimaran is said to have been inspired by Hong Kong–based designer Anthony Glasson’s love of the TV show “Star Trek”—especially the Starship  Enterprise . Viewed bow-on, you can see why: The slender, wave-piercing bow, the twin side hulls, and rounded glass upper observation deck have USS  Enterprise  written all over it. But the trimaran form definitely adds to its function, with the wide beam creating an expansive “courtyard” that’s part enclosed and part open, housing a hot tub—one of three aboard—a gym, a bar, sunpads galore and even a helipad-turned-dancefloor. Glasson envisions the trimaran to be built of lightweight aluminum, with a 5,000-nautical-mile range. Captain Kirk would be impressed.

Concept Superyachts Pegasus

Jozeph Forakis, ‘Pegasus’

Until now, arguably the ultimate stealth boat was the one in the 1997 James Bond romp  Tomorrow Never Dies , owned by tyrannical media mogul Elliot Carver. That would change if the 289-foot concept  Pegasus , from the computer screen of N.Y.C.-born and now Milan-based designer Jozeph Forakis, gets a production go-ahead. It features a superstructure comprising three over-lapping “wings” with metallic surfaces designed to reflect the sky and the clouds, rendering the superyacht near-invisible. The “wings” also do double duty as solar panels generating energy that would be used to convert sea water to hydrogen. Fuel cells would then turn the hydrogen into electricity that would be then stored in banks of lithium-ion batteries, making Pegasus essentially emissions-free with a virtually infinite cruising range.

Superyacht Concepts Plectrum

Lazzarini, ‘Plectrum’

Why fly through the water when you can fly on top? That’s the thinking behind Rome-based Lazzarini Design’s radical 243-foot hydrofoiling superyacht concept named  Plectrum . Massive foils deploy from the sides of the yacht’s rounded carbon-fiber hull, while a trio of 5,000 hp engines would elevate the yacht out of the water and punch it to a top speed of over 80 mph. It’s a similar concept used in the latest America’s Cup AC75 foiling monohull sailboats, along with a crop of electric powerboats and surfboards. Applying the technology to a 243-foot superyacht is what’s new and possibly technically impossible, at least for now. Other stand-out features of this bright-orange flyer include a helicopter garage beneath the mile-long foredeck and a garage for your supercar at the stern.

Superyacht concepts Phantom Vesper

Phantom and Golden Yachts, ‘Vesper’

When it comes to next-generation superyacht design, it seems glass is fast becoming the new steel. Take the collaboration between the design team at Holland’s Phantom Studios and Athens-based superyacht builder Golden Yachts. The 213-foot concept they’re calling  Vesper  features five levels of floor-to-ceiling structural glass, a glass floor in the yacht’s upper deck lounge, and a glass-sided swimming pool. Connecting the beach club to the pool is a huge, high-lifting hatch that’s, what else, all glass. Now head to the owner’s “suite”—it’s more like a two-level penthouse in a Miami skyscraper—and it features floor-to-very-high-ceiling glass that floods the space with light. To catch some real rays, the full-deck suite features not one, but two outdoor terraces.

Superyacht Concepts DeBasto MED

DeBasto Design, MED

Think of this as a 301-foot dayboat with the emphasis on outdoor, alfresco, lounge-in-the-sun, Mediterranean living. From the drawing board of Miami-based designer Luiz de Basto, Project MED features uninterrupted, bow-to-stern open teak decks topped with a huge upper superstructure supported by just four columns. And to ensure the superstructure doesn’t dominate the superyacht’s sleek lines, de Basto covered it in reflective glass so that it almost disappears from view by mirroring its surroundings. The designer says his inspiration came from the idea of “Agora,” named after the squares in Ancient Greek villages where everyone congregated. Aboard Project MED, that could be on the main deck, around the oversized pool at the stern, or on the vast open foredeck.

Superyacht Concepts UAE One

Enzo Manca, ‘UAE One’

There are superyachts designed to look like military warships. Some even are shaped to look like navy submarines. But here’s a first; a superyacht inspired by the lines of an aircraft carrier. The 459-foot  UAE One  is from the fertile mind of Milan-based designer Enzo Manca who created the concept for an unnamed United Arab Emirates sheikh looking to create an official UAE flagship. Without a doubt, the design highlight is the yacht’s runway-like main deck. It features not one, but three helipads, a conning tower-like, four-level structure on the starboard side, a geometric-shaped pool and a huge circular “conversation pit” right on the bow, complete with cozy sofas and a firepit. Accommodations over nine decks include five “super suites”, eight master cabins, 14 mini apartments, and 35 cabins for the crew of 65. 

Douglas Hensman


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Briand SY300 : true sailing experience on a 90-metre megayacht

  • April 19, 2019

Briand SY300 : authenticity and a passion for performance are the core principles behind Philippe Briand’s new sailing megayacht concept.

Philippe Briand has unveiled the latest sailing yacht concept to come from his London- based design studio: the 90-metre (300-foot) Briand SY300. With a traditional sailing rig, the 1,550-tonne ketch has been created to outperform other sailing megayachts on the water today, as well as to provide a head-turning aesthetic and ultimate comfort on board. The SY300 would be the ultimate prize possession for a passionate sailor who demands speed on the water as well as exceptional design and style.


SY300 sailplan

Being fully wind-propelled, the SY300 would be a true leader in the new wave of “green” superyachts; in particular, its hull-form characteristics and predicted performance would put the SY300 at the forefront of this cohort of vessels. Its remarkable hydrodynamic efficiency means more power could be harnessed through underwater turbines to charge the batteries on board. In the best conditions a maximum speed over 20 knots would be reached . Potentialy If 50% of the energy is captured it will be the equivalent of that produced by a 500 kW generator, while maintaining a speed around 15 knots.

Driven by the pursuit of efficiency rather than opting for a faddish design, Philippe Briand chose a conventional two-masted sailing rig to complement the contemporary hull with its inverted bow, as this proves to be the most effective. With its foremast towering 95.3 metres above the waterline, the Briand SY300 ’s upwind sail area is 3,560m2, while its downwind sail area is 6,600m2, including a 3,500m2 spinnaker.

The design of the carbon fibre masts and rigging is heavily informed by the experience Philippe Briand acquired during the development and construction of the landmark 67-metre S/Y Vertigo and 73-metre S/Y Sybaris, two of the most celebrated sailing yachts in recent history.


300 - V4 ROOF SKETCH - 2016 07 11

length. The star attraction of the exterior, the fly bridge will be a magnet for friends and family to come together, where up to 14 guests can experience the uniquely thrilling sensation of movement created by harnessing the natural power of the wind.

Of course, full enjoyment of the Briand SY300 ’s exterior can come at anchor or in port as well as while cruising or racing. The uncluttered decks are contemporary and allow stunning views of the surroundings. Each of the three decks offers guests a choice of swimming pool, paired with oversized sun pads or sun loungers.

An enormous dining table in the heart of the fly bridge seats up to 16 guests, with superb panoramic views and a removable bimini offering protection from the sun. The adjacent convivial seating area features two L-shaped sofas with low tables, while a more secluded seating area on the foredeck is perfect for a romantic sundowner or some private reflection time.


SY300 GA 1

A further six guest suites are located on the lower deck, as well as accommodation for up to 17 crew. A full-beam gym on the lower deck has sliding doors and steps leading up to the aft deck pool, and the adjacent spa features a Jacuzzi and massage room.

Philippe Briand commented on the announcement of the Briand SY300 design: “I am a purist at heart. Every Philippe Briand design is guided by the golden principles of balance, efficiency and performance on the water, from the single-handed ocean sailing boats that I raced to victory in my early career, to some of the world’s best-known sailing superyachts. Staying true to our name, this Briand SY 300 design showcases a yacht with purpose that is in keeping with the authentic spirit of sailing. I picture it being ideal for a passionate sailor who wants to stay in touch with the water and the power of the wind. They could even take the helm of the yacht themselves.”

About Philippe Briand

London-based naval architect and yacht designer Philippe Briand – has been conceiving high-performance, visionary yachts since his childhood days sailing in La Rochelle. Today Philippe Briand is the CEO and inspired team-leader coordinator of three different design divisions: sailing yacht as Philippe Briand Ltd, motoryacht with Vitruvius Yachts Ltd and interiors by Philippe Briand – both for yachting and world-class real estate. His technical excellence and precision, accompanied by a strong artistic flair and talent for fashioning innovative design trends in the yachting market, have continued to evolve over what is arguably the most prolific career of any yacht designer today. Philippe Briand is one of real few innovator in yachting – “senior designer” of what is today the expedition/explorer vessels trend.

His successes have led him to build up a loyal client base of extremely discerning owners for custom designs, as well as to encourage a new generation of owners who are attuned to his prioritization of sustainable, intelligent design solutions, efficient and long-range green technologies. Briand’s background in naval architecture gives him the leading edge when it comes to integrating new technologies into his designs, as well as incorporating new materials or considering existing materials in new ways. His technical background and understanding of advanced hydrodynamics and production engineering have led to the creation of dozens of successful production yacht models over the years, accounting for over 12,000 vessels launched. The company’s current projects range from six to 105 metres, both for sailing yachts and motor yachts, including many highly customised and technical designs.

With offices in London and La Rochelle, France – Briand and his team of designers have won 34 international yacht design awards for their work (to date, spring 2018), and have collaborated with some of the most highly respected sailing yacht builders in the world, including Perini Navi, Lurssen (Germany), Pendennis (UK), Royal Huisman (Netherlands), Vitters (Netherlands), CNB (France), Groupe Beneteau (France).

Philippe Briand Website

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Are concept yachts really the future? We take a look at three of the latest superyacht concepts

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Written by Rachel Kelly

A concept yacht is a design for a luxury vessel that is not currently in production and is typically created by a yacht designer as a way to showcase their creativity vision for the future of yachting. They can range from radical and futuristic designs to more subtle variations on traditional yacht designs and usually feature the latest in technology, materials, and engineering to push the boundaries of what is possible in terms of speed, efficiency, and luxury.

While many concept yachts are created every year, only a small fraction of them actually get built, largely only if the design generates enough interest and funding. However, even if a concept yacht is not built, it can still have a significant impact on the industry by inspiring new design ideas, influencing trends, and driving innovation.

Here we take a look at three recent concept yachts penned by some of the industries most innovative designers.

Concept sailing yacht DOUBLE LUCK

From the design studio Lobanov Design in association with Oceanco and Dykstra Naval Architects comes the 88m sailing yacht DOUBLE LUCK which translates as 88 in Chinese (the number 8 is significant in Chinese numerology).

Concept yacht DOUBLE LUCK

Concept yacht DOUBLE LUCK

Concept yacht DOUBLE LUCK decks

Concept yacht DOUBLE LUCK decks

The yacht would be capable of decreasing fossil fuel usage by up to 30% and can cruise in complete silence while the sail system can be handled by a single crew member and fully extended in under 6 minutes. The exterior design centres around the masts which create key focal points such as a zen garden at the base of the forward mast. Fold out decks, a swimming pool and beach club plus a two deck winter garden connect the yacht with the surrounding nature, as intended by the designers.

The interior features organic materials to create soft flowing lines and the focus is on introducing plenty of natural light and connecting the indoor and outdoor spaces.

Sailing yacht DOUBLE LUCK is the third collaboration from this team and follows 110m super yacht KAOS and 85.5m super yacht AMORE VERO .

105m superyacht concept 5 Th ELEMENT

Superyacht 5TH ELEMENT is more than a yacht concept, but a lifestyle created by Theodoros Fotiadis Design with a focus on nature and wellbeing which reflects the five natural elements.

Concept yacht 5TH ELEMENT

Concept yacht 5TH ELEMENT

Endless glass walls reflect the other natural materials in use throughout while a private swimming pool, endless deck spaces and views create a real sense of connection with the water.

The main salon is the focal point of the concept and presents as a huge sociable space at the heart of the yacht featuring a serene interior made from natural materials in wonderful curved shapes.

Francesco Struglia unveils superyacht concept

Still in development this is a preview which hints at an impressive 61m superyacht design with a 1,000 GT volume, contemporary architecture and asymmetric layout to increase the usable space for guests. With a 10.4 beam there is huge breadth for the salon, spa area, swimming pool and beach club. There is even a consideration for a retractable roof on the top deck wheelhouse.

Francesco Struglia yacht designs

Francesco Struglia yacht designs

It is believed the accommodation will be for up to 12 guests and feature a private owners deck which these days are a must on any super yacht.

We can’t predict if any of these concepts will result in a finished yacht, but the focus on sustainability, use of natural materials and enhanced connection with the water will no doubt feature in designs from yacht builders in the not too distant future. Visit our website for a comprehensive list of super yachts , both concept and reality plus guides to chartering in locations all over the world .

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Are concept yachts really the future? We take a look at three of the latest superyacht concepts".

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jeanneau yacht 51

Jeanneau 51 standard.

Sailboat specifications.

  • Last update: 20th March 2020

sail yacht concept

Jeanneau 51's main features

Jeanneau 51's main dimensions, jeanneau 51's rig and sails, jeanneau 51's performances, jeanneau 51's auxiliary engine, jeanneau 51's accommodations and layout, jeanneau 51's fore cabin, jeanneau 51's aft cabin.

Jeanneau 51  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Jeanneau

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Edwards Yacht Sales

Edwards Yacht Sales

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2018 Jeanneau 51

  • Cape Canaveral, FL, US

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2018 Jeanneau 51

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This highly sought after shoal draft and ICW friendly 2018 Jeanneau 51 is well-equipped, well-maintained, and ready to cruise!

The Jeanneau 51 is designed for crew comfort and ease of handling. As soon as you step aboard you'll appreciate the deck layout. A large cockpit, spacious decks, dual helms, great rigging plan, bow thruster, and light heel under a full press of sail make this boat a joy to sail!

Equal consideration was given belowdecks. There is generous headroom, a large galley, refrigeration everywhere, lots of natural light, spacious cabins and heads, fine touches and finishings, washer/dryer, and an appreciable quality of construction. Whether for a weekend or indefinitely, you'll feel at home onboard.

Major Highlights :

  • Excellence Package (to include bow thruster, electric winches, secondary windlass controls with chain counter, and much more)
  • Terrace Package (folding sun loungers in Sunbrella Cadet Grey, teak cockpit, and opening aft terrace)
  • Electronic Ocean Package (Raymarine i70s, radar, AIS, and more)
  • Highfield Tender
  • 8kW Onan Generator
  • Cockpit and deck cushions in excellent shape
  • Combination washer and dryer
  • Roller furling headsail

Advanced co brokerage Florida Sail is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by David Walters Yachts.


Descriptions, basic information, dimensions & weight, tank capacities, accommodations.

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2018 Jeanneau 51

Additional Options and Features:

  • Running rigging for Asymmetric Spinnaker only 
  • Electric Primary winches
  • 2nd windlass control at helm
  • Folding helm seats
  • 2 boarding ladders at side gates
  • Cockpit table with leaves
  • Cockpit cushions
  • Electric sea pump for deck wash in anchor locker
  • Onan 8KW 115V Genset
  • Fridge/Freezer in utility room
  • Secondary drawer fridge in galley
  • Fridge in cockpit table 
  • 3 Zone Air Conditioning
  • Double berth in salon with conversion kit
  • Mattress battens in master cabin
  • Innerspring mattress in master cabin
  • Electric JABSCO Heads
  • Extra fuel tank 63Gallons (total Fuel 126 gallons)
  • 3 blade fixed propeller
  • Rub rail w/stainless steel
  • 110 HP Yanmar shaft drive
  • 147' of 13mm chain
  • 33kg Rocna Anchor
  • Life raft 
  • Epirb 
  • 2 auto inflate offshore lifejackets.
  • 2 Jack lines
  • 4 CO detectors
  • 4 fire extinguishers 
  • First Aid kits

The Company offers the details of this vessel in good faith but cannot guarantee or warrant the accuracy of this information nor warrant the condition of the vessel. A buyer should instruct his agents, or his surveyors, to investigate such details as the buyer desires validated. This vessel is offered subject to prior sale, price change, or withdrawal without notice.


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jeanneau yacht 51

Basic information.

  • Builder Jeanneau
  • Model yacht 51
  • Category Cruisers
  • Condition Used
  • Hull Material Composite
  • LOA 50' 9"
  • Beam 15' 6"
  • Max Draft 6' 2"

2021 Jeanneau 51 (4443839)

2021 Jeanneau 51'

Jeanneau Yacht 51, private owned and sold by current first owner. fully equipped and Mediterranean based

Full Description

Brewer Yacht Sales is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Sofer Yachts. It is offered as a convenience by this broker/dealer to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a particular vessel

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2021 Jeanneau Yachts 51

Jeanneau Yachts 51

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Jeanneau 51

When I woke just after dawn and checked the weather app on my phone, I could see we were in for a storm. The radar showed a massive squall line that reached from Cuba in the south all the way to Jacksonville in the north and it was depicted in alarming colors of deep greens, yellows and reds. Red is not good on a radar screen. The front was heading from Florida’s west coast toward Miami and the forecast indicated that it would arrive at about 11 am with winds in the high 30s and tropical rain. Okay.


The phone rang soon after and Paul Fenn from Jeanneau America asked if I thought we should head out a bit earlier than planned to test sail the brand-new Jeanneau Yachts 51. Yes, of course.

So, it was close to 9 am when we all gathered on the 51 at Miamarina and quickly got underway as we could see the clouds building ominously to the west. Aboard that morning was Paul Fenn from Jeanneau America, Herve Gastinel, CEO of Group Beneteau, which owns Jeanneau,  Dave Dodgen of the Florida Yacht Group and his wife Gail, and Greg Pittrizzi from Hilton Head Yachts of Charleston, SC. Dave and Greg are both Jeanneau dealers getting the opportunity to sail the new 51 and get to know the boat better.

The 51 handles easily under power. The engine controls are at the starboard wheel and visibility from there forward is excellent, even with the large dodger in place.  The boat comes standard with an 80 horsepower Yanmar and a sail drive but you can opt for a 110-horsepower engine that has a shaft instead of the sail drive.

At cruising revs of 2200 rpms, the 51 cut through the water at seven knots. At full throttle, we saw the speed climb to almost nine knots.  The standard boat comes with 63 gallons of diesel. For long distance cruisers, the company makes a 148-gallon capacity available as an option.  With the 110-horsepower engine burning about 1.5 gallons an hour at 2200 rpms, the 51 will have a safe cruising range of over 500 miles, which veteran passagemakers consider the minimum required.


As we were motoring toward Biscayne Bay we had a hat-overboard drill so we spun  the 51 around to see if we could recover the hat before it sank. The 51 has a nifty folding transom that folds out and lowers with the push of a button. We decided that this was the best option so we lowered the transom to form the large swim platform and then attempted to back down on the hat. But, before we could make the rescue the hat was sept under the hull of a moored workboat and out of our reach. Still, had we had a person in the water, the platform would have been a great way to get him back aboard.

The 51s cockpit is huge and has a large table with folding leaves that will sit eight for meals. The life raft compartment is in the table’s base.  The forward end of the cockpit is the lounging area where you can stretch out under the dodger and stay warm and dry, even when the clouds are getting dark and a storm is threatening, which it was.

We motored under the bridge at the Rickenbacker Causeway and soon were in the open if shallow waters of Biscayne Bay. The wind was piping from the east so we rounded up to port and rolled out the mainsail. To avoid the shoals that run out from the southwest side of Virginia Cay, we fell off onto a port reach and rolled out the 110 percent jib. The boat liked the sail configuration and soon was sailing along at eight knots with a few surges to nine.

The main sheet runs from the mid-boom in what is called a German sheeting system; the double ended sheet runs forward to the front of the boom, then down to blocks on either side of the mast step, then aft through conduits to the cockpit winches. This allows you to trim the sail from both sides of the cockpit and to double up the jib and main sheets to the single winches by using line stoppers. The 51 we sailed had electric sheet winches so trimming was a cinch.

The headsail on the boat we sailed was the 100-percent genoa. It sheeted inside the side stays so we had the benefit of a small genoa that was easily tacked and trimmed and tight sheeting angles. The side stays run to chain plates that are all the way outboard, so walking fore and aft is on a wide, open side deck. A self-tacking jib with its own traveler forward of the mast is an option but the boat will sail better in a wider range of wind angles with the 10-percent headsail.

While we put the 51 through a series of jibes and tacks, we kept a weather eye on the approaching front and on the clock. Our time out on the bay was going to be limited. Still we got a great feel for how it sailed. Upwind the 51 is quick and handy. In the building breeze we saw eight knots hard on the wind without much sweat and were able to tack her well inside 90 degrees. The hull has chines in the after sections and we could feel the added buoyancy and power kick in when heeled to about 15 degrees. The boat really stood up nicely to the 18 knots of wind.


Off the wind on a reach, we saw a few 10s on the speedo and never felt the boat was overpowered or likely to spin out. Again, the chines help keep her feet under her even when the wind gusted over 20. The 51 has a large, deep rudder so the steering was positive and the helm quite light.

The boat is set up for a couple who can manage all sailing trim chores from the cockpit and, with the electric sheet winches, they can run the boat easily and efficiently. The 51 is a Philippe Briand design and the pedigree he brings to the hull shape and underwater foils can be seen in how well the boat sails. This may be an ideal size for couples who want to cruise in comfort but also want to sail a boat that does it all very well.


The 51 is the third design in the Jeanneau Yachts line as differentiated from the Sun Odyssey line. The effort in these new boats has been on leading edge hull design coupled with simple but effective rigs and elegant living accommodations that evoke true yacht styling.

To get that certain “yacht style” in the new series, Jeanneau turned to designer Andrew Winch who has built a worldwide reputation and is a leading designer of super yacht interiors and finish. However, to get this style into a production boat that is built in series and to a price is the magic.

What Jeanneau and Winch have achieved is a bright, light interior that makes great use of natural light and ventilation, with neutral colors for fabrics and pale laminates for the bulkheads and furniture. The cabinet joinery is very nicely finished and drawers and doors fit with precision. The 51 has high grade fixtures and latches and the lighting is both subtle and well thoughtout for how a couple or family uses light for living, reading, cooking and so forth.


The saloon has the U-shaped galley aft next to the companionway to starboard. This is as good a sea-going galley as you will find in a production boat and it offers plenty of places to brace a hip or hold on when cooking at sea.  The optional day aft head sits right aft of the galley and the chart table is across from it to port. The chart table is a proper nav station with a desk and plenty of vertical surfaces for mounting MFDs, radios, phones and the rest of your electronics.

The dinette to starboard seats six around the square table. Across from it is a long bench settee that will be a good sea berth when on passage. Outboard of the settee is the cabinet for the TV that is stowed and deployed on a mechanical lift.

The two-cabin version of the 51 has a second large cabin aft to port and storage or a utility cabin aft to starboard. The three cabin version that will probably appeal best to most Americans has two equal quarter cabins aft. Or you can opt for a layout that has a single cabin and storage space in the aft starboard cabin.

The aft head has a large enclosed shower. While cruising this will be the day head  unless you have opted for the smaller head to starboard. It will also be a great wet locker for hanging foul weather gear when sailing in rainy, wet weather. We hurried back to Miamarina as the wind began to gust and rain started to pelt on the to of the Bimini.  Once snugged back into the marina berth, we all gathered below to listen to the rain and chat about boats. The six of us fit into the saloon comfortably and ambience was just right.


The interior of the new Jeanneau Yacht 51 is as pleasant a space as you will find in boats of this size. Having owned and lived aboard an older Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45 for many years with a very similar configuraton in the cockpit and down below, I know how well this design and layout works. This new 51 is an ideal couple’s cruiser that will take them wherever their wanderlust leads them.

LOA                              50’5”

LWL                              45’9”

Beam                            15’5”

Draft (std.)                    7’5”

Draft (shoal)                  5’8”

Displ.                           31,747 lbs.

Ballast                          9,480 lbs.

Sail area                       1,163 sq. ft.

Mast height                   72’0”

Water                            169 gals.

Fuel                              127 gals.

Engine                          80-hp./sail drive

Engine (opt.)                 110-hp./shaft

Base price                    $405,000

Jeanneau America

105 Eastern Ave.

Annapolis, MD 21403


jeanneau yacht 51

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New and used Jeanneau 51 boats for sale

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British Marine

  • 16 Passengers


Jeanneau 51 is a sailing yacht in production since 2018. It has international CE (A) certification and can be operated on the high seas. The case of the model is made of fiberglass, its length is 15.38 meters, width - 4.7 meters, and draft - 2.10 meters. The vessel is equipped with seats for sixteen passengers and three cabins with six berths.

Four sofas are installed on the cockpit of the ship, transforming into sun loungers and equipped with lockers. Between them are a folding wooden table and a passage to the captain’s post with two corner sofas and an adjustable steering wheel. On the sides of the yacht installed metal railings and stairs for access to water. On the bow of Jeanneau 51 there is a double soft lounger with a compact table - you can enter it through the aisles located on both sides.

The main cabin of the yacht has two corner sofas and a wooden dining table. On the starboard side there is a galley with a sink, a refrigerator, several food drawers, a bar and an oven. On the port side there is an electronic control panel with a soft armchair and a table. In the bow there is a spacious sleeping cabin with a double bed, a wardrobe and two armchairs. Doors leading to two compact sleeping cabins with double beds are installed next to the stairs. On the port side, in a separate room, a bathroom is equipped.

A stationary engine rated at 80 or 110 hp is installed on the model. The capacity of its fuel tank is 240 liters, and the tank for fresh water is 640 liters.

  • Main Deck 2
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Jeanneau 51 Main Deck

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Jeanneau 51

  • Length 15.38 m
  • Beam 4.70 m
  • Draft 2.10 m

Jeanneau 51

  • Draft 2.28 m

Jeanneau 51

  • Length 14.98 m

Jeanneau 51

  • Draft 0.00 m

Jeanneau 51

  • Draft 1.77 m

Jeanneau 51

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2021 | 50' Jeanneau yacht 51 Sailboat for Sale

2021 jeanneau, 50' (15.49m) yacht 51 -, jeanneau yacht 51, private owned and sold by current first owner. fully equipped and mediterranean based.

  • Composite Hull

$ 438,345 USD

€ 409,000 euros $ 602,879 cad.


Curtis Stokes & Associates is pleased to assist you in the purchase of this vessel. This boat is centrally listed by Sofer Yachts. It is offered as a convenience by this broker/dealer to its clients and is not intended to convey direct representation of a particular vessel

LOA: 50' 9" (15.49 Meters)

Type: Sail - Used

Beam: 15' 6"

Bridge Clearance: ' "

Draft Max: 6' 2"

Draft Min: ' "

Double Berths: 3

Maximum Speed: Knots

Cruise Speed: Knots

Fuel Type: Diesel

Hull Material: Composite

Fuel Tank: Gallons ( Liters)

Fresh Water: Gallons ( Liters)

Holding Tank: Gallons ( Liters)

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For more information about this yacht please contact Curtis Stokes and Associates, Inc. We look forward to working with you!

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Curtis Stokes and Associates, Inc. is a yacht brokerage firm consisting of nine offices and fifty brokers throughout the United States offering worldwide marketing, buyer brokerage services and yacht charters. We also specialize in marketing and selling Great Loop capable yachts and boats.

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Exceptional Comfort and Autonomy for Complete Serenity. Refined and elegant, the interior of the Jeanneau Yachts 51 shines in its style, as well as in its ergonomic design for longer cruises. Copious storage, a clever galley, a pantry, enabling you to install options such as a washing machine or a wine fridge, and especially, tanks and ...

Find Jeanneau 51 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Jeanneau boats to choose from.

The Jeanneau Yachts 51, also called the Jeanneau 51, is a French sailboat. The hull was designed by Philippe Briand, the interior by Andrew Winch and finishing by the Jeanneau Design Office. It was designed as a blue water cruiser and first built in 2015. Production. The design was ...

Find Jeanneau Yacht 51 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Jeanneau boats to choose from.

With its large rudder and bow thruster, maneuvering the Jeanneau 51 in and out of the fuel dock in Hillsboro Inlet was a snap. Equally important was how well the boat did motorsailing on our second day. With just the main up to steady things out, we clipped along at 7.3 knots with the engine turning over at 1,800 rpm.

Why Choose the Jeanneau Yacht 51? EXTERNALLY. As you approach the Jeanneau Yacht 51 you instantly appreciate the flowing lines from the pen of Philippe Briand, hard chine hull with large hull ports and sleek swan head coach roof she is a cut above the rest. The electric terrace provides access over the stern as well as an impressive bathing platform when open and a flat cockpit floor when ...

The Jeanneau 51 is a 49'1" (14.98m) cruising sailboat designed by Philippe Briand (France) and Jeanneau Design Office (France). She is built since 2016 by Jeanneau (France). The Jeanneau 51 is as well listed, on, in Shoal draft version (see all the versions compared). Find out more about the Jeanneau 51 on Boat-Spec's blog: European Yacht of the Year 2017.

2018 Jeanneau Yacht 51. US$549,500. ↓ Price Drop. US $4,340/mo. Marine Servicenter | Seattle, Washington. Request Info; Sale Pending; 2017 Jeanneau 51 Yacht. US$454,638. ↓ Price Drop. US $3,591/mo. Network Yacht Brokers | Chatham, Kent < 1 > * Price displayed is based on today's currency conversion rate of the listed sales price. Boats ...

The weight required to sink the yacht one inch. Calculated by multiplying the LWL area by 5.333 for sea water or 5.2 for fresh water. FOR MULTIHULLS ONLY: BN - Bruce Number: The Bruce Number is a power-to-weight ratio for relative speed potential for comparing two or more boats. It takes into consideration the displacement and sail area of ...

This highly sought after shoal draft and ICW friendly 2018 Jeanneau 51 is well-equipped, well-maintained, and ready to cruise! The Jeanneau 51 is designed for crew comfort and ease of handling. As soon as you step aboard you'll appreciate the deck layout. A large cockpit, spacious decks, dual helms, great rigging plan, bow thruster, and light ...

Brewer Yacht Sales is pleased to offer this 2021 Jeanneau yacht 51 located in , . This yacht is offered at $438,345, and listed with Sofer Yachts. Whether buying or selling, the yacht sales professionals at Brewer Yacht Sales can make your boating dreams a reality.

The Jeanneau Yachts 51 plunges you into an unparalleled interior, bathed in light, where every detail has been carefully studied for your complete satisfaction. WARMTH / STYLE Her interior aesthetic is worthy of large yachts, with spacious, refined cabins, silky cocoons of well-being.

View a wide selection of Jeanneau Jeanneau Yacht 51 boats for sale in your area, explore detailed information & find your next boat on #everythingboats

Description. Jeanneau 51 yacht, owners version- 3 cabin, 2 heads+ utility room, sold by her first owner ! always private and never chartered ! Model 2021, with full options list to include: Generator, Air conditioning, Electric winches, Electric aft ramp, Bow thruster, furling main sail, electric winches, full electronic navigation pack.

Jeanneau has given the Sun Odyssey 51 all the keys to perfection.It is difficult to speak about the Sun Odyssey 51 as if it were a simple sailboat. It was designed to offer the ultimate in offshore cruising. Since its conception, this 51-footer has been the object of all the necessary study to achieve cruising perfection.It is no surprise, then, that it has since earned an indisputable ...

The Jeanneau 51 is the collaboration of two great sailing minds with one of the most successful modern shipyards. Philippe Briand's long connection to the Jeanneau brand and visionary expertise in naval architecture is evident in the yacht's sleek lines, optimized hull shape, and balanced layout, ensuring superior performance and handling in a variety of sailing conditions.

JEANNEAU JEANNEAU YACHTS 51. Italy. £321,460 GBP Listed price €380,000 EUR Tax not paid / excluded. 2017 | 14.98m | Sail. View details. All boats from Band of Boats . Contact Seller. 47 1. Jeanneau Jeanneau Yacht 51. Greece. £345,992 GBP Listed price €409,000 EUR Tax not paid / excluded.

All about model Jeanneau 51, brand Jeanneau. Yacht technical specifications, layout, equipment and offers for rent and sale

Fort Lauderdale, FL. Phone: 1-954-684-0218. Toll Free: 1-855-266-5676. Fax: 1-954-807-1445. Email: [email protected] . Website: Curtis Stokes and Associates, Inc. is a yacht brokerage firm consisting of nine offices and fifty brokers throughout the United States offering worldwide marketing, buyer brokerage ...

Find Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 51 boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Jeanneau boats to choose from.

2020 Beneteau Oceanis 46.1. $279,000. $2,161/mo*. Tortola, VG | Moorings Yacht Brokerage. <. 1. >. Find 28 Jeanneau 51 boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Jeanneau boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader!

2018 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 519 | 51ft. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. US$297,000 tax included. $1,000. 1631 hours. Own this boat for $2,301/month. Customize. Engine. Yanmar 4JH80. Total Power. 80hp. ... Designed by world-renowned naval architect, Philippe Briand. A spacious and proven 51' sailboat. Loaded with options and always professionally ...

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sail yacht concept

10 of the best superyacht concepts from 2021

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BOAT rounds up the biggest and best superyacht concepts released in 2021 by shipyards and designers, including Lloyd Werft, Lazzarini Design and Iddes Yachts.

This giant crab inspired 25m solar-powered catamaran concept by Lazzarini Design named Pagurus is capable of becoming amphibious thanks to retractable cylinders at the bottom of the twin steel hulls. When deployed, these lower the yacht by 60cm and allow it to 'crawl' up onto beaches. Elsewhere, the concept features accommodation for eight guests and four crew members, while power comes from dual propellers and twin diesel engines topping out at 24 knots. 

Revealed by German yard Lloyd Werft , the 115 metre explorer concept APEX boasts a massive range of 9,000 nautical miles and "rugged" exterior design, including a bow towering "almost four decks high," according to the yard. Other features include a helipad aft, with a dedicated hangar directly below, and cranes for launching the two tenders. Meanwhile, accommodation is for a total of 22 guests and 48 crew members.

Kurt Strand Design ’s superyacht concept, the 161 metre Norway , was inspired by the “powerful square sails” of Viking ships. Key features include the 96-metre-high carbon fibre Falcon rig masts and the 6000sqm of sails, wrapped in solar cell foil. Boosting the concept’s eco-focused credentials further are its hydrogen power cells which enable Norway to cruise when there is no light. The central mast conceals a “sky elevator”, which carries guests to lofty heights to enjoy impressive ocean views. 

A 78 metre superyacht concept named MM770 was revealed by Malcolm McKeon Yacht Design in collaboration with Mark Whiteley . Ready to commence construction at Dutch yard Feadship , the concept features a sun deck with a Jacuzzi and al fresco dining, cinema and 8.8-metre glass-bottomed pool on the main deck. Elsewhere, the concept features a massive 1,700GT interior and a top speed of 17 knots. 

Powered by fuel cell technology and battery banks, Meyer Group's 150m ONE 50 is described as "ultra sustainable" by the yard. Representing the yard' first foray into superyacht design, ONE 50 features six decks, a 20 metre beam and a massive interior volume of 15,000GT.

Unveiled by   Feadship at the 2021 Monaco Yacht Show, the 81.75 metre superyacht concept Pure was designed following "massive client feedback" to the Dutch yard. The result is a yacht boasting a "sculptural exterior profile and open plan interior". The yacht also emphasises that the project could be "built tomorrow with adventurous clients". 

Revealed by Tankoa, the 76 metre superyacht concept Apache features a glass-bottomed swimming pool suspended in the bow. Penned by designer Alberto Mancini , Apache is set to be built from steel and aluminium and features a choice of two propulsion options; either twin CAT or MAN diesel engines, both providing a top speed of 16.5 knots and a range of 5,000 nautical miles.

With the capacity to accommodate 22 science laboratories on board, the 300m exploration vessel Earth 300 was revealed by Iddes Yachts. The concept is large enough to host 400 people on board and is designed will unite science and exploration to confront earth’s greatest challenges", according to Iddes Yachts founder Ivan Salas Jefferson.

Featuring a "gaping hole" in its superstructure , the 69m superyacht concept Shape was unveiled by Lazzarini Design. Elsewhere, the design features a glass-bottomed pool suspended over the front deck, or “hole”. The eco-focused concept is also designed to run on entirely “clean energy”, with a hydrogen propulsion system and a solar panel on its sun deck.

The futuristic 110m superyacht concept Now , unveiled by Nicolò Piredda , features a basketball court on the foredeck and a dedicated party deck. The 4135GT interior meanwhile includes accommodation for up to 20 guests, comprising an owner’s stateroom on the private bridge deck, four VIP staterooms on the main deck and four guest cabins on the lower deck. Other features include a 75 square metre cinema and a large heli-lobby. 

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This Epic 350-Foot Hybrid Sailing-Yacht Concept Generates Its Own Electricity While Cruising

Juno is also capable of hitting 23 knots under sail alone., rachel cormack.

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Dixon Sailing Yacht Juno

In Roman mythology, Juno was queen of the gods. In the marine industry, she’s a sailing-yacht concept hoping to be queen of the high seas.

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In addition, Juno’s Falcon Rig ensures maximum efficiency with minimal effort. Unlike a conventional rig that requires a full crew, this nifty sailing system can be operated singlehandedly. On top of that, Juno’s advanced hybrid-propulsion system includes propellers that actually generate electricity while the vessel’s sailing.

Dixon Sailing Yacht Juno

“This is a future-proof statement yacht, for a customer who is not afraid to do something different,” the studio said in a statement. “It defies sailing convention but not the sailing experience.”

Onboard, meanwhile, eight generous guest cabins are spread across four decks. There is also one “intimate deck” reserved for the owner, which is centered around a full-beam owner’s suite. On the main deck, the sprawling main salon leads outdoors to a beach bar and a 26-foot swimming pool aft.

At the stern, the open transom and expandable swim platform connect to a beach club with shell doors that open on each side. You’ll also find a gym, a sauna and a cinema nearby. As for toys, Juno can store a limousine and sports tender measuring 33 feet, respectively. The yacht is also fitted with a tender platform amidship that provides direct access to the main deck lobby.

Queen of the seas, indeed.

Rachel Cormack is a digital editor at Robb Report. She cut her teeth writing for HuffPost, Concrete Playground, and several other online publications in Australia, before moving to New York at the…

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Omsk , officially the Siberian Black League , is a warlord state in Western Siberia. Occupying the territory of the former Omsk Oblast, it borders Tomsk to the north, the Kazakh SSR to the south, Tyumen to the east, and Novosibirsk to the west.

  • 2.1 National spirits
  • 2.2 Cabinet
  • 3.1 Generals

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union , the city of Omsk, initially held by the West Siberian People's Republic , was seized by a league of ultranationalists sharing views of anti-German sentiment and revanchism. Led by Dmitry Karbyshev 's All-Russian Black League, upon the seizing of Omsk, the ultranationalist regime had to industrialize and fortify it. In a way, some could say it's nothing but a fortified city in which the Black League militarizes and prepares for its future conflicts.

The political system of Omsk is governed as a militarist one-party state since its founding, ruled by Karbyshev and his like-minded comrades of the All-Russian Black League, an organization fanatically devoted to revanchism against the Greater Germanic Reich . However, at heart, Karbyshev is a Russian and while he sought to create an ultranationalist military state to take revenge against Germany, he did not account for the despots that wished to claim as much power as possible from him. Karbyshev is represented in-game as a dying man soon to fall, due to him leading a brutal military dictatorship, while being opposed to the radical rhetoric of his officer clique. The Black League has since become an ultranationalist state, even more radical in their hatred of Germany. Due to Karbyshev's declining health, many of the other officers have gained massive influence in the leadership of Omsk. The reality is that Karbyshev started a movement that assumed it was able to change the hearts of the despots with nationalism rather than terror; but it has since been corrupted beyond his visions, and there is little he can do to stop the train of degeneracy. Indeed, once Karbyshev dies and Omsk is still around, actual ultranationalist and General Dmitry Yazov will assume leadership of the Black League and prevent the despotic cliques from growing.

Under the sheer doctrine of anti-German sentiment, the theory of the “Great Trial” in Omsk comes in. This is where the warlord state will prepare for its final assault on the Reich, as revenge for the “First Trial” which brought the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the “Second Trial” being the West Russian War . Their hatred doesn't stop with just Germany, but it includes many who collaborated with them. Some officers of the Black League even go as far as to want to destroy the United States for not helping enough during the Great Patriotic War. In preparation for their war with Germany, they are expectant of nuclear strikes and so have started to construct massive metro tunnels to double as shelter from the warheads and radioactive fallout. The resolve of the Black League cannot be stopped, even with the threat of nuclear war.

Omsk is one of the hardest paths in TNO, due to it being weaker than a lot of the surrounding warlords and being unable to conduct diplomacy at all. To reunite Russia, Omsk will have to fight every single state in its way. Their end goal is the complete extermination of the Reich and the German people, and they will stop at nothing to reach this. They are hard-coded for hostility and are always at war with someone, but an AI Omsk will almost always never be successful. Despite being founded on nothing but hatred, when they unify Western Siberia and start to emerge on the international stage, they actually try to conceal their ideology and ambitions from foreign influences. They stick with a nondescript name of the “West Siberian Provisional Authority” under the guise of a protective military authority and switch their ideology to “Despotism”.

National spirits

During the Last Trial, each of us saw and faced Hell on Earth. The Nazis razed our cities, slaughtered our families, and shattered the Union we worked so hard to build. And as the world unraveled around us, we resolved to never again allow the Teuton to despoil our homes. Never again would we tremble in fear as the jackboot trampled on our soil.

Whatever the cost, whatever the sacrifice, the day of the will come.

On that day, they will feel our terrible vengeance.

Our backs are pressed against the wall, our supplies run low, and yet morale is as high as ever. Each and every son and daughter of the Black League know their mission and know they have nothing to lose, for the Last Trial already robbed them of everything. This simple truth has transformed the League from a band of disgruntled veterans to an army with discipline unparalleled in the Russian wastes.

We will survive our current, dire circumstances, we will rebuild what was lost, and when the comes, we will repay our enemies for every life lost.

It is a sad fact that the founder of the Black League, General Karbyshev, is not as young as he once was. As he has aged, though his mind is as sharp as ever, his body has become frail and weak. The people weep to know that he is not long for this world; and yet not all is lost. The loyal sons and daughters of the Black League's officer corps are glad to receive and deliver General Karbyshev's orders, and even to reinterpret them when the General's mind has slipped.
It is a service that most are glad to perform, no matter how much the General begs for it to end.

Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
Head of government Political Protege Political Power Gain:
Viktor Abakumov Foreign minister Iron-Fisted Brute
Alexander Kharkhardin Economy minister Corrupt Kleptocrat
Konstantin Valukhin Security minister Prince of Terror Political Power Gain:

After Dmitry Yazov comes to power and purges the Black League's old guard, the cabinet changes to:

Cabinet member Role Ideology Trait(s) and effects
Head of government Devoted Follower Political Power Gain: Stability:
Foreign minister The Cloak-n-Dagger Schemer:
Evgeny Pitovranov Economy minister Military Entrepreneur: Infrastructure Construction Speed:
Security minister Template:Spymaster

Omsk has at least eleven generals.

  • Ironically, according to a former developer of West Siberia, Omsk at one point had a National Socialist path as a "sane" option, due to now-former head developer Pink Panzer wanting every region in Western Siberia to have multiple paths. This was changed after the other developers convinced him to have Omsk only have one path.
  • Omsk was partially inspired by the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia , a militant group that aspired to carve out an ethnic Armenian homeland in eastern Turkey.
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  1. These extreme sailing superyacht concepts prove that the sky’s the limit

    sail yacht concept

  2. Phoenicia Sailing Yacht concept by Igor Lobanov

    sail yacht concept

  3. These extreme sailing superyacht concepts prove that the sky’s the limit

    sail yacht concept

  4. These extreme sailing superyacht concepts prove that the sky’s the limit

    sail yacht concept

  5. InMind

    sail yacht concept

  6. These extreme sailing superyacht concepts prove that the sky’s the limit

    sail yacht concept


  1. These extreme sailing superyacht concepts prove that the sky's the limit

    Perhaps most strikingly, he would power the boat with a 20m/65ft dual wing-sail of his own devising, called the WM2. He has compared rig types including traditional flexible sails and the odd ...

  2. The 7 superyacht concepts that got everyone talking in 2023

    Open-plan, flexible layouts prevail, seen best in the beach club which has head heights of three metres, fold-down terraces and integrated sliding glass partitions. The Dutch studio has a number of award-winning yachts in its portfolio, including the 60-metre Heesen yacht Lusine and the 77.2-metre Pi. Read More / Sinot reveals 80m concept Aware ...

  3. Project Sonata Is a 351-Foot Sailing Yacht That Cruises Like a Liner

    Meet Project Sonata, a Rule-Breaking 351-Foot Sailing Yacht That Cruises Like a Luxury Liner. If ever built, Sonata would be a first for sailing superyachts. It would have high-tech sails, but ...

  4. 7 Bold New Superyacht Concepts We Want to See on the Water

    Tankoa Yachts introduces a new technical platform with its 249-foot T760 Apache concept. Key to the design is a 31-foot "flying" glass-bottomed pool suspended in the bow between the upper deck ...

  5. The 10 Best Superyacht Concepts of 2023

    Fresh from delivering the 410-foot Koru, the world's largest sailing yacht, to new owner Jeff Bezos, and the 357-foot Seven Seas to Steven Spielberg, Oceanco has unveiled Aeolus, a concept for a ...

  6. The most extreme superyacht concepts in the world

    M51 and Anthony Glasson's 95-metre concept aims to combine the eco-minded features of a sailboat with the comfort, propulsion and range of a motor yacht of its size. The motorsailer is designed with two inflatable, computer-controlled wing sails, a newly developing technology that reduces the need for complex deck equipment such as winches and ...

  7. WING 100

    WING 100 offers the perfect platform for a visionary owner looking to minimize footprint. The concept is well advanced towards fully sustainable technology and Royal Huisman expertise is on hand to ensure the owner realizes the full potential of his or her dreams. Royal Huisman supersized sailing yachts: SEA EAGLE II (81m / 266ft), PROJECT 410 ...

  8. 10 of the most exciting new superyacht concepts

    Ice Kite: This unique eco-friendly superyacht concept can be pulled along by a 1,700-square-foot kite. Red Yacht Design. Ice Kite: By blending kite sailing with a low resistance hull and two ...

  9. Top 10 Superyacht Concepts of the Year

    Massive foils deploy from the sides of the yacht's rounded carbon-fiber hull, while a trio of 5,000 hp engines would elevate the yacht out of the water and punch it to a top speed of over 80 mph. It's a similar concept used in the latest America's Cup AC75 foiling monohull sailboats, along with a crop of electric powerboats and surfboards.

  10. Abeking & Rasmussen unveils 90m Elemental sailing yacht concept

    Abeking & Rasmussen, Tripp Design and Studio Liaigre have teamed up on a 90 metre sailing yacht concept named Elemental Sail. Announced at the 2021 Monaco Yacht Show, the concept is one of two new designs by the trio that form the 'elemental project' which aims to make "motor yachts more energy-efficient and sailing yachts more user friendly."

  11. Briand SY300 : true sailing experience on a 90-metre megayacht

    Philippe Briand has unveiled the latest sailing yacht concept to come from his London- based design studio: the 90-metre (300-foot) Briand SY300. With a traditional sailing rig, the 1,550-tonne ketch has been created to outperform other sailing megayachts on the water today, as well as to provide a head-turning aesthetic and ultimate comfort on ...

  12. The futuristic superyacht concept that can fly as well as sail

    A rendeing of Air Yacht, a new concept from Lazzarini Design Studio that will "sail in the sky" as well as the sea. In addition to its apparent flying capabilities, the Air Yacht has also been ...

  13. Meet Crystal, a New Sailing-Yacht Concept With Shiny Geometric Glazing

    This Massive 325-Foot Sailing-Yacht Concept Was Designed to Catch the Light Like a Gem Meet Crystal, a three-mast schooner with geometric glazing you can see straight through. Modified on August ...

  14. Are concept yachts really the future? We take a look at three of the

    Sailing yacht DOUBLE LUCK is the third collaboration from this team and follows 110m super yacht KAOS and 85.5m super yacht AMORE VERO. 105m superyacht concept 5 Th ELEMENT Superyacht 5TH ELEMENT is more than a yacht concept, but a lifestyle created by Theodoros Fotiadis Design with a focus on nature and wellbeing which reflects the five ...

  15. Used Concept 303 for Sale

    The "Concept 303" offers the perfect balance between a fast sailing yacht and a comfortable cruiser. Whether you're looking for a weekend escape, a coastal cruiser, or a live-aboard, this 1989 model stands out as an excellent choice.

  16. Ocean Independence reveals 107.35m DynaRig sailing yacht concept

    Ocean Independence has revealed a 107.35 metre DynaRig sailing yacht concept named Project Sonata. Advertised with a build time of 38 months, Project Sonata was designed by Valentin Design, which was briefed to "create a buildable, eco-friendly superyacht of tomorrow" in collaboration with German shipyard Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven.

  17. Revealed: Nuvolari Lenard's 100m sailing yacht concept Vento

    Nuvolari Lenard has revealed a 100 metre "megasailer" superyacht concept named Vento at the Venice Boat Show. The latest superyacht concepts. Designed for a "realistic return to sustainable sailing", Vento is described by the studio as a "radical concept" that "integrates all the parameters of pure sailing with the needs of today ...

  18. jeanneau yacht 51

    BOAT OF THE YEAR; Newsletters; Sailboat Reviews; Boating Safety; Sails and Rigging; Maintenance; Sailing Totem; Sailor & Galley; Living Aboard; Destinations; Gear ...

  19. 10 Superyacht Concepts With Outrageous Features

    Modified on June 25, 2024 Published on June 24, 2024. By Julia Zaltzman. File. Among the most outrageous yachts ever built, Sailing Yacht A and Yas are top of the list. The polarizing designs are ...

  20. Flag of Omsk Oblast

    The main background of the flag of Omsk Oblast is red.It symbolizes bravery, courage, fearlessness. It is the colour of life, charity, and love. The white symbolizes nobility, purity, justice, generosity, and indicates the climatic features of Siberia.. The wavy azure (blue) post symbolizes the Irtysh River, the main waterway of the oblast. . Allegorically, the blue reflects beauty, majesty, an

  21. Omsk Oblast

    Omsk Oblast (Russian: О́мская о́бласть, romanized: Omskaya oblast') is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast), located in southwestern Siberia.The oblast has an area of 139,700 square kilometers (53,900 sq mi). Its population is 1,977,665 (2010 Census) [9] with the majority, 1.12 million, living in Omsk, the administrative center.One of the Omsk streets

  22. The best superyacht concepts from 2021

    Kurt Strand Design's superyacht concept, the 161 metre Norway, was inspired by the "powerful square sails" of Viking ships.Key features include the 96-metre-high carbon fibre Falcon rig masts and the 6000sqm of sails, wrapped in solar cell foil. Boosting the concept's eco-focused credentials further are its hydrogen power cells which enable Norway to cruise when there is no light.

  23. This Epic 350-Foot Hybrid Sailing-Yacht Concept Generates Its Own

    In the marine industry, she's a sailing-yacht concept hoping to be queen of the high seas. The new 350-footer, which comes from the drawing board of Dixon Yacht Design, combines the comfort and ...

  24. Omsk

    Omsk, officially the Siberian Black League, is a warlord state in Western Siberia. Occupying the territory of the former Omsk Oblast, it borders Tomsk to the north, the Kazakh SSR to the south, Tyumen to the east, and Novosibirsk to the west. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the city of Omsk, initially held by the West Siberian People's Republic, was seized by a league of ...