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Larry Page, Lars Windhorst, Ralph Dommermuth Die Luxusyachten der Tech-Milliardäre

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Ob Computer-, Internet- oder Biotechnologie-Hintergrund – viele Gründer oder Investoren aus diesem Ranking sind jung und mit großen Formaten ins Yachting eingestiegen. Viele von ihnen betätigen sich philanthropisch.

Rang 10: "Gene Machine", Eigner: Jonathan Rothberg

Der US-amerikanische Chemie-Ingenieur entwickelte mit seiner – 2007 verkauften – Firma 454 Life Sciences eine Methode zur ebenso schnellen wie günstigen DNA-Sequenzierung, daher auch der Name seiner Yacht: "Gene Machine". Dr. Jonathan Rothberg, der eine Professur in Yale innehat, betreibt zudem einen Inkubator für Medizintechnik und Medikamenten-Start-ups. Diese präsentiert er regelmäßig bei einem Investoren-Pitch auf seiner 55 Meter langen Amels 188, etwa für ein portables MRT-Gerät oder ein Ultraschallgerät, das Bilder auf dem Handy anzeigt.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Reich durch Bio-Tech: Jonathan Rothberg 2012 vor seinem Genom-Sequenzierer.

Den Corona-Lockdown verbrachten Rothberg, seine Frau und die sechs Kinder zwischen neun und 24 Jahren an Bord ihrer Yacht. Schnell kam Rothberg die Idee eines molekularen Covid-19-Schnelltests, der ohne Laboratorien auskommt. Die Probe wird über einen Abstrich unter den Nasenlöchern genommen und von einem hermetisch geschlossenen System ausgewertet.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 9: "Skat", Eigner: Charles Simonyi

Es ist äußerst wahrscheinlich, dass der Microsoft-Programmierer, der die Word- und Excel-Entwicklung leitete, sich nach 19 Jahren auf seiner 71-Meter-Lürssen "Skat" um 19 Meter vergrößert. Zum einen zeigten die Espen-Øino-Linien mit den achterlichen Wintergartenaufbauten beim technischen Stapellauf eindeutige Parallelen zur Vorgängerin, zum anderen zierten den negativen Steven eine ungarische und eine schwedische Flagge, was den Staatsbürgerschaften von Charles Simonyi und seiner Frau entspricht.

Lürssen verholte den 90 Meter messenden Stahl-Alu-Kasko am Standort Rendsburg in ein Schwimmdock, um das Interior nach Vorgaben des Hamburger Büros Dölker + Voges ausbauen zu lassen. Seine alte "Skat", was Schatz auf Dänisch bedeutet, richtete der italienische Modedesigner Marco Zanini ein.

Simonyis ikonische Fregattenyacht bietet das Brokerhaus Fraser für 56,5 Millionen Euro zum Kauf an.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Charles Simonyi bei einem Auftritt vor Studenten im Jahr 2009

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 8: Global, Eigner: Lars Windhorst

Lars Windhorst importierte bereits mit 14 Jahren Computerteile aus Asien nach Deutschland, das Gymnasium verließ er mit 16. Er war das Wunderkind der New Economy, flog als 18-Jähriger mit Helmut Kohl und seiner Wirtschaftsdelegation um die Welt, lebte hauptsächlich in Hongkong – und landete nach dem Platzen der Dotcom-Blase mit 70 Millionen Euro Schulden in der Privatinsolvenz.

Windhorst kämpfte sich nach einem Flugzeugabsturz und erneuter Firmenpleite im Jahr 2009 durch riskante Unternehmensbeteiligungen zurück.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Ende 2013 tätigte Windhorst eine Akquisition mit privatem und geschäftlichem Nutzen. Auf der 68 Meter langen "Global", die 2007 bei Lürssen als "Kismet" vom Stapel lief, empfing Windhorst Anfang des Jahres den Hertha-BSC-Kader, nachdem er bei dem Berliner Verein eingestiegen war.

Seine Investmentgruppe beteiligt sich an Tech-Firmen und ist Eigentümerin der Flensburger Schiffbaugesellschaft.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 7: "Athena", Eigner: Jim Clark

Der gebürtiger Texaner und Stanford-Absolvent Jim Clark entwickelte mit Edwin Catmull einen Algorithmus, der unter anderem die Grundlage für Renderings bildet.

James, genannt Jim, Clark gründete 1993 den erfolgreichen Webbrowser Netscape, der sich Ende der Neunzigerjahre einen Browserkrieg mit dem Internet Explorer von Microsoft lieferte. 1998 ging Netscape für 4,2 Milliarden Dollar an AOL, und die Codes bildeten die Grundlage für Mozilla, ehe der Browser-Dino 2008 eingestellt wurde.

2004 taufte der begeisterte Segler Clark bei Royal Huisman seinen 90 Meter langen Gaffeldreimaster auf den Namen "Athena". In den letzten Jahren versuchte Clark, das Pieter-Beeldsnijder-Design gemeinsam mit der J-Class "Hanuman" für – so wird kolportiert – zusammen 95 Millionen Euro zu verkaufen.

Jim Clarks Frau, das australische Ex-Model Kristy Hinze-Clark, nimmt mit dem gemeinsamen 100-Füßer "Comanche" weltweit an Regatten teil.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 6: "Andromeda"

Als Eigner der Yacht wird Yuri Milner gehandelt, der die Eignerschaft aber nicht bestätigen will. Der Risikokapital-Guru russischer Abstammung blickt auf eine akademische Vita als Physiker zurück und baute mit Mail.ru das russische Pendant zu GMX und Yahoo auf.

Mit seinem Fonds DST Global Limited investierte Milner vergleichsweise spät und daher große Summen in Facebook. Vier Jahre nach dem Börsengang des sozialen Netzwerks erhielt Milner 1,73 Milliarden Dollar für 45,6 Millionen Aktien, ein Coup, der ihm Legendenstatus im Silicon Valley einbrachte.

Mag sein, dass Yuri Milner auf Usmanovs "Dilbar" auf den Yachting-Geschmack gekommen ist, jedenfalls soll er 2017 den XXL-Explorer "Andromeda" (Ex-"Ulysses") in sein privates Portfolio aufgenommen haben. Die 107 Meter ließ sich der Neuseeländer Graeme Hart in Norwegen und Bremerhaven bauen, nach Plänen von Marin Teknikk und mit einem Interior von H2 Yacht Design.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Verschwiegen: Yuri Milner (Archivbild) ließ die Yachtanschaffung dementieren, nachdem zuvor Mark Zuckerberg als Eigner gehandelt worden war

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 5: "Blue Papillon", Eigner: Ralph Dommermuth

Der Unternehmer aus dem Westerwald gilt als Deutschlands erster Internet-Milliardär. Sein United-Internet-Imperium, das heute unter anderem die E-Mail-Plattformen GMX und Web.de sowie den DSL-Anbieter 1 & 1 umfasst, fußt auf einem 1988 gegründeten Marketingunternehmen. Dommermuths Dienste nahmen Softwarefirmen und die Deutsche Telekom in Anspruch.

Als treibende und vor allem geldgebende Kraft hinter der ersten und bislang einzigen deutschen America’s-Cup-Kampagne trat er 2005 als Segler in die Öffentlichkeit. Für seine eigene Yacht wandte sich "Mr. Internet" an die erste Adresse für Supersegler, Royal Huisman aus dem niederländischen Vollenhove.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Ralph Dommermuth arbeitete mit Germán Frers einen eleganten 43-Meter-Riss aus und mit Rhoades Young Design ein klassisch zurückgenommenes Interior. Der Steuerstand liegt beinahe mittschiffs und lässt Freiraum für eine achterliche Eignerterrasse.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 4: "Joy", Eigner: Sean Parker

"Weißt du, was cool ist? Eine Milliarde." Das sagte Sean Parker zu Mark Zuckerberg, als sie im Film "The Social Network" über Millionen-Dollarbeträge sprachen. Mit 24 Jahren ebnete er Facebook als erster Präsident den Weg zum Konzern, um das Start-up 2005 nach einem Jahr zu verlassen.

Parker fing früh an zu programmieren und gründete mit 19 Jahren die Filesharing-Plattform Napster mit. Ironischerweise investierte er als einer der Ersten Millionenbeträge in Spotify und machte die schwedische Plattform in den USA groß.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Sean Parker (Archivbild) soll sich 2017 mit 37 (!) Jahren die 70 Meter lange "Joy" zugelegt haben. Das Bannenberg-&-Rowell-Design hatte Feadship im Jahr 2016 an einen ebenfalls jungen Finanzunternehmer aus Indien geliefert – mit Basketballcourt auf dem Vorschiff. Parker wurde zum Facebook-Kritiker, betätigt sich mit einer Stiftung philanthropisch und verchartert "Joy" ab 700.000 Euro.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 3: "Dragonfly", Eigner: Sergey Brin

Der 1973 in Moskau geborene Sergey Brin wurde wie sein Google-Kompagnon im Jahr 2011 zum Yachtie, als er das 73 Meter lange und 27 Knoten schnelle Silver-Format "Dragonfly" erwarb. Brin nutzt die Yacht, die eine Reichweite von 4500 Seemeilen bei 18 Knoten hat, für seine schnelle Hilfstruppe Global Support and Development (GSD), die weltweit innerhalb von 24 Stunden Erstversorgung und Wiederaufbau leistet.

Der erste Einsatz führte 2015 nach Vanuatu im Südpazifik, nachdem Zyklon Pam gewütet hatte. GSD hat 100 freie und 20 feste Mitarbeiter, die sich aus ehemaligen Navy Seals, Piloten, Sanitätern und der Yachtcrew zusammensetzen.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Sergey Brins (Archivbild) neuestes Flottenmitglied ist ein mit Helium betriebenes Luftschiff, das derzeit auf einem Flugfeld unweit von Palo Alto entsteht

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 2: "Senses", Eigner: Larry Page

Google-Gründer Larry Page besitzt ein Stück Yachtinggeschichte. Die Linien der 59 Meter langen "Senses" bestellte der französische Yachtsammler Jack Setton bei Martin Francis, das Interior bei Philippe Starck. Die Arbeiten bei Stahlbau Nord und Schweers managte Claus Kusch. Gründe für die Werftwahl waren die Bauzeit von nur 18 Monaten und die kommerzielle Expertise.

Für Setton war der 1999 gewasserte Eisklasse-Explorer ein Arbeitstier, ähnlich einem Jeep. Davon zeugten 40-Knoten-RIB, Acht-Meter-Sportfisherman und eine 28 Fuß (8,53 Meter) lange Herreshoff-Slup.

Page übernahm 2011 vom neuseeländischen Brauerei-Erben Sir Douglas Myers auch die 14 Meter lange Nelson 42, die selbst bei schwerem Seegang eine Heckwanne herunterrutscht – wie auf Seenotrettungskreuzern, die sonst bei Schweers geschweißt wurden. Der Google-Gründer bestückt das Hauptbeiboot vornehmlich mit Surfboards und Kite-Equipment und lädt regelmäßig die Board-Sport-Elite zu sich an Bord ein.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Für eine Wochenrate von 400.000 Euro verchartert Larry Page (Archivbild) seine Yacht auch an zehn Gäste.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Rang 1: "Mogambo" / Power Play, Eigner: Jan Koum

2009 gründete Jan Koum WhatsApp mit seinem Yahoo-Kollegen Brian Acton. Der Verkauf an Facebook im Jahr 2014 brachte den Gründern insgesamt 16 Milliarden Euro ein. Einen Teil bildeten Facebook-Aktien, ausgeschüttet nach vierjährigem Verbleib im Unternehmen.

Acton überwarf sich mit Zuckerberg und stieg ein Jahr vor Erhalt der letzten Rate aus. Der gebürtige Ukrainer Koum strich seine Aktienanteile im Wert von 850 Millionen Dollar ein und verließ Facebook kurz darauf. Der Porsche-Fanatiker – seine Sammlung zählt rund 100 Exponate, vornehmlich luftgekühlt, nie schwarz und immer bei einem Freund in Deutschland aufbereitet – soll 2018 auch Eigner von "Mogambo" (Foto) geworden sein. Die 74 Meter zählten zu fünf Yachten, die 2012 bei Nobiskrug entstanden.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Kurze Zeit später, das verrieten AIS-Daten, bereicherte der Yachtversorger "Power Play" Koums Flotte. Auf den 55 Metern wurde nachträglich ein Helihangar installiert, der auf einer Schiene nach vorn rutscht und die Landefläche freigibt.

ralph dommermuth yacht

In diesem Jahr kreiste "Power Play" wiederum auffällig häufig um die neue 99,50-Meter-Feadship "Moonrise" herum, unter anderem in Kroatien. Das wäre die absolute Krönung für den Studienabbrecher Koum, der in der Öffentlichkeit meist in T-Shirt, Jeans und Sneakers auftritt.

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Diese Top-Ten-Liste stammt aus der Zeitschrift:

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Ausgabe:  BOOTE EXCLUSIV 6/20 November-Dezember 

Mehr lesen über

Ob Computer-, Internet- oder Biotechnologie-Hintergrund – viele Gründer oder Investoren aus diesem Ranking sind jung und mit großen Formaten ins Yachting eingestiegen. Viele von ihnen betätigen sich philanthropisch. Rang 10: "Gene Machine", Eigner: Jonathan Rothberg Der US-amerikanische Chemie-Ingenieur entwickelte mit seiner – 2007 verkauften – Firma 454 Life Sciences eine Methode zur ebenso schnellen wie günstigen DNA-Sequenzierung, daher auch der Name seiner Yacht: "Gene Machine". Dr. Jonathan Rothberg, der eine Professur in Yale innehat, betreibt zudem einen Inkubator für Medizintechnik und Medikamenten-Start-ups. Diese präsentiert er regelmäßig bei einem Investoren-Pitch auf seiner 55 Meter langen Amels 188, etwa für ein portables MRT-Gerät oder ein Ultraschallgerät, das Bilder auf dem Handy anzeigt.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Steward Health Care Chairman and CEO Ralph de la Torre speaking in Gozo in 2018 as Armin Ernst (first from left) looks on.

Opinion: Ralph is in a hurry, his yachts are waiting

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The charming cardiac surgeon always seemed like a man in a hurry.  Ralph de la Torre,  Steward Healthcare System CEO, had no time to waste.  He wanted to conclude the lucrative deal with disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat as quickly as possible.

Armin Ernst, CEO of Steward Healthcare International, urged the company lawyer on 27 January 2018 to seal the deal because “Ralph does not want to wait,” emails revealed.

By April 2018, de la Torre was feted in Castille by Joseph Muscat, who deftly duped the country: “The relationship (between Steward and Malta) will bring excellent results to Malta’s healthcare”.

De la Torre added his two cents: “Steward will be providing a transparent service”.

Reporters weren’t allowed to ask questions as Muscat escorted de la Torre away.

Those reporters were only allowed in for five minutes – after that, Muscat and de la Torre met behind closed doors.

Meanwhile, Muscat’s Deputy, Chris Fearne, was busy reinforcing Muscat’s lies.  Steward, he told us, was “the real deal”.

Fearne now faces a criminal trial for his part in the biggest fraud in Malta’s history. Never since then has he apologised for duping the nation, and not once has he expressed any regret for lending his credibility to Muscat’s con.

Even after Muscat was ousted, Fearne continued to approve hundreds of millions of euro to be funnelled to Steward.

A joint investigation between the OCCRP, The Shift and The Times of Malta revealed the contents of filings before the US Securities and Exchange Commission.  These allege that Ralph de la Torre offered Joseph Muscat a seat on the Steward board after he left office.

De la Torre is busy hitting the headlines. He’s being blamed for Steward’s bankruptcy.

Steward hospitals are being shut down .  Workers were left unpaid .

A Steward hospital in Florida was infested with 3,000 bats.  Another in Phoenix, sizzling at 30 degrees Celsius, was forced to transfer patients out after its air-conditioning system was left to fall apart.  Its kitchen was closed for health violations, and the state ordered it to cease operations.

Massachusetts set aside US$80 million per year and paid US$30 million in advance to try and save some of the Steward hospitals in the State. Governor Maura Healey used her power as State Governor to take over St Elizabeth’s medical centre for public use, costing the State another US$4.5 million.

Two other hospitals, Carney Hospital and Nashoba Valley Medical Centre, which treated 23,000 patients and employed 1,250 people, are due to shut down.

Another two hospitals were closed in July. The New England Sinai Hospital closed its doors in April.

The American Prospect reported that Steward had been on an inevitable path to financial collapse since its previous owners, Cerberus Capital, looted the company of US$1.26 billion in 2016.

Steward was already in deep trouble when Muscat shook hands with de la Torre in Castille in 2018.

ralph dommermuth yacht

Disgraced former prime minister Joseph Muscat with his aides in a meeting Ralph de la Torre and Armin Ernst in 2018.

De la Torre made over US$100 million by selling all of Steward’s hospitals to a real estate investment trust called Medical Properties Trust (MPT) in a sale-leaseback deal which bound the hospitals to pay MPT extensive rent.

With that money, de la Torre bought a 190 foot yacht worth US$40 million dollars called Amaral and a US$15 million dollar sport fishing boat.

As Steward was losing hundreds of millions of dollars a year, de la Torre was paid at least US$250 million dollars.

No wonder he purchased a US$7.2 million, 500 acre ranch in Texas, and a massive mansion in Dallas.

A Steward affiliate, majority owned by de la Torre, purchased two private jets at a cost of us$95 million, the Boston Globe reported.

While Prime Minister Robert Abela was pumping hundreds of millions of our money to Steward, Ralph de la Torre married his 29-year-old second wife Nicole Costa in an elaborate ceremony on the Amalfi Coast.

At around the same time Steward paid US$3 million to Greenhill School in Texas where de la Torre’s two teenage sons from his first wedding were admitted to high school.

The health minister at the time the Vitals Global Healthcare deal was shifted to Steward, the health minister at the time, Chris Fearne, tried to convince us that Steward was “the real deal”.  Meanwhile, The Washington Post called Steward “the biggest hospitals failure in decades”.  Massachusetts’ Governor called Steward “a really bad operator”.

Massachusetts governor Maura Healey said, “I am disgusted by Ralph de la Torre”.

She said: “He basically stole millions out of Steward on the backs of patients and workers and bought himself fancy yachts, mansions and now lavish trips to Versailles”.

De la Torre was filmed attending an Olympics dressage event even as Steward hospitals were being closed down and he was subpoenaed to appear before Congress. “I hope he gets his just dues and that federal investigators will come after him”, she added.

Senator Bernie Sanders said, “Ralph de la Torre, Steward CEO is the poster child for the type of the outrageous corporate greed that is permeating our for-profit healthcare system.” He was right.

De la Torre kept spinning lies to the American public promising that his hospitals would continue to operate when he knew they were doomed to fail.

“Steward does not expect any interruptions to its day to day operations,” he said in May.  Steward kept trying to attract patients because they were its only source of income.  But Steward had stopped paying its suppliers and was short on everything – from medical supplies, toilet paper, to medical equipment. Just days later Steward hospitals were closing down or being possessed by the State.

Steward is now under federal investigation for fraud and corruption.  De la Torre will be dragged before Congress next month. He might yet be charged in Malta too.

A federal grand jury in Boston is investigating Steward to determine whether it violated anti-bribery laws in Malta.

Governor Healey laid the blame for Steward’s financial meltdown squarely at the feet of Ralph de la Torre. “Good riddance and goodbye,” was her parting shot.

Joseph Muscat told his friend de la Torre: “I am confident your involvement in this project and country will yield exceptional results”.

Robert Abela defended Steward’s record in parliament and attacked the magistrate who uncovered the shocking fraud in Labour’s Vitals-Steward deal.

When will Labour finally apologise to the country?

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It will be a long wait and meantime all those involved, whether in the US or Malta will continue to enjoy their ill gotten money at the expense of people who are being denied medical care.

And they couldn’t care less as long as the gravy train keeps stopping at their troughs!

Victor Vella

I am currently involved in the care of a relative, and can truthfully say that, it is clearly evident that the health care system in Malta is being denied the finance it needs to run smoothly. Start by getting rid of those so called security people, they are there doing nothing , and the number of clerks, some of whom do not care about the patients, and others who cannot guide a patient to the right direction. Yesterday we needed to go from Oncology Phlebotomy to Materdie Phlebotomy, which we did not know exactly where it was, a person on the phone gave us directions to the out patient department, ooops that is where the help stopped, ask these G4S people for Phlebotomy, and you see the stare of wonder, finally after searching the signage we made it to the department, the so called security guard insisted that he sees the paper appointment, no not digital copy, the paper copy, or else leave and come back with the paper. FFS 2024 and this idiot is insisting on a paper copy.Get to reception, after literally telling the guard where to go and how to get there, ans she is insisting that the patient does not have an appointment, show her the patients appointment email, and she does not know what hit her. It was only through the intervention of a woman, in a blue uniform, who I took to be a nurse, that we got seen to. These things are happening every single minute of the day.

Dr. Ivan Gatt

Grazie Profs – excellent report.


Good article Kevin, brings tears to my eyes thinking how the Maltese element in this horrendous scam are just giving everyone the finger and smirking every time they appear in court. Hopefully the Karma they get will nullify any hopes they have of a happy and lucrative retirement.


“Steward will be providing a transparent service”. So transparent, in fact, it can hardly be seen.


How much of this information was available to fearne in 2018?

Franco Vassallo

How about finding out about the testimony and submissions in thee arbitration proceedings between Steward and the Maltese Government [about our money]?

Joseph Tabone Adami

De la Torre is in a hurry, as his yacht, fishing boat and private jets are all waiting to ferry him around the globe on very costly joy-rides at the expense of all those he swindled.

It will take a longish time, one presumes, before he can do that. One only hopes that these possessions will still be in working order and available to him when he eventually finishes his prison sentence and will be free to enjoy them – if at all.

In the meantime, here in Mala, patients seeking emergency treatment at Mater Dei have to ‘enjoy’ waiting, sometimes in agonizing pain or discomfort, for 10 to 12 hours before being seen by doctors and medical personnel working under pressure – probably to be then found a stretcher and be dumped in a basement corridor with so many others in the same condition and without any privacy.

There were boundless millions for the De la Torres of Stewards for milking the local health system – but only plentiful inconvenience and misery for those who have to seek medical services at the public health facilities!

Qed tara ta’ xiex hallast, Gahan. Kompli capcap, siehbi!

Can AI produce a flow chart of all these deals? I wonder.

Carmelo borg

Chris FEARNE MHUX VERGNI daqs kemm jahseb li hu. MINIEX NGHID li hu KORROT IMMA ZGUR GHANDU XI IWIEGEB Chris xi kultant idhol fil YouTube fittex il PROGRAMM ta Xtra ta saviour balzan u erga ghara il PROGRAMM li kellek ma ONOR CLAUDETE

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Ralph dommermuth united internet ag's (etr:utdi) ceo is the most bullish insider, and their stock value gained 4.1%last week, key insights.

United Internet's significant insider ownership suggests inherent interests in company's expansion

The largest shareholder of the company is Ralph Dommermuth with a 54% stake

24% of United Internet is held by Institutions

Every investor in United Internet AG ( ETR:UTDI ) should be aware of the most powerful shareholder groups. And the group that holds the biggest piece of the pie are individual insiders with 54% ownership. In other words, the group stands to gain the most (or lose the most) from their investment into the company.

As a result, insiders scored the highest last week as the company hit €3.3b market cap following a 4.1% gain in the stock.

In the chart below, we zoom in on the different ownership groups of United Internet.

See our latest analysis for United Internet

What Does The Institutional Ownership Tell Us About United Internet?

Institutional investors commonly compare their own returns to the returns of a commonly followed index. So they generally do consider buying larger companies that are included in the relevant benchmark index.

As you can see, institutional investors have a fair amount of stake in United Internet. This can indicate that the company has a certain degree of credibility in the investment community. However, it is best to be wary of relying on the supposed validation that comes with institutional investors. They too, get it wrong sometimes. When multiple institutions own a stock, there's always a risk that they are in a 'crowded trade'. When such a trade goes wrong, multiple parties may compete to sell stock fast. This risk is higher in a company without a history of growth. You can see United Internet's historic earnings and revenue below, but keep in mind there's always more to the story.

United Internet is not owned by hedge funds. The company's CEO Ralph Dommermuth is the largest shareholder with 54% of shares outstanding. This implies that they possess majority interests and have significant control over the company. Investors usually consider it a good sign when the company leadership has such a significant stake, as this is widely perceived to increase the chance that the management will act in the best interests of the company. With 5.5% and 3.3% of the shares outstanding respectively, Bank of America Corporation, Asset Management Arm and Wellington Management Group LLP are the second and third largest shareholders.

While it makes sense to study institutional ownership data for a company, it also makes sense to study analyst sentiments to know which way the wind is blowing. There are a reasonable number of analysts covering the stock, so it might be useful to find out their aggregate view on the future.

Insider Ownership Of United Internet

While the precise definition of an insider can be subjective, almost everyone considers board members to be insiders. The company management answer to the board and the latter should represent the interests of shareholders. Notably, sometimes top-level managers are on the board themselves.

Most consider insider ownership a positive because it can indicate the board is well aligned with other shareholders. However, on some occasions too much power is concentrated within this group.

It seems that insiders own more than half the United Internet AG stock. This gives them a lot of power. That means insiders have a very meaningful €1.8b stake in this €3.3b business. It is good to see this level of investment. You can check here to see if those insiders have been selling any of their shares.

General Public Ownership

The general public, who are usually individual investors, hold a 22% stake in United Internet. While this size of ownership may not be enough to sway a policy decision in their favour, they can still make a collective impact on company policies.

Next Steps:

It's always worth thinking about the different groups who own shares in a company. But to understand United Internet better, we need to consider many other factors. Take risks for example - United Internet has 3 warning signs (and 1 which is significant) we think you should know about.

Ultimately the future is most important . You can access this free report on analyst forecasts for the company .

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Ralph Dommermuth

Age, biography and wiki.

Ralph Dommermuth was born on 19 November, 1963 in Dernbach, Germany, is a Chairman and CEO, United Internet. Discover Ralph Dommermuth's Biography, Age, Height, Physical Stats, Dating/Affairs, Family and career updates. Learn How rich is He in this year and how He spends money? Also learn how He earned most of networth at the age of 60 years old?

Popular As N/A
Occupation Chairman and CEO, United Internet
Zodiac Sign Scorpio
Born 19 November,
Birthday 19 November
Birthplace Dernbach, Germany

We recommend you to check the complete list of Famous People born on 19 November. He is a member of famous Chairman with the age 60 years old group. He one of the Richest Chairman who was born in Germany .

Ralph Dommermuth Height, Weight & Measurements

At 60 years old, Ralph Dommermuth height not available right now. We will update Ralph Dommermuth's Height, weight, Body Measurements, Eye Color, Hair Color, Shoe & Dress size soon as possible.

Physical Status
Height Not Available
Weight Not Available
Body Measurements Not Available
Eye Color Not Available
Hair Color Not Available

Who Is Ralph Dommermuth's Wife?

His wife is Judith Berger

Parents Not Available
Wife Judith Berger
Sibling Not Available
Children 1 (from an earlier marriage)

Ralph Dommermuth Net Worth

His net worth has been growing significantly in 2022-2023. So, how much is Ralph Dommermuth worth at the age of 60 years old? Ralph Dommermuth’s income source is mostly from being a successful Chairman. He is from Germany. We have estimated Ralph Dommermuth's net worth , money, salary, income, and assets.

Net Worth in 2023 $5.2 billion (July 2018)
Salary in 2023 Under Review
Net Worth in 2022 Pending
Salary in 2022 Under Review
House Not Available
Cars Not Available
Source of Income Chairman

Ralph Dommermuth Social Network


In 2017, when federal elections took place in Germany, the largest donation to a political party was provided by Dommermuth, Euro 500,000 Euro to the CDU, Germany's conservative party.

Dommermuth owns 40% of United Internet, the Germany-headquartered broadband provider, which manages the 1&1, GMX and Web.de brands, with 2015 turnover of Euro 3.7 billion, and 48 million customers in 11 countries.

After the initial success as a marketing service provider Dommermuth converted 1&1 into an internet service provider, beginning in 1996. In March 1998, the company had its IPO as the first German Internet company. Due to the capital increase carried out in this context, 1&1 had opportunity to participate in other IT companies such as GMX and Schlund + Partner AG. At the height of the internet boom in the early 2000s, 1&1 Holding held shares in 17 internet companies and Dommermuth renamed the company to United Internet.

In 1988, Dommermuth founded the 1&1 EDV Marketing GmbH together with a business partner. The first business idea was called "Software Börse", a marketing tool for software companies. For this product the company won the German direct marketing price in 1989. The Company also organized special exhibitions at the CEBIT in Hannover, such as the "Software-Zentrum Mittelstand" and "Software for Europe." In 1992, his company 1&1 was commissioned by Deutsche Telekom to sell Bildschirmtext-access-points and later T-Online accounts.

Ralph Dommermuth (born 1963) is a German businessman, the founder, chairman and CEO of United Internet.

Dommermuth was born in 1963 and raised as the son of a realtor in Montabaur, Germany. He has one brother. After initial training at the Deutsche Bank, he started to work as sales freelancer for a local PC dealer in his hometown Montabaur in 1983.

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Melges 20 World Championship : Volvo Ocean Race winner Illbruck World Champion: Michael Illbruck wins with Kostecki

 ·  28.08.2016

Melges 20 World Championship: Volvo Ocean Race winner Illbruck World Champion: Michael Illbruck wins with Kostecki

"It's a fantastic feeling, a very important result that I dedicate to my father Willy, who founded the success story of the 'Pinta' over 40 years ago, continued to write it with success after success and which continues today in the Melges 20," said Michael Illbruck after winning the title in the Melges 20 class off Scarlino/Italy.

Together with the US American John Kostecki and the Italian Federico Michetti, he was able to prevail on the last day of racing and take the title against 56 starters.

For Illbruck, the victory is perhaps a new beginning. In 2002, his team won the Volvo Ocean Race with skipper Kostecki. Illbruck wanted to use the momentum of this victory for an America's Cup campaign, and a boat, the "GER 68", had already been built. But a lack of sponsors led to the boat being abandoned and loaned to the New Zealanders. In 2006, Illbruck was almost on board United Internet's first German AC campaign, but there were differences of opinion with team owner Ralph Dommermuth. This was followed by a brief episode in the TP-52 class and in 2008 in the Melges 32.

Illbruck switched to motorsport and drove in the Porsche 997 GT 3 Cup.

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ralph dommermuth yacht


  1. BLUE PAPILLON Yacht • Ralph Dommermuth $30M Sailing Superyacht

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  2. Ralph Dommermuth: The Pioneer of Internet Service in Germany

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  3. BLUE PAPILLON Yacht • Ralph Dommermuth $30M Sailing Superyacht

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  4. BLUE PAPILLON Yacht • Ralph Dommermuth $30M Sailing Superyacht

    ralph dommermuth yacht

  5. BLUE PAPILLON Yacht • Ralph Dommermuth $30M Sailing Superyacht

    ralph dommermuth yacht

  6. Ralph Dommermuth: The Pioneer of Internet Service in Germany

    ralph dommermuth yacht


  1. BLUE PAPILLON Yacht • Ralph Dommermuth $30M Sailing Superyacht

    This exquisite yacht is not available for charter or sale, preserving its exclusivity. The owner of the Blue Papillon is German billionaire Ralph Dommermuth, founder of the United Internet Group. Sailing Yacht Blue Papillon carries an estimated value of $30 million with annual running costs around $3 million, reflecting the luxurious standards ...

  2. RALPH DOMMERMUTH • Net Worth $3 billion • House • Yacht

    Forbes estimates Dommermuth's net worth at $3 billion, making him Germany's first Internet Billionaire. Dommermuth is married to Judith Berger, a successful model and owner of the Juvia fashion brand. The couple resides in a modern home in Montabaur, Germany, as well as a house on the German island of Sylt.

  3. RALPH DOMMERMUTH • Net Worth $3 billion • House • Yacht

    From starting a marketing company in 1988 to building one of the largest Internet Service Providers, Dommermuth's journey has been remarkable. Forbes estimates Dommermuth's net worth at $3 billion, making him Germany's first Internet Billionaire. Dommermuth is married to Judith Berger, a successful model and owner of the Juvia fashion brand.

  4. Billionaire Superyacht Showdown: Who's Who at the 2018 Cannes ...

    Size: 146.49-foot yacht (Currently in Cannes) Source of wealth: Graff Diamonds. Net worth: $5.6 billion ... BLUE PAPILLON (Ralph Dommermuth) Size: 142 foot sailing yacht (Currently in Antibes ...

  5. Ralph Dommermuth

    Career. Dommermuth was born in 1963 and raised as the son of a realtor in Montabaur, Germany. He has one brother. After initial training at the Deutsche Bank, he started to work as sales freelancer for a local PC dealer in his hometown Montabaur in 1983. [1] In 1988, Dommermuth founded the 1&1 EDV Marketing GmbH together with a business partner.

  6. America's Cup: rebuilding with a system

    It seemed only a matter of time before main sponsor Ralph Dommermuth would lose interest. The quarrels surrounding Uwe Sasse were bound to leave their mark. ... The current organisation chart is shown in YACHT 4/06. The team is getting a face. Including the new team manager Michael Scheeren. Jörn Bock describes the new concept in the YACHT Report.

  7. America's Cup: "Sailing sensation"

    "Sailing sensation" - this is how Germany's largest daily newspaper "Bild" celebrates the realisation of the German campaign. And the "Financial Times Deutschland" ("FTD"), a business newspaper with a claim to seriousness, even ran the headline "The Miracle of Montabaur" on the second page, emphasising the entrepreneur from Montabaur, Ralph Dommermuth, who allegedly supported the syndicate ...

  8. America's Cup: Team Germany also sets sporting accents

    Power struggle on land, sporting upwind on the water: While the tug-of-war between CEO Uwe Sasse (Munich) and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and main sponsor Ralph Dommermuth (Montabaur) has flared up again in Team Germany, skipper Jesper Bank and his crew achieved brilliant races in the ninth pre-regatta for the America's Cup off Trapani at the start.

  9. German billionaire rallies business to migrant cause

    Six months ago a survey found that Germany's leading companies had hired only 54 refugees in full-time jobs. Ralph Dommermuth, a German entrepreneur who has led the country's largest corporate ...

  10. Luxusyachten: Die Schiffe der Tech-Milliardäre

    Larry Page, Lars Windhorst, Ralph Dommermuth Die Luxusyachten der Tech-Milliardäre. Die Luxusyachten der Tech-Milliardäre. Ob Computer-, Internet- oder Biotechnologie - viele Superreiche aus ...

  11. Opinion: Ralph is in a hurry, his yachts are waiting

    Steward Health Care Chairman and CEO Ralph de la Torre speaking in Gozo in 2018 as Armin Ernst (first from left) looks on. Opinion: Ralph is in a hurry, his yachts are waiting. Kevin Cassar. ... With that money, de la Torre bought a 190 foot yacht worth US$40 million dollars called Amaral and a US$15 million dollar sport fishing boat.

  12. 1&1-Gründer Dommermuth denkt an Abschied: So könnte es ohne ihn weitergehen

    Er ist einer der erfolgreichsten Gründer in Deutschland der vergangenen Jahrzehnte. Jetzt redet Ralph Dommermuth darüber, wie es in seinem Internetimperium ohne ihn weitergehen könnte.

  13. Ralph Dommermuth United Internet AG's (ETR:UTDI) CEO is the most

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  14. America's Cup: Restructuring

    United Internet CEO Ralph Dommermuth thanks those previously responsible for press, PR and marketing: "I would like to thank Eva Heil and Marcus Schaps, who came on board in stormy seas in addition to their original duties as Managing Director of GMX and Head of Press and Public Relations at United Internet AG respectively.

  15. BLAUE PAPILLON-Yacht • Ralph Dommermuth $30M Segel-Superyacht

    Erkunden Sie die majestätische Yacht Blue Papillon, ein prächtiges Segelschiff, das von der renommierten Royal Huisman Shipyard gebaut wurde und für seinen Luxus, seine Geschwindigkeit und seine Eleganz geschätzt wird. ... Ralph Dommermuth. Dommermuth, der einflussreiche Gründer der United Internet Group, ist bekannt für seine ...

  16. Biography of Ralph Dommermuth

    The best decision-maker directory. Ralph Dommermuth is currently Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer at United Internet, Chief Executive Officer at 1&1 and Chief Executive Officer at 1&1 Internet. At 1&1, Ralph Dommermuth has 55 colleagues including Christine Schoeneweis (Director), Friedrich Joussen (Director)….

  17. PDF Ralph Dommermuth

    Ralph Dommermuth ----- Personal Information Born: 1963 Nationality: German Place of residence: Montabaur (Germany) Supervisory Board Mandate at Tele Columbus AG ... Mr Dommermuth is a member of the following other statutory supervisory boards or comparable national and foreign supervisory bodies: 1&1 Versatel GmbH, Düsseldorf (Chairman of the ...

  18. Ralph Dommermuth Biography, Age, Height, Wife, Net Worth, Family

    In 1992, his company 1&1 was commissioned by Deutsche Telekom to sell Bildschirmtext-access-points and later T-Online accounts. Ralph Dommermuth (born 1963) is a German businessman, the founder, chairman and CEO of United Internet. Dommermuth was born in 1963 and raised as the son of a realtor in Montabaur, Germany. He has one brother.

  19. Yacht Blue Papillon • Royal Huisman • 2013 • Photos

    Ralph Dommermuth: Our Amazing Photo Gallery. SuperYachtFan. What began as a pastime for yacht spotting has evolved into a leading online destination for yachting enthusiasts, with thousands of visitors engaging with our content every day. Launched in 2009, ...

  20. America's Cup: Germany is in!

    For the first time, a German yacht is fighting for the sailing crown. Willy Kuhweide, Commodore of the German Challenger Yacht Club, registered the "United Internet Team Germany" as a challenger for the 32nd America's Cup last night at 10.30 p.m. in Valencia, just a few hours before the entry deadline. ... "Sailing as a high-tech sport and our ...

  21. RALPH DOMMERMUTH: The Pioneer of Internet Service in Germany

    Dive into the fascinating life of Ralph Dommermuth, Germany's first internet billionaire and founder of United Internet Group. Learn about his journey, achievements, family, and lifestyle. He is owner of the yacht Blue Papillon

  22. Melges 20 World Championship : Volvo Ocean Race winner ...

    His team Illbruck-Challenge had won the Volvo Ocean Race, and the entrepreneur made two attempts at the America's Cup. Now he has become world champion