Optimising Hull Lines for Performance

This article was inspired by a question about the rocker line in the new 8.5m cat Design 256 and I want to stick to the point, so we won’t turn it into a book, but I’ll discuss two issues, hull fineness ratio and some aspects of the rocker profile.

When you manipulate the hull form you’re adjusting the lines in three planes, waterplanes (plan view), buttocks (side view including the keel rocker) and the section shapes. So you need to be aware of how the shapes are changing in the other two planes as you manipulate any one of these three, or all three globally as is now possible with computer modelling.

There are two fundamental constants that you start with and don’t change throughout the process. The big one is the displacement or the amount of buoyancy you need.

If you make the hull finer by narrowing the waterlines you have to increase the draft or make the ends fuller to get back to the required displacement number.

If you flatten the rocker line you have to increase the hull width, fill out the ends, or square up the section shapes rather than having a V or rounded V. 

The other constant is the longitudinal centre of buoyancy. You really can’t do any meaningful shaping of the hull form until you have settled on the these two constants.

A third number that we can plug in as a constant if we want to is the prismatic coefficient which describes bow much volume there is end the ends relative to the cross section shape in the middle of the boat, but in sailing boats this is of less importance compared to other factors. 

Lines plan for the Livewire Catamaran

The hull lines for Design 256, 8.5m Cat. It's that hump in the rocker line - right under the back of the cabin that brought up the question and is one of the key points discussed here.

Hull fineness.

Fine hulls are fast, but only in the higher speed range. There’s a misconception I come across quite a bit that you can add weight and windage and you’ll still be fast as long as your hulls are fine.

Well you won’t be. Your boat will simply sink to find the new state of equilibrium. If your transoms are submerged you’ll have more drag. If your bridge deck is too close to the water you’ll have slamming. Much better to be conservative with your displacement figure in the design stage than overly optimistic.

And fine hulls have more wetted area so you have more drag in light air where friction resistance is the primary drag factor. 

I’ve seen promotional material for catamarans stating that the boat has less wetted area because it has fine hulls. For a given displacement the minimum wetted area is described by a sphere (or a semi sphere in the case of a floating object). The more you stretch it out in length, keeping the displacement constant, the more wetted area you have.

The more you make the section shape into a deep V or a broad U with tight corners, as opposed to a semicircle, the more wetted area you have. Add into the equation finer hulls are slower to tack.

So fine hulls are only an advantage if your boat is light and has enough sail area to ensure you’re travelling at speeds where form resistance is greater than skin resistance.

In my view the advantage of fine hulls is often overrated as it applies to cruising cats.

At the other end of the scale the resistance curve is fairly flat up to about 1:9 which is still quite fast in most conditions. From there the resistance rises steeply as the hull gets fatter and at 1:8 and fatter you’re suffering from some serious form drag.

Illustration of buoyancy distribution in catamaran hull

This is the rocker line isolated from the lines plan above (in blue) and and the red line shows a more moderate rocker line that achieves the same buoyancy and maintains the centre of buoyancy in the same position.  The bow is to the right.

In the image lower right I've squashed it up and increased the height to make the difference in the lines more obvious.

The difference in the two lines is quite subtle, but races are often won or lost by seconds.

Rocker Profile

So if we’re looking for low wetted area we would want a rocker profile that was even and rounded, relatively deep in the middle and rising smoothly to the surface at each end. But this would give us a low prismatic which is not ideal in the higher speed range, and it’s not ideal for pitch damping which in my view is the critical design factor that is often underrated. 

Pitching is slow. It destroys the airflow in your sails and the flow around the hulls, and your performance is suffering from slamming loads.

The single most effective way to counter pitching is with asymmetry in the water planes. You can achieve that in the with a fine bow and broad transom. Or you can achieve it with V sections forward and a flattened U shape aft. Or you can achieve it in the profile view with a very straight run forward and a bump in the aft sections. A flatter rocker line is better for resisting pitching than an evenly curved one with deeper draft in the middle.

The final result is a combination of all three of these factors.

On a cat like Design 256 the weight is concentrated well aft so we need to get buoyancy well aft.

The kink you see in the rocker profile helps to do this. It also helps to keep the rocker straight for most of its length and smooth the water flow exiting the hull aft at higher speeds, possibly promoting some planing effect.

If we had a more even rocker line we would slightly reduce the wetted area, but we would increase the pitching and the water would exit the hull aft at a steeper angle, increasing form drag in the higher speed range.

How much of a bump can you put in there without creating a flow separation, and how damaging would that flow separation be? I really don’t know. The way all of these factors interplay in the various conditions we sail in is very complex.

Ultimately a lot of this work is gut feel nurtured by experience, observing things in nature and most importantly experimenting and trying new ideas.

Is the new Groupama AC45 a breakthrough that will influence the form of racing catamarans into the future? I don’t think anyone has a computer that can answer that. We have to wait and see.

Catamaran hull lines showing symmetric and asymmetric waterplanes

Symmetric and non symmetric water-planes. The blue line with grey fill is the DWL from the design above. As is typical with modern cat hulls the bow is long and fine, the stern is full and rounded. This is the asymmetry that has a damping effect on pitching. The red line on the other hand is more like you would see on a double ended monohull and quite a few multihulls have also used this shape in the past. It's quite symmetric about the pitch axis and does not have good pitch resistance.

Lines plan for the Livewire 28 Catamaran

The hull lines of the new 8.5m Sports Cat Design 256

Lines plan for Mad Max Design 101

Mad Max , Previously Carbon Copy . She was designed in 1997 but she's the current (2016) title holder of the Australian Multihull Chamionships (2 successive years) and the fastest inshore racing boat in Australian waters.

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best catamaran hull design

Catamaran Hulls- Everything You Need To Know

  • Post Written By: Boater Jer
  • Published: July 17, 2022
  • Updated: July 19, 2022

Catamaran Hulls- Everything you need to know at Boating.Guide.

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We only recommend products we’ve tried/tested/own (that’s why you won’t find thousands of affiliate links on my site). If you have experience with one of the products we’ve mentioned, please share your experiences in the comments at the end.

Catamaran hulls are not like normal boats but provide increased stability. Let’s take a look at these incredible boats and how their hulls create one of the most versatile watercraft available today.

The Tamil Cholas used catamarans to ferry their troops to invade Malaysia, Indonesia, and Burma. The early paravars or fishing communities in the southern part of Tamil Nadu used two-hulled boats to fish. Polynesian seafarers were also early users of the catamaran, utilizing the watercraft to get to hard-to-reach islands. ( source )

Although the catamaran hull concept is a relatively new introduction to modern boat design , the boat has been in use since the 5th century. It was used for fishing, traveling, and transporting people and supplies. 

Parts Of A Catamaran

Here are the basic parts of the modern sailing catamaran:

  • Hulls are what sets this boat apart from the rest. The catamaran has two hulls, while the monohull, as the name suggests, has only one hull. Most of the advantages of this boat are hinged on these two hulls. 
  • The bridge deck connects the two catamaran hulls. 
  • On top of the catamaran hulls and the bridge deck is the deck . It is where owners attach most of the equipment in a boat. 
  • You can locate the berth, the galley, and other living amenities in the cabin . 
  • The cockpit is where you find the navigation equipment of the boat . It is where you control the catamaran’s rudder, sails, and engine. 

Types Of Catamaran

Types of catamarans are explained on Boating.guide

The modern catamaran is far more different than its crude ancestor. Instead of tree cutouts, catamarans are now carbon fiber or fiberglass. Here are the different types of catamarans: 

Based On function

Pontoons are usually present on rivers and lakes and sometimes even on oceans, but they only travel near the shore.

In a catamaran pontoon-type boat, the pontoons serve as storage areas, where you will find the onboard motors. They are useful for water leisure activities such as short water trips, tubing, wakeboarding, and water skiing. 

Some pontoons may also serve as houseboats. They provide a broader, more stable platform ideal for a floating house. Plus, the space is bigger, and most of it is above water. It offers a better viewing option than a monohull. ( Source )

Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull is a catamaran-type boat that the United States Navy initially used for military purposes. They provide the water stability that is necessary when transporting heavy military equipment. 

One example of a military SWATH catamaran is the Spearhead class EPF. It is as long as a World War II escort destroyer, yet it is twice as fast at 43 knots. It can reach that speed because of its two separate hulls.

Because of their innate speed, SWATH catamarans can become patrol boats in lakes and rivers. They can easily outrun and outmaneuver standard watercraft.  

Nowadays, there are SWATH cruise ships and other non-military variations. ( Source )

Based On Design

  • Sailing Catamaran

The smaller sailing catamarans do not have auxiliary engines, so the owner can propel the boat by harnessing the wind using the sails. It’s a popular choice for people with very little or no sailing experience because they are light and easy to use. 

The larger sailing catamarans are for group charters and long-distance cruising. They have become so popular lately that they now outnumber monohulls in tropical locations all over the world. They have a last, a headsail, and a mainsail. And the twin hulls have one engine each. 

  • Power Catamaran

Unlike their sailing cousins, the powered catamarans do not have sails. They have massive engines which provide high speed. Their twin hulls are stronger and can carry and protect the large motors. 

The smaller “powercats” are used mainly for fishing. The bigger ones are rented out for charters and cruises. 

Catamaran Hulls Performance 

Thanks to the catamaran hulls, the boat offers many advantages over other boat types. 

  • Because its dual-hull design provides a broader base, it offers more water stability than monohull boats. It makes the cat (catamaran) a popular choice for fishing expeditions and cruises.
  • Riding a catamaran is ideal for people who feel seasick whenever they ride boats. The twin hulls prevent the boat from moving from side to side. The hulls allow the boat to travel smoothly, even on moderately choppy waters.
  • The catamaran is the best choice when storing provisions and other household items with less heeling and bobbing. 
  • The twin hulls’ stability is ideal for many activities such as cooking and partying. 
  • Cats offer more moving space because of their broader base, thanks to dual hulls.
  • With a catamaran, you have two great options on where to hang out. You can do it on the spacious deck or below the galley. 
  • Compared to a monohull of the same size, the catamaran can accommodate more equipment and people.
  • The living area in a catamaran is above the water line. This feature provides more natural light, a greater view of the outside, and better air circulation. 
  • Since catamarans do not have keels, they can anchor on shallow waters, something that most monohulls will not be able to do. This ability of catamaran boats is impressive, especially if you are going around areas with many reefs and small islands.
  • Catamaran hulls allow the boat to cut through the waves easier and faster. It means they require less engine power than their monohull counterparts.
  • Because it has two engines and two rudders, the catamaran can easily maneuver in very tight spaces. 
  • Because they do not carry heavy keels, catamarans can sail faster than monohulls. 
  • The catamaran’s stability, speed, and weight make it a safer option than the monohull. It can sail in shallow waters, make a 360 degrees maneuver effortlessly, and carry more provisions. 

Disadvantages Of A Catamaran

Like any other boat type, the catamaran also has drawbacks and limitations. Here are some of them:

  • The catamaran hulls prevent the boat from sailing as fast as the monohull upwind. The two hulls cause drag, and this slows the boat considerably. 
  • Because of its bigger size, looking for a docking site can be more difficult and costlier than a monohull. 
  • For hardcore sailing fans, the experience of sailing with a catamaran will never be able to match that of sailing with a monohull. To them, the challenge of true sailing is just not there with a catamaran.

What Are The Hulls Of The Catamaran Called?

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, the Tamil word கட்டுமரம், which is pronounced as kattumaran, is where the word catamaran takes its name. The word means “pieces of logs tied together”. Through the years, the term has evolved into what is now a catamaran in English. 

What Are The Characteristics Of A Catamaran Hull?

  • Both hulls of a catamaran complement each other to achieve very minimum water resistance. 
  • Because of this, it takes less energy to propel a catamaran, whether via an engine or sails. 
  • The catamaran hulls provide stability to the boat. The twin-hull significantly reduces bobbing. 
  • The catamaran’s ability to keep steady on the water makes it an ideal vessel for cooking, dining, and storing provisions. 

Are Catamarans Good In Rough Water?

Catamarans are amazingly stable in rough water. The catamaran’s design and build, which provides stability, are factors why it is one of the best boats to use when the waters are choppy. 

Yes, catamarans are relatively more expensive than monohulls. Nevertheless, since single-hull boats are less expensive, their resale value is also cheap. 

If you add all the advantages that a catamaran offers – safety, comfort, and speed- it does not come out expensive. 


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17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World

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Catamarans are quickly outstripping single-hull boats for long-distance journeys. They are more stable and comfortable , and some can travel more than 200 miles in a day. In today’s article, I have put together a complete (well almost) list of some of the best catamarans for circumnavigating the planet; the question is, which one is best for you?

The best catamarans for sailing around the world include: 

  • The Fountaine Pajot Ipanema 58

These cats focus on speed, safety, and comfort for longer journeys. 

This article will show you the seventeen best catamarans for long journeys, and why they’re the best. You’ll also learn some great tips on what to look for in a Catamaran and how to save money by buying a used catamaran. Let this list be a jumping-off point for your future research!

Pro-tip; here are the actual costs of maintaining a cat and here are considerations on how to circumnavigate .

Table of Contents

The Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World 

A catamaran is a double-hulled boat with a deck or cabin area in between (bluewater cat definition in this article ). The double hull design means that the boat rocks less, sits higher on the water, uses less fuel to sail, and can be sailed in shallower waters than a single-hulled boat without worrying about grounding. 

Catamarans come in a variety of sizes and can be sail-powered or motor-powered and range from single-person sailing boats to family-sized yachts. Every catamaran design is different, and the twin-hull shape offers many ways to customize the layout of a ship. 

Each boat on this list is a larger catamaran (+40ft, more on size here ), so if you’re going to sail around the world, you want lots of space for provisions and rest.

Of course, there are tons of technical specs for each of these boats, but I’m going to focus on the overall features of each of these catamarans, what makes them stand out, and why they would each be an excellent choice for a transatlantic journey. 

Antares 44i 

The Antares 44i is an excellent option for sailing around the world and was explicitly designed for long-distance cruising. It performs well in any weather conditions, can be sailed easily by two people, and you’ll be able to sail long distances and live in comfort. 

Although it can be easily sailed by a crew of two I believe that a true bluewater cat should be set up for single-handed sailing, more on that in another article .

This catamaran features a stateroom on each hull and a forward cabin with plenty of storage space. The living and entertainment features include a flatscreen tv and a high-end deck speaker system. 

With this model, Antares dedicates itself to high-quality boats with optimal rigging and engine configurations. 

Atlantic 42

Atlantic is no longer building this catamaran, but there are usually a few pre-owned boats on the market. You can also get it made custom if you love the design, but be prepared to spend more money on a custom boat (custom boat also gets custom problems ;)). 

The Atlantic 42 is slightly smaller than some of the other catamarans on this list but is a seaworthy vessel. 42 ft is what most sailors I interview ( in this article ) said was the smallest cat to safely cross big oceans. It is also a decent size to counter the risk of capsizing (more on that here ).

It has a forward cockpit and pilothouse, which gives the owner a better use of space and makes the boat easier to navigate. With single-handed capability, one person can sail it easily and let the rest of the crew relax. 

One of the best-praised aspects of the Atlantic 42 is its galley, more extensive than most 42-footers (12.8-meter) can offer. 

One of the few 50 footers (15.24 meters) that can be sailed by just one person (many would of course disagree on this).

The Catana 50 is a catamaran worthy of an overseas journey. Its size adds to its stability on the open waters and its ability to sail straight through the choppy ocean and windy conditions. 

The Catana is also incredibly spacious on the inside, with substantial cabins and showers. The biggest downside to the Catana 50 is its price, as it’s much more expensive than most of its competitors. 

Catana also holds up well against some of the fastest cruising cats out there, here’s a list of the fastest cruisers if you are interested in that.

However, if you can find a gently-used Catana 50, you can rest assured that this boat will last! 

The Dolphin 42 is unique because of the use of daggerboards instead of fixed keels. This upgrade means that the boat has some pretty decent upwind performance while at the same time being faster downwind.

Centerboards and daggerboards offer some interesting downsides compared to mini keels. This is an interesting discussion and I suggest you read another one of my articles if you want to deepen your knowledge a little.

These catamarans are some of the lightest on the market. Not many Dolphins were made, so they are relatively hard to find. However, if you want a small, lightweight boat capable of going great distances, the Dolphin 42 is an excellent choice. 

Fountaine Pajot Belize 43

The Fountaine Pajot Belize is another well-built cruising yacht. Its core is made of foam instead of balsa, which reduces the risk of structural damage due to a rotten core in case of water intrusion. 

The design of Belize offers many options for customizability, with large open spaces and a combined saloon, navigation, and dinette area. 

There are two styles of Belize catamarans for sleeping quarters. You can either purchase a boat with an entire primary suite on one hull or one with two cabins in each hull. The first option is great if you are sailing the world alone and not expecting many guests, as it increases the storage capacity. 

Understanding what factors to consider when getting a cat can be hard, there are just so many of them (such as the daggerboard discussion above), I have tried to compile some of the most important in this article .

The boat also has wraparound windows to increase the sense of space in the galley. 

Fountaine Pajot Lucia 40

Fountaine Pajot is one of the best sailboat manufacturers existing today, as their boats are well made and highly versatile. The Lucia 40 is no exception – it’s a smaller boat but has a lot of room for moving around and on-board living. 

The living area is remarkably spacious on this catamaran for its size. 

The galley and lounge easily accommodate 6+people. The Lucia 40 doesn’t disappoint when it comes to sailing either, as the narrow hulls slice through choppy waters with ease. 

Most catamarans today are built to withstand rough weather but that doesn’t matter as much if the crew isn’t up for the task, I firmly believe that the most important thing a boat should consist of, is knowledge. Therefore taking online courses ( two free here ) or reading books ( my favorites here ) is imperative.

Gemini 105M

Gemini’s boats have been on the market for years and are solidly built for cruising. This boat is one of the most popular ever made, I personally would consider something different for offshore cruising, but since it has such a good reputation, I felt I had to add it to the list.

If you want to understand why I am hesitant to take this boat around the world, I recommend you read my article: What are trampolines on a catamaran?

The Gunboat 62 is a great catamaran and set the standards for the rest of the impressive Gunboat lineup. It’s sleek and spacious while being robust and capable of transatlantic journeys. You can easily travel the world in a Gunboat 62 with several people and not feel cramped. 

The yacht was made for speed and power and remains one of the fastest catamarans on the market, even rivaling the newer Gunboat models.  GABO

Although the earlier models of the Gunboat 62 weren’t designed for a lot of cargo, you can still find space for everything you need without compromise. 

Lagoon catamarans are known for their reliability and ease of use. If you are considering a catamaran for the first time and are unsure about the technicalities of sailing, a Lagoon boat is a great option. 

The Lagoon 380 is probably the smallest cruiser on this list, which makes it better suited for solo or couple sailing.  

When I go looking to buy something, whether it be a boat, campervan, or whatever, I create a checklist and classify all the things I want either by NEED or NICE to have.

I believe the Lagoon 380 to be sub-optimal for my NEEDS, even though it does check a lot of NICE boxes, there’s a step-by-step article on the NEED and NICE method here .

There are several cabin options available on the Lagoon 380, but if you’re sailing by yourself, you can settle for three cabins and a larger galley and living space. With a smaller cockpit and broader side decks, the Lagoon 380 packs a lot of practicality and ease of sailing into a more compact catamaran. 

If you like the idea of a Lagoon boat but want a little more space, the Lagoon 42 is the upgraded version of the Lagoon 380. With all of the same benefits, it comes with more space for cabins or storage, making it one of the best-selling Lagoons of all time. 

The Lagoon 42 is also a faster cruiser built for strength. While it’s not the fastest on the market, it works well in choppy waters and windy conditions, making it great for the beginning sailor to go on a more extended trip. 

Many people have completed an around-the-world sail with this ship.

Although there is a flybridge version, I would recommend the “open” version due to several factors, some including increased windage and a higher boom. More on flybridges pros and cons here .

For stability, safety, and durability, you can’t beat the Lagoon 42. 

The Leopard 45 performs better with less storage weight because of the relatively low bridge deck clearance. If the boat is fully loaded, you could experience some wave pounding. However, the cockpit is open and airy, with devices that block the sun and provide maximum comfort while sailing. 

The Leopard 45 is an incredibly beautiful boat,   and has a strong reputation for excellent build quality!

Leopard catamarans are one of my personal favorites, as such I have written an entire article about the brand, so if you want to understand its pros and cons then here is the link . Gabo

Designed in South Africa, it features a high rear arch for extra support and very smoothly connected decks. The galley is large and open, and most Leopards offer a four-cabin plan. If you are traveling with another person, this boat is an excellent option for you! 

The Manta 42 is another classic catamaran that you can buy used (at a decent price), as it is an incredibly seaworthy vessel. While still in production, the Manta was one of the most popular catamarans on the market. 

It is still in high demand amongst circumnavigators. Buying a used Manta 42 usually means that you inherit some of the previous owner’s boat upgrades! 

The Manta 42 also made it to my list of the 9 safest catamarans on the market ( link ).

This blue water cat can be sailed by one or two people, making it ideal for liveaboard couples or long-distance shorthanded sailing. The galley is in the saloon ( instead of in one of the hulls ), making the cabins below more spacious and better equipped. 

Overall, the Manta is well equipped for sailing around the world. 

Nautitech 44

Nautitech is an excellent brand of the catamaran, with several different designs per boat. The Nautitech 44 has a unique feature, you can have it with two options for steering: twin wheels or a single wheel.

The Nautitech 44 also features a cockpit on the same level as the saloon. The door between the two is more convenient than a hatch and dramatically reduces the risk of water damage during rain pour. 

This is also the same boat that aeroyacht president Gregor owns, he has offered some great insights into Nautitech in the book Catamarans (amazon link )

Outremer 45

Outremer is famous for being one of the fastest brands of catamarans on the market. If you need speed, the Outremer 45 might be the perfect choice for you. It has a top speed of 16 knots, which is higher than almost every other catamaran of its class. 

While the Outremer 45 is known for speed, it doesn’t compromise on the quality of living. 

You can settle into life on this boat with complete peace of mind. Even as a beginning sailor, the steering is simple and easy to use, and the autopilot is top of the line, so you’ll be able to sail across the ocean in an Outremer without issue. 

Privilege Serie 5

A French-designed catamaran, the Privilege Serie 5 is one of the most comfortable 50-foot (15 m) yachts available. The unique cabin layout includes the master cabin in the boat’s center instead of in one of the hulls. 

The Privilege Serie 5 is also incredibly easy to sail, despite its larger size. 

The sails and controls lead to the helm, where the raised deck makes it easy to see all around the deck. If you want to cross the ocean with a full crew then the Privilege Serie 5 might be perfect for you! 

Seawind 1000

The Seawind 1000 is the smallest boat on this list, measuring 33 feet (10 meters) long altogether. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s not livable. If you are sailing on your own or with a partner, there is more than enough space to live in the Seawind 1000, which includes the option of a centered cabin or two hull cabins. 

Because it’s small, the Seawind 1000 is easy to handle. The mast and sails are all manufactured for extra stability and ease of use. 

Overall, the Seawind 1000 is an excellent example of a simple, safe, and seaworthy catamaran. 

Note: since this is a small catamaran it will also be more sensitive to heavy weather so trip-planning becomes even more important.

The Voyage 44 is one of the oldest cats on this list, having had its hay-day in the mid-1990s. However, this also means that a used Voyage 44 will be cheaper than a newer boat. If you can find a Voyage with previous responsible owners, you will inherit any upgrades and fixes that they’ve made on top of a very seaworthy boat. 

The Voyage 44 has more storage and space than most cruisers of its size and is known for behaving very well in choppy waters. 

This catamaran does its job well while providing adequate space for cooking, sleeping, and living aboard. 

What To Look For in a Long-Distance Cruising Catamaran

If you are planning to sail around the world, you need to be very careful about which kind of catamaran you decide to use. Many of the things you want in a boat really comes down to personal preference, so be sure you know what design preferences you want before you start shopping! 

Size and Payload

The most important thing to consider when buying a catamaran is how much space and cargo you need because the larger the boats are, the bigger the payload it can handle. Decide how long you want the ship to be and how much you’re taking with you. 

It’s vital not to overload a catamaran, this will reduce performance and increase risk of unwanted behavior in heavy seas.

Cabin Placement  

Most catamarans have options for a “Maestro” cabin placement, where one entire hull is the master suite, and the other cabins are located on the opposite hull.

Cockpit and Protection From The Weather

Is the cockpit on the boat you’re looking at covered or open? This can make a difference on the high seas, especially during rainy weather. 

The size of the ship also can affect how many people you need as a crew. If you’re traveling by yourself or with one other person, you don’t want to buy a boat that needs a larger crew. 

Buying Used? 

If you don’t want to spend the money on a brand new catamaran, I don’t blame you. Several of the ships on this list are out of production and can only be found used. However, for circumnavigation, you do want a boat of high quality to keep you safe and dry until you make it to your destination.  

When buying a suitably used catamaran, it’s essential to look at the refit history of the boat more than the year it was made. Catamarans are sturdy, and the general design has been the same for at least the past decade. 

If you find a newer, larger, cheaper boat, you should look into its history. 

Your best bet to save money while buying a catamaran will be to buy an older, probably smaller boat with an excellent refit history and no serious issues. It will still be an investment, and a sturdy used catamaran will serve you well. 

Final Thoughts

No matter which catamaran you decide to buy for your journey, you’ll be able to sail safely and comfortably. Catamarans are great yachts for long-distance sailing, and the ships on this list are the best of the best. These brands are time-tested and ready to accompany you on an adventure around the world! 

Here are Some of My Favorite Catamaran Cruising Resources

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it helpful as you hopefully start your sailing adventures. Here are some resources that I use as a sailor that I hope you’ll also find helpful. These are affiliate links, so if you do decide to use any of them, I’ll earn a commission. But in all honesty, these are the exact things that I use and recommend to everyone, even my own family. Sailboats: If you’re looking for the best boat to suit your needs, I would recommend a catamaran. If you’re interested, I can show you the differences between catamarans and other types of sailboats .

Books:  For getting started, I really like  Cruising catamarans made easy . It is actually a textbook from the American sailing association; it is used to get a cruising catamaran certification. There are some other great books, and I have compiled a list of books about cruising catamarans that you will find useful.

Communication:  Being out on adventures, whether it be sailing or climbing mountains, good communications are essential to being safe. I recommend two things Google fi (incredibly simple cellular data all over the world) and Garmin inreach mini (for text and voice in remote areas without cell coverage)

Sailing courses: Online sailing courses are great for beginners starting out their sailing career; it’s an efficient way of learning the basics of navigation, throttle controls, and maritime safety. I suggest starting with two free courses from NauticEd .

To see all my most up-to-date recommendations,  check out this resource  that I made for you!

  • Wikipedia: Catamaran
  • Cruising World: A-Z Best Cruising Catamarans 
  • Dreamy Yacht Sales: Four Best Catamarans for New Buyers
  • Atlantic Cruising: Good Cat/Bad Cat
  • Yachting World: Catamaran Sailing Across the Atlantic
  • Boat Affair: What is a Catamaran? 
  • Nautilus Sailing: Catamaran Sailing

Owner of CatamaranFreedom.com. A minimalist that has lived in a caravan in Sweden, 35ft Monohull in the Bahamas, and right now in his self-built Van. He just started the next adventure, to circumnavigate the world on a Catamaran!

3 thoughts on “ 17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World ”

I like the efforts you have put in this, regards for all the great content.

Thanks Elisabeth I really appreciate the kind words 🙂

I appreciate you sharing this blog post. Thanks Again. Cool.

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Hull Resistance and Hull Shape Comparisons


As I've said elsewhere, I only like to design boats that are fun to sail. I also know from personal experience just how much effort is involved in building even the smallest boat. I've found that it is the psychological effort that's particularly hard, especially if you are a home builder building alone in your spare time. I also know that there are other people, like myself, who's keeness to build is not matched by manual dexterity.

So I try to design boats that are straightforward to build. In simple terms, if I can build it then anyone can! To do this I try to keep to simple shapes and use flat panels where ever possible. Flat decks in particular have many advantages. For a start they are easier to walk on, while coming alongside and boarding from a marina pontoon or dinghy is a lot safer. Flat panel hulls may not offer ultimate speed, but to be honest, few cruising sailors need the fastest boat while I've found that most people don't have either the skill or daring to sail a racing boat to its full potential.

You have to remember that a cruising boat, especially, isn't just for sailing. It has to be a practical floating cottage as well. And the design of that often over rules otherwise desirable sailing features. And also remember that boats have to be usable in harbours and marinas. It's not like the "good old days" when Slocum and even the Pardey's first went to sea - with no engines and few marinas or even cruisers. So all cruising boats MUST maneuver reliably under power and be easy to board from both the dock and from a dinghy.

That is one reason why I don't now like canoe sterns. They make boarding so much harder than a boat with transom steps (the acid test I always use - "could my mother get on board?"). Safe maneuvering in a small harbour is another reason I like small boats. I also find a trimaran much harder to handle than a catamaran when coming alongside, as it is so difficult to reach the outrigger bows to fend off, especially when compared to the big wide decks of a catamaran. Successful designs are ones that work in every situation, not just those that sail or motor fast in a straight line.

I always try to visulise what a particular design would be like when sailing to windward at 2am in the rain. Or when reefing. Or of course when drifting downwind on a very hot humid day.

I tend to own a fleet of multihulls. Sometimes I just go for a day sail, sometimes I race for the weekend, and most years I spend a long time living on board (I spent every Christmas living on board a boat from 2001 - 2009). All this experience means that I have personally faced nearly every situation you can meet when sailing and I use that experience in my designs.

Hull Shapes and Performance

In this article I will talk solely about hull shapes in relation to performance. Comfort, seakindliness and load carrying are also major factors affecting hull shapes and will be discussed in more detail in future articles.

People try to simplify hull design and performance predictions, formulae like the Bruce Number and KSP spring to mind. These coefficients rely only on basic sail area, displacement and length dimensions yet purport to give an accurate indicator of performance. It's easy to show that these formulae cannot be relied on if you consider that a Tornado would have the same rating whether it was sailing forwards or backwards! I suspect the latter is slower! Its probably as accurate as predicting car speed from the kerbside weight and engine horsepower. In fact hull design is a hugely complex subject while different sailing conditions require different solutions. For example, inshore boats can have a flatter rocker while offshore cruisers should be more veed forward to prevent pounding when sailing to windward in waves.

Some factors affecting yacht design are based on scientific principles and are unalterable, so always apply, whatever ones basic design philosophy and regardless of cross section shape (ie whether one uses a Deep V or round bilge hull for example). Everything else is just styling or dressing up the same proven concepts in a slightly different way. As with all moving objects, speed is the result of the combination of resistance to movement (drag) and available power. In sailing boats the power is related to the sail area while in simple terms drag comes in two forms - friction drag and wave making drag.

Frictional drag is primarily dependent on the Wetted Surface Area (WSA). Less is always better than more and WSA is the biggest factor affecting lightwind speed. The minimum WSA for a given displacement (or boat weight) is the hemisphere (eg half an orange). A longer, thinner hull has proportionately more WSA and so in light winds suffers from more drag and thus is slower but conversely is significantly faster as the wind gets up. In fact this is one reason why monohulls - which are much more orange like, do well in light winds. Spray also adds to wetted surface, one reason why powerboats have spray rails. Lots of spray makes a boat look as though it is sailing fast, but it is actually very inefficient. As an example, because of their heel and deeply immersed lee outrigger, trimarans make a lot more spray than catamarans. But we usually find that they are actually slower, particularly reaching, than an upright, low spray producing catamaran. Round bilge hulls have the lowest WSA and deep V hulls the most.

Many people think that, because multihulls have relatively thin hulls, wave making drag is non-existent, but in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. The size of waves that a hull makes depends on several factors. The Slenderness Ratio (SLR) or Displacement Length Ratio (DLR) is a measure of the fineness of a hull and is the technically correct coefficient that naval architects use. However, it is easier to visualise the hull waterline length/hull WL Beam ratio (LWL/BWL), so that is more commonly used. That's acceptable, as for a given cross-section shape, the SLR is directly related to LWL/BWL. Higher ratios result in smaller waves. Typically the LWL/BWL ratio will vary from 10:1 for a good cruising boat to 16:1 for a racing boat. (Team Philips has a LWL/BWL ratio of 35:1!) Finer hulls are more efficient at high speeds, but as we've just seen suffer from more WSA and so for normal cruising catamarans in average conditions a ratio of 11:1 - 13:1 seems optimum.

The Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) is a measure of the fullness of the ends of a boat, the higher the number the fatter the ends and - surprisingly - the more efficient at high speeds. Intuitively you'd think that a diamond shape would cut through the water best, but that's not actually the case. A high Cp also has the advantage of reducing pitching. But to complicate matters, the lower the SLR the lower the Cp can be. Typically a monohull has a figure around .56, while a properly designed multihull will be about .63. Although such a shape is slower than a lower Cp in light winds that is not a problem as one then has the sail carrying power to add extra sail to compensate. It is when sailing fast in strong winds that you need an efficient hull because you then don't have the stability to carry more sail. As an example a 30' boat with a Cp of .63 will be 1/2 knot faster than one with a Cp of .55 when sailing in 25 knot winds for EXACTLY the same sail area (and crew effort etc). Boats with a low Cp try to race faster by keeping too much sail up and it was these types that often used to capsize 25 years ago. Add in the fact that the high Cp boat won't pitch as much and its clear which is going to be the better boat.

In simple terms the Half Angle of Entry is the angle that the waterlines make to the hull CL at the bow. If it is too low then the boat is wet to sail, and, in extremis, if it is hollow there is a pressure build up further aft which slows the boat. If too fat it is also wet to sail as the bow wave goes vertically up the sides of the boat. All sailors, no matter how skillful, sail slower if they can't see where they are going because they are being blinded by spray! In both cases the correct Cp has to be maintained. So a 10 degree angle seems a good compromise. Vertical bows look fast but its actually very difficult to draw a vertical bow on a hull with both the correct Cp and one that has good reserve buoyancy. Read my articles about the Cape to Rio race to discover what I learnt first hand about the perils of vertical bows!

When I was a design student I took the opportunity to do some tank testing on catamaran models and I investigated the drag from the wave interference between the hulls. I found that this interference caused significant drag at certain speeds - in fact up to 20% when compared to hulls at an infinite spacing. So it's vital to reduce this interference as much as possible. The simplest way is to have a hull spacing wide enough so that the bow waves meet at the stern rather than under the boat. This has the added bonus that there is significantly less bridge deck slamming. In the past designers said that the optimum L/B ratio was 2:1. (In fact they were talking about overall length and beam when obviously it is waterline length and beam that are the crucial measurements.) The reasons given for this ratio were the theories that wider boats would break up and be hard to tack. In practice I've heard that limiting beam had more to do with the width of the boatyard doors! Our Strider Turbo has a LWL of 6.6m and a hull centreline spacing of 4.2m yet I've always thought it was a better sailing boat than the standard Strider. So the general trend is to go as wide as one can. But structural strength is still a problem, even with modern techniques and materials. Wide boats are heavier than narrow ones and that ultimately limits the LWL/BWL ratio to about 2:1 on cruising boats with full bridgedeck cabins.

Turning now to the hull above the waterline, vertical topsides reduce space inside dramatically and in addition are not good news when sailing offshore. As a boat moves in waves so it heaves up and down, causing discomfort and slowing the boat. Flared topsides help counteract this heaving because as the boat sinks the buoyancy picks up more quickly than with vertical topsides. The result is a smoother ride and as a bonus, better load carrying ability for, by the same token, the hull sinks slower so there is less increase in WSA and wavemaking as the boat is loaded. Clearly, freeboard adds to windage and slows the boat. Traditionally yachts had low freeboard because they were large (J Class etc) so people could fit in the accommodation easily regardless of freeboard and it's easy to make a low freeboard yacht look elegant. More importantly, it was hard to make a conventionally caulked and planked boat strong and watertight if it had too many planks (ie too much freeboard). As boats got smaller and as grp took over freeboards had to, and could, increase. Adding a few centimetres (inches) of freeboard adds enormously to interior space and at the same time results in a boat that is drier and more comfortable to sail. Fortunately, in practice I have never found that high freeboard slows the boat down appreciably and certainly not by enough to worry any except the most ardent racer.

Load carrying considerations are an important factor for cruising boats. In general it's natural for people to add weight aft because it is easier to load stores near the companionway than forward. Engines and their associated tanks, generators, a/c units etc are also always aft. So I always try to add extra buoyancy near the stern. That means that when empty the boat will probably float stern up. Too many poorly designed multihulls float stern down and drag their transoms.

Pros and Cons of popular hull shapes

The deep V is a simple to build hull shape that matches the human body as it is narrow low down and wider high up so it is a good choice if the accommodation is only in the hulls. It can make to windward without keels or boards - just - but it's more maneuverable and makes less leeway with them fitted. Deep V hulls pitch more than any other hull shape, particularly if they have canoe sterns. Hull asymmetry is needed to reduce pitching, a canoe stern is obviously as pointed as the bow so it's bound to pitch more. They have more WSA than any other hull shape so are slow in light winds.

The flat bottom hull is also easy to build and has the added advantage that it is self supporting during building and transport. It needs Veeing forward for offshore sailing or it will pound. Then it becomes a hard chine/single chine hull. Carefully drawn such a shape is a close approximation to a round bilge hull, but without any complicated building.

The round bilge hull is the only hull shape that can be varied over it's length so one get exactly the shape one wants. It has minimum WSA, and so is also the optimum hull shape but it is the slowest to build. A topsides knuckle helps deflect spray, adds interior volume and makes it easy to join flat topsides to the curved bottom. It also makes a nice styling line.

From the start of my design career I have always tried to design balanced, undistorted hulls that sail easily on all points but are not too extreme. However, I have made a few changes to my hull shapes over the years. First I have increased freeboard (in common with most designers, monohull and multihull). I have also increased the centreline spacing and where appropriate, drawn a bigger knuckle. I haven't designed any deep V boats for a long time because of the pitching and light wind speed problems. I have found the flat bottomed or single chine hulls are as simple to build and are more efficient hull shapes.

Finally, I am one of the few designers who use all feasible hull shapes and so can choose the most appropriate one for the intended use. I'm not committed by dogma to any one hull design. The performance differences between different hulls are easy to see, however I have not noticed any practical difference in seaworthiness between them.

The following sketches are typical hull cross sections. Please note, these are not to scale and are not real boats, instead they are just examples of the different hullshapes we use in our designs. (For those not familiar with lines plans: Only half sections are shown. The forward half of the boat is shown to the right, the aft half is to the left of the vertical centreline.)

best catamaran hull design

This is the "Dory" hull used on the Janus and Gypsy as well as the Strike trimaran mainhulls. Note that the Janus does not have a V'eed area forward (as shown) as the bottom is narrow enough to prevent slamming on such a small boat.

This chined hull is used on Flica, Mirage and Romany and is a close approximation to a round bilge hull, but built in flat panels

This is a deep V hull used on Surfsong, Windsong and Mira (deep V version)

This is the chined V hull used on Meander, Rhea and Ondina. If these larger boats had a conventional V hull then either the gunwale or keel panel would have to be very wide so that the hull had the correct displacement. By adding a soft chine the lower hull section can be well flared, while the topsides remain nearer vertical. This hull shape has the added advantage that the hull panel is stiffer and, as each section is smaller, it can be easier to make.

This continuously curving hull shape is used on Wizard, Sango and Wizzer. It has a similar below-waterline shape to a Strider hull (for example) but the bulge in the topsides allows a vertical bow to be drawn while keeping a good flare forward to prevent nosediving. It also adds to the interior room, especially at shoulder level. These hulls can be built in strip planking or foam sandwich but it is harder to build than the small knuckle hull shape.

This "Small Knuckle" round bilge hull is used on Strider, Shadow, Merlin, Gwahir, Skua, Gypsy (round bilge version), Mira (round bilge version), Scylla, Nimbus, Rhea (round bilge version) and Cirrus. This shape is easier to make than the one below. The knuckle is small and is usually made from solid timber (eg 2" x 1"). Even so it has proven effective at reducing spray and slamming. The hull bottom can be double diagonal plywood or strip plank. The topsides of both this hull shape and the one below can be strip plank or sheet plywood. Alternatively both knuckle designs can be built in foam sandwich with a flat panel topside panel.

This is the "Large Knuckle" hull used on the Scorpio, Javelin, Sagitta, Eclipse and Transit. It is the most sophisticated shape I draw, and takes the longest to build. The large flare increases space inside and cuts down on spray. The angle of the hull at the WL is actually higher than on other hull shapes. That means that it sinks relatively slowly as you add weight. A big advantage for cruisers. But it also means the boat doesn't pitch and heave so much, ie vertical movements are reduced. That is because it is (slightly) harder to make the boat sink as it goes through waves. All minor differences but they add up if you are looking for the best all round shape.

Having said that, if you are planning on using LAR keels rather than daggerboards then you will probably be better off with a flat panel hull. There is no point in taking just one part of the overall design to the limit, you have to balance the trade off for the whole boat. So don't fit daggerboards and cheap sails! Makes no sense to me.

Yachting World

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The best bluewater multihulls of all time: a complete guide

  • Toby Hodges
  • October 6, 2021

Toby Hodges and François Tregouet consider the best bluewater multihulls and look at the options for sailing the oceans in spacious comfort

best catamaran hull design

What are the best bluewater multihulls for long term cruising? The one you own, or the one you can afford is the simple answer.

There is a wealth of proven designs to suit bluewater sailing and a variety of budgets. While we have focussed here on the best bluewater multihulls in production, we’ve also included some cracking pedigree multihulls which tour the planet and might occasionally pop up on the brokerage market.

If you can afford to, then pushing towards the 45-50ft length will buy you space, pace and that extra payload capacity needed to take all the items you’d want on your home afloat.

When looking at the best bluewater multihulls, the choice will come down to that perennial balance between comfort/space and speed/weight. Choosing a lighter weight performance design will obviously help you cover distance voyages more rapidly and potentially allow you to outrun weather systems. It means you can sail faster, with less sail up and less load and stress. But you’ll have to sacrifice some luxuries and need to be quite scrupulous about keeping weight down and centralised in order to maintain high average speeds.

For the majority of cruisers, however, it is the amount of space multihulls offer once you’ve reached your destination that really appeals. As well as the non-heeling living area and real estate they provide, they’re well suited to typical tradewind sailing .

If you’re considering your first or next multihull, we hope the following will serve as a taster.

Best bluewater multihulls for performance cruising

Outremer 51/55.

When you think of multihulls designed for bluewater cruising, Outremer will likely be one of the first names that comes to mind. Its heritage lies in building catamarans that can sail fast and are built strong enough to do laps of the globe.

The 51, the current version of which launched three years ago, is an archetypal example of what to look for in terms of blending speed and space is a dream design for a family circumnavigation.

The French yard’s new 55ft VPLP design may look boldly different from its past models, but the philosophy behind it remains the same. It is designed to match windspeed up to 12 knots and Outremer reasons that its ability to sail in 5 knots of breeze will allow it to sail for 95% of the time on a circumnavigation.

Read more about the Outremer 51 and Outremer 55.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Diego Yriarte

Seawind 1600/1370

For nearly four decades the Australian Seawind brand and its founder Richard Ward have been gearing catamarans around safe bluewater sailing, including performance, protection and ease of handling. Its Reichel Pugh-designed 1600, which launched three years ago, is an elegant looking cat with relatively low, long lines and some smart solutions for fast bluewater sailing.

Seawind also launches its new 1370 later this year, a staggering 60 of which have sold on plans alone.

This first 50 is built from a composite sandwich of basalt fibre, a cloth made from volcanic rock, and PET foam from recycled plastic bottles, which helps to reduce carbon emissions by nearly 50% when compared with traditional glassfibre methods.

This new 50 footer is perhaps a more appealing and practical prospect than Rapido’s previous 60 (with its significant fixed beam), particularly as the amas on this new model can fold to reduce beam to 18ft.

Infused carbon foam sandwich construction is used, along with beams, daggerboards and rudder in pre-preg carbon to keep displacement to 8,200kg.

Read more about the Rapido 50

This OC50 is designed as a more affordable cruising alternative, than the HH models which have preceeded it. This model targets ocean sailing.

It’s still stiffened and strengthened by carbon, but built in vinylester composites with a gelcoat finish. This adds an additional 300kg or so over a full carbon HH50, but cost savings are in the region of $400,000.

Read more about the HH OC50

Balance 526

The 526 launched four years ago, designed to suit short-handed sailors and families looking to sail long distances, hence it can carry large payloads and promises easy maintenance. It looks good too.

Berman’s Versahelm design is a key feature. The wheel cantilevers, allowing the helmsman to steer from outboard with clear sightlines or from the hardtop protection of the aft cockpit.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Christopher White

Atlantic 47

The A47 suits short-handed fast ocean sailing at an approachable size. Lengthening it to 49ft allowed for an aft cockpit. It is available as a sloop or with White’s patented MastFoil ketch rig – rotating aerofoil masts designed for easy short-handed cruising without sacrificing performance.

Read more about the Atlantic 47

A combination of sharp design from François Perus and high build quality brings plenty of appeal to this sporty Italian-built cat. The first example launched three years ago with a light displacement of 10.5 tonnes, thanks to an E-glass epoxy-infused build with carbon strengthening. The yard offers semi-custom construction and full hybrid packages.

Catana 53/Ocean class 50

Catana’s performance model from 2017, sports twin aft helms (which may not suit ocean sailors), reverse bows and carbon daggerboards. The high topsides help create good bridgedeck clearance and plenty of accommodation. Its new Ocean Class 50 seems more in the shipyard’s bluewater DNA. The light weight, and dynamic and modern shape with slim hulls and a relatively short nacelle suggests a seaworthy nature and high speeds.

Read more about the Catana 53

Best bluewater multihulls for pedigree performance

Veteran multihull designers Morrelli & Melvin designed this smaller model for the Gunboat range. It was built to be more manageable for an owner-driver yet still capable of up to 300-400 mile days.

The Gunboat 48 is something of a rare breed, just six 48s were built between 2004 and 2009. Oh, to have a spare €1.3m right now… one of them is actually on the market.

Read more about the Gunboat 48

At the start of the Millennium, Catana offered fully equipped boats as standard for long distance cruising. The Catana 471 or 472 (one or two helms respectively), represented at the time the optimum in ocean-going catamarans.


Tony Grainger has been drawing fast multihulls for 35 years, including racing trimarans and the Lightwave and Chincogan cruisers. The popular Lightwave 38 has admirable performance and comfort, and the Chincogan 52 (pictured) has the length to clock high average speeds.

Outremer 45 G. Danson

With its characteristic roof, narrow hulls and daggerboards, the Outremer 45 is a standout design which has become somewhat iconic. Despite a rather spartan interior, it has been a great success with fast cruising enthusiasts. On board, family ocean crossings at an average of 10 knots are the norm.

Best bluewater multihulls for family cruising

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Nicolas Claris

The Lagoon 450 remains the most popular model in Lagoons already popular range. It exemplifies the VPLP/Nauta design partnership which has made these the very definition of modern mid-size cruising catamarans which can appeal to families and charterers alike.

Indeed the 450 marked the modern look of Lagoon and was the first with interior styling from Nauta. It originally launched over a decade ago as a flybridge design with central helming position (450F), before this ‘sport top’ option (450S) was offered with a starboard helm station and lower boom.

Read more about the Lagoon 450

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Guilain Grenier

Fountaine Pajot Saona 47

The 47 has a modern shape, with straight bows and a reverse sheer line. It incorporates significant volume in the hulls below the bridgedeck to create room for the optional athwartships cabins. Cabin space is a prime selling point, particularly the owner’s suite to port, where there is also abundant natural light and headroom.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Tui Marine

Leopard Catamarans, together with designer Simonis Voogd and builder Robertson and Caine, produce the archetypal dual-purpose owner-operator or charter boat in their modern catamaran range.

Key features of the 45 are the amount of light in the saloon and the incredible volume and space on offer in the cabins above the relatively narrow waterlines. Vast social living areas include the flybridge, saloon and dual cockpits.

Read more about the Leopard 45

best catamaran hull design

Photo: www.jfromero.fr

Nautitech Open/Fly 46

During the 1990s and noughties Nautitech earned a good reputation for its elegant catamarans. The 441 is a timeless example and the 44 can be credited with the ongoing trend in hardtop biminis. While its acquisition by Bavaria seven years ago helped Nautitech implement industrial build techniques, the French brand has retained its DNA at its Rochefort sur Mer yard.

The modern Marc Lombard designs have tall rigs with generous square-top mainsails. Twin wheels in the aft quarters of the Open 46 offer a direct feel on the helm, however those spending long periods in the tropics may prefer the shade of the bimini-equipped flybridge option. The layout is also open, with a saloon more outside than in. Styling is clean, modern and simple, and the standard of build and finish are good.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Olivier Blanchet

First impressions of the Neel 51 are sure to centre on its sheer size and space inside. But as you’ll see from our review of the Neel 43 on page 83, when you sail one overriding impressions quickly centre on its performance.

These trimarans are becoming a popular mass production-built option.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Christophe Launay

The Excess 11 packs plenty of potential as the smallest yacht offered by the big production yards. A little like the Lagoon 380 of old, it presents a good value new entry-level boat for genuine cruising in a more sporty, modern and enticing design. Some may argue against aft helms for ocean sailing, but those coming from monohulls will appreciate the more direct steering they offer.

Broadblue 385S

Broadblue is a UK brand which offers a distinct line of cruising and Rapier performance catamarans. Its staple 385 packs a lot of cruising comfort into its length, including generous tankage, and has been sailed all over the world. Broadblue built its first electric drive catamaran 12 years ago and offers the only all-electric production sailing catamaran under 40ft in Europe.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Christophe Breschi

Bali Catspace

For those looking for maximum volume within 40ft, it’ll be hard to beat the Catspace – although it is more of a holiday apartment than a traditional bluewater cruiser. Bali’s garage style sliding aft door does help offer an enormous amount of enclosed (or open) living space.

Best bluewater multihulls for luxury cruising

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Nico Krauss

Privilège 510 Signature

The 510 is designed to take a serious amount of cruising gear – up to six tonnes of it in fact. The excellent helm station now has a fixed windscreen and all lines lead to hand. Finish quality including the electrical installation is first class and Privilege’s trademark, an admirable full beam (26ft) forward cabin, is sumptuous.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Jérôme Houyvet

Garcia Explocat 52

Garcia Yachts has cornered the market for series-built aluminium monohulls and multihulls in the last decade and this new Explocat 52 is sparking real interest. We ran a full test report in our February issue, describing it as a go-anywhere cat with an enticing combination of space, pace and rugged construction.

Read our review of the Garcia Explocat 52

Built in Argentina, the Antares 44 is the ultimate evolution of a model launched 21 years ago. Entirely dedicated to bluewater cruising, it is the yard’s only model and is constantly being improved according to owner feedback.

Time seems to have no hold on this boatyard and, against the trend, the standard equipment of the Antares 44 is extremely complete

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Richard Langdon

Discovery Bluewater 50

This luxury Bill Dixon design may be a decade old now and into its third iteration, but the concept behind its original appeal remains. For those used to sailing high-end thoroughbred monohulls, here is an option to consider for a comparative level of build quality and fit out when moving to a multihull.

Read more about the Discovery Bluewater 50

St Francis 50 MKII

With this latest version of its original model, this experienced South African builder has optimised a catamaran cut out for the unforgiving seas of the Indian Ocean and the South Atlantic. The MKII allows for an increased load capacity, an important point in long distance cruising.

Xsquisite X5

Intelligent features on the X5 include the protected helm station with glass windscreen, integrated rainwater catcher, UV-protective glass and generous tankage.

Best bluewater multihulls for size & speed

Mcconaghy mc52.

The MC50 (now MC52) was the first and promises some high speed sailing, but it’s the open plan main living deck which will attract the majority. It incorporates an intelligent centreboard system, which hardly affects interior space, but arguably its exposed helms at the aft end of the flybridge will not suit serious ocean cruising.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Florian H. Talles

HH in Xiamen is building some really impressive large, luxury fast cats up to 90ft. This was its second model to launch, a high-end, high performance Morelli & Melvin design capable of rapid passagemaking speeds and enjoyable regatta sailing. Features include C-shaped boards and central or aft helms.

best catamaran hull design

Photo: Mike Jones/Waterline Media

Ocean Explorer 60

If Nautor’s Swan made catamarans, they may look like this… The Ocean Explorer 60 uses the same designer in German Frers and some of the same builders who worked at the famous Finnish yard to produce this world cruiser. The resultant quality shines through. A new OE72 is due soon.

Kinetic KC54

A young company with plenty of experience, Kinetic produces custom fast ocean cruisers, which can occasionally race. Its 62 is a serious performance vessel with carbon hulls, rigs and rigging, daggerboards or centreboards. With fast bluewater cruising the goal, carbon is used to minimise weight so features/toys can still be added. The swim platform and hardware on the newly launched 54 weighs just 90kg, and the generous sized tanks are all in carbon too. Views from the saloon and forward cockpit also look special.

Best bluewater multihulls for ultimate performance

Marsaudon ts4/orc 42.

Few catamaran builders produce genuine performance cruisers at this ‘smaller’ size: this one is kept minimalist and light weight (around 6 tonnes) – the yard’s philosophy is ‘simplicity, then add lightness.’ The 42 is a cruiser-racer with the ability to outpace most yachts across the Atlantic, win a regatta and still offer some space for island hopping. Standard tankage is minimal however. Marsaudon recently rebranded its TS range to Ocean Rider Catamarans (ORCs) and has an ORC 57 in build.

Dazcat 1495

Dazcat builds fast, seaworthy cats from its Multihull Centre in Cornwall. The 1495 is a true ocean cruiser-racer, which is stiff and rewarding to sail, with direct steering linked to carbon rudders. The 1495 can hit 20+ knot speeds with relative ease, but it is the consistent high average speeds which will attract those looking to cover serious miles. Weight is centralised including engines, tanks, and systems all located amidships to help reduce pitching. Dazcat has a semi-custom build approach and creates all sorts of weird and wonderful craft for all abilities.

Dragonfly 40

Dragonfly trimarans are known for their high quality construction and ability to delight sailors with their ease of planing speeds. For those who can live without the space of similar length cats, the new flagship 40 is large enough to offer cruising space, while folding outriggers and retractable appendages mean you can dry out where others wouldn’t dare.

Looping 45/Freydis 48

These two designs by Erik Lerouge both offer a high-performance vision of ocean cruising. The Loopings were built individually and the Freydis in small series, and on both you can sail as fast as the wind in complete safety. Interior quality depends on whether finished by an amateur or by a shipyard.

Swisscat 48

An attractive combination of luxury, comfort and performance, the S48 is a stiff, go-anywhere premium cat that is easy to manage single-handed. The lightweight build (11t) is in epoxy infusion with carbon reinforcement.

Schionning Designs

Jeff Schionning has catamaran design in his blood. His designs exude performance and seaworthiness with flowing, even aerodynamic lines. On all tradewind routes you’ll find a G-Force (models from 12m to 23m) or an Arrow (12m to 15m) sailing more quickly than the rest. His latest venture is with Current Marine in Knysna, South Africa.

Best bluewater multihulls for pedigree cruising

The long-time best-seller from the world leader in catamarans, with more than 1,000 produced over almost 20 years from 1999. With its characteristic vertical windows, the 380 and its big brother the 410 made the purists scream when they were presented. But the 380 proved a pioneer of its kind. Safe bow volumes and light displacement (7,260 kg) helped its seaworthy behaviour. The high number of boats on the market makes this the most affordable bluewater cruising multihull for its size, even if price range is as wide as condition is variable.

Casamance 44/46

Between 44ft and 46ft depending on the year of construction and the length of its transoms, the Casamance was an impressive catamaran on launch in 1985. The design by Joubert/Nivelt offered good volume and load capacity. Of the 490 units produced, many joined the charter fleets. The exterior of the Casamance is dated, but the interior in grey ceruse oak has retained plenty of charm.

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10 Best Catamarans in 2024

Three Sailboats Racing In The Indian Ocean

We gave our Sailing writers one job: Find the best and most popular catamarans and review them.

Our review team always considers durability, price, quality, and value in their reviews.

best catamaran hull design

A catamaran is a sailboat that has a multi-hull design. It gives it more stability because it’s wider and that creates more livable space for more people.

Read about the best multihull boats in this article and learn which one is best for your voyages.

The biggest advantages of a multihull are:

  • Multihulls are usually faster than monohulls, especially on downwind runs, reaches and broad reaches. You can travel further per day and outrun inclement weather
  • They are more stable than a monohull. Sailing flat definitely has its advantages
  •  It is less tiring sailing a multihull
  •  More space!
  •  For cruising the draft is less than a monohull which means you can go into shallower water safely

Top 5 Catamarans in 2024

All the catamarans we've tested.

Lagoon Catamarans


Where to buy:

Where to buy lagoon 40:.

Lagoon has always enjoyed a sweet spot in the 38 to 40-foot catamaran market. The Lagoon 380 became one of the most popular cats ever, with nearly 1,000 hulls being produced over a 20-year run. The L400 and L39 attempted to tweak that popular design, but neither caught on to the extent the 380 did.

The new Lagoon 40 is turning heads for many reasons. The Lagoon 380 is officially off the Lagoon website, so it might finally be time for the torch to be handed to a new cat. And the 40 has just the right mix of modern features, small size, and affordability that many cruisers and families seek.

Here’s a go-anywhere boat that looks good, sails easily, and keeps you comfortable.

  • Naval Architects: Van Peteghem-Lauriot Prevost (VPLP Design)
  • Built: CNB Yards, Bordeaux, France
  • Exterior Designer: Patrick le Quément
  • Interior Designer: Nauta Design
  • Length Overall: 11.74 m/ 38 feet, 6 inches
  • Beam: 6.76 m/ 22 feet, 2 inches
  • Draft: 1.35 m/ 4 feet, 5 inches
  • Mast Clearance: 18.42 m/ 60 feet, 5 inches
  • Sail Area: 80 square meters/ 861 square feet
  • Engines: 2 x 29 hp Yanmar 3YM30 (upgradable to 45 hp)
  • Fuel: 2 x 200 liters/ 56 gallons
  • Fresh Water: 300 liters/ 76 gallons
  • CE Certifications: A10/B12/C16/D20

Our Overall Review

Things we like:, things we don't like:.

Leopard Catamarans


Where to buy Leopard 42:

The Leopard 42 is the company’s replacement for the 40. It integrates several design elements that were proven on the new 50 and 45-foot models, including an upper lounge area atop the coachroof. The design also has the unique forward salon door that opens for direct access to the foredeck and a sun pad lounging area.

Like all Leopard catamarans, the 42 is not only comfortable to stay on, but it’s also fun to sail. All sailing controls lead to the compact helm. Everything can be handled from this one control station. The full-roach main and overlapping genoa provide plenty of power, and optional electric winches make sail handling a snap.

The Leopard 42 share company in the market for 42-foot cats with some very attractive boats–the Lagoon 42, the Bali 4.2, and the FP Astrea, to name a few.

  • Year Launched: 2021 (There have been several designs to carry the "Leopard 42" name)
  • Designer: Alex Simonis
  • Builder: Robertson and Caine, Cape Town, South Africa
  • Length Overall: 41 feet, 7 inches/12.67 meters
  • Beam: 23 feet, 1 inch/7.04 meters
  • Draft: 4 feet, 7 inches/1.4 meters
  • Mast Height: 67 feet, 10 inches/20.68 meters
  • Power: 2x Yanmar 45 hp diesel engines
  • Fuel: 158 gallons/600 liters
  • Water: 174 gallons/660 liters
  • Holding: 44 gallons/ 166 liters
  • Upwind Total Sail Area: 1,217 square feet/113.1 square meters


Fountain Pajot 80 Catamaran Superyacht

Fountaine Pajot 80 Catamaran Superyacht Rear

Where to buy Fountain Pajot 80 Catamaran Superyacht:

Fountaine Pajot, one of the foremost builders of sailing catamarans, unveiled their biggest “ Super Catamaran ” ever: the Thira 80.

The release comes on the tail of an ever-increasing trend in the catamaran market—the bigger-the- better era . With Sunreef, Lagoon, and Gunboat all making boats in the 70 to 80-foot range, these companies clearly see a market for the catamaran superyacht.

Boats this size are easily comparable to a motor yacht of more than 125 feet long. The very wide beam provides cavernous interiors for more livable space. And they have plenty of room for the toys of the trade—tenders, jet skis, paddleboards, and more.

While sailing is always preferable, its 175 to 300-horsepower engines are more than capable of moving it on calm days. And it’s hard to beat the ride and comfort of a catamaran at sea, with its extra stability and lack of heeling in the wind.

So, is bigger really better? Let’s dive in and tour the new Fountaine Pajot 80 and all that she has to offer.

  • Length: 78.7 feet/23.98 meters
  • Beam: 36.4 feet/11.09 meters
  • Draft: 6.9 feet/2.10 meters
  • Displacement: 66.0 tons (approximate)
  • Sail area Main: 2,153 sqft/200 sqm Genoa 1,507 sqft/140 sqm
  • Power options: 2x 175-hp, 270-hp, or 300-hp

Kinetic Catamarans

Kinetic KC54


Where to buy Kinetic KC54:

The Kinetic may be fresh on the scene of the Super Cats but it is on the cutting edge of the finest fast craft in terms of performance and latest technology while also having features, impeccable finishes and the amenities of stylish cruising.

This has been awarded the Cruising World Best Large Multihull 50ft and Above Boat of the Year 2022 as well as the Special Recognition Award – for Overall Excellence 2022 by Sailing Magazine. Said Gerry Douglas of Sailing Magazine: ‘This was the Tesla of sailboats…in terms of design and execution and technology, it hit all three of those marks. This boat is built without compromise’.

These catamarans are all-carbon construction, an aggressively lightweight construction and set up for short-handed sailing. Mast is coachroof mounted and there are options for centreboards and daggerboard. There are three steering stations (two outside aft on each hull, one inside right behind the working cockpit) to suit weather conditions and personal preference.

  • Length: 54 ft 2 in
  • Beam: 27 ft 7 in
  • Draft: Dagger Boards down 10.2 ft
  • Standard Rudder up 4.5 ft
  • Capacity: 3 or 4 double berths (6-8 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x Yanmar 4JH80 - 80hp Diesel SD80
  • Fuel Capacity: 264 gal
  • Mast height: 85.3 ft (above water)
  • Mainsail area: 1,102 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 264 gal

Xquisite Yachts

Xquisite X5 Plus


Where to buy Xquisite X5 Plus:

2022 saw the Xquisite X5 named the Cruising World magazine’s Best Cruising Catamaran of the year – yet again (it won the Best Multihull over 50ft award in 2017) .

As Ed Sherman said: ‘There are 40,000 man-hours invested in this boat. And you can see it.’ To the bolts that are torqued to the 2 weeks spent with each new owner training them on systems – this is a strong product, well designed by Rudolf Jonker and built by Phoenix Marine incorporating all of Tamas Hamor’s ideas and experience. This really is a well thought out 53 ft cruising sailboat and is another South African-built catamaran loaded with important details, not only the visible ones.

The goal for Xquisite is to supply fully equipped catamarans for long-term live-aboard cruising with comprehensive lifetime service assistance for the owners.

There are so many features from the gutters to catch rain-water on the coachroof to footswitches for the electric winches at the helm. Solid handrails all around the deck for maximum security to the below deck running-rigging network! In terms of the design and construction much thought has gone into weight saving. There is no faulting the systems installations.

All lines lead to the helm through below deck channels that are easily accessible with winches well thought out. The helm is slightly raised to port under a bimini with a sliding fully-battened canvas roof that is easily raised and lowered. There is an overall ambiance of space and light in the berths and galley which opens onto the cockpit.

Sailing performance was impressive with its powerful rig – however a heavy, low-slung cruising cat with keels instead of boards to get to your destination in comfort and style.

See our complete list of the best catamarans here .

  • Length: 53 ft
  • Beam: 26 ft 2in
  • Draft: 4 ft 4’
  • Capacity: 3 double berths (6 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x 80 HP Yanmar
  • Fuel Capacity: 208 gal
  • Mast height: 78 ft 7’ (above waterline)
  • Mainsail area: 1,130 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 227 gal

McConaghy Boats

McConaghy MC60


Where to buy McConaghy MC60:

The MC60 is the fastest and most luxurious flybridge catamaran. ‘Think next-gen fighter jet meets a New York style luxury loft apartment.’

McConagy boats was founded by John McConaghy in 1967 and in 2000 Mark Evans & Jono Morris embraced the opportunity to take over the country. They partnered with Tiger Group Investments and have grown from strength to strength – building the world’s fastest racing yachts , submarines, components for Formula One racing and developing solutions for architects, scientists and others. They have a proven track record on complex composite products which are lightweight, corrosion resistant, have design flexibility, durability and high strength.

In the MC60, designed and engineered with safety as priority, this performance sailing meets stylish living with only finest wood veneers and luxurious materials throughout – the wide saloon which offers a versatile but spacious living area, large windows and retractable glass doors aft, a galley well positioned best suited to socialising. The attention is to detail and innovation even in the storage solutions so that living space is maximised with semi-customisation of interiors too.  She is the perfect blend of sophistication and high tech.

Sailing is in utmost luxury, effortlessly and safely due to meticulous control of weight. She is much lighter than other similar length cats and can approach cruising speeds close to true wind. A professional crew are required. For sailing there are dual helm positions on the streamlined flybridge for best sight lines. The precise hull forms achieve optimum strength to weight ratio with careful use of carbon which means that under full sail she points upwind like a monohull. The M60 has push button centerboards that raise on impact automatically – certainly one of the safest offshore performance catamarans .

  • Length: 60 ft 04 in
  • Beam: 28 ft 2 in
  • Draft: 4 ft 7 in with centreboards up
  • 12 ft 4 in with centreboards down
  • Capacity: 2 double berths & 1 - 2 twin (6 - 8 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x 57 HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 123.19 gal
  • Mast height: 92.85 ft
  • Mainsail area: 2,034 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 123.19 gal

Sunreef Yachts


Where to buy Sunreef 80:

Winner in the 2019 Oceanway China Yachts Award, the 2019 Yacht and Aviation Awards and claiming Best of Show Award in the 2020 Miami International Boat Show this mighty fine catamaran justly deserves all and more.  It is an all-round sailing leisure yacht for exclusive getaways, charter and transocean adventures and is set up for professional crew.

The Sunreef is built in Poland under management of Founder and CEO Francis Lapp who has been producing large vessels from 50-165 ft since 2002 and knows well what semi-custom cruising is all about.

The Sunreef 80 fuses contemporary design with its layout flowing easily one into another area in ultimate luxury. Custom finishes ensure that you have found your ultimate catamaran – the vast central lounging space with panoramic view opens both onto the bow and cockpit. The cleverly designed bridge deck and superstructure facilitates the superior comfort onboard.

The spacious 54sqm flybridge is the epitome of leisure – a jacuzzi, wet bar, barbecue and large sunpads with the main boom well clear overhead ! It also houses all the navigation. Plenty of relaxation and pleasure space.

The sail controls are well laid out for the twin helms with carbon masts built by Sunreef themselves. The rig is built for power on this well equipped and luxury sailing vessel.

The tall bow has a fine entry aimed at reducing drag while the hulls are designed to reduce drag too while having super volume to accommodate the luxurious cabins are airy and impeccable in style. The master cabin is located midships starboard and is an opulent space while the other cabins each have queen sized beds, spacious en-suites and unquestionable privacy.

  • Length: 80 ft
  • Beam: 37 ft 7 in
  • Draft: 7 ft 218 in
  • Capacity: 4 - 5 double berths plus optional crew of 3 (8 - 10 persons plus crew max of 3)
  • Motor: 2 x 280 HP John Deeres
  • Fuel Capacity: 634.01 to 1585.03 gal
  • Mast height: 2185 ft
  • Mainsail area: 2152.78 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 422.68 gal

HH Catamarans

HH50 cruiser


Where to buy HH50 cruiser:

The HH50 is a performance cruiser for the blue water with simple to use but intelligent systems, carbon construction and to top it all luxurious and spacious interior. She offers to best of all worlds – easy to manage sailing vessel which is robustly built, fully equipped and stylishly comfortable for your adventure.

The sailing systems and deck layout are designed for short-handed sailing with dual helm stations each giving the helmsman total sail control from either side and having excellent visibility.  The C daggerboards are curved and are fully retractable. Push button mainsheet and self-tacking jib are standard. Equal-to-Wind speed is normal, this is a performance sailing vessel.

The large saloon has a good sized galley and when at anchor the sail handling area converts easily to a comfortable forward facing seating area. The aft cockpit has an integrated wet bar and barbeque – perfect for al fresco entertaining or dining. Luxury queen size beds await in the cabins.

  • Length: 51 ft 8 in
  • Beam: 24 ft 41 in
  • Draft: 5 ft 43 in Board down
  • 10 ft 83 in Board up
  • Capacity: 2 double berths and 1-2 single (4 - 6 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x Yanmar 40HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 131.98 gal
  • Mast height: 75 ft 36 in
  • Mainsail area: 873.28 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 87.99 gal

Excess Catamarans


Where to buy Excess 11:

This gem earned the title of Cruising World’s Boat of the Year 2021 impressing the judges with its allocation of space all the while offering superior sailing performance. All at a great price.

Using compact space effectively – effectively and seamlessly assimilating working and social areas in a thoughtful, pleasant, workable and innovative way. This is a sure winner for the Excess 11.

The Excess 11 is one of the smallest catamarans as well as the only large-scale production boat of this size, with comfort, space and thrilling sailing. She is comfortable in her simplicity and light style. It is very capable for long passages and meets the needs for life on board, built on the experience of previous models and designs.

Even with her smaller size she offers comfort on deck with a large open cockpit and twin helm stations.

Complete Excess 11 standard features list please email via website

  • Length: 37 ft 5 in
  • Beam: 21 ft 7 in
  • Draft: 3 ft 9 in
  • Capacity: 3 - 4 double berths (6 - 8 persons)
  • Motor: 2 x 29HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 106 gal
  • Mast height: 56 ft 8 in
  • Mainsail area: 592 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 79 gal

Bali Catamarans

BALI Catspace


Where to buy BALI Catspace:

The BALI Catspace is the most successful catamaran in her class with the Catspace being the smallest of the BALI range, combining all the latest innovations in cruising. It was nominated for the Cruising World’s best boat of the year: Catamaran under 50 ft, 2022.

The Catspace was conceived by Olivier Poncin & designed by Lasta Design – combining all the latest innovations in cruising into a really neat vessel.

The sailing quality is not to be faulted for a catamaran of this size, the deck which is efficient for sailing allows smooth movement from the aft platform to the forward cockpit with lounge and sunbathing area. There is, in addition a full-comfort flybridge which has a safe relaxation area and a helm station which is designed for single/short handed use.

The 4 cabins each have private heads and the ability to open up the back end of the cats to create the indoor/outdoor platform is well planned and highly effective.

Complete Catspace standard features list

  • Length: 40 ft 39 in
  • Beam: 21 ft 59 in
  • Draft: 3 ft 91 in Boards up
  • Motor: 2 x 20HP up to 2 x 40HP
  • Fuel Capacity: 107.78 gal
  • Mast height: 58 ft 56 in
  • Mainsail area: 1,087 sqft
  • Fresh Water tank: 167 gal

Regatta In Indian Ocean, Sailboat And Catamaran. Helicopter View

Big ‘blue water’ Sailing

Blue water sailing refers to the open sea. Non-blue or pond sailing refers to inland waters and coastal areas.

The difference in specific design of a blue water or non-blue water vessel is for the ship captain’s visibility as well as based on the hazards of the area they are to be used.  A bluewater (offshore) catamaran is designed for voyages in very rough seas. They are usually 40ft or longer, designed to be very stable, carry heavy loads and very safe.  Ocean sailing has different dangers to coastal water with different challenges – sailing through storms, longer distances, more maneuvering space, night sailing – and more gear, better technology, skills and sturdier vessels are needed.

When sailing in confined waters it is important to have more reactive steerage, less maneuvering time, you do not need to store multiday provisions as you are more reliant on daytime sailing, do not need so much speed so have smaller sails and lower horsepower engines and perhaps the intention if for pleasure alone so one of the major considerations will be the  layout of the vessel.

For most sailors the choice of size is between 40-50 feet which is manageable for 2 persons with lots of room to spread out and entertain or have friends on board and that is easy to dock both in terms of space and cost.

Three Sailboats Racing In The Indian Ocean

First questions to ask yourself

First up consider these 5 points before you decide on your multihull model, length and manufacturer.

Will you be using your sailing vessel for coastal or blue water adventures? What is your primary objective and then: is this for family pleasure or entertaining or Charter?

For sailing

Must it be suited for single-handed sailing? What proficiency of sailing do I have/need? Degree of technology required? Equipment required?

Functional Use

How many berths do I need? How much privacy? Elegance, comfort and style – what is required? Space for ‘toys’?  If for charter or private use with crew – extra berths.

Your total budget must include the initial cost of the vessel plus survey, transport, upgrading of equipment, insurance, etc – there is a lot to consider. Would a second hand vessel be a consideration? What is the smallest I can go?

Annual Costs

What will my ongoing budget be for Insurance, berthing, maintenance, repairs, haul out fees, etc? This excludes any travel costs

Where do I want to berth my vessel? Or living aboard?

It is said that BOAT is an acronym for: Break Out Another Thousand!

Beautiful Catamaran On A Tropical Beach.

Review of Our Favorite 15 Multihulls 2024

With cutting edge technology and the strive for sail performance this was no easy task – there are many deserving vessels who deserve to be in the Top Reviews such as Privilege 510, Outremer 51, Knysna 500SE and the St Francis 50. There are also other models by manufacturers we have selected that have proven themselves over the years that may be a better size for you.

Here’s our listing!

Related Reviews

Read full review

Final Thoughts

Multihull vessels have a lot of the potential for creature comforts that motor yachts have without the constant thrumming of the engines. But they still require a modicum or rudimentary understanding of sailing.

There’s also a bit of maintenance required, but this is something–like having kids–that you figure out along the way.

Another popular boating segment is the power catamaran. Like their sailing counterparts, power catamaran boats have great living space, but without the need to understand sailing principles. Either way, both multihull markets look to be growing in popularity over the next many years.

The resale market for multihull ships also looks promising, so getting one, trying it out for a couple of seasons and selling it again is a possibility without losing too much on the purchase price.

Before you sign the cheque….

So you’ve located some a catamaran for sale that looks promising. It’s one of the models on the list here and you’re wondering if its in the best shape relative to the price. Here’s what you do:

Take time out to go and view it in person. Book yourself an experience aboard and head over to your closest marina and speak to owners (this may well help you create your shortlist too). Consider these points before purchasing:

  •       Pre-book buyer’s sea trials for your shortlist
  •       Select the perfect sailing vessel for you (and if it’s for your family make sure they agree too!)
  •       Used – get a certified hull survey, safety comes first
  •       Get annual insurance quotes
  •       Calculate dockage – purchase or rent a slip or dock
  •       Calculate monthly upkeep and maintenance
  •       Calculate extra costs like navigational devices & fittings
  •       Draft your own checklist
  •       Draft & sign off sale & purchase contracts
  •       Draft & sign off a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
  •       Ensure you are satisfied 100%
  •       Execute payment and take transfer of ownership
  •       Register and insure your vessel

Check all necessary Stock is aboard – Sail away!

Pre-Departure Checklist

Some ideas for you –

  • Always pre-check the weather and wind conditions prior to any excursion on the water
  • Always know the tide table in your head, so you know what the ocean is doing at all times, incoming or outgoing tide, and what is the tidal range if you are in an ocean estuary or channel.
  • Check you have fuel, water, food and all the basics before loading passengers aboard, and follow these easy steps to ensure safety is first at all times.
  • Plan your upcoming voyage, does it feature high swells, rocky shores, and cold water
  • Check Safety equipment, making sure you have enough life jackets for all sea-farers
  • Check sails, sheets and lines. All sailing gear
  • Check your engines – Open fuel lines, check oil and spark plugs
  • Check fuel tank levels and have extra fuel aboard for an emergency
  • Start the motor, make sure water is coming out to cool the motor
  • Test both forward and reverse gears on the engine before guests board
  • Check that you have a working and full battery communications radio, with all correct channels programmed, and that all the vessel lights and electrics are in working order
  • Check for first aid kits , manual hand pump, paddles, lifejackets , additional lines, fresh drinking water and food for passengers plus some spare in case your voyage is longer than expected, necessary repair tools & kit and flags
  • Strap any equipment and gear down safely before you start to motor
  • If you have passengers boarding, ensure you give a proper safety briefing and point out where all the safety gear is on the vessel. Children should be included in the briefing and be secured properly before departure

Catamarans versus Trimarans

Trimarans have limited space in slimmer hull designs generally. This makes Catamarans with their comfortable open leisure space both above and below deck far preferred for leisure sailing.

On the plus side for Trimarans are their speed and seaworthiness.

How Safe are Multihull Boats at Sea?

Probably a close second in terms of questions asked. On a twin hull design the buoyancy is on the outer edges of the boat and their is greater stability and less rolling when drifting or trolling compared to a monohull.

Catamarans are safe in rough seas because of their wide stance which makes them stable with increased motion comfort and excess buoyancy due to lack of ballast. They are easy to maneuver and with high speeds that may help them outrun storms with skilled crew who know the vessel. A trimaran is the safest of multihulls with the 3 hulls, centering of its weight and anti-drift plan. The righting torque between a catamaran and trimaran is significantly different.

An important consideration is this – if your catamaran is anything longer than 45ft, unless specifically modified for single handed sailing, then it probably cannot be sailed alone. At some stage in your journey you may well have to sail alone – can it be done?

As Blue Water Sailing Vessels

Catamarans are more stable and fast and depending on conditions some can distance more than 200 miles in a day.

Cats usually sail faster than monohulls (standard) due to the weight of them and displacement, especially on a run or broad reach when the sails are perpendicular to the wind. There are many variables to consider.

Solo Sailing a Multihull

Most small and medium-sized cruising catamarans can be sailed single-handedly. The skill of the sailor with high tech equipment such as electric winches and powered sail control, layout (such as all lines to the cockpit, roller furling mainsail, autopilot, etc) and safety precautions make it an adventure not to be missed.

If your catamaran is longer than 45ft, unless specifically modified for single-handed sailing, you will not be able to safely sail it alone. Consider:

  • What the minimum length of the vessel would suit your needs to handle on your own
  • Layout planning is essential
  • Space you need
  • The bigger the boat means larger sails which will be harder to raise and repair
  • The bigger the boat means more power and speed – be comfortable with your vessel
  • Update your sailing skills

Finding the Right Size

It is a very personal choice but at the very least the advice would be to buy the smallest catamaran you think would meet your needs – this is because you have many other costs to consider and the bigger the vessel the more the costs of upkeep, dockage, space for crew.

A perfect size for blue water sailing (including around the world) is around 40 ft, small enough to be sailed by one person but big enough to provide safety and speed. The smallest size to consider to cross the ocean safely and in some comfort by consensus is around 30ft. Any smaller and you will possibly have the following problems as dealing with large seas the size of your vessel does count :

  • A smaller vessel is always pitching and yawing and this impacts the crew negatively over a long period of time or in crisis situations
  • Low bridge deck clearance due to the small size of the vessel
  • when sailing upwind the waves are projected with speed and force into the decks understand (between the pontoons) creating bridge deck slamming.  This vibration and noise impacts the crew and is very tiring – sailing downwind to prevent this may not be where you want to go
  • Not having enough space for all the supplies and equipment needed for a long passage
  • Alongside the problem of weight to be carried is the problem of distribution of this weight over the length of the vessel safely

Multihulls best for ponds, slow rivers and calm bodies of inland water benefit from having flat hulls to provide shallow draft with great deck space manufactured from aluminium or fibreglass. Make sure you take extra food and water and all safety supplies just in case of an emergency!

The question everyone wants to know – how much does it cost to live onboard?

There are many variables depending on your lifestyle, where you intend to cruise or berth and how much you want to travel aboard. A good estimate would be between US$2000-US$5000 per month for a family of 4, a little less for a couple/single person plus the maintenance cost of your boat which is on average 5-10% of the cost of the boat. The maintenance of your boat varies depending of equipment, age, condition and size.

What do I need to consider differently to live on-board rather than racing ?

Racing vessels are designed for speed and exhilaration and safe fun.

Living on-board requires space and comfort – space for storage, large-sized comfortable berths, living space, entertaining space, home-space! You need to know your long term goals and what your personal needs are – do you need a dedicated work area or desk space/permanent interconnectivity for work?

Generally cruising catamarans have wider hulls which give you more space as well as creating more drag which slows your boat down and is more costly on fuel.

Many used charter boats are seen as great purchases for living on-board, however make sure that they are suited for blue water sailing and not only for coastal water.

Here’s a list of the Top 15 best Multihulls reviewed in this article: 

  • Leopard Catamarans – 41 ft 7 in – Leopard 42
  • Balance Yachts – 48 ft 26 in – Balance 482
  • Kinetic Catamarans – 54 ft 2 in – Kinetic KC54
  • Xquisite Yachts – 53 ft – Xquisite X5
  • McConaughey – 60 ft 1 in – MC60
  • Sunreef Yachts – 80 ft – Sunreef 80
  • Leopard Catamarans – 50 ft 6 in – Leopard 50
  • Voyage Yachts – 57 ft 42 in – Voyage 590
  • Seawind – 52 ft 8 in – Seawind 1600
  • HH Catamarans – 52 ft – HH50
  • Fountaine Pajot – 39 ft 14 in – Isla 40
  • Lagoon-Beneteau Group – 38 ft 5 in – Lagoon 40
  • Excess Catamarans – 37 ft 2 in – Excess 11
  • Maverick Yachts of SA – 44 ft – Maverick 440
  • Chantier CATANA – 37 ft 5 in – Catspace

Frequently asked questions about Catamarans

This varies greatly, often defined used or new by the design, size, year and finish.  Quality vessels are built to last and retain market-related value if undamaged.

On average a 45-foot catamaran can range from US$250,000-US$1,000,000.

The fully loaded Isla 40 costs around US$527,000. The Balance 42 sail away price fully cruise equipped is US$1,450,000 while the Kinetic 54’s price tag approaches US$3,000,000. The modern styled Sunreef 80 costs around $6.2 million.

We think that the Seawind 1600 is, for its size and quality, a superb priced performance product at US$900,000.

One of the major benefits for a cruising vessel is to be able to enter shallower seas – catamarans have a shallower draft than monohulls and therefore a great appeal to folk for whom this is a major consideration. Most lagoons are only 6-8 feet deep in the South Pacific. The Caribbean and other areas where you have reefs to navigate and shallow sandbanks to cross to enter overnight anchor stops draft is a very important consideration. Always remember to read your tide tables and swell.

A catamaran is lighter on the water and therefore takes less energy to move, however they have 2 engines which drives up fuel costs. They are more fuel-efficient on flat water (compared to equal horsepower and number of engines) but in heavy weather the monohull’s hull design causes less resistance and therefore higher efficiency.

With lighter weight and high buoyancy generally they have low water drag by comparison to the displacement of a monohull of the same length.

The trampoline serves many purposes – primarily to allow water to quickly pass through, allowing the bow to rise and so preventing the vessel from flipping and they are ideal for pleasure purposes.

To sail around the world the vessel needs to be equipped for offshore cruising and have a heavy load capacity.

The bigger Modern blue water cats are built with this in mind – supplies, crew, technology and gear.

A bigger boat has many advantages such as speed (not only to travel longer distance in shorter time but also to outrun potential bad weather) and comfort space, space for crew and friends, storage space for supplies and fun equipment, etc.

It is important to balance price against comforts, maintenance and repair costs as well as any potential income from your vessel (chartering, Air BNB, hosting courses on-board, etc) – generally here the bigger your vessel the higher the potential for greater income.

The larger your vessel the higher your expenses are in all ways – from Insurance to berthing, maintenance, haul out fees and equipment.

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Three sailboats racing in the Indian Ocean

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  • Kayak Safety

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  • Catamaran Interviews
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  •     Admiral 38
  •     Admiral 40
  •     Admiral 50
  •     Americat 3014
  •     Antares 44
  •     Aquila 44
  •     Aquila 48 Power Catamaran
  •     Aventura 37
  •     Balance 442
  •     Balance 482
  •     Balance 526
  •     Bali 4.0
  •     Bali 4.1
  •     Bali 4.2
  •     Bali 4.3
  •     Bali 4.4
  •     Bali 4.5
  •     Bali 4.6
  •     Bali 4.8
  •     Bali 40 Catspace
  •     Bali 5.4
  •     Bali Catsmart
  •     Beneteau Blue II
  •     Broadblue 346
  •     Broadblue 38 Prestige
  •     Broadblue 385
  •     Broadblue 435
  •     Broadblue 46
  •     Rapier 400
  •     Rapier 550
  •     Catalac 10M
  •     Catalac 11M
  •     Catalac 12M
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  •     Catalac 900
  •     Catalac 9M
  •     Catana 381
  •     Catana 39
  •     Catana 401
  •     Catana 40S
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  •     Catana 42 S
  •     Catana 431
  •     Catana 44
  •     Catana 471
  •     Catana 50
  •     Catana 521
  •     Catana 531
  •     Catana 55
  •     Catana 581
  •     Catana 65
  •     Catathai 44
  • Chris White
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  •     Chris White 55
  •     Condor 40
  •     Contour 34
  •     Corsair F28 R
  • De Villiers
  •     Dean 365
  •     Dean 400
  •     Dean 440
  •     Dean 500
  •     Dix DH550
  •     Dolphin 380
  •     Dolphin 460
  •     Edel 35
  •     Endeavour 30
  •     Endeavour 35 Victory
  •     Endeavour 36
  •     Endeavour 44
  •     Endeavour 44 TrawlerCat
  •     Endeavour 50 Pilothouse Trawler
  •     Excess 11
  •     Excess 15
  •     F-41
  •     Fastback 43
  •     Fastcat 445
  •     Fisher 28
  •     Fisher 32
  •     Fortuna 36 Island Spirit
  •     Fortuna 401 Island Spirit
  • Fountaine Pajot
  •     FP 32 Maldives
  •     FP 35 Tobago
  •     FP 36 Mahe
  •     FP 37 Antigua
  •     FP 38 Athena
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  •     FP 40 Isla
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  •     FP 40 Summerland MY
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  •     FP 46 Casamance
  •     FP 48 Salina
  •     FP 50 Saba
  •     FP 56 Marquises
  •     FP 57 Sanya
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  •     FP 60 Eleuthera
  •     FP Saona 47
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  •     Gunboat 55
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  • Island Packet
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  •     Lagoon 35
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  •     Lagoon 400
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  •     Lagoon 450
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  •     Lagoon 500
  •     Lagoon 52F
  •     Lagoon 55
  •     Lagoon 560
  •     Lagoon 570
  •     Lagoon 620
  •     Lagoon Seventy 8
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  •     Leopard 38
  •     Leopard 39
  •     Leopard 39 PowerCat
  •     Leopard 40
  •     Leopard 42
  •     Leopard 43
  •     Leopard 44
  •     Leopard 45
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  •     Lidgard 73 Executive
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  •     Maine Cat 30
  •     Maine Cat 38
  •     Maine Cat 41
  •     Manta 40
  •     Manta 42
  •     Matrix 450 Vision
  •     Matrix 760 Silhouette
  •     Maverick 400
  •     Maverick 420
  •     Maverick 440
  •     Moxie 61
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  •     Outremer 40
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  •     Outremer 50 Standard
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  •     Outremer 5X
  •     PDQ 32
  •     PDQ 36
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  •     Privilege 37
  •     Privilege 39
  •     Privilege 42
  •     Privilege 43
  •     Privilege 435
  •     Privilege 45
  •     Privilege 465
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  •     Privilege 482
  •     Privilege 495
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  •     Privilege Serie 5
  •     Prout 31 Quest
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  •     Prout 38
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  •     Prout 39 Escale
  •     Prout 45
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  •     Royal Cape 45
  •     Royal Cape 500 Majestic
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  •     Sailcraft 32 Comanche
  •     Sailcraft 35 Cherokee
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  •     Scape 39
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  •     Seawind 1160
  •     Seawind 1200
  •     Seawind 1260
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  •     Simpson 48
  •     Solaris 36 Sunrise
  •     Solaris 36 Sunstar
  •     Solaris 42
  •     St Francis 44
  •     St Francis 48
  •     St Francis 50
  •     Stealth 11.8
  •     Sunreef 60
  •     Sunreef 62
  •     Sunreef 70
  •     Sunreef 74C
  •     Sunreef 82 DD
  •     Sunreef 88 DD
  •     Switch 51
  •     Switch 55
  •     TRT 1200
  •     Heavenly Twins 26
  •     Ocean Twins 38
  •     Vaan R5
  •     Vision 444
  •     Voyage 380 Maxim
  •     Voyage 400 Norseman
  •     Voyage 430 Norseman
  •     Voyage 440
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  •     Voyage 47 Mayotte
  •     Voyage 480
  •     Voyage 500
  •     Voyage 580
  •     Voyage 590
  •     Kronos 45
  •     Wharram 38 Tiki
  •     AMI 320 Renaissance
  •     Woods 22 Wizard
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  •     Woods 36 Scylla
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  •     Woods 38 Transit
  •     Woods 40 Meander
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  •     Xquisite X5+

Catamaran Construction – Hulls, Laminates, and Composites

  • Post author By BJ Porter
  • Post date October 15, 2020
  • 4 Comments on Catamaran Construction – Hulls, Laminates, and Composites

best catamaran hull design

It’s a given that catamarans are more sensitive to weight and loading than monohulls. Catamaran builders strive to build the lightest boats they can without sacrificing strength and stiffness, and have adapted new building techniques and materials to meet this target. Cutting weight allows more passengers and gear without sacrificing performance.

And the marketing materials reflect it–they load every review and website with polysyllabic technical jargon describing the design and production choices each builder made to deliver the best boat they can.

best catamaran hull design

But when you’re reading a brochure and you come across phrases like “ hand laid bidirectional GRP ” or “ vacuumed bagged e-glass with vinylester resin over a Divinycell core ” do you know what that really means?

All modern production catamarans are made with “FRP” construction (for Fiber Reinforced Polymer). Composites aren’t new–it’s just using materials together to strengthen the whole assembly. Straw was added to bricks centuries ago, and steel reinforced concrete is a staple of construction over the last century. For boats, it’s the use of stranded fibers and cured resins which make FRP different.

The term “FRP” doesn’t get into the technical detail of which fibers and which plastics, and how they’re put together to build your hull. There’s a wide variety of fiber types which can be stranded, woven, chopped or sprayed in a varied of patterns then combined with several types of resins to make hulls with different characteristics.

Some FRP techniques produce lighter, stronger shapes, while others are quicker to build and less expensive to produce. The choice of technique is a function of many factors, from the number of hulls and parts to be built, the type of parts, the budget for the project, and many design specific requirements for weight and strength.

1. FRP Basics

The principle behind all FRP construction is the same – you lay our fibers in the shape you need, then saturate them with resin, removing all the air and voids you can. Resin is left to cure, then the piece is ready to finish and use.

best catamaran hull design

The reality is more complex, since building a boat isn’t like making a flat board or a simple door. You’ve got a complex shape with a designed set of curves to build. “Tooling” is the set of shapes to make the boat parts; molds to cover with fiberglass to get the right shapes.

That’s what makes FRP so effective – you can make almost anything out of it. But to do so requires a lot of choices about what you need for the project at hand.

There isn’t a “best” all around material or technique choice for all jobs, and sometimes a lower cost technique or easier to work with material may be the better solution to the problem.

A. Fiber types

Fiber choices in the last few decades have expanded past the glass fibers used in the first mass produced boats in the 1960s. FRP construction wasn’t new even then, they built the first composite boats using modern fiberglass in the 1940s.

The major fibers used in marine construction fall into three categories – glass, aramids, and carbon. The primary differences are in the strength to weight ratios of the fibers, durability, elasticity, and cost. Some construction may use blends of fiber types to combine performance characteristics.

Glass – the most common material still, because of its low cost and versatility. The most common variety used in GRP (Glass Reinforced Polymer) is “E-glass” which refers to its strand size and mineral content. Other grades have different and sometimes better mechanical properties, but may be more expensive and less appropriate for boat building use. Fiber sizes run 10 to 25 microns for E-glass, though other grades may be smaller.

best catamaran hull design

Brands like Leopard, Lagoon, and most higher production volume builders use E-glass.

Aramids – this includes brand names like Kevlar, Technora and Twaron. They have higher tensile strength than E-glass, and resistant abrasion and punctures. Kevlar is a common choice for bullet proof body armor, and can built a tough, lightweight hull. The materials can be difficult to work with, as it is very tough to cut the cloth. It is often blended with carbon fiber or other materials – Catana is known for using Twaron blends in hull construction.

best catamaran hull design

Carbon – the ultimate in lightweight, strong construction material. Carbon fiber is the most expensive fiber, and is available in a variety of weights, grades and strengths. Fibers are smaller than glass – down to 5 Micron.

The lightest, most expensive hulls are made from carbon, but a catamaran builder may use carbon in places other than the hull to add strength and stiffness. Carbon boards, rudders, and reinforcing structures can enhance performance without driving the price of the boat beyond reach. Carbon is the fiber of choice for many custom builds, racing cats, and Gunboat.

B. Mats, Strands, Roving, Direction, and Weights

Fibers are woven into matting and cloth for construction. Depending on the application, different weights of cloth and cloth patterns and weaves may be more appropriate for the job.

Cloth weight refers to the weight per square yard (or meter) of the cloth. A square yard of nine ounce cloth weighs nine ounces. The heavier the cloth, the stronger it is in a laminate.

Fibers carry loads along their length, so cloth weaves have directionality to their strength. Most builders use several layers of cloth with different orientations to give good universal strength to hulls. Specific FRP applications with strict load-path requirements may have more unidirectional fiber layering – for example, a chainplate manufactured from carbon fiber may use unidirectional fiber.

Cloth – fiberglass cloth is commonly used on outer layers of composites. Cloth may have unidirectional or bidirectional strength. Bidirectional cloths have maximum load strengths in two perpendicular directions. Variations on weaves like a modified twill allow a more flexible cloth for better shaping around complex molds.

Mat – is omnidirectional strands of fiber compressed into a cloth. This is often held together with a resin soluble glue, which makes mat great at conforming to mold shapes without folding and bunching as it collapses when wetted. Because the strands do not align, fiber strength is the same in all directions.

best catamaran hull design

Woven Roving – a heavier cloth made from larger bundles of strands. Woven roving allows for quicker buildup of material and strand weight.

Most FRP layups include multiple layers of different cloth and mat. Finished layers may be finer cloth over courser cloth, over woven roving and mat.

Three primary resins are in common use in marine construction – polyester , vinylester , and epoxy . All resins have materials safety concerns and require care in their use and handling.

Polyester is the least expensive and requires breathing protection because of the VOC emission (Volatile Organic Compounds…nasty, smelly fumes). It doesn’t have good bonding/gluing capability, and should only be used with glass fibers for structural building. Some polyester resins are referred to as “isophthalic” resins.

Vinylester is chemically similar to a hybrid of polyester and epoxy, and performs best with fiberglass. It shouldn’t be used in high strength applications with carbon or aramid fibers. It has some adhesive qualities which polyester lacks, it shrinks less during curing, and has better impact resistance.

The added strength of vinylester coupled with increased water resistance makes it an attractive option for many catamaran builders. It costs less than epoxy, but still has better performance than polyester.

Epoxy is the most expensive, but is three times the strength of the others. It offers the best adhesion and the only resin for building structural elements with carbon and aramid. It resists water intrusion better than the other resins, resists blisters, emits no VOCs, and shrinks less. The major drawback is it is more brittle if it takes an impact.

While epoxy is “the best” in terms of strength and ease of building, there are many applications where other resins are appropriate. Budget is a big driver – a boat made from E-Glass doesn’t need epoxy resin, and considerable cost savings to meet a construction price target may drive the choice.

They can build quality boats from all material combinations, but price and performance will drive materials choices to keep some boats more affordable.

2. Cored Construction

What’s the best way to make fiberglass strong? To a point, you can make it thicker. As it gets thicker, it gets heavier. A hollow shape can take more compressive load than a solid one of the same weight, and the same principle applies to fiberglass construction.

Consider an I-Beam used in building construction. It has the same strength (or more) as a solid rectangular beam of similar mass. The compressive load on the beam is supported by the outside edges of the material, the metal in the middle doesn’t contribute much to the strength. So we can remove metal to get the “I” shape while still keeping those sides rigid, making a lighter girder with less material.

The same principle applies to cored construction with fiberglass. Making a sandwich of two layers of fiberglass with a light core between them allows for the greater strength with weight savings.

There are drawbacks – the biggest risk is damage which breaks the skin, which can let water into the core. Earlier cored construction used materials prone to saturation and rot if they got wet. Some builders opt to do cored construction above the waterline and solid below to minimize some of these risks.

But the advantages in weight savings and increased stiffness offset the drawbacks, and there may be a few other side effects like sound and temperature insulation. Like resins and fibers, core materials offer distinct advantages, disadvantages and price points.

Most builders have adopted a hybrid approach, building solid hulls below the waterline, and cored hulls and decks above. This gives a balance of weight and safety.

A. Balsa Core

Balsa is light and inexpensive. The first cored construction used balsa, but it has the disadvantage of being wood. As a natural material, if it gets wet it can rot and break down. Builders use “end grain” balsa – shorter cross cut sections – to prevent wicking of water if there is an intrusion.

best catamaran hull design

B. Foam Core

Closed cell foam cores give good strength to weight savings while minimizing water intrusion. If you get water in the core, it won’t spread very far. Divinycell is a popular PVC foam core, though there are several choices with different densities and compressive strengths.

best catamaran hull design

Some foam cores are not suitable for heat treatment, but infused or vacuum bagged boats like the Outremer and PDQ do well with it.

C. Honeycomb

Honeycomb cores are often the most expensive, but also give some of the best strength to weight ratios. Honeycombed cells made from resin cured aramid papers are some of the best, but also among the most costly. They offer good stiffness, but can be hard to shape. Aluminum and other resin-infused papers are other core materials builders can choose from.

3. Construction and Resin

When building a hull, there are optimal ratios of fiber to resin saturation for target strength and weight. Too little resin and you may not have enough strength (or worse, voids and gaps), and too much, and you’re just adding weight without adding strength. Resins are also a significant material cost in building the boat, so over application not only increases weight but adds cost.

best catamaran hull design

There are many ways to assemble the cores, fibers and resins to build a finished laminate hull – we’re addressing the most common in boat building. Each approach has strengths and limitations, and an impact on the bottom-line cost to build the boat. Any voids or air pockets in the laminate can be disastrous; these techniques have been developed to increase saturation and reduce the risk of voids.

A. Hand Layup / Open Molding

As the name implies, this is the application of resin by hand to cloth as it’s laid into a mold. Wetting is done with a brush, and the laminate is rolled out to remove any air pockets and voids. This is the simplest way to lay up fiberglass, but also the least precise and consistent and will use the most resin.

Skilled craftsmen have built some of the finest vessels in the world this way. Though it’s more popular with monohulls, which are less sensitive to weight, many catamarans built with hand layups on open molds are still out cruising and performing well.

B. Spraying

Using chopped-strand fiber mixed with resin, a “chopper gun” can spray the mixture into a mold to lay down the composite. A consistent thickness can be difficult, but this is a low cost construction technique which makes a very resin-rich laminate. Using sprayed fibers gives lower strength in all directions compared to meticulously laid down mat and bi-directional cloth. But it is a quick technique popular with mass produced, smaller boats.

It is an excellent technique for parts with complex geometry where weight is not an issue, but you will not see it often in catamaran construction. It’s heavy with resin without any resultant increase in strength.

C. Vacuum Bagging (Wet layup)

When an open molded component has been laid up and wetted with resin, vacuum bagging takes the process a step further. After the wetting is complete, air tight plastic bagging is secured around the wetted area, and the air is pumped out of the bag. The vacuum pulls excess resin out and collapses air pockets.

best catamaran hull design

The goal is to get thorough wetting and produce as strong a laminate as possible without excess resin. Knysa and Leopard are two builders that use vacuum bagging on their hulls to reduce weight.

D. Resin Infusion

For resin infusion the cloth, matting and core is laid in place dry, then sealed in an air-tight bag. A vacuum pump attaches to one side of the bag, and on the other a feed for resin. The vacuum sucks the air out of the dry cloth stack, then pulls the resin through the stack, infusing and wetting it.

Resin infusion, when done right, gives the lightest, strongest laminates with no voids and the minimum resin weight for maximum strength. SCRIMP is a variant of the resin infusion process used by some builders, including TPI which build many early Lagoon cats.

E. Pre-preg

Using pre-preg (for “Pre Impregnated”) cloth for your laminating gets rid of the resin bucket. They manufacture cloth with a partially catalyzed resin pressed into it, then it’s chilled or frozen to stop the curing process. There is no need for seperately mixed resins, and there’s no worry your resin might “go off” and harden before you’re done wetting the cloth. Instead, the cloth is assembled, vacuumed, then heated to kick off the curing process.

There are both advantages and disadvantages to using pre-preg for your laminate work. The big disadvantage is the cost; it is most expensive material to use. You also need to chill and store the cloth until you need it, though some can be at room temperature for a couple of weeks without kicking off. And you need an oven which requires some clever tricks if you’re building a forty or fifty foot boat.

But the strength to weight ratio will always be perfect. High tech honeycomb cores are best suited to pre-preg lamination, and without racing against resin cure times, you can ensure perfect cloth placement and precise layout in the build process.

The primary use for pre-preg in boating is high performance race boats. With catamarans, pre-preg may be used high load parts, like Gunboat does for foils and rudders.

4. Industry Examples

Across the catamaran building industry you’ll find almost all the above techniques and materials used, though some are less common. You aren’t likely to find chopped strand sprayed layups in ocean going cats, and hand layups can lead to heavier hulls than weight sensitive catamaran designers prefer. Most manufacturers have moved to vacuum bagging or resin infusion, with a few of the highest end boats using pre-preg for key components.

Built by Robertson & Caine in South Africa, the hull material is vacuum bagged, end-grain balsa-cored E-glass with polyester.

Hand laid, bagged vinylester over an Airex foam core in the hulls.

Earlier Prout catamarans like the Snowgoose 34 featured hand laid solid FRP hulls and decks. Over time they switched to foam or balsa cores for decks and above the waterline.

Older PDQ boats were made from vacuum bagged vinylester – solid below the waterline and cored with CoreCell foam above the waterline and in decks. Newer PDQ models switched to epoxy resin.

All glass is vacuum bagged. Below the waterline is solid E-glass and vinylester. The rest is unidirectional, bidirectional, and triaxial cloths over a Nida-Core polypropylene honeycomb core with isophthalic and vinylester resins.

The Gemini cats are built with a solid hand layup of woven roving and fiberglass mat and polyester resin. Decks are cored with end grain balsa. The Gemini 3200 introduced vinylester resin into the layup to prevent blistering.

Older Lagoons were SCRIMP infused vinylester with and end grain balsa core above the waterline and in the decks.

Newer Lagoon catamarans use polyester and vinylester resins, also infused with balsa cores above the waterline and solid below.

With a carbon fiber inner skin, Catana also uses Twaron aramid fibers in the sandwiched hull over a foam core.

Fontaine Pajot

Primary hull construction is resin-infused vinylester with a balsa cored hull and deck.

Beneath the waterline, Outremer uses a single layer, solid vinylester laminate for safety. The hulls and deck are vinylester with a Divinycell foam core. They stiffen certain components with carbon for rigidity and durability.

Gunboat hulls are epoxy infused carbon fiber with a Nomex honeycomb core. They build dagger boards and other high load components with pre-preg carbon.

  • Tags Buying Advice

BJ Porter

By BJ Porter

Owner of Hallberg Rassy 53; world explorer.

4 replies on “Catamaran Construction – Hulls, Laminates, and Composites”

Excelent. Thank you for this I learned allot. Johan

Very straight forward information. Thankyou for doing this.

Damn…What an Amazingly Informative Article. *Cheers*

Outremer publish on their website that they use polyester. Not vinyl ester as you have stated.

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The advantages of proa hull design.

Setting out with the goal of building the most efficient boats we could, our founder Larry Graf and his designers sought to create earth-friendly cruisers that would inspire a new generation of boaters. And because Larry and his team played a hands-on role in developing some of the world’s best catamarans, they had an idea of what a boat could be in terms of comfort, stability, and fuel economy.

When one looks at catamarans vs. monohulls, the starting point is clear. The many advantages catamarans exhibit when compared with monohulls are an excellent starting point. Catamarans offer a stable ride with predictable hull movement. The seakeeping is excellent, even in rough conditions. Another advantage the design provides: incredible onboard space. The space of a catamaran is often comparable to that of a monohull that is 25 percent longer. Catamarans also have been proven to provide efficient operation.

aspen catamaran hull

A Different Kind of Catamaran

The concept was formed, and extensive testing was done to both prove and refine the design until the hull form we have today was established and then patented.

The first boats were single-engine diesels, with all propulsion confined to the larger starboard hull. This hull has the appendages including a keel, prop, and rudder. The hull forms are hydrodynamically designed so that power on one side creates straight tracking when the rudder is centered. If it were not for this, and rudder was needed to make the boat track straight, the constant rudder movement would create additional drag. The proa hull form works efficiently with both inboard and outboard power. Performance and stability remain unmatched whether powered by a single diesel or two gas outboards.

The shape of the tunnels from fore to aft is also precisely crafted. The forward section is designed to cut through wave tops, when in extreme conditions, creating a slight amount of lift as the vessel enters the wave with no slapping. The water funnels back into the tunnel flowing evenly and exiting at the stern. This tunnel design keeps water flowing and reduces wave impact much better than the tunnels of other catamarans.

The wider starboard hull provides more space for the accommodations, and also makes it easier to access and manage the engine and machinery. The proa hull on the portside is 35 percent narrower, but its actual drag is reduced by approximately 50 percent due to fluid dynamics. A hull that is a little thinner maintains the buoyancy required to keep the boat running true but requires a lot less energy to move through the water. This makes a big difference in efficiency.

Our patented proa design for inboards uses just one engine, one shaft, one prop, one rudder, and one keel—half the typical engine appendage drag of a twin-engine design. The hulls are shaped to compensate for the engine torque. Since both fluid-dynamic and engine-torque forces are proportional to speed, the boat runs straight at every speed. Even better, the single-engine design saves dramatically on machinery weight, which in turn, saves on the required structural-component sizes and fuel needs, and their corresponding weight. This reduces the boat’s weight by around 44 percent. Less weight also equals much less drag. Thanks to solid engineering principles and innovation, our boats strike the perfect balance for the environment: comfortable and efficient.

proa hull design

A second round of innovation was conducted on the outboard-powered boats. Originally the second engine was to allow for a trolling motor, but testing and further refinement led to the two-engine configuration. By thinking even further outside the box, we created an asymmetrical installation that has not been seen previously: one 200-horsepower Yamaha on the larger hull, matched to a 70-horsepower outboard on the smaller hull. With the option to run on both engines or on the single larger outboard, or even just on the smaller outboard, we are able to see the advantages in efficiency.

Aspen Power Catamarans - Burlington, WA

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Power Catamarans: A Complete Guide

Dec 06, 2023

less than a min

Power Catamarans: A Complete Guide

Power Catamarans, often termed as the epitome of modern maritime engineering, are gaining popularity for all the right reasons. Their distinct design, enhanced stability, and cruising efficiency set them apart from traditional monohull boats and even their sail-driven counterparts. This guide dives into the world of Power Catamarans, shedding light on their advantages and how they compare to other vessels like monohulls and trimarans.

Historical Prelude:

The concept of catamarans traces its roots back to ancient maritime cultures. However, the power catamaran is a relatively modern innovation that marries the traditional twin-hull design with powerful engines, offering a unique blend of speed, stability, and space.

Distinguishing Design:

Power Catamarans are characterized by their twin hulls, which significantly reduce the drag, thus enhancing speed and fuel efficiency. Unlike monohulls, they have a broader beam, which contributes to increased stability and more living space. The absence of a ballast for stability further lightens the vessel, contributing to its speed and fuel economy

Speed and Handling:

One of the significant advantages of power catamarans is their speed and handling. The twin hulls allow for a smoother glide over the water, making them particularly favorable for watersports enthusiasts. Their handling in rough waters is superior to monohulls, thanks to the inherent stability provided by the dual-hull design.

The stability of power catamarans is unparalleled, especially when compared to monohulls. The wide beam and twin hulls provide a stable platform, reducing the rocking and rolling common in monohulls. This stability is not only comforting in rough seas but also crucial when docking or anchoring.

Comfort and Space:

The spacious design of power catamarans offers homelike livability, with ample room for cabins, lounges, and even onboard amenities like grills and bars. The wide beam also allows for large deck spaces, ideal for sunbathing or enjoying the scenic ocean vistas.

Economy and Redundancy:

Power catamarans are economical, with fuel efficiency being one of their selling points. The redundancy built into their design, with separate engines for each hull, provides an added layer of safety, ensuring that the vessel can return to shore even if one engine fails.

Regular Upkeep and Care:

Power catamarans, given their unique design and structure, come with their own set of maintenance requirements. Like all boats, routine checks and upkeep are essential to ensure smooth sailing. The twin hull design means double the underwater gear – from propellers to rudders, which necessitates regular inspections for any signs of wear, tear, or fouling.


Given that power catamarans have a larger surface area underwater due to their twin hulls, they may be more susceptible to marine growth. Regular antifouling treatments can help in keeping the hulls clean, ensuring optimal performance and fuel efficiency.

Engine Maintenance:

One distinct advantage of power catamarans is their dual-engine setup, but this also means double the engine maintenance. Regular oil changes, cooling system checks, and filter replacements are crucial. It's beneficial to synchronize maintenance schedules for both engines to ensure consistent performance.

The lifespan of a power catamaran largely depends on its build quality, materials used, and how well it's maintained. With proper care, a power catamaran can last for several decades. The engine's maintenance significantly impacts the catamaran's lifespan, with gasoline engines requiring maintenance at 1,200 to 1,800 hours and diesel engines at around 5,000 hours​​. The construction materials play a crucial role; for instance, fiberglass catamarans, when well-maintained, can last for many decades, while aluminum cats might change ownership after 10-15 years but can last a lifetime with proper care​.

World-Renowned Builders:

The power catamaran sector boasts several reputable manufacturers such as Lagoon, Leopard Catamarans, Fountaine Pajot, and other notable names like Seawind Catamarans​.

Lagoon, a revered name under the Beneteau Group umbrella, has carved its niche in crafting luxurious, spacious catamarans. A prime example is the Lagoon 630 Motor Yacht, embodying opulence with its nearly 250 sq. ft. aft deck and 900 sq. ft. interior, comfortably housing up to 12 guests. Known for its superyacht styling, it boasts superior fuel efficiency and a commendable average velocity-made-good of 9 knots.

Leopard Catamarans:

Emerging from the reputable Robertson and Caine shipyard in South Africa, Leopard Catamarans is synonymous with innovation and efficiency. The Leopard 53 Powercat is a testament to this legacy, showcasing excellent seakeeping abilities, offering 3 or 4 cabin configurations, and achieving a top speed of 25 knots.

Fountaine Pajot:

A trailblazer since 1976, Fountaine Pajot constantly redefines catamaran design. The Fountaine Pajot MY6 is a shining example, encapsulating the brand's visionary ethos. Stretching 15 meters, the MY6, equipped with dual engines of up to 2 x 353 Kw and 2 x 480 hp, promises dynamic sailing. Crafted meticulously by Pier Angelo Andreani, the interior mirrors a 20-meter monohull's spaciousness, reflecting modern aesthetics and comfort that stand as a benchmark in the Motor Yacht world.

These manufacturers continue to innovate, offering a blend of luxury, performance, and efficiency in their power catamaran models, making them a popular choice among maritime enthusiasts.

Comparing with Monohulls and Trimarans:

While monohulls are traditional and often cheaper, they lack the stability and space offered by power catamarans. On the other hand, trimarans, with three hulls, provide even more stability but at the cost of additional drag and less interior space.

TheBoatDB - Your Gateway to Maritime Exploration:

If you’re looking to delve deeper into the world of power catamarans and other vessels, TheBoatDB offers a comprehensive boat database. Explore various catamaran models, compare them with monohulls, trimarans, and other types of boats, and make an informed decision on your next maritime adventure.

In summary, power catamarans encapsulate a modern engineering marvel in the maritime domain. Their blend of speed, stability, comfort, and economy makes them an attractive option for a broad spectrum of boaters. Whether you are a long-distance cruiser, a water sport enthusiast, or someone who cherishes the tranquility of the sea, a power catamaran could be the vessel that transforms your maritime adventures into unforgettable experiences.

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What's the best shape for a fast & efficient catamaran hull?...

Discussion in ' Boat Design ' started by Seagem , Jan 21, 2009 .


Seagem Junior Member

Doing research on fast & efficient hull shapes for a 25' cruising catamaran capable of 22/25 knots cruise and 30 knots top speed, while still providing reasonable performance at lower speeds, I found the following: 1) Efficient planning shape, foil assisted:Corsair 22 Foiler The boat does 50 mph top with twin 90hp motors and cruises happily at 30 mph with better than 3 miles/gallon fuel consumption. Its asymmetrical hull design allows it to bank in turns, unlike most other catamarans.. Description: http://floridasportfishing.com/magazine/product-reviews/boats-reviews/corsair-foiler-2200.html Potential drawbacks: not efficient at displacement speeds 2) Efficient displacement hull: Prowler 9 meter Description: http://www.schionningmarine.com.au/www/page.cfm?pageID=195 Twin 50hp outboards will cruise this catamaran at 17 knots using 1 liter/mile or 3.8 miles /gallon with top speed of 21 knots, thanks to a fineness ratio of 15 to 1... Drawback: Top speed cannot exceed 23 knots, as this is a displacement hull... 3) Not so efficient semi-displacement hull: VT650/950 The larger version of this design with the unusual asymmetric chines, the VT950 cruises at 17 knots, using 2.2 liters/mile (1.7 mile/gallon) and tops out at 26 knots with twin 140hp outboards. Many advantages: sharp entry at slow or high speeds, load carrying ability aft where the weight is usually concentrated, easy access to hulls from bridgedeck and clever location of the outboard engines, which have a clear water flow while keeping the stern platforms free. This also moves the engine weight and prop further forward, reducing potential aeration in rough seas. Description: http://www.schionningdesigns.com.au/login/pages/images/StudyPlanProwler950VT.pdf One major drawback: the hull shape has too much wetted area which affects its efficiency. I suggested tapering the "V" section to nothing about one third before reaching the stern, but Schionning says it increases the drag... 4) Efficient semi-displacement hull: Chilkat 30 This boat cruises at 30 knots with 3 miles/gallon fuel efficiency and tops out at42 knots with twin 225hp outboards. However, it still cruises at 25 knots and tops out a 43 mph with twin 150's... Description: http://www.blackfeatherboats.com/power_catamaran_boat.cfm Drawback: the bridge deck may be too low and pound in a seaway... There is also the Sea Knife hull design which may be suitable, but will require some expensive R&D to make work satisfactorily: http://www.yachtforums.com/forums/technical-discussion/2701-trimarans-bladerunner-4.html Any suggestions of hulls that might fit the bill would be welcome...  


sabahcat Senior Member

Are you still trying to get queen sized beds, dinettes, shower toilet and a few hundred litres of water onto these hulls? Does it still need to be a trailerable width? If not, option 1 although I would suggest a boat with foils may not have got the hull shapes right to start with. If you want the beds etc then option 2, but like was said in your other thread, it will be high sided due to bridgedeck clearance. Thems the rules.  
Good question.... sabahcat said: ↑ Are you still trying to get queen sized beds, dinettes, shower toilet and a few hundred litres of water onto these hulls? Does it still need to be a trailerable width? If not, option 1 although I would suggest a boat with foils may not have got the hull shapes right to start with. If you want the beds etc then option 2, but like was said in your other thread, it will be high sided due to bridgedeck clearance. Thems the rules. Click to expand...


mark775 Guest

There is a Chilkat thing here and the owner loves it but the outboards are ripping the the back of the boat off... Most in this neck of the woods have given up on little cats that plane, by the way because of the hobby-horsing and general thrashing.  


terhohalme BEng Boat Technology



robherc Designer/Hobbyist

Hmmm... I know you don't like the speed limit of a displacement hull, but it's going to be by FAR your most efficient through-the-water (at least under varied speeds). If I were to build a boat for myself, with the same qualifications you listed, I'd be tempted to go with fine, mostly-displacement hulls (if not fully displacement), but I'd still foil-assist it. With the foil-assist, you can dramatically reduce the displacement of the hull, and thus the wetted surface, w/o having to plane, so that seems like the way to go for me...but I still prefer to sail also, so the efficiency thing is pretty paramount to me, while I'd be quite happy with 25knots...and 0litres/nautical mi.  
Seagem said: ↑ The hulls are a cleverer design than appears at first sight: notice the main chine coming down the bow and turning down below the slightly convex bottom to prevent the lifting water flow under the hull from escaping sideways. Also the other chine just above the waterline that has a rubbing strake: the fineness ration is a narrow 18 to 1... Click to expand...


eponodyne Senior Member

I'd go with option 2. 20 knots is really hauling bass, let's not forget that 20 knots hour after hour adds up to 550 statute miles in a day. How far do you really need to go, and how fast do you really need to get there? Who are you really trying to impress?  
mark775 said: ↑ There is a Chilkat thing here and the owner loves it but the outboards are ripping the the back of the boat off... Most in this neck of the woods have given up on little cats that plane, by the way because of the hobby-horsing and general thrashing. Click to expand...
Seagem said: ↑ As mentioned earlier, the boat is 25' plus the swim platform, which will give a total of close to 27' and it may be necessary to still go longer to help carry the fairly substantial tankage necessary... Click to expand...


Alik Senior Member

From our experience, hull shape is secondary issue (unless it is too bad or not match the desired speed). Weight - this is key point of fuel efficiency. Make Your boat light to be fuel efficient. For planning cat, a lot of weight savings can be obtained by light bottom. Say, using AirexR63 and Kevlar/E-glass composite on bottom will give 1200 kg of hull structure for 10m cat, while for normal WR/CSM the weight is 1900 kg.  
Seagem said: ↑ A foil addition remains an option and it has been done successfully on a 46' displacement cat built by Alwoplast as a retrofit: speed increased by an amazing 35%... The fastest I was ever able to sail my Antigua 37 catamaran under spinnaker alone on an Atlantic crossing to the Caribbean was 15 knots: above that, the bows started to bury and waves would reach the foot of the mast by the time I took down the spi. Click to expand...
The Chilkat is by Black Feather Boats. It was an option pic posted above.  
50' Wave piercer by Gold Coast yachts on St Croix... Please, click on the link below to enlarge the photo and see the lay-out... 50' Wave piercer by Gold Coast yachts on St Croix... Owners comments: Mosler claims his boat burns 3 gph at 10 knots for 3.33 nmpg and 11.1 gph at 20 knots for 1.80 nmpg. His top speed is over 26kts with a 24kt cruise with the d3's Volvo 190hp at just over 14 gph. The length to beam of each of my hulls is about 16:1, and the bridge deck is about 3ft over the surface at the rear, sloping up towards the bow, so it can quarter some very high seas at full cruise without slapping, though the wind will blow a lot of spray on the upper aft deck at high speeds. Warren Mosler said: I took 13 people to St. Thomas from St. Croix yesterday quartering 8 ft seas at about 20 kts. picked 4 in St Thomas, had lunch in St. John, back in St. Croix less then 2 hours later. All sat comfortably on the upper aft 'sundeck' above the aft berths (and no one got sea sick). http://pmyeditors.blogspot.com/2008/01/is-it-finally-happening-are-power.html  
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And your point? 25feet has grown to 50feet? Similar concept Sheer Khan http://www.charterworld.com/index.html?sub=yacht-charter&charter=luxury-catamaran-sher-khan-715 http://www.incat.com.au/  

Attached Files:

Obrwavepiercer2.jpg, catamaran_united_states_navy_usn_joint_venture_hsv_x1.jpg.


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Boat Design Net

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Fin and Field Blog - Hunting and Fishing Adventures

Eastward Boats Adds A Big Cat To Their Line

eastward catamaran boats

Author: FSF Staff / Source: Florida Sport Fishing

Port St. Lucie, FL- Eastward Boats is proud to have acquired the molds for a 30’ power catamaran that has a proven hull design with a long history of providing a smooth dry ride, able to withstand the punishment of extreme conditions.

The original design comes from Australia where catamaran style hulls dominate the saltwater boat market due to the rough conditions. Available in four configurations, center console or cuddy cabins, they have a model that will fit your lifestyle.

The hull design incorporates a high bow that can cruise at displacement speed into a steep head sea, something that other cats don’t do very well. The tunnel is also rounded for superior strength and softer landings, when compared to catamarans that have squared off tunnels. This also eliminates stress cracks in the tunnel. The hull measures 30 feet, 3 inches in length and with a 9 foot, 3 inch beam, it’s easy to trailer.

Each model is constructed with exceptional attention to every detail, something that you can only get from a boat manufacturer that builds each boat one at a time, custom rigged, to the owner’s specifications. All composite construction, tined wiring, heat-shrunk terminals and S.S. hardware are just a few of the features that allow these boats to stand up to a harsh saltwater environment.

Dave East, Eastwards owner and president, has over 25 years’ experience in boat manufacturing and was one of the founders of Twin Vee Catamarans. He was also the Boating Editor for…

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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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WEBSITE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Call or email for more information. 772-207-8244. [email protected] . Join our Facebook page: Eastward Boats Official Factory Owner's Group

Eastward Boats Inc, Fort Pierce, Florida. 2,351 likes · 1 talking about this · 22 were here. EASTWARD BOATS manufacturer of power catamarans 24' and 30' with a proven history of performance in...

There was one more catamaran to go try before I put my money down on the TV and that was the eastward 24. I did my research and made a couple phone calls to current owners of these boats ( 30-ft eastward that is ) and decided to make the trek down to Florida from North Carolina. After walking through the shop and seeing how these boats are ...

For the full written captain's report, test and performance data, and more about the Eastward Boats Horizon 3000, go to:https://www.boattest.com/review/eastw...

2022. $220,000. 2022 Eastward Horizon 3000 The curved tunnel of the catamaran hull gives the boat a soft smooth ride. Twin 300 hp Mercury Verados on a bracket makes the boat fast and efficient while giving you a large stable platform with a full walk through transom. Twin live wells, gps enabled trolling motor, two electric reel plugs, thru ...

Eastward Boats Adds A Big Cat To Their Line. Port St. Lucie, FL- Eastward Boats is proud to have acquired the molds for a 30' power catamaran that has a proven hull design with a long history of providing a smooth dry ride, able to withstand the punishment of extreme conditions.

Cats, Cats, Cats - Catamarans are all the rage these days in the offshore center console fishing world. Entries from Freeman, Invincible, Sea Hunter and oth...

Eastward Boats has brought a proven power catamaran hull design from Kevlacat to America. With a history of use in search and rescue boats in Australia, it is now offered here with four layout options custom-built to buyer specs. We are reviewing the center console version powered with Evinrude E-TEC G2 250-hp outboards.

View pictures and details of this boat or search for more Eastward boats for sale on boats.com. 2022 Eastward Horizon 3000, Saint Augustine Florida - boats.com Explore

Eastward boats for sale on Boat Trader are available for an assortment of prices, valued from $35,000 on the most reasonably-priced watercraft all the way up to $220,000 for the more lavish boat models. Higher performance models now listed come rigged with motors up to 600 horsepower, while more compact more functional models may have as modest ...

Length 30' - 3" Beam 9' - 3" Draft TBD Dry Hull Weight TBD Max HP 300 Fuel Capacity 300 (gal) US Cockpit Freeboard TBD

Eastward Boats is proud to offer a 30' power catamaran that has a proven hull design with a long history of providing a smooth dry ride, able to withstand the punishment of extreme conditions. The HORIZON 3000 original design comes from Australia where catamaran style hulls dominate the saltwater boat market due to the rough conditions.

Port St. Lucie, FL- Eastward Boats is proud to have acquired the molds for a 30' power catamaran that has a proven hull design with a long history of providing a smooth dry ride, able to withstand the punishment of extreme conditions. Next > The original design comes from Australia where catamaran style hulls dominate the saltwater boat market due to the rough conditions. Available in four ...

LUCIE, FL: Eastward Boats is proud to have acquired the molds for a 30' power catamaran that has a proven hull design with a long history of providing a smooth dry ride, able to withstand the punishment of extreme conditions. ... Image 1 of 1. The HORIZON 3000 original design comes from Australia where catamaran style hulls dominate the ...

Find Eastward boats for sale in Florida, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Eastward boat dealers in FL and find your boat at Boat Trader!

Those are actually to reflect spray....the eastward hull has a 8 inch lift strake along almost the entire hull coupled with a very deep vee, she tracks like on rails. This picture is from daves test boat with the armstrong aluminum bracket. He has started building his own fiberglass bracket. what brand did you go with on your leds?

Category / Type Power / Catamaran. Make / Model Eastward / Horizon 3000. Year / Condition 2020 / Used. Length / Beam 30' / 9'. Engine #1 Evinrude Etec 300 Gen II. Engine #2 Evinrude Etec 300 Gen II. Horse power 600 hp. Hours 200 hrs. Fuel type Unleaded.

2024 Yellowfin 36 Offshore. Find Eastward Horizon 3000 boats for sale near you, including boat prices, photos, and more. Locate Eastward boat dealers and find your boat at Boat Trader!

- - Eastward boats 3000 horizon catamaran build, "Bullet Proof" (https: ... (Post 15614523) Not really, when I cancelled my build spot on the Eastward to have my current boat built, the builder asked " do you want a 10'6" or 11'6" beam?" I opted for the 10'6" beam….. what did you end up building? Just curious. e_deher:

Explore the scenic and historic attractions of Moscow from the water with the best boat tours and cruises. Enjoy the views of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, and the Sparrow Hills on a relaxing or informative boat ride. Or, spice up your trip with some water sports and activities in Moscow. Find out more on Tripadvisor.

THE 10 BEST Moscow Boat Rides & Cruises. Boat rides & cruises in moscow. Boat Rentals; Scuba & Snorkeling; Fishing Charters & Tours; Water Sports; Stand-Up Paddleboarding; Surfing

On this map you can see the details of the longest and most classic of the Flotilla Radisson boat tours: 2. Companies that do boat tours on the Moskva River. There are many companies that do cruises on the Moskva River, but the 4 main ones are: Capital River Boat Tour Company (CCK) Mosflot. Flotilla Radisson.

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT - Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project.The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.


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  1. Catamaran Hull Design

    If you have fine hulls you can use a lower Cp. Most monohulls have a Cp of 0.55- 0.57. And that is about right for displacement speeds. However the key to Catamaran design is you need a higher Cp if you want to sail fast. So a multihull should be at least 0.61 and a heavy displacement multihull a bit higher still.

  2. Catamaran Design Formulas

    T c = 0.57. Here we put B TR = 1.9 to minimize boat resistance (for her size) and get the draft calculation for a canoe body T c (Figure 1). Midship coefficient - C m. C m = A m / T c (x) B WL. We need to estimate a few coefficients of the canoe body. where A m is the maximum cross section area of the hull (Figure 3).

  3. Optimising Hull Lines for Performance

    A third number that we can plug in as a constant if we want to is the prismatic coefficient which describes bow much volume there is end the ends relative to the cross section shape in the middle of the boat, but in sailing boats this is of less importance compared to other factors. The hull lines for Design 256, 8.5m Cat.

  4. Catamaran Hulls- Everything You Need To Know

    Hulls are what sets this boat apart from the rest. The catamaran has two hulls, while the monohull, as the name suggests, has only one hull. Most of the advantages of this boat are hinged on these two hulls. The bridge deck connects the two catamaran hulls. On top of the catamaran hulls and the bridge deck is the deck.

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    Best catamaran and multihull winner 2024 - Outremer 52 My highlight test of 2023? Sailing this Outremer 52 for 200 miles over two days and nights! Quite how such a large vessel, one that is ...

  6. How To Build A Sailing Boat #1

    Here's a short explainer on sailing catamaran hull design and the theory behind our own hulls. We have a quite distinctive and unusual design for a high perf...

  7. How To Create the Perfect Cruising Catamaran Layout

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  8. Catamaran hull design

    12 Oct. Written By Nick Stark. Hull design / analysis for a large catamaran using multiphase computational fluid dynamics (CFD). An interesting (and important) aspect of cat design is the wave system between the hulls (highlighted in the image below). Significant wave peaks and troughs develop through the interaction of each demihull's wake ...

  9. Kurt Hughes Multihull Design

    Order the Latest Design Portfolio today to see over 85 multihull plans in stock.Besides illustrating my stock designs, for which I sell study plans and full construction plans, it also contains my design philosophy of multihulls; an article on the rapid Cylinder Mold(pdf) or Cylinder-molding (in html) multihull construction; examples of drawing sets; photographs; fact sheets with dimensions ...

  10. 17 Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World

    The Best Catamarans for Sailing Around the World A catamaran is a double-hulled boat with a deck or cabin area in between (bluewater cat definition in this article).The double hull design means that the boat rocks less, sits higher on the water, uses less fuel to sail, and can be sailed in shallower waters than a single-hulled boat without worrying about grounding.

  11. Sailing Catamarans

    Strike 15 trimaran at speed. 28ft Skoota in British Columbia. 10ft 2 sheet ply Duo dinghy. 24ft Strider sailing fast. 36ft Mirage open deck catamaran. Hull Resistance and Hull Shape Comparisons. Introduction. As I've said elsewhere, I only like to design boats that are fun to sail.

  12. The best bluewater multihulls of all time: a complete guide

    Lagoon 380. The long-time best-seller from the world leader in catamarans, with more than 1,000 produced over almost 20 years from 1999. With its characteristic vertical windows, the 380 and its ...

  13. 10 Best Catamarans in 2024

    A catamaran is a sailboat that has a multi-hull design. It gives it more stability because it's wider and that creates more livable space for more people. ... 2022 saw the Xquisite X5 named the Cruising World magazine's Best Cruising Catamaran of the year - yet again (it won the Best Multihull over 50ft award in 2017) . As Ed Sherman said ...

  14. Boat Hull Shapes: What Hull Shape is Best?

    Catamarans As one of the oldest hull shapes (imagine two logs tied together), catamarans occupy a small niche in America and larger niches in some other areas of the world. Using two hulls bridged by a deck, the catamaran design provides additional beam, increased stability and, at the same time, increased speed (the slim twin hulls have little ...

  15. Catamaran Construction

    Newer Lagoon catamarans use polyester and vinylester resins, also infused with balsa cores above the waterline and solid below. Catana. With a carbon fiber inner skin, Catana also uses Twaron aramid fibers in the sandwiched hull over a foam core. Fontaine Pajot. Primary hull construction is resin-infused vinylester with a balsa cored hull and deck.

  16. The Patented Power Proa Hull Design

    Catamarans offer a stable ride with predictable hull movement. The seakeeping is excellent, even in rough conditions. Another advantage the design provides: incredible onboard space. The space of a catamaran is often comparable to that of a monohull that is 25 percent longer. Catamarans also have been proven to provide efficient operation.

  17. Innovative Concepts and Designs for Catamarans and Trimarans

    Bali Catamarans, bali-catamarans.com. LOA 43ft BEAM 23ft DRAFT 3ft 9in DISPLACEMENT 20,400lb (light ship) HH55. Hudson Marine teamed up with Morrelli & Melvin for this new entrant into the sport cruising niche that's currently dominated by Gunboat. Built in China entirely of carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites, the HH55 boasts curved ...

  18. Power Catamarans: A Complete Guide

    However, the power catamaran is a relatively modern innovation that marries the traditional twin-hull design with powerful engines, offering a unique blend of speed, stability, and space. Distinguishing Design: Power Catamarans are characterized by their twin hulls, which significantly reduce the drag, thus enhancing speed and fuel efficiency.

  19. What's the best shape for a fast & efficient catamaran hull?

    Doing research on fast & efficient hull shapes for a 25' cruising catamaran capable of 22/25 knots cruise and 30 knots top speed, while still providing reasonable performance at lower speeds, I found the following: 1) Efficient planning shape, foil assisted:Corsair 22 Foiler. The boat does 50 mph top with twin 90hp motors and cruises happily at ...

  20. Review: Windelo 50, SAIL Top 10 Best Boats 2025 Nominee

    Our test day was spicy but comfortable, especially for this bluewater cat with a layout and design philosophy meant to bolster confidence in offshore passagemakers. With 15 knots of true breeze and a 2-foot chop, we made good 9 knots at 60 degrees AWA and still held onto 6.2 knots when we pinched up with the self-tacking jib to 40 degrees AWA.

  21. CFD Study of an Innovative Catamaran with Asymmetrical Hulls

    A set of asymmetrical catamaran hull forms with waterline length of 1.6 m with a separation ratio (s/L) of 0.4 were generated by using standard modelling software.

  22. Firepower Powerhouses: 5 Top Main Battle Tanks on Earth

    The Mk V is equipped with day/night cameras providing a 360-degree view around the hull, ... No list of best modern tanks would be complete ... It should be seen as an innovative design, yet, the ...

  23. fast outboard catamaran

    The team at Victory Powerboats West recently spent some time dialing in its latest Victory catamaran with twin Mercury Racing 450R engines and reached an impressive 141-mph top sp

  24. eastward catamaran boats

    THE 10 BEST Moscow Boat Rides & Cruises. Boat rides & cruises in moscow. Boat Rentals; Scuba & Snorkeling; Fishing Charters & Tours; Water Sports; Stand-Up Paddleboarding; Surfing