1. Trying to calculate Righting Moment

    sailboat righting moment calculator

  2. The Righting Moment Is a Key Factor to a Sailboat's Stability

    sailboat righting moment calculator

  3. How to know if a design's righting moment is enough?

    sailboat righting moment calculator

  4. How a Sailboat Works

    sailboat righting moment calculator

  5. How to know if a design's righting moment is enough?

    sailboat righting moment calculator

  6. Masts, Sails & Rigging

    sailboat righting moment calculator


  1. RM Calculator : Seldén Mast AB

    RM. CALCULATOR. Static righting moment the boat creates at 30 degrees heel. Please fill in the values to calculate an estimated righting moment. Calculate the Righting Moment of your boat, based on Displacement and other parameters.

  2. How do I calculate righting moment?

    Righting moment is the leverage your hull exerts to stay upright, a force acting on a lever, the force is the buoyancy of the hull, the lever is the half beam of the hull. The more your boat is heeled by the wind the more it wants to stand back up. The righting moment at 30 degrees of heel is the standard calculation point.

  3. The Righting Moment Is a Key Factor to a Sailboat's Stability

    The righting moment curve is a graph that shows how the righting moment changes with different angles of heel. Some factors that affect this curve are: The displacement and distribution of weight of the boat, which determine the location and movement of the CG. The hull shape and volume of the boat, which determine the location and movement of ...

  4. Trying to calculate Righting Moment

    The righting moment (RM) of any vessel is simply = Displacement (delta) x GZ (lever) The relationship of the righting lever, GZ, to metacentric height, GM, is as you have shown: GZ = GM * Sin (ϴ) So, if you have the GM, you can easily calculate the GZ from the above equation and then the RM.

  5. MODERN SAILBOAT DESIGN: Quantifying Stability

    Righting moment (RM) stability curves for a 19,200-pound boat and a 28,900-pound boat with identical GZ values. Because heavier boats are inherently more stable, RM is the standard to use when comparing different boats (Data courtesy of Dave Gerr) Another thing to bear in mind when comparing boats is that not all stability curves are created equal.

  6. DIY Stability Check?

    Righting moment at any given angle of heel is defined as the force applied at some distance from the heeled center line times the distance from the heeled centerline. For example, if it takes 200 pounds on the rail (6 feet from the centerline in this example) to heel a boat 5 degrees, the righting moment at 5 degrees is 200 x 6 = 1,200 ft-pounds.

  7. Calculators : Seldén Mast AB

    Calculate the Righting Moment of your boat, based on Displacement and other parameters. Furlex calculator. Calculate the wire length and the length of the luff extrusion of your new Furlex system. Main sheet calculator. Use our calculator to select the correct unsupported high beam main sheet track.

  8. Stability

    Righting moment is the torque trying to return a boat into equilibrium, upright, when the boat is heeled. This may be the most important single factor affecting the boat stability. The magnitude of the torque can be calculated by multiplying the horizontal distance between the center of gravity of the boat and center of buoyancy of the ...

  9. PDF Course Objectives Chapter 4 4. Stability

    Calculate the righting moment of a ship given the magnitude of the righting arm. 3. Read, interpret, and sketch a Curve of Intact Statical Stability (or Righting Arm Curve) and draw the sectional vector diagram of forces that corresponds to any point along the curve. 4. Discuss what tenderness and stiffness mean with respect to naval engineering.

  10. Righting Moment

    Enter boat, crew, sail dimensions and calculate the RM and Sideforce. Enter boatspeed, TWS and TWA and it estimates drag forces for friction, lift-induced drag, windage. Righting Moment - Sideforce (Read the Manual page for instructions) Currently the workbook has Laser and Bic data, but it can be expanded to other classes easily enough.

  11. Sailboat Stability Uncensored

    The tools we use to measure stability, and to prevent future incidents are still imperfect instruments, as we saw in the fatal WingNuts capsize in 2011. And in the cruising community, where fully equipped ocean going boats hardly resemble the lightly loaded models used to calculate stability ratings, we worry that the picture of stability is again becoming blurred by design trends.

  12. Main sheet calculator : Seldén Mast AB

    MAIN SHEET TRACK. CALCULATOR. Enter values for boat and search matching travellers and tracks. The calculator suggests cars and tracks suitable for the calculated load. Righting moment at 30º heel. (RM30): Please note that the calculator may suggest incompatible cars / tracks. Make sure you select matching system.

  13. Chapter 9

    1. A ship of 10000t displacement has a GM of 0.4m. Calculate the moment of statical stability when she is heeled by 5 degree.Solution:GZ =Righting lever, GM = Metacentric heightRighting moment = (W x GZ ) Where, W = displacement for all of keel, M = Transverse meta centre. Displacement (W) = 10000t, GM = 0.4m, heel = 5 degree RM ( righting moment or moment of statical stability) = (W x GM x ...

  14. PDF Stability Is The Key

    The force pushing up through the heeled center of buoyancy is equal to the displacement of the boat. A moment is just a force times a distance, so the righting moment is the righting arm times the displacement, or: RM = GZ x Disp. An 18,000-pound boat with a GZ of 0.95 feet, at 20 degrees of heel has a GZ20° of 0.95 ft., and an RM20° of 17,100

  15. Understanding monohull sailboat stability curves

    The righting moment at 15 to 30 degrees of heel tells us about the boat's sail-carrying power. A large righting moment indicates a boat that can fly a lot of sail; a boat with a lower righting moment will need her sails reefed down earlier. The maximum righting arm (or righting moment), and the heel angle at that point, tells us where the boat ...

  16. How Gz Curves Reveal the Truth about A Sailboat's Stability

    So by multiplying the righting lever by the boat's mass, the righting lever becomes a righting moment (length x mass), and the Gz curve can also be considered as a Righting Moment (RM) curve. As the area under the RM curve represents the energy needed to heel the boat, then a boat of double the displacement will need twice the energy to capsize ...

  17. Righting Moment & Lever

    Free guide to ship and small vessel stability. Aimed at small vessel users but suitable for professional mariners. Diagrams, text and animations explaining stability: from righting lever to movement of liquid in tanks - the free surface effect. Demonstrates adding weights to a vessel, heel and list. Especially recommended for RYA examination ...

  18. PS Advisor: Rig Loads and Reefing Lines

    This can be estimated with the boat's beam, ballast, draft, and displacement. You can use the righting moment and rig geometry to calculate rig loads. Seldén estimates the main reef clew force to MSL (maximum in service load)=5.5kN, the reef tack load to MSL=3.5kN (10 Newton=1 Kg f). This will be true for all three of your reef points.


    Multiplying by displacement, the maximum righting moment is found to be 11,500 X 2.2, or approximately 25,300 foot tons. Further, the ship has a positive righting moment for all angles up to 71°. ... Although the position of the center of gravity as estimated by calculation is sufficient for design purposes, an accurate determination thereof ...

  20. Stability

    Stability measurements give important hydrostatic and stability data necessary for determining elements of both performance and safety. The results of a stability test gives a boat's righting moment, vertical centre of gravity (VCG) and limit of positive stability (LPS), which with the Stability Index (SI) can help determine a boat's eligibility to enter races categorized according to the WS ...

  21. Heeling and Righting moments calculation

    When the force exerted by the wind on the sails and on the hull (whatever this force is) causes the boat to list 30º and it is in equilibrium, it means that the heeling moment due to the wind (very difficult to calculate exactly) is balanced by a righting moment generated by the submerged part of the hull. Both moments are equal when the ship ...

  22. Metacentric height

    In a boat, the equivalent of the spring stiffness is the distance called "GM" or "metacentric height", being the distance between two points: "G" the centre of gravity of the boat and "M", which is a point called the metacentre. ... They then calculate the righting moment at this angle, which is determined using the equation: ...

  23. How to know if a design's righting moment is enough?

    If you want to calculate the actual moment then you need wind speed, sail area, keel and sail centroids. (If you want to get carried away, the drag coefficient of the sail would be even better.) If you want to calculate the actual righting moment then you need to map the righting moment verses heel. (Yeah, I did that too.)