Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of USS Voyager You Need To Know

3. delta flyer 1.0.

Star Trek Voyager

Similar to Voyager's dual warp cores, the Star Trek: Voyager art department designed the titular vessel to include another useful tool that went unused: The Aeroshuttle. Much like the Enterprise-E's Captain's Yacht in Star Trek: Insurrection, Voyager's Aeroshuttle was docked on the underside of the primary hull, intended to be a larger, more versatile vehicle than the ship's complement of standard shuttlecraft.

In the event the producers decided to depict the Aeroshuttle on screen, the fuselage was designed to match the shape of the Danube-class runabout from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, so the standing cockpit set could be reused on Voyager.

Unfortunately, the producers either forgot about the Aeroshuttle or decided that having Tom Paris build his own ship was more interesting and an entirely different auxiliary craft, the Delta Flyer, was introduced in "Extreme Risk".

Nevertheless, the unused Aeroshuttle can clearly be seen docked in front of Voyager's navigational deflector in every episode of the series, later explained in Star Trek: The Magazine as just another component of the USS Voyager that wasn't quite ready when she launched in 2371.

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Tuesday 6 April 2021

Prodigy theory: the series ship will be uss voyager's missing aeroshuttle.

With the announcement that the new animated children's TV series Star Trek: Prodigy will take place in the Delta Quadrant some years after the USS Voyager visited, and that Captain Janeway's part in the series will be in the form of an emergency training hologram, it starts to get one wondering: What is this Starfleet ships the young alien crew the series is about are going to take command of, and how did a holographic Janeway find herself installed there? Well one idea springs to my mind: The Aeroshuttle!

The what? For those unfamiliar: The Aeroshuttle is one of those almost forgotten ideas you sometimes get in TV production, a concept brewed up early on in development of the series, but never called upon by the needs of the plot. It is a distinctive smallcraft attached to the underside of the USS Voyager's saucer section, in much the same way the captain's yacht is on the USS Enterprise-E. 

uss voyager captain's yacht

  • Maybe Voyager never actually had an Aeroshuttle; maybe it's port on the saucer was just placeholder hull panel awaiting arrival of the shuttle that could never happen once Voyager got lost.
  • Maybe it was there but not quite complete and operational by the time Voyager launched, and the crew never got round to fixing it up to be used - Although they did seem to repair, rebuild, and build anew plenty of other shuttles, not least two Delta Flyers!
  • Maybe it was damaged in an early unseen adventure, and never repaired.
  • Maybe the Voyager crew cannibalised parts from the Aeroshuttle to fix Voyager or the other shuttlecraft, leaving it unusable.
  • Maybe it was deemed too risky to potentially leave a vulnerable gap in Voyager's hull should anything ever happen to the Aeroshuttle while away from the mothership, so they just kept it in place forever.

uss voyager captain's yacht

To learn more about the Aeroshuttle, you really can't do better than Eaglemoss's model and magazine (ad) , as the magazine fills in some in-universe backstory for the ship, and a full account of it's real-world origins. Plus you get a little model ship!

uss voyager captain's yacht


uss voyager captain's yacht

Could well be. How is otherwise possible for a Starfleet ship to actually be in the Delta Quadrant?

uss voyager captain's yacht

This is a very interesting breakdown off all possibilities, I totally forgot about the ships in "Life Line"

uss voyager captain's yacht

Eh, could be many things. Startfleet's experimental slipstream drive ship, accidental transwarp travel, went through the Barzan wormhole or an Iconian gateway. Star Trek has tons of stuff that can explain "Prodigy" in one sentence ;)

uss voyager captain's yacht

When Kirk was promoted, Enterprise was given to training duty. Perhaps when Janeway became admiral, the beaten, well-traveled Voyager was given the same duty for local, casual light duty. Each deck fitted with holo-emitters. With whatever reason the bridge kids find themselves alone with the ship, they could very well find themselves on Voyager, with a holo Janeway to guide them.

uss voyager captain's yacht

I just can't wait slightly hopin it's a larger ship though tbh, can't wait for all new Trek tbh😍🤩🖖🏽

uss voyager captain's yacht

Im tired of this franchise rehashing old themes and old characters. Going back in time instead of moving forward. Discovery was a stretch with that ships tech. Tech unheard of in any other star trek series. Unimaginable tech with its spore drive? Going back in time again back to the klingon wars. Picard to me was also a disappointment. There os one quargent in the galaxy that is still unexplored. The beta quargent other galaxies. A new ship, evolution, with all the tech from the other quargents we have explored already. This ship has an advanced cloke. Borg resistant armour and torpedos from the delta quadrant. Jemadar firepower from the gamma quadrant. Space folding speed and time displayment detection from alpha quadrant. Commanded by Francis picard nefhew of jean luc.

uss voyager captain's yacht

Posts that did not age well.

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Built: Utopia Planitia Yards, Earth Sector

Length: 1130 Feet long Commissioned 48058.5 - Second of Four Intrepid Class Starships Built as of 48315.6

Decks: Fifteen - Deck 9 Has Life Support off to Conserve Power

Maximum Warp: Warp 9.975 - Warp Engines raise when going to warp because in that formation, there is no damage done to subspace, as the Enterprise-D discovered in the early 2370's

Crew: Approx: 150

Circuitry: Has replaced the isolenear circuitry with Bio-Neural Gel Pacs which help speed up response time - the Voyager is equipped with 48 replacement gel pacs

Other Facts: The Voyager has two warp cores. The primary one we see every episode, and an auxillary warp core, which is smaller than the primary. If you don't believe me, check the below diagrams which have circulated the web. The Voyager also has something similar to a Captains Yacht called the Aerowing Shuttle. Maybe we will get to see it someday. The Voyager has only 15 decks, and doesn't separate like the Enterprise D, but it can land on planetary surfaces without expending too much energy. The Voyager has a Main shuttle bay at the rear of the ship, but the crew has sometimes mentioned a shuttlebay 2, so there is another shuttlebay somewhere, but don't ask me where. The Voyager was first equipped with 38 photon torpedoes, but since has expended at least 11 of them. They cannot replenish them.


IN BRIEF: Bridge, Ready Room, Conference Room, Escape Pod Access, Aft Bridge Airlock, Upper Sensor Platform.

DETAIL: This is where most of the functions regarding ship operations are controlled from. The helm at the front of the bridge controls direction and speed. Information can be input by computer or manually by Lieutenant Paris. Opps is manned by Ensign Harry Kim and controls most of the ships sensors and and scanning capabilites, other things like library computer access and environmental control can also be controlled from here. At tactical Lieutenant Commmander Tuvok controls the defensive capabilites, including phasers and torpedoes. He also has access to the sensor array and transporter functions. Targets can be acquired manually or automatically. To the far right of the bridge is an engineering panel which is occasionally manned by Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres but is normally left unmanned or manned by an Ensign. To the left of the Captain's chair is the door to the ready room, where the Captain goes to relax or prepare for missions. In the ready room is a personal view screen, a desk, a food replicator and several comfy chairs. To the back of the bridge is the conference/briefing room where senior staff and the Captain consult on the mission in hand. There is also a turbolift on the bridge which allows access to the rest of the ship.

IN BRIEF: Officers Mess, Officers & VIP Quarters, Labs & Storage, Sensor Gear, Escape Pod Access

DETAIL: The Mess Hall, located on Deck 2, provides a social atmosphere as well as a dining facility for the crew. When Kes started producing vegetables in her air garden onboard, Neelix commandeered Captain Janeway's private dining room adjacent to the Mess Hall, turning it into a kitchen. Appointing himself chief cook, Neelix prepares creative concoctions for the Voyager crew which he serves here.


IN BRIEF: Captain's Quarters, Officers & VIP Quarters, Photon Torpedo Trackers

DETAIL: No details as yet.


IN BRIEF: Aft Photon Torpedo Launchers, Transporter Rooms 1-2, Phaser Maintenance, Sensor Gear, Escape Pod Access

DETAIL: Transporter Room The transporter converts matter into energy and reconverts it back to matter at another location, allowing crew members to travel quickly from the ship to a planet's surface and back again. The transporter is most often used to beam people or objects to or from this room; direct beaming to another location (Sickbay, for example) consumes nearly twice the powerand is only used in emergencies. There are two personnel transporters on Deck 4 of Voyager's command section, plus two cargo transporters. In addition, four small emergency evacuation transporters are available for one-way beaming off the ship only.


IN BRIEF: Sickbay, Doctor's Office, Sensor Gear, Escape Pod Access

DETAIL: Sickbay (including Doctor's Office) Sickbay is a fully equipped medical facility, complete with a surgical center, recovery units, and specialized treatment rooms. Sickbay is prepared for any challenge -- including the loss of a doctor. Inside this medical chamber lives the emergency medical holographic doctor. Capable of the same medical experiments and procedures as "living" doctors, he has one limitation: he can only exist inside sickbay.


IN BRIEF: Primary Hull : Aux. Deflector, Aux. Computer Core, Holodecks, Escape Pod Access Engineering Hull : Deuterium (MATTER) Processing, Consumables Resupply Connectors

DETAIL: Holodeck The Holographic Environment Simulator, familiarly known as the Holodeck, can duplicate with startling reality any environment in the computer's memory. These simulations are remarkably useful for crew training, recreation, and exercise. Since the U.S.S. Voyager is lost in an unfamiliar part of the galaxy, many crew members seek refuge from this harsh twist of fate in the Holodeck with their memories of what was and fantasies of what's to come. The crew has attempted to tap the Holodeck's power supply to augment the Voyager's dwindling main energy sources. They learned that the power used in the Holodeck is incompatible with that required for ship's other operations; therefore, the Holodeck can be used for training or recreation as needed without regard to the energy used.


IN BRIEF: Primary Hull : Aux. Computer Core, Upper Cargo Bays 1-2, Labs, Escape Pod Access, RCS Thruster Access Engineering Hull : Deuterium Tankage, Warp Engine Core Injector Access


IN BRIEF: Primary Hull : Deuterium Processing, Port/Starboard/Forward Docking Ports, ODN/EPS Main Trunks, Lower Cargo Bays 1-2 Engineering Hull : Deuterium Tankage, Warp Engine Core, Aft Work Pod Storage


IN BRIEF: Primary Hull : Cargo Loading Doors, AeroWing Shuttle Dock, Labs Engineering Hull : Upper Main Shuttlebay, Warp Engine Core

DECK 10:

IN BRIEF: Main Shuttlebay, Main Computer Core, Warp Engine Core, Forward Photon Torpedo Launchers, Reserve Warp Engine Core, Main Navigational Deflector

IN BRIEF: "Wing" Level Main Engineering, Engineer's Office, Warp Engine Core,Reserve Warp Engine Core, Main Computer Core, Main Navigational Deflector

IN BRIEF: Antimatter Tankage, Warp Engine Core, Main Deflector, Reserve Warp Engine Core, Escape Pod Access

IN BRIEF: Aft Tractor Beam Emitter, Warp Engine Core, Reserve Warp Engine Core,Quarters, Labs, Escape Pod Access, Secondary ODN/EPS Trunks

IN BRIEF: Antimatter Processing, Reserve Warp Engine Core, Escape Pod Access,Ground Hover Footpad Systems

IN BRIEF: Antimatter Loading Port, Forward Tractor Beam Emitter, Ground Hover Footpads

Forgotten Trek

The Unseen Enterprise-D

Star Trek: The Next Generation already required more sets than the average television show. It had to cannibalize whatever it could from the motion pictures and Gene Roddenberry wrote two superfluous scenes in main engineering into “Encounter at Farpoint”, knowing that such a large set might never be built if it wasn’t required for the pilot.

Inevitably many parts of the Enterprise -D went unseen: the main shuttlebay, the many observation lounges that presumably line the saucer, Cetacean Ops…

Fortunately we can draw on the work of Star Trek veterans and fans to get a more complete picture of the Galaxy -class starship. Here is a tour of the unseen Enterprise -D.

Main shuttlebay

Enterprise-D main shuttlebay deck plan

For budget reasons, The Next Generation never showed the enormous main shuttlebay that is supposed to take up the bulk of Decks 3 and 4 in the saucer section.

Rick Sternbach, who had worked as an illustrator on Star Trek: The Motion Picture , and who would go on to design many of the props and starships that appeared in The Next Generation and Voyager , drew up the layout of the main shuttlebay in the Star Trek: The Next Generation U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints , which were at least partly based on the blueprints Ed Whitefire had prepared earlier in the 1990s but which weren’t licensed.

It shows a vast complex with about two dozen shuttles, a bunch of workbees, repair shops, fueling stations, cargo processing bays and a central control tower.

Rob Bryan and Stage 9 studio visualized the main shuttlebay for their aborted virtual-reality tour of the Enterprise -D. Unfortunately, CBS put a stop to their project, citing copyright, but we still have the pictures .

Enterprise-D main shuttlebay

Andrew Probert allocated many windows on the Enterprise -D model for observation decks. Having such a large vessel with families, singles, lovers and loners aboard, Probert envisioned those areas as comfortable places where people could go and relax.

“They were simply lounges,” he told Trekplace in 2005, “and they were different sized, ranging from a two-person lounge to a fourteen-person lounge, where you could have family gatherings or parties and they would all be very darkly lit, so you wouldn’t get gross window reflections, allowing you to see outside a lot easier.”

Enterprise-D lounge concept art

Some of those lounges were seen in the first season, including a small four-person lounge in “Encounter at Farpoint” (which was a redress of Dr Crusher’s office) and a Starboard Lounge in the episode “Justice” (for which the crew quarters’ set was used).

After Ten Forward premiered in the second season, no other lounges were seen anymore.

Enterprise-D lounge

Stage 9 as well as Jason B., whose similar Enterprise-D Construction Project was also shut down by CBS, gave us a glimpse of what might have been. They put small lounges on the lower Deck 1, in front of the bridge, a Two Forward behind the large observation windows on Deck 2 and a Nine Forward above Ten Forward in the front of the saucer.

Enterprise-D lounge art

Probert envisioned another lounge behind the four large windows in the underside of the saucer section. He provided Trekplace with a mockup of what this would look like.

Sternbach instead placed a secondary deflector dish in this area in his Star Trek: The Next Generation U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D Blueprints .

Observation Lounge ramp

A ramp is meant to connect the Enterprise bridge with the observation lounge, which is situated about half a deck lower.

In the real world, the reason we never saw direct scenes between the two sets is that they were disconnected. Picard’s ready room, by contrast, really was adjacent to the bridge.

Enterprise-D bridge ramp

In Stage 9’s visualization, the ramp became a small staircase flanked by relief sculptures of previous ships named Enterprise . These were initially mounted on the wall of the observation lounge but disappeared between the fourth and the fifth seasons.

Cetacean Ops

Cetacean Ops is referred to twice on the show — in “The Perfect Mate” and “Yesterday’s Enterprise”. In the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual , Sternbach and Michael Okuda write that the section is home to several dolphins and two whales, who aid the Enterprise in its navigation.

In the Blueprints , Sternbach places Cetacean Ops on Decks 13 and 14 in the forward section of the saucer.

Enterprise-D Cetacean Ops deck plan

Probert put the section on Deck 7 of another Galaxy -class starship in his concept art for Star Trek Online in December 2005.

Click here to learn more about Cetacean Ops.

Medical Deck

Probert’s main contribution to Star Trek Online was the design of a large medical deck.

Galaxy-class medical deck concept art

With up to one thousand people on board, a Galaxy -class starship could hardly suffice with the four biobeds and one surgical theater we saw on the show.

In the episode “Tapestry”, it is revealed there are in fact three sickbay wards on the ship. “Ethics” makes reference to private recovery rooms. Other episodes mention a diagnostics center, medical labs, a morgue and a nursery.

Enterprise-D sickbay deck plan

Probert’s design includes many of these facilities as well as a spacious reception area. Gareth John Williams visualized two of Probert’s sketches.

Click here to learn more about the Galaxy -class medical deck that wasn’t.

Sternbach places all medical facilities on Deck 12 in his Blueprints . The sickbay we see on the show is only a small “primary ICU” of a much larger complex that includes a biohazard ICU, isolation rooms, surgical suite and trauma stasis unit.

Other areas Probert designed for Star Trek Online included an archeology and a geology lab.

Galaxy-class archeology lab concept art

Ed Whitefire placed a five deck-high mall or “grotto” in the front of the saucer section that seems to have been intended as a mix of arboretum and recreation deck. I don’t believe anybody has visualized it.

Whitefire placed a large, two-deck-high “organic storage” facility behind the large blue windows that are below the doors of the main shuttlebay on Decks 5 and 6. Sternbach, in his Blueprints , puts the arboretum here, as does Alexander Richardson , although the arboretum seen in “Data’s Day”, “Imaginary Friend” and “Dark Page” didn’t have large windows. Maybe that was only part of a larger complex, though?


Probert told Trekplace in 2005 that he designed those windows for observation lounges.

Ryan T. Riddle and Mark Farinas place a large arboretum in the back of the saucer of their Ambassador -class starship in “ The Word of God ” with a lobby reminiscent of Probert’s design for Star Trek Online .

The Word of God panel

Computer Cores

“Evolution” showed us a computer access room, but the cores themselves (the Enterprise -D is supposed to carry three) were never seen.

Enterprise-D computer access room

In his concept art for Star Trek Online , Probert places two computer cores side by side in the saucer section. The third is in the stardrive section.

Captain’s yacht

Enterprise-D captain's yacht art

Probert included a “captain’s yacht” in the bottom of the saucer, which Picard could presumably use for personal missions. He volunteered several ideas to show it in the first season of The Next Generation , but budgetary constraints made this impossible.

The only view of the yacht, called Calypso , we have is from Probert’s contribution to the 2010 Ships of the Line calendar. If you look closely, you can see Captain Picard sipping tea behind one of the windows as his yacht is being hauled in.

Great writeup. It’s a damned shame CBS gave Stage 9 a cease-and-desist. I loved being able to walk through the decks of the big D.
It’s plain the ones in charge of CBS have little to no love for the actual show, and what the show has inspired. Way to alienate fans. Stage 9 is rocking, and they even though it’s unfinished, the potential is great. If CBS had a single functioning brain cell they would get in on it and fund it. As it is, they do not deserve to own Star Trek . The Galaxy -class design is supremely elegant, awesome in every way, and completely beautiful. Best design hands down. They should finish Stage 9 – on the basis that it is not about profit, but about love for the show that Roddenberry loved, worked on, and inspired.
Excellent article, cool pics, love the D.
This is great, thank you for putting this together. Really fleshes things out even more, makes it more real, and still so long after how much we love it!
This is great!! Lots of extra details.
Wonderful. Now ILM’s first Enterprise -D study model was quite different as per Memory Alpha . What happened to that model?

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Published Dec 15, 2014

Celebrating the Ships of the Line: USS Voyager NCC-74656

uss voyager captain's yacht

The USS Voyager NCC-74656 was an Intrepid-class starship launched in 2371 by Starfleet. Under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, the ship was relatively small, with a length of 343 meters, a crew complement of 160 and just 15 decks, but she boasted several innovations that set her apart from other ships in the fleet, including variable geometry warp nacelles, an Emergency Medical Holographic program, bio-neural circuitry, quantum torpedoes, tricobalt devices and spatial charges. The Voyager needed all of that and more -- not to mention her sustainable cruise velocity of warp factor 9.975 -- when she wound up trapped for seven years (2371-2378) in the Delta Quadrant.

uss voyager captain's yacht

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Star trek brings back voyager’s delta flyer & captain picard’s yacht.


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I can't believe star trek only teamed up these 2 tng characters once, recasting star trek: the next generation for a movie reboot.

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3, Episode 5 - "Reflections"

The mysterious origins of Ensign Samathan Rutherford's (Eugene Cordero) implant allowed Star Trek: Lower Decks to bring back two of the coolest ships in Starfleet, the Delta Flyer and the Captain's Yacht. Rutherford's implant has malfunctioned since Star Trek: Lower Decks season 1, and the Ensign's body was taken over by his previous, more aggressive and rebellious personality, which was eliminated when Rutherford received his implant. The sides of Rutherfords' psychic battle for dominance led to a spectacular race across the Romulan Neutral Zone , and the return of Star Trek: Voyager ' s Delta Flyer as well as the USS Cerritos' Captain's Yacht.

The Delta Flyer was a new shuttlecraft-sized starship unique to Star Trek: Voyager that became a signature vehicle of the series alongside the USS Voyager itself. Designed by Lt Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeil), the Delta Flyer was built as a more versatile and powerful support ship that was more maneuverable and effective than Voyager's class 2 shuttles in the increasingly hostile Delta Quadrant. Thanks to Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan), the Delta Flyer was also equipped with Borg weaponry including photonic missiles. The original Delta Flyer was destroyed during an encounter with the Borg, but Voyager 's crew constructed a second Delta Flyer with even more bells and whistles. Meanwhile, the Captain's Yacht was a warp-capable support craft for the use of starship Captains that was first seen in Star Trek: Insurrection , although the USS Enterprise-D also had a Captain's Yacht.

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In Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3, episode 5, "Reflections," the original Rutherford tried to escape capture by Lt. Shax (Fred Tatasciore) by beaming into the USS Cerritos' Captain's Yacht. However, he was still apprehended and brought to Dr. T'Ana's (Gillian Vigman) Sickbay. In their shared psyche, the original Rutherford persona challenged Ensign Rutherford to a dangerous race across the Romulan Neutral Zone , with the winner gaining ownership of their body. Ensign Rutherford built himself a Delta Flyer for himself and simulations of his fellow Lower Deckers to pilot while the original Rutherford built a sleek, Star Trek equivalent of a Star Wars-like podracer. In the end, Ensign Rutherford's Delta Flyer won the race. It's also curious that Samanthan claimed he "always wanted" a Delta Flyer; the USS Voyager only returned to Earth a couple of years before Star Trek: Lower Decks began, but Rutherford must have quickly learned about the Delta Flyer and craved building one of his own.

Why Star Trek Rarely Uses The Captain's Yacht

The Captain's Yacht is a rarely seen vessel even though one is equipped in the USS Enterprise-E and other starships . Surprisingly, support-level starships like the California -class USS Cerritos also have a Captain's Yacht. Star Trek: The Next Generation had a Captain's Yacht docked beneath the saucer of the USS Enterprise-D all throughout the series, but it was never utilized. In truth, the Captain's Yacht has to serve a story purpose in a given Star Trek TV series or movie, and it wasn't until Star Trek: Insurrection that they could justify using the Captain's Yacht. Ultimately, the ship was destroyed when Lt. Commander Data (Brent Spiner) piloted it in a battle against the Son'a.

Star Trek: Voyager 's Delta Flyer is a welcome sight in Star Trek: Lower Decks , and it continues the animated comedy's many shout-outs to the beloved 1990s Star Trek series. Lt. Tom Paris himself appeared in Star Trek: Lower Decks season 2, and the season 3 premiere updated Trekkers on the whereabouts of Commander Tuvok (Tim Russ). In the future, perhaps Ensign Rutherford will be able to build his own Delta Flyer in real life the way he did in his mindscape, and Star Trek: Lower Decks will show the USS Cerritos' Captain's Yacht in action as well.

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 3 streams Thursdays on Paramount+.

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U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656

First Appearance ( )

The Federation Starship Voyager, an Intrepid class vessel, was launched in 2370 under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway , and was stranded in the Delta Quadrant —some 70,000 light years from Earth —by an entity known as the Caretaker on SD 48316.1 . Captain Janeway invited the similarly stranded crew of a destroyed Maquis vessel —which Voyager was pursuing when it was pulled across the galaxy—to join the crew, and asked the Maquis commander, Chakotay , to serve as her first officer , succeeding the late Lieutenant Commander Cavit , who died in the violent transgalactic transit, while other members of the Maquis crew filled the positions of other Voyager crew members who had perished, [1] including B'Elanna Torres , who took over as Voyager's chief engineer. [2]

  • 1 Construction
  • 2 Adaptations
  • 3.1 Ships Named Voyager
  • 3.2 Intrepid class vessels
  • 4 Notes and References


U.S.S. Voyager ( VOY 107 )

Voyager's computer core installation took place on SD 47833.9 ; it was fast-tracked to follow the U.S.S. Intrepid NCC-74600 and the U.S.S. Bellerophon NCC-74705 by only three months. With assembly and internal systems checks completed, the official launching occurred at Earth Station McKinley on SD 48039.7 , [3] though primary construction was completed at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards . [4] A 15-day series of impulse tests, which verified the integrity of the vessel and systems operation at sublight velocities, culminated in Voyager accelerating to Warp 1.03 with the U.S.S. Hauck flying formation for engineering support and emergency backup. Three weeks of warp flight tests added to the Intrepid class knowledge base and insured that Voyager's computer cores and bio-neural gel packs could receive operational programming loads for deployment in the Alpha Quadrant . Voyager received her first patrol assignment on SD 48184.4 . All in-flight systems data continued to be transmitted to Starfleet Command for evaluation, along a range of velocities from inertial stop to Warp 9.986 for distances up to 45 light years , with subspace com relays handling the encrypted telemetry loop. Subsequent operational missions validated the effectiveness of the class design and upgrades from previous Starfleet vessels. Voyager would provide only a few months of usable data before its disappearance in the Delta Quadrant . However, the stored information and lessons learned by its crew proved invaluable upon her return, a testament to the designers and engineers who stood upon the shoulders of giants to build her. [3]


Stranded in the Delta Quadrant, away from all the support facilities that Starfleet would have provided, Voyager's the crew was, by necessity, forced to make alterations to their vessel. These changes were designed to make the ship as self-sufficient as possible and to make it a suitable home for the journey back to the Alpha Quadrant, which was expected to last decades. Their problems were compounded because, unlike a Galaxy class starship, Voyager was not designed for extended missions. [5]

Shortly after its arrival in the Delta Quadrant, Voyager's engine efficiency began to decrease because of all the added demands being made upon the systems. Lieutenant Torres was able to realign the lateral plasma conduit without causing an overload, and this helped, but the engineering staff's attempts to convert power from the holodecks' independent reactors were unsuccessful. To conserve power, all security personnel on Deck 9 were relocated to Deck 7 and the power to Deck 9 was rerouted to propulsion. Lieutenant Tuvok admitted that this was inconvenient, but it was obvious that certain compromises had to be made. Other unused areas of the ship were also put on power conservation mode. [2]

U.S.S. Voyager galley ( Template:VOY105 )

Usage of all non-essential systems was minimized and, where possible, supplemented with power-efficient alternatives. Most significantly, Captain Janeway initiated a system of replicator rations. This necessitated the construction of a hydroponics garden in Cargo Bay 2, on Deck 8. The garden was initially supervised by Kes , who had previously grown plants in an artificially-sustained environment in the Ocampa city. Cargo Bay 2 was the ideal location for a hydroponics garden, since it was designed for organic storage and had an adjustable environment, which could be controlled to generate a variety of growing conditions. Kes set the garden up, and succeeded in growing a number of vegetables which supplemented replicated food. [2] Another cargo bay pulled double duty as a drill hall. [6] Restricting the use of the replicators also required modifications to the mess hall on Deck 2, where a galley was constructed from the captain's private dining room; modifying the galley was a complex process and required completely rerouting the mess hall power supply. [5]

U.S.S. Voyager sickbay ( Template:VOY105 )

Because Voyager's entire medical staff was killed, the Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH) was activated permanently, and eventually gained sentience. The Doctor's holographic nature, however, had several serious drawbacks. Most importantly, he was not designed to leave sickbay . [1] Attempts were made to install holographic projectors in essential locations around the ship, such as engineering and the main bridge, but these were unsuccessful; significantly, Lieutenant Torres and Ensign Kim had trouble ensuring that the Doctor materialized at full size. [7] However, on a trip to the 20th century , the Doctor acquired a 29th-century portable holoemitter , which enabled his program to be activated away from the ship. [8] The EMH was only designed for emergency use, and further modifications were made to the Doctor's program to enable it to function indefinitely. After the program had been active for more than two years, it was merged with the EMH Diagnostic Program to extend its capactiy to absorb information and evolve a personality. [7]

Without access to starbases or other Federation facilities, Voyager was forced to develop services that would normally have been provided elsewhere. The crew began work on several engine design and modification projects, and the holodecks were used for extensive flight simulations, vital to the development of the groundbreaking transwarp engines fitted to the Shuttlecraft Cochrane . [9] They were also used in training exercises for some of the Maquis crew members who were not accustomed to Starfleet procedures. [6] And, with little chance of extended shore leave, it became common practice for large numbers of crew members share pleasurable holodeck environments such as Chez Sandrine [10] and the Paxau resort . [11]

Unlike other Starfleet ships, such as the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D , which were equipped for long-range missions, Voyager was never intended to be a family ship. There were no facilities specifically designed for married couples, and the ship was not designed to house children. But with the prospect of such a long journey, the crew's quarters were restructured to provide for those crew members who had married and had children. [12]

The Borg also made significant upgrades to the ship when it passed through their space. [13] Many of these upgrades were designed to help the ship fight Species 8472 , and most were later removed. [14] However, Cargo Bay 2 contained Borg equipment for several years thereafter, and Seven of Nine and Ensign Kim merged Borg and Starfleet technologies to enhance Voyager's astrometrics lab—a sophisticated navigational tool that was instrumental in plotting a shorter journey back to the Federation. The modified systems were ten times more accurate than the technology originally fitted to Voyager. The new astrometric sensors used the stars to navigate by measuring the radiative flux of up to three billion stars simultaneously, and the computer then calculated Voyager's position relative to the center of the galaxy. The upgraded system allowed the crew to plot a course for home that took five years off their original projected journey back to the Alpha Quadrant. The main screen could display everything from an overview of the entire galaxy to a specific region of a planet. These displays could be overlaid with charts, labels, and grids to show Voyager's most recent or projected course. [15] It could also be used as a conventional viewscreen to establish face-to-face communications. [16]

Return Home

In 2377 , Voyager finally returned home, thanks to intervention from an alternate future version of Captain Janeway and a Borg transwarp hub . [17] Following Voyager's return, Janeway was promoted to admiral , [18] and the ship was decommissioned and converted into a museum. [19]

Ships Named Voyager

  • Prime Timeline

Voyager series probes  •  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 ( Intrepid class )  •  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656-A ( Lamarr class )  •  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656-B ( Pathfinder class )  •  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656-J ( Intrepid class (32nd Century) )

Columbia Timeline

Voyager series probes  •  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 ( Intrepid class )

FASA Timeline

Voyager series probes  •  U.S.S. Voyager ( Voyager class )

First Splinter Timeline

U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 ( Intrepid class )

IDWM Timeline

I.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 ( Intrepid class )

LUG Timeline

STO Timeline

Voyager series probes  •  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 ( Intrepid class )  •  U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656-J ( Janeway class )

STOM Timeline

SVM Timeline

V201 Timeline

V271 Timeline

Intrepid class vessels

U.S.S.  Bellerophon NCC-74705  •  U.S.S.  Intrepid NCC-74600  •  U.S.S.  Voyager NCC-74656

U.S.S.  Blackthorne NCC-76719  •  U.S.S.  Gallant NCC-74882  •  U.S.S.  Intrepid NCC-74620  •  U.S.S.  Nelson NCC-74718  •  U.S.S.  Vanguard  •  U.S.S.  Voyager NCC-74656  •  U.S.S.  Zealous NCC-74732

U.S.S.  Pathfinder NCC-74562  •  U.S.S.  Sagan NCC-75055  •  U.S.S.  Stargazer NCC-2893-A  •  U.S.S.  Voyager NCC-74656

U.S.S.  Voyager NCC-74656

Notes and References

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Berman, Rick & Piller, Michael & Taylor, Jeri ( Executive Producers ). " Caretaker ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 1, Episodes 1-2. Directed by Winrich Kolbe . Story by Rick Berman & Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor . Teleplay by Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor . Paramount Pictures Corporation , 16 January 1995 .
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Berman, Rick & Piller, Michael & Taylor, Jeri ( Executive Producers ). " Parallax ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 1, Episode 3 (Production 103). Directed by Kim Friedman . Story by Jim Trombetta . Teleplay by Brannon Braga . Paramount Pictures Corporation , 23 February 1995 .
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 "USS Voyager," Star Trek: The Magazine , Volume 3 Issue 9. Magazine Article.
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Brannon Braga ( Executive Producers ). " Relativity ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 5, Episode 23 (Production 218). Directed by Allan Eastman . Story by Nick Sagan . Teleplay by Bryan Fuller & Nick Sagan & Michael Taylor . Paramount Pictures , 12 May 1999 .
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 Berman, Rick & Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Phage ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 1, Episode 5 (Production 105). Directed by Winrich Kolbe . Story by Timothy DeHaas . Teleplay by Skye Dent and Brannon Braga . Paramount Pictures , 6 February 1995 .
  • ↑ 6.0 6.1 Berman, Rick & Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Learning Curve ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 1, Episode 16 (Production 116). Directed by David Livingston . Written by Ronald Wilkerson and Jean Louise Matthias . Paramount Pictures , 22 May 1995 .
  • ↑ 7.0 7.1 Berman, Rick & Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " The Cloud ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 1, Episode 6 (Production 106). Directed by David Livingston . Story by Brannon Braga . Teleplay by Tom Szollosi and Michael Piller . Paramount Pictures , 13 February 1995 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Taylor, Jeri ( Executive Producers ). " Future's End, Part II ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 3, Episode 9. Directed by Cliff Bole . Written by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky . Paramount Pictures Corporation , 13 November 1996 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Piller, Michael & Taylor, Jeri ( Executive Producers ). " Threshold ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 2, Episode 15. Directed by Alexander Singer . Story by Michael De Luca . Teleplay by Brannon Braga . Paramount Pictures Corporation , 29 January 1996.
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Parallax ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 2, Episode 6 (Production 119). Directed by Kim Friedman . Story by Arnold Rudnick and Rich Hosek . Teleplay by Kenneth Biller . Paramount Pictures , 2 October 1995 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Warlord ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 3, Episode 10 (Production 152). Directed by David Livingston . Story by Andrew Shepard Price and Mark Gaberman . Teleplay by Lisa Klink . Paramount Pictures , 20 November 1996 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Mortal Coil ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 4, Episode 12 (Production 180). Directed by Allan Kroeker . Written by Bryan Fuller . Paramount Pictures , 17 December 1997 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Scorpion, Part II ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 4, Episode 1 (Production 169). Directed by Winrich Kolbe . Written by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky . Paramount Pictures , 3 September 1997 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " The Gift ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 4, Episode 2 (Production 170). Directed by Anson Williams . Written by Joe Menosky . Paramount Pictures , 10 September 1997 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Year of Hell, Part I ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 4, Episode 76 (Production 176). Directed by Allan Kroeker . Written by Brannon Braga & Joe Menosky . Paramount Pictures , 5 November 1997 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Jeri Taylor ( Executive Producers ). " Message in a Bottle ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 4, Episode 14 (Production 181). Directed by Nancy Malone . Story by Rick Williams . Teleplay by Lisa Klink . Paramount Pictures Corporation , 21 January 1998 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick & Biller, Kenneth ( Executive Producers ). " Endgame ." Star Trek: Voyager , Season 7, Episodes 25 & 26 (Production 271-272). Directed by Allan Kroeker . Story by Rick Berman & Kenneth Biller & Brannon Braga . Teleplay by Kenneth Biller & Robert Doherty . Paramount Pictures Corporation , 23 May 2001 .
  • ↑ Berman, Rick (Producer). Star Trek: Nemesis . Directed by Stuart Baird . Story by John Logan & Rick Berman & Brent Spiner . Teleplay by John Logan . Paramount Pictures . 13 December 2002 .
  • ↑ " Twovix ." Star Trek: Lower Decks , season 4, episode 1 (Production 31). CBS Entertainment . 7 September 2023 .
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Memory Alpha

The Calypso was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the mid- 24th century , attached to Galaxy -class starships , among others the USS Enterprise -D . ( Star Trek: The Next Generation ) In 2371 , it scraped on the surface of the planet Veridian III , where the ship's saucer section had been forced to crash land . ( Star Trek Generations )

Shuttles of the USS (NCC-1701-D)
Shuttlecraft: • • Shuttlecraft 03 ( , , , ) • • Shuttlecraft 05 ( , ) • • Shuttlecraft 07 ( (Type 6), (Type 7) • • • • • Shuttlecraft 15 ( , , , ) • • • • • (2367) •
Shuttlepods: • • • Shuttlepod 05 ( , ) • • • Shuttlepod 09 ( , ) • • Shuttlepod 12 ( , ) • • • • •
Captain's yacht:

Appendices [ ]

Background information [ ].

Galaxy class captain's yacht design

Probert's take on the captain's yacht

Calypso was the name for the yacht in the notes to the captain's yacht entry of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 3rd ed., p. 83. With the latest edition of the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 117, the name was changed to Cousteau .

The captain's yacht was the brainchild of Andrew Probert when he beefed out the details of his Galaxy -class design. Probert postulated, " In the original show the dome on the bottom of the ship was a sensor array . What I did was move the sensor array to more of a surrounding detail, leaving the dome on the bottom free. That's where I put the captain's yacht , which is a private vessel for dignitaries and captains of ships to use as personal shuttles . That was never used in the show. At one point there was a script where Picard was returning to the ship and the dialogue was, "The captain's shuttle is on the way back. Crew members, man your stations." Then the captain comes aboard. We never ever have a visual, so I suggested mentioning the yacht, but they decided against it. " ( Star Trek: The Magazine  Volume 1, Issue 16 , p. 55)

Captain's yachts did not become part of Trek canon until the debut of the USS Enterprise -E 's Cousteau in Star Trek: Insurrection .

Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual [ ]

Galaxy-class captain's yacht Calypso by Impel No

Calypso particulars

Galaxy-class captain's yacht Calypso by Impel No

Calypso explored

The Calypso was never seen in use or mentioned in dialogue, but its name came from the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual and the Star Trek Encyclopedia , 3rd ed., p. 83. It was named for Jacques-Yves Cousteau 's ship Calypso by Patrick Stewart . Production staff wanted to use the yacht in episodes such as TNG : " The Neutral Zone " and " Samaritan Snare ", but budget restrictions prohibited building a miniature and sets.

Authors Rick Sternbach and Michael Okuda delved somewhat deeper into the specifics of the Calypso when upgrading their writings for the much (color) enhanced 1992 Impel trading cards set, Star Trek: The Next Generation - Inaugural Edition (card 111).

Apocrypha [ ]

The reference work Star Trek: Starship Spotter categorized the Calypso as a Mark I Captain's Yacht.

External link [ ]

  • Calypso at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Christopher Russell



    uss voyager captain's yacht


    uss voyager captain's yacht


    uss voyager captain's yacht


    uss voyager captain's yacht

  5. Captain's Yacht, 1701-E. Tv Stars, Movie Stars, Big Television, Star

    uss voyager captain's yacht

  6. Voyager, with seperate Captain's Yacht model (image yet to be vetted

    uss voyager captain's yacht


  1. Captain's yacht

    A captain's yacht is visible on the underside of several Nebula -class starships, such as the USS Phoenix and USS Prometheus as well. Rick Sternbach designed similar craft into the USS Voyager and the USS Equinox, known as the aeroshuttle and the waverider, respectively.

  2. Aeroshuttle

    An aeroshuttle was a runabout-sized spacecraft embedded in the saucer underside of Intrepid-class starships. In 2376, Dala and Zar, posing as Captain Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay, showed Varn a schematic of the USS Voyager which identified its aeroshuttle. (VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper") A graphic of an aeroshuttle also appeared in Daniels' database while it was being viewed by Captain Archer ...

  3. Voyager aeroshuttle

    Voyager aeroshuttle. The Aeroshuttle (also known as Aeroship and AeroWing) assigned to the USS Voyager was created with the ship in 2371. ( VOY: " Caretaker ") Viewers never got to see the Aeroshuttle in action due to the limitations of television and story lines. The craft was designed for atmospheric descent and short-term missions.

  4. USS Voyager (Star Trek)

    USS Voyager (NCC-74656) is the fictional Intrepid -class starship which is the primary setting of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager. It is commanded by Captain Kathryn Janeway. Voyager was designed by Star Trek: Voyager production designer Richard D. James and illustrator Rick Sternbach. Most of the ship's on-screen appearances are computer-generated imagery (CGI ...

  5. USS Voyager launching the Aeroshuttle

    USS Voyager launching it's Aeroshuttle from the ventral side of it's saucer section.Star Trek Voyager (1995-2001)

  6. Aeroshuttle test footage, and more Voyager behind the scenes goodies

    Aeroshuttle test footage, and more Voyager behind the scenes goodies Maybe you've heard of the Aeroshuttle? It was the captain's yacht-like smallcraft attached to the underside of the USS Voyager's saucer section. It was basically Voyager's personal runabout.

  7. Star Trek: 10 Secrets Of USS Voyager You Need To Know

    Much like the Enterprise-E's Captain's Yacht in Star Trek: Insurrection, Voyager's Aeroshuttle was docked on the underside of the primary hull, intended to be a larger, more versatile vehicle than ...

  8. Prodigy theory: The series ship will be USS Voyager's missing Aeroshuttle

    The makers of Prodigy could take the basic idea of the Aeroshuttle - The captain's-yacht-like runabout-sized smallcraft that was once attached to the USS Voyager - And take it in a completely different direction.

  9. The USS Voyager NCC-74656

    Other Facts: The Voyager has two warp cores. The primary one we see every episode, and an auxillary warp core, which is smaller than the primary. If you don't believe me, check the below diagrams which have circulated the web. The Voyager also has something similar to a Captains Yacht called the Aerowing Shuttle. Maybe we will get to see it ...

  10. The Unseen Enterprise-D

    Captain's yacht Painting of the Enterprise -D captain's yacht for the 2007 Ships of the Line calendar by Andrew Probert Probert included a "captain's yacht" in the bottom of the saucer, which Picard could presumably use for personal missions.

  11. Star Trek: 10 Secrets About The USS Voyager You Need To Know

    The ins and outs of Captain Janeway's sweet ride.Read the article here:

  12. Star Trek Finally Uses A Starship Captain's Perk That's Usually Forgotten

    The USS Voyager also included a detachable captain's yacht called the aeroshuttle for Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew). Budgetary constraints meant the Captains' Yachts weren't used on screen in either TNG or Star Trek: Voyager, but as a feature film, Star Trek: Insurrection could use Picard's Enterprise-E yacht, the Cousteau, as part of ...

  13. star trek

    The USS Enterprise-E, which was a Sovereign class, had a Captain's Yacht. Even Galaxy and Intrepid class vessels are supposed to have these, but they are never seen or heard about on screen. What ...

  14. star trek

    When you look over the Star Trek the Next Generation Technical Manual's schematics of the USS Enterprise, one interesting thing indicated on the underside of the saucer section is the presence of the captain's yacht. It was a flying saucer looking ship that seemed to be a miniature of the Enterprise's saucer section. Anyway, did we ever see it?

  15. USS Voyager

    The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) was a 24th century Federation Intrepid-class starship operated by Starfleet from 2371 to 2378. One of the most storied starships in the history of Starfleet, Voyager was famous for completing an unscheduled seven-year journey across the Delta Quadrant, the first successful exploration of that quadrant by the Federation, as well as numerous technological innovations ...

  16. Vice-Admiral Janeway's USS Voyager-A (NCC-74656-A) Star Trek ...

    Voyager's EMH brings the former Protostar crew to the USS Voyager. I do not own this content. Credit goes to producers. #savestartrekprodigy #startrekvoyager

  17. Celebrating the Ships of the Line: USS Voyager NCC-74656

    The USS Voyager NCC-74656 was an Intrepid-class starship launched in 2371 by Starfleet. Under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, the ship was relatively small, with a length of 343 meters, a crew complement of 160 and just 15 decks, but she boasted several innovations that set her apart from other ships in the fleet, including variable geometry warp nacelles, an Emergency Medical ...

  18. Star Trek Brings Back Voyager's Delta Flyer & Captain Picard's Yacht

    In Star Trek: Lower Decks season 3, episode 5, "Reflections," the original Rutherford tried to escape capture by Lt. Shax (Fred Tatasciore) by beaming into the USS Cerritos' Captain's Yacht. However, he was still apprehended and brought to Dr. T'Ana's (Gillian Vigman) Sickbay. In their shared psyche, the original Rutherford persona challenged ...

  19. How Star Trek: Lower Decks Brought Back the USS Voyager for ...

    Star Trek: Lower Decks supervising director Barry Kelly on the return of Captain Janeway's ship, the USS Voyager, in "Twovix" and the mysterious threat at the heart of Season 4.

  20. Intrepid class

    Legacy A newer version of the Intrepid -class was being used by Starfleet in the 31st and 32nd centuries. ( DIS: " Die Trying ", " Scavengers ") TrekCore has reported that CBS confirmed the USS Voyager -J, seen in " Die Trying ", to have " the same class designation as Captain Janeway's Voyager, but with 800 years of evolution beneath the ...

  21. U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656

    U.S.S. Voyager. The Federation Starship Voyager, an Intrepid class vessel, was launched in 2370 under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway, and was stranded in the Delta Quadrant —some 70,000 light years from Earth —by an entity known as the Caretaker on SD 48316.1. Captain Janeway invited the similarly stranded crew of a destroyed Maquis ...

  22. [Review] BlueBrixx Pro 104966

    The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) by BlueBrixx Pro (set number 104966, store page) has 2443pcs for 190€. The price of ~7.8ct/brick seems a bit high compared to most Chinese manufacturers and especially compared to BlueBrixx Specials, but many of the bricks are large (e.g. 8x16 plates), and there are lots of prints (I counted 48). There is a sticker sheet with three stickers (each one available ...

  23. Calypso

    The Calypso was a Federation captain's yacht that was in service with Starfleet in the mid-24th century, attached to Galaxy-class starships, among others the USS Enterprise-D. (Star Trek: The Next Generation) In 2371, it scraped on the surface of the planet Veridian III, where the ship's saucer section had been forced to crash land. (Star Trek Generations) Calypso was the name for the yacht in ...