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Monaco Yacht Club's Flagship Tuiga Triumphs at Richard Mille Cup 2023

The world of high-seas competition is a unique space where precision, team effort, and exceptional engineering all intersect, and the Richard Mille Cup 2023 encapsulates these elements brilliantly. This year, the event was highlighted by the standout performance of Tuiga, the flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club, which clinched an impressive third overall position after the challenging crossing from the Isle of Wight to Le Havre, France.

Present at the event was none other than Richard Mille himself, the powerhouse behind the highly prestigious Cup. His passion for sailing is well known, with his brand synonymous with not only superior watchmaking but also top-tier sporting events. Mille was captured in a moment of camaraderie alongside Isi Miele, a notable presence at the gathering.

Isi Miele, a celebrated figure in the yachting community, not only brings charisma to such events but also an incredible commitment to environmental causes. As the president of Sport for Nature Monaco, Miele's initiatives extend beyond sailing competitions, as he works tirelessly towards promoting eco-friendly practices and preserving our planet.

Just a few days prior to the Richard Mille Cup, Miele spearheaded the successful inaugural edition of the Sport For Nature Monaco Awards, an event that honors the intersection of sport and environmental stewardship. Under his leadership, this gala raised a significant €18,500, all of which will benefit the Prince Albert II Foundation.

Returning to the Richard Mille Cup, Miele, all smiles alongside Mille, exuded an undeniable charm. Together, these two personalities epitomize the fusion of elegance, luxury, and sporting spirit that this event represents.

In the spotlight was Monaco's pride, the yacht Tuiga. Representing the Monaco Yacht Club, Tuiga displayed an exceptional performance, tackling the demanding journey across the Channel with aplomb. This crossing, from the Isle of Wight in the UK to the bustling port city of Le Havre in France, is not a race for the faint-hearted. It requires not only a yacht of superior build but also a crew of unmatched resilience and unity – qualities that Tuiga and her crew demonstrated in full measure.

Securing the third overall position in such a competitive race, Tuiga once again illustrated the fine craftsmanship, strategic seamanship, and strong bond between the yacht and her crew. This performance further cements the Monaco Yacht Club's status as a major player on the international sailing scene, a reputation that Miele, as a member, helps to uphold and enhance.

The Richard Mille Cup 2023 was a remarkable blend of competition, camaraderie, and exceptional yachting, attracting sailing enthusiasts from around the world. This event, with its captivating hash-tags #richardmillecup, #monaco, #yachtclubdemonaco, and #sailing, underscored the global appeal of such sailing spectacles and the allure of the sport.

As the sun set on the Richard Mille Cup 2023, participants and spectators alike would have felt the enchantment of a day spent at sea, fuelled by a spirit of competition and mutual respect among sailors. The memory of this event, enhanced by the presence and environmental contributions of personalities like Miele, will keep the sailing community's spirits high until the sails are hoisted again.

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D3 Tuiga

Tuiga, maritime ambassador

Today, it is the most beautiful maritime ambassador of the Rock and a witness to the Principality’s commitment to traditional yachting.

Les Voiles de Cassis 10-12 May4
Grandi Regate Internazionali 17-19 May 1
Les Voiles d'Antibes 29/05-02/06 1
Régate des Dames de Saint Tropez28-30 April 20231
Régate San Remo26-28 May 20231
XXVIII Regata Iles Baléares 17-20 August 20233
Régate Imperia7-10 September 20231
Monaco Classic Week13-16 September 20233
Régate Cannes & Saint-Tropez25th September to 7th October 20231
La régate des Dames -St Tropez From 30th April to 1st May3
Régates Napoléon - AjaccioFrom 24 to 29 May1
VIII Trofeo principato di Monaco - Venise From 26 to 27 June 1
Match racing Tuiga/Mariska 15 MJ PortorožFrom 1st to 3rd July2
Régate Imperia classic - Italie From 8 to 11 September 1
Regattas DatesResults
La Porquerolle's Classic From 10 to 13 May 8
Régates Napoléon - Ajaccio From 25 to 30 May 1
Monaco Classic Week 2021From 8 to 11 September 2
26e édition des Voiles d'Antibes From 16 to 19 September 1
Régate Royales de Cannes 25 September 1
Trophée Grimaldi - San Remo/Monaco From 16 to 17 October 4
Les voiles de St Tropez From 4 to 10 September (canceled)
Les Voiles d'AntibesFrom 16 to 20 September1
Régates Royales de Cannes From 20 to 26 September2
Giraglia Rolex Cup [Annual Trophy]From 12 to 15 JuneDNS
XVI Copa Del Rey [Annual Trophy]From 27 to 31 AugustDNS
Monaco Classic Week [Annual Trophy]From 11 to 15 September2
Royales CannesFrom 22 to 28 September1 (Big Boats)
Voiles de Saint Tropez [Annual Trophy]From 30 September to 5 October2 (15MJI) 5 (Big Boats)
Trophée GrimaldiNovember1

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Yacht Club’s Tuiga second in this year’s Big Boat category

Posted by Staff Writer | Nov 16, 2023 | Yachting & Aviation

Yacht Club’s Tuiga second in this year’s Big Boat category

The 2023 season has returned its verdict on classic sailing yachts and it’s Yacht Club de Monaco’s flagship Tuiga and her crew of committed members who top the AFYT ranking, the Club reports.

Founded in 1994 under the aegis of Yacht Club de France, the mission of the Association Française des Yachts de Tradition (AFYT) is to bring together owners of classic yachts and more broadly all enthusiasts of traditional sailing. Another objective is to develop and make available to as many people as possible all the information on classic boats (sailing or motor).

Founded in 1926 by Yacht Club de France (1867), Regio Yacht Club Italiano (1879) and Real Club Nautico de Barcelona (1879), CIM (International Mediterranean Committee) is behind how classic yacht races are organised and regulated in the Mediterranean.

This year several boats from Yacht Club de Monaco left their mark on this circuit including Tuiga. The gaff cutter finished second in the Big Boat category just ahead of Carlo Falcone and his Mariella. In the Vintage Gaff, Viola led by Kostia Belkin came third.

ORIGINAL SOURCE & PHOTO: Yacht Club de Monaco. https://yacht-club-monaco.mc/en/tuiga-steals-the-show/

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Home » Yachting in Monaco » TUIGA , JEWEL OF THE PRINCIPALITY

Yacht Class n°12 (March-April-May 2018)

A boat, a history.

Pampered by all since becoming the flagship of the Yacht Club de Monaco in 1995, Tuiga, born in the early 20th century, is one of the most beautiful jewels of the classical yachts meetings. She now trains young generations of sailors, without winches, nor pity… 

Written by Emmanuel De Toma – Photos : E. de Toma – YCM

The metre rule, this scholarly equation enabling sailboats to compete on an equal footing while giving architects some freedom of interpretation, was created in 1906. The most famous boats in this international rule are of course the 6mR, an Olympic boat since 1908 and the 12mR, the America’s Cup vessel from 1958 to 1987. And the 15mR whose racing life was short (1907 – 1917), but intense. Tuiga belongs to this family that only counted twenty units. But what a lineage !

Steel mahogany and bronze

The 15mR class started taking off in 1909 with the construction of six units including Hispania, commissioned by King Alfonso XIII, designed by the famous William Fife and built in Spain, in the Karpard shipyard in Pasajes. A close friend of the king, the Duke de Medinaceli ordered an almost identical sailboat that was built in Fairlie, Scotland, at the Fife shipyard. Just a few months were necessary to create the beautiful “composite” hull with a mahogany planking and bronze rivets on a steel frame. Thus, was born in the spring of 1909 the amazing and famous Tuiga. Amazing because this aristocracy and wealthy’s plaything is a thoroughbred designed for competition. Famous because no sooner was she launched than she clocked up the miles in the Atlantic to face her sister-ship Hispania in San Sebastian where she finished second, a few metres behind her noble competitor. A month later, in Cowes, the 15mR, Hispania won three races, while Tuiga took second place three times. As if to confirm the rumour that the Duke de Medinaceli was letting the king win out of deference, Tuiga finished at a stone’s throw from Hispania during the San-Sebastian-Biarritz race the following summer. And as if to perfect her reputation of eternal second, she did it again at Ryde international regatta, won by… Hispania. In 1912, the Nicholsons shipyard launched Istria, a revolutionary 15mR. Her one-piece mast prefigured the Marconi rigging while the lighter hull in pine slats allowed to carry more ballast and sails. The two jewels designed by William Fife were definitely surprised in full swing by such technological progress, and quickly found themselves at the bottom of the rankings. In Cowes, Hispania finished fourth and Tuiga last ! In 1913, the two veterans made a modest appearance on the international circuit, at the regattas of Le Havre. The following year, while the world turned into a war zone, the regatta fever redoubled among sailing aristocrats. In the neutral Scandinavia, races were organized during summer 1915, where competed twelve 15mR bought in Great Britain.

In 1916, Tuiga and Hispania, apparently inseparable, joined the Nordic fleet. The first was sold to a Swedish yachtman who renamed her Betty IV while the second delighted a Norwegian racer. In 1917, while the Russians were making their revolution and the French, English, Americans and Prussians were still at each other throats, Scandinavia fell in love with the wonderful yachts of the International Rule. The same year, the Norwegian naval architect Johan August Anker, the future father of the Dragon, designed Neptune, the twentieth and last 15mR built according to the 1906 class rule. However, 1917 also marked the end of the lunacy of regattas on these thoroughbred over twenty metres. And everyone then had a more or less fortunate retirement. In 1923, Tuiga was bought by the vice-commodore of the Royal Thames Yacht Club and headed back to her mother country under the name of Dorina. Ten years later, the boat was acquired by J. Colin Newman. She was renamed Kismet III and endowed with a Marconi rig that made her the scratch winner of the Fastnet Race 1935. The proof that such a perfect hull could still do wonders in one of the most famous European races, even 26 years after her launch. All things considered, when many 15mR have experienced abandonment and mudflats agonies, Tuiga had done rather well. In 1936, her path crossed with the Douglas family who pampered her for 34 years under the name of Nevada and, even made her pass in modern times by giving her her first engine. In 1970, she became the property of Jan Rose, from Glasgow and joined the Mediterranean and the charter fleet. Out of convenience, she even received the 12mR Sceptre’s aluminum mast.

Time of resurrection

Luckily, after ten years of charter and an attempt at restoration by two French who wanted to circumnavigate, an exhausted Tuiga, who had since reverted to her maiden name, surfed on late eighties’ nascent wave of classic yachting. She owed her salvation to three exceptional men : Albert Obrist, a collector of ancient yachts, who bought Tuiga in 1989 and also owned the magnificent Altaïr (a Fife design), William Collier, an erudite naval historian and Duncan Walter, an enthusiast naval carpenter and director of the brand-new English shipyard Fairlie Restorations that was created by Obrist for Tuiga. Restoring the 15mR took four years. More than a year of negotiation was first necessary with the last owner of the Scottish yard, Archie Mc Millan, who was then in his nineties, to acquire nearly all the Fife design he stored in a garden shed. The next step was then to use a step by step approach inside the hull to rebuild the entire structure and the plank, as the massive corrosion between the mahogany planks, the steel frameworks and the bronze rivets left no intermediary alternatives. Thanks to the original designs, the yard fully restored Tuiga’s former splendor, as was the will of the three men. As new, the boat rushed once again on the Atlantic, then to Saint-Tropez where she immediately asserted her superiority against Moonbeam III during the Nioulargue 1993.

Next stop Monaco

Immediately, Bernard d’Alessandri, General Secretary of the Yacht Club de Monaco and vice-president of the International Mediterranean Committee, saw in Tuiga the sailboat that would fulfill his wish. “We needed a boost and to find a flagship that reflected the sports dynamics of our club,” he says. As a top authority in the classic yachting, he convinced H.S.H. Prince Albert II that visiting this boat was worth the detour. In the early hours of a fine autumn Sunday, both went to Cannes. Did Eric Tabarly’s passion for this Fife design weigh in the balance ? Nevertheless, via the creation of a Tuiga Committee, the boat was bought to Albert Obrist and quickly integrated the most hospitable Yacht Club, welcoming its members during sea trips or regattas. The 15mR also regularly welcomes young trainees interested in careers in classic sailing. In addition to 500 hours of training (marine carpentry, seamanship, fairing, sailmaking, mechanics, etc.) the trainees made their first steps aboard during the Prada Challenge. A unique opportunity to discover the art of handling 411 m2 of sail area without any winch. Violence can come on board when the wind gets angry. During an outing under the leadership of Eric Tabarly, who never missed an opportunity to take the helm of this unit he considered to be the most beautiful Fife, (on an equal footing with his Pen Duick), 30 knots of winds were whipping Tuiga under full sails. Against the advices of some teammates, including Bernard d’Alessandri and Prince Albert II, Tabarly did not want to reduce the sail area. As is well known, slowing down was not part of his vocabulary. Consequence : a gybe caused a crewmember to fall into the water while the mainsail slipped from the Prince’s hand, severely burning his palms. The 15mR had just shown her character and no one blamed our national sailor…

The “King” of the Principality

Thus, the wonderfully maintained Tuiga still continues in the 21st century her long life of seas thoroughbred, nine years after a centennial fiercely celebrated in the Principality during the Monaco Classic Week 2009. For some years now, she has been regularly competing in the Paneraï circuit with the three other 15mR still sailing, among which… Hispania !


Overall length : 28,04 m

Lengh of hull : 23,16 m

Flotation length : 15,03 m

Beam : 4,28 m

Draft : 2,99 m

Sail surface upwind : 411,37 m²

Weight : 39 tonnes

tuiga yacht club monaco

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  • Sep 16, 2023

Tuiga - Flagship of the Yacht Club in Monaco

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Yesterday this legendary boat was at the marina in Monaco, where the Monaco Classic Week brings together the most beautiful classic vessels. This sailing yacht was built in Scotland in 1909 by the famous Wiliams Fife, and measures 28 metres in length. This boat has won numerous regattas.

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Monaco Tribune

Monaco Yacht Show 2024: guida pratica al famoso salone


I prezzi dei biglietti partono da 690€ per un giorno.

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In tutto, oltre 560 espositori presenteranno le loro innovazioni per la nautica di domani, dal design alle nuove tecnologie. Saranno esposti non meno di 120 yacht e 60 tender da acquistare, noleggiare o visitare.

5 zone per orientarvi meglio:

Il salone sarà suddiviso in cinque zone tematiche, ognuna delle quali offrirà un’immersione in un’area diversa del mondo della nautica:

  • Nella Dockside Area è esposta una vasta gamma di superyacht e tender di lusso.
  • Nella Sailing Yacht Area troverete gli yacht a vela più eleganti creati da rinomati costruttori e designer.
  • Lo Yacht Design & Innovation Hub sarà lo spazio dedicato alle innovazioni d’avanguardia, dove i visitatori potranno scoprire gli ultimi progressi nel campo del design e della tecnologia.
  • L’Adventure Area combinerà attività sportive acquatiche e gadget innovativi per offrire ai visitatori un’esperienza di intrattenimento unica.
  • Infine, il Sustainability Hub metterà in evidenza gli sforzi dell’industria per ridurre l’impronta di carbonio, con dimostrazioni di tecnologie ecologiche e sostenibili.

La Sapphire Experience è l’esperienza VIP per eccellenza. Avete in mente di fare un acquisto? Con questo prezioso pass avrete un intero team a vostra disposizione per consigliarvi, regalandovi un’immersione totale nel mondo del lusso e dello yachting. Il biglietto VIP offre un accesso privilegiato a lounge, tour privati degli yacht, serate di gala e cocktail privati a bordo degli yacht più prestigiosi.

Le 5 spiagge più belle della Costa Azzurra secondo la Guida Michelin

Informazioni pratiche:

Il mercoledì è riservato ai clienti privati, agli espositori e ai possessori del biglietto Sapphire. Il pubblico potrà accedere al salone da giovedì 26 a sabato 28 settembre alla modica cifra di 690€ per un giorno, 1170€ per due giorni e 1860€ per tutti e tre.

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ClubSwan celebrates with partners Gazprom and Saint Petersburg Yacht Club in Monaco

ClubSwan celebrated together with partners Gazprom and Saint Petersburg Yacht Club at the stunning Yacht Club de Monaco this month. The reception highlighted the extensive calendar of events planned for 2015 culminating in the 50 th anniversary of Nautor’s Swan this coming September.

The ClubSwan calendar includes the upcoming Gazprom Swan 60 World Championship to be held 10-16 May for the first time in the beautiful Tuscan setting of Marina di Scarlino, Italy.

The Gazprom Swan 60 fleet with then head to France for the 63 rd edition of the Giraglia Rolex Cup, which includes the Mediterranean’s oldest offshore race. Follwing the first leg from Sanremo (12 June) the Swan 60s will gather in Saint-Tropez for three days of inshore competition (14-16 June) before embarking on the main event, the 243-nautical mile offshore racing (commencing 17 June) to Genoa via the Giraglia rock.


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Young optimist sailors took part in the opening ceremony

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Grand Menshikov Palace

Menshikov began to build his residence here in 1713, at about the same time as Peter began work on his own estate at Peterhof. Menshikov seemed intent on outdoing his master in terms of scale and grandeur, and commissioned architects Giovanni Mario Fontana and Gottfried Schadel, who were already building the Menshikov Palace in St. Petersburg, to design his seaside palace. After over a decade of work, which eventually bankrupted Menshikov, the palace was completed.

Facing the sea, with a two-level terrace in front of it, this charming yellow and white building consists of a concave central block with two single-storey galleries leading to prominent octagonal pavilions, one of which houses the palace chapel. On the south side of the building, two large ancillary wings, the Kitchen Wing and the Ladies' Wing, run from the pavilions perpendicular to the central block.

Menshikov had little time to enjoy his new palace before he was arrested and exiled in 1727. The estate at Oranienbaum was passed to the state, and Menshikov's palace became a naval hospital. In 1743, the estate was presented by Empress Elizabeth to her nephew, the future Peter III, who commissioned Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, the greatest late baroque architect working in Russia, to renovate the palace. Rastrelli left the exterior of the palace almost untouched, but created sumptuous interiors that have, sadly, long since been destroyed. At this time, the western pavilion became known as the Japanese Pavilion, thanks to the collection of Japanese and Chinese ceramics it housed.

The palace was altered again in 1762 by Antonio Rinaldi, who added a granite staircase and semi-circular balcony to the northern terraces and redecorated many of the interiors. After serving as a Naval Cadet College from the end of the 18 th century, the palace was used as a residence by both Alexander I and his brother Mikhail. During the 19 th century, several famous architects, including Luigi Ruska, Carlo Rossi, and Vasiliy Satsov, reworked the interiors of the palace.

Today, while the Grand Menshikov Palace is still extremely impressive from the outside, its interiors are in a parlous state, and major renovation work still needs to be done to prevent parts of the building collapsing. For visitors, there is little to see except a collection of portraits of the various owners of Oranienbaum.

Open:Daily, 10:30 am to 6 pm. Last admission is at 5 pm.
Closed:May 1 to October 9: Monday. October 10 to April 30: Tuesday and the last Wednesday of each month.
Admission:Adult: RUB 400.00 Children: RUB 200.00
Photo and video:Not allowed
Accessibility note:Sorry, this museum is not wheelchair accessible.

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Tuiga continues her circuit 

La porquerolle’s classic – les porquerolles  10-13 june 2021.

Sunday 13 th June 2021. The 18 th  Porquerolle’s Classic has just wrapped up for the 36 classic sailing yachts in competition. Comprising set courses in the bay and coastal races around the islands of Hyères, the meeting is a fixture on the official calendar of the French classic yacht association (AFYT-Association Française des Yachts de Tradition). The gaff cutter and Yacht Club de Monaco ambassador Tuiga was on the start, finishing 8 th overall after three races. It was the second regatta of the year for the 15M IR just a few weeks after the Régates Napoléons in Ajaccio.

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  1. Tuiga

    tuiga yacht club monaco

  2. The stunning yacht Tuiga. The flagship yacht of the Monaco Yacht Club

    tuiga yacht club monaco

  3. Tuiga sailboat, flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club, during racing in

    tuiga yacht club monaco

  4. Details of sailboat Tuiga, flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club Stock

    tuiga yacht club monaco

  5. Details of sailboat Tuiga, flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club Stock

    tuiga yacht club monaco

  6. Tuiga sailboat, flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club, during racing in

    tuiga yacht club monaco


  1. D3 Tuiga le vaisseau amiral du Yacht Club de Monaco

    D3 Tuiga est aujourd'hui le plus bel ambassadeur maritime du Rocher et le témoin de l'engagement de la Principauté de Monaco en faveur du Yachting de tradition. ... Fondé en 1953 par le Prince Rainier et présidé depuis 1984 par S.A.S. le Prince Souverain Albert II, le Yacht Club de Monaco réunit 2 500 membres, répartis en 80 ...

  2. Tuiga

    Podium for YCM's flagshiThe adventure across the Channel lasted ten days for Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship Tuiga. It all began in Falmouth where the 15M IR arrived to join a fleet of around 15 schooners and gaff cutters, including others designed by the highly esteemed William Fife III. Moonbeam III, Mariquita, Moonbeam IV, Altaïr, Tuiga ...

  3. Tuiga awarded

    Saturday 16 th December 2023. The 2023 season has just delivered its verdict on classic yachts and it's Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship Tuiga (1909) who tops the AFYT ranking in the Big Boats category.It was presented to crew members on Saturday 16 th December at the Musée National de la Marine in Paris.. Founded in 1994 under the aegis of Yacht Club de France, the AFYT (Association ...

  4. Home

    Home - D3 Tuiga. "One Spirit, one Team, one Club". Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de Monaco's burgee, testimony ...

  5. Tuiga on route to Venice

    Sunday 5 th June 2022. After a superb victory (second in a row) at the Régates Napoléon in Ajaccio, Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship Tuiga extended her stay in Corsica waters for the Monaco-Calvi gathering of a fleet of Smeralda 888s and young sailors from YCM's Sports Section.. No respite. The 15M IR gaff cutter then headed out to sea, course set for Venice, where she is expected on the ...

  6. Monaco Yacht Club's Flagship Tuiga Triumphs at Richard Mille Cup 2023

    The world of high-seas competition is a unique space where precision, team effort, and exceptional engineering all intersect, and the Richard Mille Cup 2023 encapsulates these elements brilliantly. This year, the event was highlighted by the standout performance of Tuiga, the flagship of the Monaco Yacht Club, which clinched an impressive third overall position after the challenging crossing ...

  7. Regattas

    Tuiga, which has since taken part in all the major traditional yachting events, ... Founded in 1953 by Prince Rainier and presided over by HSH Prince Sovereign Albert II since 1984, the Yacht Club de Monaco brings together more than 2500 members from 80 nationalities. Many of the world's most prestigious private yachts fly the Yacht Club de ...

  8. Tuiga Out to Conquer the Adriatic

    MONACO, July 14, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship Tuiga (1909) has just finished her Adriatic campaign of three match race...

  9. Monaco's Tuiga conquers Adriatic in good company

    Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship Tuiga (1909) has just finished her Adriatic campaign of three match race meetings against Mariska, another 15M IR out of the four in the world still sailing. The crew of YCM members, all passionate about sailing and classic yachts, certainly made their mark on this regatta circuit. ...

  10. Yacht Club's Tuiga second in this year's Big Boat category

    The 2023 season has returned its verdict on classic sailing yachts and it's Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship Tuiga and her crew of committed members who top the AFYT ranking, the Club reports. Founded in 1994 under the aegis of Yacht Club de France, the mission of the Association Française des Yachts de Tradition (AFYT) is to bring together ...


    Yacht Class n°12 (March-April-May 2018) A boat, a history. Pampered by all since becoming the flagship of the Yacht Club de Monaco in 1995, Tuiga, born in the early 20th century, is one of the most beautiful jewels of the classical yachts meetings. She now trains young generations of sailors, without winches, nor pity…

  12. Tuiga

    Yesterday this legendary boat was at the marina in Monaco, where the Monaco Classic Week brings together the most beautiful classic vessels. This sailing yacht was built in Scotland in 1909 by the famous Wiliams Fife, and measures 28 metres in length. This boat has won numerous regattas.

  13. Victory for Tuiga

    Régates Napoléon - Ajaccio - 25-30 May 2021 Sunday 30th May 2021. It was the first regatta of the year and first victory for Tuiga, the Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship, competing at the 2nd Régates Napoléon in the IRC group. Fifty-plus racers turned out and completed five races in the Gulf of Ajaccio. Winning

  14. Yacht Club de Monaco

    727 likes, 11 comments - yachtclubmonaco on October 29, 2020: "TUIGA - Mixing tradition & new generation Mixer la tradition et la nouvelle génération . . . . . #yachtclubdemonaco #yachtclub #yachtclubmonaco #lartdevivrelamer #artdevivrelamer #sailing #yacht #monaco #monacomoments #twiga #D3 #1909 #model #sailinglife #view #monacolifestyle".

  15. Hublot Celebrates the Centenary of Tuiga in Monaco

    The watchmaker, official timekeeper of the Yacht Club de Monaco, will also present a new limited series watch dedicated to the legendary sailing ship, in the presence of HRH Prince Albert II of Monaco. Hublot's new model, in the colors of the prestigious Yacht Club, bears the name Tuiga and the engraved dates 1909 and 2009.

  16. Practical guide to the prestigious Monaco Yacht Show 2024

    Ticket prices start from €690 per day. The Monaco Yacht Show is back in the Principality from 25 to 28 September. Held in Port Hercule, the show is a unique opportunity to discover the latest innovations in the nautical sector, to meet the key players in the industry or to simply stroll around and admire an impressive fleet of luxury yachts.

  17. Hublot Yacht-Club De Monaco Tuiga Big Bang 44mm Stainless ...

    Hublot Big Bang 44 mm Yacht-Club De Monaco Tuiga Big Bang 44mm Stainless Steel Limited 250 Pieces 301.SB.132.RX. Used (Very good) ... Stamped Carbon dial with steel appliqué indexes with vertical satin-finish and exclusive flag of the Yacht Club de Monaco in a register at 9.00 o'clock. 316L steel back with exclusive engraving of Tuiga ...

  18. Home

    What's happening at St Petersburg Yacht Club? Address: 11 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 | 2301 Pass-a-Grille Way, St. Pete Beach, FL 33706 Phone: 727-822-3873

  19. Monaco Yacht Show 2024 : Guide pratique pour découvrir au mieux le

    Comme chaque année, du 25 au 28 septembre, le Monaco Yacht Show fait son retour en Principauté. Dans l'enceinte du Port Hercule, le salon offre l'occasion unique de découvrir les dernières innovations du secteur nautique, rencontrer les acteurs clés de l'industrie ou tout simplement flâner en admirant une flotte impressionnante de ...

  20. Tuiga out to conquer the Adriatic

    Yacht Club de Monaco's flagship Tuiga (1909) has just finished her Adriatic campaign of three match race meetings against Mariska, another 15M IR out of the four in the world still sailing. The crew of YCM members, all passionate about sailing and classic yachts, certainly made their mark on this regatta circuit. A first

  21. Monaco Yacht Show 2024: guida pratica al famoso salone

    I prezzi dei biglietti partono da 690€ per un giorno. Come ogni anno, dal 25 al 28 settembre il Monaco Yacht Show torna nel Principato. A Port Hercule, il salone offre un'occasione unica per scoprire le ultime innovazioni del settore nautico, incontrare i principali operatori del settore o semplicemente passeggiare e ammirare un'impressionante flotta di yacht di lusso.

  22. ClubSwan celebrates with partners Gazprom and Saint Petersburg Yacht

    ClubSwan celebrated together with partners Gazprom and Saint Petersburg Yacht Club at the stunning Yacht Club de Monaco this month. The reception highlighted the extensive calendar of events planned for 2015 culminating in the 50 th anniversary of Nautor's Swan this coming September. The ClubSwan calendar includes the upcoming Gazprom Swan 60 ...

  23. Tuiga to sail again

    Tuiga to sail again. Thursday 4 th June. The Yacht Club de Monaco's much loved flagship will be back on the water this weekend with nine training sessions planned between now and the end of August. Saturday 6 th June will be the first day sails are hoisted on the gaff cutter and the crew is inviting others who wish to sail on her to join them ...

  24. Grand Menshikov Palace, Oranienbaum, St. Petersburg

    Grand Menshikov Palace in Oranienbaum dominates the surrounding grounds. The palace was altered again in 1762 by Antonio Rinaldi, who added a granite staircase and semi-circular balcony to the northern terraces and redecorated many of the interiors. After serving as a Naval Cadet College from the end of the 18 th century, the palace was used as ...

  25. Tuiga continues her circuit

    La Porquerolle's Classic - Les Porquerolles 10-13 June 2021 Sunday 13th June 2021. The 18th Porquerolle's Classic has just wrapped up for the 36 classic sailing yachts in competition. Comprising set courses in the bay and coastal races around the islands of Hyères, the meeting is a fixture on the official calendar of the French classic