Election 2024: Who won the Cape Coral City Council primary?

The top-two vote-getters in each Cape Coral City Council election 2024 race have been determined as of the primary. Now, they will face each other in the November election.

In Cape Coral, council positions are elected at-large. Terms are four years long, and members are limited to two consecutive terms. As the position is nonpartisan, all voters, Republican, Democrat and other, get to vote on these candidates.

Council members are paid a base annual salary of $37,368.96. Last year, the council approved stipends worth another $39,996 a year, which has proven to be an unpopular choice with this year's slate of candidates.

District 2 covers the southwest portion of Cape , bound by Veteran's Memorial Parkway to the north, extending halfway between Chiquita Boulevard South and Skyline Boulevard to the east, curving further east along Cape Coral Parkway West, and ending where El Dorado Parkway curves to the northeast.

Dan Sheppard , the incumbent, ran against Laurie Lehmann and Craig Unroe .

Final returns posted by Lee County’s Supervisor of Elections website showed Lehmann the projected winner. Lehmann took more than 40% of the vote, garnering 10,789 votes. Her next-closest opponent, Sheppard, took home 32% of the vote; 8,608 people cast their votes for him.

Now, the two will face off in the November general election.

“(I'm) just thankful that the citizens voted for me, have confidence in me and want to move me forward,” said Sheppard, who finished second. He declined to talk about the impact the stipend issue might have in November’s match-up after a night that knocked out a fellow incumbent.

More: Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 2 candidate Craig Unroe Q&A: Priorities

Dan Sheppard, 61

Previous Experience: Incumbent started own New Jersey business in 1984 as architectural millwork designer and manufacturer that became provider for casinos, hospitals, large retail chains such as JCPenney, and the U.S. Postal Service. Owning three retail stores until a move to Florida, he started Sheppard Landscape in Cape Coral in 1999, incorporating in 2005, and then later, Palm Source Pine Island, which grows and sells palms to U.S. and Bahamas landscape firms. He said he's active supporting and donating to many Cape Coral non-profit groups.

Top Priorities: "The top priority is to remove the lock at the south spreader canal, completing infrastructure, beautifying medians, sidewalks, investing in parks and additional green space and protecting the quality of our waterways."

More: Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 2 candidate Dan Sheppard Q&A: Priorities

Laurie Lehmann, 70

Previous Experience: District 2 resident since 2004, she's a retired registered nurse. With bachelor's degree in economics/accounting, she said she previously was accountant at New Jersey commercial construction firm. She also was involved with bids, contract negotiations through projects for large pharmaceutical and chemical firms and was an Occupational Safety and Health officer. She's been active with Save Jaycee Park group.

Top Priorities: "In District 2, we have a flooding problem when it rains. Also, we have a park that is a fire liability. These are both priorities. I feel we need to know what $2.5 million was spent on in the park and rectify the fire hazard that could damage peoples’ homes with the dead broken trees and vegetation.  We were to have a 50-foot fire barrier bordering the park and, as yet, it is nonexistent.  Storm drains and sewers need to be cleaned out not just in District 2 but throughout the city.  We need to maintain what we already have before spending money on new projects."

More: Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 2 candidate Laurie Lehmann Q&A: Priorities

District 3 is bound by Northeast Pine Island Road to the north, Cultural Park Boulevard South and Santa Barbara Boulevard to the west, Archer Parkway to the south and Country Club Boulevard to the east.

Incumbent Tom Hayden did not seek reelection for the four-year term. Instead, Daniel Ludlow , Chad Bruening , Derrick Donnell and Deborah Lee McCormick all ran for the position.

In the District 3 Cape Coral City Council race, Donnell and McCormick had the most votes, according to final numbers. Donnell took top honors at 32% or 8,409 votes cast for him; McCormick trailed slightly at just under 30% or 7,757 votes cast. They will face off in the Nov. 5 general election, eliminating Ludlow and Bruening from contention for the four-year term.

“I’m incredibly thankful to God, my family and everyone who has assisted me on this campaign,” McCormick said.  “The voters chose myself and Mr. Donnell to be the candidates for District 3, and I wish the best of luck to him in this campaign.

"Going into November, I want voters to know that I’m one of them. I’m a citizen who wants to see her city thrive. Let’s rescind the stipend, restore citizen boards, protect Jaycee Park and make life more affordable for our citizens by making government more efficient.”

More: Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 3 candidate Daniel Ludlow Q&A: Priorities

Derrick Donnell, 60

Previous Experience: Lee School District educator and former administrator and director of professional standards, equity and recruitment; Florida SouthWestern College adjunct professor; U.S. Marine commissioned officer; University of Central Florida doctorate's degree in education; Jackson State University master’s and bachelor’s degrees; former member of Cape city council, Lee Human Services Council, Metropolitan Planning Organization and Citizens Advisory Committee.

Top Priorities: "The top priorities impacting my district are restoring confidence in the city council by rescinding the current stipend, implementing smart growth policies, ensuring sidewalks are a component of all future developments, and improving both current traffic patterns and the conditions of the canals. The first issue council must tackle is to begin the hard work of restoring confidence in the city council by rescinding the current stipend."

More: Election 2024: Cape Coral Council District 3 candidate Derrick Donnell Q&A: Priorities

Deborah McCormick, 68

Previous Experience: She describes herself as a 35-year civil servant with the state and a volunteer and member with Grace Church in Cape Coral. 

Top Priorities: "Although I’m running to represent District 3, I’m accountable to every Cape Coral voter as members of the City Council are elected citywide. Therefore, my top priority, as well as what my priority for the city will be, is to restore trust back in our city council. This can be done by reestablishing citizen advisory boards to respect the views of citizens, rescinding the stipend and amending the charter so a future council can’t circumvent voters ever again, and supporting our first responders so our city remains safe for all of our residents. The first issue that I would tackle would be the egregiously high stipend. I would immediately motion to rescind it."

More: Election 2024: Cape City Council District 5 candidate Jason Conzelman Q&A: Priorities

More: Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 3 candidate Chad Bruening Q&A: Priorities

District 4 is bordered on the south by Cape Coral Parkway, extends just a few blocks north of 26 E. Terrace, extends one block east of Country Club Boulevard, and two blocks west of Skyline Boulevard.

Unlike other districts up for election this year, the winner of this race will serve a two-year term because former council member Patty Cummings was removed before her term expired when she was investigated for election fraud.

Cummings pleaded guilty to election fraud last week and was sentenced to two years' probation .

But on the ballot, voters had a choice between former District 4 city council member Jennifer Nelson , Robert Sutter , William Matthews and incumbent Richard Carr, who was appointed to Cummings' seat after her removal.

Nelson, who narrowly lost her seat in 2022 by less than two points to now-ousted councilor Cummings, and Carr, who took over Cummings' seat after her removal, garnered the most primary votes in Tuesday's election.

The two will move on to the general election. With 100% of precincts reporting, Nelson won a stunning 35% of the vote, snagging 9,089 votes and far outpacing her fellow District 4 contenders. Carr came in a distant second, with 25% of the vote, or 6,833.

"I'm very excited," said Nelson. "I feel grateful and honored that the citizens have clearly given their trust back to me. I'm looking forward to the general election and hoping that with a win I can restore faith in our government and bring peace back to our residents. I feel so honored."

Her opponent is ready for the challenge.

"I am honored to have received enough support from our residents to  advance to the general election," Carr said via email. "I want to thank the other candidates for their participation in the campaign; I’ve appreciated their insight and commitment to our city. I will work hard to earn the confidence and votes of those I didn’t reach in the primary. I am eager to continue representing our city as the District 4 Councilmember and to help guide our growing community forward."

Richard Carr, 59

Previous Experience : Former police officer; managed Cape Coral's code enforcement division for more than six years.

Top Priorities: "We are elected citywide and responsible for the betterment of the entire city. However, in District 4, the "old golf course" has sat abandoned for many years. I will do everything possible for the city to acquire the land and maintain the green space to enhance the quality of life for all who wish to enjoy it."

Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 4 appointee Rich Carr runs for election: his priorities

Jennifer Nelson, 54

Previous Experience: Nelson was the District 4 city council member from 2017-2022. Since her narrow loss to Cummings, she has been a consultant with Purpose Driven Strategies for nonprofits and businesses.

Top Priorities: "District 4's top priority is purchasing the old golf course. With 184 acres of green space, this land would give us much-needed amenities in our city and give us the green space our city lacks for our population size. I would prioritize our projects and make sure we have the appropriate funding sources identified so as to not burden our taxpayers. Additionally, we need a policy in place that not only protects our green space, but also preserves our commercial zoning areas so we can continue to grow the commercial tax base which is lacking in our city."

Election 2024: Former Cape Coral District 4 councilmember Jennifer Nelson runs again, speaks on top priorities

District 5 encompasses much of central Cape. It is bordered on the east by Cultural Park Boulevard South, on its jagged northernmost edge by Northeast Pine Island Road, Tropicana Parkway W and Embers Parkway W and SW Pine Island Road, and on the west and south by Veterans Memorial Parkway.

Joseph Kilraine , Jason Conzelman , Charlie Pease and Robert Welsh , the incumbent, faced off for the District 5 seat.

In the District 5 Cape Coral City Council race, Pease, with 34%, or 9,004 votes, and Kilraine, with 32%, or 8,468 votes, had wide leads over their competitors but a tight race between the two of them. Pease and Kilraine will now face off in the Nov. 5 general election, eliminating incumbent Welsh, who had 22% in late results, and Conzelman, who had 11%.

Among District 5 voters, a major issue has been stipends the City Council approved earlier this year to supplement council pay.

“I’d like to thank the voters and I look forward to a good race in November,” Kilraine said. “I’m feeling really good about it. (As for November), we’re just going to do more of the same. It ain’t over ’til it’s over. We just gotta keep working at it.”

His opponent in the November election, Pease, felt much the same way.

"I was fortunate to come out on top in the primary but we have two more months leading up to November," Pease said. "I’m excited to put together an even bigger team over the next two months and move forward."

Pease said he was unsurprised at the poor performance of so many incumbents, given the vivid frustration a lot of Cape residents have regarding the council's implementation of a large stipend for themselves and what many term the mishandling of Jaycee Park.

"I think definitely the stipend was a hot-button topic," Pease said. "There needs to be trust and leadership restored to the council.

"I’m certainly not someone who will take the stipend. I’ll make sure we end it. I think that’s low-hanging fruit at this point. I think we also need to restore volunteer advisory boards, all the things that ultimately led to the council taking over the CRA and getting to the stipend."

Charlie Pease, 41

Previous Experience : Lifelong educator (teacher, assistant principal, principal) who is director of Cape Technical College. Board membership with Cape Charter School Authority Governing Board, Cape Museum of History and Cape Mayor’s Scholarship Fund. Co-founder of Keep Our Parks and Rec Cape Coral and member of Urban Land Institute, Cape Advisory Panel, Cape Economic Development Strategic Planning Roundtable, a state Department of Education workforce education funding committee and Cape Chamber of Commerce.

Top Priorities: "My top priorities for District 5 are the same for the entire city and they are all interrelated.

"Restoration of Trust: Ending the stipend and listening to residents. This includes restoring advisory boards, adding townhall meetings, proactive updates on projects and transparent decision-making.

"Smart Growth: Infrastructure planning for traffic, stormwater management, water and sewer Utilities Extension Project (UEP that includes cost reduction strategies), amenities, parks and conservation of green spaces.

"Fiscal Responsibility: Ensuring taxpayer money is used effectively to benefit our community while keeping taxes as low as possible. This includes budget transparency and restoration of the Budget Review Committee."

Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 5 candidate Charlie Pease outlines priorities

More: Election 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 5 candidate Joseph Kilraine Q&A: Priorities

Joseph Kilraine, 73

Previous Experience: 20-year Cape resident with postgrad chemical and polymer engineering degrees, MBA and business doctorate and 45 years of building businesses. Examples include Fortune 50 global chemicals, oil and gas, several engineering firms, alternative energy, plastics, recycling, landfill operations, trade groups and ownership of five Bonanza franchise restaurants. Member of St. Katharine Drexel, NRA, Cape Progress, Republican clubs, Habitat for Humanity, Knights of Columbus, Chapin and Cape Caring Center.

Top Priorities: "District issues much the same as city at large. Residents feel betrayed by council’s self-serving-dismissive actions last 18 months (i.e., firing of volunteer resident advisers, the lack of transparency in many actions including the stipend, ignoring hands-off Jaycee Park 7,800-resident petition, chicanery around stipend adoption).

Trust deficit is an impediment-distraction to properly handling major issues, i.e., rapid growth outpacing infrastructure, water sourcing, traffic, rising taxes-assessments-insurance costs, absolute costs due to inflation, affordable housing, insurance increases, retaining-attracting talent, resident concerns on multifamily buildings, general obligation (GO) bond delays-cost overruns, yacht club scope-cost, pickleball public-private partnerships (P3) and fees, greenspace preservation."

Elections 2024: Cape Coral City Council District 5 member Robert Welsh running for reelection: Q&A

The district covers the northeast sectio n of the city, beginning at the intersection of Northeast Pine Island Road and Santa Barbara Boulevard and spreading north and east.

Only two candidates qualified to run for election in District 7. As a result, the race will not be on the ballot for the Aug. 20 primary and will go straight to the November election.

Councilmember Jessica Cosden was ineligible as she has served two consecutive terms on city council. Both candidates are newcomers to politics and are longtime Cape Coral residents.

Rachel Kaduk , 34

Experience: Kaduk, a native to Cape Coral, is a loan officer at Sanibel Captiva Community Bank. Prior to that, she served as the business development manager for Seminole Casino Hotel.

Top Priorities: "I want to mend the relationship between council and the residents, rescind the stipend and amend the city charter. I want to reinstate our volunteer committees, such as the budget review committee; I think that’s essential. I have an infrastructure initiative because in District 7 the utility expansion is becoming too costly for homeowners and we don’t want people leaving Cape Coral. I want to look into improving the permitting process, and then of course I want to keep an eye on all our general obligation (GO) bond projects and make sure those are completed before we begin new ones."

Michael Harper , 60

Experience: Harper has owned Edison Mortgage Services since 2020; prior to that, he was a partner with Edison Mortgage Group from 2015-2020. He has worked as a loan officer and real estate agent.

Top Priorities: "My priorities, if elected, would focus on the infrastructure, affordable housing and the UEP in the North Cape. While there are many other issues that need addressing, I feel these three are ones that directly affect the quality of life for those living in Cape Coral.

"I would be happy to share my thoughts on these 3 issues in more depth, as well as the other issues facing the Cape. You can email me directly, [email protected] and I'd be happy to respond back to you."

Kate Cimini is the Florida Investigative Reporter for the USA TODAY-Network Florida, based at The News-Press and The Naples Daily News. Contact her at 239-207-9369 or [email protected].

Coldwell Banker Home Page

2800 SW 40th Street,  Cape Coral, FL 33914

Single Family

Andrew Darda

Compass Florida LLC.

Last updated:

August 28, 2024, 07:05 PM

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About This Home

BOATERS & CAR COLLECTORS – Panoramic Basin and Intersecting Views in all directions from this Gulf Access home with 345’ of water frontage on Rose Lake. RV GARAGE with room for 6-8 Cars, RV, motorcycles, collectibles. Featuring 3,888 SF living with 3 Bedrooms, Office, and Guest Suite and a total 9,040 SF on .56 acres. A Tropical Oasis with 2 infinity edge pools that appear to vanish into Rose Lake. An oversized custom pool with sun shelf and integrated hot tub with new picture window pool cage is complemented by a second open-air infinity edge pool with lighting and follows the shape of the canal for a unique pool experience you won’t find anywhere else. Living room features high ceilings, electric fireplace, and a wall of sliding glass doors overlooking the views. Remodeled kitchen with white cabinetry, stainless steel appliances, and stunning counter tops with matching dry bar / coffee station. Coastal modern color palette – timeless and thoughtfully remodeled. Primary bedroom with tray ceilings, water views, and sitting area. Lavish master bath with dual vanities, soaking tub, and walk-through shower. Room for family and visitors with large guest bedrooms with great views. Need entertainment space or a mother-in-law suite? Flexible guest space with separate entrance, custom coffered ceiling, kitchen/bar and pool access is a great space for guests, entertaining, theater room, home gym, bar & billiards, so many possibilities. BOATERS Large dock offering 2 lifts 7,000 and 10,000 pounds and canopy. This unique property sits on .56 acres on a cul-de-sac and was built to maximize the panoramic views and create privacy. You don’t see your next-door neighbors. Located on a main canal, enjoy frequent boats going by for a dynamic view! Completely remodeled 2021-2022 with high-end finishes, Dec. 2022 new pool cage, April 2024 new pool heater, 2023 New Metal Roof, 2024 resurfaced pool deck and covered area on patio/lanai, new carpet 2024. Accordion & motorized metal shutters and Metal Roof for storm protection. Two 150 gallon propane tanks. Located in the desirable SW Cape close to shopping, dining, events, Starbucks, Target, Publix, and the area’s top-rated restaurants. GOLFERS - Very close to Palmetto Pines Country Club and Coral Oaks. Near many of Cape Coral's newest developments and community projects like the Yacht Club, Bimini Square, The Cove, and Slipaway for even more fun things to enjoy! This home, property, and set up cannot be replicated so don’t wait on this one!

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3,888 Sq. Ft.

Architectural Style:

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9,040 Sq. Ft.

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Health officials issue beach advisories: Cape Coral Yacht Club and Bowditch Point Park test high for bacteria

By staff | sep 28, 2023.

cape coral yacht club water quality

The Florida Department of Health in Lee County (DOH-Lee) is advising the public not to enter the water at Cape Coral Yacht Club or Bowditch Point Park due to high levels of bacteria identified in routine testing.

These beach parks are located at:

Cape Coral Yacht Club

5819 Driftwood Parkway, Cape Coral

Bowditch Point Park

50 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach

Tests completed on Sept. 28, indicate that the water quality at Cape Coral Yacht Club and Bowditch Point Park do not meet the recreational water quality criteria for Enterococcus bacteria recommended by the Florida Department of Health. Water contact may pose an increased risk of disease, particularly for susceptible individuals. Due to these risks, no wading or swimming at Cape Coral Yacht Club or Bowditch Point Park is recommended.

Enterococcus bacteria normally inhabit the intestinal tract of humans and animals. The presence of an elevated concentration of these bacteria is an indicator of possible pollution, which may come from storm water runoff, pets, wildlife, or sewage.

Elevated levels of Enterococcus bacteria have been associated with an increased risk of swimming-associated gastroenteritis illness (diarrhea and abdominal pain).

This advisory will continue until bacteria levels are below the accepted health level. New test results should be available for Cape Coral Yacht Club and Bowditch Point Park on Tuesday, Oct. 3.

For more information call 239-274-2200 or go to lee.floridahealth.gov .

About the Florida Department of Health

The Department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board , works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

Follow us on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter at @HealthyFla . For more information about the Florida Department of Health, please visit FloridaHealth.gov .

Source: DOH-Lee

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Health officials issue beach advisories: Cape Coral Yacht Club and Bowditch Point Park test high for bacteria

By staff | sep 28, 2023.

cape coral yacht club water quality

The Florida Department of Health in Lee County (DOH-Lee) is advising the public not to enter the water at Cape Coral Yacht Club or Bowditch Point Park due to high levels of bacteria identified in routine testing.

These beach parks are located at:

Cape Coral Yacht Club

5819 Driftwood Parkway, Cape Coral

Bowditch Point Park

50 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach

Tests completed on Sept. 28, indicate that the water quality at Cape Coral Yacht Club and Bowditch Point Park do not meet the recreational water quality criteria for Enterococcus bacteria recommended by the Florida Department of Health. Water contact may pose an increased risk of disease, particularly for susceptible individuals. Due to these risks, no wading or swimming at Cape Coral Yacht Club or Bowditch Point Park is recommended.

Enterococcus bacteria normally inhabit the intestinal tract of humans and animals. The presence of an elevated concentration of these bacteria is an indicator of possible pollution, which may come from storm water runoff, pets, wildlife, or sewage.

Elevated levels of Enterococcus bacteria have been associated with an increased risk of swimming-associated gastroenteritis illness (diarrhea and abdominal pain).

This advisory will continue until bacteria levels are below the accepted health level. New test results should be available for Cape Coral Yacht Club and Bowditch Point Park on Tuesday, Oct. 3.

For more information call 239-274-2200 or go to lee.floridahealth.gov .

About the Florida Department of Health

The Department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board , works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

Follow us on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter at @HealthyFla . For more information about the Florida Department of Health, please visit FloridaHealth.gov .

Source: DOH-Lee

Cape Council to reconsider ‘half-back’ tax rate

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Cape coral city committee weighs in on design options for yacht club.

yacht club

  • Expanded beach
  • 6,700-square-foot restaurant
  • 15,000-square-foot resort-style pool
  • RELATED: Cape Coral Yacht Club to retain some original features in ballroom redesign

cape coral yacht club water quality

The city committee held a preliminary meeting on Wednesday where the Cape Coral residents viewed the concept design plans.

Open Water Data

Cape coral yacht club, cape coral, florida, united states.

cape coral yacht club water quality

Photo by Golfnride

The Cape Coral Yacht Club was established in 1958 and considered to be one of the area’s originally landmarks. The venue hosts a boat launch, public beach, playground, fishing pier and community pool. Located along the shores of the Caloosahatchee River, the facility welcomes individuals and gatherings. The ballroom is often rented for parties, weddings and business meetings. Additional onsite amenities include picnic shelters with grills and racquetball courts. The park operates 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 7 days a week. For more information about access/use, please call 239-574-0806.

The description above was copied from or heavily based on Swim Guide , with permission.

More Information

  • Swim Guide - Weather and water quality for Cape Coral Yacht Club and 8,000 other beaches.

cape coral yacht club water quality

Water conditions in the Caloosahatchee River warrant a fourth blue-green algae warning

The blue-green algae outbreaks in the Caloosahatchee River so far this year have not been as bad as the one in this image taken by the Environmental Protection Agency to display on its website about harmful algal blooms

The year’s fourth warning for pollutants in or near the Caloosahatchee River has been issued for the presence of blue-green algae near the Alva Boat Ramp.

The year’s fourth warning for pollutants in or near the Caloosahatchee River has been issued due to the presence of blue-green algae near the Alva Boat Ramp.

“Blooms have the potential to produce toxins, and what triggers them to do so remains poorly understood,” the Lee County Department of Health wrote in a statement. “Since bloom conditions can change at any time, it is important to exercise caution as if the bloom were toxic, even if toxin presence has not yet been confirmed.”

The Alva Boat Ramp, and the nearby Davis Boat Ramp, are often places where blue-green algae outbreaks are first noticed. Few become full-blown blooms that spread down the river.

cape coral yacht club water quality

When there are elements of harmful algae in the water people should not swim in it or waterski, and do not drink it or let the contaminated water splash in your mouth.

Pets are susceptible to blue-green algae, too, so keep dogs and other animals away. If you or your animal gets soaked by water with blue-green algae in it, wash it off thoroughly.

The health department has issued two more warnings about blue-green algae in the immediate area around the Alva and Davis boat ramps, one to the north of the river in a canal, and the other just to the west of that.

The first water quality advisory for the year was issued for the Cape Coral Yacht Club, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Ian 18 months ago, due to unacceptably high levels of the enterococcus bacteria.

Enterococcus bacteria are used as indicators of fecal contamination in water, suggesting the potential presence of disease-causing organisms.

While enterococci are typically not harmful, their presence in water can indicate a health risk for activities such as swimming, as they may be accompanied by pathogens causing illnesses like gastrointestinal issues, skin rashes, and ear infections.

A few days later, the health department issued a notice that retesting found the organism was no longer present near the yacht club at worrisome levels.

In February, the health department issued a blue-green algae alert due to blue-green algae blooms in the Southeast 23rd Street canal and along Southeast 11th Place.

“Blooms have the potential to produce toxins, and what triggers them to do so remains poorly understood."

At the time they said: “Blooms have the potential to produce toxins, and what triggers them to do so remains poorly understood. Since bloom conditions can change at any time, it is important to exercise caution as if the bloom were toxic, even if toxin presence has not yet been confirmed.”

Blue-green algae are a type of bacteria that is common in Florida’s freshwater environments. A bloom occurs when the rapid growth of algae leads to an accumulation of individual cells that discolor water and often produce floating mats that emit unpleasant odors.

Some environmental factors that contribute to blue-green algae blooms are sunny days, warm water temperatures, still water conditions, and excess nutrients.

Blooms can appear year-round but are more frequent in summer and fall. Many types of blue-green algae can produce toxins.

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When the Army Corps stopped releasing millions of gallons of water down the Caloosahatchee River to lower the level of Lake Okeechobee, weather conditions changed, leaving the waterway nearly stagnant without water flowing from the lake toward the Gulf of Mexico; so the releases have resumed,  but at a lesser rate

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Lee County, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health in Lee County (DOH-Lee) has lifted the Health Advisory for Cape Coral Yacht Club and Bowditch Point Park. Testing results indicate bacteria levels are within the accepted health level.

The beach water quality monitoring program continues year-round in Lee County and samples are collected and tested on a weekly basis. The results are posted on the Florida Healthy Beaches Program website at: https://lee.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/environmental-health/healthy-beaches/index.html .

About the Florida Department of Health The Department, nationally accredited by the Public Health Accreditation Board, works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at @HealthyFla. For more information about the Florida Department of Health, please visit www.FloridaHealth.gov .

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Cape Coral Yacht Club, FL Hourly Forecast

cape coral yacht club water quality

May we recommend

Live webcams, #myfortmyers moments, plan your trip, digital visitor guide, (updated: 8/05/2024), current beach status.

Please note that due to effects from Tropical Storm Debby, Bunche Beach, Lynn Hall Memorial Park and Bonita Springs Access #4 are temporarily closed.

Check out our list of open beaches below. Please note that all parking fees are now through a mobile payment system.

Open Beaches

Fort myers / fort myers beach.

  • Bowditch Point Park (Fort Myers Beach) - $2/hour
  • Crescent Beach Family Park (Fort Myers Beach) 
  • Fort Myers Beach Accesses #11-14; #16; #19-24; #27-28; #30 & #36 - $5/hour

Sanibel / Captiva Islands

  • Lighthouse Beach Park (Sanibel Island) - $5/hour
  • Blind Pass Beach (Sanibel Island) - $5/hour
  • Bowman's Beach (Sanibel Island) - $5/hour 
  • Gulf Side City Park (Sanibel Island) - $5/hour
  • Tarpon Bay Road Beach (Sanibel Island) - $5/hour
  • Turner Beach (Captiva Island) - $5/hour
  • Alison Hagerup Beach Park (Captiva Island) - 1 hour - $15, 2 hours - $25, all day (dawn to dusk) - $40

Bonita Springs

  • Dog Beach (Bonita Springs)
  • Bonita Beach Park and Bonita Beach Accesses 1-10 (Bonita Springs) - $2/hour
  • Lovers Key State Park (Bonita Springs) - $8/vehicle for the day
  • Little Hickory Island Park (Bonita Springs) - $2/hour
  • Yacht Club Beach (Cape Coral)

Boca Grande & Outer Islands

  • Gasparilla Island State Park -$3/vehicle, $2/pedestrian or cyclist
  • Boca Grande Beach Accesses
  • Cayo Costa State Park (only accessible by private boat)

Currently Closed:

  • Lynn Hall Memorial Park (Fort Myers Beach) - $2/hour  (Due to impacts from Tropical Storm Debby)
  • San Carlos Bay-Bunche Beach Preserve (Fort Myers)  -  $2/hour  (Due to impacts from Tropical Storm Debby)
  • Bonita Springs Beach Access #4  (Due to impacts from Tropical Storm Debby)
  • Newton Park Beach (Fort Myers Beach)
  • Causeway Island Parks (Sanibel Causeway)

For more information on additional openings and available amenities, use this  map .

Know Before You Go

  • Some beaches and beach parks have not been restored to pre-Hurricane Ian conditions.
  • Facilities and beach accesses may be limited (you may need to walk further than you used to).
  • Some amenities such as restroom facilities, piers, and walkovers have not been repaired or replaced at this time. Many beaches have temporary restrooms available.
  • Beach/water shoes are recommended.
  • Closure signs are posted where necessary so we ask you to please adhere to these cautions.
  • Please respect posted wildlife areas and dune vegetation.
  • Swim at your own risk.


Explore Our Beaches

Learn more about the beaches in the Fort Myers area.

Beach Parking Fees

Most beaches require a fee to park and they must be paid through a mobile payment system. Payment stations are no longer offered at any of our beaches. Plan ahead and click the link below to learn more about parking at our beaches.

Red Drift Algae & Red Tide

It's important to know that red tide and red drift algae are two very different things. check out this graphic to learn more about the differences..

red tide graphic

We highly advise that you use the additional Water Quality resources listed below on this page before planning to visit our beaches. Red Tide can affect your beach experience and it is important to know which beaches are being impacted prior to your visit. These conditions do change daily and we advise you to stay informed.

See a map where water quality samples were taken by clicking here . TIP: Click on a specific point on the map to see the date the sample was taken. We encourage all beachgoers review this daily sampling map prior to visiting their preferred beach park facility.

What is Red Tide?

In this video, learn about red tide's life cycle, what causes "blooms", what areas of Florida are affected by red tide, and more.

What is Red Tide title screen

Beach Conditions & Water Quality

Beach Conditions Reporting System (Mote Marine Laboratory)  - Map displaying beach conditions reports from participating locations

Red Tide Current Sampling Map  - Updated bi-weekly by The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commissions (FWC)

Florida Healthy Beaches Program (Florida Department of Health)  - Map with beach samples & advisory status

Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) - A local foundation dedicated to the conservation of coastal habitats and aquatic resources on Sanibel and Captiva islands and in the surrounding watershed.

Algal Bloom Sampling Status  - Interactive dashboard allows public to see where algal blooms were occurring in Florida. It features real-time updates, photos and information. Users can search by specific address, ZIP code, city or place. The tool includes quick links to other resources such as public health information. 

Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System (GCOOS)  - This is an experimental forecast of potential respiratory irritation that may occur because of airborne toxins produced by the red tide organism Karenia brevis. It indicates a greater or lesser likelihood of negative conditions based on predicted wind and ocean currents. Please NOTE: This experimental forecast is currently being tested for efficacy and is not yet an official forecast. Daily availability of the product cannot be assured.

 Lee County's Water Quality Information

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    cape coral yacht club water quality


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    Cape Coral officials are envisioning a new club with a resort-style pool with a children's pool nearby, a community center, two piers, a new restaurant, and more beach sand than was in place ...

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    Cape Coral Yacht Club. 5819 Driftwood Pkwy. Cape Coral, FL 33904 Tests completed on Thursday, January 18, 2024, indicate that the water quality at Cape Coral Yacht Club does not meet the recreational water quality criteria for Enterococcus bacteria recommended by the Florida Department of Health.

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