catamaran tour huatulco

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Huatulco, mexico – full day catamaran 7 bays tour {review}.

Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour

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Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour – Full Day Excursion

Table of Contents

If your travel plans have you vacationing beautiful 🌅 Huatulco in Mexico, then you simply must book this full day …

🌺 Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour 🌺

This is one of the most popular tours offered in the area, and for very good reason. Enjoy a full day, inclusive {Catamaran} boating experience, in this beautiful part of Mexico!

Aventura Mundo – Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour

Aventura Mundo Tour Office

Operating as a primary tour business in the area, they can also book your; 🛥 Catamaran Bays Tour, Waterfalls Tours, ATV Adventures, Jet Ski Tours and other great adventures, quickly and easily for you.  

Rest assured you are dealing with a well established business in the area, having obtained a solid reputation within the tour industry.

tripadvisor certificate of excellence

Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour – Beautiful Bays & Beaches

Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour Shuttle Bus

“Since 2005, CheapOair is an award winning platform offering budget-savvy travelers the opportunity to explore the globe at a discount.”

Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour – Huatulco National Park

Huatulco Catamaran Tour

We had a great day on our boat tour!

The staff on-board and our tour guide were very friendly and helpful throughout the entire day. Your safety and enjoyment is a priority and their professionalism definitely shows!

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Aventura Mundo (@aventuramundo) on Sep 22, 2020 at 11:19am PDT

For more detailed information on their full line of tours offered, I have listed the official website link below, for 🌺 Aventura Mundo for your convenience.

🗺 Be sure to check out the {Google Map} box at the bottom of this post for exact location. 🗺

Aventura Mundo Logo

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signature of author and owner Robert Tellier at

Although our Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour was in collaboration with Aventura Mundo, rest assured all content and opinions are that of the author and reflect my personal experience only.   All personal 📸 photographs on this post are the property of and are copyright protected. 🚫 Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. 🚫   ✨    Did You Know …

“Huatulco Mexico’s Spectacular Coastline Is 26 Kilometers Long, With 9 Beautiful Bays & Numerous Small Coves.”

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A Blogger Since 2012, Robert has a {Passion for Travel}, having worked in the industry for over 35 years. He enjoys sharing special moments & tips on; Travel, Health & Wellness, Book Reviews and much more!

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Tour 7 Bahias de Huatulco

El Tour 7 Bahías de Huatulco ofrece 7 horas de diversión, explorando la costa de Oaxaca. Conoce 7 de las 9 bahías que posee Huatulco y disfruta sus playas de aguas cristalinas donde podrás hacer snorkel, tomar el sol, nadar y relajarte mientras disfrutas un agradable recorrido en Catamaran. Durante la travesía, un guía experimentado en la zona te irá contando aspectos relevantes sobre el ecosistema de las bahías, su flora y fauna e importantes detalles geográficos. No te puedes perder este entretenido tour, donde tendrás la oportunidad de admirar la belleza de esta maravilla natural.

BAHIAS PLUS Precios Adultos $600 MXN Tour Incluye: Transportación Maritima en Catamaran, el recorrido por las bahías, una parada en Bahía Maguey, guía bilingüe, refrescos y agua a bordo del barco. Menores de 0 3 años GRATIS

Salidas DIARIAS Lugar: Marina Santa Cruz Hora:10:30 AM Registro: 10:00 AM

Podemos sugerirte un restaurante en Bahía Maguey para que disfrutes tu almuerzo rodeado de un encantador entorno. Tenemos equipo de snorkel disponible, que podrás rentar por un costo de $12.00 dólares americanos aproximadamente (ó 200 pesos mexicanos). Existe un impuesto para ingresar a la Marina Santa Cruz de $5.50 pesos por persona que puedes pagar al momento de registrarte.


Te sugerimos traer traje de baño, una toalla, bloqueador solar, lentes de sol, una gorra, cámara de fotos y algo de dinero extra para tu comida o souvenir.

Bahias de Huatulco

Encontramos en Huatulco 9 bahias las cuales colindan con montañas, Valles, laderas y al combinarse con los rios ríos Coyula, San Agustín y Copalita, le dan un matiz especial al paisaje tan majestuoso en el que se encuentran las hermosas bahías. Huatulco comprende de un territorio de 21 mil hectáreas y una franja costera de 35 Kilómetros.

Bahia de conejos

Cuenta con 4 hermosas playas Punta arenas, conejos, arena y tejoncito, la temperatura del agua es templada y son ideales para el buceo la natación y la pesca deportiva.

Bahia Chauhe

Cuenta con 3 exclusivas playas Chauhe, esperanza y tejon cada uno esta rodeado de vegetacion tropical y formaciones rocosas, la temperatura del agua es templada.

Bahia Maguey y Organo

Ambas playas tienen la arena blanca y finita, el agua es templada y sus tonos son en azul y verde.Con menor frecuencia y entre la selva baja se encuentran aves silvestres, zopilotes, chachalacas, andapiés, codornices, palomas, tórtolas, existen también algunas especies como el tejón, armadillo, zorrillo, mapache, puerco espín, conejo, jabalí y venado.

Bahia de Chachacual

Bahía Chachacual y sus dos playas idílicas (playa la india y la otra que lleva su nombre) son la opción perfecta para aquellos que buscan un poco más de privacidad y seguridad. El acceso es sólo a través de barco, por lo que hay una cierta cantidad de esfuerzo que se requiere para llegar allí y usted tendrá que llevar todo lo que va a necesitar. También tenga cuidado cuando este en Chachacual ya que no hay nadie alrededor para ayudarlo en caso de que se encuentre en dificultades.

Bahia de San Agustin

En esta bahia existen dos playas: Playa san agustin Una hermosa playa ubicado en el extremo suroeste, la reana es fina y blanca de aguas verdes y azules. Playa cacalutilla , se encuentra al norte de San agustin la arena es fina y blanca con agua templada y cristalina ideal para la practica de buceo y natación.

Bahia de Tangolunda

es integrada por 5 playas cada uno con sus repectivos atractivos, todas son de oleaje moderado, arena fina y blanca (Playa Ventura,Playa Manzanillo, Playa Tornillo ,Playa Tangolunda y playa rincon sabroso.

Bahia Santa Cruz

la intregran 3 playas: Playa la entrega, Se llama así porque el 20 de enero de 1831 se consumó la traición del genovés Francisco Picaluga, al entregar prisionero al General Vicente Guerrero, que poco antes era presidente de la República y que semanas después sería fusilado en la población de Cuilapan de Guerrero, cerca de la ciudad de Oaxaca. Puede practicar el buceo, natación, motonáutica y navegación. Cuenta con sanitarios y regaderas públicas así como palapas que ofrecen el servicio de alimentos, bebidas, renta de parasoles y equipo de buceo libre.

Playa Yerbabuena

Aunque sus dimensiones son mínimas, no deja de ser atractiva e ideal para los que gustan de la tranquilidad. El color blanco de su arena contrasta con el verde esmeralda de sus tranquilas aguas y con lo verde de la vegetación pionera. Mide aproximadamente 75 metros de longitud por 15 metros de ancho. Tiene pendiente suave y oleajes moderados que arrastran hacia la playa conchas de caracoles, almejas, ostiones, restos de coral y vegetal. Playa Yerbabuena: Ubicada al suroeste de la Bahía Santa Cruz, a tan sólo 5 minutos por carretera pavimentada y a 5 minutos en lancha.Playa santa Cruz:Es la playa de mayor afluencia turística en la bahía. Tiene aproximadamente 250 metros de longitud por 20 metros de ancho; de estos últimos, la mitad es playa húmeda y la otra es seca. Su pendiente es suave; y su blanca arena es de granulometría media. El agua es templada, cristalina, color azul turquesa, con oleajes bastante tranquilos.

Bahia Cacaluta

Se localiza al suroeste de la playa Principal de la bahía de Santa Cruz; su acceso se recomienda se haga por lancha. Hay una carretera de terracería hacia Cacaluta, ubicada en el extremo noroeste de Santa Cruz Huatulco.La bahía Cacaluta tiene como principal característica su forma abierta que semeja un corazón. Frente a ella hay una isla que la protege totalmente de los vientos dominantes para dejar una suave brisa.

Playa Cacaluta

Se localiza en el extremo oriente de la bahía. Se recomienda que el acceso se haga por lancha pues el camino de terracería está en malas condiciones.

Playa Arroyo

Está ubicada al poniente de la Bahía de Cacaluta en la misma dirección de la Bahía de Santa Cruz Huatulco, Se recomienda su acceso por lancha.

Bahia Riscalillo

es de poca profuncidad, de arena blanca sus tonalidadesd son en ver y azul, de oleajes tranquilos. La vegetación del entorno es de manglar y selva baja y media caducifolia. Hay gran belleza en insectos y mariposas así como en su flora que crece en época de lluvias.

  • Tour Cascadas
  • Yates y Lanchas
  • Atención al cliente


Descubre huatulco fiesta "catamaranes".

Con 37 años de experiencia somos el grupo líder en el servicio náutico en Huatulco.  Proporcionamos funciones de transportación marítima con fines recreativos y educativos en un  recorrido por las Bahías de Huatulco, fomentamos la convivencia en armonía entre los usuarios y la concientización al medio ambiente.



Nuestros Catamaranes


¡ Conoce los Catamaranes, Clic aquí !

Lanchas Privadas

¡ Tour Familiar Privado, Capacidad hasta 12 pax !

¡ Conoce las Bahías en un Yate de Lujo !


Tour en catamarán.

Disfrutamos de 7 horas conociendo 7 de las 9 Bahías de Huatulco. Un guía certificado irá relatando la información más relevante de las bahías, como su fauna, flora, ubicación geográfica, historia o algún acontecimiento importante. Visitamos 2 bahías, para nadar, conocer arrecifes naturales y comer ricas especialidades al horno de leña a orilla de playa.

Tour en Catamarán + Snorkeling

Conoce las Bahías de Huatulco abordo de un Catamarán y vive la experiencia de nadar y conocer los corales en playa la India.

Nota. No es necesario nadar, nuestros instructores te guiaran para conocer los peces de colores y enseñaran a utilizar el equipo de snorkel.

Tour en Lancha Privada

Conocemos a través del tour 5 increíbles bahías, realizamos 2 escalas para nadar y deleitarnos de ricos platillos de mariscos. Bahía Santa Cruz, Organo, Maguey, Cacaluta, Playa la entrega, Violín, Yerba buena, el bufadero, la cara de piedra y isla de cacaluta podrás conocer en este recorrido.  

Incluye: Aguas, refrescos, 6 cervezas, transporte, capitán.

Capacidad: 8 Pax


"Diversión, Aventura y buen servicio a bordo, navegando por el Pacífico" Comenzamos la aventura a las 10:30 AM y finalizamos a las 5:30 PM

¡ Tienes que vivir está aventura bajo el agua !


1.Escribenos por Whatsapp o llámanos al (958) 131 07 34 .

2.Proporciona el servicio a reservar, junto con la fecha desea y el total de personas a realizar el tour

3.Realiza el depósito o transferencia del anticipo solicitado por uno de nuestros agentes.

4.Uno de nuestros agentes generará tu RESERVACIÓN lo antes posible. 

Contacto / Atención Al Cliente

Sabemos que planear tus próximas vacaciones requiere de información y recomendaciones, si tiene alguna duda o comentario envíelo y un agente le asesorará..

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Huatulco Fiesta Catamaranes

Huatulco Fiesta "Catamaranes" Santa Cruz Huatulco, Santa María Huatulco, Oax.

Llámanos +52 1 958 131 07 34

Horario De Atencion


09:00 – 17:30


09:00 – 17:30


09:00 – 17:30


09:00 – 17:30


09:00 – 17:00


09:00 – 14:00


09:00 – 12:00

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catamaran tour huatulco


¡Hola! Bienvenido a bordo. ¿Crees conocer el Paraíso? Te invitamos a conocer HUATULCO a través de nuestros tours, asombrate y vive la aventura.

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11 Best Huatulco Tours You Won’t Want to Miss in 2024

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Ready to book your Huatulco excursions?

You’re in the right place because the Top 10 best Huatulco tours are all listed here. While Huatulco is a resort town in Mexico, it has more to offer than just its 36 beautiful beaches.

The town is famous for the bahías de Huatulco , or nine bays in Huatulco. The best way to explore is on one of the Huatulco boat tours so you get to see the bays in Huatulco National Park, which are best accessed by boat. 

man snorkeling in oaxaca mexico

Don’t have time to read the whole article? The best Huatulco tour is this Snorkel the 7 Bays of Huatulco Tour , with a near-perfect Five Star rating.

Along with its sunny weather and gorgeous crystal clear waters, Huatulco and the surrounding region is home to turtle sanctuaries, archeological sites, waterfalls, canyons, and coffee plantations.

Are you ready to learn about some of the best tours Huatulco, Oaxaca has to offer? Click the links as you scroll for details, like the tour Huatulco precios (that’s Spanish for “prices”).

Top 3 Picks: Best Huatulco Tours


catamaran tour huatulco

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Snorkel the 7 Bays ✔️ Guided snorkeling tour ✔️ Roundtrip transportation

catamaran tour huatulco

Street Food Cooking Class in Huatulco ✔️ Hotel/port pickup and drop-off ✔️ Lunch

catamaran tour huatulco

Huatulco Turtle Release & Bioluminescent Bay Tour ✔️ Bilingual certificate guide ✔️ Ticket to release turtles

Top 10 Best Huatulco Tours

1. snorkel the 7 bays (best huatulco snorkeling tour).

man snorkeling in oaxaca mexico in best huatulco tours

⏰ Tour time: 3 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | 🤿 Book now

Limited in time? Looking for a Huatulco cruise ship excursion? Want to take one of the best boat tours Huatulco Mexico has? You’ve found it!

Enjoy one of the best premium Huatulco snorkeling tours, Snorkel the 7 Huatulco Bays , that takes you to some of the most beautiful bays in the area. 

Snorkel through crystal-clear turquoise blue waters, explore colorful corals, play with the fishes and soak in the beautiful landscapes on this half-day bay tour Huatulco.

Hosted by an experienced guide, this tour allows guests to experience the Oaxacan coast from an underwater perspective. You’ll not only snorkel in some of the best places, but you’ll also learn more about the wildlife in the area. 

Mario was a great guide. Told us some of the history of the area, went with me snorkeling, and pointed out different sea-life. He did a great job. I would highly recommend. —lloyd ( read more reviews )

Be aware that this is one of those Huatulco bay tours that is not a boat tour or Huatulco catamaran tours. The method of transportation to all the different locations is via land.

This is one of the best tours Huatulco Bahías has, and is suitable for individuals of all ages. It is also the perfect family experience and includes transportation to and from your Huatulco resort or hotel, as well as light snacks.

This is also one of the best Huatulco tours and excursions for anyone limited on time, as it’s only a half-day tour — but you still get to snorkel in some of the most beautiful waters in Mexico. 

Best Huatulco tours

2. street food cooking class in huatulco.

man preparing salsas in molcajete at best huatulco tours

⏰ Tour time: 3.5 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | 👩‍🍳 Book now

Learn how to cook a variety of Mexican classics in this Street Food Cooking Class , which includes a souvenir recipe book you can take home. 

In this hands-on and authentic cooking class, hosted in the Village of Zimatan, you’ll discover Oaxacan cooking. Some dishes and drinks you’ll prepare include tacos with handmade tortillas, salsas, empanadas, and margaritas .

Fantastic experience! Jane is a wealth of Mexican cooking, cultural and historical knowledge. The cooking school setting is serene and beautiful. You will make delicious food and will have a great time doing it. —jason ( read more reviews )

Your host, Jane, is a local cook and storyteller who will provide you with so much information about Mexican food, culture and history. She’ll also teach you some tricks, tips, and techniques for recreating each dish back home. 

Once all the dishes are done, you’ll be able to sit down and taste the fruits of your labor. At the end of the tour, Jane provides you with a souvenir recipe book so you can replicate these dishes. 

This tour is the perfect foodie experience for any traveler looking to learn a little more about traditional Mexican cuisine and traditional Oaxaca food , and take home a couple of recipes as well.

3. Huatulco Turtle Release & Bioluminescent Bay Tour

bioluminescent lagoon in puerto escondido oaxaca mexico (laguna manialtepec)

⏰ Tour time: 9 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | 🐢 Book now

See Oaxaca’s top three natural attractions all in one day on this Turtle Release & Bioluminescent Bay Tour . The first stop is at the Santuario La Escobilla .

Oaxaca is home to several major turtle nesting beaches, including La Escobilla Beach, a waterfront sanctuary for sea turtles, and one of the world’s most significant nesting grounds for the Olive Ridley turtle. 

Here, you’ll be able to chat with volunteers at a turtle camp and help release turtles back into the wild. After a couple of photos, the next stop is Playa Zicatela.

On one of the main beaches in Puerto Escondido , you’ll pause and appreciate the stunning landscapes that surround the beach before going to the tour’s last stop, Laguna Manialtepec , a bioluminescent lagoon.

We had the best time on this tour! Not only did we get the opportunity to experience a turtle release and the magical bioluminescence, our guide Edgar explained all of the important culture, history and heritage this area has to offer… Awesome experience! —Corey ( read more reviews )

Famous for its bioluminescent plankton, Laguna Manialtepec is one of the few places in the world where you can swim in the water with this phenomenon. It is one of the most unique excursions Huatulco, Mexico has, so don’t miss out. 

The plankton in the lagoon only emits light when they are disturbed so you’ll need to jump into those waters to see them glow in the dark. As a result, remember to bring a towel and a bathing suit. 

For a complete experience that includes transportation and tickets to the main natural attractions of the area, the Turtle Release & Bioluminescent Bay Tour is one of the best Huatulco tours.

4. Copalitilla Waterfalls in Huatulco Tour

Huatulco Waterfalls at Cascadas Magicas Copalitilla

⏰ Tour time: 8 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | 💧 Book now

Take an amazing full day trip to the magical waterfalls of Copalitilla on this Huatulco Waterfall Tour to the small town of Copalitilla Oaxaca Mexico.

Located about 1.5 hours from Huatulco Bay, the popular Copalita Huatulco Waterfall Tour is separated into three sections — the Llano Grande Waterfalls, Copalitilla Magic Waterfalls, and Las Brisas Waterfalls.

On this tour, you’ll visit these spectacular waterfalls to swim, take photos and enjoy the stunning natural landscapes. Untouched beauty, crystal clear waters, and lush tropical forests await at these magical waterfalls.

Edgar was a great guide. Very informative and helpful. The waterfalls were absolutely gorgeous and the food was amazing at the end. Great time and would highly recommend. —amber ( read more reviews )

Once you’ve had your fill of the waterfalls, the tour isn’t over. You’ll then head to a coffee farm for a traditional meal and coffee. Prepared by community cooks, you’ll be able to enjoy mole with chicken accompanied by handmade tortillas. 

After the meal, you’ll learn how coffee was made on the farm, and learn more about medicinal plants from a herbalist. 

For a truly unforgettable experience at one of the most beautiful Mexican bucket list locations, book this Copalitilla Waterfalls in Huatulco Tour . It is also one of the most memorable Huatulco day tours.

5. Huatulco Canyoning Tour in Zimatán River Canyon

a man canyoning

⏰ Tour time: 4 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | 🌳 Book now

Abseil from rocks, float downstream, and jump off cliffs on this epic Canyoning Experience in Zimatán River Canyon .

If you didn’t know, canyoning is a type of mountaineering that involves exploring canyons using various techniques. On this tour, enjoy the adrenaline rush as you slide, float, abseil (rappel), jump and scale down Zimatán Canyon.

But don’t worry — this is a Huatulco Mexico tour that is fully customizable, so you choose your comfort level and go at your own pace. Whether you just want to float around or try cliff jumping, you can select your adventure. 

Cristian took such perfect care of us. I felt safe but still very adventuresome, and it was a once in a lifetime solo ride down the river! Fantastic fun! —kenlee ( read more reviews )

After canyoning, you’ll be able to enjoy lunch, including water and Mexican beer . On the way back, there is also a stop at Playa la Bocana , famous for the mud massages you can get on the beach.

One of the best Huatulco, Mexico tours for adrenaline junkies, this canyoning Huatulco experience is perfect for anyone looking for something unique and adventure-packed. 

Remember to bring water-friendly shoes, a hat, and plenty of sunscreen . Safety equipment, including a helmet and life jacket, is included, but the tour company recommends guests are in moderate physical condition. 

6. Huatulco ATV Tour in the Jungle & Copalita River

riding a quad

⏰ Tour time: 2.5 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | ⛰️ Book now

Zip through rugged trails that lead you through the beautiful lush tropical jungle , on this small-group Huatulco ATV Tour with Jungle Visit & Copalita River .

The tour starts with a hotel pick-up, where you’ll be taken to the Tangolunda Ranch. Here, you’ll learn how to handle an ATV before heading out. One of the best Huatulco adventure tours starts when you turn the key.

Ivan, our guide, was awesome and gave us lots of history of the ranch. It was a nice, relaxing ride. Definitely recommend for a fun outing. —gretchen ( read more reviews )

Then it’s off to explore the jungle. At one point you’ll reach the Copalita River in Huatulco, where you will have the chance to go swimming. Note: Make sure to pack a swimsuit and a towel.

Once the swim is over, you’ll head back to the ranch on your ATVs. Back at the farm, you’ll also have the opportunity to have lunch (extra cost). Food and drinks are not provided on this tour, so bring a backpack filled with essentials.

7. Huatulco Boat Tour to the Seven Bays

huatulco bays

⏰ Tour time: 7 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | 🤿 Book now

Explore the stunning natural beauty of the Huatulco National Park aboard this Huatulco 7 Bays Tour . In total, there are nine bays in Huatulco, so you’ll set sail to see the majority of them in just one day.

The bays are mostly located within Bahias de Huatulco National Park , the jewel of the Huatulco region. This giant park and protected natural area is known for its flora, fauna, gorgeous bays and beaches.

⭐️ best private tours in Huatulco , Mexico

One of the best private boat tours in Huatulco, don’t miss this Private 7 Bays Tour . You’ll visit the best bays and secluded beaches in Huatulco, go snorkeling, and have lunch on the beach.

Board your boat at the Santa Cruz dock before pushing off. From there, you’ll visit several bays in Huatulco, including the Bahía Chachacual , Bahía Cacaluta , and Bahía Maguey .

At each location, you’ll be able to explore some of the region’s most stunning natural attractions. You can snorkel, explore the gorgeous beaches and get up close and personal with the wildlife. 

This was a great tour; I would recommend it. Staff was very friendly and informative. We all had a great time! I recommend paying the extra $10 to do the snorkeling, the water is so clear and you can see many types of fish. —heather ( read more reviews )

On the last stop, there is also the option to enjoy some fresh seafood, including butter lobster, shrimp gratin, and stuffed pineapple. Note: The meal is not included in the price.

For the ultimate seven bay tours Huatulco has, to some of the most stunning bays in the Huatulco National Park, don’t miss out on this Bays of Huatulco Boat Tour . It’s truly one of the best Huatulco National Park tours.

8. 4-In-1 Tour: Mazunte, La Ventanilla National Park, Cacao Factory & Turtles

someone holding a cup with a baby turtle in it

⏰ Tour time: 12.5 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | 🐢 Book now

Looking for the ultimate tour to see all the main attractions in the area? Don’t miss out on this 4-In-1 Huatulco Tour that includes stops at Mazunte , La Ventanilla eco-park, a cacao factory, and turtle sanctuary.

The tour starts at the Artisan Chocolate Factory , owned by the Franco García family.

The family uses authentic, traditional tools to create their chocolate. While tasting some of it, you’ll learn more about this delicious sweet treat what’s known as one of the top Huatulco chocolate tours — though that’s not all you’ll do.

Next it’s off to the Mazunte Co-Op , founded by local women, and Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop. The co-op sells natural, organically grown beauty products made by locals on the Oaxacan Coast.

This is a great family tour. My parents, my adult kids, my sister as well as my 11-year-old niece did this all day tour. There is something for everyone. Our guide, Jaime, was wonderful. He is very knowledgeable and charismatic. We had an incredible time!! —Roberto ( read more reviews )

You’ll then have time to explore Mazunte Mexico before heading to a local restaurant for lunch. Mazunte, a small town located right on the beach, is one of the Oaxaca pueblos magicos (magic towns).

After lunch at one of the best Mazunte restaurants , you’ll visit La Ventanilla . This is a small fishing village famous for its charm, conservation efforts, wildlife (like crocodiles and deer), and boat tours in the mangroves.

As the sun sets, you’ll head to a turtle sanctuary to see baby turtles being released back into the wild — a perfect ending to one of the best day trips from Huatulco.   

This action-packed full-day tour is the perfect experience for anyone looking to see everything that Huatulco tourism has to offer. It truly is one of the best Huatulco, Oaxaca tours available.

The tour is operated by Tao Travel 365, which has been running tours around Oaxaca for the past 20 years. They offer this unique all-in-one cultural and nature tour for anyone looking to see it all.

9. Tour the Ancient Ruins in Huatulco National Park

ruins in oaxaca at Copalita Park, Huatulco Mexico

⏰ Tour time: 3 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | 🥾 Book now

Explore one of the only archaeological sites in Mexico on the water in this Tour the Ancient Ruins of Copalita in Huatulco .

While Copalita Ecological Park and Ruins are still relatively unknown to tourists, this area is home to ancient structures that are more than 2,000-years-old. They are the only ruins in Huatulco, so don’t miss these ruins in Mexico .

Our guide was an expert on the subject, he brought history to life and answered every question and knew all about the local flora and fauna. It was well worth the money if you are interested in the pyramids of Mexico. —julie ( read more reviews )

At Copalita Ecological Park, you’ll see remnants of temples, pyramids, a ball court, and a pre-Hispanic lighthouse. There’s also a large stone that may have been once used for sacrifices.

On this tour, you’ll explore the ruins with a local tour guide who will share stories of the region’s history. If you are interested in archeological sites, this is the perfect tour in Huatulco for you.

10. Hagia Sofia Botanical Park Tour with Lunch

woman on zipline in huatulco mexico | hagia sofia eco park

⏰ Tour time: 7 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | 🌵 Book now

Visit this natural sanctuary for butterflies and birds while relaxing in paradise on this Hagia Sofia Huatulco Botanical Park Tour .

Hagia Sofia Park is located just 40 minutes outside Huatulco in Santa Maria Huatulco Mexico. This 300-acre botanical park is home to thousands of plants and trees native to Mexico and Southeast Asia. 

This place is fantastic. The owner has put an incredible amount of time and effort into this private jungle garden. He takes you on the tour himself and points out things you would never catch on your own… This was a day well spent. —paul ( read more reviews )

On this tour of Hagia Sofia EcoPark, you’ll see unique plants and animals, hike through trails, and swim underneath waterfalls. You’ll also enjoy a delicious meal prepared in an outdoor kitchen with ingredients gathered from the land. 

For one of the best eco-tours Huatulco offers, look no further than this Huatulco day trip to a beautiful botanical park. It’s also the closest you’ll get to safari tours Huatulco — perfect for more adventurous travelers.

11. Huatulco Coffee Plantation Tour

coffee cup near coffee bush in Pluma Hidalgo, Mexico

⏰ Tour time: 6 hours | ⭐️ Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars | ☕️ Book now

Do you love coffee? Then you have to learn where it comes from and how it’s made on this Huatulco Coffee Plantation Tour .

Led by a biologist guide, you’ll visit Pluma Hidalgo , one of the best Mexico coffee regions. This Huatulco coffee tour combines history, culture, and nature to provide you with an unforgettable journey into the world of coffee. 

A must do! Alberto, our guide, is a certified biologist. He is very proud to explain the biodiversity of Huatulco and how this world class gourmet coffee came to be, and he is supporting the local people… [It was] unlike any other experience. —tania ( read more reviews )

You’ll learn about the biodiversity of Huatulco and how coffee is made within three separate towns. In them, you’ll meet the locals who plant, grow, pick and roast the coffee — an authentic glimpse into their artisanal work. 

You’ll then get a chance to taste some world-class gourmet coffee and enjoy a marvelous lunch with a stunning view of the surrounding landscapes. 

Huatulco Mexico Travel Guide & FAQ

Where is huatulco mexico located.

Huatulco is located in southern Mexico, in the state of Oaxaca. It is located on the Pacific Ocean, about six hours by car from the state’s capital, Oaxaca de Juarez (AKA Oaxaca City).

🗺️ Huatulco Map

🏨 Need a place to stay? Check out all the best Huatulco Mexico resorts and best hotels in Huatulco !

You can easily travel from Oaxaca City to Huatulco by private shuttle , plane, rental car or bus. From Mexico City to Huatulco, the best way to get there is on the TAR Airlines flight; it is a short 1.5-hour flight.

What’s the best airport for Huatulco?

There is a Huatulco Airport, located about 20-30 minutes from the beaches, called Bahías de Huatulco International Airport (Huatulco Airport code: HUX).

huatulco airport oaxaca

The airport in Huatulco Mexico is a small airport, and very easy to navigate. If you’re booking a flight to Huatulco , make sure you’re flying into HUX Airport.

🚌 Best Huatulco Airport Transfer

🚌 how to get to huatulco from oaxaca city.

oaxaca day of the dead decorations

Traveling from Oaxaca to Huatulco? I have a very detailed guide that outlines all your Oaxaca City to Huatulco Transportation Options , so head there to see the ways you can get to this amazing Mexico beach town .

What’s the best place to stay in Huatulco Mexico?

When deciding on Huatulco accommodations , the first question you must ask is if you want to stay on the beach or in town.

If you want to stay right on the beach, there are a few distinct areas, but if you want to stay in town, opt for a place in La Crucecita.

🏝️ Staying on Huatulco Beach

barcelo hotel pool in huatulco mexico, oaxaca state

There are a few areas on Huatulco Beach where you can stay. These include Bahía Tangolunda Bay , where you’ll find most of the Huatulco all-inclusive resorts and Bahía Santa Cruz , the beach closest to downtown Huatulco.

If you want to stay at an all inclusive Huatulco resort , Tangolunda is the place — and also one of the most beautiful and best beaches in Huatulco . If you want to stay in this area, opt for any of these great places:

  • Dreams Huatulco Resort & Spa
  • Barceló Huatulco Resort
  • Camino Real Zaashila Huatulco

Huatulco vs Puerto Escondido: Which is better?

While Huatulco is popular with honeymooners, families and the 30s-50s demographic, Puerto Escondido might be better for the 20s-30s crowd, and anyone who wants to surf 🏄‍♀️

Playa Carrizalillo Beach Puerto Escondido Oaxaca Mexico

Also, if you want a lot of nightlife options, Puerto Escondido works better.

If Puerto Escondido sounds like it’s more up your alley, check out this Puerto Escondido travel guide to help you plan your trip.

Is Huatulco safe for travelers?

Huatulco is one of the safest places to travel in Mexico . It has low crime rates, friendly locals, and even the taxi drivers treat tourists fairly (this is not always the case).

huatulco sign at playa santa cruz beach in oaxaca mexico

As far as Huatulco Mexico safety, just take the same measures here as you would when traveling anywhere else on Earth.

If you want to network with locals to get a better feel for Huatulco before and during your visit, join some Facebook groups, like these:

  • Huatulco What’s Up
  • Huatulc o Gringos
  • Bahias de Huatulco Expats

Can you drink the water in Huatulco Mexico?

No — Unfiltered Mexico tap water isn’t safe for human consumption, not for locals and not for visitors. For a deep dive, check out Can You Drink the Water in Oaxaca?

What’s the best way to get around in Huatulco Mexico?

There’s not great public transportation and the city is quite spread out, so a Huatulco rental car is the best way to get around. You can also take taxis if you don’t rent a car.

🚗 renting a Car in Huatulco Mexico

car rentals in oaxaca

As one of the safest cities in Mexico , you’ll be safe while driving in Huatulco Mexico. The streets are well-maintained and people are relatively calm drivers.

When it comes to Mexico rental cars, I recommend and also use Discover Cars . Their search tool checks both international companies and local Mexican companies so you get the best rates.

🚙💨 For more info, head to Renting a Car in Oaxaca: Everything You Need to Know .

Are taxis safe in Huatulco?

For the vast majority of travelers, yes , you’ll be safe using taxis in Huatulco. You can use them to get from Point A to Point B, but some drivers will also negotiate a day rate for you, and they’ll take you all over town for the day.

taxi in huatulco oaxaca mexico

You can use them to get from Point A to Point B, but some drivers will also negotiate a day rate for you, and they’ll take you all over town for the day.

🚌 Public Transportation in Huatulco Mexico

Huatulco public transportation is frankly, not great and not readily available. Also, unlike taxis, don’t expect bus drivers to speak English, so make sure you have at least basic Spanish to navigate Huatulco public transportation.

Also, if you do want to use public transport in Huatulco, make sure you have change and small bills to pay the driver — as many won’t make change for large bills.

Since I barely used the public transportation and buses in Huatulco, I’ll refer you to the best guide I’ve seen on the subject, How to Travel in Huatulco . It was written by Shev, one of my fellow Mexico bloggers .

What’s the best time to visit Huatulco Mexico?

Weather-wise, the best time to visit Huatulco is from November to March .

beautiful blue water in a bay and beach cove in the small beach town of Bahias de Huatulco, Mexico, in Oaxaca state, a safe solo Mexico travel destination in southern Mexico on the Pacific Ocean

You’ll have no rain (or very little), low humidity, and no mosquitoes (or very few). With perfect weather, however, comes larger crowds and higher price tags.

🌡️ Huatulco Weather: Yearly Averages

huatulco mexico weather chart

If you’re traveling to Huatulco on a budget, you’ll want to visit during the slow summer season.

For the best value, but still nice weather, plan your visit during what’s called the “shoulder season,” a magical time right in-between the high season and low season in Huatulco.

  • Huatulco Busy Season: November to March
  • Huatulco Slow Season: May to September
  • Huatulco Shoulder Season: October and April
  • Huatulco Rainy Season: April to September 
  • Huatulco Dry Season: October to March

🧳 Not sure what to pack for Huatulco Mexico? Check out this guide to Packing for Mexico , and for outfit inspiration, head to Cute Outfits for Mexico .

What’s the best time to see whales in Huatulco?

The Huatulco whale season runs from about November to April — but the best time to see them is from mid-December to March.

whale breaching in huatulco mexico, oaxaca state

During this time, you can take this Huatulco boat tour and venture into the Pacific Coast to (hopefully 🤞) see everything from Pacific gray whales and orcas (killer whales) to humpback whales.

Is Huatulco worth visiting?

Yes — Huatulco Mexico is perfect for those who want to venture slightly off the beaten path in Mexico, but still enjoy resort amenities, beaches and modern conveniences.

It has great resorts, similar to Cancun , Cabo and Puerto Vallarta , but without the large crowds. Huatulco also has great tourism infrastructure, and is safe for tourists.

I recommend Huatulco for those who want to enjoy the beaches, nature and relaxation. It’s great for daytime activities, but limited in its nightlife, however, you’ll find plenty of top Huatulco nature and wildlife tours.

There are some bars in nearby La Crucecita (AKA downtown Huatulco Mexico), but even the bars at these best Huatulco resorts often close by 10pm.

Final Thoughts: Best Huatulco Tours in Oaxaca Mexico

Playa los Compas Huatulco beach

Though Huatulco is one of the best resort towns in Mexico , there’s more to do than just relax on the beach. We’ve featured the best tours in Huatulco Mexico here, and all of them make for a great excursion during your vacation.

From Huatulco fishing tours to Huatulco city tours, there’s plenty to do for every type of traveler. Whether you’re a foodie, adventurer, history buff, or just looking for a memorable family activity, there’s Huatulco tours for you.

If we had to pick just one tour, this Snorkel the 7 Bays of Huatulco Tour is the best Huatulco tour . It has a near-perfect Five Star rating and free cancellation policy (as long as you cancel 24 hours in advance).

Huatulco Travel Tip: If you’re going to Huatulco from the United States, or prefer an English-speaking tour guide, let the tour operator know when you book. Many tour guides are bilingual in both English and Spanish.

Oaxaca Travel Planning Guide

Should i buy mexico travel insurance for oaxaca.

100% YES! — With basic coverage averaging just $5-10 USD per day, enjoy peace of mind with a plan from Travel Insurance Master , one of the biggest names in travel insurance. ( Read more )

Can you drink the water in Oaxaca?

No — You’ll want to buy this Water-To-Go Bottle , which filters your drinking water so you don’t get sick from drinking water in Mexico, and helps keep you hydrated while traveling to Oaxaca. ( Read more )

Is it safe to rent a car in Oaxaca?

Yes — Renting a car in Oaxaca is one of the best ways to see the state. I always rent with Discover Cars , which checks international companies and local Oaxaca companies, so you get the best rates. ( Read more )

Will my phone work in Oaxaca?

Maybe — It depends on your company, so check with your provider. If you don’t have free Mexico service, buy a Telcel SIM Card . As Mexico’s largest carrier, Telcel has the best coverage of all Mexico SIM Cards. ( Read more )

What’s the best way to book places to stay in Oaxaca?

For Oaxaca hotels, is the best site . If you’re considering a Oaxaca Airbnb, also check VRBO , which is often cheaper than Airbnb. For the best Oaxaca hostels, use HostelWorld .

What do I pack for Oaxaca?

Head to the Ultimate Mexico Packing List + FREE Checklist Download to get all the info you need on packing for Mexico.

What’s the best site to buy Oaxaca flights?

For finding cheap Oaxaca flights, I recommend booking through Skyscanner .

Do I need a visa for Oaxaca?

Likely Not — U.S., Canadian and most European Passport holders don’t need a visa for Mexico; but you can check here to see if you need a Mexico travel visa.

The vast majority of travelers will receive a a passport stamp, or 180-Day FMM Tourist Visa upon arrival.


  1. Tour guiado en catamaran por las bahías de Huatulco

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  2. Guided Tours of the 7 Bays of Huatulco Oaxaca in Catamaran 2024

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  4. 2023 Full Day Tour of the Bays of Huatulco

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  5. Tripadvisor

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  6. Tour en catamarán por Bahías de Huatulco, 7hrs desde $585

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  1. THE TOP Huatulco Catamaran Cruises (Prices from $52)

    Free Cancellation. from. $65.00. Guided Tours of the 7 Bays of Huatulco Oaxaca in Catamaran. 18. Have fun and get to know the spectacular Bays of Huatulco on a catamaran, boarding the boat from the Santa Cruz dock and an adventure full of joy and emotions will begin to discover the paradisiacal beaches of Huatulco with crystal clear waters.

  2. Guided Tours of the 7 Bays of Huatulco Oaxaca in Catamaran

    per group (up to 4) Bays of Huatulco and Snorkeling on a Double Decker Catamaran. 6. Full-day Tours. from. $65.00. per adult. Half-Day Tour to Ventanilla, Mazunte, Zipolite and Puerto Angel. 24.

  3. Guided Tours of the 7 Bays of Huatulco Oaxaca in Catamaran 2024

    47. from $120.00. Huatulco, Oaxaca. Exclusive 7 bays of Huatulco by Panga Boat. 2. from $260.00. Per group. Huatulco, Oaxaca. Mexico Data eSIM 500 MB per Day to 10GB - 30Days.

  4. 7 Bays of Huatulco Tour

    The 7 Bays of Huatulco Tour takes you on a comfortable catamaran around the seven most beautiful bays in Huatulco. Book this beautiful adventure online. Skip to Main Content +1 (800) 895-3000. ... Explore miles of coastline in Huatulco with the Seven Bays Tour by setting sail on a boat, snorkeling with rich marine life, and unwinding on the ...

  5. Huatulco, Mexico

    Huatulco Catamaran Bays Tour - Beautiful Bays & Beaches. This is a wonderful full day tour, taking at least 7 hours from start to finish. Your tour includes prompt; hotel pick up and drop off and your Catamaran excursion. A fully guided boat tour, where your friendly hosts will fill you in on this beautiful part of Mexico, its history and ...

  6. Tour 7 Bahías de Huatulco en Catamarán desde $387 MXN

    Tour 7 Bahias de Huatulco. El Tour 7 Bahías de Huatulco ofrece 7 horas de diversión, explorando la costa de Oaxaca. Conoce 7 de las 9 bahías que posee Huatulco y disfruta sus playas de aguas cristalinas donde podrás hacer snorkel, tomar el sol, nadar y relajarte mientras disfrutas un agradable recorrido en Catamaran.

  7. 11 Best Huatulco Boat Tours You Can't Miss in 2024

    11 Best Huatulco Boat Tours. 1. Bays of Huatulco Boat Tour on a Double Decker Catamaran. Book this Huatulco Day Cruise for an unforgettable snorkeling adventure and boat tour. Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Stars | Tour Length: 7 hours | Check Rates & Availability.

  8. THE TOP Huatulco Catamaran Cruises (w/Prices)

    Huatulco Catamaran Cruises : Check out Viator's reviews and photos of Huatulco tours

  9. Catamarán "tequila" Huatulcoficial

    Private Tour Seven Bays, Huatulco HT. 14. Jet Boat Rentals. from . $339.75. per group (up to 4) "Copalitilla" Waterfalls from Huatulco. 62. Full-day Tours. from . ... Tour to the bays in Catamaran. Dec 2023 • Family. Without a doubt this tour is a "MUST" among your activities in Huatulco. I recommend doing it with your family and friends ...

  10. Guided Tours of the 7 Bays of Huatulco Oaxaca in Catamaran

    C$218.64. per adult (price varies by group size) 4 Hours Private Bay Tour in Huatulco. 1. On the Water. from. C$542.08. per group (up to 8) Bays of Huatulco and Snorkeling on a Double Decker Catamaran.

  11. Huatulco: 7 Bays Catamaran Tour

    Things to do in Huatulco. Water activity. Huatulco: 7 Bays Catamaran Tour

  12. Huatulco: 7 Bays Catamaran Tour

    Water activity Huatulco: 7 Bays Catamaran Tour. Activity provider:Isurfmex . New activity. Explore seven magnificent bays, snorkel in crystal-clear waters, and enjoy a relaxing day on board with refreshments included. ... Embark on a thrilling 7-hour catamaran tour exploring the stunning coastline of Oaxaca. Experience the beauty and diversity ...

  13. Bays of Huatulco and Snorkeling on a Double Decker Catamaran

    On a modern catamaran, cruise the series of bays that surrounds the city with views of the Sierra Madre mountains in the background. Swim, snorkel, sunbathe, and have lunch on the beach. Make sure to keep your eyes peeled for marine life like turtles, whales, and dolphins. Guided tour of Huatulco bays. Spend a day in nature.

  14. Catamaranes Huatulco

    Tour en Catamarán. $ 650 MN. Disfrutamos de 7 horas conociendo 7 de las 9 Bahías de Huatulco. Un guía certificado irá relatando la información más relevante de las bahías, como su fauna, flora, ubicación geográfica, historia o algún acontecimiento importante. Visitamos 2 bahías, para nadar, conocer arrecifes naturales y comer ricas ...

  15. Bays of Huatulco and Snorkeling on a Double Decker Catamaran

    Huatulco Tours. See all things to do. Bays of Huatulco and Snorkeling on a Double Decker Catamaran. 4. ... Guided Tours of the 7 Bays of Huatulco Oaxaca in Catamaran. 7. Full-day Tours. from . $52.00. per adult. Private Tour Seven Bays, Huatulco HT. 14. Jet Boat Rentals. from . $339.75. per group (up to 4)

  16. THE 10 BEST Huatulco Boat Rides & Cruises (Updated 2024)

    8. Huatulco Dolphin & Whale Eco Adventures. 5. On the Water 2 hours English +1. Oceanico is the only group of bi-lingual marine biologists that are studying the populations of dolphins and whales in Huatulco. Our spotter at the lighthouse finds whales and dolphins then sends the boat directly to them.

  17. Catamaran Tour: Guided Journey Through Huatulco's 7 Bays: Book Tours

    Embark on a thrilling catamaran tour of Huatulco's 7 stunning bays. Explore crystal-clear waters, protected natural areas, and picturesque beaches on this guided journey. Book now!

  18. The BEST Huatulco Catamaran experiences 2024

    Book the most popular Catamaran experiences in Huatulco. Best price and money back guarantee! Read the reviews of your fellow travelers.

  19. Full Day Tour of the Bays of Huatulco 2024

    Hi Genna, Thank you for your positive feedback on the tour experience at Huatulco! We're delighted to hear that you enjoyed the beach stay, excellent boat service, and the attentive team. ... Guided Tours of the 7 Bays of Huatulco Oaxaca in Catamaran. 18. 7 hours 30 minutes. Free Cancellation. From. $52.00. Huatulco Bahías Tour. 83. 7 hours ...

  20. THE 5 BEST Huatulco Boat Tours (with Prices)

    3. Private Tour Seven Bays, Huatulco HT. 14. Jet Boat Rentals. 5 hours. Depart by boat from the Santa Cruz Marina to explore Huatulco's five stunning bays. There will be sun, and swimming in two…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers.

  21. 11 Best Huatulco Tours You Won't Want to Miss in 2024

    Click the links as you scroll for details, like the tour Huatulco precios (that's Spanish for "prices"). Table of Contents. Top 3 Picks: Best Huatulco Tours. Top 10 Best Huatulco Tours. 1. Snorkel the 7 Bays (Best Huatulco Snorkeling Tour) 2. Street Food Cooking Class in Huatulco. 3.


    Huatulco Walking Food Tour. 45. Food & Drink. from . £51.36. per adult. Traditional Mexican Cooking Class. 56. Food & Drink. from . £82.97. per adult. ... Tour to the bays in Catamaran. Dec 2023 • Family. Without a doubt this tour is a "MUST" among your activities in Huatulco. I recommend doing it with your family and friends, it is ...

  23. THE 10 BEST Huatulco Boat Rides & Cruises

    Huatulco Dolphin & Whale Eco Adventures. 5. On the Water 2 hours English +1. Oceanico is the only group of bi-lingual marine biologists that are studying the populations of dolphins and whales in Huatulco. Our spotter at the lighthouse finds whales and dolphins then sends the boat directly to them.