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- 2015-03-21 03:07:06 UTC

It also has 10kk Mass and .4x agility, which gives it roughly a Cynabal's align time.

So... how should this thing be fit?
- 2015-03-21 04:53:28 UTC
- 2015-03-21 10:50:32 UTC Dealer


- 2015-03-21 10:59:52 UTC
- 2015-03-21 12:00:53 UTC
- 2015-03-21 19:21:04 UTC
Low slots
Sevice staff (hookers)
Security staff

Eat dessert first!

- 2015-03-21 20:43:32 UTC
- 2015-03-25 15:31:31 UTC

- 2015-03-25 15:49:07 UTC
- 2015-03-26 18:59:18 UTC  | 
- 2015-03-26 19:04:24 UTC

Spring for a Corelum A-Type MWD. Shaves another 13% off the signature when it's on.
- 2015-03-26 19:05:47 UTC

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.
- 2015-03-26 19:06:41 UTC

Spring for a Corelum A-Type MWD. Shaves another 13% off the signature when it's on.

I wouldn't actually want to use the MWD with possible hostiles around :p This boat is just ment to warp as fast as possible.
- 2015-03-26 19:08:13 UTC

It lists at 6, but it also has a 50% bonus. Haven't had the chance to undock mine yet, but EFT seems right if I can still read bonuses. Guess I'll know later this afternoon or something.
- 2015-03-26 19:15:28 UTC

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.

Unfortunately you're right. I undocked mine and warped to a rando object ot see how fast it really was including boni. The 50% warpsepeed bonus is allready included in the 6 AU/sec. That's a real shame :/
- 2015-03-26 19:23:30 UTC

EFT stats are wrong.

Ingame it has 6au warp not 9 au as EFT has it.

Unfortunately you're right. I undocked mine and warped to a rando object ot see how fast it really was including boni. The 50% warpsepeed bonus is allready included in the 6 AU/sec. That's a real shame :/

Sorry to be a party pooper lol
- 2015-03-26 19:28:06 UTC  | 
- 2015-03-27 11:00:59 UTC
- 2015-03-27 16:40:36 UTC

Negatory ghost rider....this baby has decent ehp.. Going to take atleast 6 or more BS to pop this beauty.
- 2015-03-27 17:55:03 UTC

Plug in an em-703 and slap on some low friction nozzles and save yourself buku isk

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victorieux luxury yacht fit

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victorieux luxury yacht fit

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victorieux luxury yacht fit

  • Victorieux Luxury Yacht

Role bonuses

victorieux luxury yacht fit

 Type ID
Tech Level
 Meta Level
Repackaged Volume
 Base Price
Shield recharge time
  • Opux Luxury Yacht
Powergrid Output
CPU Output
Capacitor Capacity
Capacitor Recharge time
Turret Hardpoints
Launcher Hardpoints
High Slots
Medium Slots
Low Slots
Rig Slots
 Rig Size
Maximum Locked Targets
Maximum Targeting Range
Ladar Sensor Strength
Magnetometric Sensor Strength
RADAR Sensor Strength
Gravimetric Sensor Strength
Signature Radius
Scan Resolution
Maximum Velocity
 Warp Speed Multiplier
Inertia Modifier
Drone Capacity
Drone Bandwidth

Required skills



 Portion Size

Produced by

victorieux luxury yacht fit

 Warp Speed and Acceleration Bonus
Cargo Scan Resistance
Capacitor Warfare Resistance
Stasis Webifier Resistance
Weapon Disruption Resistance
Rig Slots
 Heat Attenuation
Item Damage
Power Load
Ship Warp Speed
CPU Load
Type ID34590
Faction ID500004
Graphic ID21076
Sound ID20074
Group ID
Meta Group ID
Race ID8
Faction Namesyndicate
Variation Parent Type ID635


Developed for use by station governors and other well-connected members of the Intaki Syndicate, Victorieux-class Luxury Yachts combine opulent accommodations with state of the art cloaking and propulsion systems. The Victorieux enables comfortable and discreet travel for business or pleasure, from Poitot to Intaki and beyond. The Syndicate has steadfastly refused to answer inquiries on how they obtained the technology necessary to enable simultaneous cloak and warp drive activation on this yacht. In early YC117, Silphy en Diabel announced that the Syndicate would be sponsoring an invitational tournament and making limited run blueprints for the Victorieux available to all capsuleer supporters of the winning team.

Victorieux Luxury Yacht Cov Ops Cloak 5 second timer?

With an exception. You can’t cloak again if somebody is in a 2500m range. Moreover, I’ll add, the ship is bigger than a frigate and if somebody is close enough to you, it can cause issues with warp. It’s very possible you can get “bumped”.

Hey, DeMichael! Are you going to participate in that “Extra Lap” Grand Prix final competition?

As I remember, during the previous Grand Prix, you fitted a multi-billion Victorieux Yacht for the purpose. In my opinion, the investments are too damn high for the reward.

The last one was in 2018 and I didn’t run it in a multi-billion fit, my Victorieux Luxury Yacht was all T2 fit. However my clone was fit with a full set of Mid-grade Ascendancy Implants…

victorieux luxury yacht fit

I might do the ‘Extra Lap’ time trials, after I run the regular routes next week.

victorieux luxury yacht fit

The VLY has been in game for quite a while. This means that we don’t have speculate about whether it is OP or not based upon its stats and role bonuses, because we can look at what’s been happening in game. In fact, that’s exactly where we should be looking.

So, is the VLY OP? Well, I personally can’t answer that question. I rarely see them, and know jack ■■■■ about WH’s, where the VLY is apparently more common (some people use them to roll holes). There’s a group complaining about them in the following thread, but I’m also kind of skeptical of their competency. So, I’ll refrain from making any judgements based upon their comments alone.

Also, something to consider is that the VLY is a special edition ship with (afaik) no new sources. Thus, even if it is OP, the problem will naturally become less and less of an issue over time.


I’m considering the clone’ implants as part of the fit, because they are useless without the specified set of ships.

Why not DED MWD in the mid-slot?

Well, the last two laps have routes through null-sec. To be competitive, we have to jump gate-to-gate and gate-to-checkpoint and back. Without dedicated intel and bookmarks the competitor is out of competition, even with 5B ISK implants set. The rng plays a big role here. There’s no time to mess with the gate campers. Also it can be dangerous to jump gate-to-site at range. There are places where tacklers are sitting in the entire range of landing spots from the checkpoint center. Also, along the northern lap, there are some really nasty Grand Prix hunters with insta-lock gate camps (Interceptor formations with remote Sensor boosts and Skirmish Burst support).

Is it really worth investing a multi billion fit and time, with these conditions, for such a result/reward?

I don’t consider the clone as part of the ship.

No reason to fit a MWD, the race is all warp. The EM Shield Amp plugs the hole in the shield. I added the DC mod for more EHP’s with increased resistance in case of Smart Bombs being activated when landing on out-going gate. However I’m not sure if that’s really needed, there’s a very small time frame between warping to gate and jumping for that to happen.

For traveling in Null Sec space, just bounce off celestials between gates. For the Landmarks, bounce off of celestials, warp in at range and then immediately warp out, all done while cloaked. The Yacht doesn’t need to worry about Warp Bubbles due to it’s bonus stats:

Role Bonuses: 100% bonus to warp speed and warp acceleration 100% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement • Immune to Interdiction Sphere Launcher, Warp Disruption Field Generator and Mobile Small, Medium and Large Warp Disruptor • Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device

As for insta-lockers, the fit has sub 2sec align time for insta-warp and the Covert Ops Cloak can be activated immediately after clicking ‘Warp to’. Cloak makes the ship immune to targeting. The WCS mod is fit in case of bad timing for cloak activation. I’m actually thinking of replacing the DC mod with another WCS mod just to be safe.

Last thing to help stay safe is to pick a time when there’s not many people online, can probably check killmails to find when the least amount of players are camping those areas. Anyway, feel free to let me know if I missed something.

been a while since i checked but the gate cloak is basically invulnerability to those things, you can’t be hit while gate cloaked

The last spot of this event isn’t about safe travelling, but about who’s faster.

This ship is hard to fit for a respective purpose with only module slots. Only implants will let to, let’s say, “soft cap” the required stats. To be competitive in the race, based on what I found, the overall implants price should vary between 3 and 5 B ISK. Your second fit allows you to replace one IS II with a C-Type DED Multispectrum item and the second one with a Shadow Serpentis IS. So, your ship tank will rely on Armor and Hull. A DED MWD, for a mid slot, is just to good for this vessel, in my opinion. That module will be the only thing which will help to save the ship when it’ll respawn near junk at gates.

You mean safe travelling, but it’s not a condition to pretend for a win spot. You need to jump gate-to-gate and gate-to-safespot at a destination point. Just imagine the amount of “home work”.

Only a cloak can save from insta-lockers, true. The sub 2 sec aling time isn’t a condition for safe travelling. There can be nasty scenarios with two gate camps in a row. So, it’s a scenario when you have to stay cloaked for the entire 15-20 sec. The +/- 10sec will define the first and the last place in the competition.

I’m just impressed you could spell Victorie…Victorieu…whatever.

Vicky works for me.


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EVE University Database

Celestis Class


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  • 6 Patch History

The Serpentis Corporation spared no expense when they contracted the Guardian Angels to create a new line of ultra-exclusive cruisers intended to replace their internal executive fleet of Victorieux Luxury Yachts leased from the Intaki Syndicate. These ships would need to maintain the exquisite luxury and discretion of the yachts while adding devastating combat ability to ensure that Serpentis Corporation VIPs never find themselves outgunned.

The final ship design delivered by the Cartel engineers included covert ops cloaking capability, powerful hybrid turret hardpoints, and stasis webifier capabilities unmatched by any other ship in the history of New Eden.

The first Victor-class Force Recon Ship to complete construction was claimed by Salvador Sarpati himself to serve as his personal cruiser.

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret falloff Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): 10% bonus to Stasis Webifier effectiveness Recon Ships bonuses (per skill level): 7.5% bonus to Armor Repairer effectiveness 10% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage 20% bonus to Stasis Webifier optimal range Role Bonus: 30% reduction in the potency of booster side effects 100% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage 100% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement • Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator • Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds 80% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator liquid ozone consumption 50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration

what's this? and without .

Ship Attributes


The Victor was a prize for the top four teams of Alliance Tournament XV. It combines the signature Serpentis web strength and hybrid weapons bonus with an equally impressive web range bonus; a unique and deadly combination. It also has an uncharacteristically high powergrid and good CPU, giving it fitting options ships of this type normally wouldn't have.

Further information about additional or recommended skills to pilot Victor for a specific or its common role(s) can be written here.

No sub-article about Victor roles or piloting tactics. You can write them here.

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Patch History

A long, long time ago...

Ship announced 2019-05-17 , with the following stats:

show advanced ships Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
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victorieux luxury yacht fit

“ Cultural Planning will help to ensure the Perm region will remain distinctive and unique” , Mr. Protasevich said. “It will mean planning ways to support and preserve our heritage, developing appealing opportunities for artists and musicians regardless of age, and generating education and employment. It will mean building a creative community with a buzz.”

“Some of the identified objectives of “Perm krai international:young journalists@school” project include facilitating greater communication and cooperation among young community and official organizations in Perm krai”, said the Vice-Minister of Perm krai.

victorieux luxury yacht fit

“Perm Krai International: young journalistes@school”

victorieux luxury yacht fit


The international children festival of theatre arts “Long Break”

What is the international child festival of theatre arts “Long Break”? It is a real holiday for young spectators and their parents. The international child festival of theatre arts “Long Break” will be hold from the 30th of April to the 5th of May. It will be in Perm and Lysva. It will be hold under the aegis of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture, Youth Politics and Mass Communications of Perm Krai. The program of the festival is prepared by Russian and foreign experts of child theatre. There are the most interesting for children events of the world arts. The “Long Break” familiarizes children with actual artists. It is the platform where people communicate with people using the language of modern arts which is understandable for a new generation.

The festival “The White Nights in Perm”

victorieux luxury yacht fit

  • The participants of the festival of land art “Ural Myths” will create art objects using natural materials. The objects will have the same mythological idea.
  • During the festival of bears “MedveDay” the masters Teddy-makers will tell gripping stories about a symbol of the city. They will organize some exhibitions of teddy bears and they will give master classes.

victorieux luxury yacht fit

  • The exhibition “Mammoth’s track” will gather mammoths from different corners of Russia on Perm’s territory. There will be even a famous mammoth Dima.
  • And at last the international festival of street arts «Open sky» will represent the various program: carnival processions, a 5-day master class «Mask Art», street shows and performances, performances of Russian and foreign street theatres.

The IX International festival “Heavenly Fair of Ural”

From the 26th to the 3rd of July the IX International festival “Heavenly Fair of Ural” takes place in Kungur. There will be a fight for the I Privolzhski Federal Disctrict Cup for aerostatics and the VII Perm Krai Open Cup for aerostatics.This year Kungur won’t hold rating competitions which results are taking into general account of the pilots. They counted on creating entertainment activities “Air battles over Kungur”. There will be the representatives of sub-units of ultralight aviation, detachment of parachute troops and water means. All the battles will take place straight over the city. And natives will take part in the festival too.According to initial data 15 aeronauts and about 50 ultralight aviation pilots expressed willingness to take part at the festival. And a dirigible pilot confirmed his participation.Ultralight aviation pilots will take part in the “Air games” within the festival. As last year a campsite of ultralight aviation will base in an area near a village Milniki.

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  1. Victorieux Luxury Yacht Now In Redeeming System

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  2. [Q] What's your favorite Victorious Luxury Yacht fits

    Medium Low Friction Nozzle Joints II. With a Low Grade Nomad set and a EM-704, this fit is below 2sec Align time while keeping a small signature (150). It is squishier than the most common fit I saw, which looks like : [Victorieux Luxury Yacht, Fit 2] Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers. Shadow Serpentis Inertial Stabilizers.

  3. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

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  5. Victorieux Luxury Yacht Fitting

    24. Luxury Yachts have a pretty standard fitting High slot Luxury suite with Jacuzzi and mini-bar Mid slot Full range Casino with nightclub and 5-star restaurant Low slots Service staff Security staff Hookers Doctors Fit is made to damn near perma tank anything that comes at you. I wouldn't fit mine any other way.

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  8. Search through our fitting database!

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  9. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    Developed for use by station governors and other well-connected members of the Intaki Syndicate, Victorieux-class Luxury Yachts combine opulent accommodations with state of the art cloaking and propulsion systems. The Victorieux enables comfortable and discreet travel for business or pleasure, from Poitot to Intaki and beyond. The Syndicate has steadfastly refused to answer inquiries on how ...

  10. EVE Online

    EVE Online - Victorieux Luxury Yacht Akrasjel Lanate 110 subscribers Subscribed 13 7.4K views 8 years ago

  11. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

    Description. Developed for use by station governors and other well-connected members of the Intaki Syndicate, Victorieux-class Luxury Yachts combine opulent accommodations with state of the art cloaking and propulsion systems. The Victorieux enables comfortable and discreet travel for business or pleasure, from Poitot to Intaki and beyond.

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  13. Victorieux Luxury Yacht Cov Ops Cloak 5 second timer?

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  14. Victorieux Luxury Yacht

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  15. Will a Victorieux Luxury Yacht be instantly ganked? : r/Eve

    Maybe, either fit it properly or get a freighter service to move it for you to jita

  16. Victor

    The Serpentis Corporation spared no expense when they contracted the Guardian Angels to create a new line of ultra-exclusive cruisers intended to replace their internal executive fleet of Victorieux Luxury Yachts leased from the Intaki Syndicate. These ships would need to maintain the exquisite luxury and discretion of the yachts while adding devastating combat ability to ensure that Serpentis ...

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  18. Youth policy

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