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Yachting Monthly cover

Dufour 390: ‘Responsive, fun & forgiving to sail’

David Harding

  • David Harding
  • August 6, 2021

The Dufour 390 is an impressively roomy cruiser that also offers more performance than you might expect, says David Harding

Dufour 390

Designed by Umberto Felci, the Dufour 390 starts from £151,963 including VAT. Credit: David Harding

Product Overview

  • Surprisingly good sailing performance
  • Good attention to details
  • Excellent cockpit table with stowage
  • Headsail tracks too short with overlapping genoa
  • Loses way quickly
  • Non-slip finish is less grippy than some


Price as reviewed:.

Creating boats that stand out from the competition can be a challenge for builders of modern family cruising yachts.

That means buyers have to scratch beneath the surface to home in on the one that best suits their needs.

Do a little scratching, however, and the differences soon appear.

Take the Dufour 390, for example.

Here is a high-volume cruiser with, at a glance perhaps, much in common with other boats of similar length: lots of freeboard, a broad stern, twin wheels and a modest rig.

You will need to go below and take a look around on deck to see some of what sets the Dufour 390 apart because she’s nicely finished and full of practical features and neat touches.

Dufour 390 on deck -

Wide side decks run all the way to the stern. The cockpit table incorporates handholds, a light and useful stowage. Credit: David Harding

Going for a sail will also help.

Despite her volume, and statistics that don’t point to a particularly sporty nature, she sails surprisingly well in both light airs and a breeze .

The designer, Umberto Felci, has squeezed more performance out of her than appearances might suggest.

She’s pretty well-mannered, too.

This new addition to Dufour’s range is generously proportioned by almost any standards.

Her substantial beam is carried well forward, giving the Dufour 390 notably broader shoulders than seen in her predecessors.

Dufour 390 on deck

Standard instruments and repeaters will fit in the helm consoles, the plotter living centrally on the aft end of the cockpit table. Credit: David Harding

Combined with the high topsides, this creates a vast amount of space inside a hull that’s not quite 37ft (11.2m) long.

You have to include the moulded bowsprit -cum-anchor roller to reach the total length of just over 39ft (11.94m).

This boat is built for comfort in harbour and fun, forgiving sailing rather than high-end performance.

As such she doesn’t look exactly over-canvassed.

In fact her sail area/displacement ratio is a modest 16.3, based on the 100% foretriangle; a little less in practical terms if you choose the standard self- tacker and slightly higher with the optional 108% headsail on its FlatDeck furler.

Bulwarks on the Dufour 390

Moulded bulwarks form part of the hull-to-deck joint. Through-deck scuppers help water to drain. Credit: David Harding

When you look at the hull and deck more closely, you notice long chines that start well forward. The topsides are almost vertical down to the chines to maximise internal volume, then they tuck in to give a narrower waterline.

Further indications of performance aspirations include the respectably deep draught of 6ft 5in (1.95m) with the standard bulbed fin keel , or you can plump for the 5ft 9in (1.75m) alternative if you’re prepared to sacrifice a little sprightliness.

The owner of our test boat, Kevin, had chosen the deeper keel.

He also upgraded to the overlapping headsail, gaining the 75sq ft (7sq m) of canvas together with greater sail control and more drive off the wind among other benefits.

Differences in detail

The extra drive from the overlapper would certainly have helped offset the drag from the standard-issue, two-bladed fixed prop .

On our first outing in light airs and flat water the boat readily clocked 3.5 knots on the wind when the shifty breeze occasionally gusted to 6 knots or so.

Don’t expect this if you stick with the self-tacker, however, especially if you plump for in-mast reefing as well.

That will cost you a further 70sq ft (6.5sq m) and, of course, the compromises go way beyond the reduction in area.

Lights set into the bulwarks add a little style at night

Lights set into the bulwarks add a little style at night. Credit: David Harding

It’s the usual choice between maximising efficiency and making sailing simple. Whatever the effects of the easy- handling sail options, they will be more pronounced in light airs and a seaway.

That’s when boats with modest rigs and high-volume hulls tend to suffer,as more performance-orientated designs disappear over the horizon.

In practice, since most cruising yachtsmen will switch on the engine in such conditions, it might not be too much of an issue.

Given the conditions during our first outing, we needed to head out a second time to do the boat- testing equivalent of leaving some rubber on the tarmac.

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When a suitable day appeared, we sallied forth to be greeted by winds that, according to BrambleMet, were gusting to 30 knots around the time we were heading down Southampton Water and remained in the mid 20s for the first hour.

Under full headsail and with one slab in the main, we reached towards Calshot with up to 8 knots showing on the log. It was a promising start, the boat feeling comfortable on a point of sail that tends to show up any wayward tendencies.

Once in clear water, we hardened up and punched into the breeze. Wind and tide together created only a modest chop in the Solent, but the Dufour 390 seemed unfazed by the occasional succession of steeper waves.

Dufour 390 transom

The hinge-down stern platform incorporates a bathing ladder and opens up the liferaft stowage. Credit: David Harding

We seldom felt anything other than the gentlest of thuds or found more than the odd drop of spray making its way back to the cockpit.

Our sail plan seemed about right.

Even keeping the traveller amidships while maintaining plenty of leech tension elicited no serious protests as long as we feathered into the gusts, steered around the waves and took care to avoid stalling, though the boat understandably made it clear that she didn’t enjoy being sailed this way.

Travellers are often not included on family cruisers, making it harder to get them going comfortably and efficiently upwind in a breeze, as well as to maintain pointing in lighter conditions.

It’s good to see that Dufour fits one as standard.

Sailing in a breeze

Life inevitably became easier when we eased it down the track.

Our speed picked up from around 6 knots to 6.4 and any apparent loss of pointing would have been more than compensated for by the extra lift from the foils .

The boat sailed faster and flatter (typically at 15 to 20° of heel) and was more responsive.

In smoother water closer to the shore we picked up to 6.7 knots at times, still tacking through around 75°.

As usual, the polars indicate more pace and pointing than the test boat achieved, in this case showing over 7 knots at 35° in 25 knots of wind.

Two men on the deck of a Dufour yacht

The deck is clear and easy to move around, and the low gooseneck simplifies mainsail handling. Credit: David Harding

Many of the usual factors would have contributed to the disparity, including the fixed prop, rigging (1×19 all round) that needed tweaking up, tanks that were fairly full, the chop and the standard-issue Dacron sails.

Not helping either were jib tracks that didn’t extend far enough aft.

As I had noticed on the first sail in lighter airs, sheeting in the headsail closed the leech while leaving the foot slack and, of course, the effect was more pronounced in heavier conditions.

Something else that would increase the headsail’s efficiency is the ability to tension the backstay.

By default the 390 comes with twin backstays. A single, bifurcated stay with a tensioner is on the options list.

When you’re testing in a decent breeze it’s always good to see how a boat copes when provoked, so I started by bearing away from a close-hauled course with the sheets pinned in.

Dufour 390 running shots

The view from aloft shows that the beam is carried further forward than on many modern designs. Credit: David Harding

The rudder gripped to around 30° of heel, whereupon we spun through the wind –albeit more gently than on some boats – and ended up hove to on the other tack.

Heaving to is worth checking out anyway, so we let the Dufour settle down and found that she fore-reached at about 3 knots with the wind on the beam.

Although the log was reading 3 knots, most of our speed was sideways.

In any event, it led to enough water-flow over the rudder for the boat to be turned dead downwind – still with the sheets pinned in – gybed, and brought back on to a close-hauled course.

A cockpit on a yacht

Plenty of windows and hatches make for a light and airy interior, here finished in light oak. Moabi is standard and teak the third option. Credit: David Harding

My next act of provocation was to pinch her the point where the sails were still filling but the foils no longer generating lift.

This happened at around 2 knots.

Suitably stalled, she crabbed fairly briskly but once again responded to the rudder when asked, allowing us to re-engage forward gear by putting the nose down a few degrees and giving her a moment.

Keeping the Dufour 390 on track

All told, for a boat that most owners are unlikely to push particularly hard, she performed well and showed a high degree of tolerance, proving responsive, obedient and generally fun to sail.

All we had to be mindful of was her propensity to lose way rapidly, and that’s something you can’t ignore if you want to make life easy for whoever’s wielding the winch handles.

While the overlapping headsail is well worth having on any number of counts (including the ability to heave to without hassle), it does call for a little winching during tacks.

A Dufour yacht with white sails

Hull chines extend well forward to maximising volume. Credit: David Harding

The lazy man’s approach is to let the boat build up speed on the new tack with the sail loosely sheeted in, then head into the wind for a few seconds to take the pressure out of the sail for easy winching.

With a relatively light, high-volume, flat-sectioned design, a few seconds is all you get before she loses way.

To sheet in the headsail, you’re given a pair of Lewmar 40 self-tailers just forward of the wheels that also handle a German-style split mainsheet.

Both sets of sheets run through clutches or jamming foot-blocks.

On the subject of characteristics common to modern cruisers, there’s something else you need to accept with beamy hulls that have a hard turn to the bilge and present a very different immersed shape when heeled.

That’s the need to apply constant corrections to the helm as the boat heels, comes upright and heels again in gusty conditions, and it’s the same downwind in a seaway.

Facnor’s FlatDeck furling system keeps the headsail’s tack reasonably low, but the tracks don’t extend far enough aft

Facnor’s FlatDeck furling system keeps the headsail’s tack reasonably low, but the tracks don’t extend far enough aft. Credit: David Harding

Slimmer hulls and slacker sections make for easier handling and more relaxing sailing in many respects.

Form stability and internal volume are what sell these days, however.

And given the space inside the Dufour 390, she handles pretty well.

She’s also respectably handy under power, even if it does take a while before she steers to port in astern.

Heads on Dufour yacht

A sink with a difference in the aft heads. The mirror can be tilted – a nice touch. Credit: David Harding

Ahead in a straight line, 2,500 rpm from the 30hp Volvo Saildrive (40hp as an upgrade) pushes her along quietly at 6.2 knots.

As for the ergonomics on deck and in the cockpit, everything works pretty well.

Half-depth cockpit lockers each side swallow a fair amount of kit and the sturdy central table incorporates useful (but rarely-found) stowage for smaller items that need to be readily accessible.

Accommodation on the Dufour 390

For a boat of this size, the Dufour 390 offers a good range of interior layouts.

On our test boat, Kevin had chosen the three-cabin, two-heads version: twin double cabins aft, the communal heads to port opposite the L-shaped galley and an en-suite heads in the forecabin.

One alternative is to have a massive athwartships double cabin in the stern.

Another is a three-cabin, three-heads arrangement with a linear galley to port, and a new option has been introduced with a single heads.

Dufour 390 below decks aft cabin starboard -

Full bow sections create an enormous forecabin, which features fiddled shelving and hullside ports. Credit: David Harding

Joinery is Moabi as standard; otherwise teak or, as on Kevin’s boat, light oak.

It’s substantial, nicely finished and all made in-house by Dufour.

Down below under sail, nothing was obviously amiss except that the magnetic catches holding the doors open in harbour didn’t all do quite such a good job at 20° of heel.

There was no creaking or groaning, the boat appeared to stay the same shape on both tacks and handholds were generally in the right places.

Dufour 390 below decks chart table

The modest but adequate chart table can be lowered to extend the port settee berth in the saloon. Credit: David Harding

Welcome details include split mattresses in the cabins to allow lee cloths to be rigged up, and large drawers giving access to the stowage beneath the port settee berth.

Abaft the berth – which is 6ft/1.83m long – the smallish chart table can be lowered in Dufour’s normal style and an infill cushion dropped in to form a berth extension.

Another Dufour special – on the options list this time – is the wine rack under the sole by the companionway.

Dufour 390 test verdict

Seen from a distance, the Dufour 390 is attractive in the modern style but does little to draw attention to herself.

Once you have spent time on board and sailed a few miles, however, you come to appreciate some of the features and detailing that are not found on every boat.

You tend to get more if you pay more, and of course there are many more expensive 39-footers (and 37-footers, with or without a moulded bowsprit) that you can buy.

A dufour yacht

A German-style split mainsheet leads the tails aft to each helm console. Credit: David Harding

Nonetheless, the Dufour’s designers and builders have done enough to make her different. You would expect some nice styling touches in a Franco-Italian boat and you get them. Even the door handles are nicely shaped for the hand.

Structurally there’s little that’s high-tech about the Dufour 390: a conventional, hand-laid solid laminate in the hull incorporating NPG resin.

Lifting the cabin sole reveals a stiffening matrix and stainless steel backing plates for the keel bolts.

It’s the parts you can’t see that often make the difference, but Dufour doesn’t have a reputation for cutting corners.

Would the Dufour 390 suit you and your crew?

It was interesting to see the Dufour 390 next to a Bowman 40 in the marina before our first sail: two boats of broadly similar ‘box’ length but the latter epitomising the more traditional style – deeper, narrower and heavier.

David Harding

David Harding has been testing boats for over 25 years. He is also a marine photographer and runs his agency, Sailing Scenes

The Dufour represents all that’s modern, complete with hinge- down bathing platform, provision for an outside galley in the stern, a large fixed window in the coachroof abaft the mast that floods the interior with light, and so on.

In heavy weather or for true blue-water sailing, who wouldn’t choose something like the Bowman?

Yet for what the vast majority of today’s owners want from their boats, the Dufour  390 will be much closer to the mark.

She offers all the lifestyle features we have come to expect, and more besides.

The fact that she also performs well when pushed in conditions that not everyone would choose to go out in is undoubtedly a bonus.

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Dufour 390 sailboat

Steering sensations.

The new generation of Dufour sailboats promises to bring you thrills.

In line with our expertise , we have developed a high-performance, balanced hull for maximum control and incomparable steering finesse. Unrivalled seafaring qualities without compromising on ease of movement or mooring comfort.

The meticulous layout of deck spaces, the immense rear transom, the many sunbathing areas and the famous outdoor galley with griddle and sink will ensure wonderful moments of togetherness on board this tremendous sailboat .

Packed with innovative tricks, technology and optimisation, the Dufour 390, 39-foot sailing yacht,  stands out as the most well-rounded sailboat in its category. A generously equipped yacht with incomparable style, finished down to the last detail.

Dufour 390 - Smart Electric
Smart Elec PackEngines
Fixed propeller
Battery park (lithium battery)
Interface monitoring
OptionsImproved batteries
12V/230V converter
Folding propeller
Quick charger

Virtual Tour 360°

yacht dufour 390







Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin




yacht dufour 390







Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin




yacht dufour 390







Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin




yacht dufour 390







Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin




yacht dufour 390

Technical specs

yacht dufour 390


  • Architect: Felci Yacht Design
  • Hull construction: Fiberglass / contact
  • Deck construction: Injection

Technical specifications

  • Overall length 11.94 m
  • Waterline length 10.50 m
  • Hull length 11.19 m
  • Max beam 3.99 m
  • Light displacement 7700 kg
  • Draft 1.95 m (1.75 m opt.)
  • Keel weight 2100 kg
  • Fuel tank capacity 200 L
  • Water tank capacity 380 L
  • Engine power 30 cv (40 cv opt.)
  • Sail area 66.5 m²
  • Mainsail 36.6 m²
  • Genoa 29.9 m²

In the Press

Cruising world – dufour 390 and 430 review, yacht revue – dufour 390 review, skipper – dufour 390 review, québec yachting – dufour 390 & dufour 430 review, are you interested in the dufour 390 sailboat.

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yacht dufour 390

Dufour 390 Grand Large Standard

Sailboat specifications.

  • Last update: 19th March 2020

Dufour 390 Grand Large's main features

Dufour 390 grand large's main dimensions, dufour 390 grand large's rig and sails, dufour 390 grand large's performances, dufour 390 grand large's auxiliary engine, dufour 390 grand large's accommodations and layout.

Dufour 390 Grand Large  Picture extracted from the commercial documentation © Dufour

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A sailing yacht with a hull length of just over eleven metres and a total of three cabins and three heads - something like this had never been seen before. With this announcement in spring 2018, the boat builders at Dufour Yachts caused a major surprise on the market and within the industry. The French company once again lived up to its reputation as an innovative shipyard.

Since 2018, Dufour Yachts in Périgny near La Rochelle has been under the umbrella of Fountaine Pajot. However, Dufour has remained an independent brand and continues to produce largely autonomously at its previous location. As if to cement this fact, shortly after announcing the merger with Fountaine Pajot, the shipyard announced two completely newly developed models for the touring programme, the Dufour 390 and 430. In fact, however, these two models were already planned long before the merger and were ultimately probably also part of the takeover deal.

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yacht dufour 390

Even more abundance

YACHT had the opportunity to test the two new ships in the Mediterranean immediately after their first presentation in 2018. What's new? Umberto Felci, Dufour's in-house designer for many years, has tried to conjure up even more volume in the current hulls, especially in the bow section. The freeboard drops almost vertically over the entire length. chines - aft still as real edges - extend almost all the way to the bow and constrict the volume towards the waterline. On the one hand, this ensures less wetted surface on the hull and, at the same time, high dimensional stability when heeling.

However, the extremely large hull shape is only visually striking if you look closely at the ship from the front. From the side, the vertical stern and a slight deck projection conceal the volume. In addition, the low-set hull windows and the recess in the hull designed for this purpose visually elongate the hull. The lines are pleasing to the eye, despite the enormous volume.

The aft cockpit of the Dufour 390 is semi-enclosed with a raised moulded section. An additional external sink and an electric grill can be integrated into this if required. And the bathing platform is accessed via a side hatch. The good idea and the arrangement are already familiar, having been implemented by Dufour in a similar form for all models in recent years - as is now the case with the two new models.

Annoying and unnecessary

Our test boat, the first Dufour 390 from series production, was obviously finished at the very last minute for presentation at the autumn trade fairs in the Mediterranean. As a result, the boat has a number of significant processing deficiencies that should not go unmentioned in a YACHT test. For example: on deck, the split pulpit is only very weakly anchored in the bulwark and would probably break away under heavy loads. The panels of the artificial teak deck (an option) are partially off-centre and not glued in the middle, and the cockpit table is also very unstable.

In addition, some attachments and fittings on deck are inappropriate, untidy and in some cases simply incorrectly fitted. For example, the hole point rail for the optional genoa is fitted at least half a metre too far forward. As a result, the headsail could not be adjusted as desired during the test.

The list of defects continues below deck. The furniture is inappropriately installed and the inconsistent gap dimensions are more than obvious. Under engine power, the fittings rattle everywhere, and with only a slight swell at anchor in the bay, loud creaking noises throughout the ship are disturbing. The floorboards are not cut to size and protrude differently. If you go barefoot inside, you can quickly injure your feet on the sharp edges. And the bunk cushions in the foredeck are too small and do not fit on the floor.

In short, anyone who has seen the first production boat (our test boat) at the trade fairs will be disappointed by the quality. The best proof that the French usually work better, more precisely and more carefully is in the harbour right next door, in the form of the Dufour 430, which is also new to the shipyard. This ship - also the prototype from the same production - was obviously completed under less time pressure. Here, the workmanship in detail once again meets the high quality standards familiar from Dufour Yachts. In this respect, the 430 is a kind of guarantee for the improvements to be expected in the series for its little sister 390.

At the same time, however, the Dufour 390 also surprises with some superbly solved and beautifully realised details on deck, such as the recess in the cabin superstructure in front of the companionway as a garage for the sprayhood, the anchor locker completely moulded into the deck or the nicely sized forecastle boxes inside the cockpit galleys despite the two aft cabins. The shipyard has found good and functional compromises here.

Test with obstacles

For the test in the bay of La Spezia, there is plenty of sunshine, but hardly any usable wind. The sea breeze weakens in the afternoon, and the strong gusts make it difficult to fully explore the yacht's performance capabilities. With a total weight ready to sail of 7.7 tonnes, the comparatively heavy ship manages an average speed of 4.3 knots in six knots of wind (2 Beaufort) at a tacking angle of 90 degrees.

This requires further explanation. On the test ship, the mechanics of the retractable bow thruster were defective and the drive was permanently lowered en route. In addition to a lot of turbulence on the keel and rudder, this naturally also caused additional resistance and correspondingly lower speeds. The performance figures should therefore be interpreted with great caution. Added to this are the problems already mentioned with the short centreboard track for the genoa.

The beautifully built sails from Elvstrøm with the overlapping genoa and the fully battened mainsail are part of the optionally available Grand Prix package with which the test boat is equipped. The package also includes the backstay tensioner and the double-sided mainsheet guide based on the German-Cupper model. As standard, the Dufour 390 is only equipped with a self-tacking jib. At least in the prevailing test conditions, the boat would undoubtedly be significantly under-rigged.

Permanently attached bowsprit

The sensible alternative for light wind conditions is the rollable Code Zero. To this end, Dufour is now fitting a fixed bowsprit to the younger generation of yachts right from the shipyard, which also serves as an anchor bracket. On the Dufour 390, the trunk protrudes around 75 centimetres beyond the tip of the bow. Sporty sailors can also attach a gennaker to it for more performance in rough winds.

The sheets for the genoa and main run along the coaming on both sides onto the winches in front of the steering wheels, where they are operated alternately. This means that the double-reefed mainsheet must be stopped before each tack and placed on the winch on the windward side. Although this requires some practice and preparation for the manoeuvres, it ultimately works quite well, even for single-handed sailors. However, as there is always plenty of sheet material in the helmsman's area, additional line slips would be highly desirable.

The halyards, reefing and trim lines are led back to the side of the companionway from their organised deflection at the foot of the mast inside the cabin superstructure. The winches and stoppers there could be one size bigger and stronger. The hardware is rather too weak at this point, especially when it comes to putting the halyards through.

The hull of the Dufour 390 is built in full GRP laminate with an outer barrier layer of vinylester gelcoat. The shipyard offers a ten-year guarantee against osmosis, whereas the industry standard is only five years. The deck is manufactured using a double-shell vacuum injection process with a foam core. The compact design ensures good thermal and acoustic insulation.

Dufour Yachts continues to dispense with the installation of a collision bulkhead in the foredeck, not only on the 390 model, but on all boats in the range up to 46 feet. Although a safety bulkhead between the forepeak and the forward cabin is not mandatory according to CE standards, it is recommended by certifiers.

It is also advisable to upgrade the built-in engine. As standard, the Dufour 390 is equipped with the three-cylinder engine with 30 hp from Volvo Penta. The test boat is optionally fitted with the smoother-running four-cylinder engine with 40 hp. With this and a three-blade folding propeller, the Frenchwoman manages 6.6 knots at cruising speed (80 per cent of maximum speed) in calm water. Despite more engine power, this figure is not particularly high, but this may also be due to the bow thruster not being fully retracted.

The engine is properly soundproofed. The noise levels in all living areas below deck are in the average range.

More than the others

The three-cabin, three-wetroom version of the Dufour 390, which is still unprecedented in the eleven-metre length class, is interesting for the charter business. The compromise here means that the shipyard has to install the galley as a long row in the saloon, which drastically reduces the space in the seating area. Three or a maximum of four people can then sit at the table on one side. In the standard version (test boat), at least six or seven people can sit comfortably around the saloon table, which can be opened up on both sides.

The standard version of the 390 comes with three cabins and two bathrooms, which is already unusual compared to the competition; three cabins yes, but only one toilet room - that is the class standard for the competition. Dufour gains the advantage with an extremely spacious forward cabin. Thanks to the main bulkhead, which is laminated far aft, the shipyard is able to realise a separate bathroom for the owners at the front, which is still a reasonable size. It is interesting to note that the dimensions of the forward berth are still well above average. At shoulder height, the width of the berth is more than two metres, which is unusual even on much larger vessels. The strikingly voluminous hull shape in the forward area makes this possible in the first place.

The aft cabin is symmetrically divided for the three-cabin vessel. With a width at shoulder height of 1.64 metres, the berths here are also larger than average for a ship of this length with two double cabins in the stern. Two additional passengers can spend the night on the sofa berths in the saloon. Here too, the berths are large enough and the beautifully made upholstery is suitable for this. In addition, the small navigation table on the port side can be lowered with a flick of the wrist, which increases the berth area even further or provides additional seating.

As a third layout variant, the Dufour 390 can be ordered with just one transverse cabin aft. The shipyard uses the remaining volume for a larger and deeper forecastle as well as for a separate shower area in the aft heads compartment.

The test boat is finished in light-coloured and matt lacquered teak. Alternatively, customers can also opt for the slightly darker Moabi mahogany or for significantly lighter oak wood. The grain runs horizontally throughout in all variants, which creates a sophisticated look and provides even more perceived volume, especially in the saloon. The many large windows on the superstructure and in the hull bathe the attractive interior in a bright and pleasant light during the day. There are also plenty of hatches in all living areas for exemplary ventilation options below deck.

Exciting alternative

With a base price of 254,040 euros (as of 8/2023) for the basic version of the boat, the Dufour 390 is slightly more expensive than the competition. However, the buyer can benefit from a whole range of functionally combined equipment packages, which combine financial advantages over the individual options that can be selected.

Anyone looking for a boat in the 38-foot (eleven metre) length segment should also consider the Dufour 390, which offers the buyer more flexibility and individuality than many of its competitors. Unfortunately, the many annoying processing deficiencies in the first production boat spoil the good overall impression. However, the knowledge that Dufour can do better is reassuring. The shipyard has proven this many times over.

This article first appeared in YACHT 23/2018 and has been revised for this online version.

The measured values for the test of the Dufour 390:

Bild 1

Technical data

  • Design engineer: Felci Yacht Design
  • CE design category: A
  • Torso length: 11,20 m
  • Width: 3,99 m
  • Draught/alternative: 1,95/1,50 m
  • Weight: 7,7 t
  • Ballast/proportion: 2,1 t/27 %
  • Mainsail: 40,0 m2
  • Standard self-tacking jib: 25,0 m2
  • machine (Volvo P.): 22 kW/30 P

Hull and deck construction

  • Hull: GRP full laminate in hand lay-up
  • Deck: GRP sandwich with foam core, built with vacuum injection
  • Base price ex shipyard: 254,040 euros, gross incl. 19% VAT, incl. sails
  • Guarantee/against osmosis 2/10 years

Prices as of 08/2023, as the prices shown are defined, you will find here !

  • Dufour Yachts
  • 17187 Périgny (France)
  • www.dufour-yachts.com
  • Distribution: Dealer network

YACHT rating

Uncompromising tourer with a considerable volume for an unusual variety of possible layout variations with up to three cabins and three toilet compartments. Slightly more expensive than the competition

Design and concept

  • + Remarkable expansion diversity
  • + Solid construction for hull and deck
  • - No collision bulkhead provided

Sailing performance and trim

  • + Agile and lively on the rudder
  • + Functioning deck layout
  • - With self-tacking jib under rigged

Living and finishing quality

  • + Large foredeck with own wet room
  • + Many and easily accessible storage compartments
  • - Test ship with expansion deficiencies

Equipment and technology

  • + Garage for sprayhood
  • - Weak standard motorisation
  • Bavaria C38 in the test: New mid-range sails with easy handling and course stability
  • Hanse 388: The easy-to-sail cruising yacht put to the test
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Dufour Yachts

164400€ (Ex. VAT)

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dufour 390 saloon

Key Highlights

Yacht Review & Polar diagram

New hull design - wink to Exclusive range

New hull design – wink to Exclusive range The 390 Grand Large presents the next generation of Dufour Grand Large hulls.The signature of Umberto Felci, with the recent innovations inspired from the Dufour Exclusive range, is distinguished by the bulwarks integration and the magnificent hull recess.Furthermore, the important front volume and modern aft shines lines make this hull more spacious and performant.

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P.C (from the U.K)

Considering buying the Dufour 390 Grand Large ? Here’s some additional information regarding yacht charter ownership and management.

What is yacht ownership?

You can own a boat in the traditional way, you can own a shared yacht with a friend, or you can own a yacht in charter. Either you do all the work yourself or someone else takes care of the yacht management. There are as many ways to own a boat as there are people, and there is a lot to take into account. Can you make money chartering a yacht? What is a yacht programme? What is fractional yachting? Get answers to these questions and advice on yacht ownership! Get in touch now!

Pros of owning a yacht

Instead of worrying about the type, availability or the cost of yacht charter – you can own a yacht and even earn from it! An option to consider is fractional yacht ownership, where you have a share in the boat – you share the yacht costs and the proceeds with others. Owning a charter boat relieves you from the maintenance, helps you to offset the costs, gives you a chance to sail in different locations… If you don’t believe us, you can read charter yacht ownership reviews from real boat owners! There are plenty out there.

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yacht dufour 390


2021 Dufour 390

Dufour 390

Swans Yacht Sales

New hull design – wink to Exclusive range

The 390 Grand Large presents the next generation of Dufour Grand Large hulls.

The signature of Umberto Felci, with the recent innovations inspired from the Dufour Exclusive range, is distinguished by the bulwarks

integration and the magnificent hull recess.

Furthermore, the important front volume and modern aft shines lines make this hull more spacious and performant

Let us help you select your new Dufour Yacht. Contact one of our sales team to discuss how we can help.

There are dozens of details to think about when selecting your new Dufour Yacht and hundreds of options.

We have a long standing relationship with the manufacturer and are here to help you navigate and personalize your investment. 

Hull development

The research that is at the base of the new Dufour 390 Grand Large hull has led to optimizing the ratio between the maximum navigation efficiency and the need to offer ever greater and better exploitable interior volumes.

The new hull, wide and flat, which finds its maximum expression downwind, is however very performing even upwind, thanks above all to the new “stern to bow” hull volumes development.

New deck design - complete modernization

The new deck design is a prowess of balance between stunning aesthetic, correct dimension of each area and ingeniosity to integrate new functions. 

The roof proportions have evolved in comparison with Grand Large predecessors and now offer more interior space while conserving pleasant sidedeck width, as distinction value of Dufour sail yachts.

Exterior equipment - increasing standard

The D390 shows a consistent evolution of her standard equipments.

Among the novelties, we distinguish the elegant pod consoles, the sublime ladder integrated in the aft platform, the double batten companion way and the led dressing all around the deck.

yacht dufour 390


Overall length

11.94 m

Waterline length

10.50 m

Hull length

11.19 m

Max beam

3.99 m

Light displacement

7700 kg


1.95 m (1.75 m opt.)

Keel weight

2100 kg

Fuel tank capacity

200 L

Water tank capacity

380 L

Engine power

30 cv (40 cv opt.)

Sail area

66.5 m²


36.6 m²


29.9 m²


yacht dufour 390

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Dufour 390 Grand Large

Dufour 390 Grand Large

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Dufour 390 Bella I

Dufour 390 "Bella I"

The Sailing yacht Dufour 390 „Bella I“ , built in 2022 , is moored at the Pitter Yacht Charter Base in Marina Kornati Croatia, Biograd - Croatia . The yacht has 3 cabins , can accomodate 8 persons and has 2 toilet(s) and 2 shower(s) .

The Dufour 390 „Bella I“ is equipped with a full batten mainsail and a furling/roll genoa as well as a Bimini top, Autopilot, Sprayhood, Heating, Teak cockpit , GPS chart plotter - cockpit , Battery storage system .

The Dufour 390 „Bella I“ offers special comfort with the following equipment features: Bow thruster , Cockpit cushions, Inverter , Solar panels , Cockpit grill.

Yacht specifications

Standard yacht equipment, additional equipment, gallery exterior & interior.

Dufour 390 Bella I

Prices and availability

September 2024, october 2024, november 2024, december 2024, january 2025, february 2025, august 2025, september 2025, october 2025, november 2025, december 2025.

Marina Kornati Croatia, Biograd, Croatia

Marina Kornati Croatia, Biograd, Croatia

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Dufour 48 sailboat

An innovative luxury yacht of almost 15 metres.

The Dufour 48 yacht offers an unparalleled experience and promotes living in the great outdoors, a return to the ocean. This luxury 15- meter sailing yacht reveals an aft cockpit that guarantees instinctive, safe and convivial sailing. A new feature is a second cockpit with sunbathing areas forward on the yacht, offering unrivalled comfort both under way and at anchor.

With the Dufour 48, the shipyard is continuing to innovate, again and again. The DNA of the Dufour brand has been preserved to offer owners the performance and comfort they deserve. The teams’ extensive know-how and experience promise a robust, efficient yacht for all types of boating.

Dufour 48 - Smart Electric
Smart Elec PackEngines27 Kw
Fixed propeller/
Battery park (lithium battery)27 Kw/h
Generator11 Kw
Interface monitoring/
OptionsImproved batteries32 Kw/h
12V/230V converter6 Kw
Hydrogeneration1,5 kw
Folding propellerTBC
Quick charger6 Kw


The Dufour 48 luxury yacht has been designed for enjoying the fresh air on the ocean. Life on board is comfortable at all times, both below deck and outside.

The aft cockpit has been redesigned to offer significant space. When under way, moving around on board is simple and natural. Two tables provide a splendid spot for enjoying meals or simply relaxing at anchor.

What would a Dufour be without its aft platform? Once again equipped with a plancha grill, it comes with a host of new features. It’s a genuine outdoor galley, equipped with all the essentials.

To complete the layout, the Dufour 48 has a second cockpit, this time, forward. Here, a sun lounger can be installed for unforgettable moments of relaxation at anchor or under way.


The design of the Dufour 48 sailboat has been redrawn by naval architect Umberto Felci of Felci Yachts Design. The lines are fluid and the boat offers a great amount of volume. The usual coachroof glazing has been redesigned as longitudinal windows with integrated opening hatches.


Already a focal point aboard previous models of the Dufour 48, light is once again a major feature. The coachroof’s full-length windows provide constant light, which is diffused throughout the interior saloon and galley.

When the mattresses from the sun loungers are removed from the forward cockpit, large windows are revealed, letting in even more light to the yacht’s interior.


Depending on which version of the Dufour 48 sailboat you choose, all the furniture has been optimised to ensure unrivalled comfort. If you choose the forward or lateral galley, there is always plenty of storage space provided.

Dedicated interior saloon tables have been created by interior designer Ardizio Design. These are optimised for the three- and four-cabin versions.

In the cabins, blackout blinds are integrated directly into the ceiling. So, despite the brightness of the boat, you won’t be disturbed by the very first rays of daybreak.

yacht dufour 390






2 or 3

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


yacht dufour 390






2, 3 or 4

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


yacht dufour 390






2 or 3

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


yacht dufour 390






2, 3 or 4

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


yacht dufour 390

Technical specs

yacht dufour 390


  • Architect: Felci Yacht Design
  • Interior Designer: Ardizio Design
  • Deck construction: Injection

Technical specifications

  • Overall length 50.2 ft - 15.29 m
  • Waterline length 43.10 ft - 12.23 m
  • Hull length 46.12 ft - 14.32 m
  • Max beam 15.11 ft - 4.85 m
  • Light displacement 28 652 lbs - 13 000 kg
  • Draft 5.9 ft - 1.75 m / 7.99 ft - 2.35 m
  • Keel weight 8 375 lbs - 3800 kg
  • Fuel tank capacity 66 gal - 250 L
  • Water tank capacity 140 gal - 530 L
  • Engine power 60 cv / 60 hp
  • Sail area /

In the Press

The dufour 41, a sailboat already acclaimed with 4 international nominations, cruising world – #dufour470 #dufour61 – march 2022 (english), voile magazine – #dufour470 – march 2022 (french), voile magazine – #dufour32 – january 2022 (french), are you interested in the dufour 48 sailboat.

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Cruising World Logo

Sailboat Review: Dufour 41

  • By Herb McCormick
  • September 17, 2024

Dufour 41

When it comes to a discussion of the great European naval architects of contemporary times—and it’s a long list, indeed—certain names immediately pop to mind. Many are French. Philippe Briand made his mark creating boats for a roster of production builders (Baltic, Jeanneau, CNB) before pivoting to the superyacht set (Perini Navi, Royal Huisman). Jean-Marie Finot was more or less the father of an era of the best Vendée Globe solo round-the-world racers ever to compete in that grueling contest. Marc Van Peteghem and Vincent Lauriot Prévost (VPLP Design) are the current masters of offshore multihulls. The talented tandem of Jean Berret and Olivier Racoupeau are ubiquitous as the creators of many French brands, and sit at the forefront of their profession. 

To me, however, one of the more underrated European ­design mavens, and one who definitely belongs in that rarefied grouping, is Umberto Felci. While Felci was born in Milan and still operates from his base in Italy, I’ve always considered him a huge influence in French ­boatbuilding­—largely because of his longtime association with Dufour Yachts, where he’s been the principal designer for some 15 years. 

During that time, I’ve sailed many a Felci boat, as he’s been a consistent presence in Cruising World ’s annual Boat of the Year contest . He has won multiple times with his Dufour entries, including the 560 Grand Large (2014), the 382 Grand Large (2015), and the 520 Grand Large (2018). All of these Grand Large boats shared a similar DNA, and the Dufour booths at the major boat shows were easily ­recognizable for their similar lines and matching beige canvas dodgers and sail covers. The only huge difference across the fleet was their respective sizes.

All that changed in a big way in 2019, after the Fountaine Pajot group acquired Dufour and decided to make each new offering a singular model in form and styling. Which brings us to Felci’s newest design, the Dufour 41. 

Dufour 41

Aesthetically, it’s safe to say that the bright-blue Dufour 41 at this past year’s Annapolis Sailboat Show in Maryland was one of the more distinctive-looking yachts on display. It has a rounded bow, ample beam, and not one but two chines, both carried almost the entire length of the boat—one just above the waterline, another just below the reverse sheer line, which is accentuated by prominent molded bulwarks. This boat looks and feels much larger than its 41 feet length overall. Forward, an integrated bowsprit for the ground tackle and the tack point for the asymmetric kite heightens the futuristic vibe. As does the series of three sleek windows in the hull (along with the additional pair of windows overhead in the coachroof). There is not a stick of timber to be found anywhere. 

Topsides, the ­combination of wide side decks and outboard shrouds makes for easy egress when moving forward or aft. The emphasis on “outdoor living” is underscored by a generous cockpit with twin wheels (but, as with all Dufours, a single rudder, which makes backing down easier and with more control). There’s also wraparound seating, including a cushioned daybed, as well as a drop-down transom, which doubles as the porch/platform for the barbecue well aft. All this is revolved around a table—a pretty sweet, comfortable layout that lends the impression of lounging aboard a much bigger boat. 

All the related equipment is first-rate. There’s B&G instrumentation, including the chart plotter and autopilot; a Quick vertical windlass with helm controls for the Delta anchor; and a Side-Power (Sleipner) bow thruster, which I reckon is a luxurious touch on a 41-footer. Our test boat was set up with a nice set of Elvstrøm sails, including a traditional mainsail (an in-mast furling mainsail is available) with a cool stack-pack arrangement that tucks into itself and is secured with shock cords. For our Boat of the Year trials, we test all the emergency rudders, and the one on the 41 was exceptional. 

Construction is straightforward and robust. The hull is vacuum-infused with solid glass below the waterline and a foam core above. There are a pair of molded-in channels for the plumbing and electrical wiring. The plywood bulkheads are laminated to the hull. The keel is cast iron. And, as with every Dufour going back to the company’s origins, a wine rack is stashed under the floorboards. 

Ardizio Design is ­responsible for the belowdecks accoutrements, accommodations and floor plan. Its team used those aforementioned chines and, more specifically, the voluminous interior that the chines created, to wide advantage. As with Dufour’s other models, there are three packages of features, trim and equipment—on the 41, these are labeled Adventure, Ocean and Performance—depending on how the boat will be used (basic sailing, dedicated cruising or racing). With the 41, there are also two interior options: either three or four staterooms. Both have a straight-line galley to starboard, with the dining table and wraparound settee to port.

Dufour 41 galley

Our test boat had the three-stateroom layout, with a spacious master forward and a pair of double-berth staterooms aft. It also had three heads, which, to be honest, seems like a bit of overkill on a 41-foot boat. The second head, in the center of the boat, can be replaced with stowage, which is the setup I’d prefer. 

The 41 sports a double-­spreader rig with swept-back spreaders and a self-­tacking jib. The double-ended German-style mainsheet, anchored at midboom, is easily trimmed with a pair of electric winches (an optional electric winch for the mainsail is ­available). There’s no traveler; after all, this is a cruising boat. 

Under power, the 50 hp Volvo Penta with a saildrive configuration had us zipping along at better than 6 knots. This was one of the quieter boats, decibel-wise, in the 2024 fleet. But we were all itching to hoist the sails, and we were not disappointed. At first, in a fitful breeze that was just filling in, we still made over 5 knots in 6 to 8 knots of wind. Soon enough, the pressure built into the 10- to 12-knot range, just in time to hoist the boat’s big asymmetric kite. On a tight reach, we made an effortless 7.5 knots, and the helm was just delightful, with only a light three-finger touch required for full control. 

The new Dufour 41 from Dufour Yachts shipyard, in Palma

Those Grand Large prizewinners from years past were, of course, all Felci designs. While this new Dufour looks absolutely nothing like its older siblings, it sails just as well, if not better. Felci may have changed the recipe under the company’s new regime, but he hasn’t forgotten that what we really want is pretty simple: We want to go for a fine sail.

Dufour 41 Specifications

Draft 6’1″
Sail Area792 sq. ft.
Displacement21,647 lb.
Water66 gal.
Fuel66 gal.
EngineVolvo Penta 50 hp with saildrive
DesignFelci Yacht Design

Did You Know?

French boatbuilders were pioneers in fiberglass-sailboat manufacturing. Naval architect/engineer Michel Dufour joined their ranks in 1964 with the launching of the Sylphe, a radical (for its time) 21-foot pocket cruiser with a masthead rig and fin keel with attached ballast bulb. More than 400 were built in a 10-year production run.

Dufour has ramped up its introduction of new models in the past five years, and now has nine in production ranging from 37 to 61 feet, with a 44-footer on tap to be introduced in the United States this fall. Of that collection, the company’s 41, 470 and 530 are all available with electric auxiliary-propulsion options.

Dufour has laid out an aggressive growth strategy, planning to introduce two models each year for the next several years, and replacing its entire fleet within four years. As for the 41, a company representative said that about a third of the run will go to private owners, a third will be purchased by charter operators, and a third will go into charter-management programs.

Herb McCormick is a CW editor-at-large and was a 2024 Boat of the Year judge.

  • More: Boat of the Year , dufour yachts , Print September 2024 , Sailboat Reviews , Sailboats
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  3. Sailing boats for sale Dufour 390

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  4. Dufour 390 Grand Large Standard

    The Dufour 390 Grand Large is a 36'8" (11.19m) cruising sailboat designed by Felci Yachts (Italy). She is built since 2018 by Dufour (France). The Dufour 390 Grand Large is as well listed, on Boat-Specs.com, in Shoal draft version (see all the versions compared). Find out more about the Dufour 390 Grand Large on Boat-Spec's blog: European Yacht of the Year 2019 nominated sailboats.


    DUFOUR 390 GRAND LARGE. Save to Favorites . Beta Marine. BOTH. US IMPERIAL. METRIC. Sailboat Specifications Definitions Hull Type: Fin w/bulb & spade rudder ... The LWL will increase as the yacht sinks into the water with the added weight of stores and equipment. BEAM: This is the greatest width of the hull and is often expressed as Beam (Max ...

  6. Dufour 390: Prices, Specs, Reviews and Sales Information

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  15. Dufour 390 GL

    Dufour 390 GL - Balearic Islands | Dream Yacht Worldwide. Discover the perfect sailing grounds and vast diversity of America's coast. Relax by crystal clear waters on some of the finest beaches in the world. Explore scenic cruising grounds and experience challenging sailing conditions.

  16. Sailing yacht Dufour 390 „Bella I" for charter in Marina Kornati

    2.620 €. 1.913 €. The Sailing yacht Dufour 390 „Bella I", built in 2022, is moored at the Pitter Yacht Charter Base in Marina Kornati Croatia, Biograd - Croatia. The yacht has 3 cabins, can accomodate 8 persons and has 2 toilet (s) and 2 shower (s).

  17. 15m sailing yacht Dufour 48

    AN INNOVATIVE LUXURY YACHT OF ALMOST 15 METRES. The Dufour 48 yacht offers an unparalleled experience and promotes living in the great outdoors, a return to the ocean. This luxury 15- meter sailing yacht reveals an aft cockpit that guarantees instinctive, safe and convivial sailing. A new feature is a second cockpit with sunbathing areas forward on the yacht, offering unrivalled comfort both ...

  18. Sailboat Review: Dufour 41

    Making full use of its 14-foot beam, the Dufour 41 has a large, bright interior. Courtesy Dufour Yachts. Our test boat had the three-stateroom layout, with a spacious master forward and a pair of double-berth staterooms aft. It also had three heads, which, to be honest, seems like a bit of overkill on a 41-foot boat.

  19. Dufour 390 Grand Large boats for sale

    Find Dufour 390 Grand Large boats for sale in your area & across the world on YachtWorld. Offering the best selection of Dufour boats to choose from. ... 2022 Dufour Grand Large 390. Request price. Yacht Sales West Inc. | Vancouver, British Columbia. 2023 Dufour 390 Grand Large. US$314,607. US $2,679/mo. ESY | Fountaine Pajot | Dufour Yachts ...

  20. Yacht Dufour 390 La Luz (33313)

    Compact sail boat Dufour 390 La Luz. To rent from Fethiye - Yacht Classic Hotel - Turkey. This three cabins boat takes on board 7 persons. Was built in 2022. Small boat 11.94 m length. Rating 7/10. Boat is managed by LoveSail.net with 21 yachts fleet. This small yacht is the ideal choice for families with children, small groups of friends and ...

  21. Dufour 390 GL

    Your own private yacht for an all-inclusive luxury sailing vacation. Easy Crewed. The simplest, hassle-free way to charter a crewed private yacht. Cabins charters. ... Dufour 390 GL. Show all photos. Show all photos. Dufour 390 GL Le Marin - Martinique - Caribbean. Dates. Price. $0.00 *excluding mandatory services. See Quote.

  22. Preowned sailboats for sale under 25 feet

    Preowned sailboats for sale under 25 feet preowned sailboats for sale by owner.

  23. 390 Reed St, Santa Clara, CA

    View detailed information and reviews for 390 Reed St in Santa Clara, CA and get driving directions with road conditions and live traffic updates along the way. Search MapQuest. Hotels. Food. Shopping. Coffee. Grocery. Gas. 390 Reed St. Share. More. Directions Advertisement.

  24. 390 N Winchester Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050

    390 N Winchester Blvd, Santa Clara CA, is a Apartment home that contains 99642 sq ft and was built in 1965. The Rent Zestimate for this Apartment is $2,962/mo, which has decreased by $232/mo in the last 30 days.

  25. Boats for sale in California

    Motorized yachts are more common than sailing vessels in California with 2,068 powerboats listed for sale right now, versus 722 listings for sailboats. Yacht prices in California. Prices for yachts in California start at $11,260 for the lowest priced boats, up to $4,200,000 for the most luxurious, opulent superyachts and megayachts, with an ...