Willkommen im Yacht–Shop!

Alles für den wassersport im yachthafen finkenwerder, bestellen sie jetzt in unserem click&collect shop, anfahrt & kontakt.

Rüschweg 27 21129 Hamburg E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: 040 - 31761277 zur Karte

Anfahrt zum Yacht-Shop

Im Jahr 2010 entschlossen wir uns näher an unseren Kunden "dran" zu sein und verlagerten das Ladengeschäft daher nach Hamburg Finkenwerder auf die "Heuer-Werft". Also Mitten im Yachthafen.

Heute bieten wir nicht nur das gesamte Wassersportzubehör-Programm, sondern auch alle Arten von Ersatzteilen z.B. für den Außenborder an. Auch die Herstellung von auf Maß angefertigten Produkten wie z.B. Festmacher, Fallen, Wanten, Relingsdrähten und vielem mehr, gehören zum umfassenden Lieferprogramm. Der Yacht-Shop Finkenwerder ist eine Abteilung der Lippmann German Ropes .

Ihr Michael Siemonsen-Lippmann

yacht shop hamburg

Moin und herzlich Wilkommen bei uns an Board

Wir vom Yachthandel Hamburg begrüßen Sie auf unserer Website! Sehr gern begleiten wir Sie auf der Suche nach Ihrem neuen Traumschiff. Wir bieten Ihnen dazu eine vielseitige Auswahl von neuen Yachten der Werften Viko und Mariner in unserer ständigen Ausstellung. Darüber hinaus finden Sie in unserem Freilager eine große Auswahl gebrauchter Yachten. Außerdem bieten wir Ihnen sämtliche Services rund um Ihre Yacht – von Reparaturen oder Instandsetzungen über Yachttransporte bis zum Verkauf Ihres Gebrauchtbootes.

yacht shop hamburg

Neue Modelle im Fokus

Das neue Flaggschiff Viko Yachts. Italienisches Design zu einem unschlagbaren Preis.

yacht shop hamburg

Viko Yachts kleinstes Modell. Einhandsegelbares und familientaugliches Raumwunder auf 21 Fuß.

yacht shop hamburg

Moderne Linien und leichtes Handling. Eine trailerbare Yacht auf 26 Fuß!

yacht shop hamburg

Aktuelle Lager- und Gebrauchtbote

Card image cap

Sealine SC35

194.900 EUR inkl. MwST

Card image cap

Nimbus Olsen 26

4.500 EUR inkl. MwST

Card image cap

6.000 EUR inkl. MwST

Yachten im Angebot

yacht shop hamburg

114.900 EUR

yacht shop hamburg

Unsere Leistungen rund um Ihr Schiff


Ihr Traum auf der Straße durch Deutschland und ganz Europa. Für jedes Boot haben wir das entsprechende Fahrzeug.


Holen Sie sich von unserem Partner ein maßgeschneidertes Angebot zur Finanzierung Ihrer Traumyacht ein. Einfach und schnell.


Ein kompetenter Partner ist Gold wert! Von unserem Partner Pantaenius erhalten Sie auf Sie zugeschnittene Versicherungslösungen.


Mit uns bleiben Sie länger auf dem Wasser! Wir treffen mit Ihnen optimale Vereinbarungen und sorgen für die Zukunft vor.

In unserem Downloadbereich finden Sie Informationsmaterial unserer Neuyachten, sowie Ersatzteillisten rund um Viko-, Mariner- und Etap-Yachten.

yacht shop hamburg

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Ihr Ausrüster für traditionelle Schiffe und klassische Yachten


SMM 2024

Besuchen Sie TOPLICHT auf der SMM

TOPLICHT nimmt an der diesjährigen SMM Messe teil, die vom 3. bis zum 6. September 2024 in Hamburg stattfindet. Die SMM ist die international führende Fachmesse der maritimen Wirtschaft. Kommen Sie vorbei am Stand 355 in Halle B6! Wir freuen uns auf Sie.


Finde den passenden Job

Jeden Tag mit schönen Schiffen zu tun haben? Das geht bei TOPLICHT. Komm zu uns in den Einkauf oder in den Vertrieb, werde Category Manager:in, arbeite im Kundenservice oder beginne im Quereinstieg. Wir finden garantiert den passenden Job für dich.

Hamburg Yachtfestival

Hamburg Yachtfestival

TOPLICHT steht für Sie bereit auf der neuen Hamburger IN-WATER BOAT SHOW. Unter dem Motto “Boating! Live!” können Sie die Welt des Wassersports hautnah erleben. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch.

2577*34 HEMPEL ECOPOWER Racing biozidfrei

Schnelle Lieferung

Damit Sie zeitnah wieder aufs Wasser kommen, wird Ihr Paket schnellstmöglich versendet - oft bereits am gleichen Tag.


Keine Frage ist zu kniffelig: Lassen Sie sich persönlich und individuell beraten.

Großes Sortiment

Alles, was Sie für Ihr Boot brauchen, finden Sie in unserem ausgewählten und einzigartigen Sortiment.

Unser Ladengeschäft

Hereinspaziert! Stöbern, anfassen, ausprobieren – wir freuen uns auf ein Fachgespräch!

Fachmännische Crew

Reden Sie mit Handwerkern, Bootsbauern und Seglern. Wir verstehen Ihre Fragen und geben die passende Antwort.

Handfeger und Schaufel für SALAMANDER SE und LITTLE RANGE

TOPLICHT – Schiffsausrüster aus Hamburg

Das traditionelle Familienunternehmen TOPLICHT wurde 1981 gegründet und hat sich vom Szene-Geheimtipp zur festen Institution im Bereich der Schiffs- und Bootsausrüstung etabliert. Mit mehr als 35 Jahren Erfahrung als Schiffsausrüster, erhalten Sie bei uns kompetente Beratung und finden auf jeden Fall das richtige Schiffszubehör oder Material. Da wir selbst über langjährige Erfahrung als Segler, Seeleute oder Handwerker verfügen, finden Sie so einen Ansprechpartner auf Augenhöhe, der mit voller Leidenschaft für Sie da ist.

Wir haben uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, als traditioneller Schiffsausrüster so gut wie alle Kundenwünsche erfüllen zu können. So umfasst unser Sortiment mehr als 15.000 Ausrüstungsteile für den Wassersport. Deshalb finden Sie bei uns alles, was der klassische Bootsbauer, der traditionelle Schiffseigner oder auch der Skipper einer modernen Yacht oder eines Regattabootes benötigt, wie z.B. Decksbeschläge, Klampen, Winschen, Bullaugen, Riggbeschläge, Tauwerk, Dyneema und Draht, handgefertigte Blöcke aus Holz, moderne kugelgelagerte Blöcke, Anker, Ketten, Ankerwinden, Farben, Lacke und Imprägnierungen, Antifouling, Bootsbau- und Takelwerkzeug, Messingbeschläge für den Innenausbau, alles für die Pantry, Kocher und Backöfen, Schiffsöfen und -heizungen, Petroleumlampen, Schiffsuhren, Navigationsinstrumente und Sicherheitsausrüstung sowie Fachbücher, Seekarten und handverlesene Spezialliteratur über traditionelle Seemannschaft, Schiffstechnik, Motoren und Bootspflege. Auch der Besitzer eines Wohnmobils, eines Wohnwagens, eines Tiny Houses oder ein Camper mit seinem Zelt wird bei uns nützliches für das Outdoor Leben finden. Selbstverständlich führen wir eine vielzahl von Maritimen Geschenken.

Online-Shop für traditionelle Schiffe und klassische Yachten

In unserem Online-Shop für Schiffsausrüstung und Bootsausrüstung, aber auch für Yachtausrüstung und Segelausrüstung und auch für den Regattasport, finden Sie das garantiert das passende Schiffszubehör, dass Sie zum Bau, der Restaurierung, den Erhalt und Betrieb traditioneller Schiffe oder klassischer Yachten benötigen. Des Weiteren umfasst unser Sortiment alles, was Sie für eine erstklassige Ausrüstung Ihres geliebten Schiffes brauchen. Neben Schiffs- und Bootausrüstung und Material für den Schiffsbau, bieten wir Ihnen zudem eine Vielzahl an Artikeln für die Schiffstechnik, Sicherheit & Personensicherung sowie Schiffsausrüstung für die Berufsschifffahrt und Werkzeuge für den Bootsbau. Selbstverständlich finden Sie in unserem Shop auch eine große Auswahl an Fachliteratur, Seekarten sowie Romane und Bildbände aus der maritimen Bücherecke.

Ladengeschäft für Schiffsausrüstung mit Kultstatus

Neben unserem umfangreichen Online-Shop beitreiben wir auch ein Ladengeschäft für Schiffsausrüstung in Hamburg. In unserem Laden, der seit langem Kultstatus erreicht hat, können Sie alle Artikel und Produkte für traditionelle Schiffe und klassische Yachten in Ruhe begutachten, prüfen und sich von der hervorragenden Qualität überzeugen. Unser Geschäft befindet sich in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld, wenige Minuten von der Autobahn-Ausfahrt Bahrenfeld entfernt. Bei uns finden Sie alles, was der traditionsbewusste Schiffseigner vom Schiffsaurüster erwartet, auch der Segler eines modernen Bootes oder der Regattasegler werden Bootszubehör bei uns finden. Wer sich mit dem Bau, der Restaurierung, der Erhaltung und dem Betrieb traditioneller Schiffe und klassischer Yachten beschäftigt, oder die beste Ausrüstung für sein geliebtes Schiff sucht, findet bei uns das richtige Material und die kompetente Beratung. Viele unserer Artikel eignen sich auch für den Ausbau eines Wohnmobils, Wohnwagens oder Tiny Houses. Für Ihre Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung. Besuchen Sie uns, wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Rigg & Segel

Rigg und Segel sind die Komponenten, die Ihr Segelschiff in Fahrt bringen. In unserem Shop finden Sie alle Komponenten, die Sie für die Instanthaltung der Takelage benötigen. Wir bieten in ein große Anzahl Schiffzubehör für alle gängigen Rigging-Methoden. Blöcke & Rollen vom Hersteller, Davey , Barton , Selden oder HS-Sprenger , Gleitkauschen, Schäkel von Wichard , Karabiner & Haken, Stagreiter & Lögel und Kauschen, Draht & Wantenspanner aus verschiedenen Materialien und in unterschiedlichen Ausführungen. Zudem umfangreiches Schiffs- und Bootszubehör für Mast & Baum. Natürlich erhalten sie bei uns auch das passende Takelwerkzeug von D-Splicer oder Selma , Loewen Messer und Segelmacherwerkzeug sowie Belegnägel und Splinte & Bolzen. Zudem finden Sie in der Kategorie "Rigg & Segel" eine Vielzahl an Segeltüchern aus Duradon, Planen und weiteres Segelzubehör. Auch unterschiedliche Bootmansstühle, Windanzeiger und Verklicker finden Sie hier.

Tauwerk & Bändsel

Selbstverständlich führen wir auch Tauwerk und Bändsel für Segelyachten sowie aber auch für alle Anforderung anderer Schiffstypen. Wir verkaufen Fallen und Schoten von Gleistein , Robline , Liros , Greenline und Teufelsberger. So finden Sie in unserer Kategorie "Tauwerk & Bändsel" Leinen, Seile und Bändsel für unterschiedliche Beanspruchungen sowie die verschiedensten Einsatzzwecke. Sie finden aber bestimmt auch das passende Produkt für individuelle Anforderungen. Neben traditionellem Tauwerk wie Spleitex und Spunflex, Naturtauwerk und modernem Yachttauwerk auch aus Dyneema, finden Sie in unserem Shop auch Tauwerk, speziell für Berufs- und Arbeitsschiffe. TOPLICHT hat für jeden Einsatzzweck und für jeden Schiffstyp das richtige Tauwerk im Sortiment - in kleinen sowie in großen Durchmessern, meterweise oder gleich als ganze Spule.

Ankern & Festmachen

Neben den klassischen Gewichtsankern finden Sie bei TOPLICHT auch moderne Ankerkonstruktionen, die zu der Kategorie "Anker mit hoher Tragkraft" gezählt werden, wie beispielsweise Rocna Bügelanker und Pflugscharanker. Damit die Schiffsausrüstung auch extremen Wetter- und Seegangsbedingungen standhalten kann, ist neben dem richtigen Anker auch sehr wichtig, dass auch Ankergeschirr, das Ankerspill, Poller, Klampen, die elastischen Festmacherleinen, Decksaugen & Lippen und Fender unbedingt standhalten. In unseren Empfehlungen, die an die Vorschriften des Germanischen Lloyds GL angelehnt sind, können Sie das empfohlene Gewicht für den Anker, die Stärke für Ankerkette, Kettenvorläufer und Schlepp- und Festmacherleinen nachlesen. Diese variieren nämlich je nach Schiffstyp und Konstruktion. Natürlich erhalten Sie bei uns auch mechanische und elektrische Wilmex Ankerwinden und Ketten von Kettenwälder aus verschiedenen Materialien und mit unterschiedlichen Gliedweiten sowie Ankerleinen.

Rumpf & Deck

TOPLICHT hat ebenfalls ein umfangreiches Sortiment, um Ihr Deck individuell zu gestalten und funktionell für den Decksbetrieb auszustatten. Eine Vielzahl verschiedener Deckbeschläge wie Poller, Winsch, Klampe, Handlauf oder Reling finden Sie in unserem Online-Shop in den verschiedensten Materialien und Ausführungen. Zudem führen wir alle nötigen Elemente wie STAZO Steuerräder, Windhutzen, Flettner Lüfter und Lüftungselemente, Fenster und Bullaugen, Flaggen, Den Haan Außenleuchten, DHR Deckscheinwerfer und Positionslichter von Aqua Signal , Peters & Bey und Hella , Schilder und vieles mehr, die sie für alle Funktionalitäten von Rumpf und Deck benötigen und um diese nach Ihren Wünschen zu gestalten. Sie bekommen bei uns auch spezielles Schiffszubehör für Motorboot, Jolle, Optimist & Ruderboot.

Kajüte & Komfort

Ebenso wie das Deck, kann eine Kajüte bei jedem Schiffseigner ganz individuell gestaltet werden. Neben verschiedenen Öfen von Reflex , Taylor oder Dickinson , Bootsheizungen wie Maritime Booster , ENO Herden, Spirituskochern auch für den Campingbedarf, Parker Backöfen und Grills und einer Vielzahl an Instrumenten, zum Beispiel von Barigo oder Schatz können Sie bei uns aus einem umfangreichen Sortiment an elektrischen Leuchten und Petroleum Lampen bekannter Hersteller wie Davey , Foresti , Prebit , Cabin oder Frensch , S & B Innenbeschlägen, Möbelbeschlägen, Riegeln und Verschlüssen sowie Haken wählen und so entscheiden, in welchem Stil Sie den Schiffsinnenraum gestalten wollen. Ob Elemente aus Messing, Chrom oder Edelstahl, bei uns werden Sie auf jeden Fall fündig! In der Kategorie Dit & Dat führen wir eine vielzahl von maritimen Geschenken.

Farben & Bootsbau

Auf einem Boot gibt es immer irgendwas zu tun. Als Spezialist für Schiffsausrüstung haben wir deshalb auch für jede Überholungs- oder Instandsetzungsarbeit die benötigten Materialien, wie West Epoxidharz und Epoxy Spachtel , und Ausrüstung für Sie im Sortiment. So finden Sie Farben & Lacke von Epifanes , Grundierungen, Antifouling von Hempel oder International , Imprägnierungsmittel von Owatrol oder Tonkinois , Reiniger, Yachtcare Polituren, Dichtstoffe wie Ettan, Sika, Bostik, Nägel & Schrauben, Bolzen und vieles mehr in unserem Online-Shop für Bootsausrüstung. Das benötigte Werkzeug von Fein oder Mirca und das passende Bootsbauzubehör für alle Instandsetzungsarbeiten erhalten Sie ebenfalls bei uns. So können Sie trotz des hohen Ausmaßes an Zeit und Arbeit, die die immerwährenden Arbeiten mit sich bringen, entspannt und bestens ausgerüstet loslegen.

Elektrik & Motor

Ein zuverlässiger Schiffsmotor oder Außenborder und eine qualitativ hochwertige Elektroinstallation stellen die Basis für die Sicherheit auf einem Schiff dar. Hierbei müssen regelmäßig eine Vielzahl an Elementen und Systemen geprüft und gewartet werden. Bei TOPLICHT, Ihrem traditionellen Schiffsausstatter, finden Sie alles, was Sie zur Erneuerung Ihres Energie- und Vetus Motorsystems benötigen oder auch um gleich das komplette Motor- oder Energiemanagement zu überarbeiten. Bei uns finden Sie des Weiteren auch viele Elemente - etwa Windgeneratoren, Solarzellen von Solara, entsprechende Laderegler sowie Umformer - um eine komfortable, regenerative Energieversorgung zu realisieren. Wir führen die Marken Victron und Sterling .

Pumpen & Sanitär

In der heutigen Zeit gibt es fast keine Schiffe, Boote oder Yachten mehr, die keine eigene Toilette und keinen eigenen Sanitärbereich besitzen. Besonders beliebt sind die Toiletten von Rheinstrom , Lavac oder Baby Blakes Funktionale Wasch-, Spül- und Sanitärbereiche bieten ein grundlegendes Maß an Komfort und Luxus sowohl auf Booten als auch im Wohnmobil oder Wohnwagen. Im TOPLICHT-Angebot finden Sie Ausstattung und Material für alle sanitären Einbauten über und unter der Wasserlinie. Handpumpen, Pantrypumpen, elektrische WHALE oder MARCO Pumpen für Trink- und Abwasser, Armaturen zur Frischwasserversorgung, Warmwasserbereiter, Tanks, Toiletten, Einfüllstutzen, Ventile und Kugelhähne sowie Schläuche und Leitungen. Wir führen ein großes Sortiment an Fittingen, Tüllen, Muffen und Verbindern zur Borddurchführung von GUIDI und TRUDISIGN.

Sicherheit & Funk

Grundvoraussetzung für das verantwortungsvolle Fahren mit einem Boot ist eine sorgfältige Vorbereitung auf Notfallsituationen. Für den Fall, dass ein Crewmitglied über Board geht, haben wir Secumar und Kadematic Rettungswesten, Rettungsringe und Schwimmhilfen, MOB Rettungsmittel und Bergesysteme, Rettungsleitern und vieles mehr im Angebot. Und auch im Falle einer Havarie, einer Leckage oder Brandes, ist es unabdinglich, optimal für so einen Notfall vorbereitet zu sein. In unserer Shop-Kategorie "Sicherheit & Funk" finden Sie deshalb, Vicking und Plastimo Rettungsinseln, Seenotsignalmittel wie zum Beispiel Signalraketen und Handfackeln, Schallsignale von Marco und Tagessignale, Icom Funkgeräte, Notsender, Radarreflektoren, Suchscheinwerfer und vieles mehr, was zu einer erstklassigen Notfallvorsorge von Nöten ist. Damit auch an Board jederzeit die Sicherheit der Crew gewährleistet ist, finden Sie ebenso Artikel für die Personensicherung wie Wichard Streckleinen, Karabiner und Sicherungsleinen und -gurte. Diese Seenotrettungssysteme bieten wir auch für die Berufsschifffahrt mit den nötigen Zulassungen und Zertifikaten wie SOLAS, Den Norske Veritas-GL, Bureau Veritas, Lloyds Register, RINA und CE-Zertifizierung an. Für Regattasegler bieten wir eine Sicherheitsausrüstung gemäß den Klassenvorschriften und gemäß der ISAF bzw. World Saling Organisation an.

Navigation & Lektüre

Unser Inventar an Bootsausrüstung enthält alles, was sie zu einer zuverlässigen Standortbestimmung benötigen. In unserem Online-Shop finden Sie eine Auswahl an traditionellen Navigationsmitteln wie Sextant, Kompass, Fernglas, Bleilot und Logge. Wir setzen hier auf renommierte Marken wie Cassens & Plath , C. Plath , Silva , Plastimo und Davis . Zur exakten Routenplanung können Sie unsere Seekarten & Revierführer zu Rate ziehen, die Sie ebenfalls in der Shop-Kategorie "Navigation & Lektüre" finden. Zudem bieten wir Ihnen hier eine handverlesene Auswahl an internationalen Buchtiteln aus Schiffshistorie und Bootsbau sowie schöne Bildbände und Handbücher mit viel nützlichem Wissen, Tipps und Informationen rund um die praktische Arbeit am und ums Schiff.


Die in der Berufsschifffahrt benötigte Schiffsausrüstung muss besondere Anforderungen erfüllen und extremen Beanspruchungen gewachsen sein. Die benötigte Bootsausrüstung für Binnenschifffahrt, Fischerei, Seeschifffahrt, Werften und Hafenbetrieben muss hierbei ein Höchstmaß an Zuverlässigkeit, Sicherheit und Qualität garantieren. Wir bieten Ihnen eine große Auswahl an Schiffsausrüstung, die für die gewerbliche Schifffahrt und Onshore- und Offshore-Industrie geprüft, abgenommen, zugelassen und zertifiziert sind und den Regeln nationaler und internationaler Richtlinien & Normen entsprechen wie zum Beispiel SOLAS, Den Norske Veritas-GL, Bureau Veritas, Lloyds Register, RINA und CE.

yacht shop hamburg

am Hamburger Yachthafen – Ihr Fachgeschäft für Yacht- und Bootszubehör in Wedel


Wer mal ein absolut unkonventionelles Fachgeschäft für Yacht- in Bootszubehör kennen lernen möchte, sollte die Yachtprofis Stefan und Jan besuchen. Ein wenig erinnert das Geschäft an die legendären Eisenwarenhandlungen vergangener Zeiten, bei denen der Mann hinter dem Tresen jeden Lagerort und Preis seiner zigtausend Artikel im Kopf hatte. Auch Stefan und Jan holen auf Nachfrage meistens sofort auch exotische Artikel oder Ersatzteile aus irgendeiner Ecke des gut bestückten Ladens.

Der Yachtprofi-Laden wird von den Wassersportlern aus Hamburg und Umgebung nicht nur wegen der großen Kompetenz geschätzt, sondern ist häufig auch ein Treff, wo gern und ausgiebig bei einem Kaffee oder Kakao geschnackt wird.

Technik für Motor- und Segelyachten

In dem Yachtprofi-Fachgeschäft gibt es keine Bekleidung, weil Stefan und Jan sich im Sortiment auf die Technik an Bord von Motor- und Segelyachten konzentrieren. Das merkt man sofort, weil auch komplexe Fragen meistens mit großer Kompetenz und eigener Segelerfahrung beantwortet werden.

Der Schwerpunkt der Yachtprofi-Aktivitäten liegt in der Erhaltung und Optimierung von Yachten. In einer Werkstatt hinter dem Laden werden mit großer Sach- und Fachkunde Wanten, Stagen (bis 16 mm), Seerelingsdrähte und Fallen gewalzt bzw. gepresst, wie z. B. für die SY „Hippopotamus“ von Judith und Sönke Röver.

THALMANN Bootshandel, Bootsservice und Bootsvermietung

  • Wir über uns

THALMANN Boote und Yachten

  • Bootshandel
  • Gebrauchtboote
  • Bootsservice
  • Bootsvermietung
  • Skipper-Training
  • Tidenkalender
  • Datenschutzhinweise

Necko Motorboote

THALMANN Yachthandel in Hamburg

Seit über 50 Jahren gehört THALMANN zu den etablierten Yachthändlern in Deutschland. Egal ob Sie eine gebrauchte Yacht kaufen bzw. verkaufen wollen oder sich eine nagelneue Yacht mit Individualausstattung direkt aus der Werft zulegen möchten. Wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner, wenn es um den Handel mit Segel- & Motoryachten geht! In unserer hauseigenen " Marina Moorfleet " an der Dove-Elbe in Hamburg, mit 700qm Ausstellungshalle und zahlreichen Wasserliegeplätzen, können Sie viele Schiffe nicht nur anschauen und anfassen, sondern auf Wunsch auch probefahren.

Handel und Import neuer Yachten

Als unabhängiger Yachthändler haben wir keine feste "Hausmarke", sondern können Yachten von fast jeder bekannten und weniger bekannten Marke aus aller Welt importieren und ausliefern. Wir beraten Sie nicht nur umfangreich, wenn es um eine Neuannschaffung geht, sondern kümmern uns darüber hinaus auch gerne um die gesamte Abwicklung, den Papierkram und den Transport Ihres Schmuckstückes.

Gebrauchte Motoryachten bei THALMANN kaufen & verkaufen

Wir helfen Ihnen beim Verkauf ihres gebrauchten Schiffes oder vermitteln ihnen eine günstige gebrauchte Yacht. Zahlreiche Boote haben bei THALMANN schon den Besitzer gewechselt und sind in liebevolle Hände gelangt. Viele der zum Verkauf angebotenen Yachten können Sie in unserer Marina Moorfleet in Hamburg besichtigen und sogar probefahren!

Aktuelle Angebote für gebrauchte Yachten

Der komplette Service rund um Ihre Yacht

Neben dem Verkauf bietet wir auch zahlreiche Serviceleistung rund um Ihre Yacht an:

  • Bootsreparaturen
  • Bootszubehör
  • Bootsfinanzierungen
  • Bootsversicherungen
  • Kranservice
  • Motorenservice für Bootsmotoren
  • Unterwasserschiff Sanierungen
  • Winterlager
  • Yachtmakler

yacht shop hamburg

Ergebnisse 1 – 12 von 607 werden angezeigt

100 Tipps für Segler

100 Tipps für Segler

12,90 €

16mm Block von Harken

20,00 €

16mm Block mit Hundsfott von Harken

16mm Block mit Hundsfott

23,00 €

16mm Block mit Ring von Harken

16mm Block mit Ring

16mm Block mit Wirbel von Harken

16mm Block mit Wirbel

36,00 €

16mm Doppelblock von Harken

16mm Doppelblock

41,00 €

16mm Doppelblock mit Hundsfott von Harken

16mm Doppelblock mit Hundsfott

45,00 €

16mm In-Deck Block von Harken

16mm In-Deck Block

55,00 €

16mm Umlenkblock liegend von Harken

16mm Umlenkblock liegend

H432 Umlenkblock liegend, einseitig befestigt von Harken

16mm Umlenkblock liegend einseitig befestigt

25,00 €

18mm Fly Block von Harken

18mm FLY Block

30,00 €

18mm Fly Narrow Head Block von Harken

18mm Fly Narrow Head Block

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  • Versand & Lieferung
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  • Widerrufsbelehrung & Muster-Widerrufsformular
  • Datenschutzerklärung

©2021 Yachtausrüstung Hamburg oHG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

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yacht shop hamburg

Yacht Classics Hamburg, where wooden boats are prepared for spring

yacht shop hamburg

In 2009, Fabian Tank’s fierce passion for wooden boats led him to establish Yacht Classics , a business committed to the trade, maintenance and restoration of classic Nordic yachts. Tank’s sense for aesthetics and sporting elegance is clear to see at his Hamburg premises, which is teeming with Scandinavian wooden motor and sailing boats, as well as several exciting restoration projects. The winter break was as good an excuse as any to visit the ‘Lord of the Skerry Cruisers’ at the Yacht Classics boathouse. 

yacht shop hamburg

hyper v discrete device assignment usb

hyper v discrete device assignment usb

The “Hey, Scripting Guys!” blog has been retired. There are many useful posts in this blog, so we keep the blog here for historical reference. However, some information might be very outdated and many of the links might not work anymore.

New PowerShell content is being posted to the PowerShell Community blog where members of the community can create posts by submitting content in the GitHub repository .

Passing through devices to Hyper-V VMs by using discrete device assignment

Doctor Scripto

July 14th, 2016 2 0

Summary : Learn how to attach a device from your Hyper-V host to your VM by using a new feature of Windows Server 2016.

Today we have a guest blogger, Rudolf Vesely, who has blogged here on previous occasions. Here is a link to his previous posts if you would like to read them.

Here is what Rudolf says about himself.

I am an Azure Solutions Architect at Rackspace in London. I believe that public cloud is the future for most organizations and this is why I specialize in public clouds (Amazon Web Services and Azure) and hybrid cloud strategy. My unique role at Rackspace is to guide our customers in their cloud strategy and ensure that their strategy is aligned with their business.

I started my career as a developer and have continued programming and scripting as a hobby. This is the reason why I am a big proponent of DevOps. I believe PowerShell is a fantastic tool that facilitates the process of joining the Dev and Ops worlds.

Contact information:

  • Twitter: @rudolfvesely
  • Blog: Technology Stronghold


Many new features in Windows Server 2016 (in any Technical Preview) will draw your attention, and it’s very easy to miss some of them. This is true especially when people don’t speak or blog about them too much like they do for Windows PowerShell 5.0, Storage Spaces Direct, or Storage Replica, as examples.

One feature that drew my attention is a new feature in Hyper-V called discrete device assignment. It can be very simply described as a device pass-through feature, the likes of which has existed on other hypervisors for many years.

Microsoft started with device pass-through on Hyper-V with disk pass-through (attaching a physical disk without using VHD / VHDX), but true pass-through came with single root I/O virtualization (SR-IOV) on Windows Server 2012. I recommend that you read John Howard’s excellent blog post series that describes SR-IOV and hardware and system requirements .

On Windows Server 2016, we finally get the ability to directly work with devices on the host and attach them to a child partition (guest VM) without being limited to only networking and storage. This feature was probably built for passing-through graphics processing units (GPUs) in Azure for N-series VMs (GPU-enabled VMs), but we can use it for anything else. Please keep in mind that this is at your own risk. Microsoft will not support your setups, and you may also have very hard security issues. Any device pass-through on any hypervisor opens the possibility to take down the host (for example, by triggering an error on the PCI Express bus) or worse, taking control of your host.

The last thing you need to consider is whether you have hardware to test on it. You need a modern client computer or server that has Intel Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) or AMD Virtualization (AMD-V). I use an industrial mini PC, which will be my new router and wireless access point (all virtualized), but you should be fine with a modern laptop. So, if you’re still reading, activate Intel VT-d in firmware of your testing computer, install the latest Technical Preview of Windows Server 2016, and start with PnpDevice.

PnpDevice module

On Windows Server 2016, thanks to the PnpDevice module, we finally have the possibility to work with hardware without directly touching Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). The PnpDevice module will be very important for Nano Server and non-GUI servers, so I recommend that you try it.

Get-Command -Module PnpDevice

CommandType Name                  Version Source

----------- ----                  ------- ------

Function    Disable-PnpDevice PnpDevice Function    Enable-PnpDevice PnpDevice Function    Get-PnpDevice PnpDevice Function    Get-PnpDeviceProperty PnpDevice

Let’s take a look what is attached to your system by using:

Get-PnpDevice –PresentOnly | Sort-Object –Property Class

Screenshot of devices attached to the system.

A lot of devices were returned. Now it’s a good idea to choose what should be passed. I do not have multiple GPUs to pass it, but my goal is to virtualize my router and access point, and I have two wireless adapters in mini PCI-e slots. I found that the easiest way to find them is by using vendor ID:

(Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly).Where{ $_.InstanceId -like '*VEN_168C*' } # 168C == Qualcomm Atheros

Screenshot of result by using the vendor ID.

If you installed drivers on your host for devices that you want to pass through (I did not), you can filter according to Class Net like this (example from my Surface Book):

Screenshot of filtered drivers.

I will assume that you have installed the VM and chosen a device to attach to it. I installed Windows 10 version 1511 because this is the easiest method to test that dual dynamic acceleration (DDA) works. Later I will try replacing Windows with virtualized pfSense (FreeBSD appliance) and DD-WRT (Linux appliance). Especially in FreeBSD, I might have problems with drivers, and I am sure that I will have no issues with drivers in Windows 10.

Let’s get VM object and device object of my Wi-Fi adapter:

$vmName = 'VMDDA1' $instanceId = '*VEN_168C&DEV_002B*'

$vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName $dev = (Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly).Where{ $_.InstanceId -like $instanceId }

Our first action should be to disable the device. You can check Device Manager by typing devmgmt.msc in the PowerShell console to see that the correct device was disabled.

# Make sure that your console or integrated scripting environment (ISE) runs in elevated mode Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $dev.InstanceId -Confirm:$false

Screenshot that shows disabled device in Device Manager.

Now we need to dismount the device from the host by using the Dismount-VmHostAssignableDevice cmdlet. To specify a location of the device, we need to get a specific property that is not presented in the device object by using Get-PnpDeviceProperty .

locationPath = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -KeyName DEVPKEY_Device_LocationPaths -InstanceId $dev.InstanceId).Data[0] Dismount-VmHostAssignableDevice -LocationPath $locationPath -Force –Verbose

Now if you refresh the device object, you can see that something changed: Device is described as “Dismounted”:

(Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly).Where{ $_.InstanceId -like $instanceId }

You can check available assignable devices by using Get-VMHostAssignableDevice :

Screenshot that shows available assignable devices.

The last step is to attach an assignable device to the VM by using Add-VMAssignableDevice like this:

Add-VMAssignableDevice -VM $vm -LocationPath $locationPath –Verbose

You may get error like this one:

Screenshot of errors.

This is because you haven’t modified the VM configuration after you created it. There are two main requirements for passing through. The first is that the VM has to have Automatic Stop Action set to Turn off the virtual machine . This will probably be the only VM on your host that has this configuration because we usually want Shut down or Save . The second requirement is memory configuration. Dynamic memory is allowed, but minimum and startup memory have to be equal. Let’s fix it, and finally attach our device.

Set-VM -VM $vm -DynamicMemory -MemoryMinimumBytes 1024MB -MemoryMaximumBytes 4096MB -MemoryStartupBytes 1024MB -AutomaticStopAction TurnOff Add-VMAssignableDevice -VM $vm -LocationPath $locationPath –Verbose

Screenshot that shows AutomaticStopAction is set to TurnOff and memory is configured.

If you spend some time playing with DDA, you can finish, for example, with multiple Wi-Fi adapters and one physical like I did (all functional):

Screenshot that shows multiple Wi-Fi adapters and one physical adapter.

Restore configuration

That was fun! Now it’s time to return devices to the host.

# Remove all devices from a single VM Remove-VMAssignableDevice -VMName VMDDA0 -Verbose

# Return all to host Get-VMHostAssignableDevice | Mount-VmHostAssignableDevice -Verbose

# Enable it in devmgmt.msc (Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly).Where{ $_.InstanceId -match 'VEN_168C&DEV_002B' } | Enable-PnpDevice -Confirm:$false -Verbose

$vmName = 'VMDDA0' $instanceId = '*VEN_168C&DEV_002B*' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName $dev = (Get-PnpDevice -PresentOnly).Where{ $_.InstanceId -like $instanceId } if (@($dev).Count -eq 1) {

Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $dev.InstanceId -Confirm:$false $locationPath = (Get-PnpDeviceProperty -KeyName DEVPKEY_Device_LocationPaths -InstanceId $dev.InstanceId).Data[0] Dismount-VmHostAssignableDevice -LocationPath $locationPath -Force -Verbose Set-VM -VM $vm -DynamicMemory -MemoryMinimumBytes 1024MB -MemoryMaximumBytes 4096MB -MemoryStartupBytes 1024MB -AutomaticStopAction TurnOff

# If you want to play with GPUs: # Set-VM -VM $vm -StaticMemory -MemoryStartupBytes 4096MB -AutomaticStopAction TurnOff # Set-VM -VM $vm -GuestControlledCacheTypes $true -LowMemoryMappedIoSpace 2048MB -HighMemoryMappedIoSpace 4096MB -Verbose

Add-VMAssignableDevice -VM $vm -LocationPath $locationPath -Verbose

$dev | Sort-Object -Property Class | Format-Table -AutoSize Write-Error -Message ('Number of devices: {0}' -f @($dev).Count)

Thank you for reading, and see you in the next article.

Thank you, Rudolf, for sharing your time and knowledge.

I invite you to follow me on Twitter and Facebook . If you have any questions, send email to me at [email protected] , or post your questions on the Official Scripting Guys Forum . Also check out my Microsoft Operations Management Suite Blog . See you tomorrow. Until then, peace.

Ed Wilson , Microsoft Scripting Guy

Doctor Scripto Scripter, PowerShell, vbScript, BAT, CMD

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In the mount sub-section, $locationPath variable is missing $ sign.

I had some problems and it took me hours to find a solution. So I want to share it. Dismounting the device from the host worked once, but I forgot to remove my VM from a cluster… So I had to undo my actions and start again and ended in “ The required virtualization driver (pcip.sys) failed to load. ” Anyway here ist the solution: You have to delete the device from the registry yourself. 1. “ psexec -s -i regedit.exe ” 2. You find your device as “Dismounted” under “ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Enum\PCIP ” e.g. “PCI Express Graphics Processing Unit – Dismounted” 3. Delete the whole key with subkeys under PCIP. 4. Reboot and you can unmount it again from the host 🙂


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How can i assign a USB port to a hyper-v VM?

Hey I am looking to assign a USB port to a my hyper-v virtual machine. But I am running into an error. After the last command "Add-VMAssignableDevice..." I get an error at the bottom. Any ideas as to how i can fix this?

  • virtual-machine

NickTheCoder's user avatar

  • Attaching a USB Device to a Hyper-V guest is fairly tricky. Try adding the device manually and try this guide to do that ..... redmondmag.com/articles/2018/05/17/… –  anon Commented May 23, 2022 at 18:21
  • @John sure thing also can you assign usb ports to hyper v vm's - seems like its specifically for USB flash drives. –  NickTheCoder Commented May 23, 2022 at 20:36
  • Why do you need to assign USB Ports? You can add devices with what I showed. Why ports on top of that? I don't think you can do that with Hyper-V. Were you able to add a Flash Drive. I think that might work as well for a USB drive. Hyper-V is restrictive here. –  anon Commented May 23, 2022 at 22:22
  • @John I figured USB ports would be the most intuitive way to do it. You would not have to go through the Discrete Device Assignment process for any new device. But it seems you have to. So make sense :D.... also my device is not supported according to the instructions you shared. Would finding a supported device be the better choice? –  NickTheCoder Commented May 25, 2022 at 16:02

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hyper v discrete device assignment usb

Hyper-V PCIe (including USB!) pass through, not just graphics devices

Yes, it is actually possible and does not only work for graphics cards or NVMe storage. Passing through compatible PCIe devices, which surely include modern USB xHCI’s, to a guest is possible. No need for the ‘enhanced session’ or hard disk pass through or USBoverIP stuff, which doesn’t work with all hardware or requires you to connect to the VM in some way. Just ‘pure’ PCIe passthrough by utilizing the IOMMU. This is what you may want for your USB device. Especially timing sensitive devices may benefit from this! I’m using it for a RDX drive and some Gemalto/Thales USB dongles.

How I got to this point? I’ve read many times, that you can pass through graphics cards, but nothing solid about USB devices. In rare occasions, somebody stated ‘it might work to pass through USB’ in a loose way. So, I just tried it and it worked fine. I can get rid of all these kind of crappy USBoverIP stuff, finally!

But, and this needs to be adressed, let this be a WARNING, YOU should test, whatever you want to pass through more extensive than I did, before you let it go live. For me, the USB dongles work just like they should. But just a few days, after I let the RDX drive happen to go live, something happened. Not sure about it, but it seemed the USB controller got stuck when the host rebooted. Every attempt to get the RDX drive back into the VM failed, until I detached it, rebooted the host and reattached it. The drive instantly popped up again in the VM. I’m still waiting for the day, it happens again.

There are also devices that have requirements regarding the amount of IO space assigned to the VM. There are some details about it within the article Plan for Deploying Devices using Discrete Device Assignment . The later mentioned survey script also may give some informations about specific requirements of a device.

You may also want to find and try a dedicated add-on USB host controller card, with multiple separate HCI’s in the best case. This is what I’m up to at the moment. Because the integrated ports may be used or accessed by the BIOS in an undesirable way. I’ve seen the survey script stating something like this and denying the device’s usability. I’ve had mixed survey results on different Supermicro H12-series motherboards but it still worked for me, at least the first tests were fine.

  • Total time: 15~45 minutes
  • Estimated cost: 0

Step 1: Make sure your system fundamentally supports this

There are some things, that are required for all this to work. Here are the BIOS settings, I had to check. It is for a Supermicro H12 series board, AMD platform. All settings in the advanced section of the BIOS:

  • CPU configuration → SVM Mode → Enabled
  • PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration → SR-IOV Support → Enabled
  • NB Configuration → ACS Enable → Enabled
  • NB Configuration → IOMMU → Enabled
  • ACPI settings → PCI AER Support → Enabled

Different platforms, manufacturers and mainboard models may have different names for the settings or some settings may be locked away from the system operator. Educate yourself about the specific quirks of your target system. I can not give any details about hardware that I don’t have in front of me. I had to look for PCIe pass through in context with VMware to find all the details for example. This might be the same or not for you. It may work without all settings, I don’t know.

Step 2: Install/Update manufacturers drivers

You better install and/or update to the latest manufacturer drivers you can get. Especially the chipset driver and the USB controller and/or device you wan’t to pass through.

Step 3: Survey your device candidates

Before you break out into happy laughters, stop! Not every PCIe device can be passed through. The fastest way to find out more, is to run the often mentioned SurveyDDA.ps1 script.

  • If it shows green text for your device, it should work.
  • If it shows red text for your device, it may still work fine!

Meaning: The script itself is not safely indicating, if your device won’t work.

Step 4: Finding the USB host controller on the host system

You may have trouble identifiying the USB controller, that is hosting the port, that you wan’t to use for pass through because your system has multiple USB controllers. To find the correct controller, I connected a device to the port, opened the Device Manager, clicked on the device I wanted to pass through, clicked on View and switched to ‘Devices by connection’. Now the Device Manager displayed the selected device and it’s parent nodes expanded.

In most systems each controller hosts multiple USB ports. This means, if you wan’t to pass through port 1, you’re also passing through port 2 and others if there are any and you won’t use other ports for anything else in future. They are also passed through and there is no way around it. I can only suggest you to check your motherboard documentation, there may be a more detailed description of the port/controller mappings.

Expand all the child devices below the USB host controller and check what’s connected beside the device, you’ve physically connected to the port you’ve chosen. If your USB controller has a child device, that you may not want to pass through, DON’T pass the controller through at all! Your system may contain controllers hosting some HID devices, like keyboards or mice (emulated by BMC) or also other important system devices. Don’t pass the controller through, if you see any devices, you did not connect to any port by yourself. Use other ports! This does NOT include USB root hubs or composite devices that your physical USB device may include and introduce to the host controller.

Step 5: Disabling all child devices below the USB controller

If you did not yet expand all the child devices below the USB host controller, do it now (You really should have done it beforehand and care about step 4). Now start disabling connected devices with the deepest nodes. Before you disable a parent node, be sure to have all childs disabled. The USB host controller you want to pass through should be disabled last!

Step 6: Getting the device’s location path

The most crucial information you may need is the location path. Just for amusement: the german Microsoft translation is Speicherortpfade, which translates back to storage location paths. MS! what do you mean by this?!?!

Open the host controller properties and switch to details. Drop down the properties and type the first letter (L or S for sh***y german translation) to jump to the first occurence of a property starting with this letter. If this is not what you are looking for, repeat to type the letter. When you got it, click on it.

You should see a value starting with PCIROOT, which you need. Right click it and choose copy.

Step 7: Dismounting from the host system

Next step is simple and quickly done. You need an admin powershell, where you type this:

You may want to add the -force option to the cmdlet, if you don’t have a mitigation driver installed. I had to…

Step 8: Assigning the host controller to a VM

Another easy step is to assign the device to the target VM. Check the output of Get-VM, you will find a column named Name, which you also need for the next command:

Step 9: Reboot the host

Unfortunately, I think you need to do this. If your devices are not showing up or work correctly from within the VM, do it. At least I had to reboot the host (and the VM? Not sure anymore…).

Step 10: Install drivers within the VM

Many devices like HID or storage devices may already work just fine now from within the VM. If your device is more specialized or there are manufacturer drivers available, install them. The same applies for the passed through host controller, you should install the manufacturer driver.


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hyper v discrete device assignment usb

  Windows OS Hub / Virtualization / Hyper-V / How to Assign (Passthrough) a Physical GPU to a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

How to Assign (Passthrough) a Physical GPU to a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Enable gpu passthrough to hyper-v vm on windows server, sharing the physical gpu with hyper-v vm on windows 10 or 11.

Discrete Device Assignment allows physical host PCI/PCIe devices (including GPU and NVMe) to be passed through from the host to the Hyper-V virtual machine. Basic requirements for using DDA in Hyper-V:

  • Available for Hyper-V Gen 2 virtual machines only;
  • The VM must have dynamic memory and checkpoints disabled;
  • The physical graphics card must support GPU Partitioning;
  • If WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is enabled on the host, a code 43 video error might occur in the VM when passing through the graphics card using GPU-P;
  • Although SR-IOV (Single Root Input/Output Virtualization) is not listed in the DDA requirements, GPU passthrough to a VM will not work correctly if it’s not supported.

Discrete Device Assignment is only available on Windows Server with the Hyper-V role. In the desktop Windows 10 and 11, you can use GPU partitioning to share the video card with the virtual machine. This article describes how to assign a physical GPU to a virtual machine on Hyper-V.

Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) allows PCIe devices to be passed through to a virtual machine on Windows Server 2016 and newer.

Before assigning the GPU to the VM, you must change its configuration.

Set-VM -Name munGPUVM1 -AutomaticStopAction TurnOff

Configure cache and memory limits for 32-bit MMIO space:

Set-VM -Name munGPUVM1 -GuestControlledCacheTypes $True -LowMemoryMappedIoSpace 3Gb -HighMemoryMappedIoSpace 33280Mb

Next, find out the physical path to the graphics card’s PCIe device on the Hyper-V host. To do this, open the GPU Properties in Device Manager, go to the Details tab, and find the Location Paths property. Copy the value that starts with PCIROOT .

Get GPU PCI ID name in device manager

Or use PowerShell to get this path value:

Disable this graphics card on the Hyper-V server in Device Manager or using PowerShell:

Dismount-VmHostAssignableDevice -LocationPath "PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)" –force

Now connect the physical host GPU adapter to the virtual machine:

Add-VMAssignableDevice -VMName VMName -LocationPath "PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)"

Then power on the VM and check that your GPU appears in the Display Adapters section of the Device Manager, along with the Microsoft Hyper-V Video device.

Assign NVIDIA GPU to a Hyper-V Virtual Machine

Remove-VMAssignableDevice -VMName munGPUVM1 -LocationPath $locationPath Mount-VMHostAssignableDevice -LocationPath $locationPath

GPU Partitioning (GPU-P) is available in Hyper-V virtual machines running Windows 10/11 build 1903 or later.

Use the Get-VMPartitionableGpu (Windows 10) or Get-VMHostPartitionableGpu (Windows 11) command to check if your graphics card supports GPU partitioning mode.

Get-VMHostPartitionableGpu - list GPUs available for partitioning in the Hyper-V host

Use the Add-VMGpuPartitionAdapter cmdlet to pass through the video adapter from the host to the VM. Copy the drivers for the graphics card from the Hyper-V host to a virtual machine using the Easy-GPU-PV script ( https://github.com/jamesstringerparsec/Easy-GPU-PV ).

Download the ZIP archive containing the script and extract it to a folder on the Hyper-V host.

Download Easy-GPU-PV PowerShell script - allows to partition your GPU and assign it to Hyper-V VMs

Open an elevated PowerShell console, then allow running PowerShell scripts in the current session.

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass –Force

Run the script:

.\Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1 -VMName myVM1 -GPUName "AUTO"

The script copies the GPU drivers from the host to the VM.

Update-VMGpuPartitionDriver.ps1 - copy video driver from host to VM

Now change the VM settings and assign the GPU to it:

Set-VM -VMName myVM1-GuestControlledCacheTypes $true -LowMemoryMappedIoSpace 1Gb -HighMemoryMappedIoSpace 32Gb Add-VMGpuPartitionAdapter -VMName myVM1

If you have updated the video drivers on the Hyper-V host, you must also update them on the virtual machine.

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' src=

I finally got it working, including the games! I could separate gaming and work on two PCs. I don’t agree with those who say “Hyper-V is not for graphics”. On VMware Workstation pro, I experienced frequent crashes, slowdowns and freezes in games and applications such as FreeCad, Slash3D, Blender and Adobe. Thank the author for writing this!

' src=

I`m receiving the followed erro when try to dismount the GPU. I had take a lot of time searching for ACS at BIOS, withour sucess. I don`t know how to enable it. Please, help me. My mother board is a ROG STRIX Z370-H GAMING, BIOS ver: 2701, no update available.

Dismount-VmHostAssignableDevice : The operation failed. The PCI Express bridges between this device and memory lack support for Access Control Services, which is necessary for securely exposing this device within a virtual machine. At line:1 char:1 + Dismount-VmHostAssignableDevice -LocationPath “PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0101)#P … + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Dismount-VMHostAssignableDevice], VirtualizationException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvalidParameter,Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.Commands.DismountVMHostAssignableDevice

' src=

The motherboard chipset must have: access control services (ACS) on PCI Express root ports And check that your CPU supports SLAT, Intel VT-d2 or AMD I/O MMU, and EPT (in case of Intel CPU)

' src=

I had follow all steps from your guid, but at the and, after the command: Add-VMAssignableDevice -VMName VMName -LocationPath “PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0300)#PCI(0000)”. I remount the device (GPU) and VM return to normal.

The Following Error ocurring: How can I solve these problem?

Couldn’t start virtual machine

5:18:51 PM Source Go to Virtual machines. Type Error

Message RemoteException: Failed to start virtual machine W10-AA. Error: ‘W10-AA’ falhou ao inicializar.

Virtual Pci Express Port (ID de Instância 9F2C1609-E884-4435-AFF6-AC765B1A804F): falha ao ligar com o Erro ‘A hypervisor feature is not available to the user.’.

‘W10-AA’ falhou ao inicializar. (ID da máquina virtual BF829271-2322-4396-8CB1-69637772D034)

‘W10-AA’ Virtual Pci Express Port (ID da instância 9F2C1609-E884-4435-AFF6-AC765B1A804F): falha ao ligar com o erro ‘A hypervisor feature is not available to the user.’ (0xC035001E). (ID da máquina virtual BF829271-2322-4396-8CB1-69637772D034)

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Working Hard In IT

My view on it from the trenches.

Working Hard In IT

A 1st look at Discrete Device Assignment in Hyper-V

Let’s take a 1st look at discrete device assignment in hyper-v.

Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) is the ability to take suitable PCI Express devices in a server and pass them through directly to a virtual machine.

This sounds a lot like SR-IOV that we got in Windows 2012  It might also make you think of virtual Fibre Channel in a VM where you get access to the FC HBA on the host. The concept is similar as in that it giving the physical capabilities to a virtual machine.

But this is about Windows Server 2016 new capability which takes all this a lot further. The biggest use case for this seems to be GPUs and NVMe disks. In environment where absolute speed matters the gains by doing DDA are worth the effort. Especially when this works well with live migrations (not yet as far as I can see right now, and it’s probably quite a challenge).

There a great series of blog post on DDA

  • Discrete Device Assignment — Guests and Linux

Microsoft also has a survey script available to find potential DDA devices on your hosts. It will reporting on which of them meet the criteria for passing them through to a VM.


That script is a very nice educational tool by the way. When I look at one of my servers I find that I have a couple of devices that are potential candidates:

So I’m looking at the Mellanox NICs. I wondered if this is the first step to RDMA in the guest. Probably not. The way I’m seeing the network stack evolve in Windows 2016 that’s the place where that will be handled.


And the Nvidia GRID K1 –  one of the poster childs of DDA and needed to compete in the high end VDI market


And yes the Emulex FC HBAs in the server. This is interesting and I’m curious about the vFC/DDA with FC story. But I have no further info on this. vFC is still there in W2K16 and I don’t think this DDA will replace it.


And finally it showed me the PERC controller as a potential candidate. Now trying to get a PERC 730 exposed to a VM with DDA sounds like and experiment I might just spend some evening hours one just to see where it leads. But only NVMe is supported. But hey a boy can play right?


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6 thoughts on “ a 1st look at discrete device assignment in hyper-v ”.

would be useful for dialogic cards and video capture cards, too

Pingback: Setting up Discrete Device Assignment with a GPU - Working Hard In IT

Can this function be used on Windows 10 Hyper-V host? I really want to install iTunes on a VM and makes my iPhone sync in it, I don’t like iTunes install in a physical machine

Just install iTunes in a VM and hookup your smartphone over USB over ethernet. This only works on servers with very specific supported hardware for specific use cases. I’m sure some googling will turn up some ideas for that.

Would this also work with FC HBA cards with a Quantum Scalar i40 tape unit? The tape drives are LTO4 HP drives.

I actually messed around a bit with RDMA NICs to try it bu that didn’t work out. A wireless NIC worked once in testing. Haven’t done a FC HBA. You might get it to work if the firmware/driver don’t block it but it’s way deep in unsupported territory so perhaps for some test/dev but I’d stay away from it in production.

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Pass Thru devices in Hyper-V (IOMMU)

  • Thread starter jimbo45
  • Start date Apr 10, 2022


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  • Apr 10, 2022

Hi folks Is there some documentation around on how to pass devices, specifically GPU's, Disks and CPU's (if on an MP system). On Linux host it's easy enough : For Intel CPUs (VT-d) set intel_iommu=on. Since the kernel config option CONFIG_INTEL_IOMMU_DEFAULT_ON is not set by default when booting the host in Linux. You should also append the iommu=pt parameter. This will prevent Linux from touching devices which cannot be passed through. I'm sure for AMD there's similar. I'm messing around with HYPER-V today -- I've got a machine with 2 GPU's, 2 Physical CPU's (4 cores each) and 4 Mobo disk ports spare. I can't get the VM booted on to a "Native disk" and the 2nd monitor / GPU just seems to display what the ist one is showing - or just blank, Using passthru if you have the hardware makes the VM about 99% as respomsive as it would be on a physical machine - It certainly does running Windows on a Linux beast. Anybody got decent passthru work with HYPER-V with any version of VM. Using Host USB devices doesn't address the problem either since the Host still has to provide the main USB driver in the first place. Cheers jimbo  

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Passing through devices to Hyper-V VMs by using discrete device assignment - Scripting Blog [archived]


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Kari said: Although already almost 6 yeas old, this article is still one of the best about passing through devices in Hyper-V: Passing through devices to Hyper-V VMs by using discrete device assignment - Scripting Blog [archived] Summary: Learn how to attach a device from your Hyper-V host to your VM by using a new feature of Windows Server 2016. Today we have a guest blogger, Rudolf Vesely, who has blogged here on previous occasions. Here is a link to his previous posts if you would like to read them. devblogs.microsoft.com Kari Click to expand...

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Introduction to Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V Discrete Device Assignment

Planning / implementation.

hyper v discrete device assignment usb

  • David Tanaka

Form Number

This paper describes the steps on how to enable Discrete Device Assignment (also known as PCI Passthrough) available as part of the Hyper-V role in Microsoft Windows Server 2016.

Discrete Device Assignment is a performance enhancement that allows a specific physical PCI device to be directly controlled by a guest VM running on the Hyper-V instance.  Specifically, this new feature aims to deliver a certain type of PCI device class, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPU) or Non-Volatile Memory express (NVMe) devices, to a Windows Server 2016 virtual machine, where the VM will be given full and direct access to the physical PCIe device.

In this paper we describe how to enable and use this feature on Lenovo servers using Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 (TP4). We provide the step-by-step instructions on how to make an NVIDIA GPU available to a Hyper-V virtual machine.

This paper is aimed at IT specialists and IT managers wanting to understand more about the new features of Windows Server 2016 and is part of a series of technical papers on the new operating system.

Table of Contents

Introduction Installing the GPU and creating a VM Enabling the device inside the VM Restoring the device to the host system Summary

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Changes in the April 18 update:

  • Corrections to step 3 and step 4 in "Restoring the device to the host system" on page 12.

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USB passthrough from Win2016Server to Hyper-V VM

  • Thread starter aag
  • Start date Jun 26, 2016
  • Software Platforms
  • Windows Server, Hyper-V Virtualization

My Win2016 server has a USB webcam, which I would like to virtualize and use in a Win10 Pro virtual machine (which runs under Hyper-V). However, I cannot find any straightforward way to do so. For sure the USB controller does not show up in the VM. Is it possible to do what I describe? Many thanks for any input!  



Well-known member.

Discrete Device Assignment — Machines and devices Device passthrough in Microsoft Hyper-V - vInfrastructure Blog Chris  

USB in Hyper-V support - how to redirect USB dongle in Hyper-V other options Chris  

Albert Faller

Basically, the most inconvenient thing about Hyper-V platform for me that does not provide USB pass-through support out of the box. Hyper-V USB Passthrough Guide could help to deal with the problem. Personaly for me USB over Ethernet utility is the more convient way to access USB in VM  

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Discrete Device Assignment — Description and background

First published on TECHNET on Nov 19, 2015 With Windows Server 2016, we're introducing a new feature, called Discrete Device Assignment, in Hyper-V .  Users can now take some of the PCI Express devices in their systems and pass them through directly to a guest VM .  This is actually much of the same technology that we've used for SR-IOV networking in the past.  And because of that, instead of giving you a lot of background on how this all works, I'll just point to an excellent series of posts that John Howard did a few years ago about SR-IOV when used for networking.

Everything you wanted to know about SR-IOV in Hyper-V part 1

Everything you wanted to know about SR-IOV in Hyper-V part 2

Everything you wanted to know about SR-IOV in Hyper-V part 3

Everything you wanted to know about SR-IOV in Hyper-V part 4

Now I've only linked the first four posts that John Howard did back in 2012 because those were the ones that discussed the internals of PCI Express and distributing actual devices among multiple operating systems.  The rest of his series is mostly about networking, and while I do recommend it, that's not what we're talking about here.

At this point, I have to say that full device pass-through is actually a lot like disk pass-through — it's a half a solution to a lot of different problems.  We actually built full PCI Express device pass-through in 2009 and 2010 in order to test our hypervisor's handling of an I/O MMU and interrupt delivery before we asked the networking community to write new device drivers targeted at Hyper-V , enabling SR-IOV.

We decided at the time not to put PCIe device pass-through into any shipping product because we would have had to make a lot of compromises in the virtual machines that used them — disabling Live Migration, VM backup, saving and restoring of VMs, checkpoints, etc.  Some of those compromises aren't necessary any more.  Production checkpoints now work entirely without needing to save the VM's RAM or virtual processor state, for instance.

But even more than these issues, we decided to forgo PCIe device pass-through because it was difficult to prove that the system would be secure and stable once a guest VM had control of the device.  Security conferences are full of papers describing attacks on hypervisors, and allowing an attacker's code control of a PCI Express “endpoint” just makes that a lot easier, mostly in the area of Denial of Service attacks.  If you can trigger an error on the PCI Express bus, most physical machines will either crash or just go through a hard reset.

Things have changed some since 2012, though, and we're getting many requests to allow full-device pass-through.  First, it's far more common now for there to be VMs running on a system which constitute part of the hoster or IT admin's infrastructure.  These “utility VMs” run anything from network firewalls to storage appliances to connection brokers.  And since they're part of the hosting fabric, they are often more trusted than VMs running outward-facing workloads supplied by users or tenants.

On top of that, Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) is taking off.  SSDs attached via NVMe can be many times faster than SSDs attached through SATA or SAS.  And until there's a full specification on how to do SR-IOV with NVMe , the only choice if you want full performance in a storage appliance VM is to pass the entire device through.

Windows Server 2016 will allow NVMe devices to be assigned to guest VMs.  We still recommend that these VMs only be those that are under control of the same administration team that manages the host and the hypervisor.

GPUs (graphics processors) are, similarly, becoming a must-have in virtual machines.  And while what most people really want is to slice up their GPU into lots of slivers and let VMs share them, you can use Discrete Device Assignment to pass them through to a VM.  GPUs are complicated enough, though, that a full support statement must come from the GPU vendor.  More on GPUs in a future blog post.

Other types of devices may work when passed through to a guest VM .  We've tried a few USB 3 controllers, RAID/SAS controllers, and sundry other things.  Many will work, but none will be candidates for official support from Microsoft, at least not at first, and you won't be able to put them into use without overriding warning messages. Consider these devices to be in the “experimental” category.  More on which devices can work in a future blog post.

Switching it all On

Managing the underlying hardware of your machine is complicated, and can quickly get you in trouble. Furthermore, we're really trying to address the need to pass NVMe devices though to storage appliances, which are likely to be configured by people who are IT pros and want to use scripts . So all of this is only available through PowerShell, with nothing in the Hyper-V Manager. What follows is a PowerShell script that finds all the NVMe controllers in the system, unloads the default drivers from them, dismounts them from the management OS and makes them available in a pool for guest VMs.

Depending on whether you've already put your NVMe controllers into use, you might actually have to reboot between disabling them and dismounting them. But after you have both disabled (removed the drivers) and dismounted (taken them away from the management OS) you should be able to find them all in a pool. You can, of course, reverse this process with the Mount-VMHostAssignableDevice and Enable-PnPDevice cmdlets.

Here's the output of running the script above on my test machine where I have, alas, only one NVMe controller, followed by asking for the list of devices in the pool:

Now that we have the NVMe controllers in the pool of dismounted PCI Express devices, we can add them to a VM. There are basically three options here, using the InstanceID above, using the LocationPath and just saying “give me any device from the pool.” You can add more than one to a VM. And you can add or remove them at any time, even when the VM is running. I want to add this NVMe controller to a VM called “StorageServer”:

There are similar Remove-VMAssignableDevice and Get-VMAssignableDevice cmdlets.

If you don't like scripts , the InstanceID can be found as “Device Instance Path” under the Details tab in Device Manager. The Location Path is also under Details. You can disable the device there and then use PowerShell to dismount it.

Finally, it wouldn't be a blog post without a screen shot. Here's Device Manager from that VM, rearranged with “View by Connection” simply because it proves that I'm talking about a VM .

hyper v discrete device assignment usb

In a future post, I'll talk about how to figure out whether your machine and your devices support all this.

Read the next post in this series: Discrete Device Assignment — Machines and devices

— Jake Oshins

This article was originally published by Microsoft's Virtualization Blog . You can find the original article here .

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Hyper-V Discrete Device Assignment - Hardware options?

  • Thread starter fuzzyfuzzyfungus
  • Start date Oct 6, 2022

More options

Fuzzyfuzzyfungus, ars tribunus angusticlavius.

  • Oct 6, 2022
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I hope this is the correct forum, question is part hardware part software so I apologize if I'm putting this in the wrong place: For reasons involving dubious decision-making in the past(stuck with it now, just being handed the job of trying to mitigate it) I've found myself with the requirement of virtualizing a win10 guest that depends on some very oddball USB peripherals; and so needs PCIe-level passthrough of the xHCI controller; the higher-level device passthrough options offered by hyper-v, Vmware(workstation or ESX), etc. don't do the job; so I am looking for test candidate systems that specifically meet the requirements of Hyper-V Discrete Device Assignment ; in addition to the baseline requirements for hyper-v virtualization on Server 2019. Unfortunately, I've had mixed results with really early spitball tests of hardware that happened to be on hand(a T14 Gen2, AMD based, largely worked fine; a Dell Precision 1700 lacked PCIe access control services and was a complete no-go); and I've been having some difficulty getting vendor confirmation of the presence or absence of the DDA-specific requirements: you can pretty much assume an IOMMU/SR-IOV, etc. at this point; but neither the spec sheets nor the reps seen to know much about ACS or specifically confirm/deny that DDA is supported. Does anyone have any experience with this; and any suggestions either on specific model lines or on specific chipsets that I should either seek out or avoid? The host will need to share space with humans, so pedestal servers are OK, rackmount screamers are not; system requirements are pretty low(under 128GB of RAM, single socket, some PCIe but no punchy GPU or accelerator card requirements); it's just a matter of confirming these platform capabilities that seem to be oddly hard to find on spec sheets. (Also, if anyone has experience with passing through USB expansion cards in particular, whether hyper-v or other hypervisors; any recommendations and/or horror stories about specific chipsets or models would be appreciated; I'm at liberty to obtain a bunch of cards for testing; but if I can avoid going in blind and just selecting randomly that would be a plus). I appreciate any information anyone might have.  

Ars Legatus Legionis

Would a network USB hub work?  

Hyper-V is not designed for USB passthrough no matter what you read. Your hardware would be better served with a VMware solution. ESXi on bare metal, or just VMware Workstation on Linux/Windows running VMs. Put it this way: VMware touts USB passthrough as a feature. Microsoft doesn't. Don't waste your time with Hyper-V.  

Ars Praefectus

What about: https://www.net-usb.com/hyper-v-usb/  

Ars Scholae Palatinae

  • Oct 7, 2022

use a digi anywhereUSB network device to connect to your USB devices over the network. They are a bit $$, but 10000% worth the cost. Other "network USB" devices are not recognized as native USB, but digi's solution is. https://www.digi.com/products/netwo...ment/usb-connectivity/usb-over-ip/anywhereusb . As long as the OS you are using is supported I would use the digi device without hesitation. edit: the other advantage of using a network device is that you can then maintain the ability to migrate a VM from one host to another without having to physically move the USB device.  


  • Oct 8, 2022

If you just need to pick hardware that has the features you need, I would look at the support manual for the hardware in question. If it mentions the option in the BIOS manual, then it should be supported. If not, make sure you have a good return policy.  

  • Nov 2, 2022
use a digi anywhereUSB network device to connect to your USB devices over the network Click to expand...
the higher-level device passthrough options offered by hyper-v, Vmware(workstation or ESX), etc. don't do the job Click to expand...

Brandon Kahler

Brandon Kahler

Even better is to use a USB PCIe card with several discrete controllers so you can assign ports to multiple VMs. I use these in a few ESXi hosts. Each controller can be configured for PCIe passthrough individually, even on the free tier of ESXi. No SR-IOV needed. https://www.amazon.com/FebSmart-Supersp ... B07WCQ64RN I used the above card to attach USB HDMI capture dongles to four different VMs. Worked perfectly.  

Very fancy, I was going to ask if it did it with SR-IOV (which in itself is impressive) but it seems purpose designed.  

The important part is that it has 8 Safty fuses. I trust Safty for all my mission critical fuse needs.  

sryan2k1 said: Very fancy, I was going to ask if it did it with SR-IOV (which in itself is impressive) but it seems purpose designed. Click to expand...

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Enabling Discrete Device Assignment on Windows 10

I've been experimenting with different versions of Windows 10, and I am almost ready to buy a license, but unfortunately there is one major problem that is a showstopper for me. For my work, I need to be able to pass through physical devices to a linux-based HyperV virtual machine. Microsoft calls this feature DDA or Discrete Device Assignment, and as far as I can tell it is only supported on Server editions of Windows. Unfortunately it is not viable for me to use Server as my main workstation OS. Dual-booting with it is also not an option.

Is there any way to somehow enable this feature on Windows 10 with some sort of registry/group policy hack? Or perhaps is it possible to move the feature from a Server installation over to a Win10 installation so I can use it?

My master goal is to pass through a PCI device (a USB3.1 controller/root hub) to a linux-based virtual machine. GPU passthrough would certainly be useful in the future, but right now it's not as important as the root hub.

DDA seems like a mature technology at this point, so I think it should be included in Pro, or at least in Enterprise/Pro for Workstation. Linux can already to this out of the box and it's a free operating system.

Currently this is the only thing that's holding me back from getting a proper license for Windows 10, and I would really appreciate it if someone form the Server or HyperV teams could point me in the right direction and show me how I can enable the feature.

Thanks in advance

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I would like to check if the reply could be of help? If yes, please help accept answer , so that others meet a similar issue can find useful information quickly. If you have any other concerns or questions, please feel free to feedback.

Best Regards, Joann

We haven't heard from you for a few days. I hope you have solved your issue and my tips are useful to you. If yes, please help accept answer, so that others meet a similar issue can find useful information quickly. If you have any other concerns or questions, please feel free to feedback.

I don't know about getting to to work in Linux VMs, but Windows VMs should work. Here's info on getting a GPU passed through: https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/jym8xz/gpu_partitioning_is_finally_possible_in_hyperv/

That post seems to describe GPU partitioning, not DDA. For me, the most important thing to pass through is a USB root hub (a PCIe device), which is still impossible.

As I understand you may want to know whether you could use win10 to configure DDA so that you could pass through your PCIe to your linux-based VM.

According to the article, it only supports Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016, Windows Server 2016, Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2019, Windows Server 2019.


And after research, it seems there's no official method to bypass DDA for Windows 10, so it's not recommended to use third-party method to configure DDA for Windows 10 host in case you meet any unexpected issue. Thanks for your understanding!

Thank you for your time! If you have any other concerns or questions, please feel free to feedback!

Best regards Joann


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I am aware that it's only officially supported on Server, I am asking for this feature to be made available in Windows 10.

Is there perhaps an unofficial method to bypass DDA? As far as I can understand, it is there, but it's locked, which is quite annoying.

Again, I would buy a win10 license if there was a way to do this.

Thanks, Zsolt

Thank you for your reply!

I am afraid we may only be able to offer you the official versions that support configuring DDA. In this sense, we strongly recommend you to report this issue to Microsoft directly with the Feedback Hub app. The Feedback Hub app lets you tell Microsoft about any problems you run in to while using Windows 10. For more information to get in touch with us, click here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/send-feedback-to-microsoft-with-the-feedback-hub-app-f59187f8-8739-22d6-ba93-f66612949332

Improving the quality of the products and services is a never-ending process for Microsoft. Thanks again for choosing us!

And I would appreciate it if you could click "Accept Answer" to let others who share the similar with yours to grab this information quickly.

If you have any other concerns, please feel free to feedback!

Best wishes Joann Zhu

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Deploy graphics devices using discrete device assignment..

Hello everyone,

I am running into an issue with VM (Windows server 2019 Gen2) does not recognize physical graphic card (Nvidia A40) by using Discrete Device Assignment.

Host: PowerEdge R750 Rack Server

VM ( Windows Server 2019 - Gen 2, 50gb of memory , 4 core)

Graphic card : Nvidia A40.46gb of memory.

Error in Device Manager: Code 12: This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use.

I have tried: reinstall drivers( same driver that work in physical server), build VM Gen1, Set-VM -HighMemoryMappedIoSpace 46000Mb.

I have spent hours with Nvidia and Dell support but they could not figure it out. Any suggestions or recommendations would be grateful. Thanks

hyper v discrete device assignment usb

Get the location path by using Device Manager. Open Device Manager and locate the device. Right-click the device and select Properties. On the Details tab, expand the Property drop-down menu and select Location Paths. Right-click the entry that begins with PCIROOT and select Copy to get the location path for the device.

Review Plan for Deploying Devices using Discrete Device Assignment to ensure your hardware is compatible with DDA. Run the SurveyDDA.ps1. PowerShell script to identify if the server is configured correctly. The script also displays which devices can be passed through by using Discrete Device Assignment. Administrative rights to the Hyper-V host.

Summary: Learn how to attach a device from your Hyper-V host to your VM by using a new feature of Windows Server 2016. Today we have a guest blogger, Rudolf Vesely, who has blogged here on previous occasions. ... One feature that drew my attention is a new feature in Hyper-V called discrete device assignment. It can be very simply described as ...

@John I figured USB ports would be the most intuitive way to do it. You would not have to go through the Discrete Device Assignment process for any new device. But it seems you have to. So make sense :D.... also my device is not supported according to the instructions you shared. Would finding a supported device be the better choice? -

There are also devices that have requirements regarding the amount of IO space assigned to the VM. There are some details about it within the article Plan for Deploying Devices using Discrete Device Assignment. The later mentioned survey script also may give some informations about specific requirements of a device.

First published on TECHNET on Nov 19, 2015. With Windows Server 2016, we're introducing a new feature, called Discrete Device Assignment, in Hyper-V. Users can now take some of the PCI Express devices in their systems and pass them through directly to a guest VM. This is actually much of the same technology that we've used for SR-IOV networking ...

First, we're not supporting Discrete Device Assignment in Hyper-V in Windows 10. Only Server versions of Windows support this. This isn't some wanton play for more of your hard-earned cash but rather just a side effect of being comfortable supporting server-class machines. They tend to work and be quite stable.

Below I describe the steps to get DDA working. There's also a rough video out on my Vimeo channel: Discrete Device Assignment with a GPU in Windows 2016 TPv4. Setting up Discrete Device Assignment with a GPU Preparing a Hyper-V host with a GPU for Discrete Device Assignment. First of all, you need a Windows Server 2016 Host running Hyper-V.

Let's take a 1st look at Discrete Device Assignment in Hyper-V. Discrete Device Assignment (DDA) is the ability to take suitable PCI Express devices in a server and pass them through directly to a virtual machine. This sounds a lot like SR-IOV that we got in Windows 2012 It might also make you think of virtual Fibre Channel in a VM where you ...

My previous two blog posts talked about Discrete Device Assignment ( link ) and the machines and devices necessary ( link ) to make it work in Windows Server 2016 TP4. This post goes into more detail, focusing on GPUs. ... In Hyper-V within Server 2016 TP4, there are two types of VMs, Generation 1 and Generation 2. Generation 1 is intended to ...

Using Host USB devices doesn't address the problem either since the Host still has to provide the main USB driver in the first place. ... Passing through devices to Hyper-V VMs by using discrete device assignment - Scripting Blog [archived] ... [archived] Summary: Learn how to attach a device from your Hyper-V host to your VM by using a new ...

Introduction. Discrete Device Assignment (DDA, also known as PCI Passthrough) is a performance enhancement in Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and Hyper-V. It allows a specific physical PCIe device installed on the host system to be directly and exclusively controlled by a guest virtual machine (VM). In this paper we describe the steps of how to ...

Hardware advice for Discrete Device Assignment. I've run into a situation where I need to deploy a number of workstations capable of Discrete Device Assignment (user has a frequently-changed, handbuilt, totally unsyspreppable Win10 dev/test environment with some USB peripherals that are sufficiently weird that the xHCI controller pretty much ...

Microsoft Windows. This paper describes the steps on how to enable Discrete Device Assignment (also known as PCI Passthrough) available as part of the Hyper-V role in Microsoft Windows Server 2016. Discrete Device Assignment is a performance enhancement that allows a specific physical PCI device to be directly controlled by a guest VM running ...

Starting with Windows Server 2016, you can use Discrete Device Assignment, or DDA, to pass an entire PCIe Device into a VM. This will allow high performance access to devices like NVMe storage or Graphics Cards from within a VM while being able to leverage the devices native drivers. ... The final step is to tell Hyper-V that a VM should have ...

Discrete Device Assignment -- Description and background. With Windows Server 2016, we're introducing a new feature, called Discrete Device Assignment, in Hyper-V. Users can now take some of the PCI Express devices in their systems and pass them through directly to a guest VM. This is actually much of the same technology that we've used for SR ...

Discrete Device Assignment — Machines and devices Device passthrough in Microsoft Hyper-V - vInfrastructure Blog Chris . Reactions: Chuntzu. cesmith9999 Well-Known Member. Mar 26, 2013 1,413 467 83. Jun 26, 2016 ... Hyper-V USB Passthrough Guide could help to deal with the problem.

Discrete Device Assignment — Description and background. With Windows Server 2016, we're introducing a new feature, called Discrete Device Assignment, in Hyper-V. Users can now take some of the PCI Express devices in their systems and pass them through directly to a guest VM. This is actually much of the same technology that we've used for SR ...

Oct 6, 2022. #3. Hyper-V is not designed for USB passthrough no matter what you read. Your hardware would be better served with a VMware solution. ESXi on bare metal, or just VMware Workstation on ...

The unofficial subreddit for all discussion and news related to the removal of Setup.app on iOS devices without any stated purpose. The act of removing Setup.app is no more than a filesystem modification made possible through jailbreaking, which is legal under DMCA.

For my work, I need to be able to pass through physical devices to a linux-based HyperV virtual machine. Microsoft calls this feature DDA or Discrete Device Assignment, and as far as I can tell it is only supported on Server editions of Windows. Unfortunately it is not viable for me to use Server as my main workstation OS.

I am running into an issue with VM (Windows server 2019 Gen2) does not recognize physical graphic card (Nvidia A40) by using Discrete Device Assignment. Spec : Host: PowerEdge R750 Rack Server VM ( Windows Server 2019 - Gen 2, 50gb of memory , 4 core) Graphic card : Nvidia A40.46gb of memory.

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How to find and apply the right antifouling for your boat.

How to find and apply the right antifouling for your boat.

Antifouling basics, how to paint correctly, videos and much more.

How to choose the right life jacket?

How to choose the right life jacket?

Find out all about life jackets here.

Cleaning, maintaining and servicing outboards

Cleaning, maintaining and servicing outboards

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How to find the best yacht rope.

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SVB Your specialist online shop for technical boat equipment, sailing accessories and water sports equipment

Over 300 top yacht accessory brands.

You can find all of your boat equipment with us. Whether it be for your sailing yacht, your motorboat or your inflatable boat - our wide selection of marine accessories , spare parts and equipment for every boat size will impress you! Yacht equipment such as fenders , nautical charts , plotters , binoculars and compasses , for navigation, antifouling , boat paint , and tools , such as the Fein Multimaster , for boat cleaning , boat care and boat repair as well as marine toilets , marine refrigerators and marine coolers , gas stoves for cooking on board, anchors , marine batteries , outboard motors and rubber dinghies . The SVB shop offers you top quality at excellent prices!

Order boat accessories and sailing equipment online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, shipped worldwide!

Want to buy a new DVB-T antenna for your sailboat after work or purchase some outboard motor parts over the weekend directly from your boat with your mobile phone or tablet? Our marine parts online shop makes this no problem at all! The availability of our products and same-day shipping service is displayed in our online shop in real-time.

We can supply boat parts worldwide to areas such as the: North Sea, Baltic Sea, Mediterranean and Caribbean with delivery directly on board – quickly and reliably with express delivery if required. Our online shipment tracking keeps track of where your boat gear is and when it will arrive. Alternatively, you can pick up your order personally at our water sports boutique in Bremen.

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The detailed photos and product videos in our online shop make it almost as if you were holding the items in your hand. The products are accompanied by comprehensive technical information, operating instructions, detailed drawings and instructions for installation and usage. With our spare parts finder you will quickly and easily find the right spare part. Thanks to our chart finder you can find out which electronic charts are compatible with your chart plotter and which paper chart is the right one for you. Get an idea of the quality of our products and services - with over 80,000 real product reviews from other water sports customers! Do you have a question about a specific item? Get answers and opinions from other sailors and motorboaters who have already purchased the same product with our Customers-Ask-Customers feature!

Spare parts and equipment available for all sailboat and motorboat brands!

No matter if it be boating equipment, marine accessories or spare parts for Bavaria, Hanse, Beneteau, Jeanneau, Dufour, Sunseeker, elan, Bayliner or Dehler - with SVB you are guaranteed to find the right accessories for your boat! SVB is the exclusive spare parts supplier for all BAVARIA YACHTS original parts ! Choose from over 25,000 products, from windscreen wipers and stern showers to hot water boilers , radios and helmsman's seats!

Over 300 renowned water sports brands - the best the market has to offer in boat accessories & sailing equipment ! Check out our brand sites from: Garmin , Torqeedo , Raymarine , Simrad , Lowrance , Liqui Moly , Sikaflex , Webasto , Harken , Quick , or Jabsco . High-quality electronics for your boat, ceiling lights , taps , heaters , generators and much more. Have you heard about our house brand SEATEC ? We offer inflatable boats and SUPs including matching tarpaulins , folding bikes with or without electric drives , sailing clothes , safety equipment and much more - yacht accessories and sailing equipment with premium quality at unbeatable prices!

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Stay warm and dry throughout the season with high-quality, affordable sailing clothing and boat shoes from Seatec, Gill, Musto, Marinepool and other brands. We offer all types of sailing clothing, for women and men , for offshore and coastal use. The right sail wear protects against getting wet, the cold and the wind while being breathable at the same time. The right footwear is also essential. Boat shoes for women and men with light soles and rubber boots for colder conditions. Buy the matching boot socks at the same time! The clothing for your sailing trip is best transported in one of our travel bags . There’s also enough space in our bags for knitted hats , sun hats and caps , scarves , gloves , fitness bracelets , sunglasses and other accessories for your sailing trip.

Accessories for motorboats and sailboats as well as custom-made products

Every customer is unique, and so is our service! You want to buy a charger or an extension cable for your Raymarine plotter ? You need a check valve for your Jabsco pump or other yacht accessories or spare parts that you can't find in our online shop? Contact us ! We will take care of your special order! We offer many custom-made products and individual services, such as: ropes and wires to foil lettering for your boat. Plexiglas and plywood sheets can be easily fabricated and purchased from our online shop as well.

Professional water sports consultation

Not sure which product to choose? Did you already know about our technical guides ? Here you will find a summary of the concentrated knowledge of our water sports experts! Tips for maintaining your outboard engine and for wintering your diesel engine , the advantages of radar sets compared to conventional radar antennas and help for selecting binoculars , fenders , on-board toilets and antifouling . Not what you're looking for? Our competent, international team of experienced sailors, boat builders, electrical engineers, sailmakers, shipbuilding engineers and mechanical engineers will be happy to advise you personally !

yacht shop hamburg

De Valk Hamburg

Opening hours Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 18.00 hours Weekend: by appointment

About yacht broker De Valk Hamburg

You can find us here: From our centrally located office in Hamburg you will find me where you are: On board your yacht. I will soon be at your jetty and on board with you, whether on the North Sea or Baltic Sea or on our inland waters. Our De Valk service is flexible in place and time and tailored to your needs.

What we offer you: De Valk specialises in the sale of well-maintained motor and sailing yachts and catamarans. For more than 20 years I have personally been in business as a specialist broker for yachts and catamarans.  All yachts that we broker at De Valk have been personally inspected and the project has been discussed in detail with the respective owner. Our exposés are prepared with meticulousness and expertise in order to achieve the best possible, sustainable conclusion for you as owner or buyer. Your satisfaction is our goal at De Valk.

And furthermore... I am happy to offer you my advice on all aspects of your yacht, whether it is insurance, refit and equipment or transport and winter storage. I am happy to put my experience at your disposal and my long-standing connections in the yacht industry. 

Talk to me!  I will be happy to help you with any questions you may have about your yacht. How and when is the best way to sell? Which price can be achieved and how fast can it be done? Should there be any work to be done beforehand or what else makes sense for the optimal sale? Why don't you just give us a call and let's talk.

Jürgen Henry Jacobs

Jürgen Henry Jacobs

Yacht broker.

vCard Jürgen Henry Jacobs

yacht shop hamburg


45 years of yachting, welcome to the world of bavaria yachts.

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Sailing Yachts

Sailing is the passion to experience the sea and the wind. Discover pure joy of sailing and your personal sailing yacht.

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Motor Boats

Modern design, powerful and safe driving characteristics and plenty of space for the most beautiful hours on the water.

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Catamarans from NAUTITECH combine unforgettable sailing moments and maximum comfort for owners, who love the sea.

News from the world of BAVARIA YACHTS

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From September 10th to 15th the Cannes Yachting Festival rolls out the red carpet for the international yachting industry. Experience French flair on the Côte d'Azur and be inspired by our sailing yachts from the popular C-LINE.

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Following the great success of the BAVARIA SR36 OPEN TOP, the shipyard from Giebelstadt is now presenting another Open-Top version and, with the BAVARIA SR33 OPEN TOP, is responding to the wishes of many customers for a uniquely open driving experience.

yacht shop hamburg

With a generous donation of a new set of sails, Bavaria Yachts from Giebelstadt is supporting the training of boat builders at the state vocational school for boat builders in Lübeck-Travemünde. The school, which is attended by students from almost all over Germany, benefits enormously from the support of the renowned Bavarian company.

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When BAVARIA YACHTS invite you to its DEALER DAYS, everyone comes. This is because it is one of the major highlights of the year for the BAVARIA YACHTS dealer network, even if it largely consists of work.

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One of the annual highlights for BAVARIA YACHTS for a long time. The cult regatta around the Kornati islands in Croatia. Our press spokesman Marcus Schlichting is also on board!

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Gaining additional practical experience, learning new things and exchanging ideas with each other - more than 35 service technicians from our dealers were able to do all of this during a week-long BAVARIA service workshop at our shipyard.

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It is the Oscar of the yachting industry, the European Yacht of the Year Award. The BAVARIA YACHTS team is all the more proud that the BAVARIA C46 was able to beat six competitors in the "Family Cruiser" category

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Last week, the last BAVARIA VISION 42 was completed in Giebelstadt. On Friday morning, part of the BAVARIA YACHTS team gathered to give her a fitting farewell. The sailing yacht celebrated its premiere at the boot Düsseldorf in 2012 and the almost 13 metre long yacht was built in the shipyard for just over 12 years. 

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We will answer all your questions about spare parts supply and repairs, and provide tips and assistance.  We will help you to get your yacht back on the water!

28.06.2024 Volos in Greece - a portrait of the beginner-friendly sailing area! Read more

13.06.2024 Something new from the pantry? Read more

14.05.2024 What happens in our Product Development? Read more

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BAVARIA YACHTS – 45 Years of Yachting

BAVARIA YACHTS has been a manufacturer of innovative series yachts for 45 years. Over 42,000 sailing yachts and motorboats have been built on the 200,000 m² site since 1978.

What makes us special and what we especially show greatness in, is the experience of our employees. We deliver perfection, for which about 700 employees give their best. 

Every day, with every move - We are BAVARIA!

Visit our BAVARIA YACHTS stand at the Hiswa te Water in the Bataviahaven in Lelystad. We look forward to welcoming you from August 28th - September 1st.

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Experience the pure joy of yachting.

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Wir reparieren und bauen moderne Composite Yachten, Jollen und kommerzielle Boote

Mit der Erfahrung aus über 20 Jahren Arbeit in der Bootsbaubranche freuen wir uns darauf, unser Know-how zu teilen, um Ihre individuellen Projekte und Träume zu verwirklichen.

Wir sind ein Team von Bootsbauern, Designern und Projektmanagern. Nachhaltigkeit ist ein wesentlicher Faktor unserer Arbeit. Die digitale Planung und Arbeitsvorbereitung bieten uns immer wieder innovative Lösungen. Traditionelles Handwerk gepaart mit individuellem Können ist die Basis unserer hochwertigen Produkte.

Ökologische und nachhaltige Lösungen für komplexe Herausforderungen

Holz spielt bei uns zum Beispiel eine große Rolle. Nachhaltigkeit ist für uns und unsere Lieferanten ein wesentlicher Faktor, insbesondere wenn es um die Holzlieferkette geht. Wir verwenden diese Ressource sorgfältig und mit Leidenschaft.

Holz wird von uns auf moderne und traditionelle Weise im Bootsbau verwendet. Bei einer klassischen Reparatur, der Verwendung von Holzoberflächen oder Yachtinterieurs verwenden wir Holz in Kombination mit anderen Materialien.

Wie können wir helfen?

Ob eine Reparatur ein Umbau bis hin zu einem Neubau Ihrer Yacht sind wir für Sie da.

Yachtbau und Reparatur

Design und herstellung von verbundwerkstoffen, beratung und gutachten, wir bieten beratungsdienste für ein stressfreies projekt, projektmanagement.

Ergebnisorientiertes Projekt Verwaltung. Umfragen & Gutachten für Neubau, Reparatur und Umbau.

Feste Fristen

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung im Bootsbau bieten wir unser Know-how, um Ihre Projekte termingerecht zu realisieren.


Vorausschauende Planung mit jahrelanger Erfahrung in einer Vielzahl von Projekten hilft, mit Budget und Finanzen zielsicher zu sein.

Unsere neuesten Projekte

Tuckerboot entwicklung & produktion, forschungsschiff 'eugene seibold'.

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Hamburger Tuckerboot

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Do you have a question? You can reach us at: [email protected]

Office hours: Mon.-Thurs.: 8:00 to 17:00 Fri.: 8:00 to 14:30

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Mobicool MCF series compressor coolers

Cool box at a great price!

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Compass Comfort

150 N life jacket + reserve set

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at a great price!

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Compass foam lifejacket 100N

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Spirit cooker 3000 or 1500

Exclusively at Compass at a super price!

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Garmin Quatix 7 Multisport Smartwatch

Versatile as never before - now heavily reduced in price

New products 2024

Torqeedo Travel electric outboard motor

Great prices 2024

Compass Sun Shade parasol for boats


Huge choice, top prices Dometic, Mobicool, Engel

Discover assortment

Lorem Ipsum

Mobicool MCF40 compressor cooler 38 l

Sailing clothing

Huge choice, best prices Musto, Helly Hansen, Gill, Compass, Zhik

Huge choice, top prices Musto, Helly Hansen, Gill, Compass, Zhik

Compass Offshore Sailing Jacket Professional

Life jackets

Huge choice, top prices Compass, Spinlock, Secumar

Spinlock Deckvest 6D lifejacket 170/275N with HRS


Huge choice, top prices Lowrance, Simrad, B&G, Garmin, Raymarine

Lowrance "Hook 2-4x" depth sounder


The new dimension of electromobility

Torqeedo Travel XP electric outboard motor

Customers refer friends

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Compass online guide

All guides at a glance

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Order yacht equipment, boat accessories and safety equipment online at compass24.com

At compass24.com you will find a comprehensive range of equipment and accessories for yachts and dinghies up to safety equipment for crew and ship. Compass offers an international brand range of fire extinguishers, life jackets , life rafts , life buoys and distress equipment for every boat size and sailing area. For the complete equipment of sailing yachts and motor boats Compass is your competent partner if you are looking for high quality products. Whether deck fittings , boat fenders , boat anchors , outboards , electric outboards , inflatable boats , sails and ropes, from trailers to mast clickers, Compass covers the entire range of sailing and motor boat needs. Compass also offers complete ranges from shackles to furling equipment from well-known brand manufacturers.

Everything for care and maintenance in the Compass Online Shop

For winter storage, boat care and painting Compass has complete paint systems from varnish to antifouling for all boat building materials and areas. The various Compass antifoulings have proven to be highly effective. For regatta boats the thin layer Compass Racing Glide Antifouling and the Compass C 18 Antifouling with super smooth surface is optimal, for cruising yachts the Compass Antifouling Cruising with the best efficiency for offshore conditions. All antifoulings from Compass, Hempel and International like the VC 17m meet the current requirements for environmental protection.

What you need for the right boat care and maintenance of electrical and engine systems can be ordered quickly and easily online. Effective cleaning systems and care products from Compass are particularly gentle on materials and the environment and have been specially developed for boat building materials. What makes your work in winter storage easier, you will also find in our online shop, from tools to high-pressure cleaners.

Compass - Your specialist for sailing clothing and oilskins

Compass24.com is your most important internet address if you are looking for the best online shop for sailing clothes and professional oilskins. Compass24 offers in its shop high-quality heavy weather clothing for all areas of water sports. Compass has decades of experience and competence as outfitter for skipper and crew. We have oilskins for professionals and beginners at reasonable online prices in our assortment, including leading international brands such as Gill, Marinepool, Musto, Compass Sea Gear, Helly Hansen and Henri Lloyd. Compass24's sail shop shows a huge selection for every application: Oilskin for the high seas, coastal and inland waters, for dinghy and ocean-going sailors, for children and juniors. Test winners like the Coastal Tech of Compass24 convince by an excellent price-performance ratio when it comes to optimal weather protection at an affordable price. From dinghi dry suits to 3-layer offshore hi-tech jackets, Compass presents the largest online selection of oilskin brands and weather protection clothing.

Compass - Your specialist for navigation, yacht electronics and engine instruments

The complete on-board electrics, navigation and instrumentation of a yacht can also be assembled at Compass at affordable prices: from boat compasses , chartplotters and fishfinders to wind gauges and engine monitoring equipment, leading manufacturers such as Raymarine, Garmin, Nasa and Lowrance offer field-proven technology and spare parts. Electronic and traditional nautical charts and various accessories for the chart table from a bearing compass to a compass are part of the skipper's equipment, which you can order directly online from Compass. A good pair of binoculars for use on board is indispensable, binoculars ranging from professional marine binoculars with a bearing compass to compact night vision equipment are on display at Compass.

When buying boat accessories you should pay attention to high quality and good workmanship. At Compass24 you will find boat accessories of various brand manufacturers, which stand for safety and reliability. No matter if you are looking for small mechanical parts, electronic accessories for boat and yacht or the right equipment for boat maintenance - you will certainly find what you are looking for in our rich assortment.

Compass - Your specialist for functional clothing and maritime fashion

The large Compass Online Shop presents a wide selection of sophisticated functional clothing and maritime fashion from international quality brands. Reliable functionality, durable quality and high wearing comfort are decisive criteria when choosing the right functional clothing. High-quality all-weather protective clothing is made of innovative functional fabrics, while highly technical materials guarantee maximum waterproofness, breathability and freedom of movement.

Compass offers water sports clothing and maritime leisure wear from head to toe. Heat-insulating and water-repellent fleece, as found in the super soft softshells, is one of the most important materials. In our online shop you will find a huge selection of fleece collections and maritime fashion for men and women , whether shirts, sweaters, jackets or trousers. From professional sailing boots to casual shoes and innovative neoprene shoes, you will find numerous shoe collections for him and her at Compass. This also includes boat shoes and board shoes of leading brands such as Dubarry, Windwater, Marinepool, Sebago, Gill, Harken or TBS. Sailing gloves , waterproof socks, caps and functional underwear for cooler days - Compass is your complete supplier with an excellent price/performance ratio.

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Take to the water and discover a new side of Hamburg. Paddle through romantic canals or sail the beautiful Alster lake.​​​​​​​

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Discover Hamburg by boat and you'll get a whole new perspective on this water-rich city. With the mighty Elbe river at its doorstep, the Alster lakes in its midst and beautiful canals traversing its districts, Hamburg truly is a city for water-lovers.

The easiest way to get in on the action is by taking a ferry at Landungsbrücken piers. These ferries are part of Hamburg's public transportation system, which means your HVV ticket is valid on the water, too! The most popular ferry line is No. 62 towards Finkenwerder island: the 30-minute trip takes you along the most important waterfront sights. Disembark at Övelgönne to explore the Elbstrand beach or stay put to enjoy the full cruise.

Canoes, SUP and Pedal Boats

When the weather allows for it, renting paddling gear from an operator along the Outer Alster Lake (see map) is probably one of the most rewarding outdoor activities you can have in Hamburg. Whether you're manning a canoe with a group of friends, testing your balancing skills on an SUP-board or splashing away in a pedal boat: Hamburg's tree-lined canals are bound to inspire. Bring some snacks and you'll be having a picnic on the Alster lake in no time. Mind though!

Harbour Boat Trip

A harbour boat trip on a traditional Barkasse (former dockworkers ferry) is another classic Hamburg water experience. Guided tours are operated from the piers at Landungsbrücken and take you to the industrial docks, the historic Speicherstadt warehouses, and modern architecture highlights such as Hafencity Hamburg and the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg concert hall.

Alster Boat Trip

To explore the lush, canal-side backyards of Hamburg's rich and famous, take an Alster-boat from Jungfernstieg wharf. The canals off the Outer Alster Lake offer access to tremendous real estate and might disclose some gardening mishaps. Choose from various themed routes, e.g. the Fleetfahrt (canal tour) which takes you under the numerous bridges between harbour and Alster. Unfortunately, the white boats of the Alster fleet do not operate in Winter.

As the Alster is not officially considered a waterway you can hire a dinghy and go sailing without having to obtain a license. However, a sailing class might be the safer option. Several clubs along the shore offer classes for all ages.

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Yacht Charter Hamburg - Yacht Rentals Hamburg

Top-rated yacht charters in hamburg - preselected yacht rentals:.

Yacht Galia 600 Cabin for rent in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

Yacht Galia 600 Cabin for rent in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

  • Galia 600 Cabin [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]
  • Yacht Insurance
  • Final cleaning
  • Fuel consumption

Motor yacht Galia 820 Cruiser for hire in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

Motor yacht Galia 820 Cruiser for hire in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

  • Galia 820 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Galia 620 Cruiser available for charter in Hamburg

Yacht Galia 620 Cruiser available for charter in Hamburg

  • Galia 620 Cruiser [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Galia 515 Bowrider available for charter in Hamburg

Yacht Galia 515 Bowrider available for charter in Hamburg

  • Galia 515 Bowrider [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Motorboat Galia 520 for rent in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

Motorboat Galia 520 for rent in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

  • Galia 520 [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Motor yacht Galia 620 Sport for hire in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

Motor yacht Galia 620 Sport for hire in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

  • Galia 620 Sport [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Motor yacht Galia 630 Open for rent in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

Motor yacht Galia 630 Open for rent in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

  • Galia 630 Open [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Motorboat Party Barge 25 Regency available for charter in Hamburg

Motorboat Party Barge 25 Regency available for charter in Hamburg

  • Party Barge 25 Regency [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

Yacht Galia 700 Sundeck for charter in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

Yacht Galia 700 Sundeck for charter in Marina BZH Bootszentrum

  • Galia 700 Sundeck [Yacht Price incl. Taxes]

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Boat Rental in Hamburg

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The most beautiful ships and yachts for rent in Hamburg

You are planning an event in Hamburg and want to offer your guests an extraordinary event space? Then how about a ship or a yacht? As a city on the water, Hamburg has a lot of choice of ships, yachts and boats that you can rent for any occasion. This way, every event will be spectacular and guaranteed to be remembered by your guests!

eventlocations.com recommends:

What possibilities does hamburg offer for ships and yachts.

In Hamburg you have numerous possibilities to rent a ship or a yacht for your event. Whether you want to move a business meeting to the Alster, decide to celebrate your wedding on a ship, or a glamorous birthday on a yacht overlooking the harbor should take place. If you are having a smaller party, a small ship or boat can also be hired. These can partly be driven by yourself and without a driving licence. Since Hamburg's maritime history goes back a long way, there are also some historic ships that can be rented as venues for events. So, as you can see, Hamburg offers numerous possibilities to make your event unforgettable.

What should be considered when renting a ship or yacht?

The most important thing to consider is the size of the ship. This is to be made dependent on how many people participate in the planned event. If it is a professional event, such as a meeting, a seminar or a conference, it should be considered whether the ship is sufficiently equipped with presentation technology and if not, can this be brought and used there? If it is a private party, such as a wedding or birthday, a sound system and lighting equipment should be available. Also, a dance floor is essential at a party, so there should definitely be one on the ship or yacht. Since the weather in Hamburg likes to go a bit crazy, it is an advantage if the ship has a covered part and you can celebrate both outside and inside.

Why book via eventlocations.com?

eventlocations.com offers a large selection of different event spaces worldwide for every occasion: Whether conference hotel at the sea, ballroom at the outskirts of the city, cooking studio in the city centre or castle in the mountains, 10 or 1,000 guests - on eventlocations.com you will find venues that are perfectly tailored to your needs thanks to precise filter options.

Popular events in Hamburg

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  1. Yacht-Shop

    21129 Hamburg E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: 040 - 31761277 zur Karte. Sortiment. Farben. Lacke. Rettungsmittel. Rigg- und Takelarbeiten. Pflegemittel. Tauwerk. Schlauchboote / Außenborder. Werkzeugverleih. ... Durch eine Namensänderung im Jahr 2001 dann der heutige "Yacht-Shop".

  2. Startseite • Yachtausrüstung Hamburg

    Yachtausrüstung Hamburg am Rödingsmarkt - wir liefern Segelbekleidung und Technik, den Service, den Sport. Erfahren und kompetent! Rödingsmarkt 39 20459 Hamburg Telefon: +49 40 366717. Segelbekleidung • Schiffstechnik. Öffnungszeiten: Mo. bis Fr.: 10 - 19 Uhr, Sa.: 10 - 16 Uhr Sonn- und Feiertage: Geschlossen. Startseite;

  3. Yachthandel Hamburg

    Wir vom Yachthandel Hamburg begrüßen Sie auf unserer Website! Sehr gern begleiten wir Sie auf der Suche nach Ihrem neuen Traumschiff. Wir bieten Ihnen dazu eine vielseitige Auswahl von neuen Yachten der Werften Viko und Mariner in unserer ständigen Ausstellung. Darüber hinaus finden Sie in unserem Freilager eine große Auswahl gebrauchter ...

  4. Schiffsausrüster aus Hamburg

    TOPLICHT - Schiffsausrüster aus Hamburg. Das traditionelle Familienunternehmen TOPLICHT wurde 1981 gegründet und hat sich vom Szene-Geheimtipp zur festen Institution im Bereich der Schiffs- und Bootsausrüstung etabliert. Mit mehr als 35 Jahren Erfahrung als Schiffsausrüster, erhalten Sie bei uns kompetente Beratung und finden auf jeden ...

  5. Yachtprofi

    Der Schwerpunkt der Yachtprofi-Aktivitäten liegt in der Erhaltung und Optimierung von Yachten. In einer Werkstatt hinter dem Laden werden mit großer Sach- und Fachkunde Wanten, Stagen (bis 16 mm), Seerelingsdrähte und Fallen gewalzt bzw. gepresst, wie z. B. für die SY „Hippopotamus" von Judith und Sönke Röver.

  6. Thalmann

    THALMANN Yachthandel in Hamburg. Seit über 50 Jahren gehört THALMANN zu den etablierten Yachthändlern in Deutschland. Egal ob Sie eine gebrauchte Yacht kaufen bzw. verkaufen wollen oder sich eine nagelneue Yacht mit Individualausstattung direkt aus der Werft zulegen möchten. Wir sind Ihr Ansprechpartner, wenn es um den Handel mit Segel ...

  7. Über uns • Yachtausrüstung Hamburg

    Über uns: die Yachtausrüstung Hamburg am Rödingsmarkt. Umfangreicher Service und Beratung zu allen Bereichen der Seefahrt! Rödingsmarkt 39 20459 Hamburg Telefon: +49 40 366717. Segelbekleidung • Schiffstechnik. Öffnungszeiten: Mo. bis Fr.: 10 - 19 Uhr, Sa.: 10 - 16 Uhr Sonn- und Feiertage: Geschlossen. Startseite;

  8. Shop • Yachtausrüstung Hamburg

    Shop • Yachtausrüstung Hamburg. Ergebnisse 1 - 12 von 608 werden angezeigt.


    You could be the first review for Yacht-Shop Finkenwerder. Filter by rating. Search reviews. Search reviews. Business website. yacht-shop.de. Phone number. 040 31761277. Get Directions. Rüschweg 27 21129 Hamburg Germany. Near Me. Outdoor Gear Near Me. Other Outdoor Nearby. Find more Outdoor near Yacht-Shop Finkenwerder. Related Cost Guides ...

  10. Rödingsmarkt 39, Hamburg, Germany

    Rödingsmarkt 39 20459 Hamburg Germany. Is this your business? Verify to immediately update business information, respond to reviews, and more! Verify This Business. People Also Viewed. Schaumstoff Kersten. 1. Bootfahren. Sup Legion. 1. Bootfahren. paddel-meier. 8. Bootfahren. Barkassen-Meyer Touristik. 16.

  11. Yacht-Shop Hamburg Finkenwerder

    1,8 Mio. Firmen mit aggregierten Bewertungen von echten Menschen. Yacht-Shop in Hamburg wurde aktualisiert am 03.02.2024. Eintragsdaten vom 17.06.2023. Online-Shop, Boot kaufen & Sportschule | ⌚ Öffnungszeiten | Adresse | ☎ Telefonnummer | Rüschweg 27 - 21129 Hamburg (Finkenwerder)

  12. Yachthandel Hamburg, Germany

    Show all ads by Yachthandel Hamburg. Barretta Boats Barretta 23 CC DP EUR 14.890,-Gebr. de Kloet Fellowship 28 EUR 12.500,-Custom built/Eigenbau Schöchl Manta 19 EUR 10.600,-Reinke Taranga EUR 22.000,-Fabola Yachts Fabola Diva 39 EUR 42.900,-Harbeck B1350 EUR 2.860,-

  13. Yacht Classics Hamburg, where wooden boats are prepared for spring

    Jan Baedeker. 25 March 2016. In 2009, Fabian Tank's fierce passion for wooden boats led him to establish Yacht Classics, a business committed to the trade, maintenance and restoration of classic Nordic yachts. Tank's sense for aesthetics and sporting elegance is clear to see at his Hamburg premises, which is teeming with Scandinavian wooden ...

  14. yacht shop de

    Rüschweg 27 21129 Hamburg E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: 040 - 31761277... Unter compass24.de finden Sie ein umfassendes Sortiment an Ausrüstung und Zubehör für Yacht und Jolle bis zur Sicherheitsausstattung von Crew und Schiff. Für jede Bootssgröße und Revieranforderung bietet Compass ein internationales Markenangebot an ...

  15. SVB

    SVB is the exclusive spare parts supplier for all BAVARIA YACHTS original parts! Choose from over 25,000 products, from windscreen wipers and stern showers to hot water boilers , radios and helmsman's seats! Over 300 renowned water sports brands - the best the market has to offer in boat accessories & sailing equipment !

  16. De Valk Hamburg

    20149 Hamburg Germany +49 40 46 000 999; [email protected]; Opening hours Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 18.00 hours Weekend: by appointment. About yacht broker De Valk Hamburg . You can find us here: From our centrally located office in Hamburg you will find me where you are: On board your yacht. I will soon be at your jetty and on board with you ...


    BAVARIA YACHTS has been a manufacturer of innovative series yachts for 45 years. Over 42,000 sailing yachts and motorboats have been built on the 200,000 m² site since 1978. What makes us special and what we especially show greatness in, is the experience of our employees. We deliver perfection, for which about 700 employees give their best.

  18. Yachtwerft Hamburg

    Wir reparieren und bauen moderne Composite Yachten, Jollen und kommerzielle Boote. Mit der Erfahrung aus über 20 Jahren Arbeit in der Bootsbaubranche freuen wir uns darauf, unser Know-how zu teilen, um Ihre individuellen Projekte und Träume zu verwirklichen. Wir sind ein Team von Bootsbauern, Designern und Projektmanagern.

  19. Yachting equipment, boat accessories, sailing clothing online shop

    At compass24.com you will find a comprehensive range of equipment and accessories for yachts and dinghies up to safety equipment for crew and ship. Compass offers an international brand range of fire extinguishers, life jackets, life rafts, life buoys and distress equipment for every boat size and sailing area.

  20. Hamburg by Boat

    Alster Boat Trip. To explore the lush, canal-side backyards of Hamburg's rich and famous, take an Alster-boat from Jungfernstieg wharf. The canals off the Outer Alster Lake offer access to tremendous real estate and might disclose some gardening mishaps. Choose from various themed routes, e.g. the Fleetfahrt (canal tour) which takes you under ...

  21. Yacht Charter Hamburg

    Confirmed in 24h. from € 2.355 per week. from $ 2,658 per week. View Details. Yacht Charter Hamburg ⛵ Bareboat Charters & Crewed Yacht Rentals in Hamburg ★ Rent a Yacht in Hamburg Charter Boats & Charter Yachts in Hamburg Skippered Yacht Charter, Crewed Yacht Rentals or Bareboat Charter in Hamburg READY TO BOOK!

  22. Rent a boat in Hamburg

    Start your yacht rental cruise from Hamburg in Germany. Boat charters from Hamburg were rated 'GOOD' or 'VERY GOOD' (4.62/5). +4989716774381 [email protected]

  23. Rent a Boat or a Yacht for your Event

    In Hamburg you have numerous possibilities to rent a ship or a yacht for your event. Whether you want to move a business meeting to the Alster, decide to celebrate your wedding on a ship, or a glamorous birthday on a yacht overlooking the harbor should take place. If you are having a smaller party, a small ship or boat can also be hired.