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Tomislav Prosinečki je magistar brodogradnje koji se bavi yacht designom – projektiranjem malih rekreativnih i radnih plovila i jahti. Prije godinu dana odlučio je uploviti u poduzetničke vode i osnovati TP Yacht Design studio:

Naš fokus je inicijalno bio na tehničkom dijelu projekta, no zbog potrebe za lakšom prezentacijom i predstavljanjem naših usluga, počeli smo se baviti i dizajnom brodova i jahti. Trenutno klijentima nudimo usluge projektiranja i dizajna malih plovila, od istraživanja tržišta, idejnih skica i osnivanja plovila pa sve do razvoja i pripreme tehničke klasifikacijske dokumentacije. Nakon toga slijedi detaljna razrada projekta i priprema radioničke dokumentacije koju, na zahtjev klijenta, možemo odraditi u suradnji s partnerima“.

Od prvog susreta s morem i brodovima Tomislavova ljubav prema jahtama i brodovima samo je jačala:

Već u osnovnoj školi znao sam da je to posao koji želim raditi – svakoga dana. Želja za osnivanjem vlastitog projektnog ureda također je oduvijek postojala. Prije svega, jer u Hrvatskoj nije postojao ozbiljan yacht design studio, barem ga ja nisam uspio pronaći kroz sve ove godine“.

Iako se cijeli život pripremao za to, trenutak osnivanja tvrtke ipak je došao pomalo neočekivano:

Nakon završetka studija zaposlio sam se u poznatom studiju u Sloveniji gdje sam stekao prvo radno iskustvo i shvatio zapravo koliko je cijela priča složena u praksi. Postao sam svjestan da postoji još mnogo disciplina, vještina i znanja iz struke i van nje koje moram naučiti prije pokretanja vlastitog posla. U idućim godinama prilikom zapošljavanja ciljao sam na radna mjesta iz područja u kojima sam bio ‘najtanji’.­ Završio sam u manjem inozemnom projektnom uredu gdje sam radio posao glavnog brodograđevnog projektanta (naval architect-a) dvije godine. Pandemiju smo preživjeli radeći na daljinu, no po povratku u normalu, ta daljina nam je presudila. Konačno, u želji da nastavim raditi posao koji volim, ali u Hrvatskoj, odlučio sam ući u svijet poduzetništva”.

tp yacht design zicer plavi ured nacrt 2

Kako je posao još u razvoju, radni dani našeg Tomislava ponekad traju do dugo u noć:

Puno uspješnih ljudi savjetuje prakticiranje rutina i rano ustajanje. Taj koncept mi je i ranije odgovarao, ali u posljednje vrijeme posebno. Gotovo svaki moj dan započinje ustajanjem u 6 sati. U 7 sam već u uredu i tu počinje zabava koja nekad potraje i do dugo u noć. Kako smo još jako mali, sva administracija, marketing i većina komercijalnog posla pada na mene . A tu su onda još i učenje i usavršavanje, rad na vlastitim projektima i slično. Svaki dan je zanimljiv, dinamičan i … prekratak. Kako je posao uglavnom vezan za rad na računalu, jedina mana su nedostatak kretanja i fizičke aktivnosti. Volim posao koji radim i sretan sam. Ima i boljih i lošijih, lakših i težih dana, ali ako vaš rad koristi ljudima oko vas i ako su vaši klijenti zadovoljni, sve se preživi“.

tomislav prosinecki tp yacht design zicer plavi ured

Na kraju, Tomislav ovaj intervju zaključuje sljedećim riječima:

Prije svega, hvala mojoj obitelji i prijateljima koji sa mnom prolaze i dobre i loše dane i koji su mi velika podrška u svemu što radim, od početka. Druga je činjenica da bez podrške ZICER Plavog ureda vjerojatno ne bi bilo ni mojeg poduzetničkog koraka i ovim putem želim zahvaliti na strpljivosti i srdačnosti. I za kraj – treća poruka je posvećena svima koji još razmišljaju o poduzetništvu – pripremi se i kreni!“.

Foto: Tomislav Prosinečki privatna arhiva

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  • Jun 20, 2022
  • 11 min read

The Top 20 Superyacht Designers: Find the Right Designer for You

Superyacht Interior Design

If you're in the market for a superyacht, the most important decision you'll make is finding the right designer to work with, this decision will have a drastic impact on the final design of your yacht. With so many talented designers out there, it can be tough to decide who is the best fit for your project. In this article, we will take a look at the top 20 superyacht designers working today at the cutting edge of yacht design.

To help you make an informed decision we'll discuss their areas of specialism, what makes them unique and what kind of yacht owner they are best suited to . By the end of this article, you should have a good idea of which superyacht designer is right for your next project.

1. Artelier Art Consultancy

Location: United Kingdom & International

Years in the Industry: 15 years

Notable Projects: Art Selection for M/Y Serene, M/Y Zen, M/Y Dilbar, M/Y Plvs Vltra, M/Y Neninka

Specialised: Art collection for superyachts


Here at Artelier we are an art consultancy specialising in the placement of art onboard superyachts. As a leading yacht art consultant, Artelier provides complete art collections & bespoke commissioning services for superyachts working either with the design team or directly with the owner.

Each artwork collection is carefully designed to reflect the interiors of the ship as well as the owner's taste and style you can discover more about our offerings here. Having worked closely with many superyacht designers over the years we have put together this comprehensive list of our top 20 superyacht designers working today.

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2. Bannenberg and Rowell

Location: London, UK

Years in the Industry: 60+ years

Notable Projects: 65-metre Heesen Galactica Star, Feadship Predator, 85 metre Lürssen Pacific

Specialised: Yacht interiors and exteriors

Recognition: 5 World Superyacht Awards & Jon Bannenberg's Legacy


Bannenberg & Rowell is the direct descendant of the convention-breaking studio established by Jon Bannenberg – the universally acknowledged father of modern yacht design – in the early 1960s. Dickie Bannenberg and Simon Rowell continue the vision of the founder, and lead the design team in new directions : working with all the major shipyards; designing residences for private clients and real estate developers; collaborating with furniture designers and developing other creative partnerships.

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© Image Copyright Bannenberg & Rowell

3. Feadship

Location: The Netherlands

Years in the Industry: Founded in 1849

Notable Projects: 85-meter Ecstasea , 110.5 meter Anna, 78.2 meters Venus (Commissioned by Steve Jobs), 83.5 meters Savannah

Specialised: Ship build, design & exteriors

Recognition: The only superyacht builder with a Royal warrant from His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.


Based in the Netherlands and with roots dating back to 1849, Feadship is recognised as the world leader in the field of pure custom superyachts. Because every new Feadship is the best we ever built, all boats in our fleet set a new standard in terms of craftsmanship, design, engineering and construction. It's what we like to call the relentless pursuit of perfection .

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© Image Copyright Feadship

4. Winch Design

Location: London

Years in the Industry: 30+ years

Notable Projects: 133 metre Al Mirqab, 90.2 metre Phoenix 2, 87 meter Ace, 99 metre Madame Gu and 62 metre Sea Owl, 88.5 metre Cloud 9

Specialisation: Interior & Exterior Design

Recognition: 6 World Superyacht Awards, 19 Showboats Design Awards,


Winch Design's yacht and aviation team is a studio of 50 consisting of yacht designers, naval architects, interior designers and procurement specialists - all working together to design and deliver exquisite sea and air based projects for private individuals from all corners of the globe.

Trusted by their clients to design and deliver the most complex and challenging bespoke yacht and aviation projects, often against relentlessly tight deadlines. Their strength is a collaborative team spirit, continuous learning, a passion for excellence while having some fun along the way.

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© Image Copyright Winch Design

5. Tillberg Design of Sweden

Location: Hoganas, Sweden, Poland, Miami & Singapore

Years in the Industry: 50+ years

Notable Projects: 222 metres Somnio Yacht (master planning & interiors concept), 120 metres Desert Pearl, Ritz Carlton Yacht Collection

Specialisation: Naval Architecture & Exterior Design

Recognition: 3 x Gazelle Award for Fastest Growing Company in Sweden


Tillberg Design of Sweden (TDoS) has long been one of the major players in yacht and cruise line design, since founder Robert Tillberg made the ocean and cruise liner Kungsholm a showcase of bespoke Scandinavian style in 1964. Today, TDoS specialises in design concepts for cruise ships and yachts – through its TDoS Yacht division – while also providing graphic design and branding for a variety of clientele. Lightness and luminosity of spaces is a hallmark of the TDoS philosophy, with every project encompassing a purposeful design that is firmly grounded in history, environmental sustainability, and a future-proof timelessness.

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© Image Copyright Tillberg Design

6. Nauta Yachts

Location: Milan, Italy

Years in the Industry: 50 years

Notable Projects: M/Y Azzam (the world's largest superyacht), M/Y Eclipse, S/Y Serene, M/Y Dilbar

Specialisation: Exterior & Interior Design

Recognition: 40+ awards from superyacht and boating competitions.


Born in 1985 and acting initially as a yard, Nauta Yachts presented a style and an idea to the market which proved instantly successful, as they designed and built semi-custom sailing yachts, that were both innovative and soberly elegant.

Since 1994, they turned from production into design and brokerage, focusing on the production (general arrangement, interiors and exterior styling) of custom sailing and power yachts.

Nauta Yachts believe that there is no such thing as a universal concept of what an ideal boat should be. Everyone has their own opinion. And whatever your opinion, Nauta Yachts can turn your vision into a yacht of remarkable and unmistakable character. 

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© Image Copyright Nauta Design

7. Rémi Tessier

Location: Paris, France

Years in the Industry: 20+ years

Notable Projects: 97 metres M/Y Vava II, 49 metres Satori, 55 metres Kahalani, 49 metres Zefira

Specialisation: Yacht Interiors & Furniture

Recognition: Over 12 International Awards


Rémi Tessier is one of the world's most celebrated yacht interior designers, known for his sophisticated and timeless designs. His approach is founded in simplicity, where function determines form. Each interior project is tailored to his clients, while conveying his signature style of peaceful elegance. Rémi believes that luxury and refinement should be sensed rather than ostentatiously forced. As such, exceptional quality and impeccable detail are the cornerstones of his design philosophy.

Rémi's studio is based in Paris and is home to an international team of designers, though he personally oversees every millimetre of each scheme. He has designed interiors for private residences, yachts, private jets, and bespoke furniture collections.

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© Image Copyright Remi Tessier

8. Francis Design

Years in the Industry: 40+ years

Notable Projects: 124 metres Golden Odyssey, 74.5 metre Zeus, 59.2 metre Senses

Specialisation: Superyacht Interiors & Exteriors


Martin Francis is one of the world's foremost designers with decades of experience working on some of the most iconic yachts on the water. He has designed yachts since 1980, starting with large sailing boats he is the creative design force behind the iconic yachts Zeus and Senses.

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© Image Copyright Francis Design

9. Reymond Langton

Location: Bath, UK

Notable Projects: 80 metres M/Y Artefact, 93 metres M/Y Lady S, 56 metres M/Y Galvas, 109 metres

Specialisation: Yacht Interiors & Exteriors

Recognition: Best Interior Design, Boat International


Established in 2001 by the talented design duo of Pascale Reymond and Andrew Langton, both of whom already had over a decade’s experience in the superyacht industry, they are committed to creating designs that are as beautiful as they are functional.

The focus is on exceeding their client's expectations, with projects being delivered on time and on budget. In 2002, Jason Macaree joined the team as a director. Coming from different creative backgrounds – Pascale gained a Master’s degree in Art History from La Sorbonne, Paris before moving to London to study Interior Design while Andrew and Jason graduated with a BA (Hons) in Transport Design – the team’s individual blend of skills and professional expertise are complementary, resulting in a remarkable and much sought after design team delivering unquestionable quality with superb attention to detail.

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© Image Copyright Raymond Langton

10. H2 Yacht Design

Years in the Industry: 28 years

Notable Projects: 85 metres Victorious, 80 metres Tatiana, 75 metres Arrow

Specialisation: Yacht Refits, interiors & Exteriors

Recognition: World Superyacht Awards Nomination


Jonny Horsfield established the H2 design studio in London in 1994. In the early years of the business they worked almost exclusively on yacht refit projects which gave them a broad experience of working to strict time frames in different design styles with varying budgets. During this period H2 built an enviable reputation amongst the yacht community for being the refit design experts.

They are a design company that is here to serve their customers and, as such, H2 prides itself in not having a “house style” that is replicated for each client. Instead their portfolio is wonderfully diverse, enabling them to work in any style the client prefers. This is both stimulating for them as designers and comforting for their customers.

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© Image Copyright H2 Yacht Design

11. De Basto Designs

Location: Miami, Florida, USA

Years in the Industry: 20 years

Notable Projects: 90 metres Dar, 53 metres Tala, Nautilus

Recognition: Award Winning Studio


The studio specializes exclusively in the design of luxury yachts, custom and production boats, residential and unique commercial vessels. From the preliminary concept to the space planning, styling, and interior design, creativity and excellence are the main considerations, always with a constant awareness of function.

"Our approach is one that delves deep into the client’s mindset in order to understand exactly what they want – and then exceed those expectations. To have them recognized and awarded give us much pride."

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© Image Copyright De Basto Design

12. Terence Disdale Yacht Design

Location: Surrey, United Kingdom

Notable Projects: 162. metres Eclipse, 160 metres Project Blue , 139.29 metres Al Salamah

Recognition: 40+ prestigious international awards


Terence Disdale is an award-winning design studio that is responsible for the interior and exterior design of some of the world's most significant yachts. Based in the UK, the studio is renowned for its refreshingly casual yet chic designs. The team of 15 operates under the direction of Terence Disdale, one of the industry's most respected designers, who without formal training has become a true legend in the world of superyacht design.

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© Image Copyright Terence Disdale Yacht

13. Dixon Yacht Design

Location: Southampton, UK

Notable Projects: 152 metres Liberty, 105 metres Falcon, 55 metres DYD

Specialisation: Diverse selection of boats


Established in 1981, Dixon Yacht Design is a multi-skilled and multi-disciplinary design practice. Based on the water’s edge at the epicentre of UK yachting in Swanwick Marina Southampton , the Studio’s diverse portfolio of work has been credited with numerous international awards.

Dixon Yacht's broad spectrum of designs encompasses; sail and power, production boats and custom superyachts, displacement craft and fast planning powerboats, monohulls and multihulls, and myriad permutations of those different types.

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© Image Copyright Dixon Yacht Design

14. Hoek Design

Location: Netherlands & Mallorca

Years in the Industry: 30 years

Specialisation: Naval architecture & Yacht Interiors


Founded in 1986 by Andre Hoek, Hoek Design is today one of the world’s leading offices for yacht design, naval architecture and engineering. Based at the heart of the Dutch yacht building industry, it offers a comprehensive range of styles, from truly classic to ultra-modern.

Superbly balanced with top performances to match, all of their yachts are created by a highly experienced team using the latest design tools.

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© Image Copyright Hoek Design

15. Gresham Yacht Design

Location: Mayfair, London

Notable Projects: 87 metre Alucia2, 82 metre Graceful, 71 metre Victoria

Specialisation: Yacht Exteriors


Gresham Yacht Design is well established studio in the superyacht design industry. They combine traditional and digital techniques to create custom designs that are truly unique. With a strong attention to detail, they pay attention to even the smallest elements to ensure that the end result is nothing short of perfection for each client.

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© Image Gresham Yacht Design

16. Ken Freivokh Design

Location: Hampshire, UK

Notable Projects: 88 metre Maltese Falcon

Specialisation: Modern Design & Yacht Interiors

Recognition: 30+ International Awards


Ken Freivokh Design is known for it's cutting edge designs in the superyacht industry. The studio, is based on the River Hamble in the UK, and is well known for its innovative and futuristic approach to yacht design. The team's attention to detail and passion for sailing is evident in their work, which is characterised by clean lines, functionality, and style.

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© Image Copyright Ken Freivokh Design

17. Design Unlimited

Location: Fareham, UK

Notable Projects: 64 metres Shemaraa, 53 metres Elisabeth F, 30 metres Leopard 3

Specialisation: Yacht Interiors

Recognition: Multi-Award Winning Studio


Design Unlimited is renowned for its progressive and innovative approach to design with the aim of propelling the world of yacht design to new frontiers. The team offer full interior design, decoration and layout services for custom or production motor or sailing yachts of any size.

Their philosophy is to nurture the relationship they have with each of their clients in order bring their ideas to life. They are equally at home working on large superyachts, creating the interior design for a custom tender or developing a production series with a builder. Each project benefits from the same expert knowledge, vision and attention to detail.

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© Image Copyright Design Unlimited

18. Malcolm McKeon Yacht Design

Location: Hamburg, Germany

Notable Projects: 59.7 metres Project 404, 50.44 metres Blackcat, 34.4 metres Liara

Specialisation: Eco Friendly Construction & Yacht Interiors Design

Recognition: Multiple International Design Awards


Malcolm McKeon Yacht Design (MMYD) is a team of naval architects and yacht designers led by highly experienced superyacht designer, Malcolm McKeon. Having been involved with the design of over 200 yachts, including more than 55 superyachts, the studio’s extensive portfolio includes monohull and catamaran sailing yachts, motor yachts, chase boats and tenders.

MMYD is a studio known for its pioneering designs and progressive approach, always striving to deliver dynamic new aesthetics, drawing on the latest technological developments for sustainability and structural integrity. This, combined with advanced engineering solutions and their commitment to ensuring each yacht performs to its full potential, has earned the studio international recognition and a reputation as leaders for elite superyacht design.

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© Image Copyright Malcolm McKeon

19. Beiderbeck Designs

Location: Bremen, Germany

Notable Projects: 75 metre Phocea, 105 metre Nautor Swan, 138 metre Rising Sun

Recognition: 15 World Superyacht Awards, 16 Showboats Design Awards


Large motor yachts are the roots of the studio, with the design and interior styling of yachts ranging from 25 to 75 meters, and the design of occasionally significant areas of yachts up to 150 meters, forming the core of the teams business

In addition to the exterior and interior styling of entire yachts, they also eagerly undertake design tasks in the area of conversion and refit, where they merge the yacht's original character with breathtaking designs, the latest technology, and state-of-the-art features.

"It's often astonishing what can be achieved with existing resources by liberating oneself from constraints and rethinking from the ground up, and we relish seeing our enthusiasm spread to owners and their representatives."

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© Image Copyright Beiderbeck Designs

20. German Yacht Couture

Notable Projects: 66.7 metre Triple Seven, 73.5 metre Sapphire, 70 metres Screen 70, 24 metre Opium,

Specialisation: Naval Architecture, Interior & Exterior Design

Recognition: Recipient of World Superyacht Awards


German Yacht Couture is an international design and project management agency specialising in bespoke yacht designs and engineering. They represent the very best in German yacht design, styling, and naval engineering, and their services range from initial concept ideas to design, technical considerations, interior design, and delivery.

The founder Frank Neubelt is an internationally reknowned, award-winning german yacht designer and naval architect. With over 25 years of experience in bespoke custom-yacht styling, concept development and naval  architecture. 

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© Image Copyright German Yacht Couture

And there you have it, 20 of the world's top superyacht designers, we certainly hope you found this list helpful and informative.

As a superyacht art consultant Artelier works very closely with owners and designers to curate a bespoke art collection for each superyacht, if you would like to find out more about our dedicated art service for yachts visit our yacht art page. Alternatively you can book a free consultation with one of our advisors get in touch to setup a meeting.

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Windward Yachts

10 of the Best Yacht Designers: A Complete Overview of the Artistry and Precision on the Seas

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The beauty of the sea meets art and design in yachts. For centuries, designers have been creating sophisticated boats finely crafted to sail with grace while delighting those who view them from above. Whether interested in investing in a custom-made yacht or simply admiring the latest creations on the market, these 10 yacht designers offer some of the world’s best designs available today. With years of experience and an eye for detail, they bring technical know-how alongside a touch of elegance to captivate even the most discerning maritime admirers. Offering precision craftsmanship that rivals many traditional French luxury designer brands combined with contemporary ingenuity, there is something remarkable about each designer recognized here as one of “the best” when it comes to modern yacht excellence.

What is Yacht Design and Who are the Top Yacht Designers?

Yacht design is the creative process of designing the look, style and construction of a vessel that will be used for recreational purposes. Professional yacht designers are experienced professionals who are knowledgeable in naval architecture, engineering, interior design and art. They understand the needs of their clients and work to create vessels that meet these needs as well as providing aesthetic appeal and luxurious features. The top yacht designers have an impressive array of credentials and experience in the field, giving them the expertise to create some truly unique designs. Their creations range from small day cruisers to large superyachts, often custom-made for their clients’ exact specifications. These designers use their knowledge and skill to make sure that each boat is comfortable, safe and stylish—an impressive feat considering how much variety there is in yacht designs.

Andrew Winch – A Celebrated Yacht Designer Crafting Magnificent Customs Vessels

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Andrew Winch is one of the most legendary superyacht designers in the industry. For more than 30 years, his designs have helped to redefine the luxury yacht market and have set many new standards for comfort and style. His portfolio features some of the most stunning and iconic vessels on the water today, ranging from small pleasure boats to megayachts that are a hundred meters or longer. His emphasis on creating a unique atmosphere onboard, with both attention to detail and remarkable use of space, has made him one of the most sought-after designers in the business. Andrew Winch’s designs have earned him numerous awards and recognition, including being named as one of The Sunday Times’ Top 100 Designers, as well as receiving an honorary doctorate from Southampton Solent University for his outstanding contribution to yacht design.

Bill Tripp: An Award-Winning Sailing Yacht Designer

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Bill Tripp is an award-winning sailing yacht designer who has designed some of the most iconic vessels in history. He is renowned for his innovative and modern designs, which have been featured in countless magazines and documentaries. Among his most famous designs are the sailboats ‘Valiant 40’, ‘Swan 50’ and ‘ Swan 48′ . Each design represents a unique combination of practicality and beauty, showcasing Bill’s passion for pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in yacht design. His work has been honored with many awards, including the prestigious Cruising World Magazine Boat of The Year accolade for his Valiant 40 vessel in 1979.

Vitters – Sharlou, previously named sarissa designed by Bill Tripp

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The yacht Sharlou , previously named Sarissa, is a spectacular sailing vessel designed by renowned yacht designer Bill Tripp. Built in 2011 by the Dutch shipyard Vitters, this superyacht boasts an impressive 87-meter length and luxurious amenities such as a cinema room and jacuzzi. The interior of the boat was designed to be light and airy with plenty of natural light and sleek furnishings. On deck, there are two large decks for entertaining along with a swimming pool and sunbathing area. Another highlight on board is the glass viewing platform located at the aft of the main deck which offers stunning views of the open ocean. Sharlou is definitely one of the most impressive boats out there and perfect for those looking for a luxurious sailing experience.

Giovanni Zuccon: One of the Ferretti’s Favorite Yacht Designers

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Giovanni Zuccon is an award-winning yacht designer who has designed some of the most prestigious yachts for the Ferretti group . Zuccon has a passion for creating beautiful and innovative designs and his prolific portfolio includes his impressive 71m motor yacht, “ Vertigo ”. This superyacht has won numerous awards including “Most Innovative Yacht Design” at the Cannes Boat Show in 2018 and is widely regarded as one of the most luxurious yachts ever built. In addition to “Vertigo”, Zuccon has also designed many other stunning yachts such as “Sunrise”, “Cloud Nine” and “Eden” amongst others. All of these remarkable vessels have garnered praise from industry professionals and illustrate Giovanni Zuccon’s creative genius.

Remi Tessier: The French Excellence for Yacht Refits

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Remi Tessier is an acclaimed French luxury yacht refitting specialist, who has been praised for his work in the industry for decades. He provides full-service refits and customizations, from complete vessel overhauls to specific design touches. His work includes adding new systems and technology, remodeling interiors, and customizing exterior details. He works closely with experienced craftsmen and artisans to ensure that every detail is crafted with the highest standards of excellence. With Remi Tessier’s expertise and commitment to quality, he has created some of the most exquisite yachts and vessels in the world.


Ed Dubois: A Yacht Designer That Won’t Be Forgotten

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Ed Dubois was a renowned yacht designer who was renowned for his stunning designs. He spent over 40 years designing sailing yachts, motorboats, and luxury modern vessels from his base in Lymington, England. His designs have become iconic, inspiring the creation of some of the most beautiful boats ever built. Dubois drew upon a range of influences to create vessels that were innovative yet timeless. His designs are instantly recognizable due to their distinctive hull shapes and sleek lines that combine comfort with performance. As well as creating yachts for private clients, Ed Dubois also designed several high-profile racing yachts including two successful Whitbread Round the World Race entries and several America’s Cup challengers. His passion for design has seen many of his creations become sought-after collectors items, with some achieving classic status. It is clear that Ed Dubois will not be forgotten anytime soon – he has left an indelible mark on the world of yacht design.

Philippe Briand: Another French Great Yacht Designer

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Philippe Briand is one of the most influential French yacht designers in history. He has designed some of the most iconic and luxurious yachts of our time, including the Racing 80 , a sleek and fast racing yacht; the Majesty yachts, which are incredibly stylish modern vessels; and the innovative Outremer catamarans . Philippe Briand is also credited with designing some of the world’s first large luxury sailing yachts, such as Amevi and L’Etendard. His designs have been highly praised for their beautiful lines, innovative features, and performance-oriented design. As a result, Philippe Briand’s designs are highly sought after by those looking for quality craftsmanship and style in their yacht.

Terence Disdale: A Popular Designer Among the Longest Mega Yachts

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Terence Disdale has established himself as one of the most well-known and respected names in the yacht design industry. With more than two decades of experience, his experience and expertise have proven invaluable to the many clients who have sought out his services. His portfolio includes some of the world’s longest and most luxurious mega yachts, including those designed for royalty, celebrities and heads of state.

Disdale’s designs combine a beautiful blend of classic styling with modern amenities. Striking lines, sophisticated details and exquisite materials are all signature elements that can be seen in each yacht he creates. He is particularly known for his unique interior designs, which often include custom furniture, unique fabrics and sumptuous materials. In addition to creating stunning interiors, Disdale also pays close attention to the exterior design of his vessels – ensuring that they are both highly functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The success of Terence Disdale can be attributed to a combination of talent, hard work and an eye for detail. He takes great care to understand his clients’ needs before beginning any project – ensuring that each vessel is tailored to their individual tastes and preferences. His team works closely with shipyards around the world – from Italy to Australia – in order to ensure that every project is completed on time and within budget. The end result is often nothing short of breathtaking – luxurious yet functional vessels that stand apart from their peers.


Espen Øino: an iconic Norwegian yacht designer based in Monaco

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Espen Øino is a Norwegian yacht designer who has been making a name for himself in the luxury yachting world. His portfolio of projects includes some of the most impressive floating structures ever put to sea, ranging from superyacht concepts to custom builds for super wealthy clients. His designs are characterized by their sleek lines and advanced technology, often including hybrid power systems, state-of-the-art safety systems and innovative on-board amenities. He is also known for his use of shape and space to create an atmosphere that perfectly fits the demands of the owner. As one of Norway’s leading yacht designers, Espen Øino has become synonymous with modern design and cutting-edge engineering, which makes him a popular choice among those looking for a truly exclusive boat experience.

Jacques Pierrejean: a designer with some outstanding yachts to its name

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Jacques Pierrejean is a renowned yacht designer who has created some of the most beautiful and impressive vessels ever seen. His designs have won numerous awards, including the coveted “ Best Yacht Design ” at the Monaco Boat Show in 2015. With an extensive portfolio that includes superyachts, luxury sailing yachts and commercial vessels, he is one of the top designers in his field. His designs are characterized by their sleek lines, luxurious interiors and innovative technology – all combining to create stunning works of art on water. Jacques Pierrejean’s attention to detail ensures that each vessel he creates meets its owner’s exact specifications while also providing an elegant aesthetic appeal. From classic motorboats to modern megayachts, his creations are truly remarkable examples of craftsmanship and design excellence.


Peder Eidsgaard: a famous yacht and private aircraft designer 

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Peder Eidsgaard is one of the world’s leading yacht and private aircraft designers, renowned for his signature style that blends form with function. With over two decades of experience in the industry, Peder has become a household name among luxury boat and plane owners. His portfolio includes some of the most iconic vessels ever created, from superyachts to custom-built planes – all characterized by their beautiful lines and cutting-edge technology. Whether it’s building yachts for royalty or creating bespoke interiors for private jets, Peder Eidsgaard is an icon in the field of luxury design.

Overall, it can be concluded that the top yacht designers in the world come from different countries and backgrounds. Each designer has crafted some of the finest superyachts and sailing yachts ever designed, making them true legends of the craft. Yacht designs are as diverse as their designers, but all have a common touch of excellence in their design – each one is unique and special in its own way. To get to know more about these legendary yacht designers and learn more about their remarkable designs, visit our website here where you will find interesting articles on some of the most prestigious yacht designers around the world.

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Invisible Hand: This Pac 52 racer sees the TP52 class return to its offshore roots

Yachting World

  • February 4, 2020

Invisible Hand one of a new generation of 52-footers that represents a return to the offshore roots of the TP52 class, and a resurgence of level-rating grand prix racing on the west coast of the US. Erik Simonson reports

The original Transpac 52 Class ( TP52 ) left an indelible mark on US west coast sailing, but the few that were left racing in California represented a wide range of vintages and race only under handicap. The launch of the Pac 52, a new offshore-specified 52ft class, in 2017 was an attempt to recapture some of that TP spirit and get level rating grand prix racing started up again in California.

The TP52 story began in 2000, when a contingent of Californian sailors sought a new racing class, something smaller than the 70ft sleds that had been surfing their way to victory in the 2,225-mile LA-Honolulu Transpac Race for the previous two decades. They were after a planing design of about 50ft that was simple to sail, could handle round-the-cans races and scoot across the Pacific in a hurry.

The Transpac Yacht Club, which organises the biennial race, proposed a new class to a few local naval architects, including teams from Alan Andrews Yacht Design, Nelson Marek and Reichel/Pugh. The club settled on a 52ft box rule concept, and enlisted designer Bill Lee to help form the rule. Their aim was to have new boats on the start line of the 2001 Transpac Race: the TP52 was launched.


A pre-regatta blackout period only allows teams to practise for three days out of the seven leading up to a regatta, to keep crew bills down. Photo: Sharon Green /

For the following five years there was glory aplenty for west coast TP52s both inshore and offshore, including trans-Pacific races. But the TPs evolved rapidly, adopting square-topped mains and bowsprits. The first generation boats aged quickly as the costs of remaining competitive spiralled, and with no formal organisation or class association, west coast orders slowed.

In Europe, however, the Mediterranean circuit had surged in popularity. By 2006 the Audi TP52 MedCup had become the pinnacle of grand prix racing, with the original offshore element set aside in favour of hardcore inshore racing. The boats got stiffer, lighter and faster. They were largely built in Europe and sailed with European professional crews. If you wanted to race TP52s on a level rating, the Med was the place to be.

Enter the ‘core of four’: American owners Manouch Moshayedi, Victor Wild, Frank Slootman and Tom Holthus. These founding members banded together to form the Pac 52 Class Association, primarily to bring grand prix level rating racing back to the west coast of the USA. Although each owner comes from a slightly different yacht racing background, they all wanted to eliminate the handicap element in the new class.

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The first Pac 52 started life as a new 52-footer for Beau Geste Racing team. When Manouch Moshayedi, owner of the 100-footer Rio , heard that a new Beau Geste was in build at Cookson Boats in Auckland, he contacted Victor Wild, who was also keen to get into some grand prix level racing.

With the tooling already in place, a second boat could be built cost-effectively (now sailing as Wild’s Fox ). If they bulk ordered material and found a couple of other perspective owners, they could save even more and have the nucleus of a new class. The Pac 52 Class was born.

The association was formed with three main elements at its core: a level rating class rule; cost effectiveness; and a mutually agreed schedule. The boats are intended to be lighter and faster than the Super Series TP52s (the current crop of TP52s that race on a purely inshore circuit including the Med, Miami and Key West) but capable of racing offshore and costing much less. Getting into the class with a new boat can come in between US$1.8-2.2 million, compared to a Super Series boat at about $3 million (£2.32 million).


The Pac 52 rig is around 60cm taller than the Super Series TP52s, with 10cm extra draught. Photo: Cynthia Sinclair

Four of the Pac 52s were built at Cookson’s, the sole exception being Moshayedi’s Rio , which was built at Premier Composite Technologies in Dubai. Rio utilised the existing plug made for Super Series boat Platoon, a Judel/Vrolijk design, while Provezza (another Judel/Vrolijk Super Series design) provided the mould for Beau Geste, which in turn led to Fox , Invisible Hand and Bad Pak . Theoretically any of the recent Super Series moulds would work, with a deeper keel and taller rig added.

While Beau Geste , Fox and Rio are set up for inshore racing, Invisible Hand and Bad Pak opted for an offshore package. By modifying the Vrolijk deck and adding 150mm freeboard to the bow and 125mm to the stern, Mick Cookson created enough room to allow crawling access to the aft cockpit bunks and make space for a navigator. The two offshore boats have removable galleys and bunks, and can carry watermakers.

The hull of the Pac 52 has a core of foam. The deck has a honeycomb core, which is a slightly less expensive yet more robust alternative to the Nomex construction of the Super Series sisterships. The offshore-moded Invisible Hand and Bad Pak run lines above deck and have eliminated most through-hull protrusions, making them much dryer. Invisible Hand ’s steering can be switched from wheels to tiller with minimal effort, while Bad Pak ’s owner chose a two-wheel configuration.

One of the biggest weight savings was in the engine. Pac 52s have Lombardini 40hp models, which provide a little less power than the Yanmar 57hp models specified for the Super Series TPs, but weigh 100kg less.

The new class sports a 600mm taller mast, which is placed further aft, increasing the J measurement (jib foretriangle). The smaller main improves the Offshore Racing Rule (ORR) rating when competing in non-class events. Brent Rhune, pro bowman on Bad Pak , says this configuration gives the boats increased power at the lower end of the wind scale.

“The Pac 52 starts planing in 14-15 knots, adding an extra gear or two,” he says. For quick-response rig tuning, Pac 52s have hydraulic headstays, mast deflectors and mast-foot adjusters, powered by a hydraulic rotary pump on the aft coffee grinder.


As with the Super Series TPs, the pit area on the inshore-moded Pac 52s is offset to starboard for fast port-hand mark roundings. It is recessed for reduced windage, with control lines run under deck. Photo: Invisible Hand Sailing

“Set-up on the Pac 52 is all-important: rig tune, mast butt [foot] and rake,” adds Rhune. “Figuring out the crossover of leaving the jib up versus taking it down and hoisting the staysail, thus keeping two guys off the bow at the top mark and three guys at the bottom, ends up earning you boat lengths.”

Cost control

Deck gear packages vary. Fox sports an array of top-end Harken ceramic winches, a hydraulic mast ram and forestay, carbon fibre gearing, and aerodynamic coffee grinders. Invisible Hand and Bad Pak carry a more conventional package with corresponding cost savings.

A key aim of the class association is keeping costs realistic, with an owner-driver rule and limit on seven professional sailors per crew. There are also limitations on new sails, use of support RIBs, and a ‘blackout’ period before each regatta to discourage expensive and lengthy pre-regatta training.


Invisible Hand ’s chamfered bow is designed to encourage waves that break over the bow to roll off the deck. Photo: Invisible Hand Sailing

Five Pac 52 Class events were scheduled for 2017, the inaugural year, including the Rolex Big Boat Series in September, with a break in the middle to allow the offshore boats some bluewater time.

Brent Rhune says the fleet is living up to its promise from a sailor’s perspective: “The boats are a blast to sail, just like their predecessors. Although we have just five boats at this point, the racing is close, with nose-to-tail mark roundings, lead changes, camping [sitting] on opponents on the beat, and so on.”

Ruben Gabriel, who races on Invisible Hand , says the pro-am ethos of the fleet is also a big draw. “It’s half-pro, half-amateur racing against each other in a very competitive environment. Everything is rapid fire, everything rises another notch. Every action is precise and deliberate; there is no wasted effort.

“Even the pre-race and post-race debriefs are exacting. Sharing stories and hearing tales from the pros is a great learning experience.”


LOA (max): 15.85m (52ft) Beam (max): 4.5m (14ft 9in) Draught (max): 3.6m (11ft 9in) Displacement (min): 6,900kg (15,200lb) Sail area (upwind max): 171m 2 (1,840ft 2 ) Asymmetric (max): 272m 2 (2,927ft 2 ) TCF (max): 1.208

A version of this article was first published in the September 2017 edition of Yachting World.

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LOA: 15.85m                 

Beam: 5.15m                

Draft: 3.5m 

Displacement: 7156kg                

Material: Carbon Fibre  

Lying: Auckland, New Zealand                

Builder: Cookson Boats, New Zealand                
Designer: Botin & Carkeek         

Launched: 2009

Price: €350,000

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