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Kanunun ilgili kişinin haklarını düzenleyen 11 inci maddesi kapsamındaki talepleri, Politika’da düzenlendiği şekilde, ayrıntısını Bakanlığımıza ileterek yapabilir. Talebin niteliğine göre en kısa sürede ve en geç otuz gün içinde başvuruları ücretsiz olarak sonuçlandırılır; ancak işlemin ayrıca bir maliyet gerektirmesi halinde Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu tarafından belirlenecek tarifeye göre ücret talep edilebilir.

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Yacht Life Boat Show 2023 Kapılarını Ziyaretçilerine Açtı

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Bültenimize Katılın

En son haberleri almak, güncellemek için abone listemize katılınes ve özel teklifler doğrudan gelen kutunuzda


İmeak deniz ticaret odası antalya şubesi'nin öncülüğünde antalya’da bu yıl ilki gerçekleştirilen yacht life boat show, denizcilik sektörünü bir araya getirdi..


Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin başta olmak üzere, İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Başkanı Tamer Kıran, Antalya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Başkan Danışmanı Lokman Atasoy, Kepez Belediye Başkanı Hakan Tütüncü, Antalya Ticaret Borsası Yönetim Kurulu ve Antalya Tarım Konseyi Başkanı Ali Çandır, Antalya Esnaf Odaları Birlik Başkanı Adlıhan Dere ve DTO Antalya Şube Başkanı Ahmet Çetin ile protokolün 16 Aralık Cumartesi günü açılışını yaptığı Antalya Anfaş Fuar ve Kongre Merkezi’ndeki fuarda; yat, tekne ve yelkenlilerle ilgilenen profesyoneller ile denizcilik tutkunları bir araya geldi. 

yacht life boat show antalya

Sektörün büyük ilgi gösterdiği  ve 120 firma, 135 marka yer aldığı fuar 8 gün boyunca ziyaretçilerini ağırlamaya devam edecek. 

Yacht Life Boat Show her bütçeye uygun deniz araçları ve malzemeleri sunarak katılımcı firmalara stoklarını yenileme, yeni siparişler alma ve 2024 yılında hedefledikleri ticaret performansına ulaşma fırsatı sunuyor.

Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin, DTO Başkanı Tamer Kıran ile birlikte fuarı gezdi

Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin, İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Başkanı Tamer Kıran, Antalya Şube Başkanı Ahmet Çetin ve protokol üyeleri açılış konuşmaları sonrası fuarı gezerek, yetkili firmalardan bilgiler aldılar.

Tamer Kıran’dan Antalya ziyaretleri

Boat Show 2023 için Antalya’ya gelen DTO Başkanı Tamer Kıran, Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin başta olmak üzere Antalya Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Ali Bahar, Sahil Güvenlik Antalya Grup Komutanı Yarbay Tolga Coşkun, Antalya Bölge Liman Başkanı Muhammet Alper Keçeli , QTerminals Antalya Genel Müdürü Özgür Sert ve Setur Antalya Marina Müdürü Ziya Baykal ziyaret etti ve ardından DTO Antalya Şubesinde, oda üyeleriyle bir araya geldi, sorunlarını dinledi.

yacht life boat show antalya

“Antalya hem ekonomik anlamda hem de turizm anlamında çok önemli bir kentimiz!”

İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Başkanı Tamer Kıran Antalya ziyaretleri ve fuar hakkında yaptığı açklamasında, “Deniz Ticaret Odası ekibimiz ile birlikte Yacht Life Boat Show için Antalya’ya geldik. Çok güzel bir fuarla karşılaştık. Yeni hayata başlayan ve inşallah ilerideki senelerde çok daha iyi yerlerde gelecek bir fuar. Katılımcı sayısını yoğun gördük. Ziyaretçi sayısı da iyi. Bu fuarı sektörün ihtiyaçları açısından başarılı buldum. Antalya hem ekonomik anlamda hem de turizm anlamında çok önemli bir kentimiz. Turizm açısından baktığımızda da çok önemli bir kentimiz. Buraya geldiğimizde de mutlaka yereldeki yöneticilerimizle kamudaki yöneticilerimizi ziyaret ediyoruz. Antalya’nın deniz turizmindeki yerini nasıl daha iyileştirebiliriz istişaresinde bulunuyoruz. Faydalı bir ziyaret oldu diye düşünüyorum. DTO Antalya Şubemizi Başkanı Ahmet Çetin Başkan dabenim gibi ikinci dönemini icra ediyor. Çok faydalı işler yapıyor. Üyelerine çok yakın, devamlı üyeler ile temas halinde. Ulaşılabiliyor. Kendisi burada sorunları çözmekte başarılı bir şube başkanımız. Kendisi ile çalışmaktan çok memnunum” diye konuştu.

  • İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası
  • Tamer Kıran
  • denizcilik sektörü

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yacht life boat show antalya

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Antalya Yacht Lıfe Boat Show Fuarı denizcilik sektörünü buluşturdu

Antalya valisi hulusi şahin, yat sektörünü tüm unsurlarıyla beraber antalya’da ve türkiye’de daha da büyütüleceğini söyledi..



Antalya’da bu yıl ilki düzenlenen Yacht Life Boat Show Fuarı, tarım ve turizmin başkenti Antalya’da denizcilik sektörünü buluşturdu. Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin, ‘’Yat sektörünü tüm unsurlarıyla beraber Antalya’mızda ve Türkiye’mizde büyüteceğiz” dedi.

Antalya Fuarcılık İşletme ve Yatırım A.Ş (ANFAŞ) Fuar merkezinde bu yıl ilk kez Yacht Life Boat Show Fuarı açıldı. Fuara, Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin, IMEAK DTO Başkanı Tamer Kıran ve yönetim kurulu üyeleri, TOBB Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Antalya Ticaret Borsası Başkanı Ali Çandır, Antalya Esnaf ve Sanatkar Odaları Birliği (AESOB) Başkanı Adlıhan Dere, Kepez Belediye Başkanı Hakan Tütüncü, Sahil Güvenlik Antalya Grup Komutanı SG. Yb. Tolga Coşkun ile denizcilik sektör temsilcileri katıldı.

ANFAŞ Fuar Merkezinde 120 firmanın 135 marka ile katıldığı fuarda konuşan Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin, Antalya ve Türkiye’de yat sektörünün daha da büyütüleceğini söyledi. Antalya’nın fuarlar kenti olduğunu belirten Vali Şahin, şöyle konuştu.

‘’Bu yat fuarı Antalya’nın fuarcılık boşluklarından biriydi. İnanıyorum ki Yacht Life Boat Show çok hızlı bir şekilde büyüyerek Türkiye’nin en önemli ve en etkili fuarlarından biri olacaktır. Çünkü Antalya’nın böyle bir potansiyeli var. Antalya’da Serbest Bölge’de yat üretimi yapılıyor. Antalya son dönemde bu pastadan çok büyük bir pay alıyor. Antalya sadece yat imalatıyla değil, yan sanayisi ile de çok büyük bir ivmeye sahip. Yat sektörünü tüm unsurlarıyla beraber Antalya’mızda ve Türkiye’mizde büyüteceğiz.’’

Türkiye’nin ikinci yüzyılında büyük hedeflere sahip olduğunu vurgulayan Vali Şahin, şöyle devam etti.

‘’Denizcilik ve yat sektöründen Türkiye’nin alacağı çok büyük katma değerler var. Türkiye’nin ikinci yüzyılında hedeflerimiz büyük. 500 Milyar Dolar ihracat, 1 Trilyon Dolar dış ticaret hacmi bekliyoruz. Bunun için şu anda olduğumuzun iki katına çıkmamız lazım. 250 Milyar dolarlardayız ki rekorlar kırarak bu rakamlara çıktık bunu daha da arttırmamız gerek. Türkiye savunma sanayi ve uluslararası deniz nakliyatında önemli bir yere geldi. Türkiye dev adımlar atıyor. Deniz savunma sanayinde önemli noktalara doğru gidiyor. Bu hususta da öncü firmalarımız var. Tuzla’da, Antalya’da çok güzel işler yapılıyor. Sivil gemi yapımında da çok iyi bir noktadayız.’’

İMEAK Deniz Ticaret Odası Başkanı Tamer Kıran da, denizciliğin Antalya için önemli olduğuna dikkat çekti. Kıran, şunları kaydetti.

‘’Bu yıl ilki düzenlenen Yacht Life Boat Show Fuarı gelecek yıllarda çok daha iyi yerlere gelecek. Antalya hem ekonomik anlamda hem de turizm anlamında çok önemli bir kentimiz. Turizm açısından da çok önemli bir kentimiz.”

Tamer Kıran’dan ziyaretler

IMEAK DTO Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Tamer Kıran ve beraberindeki heyet Antalya Valisi Hulusi Şahin, ATSO Başkanı Ali Bahar, Antalya Bölge Liman Başkanı Muhammet Alper Keçeli, QTerminals Antalya Genel Müdürü Özgür Sert ve Setur Antalya Marina Müdürü Ziya Baykal’ı ziyaret etti.

TOBB Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve Antalya Ticaret Borsası Başkanı Ali Çandır ile de bir araya gelen Tamer Kıran, DTO Antalya Şubesinde üye denizcilerle buluşarak sektörün sorunlarını dinledi.

Fuar, 24 Aralık tarihine kadar açık kalacak.

İlgili İçerikler

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KKM’de ‘mutlu son’a geliniyor

The Turkey Traveler

The 11 Best Antalya Boat Trips To Set Sail On

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Co-Founder of The Turkey Traveler. Globetrotter, Adventurer, and Frequent Traveler to Turkey!

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Antalya is the beating heart of the Turkish Riviera and is all about being on the water. With miles and miles of gorgeous Turquoise coast, as well as some wild, untamed rivers and mysterious off-shore islands, it’s the number one place to take a boat trip in Turkey.

In fact, there are so many boat tours in Antalya to choose from, that it can be overwhelming choosing between them. To help you decide, we’ve put together a list of the best Antalya boat trips and tours, so you can put together your epic Antalya itinerary .

Whether you’re looking for diving adventures, private yacht cruises, snorkeling adventures, day trips to uninhabited islands or party boat tours – these are the best boat trips in Antalya for any type of traveler…

The Best Group Antalya Boat Trips

Let’s begin with some group boat trip options. These are the best options for any type of traveler on a budget as you simply book your ticket, and spend the day exploring with other like-minded travelers.

Whether you’re a family, group of friends, couple, or solo traveler, these boat trips will be right up your alley!

1. Full Day Suluada Island Boat Trip


Nicknamed the Turkish Maldives, Suluada Island is a true paradise in the Mediterranean Ocean. The name ‘ Suluada ‘ translates to Watery Island in English, and it refers to the freshwater source that’s found on the island. However, it’s the beaches that bring people here.

The uninhabited island is surrounded by pristine, white sand beaches and crystal clear bays. There are plenty of snorkeling spots around the island where you can see lots of fish and marine life. You’ll sail past Love Cave and Love Beach, Cennet Bay, West Beach, and Fener Bay.

On this boat tour from Antalya, you start by driving to Adrasan, which takes around 1.5 hours. You will then board your boat, and sail around the stunning landscape as well as stop and swim or snorkel in the best spots.

You’ll also get to snorkel in the Hacivat Bay on the way home – this is a famous rock formation in Antalya and is named because it looks like a character from a Turkish play named Hacivat.

This is a full-day tour with pickup and drop-off from your hotel. Just pack your sun hat and shades, plenty of sun cream, and of course, your swimsuit. You will also need to bring your own snorkeling gear, but you can rent this from in Antalya town for a reasonable price. You’ll also be treated to a lunch on board, which has vegetarian options as well.

2. Pirate Boat Trip to Phaselis Bay


If you’re looking for a more historical boat tour, then the pirate boat from Kemer Beach to Phaselis Bay is the bout tour for you. As you discover the stunning bays around the Mediterranean ocean, you’ll be transported by a pirate-themed Gallion, which looks like something out of a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

The ship will take you to the ancient Greek and Roman city of Phaselis, which is now an open-air museum in Antalya . The city is now in ruins, which is said to date back to the 7th century BCE.

Wander around the agora and amphitheater, former Roman Baths, and aqueducts, before heading back to the ship to do some more exploring.

You’ll have some time to swim in the shallow waters of Phaselis, before having lunch. Then, you’ll sail to Paradise Bay, which as you can imagine by the name, is a stunning beach. You might also get to see the beautiful Mehmet Ali Bükü bay for swimming if there’s time.

The final stop on your journey is the Alaca Water, a gorgeous inlet filled with coral, which is the perfect spot to do some snorkeling before returning home. The entire tour takes around 6-8 hours, so do plan for a full day.

3. Demre, Kekova Sunken City, and Myra Boat Trip

yacht life boat show antalya

If you’d like to get off the beaten track on your boat tour, then consider a trip out to the small Turkish island of Kekova, which is just a short boat ride from the coastal town of Demre.

Here is where you can see the partly sunken ruins of the ancient town of Kekova, the most famous of which are the tombs that are partly submerged in the water.

Kekova was largely destroyed by an earthquake in the 2nd century but was rebuilt and used as a dockyard until it the Byzantine era. As soon as the Arabs invaded, it was abandoned.

Although the Turkish government has banned swimming around the ruins because of problems with looters, you can still rent kayaks and paddle close by or take a boat trip out to see them.

4. Full Day Scuba Diving Tour for Beginners

yacht life boat show antalya

It wouldn’t be a trip to the Mediterranean without a day spent scuba diving. This is one of the most popular things to do in Antalya, and for good reason.

Nestled below the ocean are a shipwreck, corals, captivating caves, and plenty of marine life. You can see it all on this diving excursion, which is suitable for divers of all skill levels – that means you too, beginners!

This is a full-day boat tour that takes you to several diving spots off the coast of Antalya. You’ll get picked up from your hotel and meet your professional diving guide.

The dive sites are chosen according to weather conditions, and you’ll also be split into groups depending on your skill level, so if you have been diving before you don’t have to worry about being held back.

5. Green Canyon Boat Trip

yacht life boat show antalya

For those who are tired of seeing the ocean, you can head inland to the serene landscape of the Green Canyon. Sit back and relax on a cruise through an emerald green lake sitting at the base of the Taurus Mountain range.

The canyon is around 14 kilometers long, plus a further 3 kilometers into its Little Canyon. The lake is surrounded by lush woodlands and glistening limestone cliffs.

If it pleases you, feel free to take a dip in the cool waters and feel that blissful water cool your skin.

Make sure to be on the lookout for a rare brown fish owl that calls this canyon home!

6. Boat Trip to Düden Waterfalls + City Tour


Located about 10km out of Antalya is the Duden Waterfalls. There are two falls, Upper and Lower; both connecting to the Düden River which starts in the Taurus Mountain Range.

The Lower Düden Waterfall is the most famous waterfall in Antalya because its water drops 40 meters off a cliff into the Mediterranean below. This is the advantage of seeing the waterfall from a boat trip, as you get the best view of the water dropping into the ocean below.

The Upper Waterfall is a bit of a walk from Lower Falls, but the walk strolls through forest-lined pathways and through the natural caves. Here you can see the waterfall up close from a viewing platform.

Because of its close proximity to the city, this boat trip in Antalya is only half a day, so the rest of the day is spent exploring some of the top attractions in the city, such as Hadrian Gate and the old city of Kaleici.

7. Manavgat River Cruise

yacht life boat show antalya

Another historic boat tour in Antalya takes you to the Manavgat coast. Here you can see sea turtles sunning themselves by the bay, followed by a visit to a 2nd-century-old Roman temple of Apollo.

After visiting the lively town of Manavgat and exploring the markets, you’ll get to spend time swimming in either the sea or river. The boat will cruise down the river so you get an excellent view of the town and all its bustling atmosphere.

8. Party Boat Tour Around the Mediterranean

yacht life boat show antalya

Antalya’s nightlife and party scene are second to none, and it’s one of the major reasons why Antalya is worth visiting . But for a truly unique party experience, grab your bikini and your vodka as the Mega Star is about to set sail on the party cruise of your life!

The boat sails around the stunning Mediterranean ocean, stopping at places where you can swim if you want to. The DJ is dropping hit after hit, and there’s even a foam party.

Lunch is provided so you can keep your belly full while you party. There is a full bar service and you will also get picked up and dropped off at your hotel.

Private Boat Trips in Antalya

Not everyone likes to spend the day hanging out with strangers. Of course, a private Antalya boat trip is going to cost you more than the group tours, but what you get out of it are a more personal experience, a tailored itinerary, and long-lasting memories.

And if you’re traveling as a group and split the cost, it can be quite affordable. Here are the best private boat tours in Antalya.

9. Private Boat Trip to Kekova

Sunken City of Kekova

If you fancy visiting Kekova but without the throngs of people, consider booking a private tour. This allows you to go at your own pace, stop off where you choose for a swim, or spend longer exploring ruins and caves.

You’ll be joined by a local guide who will share with you their knowledge of the history of Kekova and its ruins. You’ll also get a good view of the ruins beneath the surface from the glass bottom of the boat.

The cruise also goes to Akvaryum Bay, which is the perfect place for a swim. The final stop is Kalekoy, an authentic village known for the striking Simena Castle.

If you want to add some water sports to your itinerary, you can do just that as you head to Gokkaya Bay. You also pass by a pirates’ cave which is full of majestic natural structures.

10. Private Boat Trip to Kas

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For a unique experience, head to the scenic Kas Islands in Greece, sailing on a beautiful 55-foot (17-meter), traditional wooden gulet yacht.

As you hop from island to island, you’ll get plenty of chances to stop and snorkel and swim, as well as see an epic sunken ship and underwater canyon. All snorkel gear can be provided.

The tour includes a Turkish-style lunch and can carry up to 15 passengers, so grab your mates and head to Kas! If there’s anywhere special you want to go, chat with your captain, as the schedule and itinerary can be fully customized.

11. Full Day Luxury Yacht with Drinks

yacht life boat show antalya

If you want to cruise the gorgeous Turquoise Coast at your own pace and on your own itinerary, no problem! Simply hire your own private yacht and explore!

The yacht is able to carry up to 12 passengers, and you can stop and swim anywhere you want. The yacht also has fishing and snorkeling gear, so no need to pack your own.

You’ll be treated to lunch or dinner on board, as well as hotel pick up and drop off. This is the most flexible boat tour in Antalya, perfect for those who love to plan every detail of their trip!

Tips for Taking An Antalya Boat Tour

If you’ve found a boat tour in Antalya that sounds exciting to you, then make sure you consider these words of advice before you book.

  • Book in advance. Taking a boat tour is one of the most popular day trips in Antalya and it’s quite common for boat tours to sell out. Don’t leave it to the last minute and book early.
  • Pack plenty of water. The sun in Antalya is very hot and in the summer, it receives very little cloud cover. Make sure you stay hydrated.
  • Wear reef-safe sun cream. This follows my previous point about the sun. Protect your skin and wear sun cream, but if you plan on doing some snorkeling, make sure that it’s reef safe as some sun creams are harmful to the corals and fish.
  • Bring snacks. Every boat trip we’ve taken has usually included lunch, but lunch can sometimes be later in the day at around 2 pm. We prefer to eat a bit earlier, so took some snacks to keep us going.
  • Bring a towel . You always need a towel, even if you don’t plan on swimming. Trust me!
  • Pack flip-flops . If you’re planning on visiting any beaches or islands, flip-flops are a must!
  • Get a dry bag for your camera gear. We’ve made this mistake before and came home with a soaking wet camera. Luckily a bag of rice later and our camera was fine. But the bag of rice trick isn’t fail-safe so do get a dry bag if you can.
  • Don’t forget your swimsuit! This might seem obvious but we’ve seen it happen!

FAQs About Antalya Boat Tours

Here’s what people usually ask us about boat tours in Antalya…

How much is a boat trip in Turkey Antalya?

The cost of group boat trips in Antalya ranges from $20 – $50 per adult and $10-$50 per child. If you are looking to get a private boat tour, you will need to pay for the boat, captain, and crew for the full day. This largely depends on the type of boat and itinerary, but you could spend anything from $800-$2,000 per day.

What is the best Antalya Boat Party?

The best Antalya boat party is the Mega Star Boat Tour which has a DJ, foam party, alcohol, and BBQ, which comes highly rated.

Are there any short boat trips from Antalya?

Yes, there are. The shortest boat trip from Antalya is the Duden waterfalls boat trip which is about half a day.

Before You Go

So there you have it, those are the best boat tours in Antalya and as you can see, there are plenty of options to take. We hope this guide helped you plan your itinerary and decide which is the best Antalya boat tour for you.

If you have any questions, or have a boat tour you want to recommend, let us know in the comments!

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Co-Founder of The Turkey Traveler

Louisa Smith

Louisa is a professional travel blogger with an insatiable wanderlust for exploring the captivating country of Turkey. With a deep appreciation for the country’s diverse history and natural beauty, Louisa has made it her mission to share the wonders of Turkey with the world. Born in the UK and raised by two Travel Agent parents, she was born with a perpetual case of the travel bug and now travels full time as a travel writer. Louisa has embarked on numerous adventures across Turkey, and shares her first-hand expertise and experience about her favorite destinations in Turkey, such as Antalya, Alanya, Fethiye and Bodrum.

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  • Cars, Jets & Yachts

Monaco Yacht Show 2024: The Biggest, Boldest and Most Expensive Superyachts To See

Even in its 33rd year, Monaco Yacht Show continues to break its own milestones.

By Ellys Woodhouse and Toby Louch

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The principality of Monaco has a calendar that’s filled with major events. While the financial benefits of this little tax haven ensure its population remains fairly well stocked with super-rich and socialites year-round, it’s these events that truly bring the masses. April calls for the tennis at The Rolex Monte-Carlo Masters; in May it’s time for the Formula One Grand Prix ; June brings the world-famous car show Top Marques ; and summer draws to a close with perhaps the most glam of the bunch, the Monaco Yacht Show, which this year falls on September 25 – 28.

For those interested in gazing upon some of the finest yachts that can be found anywhere in the world, Monaco ’s Port Hercules is a pretty good spot year-round, but for the weekend of the Monaco Yacht Show, things enter a different league.

The Monaco Yacht Show is essentially a gathering of the global superyacht community. From owners to innovators, manufacturers and brokers, all head to the principality. Each year, builders and brokers present around 120 superyachts and 60 luxury tenders , with many of these reflecting current industry trends and revealing the potential future direction of the industry. These vessels boast an average length of around 160 ft, with a sprinkling of superyachts that top the 320 ft mark – with this year’s headliner clocking in at 400 ft.

Aside from the yachts themselves, visitors can expect countless designers improving yacht interiors and engineers working to ensure the industry becomes more sustainable. There’s sure to be a lot going on.

So ahead of this year’s event, Elite Traveler has looked into which yachts will be on display at Port Hercules and curated a list of some of the show’s unmissable vessels. So blow the dust off your Panama hat and add a few zeros to your credit card limit, because these are some of the biggest, boldest and most expensive boats attending the 2024 Monaco Yacht Show.

[See also: The Rise of the Superyacht Marina]

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The Rise of the Superyacht Marina

Louis Vuitton Americas Cup

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h3 redesign oceanco yacht

H3: The Market’s Most Expensive Superyacht Debuts a New Design

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The undisputed biggest headline of this year’s show – in every sense of the word – Lürssen’s Kismet will be the largest yacht to go on display in Port Hercules. While the previous title holder was another from Lürssen, the 377.6-ft Ahpo, the Kismet takes its victory by a considerable mile, clocking in at 400 ft. Previously known as Project Jag, the Kisamet was handed over to owner Shahid Khan in May 2024, making it one of the show’s newest deliveries, too. 

With exterior design by Nuvolari Lenard and naval architecture by Lürssen Yachts along with Reymond Langton Design working on the yacht’s interiors , Kismet is decked out with a helipad, beauty salon, indoor and outdoor cinema, dance floor and gym. Perhaps unsurprising, but all this makes Kisamet one of the most expensive yachts to charter , too, asking for €3m (approx. $3.4m) per week with Cecil Wright & Partners. 

[See also: How Louis Vuitton Made the America’s Cup the Voyage en Vogue]

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Delivered in 2019 by SilverYachts and refitted in 2024, the almost 280-ft, self-described ‘sports activity vessel’ Bold takes center stage at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Designers Espen Øino created the superyacht’s striking, military-inspired exterior, creating a unique glass-enclosed loft on the upper deck that covers over 3,200 sq-ft of interior space. Meanwhile, Vain Interiors has created an opulent, New York-style loft, which is built to accommodate up to 12 overnight guests in eight luxurious staterooms and can carry up to 96 passengers while cruising.

With a a huge selection of water toys, a vast outdoor entertaining area with a bar and Teppanyaki grill, a cinema, an eight-person hot tub and a lounge surrounding a firepit, it’s no surprise that the Bold is a popular charter yacht, with Holl Robinson asking €875,000 ($972, 800) per week. 

yacht life boat show antalya

Following an extensive, three-year rebuild, the most expensive superyacht on the market has returned to Port Hercules for 2024, complete with a new look – and price tag, too, asking for €295m ($328m). The 344.5-ft Oceanco H3 superyacht has already picked up a handful of international awards for the new look and is expected to impress many fans at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. 

In addition to the extra 10 meters that were added to the H3 ’s hull, the rebuild – from the likes of Reymond Langton Design, which worked on both the exterior and interior redesign, and the collaboration between Lateral Naval Architects and Oceanco on its naval architecture – also saw a pool deck, huge spa and wellness area and climate-controlled winter garden added to H3 ’s numerous amenities. 

[See also: Life Onboard The World Residences at Sea]

yacht life boat show antalya

With its distinctive, shark-like exterior design, the 295-ft superyacht DAR will be hard not to miss at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Built by Oceanco with exteriors designed by Luiz de Basto Design, the glossy black silhouette was inspired by the look of the hammerhead shark, with sinuous lines, wide set wing stations and a mast modeled after a dorsal fin. 

Meanwhile, renowned Italy-based studio Nuvolari & Lenard has crafted swooping, contemporary interiors. DAR’s impressive features include a complete owner’s deck, complete with a private salon and jacuzzi, a wellness area, an impressive beach club, and two helipads for private use. Offering grandeur and complete privacy in equal doses, DAR can accommodate up to 14 guests in overnight accommodation, with separate living quarters to host as many as 31 crew members.

[See also: Does this 357-Foot New Yacht Belong to Steven Spielberg?]

yacht life boat show antalya

Despite only hitting the waters in June this year, the first wallywind110, Galma , is set to make its global debut at Monaco Yacht Show 2024. Measuring almost 110 ft, Galma ’s naval architecture comes from German studio judel/vrolijk & co while interior and exterior lines are designed by Wally in collaboration with Santa Maria Magnolfi. With a design that offers the comfort of a cruising yacht while maintaining the performance of a racing boat, Galma is characterized by the 22.6-ft telescopic keel and an all-carbon hull that has been painted in light metallic blue.

Other highlights of Galma include an 860-sq-ft full-beam cockpit with seating and dining for up to 15 people, as well as an open-plan raised saloon. Galma can accommodate up to eight guests overnight, with five crew members. 


[See also: The Ultimate Guide to Hydrogen-powered Yachts]

Photo of Ellys Woodhouse

Ellys Woodhouse

Photo of Toby Louch

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Brokerage boat of the month: Aalto, the high-volume yacht with an interior by iconic Parisian designers

Every month we place a spotlight on one of the best-designed brokerage boats that have joined the market, changed agents or have had a significant price drop. For August, the 80-metre yacht Aalto is our Brokerage Boat of the Month. 

Nuvolari Lenard was responsible for her exterior design, while iconic Parisian designers Agence Pinto worked up her interior. Aalto is listed for sale with multiple brokers for the Monaco Yacht Show , comprising Matt Pinckney at Burgess , Charles Carveles at Edmiston and James Pool at Y.CO. Her asking price is €79,750,000. 

BOAT's brokerage editor says:

Aalto sports a powerful exterior by Nuvolari Lenard that contains a high-volume 2,310GT interior, exquisitely finished and detailed by Paris-based Agence Pinto. Constructed in the Netherlands by Oceanco , she is packed with design features – including a stabilised pool table, heated pool, owner's suite with two Jacuzzis, circular skylights, circular indoor-outdoor dining room – while remaining gimmick-free and purposeful, with life rafts positioned outboard for safe automatic deployment.

The brokers say:

Burgess' Matt Pinckney said: "This Dutch-built yacht offers a unique chance to own a pedigree yacht at a fraction of current build costs." Y.CO's James Pool agreed, adding: " Aalto offers a great opportunity in today’s market to purchase a reputable Oceanco Y700 platform, commercially compliant and ready to go." The third joint central agent, Edmiston's Charles Carveles concluded: "As part of the Oceanco Y700 series, Aalto is a proven platform for both owner's use and charters worldwide – with one owner from new and benefiting from constant maintenance."

Key features:

  • Northern European pedigree
  • Owner's deck and further eight guest cabins for total party of 18, including four VIP cabins
  • Large sundeck with pool and swimming jets
  • 20-knot top speed
  • Considerable 2,310GT internal volume
  • Substantial guest elevator

What makes her special?

Nuvolari Lenard's Dan Lenard exclusively told BOAT International that Aalto was the first of a range to use the Oceanco standard platform, named Y700. "This concept was new in the 80-metre-plus sector," he recalled, noting this was the first time that Aalto was based on a  "3D superstructure' design". "Before, Aalto designs were flat." The superstructure also had "portions of the side decks being wider than the hull’s maximum beam", which is now quite commonplace in the industry.

 "Her top deck pool was a daring step ahead on the outside deck design," he continued. "She marked Oceanco as an innovative and open-minded shipyard with a vision of pushing the bar, with every boat coming out of their sheds in the years to come." Her design followed the 81.3-metre Alfa Nero , which "introduced the stern pool", and the 85.5-metre Vibrant Curiosity , with a pool on the upper deck.

No expense was spared when it came to design details either, with Aalto originally decorated in 2007 by Agence Pinto under the artistic direction of the renowned designer Pietro Scaglione, who is famed for his maximalist extravagant interiors.

Thierry Seigle of Agence Pinto said: " Aalto is a floating masterpiece that embodies elegance and luxury in every detail of its design".  He added that Pinto "infused this vessel with a unique Art Deco ambience. Every space on board reflects the opulence and glamour of the 1920s, with noble materials, geometric patterns and rich colours creating a sophisticated yet warm atmosphere". Carefully selected works of art are found throughout, with splendid lounges, cabins and relaxation areas, including a billiard room, "which have been designed to offer guests absolute comfort". Summing up: "We can see that she has stood the test of time over the past 20 years."

Price comparison:

BOATPro data shows comparable yachts for sale to the 80-metre Aalto for sale, asking €79,750,000 with Burgess, Edmiston and Y.CO: 74-metre Global , asking €79,000,000 with IYC ; 77-metre Yersin , asking €59,000,000 with Edmiston ; 78-metre Amaryllis , asking €89,000,000 with Moravia Yachting ; 78-metre Energy , POA with Burgess ; 80-metre Silver Edge , asking $75,000,000 with Fraser ; 80-metre Elements , asking €112,000,000 with Camper & Nicholsons ; 90-metre Dar , asking €208,000,000 with Large Yacht Corp. ; 91-metre Lady Lara , asking €230,000,000 with Y.CO .

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  • What Life Might Look Like on the World’s Biggest Yacht

Portrait of Adriane Quinlan

On a Tuesday morning in September, a six-foot-long plastic model of a boat sat on the second floor of the Explorers Club, looking a little like a beached Orca, sleek and out of place in the tweedy boardroom. The tiny yacht had traveled to East 70th Street from Los Angeles and, before that, made stops in Monaco and Zurich, Cannes, and West Palm Beach — a prop to entice buyers who can spend $10 million on a cabin in the world’s biggest yacht. If it gets made. The boat will be called the Ulyssia and it’s the passion project of Frank Binder, a billionaire from the Merck clan with a thing for boats (he once owned a shipyard in Monaco). Lenny Kravitz, his friend, is onboard to help design interiors. (“He’s a genius.”)

Binder has been doing a world tour to find other buyers — who might be hard to meet. Maintenance hovers around 3 percent a year, or $300,000 for that $10 million one-bedroom. It’s a big ask, especially for a boat that, if he does get recruits, won’t launch until 2028. To help, Binder brought on two former executives from the World , the luxury liner that was the first — and only — to prove rich people want to live … at sea, all year. (It launched in 2002, is still sold out, and has yet to snag on an iceberg or go bankrupt.)

Renato Chizzola , a senior vice-president for the Ulyssia who worked as the general manager of the World for five years, spoke to Curbed about the terrors of elephant seals and why he once hired Israeli snipers to come onboard.

This interview has been condensed and edited for clarity. 

What did your job on the World look like?? 

I was in charge of lifestyle, expedition, everything — even the kitchen. You have a captain who’s the master of the vessel, and he ultimately will have the last word on safety, security, where we go, where we can’t go. But then you also need to have somebody who has grown up in a galley carrying luggage. I’m 60 in October. When I was 27, I said, “Okay, how can I see the world without having money?” So in 1993, I was hired on the Queen Elizabeth II , then went to hotels, cruises, and in 46 years I traveled to 186 countries. I was allowed to live onboard and basically extend any service, any dream that a resident had.

yacht life boat show antalya

What’s the difference between this superyacht and the World ? 

The World is now 23 years old. She was created in the late ’80s. She looks like a cruise ship. And the  Ulyssia is a yacht — the designer says this is his masterpiece.

We never had many amenities on the World . Here, we have a deli. We have a library with a card and games room. We have a table-tennis room. We have two paddle-tennis courts all inside, a multipurpose sports deck up there where the helicopters are, two hangers, two submarines to go down to the ocean, seven restaurants.

Then, we have this inflatable marina off the back of the boat. Imagine we’re near Bermuda. It’s a beautiful day. The sea is calm. We stop and we inflate this — it takes an hour — and we have tenders. You can go diving right there off the ship. The sea is yours. This marina is something the World could never ever have done, because there’s no space in the boat to keep that. The World was more elderly, a bit elderly retired. This is way younger. Why? Because we have so many amenities and offer adventure. Here, we are offering fewer apartments with more space. The balconies are huge. Luxury, for them, means space, time and getting whatever they wish, whenever, wherever. Freedom.

yacht life boat show antalya

Freedom , in a contained location — 

Yes, and in a safe environment, completely protected against any danger. If a resident says, “I want to bring my family there, I want to be safe, I want to have no worries,” safety needs to be core to us. They want the freedom to do what they do at home — to run around with suits, jewelry. And if they are smart enough to say, “I want to go and see real scenarios, not luxury hotels,” they can go places where there’s no luxury and see how the world really works. That’s what this community wants.

Sounds like a security nightmare. 

We will hire ex-Mossad physically, to be on the ship. On the World , we partnered with Marine Guard, one of the world’s best safety and security companies . It provides technical and physical support. And whenever we went to critical places — for example, when we went through the Gulf of Aden, I brought in Israeli snipers to come on the boat. Nobody, no pirate on earth can come in past them. Then on shore excursions, we have every form of security that you can imagine. Satellite images. Images underwater, over water. When we went to Antarctica, to the Northwest Passage — meeting with the Inuits, the Aborigines — you need people who know them. You need people who safeguard you. In the Antarctic, you are only allowed to go with Zodiacs to the beaches. You need people who know that, who know the sea lions, the penguins. We bring them onboard — 20 or 25 people who know everything about every area. And when we do expeditions, we bring on EYOS, one of the greatest expedition leaders in the world, which goes to places like the Titanic .

Is this, like the Titanic , experimental in any way?

No, there are similar yachts. But in four years, when she will hopefully leave port, she will be the greenest yacht of this size ever built. And at that time, we may build for whatever is available in terms of fuel, whether it’s methanol or nuclear. There are vessels already going nuclear, military vessels.

But isn’t this all risky? 

It’s the opposite. You will see more and more environments like this at sea. Why? Because you can escape anything! If there’s an outbreak in New York, a big virus, you just won’t go there. If there’s a war there, you just don’t go there. If there’s a storm, you don’t go there.

So this will be a way for the global elite, basically, to pay to avoid any problem.

Is it going to be a one percent community? Yes, obviously, but they need to do good around the world, otherwise they cannot come to the community.

Imagine the following. We will have a medical center onboard. We have MRI machines. We have a dentistry. Our doctors, when we go to the west coast of Africa, to Senegal, we can have our doctors go out and help. And as we go around the world, we will help to map the ocean floor. We’ll have tools available to measure and send these to oceanic institutions that then take this data. So we are helping to make the world a better place. And that’s the legacy.

How are you going to gauge whether the people who want to live here also want to do good? 

There’s a very tough background check before being allowed to buy. So can it be that a Colombian drug lord or a Russian weapons dealer comes and says, “Oh, I’m going to take ten?” No, that can’t happen. We’re not a community for people from mainland China who don’t speak English and want to spit around. Or aggressive Russians. We are not a community for sheikhs from any Arab countries. And I have nothing against the Chinese and Russians. I love everybody. I’ve been everywhere. But they just don’t fit here, and they won’t come. We want like-minded golf players, tennis players, joggers, bikers, F1 drivers.

We will have roughly 30 to 35 percent Europeans, 30 to 35 percent North Americans, including from Canada, possibly a few from Mexico City, a few from São Paulo. Then we have about 20 percent from Australia, South Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan. Then we expect to have about 10 percent of people from all over, we don’t know where. It could be anywhere.

They’ll need a certain amount of money to get into this boat and I assume, therefore, that you can’t be that picky. 

No, we can’t. But we try to be. It’s a balance. We meet them three, four, five, six times. We invite them, show them something, then they say, “Oh, I trust these people. I believe in them.” It’s a slow process.

Can a buyer get kicked off?

Oh, absolutely.

What’s the justice system?

There’s a board that’s voted in and we have our chairman on the board. Almost all of the members are people who have either been on yachts, have their own yacht, or have led organizations.

If people have their own yachts, why would they sign up for this? 

They might have a beautiful yacht of a hundred meters, but they can’t hire all these education guides, explorers all the time. We have 22 guest suites. Imagine we’re coming to Japan. Blossom season. We bring an ex Japanese prime minister onboard, maybe a three-star Michelin chef. We bring them on, let’s say, three weeks before. And they lecture. We can have experts speak about anything. Volcanoes, health and wellness, food and beverage, politics, archeology.

And they have you, who’s been to 186 countries. 

Exactly. So when I do speak to people who want to buy and invite them for lunch or a coffee, they listen because they know, Oh, this guy has been there. You don’t need to tell them something that you think can happen. You can actually tell them a story. When I went to Antarctica the last time, in 2009, on the way back to the Zodiac, I am walking and these big elephant seals — those are the big guys, like three tons and ten feet long — and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, there’s a big sound like MWUGHOWUGH and a big one came up, out of the sand. I stood there frozen. These are moments when you think, Is this really happening to me? How fortunate, how lucky am I to be able to experience moments like this? And all the wealthy people say the same.

  • rich people
  • the global elite

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Antalya Yat Fuarı Hakkında

Antalya, tarihi ve doğal güzellikleriyle ünlü bir şehir olmanın yanı sıra, her yıl düzenlenen Antalya Yat Fuarı ile de denizcilik dünyasının dikkatini çekiyor. Bu etkinlik, Akdeniz’in incisi Antalya’nın muazzam sahil şeridiyle bütünleşerek, denizcilik tutkunlarına unutulmaz bir deneyim sunuyor. İşte, Antalya Yat Fuarı’nın büyüleyici dünyası hakkında bir bakış.

Akdeniz’in Kalbinde Denizcilik Şöleni: Antalya Yat Fuarı

Antalya Yat Fuarı, genellikle Ekim ayında düzenlenir ve bu tarihlerde Antalya’nın muazzam güzellikteki Akdeniz kıyısında, Setur Marina ve Antalya Fuar Alanı’nda gerçekleşir. Fuar, dünya genelinden gelen yat üreticileri, tasarımcılar, denizcilik sektörü profesyonelleri ve tabii ki deniz tutkunları için bir araya gelme fırsatı sunar.

Geniş Katılımcı ve Ziyaretçi Profili

Antalya Yat Fuarı, sektörde tanınmış markaların yanı sıra yerel yat üreticilerini de bir araya getirir. Fuar, geniş bir katılımcı profiline sahiptir, bu da ziyaretçilere çeşitli yat modellerini, denizcilik ekipmanlarını ve hizmetleri keşfetme fırsatı tanır. Aynı zamanda, fuarın büyüklüğü ve çeşitliliği, ulusal ve uluslararası ziyaretçileri çeker.

Tekne Modellerinden Teknolojik İnovasyonlara

 Yat Fuarı, geniş bir yelpazede tekne modellerini sergileyerek, ziyaretçilere görsel bir şölen sunar. Katamaranlardan motoryatlara, lüks yelkenlilere kadar birçok farklı tip tekne fuar alanında boy gösterir. Ayrıca, fuar, denizcilik dünyasındaki en son teknolojik gelişmeleri de sergileyerek, ziyaretçileri sektördeki yeniliklerle tanıştırır.

Deneyimleme ve Test Etme İmkanı

Yat Fuarı, sadece tekne modellerini görmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda ziyaretçilere iç mekanlara girme ve tekneleri deneyimleme fırsatı da sunar. Potansiyel alıcılar, fuar alanında gerçekçi bir biçimde tekneleri inceleyebilir ve iç mekanlarını keşfedebilir. Bu, satın alma sürecinde karar vermeden önce kapsamlı bir değerlendirme yapma şansı sağlar.

Denizcilik Kültürü ve Eğlencesi

Yat Fuarı, denizcilik kültürünü kutlayan ve deniz tutkusunu paylaşan bir atmosfer yaratır. Fuar süresince düzenlenen etkinlikler arasında denizcilikle ilgili eğitim seminerleri, paneller, özel gösteriler ve partiler bulunur. Ayrıca, fuar alanında lezzet köşeleri ve sahil restoranları, ziyaretçilere Akdeniz mutfağının tadını çıkarma imkanı sunar.

Aile Dostu Bir Etkinlik

Antalya Fuarı, aileler için de ideal bir etkinliktir. Çocuklar için özel etkinlikler ve eğlenceler, ailecek keyifli bir gün geçirmek isteyenlere hitap eder. Fuarın sunduğu geniş yelpaze, her yaştan ziyaretçinin ilgisini çeker.

Yat Fuarı, sadece denizcilik dünyasının değil, aynı zamanda güzellikleriyle ünlü Antalya’nın da simgelerinden biridir. Bu etkinlik, deniz tutkusunu paylaşan insanları bir araya getirerek, Akdeniz’in serin sularında süzülen rüya tekneleriyle dolu bir dünyanın kapılarını aralar.

Antalya Fuarı, her geçen yıl daha fazla ilgi görmekte ve büyümektedir. Fuar, denizcilik endüstrisinin gelişimine katkıda bulunmanın yanı sıra Antalya’nın turistik çekiciliğini artırmakta ve bölge ekonomisine olumlu etkiler sağlamaktadır. Sektördeki yeniliklerin sergilendiği bu etkinlik, denizcilik dünyasının önemli aktörlerini bir araya getirerek sektördeki işbirliklerini güçlendirmekte ve yeni projelerin ortaya çıkmasına zemin hazırlamaktadır.

Antalya Fuarı’nın bir diğer önemli yönü de genç denizcilik tutkunlarına ilham kaynağı olmasıdır. Fuar, geleceğin denizcilerini ve denizcilikle ilgili meslek gruplarını teşvik etmek adına eğitici etkinliklere ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu, gençlerin denizcilik dünyasına olan ilgisini artırarak sektördeki yetenek havuzunu genişletmeye yönelik olumlu bir adımdır.

Antalya Fuarı, aynı zamanda denizcilik kültürünü ve çevre dostu uygulamaları destekleme konusundaki sosyal sorumluluk projelerine de ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Sürdürülebilir denizcilik ilkelerini vurgulayarak, sektörün çevresel etkilerini azaltma hedefine yönelik farkındalığı artırmaktadır.

Yat Fuarı, deniz tutkunları için bir buluşma noktası olmanın yanı sıra, sektördeki gelişim ve çevresel sorumluluk konularında da bir öncüdür. Akdeniz’in sakin sularında süzülen teknelerle dolu bu etkinlik, her yıl ziyaretçilere unutulmaz bir denizcilik deneyimi sunmaktadır. Antalya Yat Fuarı, denizcilik dünyasının kalbinin attığı bir yer olma özelliğini koruyarak, gelecek yıllarda da denizcilik tutkunlarını ve sektör profesyonellerini aynı çatı altında buluşturmaya devam edecektir.denizcilikle ilgili pek çok farklı kesimden insanı bir araya getirerek sektöre olan katkısını sürdürmektedir. Fuar, sadece yat üreticileri ve tasarımcılar için değil, aynı zamanda denizcilik ekipmanları sağlayıcıları, turizm sektörü temsilcileri, denizcilik eğitim kurumları ve hizmet sağlayıcıları için de bir platform sunar. Bu geniş katılım, sektördeki farklı alanlardan gelen profesyonellerin bir araya gelerek deneyim ve görüşlerini paylaşmalarına olanak tanır.


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  18. İletişim

    Antalya, tarihi ve doğal güzellikleriyle ünlü bir şehir olmanın yanı sıra, her yıl düzenlenen Antalya Yat Fuarı ile de denizcilik dünyasının dikkatini +90 530 181 71 46 [email protected]