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Below Deck Sailing Yacht  Recap: Vomit in the Shower

Below deck sailing yacht.

where is below deck sailing yacht season 3 episode 12

Readers … readers, readers, readers. Where. Do. We. Even. Begin? There’s so much to discuss. Was this a good episode? Definitely, but also dark-sided. I suppose we can get Dr. Nipples & Co. out of the way before we get into the meat and potatoes.

When Dr. Nipples and her husband told the crew they needed someone to pack for them, I was appalled but not surprised. No matter how much money I have, I will be packing my own bags. I don’t want people rifling through my personal belongings! And not because I think anyone will steal from me — nothing I own holds monetary value! But because … it’s so weird? Just pack your own shit! I digress. The state of the primary suite, however, did shock me. I was floored and disgusted by how filthy and nasty the room was. Are you adults? And you’re only onboard for three days? How do you get dirt all over the carpet? Why is Dr. Nipples bragging about flinging her bronzer all over the walls? Spilling my bronzer across the wall would ruin my trip! I would probably cry out of shame before searching the galley for a Magic Eraser and attempting to clean it in secret. Also, this is televised. Aren’t you embarrassed about how you will come across to viewers? Clearly not!

At least these garbage people tipped well! Twenty thousand dollars, so approximately $2,100 or $2,500 each. Captain Glenn says both numbers, and I don’t feel like checking his math. Their last dinner is a nonevent save for Dino’s obsession with getting his paws on a Sapporo. Daisy, at this point, is over his shit. She tasks the deckies with cross-referencing the guests’ preference sheets before delivering the news to Ol’ Dino: No Japanese beer was requested, and thus, there is no Japanese beer aboard. Too bad, so sad.

Okay, so Scarlett, the new stew, is officially onboard, and we Below Deck–heads will be eating for the rest of the season. Shit is already off the rails. I want to get into her orientation and analyze how her addition is affecting the dynamic of the crew, but we first need to talk about the mess that is Gary and Ashley.

Last week, I wrote that I was hoping to get a confession from Gary regarding what happened with Ashley in episode ten. We still don’t get anything that explicit, but this is what we do get:

  • Scarlett asks Ashley if she’s single, and Ashley responds, “I don’t know to answer that,” when, in reality, she is single as a Pringle. Weird.
  • While in the cab on the way to dinner, Barnaby brings up Gary and Ashley’s “shag.” Gary replies that he did not shag her. Daisy then says, “Yes, you did!” and Gary denies it again.
  • Meanwhile, in the other cab, Marcos asks Ashley, “You have sex with Gary?” She says, “Did I?” Scarlett seems shocked!
  • Back to cab No. 1. Daisy: “He dipped it in and out.” Gary: “That’s like if you take an ice cream and you lick it — did you eat the ice cream? No!” Daisy argues that yes, the calories still count. In this specific ice-cream example, though, I side with Gary. Licking an ice cream ⧣ eating an ice cream.
  • The cabs arrive at their destinations! Ashley pulls Kelsie aside and confides that she’s pretty sure Scarlett doesn’t trust her after finding out she “fucked” Gary. Kelsie tells her their cab was also discussing the hookup and Gary denied it. Ashley calls him a shithead. In her confessional, she suggests Gary is ashamed of her. This suggestion exhausts me. Perhaps Gary is ashamed of her! It’s obvious he’s tired of her. But Ashley doesn’t acknowledge he was blacked out and she wasn’t. Maybe denying the hookup is Gary’s way of coping with maybe feeling as if he was taken advantage of.

The situation only escalates at dinner. Ashley orders an espresso martini immediately upon sitting down — and pairs it with a tequila shot — which is a clear signal: Buckle the fuck up; what you’re about to watch will be painful.

Ashley repeatedly calls Gary’s name, which he either ignores or doesn’t hear as he flirts and giggles with Scarlett at the other end of the table. Ashley warns the rest that they’re all about to see a “not good” side of her and starts drunkenly proselytizing, “You can deny it happened, but it happened … I remember more than [ gestures at Gary ] … Trust me, you wouldn’t deny it. He’s denied it. Trust me.” Barnaby and Marcos smile and nod.

Daisy and Scarlett go for a cigarette, and Ashley’s preaching continues. Poor Kels even tries to intervene, but her attempts go unappreciated, and Ashley just digs her grave deeper by shouting, at the dinner table, “I remember the fucking penis being in my fucking vagina.” She also calls Gary a whore and repeats the penis line at full volume. It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion. Can anyone save this girl from herself? Daisy tries at least, telling her, “Ashley, stop talking and just drink water.” Extremely solid advice! I’m going to try to remember this in social situations.

The group takes two cabs home. Cab No. 1, consisting of Daisy, Scarlett, Gary, and Barnaby, is clearly the correct choice, while poor Kelsie, Marcos, and Colin are forced to listen to Debbie Downer herself the whole ride home. Ashley drones on and on, complaining about how Gary is making her look stupid by denying what happened. Colin, the voice of reason and hottest person aboard the  Parsifal III , tells her she looks more stupid carrying on about it than the actual fact of the matter. Colin for president!

Back onboard, Gary and Colin have a heart to heart across their bunks while Ashley chugs Don Julio from the bottle, which is simply a sad and sorry sight to see. She also randomly proclaims that Gary thinks she’s a whore and then chases him around.

The next scene, though, is perhaps the most disturbing of the entire episode. Ashley shovels a pile of spaghetti into her mouth that is so big it takes her multiple attempts to choke it all down. Scarlett says she’ll never be able to look at spaghetti the same way, and Kelsie says she’s traumatized. So am I, ladies.

I know I said I would move on to Scarlett, but everything about her pales in comparison to how Ashley’s making a fool out of herself. Ashley vomits in the shower, begs Daisy (repeatedly) to be named second stew, and even causes her ally, Kelsie, to confess to Daisy that she believes Ashley is on one.

Daisy clearly enrolled in a leadership-training course because she ignores Ashley’s pleas for a promotion and relegates her and Scarlett to the same position: junior stew. That, plus the sneak peek of Scarlett and Gary’s upcoming smooch, only means this won’t end well.

From the Galley

• Thank you, Marcos, for representing those of us with eye bags and claiming that under-eye bags are “European” in style.

• Congratulations to Kelsie for having her first solid poop in three days.

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below deck sailing yacht recap season 3 episode 12 scarlett bentley new stew

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: The Scarlett Spaghetti Trauma

By Glenn Rowley

What do you do when your guests want dinner at 11:15 p.m.? On Below Deck Sailing Yacht , you serve dinner at 11:15 p.m. Because that’s your job. Poor Marcos Spaziani . He may have a good attitude about the chic “European” bags under his eyes, but the guy is turning out a sushi dinner at nearly midnight on four hours of sleep. Though honestly, I might feel even worse for Daisy Kelliher . Because she’s the one who has to interface with the guests all night. And put up with their incessant requests for Japanese beer. Sorry bro, you didn’t put it on your preference sheet. Now sit down, eat you sushi dinner and go to bed.

below deck sailing yacht recap season 3 episode 12 barnaby birkbeck deckhand

The next morning, Gary King is pleasantly surprised to see that Barnaby Birkbeck is still on his A-game. The new deckhand has cleaned the boat and even put the fenders away all by himself. But the newbie has pure strategy behind his work ethic. If he stays on Gary’s good side, the first mate won’t realize he’s really there to have fun. It’s all in the “work smart, not hard” mentality.

However, let’s work hard to get these terrible guests off the boat, shall we? I have to admit, it’s a bit of schadenfreude to hear the primary wretching in her cabin as Captain Glenn Shephard gets the sails up. The guests can’t resist getting one last, awful, eleventh hour request in by asking Daisy and Ashley Marti to pack all of their bags for them. And I don’t blame Daisy one bit for just dumping everything into suitcases and not looking back. Good riddance!

Everyone can take a breath once the guests leave. Yes, they were high maintenance. And pretentious. And demanding. And generally terrible. But they were still better than, say, Erica Rose . Because when it came down to it, they still left a tip almost worth the amount of work they put the crew through. It’s a stack of $20,000. Which totals out to $2,100 per person. Daisy earns MVP of the charter and Barnaby also gets a special shoutout from Captain Glenn for joining the deck team so seamlessly. Plus, the new stew replacing Gabriela Barragan is set to arrive that very afternoon. And Ashley ‘s already sharpening her claws.

below deck sailing yacht recap season 3 episode 12 scarlett bentley stew confessional

Next thing we know, Scarlett Bentley has come aboard and is introducing herself to the captain. The new stew is originally from Arkansas. And before they even meet you can already tell Ashley is going to be all kinds of threatened by the blonde bombshell. And  Gary will most definitely set his sights on her. However, Scarlett’s barely set her suitcase down in the cabin and the third stew’s already trying to assert her dominance. The newbie really has no idea what she’s in for.

Luckily for Scarlett , she arrives just in time for the crew’s night out. But that doesn’t mean they’ll ease her in slowly — at least not when it comes to the inter-crew drama. Gary naturally gets flirty with her, leaving Ashley on the other end of the table seething with jealousy. A tequila shot and giant espresso martini in, and all she can talk about is the drunken hookup with Gary that she insists happened. In no uncertain terms, mind you. Gary’s definitely regretting ever giving Ashley any attention now, isn’t he? Meanwhile, Daisy pulls Scarlett aside for a get-to-know-you smoke break and takes the opportunity to warn her new stew about Gary’s flirtatious ways, too.

below deck sailing yacht recap season 3 episode 12 ashley marti spaghetti

On the way back to the boat, Ashley starts melting down over Gary denying they slept together. But Colin Macrae is quick to tell her she looks worse by continuing to make it a big deal rather than just letting the issue go. But do we think Ashley possesses the maturity or self-awareness to do anything else? Hardly.

When everyone finally gets back to Parsifal, Colin attempts to give his BFF a reality check. Gary may not remember hooking up with Ashley , but she certainly seems to. And if he wants any chance of hooking up with Scarlett (which, let’s be honest, that’s the only thing on his mind), he needs to do damage control before Ashley poison’s the proverbial well. In the hot tub, a drunken Ashley tries once again to confront Gary, but it basically goes nowhere. Let’s end the night shoving spaghetti in our mouths instead! And then vomit in the bathtub while your new roomie is naked in the bathroom!

The next morning is a turnaround day, and Ashley is full of shame and self-loathing. And also more spaghetti, which she starts eating for breakfast before 10 a.m. She also wants to know whether she’s being promoted to second stew over Scarlett , but Daisy hasn’t made up her mind yet. I mean, the newbie has yet to even make a bed. Chill for a second, Ashley. One thing going for the third stew, though, is that the newbie has basically zero experience. She’s only worked day charters in the past. And even massively hungover, Ashley’s thrilled at the chance to boss Scarlett around as she teaches her the ropes.

below deck sailing yacht recap season 3 episode 12 daisy kelliher chief stew ashley marti

The preference sheet meeting reveals that the next primary is actually a returning guest from Erica Rose ‘s girl gang last season. And she’s bringing another outspoken pal from that same trip along with her. Let’s just hope they’re better behaved than the Roses. At the very least for Daisy ‘s sake. Charter morning finally arrives, and the chief stew has a decision to make. Is Scarlett second stew material or is it time to promote Ashley ? Not that it really matters. Like Daisy says, they’re both cleaning toilets at the end of the day. And part of me wonders if she simply doesn’t want to give Ashley the satisfaction she so desperately craves. I mean, I wouldn’t.

Even as Daisy ‘s looking over Scarlett ‘s resume, Ashley interrupts to ask if she’s made up her mind. And Daisy tells her exactly what she doesn’t want to hear. Ashley still isn’t understanding the point of the interior hierarchy. Or that working together is about teamwork, not competition. So Daisy’s decided to make both of her underlings junior stews for now. Same rank. Same title. And now Ashley’s ready to pitch a fit.


[Photo Credit: Bravo ]

Glenn Rowley

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3: next episode, trailer, cast and everything we know

Bravo’s Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 is underway and the only thing calm may be the water.

Chef Marcos cooking on Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 is here, and Captain Glenn Shephard is back to balancing the demands of vacationers with the drama of his crew. And let’s face it, in most instances, the baggage of his crew far outweighs the luggage of any guest. 

This season takes the show to the waters surrounding Menorca, Spain. The breathtaking views only serve as momentary interruptions to the hookups, the confrontations, the injuries and the occasional emergencies of the new season. Given the interesting dynamic that already exists between returning crew members like Daisy Kelliher and Gary King, the addition of a new chef, new stews and new deckhands make sailing anything but smooth aboard the Parsifal III.

Here’s what we know about Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3. 

When is the next Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 episode?  

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 premiered on Monday, February 21. New episodes continue to air on Mondays at 8 pm ET/PT on Bravo TV in the US. Episodes are available the next day in the UK on Hayu , which can be included as part of a Prime Video subscription. Additionally, Peacock via Sky TV or NOW TV also offers next-day streaming for Bravo content. 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is back with the first part of the season 3 reunion airing on Monday, June 27, at 8 pm ET/PT on Bravo. After a tumultuous season full of drama and love triangles, it will be interesting to see what the cast has to say to one another when they face off. 

By the way, have you read why fans are grossed out by Ashely's grilled cheese feast ? 

What happens on Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3? 

Below Deck Sailing Yacht crew having drinks

Viewers of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 2 will recall that the last time the crew was together, first mate Gary King was involved in a messy love triangle with deckhand Sydney Zaruba and stew Alli Dore. While fans of the show won’t have to worry about seeing King in a continuation of that love saga, based on the trailer, King will again find himself entangled in a romance. It appears he entangles with chief stew Daisy Kelliher of all people. While the two appeared to make amends at last year’s reunion after feuding all season 2, no one expected the two to be locking lips. 

Additionally, it should be noted that Below Deck Sailing Yacht is done with love triangles, as Bravo TV teases this season fans can expect to see a “twisted love pentagon.” More may not turn out to be merrier in this case.  

Fans of the show will also remember that Captain Glenn Shephard and his crew were involved in an accident during season 2 . Season 3 shows how Captain Shephard has been able to bounce back from the incident while also trying to avoid another potentially disastrous event.  

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 cast 

The Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 includes returning crew Captain Glenn Shephard, chief stew Daisy Kelliher, chief engineer Colin MacRae and first mate Gary King. These members are joined by chef Marcos Spaziani, second stew Gabriela Barragan, third stew Ashley Marti, as well as deckhands Kelsie Goglia and Tom Pearson. 

third stew Ashley Marti

Captain glenn shephard, chief engineer colin macrae, second stew gabriela barragan, chief stew daisy kelliher, first mate gary king, deck hand kelsie goglia, chef marcos spaziani, deckhand tom pearson, below deck sailing yacht season 3 trailer .

Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 looks like it’s not light on the conflict or surprised hookups.  

For those needing more details about that kiss between Gary and Daisy, hear from Daisy herself as she provides a little more insight on their involvement. 

How to watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3

New episodes of Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 air live on Mondays in the US. With a subscription, episodes can also be streamed live via Fubo TV , Hulu with Live TV , Sling TV and YouTube TV . Additionally, Peacock provides next-day streaming for its subscribers. In order to access episodes, would-be viewers will have to subscribe to Peacock Premium , which offers either a $4.99 ad-supported or $9.99 ad-free plan.

Viewers in the UK can watch episodes the day after they air using Hayu . 

Who's leaving Below Deck Sailing Yacht?

It looks like everyone's favorite Below Deck chef is calling it quits. Marcos Spaziani recently took to Twitter to announce that he has no plans on returning for another season. 

I want to thank everyone for the big support and great comments. I never thought in my life I would bring so much inspiration to so many ppl and for that I’m very grateful and also blessed! But I can’t go back to the next season. #BelowDeckSailingYacht #belowdecksailing June 1, 2022

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Terrell Smith has a diverse writing background having penned material for a wide array of clients including the federal government and Bravo television personalities.  When he’s not writing as Terrell, he’s writing under his pseudonym Tavion Scott, creating scripts for his audio drama podcasts. Terrell is a huge fan of great storytelling when it comes to television and film. Some of his favorite shows include  The Crown ,  WandaVision , Abbot Elementary   and  Godfather of Harlem .  And a fun fact is he's completely dialed into the TLC  90 Day Fiancé  universe. 

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Here's Where the Cast of Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Is Now

Did the drama continue?

below deck sailing yacht season 3

Since it debuted back in 2020, Bravo’s spin-off Below Deck Sailing Yacht has certainly delivered some of the most dramatic feuds and steamy boatmances, and it looks as if Season 3 is no different.

While Captain Glenn Shephard is returning to take the lead of the Parsifal III, there’s a lot that’s changed, including a brand new crew and filming location. The cast will be sailing through the stunning waters of Menorca, Spain, but they’ll definitely be hitting some rocky moments, especially when it comes to returning crew members Gary and Daisy’s love-hate romance.

Well, it seems as if there’s more to come as Bravo teases one of the most unexpected crew hookups in Below Deck history. Say what? With so much having happened during the cast’s filming last summer, what exactly have they been up to since?

Captain Glenn Shephard

Originally from Montreal, Capt. Glenn is returning for his third season of Below Deck Sailing Yacht, and with over 21 years in the industry, he definitely knows what he’s doing. Following his time filming the third season, Glenn Shephard took advantage of a few months off and traveled quite a bit. The 61-year-old found himself in Ghent and Bruges, Belgium, all while venturing through Paris, France. Although he remains single for the time being, Captain Glenn poked some fun at rumors claiming he was dating former crew member, Sydney Zaruba, however, the Below Deck star made things clear the two are simply “great friends.” Glenn later returned to Miami, Florida just in time for the season debut.

Daisy Kelliher - Chief Stew

When Season 3 wrapped, Daisy Kelliher, who returned aboard the Parsifal III as chief stew, took some much-needed vacation time. Kelliher hit up Antigua in the Caribbean , which is where she rang in the New Year and has remained since filming. Considering her ongoing love-hate relationship with fellow castmate Gary King, Daisy remains single for the time being, but she’s certainly not fallen out of love with traveling. Despite appearing to be living the life so many wish they could, Daisy revealed she’s been suffering from severe separation anxiety as she shared just how hectic and demanding her line of work could be in a February 13, 2022 post on Instagram

Gary King - First Officer

Being involved in Bravo drama is nothing new for Gary, especially after his steamy season with Daisy. Well, after wrapping up season three in Menorca, Gary took some time off to reunite with his family; sharing an adorable photo of him and his niece, Ava , on Instagram. The Bravo star is currently in St. Lucia , soaking up the sun, but he hasn’t managed to escape the drama. After sharing a kiss with Daisy Kelliher in the most recent season three trailer, fans have been wondering if he and Daisy are an item. Well, despite the rumors, Gary and Daisy aren’t dating, after confirming to E! News that the two are “just friends.”

Colin McRae - Chief Engineer

Colin McRae has returned to his old stomping grounds aboard the Parsifal III, and considering his love for sailing, fans aren’t surprised to see the Bravo star back on their screens. Since wrapping up last summer’s filming, it didn't take too much time before Colin and fellow Chief Stew Daisy reunited back in December. Since then, Colin has given most of his time to his YouTube channel, Sailing Parlay , which features an array of videos showcasing his sailing adventures. Things are clearly going well for Colin’s online presence, considering he was rewarded with a YouTube 100,000 subscriber count plaque back on February 6. "It has been 4 years of VERY hard work, possibly the hardest of any sailing channel out there that I know of so far, and to reach this milestone is so gratifying for us,” he wrote on Instagram.

Marcos Spaziani - Chef

Say hello to Bravo’s newest chef, Marcos Spaziani. The Venezuela native has been in the industry for over 10 years and is bringing his culinary expertise to the waters of Menorca. It didn’t take much time for Marcos to make a name for himself following season three of Below Deck Sailing Yacht . Spaziani is currently settled in California and has decided to open up his very own restaurant in Koreatown, Los Angeles. Marcos and fellow chef Louis Huh have been working diligently on their newest business venture, ML Eats LA .

Gabriela Barragan - 2nd Stew

Gabriela Barragan reigns from San Diego and while she’s new to the Below Deck crew, she is certainly no stranger to yachting . Barragan has worked as both a stewardess and a deckhand over the course of the last two years and has continued her yachtie life after filming season three of Sailing Yacht . Gabriela spent January and February working a yacht in St. Thomas. After living and working the island life, Gabriela took to Instagram to share that all of her “ wildest dreams are coming true ,” and considering she’s spending her days sailing through crystal clear waters, we don’t blame her.

Ashley Marti - 3rd Stew

Ashley Marti is making her Below Deck Sailing Yacht debut, and she’s relatively new to the industry. Marti first began working on yachts at the start of the pandemic. Although she reigns from New York , Marti is currently a West Coast gal as she takes in the Los Angeles sun alongside a few of her castmates. Since wrapping up Season 3, Ashley traveled through the United States and the Bahamas and is adamant about returning back aboard the Parsifal III, so Bravo fans just might be seeing more of her in the future.

Kelsi Goglia - Deckhand

Kelsi Goglia is making her Bravo debut this season of Sailing Yacht. After catching the travel bug following a trip to Croatia, Kelsi has been a yachtie ever since, and it doesn’t look like she’s turning back any time soon. She currently resides in San Diego, California, and loves herself some travel, as most Below Deck crew members do. While her romantic life remains a mystery, it’s clear she’s too busy roaming the world to settle down just yet.

Tom Pearson - Deckhand

Growing up on a lake , Tom Pearson is no stranger to the water, but he’s brand new to the Bravo family. The Below Deck Sailing Yacht deckhand was spotted getting his boatmance on, making us all wonder if he’ll be headed toward hot waters. Well, it seems as if Pearson remains single, but his life is anything but boring. After returning home to Windermere, England, Tom has kept busy surfing through the British waters but has taken quite a liking to his new image. The Bravo star has been attending a number of events following his newfound fame, including his most recent appearance in London, England for the launch of a new app on January 20.

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Season 3 – Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Where to watch, below deck sailing yacht — season 3.

Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht — Season 3 with a subscription on Peacock, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

Audience Reviews

Cast & crew.

Glenn Shephard

Natasha De Bourg

Daisy Kelliher

Colin Macrae

Dani Soares

Season Info

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Episode list

Below deck sailing yacht.

Glenn Shephard and Daisy Kelliher in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E1 ∙ Tom Foolery

Daisy Kelliher and Gary King in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E2 ∙ Age-Old Problems

Daisy Kelliher in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E3 ∙ Omelette You Finish But...

Daisy Kelliher in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E4 ∙ Oopsie Daisy

Glenn Shephard in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E5 ∙ Loose Lips Sink Ships

Daisy Kelliher, Gabriela Barragan, and Ashley Marti in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E6 ∙ Yacht on the Rocks

Glenn Shephard and Daisy Kelliher in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E7 ∙ Strip for the Tip

Daisy Kelliher in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E8 ∙ Big Fender Energy

Daisy Kelliher and Gary King in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E9 ∙ Tensions High, Patience Low

Ashley Marti in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E10 ∙ Villa Today, Gone Tomorrow

Daisy Kelliher in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E11 ∙ Paging Dr. Nipples

Scarlett Bentley in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E12 ∙ New Girl Aboard

Gary King in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E13 ∙ Budding Boatmance

Daisy Kelliher in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E14 ∙ Smashley

Daisy Kelliher, Kelsie Goglia, and Scarlett Bentley in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E15 ∙ Salty Seamen

Gary King in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E16 ∙ Parsifal's First Wedding

Colin Macrae, Gary King, and Kelsie Goglia in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E17 ∙ All Roads Lead to Gaisy

Scarlett Bentley in Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

S3.E18 ∙ Reunion

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Below Deck Sailing Yacht (2020)

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What’s Going On With Fraser Olender After ‘Below Deck’ Season 11?


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Fraser Olender has had a glorious rise to stardom since he started as a second stew on Below Deck during Season 9. After being promoted to Chief Stew for Season 10, making him the first male Chief Stew in the franchise’s history, he had a rocky go when Captain Sandy Yawn temporarily stepped in. That didn’t matter as he officially became the face of the franchise for Season 11 when he returned again, this time under the leadership of Captain Kerry Titheradge . So what's the fan-favorite Below Deck star up to now? Is Season 12 in the cards for Fraser Olender?

Below Deck is Bravo's high-seas reality series that captures the highs and lows of working on a luxury yacht . Since 2013, the flagship series has had 11 triumphant seasons and spun off four separate series. Historically, very few crew members remain on the program beyond a season or two. Unless you're something special. Fraser Olender is indeed something special.

Fraser Oldender Had a Strong 'Below Deck' Season 11

Below Deck Season 11 marked the third season for Fraser Olender. The openly gay stew made his debut during Season 9 , where he served as a 2nd Stew under Heather Chase . He made his mark by being proficient at his job while also serving as the resident sass-master. Between his witty quips and big reactions, Fraser Olender quickly became a natural in front of the camera. Following Heather Chase's departure, it was logical for Fraser to step up to the plate and take over the interior. During Season 10, he faced quite the dramatics with an interior team that didn't respect one another, causing him to make some difficult decisions as to who was going to be fired. He settled on letting Camille Lamb go, but Alissa Humber also got the axe from the Captain soon after. When he finally found his footing and established a strong bond with Captain Lee Rosbach , Captain Lee's health caused him to temporarily depart. With Captain Sandy Yawn at the helm, it was her way or the highway, and she didn't necessarily gel with Fraser. She didn't break his spirits to deter him from returning for Season 11, though!

Season 11 was an interesting season for Olender as he proved his worth as a Chief Stew , despite some difficult stews working under him. With a supersized team of three stews working under him, he had to balance three drastically different personalities. And he managed to do so even if they drove him up a wall. Xandi Olivier became his trusted number 2. Cat Baugh needed constant reaffirming, which didn't sit well with Barbie Pascual . Barbie had ideals that didn't mesh with Fraser, causing the two to be at odds. And then, when Cat decided to bough out, her replacement, Paris Field , fit right in, continuing to knock Barbie to the background. Even though Captain Kerry was forced to talk to Fraser regarding his handling of the personalities , he kept things professional on board and proved that not only was he excellent at his job, but his presence on Below Deck was necessary.

The 10 Wildest Moments in the Below Deck Franchise, Ranked

This ship was bananas!

Where in the World Is Fraser Olender Now?

If you follow along on his social media , you will certainly know that when Fraser Olender is not working his butt off on a super yacht, he's jetsetting around the world. Well, following along Fraser’s social media, he is living his best life traveling the world. His Instagram has been filled with photos from adventures ranging from Aspen, Colorado to Mykonos and Cyprus. When he's not taking in the stunning views and drinking delicious cocktails, he's been working out. His social media stories have showcased what life for a celebrity yachtie might look like! This fall, he'll be joining fellow Bravolebrity Daisy Kelliher , Chief Stew from Below Deck Sailing Yacht , at the Sausalito Boat Show .

Since Season 11 ended, there was great speculation about whether Fraser would become the second-longest tenured Chief Stew on the flagship series by returning for Season 12. While there has been no official announcement regarding when Season 12 might air , it appears that Season 12 has been filmed. Back at the end of April, according to eagle-eyed fans who took to YouTube , the Chief Stew is back! As is Captain Kerry Titheredge. Spotted filming on motoryacht St. David, Fraser will be returning for another season, alongside some of the crew of Season 11. When a videographer was filming their video , they called out to both the Captain and Chief Stew, waving in acknowledgment. Additionally, Fraser posted a potentially cryptic TikTok lipsync to a monologue from The Devil Wears Prada . The monologue alludes to another divorce. The mystery of the post included his use of the Below Deck hashtag and the tag to Bravo . While his season had already ended when the post was shared, it could mean some drama aboard St. David!

No matter Fraser Olender's official fate, he has secured himself as a legend of Below Deck . Season 11 was a retooling of the flagship program following the departure of Captain Lee Rosbach. With Fraser remaining on board, it's proof that the show trusts him in his leadership role. As many yachties discuss on the show, life onboard may not be their forever career. That could be Fraser's fate as well. For now, fans are thrilled he will likely be back for another season of drama. Let's just hope Jill Zarin doesn't ever come back !

All episodes of Below Deck are available to stream on Peacock in the U.S.

Follows the crew of a multi million dollar charter boat in the Caribbean.

Stream on Peacock

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where is below deck sailing yacht season 3 episode 12

Does 'Below Deck' Alum Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux Have A Relationship With His And Dani Soares' Daughter?

Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux hasn't been a part of the series since Season 2 after a groundbreaking realization occurred at the end of the season: he fathered a child with the second stewardess, Dani Soares. Intimate relationships are plentiful throughout the Below Deck franchise, but the aftermath was one of the biggest scandals in Reality TV .

Although Jean-Luc and Dani were intimate during filming, his reaction to the pregnancy and birth shocked fans across the globe. Now, three years after the birth of their daughter, Lilly Rose, fans want to know if Jean-Luc stepped up to be the father and partner Dani and Lilly deserve.

Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux Has Showed Little Interest In Being A Part Of Lilly Rose's Life

US Weekly reported after Season 2 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht aired, Dani Soares announced on Instagram that she was expecting a baby girl . Because of the time stamps, many speculated that her co-star Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux was the father. However, at the time, Dani never mentioned who her unborn daughter's father was.

Years later, it appears that Jean-Luc is still not a part of Dani or her daughter's life. According to US Weekly, former co-star and engineer, Colin MacRae, shared that Jean-Luc wasn't a part of Dani or Lilly's life at all , showing no financial or personal support. "[Jean-Luc] won’t reply to me, since I called him out at the very beginning to step up to the plate and be a man," the engineer told US.

'Below Deck Sailing Yacht': Gary And Daisy's Season 4 Relationship Drama Might Force Some Filming Changes

Gary and Daisy argued over her changing the facts about her hooking up with Colin.

Back in 2021, Dani didn't name the father of her unborn child, making hoards of fans rushed to social media seeking answers.

Dani told US Weekly, "I just dont think thats relevant for my situation, thats all." Becoming a mother after being on national television made Dani become a little more private especially around something so sensitive. "I understand that people are curious about it, and I understand that Im on a TV show and everybody wants to know. I just dont think its anybodys business right now," the former stew said.

Bravo noted Jean-Luc blocked many of his co-stars once the news came out.

Knowing a baby was involved, fans couldn't wait for the Season 2 reunion to air on Bravo. It was there that Dani confirmed Jean-Luc was the father . The only issue was, Jean-Luc wasn't a part of the reunion because he was away on another charter . Instead of appearing at the reunion to face the situation head-on, he did a "Part 2" recording with Andy Cohen . Dani was disappointed that Jean-Luc wasn't there to share his side of their relationship.

Reality Tea shared that it was revealed on Part 2 that :

  • Jean-Luc denied being the father.
  • He asked for a paternity test but refused to pay for it, which only made the waiting game longer.
  • Jean-Luc claimed if the child was his, he wanted to be a part of her life, despite living across the globe.

It wasn't until after Dani gave birth to Lilly Rose that Jean-Luc confirmed he was the baby's father.

Im happy and proud to say sweet and beautiful Lilly Rose is my daughter

He shared a lengthy Instagram post about his decision to stay quiet and that he did eventually take a paternity test to confirm the DNA was his. At the time, he shared that he and Dani were "working and communicating together" on what was best for Lilly. Unfortunately, his words didn't mean much to Dani.

The Below Deck Crew's Salary Might Prove The Show Isn't Fake

Below Deck has been accused of being fake, but with real yachties and small salaries, it might actually be reality.

She shared his post on social media, writing, "Actions speak louder than words," insinuating that Jean-Luc has done the bare minimum of being a part of their lives.

Thanks to Instagram, it appears Jean-Luc and Dani have no relationship . His bio claims he's still in the yachting industry and has a new girlfriend. Meanwhile, Dani has been a strong, single mother to beautiful baby Lilly.

Below Deck Co-Stars Shunned Jean-Luc While Dani Soares Has Flourished Since Becoming A Mother

Once news broke out that Dani Soares was pregnant, the Below Deck Sailing cast rallied around her. They knew the depths of Dani and Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux's relationship and knew he was the father.

Daisy Kelliher

defended Dani wholeheartedly. "I had no reaction to the news, as I always knew Jean-Luc was the father," she exclusively told US Weekly.

Alli Dore

Third Stewardess Alli Dore felt like Jean-Luc should have made a public apology to Dani, after insinuating she was with multiple people during their relationship hence needing a paternity test. Alli told US Weekly, "I speak to Dani nearly every day and I never doubted her word."

Colin Macrae

Season 2's Engineer, Colin Macrae, has been the most vocal on Dani's Behalf. Defending Dani, Colin claimed he had "no respect" for Jean-Luc and that he didn't have a "spine." He openly shared, "It's never too late to redeem yourself with actions, but this pathetic attempt at owning up to being a father just for the sake of social media, with a complete lack of any form of support in real life, gains no respect from me whatsoever. Which is a crying shame because every child deserves to have a father." Colin continued supporting Dani by telling viewers how absent Jean-Luc has really been. "[Dani] has not received a single piece of financial, let alone moral, support from JL. His deceptive Instagram post was an absolutely false portrayal of his and her relationship as 'co-parents,'"

Gary King

First Officer Gary King showed his support for Dani, wishing Jean-Luc would do more than just post on social media. He told E!, "[Dani] needs a father to be there for the child. It's all good in saying stuff on social media but words are completely different to actions and if his actions spoke louder than his words, then it would be different, but they at the moment they're not."

Thankfully, Dani has had the love and support of her family and friends since giving birth to Lilly. On Instagram, Dani showed she has thrived since becoming a mother.

'Below Deck Sailing Yacht': What's Different About This Spin-Off?

'Below Deck Sailing Yacht is back for season 3 on Bravo. Heres what makes this popular spin-off different from other Below Deck episodes.

She has since moved on from the yachting world and became a nurse. In April 2024, she shared a beautiful tribute to her supporters upon graduating from nursing school. "I would like to thank Lilly for being my motivation and the reason I'm alive after so much happened in my life before she got here," the Below Deck alum wrote. "I will always aim to make you proud, even when all I want to do is shout out a few truths from the rooftop."

In 2022, Dani shared on social media some insights on parenting. "Only a real parent understands that life is not about you anymore, its about the life you made and brought into this world and everything you do is for her.

Like Jean-Luc, Dani walked off the show after season 2 . A proud and successful mother of one, Dani has proven she doesn't need Jean-Luc or the baggage he brought to her life throughout her pregnancy.

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

Below Deck Sailing Yacht is a spin-off of the Below Deck reality television series. Premiering on Bravo, the show follows the life of a Yacht crew as they attempt to navigate a busy Charter season in which many customers make use of a 177-foot sailing yacht. Over the first three seasons, the yacht has been to Greece, Croatia, and Spain.

Release Date February 3, 2020

Main Genre Reality-TV

Cast Daisy Kelliher, Colin Macrae, Gary King, Glenn Shephard

Network Bravo

Franchise(s) Below Deck

Showrunner Rebecca Taylor Henning, Doug Henning, Mark Cronin

Does 'Below Deck' Alum Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux Have A Relationship With His And Dani Soares' Daughter?

Bdsy S4 Dynamic Lead

Below Deck Sailing Yacht

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Split image of Daisy Kelliher and Colin MacRae

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Tour This Season's Gorgeous Sailing Yacht, Parsifal III

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Get a Below Deck History Lesson

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Watch Every Season of Below Deck Med

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The Below Deck Sailing Yacht cast member shared how Bonnie Kelliher is doing after spending time in the ICU.

Daisy Kelliher poses for a photo on a yacht.

Here's What Daisy Kelliher Has Been Up to Since Season 4 of Below Deck Sailing Yacht

The chief stew is sharing some major life updates, including recent traveling adventures. 

Captain Glenn Shephard smiling in front of a marina in Florida.

Captain Glenn Shephard Shares a Surprising Throwback Photo (Hint: He "Had More Hair Back Then")

Captain glenn shares a surprising throwback photo: see the pic.

Our jaws dropped at this photo of the Below Deck Sailing Yacht captain from his "Bosun days." 

A split of Malia White and Daisy Kelliher.

We Weren't Ready for Daisy Kelliher and Malia White's Jaw-Dropping Swimsuits (PICS)

We weren't ready for daisy and malia's jaw-dropping swimsuits.

The Below Deck Sailing Yacht and Below Deck Mediterranean ladies gave us serious swimwear envy with these looks. 

Latest Videos

Chase Lemacks Says Goodbye to the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Crew

Chase Lemacks Says Goodbye to the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Crew

Gary King to Chase Lemacks: "I've Never Worked with a Deckhand Like You"

Gary King to Chase Lemacks: "I've Never Worked with a Deckhand Like You"

Your First Look at the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion

Your First Look at the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 4 Reunion

There’s Trouble in Paradise for the Throuple Onboard

There’s Trouble in Paradise for the Throuple Onboard

Gary King and Chase Lemacks Show Off Their New Speedos

Gary King and Chase Lemacks Show Off Their New Speedos

Daisy Kelliher Tells Gary King They Need to Stop Flirting

Daisy Kelliher Tells Gary King They Need to Stop Flirting

Alex Propson and Mads Herrera Get a Surprise Personal Training Session

Alex Propson and Mads Herrera Get a Surprise Personal Training Session

Ileisha Dell Is Short on Time as She Prepares a 10-Course Dinner

Ileisha Dell Is Short on Time as She Prepares a 10-Course Dinner

Glenn Shephard Is Noticing There's Something Going on with Daisy Kelliher

Glenn Shephard Is Noticing There's Something Going on with Daisy Kelliher

Gary King and Daisy Kelliher Escort the Guests on a French Shore Excursion

Gary King and Daisy Kelliher Escort the Guests on a French Shore Excursion

Chef Ileisha Dell Describes Herself as “Pretty Loyal” in Relationships

Chef Ileisha Dell Describes Herself as “Pretty Loyal” in Relationships

The Crew Struggles to Complete Their Work While Nursing Hangovers

The Crew Struggles to Complete Their Work While Nursing Hangovers

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Captain Glenn

Glenn Shephard

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Daisy

Daisy Kelliher

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Gary

Colin MacRae

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Lleisha

Ileisha Dell

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Lucy

Lucy Edmunds

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Madison

Mads Herrera

Winter House Season 3 Alex Propson

Alex Propson

Below Deck Sailing Yacht Chase

Chase Lemacks

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About below deck sailing yacht.

Capt. Glenn and his comeback team Daisy Kelliher, Gary King and Colin MacRae resume their responsibilities aboard Parsifal III, along with new, dynamic crew members, as they set sail in Sardinia, Italy.  

Capt. Glenn realizes that his laid-back leadership style has allowed his crew to become too comfortable and starts taking charge of quality control in the interior department, much to Daisy's dismay. In the galley, Chef Ilesha's cooking impresses the guests, but her indecisiveness and co-dependency lead to time-management issues between courses, which causes her to self-destruct. On deck, strong personalities collide, and a power struggle results in a near mutiny, as Gary clashes with his new overconfident deckhand, Chase. 

Two overlapping love triangles further complicate the dynamics on-board, and a shocking hookup puts Colin, Daisy and Gary’s friendship in jeopardy. 

With a near collision, fire, crew rebellion, gruesome guest injury and two different potentially season-ending engine failures, this is the most captivating and unpredictable season yet of Below Deck Sailing Yacht. 

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I lived ‘below deck’ on a luxury yacht — here’s what you need to know.

Tahiti, St. Thomas and the French Riviera — I’ve yachted in all of these exotic locales, albeit from the comfort of my couch. And, millions of Americans are in the same boat.

In 2013, “Below Deck,” introduced the masses to the most glamorous mode of traveling: yachting. Since then, it’s become a Bravo mainstay with Season 9 of “Below Deck Mediterranean’’ premiering in June.

But how real is the reality show? I spent five nights on a yacht in Croatia to find out.

A woman in a bikini standing on the deck of the 'Adriatic Escape' boat, ready to experience reality TV drama on the high seas in Maldives.

A tip on tipping

My suitcase wasn’t bursting with Benjamins. An agency at your final destination provides cash for the crew’s tip money. While you’re expected to tip $30,000 for a two-night cruise on “Below Deck,” in real life you only have to tip 10% to 15% of your charter fee. That’s about $10,000 for a two-night cruise on a 180-foot charter yacht like Mustique (from $250,000 a week), which stars in the new season.

According to Zvonimir Androić, president of the yacht charter company Via Croatia, more often than not, the tip comes from what’s left over after provisioning.

So, shun the Dom Pérignon and skip the beluga caviar, and you’ll have money to spare.

What’s up, dock?

A luxury yacht, named Adriatic Escape, docked at Split Marina with a weekly rental price of US$52,800

In real life, “Below Deck’s” favorite commercial-break cliff-hanger isn’t nearly as dramatic. Docking in our yacht, Via Croatia’s five-cabin, 100-foot Adriatic Escape (from $52,800 a week), was breezy.

I asked the crew if they hated setting up the slide — a tortuous, Herculean task if you believe what you see on TV.

“It’s not that bad,” a twentysomething Croatian deckhand, as cute as his on-screen counterparts, told me. “That said, we’re definitely not sad if you don’t ask for it.”

Play it cool

Barbie Pascual arranging a table on the set of Below Deck Season 11.

Despite being served meat on more than one occasion, my vegetarian co-guests on board weren’t divas when it came to cuisine — a major source of chef-related stress on the show.

Tantrums aren’t the norm Barbie Pascual, the “Below Deck” stewardess famous for putting up with former “RHONY” star Jill Zarin’s demands for the perfect Diet Coke in the “Real Housewives of Grenada” episode, tells me. “Guests know they are being filmed so their reactions are more extreme than they’d be if the cameras weren’t around,” she says.

Pascual’s biggest tip for first-time yachters? Don’t go skinny dipping, like they do on the show, after dark.

“People forget about currents, sharks, etc.,” she says. “Jumping in the water should always be with the captain’s consent!”

Our humorless Croatian yacht captain was a far cry from “Below Deck Mediterranean’s” affable Captain Sandy Yawn. I think we only saw him twice over the course of four days, and he definitely didn’t join us for dinner.

That was fine by us because the stews and deckhands were always handy with anything we needed — including at chat.

Asking for it

A group of people on the Adriatic Escape boat, available for weekly rent at $52,800

“No” is a word you’ll never hear on a yacht, unless there is a safety issue, Pascual says.

While we didn’t ask our crew to do a striptease or decorate for ‘70s night (two recurring requests on the show), out-there demands aren’t out of the question, as long as you’re willing to pay for it.

For example, Via Croatia is currently retrofitting one of its multimillion-dollar superyachts for an upcoming charter booked by a multigenerational Jewish family from Florida.

“In addition to paying the charter fee, the client is literally buying everything new: pots, pans, silverware, et cetera,” said Androić. “They’re even spending $30,000 on a new tender for the elderly mother-in-law.”

Now, I’m no reality show producer, but a picky primary trying to keep his wife, her elderly mom and their kosher kids happy at sea has the makings of an Emmy Award-winning episode.

Yachting on a budget

Agape Rose, an ultra luxury mini cruiser yacht with various amenities, sailing on Croatia's Adriatic coast.

Charters are cheapest at the beginning and end of a destination’s season. Via Croatia’s yuppiest yacht, the 160-foot, 12-cabin Agape Rose , fetches $200,000 a week in July and August. But it’s just $164,000 a week in April and October. Divide that by 24 of your closest friends and family and it’s just $6,800 a person.

If that’s still too much, consider booking a yacht club suite on one of MSC Cruises ’ Mediterranean voyages.

Sure, you’ll be on a cruise liner, but for $1,659 a person you’ll be treated to seven nights of private butler service with a private pool and restaurant that the pleb passengers don’t even know exists.

A woman in a bikini standing on the deck of the 'Adriatic Escape' boat, ready to experience reality TV drama on the high seas in Maldives.



  1. ‘Below Deck Sailing Yacht’ Season 3, Episode 12 Recap

    where is below deck sailing yacht season 3 episode 12

  2. What time will Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Episode 12 air? New

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  3. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: The Scarlett Spaghetti Trauma

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  4. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht S3 Season 3 Episode 12 : New Girl Aboard

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  5. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 reunion teaser: Gary and Daisy

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  6. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Crew : r/belowdeck

    where is below deck sailing yacht season 3 episode 12


  1. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 3, Episode 12 Recap

    The new deckhand finally arrives as the guests from hell finally leave. A recap of "New Girl Aboard," episode twelve of season three of Bravo's 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht.'

  2. Watch New Girl Aboard

    New Girl Aboard. Daisy is brought to her breaking point as the demanding guests continue to challenge the Parsifal III crew with their incessant requests. The arrival of a new stew puts smiles on ...

  3. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Episode: New Girl Aboard

    Watch New Girl Aboard (Season 3, Episode 12) of Below Deck Sailing Yacht or get episode details on

  4. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Episode 12

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Episode 12 - New Girl Aboard - Discussion Post. Below Deck Sailing Yacht. Below Deck Sailing Yacht is airing at 8pm ET on Bravo. For those of you in other time zones, check for local schedules. For my fellow Canadians, Slice is still airing at 9pm ET so we are an hour behind the majority of live watchers.

  5. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Recap: The Scarlett Spaghetti Trauma

    What do you do when your guests want dinner at 11:15 p.m.? On Below Deck Sailing Yacht, you serve dinner at 11:15 p.m. Because that's your job. Poor Marcos Spaziani. He may have a good attitude ...

  6. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3, Episode 12: New Girl Aboard

    New Girl Aboard. Season 3 Episode 1243m. TV14. Daisy is brought to her breaking point as the demanding guests continue to challenge the crew. Home. TV Series. Below Deck Sailing Yacht. Season 3 Episode 12.

  7. Below Deck Sailing Yacht

    Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht — Season 3, Episode 12 with a subscription on Peacock, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

  8. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Streaming Online

    Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Capt. Glenn Shephard and his crew set sail in a luxury sailing yacht to explore the crystal-clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea.

  9. Daisy Kelliher Is Losing Her Patience with a Charter Guest

    Season 3 Episode 12 Preview: It's taking all of her effort to keep a smile on her face. Start watching Episode 12 now.

  10. New Girl Aboard

    New Girl Aboard. Available on USA, Oxygen, E!, Peacock, Prime Video, Telemundo, Syfy, Bravo, Hulu, NBC, Sling TV. S3 E12: Daisy is brought to her breaking point as the demanding guests continue to challenge the Parsifal III crew with their incessant requests. Reality May 15, 2022 38 min. TV-14.

  11. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3

    Is Netflix, Prime Video, Hulu, etc. streaming Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3? Find where to watch online!

  12. Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3: next episode, trailer, cast and

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 cast. The Below Deck Sailing Yacht season 3 includes returning crew Captain Glenn Shephard, chief stew Daisy Kelliher, chief engineer Colin MacRae and first mate Gary King. These members are joined by chef Marcos Spaziani, second stew Gabriela Barragan, third stew Ashley Marti, as well as deckhands Kelsie ...

  13. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 Episode 12 "Total Ship Show" Episode

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 2 Episode 12 "Total Ship Show" Episode Discussion. Glenn reels in the aftermath of the boat crash. After assessing the damage, the crew does their best to get the boat - and their mindset - into charter-ready condition… but a high-maintenance group of female guests only sends the crew further into a spiral. A ...

  14. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Reunion Premiere Date, Trailer

    Your First Look at the Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Reunion It's been a will-they-or-won't-they situation for Daisy Kelliher and Gary King all season long on Below Deck Sailing Yacht.

  15. 'Below Deck Sailing Yacht' Season 3 Cast: Where Are They Now?

    Since it debuted back in 2020, Bravo's spin-off Below Deck Sailing Yacht has certainly delivered some of the most dramatic feuds and steamy boatmances, and it looks as if Season 3 is no different.

  16. Below Deck: Sailing Yacht

    Check out information to watch 3 - 12: New Girl Aboard online including episode summaries, ratings, and links to stream on SideReel.

  17. Below Deck Sailing Yacht

    Find Below Deck Sailing Yacht on and the NBC App. When the sails are up, the crew's already difficult job gets tougher.

  18. Below Deck Sailing Yacht: Season 3

    Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht — Season 3 with a subscription on Peacock, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

  19. Below Deck Sailing Yacht (TV Series 2020- )

    Mon, Feb 21, 2022. Captain Glenn is back on board Parsifal III, sailing the Balearic Island of Menorca with some familiar faces - Daisy, Gary, and Colin. New to the team, Chef Marcos knows he has to prove to Daisy that he has what it takes to make this season memorable for the guests. Gary claims to be a new man after learning from his mistakes ...

  20. Watch Below Deck Sailing Yacht, Season 3

    Bravo's highly rated "Below Deck" franchise welcomes viewers aboard luxurious yachts and charters around the world and offers a front-row seat to above-deck demands and below-deck drama.

  21. A Look Back at the Rudest Guests in 'Below Deck' History

    The guests who refused to pack on 'Below Deck Sailing' Season 3, Episode 12. The third season of Below Deck Sailing introduced viewers to primary Dr ... who could not fathom eating chicken on a yacht.

  22. Below Deck Mediterranean season 9 episode 14 sneak peek: 3 major takeaways

    Below Deck Mediterranean, season 9 episode 14 is scheduled to release on September 2, 2024, on Bravo. The network dropped a trailer for the episode on August 27, 2024, and it covers the arrival of ...

  23. 'Below Deck Down Under' Season 3: Everything We Know ...

    Culver Bradbury started on Below Deck Down Under season one, and was brought back in season two, even acting as interim Bosun for one episode after the Bosun was fired. However, it looks like he ...

  24. 'Below Deck Down Under' Season 3: Everything We Know ...

    Jason Chambers - RETURNING. Jason Chambers is set to return as Captain for season three.. In March 2024, when asked about when season three would premiere on Instagram, Jason replied to fans ...

  25. Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3 Premiere Episode Preview

    Meet Below Deck Sailing Yacht Season 3's New Crew Members Captain Glenn Shephard welcomes aboard familiar faces and new yachties in this exclusive first look at the Season 3 premiere.

  26. What's Going On With Fraser Olender After 'Below Deck' Season 11?

    Below Deck is Bravo's high-seas reality series that captures the highs and lows of working on a luxury yacht. Since 2013, the flagship series has had 11 triumphant seasons and spun off four ...

  27. 'Below Deck Down Under' Season 3: Everything We Know ...

    A third season of Below Deck Down Under is reportedly on the way!. The Bravo reality spinoff was revealed to be renewed at BravoCon in November 2023 by one of the stars of the show, but there hasn ...

  28. Does 'Below Deck' Alum Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux Have A Relationship ...

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht's Jean-Luc Cerza-Lanaux hasn't been a part of the series since Season 2 after a groundbreaking realization occurred at the end of the season: he fathered a child with the ...

  29. Below Deck Sailing Yacht

    Below Deck Sailing Yacht Capt. Glenn and his comeback team Daisy Kelliher, Gary King and Colin MacRae resume their responsibilities aboard Parsifal III, along with new, dynamic crew members, as ...

  30. What it's really like chartering a yacht from 'Below Deck'

    Charters are cheapest at the beginning and end of a destination's season. Via Croatia's yuppiest yacht, the 160-foot, 12-cabin Agape Rose, fetches $200,000 a week in July and August. But it ...