Mediterranea Yachting Club

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Porto Catania, SN

95126 Catania

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6 photos Auto Yachting Club

Reviews about auto yachting club.

  • Francesco P. 10 january 2023, 12:05 am Pulito, organizzato, con buona accoglienza. 0 0 Reply
  • vito g. 23 october 2022, 2:52 am Posizione unica. Ambiente ottimo. Una istituzione catanese. Top 0 0 Reply
  • Lanfranco S. 19 august 2022, 12:53 am Club nautico con bar solarium e discesa a mare 0 0 Reply
  • Windows L. 5 august 2022, 10:42 pm Molto bello. Esclusivo è riservato. Cordialità gentilezza ai max livelli. Posto incredibilmente pulito, e ben ben Curaro. 0 0 Reply
  • Tina S. 23 june 2022, 1:15 pm Posto elegante, accogliente e raffinato. 0 0 Reply
  • vittorio s. 30 april 2022, 6:36 pm Bellissima location 0 0 Reply
  • Guido S. 31 august 2020, 9:20 am Pulito e ordinato i camerieri gentili e professionali 0 0 Reply
  • gabriella b. 22 august 2020, 2:17 pm Bellissima ed unica serata ascoltando l'ottima MUSICA e CANZONI della FANTASTICA BAND 5 IN ITALIANO (solo musica Italiana BELLISSIMA) BRAVISSIMI TUTTI MUSICISTI di ALTO livello e Cantante con voce ECCEZIONALE SE, confidiamo nell' organizzazione di qualche altra serata! GRAZIE era da tempo che non trascorrevamo una serata cosi' RILASSANTE e DIVERTENTE…!!! Ancora GRAZIE 0 0 Reply
  • emilia s. 14 january 2020, 4:27 pm Ottimo. Si mangia bene. Menù ricco. Sig.ra Auteri cordialissima. Vista del mare incantevole. Gli antipasti favolosi! Fatti con cura. 0 0 Reply
  • L'Arte d. 8 january 2020, 8:51 am Personale della darsena super esperiente e qualificato. Se desiderate il meglio per le vostre imbarcazioni questo è il luogo ideale. 0 0 Reply
  • mario s. 7 november 2019, 7:26 pm eccellente 0 0 Reply
  • Finaldanix 15 september 2019, 9:00 am Posto incantevole 0 0 Reply
  • Andoryū 21 july 2019, 2:30 am Anche il mio amico mi fa una diva e poi se lo fa io non ho mai avuto una diva di che non mi abbia fatto abbandonare il mio amico dice: no non sono una ragazza che non ho dormito in una casa mia ma è una foto da te che ti fa stare bene bro ma non ti lascio a me e a me non mi sento più a che fare tutto questo e non 0 0 Reply
  • Maria V. 6 july 2019, 9:06 am Bel posto con bel panorama. Il salone interno dovrebbe essere arredato meglio con l'aggiunta di piante. 0 0 Reply
  • Sebastiano M. 23 may 2019, 6:04 pm La perla di ognina 0 0 Reply
  • Maria G. 29 march 2019, 9:55 am Conferenza interessante con apericena a seguire 0 0 Reply
  • Alfina S. 2 march 2019, 1:36 am Ottima collocazione 0 0 Reply
  • Lorenzo D. 17 february 2019, 3:37 pm Splendido locale sito all'interno del porto di ognina, atmosfera unica, riservato ai soli soci per la maggior parte delle attività 0 0 Reply
  • Sebastiano V. 22 october 2018, 10:07 am Ottima la gestione del Catering Auteri 0 0 Reply
  • Etna E. 6 september 2018, 11:38 pm Bella location 0 0 Reply
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Mediterranea Yachting Club

Marina Image

Marina in Italy

The small private marina of Mediterranea Yachting Club is situated in the port of Catania on the E coast of Sicily. The marina offers 90 berths for yachts up to 25.0 metres in depths of 10.0 metres. The Mediterranea Yachting Club is at the southern end of the Porto Nuovo (new harbour), the outer, eastern basin of Catania harbour, on a triangular quay immediately to starboard of the entrance. Shelt

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VIDEO - Rosario Pelligra allo ''Yachting Club Catania''

  • di Alfio Lombardo
  • 13 Dec 2022 6:00

La diretta dell’evento “Città che cambiano” , organizzato dallo Yachting Club Catania , incentrato sul possibile sviluppo di nuovi progetti urbani legati allo sport e al territorio catanese. Presenti il presidente del Catania Rosario Pelligra , nonché Chairman dell’omonimo gruppo, Antonello Biriaco , presidente di Confindustria, Rosario Fresta , presidente di ANCE Catania, e Sergio Parisi , presidente dello Yachting Club Catania.

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Lo Yachting club Catania: Per un’estate stupenda

Lo Yachting club di Catania è una delle location più lussuose e alla moda della città di Catania  e della provincia; essa può essere adibita ad ogni tipo di evento: il vostro matrimonio, una sfilata di moda o una serata di gala. Lo Yachting club è molto versatile, adatto ad eventi sia nelle ore diurne che serali; esso, grazie alla sua struttura ed alla sua conformazione, risulta molto suggestiva, in grado di trasmettere emozioni e sensazioni a tutti coloro che vi permangono anche per la durata di un solo evento. 

Lo Yachting club

Lo spazio esterno e quello interno

Quando raffinatezza e comodità si incontrano.

Per comprendere meglio la bellezza della struttura catanese è bene procedere con una descrizione dettagliata della stessa; cominciando dagli spazi generali possiamo affermare che lo Yachting club è dotato di un’ambiente esterno ed uno interno, così da poter essere disponibile anche nel caso in cui il tempo, anche nella stagione estiva, non sia favorevole. Partendo dalla descrizione dall’ambiente interno, possiamo subito notare come si tratti di uno spazio molto ampio, in grado di ospitare davvero molte persone; la stanza è molto illuminata per via della presenza di grandi finestre e vetrate che permettono di godere del sole. L’illuminazione generale dell’ambiente è amplificata dal colore dello stesso; difatti,  la sala interna dello Yachting club è total white , un colore moderno e perfetto, in grado di adattarsi a tutte le tipologie di eventi e a tutti gli stili possibili. A far da cornice alla sala interna vi sono, poi, degli applique sui muri, che servono a dar luce nelle ore serali; il tutto crea un ambiente molto sofisticato e rilassante per tutti. Passiamo adesso a osservare l’ambiente esterno, perfetto per festeggiare degli eventi estivi come matrimoni, anniversari, lauree o compleanni.  Uno spazio arricchito , inoltre, da una piscina molto grande, intorno alla quale si possono disporre i tavoli per un pranzo o una cena, che viene solitamente adornata con candele, fiori e arricchita con effetti luminosi che danno vita ad un’ambiente da sogno. Ogni elemento poi illuminato con luci poste in alto, che partecipano alla suggestività del tutto.

Yachting club mare:

 Il connubio fra la città etnea e il suo mare è uno dei punti di forza dello Yatchting club: una magia renderà il vostro evento ancora più prezioso. La dimensione elegante del locale si sposa alla perfezione con la cornice del golfo di Catania; se desiderate che i vostri ricordi rimangano immortalati su sfondi incantevoli, la location dello Yachting club è quello che fa al caso vostro!

Lo Yachting club, per gli eventi da favola

Come si può osservare da quanto scritto, lo Yachting club di Catania offre tutto il necessario per vivere un’esperienza da favola; chi lo sceglie per il proprio evento può avere la certezza che tutto andrà bene e che ogni dettaglio non sarà lasciato al caso; proprio per questo in tantissimi, da tutta la Sicilia, lo scelgono per trascorrervi i momenti più importanti della propria vita.

Scopri pure la bellezza di Taormina.

  • Catania Sailing Group Tour (3hr)
  • Group Tours

yachting club catania

Group Tour Sailing in Catania

Discover the coast of etna and ulisses grotto.

yachting club catania



Take to the waves off coastal Sicily by yacht on this sailing experience in Catania. With refreshments and a delicious lunch on board included, cruise through the clear waters and admire uninterrupted views over Catania’s volcanic shoreline. Swim in the sea or sunbathe on deck, master the basics of sailing from our crew, and enjoy a day on the waves in beautiful Sicily. You also have time for a goodbye drink on land afterward.


Starting/return time.

10:00 am / 1:00 pm Aperitif 1:00 pm / 4:00 pm Lunch 3:00 pm / 6:00 pm Aperitif

  • Catania Port
  • Old Sulfur Chimneys
  • Ulisses Grotto
  • A bottle of white wine or Prosecco for every four people
  • Pasta made on board, 1pm tour
  • Typical Sicilian aperitives 10:00 am / 4:00 pm

English, Italiano French and Spanish upon request and availability

Up to 10 Guests


Club nautico Catania – port of Catania

  • 59 € per person – Aperitif
  • 69 € per person – Lunch

Step by step excursion

Welcome at board.

Once you meet the skipper, you will board our sailboat with three cabins (one of these will be available during the excursion), a bathroom with shower, an outdoor shower, a kitchen and a fridge.

Immediately after leaving the moorings the skipper will introduce you to the basics of sailing by collaborating, if you wish, in the opening of the sails that we will do immediately after leaving the port. Once out of the port you will admire the whole gulf of Catania with the magnificent ETNA in the background

Sulfur Chimneys

During the navigation, direction caves of Ulysses, along th seaside you can admire the ancient factory of sulphur coming from the volcano

Swimming near the Caves of Ulysses

At the Caves of Ulysses you can take your first swim of the day. These caves were formed under a splendid lava cliff overlooking the sea. The colours of the backdrops are wonderful, ranging from blue, to green, to blue

During the return you can take a last swim offshore (weather and sea conditions permitting).

Useful Tips

We recommend that you bring your swimsuit, beach towels and sunscreen with you. Windbreakers and hats could be useful as there may be wind during navigation.

If you think you can suffer from seasickness, we recommend taking pills or taking patches least 30min before the excursion starts. If you do not have the required equipment we will provide (where possible) with the necessary, but we kindly ask you to ask for it at  the time of booking.

If you or anyone in your group can’t swim, please inform us while booking in the comments section.


5 star rating

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Sicilia Sail Tour

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Short Break: 2 days in a motor boat from Catania

Sicilying Favorites

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Italian English French Spanish

Min: 1 Person

Offers details

There's no better way to completely break away from the daily grind than passing a few days on a boat , far from the commotion of the city, but close enough to the coast to admire its finest stretches. Be it a weekend or a short mid-week break , boarding takes place at the convenient private marina of the Yachting Club of Catania , close to the city centre. You can choose between two different itineraries : Taormina , on the Messina coast, or Capo Mulini , on the Catania coast. The all inclusive offer includes: crew, fuel, drinks, lunch on board. Dinner is free for you to explore the wonderful towns of Taormina and Capo Mulini. Taormina itinerary : you will have the chance to stop for a swim at the "Faraglioni" rock stacks of Aci Trezza , followed by putting down the anchor in the bay of Giardini Naxos and a spaghetti lunch prepared by the crew. Take a visit to Taormina to enjoy dinner and a drink in one of its fashionable bars or restaurants; a real atmosphere of glamour. Accommodation overnight on board and the following morning you will visit the famous Mazzarò bay , where you can take a refreshing dip and go snorkeling if you like. Lunch on board and heading back to Catania in the afternoon, for arrival at sunset. Capo Mulini itinerary: spaghetti lunch on board. You will visit the charming fishing village of Capo Mulini , where you will have the chance to enjoy an aperitif as the sun sets. Accommodation overnight on board. You will spend the following day along the nearby coast, in discovery of the most hidden beaches of Ognina and Acicastello. Sail back to Catania in the afternoon, for arrival at sunset. The motor boat is a FIART 32. Exclusive-use boat equipped with skipper . Maximum 6 guests on board (4 2). The boat has 2 double cabins and 1 bathroom. Fuel and skipper included . Departure : 9:00 from the Auto Yachting Club of Catania. Return : at sunset the following day. Upon request it is possible to board from the port of Taormina.

What is included

  • task_alt Boat rental for 2 days (1 night), 6 guests are able to sleep on board.
  • task_alt Skipper.
  • task_alt Hostess.
  • task_alt Drinks.
  • task_alt Tender and outboard.
  • task_alt Fuel.
  • task_alt 2 lunches on board.
  • task_alt Final cleaning and port charges.
  • remove_circle_outline Dinner.
  • remove_circle_outline Breakfast.
  • remove_circle_outline Everything else that is not specified in the "included".

How to reach us

  • Boarding takes place from the Auto Yachting Club, Viale Artale Alagona, 4, Catania.

Booking terms and conditions

  • To make a reservation a prepayment of 20% of the total is required. The outstanding balance must be paid in cash on the day.

Terms of use

  • The decision to not sail or change itinerary because of unfavourable weather conditions is at the discretion of the skipper only. Clients will be fully reimbursed if a service is cancelled for reasons not attributable to them.

Cancellation policy

  • Free cancellation up to 48 hours before departure, without paying any penalty.

Sicily / Catania

1-day yacht cruise in sicily, boating holidays in sicily.

  • Date chevron_right Select the date.
  • Service Select date first chevron_right Select the service. Select the service Boat Tour Ognina Acicastello Capomulini (Offer Expired) Boat Tour Taormina
  • Times 09:30 chevron_right Select the time. 09:30

Min. 1 Person

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Catania Yacht Charter

Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily situated between Messina and Syracuse on Ionian Sea in th Mediterranean. Its another important and popular yacht charter holiday destination in Italy and the Mediterranean Sea. Set at the foot of Mt. Etna, Catania provides the added twist which sailors and other yacht charter guests cannot find in other tourist destinations in the region. This stunning Italian city boasts of a myriad of popular attractions and important sights that will surely make one’s holiday in Italy a truly memorable experience.

Catania lies in the eastern section of Sicily’s coastline and directly facing the Ionian Sea. It is about 100 km away from the south western edge of Messina and some 65 km from the northern tip of Siracusa. The city has gone through several devastating volcanic eruptions and earthquakes over a period of 2000 years. Historical records show that the general location of modern day Catania has already been inhabited as far back as the 8th century. Of course, Catania will always be associated with the Italian Renaissance, which has been the major highlight during the 14th century.

You Yacht Charter in Catania

Catania’s port goes into a frenzied pace, especially during the summer months. It boasts of essential facilities and provides the necessary services for sailors and other yacht charter aficionados that come to its shore during most parts of the year. In addition to this, Catania is teeming with a slew of attractions and sights that will definitely make their stop in this port city worth their while.

Catania is renowned for its distinctive “Sicilian” character. An Old Italian city, it is tagged in yacht charter circuits as an important hub for Italian history and culture. As such, sailors and tourists who visit Catania on board charter yachts will have their hands full with an assortment of museums and theatres as well as other old structures and archeological ruins with historical and cultural importance that are found in various parts of the Old City.

Of course, Catania is also well remembered for that flavor and aroma that is distinctively Italian. Sailors and tourists will also find the best beaches in Catania. With the imposing presence of Mt. Etna serving as backdrop, the yacht charter holiday experience in Catania is definitely not like no other in all of Italy.

Interesting Things and Events in Catania

What immediately catches your attention when you set sail to and arrive at Catania on board your favourite luxury are the dominant Baroque elements in several old structures and important landmarks in various parts of the city.

The popular attractions in Catania include Mount Etna, the Riviera dei Cidopi and the Elephant Fountain. The local markets in Catania are by themselves popular attractions in Catania. As soon as you arrive in Catania on your luxury superyacht, it is important that you sample the treats and the assortment of items that are on sale in the clothes and food market located in Via Etnea and the fish market that is based in Piazza Duomo.

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This document is not contractual. The yacht charters and their particulars displayed in the results above are displayed in good faith and whilst believed to be correct are not guaranteed. CharterWorld Limited does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. All information is subject to change without notice and is without warrantee. A professional CharterWorld yacht charter consultant will discuss each charter during your charter selection process. Starting prices are shown in a range of currencies for a one-week charter, unless otherwise marked. Exact pricing and other details will be confirmed on the particular charter contract. Just follow the "reserve this yacht charter" link for your chosen yacht charter or contact us and someone from the CharterWorld team will be in touch shortly.


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  1. Yachting Club Catania

    Yachting Club Catania, Catania, Italy. 148 likes · 3 talking about this · 341 were here. La storica struttura dello Yachting offre molteplici attività di svago dalla nautica alla ristorazione, oltre...

  2. Mediterranea Yachting Club

    Mediterranea Yachting Club, Catania. 481 likes · 1 talking about this · 55 were here. La "Mediterranea Yachting Club" è un club nautico sito nel molo di levante all'interno del Porto di Catania

  3. Yachting Club Catania

    Yachting Club Catania - Facebook


    You could be the first review for Mediterranea Yachting Club. Filter by rating. Search reviews. Search reviews. Phone number. 095 534139. Get Directions. Porto Catania, SN 95126 Catania Italy. Suggest an edit. People Also Viewed. Scandura Fitness. 1. Gyms. Nuovo Club Altair. 1. Gyms. Body Planet Fitness Point A.S.D. 1.

  5. Mediterranea Yachting Club

    The small private marina of Mediterranea Yachting Club is situated in the port of Catania on the E coast of Sicily. The marina offers 90 berths for yachts up to 25.0 metres in depths of 10.0 metres. Communication. Call Mediterranea Yachting Club on VHF channel 09 or telephone +39 095 534139. Navigation

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    40 berths. Max Length 30 m. Max Draught 10 m. Radio Channel. You can reach Club Nautico Catania by calling VHF16. Club Nautico Catania is a Recommended Marina. Club Nautico Catania Marina is also known as Yacht Club Catania or Port of Catania and it is hosted by the city with the same name. It is located on the coast of the Ionian Sea, on the ...

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  8. Auto Yachting Club

    Auto Yachting Club: details with ⭐ 25 reviews, 📞 phone number, 📅 work hours, 📍 location on map. Find similar entertainment venues in Catania.

  9. Mediterranea Yachting Club Sicily • PredictWind

    The small private marina of Mediterranea Yachting Club is situated in the port of Catania on the E coast of Sicily. The marina offers 90 berths for yachts up to 25.0 metres in depths of 10.0 metres. The Mediterranea Yachting Club is at the southern end of the Porto Nuovo (new harbour), the outer, eastern basin of Catania harbour, on a triangular quay immediately to starboard of the entrance.

  10. Yachting Club Catania

    Yachting Club Catania, Catania, Italy. 148 sukaan · 5 berbicara tentang ini · 338 pernah berada di sini. La storica struttura dello Yachting offre molteplici attività di svago dalla nautica alla...

  11. Club Nautico Catania

    The small private marina of Club Nautico Catania is situated in the port of Catania on the E coast of Sicily. The marina offers 40 berths for yachts up to 25.0 metres in depths of 10.0 metres. Communication. Call Club Nautico on VHF channel 16 or 77 or telephone +39 095 531443. Navigation

  12. VIDEO

    La diretta dell'evento "Città che cambiano", organizzato dallo Yachting Club Catania, incentrato sul possibile sviluppo di nuovi progetti urbani legati allo sport e al territorio catanese.Presenti il presidente del Catania Rosario Pelligra, nonché Chairman dell'omonimo gruppo, Antonello Biriaco, presidente di Confindustria, Rosario Fresta, presidente di ANCE Catania, e Sergio Parisi ...

  13. Catania

    The Mediterranea Yacht Club is immediately to starboard at the entrance to the harbour; the Circulo Nautico NIC is half a mile further on to starboard at the head of the Porto Nuovo (the outer basin); the Diporto Nautico Etnea and Club Nautico Catania are to the west of the large central mole in the Porto Vecchio (inner harbour). All marinas ...

  14. Autoyachting Club Catania

    Autoyachting Club Catania, Catania, Italy. 301 likes · 319 were here. L'Auto Yachting Club ha lo scopo di promuovere e sviluppare le attività turistiche,culturali e ricr Autoyachting Club Catania | Catania

  15. Yachting Club Map

    Yachting Club is a community center in Catania, Catania. Yachting Club is situated nearby to the community center Circolo Canottieri Jonica and the marina Pontile Yatching Club . Overview

  16. Lo Yachting club Catania: Per un'estate stupenda

    Lo Yachting club di Catania è una delle location più lussuose e alla moda della città di Catania e della provincia; essa può essere adibita ad ogni tipo di evento: il vostro matrimonio, una sfilata di moda o una serata di gala. Lo Yachting club è molto versatile, adatto ad eventi sia nelle ore diurne che serali; esso, grazie alla sua struttura ed alla sua conformazione, risulta molto ...

  17. Sicilian Sail

    Sicilian Sail is a rewarded club of skippers and shipowners based in Catania. We are Top Experience in Sicily on AirBnB. Our motto is "Soul vibe in Party Tides" but we are not organizing just party on boats. We are a group of friends that offers in Catania sailing tours in Acitrezza and in Taormina. We also organize boat dinners and events ...

  18. Catania Sailing Group Tour (3hr)

    Take to the waves off coastal Sicily by yacht on this sailing experience in Catania. With refreshments and a delicious lunch on board included, cruise through the clear waters and admire uninterrupted views over Catania's volcanic shoreline. ... Club nautico Catania - port of Catania. PRICE . 59 € per person - Aperitif; 69 € per ...

  19. Short Break: 2 days in a motor boat from Catania

    Sail back to Catania in the afternoon, for arrival at sunset. The motor boat is a FIART 32. Exclusive-use boat equipped with skipper. Maximum 6 guests on board (4 2). The boat has 2 double cabins and 1 bathroom. Fuel and skipper included. Departure: 9:00 from the Auto Yachting Club of Catania. Return: at sunset the following day.

  20. Catania Yacht Charter

    Catania Yacht Charter. Catania is an Italian city on the east coast of Sicily situated between Messina and Syracuse on Ionian Sea in th Mediterranean. Its another important and popular yacht charter holiday destination in Italy and the Mediterranean Sea. Set at the foot of Mt. Etna, Catania provides the added twist which sailors and other yacht ...

  21. Mediterranea Yachting Club

    Mediterranea Yachting Club, Catania. 481 likes · 55 were here. La "Mediterranea Yachting Club" è un club nautico sito nel molo di levante all'interno del Porto di Catania Mediterranea Yachting Club | Catania

  22. Yachting Club Catania on Instagram • Photos and Videos

    See photos and videos taken at this location and explore places nearby.