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Delayne Salthouse: Clean Clubs for the future

yachting nz clean club

Driving environmental awareness — first at her local club, and then on a nationwide scale —has brought rewards for Delayne Salthouse, who has recently been recognised for her role in helping Kiwi yacht clubs become more sustainable.

Delayne received the Sustainability Award at the Yachting New Zealand AON Excellence Awards in late 2022, for her role in instigating and developing the Clean Clubs programme. This initiative encourages yacht clubs to assess their impact on the earth and take steps to minimise it, engaging with their local communities to improve environmental outcomes and take care of the very natural resources which sustain their sport.

The Clean Clubs initiative came to life through the Salthouse family’s involvement with Devonport’s Wakatere Boating Club. Although Delayne herself is not a sailor, boatbuilder husband Greg and kids Chloe (now 19) and Jaek (now 16) were all competitors, and she found herself spending a lot of time there.

“The first real awakening for me was one day walking the dog along Narrow Neck Beach and finding all these bits of rubbish. In a six-metre-square area I picked up an incredible amount, of all kinds or rubbish, just in ten minutes,” she says. “I was disappointed and appalled and really angry at how people could do this. I was thinking ‘Why do people do this, where does this rubbish come from, who’s responsible?’”

“Then it dawned on me that it’s not just one person, or one root cause – it’s up to everyone to be responsible and mindful. So, then I thought, how do I communicate with people and get the message out that we need to change our ways? I looked up and saw the club, and I thought that’s 450 members right there, I’ll start there.”

Delayne took on a sustainability role on the club’s committee and instigated the international Sailors for the Sea ‘Clean Regattas’ protocol for a major youth regatta at Wakatere, then at the 2019 OK Dinghy world championships hosted by the club, for which Wakatere also received the YNZ Sustainability Award.

The club attained silver, then gold certification, “and we never really looked back,” Delayne says. “The practices we put in place for those regattas became second nature.”

Seeing Wakatere’s success at reducing waste and emissions, eliminating single-use items and taking an environmental stewardship role in the community, Delayne decided to take it a step further. “It was having such a great effect at Wakatere, I thought this should be something that all clubs do. If you can run a clean regatta, you can run a clean club.”

Delayne contacted YNZ with a proposal for a wider ‘Clean Club’ concept, and collaborated with them as a contractor to develop a format that would work across all of the 108 Yachting New Zealand clubs, regardless of size and circumstance.

Raynor Haagh, YNZ’s National Sport Development Director – strategy, programmes & participation, says the introduction of the Clean Clubs programme tied in well with the organisation’s overall strategic vision, with one of its five ‘guiding stars’ being ‘to have a positive impact on environmental issues that affect member clubs and their wider community.’

“Delayne came to us at a time when we were reviewing our overall environmental sustainability strategy and looking at what we could do as a whole across our organisation,” Raynor says. “There was an increasing number of clubs asking for support to do more in this area, but they weren’t sure where to start. All we could do was direct them to the Clean Regatta programme.”

Despite Covid disruptions, the Clean Clubs programme was soft-launched in December 2021. Although Auckland clubs in particular were coming out of lockdown, Raynor says they wanted to get the programme out there and ‘trigger some thinking and engage clubs in the conversation from the outset.’ YNZ reached out to a range of clubs throughout the country, from the premier Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron to smaller clubs such as Bluff Yacht Club, for feedback on what was relevant to clubs.

The Clean Club framework helps organisations to begin or advance their sustainability journey, in five focus areas: administration and leadership, waste management, resource conservation, community outreach, and education. Clubs work through a progressive system, moving from one through to three stars. Wakatere and Devonport Yacht Clubs are the first clubs to achieve the highest three-star rating.

yachting nz clean club

“It’s designed so clubs of all sizes and capabilities, on different places on their journeys, can be acknowledged for what they are doing,” Raynor says. “The aim is to start a cultural shift within the committee and club and to encourage clubs to do a sustainability audit to highlight areas they can improve on.”

“There is no one way to do be clean and green, but this programme gives clubs a template to follow and makes it easy for them,” Delayne says. “People can check the boxes and, in the end, have something to show for it. It brings awareness and forces people to make choices: is this sustainable, or is it not? Small decisions and changes can make a huge difference.”

So far around 24 clubs in New Zealand – about a quarter of YNZ’s member clubs – and four in Australia have signed up for the scheme.

Other sporting codes in New Zealand and abroad have also expressed interest in adopting the programme. There’s also a tie-in with the New Zealand SailGP team, with participating clubs receiving personalised messages from the Kiwi team, which includes Live Ocean founders Peter Burling and Blair Tuke. The New Zealand team has led the SailGP series’ Impact League for the last two seasons, based on “the positive actions our teams make to reduce their overall carbon footprint and help accelerate inclusivity in sailing”.

YNZ is also working with the Blake Inspire leadership programme to encourage young sailors taking part to use introducing Clean Clubs to their club as the action they take in their community.

The programme works in well with YNZ’s education programme, RŪNĀ, which has a goal to ‘support Kiwi kids to learn from the past to “steer” toward a sustainable future’. It includes modules on Aotearoa’s seafaring heritage, sustainable energy solutions and restoring marine ecosystems. Both programmes are overseen by kaiwhakahaere Natalia Groom, who joined YNZ from working at the Sustainable Coastlines organisation.

“All the clubs I’ve spoken to want to do something, but don’t know where to start. It’s really useful to know where you can first make changes, and where to go from there,” she says. “It’s also great for the younger members to see a greater focus on sustainability at their clubs, which we know is a huge issue for this generation, and to help them to make a difference.”

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Yachting NZ Launch World-leading Clean Club Programme

Yachting New Zealand today launched a Clean Club programme, a world-leading initiative for yachting and boating clubs to help protect and enhance the coastlines, oceans and waterways in this country.

The programme is a way for clubs to become more environmentally focused, and those efforts are recognised in a three-star rating system based on the number of best-practice criteria achieved.

Yachting New Zealand have partnered with the New Zealand SailGP Team, who will share their knowledge with Yachting New Zealand's 108 member clubs as part of this collaboration.

It has also been endorsed by Sailors for the Sea, recognised as the world’s leading ocean conservation organisation for sailors, and is believed to be the first initiative of its kind in the world.

The Clean Club programme has been built on the Clean Regatta concept, which was originally developed by Sailors for the Sea. This next iteration, which extends the sustainability criteria from single regattas to overall club operations, is something Sailors for the Sea are looking to use as a model for other countries.

“We’re really excited about the Clean Club programme,” Yachting New Zealand chief executive David Abercrombie said. “Sailors often talk about the ocean being their office or playground, which is why it’s so important for every yachtie and boatie to do a better job of looking after what we have.

“Knowing where to start is often the hardest part, which is why we’ve researched and developed these easy-to-follow guidelines on how to become a Clean Club. It really simplifies everything and helps take clubs through the journey, and we want to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements along the way by calling them a Clean Club.”

The New Zealand SailGP Team, led by Peter Burling and Blair Tuke, have partnered with Yachting New Zealand to help spread the word and encourage clubs to begin their sustainability journey.

As well as racing super-charged F50 catamarans on the water, the New Zealand SailGP Team are also competing off the water in the Impact League, which is a second leaderboard scoring teams across 10 different sustainability criteria. The New Zealand SailGP Team have been leading the Impact League since it was launched earlier this year and have been using their voices and platform of their sport for positive action.

“It’s great to see Yachting New Zealand leading the charge for national sailing bodies worldwide and providing a practical framework for clubs to get involved with,” New Zealand SailGP Team co-CEO and driver Peter Burling said. “We’re really looking forward to engaging with the clubs who get their Clean Club certification and hope we can learn from them too.”

New Zealand SailGP Team co-CEO and wing trimmer Blair Tuke added: “We race in partnership with our #RacefortheFuture partner, Live Ocean, a marine conservation foundation that Pete and I started in 2019. The nexus between ocean and climate is clear. To have a healthy future, we must have a healthy ocean and we all need to play our part.”

Abercrombie encouraged yachting and boating club committees to start thinking about how their club can be more sustainable, especially now with the Clean Club programme in operation.

Clubs are encouraged to focus on achieving criteria in five key areas: administration and leadership; waste management; resource conservation; community outreach and education, and more information can be found here.

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Welcome to the Clean Club section of Port Nic!

Here you’ll find what out what this is about, what we want to achieve and how you can get involved. But we also want to celebrate that we have received our first  ⭐  on the 20th May 2024! Now let’s go:

Our purpose

To build an enduring sustainability programme that delivers benefits for our club and harbour..

We are aligning our activities to the Clean Club Programme initiated by Yachting NZ. Check out their information and resources here:  https://www.cleanclub-yachtingnz.org.nz/

Our objectives and key results

The Yachting New Zealand Clean Club initiative provides a framework, but we don’t want this to be just a tick box exercise. There are specific things that we want to achieve for our club, and initiatives that will be more appropriate for us given our location and circumstances. We have set the following objectives and the results we’ll look to achieve.

Our programme delivers tangible benefits – for nature, the environment, our community, and our finances

  • Measurement programme in place
  • Reduction in identified metrics – e.g. resource use, energy use, waste, water use
  • Return on investment
  • Members knowing and doing more

We create an achievable and enduring programme of work

  • Programme plan, approved by the Board
  • Well documented programme of work that can be picked up by others
  • Governance framework in place

We build our club community by encouraging engagement and participation

  • Members changing their behaviour
  • Participation in activities
  • Volunteers to drive parts of the programme
  • Feedback from members

We extend our reach and impact by working with others

  • Wellington’s four yacht clubs working together
  • Connections with other clubs and organisations delivering results
  • (over time) Sponsorship for initiatives

Timeline and progress

Tips and resources, what's next.

While we are still celebrating our 1st star, we’re not resting on our laurels and have a few targets on our list we want to hit soon:

  • ★ 14th June: Presentation of our journey and plans at the Club , likely together with our Ghost Diving friends
  • ★ 30th June: Participate in the Ghost Diving Clyde Quay Marina Clean up 2024
  • ★ Creation of an Environmental Award
  • ★ Start preparations for a Clean Club Regatta 2025 
  • ★ Keep progressing other 2star related activities
Administration and Leadership31 July 2431 May 25
Waste Management31 Aug 2430 Nov 24
Resource Conservation30 Sep 2428 Feb 25
Community Outreach31 Oct 2430 Nov 24
Education30 Sep 2428 Feb 25

Get involved!

There are small and big tasks to be taken care of, some one-offs, others ongoing – so there’s something for everyone.

Just touch base with us when you see us at the club, or email cleanclub@rpnyc.org.nz .

Vicki Connor, Nina Fischer, Conny Rohr, Paul Rutherford, Kasia Malinowska

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New announcement. Learn more

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Clean Clubs

This week Yachting New Zealand launched the Clean Club Programme and Wakatere was one of the first club's registered. 

We look forward to taking our members and wider community with us on this journey - to  continue our efforts to be sustainable and reduce the environmental impact of our day-to-day club activities.

The press release  https://www.yachtingnz.org.nz/...

The programme https://www.cleanclub-yachting...

More about Sustainability at Wakatere  

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Clean Club program launches in NZ Yachting

yachting nz clean club

Yachting New Zealand recently launched the Clean Club program, a world-leading initiative for yachting and boating clubs to help protect coastlines, oceans and waterways around the country.

A key aim of the program is to help and encourage clubs to become more environmentally focused. A three-star rating system based on best-practice criteria will recognise the environmental efforts of clubs.

“We’re really excited about the Clean Club programme,” says Yachting New Zealand Chief Executive, David Abercrombie. “Sailors often talk about the ocean being their office or playground, which is why it’s so important for every yachtie and boatie to do a better job of looking after what we have. Knowing where to start is often the hardest part, which is why we’ve researched and developed these easy-to-follow guidelines on how to become a Clean Club. It really simplifies everything and helps take clubs through the journey, and we want to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements along the way by calling them a Clean Club.”

The program has been endorsed by leading ocean conservation organisation Sailors for the Sea. Yachting New Zealand has also partnered with the New Zealand SailGP Team to help raise awareness of the program and encourage local clubs to embrace sustainability. “It’s great to see Yachting New Zealand leading the charge for national sailing bodies worldwide and providing a practical framework for clubs to get involved with,” says Peter Burling, New Zealand SailGP Team co-CEO. “We’re really looking forward to engaging with the clubs who get their Clean Club certification and hope we can learn from them too.”

Visit www.cleanclub-yachtingnz.org.nz/

For more boating news and events, check out the February-March issue of Nautilus Marine Magazine and subscribe to Nautilus Marine Magazine here.

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Recurring Tags

Nelson Yacht Club

We are delighted the announce that the oldest trophy in international sport – The America’s Cup – will be coming to Nelson Yacht Club on Saturday 7th September!

Ahead of the 37th America’s Cup in Barcelona, and with thanks to Toyota New Zealand and The Kiwi Cup Tour , the America’s Cup itself will be touring the length of NZ. This is your chance to see it in person and grab that selfie!

Spend the evening with the America’s Cup and, in doing so, raise funds for the much-needed seismic strengthening of the NYC main building.

Tickets are available here for a formal Spanish Banquet & fundraising evening, kindly hosted next door at The Boathouse.

There will also be a more casual meet & greet with the Cup in the club’s Lower Lounge from 4-5.30pm. This will be a free event and open to the public. There’ll be a sausage sizzle so bring some change. Koha towards the seismic strengthening will be much appreciated!

Grab tickets to NYC’s Barcelona Bash fundraising dinner, and spend an evening with the America’s Cup, as well as much much more.

Find out more about NYC’s project – “Strengthening NZ’s oldest yacht club for future generations”, as we work towards completing seismic strengthening of the main building.

Poster for NYC's fundraising dinner with the America's Cup

Join us on the water!

One of the busiest sailing schools in the country, providing the opportunity for kids and adults alike to learn to sail, windsurf or wingfoil and improve their skills in a safe and supportive environment. Click here to for more info

A busy club racing programme with handicap racing, and class racing, casual twilight racing , and a few special feature races thrown in. Check out the classes and pathways info too.

The club also hosts regional, national, and international regattas.

Join a welcoming, family friendly club and connect with others. Give back, with volunteering opportunities both on and off the water.

Travel to regattas and forge friendships in the wider sailing community in NZ.

Our mission

A family-friendly club focused on providing educational, recreational and competitive sailing & water-sports opportunities for all in the Nelson and Tasman districts.

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Learn To Sail

We have programmes for beginners through to advanced coaching, and from 8 years, through to adults. Options range from weekly after-school sessions, holiday programmes, to weekend adult courses and private tuition.

three windsurfers blasting on the Nelson harbour

Learn To Windsurf

Windsurfing isn’t just a sport, it is a lifestyle. Windsurfers live and breath it – once you’ve cracked it and got planing (blasting across the water at high speed) you won’t look back.

yachting nz clean club

Learn To Wingfoil

Wingfoiling is taking the watersports world by storm. With a dedicated brand “Wingfoil Nelson” we’re building the community here at Nelson Yacht Club, looking after everything from lessons to gear sales and advice.

yachting nz clean club

Join the Club!

Members are what makes a club, and we’ve got a great bunch! There are many ways to get involved – from being part of training courses, club racing, volunteering, committees and working bees etc…  and of course, there’s always time for a drink and a yarn after sailing.

yachting nz clean club

Club Racing Programme

We have club racing most Saturdays throughout the season, with a mixture of handicap racing, scratch class racing, and special/feature races. There’s also a popular casual twilight racing series on Tuesday evenings. We have the annual Whakatu Regatta, and host regional, national, and international regattas.

yachting nz clean club

Book your next function in the club’s Aurora Lounge. It is an excellent space, offering unrivalled views over the harbour to the Cut. The lounge can be booked for anything from smaller meetings through to conferences and of course parties and weddings!

yachting nz clean club

Our Clean Club Story

In April 2023 we were proud to receive 2 Star recognition under the Yachting New Zealand Clean Club Programme.

More information, including our Environmental Sustainability Policy can be found here: Clean Club

There’s more than just sailing that happens at the Nelson Yacht Club facilities

yachting nz clean club

We are extremely grateful for the support we receive from our sponsors:

yachting nz clean club

Person dies in crash on State Highway 3 at Pākaraka, Whanganui

Eva de Jong

A person has died after a car crashed into a fence on State Highway 3 at Pākaraka near Whanganui .

A police spokesman said police responded to reports of a single-vehicle crash about 12.30am on Sunday.

One person died and another was taken to hospital with serious to moderate injuries.

A Fire and Emergency NZ spokeswoman said crews responded at 12.35am to a car that had crashed into a fence.

Fire services assisted with setting up a landing zone for a helicopter to take the patient to Whanganui Hospital.

The police serious crash unit has completed a scene examination and inquiries are ongoing.

Eva de Jong is a reporter for the Whanganui Chronicle covering health stories and general news. She began as a reporter in 2023.

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Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013

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Written by Zuzana Bednarova

To be represented by Premium Yachts, Ferretti Yachts and Riva , two prestigious brands of the Ferretti Group, will be present at the Moscow International Boat Show 2013, displaying motor yacht Ferretti 530 as well as Riva Iseo yacht tender.

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury motor yacht Ferretti 530

Luxury yacht Ferretti 530 was very keen to undertake in collaboration once again with AYT – Advanced Yacht Technology, Ferretti Group Engineering Division and Studio Zuccon International Project . The compact dimensions, 16 meters long and almost 5 meters wide, allow the 530 yacht to deliver grand Italian luxury and cruising immersed in such comfort until now unheard of in a yacht of this size.

Ferretti 530 yacht boasts three revolutionary innovations: the full beam master cabin with chaise longue and two large open view windows that make it a real suite at sea level bathed in light, tones and the natural essences of teak. Moving the galley from the center to the aft section creates a unique open space that includes the saloon, galley, cocktail bar and the dining area, the cockpit area continues thanks to the tilting window. The roll bar free sky lounge and the spoiler allow the 530 a sporty appearance combined with elegantly formal lines.

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Ferretti 530 Yacht - Interior

Riva , the iconic Ferretti Group brand, presented a new model at the historical Lake d’Iseo shipyards in July 2011. Featuring elegance and ease of transportation as its distinctive characteristics, Iseo superyacht tender , a 27 foot runabout, is destined to become a must-have for those who love cruising on both lakes and the sea, and, most importantly, design enthusiasts. It is also perfect for anyone wishing to enhance their yacht with an exclusive tender that will never go unnoticed.

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Riva Iseo superyacht tender

Due to its ease of manoeuvrability and size, Iseo yacht tender is also ideal as a tender for large yachts. Innovative and elegant, it can also guarantee comfort in bad weather conditions. Besides the electrohydraulic bimini top, it was also designed with a waterproof, automobile-style soft top which protects those on board against water and the wind during cruising.

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Ferretti Yachts and Riva to attend Moscow Boat Show 2013".

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Motor Yacht ALTER EGO -  Main

Ferretti Yachts

Motor yacht CHI 5 -  Main

Ferretti Group announces its presence at Moscow Boat Show 2013

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“Exclusive” Moscow: Top-5 of the capital’s non-profit clubs

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( http://gazgolder.com/ )

The club, which has been operating in Moscow from the very start, and was closed for four years, has recently re-opened. This institution does not need any special promotion, and it is content with its popularity only among “select” circles, being famous for its “imports”, shows, animations, and of course, great music.

These are large dark premises with a “loft” style interior, where iron reinforcement bars and brick walls blend gracefully with velvet “baroque” style armchairs and a cozy fireplace – welcome to the Gazgolder – the Mecca of the capital’s “anti-glamour”.

Kurskaya Subway Station, 5 Nizhny Susalny Lane, bldg. 1 (entrance from Kazakova St.). You will find the building next to the Kruzhka Bar, go to the end and knock on the closed door that has no sign on it. Be prepared that they will ask you your name, or you will be asked to show an SMS with a special invitation to the party.

Owner of the club

Socialite Anna Antimony

Club’s target group

This institution is intended for “club life” old-timers, who were there at the beginning of the Moscow “rave” movement. This club is not intended for dating, being visited only by people who want to relax and “taste” quality “techno”. The ages of visitors range from 20 to 50.

“Selective techno” and its variations: progressive, trance, etc. You will not hear recognizable compositions in the style of David Guetta, as the music, for the most part, is without vocal accompaniment.

Parties are held no more than once every one to two months.

How to get into the club

You have to be on the “list”. The day before, or on the very day, the lucky person gets a message with a special invitation.

Average bill

From 1500 rubles. The prices “don’t bite”, as this is a non-profit institution, exclusively friendly in nature. Credit cards are accepted.

What to wear

Club visitors dress in extremely simple attire. Heels and dinner clothes are not welcome.

Troyka Multi Space 

( https://www.facebook.com/TROYKA.MULTISPACE )

This is one of the most beautiful clubs, located in a mansion in the center of Moscow, and named in honor of the “Moscow residence registration” – Building 3 on Yauzskaya Street.

1/15 Yauzskaya St., bldg. 3

You will surely notice the gate, surrounded by a crowd of people and lots of parked cars from the side of Yauzskaya St.

The club has three floors. The first of them is occupied by a cloakroom and welcome-zone. There is a dance floor and a stage on the second floor, with a second dance-floor located on the third floor. There is no restaurant as such.

Two investors, who own several mansions in Moscow, opened this still fully non-profit club.

Recently, the club has become more “massive”, which certainly increases your chances of getting inside. The age group is 25–30 and older.

Great techno music, combined with foreign techno-star “imports”.

The club holds exactly 12 parties each year. It is best to arrive at 11 p.m. and to stay until 3 a.m.

You can learn about an event via SMS messages or through the club’s group in social networks. In addition, you can submit a request and obtain a special code on the club’s webpage, after mentioning a name of a person who can recommend you. You should know that, after the receipt of a recommendation, the administration of the club will study your profile on Facebook, before making a “final verdict”.

You should not come here hungry, as you will not be able to order a meal in this club; there simply is no food on the menu. You will have to snack only on a berry or fruit salad. The average bill ranges from 1500 to 5000 rubles. Credit cards are not accepted.

There is no dress code. You may come dressed in anything that feels comfortable.

Vanilla Ninja 

( https://www.facebook.com/VanillaNinjaClub )

Do not get scared when you enter these dark 100% techno-oriented premises... You will soon feel the mood of the club, as the main funds are invested into DJ's and performers. The club has been operating for more than 5 years, and in that time has already “moved” to a new location, without losing any of its regular clientele.

Krasnopresnenskaya Subway Station, 15 Rochdelskaya St.

One of the owners is Seva Shcherbakov, a very public figure and founder of more than a dozen commercial clubs in Moscow.

Fans of techno.

You are the right place to hear all variations on the theme of “progressive” and “trans” music.

There are two club days: Thursdays, for those who are in no hurry to get to work and are free to spend their time as they wish, and Fridays. You can keep track of the DJ “imports” on the club’s official page on Facebook. One week in advance, the club sends an SMS with an announcement of events. It is worth noting this club’s partnership relations with the Troyka Club – The Vanilla Ninja is closed during parties at the Troyka.

Admission is only by lists, club cards or if one of the club promoters is a personal acquaintance. You can try entering through a private group on Facebook.

Credit cards are accepted. The average bill is 2000 rubles.

It is advisable to be dressed in the street style of “ghetto-gothic” or “street-gothic” – black color, layering and asymmetrical cuts.


( https://www.facebook.com/pages/Monasterio )

This is the newest club, which entices fans of Arma. You will feel as if you just dropped into the Moscow Berghaim (Berlin), the most famous freak disco, which is famous for its “frivolous” parties, unusual music, relaxed and incoherent clientele.

15/12a Krasnopresnenskaya Subway Station, Tryokhgornaya Manufaktura. Behind the Jagger Club.

Russian investors, former DJs

Fans of “techno”, “tech house” and “minimal techno” music styles.

Monasterio perhaps has the most high quality and expensive sound equipment. DJs from the most famous clubs of Germany, Spain, etc., play here. However, be prepared also for the “hard” music – “progressive” changing into “trans”.

It is best come at about 4 o'clock in the morning, considering this club as an “after party”.

Unlike all the previous clubs, you can get into this club by paying 500 rubles for admission, and after passing a strict “face control” process, which is not typical for the Moscow club scene, with its “free admission” policies.

You can get a bite to eat in this club, with the food being of very good quality. Credit cards are accepted.

You may wear what you like, but it is best to dress in black.

Petrovich Club-Restaurant

( www.club-petrovich.ru )

Are you tired of fashionable glamour? Do you yearn for something real, something “Soviet”? Then a place with a 15-year history awaits you, with its traditions and stunning cuisine – Olivier salad, “dressed herring”, pies, khrenovuha, salo, and of course, vodka in faceted glasses!

24/3 Miasnitskaya St. 

One of the owners of the club is the cartoonist Andrey Bilzho.

This club is intended for anyone who wants to relax and feel “at home”, for fans of “eat–drink–have fun” in good quality company. Besides this, you can always find the capital’s big names here – bankers, media people, senior managers, politicians, and journalists – all of these are longtime fans of the Petrovich.

The motto of this institution is “Merry and Noisy”. There are evenings of jazz, guitar and even piano. Every Saturday there are dances to music by ABBA, Boni M and Soviet songs.

The schedule is kept up to date on the club's website – disco of the 90s, and live music every day. The club is open until 5 a.m.

Admission is strictly by club cards. You can get a card through a friend's recommendation or by filling in a form and providing a photo directly at the club.

You must try everything on the menu – without exception! Book your table in advance, especially on weekends. The average bill is 1500–2000 rubles.

Wear what feels comfortable for a relaxing evening and for dancing. Hipsters and glamorous socialites you certainly will not meet here.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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Bianca Cook

SheSails NZ

In 2019, Yachting New Zealand launched the Women and Girls in Sailing strategy with the primary objective to cultivate and grow a vibrant and cohesive female sailing community.

Inclusive Sailing

Inclusive Sailing

Sailing is a sport that allows everybody, regardless of ability or disability, to take part on a level playing field. There are many opportunities to get on the water for recreation or competition in boats that can be adapted to suit anybody.

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  1. YNZ launch world-leading Clean Club programme

    14 Dec 2021. Yachting New Zealand today launched a Clean Club programme, a world-leading initiative for yachting and boating clubs to help protect and enhance the coastlines, oceans and waterways in this country. The programme is a way for clubs to become more environmentally focused, and those efforts are recognised in a three-star rating ...

  2. Have your say on Yachting NZ's Clean Club programme

    Our environment is constantly changing, and as a result, Yachting New Zealand is looking for your help to refresh its flagship environmental initiative. Now in its third year, the Clean Club programme is a world-first framework designed to kickstart the environmental sustainability journeys of our 108 member clubs through easy-to-follow steps.

  3. PDF www.yachtingnz.org.nz

    of the Yachting New Zealand Clean Club Programme. We believe in the power of using our sport for good, and we encourage sailing clubs in Aotearoa to join the #RacefortheFuture by signing up to the Clean Club programme. The most important step you can take on the sustainability journey is the first one". SAILORS

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