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How to Pass the Yachtmaster Exam

Yachtmaster certificate of competence exam top tips, which yachtmaster.

First we need to be clear which Yachtmaster exam we are talking about. Leaving things like the Yachtmaster Instructor and Examiner Qualifications aside there are no less than 8 separate RYA certificates that are called “Yachtmaster”. This includes the 3 independently examined levels of Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence, (coastal, offshore and ocean).

RYA MCA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course

( Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased for short). This is a 6 day course which includes three written papers. It is assumed knowledge for all of the certificates that follow, so we will assume for the purposes of this article that you have already completed this course.

Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

This certificate follows the successful completion of a practical exam which is discussed in this article. The exam can be taken on board a sailing yacht or motor boat, (and the qualification is endorsed for the relative type of craft). The Yachtmaster Coastal CoC certifies skippers to operate  up-to 20 miles from a safe haven on board commercial vessels up-to 24m, carrying up-to 12 passengers. It can also be used as an entry requirement for super yacht Officer Training ( OOW 3000 ).

Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

A higher level practical exam, also discussed in this article. This certifies skippers to operate up-to 150 miles from a safe haven on board commercial vessels up-to 2000 tonnes, (again with up-to 12 passengers). It can also be used as an entry requirement for super yacht officer training and is a requirement to progress onto Yachtmaster Ocean CoC (below) and/or  MCA Master 200 .

RYA MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Shorebased Certificate

aka Ocean Shorebased . This is a 5 day (or 40 hour online) course which includes one written paper. It is assumed knowledge for the oral exam that follows and beyond the scope of this article. You can read all about the Ocean Yachtmaster Course and Exam here .

Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence (power or sail)

An even higher level certificate that qualifies the holder to skipper beyond the 150 mile from a safe haven limit of the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC. The Yachtmaster Ocean exam is an oral exam and one of its pre requisites is the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC (above).The Yachtmaster Ocean Exam is beyond the scope of this article, but by popular request we have written a separate article about it,   MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence .

RYA MCA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore Certificate of Competence Practical Exam

Getting back on topic this article specifically relates to the two practical exams (Coastal and Offshore), each can be taken onboard a sailing yacht or motor boat.

The exam for the Yachtmaster Coastal CoC and the Yachtmaster Offshore CoC is very similar and in fact different candidates can be examined together even if they are not taking the same level.

Exams are conducted with 1-4 candidates on board the vessel.

You can take the Yachtmaster exam on a sailing yacht or motorboat, and you will become a Sail or Power Yachtmaster as appropriate. This article covers sail and power exams as much of the advice is generic.

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster qualification is the global standard for sailing and motor boating. The definition of a Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore is: ‘A yachtsman or woman competent to skipper a cruising yacht on any passage that can be completed without the use of astro navigation.’

The RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Certificate of Competence remains the logical target of many a self-motivated sailor. It also represents the icing on the cake for those looking for the reassurance of an external assessment.

How long is the Yachtmaster Exam?

There can be up to 4 candidates on the boat with the examiner. A examiner will not conduct more than 4 exams at once and will not plan to examine more than 2 candidates in a 24 hour period. He/she will need to see each candidate skipper the boat underway by night.

Yachtmaster Coastal Exam Duration

  • 1 Candidate – 6 to 10 hours
  • More than one candidate  – 4 to 8 hours each

Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Duration

  • 1 Candidate – 8 to 12 hours
  • More than one candidate  – 5 to 9 hours each

For many candidates this means there will be a pause mid-exam while they and the examiner get some sleep before restarting in the morning. It is not unknown for exams to span two nights if there are 4 candidates (for example Friday evening 1800- Sunday morning 1100)

Listed below are some top tips to help you prepare for your RYA/MCA Yachtmaster exam.

Prepare early for your yachtmaster exam.

Most candidates spend some time with an Instructor, whether this is a 5-day preparation course with a sea school or some bespoke tuition on board their own boat. A half decent Yachtmaster Instructor will take you through many of the exercises that an Examiner will expect you to demonstrate and will put you in the mind-set of an exam candidate.

On the day  of the exam make sure you are ready in good time so that you aren’t involved in a last-minute faff. If you’re relaxing in the cockpit with a cup of tea when the examiner arrives, the examiner will be more impressed than if you’ve put yourself under stress attempting to work out the day’s tidal heights or secondary ports last minute!

When given a navigation task, prepare fully, make notes, prepare pilotage sketches and plan well! Nip below every so often en route to keep an eye on what’s going on in the chart department and whizz back on deck pronto to carry on skippering the boat. Don’t panic and don’t spend all your time sat behind the chart table, taking no notice of what’s going on around you, this is an obvious sign of someone who is ill prepared for the passage they are skippering.


The very first part of the exam will be paperwork. Before the examiner can proceed he/she will;

  • Ask for your completed exam application form, be sure it is completed in advance and details your qualifying sea time.
  • Ask for payment, (the examiner can not proceed if you do not pay up front)
  • Ask for sight of your Short Range Certificate , (or a pass form if you have recently taken the course and exam and are awaiting the actual certificate). Higher level GMDSS certificates are acceptable.
  • Request a passport photo of you (write your name on the back).
  • Chat with you about your yachting background and qualifying sea time
  • Outline what he/she expect from you over the coming day(s).

If you are applying for a commercial endorsement at the same time you will also require as a minimum;

  • PPR Certificate
  • Sea Survival Certificate
  • Seafarers Medical Certificate
  • Commercial endorsement form and payment

You will also need to hold an in date  First Aid Certificate .


First impressions count! Make yourself presentable and ensure you’re looking professional. That’s you and the boat!

Make sure the yacht is clean, tidy and seamanlike. The waterline crisp, sail covers looking ship shape, ropes coiled neatly and carefully stowed and fenders aligned. An experienced skipper once told me, you should know your boat so well that you should be able to find anything you need at any moment in time, including at night during power failure! A tidy boat is a sure sign of a safe boat.



Repetition, repetition, repetition. There is no point in having sailed (or motored) thousands and thousands of nautical miles if you can’t carry out Day Skipper tasks. If you can not confidently demonstrate all boat handling or seamanship skills, such as picking up a mooring buoy or putting a reef in, then you’re not ready for the exam yet!

There is nothing worse than entering or leaving a marina, wondering if you’re going to hit something. Brief your crew, make sure everyone knows what they are doing, and proceed with confidence. If the boat slides smoothly out of her berth with crew briefed and knowing what’s expected you will look good. Your calm manner, and a sensible amount of revs for power handling will immediately put the examiner’s mind at ease and give no reason for concern. If Plan A fails, take a breath, and start over. The examiner understands that mistakes can be made under exam conditions, he/she will be more impressed if you stop, recompose yourself and get the manoeuvre right, rather than continue to try and complete a bodged first attempt. There is no such things as a perfect exam, every candidate will make small mistakes, the stronger candidates will spot them, themselves and do something about them.

Without a doubt, you will be quizzed on COLREGS . There’s no reason for a candidate, not to have these regulations engrained into their brain. A good way of ensuring you have these nailed, is to study ‘A Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road.’


There is no need to learn the collision regulation parrot fashion but you should have a working knowledge of every rule and you should be able to;

  • Identify any vessel at night by lights
  • Describe the day shape for any vessel
  • Describe the fog signal for any vessel
  • Explain any rule
  • Apply the collision regulations practically through the exam
  • Explain what actions you would take in fog if you have detected another vessel by radar alone.

Candidates who forget a particular rule such as “ what does a vessel constrained by night display at night? ” MAY still pass if they know the rest of the rules and are otherwise strong, however a candidate who fails to apply the rules correctly when he/she is skippering will fail. If a large vessel sounds 5 horns at you during your exam you are going to have to work very hard to recover! Do not put yourself in a position where this might occur.


Be ready, know your subject.

You can be quizzed on anything within the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course,  you will also be expected to put the navigation, IRPCS, passage planning and forecast skills from this course into practice. If you don’t have this knowledge then you are waisting your exam fee as you will fail. You will also be tested on a basic understanding of Radar and Diesel engines . I am a strong believer that all Yachtmaster candidates as well as having passed the Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased course should also have attended the following courses before taking their practical exam as you can be tested on any and all of these areas.

  • RYA Short Range Certificate , it is likely you will each be quizzed on VHF procedures, distress alerting, the mayday call or other calls during the exam. You may also need to make a routine call to a marina or harbour during the exam.
  • RYA Sea Survival . The safety brief that you deliver will include lots of content from this course, (i.e flares, EPIRB, life raft and life jackets), you can expect to be questioned on more detail on these and other areas.
  • RYA Diesel . Typically candidates will be examined on engine checks and they will also be given a part of the engine to talk about or a common problem to solve, for example, “ Can you talk me through how you would bleed the full system on this engine ,” or “ Show me the components of the cooling system and explain which part of it may need servicing at sea if the system has run dry for a brief period’ “
  • RYA Radar.  If the vessel is fitted with a radar you will be tested on its basic set up and use. You should be able to fix position by radar, find a spot on the chart by radar and identify when a risk of collision exists by radar. If there is not a radar set on board, any of this can be tested theoretically. All candidates should be tested on radar and motor candidate tend to be pushed a little further on this area, (while they escape the sailing part of the assessment).
  • RYA First Aid . While you are required to hold a First Aid Certificate, Yachtmaster examiners will not test First Aid beyond the treatment for hypothermia, the effects of cold shock, calling for medical assistance and discussing evacuation by helicopter.


One of the key things an examiner is looking for, is to see how good the candidates are at taking charge. This is more than just a sailing (or motoring) exam it is a skippering exam. Can you manage your boat? Can you manage your crew? Clear, decisive and safe briefings followed by ongoing directions to the crew are required.

Good leadership and seamanship alike, do not involve barking orders, it is about being in control in a calm, effective and efficient manner while showing you can skipper (lead). Demonstrate your organisational and methodical thinking.

Play to your strengths. There is no definitive way to be a skipper, so don’t change your tried and tested methods to try and impress. Stick with what you know and carry them out smoothly and confidently. Don’t rush and panic. “Go slow like a pro.”


It is almost a, “dead cert,” that each candidate will be asked to demonstrate a MOB drill at some point during the exam. This is typically done using a fender or similar attached to a small weight, (never a real person). There is a myth that Yachtmaster Examiners expect the drill to be carried out by the “RYA method,” and this is true, what is not true however is the various myths of what constitutes the RYA method!

Yachtmaster Exam – Man Overboard RYA Method

Your examiner will expect you to a take charge, not to loose sight of the MOB (fender), to get back to it safely without endangering other crew and to get the boat stopped alongside the casualty with the casualty somewhere safe (i.e near the leeward shroud on a sail boat and not too close to the props on a motor exam), ready for pick up back on board.

Man Overboard Exam Tips

If you are training with other candidates agree a method that works for all of you. When you are the skipper under assessment you want your crew to react and know what is expected of them. If each candidate on the same boat opts for a different MOB method it can lead to confusion.

Along the way you should simulate/say everything relevant to the casualties survival (mention throwing the MOB gear overboard, appoint a spotter, press the MOB function on the GPS, tell the examiner you would assign a crew members to issue a distress alert and Mayday call).

Man Overboard Exam Tips (for sail candidates)

In addition to the tick list in the above paragraph, use the engine! The exact drill of how you reach/tack, slow down, speed up etc. will vary from candidate to candidate and boat to boat. The important thing is that the method you opt to use works and is safe. I advise against gybing during your MOB drill in medium and stronger winds.

A sail candidate who opts to approach the casualty from upwind (where the mainsail will be filled as you sail or motor downwind) would be demonstrating a gross misunderstanding of how to control speed and how to stop a sailing yacht.

Man Overboard Exam Tips (for power candidates)

In addition to the tick list two paragraphs above be mindful of the rest of the crew. If at high speed when the MOB occurs, don’t turn suddenly, instead slow the boat down and ensure crew know if you intend to make a sharp turn. We don’t want  a crew ember (or the examiner) to fall over or worse overboard! On many boats in light and moderate conditions you can turn the boat and follow your wake to return to the MOB, in rougher sea states this might not work. There are basically three steps.

  • Dont loose the MOB’s position
  • Get back to the MOB
  • Get alongside the MOB for pick up, without running him over

On many motor boats having got the boat back to the vicinity of the MOB, it pays to orientate yourself beam onto the wind and upwind of the MOB and allow the vessel to be blown sideways towards the MOB, this protects him/her from the risk of the bow and engine and is often referred to as the drift down method. As with sailing there are lost of variations on this method and what is important is the method that you use is safe and that it works.


It is likely that you will be asked to either sail onto or sail off a swinging mooring (mooring bouy), an anchor or a pontoon. Make sure you are comfortable and competent at all before your exam. By way of example I will focus here on the mooring buoy. In non tidal waters the boat will lie on the mooring head to wind so the approach will be on a close reach under mainsail. In tidal waters certain combination of wind against tide may dictate an approach under headsail on a different point of sail.

The examiner will expect to see you;

  • Brief the crew on how the manoeuvre will be performed
  • Helm throughout the manoeuvre
  • Prepare the boat for the manoeuvre (using the crew)
  • Select the correct direction and angle of approach
  • Select the correct sail combination for this approach
  • Control the boat speed on the approach bringing the boat to a stop in a controlled manner
  • Picking up and secure to the mooring bouy safely

If at any point the manoeuvre is not working the examiner will expect you to make the decision to bail-out and to have an escape plan in mind. Remember it will be your call to bail out not his.


During the exam you will have to demonstrate some boat handling under power. This may be a natural part of a passage you are skippering (i.e. at the start and end of the passage) or may be a specific boat handling session. Most candidates will demonstrate they can moor up, depart a berth and turn the boat in a confined space. You may be asked to demonstrate more than one berth so the examiner can see how you respond to different states of wind and tide. Some times an examiner will be specific (for example ask you to berth starboard side to, stern first on pontoon XYZ), other times he will leave some of the decision making to you and simply say berth on pontoon ABC. In the second  example he will expect to see you make a sensible decision as to whether to moor bow or stern first and from where to approach. If you are asked to repeat a manoeuvre performed by another candidate do not make the mistake of blindly copying the last candidate, take a minute to consider if they did it well or if an alternative approach would work better. Every boat manouvers differently but there are some givens for close quarter handling;

  • Slow is Pro!
  • Approaching down forces i.e. down tide (or down wind if no tide) is poor seamanship if you have the option not to
  • Using excessive engine revs in confined space demonstrates a lack of experience and control
  • Turning against prop walk should be avoided if possible.
  • Using wind, tide, pivot points, momentum and prop walk to assist you will all make your manoeuvring easier and, “score you points” in the examiner’s mind.

If the manoeuvre is not working, bailing out safely is far better than perceiving trying to a make the best of a bad job. I can assure you that if you are half way through a manoeuvre and suddenly realise you have selected the wrong approach the examiner has spotted this several minutes earlier. He/she will be quietly hoping you opt to rectify the error rather than compounding it by continuing. Don’t disappoint him by continuing an approach that is clearly too fast or not going to work.

Just like the sailing manoeuvres described above you need to helm the boat through these manoeuvres, brief the crew and perform the manoeuvre well. You should not rely on crew jumping ashore with lines to stop the boat, you as helm should stop the boat so that crew can step ashore safely. If a spring line is appropriate to depart a berth then use it, but don’t over complicate things. It is quite embarrassing when a candidate opts to “spring off” a “wind off” berth when they could have simply just let the lines go. If manoeuvring in close quarters still phases you then you are not ready for the Yachtmaster exam and need some more boat handling practice first.


There are many more components to the exam (pilotage, blind pilotage, voyage planning etc.) and the above is just a taster. If I have not scared you off yet, you have your own boat and require bespoke training (power or sail) I can be contacted through this site.

Yachtmaster Instructor

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Yachtmaster Past Papers

  • Thread starter plumrock
  • Start date 22 Dec 2015
  • 22 Dec 2015

Hi, I can see this topic has been broached a few times before... I've been hunting all over the web for a series of Yachtmaster past papers . Does anyone have a handy link - or even better - a batch of pdf's. Thanks, Pip Thornton - (North Cornwall)  

Well-known member

Active member.

Suspect You run into RYA copyright challenges I suspect, though I trust we are talking about YM Theory papers? However, you can buy the mock charts and question book from RYA  

  • 23 Dec 2015


prv said: It's a practical exam Pete Click to expand...



I've always understood that there's the shore based Yachtmaster theory course, which ends in a written examination and the Yachtmaster practical examination which is conducted afloat by a RYA appointed examiner. No matter what the Croatian authorities may or may not accept, it is the paractical examination which leads to the Yachtmaster qualification not simply passing the theory exam. There was a thread recently started by someone complaining that the RYA wouldn't give him an ICC on the strength of his theory certificate: it was pointed out that this was because whilst he had demonstrated his ability to sit in a classroom and regurgitate knowledge, he hadn't shown anyone he could actually handle a boat at sea.  

At the end of the Theory courses (DS, YM(Coastal and Offshore) you finish up with a course completion certificate, not a certificate of competence  

Its amazing what a simple question stirs up... I think it is obvious to ALL - that the YM Theory course doesn't make you a Yachtmaster... OF COURSE there is a practical element. I was just asking for some Past Papers to help self study for the theory prior to sitting an exam at a recognized ctr (to enable commercial accreditation). The RYA have been running courses for decades - so there will be loads of interesting questions lying around. In the RYA's typically 'stuffy' approach to learning (our way or no way) they don't make them available. I've just helped my sons through 'A' Level Maths... with loads of practice (past) papers EASILY available.  

RichardS said: It's the same qualification that the Croatians accept as equivalent to ICC (as discussed on the other thread) Click to expand...


RichardS said: I'm not sure why you say that. I've a certificate which says "RYA Yachtmaster" and I didn't have to go anywhere near a boat to pass that examination, just spend 100 hours sitting in a classroom and doing homework questions. Click to expand...
Gladys said: At the end of the Theory courses (DS, YM(Coastal and Offshore) you finish up with a course completion certificate, not a certificate of competence Click to expand...


plumrock said: you don't say... Just seems strange that the RYA don't have a supply of past papers (must have years and years of them). Would greatly help with self study for the theory ... Click to expand...
  • 24 Dec 2015



Rogershaw said: Our examining agency have 4 different exam papers that they randomly select so will not allow you to keep then otherwise they will have to keep on setting new exam papers which means work !!! Could RYA operate in a similar way hence no past papers available Click to expand...
NickRobinson said: 5/6/8+ years ago now but my RYA DS and then YM Coastal exams ended with the instructor/invigilator collecting in the papers and declining a request by one student to keep it, so yes. Click to expand...


RichardS said: One gets you a certificate as Yactmaster (Theory) and the other gets you a certificate as Yachtmaster (Practical), although neither of them specifically say this on the certificate. The Theory was far more valuable for me as I could have easily obtained a Day Skipper, Yachtmaster or ICC based on my practical experience. However, I could never have passed the Yachtmaster Theory as that required a much deeper level of knowledge of so many nautical subjects. However, this is merely re-hashing the previous thread where I listed the Yachtmaster areas of knowledge. Richard Click to expand...
RichardS said: I'm not sure why you say that. I've a certificate which says "RYA Yachtmaster" and I didn't have to go anywhere near a boat to pass that examination, just spend 100 hours sitting in a classroom and doing homework questions. It's the same qualification that the Croatians accept as equivalent to ICC (as discussed on the other thread) Having a boat certainly helped though! Richard PS I don't think I've any of the papers but I'll look later. In the meantime the attached might be helpful I wrote the three spreadsheets during the course of my Yachtmaster to help me understand the theory and have something potentially useful. The ColRegs chart was written by another Forumite. Click to expand...
  • 25 Dec 2015

YM Theory is three assessment papers now, Chartwork, General and Col Regs. The reason the papers aren't available is that questions are recycled between the years. It took a couple of years to sort out the 2007-15 papers, the syllabus changes from Jan 1, as DS changed last year to introduce more use of electronics - I believe (I haven't taught the latest syllabus yet) that candidates are able to use the new RYA Plotter to do their chart work, although they still have to answer certain questions in pencil on the chart.  

Blue Sunray

Blue Sunray

  • 26 Dec 2015

IMHO not been able to review the exam papers both question and answer after marking prevents the you from determining what you did wrong in the answers that were marked wrong. I have always found this very usefull as I tend to remember the answers I failed on than the ones I got correct. There was a question asking to describe the isolated danger buoy which I got wrong, but will never forget now.  

Elecglitch said: Thank you those look useful. Nice to see someone helping out rather than point scoring. Click to expand...

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RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. How to pass the practical exam.

square Sunset Sailing

  • 5th September 2022
  • by Pete Green

How to pass the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore practical sailing exam:  Here are our top tips!

RYA Yachtmaster or Higher

Why take the RYA Yachtmaster Exam?

Several organisations around the world offer professional sailing qualifications. One of the most renowned, and the oldest, is the Royal Yachting Association Yachtmaster Offshore qualification. This recognises that the holder is competent to skipper a sailing yacht on a passage 150 miles from a safe haven. There are plenty of excellent and accomplished sailors on the oceans who do not wish to acquire ‘tickets’, but many boaters do sign up for exams each year, so why bother? Courses can teach you the core skills that a modern sailor should have at their fingertips. Sailing with people from diverse backgrounds and with knowledge of different cruising areas helps you realise where the gaps in your own knowledge are and can inspire you to learn new ways of tackling fundamental skills. Most yachting establishments require their employees to have a recognised professional qualification. Without one, sailors will find it difficult to gain work as an instructor, yacht delivery skipper or find employment on a charter vessel.

Sailors at the mast

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Practical Exam and pre-course requirements.

The practical exam usually takes 8-12 hours for one candidate and 4-9 hours per candidate where more than one person is being examined. Sailors can be asked questions about any part of the RYA syllabus including areas such as: boat handling, navigation, man overboard, safety, meteorology, adverse weather conditions, long passages, and general boat husbandry. There are also pre-exam requirements. A candidate must hold a Radio Operators Certificate and a valid and acceptable First Aid qualification.

Potential Yachtmasters must have spent a minimum of 50 days at sea with 2,500 miles in their logbooks, including at least five passages over sixty miles. Two of these should have been as skipper and two completed with night passages. Half the sea time must be in tidal waters in a vessel less than 24m. Several sailing schools around the UK offer to arrange exams and assessors; often there is an option to spend a prep week beforehand on the vessel that will be used in the exam.

Beneteau Oceanis  Plymouth to Lisbon

Halcyon Yachts Top Tips for a successful RYA Yachtmaster exam:

Some sailors breeze through the exam, enjoying the experience and remaining calm and confident throughout. Most people though find the whole thing nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. So, what can you do to make the experience a positive one, how best to prepare and how should you present yourself to the best advantage? We asked some leading Yachtmaster Instructors and Assessors for their top tips: here are our favourites.

  • “Practise sailing onto moorings at every opportunity as this makes you more confident for MOB under sail and sailing onto the anchor. Remember, the examiner wants you to pass, it is an opportunity to show off.”
  • “Remain calm and focused, things go wrong during exams, they are long, and something is bound to go less than perfectly. It is often one small mistake that that becomes a small incident that becomes a major error that a candidate cannot recover from that leads to a sailor having to retake their exam.”
  • “Know your weather and collision regulations. A candidate’s knowledge of Colregs instantly tells an examiner if the candidate is serious or not. It is an element that can be learnt long before the exam, there is no excuse not to know them. I tell my students knowing them can be a big ‘get out of jail free’ card during the exam if things are not going well.”
  • “Give your crew clear, concise instructions using sailing language, practise ‘command and control.’ Tell your crew members what you would like them to do, give them time and space to do it, and then respectfully check they have completed the task.” There is no point in rushing the crew and adding stress to the exam, there is nothing wrong with taking a little time and having some finesse to your manoeuvre.”
  • “Teamwork: collaborating with your crew to make sure you are all in best form and working towards a common goal, if you help the other candidates, they will help you when it is your turn to be the skipper. An examiner will soon spot a candidate who is trying to make himself or herself look better to the detriment of other sailors.”
  • “Show the examiner that you care about the boat, coil down properly, close locker lids gently, show good seamanship and boat husbandry skills. Set lines and fenders correctly and efficiently, move around the boat with quiet confidence and authority.”
  • “Do not try and make excuses or blag your way out of bad situations, your examiner will see straight through you. Be honest, if you make a mistake, admit it, and ask for another opportunity to complete a task.”
  • “Sailing for the exam is not a race, it is not looking at how fast you can go, how hard you can push the boat to its limits. It is a cruise, a slow gentle sail to show you can be safe and in control. Put a reef in a little bit before you would normally, keep the boat flat, comfortable, and stable.”
  • “Take your time, The YM exam is a snapshot of what you can do. It is a small window into your sailing life. There is no rush to do anything, it is better to do it once and controlled than to do it several times hurried.”
  • “A good skipper does not spend ages down below ‘over navigating.’ Have your passage plan prepared, know where you are and where you are going, and become familiar with the navigation equipment on board. You then have plenty of time to run the yacht proficiently and look after the crew. The only time you should be down below constantly navigating is during the ‘Blind Nav’ assessment. Prepare for and master this tricky task”!
  • “Practise entering and leaving unfamiliar harbours using charts, pilot books and almanacs. Become familiar with interpreting 2D images on a page into the 3D reality on the water. Do this at night as well when there are lights flashing all around you and you must pick out marks against harbour lights.”
  • “The sanity check, this is my favourite thing to do, it is the checking over your task to make sure you have covered every base and have not missed anything out. It is the equivalent of the pilot’s check list.”
  • “Know your skills, make sure that you have had lots of practice before going into a prep week and get your theory up to scratch. It is not something that a candidate should take lightly, and you need to make sure you are comfortable in your own skin doing the skills. Do not think the prep week will give you the skills you need to do the exam. It is a polishing week, designed to just finesse your abilities and plug the little holes in your base knowledge.”
  • “Paperwork! Make sure you have all the appropriate paperwork neatly packed up and ready to hand to your examiner. It is not the training centres job to make sure you have done the correct eligibility tasks; it is purely yours. Ensure you have all the necessary certificates with you and that your logbook is relevant and current.”
  • “Remember that the examiner is also a very experienced instructor. They love to teach. The RYA Yachtmaster exam is another valuable opportunity to learn from a very knowledgeable skipper. If you embrace this opportunity with a positive attitude then they will likely turn what you perceive as a mistake into a learning opportunity. The best skippers never stop learning!”

square Sunset Sailing

Many thanks to those who helped with this article.

Phil Somerville, author of “The Practical Guide to Celestial Navigation” – buy your copy here:

Mark Treacher, Yacht Delivery Skipper and  RYA Sailing Instructor.

Mike Sharland, RYA Yachtmaster Instructor at “Scot Sail”.

Tomos Price, Chief Instructor and co-owner of “Commodore Yachting”.

Pete Green, Yachtmaster  Instructor and Managing Director at “Halcyon Yachts”.

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Fantastic read and top tips!… look forward to sailing with you again soon I hope!

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The Boy Scouts motto ‘Be Prepared’ is a valuable one when considering the YM, think ahead.

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RYA Yachtmaster

Coastal / Offshore

RYA Yachtmaster

Online Theory Course

A challenging course which stretches you but backed up with excellent coaching and instructor support.

yachtmaster questions

Advanced training for more experienced skippers to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages

The RYA Yachtmaster  online theory course takes your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams.

This course advances your skills as a skipper of a yacht or motor boat, with an emphasis on navigation and passage planning for more complex coastal or offshore passages by day and night

Includes some time for the revision of Day Skipper subjects then moves on to cover a greater depth of knowledge and more advanced skills in navigation, pilotage & meteorology.

Successfully gaining your RYA Yachtmaster theory certificate will enable you to confidently work towards your Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore practical qualification.

  • Assumed knowledge To Day Skipper theory level.
  • Minimum duration A minimum of 40 hours of course study time is specified by the RYA, plus time for exercises and exams.
  • Ability after course Theory knowledge to skipper a vessel on coastal and offshore passages by day and night.  

Simply click below to try a free lesson.

Pilotage for RYA Yachtmaster Offshore

  • Charts & Other Publications
  • Definition of Position, Time, Speed & Distance
  • The Compass (including allowance for deviation and swinging the compass)
  • Tidal Theory
  • Tidal Heights (including secondary ports)
  • Tidal Streams (including interpolation of drift)
  • Estimated Position
  • Course to Steer
  • Visual Aids to Navigation
  • Electronic Aids to Navigation
  • Passage Planning
  • Meteorology (including interpreting surface pressure charts)
  • The Collision Regulations
  • Safety & Protection of The Environment

Unlimited support from our dedicated RYA Instructors - 365 days a year via email, phone or Skype/Zoom.

14-day unconditional money-back guarantee.

17 fully-narrated online lessons including animations, videos and realistic 3D graphics.

Embedded quizzes with instant feedback in each lesson.

14 self-assessment exercises with fully worked answers.

Over 50 downloadable or linked resources.

Videos covering: updating paper charts, engine checks, dismasting, jury rig, flood control, firefighting, gas explosions, capsize, lifejacket checks, how to put on a lifejacket and what happens when it inflates, man-overboard recovery, launching and boarding a liferaft.

Free Radar course.

RYA Student Pack (including 2 training charts, training almanac & course handbook).


Mock exams to prepare you for the real thing and give you the confidence to pass. 

3 final online exams with detailed instructor feedback and free repeat attempts if requried.

RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Theory Course Completion Certificate.

12 months access to study with instructor support and exams - you can extend this if you want.

Lifetime access to training materials once you’ve completed the course.

Optional Extras

plotter divider23

Plotter and divider You’ll need a course plotter and chart-dividers to complete the chartwork exercises - if you don’t already have these you can purchase a top quality set from us for £28 when you place your order.


Delivery UK delivery is free.  European delivery is £20, outside Europe delivery is £40.

You can start studying immediately as many of the lessons don’t rely on the printed support materials.

This course is accessed online with no additional software required.

Lessons are accompanied by optional professional narration, and notes. 

They are intuitive and easy to follow, whilst more complex subjects are accompanied by interactive animations and graphics to help you gain a full knowledge of each subject in the course syllabus.

Detailed step-by-step workings for navigational or tidal calculations make it easy for you to follow along as we show you how to plot positions, make tidal height and stream calculations, etc

You can go over these again and again, and test your knowledge with regular quizzes throughout each lesson. 

At the end of each lesson there is an excercise containg similar questions to the exam, with detailed and illustrated answers sent to you immediately to confirm your progress and fully prepare you for your mock and final exams.

You can repeat entire lessons and excercises as often as you wish until you are confident that you fully understand each subject.

When you have completed the course you can request mock and then final exams.

These are assessed by our RYA Instructors and detailed feedback is provided in any areas that may require further study within the course.

If you pass the final exams you will be awarded the RYA/MCA Coastal Skipper & Yachtmaster Offshore Shorebased Course Certificate , which will be posted to you.

Additional free resits, with suitable Instructor guidance, are available if required.

RYA Coastal Skipper-Yachtmaster Shorebased Certificate

Call us for advice on 0238 218 2604

Course reviews.

Laura Anderson

Very enjoyable and informative

Impressively prompt and thorough feedback on all queries, tests, mock and real exams. Very high standards and you feel you have earned the Yachtmaster certificate.

Ciaran McIntyre

Comprehensive and well delivered

Excellent course materials and high quality delivery. Very responsive and excellent instructor feedback

Andrew Harvey

Excellent Yachtmaster theory course - I’d definitely recommend it.

Does what it says on the tin and more. I was impressed how well the course managed to tackle teaching relatively complex skills in a logical and easy to understand way.

Oliver Fleming

Well put together course.

I found the Yachtmaster theory course to be really well structured and covered all of the syllabus in great detail. I was impressed by how well the course managed to tackle teaching relatively complex skills in a logical and easy to understand way.

yachtmaster questions

Combined - RYA Day Skipper & Yachtmaster to fast track your theory learning


Back to the classroom for Yachtmaster Theory

A couple of weeks ago, I went back to the classroom. With a daunting 6 days of theory, and 3 written exams ahead of me I was apprehensive for several reasons. Firstly, I haven’t sat in a classroom for a solid week in nearly 15 years – how would I cope?! Secondly, this was for my Yatchmaster theory. The standard of which is incredibly high – would I be up to the right standard? How tough is tough? Am I actually capable of this?

I did my theory course with Elite Sailing, a fantastic RYA training centre based in Chatham. I’ve done other courses with them in the past, including my VHF, Radar and Diesel Engine courses . But the Yachtmaster is in a very different league to any of those!


In the run up to the course I did a lot of background reading, to bring myself up to scratch on various things that I haven’t touched on for a while. I read a meteorology and weather book, I read an RYA Navigation book, and I also spent time revising my day shapes, sounds, lights, and tested myself on the COLREGs (collision regulations). All of this was very beneficial. I found that I went in with a good understanding, and a good level of base knowledge. Which meant I was starting off on the right foot, and topping up my knowledge each day. But even then, it was still very testing and taxing. Yachtmaster theory is by no means easy. It requires a mathematical mind, and a thorough understanding of a number of complex methodologies, which should then be applied and put in to practice.

On day 1, our trainer ran through how the week would go, and I was pleased to hear that all 3 exams wouldn’t run back to back, but instead would be spread out across the week. Phew!

The Yachtmaster Chart Work Exam…

On day 3, we did our 1st exam. Chart work. This involved plotting various things like ‘EP’ (estimated position, and ‘DR’ (dead reckoning), as well as a running fix, calculating COG (course over ground) and SOG (speed over ground). Each question requires a number of highly detailed and accurate steps to reach the right answer.

A typical question might be “ You start at X Lat and Y Long, you are travelling in a sailing yacht, there is 5 degrees of leeway, it is the 18th May, you sail for an hour at 5kn. What is your EP?” Sounds easy right? … Wrong. This requires you delving in to tide tables, establishing the range of (potentially a secondary port) tide, establishing the speed and direction of the tide for where you are (these may involve crossing different time zones). Calculating the deviation (magnetic north moves by x degrees each year and this needs to be factored). Plotting the tidal stream, plotting your DR. Connecting the two, to give you an idea of where on earth you might be! And then, you don’t stop there. You may then be asked your ‘course to steer’ which will involve many more precise and detailed steps, before converting that heading in to either a magnetic or compass heading!

I was very pleased with how I did in my chart work exam. A 2.5 hour paper, with very complex questions, I came (boffin alert) top of the class.



Each night we were set 1-2 hours of homework. Juggling this, with 3 children, and everything else that life throws at you ,was not easy. And to keep up and on top of it, I had to get up at 5am to complete my studies. My brain was simply too tired in the evening to do what was required. It really did feel like being back at school, squeezing in the homework before attending class each day.

COLREGs, Lights, Shapes and Sounds Yachtmaster Exam…

On day 4, it was time for our lights, shapes, sounds and COLREGs paper. The shortest of the 3 exams, at 1.5hrs this paper felt fairly straightforward to me. I had rigorously tested myself beforehand, and I felt fairly confident.

There was a short section on each of the key areas. For example, the exam paper would show a light sequence and you had to say what was going on. But you had to be very specific, to see 3 white lights, and a red and just say ‘it’s a tow’, isn’t good enough. The type of answer that had to be given was at a much higher standard. For example, in this instance you would need to say ‘it’s a power driven vessel, probably over 100m in lenght, making way, engaged in a tow of over 200m, port side.’

I passed this paper with a score of 56/59. If you’re prepping for this paper, the key is to give the detail in everything you see – i.e. is it power of sail? What length is it (or probable length is it)? Is it making way or under way? … think through every element and say what you see. The expectation at yachtmaster level is that you know every sound, shape, light, and COLREG in an instant… ‘parrot fashion’ as my Dad would say!

The Yachtmaster Theory Passage Planning Exam…

On day 5, we focussed on passage planning. For homework we were set the task of planning a passage. Using a chart, the passage went  from 1 country to another (in a different time zone) and with a different buoyage scheme (from IALA A to IALA B). I knew that the next day we would be tested rigorously on this passage, and have every scenario thrown at us. As such I duly prepared for engine failure, a medevac, air-sea rescue, contingency ports/bolt holes, and much more.

This exam was very daunting as I really had no idea what to expect, this was definitely the most high pressure exam of the week. It was a big exam, with 20 questions, similarly to the chart work paper, each question needed lots of precision and a systematic process to get to some to the answers, and there might be several parts to a questions. It asked for EP’s, DR’s, and various other calculations. It was a very tough paper. And most people were writing up until the final minute of the exam. The paper was tough, but it was actually the most enjoyable, as it felt more real-world, and was quite fun in terms of scenario planning and decision making.


After 6 very intense day, I could now relax. When they said it was going to be intense, it really was very very intense. But after a sigh of relief, I felt a sense of pride at doing something different, a personal challenge, another tick in the box. I got my results a few days later, and was pleased to score 89/100 on the final paper. I was given great feedback, and felt pleased with what I’d achieved.

Next up, I’m going to take my practical yachtmaster exam. I’ve been advised to go straight in for the highest level that I can, which is the offshore Cert. To do this, I need to add another 1,000 miles to my log. So over the coming months I’m mile-building and will then go in for the exam towards the end of this year/start of next. Wish me luck!

If you’re considering the yachtmaster theory course, or are prepping for exams and have any qu’s for me, do get in touch and I’d be very happy to help. My top tip is to do the prep work/base study before joining the course. Prior to this course, I was day skipper level, but some of the theory I hadn’t touched for a while, and so the refresher process and extra reading I did was really beneficial. Good luck and have fun!

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5 thoughts on “back to the classroom for yachtmaster theory”.

Wow!! Well done.

  • Pingback: Mile building on the South East coast | She Who Sails…
  • Pingback: 6 Months Until I Race Across The Atlantic | She Who Sails…

Congrats on smashing the theory!

I was just wondering what you would recommend for study prior to the theory course? Any tips or resources you could recommend?

Thanks in advance.

Thanks! I would recommend reading the RYA Navigation book, and also the Weather book… that will really help. It’s also a good idea to practice your basics, i.e. Dead reckoning, Estimated position, etc. The more comfortable you are with these topics, then the extra detail and YM level stuff will fit nicely in on top, without you finding it too challenging. Good luck!

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Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

In a seafarer’s career, there comes the time when Yachtmaster ticket becomes either a necessity, or the next logical step in professional development. No matter what the reason for the course is, Yachtmaster Offshore requires a thorough preparation and planning as well as some prior knowledge and experience.

  • When am I ready to take the course?

The candidate’s eligibility for Yachtmaster Offshore program is defined by a number of requirements. First and foremost, the logged sea time must show a minimum of 2500 nautical miles, about half of which should be in tidal waters. There is a huge debate as to what tidal waters are, and the RYA leaves it to the Yachtmaster candidate to decide whether the passage they undertook happened in a tidal area. The definition offered by the RYA is as follows:

An area is deemed tidal if published stream, current or tidal range data is available, the influence of which is significant enough to require the effects to be taken into account to plan and execute a safe and efficient passage .

But even if the decision to call experience tidal is the candidate’s, the RYA wisely warns that the final judgement will be made by the examiner and recommends to list only those miles that can be backed up with evidence. The qualifying sea time should be gained on motor vessels if the candidate applies for Yachtmaster Offshore Motor license. Sail miles do not count.

The RYA also sets a requirement as to the number of qualifying passages. As defined by the Association, ‘a passage is a non-stop voyage from a departure port / safe haven to a destination port / safe haven ’. For the Yachtmaster Offshore , there must be a minimum of 5 passages over 60 nm each; 2 of those passages should be overnight and 2 when the candidate acted as a skipper. The skipper, as understood by the RYA , is a person nominated and responsible for the planning and execution of a passage including vessel and watch management . It’s important that throughout the 60-mile passage there occurs no change of skippers; otherwise, the passage cannot be deemed as qualifying.

Proper understanding of the skipper’s role is vital for ticking the box of another requirement – 5 days on board acting as a skipper. A day in this case is a period of 8 consecutive hours, and the majority of them should be at sea . In every 24 hours, Yachtmaster candidate can have only one qualifying day onboard.

Last but not least, the RYA’s Yachtmaster Offshore exam pre-requisites put some restrictions as to the tonnage and length: days on board and miles should be gained on vessels up to 500 gt and less than 24 meters LOA.

  • When is the best time to take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore course?

The full program – RYA Yachtmaster Offshore theory and RYA Yachtmaster Practical – takes 10 days to complete; the exam is usually scheduled right after, and candidates need to allow 2 days for it. With the sea, winds, and weather being unpredictable, to the candidates coming from abroad we advise to add an extra day before taking flights back home. Thus, the course is quite a commitment, and most seafarers take it during low Med season. Our Yachtmaster Offshore course is scheduled every month from December throughout April to give options to potential candidates.

  • Why take the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore?

Yachtmaster is not for beginners. Commercially endorsed Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence entitles its holder to master a yacht of up to 200 gt, and that is a big responsibility. That said, one of the reasons to get Yachtmaster is to advance the qualifications from entry to higher level including MCA Officer of the Watch (OOW) or Chief Mate, for which Yachtmaster Offshore CoC is among the required documents. Yachtmaster Offshore Shore-based (theory) certificate is another pre-requisite to apply for the OOW, and it has to be sent along with STCW and other records as a part of the Notice of Eligibility.

 In a scheme of RYA training , Yachtmaster Offshore is preceded by RYA Day Skipper and Coastal Skipper, which allow to navigate 20 and 60 nautical miles offshore accordingly. With Yachtmaster Offshore qualifications, it is possible to skipper a cruising yacht up to 150 miles from harbour, so recreational boaters can have larger areas to explore and longer distances to cover.

  • How to apply for Yachtmaster Offshore Program?

If you believe you are ready and meet the pre-requisites mentioned above and outlined on our website , your first step is to get in touch with us by email, phone, or through contact form . Once we receive your enquiry, we will email to you Sea Time Summary and Self-Evaluation forms to fill out, which we will then forward to our instructor to confirm your eligibility. If you are eligible for the course, we will proceed with course booking and securing your place on the training.

Some important things to remember: the candidates for the training should hold a valid Elementary First Aid certificate . For the STCW EFA , it should be issued within the last 5 years, for the RYA First Aid - within the last 3 years. VHF Marine Radio certificate can be offered as a part of Yachtmaster Offshore package , but if you already hold the certificate, we can offer a 100 euros reduction.

Our next Yachtmaster Offshore session starts on the 6 th of December. Click here for more dates.

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White Wake Sailing

Yachtmaster Theory Quiz

Test your knowledge with these 10 theory questions. The quiz is aimed at those planning to join us for a Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore preparation week. This is NOT an admission test, but it is meant for you to check your theory knowledge and identify any gaps, so they can be filled before you join us for the practical week. Remember, whilst we will also review your theory notions, there will be no time to actually study them if you don’t know them already. And these are only a small sample of what the Yachtmaster examiner may be asking! If your score is not good, please consider signing up for the Yachtmaster Shorebased theory course. Fill in your name and email and click on Start. Select your answer and move onto the next question. At the end of the quiz you will see how you scored and you will be able to review the correct answers.

Yachtmaster - pre test

Test your knowledge with these 10 theory questions. The quiz is aimed at aspiring RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore. Select your answer and move onto the next question. At the end of the quiz you will see how you scored and you will be able to review the correct answers.

Hi, welcome to our Yachtmaster quiz page, where you can informally test your knowledge before attending one of our courses. Please fill out the information below:

What additional lights does a pilot vessel show whilst on duty?

What is the name of the Angle of Heel at which a vessel will capsize?

Angle of vanishing stability - white wake sailing

What is the name of this buoy?


What vessel would show these lights?

Towin vessel lights - white wake sailing

What happens to the wind after a cold front has passed (Northern hemisphere)

What is the name of the line that points from you to a target on a Radar screen?

ebl radar - white wake sailing

What is the compass course to be followed to hold a True course of 145 degrees?

compass course - white wake sailing

What is the meaning of this mark?

preferred channel marker - white wake sailing

You hear three horn blasts from a big vessel. What is she communicating?

What is the name of the fog that typically forms at sea?

advection fog - white wake sailing

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Yachting Monthly

  • Digital edition

Yachting Monthly cover

Tips and hints for passing your Yachtmaster theory

  • Katy Stickland
  • July 20, 2021

Racing turned cruising sailors Liz Rushall and her husband Mark go back to school to brush up on their Yachtmaster theory

Liz and Mark Rushall doing their RYA Yachtmaster

Although accomplished sailors, Liz and Mark found their rusty knowledge was hampering their cruising enjoyment. The Yachtmaster theory course revealed a number of areas in need of a refresher. Credit: David Harding

Liz Rushall shares tips and hints for passing your Yachtmaster theory course

‘Why on earth are you guys doing your Yachtmaster ?’ was the question our friends repeatedly asked. ‘Surely, you know all that stuff?’

We’ve both sailed since childhood, competitively racing dinghies, then keelboats. Sailing is our work and life.

Liz Rushall has won national dinghy and keelboat titles, but currently cruises a 28ft classic called Ragdoll

Liz Rushall has won national dinghy and keelboat titles, but currently cruises a 28ft classic Honeybee called Ragdoll

Mark is a British Sailing Team coach, we’ve both won championships together and with others, and raced keelboats offshore.

In between times, since 2000, we’ve cruised Ragdoll our 28ft classic Honeybee, from Emsworth, having slow adventures around Brittany, Normandy, and the West Country.

Generally, we’ve arrived on the day we had planned, if not quite always at our estimated time.

Although I did my Yachtmaster theory some 20 years ago, it’s just like I have a Maths O-Level. It’s still a mystery to me.

Sitting the course at night-school, during an intensely busy job, with a bunch of powerboaters talking jargon knowingly, it was as if I was reliving the horror of maths at school.

Needless to say, as with my maths, I battled through the exam and unfortunately not much of it stuck.

Meanwhile, Mark learned his navigation on the hoof, cruising on friends’ boats during his student days and he is self-taught.

Good at all things involving science and numbers, he was always a bit dismissive of things like compass deviation.

We had a little hand-held GPS, a Walker trailing log, and more recently a very small detachable Garmin chartplotter and Simrad AIS. It all seemed to work – we were fine.

What could possibly go wrong?

You never stop learning

The real answer to the question ‘why do our Yachtmaster ’ was a wake-up call that came last summer.

We’d had a hectic few months, working late and trying to fit in our summer cruise around Mark’s Olympic coaching commitments.

We were both tired and needed a break.

Mark plotted our Channel crossing.

Normally I try to get involved and have a crack at the passage plan too, but it takes me ages.

Making sense of passage planning, including tidal heights and gates, is much easier once you've had a Yachtmaster theory refresher

Making sense of passage planning, including tidal heights and gates, is much easier once you’ve had a refresher. Credit: Liz Rushall

I helped a bit with the tidal streams (which I thought I was good at) and had a quick, over-the-shoulder look.

We decided to head for Cherbourg, to have options.

We dismissed the idea of heading straight to Saint-Vaast, as we’d anticipated a four-hour wait for the lock gates – tedious after a long crossing.

We left Chichester Harbour early, although I wanted to go even earlier.

As soon as we had popped out of the harbour, the wind clearly was not as forecast. It was more WSW than west, so not the reach we had hoped for.

Continues below…

Liz Rushall during your Yachtmaster Practical course

Tips and hints for passing your Yachtmaster practical

Having brushed up on their theory, racing turned cruising sailors Liz Rushall and her husband Mark now put it into…

Pass your Yachtmaster

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great ones, with experience and reflective learning…

We were keen to get to France, however, so we pressed on.

It was a big spring tide, so we expected to get swept hard eastwards and then back westwards.

We reefed early, anticipating the wind against tide effect as we got towards France.

But it was a horrible sea. Our little boat was sailing beautifully but struggled to keep to our estimated speed.

We were consistently too far east of our course, even after the tide had turned, and the tide didn’t push us as hard west to Cherbourg as had been expected.

Still behind schedule, the water didn’t flatten out when the tide turned east again.

A man plotting a course on. chart during a Yachtmaster Theory course

How to calculate position, estimate time of arrival and course to steer is all easily forgotten in a digital age. Knowing how to extract this information from your chartplotter is also crucial

Now very tired from hand steering, less than two hours from Cherbourg we had to concede that we simply could not punch upwind, with or without the engine.

The whole day had been a domino effect of one little thing after another.

So, as the sun faded, a quick change of plan.

We altered course for St Vaast, rocketing down on the tide, arriving just as the lock gates opened at 2300.

In the end, it was a good result, landing in our favourite spot, although it had been a very long day on a little boat with no self-steering.

After two days’ sleeping, having a sailing coach on board and racing in our blood meant, of course, a thorough debrief.

Naturally, over some lovely seafood and French wine.

We realised that our brains were not getting younger, and clearly there had been some ‘gaps’ in our navigational planning.

For a long time, I’ve felt aware that I didn’t have a complete handle on chartwork, despite owning a certificate that says I do.

The decision was made. Let’s have a crack at our RYA Yachtmaster and find out what we do and don’t know.

A course in ‘Johart’s Window’

Stage one of our plan was enrolling on an Intensive RYA Yachtmaster Theory course with the Emsworth School of Navigation – six days completed over two weekends.

Yachtmaster Theory tip: Using dividers to transfer a position line from a scale is easier on a small boat than lining up a plotter or parallel rules

Using dividers to transfer a position line from a scale is easier on a small boat than lining up a plotter or parallel rules. Credit: David Harding

Compared to my memories of scary night-school, the experience was a refreshing change.

Karen Dorontic, the principal, turned out to be an amazing teacher, with astounding levels of patience and a gift for not making you feel stupid, despite most of us coming up with some bizarre calculations and answers.

Her empathy with our learning process, the pitfalls and the mistakes we would make as we progressed through the topics and papers, was clearly based on her own experiences.

We had an interesting, mixed group on the course; a couple refurbishing their yacht to cruise around the world, two people who take people sailing on club-owned yachts, a Solent based cruiser, and my brothers.

One who, like me, did his Yachtmaster theory exam many years ago, the other a confirmed dinghy sailor now doing a bit more yacht racing.

Straight into the first session, and many of us were picking up some great tips.

Frequently things that sounded obvious, although only once you had been told.

For us, it was time-saving things, such as using the dividers to transfer positions from the side of the chart rather than struggling with parallel rules, and unlocking the delights of a Portland plotter.

Both were far more useful for our tiny navigation table. Then, there were the really useful ways of remembering things.

Who knew the cones on cardinal marks point to the black section? Easy.

Bizarrely, one of the most entertaining sessions was learning the Colregs (collision regulations).

We were in hoots visualising all those bells and gongs going off in poor visibility.

Yet once again, Karen gave us really helpful tips for working out lights, especially for towing vessels, which initially felt like a sea of colour we’d never remember.

The intensive nature of the course means there is a vast amount of information to process but without the luxury of a few days to absorb and reread what you are learning.

Almost inevitably, that meant some of us ‘hitting the wall’.

By day two of plotting estimated positions and courses to steer, I could no longer figure out Variation and Deviation.

The phrase ‘Error East Compass Least’ rapidly became another maths maze. Plus or minus?

The more I tried to think about it, the more it went wrong.

One candidate put his dividers down saying: ‘I’ve completely forgotten what it is I’m trying to achieve’.

I began to wonder how we’d ever got our boats anywhere around the Solent, let alone to St Malo, Chausey, and Tréguier.

Homework humiliations

With a lot of exercises to practise before the second weekend, it was hard to cram our homework into a busy fortnight.

Somehow we did, although mealtime conversation got down to the level of ‘what do two red lights mean?’ Riveting stuff!

The family WhatsApp was busy that week with shrieks of frustration as we all made chartwork errors.

Back in the classroom, we all compared notes. Everyone had struggled with their homework.

Mark didn’t get a single question right first time.

Liz Rushall studying for her Yachtmaster theory

Liz found it useful to identify areas of weakness ahead of her Yachtmaster Theory course. Credit: David Harding

Number blindness set in as we all plotted the wrong information, dates and data and tried to use the tidal height tables to calculate tidal stream rates. We’d done it all.

One man owned up to plotting the date as a position on his chart.

At least we were all suffering in the same boat.

Undoubtedly, it was a painful process to go through, as we all fell into the pitfalls and traps deliberately set in the exercise questions.

However, it was true that practice makes perfect.

Through comparing our random attempts with the answers, we were all learning from our errors.

The fog is clearing

With homework horrors behind us, our practice paid off as we went through our exam papers.

Everyone passing the Colregs paper was a confidence boost. Bang the gong!

While we waited to hear our results, the bemused conversation went along the lines of, ‘Were those yellow and red lights a Hovercraft that was fishing?

Or an air-cushioned, displacement fishing vessel?

Details of the RYA Yachtmaster Theory course

Officially speaking, the RYA Yachtmaster Theory course builds on that which is taught in the shore-based Day skipper course.

However, for most people who have sailed regularly, then jumping straight to Yachtmaster theory is unlikely to be a major problem.

The course covers advanced navigation techniques including: position fixing; course shaping and plotting; tidal knowledge including secondary port calculations; navigation in restricted visibility; Admiralty publications and electronic position-finding equipment.

Much of this will be familiar to even the most casual cruiser, but as Liz discovered, some of the specifics might well need a bit of study.

The meteorology tuition includes the taking and interpretation of forecasts, plotting of weather systems as well as weather prediction.

Further courses

Many people who jump straight into Yachtmaster Theory may find that it turns up a weakness or gap in their knowledge.

It can often be helpful to identify areas of weakness and consider a training course that might help raise your level ahead of a Yachtmaster practical exam.

Several schools offer courses on many of the subjects in a Yachtmaster exam and they can help you to improve your knowledge.

On the other hand, it might just be an area you devote more time to in the lead up to Yachtmaster Practical.

Know your COLREGS

The one area where there are no shortcuts are Colregs; you just need to know your stuff – and finding the time to learn isn’t difficult.

So far as the MCA is concerned, this is the crunch.

Examiners are encouraged to demand high standards in this subject, and there’s no reason for a candidate, knowing full well they are going to be grilled extensively on this, not to have the regulations solidly in their mind.

The best way to be exam-proof is to invest in A Seaman’s Guide to the Rule of the Road (Morgans Technical Books Limited (£12.50), available for modest money online or in any chandlery.

Place it prominently in the heads some months before the exam and devote five minutes of each day to digesting its contents.

The book makes it easy and should leave you with no excuse for not having a thorough working knowledge.

Aside from the certificate, we both got a lot out of the course. Mark felt that it reminded him what he did know and reinforced what he didn’t.

A woman skipper helming a boat during her Yachtmaster exam

Liz found she had forgotten some useful shortcuts during her Yachtmaster Theory course and put these into practice during her Yachtmaster Practical assessment. Credit: David Harding

Learning the processes and the ways to remember them, was so helpful.

For me, cracking the tidal stream rates was a revelation, and fears of secondary ports and tidal height calculations are mostly gone.

It will definitely help us explore places we never felt confident to visit because we have a long keel.

Karen’s many wise tips such as not trusting the electronics unquestioningly, and rapid plotting techniques will be invaluable.

Pilotage plans for new ports will now be a joy rather than a scrabble around through the pilot books.

We love our little boat, we sail her well, yet she will never be anything like the quickest boat on the water.

She needs all the help we can give her, which includes accurate navigation to arrive on time.

Having returned to the Yachtmaster theory I now feel that my confidence is up.

Mark and I now can’t wait for our next big voyage, to see what we’ve really learned.

Now there’s the small matter of our practical exams on the horizon.

5 key points to take away from our Yachtmaster Theory course

  • Quick Plotting Techniques: Karen’s quick plotting technique really helps if, like us, you have a very small chart table. Simply plot your latitude using your Portland plotter or ruler. Then measure off your longitude along the top line of the chart from the nearest major longitude line eg 002°. Move the dividers down to in-line with your latitude plot and draw an arc on your first line
  • Deviation and Variation: In the end, I solved this by learning to literally translate ‘error east/compass least’ and ‘error west/compass best’ into plain English! In other words: Compass error West – compass will be bigger than True; Compass error East –compass will be less than True. Learning how to use a pencil mark on the error scale on the Portland plotter to avoid the mental arithmetic entirely was another gem.
  • Extrapolating tidal streams : One particular ‘lightbulb moment’ was calculating tidal streams. We’d only ever interpolated the tidal streams, estimating the rate between the mean spring and neap rates shown in the tidal atlas. The exercises highlighted that a big spring tide will be higher than the mean rate, and extrapolating this accurately makes a big impact on your course to steer.
  • Remembering lights: Learning the lights felt really complex, but Karen taught us to look for the patterns. Remember a clock face for the number of flashes of the N, E, S and West cardinals (E is three flashes, South six, West nine and North continuous) is a great tip. For remembering the lights for towing vessels, adding an extra masthead light to represent the vessel it is towing, plus another for boat length over 50m, and another for tow length.
  • Templates for secondary port and tidal stream calcs:  Rather than working it out from scratch each time, Karen encouraged us to develop our own, or use standard templates for calculating tidal information. It helps reduce errors, speeding up the planning process and saving brain cells for other tasks.

Key information on the Yachtmaster practical and theory courses

Why yachtmaster.

Although a Yachtmaster qualification is required for anyone planning to become a professional, thanks to the continuing efforts of the RYA, Brits who sail for leisure still don’t have to carry any proof of competence in home waters.

The certificate certainly remains the logical target of many a self-motivated sailor, though.

It also represents the icing on the cake for those looking for the reassurance of an external assessment.

Theory and Practical

Yachtmaster training can take place on a boat or in a classroom.

A shore-based course, either at desks in a school or via the popular Internet distance learning programmes, ends with a theory exam.

Success in this will help a student in later qualification upgrades, but it is not officially recognised.

The only certificates accepted by the authorities are those issued after an at-sea examination. To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, this practical test is the one that counts.

Coastal or offshore

In recent years, the old Coastal Skipper has been superseded by the new Yachtmaster Coastal certificate.

The qualifying mileage for this MCA-recognised qualification is 800 miles, with passage and night-hour requirements being regarded as fairly relaxed in comparison with Yachtmaster Offshore, which keeps its 2,500-mile entry level.

Either will serve as a proper Yachtmaster qualification and can be described as such.

Only the often-dropped suffix distinguishes the two.

Apply for ‘coastal’ and the examiner, recognising that you have less sea-time, will be more inclined to cut you a bit of slack.

The RYA has noted that most candidates are really only making ‘coastal-status’ passages.

In real terms this includes an annual trip across the Irish Sea, the North Sea or the Channel in a calculated weather window.

Free Navathome Diesel Engine course with RYA Day Skipper, Coastal Yachtmaster & Ocean theory online courses!

  • Where Do I Start ?
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  • RYA Day Skipper
  • RYA Coastal Yachtmaster
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  • RYA CEVNI Test
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  • Navathome Diesel Engine Course
  • Navathome ICC Theory Course
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Coastal Skipper / Yachtmaster

  • Knowledge To Day Skipper Theory Level Required
  • Enhance Your Knowledge of Navigation & Passage Planning

Yachtmaster Ocean

  • Knowledge to Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Theory Level Required
  • The Ultimate In Navigation

Fastrack to RYA Coastal Skipper/ Yachtmaster

  • Formal Theory Qualifications Necessary
  • Complete Day Skipper Revision and Coastal Yachtmaster Theory in one course


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With over 2,500 5 Star Reviews on TrustPilot, it was hard to narrow it down.


customer Carolyn

Great Course

Day skipper theory course was very good - well explained and clear. There was help on hand when needed but working it out for yourself was great instruction in itself! I would certainly do another course with Navathome and would recommend it to others.

Comprehensive course with helpful feedback

I recently took the Coastal/Yachtmaster theory course with Navathome, and happily I passed. There is a great deal of information to cover, and trying to fit this round a day job meant I needed an extension to the time to go through the course, but they kindly granted me this, and provided helpful and constructive feedback at every point. The exam itself probably needs several days, especially if you are as slow at plotting fixes as I am. Think of a number and double it is useful in terms of time needed. The final paper is really an all-day job, so make sure to allow yourself a clear block of time when you can drop everything else and give it your undivided attention. Overall, this has been a thoroughly enjoyable learning experience, and I now feel far more confident that I have decent knowledge to back up the practicalities of sailing.

Navathome Day Skipper Theory

Just completed and passed the RYA Day Skipper Theory course with Navathome. It was a really great experience and I was pleased to discover that I am still capable of learning lots of new things. The content is excellent at delivered at your own pace so you can go back over things that you don't understand as many times as you want.

Tom, Cardiff

Well laid out lessons/resources

Well laid out lessons/resources. Excellent practice questions covering all scenarios. Instant feedback. Very helpful and patient instructors!!! Thank you All at Navathome

The day skipper theory course from…

The day skipper theory course from Navathome is really good. It is well laid out and easy to follow. It is simple to see your progress. The website works very well, I didn’t have any issues with it. I didn’t need to ask many questions, as the online course is so well structured, but when I did they were answered quickly and clearly.

Graham Foster

Comprehensive and high quality on line learning

A very comprehensive course giving time to complete all the exercises at your own pace, build confidence and commit everything to long term memory. I found this far better than creaming everything in over several weekends but be warned this is not the easy option. Fortunately great instructors available when required and instant feedback aids learning. Highly recommended.

Great course

Great course, super concise and well structured. I was able to sail through my practical assessment without any issues. (Dayskipper and Diesel Engine)

One of the best online courses ever!

One of the best online courses I’ve done, in any field. A great combination of text, diagrams, videos/animations, use of practical and physical components (charts, books, almanacs), quizzes, tests and full-on assessments. And there is always help from real people, who care about getting you where you want to be.

Very nice and helpful instructors

well structured course, with explanations for everyone. the instructors who are there for the student, helping him whenever he needs it.


Great Day skipper theory course fit in with my spare time.

Working so many hours I was able to fit the course in around my spare time.. the lessons were great and explained well with videos and graphics. The language was straightforward and although required some good concentration at times it was made even easier with how quick the reply to email questions would be.. I mean, literally a few minutes! This is a real professional set up with a real family/ kind feeling and atmosphere. Obviously you never meet the teachers apart from email but you can get a good sense that want you to pass vs just doing their jobs.. thank you, Jackie, Salomon and others that came back to my questions over the last months, look forward to doing the coastal course next year!

A very enjoyable course to do

The course was very easy to navigate and friendly to do. There are a few typos, but nothing to make anything ambiguous. I restarted the course this year after having to suspend doing it when I started caring for my mother a few years ago. The staff couldn't have been more helpful. I certainly will do another course in the future if I think it necessary for my level of sailing.


Full support to pass, multi device support, highest rated school, free mobile app.

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Get 6 months initial access to complete the course, which may be extended, if required. After completing the course, you will receive lifetime access to our Revision Material to ensure you maintain the skills and knowledge you have learnt with us.

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Everything You Need To Know About RYA Yachtmaster Theory

In last weeks blog we broke down RYA Day Skipper Practical and how it fits in to your learning progression. RYA Yachtmaster Theory is the next step in that journey and on its completion you opens up RYA Coastal Skipper Practical Course as well as several other interesting optional courses you could take. This blog will tell you Everything You Need To Know About RYA Yachtmaster Theory.

Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory

What is RYA Yachtmaster Theory? 

Being a theory course its shore based in a classroom or online via zoom. It assumes you have completed RYA Day Skipper theory or possess a comparable level of knowledge as it teaches you more advanced navigation techniques. You will learn about navigating safely on coastal and offshore passages. If you plan to progress to Coastal Skipper practical, Yachtmaster Coastal or Yachtmaster Offshore then you should be taking this course.

What RYA Yachtmaster Theory teaches you?

The course in essence will teach you advanced theory of navigation and meteorology.  For those with extensive sailing experience with previous navigational experience, the course builds upon those basic skills. You will be developing a comprehensive depth of knowledge and understanding of navigation theories, techniques and practices.

Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory

What can I expect to do?

RYA Yachtmaster Theory is an in-depth course with a wide subject field. But in short it will include position fixing, magnetic compass, tides, tidal streams, buoyage, lights, pilotage, and introduction to GPS and plotters, meteorology, collision prevention regulations, safety, navigation and passage planning among a lot more to numerous to go in-depth about in a short blog.

Where & When Can I take RYA Yachtmaster Theory?

There are three different ways you can take Yachtmaster Theory. We offer classroom based courses in our Southampton (Shamrock Quays) location and across London.  The classroom based course runs for 8 weeks ( 1 evening per week) and a weekend, or over 2 and a half weekends. If you have a suitable space we can also come to your office and run the program for your colleagues. Due to the impact of COVID we adapted our shore based courses for online zoom learning. This became very popular over the pandemic and the flexibility it offers means it has maintained it popularity. Like the in person course is typically run over 8 weeks however is sometimes compressed with multiple lessons a week. Finally we have a purely online version that allows you to dip in and out as and when it suits you. Support from an instructor is only a phone call or email away

Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory

What Equipment Will I Need?

No matter if you doing RYA Yachtmaster theory in a classroom, via zoom or online, each format comes with a extensive set of materials to make use of.  All students will receive a RYA work pack of charts, tide tables, port information and mock questions. A website with course slides will also be accessible after each lesson to help you refresh you memory. Those taking the Classroom or Zoom versions will also receive s Cockpit Companion.

To complete the course you will need a set of plotter and dividers. We can provide them to you for £20 to be collected at your first lesson. If your doing the Zoom or Online versions we will courier them to you. You can also opt to buy your own however they will likely be more expensive. If you have already completed RYA Day skipper theory or have the comparable experience you should already have everything you need.

Lastly If you haven’t already got a logbook you should make sure you get one. They are £7.49. The Logbook is a place to record your miles and keep your certificates. It outlines the whole RYA Cruising Scheme giving the course content for each course again if you completed prior course you should already have one of these.

What skills will I have after the course?

On competition of RYA Yachtmaster Theory you should now have the Background knowledge you need to skipper a yacht on coastal passages by day and night. You can now develop your skills further by moving up a level and taking the RYA Yachtmaster Practical , which in itself opens up several more course options. You can find more information about course options by following the link below.

Want to get started?

Hopefully this blog has answered Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory. If you have any further questions or  you are interested in taking RYA Yachtmaster Theory click here to see availability and dates. You can also E-mail [email protected]  or call 0203 006 3717

Find out more about this course by following the link below.

Posted by: First Class Sailing

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  • Certificates of Competence
  • RYA Yachtmaster

What is an RYA Yachtmaster?

The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster. Instead, provided you have sufficient experience, certification and seatime, you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge. There are a number of RYA navigation courses that will help you prepare for your exam. Many RYA Yachtmaster candidates also choose to book themselves into an RYA training centre for some specialised exam preparation training, but this is not compulsory.

You are capable of coastal passages

You are competent to undertake passages up to 150 miles offshore

You have the knowledge and experience to sail worldwide

  • Arranging your exam

The Coastal and Offshore exams are practical tests afloat, and the Ocean is an oral exam. Find out more about qualifying passages, exam fees and how to book. 

With an RYA Yachtmaster Coastal, Offshore or Ocean Certificate of Competence you can start a career at sea.

You'll need to have the appropriate qualification for the vessel and area of operation.

If you want to work commercially, you'll need a commercial endorsement.

Find out more about other RYA professional qualifications.

  • Getting the most from a Yachtmaster Fast Track course

Can you really become an RYA Yachtmaster in as little as 14 weeks? Check out our top tips for getting the most from a Yachtmaster Fast Track course...


  1. Yachtmaster Exercises for Sail and Power : Questions and Answers for

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  2. Stream Open PDF Yachtmaster Exercises for Sail and Power: Questions and

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  3. Yachtmaster Exercises for Sail and Power: Questions and answers for the

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  4. Yachtmaster Exercises for Sail and Power: Questions and Answers for th

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  5. Yachtmaster Exercises for Sail and Power: Questions And Answers for the

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  6. Yachtmaster Question

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  1. How to pass your Yachtmaster exam

    To become a fully-fledged Yachtmaster, this practical test is the one that really counts. Yachtmaster Prep. Meteorology matters: a favourite with examiners is to produce a weather map and invite you to analyse it. Be ready and know your subject. This is a non-RYA course and, as such, has no official status or syllabus.

  2. How to pass your Yachtmaster Practical Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster Offshore has long been the qualification that cruising yacht sailors, both amateur and professional, have aspired to. Quite aside from the fact that it is the gateway to working in the yachting industry if the desire so takes you, it is good to know that you have mastered the sweep of skills and experience necessary for you to be deemed competent at skippering a sailing yacht.

  3. Tips and hints for passing your Yachtmaster practical

    Having got through her Yachtmaster Theory, Liz Rushall shares her tips and hints for the Yachtmaster Practical. It's not often I wish to not be aboard a boat, writes Liz Rushall. Liz Rushall has won national dinghy and keelboat titles, but currently cruises a 28ft classic called Ragdoll. But in the dead of night, stressing about to what ...

  4. RYA Theory Quiz

    Skippers Online Ltd. 9 Greenock Avenue. Glasgow, UK. G44 5TS. Tel: 0238 218 2604. Try our RYA theory quiz to test your knowledge and see whether our Day Skipper or Yachtmaster theory course is best for you.

  5. How to Pass the Yachtmaster Exam

    Prepare the boat for the manoeuvre (using the crew) Select the correct direction and angle of approach. Select the correct sail combination for this approach. Control the boat speed on the approach bringing the boat to a stop in a controlled manner. Picking up and secure to the mooring bouy safely.

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    I've a certificate which says "RYA Yachtmaster" and I didn't have to go anywhere near a boat to pass that examination, just spend 100 hours sitting in a classroom and doing homework questions. You maybe have the Yachtmaster Theory ticket, but you can't (or shouldn't) be able to get a full Yachtmaster ticket without a practical exam.

  7. PDF YM Exam Preparation

    A Yachtmaster Coastal has the knowledge needed to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises, but does not ... Listen to the forecast before your exam and be prepared for questions about the current weather and how this might affect a passage plan. Understand how weather systems influence sea conditions and

  8. RYA Yachtmaster Offshore. How to pass the practical exam

    RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Practical Exam and pre-course requirements. ... Sailors can be asked questions about any part of the RYA syllabus including areas such as: boat handling, navigation, man overboard, safety, meteorology, adverse weather conditions, long passages, and general boat husbandry. ...

  9. RYA Yachtmaster Theory Online

    RYA Yachtmaster Shorebased Theory Course Completion Certificate. 12 months access to study with instructor support and exams - you can extend this if you want. ... At the end of each lesson there is an excercise containg similar questions to the exam, with detailed and illustrated answers sent to you immediately to confirm your progress and ...

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  11. Yachtmaster Offshore: When, Why, and How

    The candidate's eligibility for Yachtmaster Offshore program is defined by a number of requirements. First and foremost, the logged sea time must show a minimum of 2500 nautical miles, about half of which should be in tidal waters. There is a huge debate as to what tidal waters are, and the RYA leaves it to the Yachtmaster candidate to decide ...

  12. RYA Day Skipper Theory test

    Test your knowledge with these 10 theory questions. The quiz is aimed at aspiring RYA Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore. Select your answer and move onto the next question. At the end of the quiz you will see how you scored and you will be able to review the correct answers. Hi, welcome to our Yachtmaster quiz page, where you can informally test ...

  13. Tips and hints for passing your Yachtmaster theory

    The best way to be exam-proof is to invest in A Seaman's Guide to the Rule of the Road (Morgans Technical Books Limited (£12.50), available for modest money online or in any chandlery. Place it prominently in the heads some months before the exam and devote five minutes of each day to digesting its contents.

  14. RYA Yachtmaster Quiz Book (eBook)

    Product Description. Continuing on from the first RYA Yachtmaster Quiz eBook, this eBook contains 40 quizzes each containing 10 questions to help develop and test your knowledge. The questions come from the Yachtmaster quiz questions that have been in the RYA Magazine since 1998. Free, yearly updates will provide new quiz questions!

  15. PDF Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Syllabus

    In Yachtmaster Offshore exams the candidate will be expected to demonstrate competence based on broad experience. 1. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea Questions - will be confined to the International Regulations and although candidates must be aware of the existence of Local

  16. RYA Online Theory Courses. Start Your Yachtmaster Training Today!

    RYA Theory courses online. Choose from Day Skipper Theory, Coastal Yachtmaster, & Ocean Yachtmaster or take the Fastrack to Yachtmaster Offshore! Free Trial with no registration needed. ... I didn't need to ask many questions, as the online course is so well structured, but when I did they were answered quickly and clearly. Graham Foster ...


    A Yachtmaster Offshore should be able to enter any well-charted harbour with sufficient depth, by day or night, for the first time. The only way to gain confidence is by practice, particularly at night when skill is required in picking out navigation lights & ... If you have any questions about the exams, or have booked an exam with us and have ...

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    Our first Yachtmaster Quiz copied directly the from RYA magazine Summer 2020. This magazine is free and one of the many benefits you receive when you join the RYA.. Yachtmaster Quiz - Summer 2020 - Questions. 1. When trying to clear a riding turn from a winch, what is likely to be the best knot, bend or hitch to take the load off the working end of the line?

  19. RYA Yachtmaster Ocean Exam

    The RYA Yachtmaster® Ocean is experienced and competent to skipper a yacht on passages of any length in all parts of the world. Full details of the exam syllabus and requirements are shown in the RYA Yachtmaster Scheme Syllabus and Logbook (G158), which is available from the RYA webshop. The exam consists of an oral and written test.

  20. Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory

    Hopefully this blog has answered Everything You Need To Know about RYA Yachtmaster Theory. If you have any further questions or you are interested in taking RYA Yachtmaster Theory click here to see availability and dates. You can also E-mail [email protected] or call 0203 006 3717.

  21. Yachtmaster Exercises for Sail and Power: Questions and Answers for the

    This exercise workbook for Yachtmaster for Sail and Power provides further navigational practice for anyone studying for their RYA Yachtmaster certificate. This new edition has been revised throughout with new practice questions and examples as well as new photography and diagrams.

  22. Yachtmaster

    The gold standard. The RYA Yachtmaster® Certificate of Competence is often the ultimate aim of aspiring skippers. It is a well known, highly respected qualification worldwide, proving your experience and competence as a skipper. Unlike other qualifications in the cruising programme, there is no formal training course to become an RYA Yachtmaster.