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THE TRUTH ABOUT YACHT WEEK | 6 Things To Know Before You Go

Last summer, my friend and I spent a week exploring Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro then met up with Kiersten ‘The Blonde Abroad’ and the rest of our all-girls crew for a week of sailing in Greece with The Yacht Week . As a whole, I loved the experience, but there were several things I wish I would have know prior to booking the trip that would have allowed me to enjoy it to the fullest. So here are 6 things you should know before you go on Yacht Week.


1) The Yacht Week will be more expensive than you think!

I budgeted around $75 a day for food and drinks for our seven day trip and quickly realized that that was not going to be enough. Upon arriving, we were told we needed to go shopping for costumes for the sailing competition and parties. Next, we had to put money in for the “Kitty Fund,” which is food and drinks for the boat for the week. We also had to pitch in money to tip our skipper and pay for gas for the boat. At the parties you usually get 1 or 2 free drinks with your wristband, but after, that you pay for your drinks. So it can get expensive, especially if you want to splurge on bottle service. It’s nice to have a heads up on all this so you can budget accordingly. Bottom line: if you plan to drink and eat out and don’t want to worry about running out of money, you should plan to spend around $130 USD/day. Here’s a quick budget breakdown…

$150 Kitty $50 Costumes $525 ($75/Day Restaurants + Drinks x 7 Days) $100 Gas/Tip for Skipper $100 Bottle Service _______ $925 TOTAL


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2) The Yacht Week is more about partying and less about sailing

Yes, you will sail from island to island (my favorite part of the trip!), but the main focus of Yacht Week is the parties they throw. There is a big welcome party the night you arrive, and for the rest of the trip, there are day parties and night parties every single day. I didn’t fully understand this coming into the trip so I wasn’t in the right frame of mind, but once I realized the basic agenda was sailing from party to party, I was able to just go with the flow and also plan some other stuff I wanted to do, without feeling like I was going to miss out.

With that said, I highly recommend skipping one or two of the day parties and exploring instead. On the Greece Route , forget the day party at Love Bay Beach (it’s a dirt beach and not that pretty) and check out Poros! There is a lot to see and you only get one night there, so skip the day party and wander around this cute little town. Also, Hydra Island ( my favorite stop on the Greece Route ) is another must see! Definitely ditch the day party and spend your time exploring this magical place. There are so many gorgeous spots to take photos on both islands.


3) Unless you splurge on a bigger, nicer sailboat, you will not be able to use the toilet onboard for #2!

You can go pee on all the sailboats, but you can’t flush toilet paper down the toilets, and on many of them, you cannot go #2. I am sorry. I know this is a disgusting topic, but it is even more disgusting and horrifying to find yourself on a boat, sailing for hours or docked somewhere overnight, and realize there is nowhere that you can go to the bathroom. My friend Misha and I stayed at several hotels along the way because neither of us wanted to handle not having proper use of a toilet for days on end, but many girls were not as lucky, and there are some very embarrassing stories that I will not repeat here. Had we known about the bathroom situation prior, we would have splurged on a bigger sailboat that could accommodate people using the toilet. So make sure you look into this before you book your boat!


4) Your boat will get dirty real quick!

We had an all-girls crew and our cabin still got crazy dirty every day. Make a pact to all help clean. If everyone pitches in, it takes just a few minutes a day to keep your boat clean. Stay on top of dishes. Do them right after you are done eating, and try to keep all your personal stuff in your own cabin. The last thing you want is to spend a week in a tiny cramped, filthy space. This is the real Yacht Week v. your Instagram Yacht Week…


5) There is no air conditioning on the smaller sailboats

This is really not a big deal but when it’s very hot, it is hard to sleep in the cabins. I recommend bringing a yoga mat or buying one the first night you are there, so you can lay it out and sleep on the deck of the boat at night. And if you do choose to sleep on the deck, make sure someone sleeps next to you. A lot of people will be walking to and from the boats at all hours of the night, so it is safer to use the buddy system, especially for girls.


6) You will have the time of your life!

Just go!   If you can’t find a friend to go with you, just go on your own. Every single girl on our boat was amazing and our skipper,  Gregor , was one of the kindest and most responsible guys I have ever met! I had the time of my life and I can’t wait to go on another Yacht Week trip, especially now that I know what to expect. It is nothing like the real world and it will be an amazing experience!



Do you have you been on Yacht Week? Please share your stories, tips, and questions in the comments below! 

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6 Things To Know Before You Go On The Yacht Week

Vanessa Rivers

Hi! I’m Vanessa Rivers, a California surfer girl living in Malibu after seven years in London. I started Glitter&Mud to share my adventures around the world to help my readers make the most of their travels. I am a Founder of the popular travel community We Are Travel Girls and a proud mom to a little travel girl named Sadie. I hope my stories inspire you to travel more, see the beauty in the world around you, laugh more, love more and believe that anything is possible! EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER. BELIEVE. LOVE.

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Ohla hotel, barcelona, 46 comments.

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Great article Vanessa! I have been on Yacht Week a couple of times now, its super fun, but its definitely good for newbies to Yacht Week to hear how to prepare to make sure they really enjoy it! Completely agree on splurging on a bigger better boat, we went for a much larger yacht for BVI than we had in Croatia and it made such a difference! (Having a stand up cubicle shower next to my cabin was a treat!!) Thanks for sharing your tips! You girls and the bikinis are really cute too!! xoxo

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Done yacht week three times – great experience. But as you said its about party. Now moved on to Sailing Nations which focuses more on sailing and has super interesting sailing destinations.

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Hi Bob! Thanks for sharing! I will have to check out Sailing Nations. Sounds very cool! I love being out on the water. Sailing makes you feel so free!

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I’ll be leaving in a few weeks. Wondering what the currency will be like and how much to exchange. Did you use Euros? Or Kuna?

Hi Liz! Greece is on the EURO. Are you coming from the US? Right now 1 USD = .90 EURO – Enjoy your trip! X

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Croatia is on the Kuna.

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Great article ! really helpful for rookie yacht weeks . I will leave in a few weeks for the Italy route. Do the budget shown here applies for italy as well?

Hi Gil! I haven’t bee on the Italy route yet but the activities and cost will probably be similar. Have fun!!!

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What currency is your estimated cost list in? Thanks so much!

Hi Eloise! It is in USD! X

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Hello Vanessa. I’ve got a group of 4-6 guys who want to go to Croatia next June and definitely want a higher end boat. I assume we should be able to set this up as their must be others who are willing to spend more to get more. A couple of questions; are all boats single sex boats? Would it be wise to get a few hotels at some of the ports/stops? How about paying for a single cabin? Basically I’m trying to gather as much information as possible before booking starts in a couple of weeks. Thank you, Chip

Hi Chip! If you just want the boat to be your 6 friends I am sure you can find a high-end boat that will work for you (you’ll just need to pay more for a nicer boat) but generally Yacht Week wants there to be at least 50% girls on the boat. So there are all girl boats and mixed male/female boats but rarely all male boats. However I am sure it is possible to have an all male boat. I would contact Yacht Week directly to ask about this: [email protected] | As far as hotels, if you get a nice boat with proper bathrooms you won’t need to rent hotel rooms. I would recommend putting the money you would spend on hotels rooms towards getting a nicer boat with nice, proper bathrooms. Have a blast on your trip! X

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Hi Vanessa, excellent piece of work! I wanted to ask you few things because i’m planning to go with some friends of mine from Argentina. If you can answer, that will be appreciated. 1. I read that a Hostess is really helpfull. But, the captain that is not included, is 100% neccesary? 2. How much is the bottle service approximately? 3. How much did you spend, between food, drinks, extras and yatch during the entire week? 4. It’s recommended to make a reservation just for me and my friend, and then the company join us with another group for the 50% rate of men?

Hi Juan! Thanks for your questions! 1) You don’t need a hostess but I am sure it would be nice to have one. You absolutely need a captain or a skipper to sail the boat. 2) Bottle service prices vary depending on where you go. We did the Greece route and I think our bottle service was about 150 EURO for 1 bottle but again this varies. 3) In my post you will see the price breakdown. It was approx $925 USD for the week for my trip. 4) Yes, I would book spots for you and your friend and the rest of the boat will be filled with a mix of males and females for a 50% female/male ratio.

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Your review was so helpful! We just booked a yacht for Greece!! Cannot wait!

Hi Sharita! I’m glad my post was helpful! Have a blast in Greece!!! X

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Hi Vanessa. Thanks for your blog post # 1 was most important for me as I definitely wanted to know how much additional cost I would be spending. I typically budget $100 per day for trips. Great blog post in general. I will be sharing this with my crew.

Thank you Orane! Glad you found the post useful! And thanks so much for sharing it. If you or your friends have any questions about The Yacht Week you are welcome to post them in the comments section here and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. X

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Hi! When I think of yacht week, I want those typical parties where the boats link together in the ocean and create a mini village to mingle for the day. I’ve only heard of this on Croatia routes. Does this happen for Greece at all?

Also what’s the age range like?

Hi Arly! This does happen on the Greece route, and I think all of the routes! The age range is typically a majority of people in their early to late twenties, with some people a little younger and some people in their early to mid thirties. Most people you will be in there twenties. I think I was twenty-nine when I went, which is on the older side! Have a blast!

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Hi Vanessa! Great article. My best friend and I plan on doing Croatia this summer! The $130/day you estimated, does that include the port fees and electric fees at each port? Thanks!

Hi Lindsey – thanks for reaching out. I don’t remember specific cost for port fees or any electric fees but I know our Kitty Fund that everyone pitched money into at the start of the trip cover all the boat related costs on the trip, so yes, all your boat fees are included in the $130/day! X

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Hey Lindsey, are you and your friend booking your own yatch? We’re looking for two girls to join our crew for week 25.

Question: the catamarans seem a lot more stable (and thus probably a better place to gather people for the party) whereas the Beneteau Oceanis 60 is just a sexy beast. We want to make sure we can have people over at our boat to party (and that it is stable enough for it). Which one do you think is the way to go (from your observations)?

Hi Kay – I am not a boat expert but I think any sailboat would be fine to have people on to “party” as long as you don’t go over the max weight limit for the boat. The skipper will let you know how many extra people you can have. X

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Have you reviewed or compared the two routes? I can’t decide between Croatia and Greece. I have visited both and loved them both for different reasons. But, I am so torn between the two routes.

Hi Jami! I have been to both Croatia and Greece but I have only done Yacht Week Greece. I can personally say YW Greece was amazing but don’t have any experience with the Croatia route. However I am sure it is amazing too! My friend Kirsten – The Blonde Abroad – has done both and she gives a good review here: http://theblondeabroad.com/2014/11/03/best-route-yacht-week/

Hope this is helpful!

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Hello Hello, may I ask what marina did you leave from and did you happen to see any yacht week prop stores near the marina are on your route? Someplace to buy floaties, temporary tattoos, UV body paint, and the like. We’re trying to maximize our carry on space by strategizing what we can buy in Athens.

Hi Lynette! I took this trip a few years ago so sorry I do not remember the name of the marina but I remember stores for everything we wanted to buy were within walking distance of our boat including a place to buy floaties, body paint and costumes etc! So unless there is something specific you want you can just go buy stuff with your boat crew when you arrive! 😉

Where do the floaties go after Yacht week? I leave in about 3 weeks and am purchasing floaties now. But every photo I see everyone is on a floatie. Would it make sense to just buy some off of them instead of lugging them half way accross the planet in a carry-on? Or is somewhere in Split just the location of the worlds largest floatie graveyard

Hi Jason! On the Greece route there was a store right in the harbor where we bought floaties the day before we set sail. I don’t know what people do with their floaties after yacht week. Mine got holes along the way and deflated so I threw them away but I would have given them to someone if they made it to the end! You can probably just wait and buy them when you get there. Maybe buy one floatie before and then get the rest when you arrive that way you know you at least have one!

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Vanessa, Great article. I’m planning on doing this with a few friends. I noticed that you kept bringing up bottle service as being expensive. What if we ended up buying a lot of supplies (booze included) before getting on the boat. Would that be an issue? Maybe you pointed this out already and I stupidly missed it. Thanks.

Hi Allen! Thanks for your comment! I just mentioned that if you want to splurge on bottle service it is expensive and can add up quickly. You can also of course buy supplies and just drink on the boat and not spend money when you go out to the parties but you can’t bring alcohol with you the clubs obviously, so if you want to drink while there you will need to factor in the extra cost of drinks. TYW gives you a wrist band that usually gives you at least 2 free drinks at each party but you have to buy your own drinks after that so just be sure to factor in the cost if you plan to drink when going out!

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Great read, very helpful! I noticed you mentioned 100$ for tip/gas (how many people were on the boat total?) Just trying to get a rough estimate on how much we should tip our skipper, including myself, we have 7 people.

Hi Jade! We had a crew of 8 girls. I think the amount you tip should depend more on how good your skipper is/ how much he does and how much your sailboat cost to rent. We had a small, cheaper boat but our skipper was really awesome so we wanted to tip him well. He went above and beyond to make sure we were all safe, happy and having fun! Hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions! Have fun!

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Is there a farewell party Friday night on the Greece route?

Hi Alyssa – Thanks for your comment. I don’t remember there being a farewell party on Friday night! X

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Thanks for the help! Does anyone have any recommendations for other cities/countries to visit before/after Croatia yacht week? Trying to book a 2-week trip overall, and there are so many options! Would love help narrowing it down! 🙂

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Hey Vanessa, There are 8 of us girls looking into booking this summer, Greece or Montenegro route but we are concerned about the age range. We are between 30-35…what was the age range like? Also, we were debating on if we book in pairs (cabins) and be on separate boats or if we book our own, what are your thoughts?

Hi Kelsy! Thanks for your comment! Most people are in their 20s on yacht week but there are lots of people in their 30s too so you girls won’t feel out of place. I would try to rent your own boat all together. It will be easier if you are all together otherwise you will spend most of the trip just trying to meet up. Yacht week is about relaxing and having fun so you don’t want to work about stuff like that on your trip. You will also have plenty of time to mix and mingle with other people at the parties and when you are docked together or anchored during the day together! Hope you ladies have a blast! If any of you want to write a guest post about what it is like to do yacht week in your 30s I would LOVE to publish your story here! X, Vanessa

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how much was it for each bottle for bottle service? would it be liter bottles or standard US 750ml bottles?

Hi! Bottle service in Greece when I went was around 150-200 EURO for US 750ml bottles. Cheers!

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Is there a ‘best’ month to do yacht week? My friends and I don’t want to do the Ultra music festival. Curious if July or August is better. Thanks!

Hi Kelly! I don’t think there is really a best month but you might find cheaper flights and the places you go to might be a little less crowded in August. June and July are peak high season so best to try to avoid touristy spots during those months if you can.

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Do you remember how much of your budget you were able to pay for with credit card, or how much of it had to be paid for with cash? I want to avoid converting too much of my money into cash euros for the Greece trip.

Hi Kurt! I paid for my spot on our boat with my credit card online prior to the trip. Everything else I paid for in cash. It is much easier if you have cash on hand to pay for meals and drinks etc. If you get bottle service at a bar you will be able to pay with a card but a drink here or there and meals where you are in a group it is much easier to each just throw in some cash. I would suggest taking maybe $300 out before you start the trip then getting more at one of your stops along the way that way just to be safe. I did not have anything stolen from me on the trip but it is always a risk if you have too much cash with you. Have fun! X, Vanessa

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The Beginner’s Guide To The Yacht Week

Published: October 12, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Enrichetta Cifuentes

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Welcome aboard The Yacht Week, where adventure meets luxury on the open seas. If you’re looking for an unforgettable holiday experience that combines exploration, relaxation, and a dose of partying, then The Yacht Week is the perfect choice for you.

Imagine sailing through crystal-clear waters, visiting picturesque islands, and soaking up the sun on the deck of a luxurious yacht. With The Yacht Week, you can make this dream a reality. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a complete beginner, The Yacht Week offers an immersive experience that caters to all levels of expertise.

But what makes The Yacht Week truly unique is the sense of community that it fosters. This is not just a holiday; it’s a social adventure where you’ll meet like-minded individuals from all around the world. You’ll forge lasting friendships, create unforgettable memories, and come home with stories that will be the envy of everyone you know.

So, if you’re ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, let’s dive deeper into what The Yacht Week is all about and how you can be a part of it.

What is The Yacht Week?

The Yacht Week is a unique and exhilarating sailing experience that takes place in stunning destinations around the world. It offers a week-long yacht charter adventure, combining the thrill of sailing with a vibrant social scene and a touch of luxury.

During The Yacht Week, participants have the opportunity to explore breathtaking coastlines, discover hidden coves, and visit picturesque islands. Each day brings a new adventure as you sail to different destinations, immersing yourself in the beauty of nature and the culture of the region.

But The Yacht Week is not just about sailing. It’s also renowned for its legendary parties. From beachside raves to themed events on private islands, The Yacht Week offers an unparalleled nightlife experience. Dance the night away under the stars, mingle with fellow sailors, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

What sets The Yacht Week apart from a traditional sailing holiday is its emphasis on community. You’ll be part of a flotilla of yachts, surrounded by like-minded individuals who share a passion for adventure, fun, and exploration. It’s an opportunity to make new friends from all over the globe and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with embarking on this shared journey.

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a complete novice, The Yacht Week caters to all levels of experience. Professional skippers are available to guide you through the journey, ensuring your safety and providing valuable insights about the destinations you’ll visit.

So, if you’re looking for a thrilling and unforgettable holiday experience that combines sailing, parties, and making lifelong connections, then The Yacht Week is the perfect choice for you.

How Does The Yacht Week Work?

Participating in The Yacht Week is a seamless and well-organized process that ensures you have a stress-free and enjoyable experience. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  • Choosing Your Destination: The first step is selecting the destination for your Yacht Week adventure. From the stunning coastlines of Croatia to the exotic islands of Greece and the Caribbean, there are multiple locations to choose from.
  • Forming Your Crew: Gather your friends, family, or join a group of like-minded individuals to form your crew. Yachts typically accommodate between 6 to 12 people, so make sure to decide on the number of participants beforehand.
  • Booking Your Yacht: Once you have your crew assembled, it’s time to reserve your yacht. The Yacht Week offers a range of yachts to suit different preferences and budgets, from spacious catamarans to sleek and stylish monohulls.
  • Customizing Your Experience: The Yacht Week allows you to tailor your experience to your liking. Decide whether you want to join a specific route with planned activities and parties or have a more flexible itinerary where you can choose your own destinations and activities.
  • Sailing and Exploring: When the time comes, embark on your yacht and set sail. Each day, you’ll navigate to different islands or ports, enjoying the breathtaking scenery, engaging in water sports, and exploring the local culture and landmarks.
  • Partying and Socializing: The Yacht Week is renowned for its vibrant parties and social events. From exclusive beach clubs to themed parties on private islands, there are ample opportunities to let loose, dance, and make lifelong memories.
  • Safety and Support: Throughout your Yacht Week experience, you’ll have the support of experienced skippers and event organizers who are there to ensure your safety and assist with any queries or concerns that may arise.
  • Celebrating the Journey: At the end of your Yacht Week adventure, it’s time to reflect on the incredible journey you’ve had. Share stories, exchange contact information with new friends, and celebrate the memories you’ve created together.

Overall, The Yacht Week offers a seamless and exciting experience, combining the thrill of sailing with the joy of exploration and the magic of social connection. It’s an adventure that will leave you with lasting memories and a yearning to embark on another Yacht Week journey in the future.

Destinations Offered by The Yacht Week

The Yacht Week offers an array of breathtaking destinations around the world, allowing you to choose the backdrop for your unforgettable sailing adventure. Here are some of the stunning locations you can explore:

  • Croatia: Known for its crystal-clear waters, hidden coves, and vibrant nightlife, Croatia is a top choice for many Yacht Week participants. Sail along the Adriatic coast, visit historic cities like Split and Dubrovnik, and soak in the beauty of the Croatian islands.
  • Greece: The Greek islands offer a magical setting for your Yacht Week experience. From the charming white-washed buildings of Santorini to the lively party scene of Mykonos, Greece is a paradise for both sailing enthusiasts and partygoers.
  • The British Virgin Islands: Explore the picture-perfect Caribbean destination of the British Virgin Islands. With its turquoise waters, idyllic bays, and lush tropical landscapes, this destination provides a truly relaxing and rejuvenating experience.
  • Italy: Discover the beauty of the Amalfi Coast, the captivating history of Sicily, or the vibrant energy of Sardinia. Italy offers a diverse range of destinations, each with its own unique charm, delicious cuisine, and stunning coastal scenery.
  • Montenegro: Experience the lesser-known gem of the Adriatic with a Yacht Week adventure in Montenegro. This country is renowned for its rugged mountains, medieval towns, and tranquil beaches, providing a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage.
  • Turkey: Immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of Turkey as you explore the Turkish Riviera. Sail along the stunning turquoise coast, visit ancient ruins, and indulge in delicious Turkish cuisine.

Each destination has its own unique allure, offering a blend of stunning landscapes, rich history, vibrant nightlife, and warm hospitality. Whether you prefer the vibrant energy of Croatia, the romantic charm of Greece, or the laid-back vibes of the Caribbean, there’s a Yacht Week destination that will cater to your desires.

Regardless of which destination you choose, be prepared to be amazed by the beauty of the surroundings and the adventures that await you.

Types of Yachts Available

The Yacht Week offers a variety of yacht options to suit different preferences and group sizes. Each yacht provides a comfortable and luxurious setting for your sailing adventure. Here are some of the types of yachts available:

  • Monohull Yacht: The monohull yacht is a classic choice and offers a more traditional sailing experience. These yachts have a single hull and come in various sizes, accommodating different group sizes. They provide stability and performance while sailing, and often feature comfortable cabins, spacious decks, and modern amenities.
  • Catamaran: Catamarans are gaining popularity among Yacht Week participants due to their spaciousness and stability. These yachts have two hulls connected by a spacious deck, providing ample space for socializing, sunbathing, and enjoying the stunning views. Catamarans often come equipped with multiple cabins, ensuite bathrooms, and a fully equipped kitchen.
  • Gulet: If you’re looking for a larger and more luxurious option, a gulet might be the perfect choice. These traditional wooden sailing vessels offer a unique blend of traditional charm and modern comfort. Gulets typically have several cabins with ensuite bathrooms, a spacious deck area, and even amenities like jacuzzis and entertainment systems.
  • Motor Yacht: For those who prioritize speed and luxury, a motor yacht is a fantastic choice. These yachts are equipped with powerful engines, providing the ability to cover larger distances in shorter amounts of time. Motor yachts often feature spacious deck areas, luxurious cabins, and top-of-the-line amenities.
  • Bareboat or Skippered: You have the option to choose between bareboat or skippered yachts. Bareboat yachts are self-skippered, giving you the freedom to navigate the waters independently if you have the necessary sailing experience. Skippered yachts come with a professional skipper who will handle the navigation, allowing you to sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey.

Regardless of the type of yacht you choose, you can expect a comfortable and stylish onboard experience. Yachts are equipped with all the necessary amenities to make your journey enjoyable, including fully equipped kitchens, comfortable sleeping quarters, bathrooms, and spacious deck areas for lounging and taking in the views.

It’s important to consider the size of your group and your desired level of luxury when selecting a yacht. Whether you opt for the classic charm of a monohull, the spaciousness of a catamaran, or the luxury of a gulet or motor yacht, you can rest assured that your Yacht Week experience will be nothing short of extraordinary.

Planning and Booking Your Yacht Week Experience

Planning and booking your Yacht Week experience is an exciting part of the journey. Here are some key steps to help you navigate the process:

  • Choose Your Dates: Determine the dates that work best for you and your crew. Consider factors like availability, weather, and personal preferences. The Yacht Week operates during specific weeks in each destination, so make sure to check the official website for the schedule.
  • Select Your Destination: Decide on the destination that appeals to you the most. Consider factors like scenery, activities, and cultural experiences. Each destination offers a unique atmosphere, so choose one that aligns with your interests.
  • Decide on Your Yacht Type: Consider the size of your group, your preferred level of luxury, and the desired sailing experience when selecting your yacht type. Choose between monohulls, catamarans, gulets, or motor yachts based on your needs and preferences.
  • Form Your Crew: Gather your crew of family or friends, or join a shared crew if you’re traveling solo. Yacht Week is a social adventure, so having a group of like-minded individuals will enhance the experience. Make sure to communicate and coordinate with your crew members throughout the process.
  • Make a Reservation: Head to The Yacht Week’s official website and follow the booking process. Select your desired package, destination, and yacht type, and provide the necessary information for your reservation. Keep in mind that booking early ensures better availability and allows for more flexibility in choosing your yacht and route.
  • Payment and Confirmation: Upon making your reservation, you’ll need to pay the required deposit or full amount depending on the booking terms. Once your payment is processed, you’ll receive a confirmation email with all the necessary details and paperwork.
  • Prepare for Your Yacht Week: As your Yacht Week adventure approaches, start preparing for your trip. Coordinate with your crew on logistics, plan your itinerary and activities, and make a list of essentials to pack. Check out The Yacht Week’s guidelines and suggestions to ensure you’re fully prepared for the journey.
  • Enjoy Your Yacht Week Adventure: Finally, embark on your Yacht Week adventure and embrace the experience fully. Immerse yourself in the stunning destinations, enjoy the parties and social events, and create incredible memories with your crew and fellow sailors.

Remember, planning and booking your Yacht Week experience should be an enjoyable process. Take your time, communicate with your crew, and make the necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth and unforgettable journey.

What to Pack for The Yacht Week

Packing for The Yacht Week requires careful consideration of the essentials to ensure you have a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Here’s a list of items to include in your packing list:

  • Clothing: Pack a mix of swimwear, casual clothes, and evening attire. Opt for lightweight and breathable fabrics to stay comfortable in warm weather. Don’t forget to include a cover-up or sarong for beach visits and a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings.
  • Footwear: Bring a combination of comfortable walking shoes, sandals, and flip flops for beach outings. It’s also a good idea to pack a pair of boat shoes or non-marking deck shoes that provide good grip and won’t damage the yacht’s deck.
  • Protection from the Sun: Don’t forget to pack sunscreen with a high SPF, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the sun’s rays. A rash guard or long-sleeve top can provide extra protection for water activities.
  • Travel Documents: Ensure you have all necessary travel documents, including a valid passport, visas (if required), yacht week booking confirmation, and any necessary insurance documents. Keep them in a waterproof bag or document holder to keep them safe and dry.
  • Personal Essentials: Pack toiletries, medications, and personal care items such as a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and any prescription medications you may need. It’s also a good idea to bring a small first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, painkillers, and motion sickness medication.
  • Waterproof Bag: Bring a waterproof bag or dry bag to protect your electronics, valuables, and any items you want to keep dry during water activities or in case of rain.
  • Towels and Linens: While yachts provide basic linens and towels, it’s a good idea to bring a lightweight towel for beach visits or as a backup. A sarong or large scarf can also serve as a multifunctional item.
  • Entertainment and Gadgets: Consider bringing a portable Bluetooth speaker, e-reader, or a deck of cards to keep yourself entertained during downtime. Don’t forget to pack chargers for your electronic devices and a power bank to keep them charged.
  • Cash and Card: Bring a mix of cash and cards for expenses, including meals, drinks, and any additional activities or excursions you wish to partake in. It’s also a good idea to inform your bank of your travel plans to avoid any issues with your cards.
  • Reusable Water Bottle: Stay hydrated during your Yacht Week adventure by bringing a reusable water bottle. Fill it up whenever you have the chance to ensure you have access to drinking water throughout the trip.

Remember to pack sensibly and consider the limited storage space on a yacht. Pack light and bring versatile items that can be mixed and matched to create different outfits. It’s all about finding the balance between practicality and style.

Lastly, don’t forget to pack a sense of adventure and an open mind. The Yacht Week is all about immersing yourself in the experience, connecting with new people, and creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Food and Beverage Options

When it comes to food and beverages during The Yacht Week, you have several options to ensure you and your crew are well-fed and hydrated throughout the journey. Here’s a breakdown of the available choices:

Provisioning: One option is to take advantage of the provisioning services provided by The Yacht Week. This allows you to pre-order your groceries and have them delivered to your yacht before you embark on your journey. You can select from a variety of food and beverage items ranging from fresh produce and dairy products to snacks, drinks, and alcoholic beverages. This convenient option saves you time and effort, ensuring you have everything you need on board.

Local Cuisine: Exploring the local cuisine is an integral part of any travel experience, and The Yacht Week is no exception. During your journey, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to sample the local delicacies at restaurants, beach clubs, and cafes on the islands you visit. Indulge in traditional dishes, fresh seafood, and regional specialties to truly immerse yourself in the culinary culture of your destination.

Onboard Cooking: If you enjoy cooking and want to take charge of your meals, you can utilize the kitchen facilities on board your yacht. Stock up on provisions from local markets or the provisioning service, and get creative with your culinary skills. Prepare delicious meals as a crew and dine on the deck overlooking the stunning views of the sea.

Restaurants and Tavernas: When you want to take a break from cooking, you can explore the local restaurants and tavernas on the islands you visit. Each destination offers a range of dining options, from casual beachside eateries to upscale restaurants. Enjoy a variety of international cuisine, fresh seafood, and local specialties while soaking up the atmosphere of each unique location.

Drinks and Cocktails: Keep yourself refreshed with a variety of drinks and cocktails during The Yacht Week. Stock up on your favorite beverages from the local stores or the provisioning service. You can also visit beach clubs and bars for a wide selection of drinks and signature cocktails that will enhance your party experience.

It’s important to note that while alcoholic beverages are a popular choice during The Yacht Week, responsible drinking is paramount. Ensure you consume alcohol in moderation and always prioritize your safety and that of your crew.

Ultimately, the choice of food and beverages on The Yacht Week is flexible and depends on your preferences and budget. Whether you opt for provisioning, onboard cooking, or exploring local cuisine, there are options to cater to every taste.

As always, remember to stay hydrated and nourished to make the most of your Yacht Week adventure. And don’t forget to savor the flavors and culinary experiences that each destination has to offer.

Activities and Entertainment

The Yacht Week is not just about sailing; it offers a host of activities and entertainment options to keep you engaged and entertained throughout your journey. Here are some of the exciting activities and entertainment opportunities you can expect:

Water Sports: Dive into the crystal-clear waters and indulge in a variety of water sports. Snorkeling, paddleboarding, kayaking, and jet skiing are just a few examples of the activities you can enjoy. Explore the vibrant underwater world, paddle through hidden caves, and experience the thrill of gliding over the water.

Beach Parties: The Yacht Week is renowned for its beach parties. Imagine dancing on white sandy beaches with your crew and fellow sailors, surrounded by breathtaking scenery. From live DJs to themed events and bonfires, the beach parties are a highlight of the Yacht Week experience. Let loose, soak up the atmosphere, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Exploring on Land: As you sail from one destination to another, take the opportunity to explore the islands and coastal towns on foot. Discover historical landmarks, wander through charming streets, and immerse yourself in the local culture. Visit local markets, try traditional delicacies, and interact with the friendly locals for an authentic experience.

Sunset Cocktails: The Yacht Week offers magnificent sunsets that can be enjoyed from the deck of your yacht or at beach bars along the coast. Raise a glass and toast to the end of another beautiful day as you admire the stunning colors of the sunset painting the sky.

Themed Parties and Events: Prepare to dress up and participate in themed parties and events organized by The Yacht Week. From tropical nights to masquerade balls or nautical-themed gatherings, these events offer a chance to get creative with your outfits, socialize, and experience the vibrant energy of the Yacht Week community.

Island Hopping: Each destination during The Yacht Week offers unique islands and coastal spots to explore. Hop off your yacht and venture into hidden coves, secluded beaches, and picturesque villages. Swim in secluded bays, hike through scenic trails, or simply relax and soak up the sun on pristine beaches.

Relaxation and Wellness: Take advantage of the tranquil setting of the open water and treat yourself to moments of relaxation and wellness. Practice yoga or meditation on the deck of your yacht, arrange for a massage or spa treatment at select locations, or simply unwind and enjoy the peacefulness of the sea.

No matter how you choose to spend your time during The Yacht Week, there are endless opportunities for adventure, fun, and relaxation. Embrace the activities and entertainment on offer, and make the most of your Yacht Week experience.

Safety and Guidelines

Safety is of utmost importance during your Yacht Week adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a novice, it’s essential to adhere to certain guidelines and precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some important safety considerations and guidelines to keep in mind:

Listen to Your Skipper: If you have a skipper onboard, take their guidance seriously. They have the knowledge and experience to navigate the waters safely and handle any unforeseen situations that may arise. Trust their expertise and follow their instructions regarding sailing, anchoring, and safety protocols.

Be Weather Alert: Keep an eye on the weather forecast and stay informed about any potential changes in weather conditions. Your skipper will also be monitoring the weather, but it’s always good to stay aware. If there are adverse weather conditions, follow the guidance of your skipper and adhere to any safety measures advised.

Be Mindful of Security: While The Yacht Week is generally safe, it’s important to exercise caution and be mindful of your surroundings. Keep your valuables secure, lock the yacht when you’re away, and don’t leave personal belongings unattended, especially in public areas.

Practice Safe Swimming: When swimming or participating in water activities, always take safety precautions. Make sure you’re a confident swimmer and be aware of currents, tides, and other potential hazards. Use proper safety equipment, such as life jackets, when necessary.

Drink Responsibly: Alcoholic beverages are often a part of the Yacht Week experience, but it’s important to consume them responsibly. Know your limits and be mindful of the impact alcohol can have on your judgment and abilities, particularly when engaging in water activities or operating watercraft.

Stay Hydrated: With the sun, sea, and potential partying, it’s easy to forget to stay hydrated. Remember to drink plenty of water throughout your Yacht Week adventure to prevent dehydration. This is especially important when spending time in the sun or participating in physical activities.

Respect the Environment: The Yacht Week takes place in beautiful natural environments, so it’s crucial to respect and protect them. Avoid littering and dispose of waste properly. Be mindful of marine life and coral reefs when snorkeling or engaging in water activities.

Emergency Contacts and Communication: Familiarize yourself with emergency contacts and protocols in the area you’re visiting. Ensure you have a reliable means of communication on board, such as a fully charged mobile phone, a VHF radio, or other equipment recommended by your skipper or yacht charter company.

Know Your Limits: While The Yacht Week is an exciting and adventurous experience, it’s essential to know your personal limits. Be honest about your swimming abilities, sailing skills, and comfort levels. If you’re unsure about any activity or feel uncomfortable, communicate it to your skipper or fellow crew members.

Travel Insurance: It’s highly recommended to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers sailing and water activities. Ensure your insurance policy includes medical coverage, trip cancellation, and personal liability for peace of mind throughout your Yacht Week journey.

By following these safety guidelines and remaining vigilant, you can enjoy a safe and unforgettable Yacht Week experience. Prioritize your well-being and the safety of your crew, and make the most out of this incredible adventure.

The Yacht Week offers an extraordinary blend of adventure, luxury, and socializing that creates an unforgettable holiday experience. Sailing through breathtaking destinations, exploring hidden gems, and indulging in vibrant parties and events are just the beginning of this remarkable journey.

Whether you’re an experienced sailor or a first-time adventurer, The Yacht Week welcomes all who seek to embrace the thrill of the open seas. With a variety of destinations to choose from, you can customize your Yacht Week experience to suit your preferences and desires.

As you navigate pristine waters and discover picturesque islands, you’ll also immerse yourself in a welcoming community of like-minded individuals from around the world. The Yacht Week fosters connections, camaraderie, and lasting friendships through shared experiences, beach parties, and themed events.

The safety of participants is always paramount, and following guidelines and protocols ensures a secure journey for all. From listening to your skipper’s expertise to being aware of your surroundings and practicing responsible behavior, these measures contribute to a safe and enjoyable Yacht Week adventure.

So, whether you choose to relax on the deck of your yacht, take part in exhilarating water sports, explore captivating destinations, or dance the night away at unforgettable beach parties, The Yacht Week promises an experience like no other.

As you disembark from your Yacht Week adventure, you’ll carry with you cherished memories, newfound friendships, and a sense of fulfillment from having embarked on this extraordinary voyage. The bonds formed, the breathtaking scenery witnessed, and the adventures undertaken will leave an indelible mark in your heart.

So set sail, immerse yourself in the magic of The Yacht Week, and let the sea guide you towards an unforgettable journey of exploration, connection, and pure bliss.


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Captain of superyacht that sank off Sicily doesn't respond to prosecutors' questions, lawyer says

Italy boaters missing.

ROME (AP) — The captain of a superyacht that sank during a storm off Sicily last week, killing seven people, decided not to respond to prosecutors’ questions Tuesday, his lawyer said.

James Cutfield, a 51-year-old New Zealand national, is under investigation for possible manslaughter and culpable shipwreck charges and was questioned for the third time by the Termini Imerese prosecutors Tuesday.

“He just exercised his right to remain silent, probably prosecutors were expecting that,” lawyer Aldo Mordiglia told The Associated Press, adding that the captain’s legal team has just been named and needs time to work on his defensive strategy.

Cutfield was among 15 survivors of the Aug. 19 sinking that killed British tech magnate Mike Lynch , his daughter Hannah and five others.

Chief prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio, who’s heading the investigation, has said his team would consider each possible element of responsibility including those of the captain, the crew, individuals in charge of supervision and the yacht’s manufacturer.

The Bayesian, a 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged luxury yacht, went down near the Mediterranean island in southern Italy. Investigators are focusing on how a sailing vessel deemed “unsinkable” by its manufacturer, Italian shipyard Perini Navi, sank while a nearby sailboat remained largely unscathed.

Prosecutors said the event was “extremely rapid” and could have been a “downburst” — a localized, powerful wind that descends from a thunderstorm and spreads out rapidly upon hitting the ground.

The crew was saved, except for the chef, while six passengers were trapped in the hull.

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NBC Chicago

Video shows moments before superyacht went down in storm off Sicily

A celebration turned into tragedy for a british tycoon when the storm sank the vessel off sicily. six people remain missing., by henry austin and corky siemaszko | nbc news • published august 21, 2024 • updated on august 21, 2024 at 3:08 pm.

Newly released video captures a luxury superyacht being battered by a violent storm before it suddenly sank off Sicily with 22 people aboard  Monday.

The grainy images obtained by NBC News and other outlets were recorded on closed-circuit television not far from where the Bayesian was anchored,  about a half-mile from the port of Porticello, on Sicily’s northern coast .

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The yacht's 250-foot mast, illuminated with lights and lashed by the storm, appears to bend to one side before it finally disappears and is replaced by darkness.

The speed with which a yacht built to handle the roughest seas capsized stunned maritime experts.  

“I can’t remember the last time I read about a vessel going down quickly like that, you know, completely capsizing and going down that quickly, a vessel of that nature, a yacht of that size,” said Stephen Richter  of SAR Marine Consulting.

British tech tycoon Mike Lynch and five of the 22 other people who were aboard the 184-foot vessel remain unaccounted for and are believed to be trapped in the Bayesian’s hull, nearly 170 feet underwater.

Officials confirmed Monday that at least one person, the ship’s cook, had died.  

yacht week work with us

Missing revealed as divers search superyacht that sank in storm off Sicily

yacht week work with us

British tech magnate Mike Lynch, 2 US citizens among missing after luxury yacht sinks off Sicily

Superyachts like the Bayesian, which had been available for charters at a rate of $215,000 a week, are designed to stay afloat even as they are taking on water to give the people aboard a chance to escape, Richter said. 

“Boats of this size, they’re taking passengers on an excursion or a holiday,” Richter said. “They are not going to put them in situations where it may be dangerous or it may be uncomfortable, so this storm that popped up was obviously an anomaly. These vessels that carry passengers, they’re typically very well-maintained, very well-appointed.”

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Built by Italian shipbuilder Perini Navi in 2008, the U.K.-registered Bayesian could carry 12 guests and a crew of up to 10, according to online specialist yacht sites. Its nearly 250-foot mast is the tallest aluminum sailing mast in the world,  according to  CharterWorld Luxury Yacht Charters. 

On Tuesday, Italian rescue workers  resumed the search for Lynch  and the five other passengers still missing: Lynch’s 18-year-old daughter, Hannah; Morgan Stanley International Chairman Jonathan Bloomer and his wife; and Clifford Chance lawyer Chris Morvillo and his wife.

“The fear is that the bodies got trapped inside the vessel,” Salvatore Cocina, the head of civil protection in Sicily, told Reuters .

The Bayesian is owned by a firm linked to Lynch’s wife, Angela Bacares, who was one of the 15 people rescued Monday after it capsized.

“It’s extremely rare for a boat of this size to sink,” Richter said.

What’s not rare is the kind of storm that sank it , said Simon Boxall, senior lecturer in oceanography at Britain’s University of Southampton.

“People assume the Mediterranean is this rather calm and passive place that never gets storms and always blue skies,” Boxall said. “In fact, you get some quite horrendous storms that are not uncommon at this time of year.”

The president of Italy’s meteorological society has said Monday’s violent storm may have involved a waterspout, essentially a tornado over water, or a downburst, which occurs more frequently but doesn’t involve the rotation of the air.

Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorology Society, also said recent temperatures may have been a factor. 

“The sea surface temperature around Sicily was around 30 degrees Celsius [86 Fahrenheit], which is almost 3 degrees more than normal,” Mercalli told Reuters. “This creates an enormous source of energy that contributes to these storms.”

The Mediterranean sailing vacation was designed to be a celebration for Lynch, who two months ago was  acquitted by a San Francisco jury of fraud charges  stemming from the 2011 sale of his software company Autonomy to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion.

Prosecutors alleged that Lynch, dubbed “Britain’s Bill Gates,” and Autonomy’s vice president for finance, Stephen Chamberlain, had padded the firm’s finances ahead of the sale. Lynch’s lawyers argued that HP was so eager to acquire Autonomy that it failed to  adequately check the books .

Lynch had taken Morvill, who was one of his defense attorneys, on the luxury trip. 

Chamberlain was not on the Bayesian.

In what appears to be a tragic coincidence, a  car struck and killed Chamberlain on Saturday as he was jogging in a village about 68 miles north of London, local police said.

“Steve fought successfully to clear his good name at trial earlier this year, and his good name now lives on through his wonderful family,” Chamberlain’s lawyer, Gary Lincenberg, said in a statement .

Henry Austin reported from London and Corky Siemaszko from New York City.

This story first appeared on NBCNews.com . More from NBC News:

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yacht week work with us

We Are Travel Girls

A Community Created To Inspire, Connect, Educate & Empower Female Travelers

EUROPE , GREECE , SAILING · March 23, 2018 Last Updated on July 22, 2024


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Have you heard of The Yacht Week ? If not then let me introduce you to what could be the best week of your life. Back in 2014 I spent a week sailing around Greece on an all girls Yacht Week boat. We had an incredible time but there were some things I wish I would have known before the trip that could have made it even better. So here are eight things you should know before you go on The Yacht Week!


As you can see from the video above The Yacht Week looks like a lot of fun, and it is! This video is of The Yacht Week Greece trip I was on featuring some clips of our boat. I booked with one of my friends and prior to the tip I hadn’t met any of the other girls who were going to be on our sailboat. All the girls turned out to be awesome and we all made fast friends.

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If you can’t get a group of friends together to book your own sailboat don’t let that stop you from going on The Yacht Week. Just find one friend to go with you and book a two-person cabin! You’ll make new friends, and have the time of your life, especially after reading all my tips so you’ll know what to expect.


The Yacht Week is basically one big floating festival! If you want to have a serious week of peaceful sailing then The Yacht Week is probably not for you. You will sail from location to location but you’ll spend a lot more time partying than sailing on most of The Yacht Week routes. You need to be in the right frame of mind for this prior to the trip. So if you plan on going on The Yacht Week put your party hat on and be ready to have some fun!


You’ll likely look at The Yacht Week website and see a destination you want to go to and decide this is the route you want to take. I advise against this. In order to have the best time possible book a route based on the pace you want to go at.

Since I went on The Yacht Week they have added several new routes including an Italy route which they are marketing as slower paced for “sophisticated sailors and the food fanatics.” I have only been on the Greece route so I can’t vouch for this claim but if you want to do less partying, and more sailing and exploring, booking the Italy route seems like the way to go.

The Greece route I went on is labeled at a mid paced route. I love music and parties but I personally would have preferred more sailing and sight-seeing. Based on my experience, I would describe the mid paced Yacht Week routes (Greece, Montenegro and BVIs) as party routes and the fast paced routes (Croatia and Croatia Ultra) as ultra party routes.


As I said above The Yacht Week, overall, is more about partying than anything else but you are visiting amazing places on all of their routes so I suggest skipping some of the parties and exploring your surroundings. On the Greece route there was a day party and a night party at each stop. When we docked at Hydra Island , my friend and I skipped the day party and explored the island which turned out to be one of my favorite days on the trip! There are plenty of parties so don’t worry about skipping some of them and opting to take in some sights and local culture instead.


This is a gross topic but I have to bring it up because I would never want anyone to be in the same situation the girls on my boat were on. Our Yacht Week boat was a cheaper, economy sailboat and it was not equipped for us to be able to do anything besides pee in the toilets. That’s right, we did not have proper use of toilets on our boat for an entire week! Because of this my friend and I ended up renting several hotel rooms during Yacht Week (read Nikki Beach Porto Heli and Hotel Miranda Hydra Island ) just so we could have use of a toilet and shower.

So what is the moral of this story? Don’t go for the cheapest boat you can find. There are now four types of yachts you can book with The Yacht Week – Economy, Standard, Premium and Premium Plus. Spend the extra money to book a premium sailboat, and check that you’ll have unrestricted use of the toilet onboard before you book.


I budgeted around $75 a day for food, drinks and extras for our seven-day trip and quickly realized this was not going to be enough. Upon arrival we were told we needed to go shopping for costumes for the sailing competition and parties. Next, we had to put money in for the “Kitty Fund,” which is food and drinks for the boat for the week. We also had to pitch in money to tip our skipper and pay for gas for the boat.

At The Yacht Week parties you usually get one or two free drinks with your wristband, but after, that you have to pay for your drinks. Drinking every day can get expensive, especially if you want to splurge on bottle service. If you plan to drink and eat out and don’t want to worry about running out of money, you should plan to spend around $130 USD/day.

$150 Kitty $50 Costumes $525 ($75/Day Restaurants + Cocktails x 7 Days) $100 Gas/Tip for Skipper $100 Bottle Service _______ $925 TOTAL


We had an all-girls crew and our sailboat still got very dirty every day. In order to keep your boat from becoming filthy get everyone on your boat to agree from the start to all help clean. If everyone pitches in, it takes less than 20 minutes a day to keep your boat clean. Do your dishes right after you are done eating, and keep all your personal stuff in your own cabin. No one wants to spend a week in a tiny cramped, dirty space. This is the real Yacht Week v. your Instagram Yacht Week


The last thing you want to do is go on what could be the week of your life with someone who can’t go with the flow, relax and enjoy an adventure. If you’re booking a two-person cabin with a friend make sure you are on the same page about what type of trip you both want to have.

If you can’t wait to get to The Yacht Week and party all week and your friend is looking for a peaceful, relaxing week of sailing and sightseeing it is not going to work. If your friend wants to do a luxury sailing trip but you want to book an economy sailboat to save money it is not going to work. This seems pretty obvious but I saw both of these scenarios happen and it is a buzz kill for everyone. Make sure you are on the same page with whoever you book The Yacht Week with, wether you are booking a two-person cabin or an entire sailboat.

Have you been on The Yacht Week? If you have any additional tips for our readers or questions for me please leave these in the comments below.

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May 4, 2018 at 2:53 am

Hi, where did you get your bikinis? I love them! Thanks!

James Methew says

August 28, 2018 at 6:02 am

Great Blog! Yacht Charting is considered the best way of spending your holidays and is an interesting activity to include in your traveling.

May 5, 2019 at 5:30 pm

Im about to book the Greece trip with a friend but now I am really concerned about the bathroom situation… can you maybe tell me a little bit more about that?

June 18, 2019 at 7:11 am

The boats have marine toilets; you can use them for #1 and #2, you just can’t flush anything else down them. So that means you have a baggie for toilet paper you throw out once or twice a day. It’s not ideal, but it’s not as bad as you might think, and you get used to it pretty quick. Plus, you’re on land a lot and can use regular toilets pretty much any time you’re not sailing.

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Captain of Sunken Lynch Family Yacht Declines to Answer Investigators' Questions

Captain of Sunken Lynch Family Yacht Declines to Answer Investigators' Questions


FILE PHOTO: Rescue personnel work next to the body bag containing the corpse of British entrepreneur Mike Lynch, who died when a yacht owned by his family sank off the coast of Porticello, near the Sicilian city of Palermo, Italy, August 22, 2024. REUTERS/Louiza Vradi/File Photo

PALERMO, Italy (Reuters) - The captain of the luxury yacht owned by the family of British tech magnate Mike Lynch that sank off Sicily last week declined to respond to prosecutors during questioning on Tuesday, one of his lawyers said.

James Cutfield, a 51-year old New Zealand national, was put under investigation on Monday by Italian prosecutors.

"The captain exercised his right to remain silent for two fundamental reasons," lawyer Giovanni Rizzuti told reporters.

"First, he's very worn out. Second, we were appointed only on Monday and for a thorough and correct defence case we need to acquire a set of data that at the moment we don't have."

Lynch and six other people were killed when the British-flagged Bayesian, a 56-metre-long (184-foot) yacht, capsized and sank on Aug. 19 within minutes of being hit by a pre-dawn storm while anchored off northern Sicily.

Being placed under investigation in Italy does not imply guilt and does not mean formal charges will necessarily follow. It is still unclear whether other crew members or other people will also be placed under investigation.

Prosecutors said their investigation would take time, and would require the wreck to be salvaged from the sea. The Bayesian is currently lying on its right side, at a depth of around 50 metres.

The coastguard is conducting activities to monitor the environmental conditions in the area where the yacht sank, it said in a statement on Tuesday.

"At the moment we don't register any leaks from tanks and there are no traces of oil pollution," it said.

(Reporting by Wladimiro Pantaleone, writing by Alberto Chiumento,; Editing by Keith Weir)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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Visitors reach through the White House fence, Tuesday, July 23, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Julia Nikhinson)

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Lawyer gives update on investigation into captain of superyacht that sank off Sicily

T he captain of a superyacht that sank during a storm off Sicily last week, killing seven people, decided not to respond to prosecutors’ questions on Tuesday, his lawyer has said.

James Cutfield, a 51-year-old New Zealand national, is under investigation for possible manslaughter and culpable shipwreck charges and was questioned for the third time by the Termini Imerese prosecutors on Tuesday.

“He just exercised his right to remain silent, probably prosecutors were expecting that,” lawyer Aldo Mordiglia told The Associated Press, adding that the captain’s legal team has just been named and needs time to work on his defensive strategy.

Cutfield was among 15 survivors of the August 19 sinking that killed British tech magnate Mike Lynch, his daughter Hannah and five others.

Chief prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio, who’s heading the investigation, has said his team would consider each possible element of responsibility including those of the captain, the crew, individuals in charge of supervision and the yacht’s manufacturer.

The Bayesian, a 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged luxury yacht, went down near the Mediterranean island in southern Italy. Investigators are focusing on how a sailing vessel deemed “unsinkable” by its manufacturer, Italian shipyard Perini Navi, sank while a nearby sailboat remained largely unscathed.

Prosecutors said the event was “extremely rapid” and could have been a “downburst” — a localized, powerful wind that descends from a thunderstorm and spreads out rapidly upon hitting the ground.

The crew was saved, except for the chef, while six passengers were trapped in the hull.

What we know about the sinking:

The Bayesian, a British flagged 56-metre (184-feet) superyacht, was anchored off the port of Porticello, near Palermo, when it sank in the pre-dawn dark amid a very severe and sudden weather event.

Prosecutor Raffaele Cammarano said on Saturday the event was most likely a “downburst”, a very strong downward wind that is an intense but relatively frequent event at sea, rather than a waterspout which involves rotating winds like a tornado.

The coast guard said that given the weather forecast, there was nothing wrong about the Bayesian being moored offshore rather than at sheltering at port. Another yacht anchored nearby emerged from the storm unharmed.

Twenty-two people were on board, and 15 survived, including nine out of 10 crew members as well as Lynch’s wife, whose company owned the Bayesian. They were found on a life raft. Six out of the 12 passengers died. Prosecutors, who have put the yacht’s captain James Cutfield under investigation for manslaughter and shipwreck, said the ship would have to be pulled out of the water before the investigation could be concluded.

Stern went down first

The Bayesian sent its last signal before sinking via the tracking Automatic Identification System (AIS) at 0206 GMT, according to the MarineTraffic website.

Chief Prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio said a red flare alerting rescue services about the emergency was fired into the sky at 0238 GMT, more than 30 minutes after the boat had gone down.

The head of Palermo’s Fire Brigade, Girolamo Bentivoglio Fiandra, said the boat sank from the stern and is lying on its starboard side at a depth of around 50 metres (164 feet).

In the yacht, the bodies of the dead were found in the cabins on the left-hand side of the boat, where the passengers may have tried to search for remaining bubbles of air, he added.

Prosecutor Cammarano said the passengers were all probably asleep at the time of the storm which was why they failed to escape.

The sinking has puzzled seafarers and nautical engineers, who have said that it should have taken hours for the Bayesian to fill up with enough water to sink it, making its swift demise incomprehensible.

There have been suggestions that one or more portholes, windows or other openings may have been inadvertently left open by the crew, or broken or smashed by the storm, letting in water.

Experts also wondered if the yacht had been moored with its keel up, potentially compromising its stability. The keel is a fin-like stabilising structure under the hull, which can be partially lifted to reduce the depth of the boat in shallow waters or harbours.

Prosecutors have said it was too early to comment on either hypothesis. They also said crew members were not immediately tested for alcohol or drugs because they were in a state of shock when rescued.

The Bayesian was built in 2008 by Perini Navi, an Italian luxury yacht maker. It featured the world’s tallest aluminium mast, measuring 72 metres, but early reports that the mast broke in the storm have so far proven unfounded.

Giovanni Costantino, CEO of the Italian Sea Group, which owns Perini, said the yacht was “one of the safest boats in the world” and basically unsinkable.

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Yacht Sank in Sicily Due to ‘Endless Chain of Errors,' Ship Maker's Owner Speculates: ‘Everything Was Predictable’

"A series of activities should have been done to avoid finding oneself in that situation," argues Giovanni Costantino, who owns the firm that built the vessel in 2008

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  • Giovanni Costantino — who is the CEO of The Italian Sea Group, the company that now owns Perini Navi, which built the  Bayesian  in 2008 — blames an "endless chain of errors" for the luxury yacht’s sinking on Monday, Aug. 19
  • "Everything was predictable. I have the weather charts in front of me here," Constantino told Italian newspaper  Corriere della Sera  of the storm the boat was caught in
  • "An unsinkable ship but from the crew an endless chain of errors," the CEO claimed to the outlet

The sinking of the luxury Bayesian  yacht off the coast of Sicily this week  resulted from an "endless chain of errors" by the crew, the ship maker's CEO is speculating.

"This episode sounds like an unbelievable story, both technically and as a fact," Giovanni Costantino — who leads The Italian Sea Group, the company that now owns Perini Navi, which built the  Bayesian  in 2008 — said,  according to CNN .

While speaking to  Italian newspaper  Corriere della Sera , Costantino said he believes those on board should not have been in their cabins, as he claims they were, when the Bayesian sank in the early hours of Monday, Aug. 19. 

Many details of why the yacht went into the water so quickly remain unclear and it's not yet known what the passengers and crew were doing before tragedy struck.


The 183-foot British vessel sank around 5 a.m. local time on Monday after a "violent storm" while near Porticello, the Italian coast guard said in a statement that was previously obtained by PEOPLE.

"Everything that has been done reveals a very long sum of errors. The people should not have been in the cabins, the boat should not have been at anchor. And then why didn't the crew know about the incoming disturbance?" Costantino said in his interview, translated from Italian.

"The passengers reported an absurd thing, namely that the storm came unexpected, suddenly. It's not true. Everything was predictable. I have the weather charts in front of me here. Nothing came suddenly ... Ask yourself, why was no fisherman from Porticello out that night? A fisherman reads the weather conditions and a ship doesn't? The disturbance was fully readable in all the weather charts. One could not not know," he argued.

"An unsinkable ship but from the crew an endless chain of errors," the CEO asserted.

The coast guard has said 22 people were aboard the  Bayesian  when it sank — 12 passengers and 10 crew — and that 15 of those were subsequently rescued.

The body of the yacht's chef, Recaldo Thomas, was recovered nearby. 


Costantino's comments came as it was reported that five bodies had been found in the search for the missing six people as of Wednesday, Aug. 21, a source close to the rescue operations confirmed to PEOPLE. Authorities have said that their work is ongoing. 

An Italian government official, Massimo Mariani, reportedly named one of the dead as British tech tycoon Mike Lynch . The other bodies have not yet been publicly identified by authorities. 

Lynch was celebrating with family and friends on the yacht following his acquittal in a fraud trial in June, PEOPLE previously reported.

Costantino offered his view of how the tragedy could have been avoided: "To begin with, in a weather alert situation it was inappropriate to have, as I read, a party. Not that evening. The hull and deck needed to be secured by closing all doors and hatches, after putting the guests at the ship's meeting point as per emergency procedure. Then start the engines and pull up the anchor or release it automatically, put the bow to the wind and lower the keel.

"The next morning they would have departed with zero damage." 

Jonathan Brady/PA Images via Getty

When discussing whether the crew were at fault, Costantino reiterated to the Italian outlet that he believes "errors were made."

"A series of activities should have been done to avoid finding oneself in that situation," he said. "I as the ship's captain would have moved, but even if for some reason I had to stay there, I would have managed those weather conditions which then, let's face it, weren't so crazy."

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Costantino contended that there would have been "a zero risk if the correct maneuvers had been made and if situations that compromised the ship's stability had not occurred," adding to the newspaper that reports that the boat went down in seconds is "nonsense." He believes the yacht would have "went down" after water "started to enter" within "six minutes."

The remaining missing  Bayesian  passengers are Lynch's daughter Hannah as well as Chairman of Morgan Stanley International  Jonathan Bloomer, his wife, Judy , and New York City-based lawyer  Christopher Morvillo and his wife, Neda , sources have said.

Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, was among those rescued, PEOPLE previously reported.

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Captain of superyacht that sank off Sicily declines to respond to prosecutor questions, lawyer says

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Italian Navy scuba divers work at the scene of the search for a missing boat, in Porticello, southern Italy, Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024. Rescue teams and divers returned to the site of a storm-sunken super yacht to search for one person, who are believed to be still trapped in the hull 50 meters (164-feet) underwater. (AP Photo/Salvatore Cavalli)

ROME – The captain of a superyacht that sank during a storm off Sicily last week, killing seven people, decided not to respond to prosecutors’ questions Tuesday, his lawyer said.

James Cutfield, a 51-year-old New Zealand national, is under investigation for possible manslaughter and culpable shipwreck charges and was questioned for the third time by the Termini Imerese prosecutors Tuesday.

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“He just exercised his right to remain silent, probably prosecutors were expecting that,” lawyer Aldo Mordiglia told The Associated Press, adding that the captain’s legal team has just been named and needs time to work on his defensive strategy.

Cutfield was among 15 survivors of the Aug. 19 sinking that killed British tech magnate Mike Lynch , his daughter Hannah and five others.

Chief prosecutor Ambrogio Cartosio, who’s heading the investigation, has said his team would consider each possible element of responsibility including those of the captain, the crew, individuals in charge of supervision and the yacht’s manufacturer.

The Bayesian, a 56-meter (184-foot) British-flagged luxury yacht, went down near the Mediterranean island in southern Italy. Investigators are focusing on how a sailing vessel deemed “unsinkable” by its manufacturer, Italian shipyard Perini Navi, sank while a nearby sailboat remained largely unscathed.

Prosecutors said the event was “extremely rapid” and could have been a “downburst” — a localized, powerful wind that descends from a thunderstorm and spreads out rapidly upon hitting the ground.

The crew was saved, except for the chef, while six passengers were trapped in the hull.

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.


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  1. Work with us

    Work with us. Since 2006, Yacht Week has created extraordinary sailing experiences that spread joy and spark an appreciation for our planet. A big part of our success is down to our knowledgeable, enthusiastic and hardworking team. We're constantly growing, so if you're passionate about travel and want to join a group of like-minded people ...

  2. Yacht Week

    Welcome to the best week of your life. This is Yacht Week - a seven-day adventure and festival like no other. Join us for seven days of sailing, curated adventures and exclusive parties in some of the most enchanting corners of the world. Explore a new destination every day.

  3. About us

    Work with us. Since 2006, Yacht Week has created extraordinary sailing experiences that spread joy and spark an appreciation for our planet. A big part of our success is down to our knowledgeable, enthusiastic and hardworking team. We're constantly growing, so if you're passionate about travel and want to join a group of like-minded people ...

  4. How do I become a skipper/host for Yacht Week?

    All the training and hiring of our skippers and hosts is managed by our partners, Quarterdeck. You need to complete the Quarterdeck Academy to skipper or host for us. Read more here. Please get in touch with Quarterdeck directly regarding the necessary qualifications.

  5. Why Yacht Week

    The best routes & programming. There's more to a Yacht Week than a circle raft (though we do those too). Our team is on the ground early, making sure that every activity, swim stop, yoga session, and party is planned out - so you have the time to explore, relax and party.


    2) The Yacht Week is more about partying and less about sailing. Yes, you will sail from island to island (my favorite part of the trip!), but the main focus of Yacht Week is the parties they throw. There is a big welcome party the night you arrive, and for the rest of the trip, there are day parties and night parties every single day.

  7. The Beginner's Guide to The Yacht Week

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    Yacht Week, your way. Pick a week, destination or festival that suits you. Then choose from our Monohull or Catamaran, Classic or Premium options to build the package that suits you best with the same experience as a securing full boat. Browse Destinations.

  10. Captain of superyacht that sank off Sicily doesn't respond to ...

    Italian Navy scuba divers work at the scene of the search for a missing boat, in Porticello, southern Italy, Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024. Rescue teams and divers returned to the site of a storm-sunken ...

  11. Video shows moment sailing yacht Bayesian sinks during violent storm

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  12. Yacht Week Academy

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    British tech boss Mike Lynch and six other people were killed when the Bayesian, a 56-metre-long yacht, capsized and sank on 19 August.The yacht was anchored in the fishing village of Porticello ...

  15. Work with us

    Work with us. Since 2006, Yacht Week has created extraordinary sailing experiences that spread joy and spark an appreciation for our planet. A big part of our success is down to our knowledgeable, enthusiastic and hardworking team. We're constantly growing, so if you're passionate about travel and want to join a group of like-minded people ...

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    The captain of a superyacht that sank during a storm off Sicily last week, killing seven people, decided not to respond to prosecutors' questions on Tuesday, his lawyer has said. James Cutfield ...

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    The luxury yacht that sank off the coast of Sicily this week was the result of an "endless chain of errors," Giovanni Costantino — who is the CEO of The Italian Sea Group, the company that now ...

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