Cowes-Torquay-Cowes and Cowes-Poole-Cowes powerboat races 2023

powerboat race poole 2023

Join us for a great days photography on the Solent amongst the action as we capture record chasing speed trials involving various boats as they are put through their paces out on the water. �149.00

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Main image by Alan Platt & Andrew Shapland for illustrative purposes

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powerboat race poole 2023

Racing – Charge, Victor, Charge!

All the action, thrills & spills of the   2023 cowes–torquay–cowes powerboat race..

The annual powerboat event at Cowes once again hit the water over the August Bank Holiday weekend with some 35 boats taking to the water. Amid glorious sunshine, one half of the fleet assembled had their bows firmly aimed in the direction of Torquay, Devon, ready for their marathon 211-mile race west, while the remainder were lining up their horses for a race to Poole 15 minutes behind them. As you can imagine, the frantic pre-race muster points out in the blue waters of the Solent were quite a sight to behold.  

After a short but frustrating delay due to flotsam having to be cleared from the start chute, the boats got underway, thundering down past the Royal Yacht Squadron upon the cannon firing to announce the start of the race. The earlier weather briefing, which had raised expectations of light to moderate winds and settled seas, promised a fast and relatively comfortable ride. Nevertheless, reality hit when an unexpected easterly set in, causing a nasty wind-against-tide chop that quickly set about hammering the hulls of the mixed marathon fleet as they streamed out into open water for the first time. The conditions even reduced the formidable 120mph, 1400hp Outerlimits race boat Silverline, crewed by Drew Langdon and Miles Jennings, to a 67.72mph saunter!  

Langdon and Jennings later described this year’s race as ‘a race of tactics, coupled to unusually testing seas that made the business of balancing the boat a testing affair’. Langdon added: ‘The course proved a lot harder than in previous years. For example, when we broke the Cowes–Torquay–Cowes record in 2021, averaging 94mph and completing the course in just 2 hours, 21 minutes and 5 seconds, the going was in our favour. This year’s race was far more complex, though, as it involved having to adjust our fuel payload fore and aft in order to keep the boat level and performing at its optimum speed in the head-throwing seas. Normally, the forward tank would be used first for increased bow lift, but this just wasn’t an option in the confused seas we were having to negotiate this year.’

powerboat race poole 2023

2nd place CTC TEAM 25 © Graham Stevens

Regardless of her trials, Silverline roared home to victory in 3 hours 7 minutes, taking the Beaverbrook Trophy for the fourth time in a row in what’s regarded as the world’s most famous marathon powerboat race.

In second place, Team 25 Dragon, with Rob Lockyer and Scott Younger at the controls, romped home unhindered. Then following them came the iconic race boat Dry Martini, with its team comprising Nigel Hopcroft, Mike Bontoft and Michael Peet. New team owner/driver Nigel Hopcroft took up the challenge after many years successfully racing motor cars. ‘Whenever I’ve had the opportunity to do so, I’ve really enjoyed offshore racing,’ Hopcroft told PBR. ‘I did a short run of it back in the 1980s, and though most of my time has been spent on the track, I confess that I’m delighted to be back out on the water competing again.’

powerboat race poole 2023

3rd place CTC Dry Martini © Tim Tapping

Dry Martini’s throttleman, Mike Bontoft, added: ‘It’s great to be racing with Nigel. With Michael in the frame too, the three of us make a strong team. But I confess, it’s been quite a busy year for me, not only looking after Dry Martini, but also rebuilding the engines for our fellow challenger, Uno Embassy, crewed by my friends Phil Morris and Gordon McGrath.’  

Uno Embassy, one of the most famous and historic boats in the fleet, finished in fourth place, Bontoff and the Uno Embassy team’s hard work having evidently paid off as she ran without a hitch in the demanding conditions to clear the line a mere length or so behind her old rival, Dry Martini.  

Bad fortune can strike anyone at any time in the world of offshore racing, and the Italian team, Tommy One, whom many had tipped to win this year’s historic race, sadly broke down and had to limp back to Southampton for repairs. But with 2000hp on her tail and at over 6.5 tonnes in weight, she’s quite a beast, and when not dogged by an unfortunate mechanical issue, this boat is known for delivering one of the most level and consistent rides of all the race craft on the circuit.  

powerboat race poole 2023

Retired BLASTOFF © Graham Stevens

In Class 3, the smaller boats, which raced to Poole and back, likewise had a battle on their hands. Isle of Wight islanders Colin Gibson and Richard Jackson in Top Banana, much to the delight of their local supporters, came storming home in first place, having averaged a very respectable 56.91mph. Taking second position were Andy Foster and Charles Morris in their own Renegade 2. Then, in a fine display of vintage flare, who should come rumbling over the line but Hugo Peel, Adrian de Ferranti and Richard Jessel aboard their classic powerboat Thunderstreak. And what a sight to see she was too, playing her valuable part among this diverse and historic display of high-octane craft.  

The organising team, headed by Martin and Laura Levi, worked tirelessly to ensure the event ran smoothly. Martin Raby served as OOD, overseeing the event, with Dale Williams supporting him as safety officer, who in turn was ably assisted by Orry Crews. Race control was run by Shirley Nelthorpe, a position held last year by Sarah Donohue, who this year moved into the role of media and communication officer. The all-important job of scrutineering was headed up by former racer and 4-litre champion Geoff Purves.

powerboat race poole 2023


Like many motor sport events, Cowes–Torquay–Cowes relies on its volunteers, people who are passionate about the sport. They number about 150 folk in all and include many former racers and their families. But it’s primarily the job of the event directors to ensure nothing’s left to chance when it comes to the matter of safety. This means organising rescue divers and other trained personnel out on the water, ready to extract casualties from their canopies in the event of an accident. In fact, medics aboard a small fleet of marshalling boats are scattered all the way down the course, ready to render aid if so required.  

At the conclusion of this year’s event, headline sponsor Richard Carr, himself a former championship racer, stated: ‘I have competed in this classic race many times over the years, but Cowes remains one of my very favourite race venues in all the world. It possesses such a special history, and I think I can speak on behalf of everyone when I say how much we all appreciate the warm welcome afforded us by the island’s people. They make it a pleasure being here. From the standpoint of my company, Fortitudo, we count it an absolute honour to be involved – to give this great event the sponsorship support it so richly deserves.’

powerboat race poole 2023

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Lambs to the slaughter.

powerboat race poole 2023

Following a full restoration in 2021 of the historic Cougar-built racing catamaran Unipart Lambs, its owner Robin Ward, along with throttleman Jeff Hall and navigator Rose Lores, thrilled fans of the boat by entering two key races in the offshore race calendar.

In the 60th-anniversary Cowes–Torquay–Cowes (CTC) race, the boat finished sixth overall and was the fastest boat outside of Class 1 to complete the course. Later in the year, Unipart Lambs performed brilliantly again in the Round the Island (Isle of Wight) race, finishing fourth overall.

Having proved the boat in the 2021 CTC race, the Unipart Lambs team decided to enter the Cowes-Poole-Cowes race this year with sights set on the top step of the podium. But sadly, things really did not go well. Navigator Rose Lores takes up the story:

‘Race day dawned mild and dry, but with a slight wind and a fair chop out in the open waters of the Solent. After the mandatory weather briefing and final preparations, we left Cowes Yacht Haven to wait in the muster area for the start boat. After a short delay involving the clearing of some flotsam by the safety marshals, we were on the move behind the start boat, and then, upon the Green Flag being raised, we forged ahead to the very front of the pack. The boat was absolutely singing, but even so, the going was proving hard for everyone that morning.  

‘Suddenly, just as we were getting into our stride and daring to feel confident, we tore to a stop within a few boat lengths, decelerating dramatically amid an absolute tsunami of water that enveloped the vessel’s entire cockpit canopy. Without a moment’s hesitation, Jeff, our throttleman, instinctively pulled back the throttles, thereby sparing us from further disaster as seawater rushed in with tremendous force through a gaping hole in the tunnel-constructed section of the boat’s hull. The water pressure was striking a bulkhead at the transom, whereupon it was being forced upwards to blow out of the top deck and over our heads. The deluge seemed to go on forever and continued until we had finally lost all forward momentum. Robin, Unipart Lambs’ driver and owner, immediately leapt out of his seat to see what had happened, only to be confronted by the awful sight of the boat’s broken deck and his precious engine bays filling with water. All hands were scrambled to rescue the stowed tools while I raised Race Control to alert them to our plight. To their credit, the latter had two safety boats standing by within minutes. Having grabbed essentials only, we stood on the front portion of the deck watching the rear end of the vessel slowly sink lower and lower into the water. It was clear we had no option but to “abandon ship”.  

powerboat race poole 2023

Unipart Lambs sadly sinking in the background whilst Robin Ward & Jeff Hall are safely onboard the rescue craft.

‘Amid the heaving seas, by the time we’d clambered over the high guard rail and onto the safety vessel, an entire fleet of safety boats had surrounded us, the Cowes RNLI Lifeboat among them! While glad to be safe, we watched in dismay as our beloved Unipart Lambs slowly sank deeper and deeper, until only the very tips of her catamaran prow were visible above the waterline. Robin’s great concern was to somehow achieve a recovery that would allow a saving of not only the boat itself but also its engines, whereupon the latter could be flushed through and filled with oil to save them.

‘The weight of the boat plus all the water she had taken on meant that none of the boats that had so nobly rushed to assist were powerful enough to either right her or even tow her to harbour. In fact, we had to wait some time before a suitable boat arrived, whereupon she could be towed back to Southampton to be craned out and set on her trailer. A very sad and frustrating day indeed. After two hours of being submerged, all the electrical equipment and wiring were ruined, but with rapid action the engines were miraculously saved and are now, at the time of writing, stripped down and cleaned ready for rebuilding.

‘In addition to the flotsam that delayed the race start, we later learned that a second piece of timber had been spotted in the water, which we think may have been the offending article responsible for running Unipart Lambs through.  

‘As you can imagine, in addition to the engine rebuilds, the hull is in need of considerable repair, and, of course, all the electrics will require fully replacing too.

We fully intend to restore this wonderful boat and have her back racing again for the 2023 season. It will take a lot of time and private money, but any help via sponsorship, etc. would be truly appreciated – especially in terms of replacement electronics.

‘We will be documenting the restoration of our beloved Unipart Lambs and publishing the results right here in Powerboat & RIB magazine, likely this spring. So watch this space and wish us well.’  

Get involved

If you would like to get involved in this world-famous event in 2023, please contact [email protected] at the British Powerboat Racing Club communications department for further details. She and the team would be delighted to hear from you.  

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British Powerboat Racing Club

18 September 2024

powerboat race poole 2023

The British Powerboat Racing Club was formed in 2001 following the gala dinner held at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes to celebrate the 40th running of the Cowes-Torquay-Cowes offshore powerboat race.

The Cowes-Torquay launched offshore powerboat racing as a sport in Britain in 1961. Initially sponsored by the Daily Express newspaper, its success encouraged several countries in Europe and the Middle East to follow suit.

Hence, it can rightly claim to have introduced offshore powerboat racing to the rest of the world outside the United States, where the modern sport was launched with the first Miami-Nassau Race in 1956.

The race returns on 24 August 2024, with Experience Kissimmee as the presenting sponsor and racing under Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) rules.

  • Fri Aug 23 - Sun Aug 25 2024 The British Powerboat Racing Club presents the Cowes Powerboat Festival presented by Experience Kissimmee
  • Sat 24 Aug - Cowes - Torquay - Cowes Race 09:00 am start
  • Sat 24 Aug - Cowes - Poole - Cowes Race 09:15 am start
  • Sun 25 Aug - Round the Island Race

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three peaks yacht race 2024

2024 Three Peaks Yacht Race


The three peaks yacht race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world., teams of five sail from barmouth in north wales across to bardsey island and then north up the llŷn peninsula and in to the menai straits to caernarfon. here they will drop two runners off who have to run 25 miles all the way to the summit of snowdon (yr wyddfa in welsh) and back. the sailors must then guide their yacht up to whitehaven by the lake district where the runners must cycle 20 miles to blacksail youth hostel and then run up and down scafell pike before cycling back to whitehaven. the team then sails north to scotland all the way to fort william where two runners will tackle the 16 mile round trip acent of ben nevis., a total of 389 sailing miles, 40 miles of cycling, and 59 miles of running.  it draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds, with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races, sailing & sports clubs, schools, military & company teams. the race starts on sunday july 14th 2024 and new for this year is a two peaks class for those who dont have the time to do the full event..

The entry fee is per team/boat.

See the main website for full details

14th July 2024 14:00
1st June 2024 00:00
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Location & Directions

Merioneth Yacht Club, The Quay, Barmouth, North Wales, LL42 1HB

Get google directions. Enter your postcode below:

Three Peaks Yacht Race

The classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors since 1977

We have partnered with the EntryPoint for easy online entry. (Opens in new window)

For Sailors

2024 notice of race 1.0.

Everything you need to know about entering the event.

2024 Sailing Instructions 1.0

Everything you need to know about sailing the course.

ISAF Monohull Category 3 with Liferaft Inspection Card

Everything you need to know about preparing your monohull boat.

ISAF Multihull Category 3 with Liferaft Inspection Card

Everything you need to know about preparing your multihull boat.

For Runners

2024 running instructions 1.0.

What your runners need to know about completing the mountain legs.

Snowden Route

GPX file showing the Snowden run.

Scafell Pike – Cycle Route

GPX file showing the Scafell Pike cycling section.

Scafell Pike – Run Route

GPX file showing the Scafell Pike running section.

Ben Nevis Route

GPX file showing the Ben Nevis run.

Sail Scotland Logo

Three Peaks 2024

14 july @ 2:00 pm.

Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland.  A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors, since 1977. 

It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds, with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races, sailing & sports clubs, schools, military & company teams. All enter & compete on equal terms.

The race is run under handicap, and is open to both multihills and monohulls, and there is a non-competitive Challenge class available.

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three peaks yacht race 2024


three peaks yacht race 2024


three peaks yacht race 2024

The original Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi- sport endurance races in the world.

It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds & with sailing experience from off- shore cruising to round- the- world races.

Sailing and sports clubs, military and company teams all enter and compete on equal terms in this amazing and spectacular race.

If you have a spirit of adventure, and want to do something unique, this could be just the challenge you are looking for!

Teams of four or five per yacht sail from Barmouth to Fort William, with two of the crew climbing the highest mountains of Wales, England and Scotland, and running the equivalent of three marathons in 3 or 4 days.

three peaks yacht race 2024


three peaks yacht race 2024


  sunday 14 th july 2024.

Three Peaks Link


Craftinsure 2023 MPU

9th South West 3 Peaks Yacht Race set for 7th-9th June 2024

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Three Peaks Yacht Race preview

three peaks yacht race 2024

Three Peaks Yacht Race

Starting sunday 14th july 2024.

three peaks yacht race 2024

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YAT has changed my life in so many ways and I’d just like to say thank you to everybody who’s made this all possible for me!

Kyla, age 16

Home > Support Us > How To Support Us > Take on a challenge > Three Peaks Yacht Race

Join #TeamYAT

Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England and Scotland. A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors!

The Original Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world. 

It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds & with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races, sailing and sports clubs, military and company teams all enter and compete on equal terms.

Registration details

The race is now open to multi-hulls again and they have also introduced a new non-competitive Challenge Class.

?You can purchase your own place  and we’ll support you to raise as much as you can without being committed to a set target.

three peaks yacht race 2024

Self Funded place

You pay the full cost of the event place, fundraise whatever you want with no target or deadline, and no cost to the charity!

The entry fee for the event is £850.00 per boat for both Race and Challenge

Three easy steps

Follow these three steps to join TeamYAT and inspire young lives!

1. Tell us you want to take on the Three Peaks Yacht Race

2. Find out more and book your place

3. Set up your fundraising page

Every day, our Programme Managers are working with vulnerable young people to build resilience, develop confidence and learn skills they can use to face the challenge in their lives. Each place on the Youth Adventure Programme costs £1,300 a year, so every penny you raise will really empower young people to lead positive lives and fulfil their potential.

We’ll support you

Once you sign up to join TeamYAT, we’ll be here to support you throughout all the training for your challenge, and after the big day, to help you reach your personal and fundraising goals. 

You’ll receive:

Fundraising advice  from a team who knows what it’s like to step out of your comfort zone A  fundraising pack  filled with top tips and ideas Regular updates  on how your fundraising makes a difference

Get in touch

Thank you on for your interest in the Three Peaks Yacht Race! Please get in touch with Natalie on [email protected] if you have any questions or to find out more about joining #TeamYAT.

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Free 30 Days of Outdoor Happiness guide

If you’re looking for ideas to keep children entertained and off their screens (for at least 5 minutes!) this summer holiday, get your 30 Days of Outdoor Happiness guide today.

Doing one thing a day that makes you happy can really improve your health, mental well being and make you feel more positive. Developed from our young people’s own ideas, you can use this plan for August or create your own 30 Days of Outdoor Happiness Challenge.

Grab your free 30 Days of Happiness Challenge guide!

three peaks yacht race 2024

The Three Peaks       Yacht Race

Start of the Three Peaks Yacht Race

Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland.    A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors, since 1977. 

Three peaks yacht race results archive.

You can find the prize winners and results by year, and a full

archive of trophy winners and race finishers on the following links.

Results 2014

Results 2015

Results 2016

Results 2017

Results 2018

Results 2019

Results 2021

Results 2022

Race and Tilman Cup Winners

Kings of the Mountains (Damart Cup)

Snowdon (John Morris Jones Cup)

Scafell Pike from Ravenglass

Scafell Pike from Whitehaven

Ben Nevis (Grand Hotel Cup)

Race Positions 1977-1999

Race Positions 1999-present day

 Wearing the race medal - three peaks yacht race

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Rare super blue moon peaks Monday night over the High Desert. What to know.

High Desert stargazers are preparing for the first of four consecutive supermoons in 2024, with the first appearing over Southern California skies on Monday night.

The rare super blue moon's first full appearance began Sunday and will continue through Wednesday morning. But the best viewing is expected to be Monday.

Monday’s moon will be one of the biggest and brightest full moons of the year because of its close distance to the Earth. The moon will appear about 15% brighter than average.

The moon will orbit about 14,000 miles closer to Earth than average, making it a supermoon, according to

Supermoon explained

NASA officials explained that the moon travels around Earth in an elliptical orbit, or an elongated circle, with Earth closer to one side of the ellipse.

Each month, the moon passes through the point closest to Earth (perigee) and the point farthest from Earth (apogee).

When the moon is at or near its closest point to Earth at the same time as it is full, it is called a “supermoon.” During this event, because the full moon is a little bit closer to us than usual, it appears especially large and bright in the sky.

The term "supermoon" was coined by astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979 as either a new or full moon that occurs when the moon is within 90% of its closest approach to Earth.

How rare is the super blue moon?

The August 2023 blue moon carried the name “blue” because it was the second full moon in a single month. However, the blue moon of Aug. 19, 2024, is different, according to EarthSky.

The August blue moon is the third of four full moons in a season, with a single season being defined as the time between a solstice and an equinox. Those moons carry the name Blue Moon as well.

The idea of a blue moon as the second full moon in a month is more recent than the idea of a blue moon as the third of four full moons in a season, EarthSky explained.

The first recorded use of "blue moon" in English dates from 1528. Speculations on the origin of the term include an old English phrase that means "betrayer moon" because it led to mistakes in setting the dates for Lent and Easter.

Or it may be a comparison to rare events such as when dust in the atmosphere makes the moon appear blue. Since the 1940s the term "blue moon" has also been used for the second full moon in a month that has two full moons.

The last seasonal blue moon was in August 2021, with the next one in May 2027. Another monthly blue moon should occur in May 2026, according to EarthSky.

While supermoons and blue moons occur fairly regularly when they align, it is rare, typically occurring about every 10 years. The last monthly super blue moon happened a year ago, but the next super blue moon of both varieties is not expected until 2037.

Sturgeon moon

Monday’s full moon is also a sturgeon moon, named because of the giant lake sturgeon – the native freshwater fish of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain that was readily caught during this part of summer, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

The Old Farmer's Almanac , which first began publishing the names for the full moons in the 1930s, said the sturgeon was a primary food source for Native Americans who lived near the two lakes.

More supermoons in 2024 include the harvest moon

The next full moon will be the harvest moon on Sept. 17. In addition to being one of the best-known full moons of the year, part of the moon will pass through Earth's shadow during the night, causing it to become partially eclipsed.

The closest full moon of the year will be the hunter's moon on Oct. 17. The full beaver moon will appear on Nov. 15

Daily Press reporter Rene Ray De La Cruz may be reached at [email protected] . Follow him on X @DP_ReneDeLaCruz

This article originally appeared on Victorville Daily Press: Rare super blue moon peaks Aug. 19 over the High Desert

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A Pacific Rim prequel series is being developed by the scriptwriter of Bird Box

The next entry in the Pacific Rim franchise could be an origin story for the universe, set before the events of the 2013 film by Guillermo del Toro.

Mike Lynch, recently acquitted in HP-Autonomy fraud case, is missing after yacht capsized off Sicily (updated)

Original article continues below. Mike Lynch, the investor and high-profile founder of U.K. tech firm Autonomy, has been declared missing at sea after the yacht he was on, the Bayesian, capsized in a storm off the coast of Sicily early Monday morning. Lynch's wife, Angela Bacares, is one of the 15 who have been rescued.

Mortgage and refinance rates today, August 20, 2024: Experts predict rates will keep falling

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Pakistan's PostEx to enter new markets, starting with Saudi Arabia

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Bust alert! 13 players to avoid early in your drafts | Yahoo Fantasy Forecast

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What margins? AI's business model is changing fast, says Cohere founder

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Luxury superyacht sinks off Italy coast in freak storm. 6 people, including British tech magnate Mike Lynch, are still missing.

Six passengers are still unaccounted for after a luxury superyacht capsized off the coast of Sicily. Tech entrepreneur Mike Lynch is among those missing, along with his 18-year-old daughter.

United States announces team for 2024 Paralympics, with 225 members heading to Paris

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2025 Nissan Altima loses turbo engine, gains a few new options

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Barnaul, Altai Krai (Siberia)

Barnaul is the administrative center of the Altai Krai [Altai Territory] which had been created in 1937. In the years following the 1941 Deportation of the Volga Germans, many Volga German families moved from the rural settlements in the Altai Krai into the city of Barnaul.

During World War II, more than half of the light ammunition used by the Soviet Army was manufactured in Barnaul in factories that had been relocated there from Moscow, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), Odessa, and Kharkov following the invasion of the Nazis.

- Barnaul (Wikipedia)

three peaks yacht race 2024

Barnaul street scene. Source: Marina Webber.

three peaks yacht race 2024

Panorama of Barnaul (2007). Source: Russian Wikipedia.

Pre-Volga Origin

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Barnaul – the view from above

No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Cities , Photos , Travel

Barnaul is a city with a population of about 632 thousand people located in the south of Western Siberia at the confluence of the Barnaulka and the Ob rivers, the administrative center of the Altai Krai .

It was founded as a settlement at the Akinfiy Demidov silver smelting plant in 1730. The blast furnace on the city’s coat of arms reminds of those times. Today, it is a large industrial, cultural, medical, and educational center of Siberia . Photos by: Slava Stepanov .

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 1

Nagorniy (Highland) Park located on a 175-meter hill.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 2

The seven-meter sign “BARNAUL” is installed on the hillside.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 3

From the top of the stairs leading to the top of the hill, you can enjoy beautiful views of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 4

Sovetov Square – the main square of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 5

Administration of the Altai Krai.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 6

Administration of Barnaul and the City Duma.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 8

October Square – one of the central squares and the main road junction of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 9

“House with the Spire” – one of the main architectural symbols of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 10

Lenin Avenue – the main street of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 11

Altai Regional Drama Theater named after V.M. Shukshin.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 12

Znamensky Church (1853-1858).

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 13

Krasnoarmeysky Avenue – one of the central streets of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 14

The intersection of Lenin Avenue and Gogol Street.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 15

Altai Regional Philharmonic.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 16

Pedestrian Malo-Tobolskaya Street, which is called the Barnaul Arbat.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 17

Church of John the Baptist in Nagorniy Park.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 18

Barnaul Railway Station. On the left you can see the building of the old railway station (1914).

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 19

The railway bridge (1915) over the Ob River.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 20

The Ob River.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 21

New apartment buildings in the western part of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 22

The 25-story residential building on Guschina Street, 150/3 – the highest building in Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 23

Church of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (2009).

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 24

Youth football school of Olympic reserve named after Alexei Smertin.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 25

Arlekino Park.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 26

Regional Clinical Hospital – the largest health care institution in the Altai Krai.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 27

Barnaul Thermal Power Plant #3, which provides half of the housing stock of Barnaul with heat and hot water.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 28

Night lights of Barnaul.

Barnaul, Russia - the view from above, photo 30

Tags:  Altai krai · Barnaul city

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three peaks yacht race 2024

There are two large regions called Altai: the Altai Republic with the administrative center in Gorno-Altaysk and the Altai Krai with its capital Barnaul. The most famous attractions are in the Altai Mountains, but you can also spend some great days in Altai Krai. Here I am telling you where to go in the Altai Krai to have a great time.

Visit Belokurikha - to walk along a terrenkur

three peaks yacht race 2024

Visit Altayskoye - to learn all about Altai herbs

three peaks yacht race 2024

Visit Basargino and experience life in a modern village

three peaks yacht race 2024

Basargino looks like it was created in some kind of computer simulation game. And there, on a little piece of land you need to arrange cozy wooden comfortable houses, a farm, a church, a cafe and a restaurant with insanely delicious meals, an apiary, lakes with fish, a chicken coop and pastures. You also should have cows, pigs, goats and sheep. And also wolves and yaks to make the visitors even more delighted.

three peaks yacht race 2024

Visit the forge in Belokurikha and forge a horseshoe for good luck 

three peaks yacht race 2024

There is not a feminine equivalent for a blacksmith, therefore I will simply introduce Anna Biletskaya as the blacksmith. Anna, armed with a heavy hammer and an anvil, is able to forge a horseshoe for a horse in 15 minutes and a decorative horseshoe for luck in only 10 minutes. Well the last one is more in demand lately. Anna opened her smithy to visitors a few years ago. This blacksmith in a skirt shows the whole process during her short master classes: first heat a piece of metal over a fire, then take a hammer and beat it well on the anvil, pull it back, then bend it and put it back into the fire. Finally, cool and clean it.

three peaks yacht race 2024

Visit "The Gold of Altai"(Zoloto Altaya) - to bath in Sanduny or to ride a horse

three peaks yacht race 2024

A hot bath filled with herbs such as hypericum, yarrow, camomile and also a rejuvenating bathtub -  these are the Russian answer to the best Asian spa with plumeria flowers. Well, the Altai version looks more brutal, but you will quickly feel the great effect. The herbs are collected and specially prepared here, in "The Gold of Altai" eco-hotel on the shore of the lake. Bathhouses are warmed up in both old Russian traditional ways: the "black" banya (a smoke goes out of bathhouse through cracks in wooden walls) and the "white" banya (a smoke goes out of the bathhouse through a pipe). The professional bath attendants will help guests adjust the right amount of steam and smack them briskly all over their bodies with special bath brooms. The largest horse farm in this district is also located in the hotel area; you should not miss the chance to ride a horse at least around the local territory.

three peaks yacht race 2024

What else to do in Altai:

  • Take a walk through the pine forest near Barnaul
  • Stop by the village of Srostki, where Vasily Shukshin (the soviet movie director) was born
  • Spend a day at the "Biruzovaya Katun" Resort
  • Take a walk along Biysk and visit the museum of the Chuysky Tract
  • Relax in the "Altay Palace", check-in to the only official gaming zone in Siberia
  • Go to Lake Aya

three peaks yacht race 2024

You can see the photo report about Altai Krai and Altai Mountains here .

Also read about Altai: The Princess of Ukok The most beautiful places of the Altai Mountains Looking for a snow leopard A female Blacksmith: The Mother-anvil Karakol Valley: Protected by Spirits Translation: Irina Romanova, Instagram:   @astrabella1

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Jackie Daly

Family fun in Devon

Gone Wild Festival in Devon

Gone Wild Festival

When: 22 to 25 August

Where: Exminster, Devon

A last-minute escape where the children can let off steam. The Devonshire leg of this outdoor adventure festival at Powderham Castle – headlined by Bear Grylls – still has tickets for its four-day smorgasbord of activities. The family pass (£510 for two adults and two children) includes camping for the duration and activities such as kayaking, rugby sessions by Rugby for Heroes , archery and climbing walls, as well as music (bands include James, The Feeling and Ash) and speaker sessions with explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Olympic athlete Mark Ormrod. Evening-only tickets for the bands are from £42.50.

Silverstone pays tribute to Senna

Vintage Formula One cars at Silverstone Festival

Silverstone Festival

When: 23 to 25 August

Where: Towcester, Northamptonshire

An annual petrolheads’ pilgrimage, this event runs from qualifiers on the Friday to race days on the Saturday and Sunday, which include Formula One three-litre cars from ’66 to ’85. The show also pays homage to F1 legend Ayrton Senna, with its biggest-ever display of Senna-driven cars at Silverstone – the circuit where the Brazilian won more races than anywhere else. Elsewhere, there are plenty of food and wine tastings, stunt shows and live music, including an appearance by Sophie Ellis-Bextor. Evening tickets are priced from £25.

A bibliophile gathering in north London

Author and playwright Alan Bennett will speak at Queen’s Park Book Festival

Queen’s Park Book Festival 

When: 31 August to 1 September

Where: Queen’s Park, Kingswood Avenue, London NW 6

Alan Bennett is top of the bill at this book-lovers’ gathering with the charm of a village fête. He takes to the stage on Saturday alongside documentarians Adam Low and Martin Rosenbaum to discuss his life, work and forthcoming documentary celebrating his 90th birthday (to be aired on the BBC this autumn). On the same day, author Elif Shafak discusses her new novel There Are Rivers in the Sky , while critic and broadcaster Jay Rayner looks back on 25 years of reviewing restaurants. On Sunday, Michael Palin discusses his new book uncovering the life of his great-uncle, who died in the trenches of northern France. Tickets are available per event from £8 – and events in the community tents are free.

Goodwood’s vintage parade 

Jackie Stewart reunited with his championship winning Tyrrell

Goodwood Revival

When: 6 to 8 September

Where : near Chichester, West Sussex

A chance to dress in vintage chic and check out classic cars. Transporting visitors back to the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s, it lines up stars from the worlds of Formula 1, Le Mans, the Isle of Man TT, NASCAR, IndyCar, Formula E, touring cars and MotoGP. Expect appearances from F1 legend Sir Jackie Stewart and former world champion Jacques Villeneuve, plus a vintage fun fair, a drive-in cinema and a celebration of Britain’s first televised Western on its 75th anniversary, complete with cowboys. The event sells out fast but admission-only tickets are available for the Saturday, priced from £80 per person, in addition to hospitality tickets.

Financial Times all-stars

The FT Weekend Festival at Kenwood House in London

FT Weekend Festival

When:  7 September

Where: Kenwood House, Hampstead Heath, London NW3

FT journalists meet politicians, power players, authors, actors and more for a day of lively debate, alongside tastings, masterclasses and general pet parading on the lawn of Kenwood House. This year’s extravaganza on the Heath hosts luminaries such as actors John Lithgow and Lesley Sharp, entrepreneur Deborah Meaden, author Plum Sykes and architect, artist and filmmaker Jayden Ali. There are book signings, complimentary spa treatments and places to eat, including Ottolenghi. Subscriber tickets are £178 each and non subscriber passes are £190 each.

Flat-racing for foodies at Ascot

Live cooking demonstrations at The Big Ascot Food & Wine Festival

The Big Ascot Food & Wine Festival 

When: 6 to 7 September

Where: Ascot, Berkshire

A new event in the calendar marries flat-racing with artisanal food. Between bets, racegoers can mingle among artisan food stalls, try barbecue at the Smoke & Fire pop-up, take in live music or head down to the Furlong Club to watch live cooking demonstrations. Chefs taking to the stage include Alex Payne, Adam Smith, Sarah Frankland, Ascot’s Ben Dutson and Farmer Tom. Adult admission for the Queen Anne Enclosure is £20.

A fire walk for David Lynch fans

A Gathering Of The Angels includes David Lynch-adjacent panel talks, costume competitions and screenings

A Gathering of the Angels: The Films and Fandom of David Lynch 

When: 14 to 15 September

Where: London Irish Centre, Camden, London NW1

This homage to the Mulholland Drive director will host actors who have starred in his films, alongside panel talks, costume competitions and a screening of Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me . Appearances include Dana Ashbrook, who played Bobby Briggs in Twin Peaks ; Sabrina S Sutherland, Lynch’s right-hand woman; and Lesley Dunlop, who starred in The Elephant Man. On the Saturday expect to see Robert Engels, co-writer of Twin Peaks, and cinematographer Ron Garcia, speaking on online panels. There is live evening music in “Slow Club”, a space recreated from the Blue Velvet set design. VIP tickets, £310; weekend admission, £170; day tickets, £93.50

London Design Festival heads east and west

Reimagined Paul Smith pieces by Artek

London Design Festival

When: 14 to 22 September

Where: city-wide

LDF is across both sides of the city this September. To the east, in Shoreditch, Vitra has teamed up with Artek at Tramshed to show reimagined pieces by Paul Smith, while Lee Broom is debuting his Alchemist lighting collection; in the west, Focus/24 at Chelsea Harbour’s Design Centre showcases launches, talks and tours, and the Brompton Quarter ( ) features an array of events too, including a survey of working with wood at the Sarah Myerscough Gallery . Most of the events are free, see the programme for details.

Oxford celebrates in song

Roderick Williams and Iain Burnside in performance

Oxford International Song Festival 

When: 11 to 26 October

Where: Oxford

With 70 events across the city, including in the Levine Building at Trinity College, this fortnight-long celebration of song offers evening recitals complemented by events focused around chamber and choral music, talks, tours and masterclasses. It will also stage world premieres, including Kafka-inspired work by Can Bilir, and a reimagining of the Bhagavad Gita by Indian-American composer Reena Esmail. Some events are free, others are priced between £4 and £34.

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three peaks yacht race 2024

The Three Peaks Yacht Race. Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland. A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors, since 1977. The Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world.

Welcome to the Two Peaks. We get it. Not everyone has time to deliver a boat to Barmouth and sail up to Fort William before getting the boat back to it's home. New for 2024 is the Two Peaks. Two mountains and 150-200 miles of sailing. Still a feat of endurance and a great start for first timers.

Barmouth to Fort William Three Peaks Yacht Race, Barmouth. 3,244 likes · 1 talking about this · 144 were here. It is hoped there will be plenty of entries from competitors for the next race in 2025. Barmouth to Fort William Three Peaks Yacht Race, Barmouth. 3,248 likes · 2 talking about this · 144 were here. ...

A total of 389 sailing miles, 40 miles of cycling, and 59 miles of running. It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds, with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races, sailing & sports clubs, schools, military & company teams. The race starts on Sunday July 14th 2024 and new for this year is a Two Peaks class ...

Three Peaks Yacht Race The classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors since 1977 Home; Guide Menu Toggle. Route; FAQs; Enter; History; Results Menu Toggle. ... 2024 Notice of Race 1.0. Everything you need to know about entering the event. 2024 Sailing Instructions 1.0.

About the Three Peaks Yacht Race. Teams of four or five per yacht sail from Barmouth to Fort William, with two of the crew climbing the highest mountains of Wales, England and Scotland en route. The land stages to Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis involve running 54.8 miles, cycling 40 miles, and climbing 16,500 feet in 3 or 4 action packed days.

Online entries have just opened for 2024. with special early bird discount prices. Enter now and start getting excited at...

Barmouth to Fort William Three Peaks Yacht Race, Barmouth. 3,245 likes · 144 were here. The 46th race starts on a Sunday for the first ever time at Barmouth, on July 14th 2024 Enter Soon!

14 July @ 2:00 pm. Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland. A classic adventure race for teams of runners and sailors, since 1977. It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds, with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the ...

Entering the Three Peaks Yacht Race. If you have any inquiries about the race please contact the Race Secretary via the home page link. The race is now open to multi-hulls again! We have also introduced a new non-competitive Challenge Class. The entry fee for the event is £1250.00 per team for both Race & Challenge.

Saturday 26th April 2025 10.30 start. Please read the following important information for all competitors in the 2025 race. A printable pdf document is also available HERE. VERY IMPORTANT - Read and be fully aware of the Three Peaks Race rules as covered on the website under ' Race Information ' and also the 'FRA ...

A remarkable multi-sport endurance race which starts in Barmouth and finishes in Fort William, competitors sailing up the Wild West Coast, and running to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England and Scotland.

The original Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world.It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds & with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races.Sailing and sports clubs, military and company teams all enter and compete on equal terms in this amazing and spectacular race.

Videos of the Barmouth to Fort William 3 Peaks Yacht Race, which is now in its 40th year. It is one of the great sailing and adventure challenges and renowned (and copied) around the world - but ...

The race which will appeal to those outdoor types who are always seeking a new challenge. Each crew can consist of 4,5 or 6 members, any 2 of whom must get to each of the 3 "Peaks". Posted on 26 Apr 2015 South West 3 'Peaks' Yacht Race 2014 Sailing, cycling and running in June The race was inspired by my participation in the Barmouth to Fort ...

The Barmouth to Fort William Three Peaks Yacht Race, to take place this year from June 27th, combines yachting, mountain running and cycling into one of the greatest adventure challenges in British sport. ... The 470 is the Mixed Dinghy at Paris 2024 The 470 is the Mixed Dinghy at Paris 2024. Germany's Anna Markfort and Simon Diesch give us ...

The Three Peaks Yacht Race is held each year in June in the United Kingdom since 1977. It is based on an idea of Bill Tilman, who had advocated a Three Peaks Challenge route without using motorised transport. His doctor, Rob Haworth, with colleague Merfyn Jones developed the idea into a race. Yachts with five crews, comprising sailors and runners, sail from Barmouth on the West Wales coast to ...

The Original Three Peaks Yacht Race is one of the oldest and most remarkable multi-sport endurance races in the world. It draws competitors from all sporting backgrounds & with sailing experience from off-shore cruising to round-the-world races, sailing and sports clubs, military and company teams all enter and compete on equal terms.

Race and Tilman Cup Winners. Kings of the Mountains (Damart Cup) Snowdon (John Morris Jones Cup) Scafell Pike from Ravenglass. Scafell Pike from Whitehaven. Ben Nevis (Grand Hotel Cup) Race Positions 1977-1999. Race Positions 1999-present day. 3 Peaks Yacht Race Results archive including winners and finishers of past races.

But the super blue moon peaks on Aug. 19. ... High Desert stargazers are preparing for the first of four consecutive supermoons in 2024, with the first appearing over Southern California skies on Monday night. ... Lynch, the investor and high-profile founder of U.K. tech firm Autonomy, has been declared missing at sea after the yacht he was on ...

The 25-story residential building on Guschina Street, 150/3 - the highest building in Barnaul. Church of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (2009). Youth football school of Olympic reserve named after Alexei Smertin. Arlekino Park. Regional Clinical Hospital - the largest health care institution in the Altai Krai.

The largest lake is Lake Teletskoye, which is 80 km (50 mi) long and 5 km (3.1 mi) wide, has an area of 230.8 square kilometers (89.1 sq mi), and has a maximum depth of 325 meters (1,066 ft). The mountain lakes of Altai contain enormous freshwater reserves of a very pure quality as a result of their distance from civilization. [ 14 ]

Where to go to have a great time. There are two large regions called Altai: the Altai Republic with the administrative center in Gorno-Altaysk and the Altai Krai with its capital Barnaul. The most famous attractions are in the Altai Mountains, but you can also spend some great days in Altai Krai. Here I am telling you where to go in the Altai ...

An annual petrolheads' pilgrimage, this event runs from qualifiers on the Friday to race days on the Saturday and Sunday, which include Formula One three-litre cars from '66 to '85.


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    Silverline @ the 2023 Poole Bay 100 - Offshore Powerboat RaceDrew Langdon and Miles Jennings

  6. Racing

    All the action, thrills & spills of the 2023 Cowes-Torquay-Cowes powerboat race. The annual powerboat event at Cowes once again hit the water over the ... Having proved the boat in the 2021 CTC race, the Unipart Lambs team decided to enter the Cowes-Poole-Cowes race this year with sights set on the top step of the podium. But sadly, things ...

  7. the 2023 Poole Bay 100

    Vintage Torque @ the 2023 Poole Bay 100 - Offshore Powerboat Race

  8. Poole Bay 100 Classic

    Poole Bay 100 Classic, Poole, Dorset. 1,578 likes · 179 talking about this. 2024 UKOPRA Offshore Championship Round 2 - Race Day Sunday June 16th Classes 1 / 1L / 2 / 3 Organised by World...

  9. Cowes to Torquay Classic Powerboat Offshore Races 2023

    24/08/2023. This weekend saw the 2023 Cowes to Torquay & Cowes to Poole Classic Powerboat Offshore Race, starting on the morning of Sunday 27th Aug. We were luckily enough to see some of the amazing Powerboats taking part in the races, whilst completing one of our many Powerboat Training Courses in the Solent area. With Boats capable of ...

  10. Welcome

    The British Powerboat Racing Club was formed in 2001 following the gala dinner held at the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes to celebrate the 40th running of the Cowes-Torquay-Cowes offshore powerboat race. ... Sat 24 Aug - Cowes - Poole - Cowes Race 09:15 am start; Sun 25 Aug - Round the Island Race; Fri Aug 23 - Sun Aug 25 2024 The British ...

  11. PDF Racing Instructions

    2 Poole Bay 100 Racing Instructions Powerboat Racing is by its nature a dangerous sport and therefore inherently involves an element of risk. ... All competitors should hold a 2023 UKOPRA Racing Licence. The maximum number of crew on board is 6, the minimum age for all racing crew members is 18 years old. ...

  12. British Powerboat Racing Club

    British Powerboat Racing Club, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, United Kingdom. 33,750 likes · 1,115 talking about this · 391 were here. Offshore 'Open Sea'... Offshore 'Open Sea' Powerboat Racing UK


    The Cowes Poole Cowes race will count as Round 5 of the 2023 UKOPRA World Championship for Offshore 2, 3 B, C, D and E classes. The outright winner of the race will be awarded with the Speciality Breads Claret Jug and Cowes Town Cup (not including Class 2 entries). Licences All competitors should hold a 2023 UKOPRA Racing Licence.

  14. Team 25 @ the 2023 Poole Bay 100

    Team 25 @ the 2023 Poole Bay 100 - Offshore Powerboat Race

  15. PDF LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 48(T) of 2023

    Cowes-Torquay-Cowes and Cowes-Poole-Cowes Powerboat Races will take place on Sunday 27 August 2023 times as below. Safety Control will be at the Royal Yacht Squadron (RYS) and Race Officials will operate from there throughout the event. Up to 35 boats, 6 - 12m in length, are expected to take part across the two races.

  16. Round 3 of the 2023 UKOPRA offshore powerboat racing ...

    Round 3 of the 2023 UKOPRA offshore powerboat racing championship is coming to Lymington. The Lymington Challenge, will be hosted by Berthon on July 7th and 8th. The race will start at 13:00 on Saturday 8th July and will include 7 classes, ranging from local racer Bligh Julius in a 50 hp ThunderCat to Rob Lockyer's 47′ Team 25 Good Boy ...

  17. Formula 1 Powerboat World Championship

    An F1 powerboat rounding a buoy. The Formula 1 Powerboat World Championship (also F1) is an international motorboat racing competition for powerboats organised by the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) and promoted by H2O Racing, hence it often being referred to as F1H2O.It is the highest class of inshore powerboat racing in the world, and as such, with it sharing the title of F1, is ...

  18. Sarasota Powerboat Grand Prix—Where To Watch And When To Watch It

    Following a full-month break, offshore returns this weekend with the Powerboat P1-produced 40th annual Sarasota Powerboat Grand Prix. The Southwest Florida event boasts racing on both Saturday and Sunday. With seven teams currently registered, the event-closing Super Cat-class race promises to the a thriller.

  19. PDF Cowes

    Cowes - Poole - Cowes Offshore Powerboat Race 26TH AND 27TH AUGUST 2023 Class 3E, 3D, 3C, 3B and ThunderCat Round 5 - 2023 UKOPRA Offshore Championship Organised by: B.P.R.C. Event Management Ltd 83 High Street, Cowes, Isle of Wight PO31 7AJ Tel: +44 (0) 1983 290558

  20. sbi offshore powerboat racing

    Resort Amenities; The Madda Fella Store; Contact & Directions; Accessibility; Rooms & Suites; Guest Rooms; Oceanfront Penthouse; Accessible Rooms; Packages & Offers; Hot Tin Roof

  21. oulton broad powerboat racing fixtures

    Updated 29th March 2024. The Oulton Broad Motor Boat Club. WHO AND WHAT ARE WE ABOUT. The Club is generally known as the OBMBC and it was first formed in 1993 by a group of like-m

  22. Uno Embassy @ the 2023 Poole Bay 100

    Uno Embassy @ the 2023 Poole Bay 100 - Offshore Powerboat Race

  23. three peaks yacht race 2024

    The Three Peaks Yacht Race. Sail up the wild West Coast and run to the summits of Snowdon, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, the highest peaks of Wales, England & Scotland. A classic ad