Nomadic Sailing

Sailing Terminology List: 300+ Sailing Terms

Three sailboats on water

There’s a massive amount of sailing terms that any sailor will eventually learn with time and it can seem daunting essentially learning a new language.

Need to know sailing terminology will help you out when communicating with your crew members and captains of other vessels, so having a sailing terminology list handy can do a lot of good.

That’s why I put together this list of common sailing terms that’ll help you out the next time you head out on the water.

Aback – A foresail when against the wind, used when tacking to help the vessel turn. Abaft – Toward the stern, relative to some object. Abeam – On the beam, a relative bearing at right angles to the ship’s keel. Aboard – On or in a vessel. Adrift – A boat drifting without being propelled. Aft – At or towards the stern or behind the boat. Aground – A boat whose keel is touching the bottom. Amidships – The middle section of a vessel with reference to the athwartships plane, as distinguished from port or starboard. Apparent wind – The wind felt aboard a moving boat. Astern – Behind the stern of the boat. Athwartships – Across the boat from side to side.

Backstay – The standing rigging running from the stern to the top of the mast, keeping the mast from falling forward. Bail – To empty the boat of water. Ballast – Weight in the keel of a boat that provides stability. Barometer – An instrument that measures air pressure, an aid to forecasting the weather. Batten – A thin wood or fiberglass slat that slides into a pocket in the leech of a sail, helping to maintain an aerodynamic shape. Beam – The width of a boat at its widest point. Beam reach – Sailing in a direction at approximately 90 degrees to the wind. Bear away – To “fall off” or head away from the wind. Bearing – The direction from one object to another expressed in compass degrees. Beating – A course sailed upwind. Below – The area of a boat beneath the deck. Bend – To attach a sail to a spar or a headstay or to attach a line to a sail. Bight – A loop in a line. Bilge – The lowest part of a boat’s interior where water on board will collect. Bitter end – The end of a line. Blanket – To use the sail or object to block the wind from filling a sail. Block – A pulley on a boat. Boat hook – A pole with a hook on the end used for grabbing hold of a mooring or retrieving something that has fallen overboard. Boltrope – The rope that is sewn into the foot and luff of some mainsails and the luff of some jibs by which the sails are attached to the boat. Boom – The spar extending directly aft from the mast to which the foot of the mainsail is attached. Boom vang – A block and tackle system, which pulls the boom down to assist sail control. Bottom – The underside of a boat. Bow – The forward part of the boat. Bowline – A line running from the bow of the boat to the dock or mooring. Bow spring – A line running from the bow of the boat parallel to the dock or mooring that stops the boat from moving forward along the dock. Bowline – A knot designed to make a loop that will not slip and can be easily untied. Breast line – A short line leading directly from the boat to the dock. Broach – An uncontrolled rounding up into the wind, usually from a downwind point of sail. Broad reach – Sailing in a direction with the wind at the rear corner (the quarter) of the boat. Approximately 135 degrees from the bow of the boat. Bulkhead – A wall that runs athwartships on a boat, usually providing structural support to the hull. Buoy – A floating navigation marker. Buoyancy – The ability of an object to float. Bulwark – A solid side wall, often about waist high, from the outside edge of the deck to prevent someone from falling overboard. Burdened vessel – The vessel required to give way for another boat when the two may be on a collision course. By the Lee – A sailboat running with the wind coming over the same side of the boat as the boom.

Cabin – The interior of the boat. Can – In the U.S., it’s an odd-numbered green buoy marking the left side of the channel when returning to harbor. Capsize – To tip or turn a boat over. Cast off – To release a line when leaving a dock or mooring. Catamaran – A twin-hulled vessel with a deck or trampoline between the hulls. Catboat – A boat with only a mainsail and an unstayed mast located at the bow. Centerboard – A pivoting board that can be lowered and used like a keel to keep a boat from slipping to leeward. Centerline – The midline of the boat running from bow to stern. Chafe – Wear on a line caused by rubbing. Chainplates – Strong metal plates which connect the shrouds to the boat. Channel – A (usually narrow) lane, marked by buoys, in which the water is deep enough to allow a vessel safe passage. Chart – A nautical map. Charter – To rent a boat. Chock – A guide mounted on the deck through which dock lines and anchor rode are run. Chop – Rough, short, steep waves. Cleat – A nautical fitting that is used to secure a line. Clew – The lower aft corner of a sail. The clew of the mainsail is held taut by the outhaul. The jib sheets are attached to the clew of the jib. Close hauled – The point of sail that is closest to the wind when the sails are hauled close to the centerline of the boat. Close reach – Sailing in a direction with the wind forward of the beam (about 70o from the bow). Coaming – The short protective wall that surrounds the cockpit or hatch. Cockpit – The lower area of the deck in which the steering and sail controls are located. Coil – To loop a line neatly so it can be stored, or a reel of line. Come about – To alter course so as to cause the bow of the boat to pass through the eye of the wind. Companionway – The steps leading from the cockpit or deck to the cabin below. Compass – The magnetic instrument which indicates the direction in which the boat is headed. Compass rose – The circles on a chart which indicate the direction of true and magnetic north. Course – The direction in which the boat is being steered. Crew – Besides the skipper, anyone on board who helps run the boat. Cunningham – A line running through a grommet a short distance above the tack of the mainsail which is used to tension the luff of the main. Current – The horizontal movement of water caused by tides, wind, and other forces. Cutter – A single-masted boat rigged with both jib and staysail.

Daysailer – A small sailboat. Dead downwind – Sailing in a direction straight downwind. Deck – The mostly flat area on top of the boat. De-power – Reducing the power in the sails by luffing, easing the sheets, or stalling. Dinghy – A small sailboat or rowboat. Displacement – The weight of the boat; therefore the amount of water that it displaces. Dock – The quay or pontoon where a boat may be tied up. Dockline – A line used to secure a boat to the dock. Dodger – A canvas protection in front of the cockpit of some boats that are designed to keep spray off the skipper and crew. Downhaul – A line used to pull down on the movable gooseneck on some boats to tension the luff of the mainsail. Draft – The depth of a boat’s keel from the surface of the water.

Ease – To let out a line or sail. Ebb – An outgoing tide.

Fairlead – A fitting that guides sheets and other lines in a way that reduces friction and therefore chafe. Fairway – The center of a channel. Fake – Lay out a line on the deck using large loops to keep it from becoming tangled. Fall off – Alter course away from the wind. Fast – To secure something. Fathom – A measure of the depth of water. One fathom equals six feet. Fender – An inflated rubber or plastic bumper used to protect a boat by keeping it from hitting the dock. Fend off – To push off. Fetch – The distance of open water to windward between the shore and the boat. Fid – A tapered spike used to open the lay of a rope when splicing. Flood – An incoming tide. Following sea – Wave pattern hitting the stern of the boat. Foot – The bottom edge of the sail. Fore – Another word for “forward”. Forepeak – An accommodation or storage area in the bow below the deck. Foresail – A jib or genoa. Forestay – The standing rigging running from the bow to the mast top and to which the foresail is secured. Forward – Towards the bow. Fouled – Another word for “tangled”. Fractional rig – When the forestay is attached to the mast some distance below the top. Foul weather gear – Water resistant clothing. Freeboard – The height of the hull above the water’s surface. Full – Not luffing. Furl – To fold or roll up a sail.

Gaff – On some boats, a spar along the top edge of a four-sided fore and aft sail. Genoa – A large foresail whose clew extends aft of the mast. Give way vessel – The vessel required, by the regulations, to give way in a collision situation. G.M.T. – Greenwich Mean Time. The time at the prime meridian in Greenwich, London, England. Now referred to as Universal Time Coordinated U.T.C. Gooseneck – The strong fitting that connects the boom to the mast. Great Circle – A line drawn on a chart which is accurate over a long distance, a section of the Earth which intersects the center of the Earth. Grommet – A reinforcing ring set in a sail. Ground tackle – Collective term for the anchor and rode (chain and line). Gudgeon – A fitting attached to the stern into which the pintles of a rudder are inserted. Gunwale – The edge of the deck where it meets the topsides. Gybe – Another alternative spelling of “jibe”.

Halyard – A line used to raise or lower a sail. Hank – A snap hook which is used to secure the luff of a foresail to the forestay. Hard a-lee – The call given to the crew that will initiate the action of tacking. Hard over – To turn the helm or tiller as far as possible in one direction. Hatch – A large covered opening in the deck. Haul in – To tighten a line. Head – The toilet on a boat as well as the top corner of a sail. Headboard – The small reinforcing board affixed to the head of a sail. Headed – A wind shift which causes the boat to head down or causes the sails to be sheeted in. Heading – The direction of the boat expressed in degrees. Head down – Changing course away from the wind. Head off – Another word for “head down”. Head up – Changing course towards the wind. Headsail – A jib/genoa attached to the forestay. Headstay – The standing rigging running from the bow to the top of the mast. Head to wind – When the bow of the boat is dead into the wind. Headway – Forward progress. Heave – To throw. Heave to – To hold one’s position in the water by using the force of the sails and the rudder to counteract each other. Holding ground – The seabed or bottom ground in an anchorage. Hove to – A boat that has completed the process of heaving to with its aback, its main trimmed, and its rudder positioned to hold the vessel close to the wind. Heavy weather – Strong winds and large waves. Heel – The lean of the boat caused by the wind. Helm – The tiller. Helmsman – The person responsible for steering the boat. Hull – The body of the boat, excluding the rig and sails. Hull speed – The theoretical maximum speed of a sailboat determined by the length of its waterline.

Inboard – Inside of the rail of the boat. In irons – A boat that is head to wind and unable to move or maneuver.

Jackstay – A wire or webbing strap attached at the front and back of a vessel along the deck to which a safety harness line may be clipped. Jib – The small forward sail of a boat that is attached to the forestay. Jibe – To change the direction of the boat by steering the stern through the wind. Jibe oh – The command given to the crew when starting a jibe. Jiffy reef – A quick reefing system allowing a section of the mainsail to be pulled down and tied to the boom. Jury rig – An improvised temporary repair.

Kedge – A smaller anchor than the main or bower anchor. Often used for maneuvering or kedging off. Kedge off – To use an anchor to pull a boat into deeper water after it has run aground. Keel – The heavy vertical fin beneath a boat that helps keep it upright and prevents it from slipping sideways in the water. Ketch – A two-masted sailboat on which the mizzen (after) mast is lower than the mainmast and is located forward of the rudderpost. Knockdown – A boat heeled so far that one of its spreaders touches the water. Knot – One nautical mail per hour.

Land breeze – A wind that blows over the land and out to sea. Lash – To tie down. Lay – To sail a course that will clear an obstacle without tacking. Lazarette – A storage compartment built into the cockpit or deck. Lazy sheet – The windward side jib sheet that is not under strain. Lead – To pass a line through a fitting or block. Lee helm – The boats tendency to turn away from the wind. Lee shore – Land which on the leeward side of the boat. Leech – The after edge of a sail. Leeward – The direction away from the wind that is the direction that the wind is blowing to. Leeward side – The side of the boat or sail that is away from the wind. Leeway – The sideways slippage of the boat in a downwind direction. Lifeline – Rope or wire supported by stanchions. Lift – The force that results from air passing by a sail or water past a keel that moves the boat forward and sideways. Line – A rope. L.O.A. – The maximum Length Overall fore and aft along the hull. Lubber line – A line on a magnetic compass to help the helmsman steer the correct course. Luff – The leading edge of a sail as well as the fluttering of a sail caused by aiming too close to the wind. Lull – A decrease in wind speed for a short duration. L.W.L. – The length fore and aft along the hull measured at the waterline.

Magnetic – In reference to the magnetic north rather than true north. Mainmast – The taller of two masts on a boat. Mainsail – The sail hoisted on the mast of a sloop or cutter or the sail hoisted on the mainmast of a ketch or yawl. Mainsheet – The controlling line for the mainsail. Marlinspike – A pointed tool used to loosen knots. Mast – The vertical spar in the middle of a boat from which the mainsail is set. Masthead – The top of the mast. Maststep – The fitting in which the foot of the mast sits. Mizzen – The small aftermost sail on a ketch or yawl hoisted on the mizzenmast. Mizzenmast – The shorter mast aft of the main mast on a ketch or yawl. Mooring – A permanently anchored ball or buoy to which a boat can be tied.

Nautical mile – Standard nautical unit of distance equal to one minute of arc of the Earth’s latitude or 6080 feet. Navigation rules – Laws established to prevent collisions on the water. No-go zone – An area into the wind in which a sailboat cannot produce power to sail. Nun – A red even numbered buoy marking the right side of a channel when returning to port.

Offshore wind – Wind blowing away from the shore and out to sea. Offshore – Away from or out of sight of land. Off the wind – Not close-hauled point of sail. On the wind – Sailing upwind in a close-hauled point of sail. Outboard – Outside the rail of a boat. Outhaul – The controlling line attached to the clew of a mainsail used to tension the foot of the sail. Overpowered – A boat that is heeling too far because it has too much sail up for the amount of wind.

Painter – The line attached to the bow of a dinghy. Pay out – To ease a line. P.F.D. – A Personal Flotation Device such as a life jacket. Pinching – Sailing too close to the wind. Pintle – Small metal extension on a rudder that slides into a gudgeon on the transom. Point – To steer close to the wind. Points of sail – Boat direction in relation to the wind. Port – The left-hand side of the boat when facing forward, a harbor, or a window in a cabin on a boat. Port tack – Sailing on any point of sail with the wind coming over the port side of the boat. Prevailing wind – Typical or consistent wind direction. Puff – An increase in wind speed. Pulpit – A guardrail at the bows of a vessel.

Quarter – The sides of the boat near the stern.

Rail – The outer edges of the deck. Rake – The angle of the mast. Range – The alignment of two objects that indicate the middle of a channel. Reach – One of the several points of sail across the wind. Ready about – The command given to the crew to prepare to tack. Ready to jibe – The command given to the crew to prepare to jibe. Reef – To reduce the area of a sail. Reeve – To pass a line through a ring or block. Rhumb line – A straight line drawn on a Mercator chart, which intersects all meridians at the same angle. Rig – The design of a boat’s masts, standing rigging and sail plan. Rigging – The wires and lines used to support and control sails. Roach – The sail area aft of a straight line running between the head and clew of a sail. Rode – The line and chain attached from the boat to the anchor. Roller-furling – A mechanical system to roll up a headsail around the headstay. Rudder – A vertical blade attached to the bottom of the hull which is used to steer the boat. Run – Point of sailing when the wind is coming from dead astern. Running rigging – The lines used to control the sails.

Sail ties – Lengths of line or webbing used to secure sails when they are dropped or to secure the unused portion of a reefed sail. Schooner – A two-masted boat whose foremast is the same height or shorter than its mainmast. Scope – The length of anchor rode paid out in relation to the maximum depth of water. Scull – To propel a boat with a single oar fixed in a notch through the transom. Scupper – A cockpit or deck drain. Sea breeze – A wind that blows from the sea onto the land. Seacock – A valve which opens and closes a hole used as an intake or discharge from the boat. Secure – The make safe or tie down. Set – The direction of the current as well as to trim the sails. Shackle – A metal fitting at the end of a line used to attach the line to a sail or another fitting. Shake out – To remove a reef. Sheave – The wheel inside a block or fitting over which the line runs freely. Sheet – A line used to control a sail by pulling it in or easing it out. Shoal – An area of shallow water. Shroud – Standing rigging at the side of the mast. Singlehanded – Sailing alone. Skeg – A vertical fin in front of the rudder. Sloop – A single-masted sailboat with mainsail and headsail. Sole – The floor in a cockpit or cabin. Spar – A pole used to attach a sail on a boat, for example, the mast, the boom, or a gaff. Spinnaker – A large downwind headsail not attached to the head stay. Splice – The joining of two lines together by interweaving their strands. Spreader – A support strut extending athwartships from the mast used to support and guide the shroud from the top of the mast to the chainplate. Spring line – A dock line running forward or aft from the boat to the dock to keep the boat from moving fore or aft. Squall – A fast moving short intense storm. Stanchions – Stainless steel or aluminum supports at the edge of the deck which holds the lifelines. Standing rigging – The permanent rigging of a boat, including the forestay, backstay, and shrouds. Starboard – The right-hand side of the boat when looking forward from the stern. Starboard tack – Sailing on any point of sail with the wind coming over the starboard side of the boat. Stay – A wire support for a mast, part of the standing rigging. Staysail – Any sail which is attached to a stay. Steerage way – The minimum speed of the boat through the water that allows the rudder to function efficiently. Stem – The foremost tip of the boat. Stern – The aft part of the boat. Stern spring – A line running from the stern of the boat parallel to the dock or mooring that stops the boat from moving backward along the dock. Stow – To store properly. Swamped – Filled with water.

Tack – To alter course so as to cause the bow of the boat to pass through the eye of the wind. Tackle – A series of blocks and line that provide a mechanical advantage. Tail – To hold the end of a line so as to keep it under tension on a winch. Telltales – Short lengths of yarn or cloth attached to the sails which indicate when the sail is properly trimmed. Tide – The rise and fall of water level due to the gravitational effects of the sun and the moon. Tiller – A long handle attached to the rudder which is used to steer the boat. Toe rail – A low rail around the outer edge of the deck. Topping lift – A line used to hold the boom up when the mainsail is lowered or stowed. Topsides – The sides of a boat between the waterline and the deck. Transom – The vertical surface of the stern. Trim – To adjust the sail controls to create optimum lift from the sails. Trimaran – A three-hulled vessel. True wind – The actual speed and direction of the wind as you would feel when standing still. Tune – To adjust the boats standing rigging. Turnbuckle – A mechanical fitting attached to the lower ends of stays allowing the standing rigging to be adjusted.

Underway – A boat that is not attached to the ground by either anchor or mooring lines. Upwind – Towards the direction of the wind. U.S.C.G. – United States Coast Guard. U.T.C. – Universal Time Coordinated. As the modern term for Greenwich Mean Time, this is the standard reference time which is used internationally for navigational information.

Vang – A block and tackle system, which pulls the boom down to assist sail control. Veer – A clockwise change in the wind direction. Vessel – Any sailboat, powerboat, or ship.

Wake – Waves caused by a boat moving through the water. Waterline – The horizontal line on the hull of a boat where the surface of the water should be. Weather helm – The tendency of the boat to head up towards the wind, this increases as the sailboat becomes overpowered. Whip – To bind together the strands at the end of a line. Whisker pole – A pole temporarily mounted between the mast and the clew of the jib. Used to hold the sail out and keep it full when sailing downwind. Winch – A deck-mounted drum with a handle offering a mechanical advantage when used to trim sheets. Windward – Towards the wind. Windward side – The side of the boat closest to the wind. Wing-and-wing – Sailing downwind with the jib set on the opposite side to the mainsail. Working sails – The mainsail and the standard jib. Working sheet – The leeward sheet that is under tension.

Yard – The horizontal spar from which a square sail is suspended. Yawl – A two-masted vessel on which the mizzenmast is mounted aft of the rudderpost.

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The Only 50 Sailing Terms You'll Need To Know (With Pictures)

Ever get confused by all those odd sailing terms? Starboard, tack, jib… Well, no worries. In this article, I'll go over the most important sailing terms for beginners.

This is a great resource for beginning sailors that need an overview of the most important sailing terms without drowning in it . For a comprehensive list, check out this Wikipedia glossary of nautical terms . There are A LOT of nautical terms there. But no one in his or her right mind will read through that entire page (it has 48.434 words!). There are a lot of obscure words listed that no one really uses anyways. So in this article, I've filtered out the most important ones to get you up to speed quickly. I've also added pictures so you'll know what we're talking about.

Let's jump straight in. For the sake of good manners, I have categorized them by topic. If you are looking for a specific term, just ctrl+f your way directly to it.

Here are the only 50 sailing terms you'll need to know:

sailboat terms


Parts of the boat, parts related to sails, other terms.

...because it isn't as easy as 'left', 'right', 'front' and 'back'. No, no.

Port is the left side of the boat. It's as simple as that. I'm not entirely sure why don't they just call it 'left' these days. The name came to existence because centuries ago, you always docked your big boat with the harbor (port) being on the left side. And the word stuck with us till today.

sailboat terms

Starboard is the right side of the boat. If in a car, you say 'look to your right', on a boat, you say 'look to the starboard'. Again, you might as well just call it 'right'. Oh, wait… you wouldn't seem as cool if you did. Alright, let's keep calling it starboard.

sailboat terms

The bow is the front of the boat. The word likely comes from the Middle Dutch 'boech' (nowadays spelled 'boeg'). If you call it 'front' instead, you will get your message across just as well. But it won't get you the admiring looks from those around you.

sailboat terms

Stern is the back of the boat. That is where you, as a captain, will spend most of your time. Whether you will force your crew to call it 'stern' or let them use the word 'back', like the dry land creatures they are, is up to you. After all, you are the captain.

sailboat terms

The windward side of the boat is the side facing into the wind. So if the wind is coming from the right side, the windward side is on the right. Unlike some of the previous ones, this term actually makes sense - at times you need to talk about a direction not fixed in relation to the boat, but rather relative to the direction of the wind.

sailboat terms

Leeward side of the boat is the lee side. If the wind is coming from the right side, the leeward side is on the left. Note that neither windward nor leeward specify the angle of the wind. Thus even if the wind was coming 20 degrees right off of the direction of the boat, so almost from the front, left would still be considered the leeward side.

sailboat terms

Since there are gadgets and parts on the boat that you won't see anywhere else, it only makes sense they all have their own special name. You want to know these because unlike the direction terms where you can do with 'left' and 'right', you don't want to call a tiller 'that stick thing back there'.

Helm is the boat's steering wheel. In this case, I forgive those who came up with this name, since it is shorter than 'steering wheel' and thus saves valuable time that we can spend on sailing. Though I doubt linguistic economy was the reason.

sailboat terms

Tiller is the long stick that operates your boat's rudder. A steering stick, if you will. It has the same function as a helm does, but it is usually used on smaller boats, where a helm would take up too much space. Or by people who prefer it to a helm, since a tiller offers a bit more in terms of response.

sailboat terms

The rudder is the long, flat piece of metal or wood that sits underwater below the back of your boat. Connected to a tiller or a helm, it is used to control the direction of your exciting voyage. By the way, since aerodynamics and hydrodynamics work in similar ways, a plane is also operated by a rudder. Though that one isn't underwater. Hopefully.

sailboat terms

Hull is the boat's body. Whatever the shape or size, whether opened on top (like a dinghy) or closed by a deck, (like a traditional sailboat) it's all called a hull. Structures sitting on top of the deck, like a deck salon or cabins, aren't considered a part of the hull anymore.

sailboat terms

The keel is an underwater fin below the boat's belly. The sizes and shapes vary, sometimes it is relatively short and goes deep, (fin keel) sometimes it runs from the front all the way to the back (full keel or ballast keel). It is there mainly for stability and to help maintain forward direction when sailing.

sailboat terms

The cockpit is the area where a boat is operated from. On sailboats, it is usually in the back and it is an open area without a roof, though this varies. You will find the rudder control and winches there. In 'smaller' (below 70 ft or so) sailboats this area oftentimes doubles as a deck dining place with a table and seating.

sailboat terms

The bimini is a sun roof or shade that is covers the cockpit, and is generally attached to a steel frame which runs over the cockpit.

This is where things tend to get confusing. There are a whole lot of parts and a whole lot of names for them. It pays off for you and your crew to know them though, as during the stormier moments, you all want to be on the same boat (ha, ha) linguistically, as every second counts.

Lines are ropes. Not much more to add here. I suppose a 'line' sounds a bit fancier than a 'rope'. One thing this article will teach you is that if there is the slightest crack in the wall of your boat, linguistic elitism will leak its way in.

sailboat terms

This one is quite self-explanatory. The mainsail is the main, largest sail of the boat, attached to the mast on the side and the boom at the bottom. It has a triangular shape and serves as the most important sail, the first one you should get acquainted with if you are just starting out.

sailboat terms

The jib is the front sail of your boat, sometimes also called the genoa. That is as long as you are sailing on the traditional sloop - the classical two sail setup you see the most often. The jib is wrapped around the line that goes from the top of your mast to the boat's bow.

sailboat terms

Spinnaker is the third type of sail you are the most likely to encounter on your travels. It goes in front of your boat and has a half balloon or kite-like shape. This is because it is constructed specifically for sailing downwind. Its purpose is to grab as much backwind as it can and drag your boat forward. It is not attached to the boat most of the time like the mainsail or the jib, instead, it is stored separately and used only when needed.

sailboat terms

The mast is the tall, vertical pole that goes from the floor of your salon, through the deck, meters above your boat. All the sails are attached to it, also radars and lights, giving sailboats radio and visual visibility far greater than that of equally sized motorboats. Take that, ya noisy stinkies!

sailboat terms

The boom is the horizontal pole right above the deck, attached to the mast at the right angle. The bottom of the mainsail is attached to it, it is used to determine its shape and direction. It is also where the mainsail is often stored, folded and covered with a protective sheet. The boom is also among the top causes of injuries on a sailboat, as in certain winds it tends to swing with force powerful enough to knock a few grown men overboard. Stay away from its reach at all times when under sail.

sailboat terms

The forestay is the cable going from the top of the mast to the very front of the bow. It is there to hold the mast in place. Sometimes you will find people refer to it as the 'headstay'. It is often made of steel, so it is safe to hold on to it when you are pretending to be Jack on the bow of the Titanic's, the boat hits a wave and you lose your balance.

sailboat terms

This diagram is from our guide on sailboat parts , which I really recommend for beginners. It walks you through all the most important sailboat parts in normal words.

The backstay is the cable going from the top of the mast to the very back of the boat. In many cases it is doubled at the bottom, each end attached to one corner of the back of the boat so that they don't interfere with space and provide more stability for the mast. Just as with forestay, these are made of steel.

Shrouds are the cables going from the top of the mast to the left and right side of the boat. Sometimes there are four, two on each side. Together with forestay and backstay, they make sure your mast withstands all the forces exerted on it when the wind pushes the sails.

The foot of a sail is its bottom edge. If you imagine a sail as a triangle, the base is called the foot. You probably won't use this term while sailing, but when researching proper sail trim, it is likely you will stumble upon it.

sailboat terms

This diagram is again from our guide on sailboat parts , which I really recommend for beginners. If you're looking for a good starting point to learn your sailboat ins and outs, this article is perfect for you.

Leech of a sail is its back side edge. Thus it is the part closest to you when you are standing at the helm. Just as with the foot, this is a term quite often used when describing sail trimming techniques, since the shape of the leech determines the shape of the whole sail.

Luff of a sail is its front side edge. Thus the part the furthest from you when you are standing at the helm. For mainsail, it is the edge that is right next to the mast, for the foresail it is the edge right next to the forestay. Just as with foot and leech, the shape of these edges determines the overall shape of the sail so you will most likely encounter these terms in trimming lessons and tutorials.

The head of a sail is its top corner. On a traditional sloop, you will have the 'main head' and the 'jib head'. There is usually a reinforcing patch of some kind on these corners, as you will find a hole in them to which a line is attached.

It's also something else entirely, but more on that later ...

Halyard is the line attached to the sail head. On your boat, you will most likely have two. The 'main halyard' which is what you use to hoist your mainsail if it is folded on the boom, and the 'jib halyard' which holds the jib head up.

sailboat terms

Clew of a sail is its back corner. The line attached to the 'main clew' will be used to hoist your mainsail if it is wrapped inside of the mast. The line attached to the 'jib clew' will be used to open the jib on most sailboats since jibs are most often wrapped around the luff.

Telltales are light, usually cotton or wool pieces of ropes attached to a sail, showing you the airflow around it. These are important because they help you determine if your trim is effective or not. Because of the material they are made of, you might sometimes encounter them being called 'woolies'.

Vang, or a 'boom vang' is a device pulling the boom down. This is important because it controls the tension of the mainsail, influencing its shape greatly. You won't find it on every boat though. Holiday cruisers often don't have it, as it is a piece of equipment focused on performance and thus not necessary for your average trip.

sailboat terms

Topping Lift

The topping lift is a line that is attached to the aft (back) end of the boom and runs to the top of the mast. It supports the boom whenever you take down the mainsail.

Also referred to as a 'horse', the traveler is a side to side track to which the boom is attached, allowing the control of the extent to which the boom goes off the centerline. This is important especially if the wind is blowing from behind and you need to control the angle of the mainsheet.

sailboat terms

Outhaul is the line attached to the mainsail or the jib clew, allowing the control of the foot tension. This is important for determining the sail shape - for instance in stronger winds, you want the foot to be more tense to achieve a more effective airflow as opposed to slower winds where you can allow the foot to arch more.

sailboat terms

Reefing is reducing the sail area to lessen the power exerted on it by the wind. You may want to reef if the wind is getting too strong for your boat, or if it is changing too rapidly, as an overpowered boat is difficult to control. Fun fact: they say that when you feel you need to reef because the wind got too strong, it is already too late to reef.

sailboat terms

A batten is a slat placed horizontally in the body of the sail to support its shape. You will not find them on all sailboats, it is a performance-enhancing element that many cruisers lack. It helps tremendously as without it, sails tend to belly out and lose their shape under certain conditions.

The cleat is a piece of fitting where a line can be secured and immobilized, even if under great tension. It usually consists of two cogwheel-like pieces fastened close to each other, in the middle of which the rope is placed, unable to move thanks to friction. This type is great as it allows for a quick release. Sometimes though, it is a simple piece of metal or plastic where the rope is tied.

...and then there are all those things that just float around you when sailing, those little things that are the reason for you having to carry a dictionary in your pocket.

Fenders are bumpers allowing some contact with other boats or piers while docked, without scraping the paint. They are often balloon-shaped, made of rubber or some relatively soft material. They are usually attached to the boat's railing and you move them around as you need.

sailboat terms

The beam is the width of the boat. Could be just called width, I know. The word comes from the fact that there are transverse reinforcing beams in the boat hull and deck. Next time you are choosing your charter boat for holidays, you will know what this attribute means.

True wind is the actual direction and speed of the wind. This is different than the apparent wind, which is wind direction and speed relative to the boat. Apparent wind is a combination of the true wind and the headwind, which is the wind the boat experiences solely by being in motion.

The berth is a sleeping space on a boat. Thus if a boat has eight berths, it means eight people can comfortably sleep on it. Note that this often includes the salon couches, so a berth is not necessarily a space in an actual bed for one person.

sailboat terms

Boat's draft is the distance from the water surface to the deepest point of the boat. In other words, the draft is the minimum water depth you can go to and not scrape your hull or keel. Better double this number when sailing, just to be safe, as hitting the seabed can have disastrous consequences.

Tacking is zig-zagging towards your destination. It is necessary in case your destination is in the direction of the wind since sailboats can not go directly into it. Since the closest to the wind direction you can sail is around 45 degrees, you have to change direction left and right from your desired course.

sailboat terms

This diagram is from our guide on sailing into the wind for beginners , which explains in 7 simple steps how to get good upwind sailing performance.

Bareboat is a boat without a skipper. You will encounter this term in boat charters and it means you rent the boat without any crew, thus you need to operate it yourself. It is the best way to sail unless you enjoy living in close proximity to a sea wolf who you also have to feed.

The chart is a nautical map. It differs from classical maps as it depicts information relevant for a sailor - water depth, navigational hazards, seabed material, anchorages and so on. Formerly made of paper, these days made of ones and zeros. As is everything in this digital world.

sailboat terms

We have a guide that explains all the different chart types clearly for beginners - read it here .

Galley on a boat is its kitchen. Also a medieval warship, but if you find this term in a boat's description, war is not likely what they have in mind.

sailboat terms

Heads on a boat is the bathroom. Though in all my years of sailing I have never ever heard anybody use this term instead of a 'bathroom'. I suppose saying that you are going to use the heads just sounds odd.

sailboat terms

A knot is the unit of speed of boats. It is equal to one nautical mile per hour. That is 1.852 kilometers per hour or 1.5078 miles per hour. Though a bit confusing and annoying at times, you will have to get used to this, since most of your boat's instruments will use this unit. It dates all the way back to the seventeenth century when boat's speed was measured with a rope with knots tied on it.

sailboat terms

Mooring is attaching the boat to a buoy that is anchored to the seabed. This is usually a cheaper option to docking in a marina. It also means larger space between the boats anchored in the same area, thus more privacy. Though you will have to use your dinghy to get to shore instead of just stepping on the pier directly from your deck.

sailboat terms

A salon on a boat is its living room. On smaller boats, it is usually in the same room as the boat's kitchen and the captain's corner with navigation instruments.

sailboat terms

A skipper is the captain of a sailboat. If you ask me, the word 'captain' is much better than a skipper, which to me sounds like a small boy who sits on the shore the whole day, skipping stones. But hey, who am I to talk.

sailboat terms

A monohull is a classical boat with a single hull. A boat with two hulls is called a catamaran, or a 'cat'. Although rare, there are also trimarans, boats with three hulls. Multihulls with four or more hulls do happen but they are an unnecessary freak of nature.

sailboat terms

So there you have it. Fifty sailing terms you will encounter the most when traveling or learning. I know you might think some of them are a bit unnecessary since they have a perfectly fine 'real world' equivalent. I agree. But until the tradition changes, you might want to get some of these under your skin.

A boat's freeboard is the distance from the upper deck to the waterline. Classic yachts have low freeboards, so they appear to lay deeper in the water, as opposed to more modern yachts, which have a higher freeboard. It literally means 'free-board' : the amount of visible board.

The lunch hook is a light anchor setup that is used to moor small yachts temporarily. It typically uses a lightweight anchor on a short scope that takes little effort to set. The lunch hook is only used when the crew is on board and will be monitoring the anchor.

In naval architecture and ship design: “Head” = WC = Bathroom. A toilet is still a toilet. The toilet is in the head. In olden day, the toilet was a hole in the head.

Hi Rich, you’re absolutely right. I’ve corrected the error. Thanks for pointing it out.

A nautical mile is one minute of a degree, so if you travel 60 nautical miles that means you have gone 1 degree around the “globe”. (Note: arc length not actual length.) This is the original definition. As such the average was agreed upon and the lengths given a standardization. Which you mentioned.

As such 1 knot is to travel one nautical mile in an hour.

Also 1.5078. I think you made a mistake as it should be 1.1508 miles to a nautical mile.

Thanks for the information. Sorry about being a pedantic mathematics teacher.

So, where is the “nautical mile” calculated from, the equator or one of the tropic lines?

Just to clarify a nautical mile. If you draw an imaginary line from the North Pole or South Pole to the center of the Earth and draw another line from the center of the Earth to any point on the equator, it forms a right angle, which is 90 degrees. This equates to latitude. The equator is 0 degrees and the poles are 90 degrees. Your latitude is the angle that you are north or south of the equator. Each degree of latitude is divided into 60 minutes. A minute of latitude is the same distance matter where you are on Earth. It is 6,076 feet. This is the length of a nautical mile. A statute mile is 5,280 feet, so a nautical mile is 1.1508 statute miles.

Thank you very clear and well explained. Hopefully I’ll remember The Fifty


Really? No gunwale? No transom? Those or basic terms to the Washington State Boater Education Card required to operate watercraft here. Definitely more of a “need to know” than bimini.

Thank you, those definitions and explanations were clear, thorough, and helpful. I’m really glad I found my way (somehow) to your webpage.

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sailboat terms

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A Complete List Of Sailing Terms

Paul Stockdale Author Avatar

Sailing terminology and jargon can be difficult to understand for a complete beginner.

We've compiled a list of sailing terms, vocabulary, lingo, and phrases with their meanings and definitions.

Filter the sailing terms by letter:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

The sailing terms beginning with the letter A are:

  • Abaft : Toward the stern of a boat and behind the middle of the boat
  • Abandon Ship : An instruction to leave the boat immediately. This is an emergency situation and everyone needs to get off the boat
  • Abeam : On a line at right angles to a ship's or an aircraft's length
  • Able Seaman : A crew member with experience and expertise in working on deck and handling the sailboat's rigging and equipment
  • Aboard : This is a nautical term to describe being on or in a boat
  • Above Board : This means anything on or above the boat deck
  • Adrift : Not anchored or not securely moored, drifting with the current or wind
  • Aft : The aft is the area at the back of the boat. It is also known as the stern
  • Aft cabin : This is a sleeping cabin at the aft side (rear) of the boat
  • Aftmost : Furthest towards the stern (back) of the boat
  • Aground : When the boat is resting on or touching the ground below the bottom of the water
  • A-hull : A-hull refers to a situation where a boat is secured to its anchor and is lying in the direction of the wind and waves, with all sails furled and no movement. This is typically done as a safety measure in severe weather conditions when the boat is in danger of capsizing or otherwise being damaged. It is also used as a strategy to wait out a storm or other adverse weather
  • Alee : Away from the wind
  • All Hands On Deck : This phrase is used to call all crew members to the deck of a sailing vessel, and is often used as a call to action in times of emergency. It is also considered a good omen for a ship to have all hands on deck before setting sail.
  • Aloft : Above the deck or in the upper parts of the mast or rigging
  • Anchor : A device used to hold or anchor a boat in a specific location on the water
  • Anchor Buoy : A buoy attached to an anchor that is used to indicate the location of the anchor on the bottom
  • Apeak : When the anchor is at the highest point of the bow when it is rode out
  • Apparent Wind : The wind direction and speed observed by the crew in combination with the true wind direction and speed, which can be different due to the boat's motion
  • Ashore : To or on the shore or land from the direction of the sea
  • Astern : Behind or at the rear of a boat. If a boat is traveling astern, it is going in reverse
  • Athwartship : Having a position across a vessel from side to side at right angles to the keel

The sailing terms beginning with the letter B are:

  • B & R Rigging : B&R rigging refers to a specific type of rigging system used on sailing boats. The B&R rigging system is a combination of a traditional forestay and backstay system, with a flexible rig that allows for a more efficient sail shape in a wide range of wind conditions
  • Back A Sail : Back a sail refers to the action of filling a sail with wind from the opposite direction, or "backwards" direction of the sailboat's forward motion. This is done by adjusting the sail and the direction of the boat so that the wind is blowing into the back of the sail, causing the sail to fill with wind and push the boat in the opposite direction. Backing a sail can be used to slow the boat down, change direction, or to help keep the boat in a specific location
  • Backstay : A rope or cable that runs from the mast to the stern of a sailboat. It is used to support the mast and control the shape of the sails
  • Baggywrinkle : A soft covering for cables to reduce sail chafe
  • Ballast : Ballast refers to the weight placed on the bottom of a sailboat to improve its stability and balance. The weight of the ballast helps to counteract the force of the wind on the sails
  • Ballast Keel : A vertical downward extension of the boat's hull, narrowly V-shaped. It is ballasted or weighted for stability and lateral resistance
  • Barque : This is a sailboat with 3 or more masts with all the masts being square-rigged except the sternmost, which is fore-and-aft-rigged
  • Batten : A batten is a primary structure of a mainsail. It supports the sail's shape
  • Beam : The width of the boat, measured at its widest point
  • Beam Reach : A point of sail in which the wind is coming from the side of the boat, resulting in the sails being at a 90-degree angle to the centerline of the boat
  • Bear Away : Bear away, also known as falling off, means to turn a boat away from the direction of the wind
  • Beat : This is sailing in a zig-zag formation toward the wind
  • Beaufort Scale : A scale used to measure wind speed and the resulting sea conditions. It is named after Francis Beaufort, an officer in the Royal Navy
  • Below Deck : Below deck in boating refers to the interior of a boat, typically the area below the main deck. This area is usually enclosed and protected from the elements, and typically includes living spaces such as cabins, heads (bathrooms), galley (kitchen), and salon (common area).
  • Bermuda Rig : A Bermuda rig, also known as a Marconi rig, is a type of sailboat rigging that is characterized by a triangular mainsail and a jib sail. The mainsail is attached to the mast and the boom, with the boom extending out from the mast. The jib sail is attached to the forestay, which is a cable or rope that runs from the bow of the boat to the mast
  • Bermuda Sloop : Bermuda sloop is a specific type of sailboat design that originated in Bermuda. It is characterized by a single mast, with a triangular mainsail and a jib sail, and it is the most popular sailboat design in the world. Bermuda sloops are known for their efficiency and ability to sail well in a wide range of wind conditions.
  • Berth : A bed or sleeping area on a boat. For example, a 6-berth boat is a boat that can sleep 6 people
  • Bight : A bend in a sailing rope
  • Bimini Top : A Bimini top is a type of boat cover or canopy that is mounted on the top of a sailboat, typically on the stern or the cockpit area. The Bimini top provides shade and protection from the sun and rain for the passengers and crew on the boat
  • Bilge : The lowest part of a boat's interior, typically located near the keel, where water collects and needs to be pumped out
  • Binnacle : A binnacle is a housing or container on a boat that is used to protect and secure a vessel's compass. It is typically located near the helm or steering station
  • Bon Voyage : This is a French phrase that literally means "good voyage" and is often used as a way to say "good luck" to someone setting out on a journey
  • Boom : A boom on a sailboat is a horizontal spar, or pole, that extends out from the mast of a sailboat. The boom is used to support and control the bottom edge, or foot, of a sail. The boom also helps to shape the sail and control the angle at which the wind hits it, allowing the boat to move efficiently through the water
  • Bosun : A crew member in charge of maintenance and upkeep of the boat's hull, rigging, and equipment.
  • Bow : The bow is the front area of a boat
  • Bridge : A room or platform area of a boat from which the boat can be operated
  • Brig : A sailing vessel with two square-rigged masts
  • Brigantine : A two-masted sailboat, square-rigged on the foremast but fore-and-aft-rigged on the mainmast
  • Bulkhead : A bulkhead refers to a vertical wall within the interior of a boat that helps to divide the space and provide structural support. They are typically found below deck on a sailboat
  • Bumper : A type of fender used to protect a boat from damage when it is moored or docked.
  • Buoy : It is a device or object that is placed in the sea to aid navigation. For racing, it's used to set the race course and for recreational sailing, it is used to mark areas to avoid (among a few other purposes)

The sailing terms beginning with the letter C are:

  • Cabin : This is a room inside a boat, typically found below the deck
  • Canvas : A boat canvas refers to the various types of fabric or material used on boats to provide protection, shade, and shelter. Types of canvas include Bimini top, sail cover, dodger, etc.
  • Capsize : When a boat heels over so far that the keel is lifted out of the water and the boat overturns
  • Captain : The person in command of the sailboat. They are responsible for operating the boat safely
  • Catamaran : Any vessel with two hulls
  • Center-board : A board lowered through a slot in the keel to reduce leeway
  • Chart Plotter : An electronic navigation device that plots the location and position of a sailboat on the water
  • Cleat : A cleat is a device used on boats to secure ropes or lines. It typically consists of two horizontal arms with holes or slots that can be tightened around a rope by pulling on the line and then making a turn or two around the arms. Cleats are used to secure lines when docking, mooring, or anchoring a boat, and can be found on the deck, gunwale, or cockpit of a boat
  • Clew : A clew is the lower aft corner of a sail
  • Clipper : A sailboat designed for speed
  • Cockpit : An enclosed space on a sailboat's deck where a sailboat is controlled or steered
  • Cook : A crew member responsible for preparing and cooking meals for the crew
  • Course : This is the direction in which a boat is traveling
  • Close-Hauled : A point of sail where the boat is sailing as close to the wind as possible

The sailing terms beginning with the letter D are:

  • Dead Reckoning : a method of navigation that involves calculating a ship's position by using information about its speed and direction over a certain period of time
  • Deadrise : The angle between the bottom of a boat and the horizontal plane of the water
  • Deck : The horizontal surface area on the top of the boat
  • Deckhand : A member of the crew responsible for various tasks such as hoisting sails, steering the ship, and maintaining the deck
  • Dock : A fixed structure attached to the shore to which a vessel is secured when in port
  • Downbound : This is when a vessel is traveling downstream
  • Draft : The depth of water a boat requires to float measured from the waterline to the lowest point of the hull
  • Drift : The sideways movement of a boat caused by wind or current
  • Drogue : A device that is towed behind a boat to slow it down or to keep it from drifting too quickly
  • Drowned Out : When the wind is too strong for the sails and the boat can no longer make headway

The sailing terms beginning with the letter E are:

  • Ease : To let out or slacken a line or sail
  • Emergency Tiller : A backup steering system for a boat, typically used when the regular steering system fails
  • Engineer : A crew member responsible for the maintenance and operation of the sailboat's engines and mechanical systems
  • Entering A Port : This refers to the process of navigating a boat into a harbor or marina
  • External Lead : This refers to the navigation method of determining the position of a boat by measuring the angle between two visible objects on shore or on buoys, using a lead line
  • Eye Of The Wind : The direction from which the wind is blowing
  • Eye-Splice : A way of creating a permanent loop in the end of a sailing rope

The sailing terms beginning with the letter F are:

  • Fair Winds And Following Seas : This phrase is often used as a wish for good luck and smooth sailing
  • Fairlead : A fitting through which ropes are led in order to change their direction or reduce friction
  • Fathom : A unit of measurement for depth, equal to six feet
  • Fender : A device placed between a boat and a dock or another boat to protect the boat from damage
  • First Mate : The officer in charge of the deck crew, responsible for navigation and safety
  • Foresail : A sail located at the front of a sailboat, also called jib
  • Freeboard : The distance from the waterline to the deck of a boat
  • Frigate : A type of ship, typically used for naval warfare or as a command ship for a fleet
  • Furl : To roll or wrap a sail around a boom or mast in order to take it down
  • Fetch : The distance over which a wind has blown without significant obstacle
  • Front : The boundary between two different air masses, often associated with changes in temperature and precipitation

The sailing terms beginning with the letter G are:

  • Gaff : A spar used to extend the upper edge of a fore-and-aft sail
  • Gale : A strong wind with a speed of between 34-47 knots
  • Geared Winch : A mechanical winch that is powered by gears and used to raise or lower a sail
  • Genoa : A type of jib sail that is larger than a standard jib
  • Give-Way Vessel : A vessel required to take action to avoid a collision with another vessel as per the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea (COLREGS)
  • Godspeed : This phrase is used to wish someone a safe and successful journey
  • Gunwale : The upper edge of the side of a boat
  • Gybe : A maneuver in which a boat changes direction by turning its stern through the wind and causing the sail to change sides
  • Gyroscopic Compass : A type of compass that uses a spinning wheel to provide stable and accurate heading information

The sailing terms beginning with the letter H are:

  • Heading : The direction in which a boat is pointed, usually measured in degrees from true or magnetic north
  • Heading Up : This refers to turning the bow of a sailboat towards the wind
  • Heavy Weather : Severe weather conditions such as high winds, heavy seas, and storms
  • Halyard : A rope or line used to hoist or lower a sail or flag. There is likely 1 halyard for each sail
  • Hard Alee : An order to turn the bow of the boat as far as possible in the opposite direction of the wind
  • Hatch : An opening in the deck of a boat, used for access to the interior or for ventilation
  • Headstay : The cable or rod that supports the forestay, and holds the mast in the forward direction
  • Helm : The helm of a sailboat is the steering mechanism of the boat, typically located at the back or the stern of the boat, and is used to control the direction of the boat. The helm is typically a wheel or tiller
  • Helmsman : The person who steers the boat
  • Helmsman's Seat : A seat located close to the helm, used by the helmsman to steer the boat
  • Hiking : When a crew member moves out on the rail of the boat to counteract the heeling force of the wind and keep the boat level
  • Hiking Strap : A strap used by a crew member to hold on to while hiking out on the rail of the boat
  • Hurricane : A severe tropical storm with winds of 74 mph (119 km/h) or greater

The sailing terms beginning with the letter I are:

  • International Regulations for Preventing Collisions At Sea (COLREGS) : A set of rules that govern the behavior of vessels on the water in order to prevent collisions
  • Inboard : A motor or engine that is located inside the boat, as opposed to an outboard motor which is mounted outside the boat
  • In Irons : A situation when a sailing vessel is stopped or hindered in its progression through the water because the wind is blowing directly onto the sail, preventing the vessel from moving forward
  • Inhaul : A line or rope used to adjust the position of a sail
  • Inshore : Close to the shore
  • Inner Forestay : A rope or cable that supports the mast and holds the jib or genoa sail in place
  • Iron Mike : This is a slang term for a sailboat's autopilot
  • Irons : When a boat is stopped or hindered in its progression through the water because the wind is blowing directly onto the sail, preventing the vessel from moving forward
  • Islands : Natural land formations that are surrounded by water

The sailing terms beginning with the letter J are:

  • Jib : A triangular sail located at the front of a sailboat, also known as a foresail
  • Jibe : A maneuver in which a boat changes direction by turning its stern through the wind and causing the sail to change sides
  • Jib Sheet : A line used to control the angle of the jib sail
  • Jumper Stay : An additional stay that supports the mast and is used to tension the headstay
  • Jib Tack : The lower forward corner of a jib sail
  • Jibing : Turning the boat so that the wind blows on the opposite side of the sail
  • Jib Hanks : metal or plastic clips that hold the jib sail to the forestay
  • Jib Furling : A system for rolling up a jib sail and securing it to the forestay when not in use

The sailing terms beginning with the letter K are:

  • Keel : A long, heavy structural member that runs along the bottom of a boat's hull, providing stability and helping to keep the boat upright
  • Knot : A unit of speed, equal to one nautical mile per hour
  • Kedge : A small anchor used to hold a boat in a particular position or to move a boat by hauling it on a line
  • King Plank : The centerline plank in the bottom of a boat that runs parallel to the keel
  • Knees : Strong brackets that are used to support the deck and reinforce the hull-to-deck joint of a boat
  • Knockdown : When a boat is hit by a large wave and it's knocked down on its side, causing water to flood the deck
  • Kedge Anchor : a small anchor used as a temporary anchor to hold a boat in a particular position

The sailing terms beginning with the letter L are:

  • Lazy Jacks : Lines or webbing that are used to guide the mainsail as it is lowered, making it easier to handle
  • Leach : The back edge of a sail
  • Lead Line : A line with a weight (lead) on the end, used to determine the depth of water beneath a boat
  • Leeward : The direction away from the wind
  • Luff : The leading edge of a sail, or the flapping or fluttering of a sail caused by wind coming from the wrong angle
  • Luffing : When a sail is flapping or fluttering caused by wind coming from the wrong angle
  • Lying Ahull : When a boat is allowed to drift without any sail set, used in heavy weather to prevent capsizing
  • Life Jacket : A device worn by people on boats to keep them afloat in case of emergency, also known as a personal flotation device (PFD)
  • Lifeline : A safety line that runs around the perimeter of a boat, used to prevent crew members from falling overboard
  • Log : A device used to measure the speed of a boat through the water
  • Long keel : A type of keel that extends the full length of the boat's hull, providing stability and helping to keep the boat upright

The sailing terms beginning with the letter M are:

  • Mainsail : The largest sail on a sailboat, located at the back of the boat and controlled by the main sheet
  • Main Sheet : A line used to control the angle of the mainsail
  • Mast : The tall vertical spar that supports the sails of a boat
  • Moor : To tie or anchor a boat in a specific location
  • Mooring : A location where a boat can be tied or anchored
  • Motor Sailor : A boat with both a sail and an engine propulsion
  • Mainsail Halyard : A rope or line used to hoist the mainsail
  • Mark : A buoy or other object used as a reference point for navigation
  • Mariner's Compass : A type of compass that is used on boats and ships, typically featuring a magnetized needle that points towards magnetic north.
  • Man Overboard (MOB) : A situation in which someone falls off a boat and into the water

The sailing terms beginning with the letter N are:

  • Nautical Mile : A unit of measuring distance at sea that is used in navigation, equal to 1.85 kilometers
  • Navigation Lights : lights required by international regulations to be displayed on boats in order to indicate the boat's position and direction of travel at night
  • Navigation : The process of planning, tracking, and controlling the movement of a boat or ship
  • Navigator : The officer responsible for charting the sailboat's course, using navigation instruments and maps
  • Navigational Aids : Any device or system that helps a boat or ship navigate, such as buoys, lighthouses, and radar.
  • Nautical Chart : A map specifically designed for navigation on the water, showing water depths, coastlines, navigational hazards, and other important information
  • Natural Navigation : the traditional method of navigation using natural cues such as the stars, sun, moon, and the movement of ocean currents and waves
  • Navigation Rules : A set of regulations that govern the movement of boats and ships in order to prevent collisions
  • Navigation Software : Computer programs that assist in navigation by providing information such as navigation chart, water depth, weather forecasts and routes
  • Navigation Lights : Lights that are required by international regulations to be displayed on boats and ships in order to indicate the vessel's position and direction of travel at night
  • Navigational Sextant : An instrument used for measuring the angle between two visible objects, typically the horizon and a celestial body, used for navigation and determining a vessel's position at sea

The sailing terms beginning with the letter O are:

  • Outboard : Also called outboard motor, an outboard refers to a motor or engine that is mounted outside the boat, as opposed to an inboard motor which is located inside the boat.
  • Overboard : When something falls or is thrown off the boat into the water
  • Offshore : Away from the shore
  • Off The Wind : Sailing with the wind blowing from behind the boat.
  • Outhaul : A line or rope used to adjust the position of a sail.
  • Outrigger : An extension or framework that is attached to the side of a boat to increase stability.
  • Overfall : A type of wave that forms when the wind and current are opposing, leading to steep, breaking waves.
  • Overhead : The highest point in a boat, typically the top of the cabin or the coach roof
  • Owner's Cabin : A room in a boat that is reserved for the owner, usually the largest and most comfortable cabin

The sailing terms beginning with the letter P are:

  • Paddle : A tool used for propelling a boat through the water, typically consisting of a long shaft with a flat blade on one end
  • Piling : A vertical structural member driven into the bottom of a body of water to support a dock or pier
  • Porthole : A small window in the hull of a boat that provides light and ventilation to the interior
  • Personal Flotation Device (PFD) : A device worn by people on boats to keep them afloat in case of emergency, also known as a life jacket
  • Port : The left side of a boat when facing the bow (front)
  • Pitch : The up-and-down movement of a boat caused by waves
  • Planking : The process of covering a boat's hull with thin wooden planks
  • Planking Seam : The joint between two adjacent planks on a boat's hull
  • Point Of Sail : This is the direction you are going relative to the direction from where the wind is coming
  • Propeller : A device that is attached to the bottom of a boat's hull, used to propel the boat through the water

The sailing terms beginning with the letter Q are:

  • Quartering Sea : Waves that are coming from the side of a boat at a 45-degree angle
  • Quarterdeck : The area of a sailboat located at the aft (rear) of the main deck, traditionally reserved for the ship's officers on larger boats
  • Quartermaster : A crew member responsible for steering the sailboat, and also sometimes responsible for navigation. They are most commonly found on large sailboats and ships
  • Quay : A man-made structure built alongside a body of water to provide a place for boats to tie up and load or unload cargo
  • Quicksilver : An older term for Mercury, it was used to refer to a liquid in a barometer or thermometer
  • Quartering : When a boat is sailing at an angle to the wind, with the wind blowing from the side
  • Quartering Wind : A wind that is blowing on the side of the boat
  • Quilting : A technique used to make a piece of clothing or sail that involves stitching together multiple layers of material
  • Quoins : Blocks of wood or metal used to adjust the tension on a sail
  • Quick Release : a device that allows you to quickly release a rope or line under load

The sailing terms beginning with the letter R are:

  • Rudder : A flat underwater structure located at the stern of a boat. It is used to steer the boat
  • Reef : To reduce the size of a sail by rolling or folding a portion of it and fastening it in place to reduce the sail's wind-catching surface
  • Rope : a strong cord made of natural or synthetic fibers, used for a variety of purposes on a boat, including hoisting sails, tying up to a dock, and securing gear
  • Running Lights : Lights that are required by international regulations to be displayed on boats and ships in order to indicate the vessel's position and direction of travel at night
  • Rigging : The ropes, cables, and chains that are used to support the mast and control the sails of a boat
  • Rode : The anchor line and chain used to secure a boat to the sea floor
  • Rocker : The curvature of a boat's bottom from the centerline to the keel
  • Roller Furling : A system for rolling up a sail and securing it to the mast or boom when not in use
  • Roller Reefing : A method of reefing a sail in which the sail is rolled around a foil on the mast or boom
  • Right Of Way : The responsibility of a vessel to give way to other vessels as per the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea (COLREGS)

The sailing terms beginning with the letter S are:

  • Safe Harbor : A safe harbor is considered a symbol of good luck for sailors
  • Sheet : A rope used to control the position of a sail
  • Shroud : A rope or cable that runs from the mast to the side of the boat to provide support for the mast
  • Starboard : The right side of the boat when facing forward
  • Stern : The rear end of the boat
  • Starboard Tack : Sailing with the wind coming from the right side of the boat
  • Steward/Stewardess : A crew member responsible for the provisioning, cleaning, and maintenance of the sailboat's interior
  • Spinnaker : A large, triangular sail used when sailing downwind
  • Sail : A sheet of fabric that is attached to a mast and used to propel a boat through the wind
  • Skipper : The person in charge of a sailboat
  • Spar : A wooden or metal pole that supports a sail
  • Shackle : A U-shaped metal fastener with a pin that is used to connect ropes or cables to the boat
  • Scull : A method of steering a boat by using a oar or paddle at the stern of the boat
  • Shrouds : A set of ropes or cables that run from the top of the mast to the sides of the boat to provide support for the mast
  • Scuttlebutt : A nautical term for gossip or rumors
  • Sea Room : The amount of space around a boat that is necessary to safely navigate
  • Sea State : The condition of the surface of a body of water, often used to describe the roughness of the water during bad weather
  • Sextant : An instrument used for navigation at sea, used to measure the angle between two visible objects, typically the horizon and a celestial object, in order to determine the ship's position
  • Spinnaker : A spinnaker is a sail designed specifically for sailing off the wind on courses between a reach (wind at 90° to the course) to downwind (course in the same direction as the wind)
  • Storm Sail : A sail that is designed for use in heavy weather
  • Steering Compass : A compass mounted on or near the helm of a boat that is used to help the helmsman steer the boat
  • Shipshape : A term used to describe a boat that is well-maintained and in good condition
  • Squall : A sudden, strong wind often accompanied by rain or snow
  • Swell : Large ocean waves that are caused by distant storms or winds

The sailing terms beginning with the letter T are:

  • Tack : The direction in which a sailboat is moving
  • Topsail : A sail set above the main sail on a ship's mast
  • Tiller : A handle or lever used to steer a boat
  • Trim : The adjustment of a sail's angle to the wind to optimize the boat's speed and direction
  • Tacking : The act of turning a sailboat into the wind in order to change direction
  • Tender : A small boat used to transport people or goods to and from a larger boat
  • Tumblehome : The inward slope of a sailboat's sides above the waterline
  • Topsides : The upper side of a ship's hull above the waterline
  • Tugboat : A powerful boat used to tow or move other boats or ships
  • Thwart : A seat that runs across a boat, typically used in a canoe or rowboat
  • Tarpaulin : A heavy-duty waterproof sheet used to cover and protect equipment on a boat
  • Telltale : A small flag or ribbon used to indicate the direction of the wind
  • Topsheets : The sheets that control the uppermost sails of a square-rigged vessel
  • Towing : The act of pulling a boat or ship behind another using a line or cable
  • Toe Rail : A narrow rail along the edge of the deck used to prevent water from running onto the deck
  • Trough : An elongated area of low pressure often associated with stormy weather
  • Thunder Squall : A sudden, severe thunderstorm with high winds and heavy precipitation

The sailing terms beginning with the letter U are:

  • Underway : Describes a boat that is not anchored or aground
  • Upwind : Sailing towards the direction from which the wind is blowing
  • Unfurl : To release and extend a sail from a furled position
  • Uphaul : A rope or line used to raise a sail
  • Underwater Gear : Equipment or gear used for activities under the water surface, such as diving gear or fishing gear
  • Upstream : Against the direction of a current or flow
  • Underbody : The bottom of a boat or ship's hull
  • Underwater Lights : Lights used to illuminate the underwater area around a boat
  • Underwater Soundings : Measurements taken to determine the depth of water beneath a boat
  • Unstep : To remove a mast from a boat
  • Unbend : To remove a sail from a boat or to remove a rope from a cleat or winch
  • Unmoor : To release a boat from its moorings

The sailing terms beginning with the letter V are:

  • Veer : To change the direction of the wind
  • VHF Radio : A radio used for communication on boats and ships, operating on very high frequency
  • Vang : A rope or lever used to control the angle of a sail
  • Ventilator : A device used to allow air to flow into a boat
  • Vane : A device used to determine wind direction
  • Velocity : The speed at which a boat or ship is moving
  • Valve : A device used to control the flow of fluids or gases
  • VHF Antenna : A type of antenna that is used for VHF radios
  • Velocimeter : An instrument used to measure the speed of a boat through the water.
  • Visibility : The maximum distance at which an object can be seen
  • Vent : A hole or opening on the sailboat that allows air or gases to escape

The sailing terms beginning with the letter W are:

  • Wake : The trail of water left behind a sailboat as it moves
  • Waterline : The line where the water meets the side of a boat or ship
  • Windward : The direction from which the wind is blowing
  • Watertight : Describes a boat that is designed to prevent water from entering
  • Wharf : A platform or dock used for loading and unloading boats and ships
  • Warps : Ropes or lines used to secure a boat or ship to a dock or buoy
  • Windlass : A mechanical device used to raise or lower an anchor
  • Watertight Bulkhead : A partition that is designed to prevent water from penetrating the interior of a boat or ship
  • Watertight Door : A door that is designed to prevent water from penetrating the interior of a boat
  • Whipping : A method of securing the end of a rope to prevent fraying
  • Watertight Hatch : A hatch that is designed to prevent water from penetrating the interior of a boat or ship
  • Waterspout : A type of tornado that forms over water
  • Wench : A mechanical device used for hauling or lifting heavy loads on a boat

The sailing terms beginning with the letter X are:

  • X-Yachts : A brand of luxury performance sailing yachts
  • X-Bow : A type of bow design that features a sharp, vertical bow that is designed to reduce slamming in heavy seas

The sailing terms beginning with the letter Y are:

  • Yard : A spar that extends horizontally from the mast of a sailboat, used to support and shape the sails
  • Yaw : When a boat deviates from its course, typically caused by wind, waves, or steering issues

The sailing terms beginning with the letter Z are:

  • Zephyr : A light breeze often used to refer to a gentle wind in sailing terms
  • Zigzag : A course that changes direction frequently, often used to avoid obstacles or to make progress in difficult wind conditions
  • Zone of Confidence : The area around a sailboat where the skipper is confident of his/her ability to handle the sailing vessel safely

Frequently Asked Questions About Sailing Terminology

Below are the most commonly asked questions about sailing terminology.

What Are The Most Popular Sailing Terms?

The most popular sailing terms are bow, port, stern, starboard, helm, keel, rigging, rudder, sails, deck, below deck, above deck, inboard, outboard, jib, anchor, skipper, aft, captain, rope, berths, knot, tack, mast, boom, mainsail, heading, furling, visibility, buoy, batten, main sheet, dock, offshore, inshore, nautical mile, man overboard, personal flotation device, reef, life jackets, hull and mooring.

What Are The Least Popular Sailing Terms?

The least popular sailing terms are iron mike, irons, toe rail, zephyr, scuttlebutt, rocker, luffing, shipshape, sea room, zigzag, quartering sea, beat, piling, and quilting.

What Are Sailing Terms For Wind?

Sailing terms for wind are windward, leeward, close-hauled, beam reach, running, tacking, jibing, true wind, apparent wind, fetch, and beaufort scale.

What Are Sailing Terms For Good Luck?

Sailing terms for good luck are bon voyage, all hands on deck, fair winds and following seas, godspeed and safe harbor.

What Are Sailing Terms For The Crew?

Sailing terms that pertain to the crew include captain, first mate, navigator, bosun, deckhand, quartermaster, able seamen, steward/stewardess, engineer and cook.

What Are Sailing Terms For Sails?

Sailing terms for sails are mainsail, jib, genoa, spinnaker, boom, halyard, sheet, clew, tack, reef, leach, and luff.

What Are Sailing Terms For Bad Weather & Storms?

Sailing terms for bad weather and storms are squall, gale, storm, hurricane, trough, front, sea state, swell, thunder squall and fetch.

What Are Sailing Terms For Beginners?

Sailing terms for beginners are hull, mast, sail, boom, rudder, keel, anchor, port, starboard, bow, captain, skipper, stern, deck, cabin, cleat and tack.

What Are Sailing Terms For Parts Of The Sailboat?

Sailing terms for parts of the sailboat are hull, mast, boom, rigging, standing rigging, running rigging, bow, stern, deck, cabin, bow pulpit, stern pulpit, gunwale, keel, rudder, tiller, winch, cleat, chocks and chain plates.

  • Paddle Board

Boating Beast

A to Z of Nautical Terms: A Complete Glossary of Boat Terminology

John Sampson

Are you a new boat owner? Whether you bought a jet ski or a 40-foot cabin cruiser, you’re going to need to understand the lingo while you’re out on the water. Here’s a glossary of basic nautical terms to have you sounding like a sailor.

Toward the stern of the vessel.

A sail position with the wind striking on its leeward side.

Around or near the stern of the vessel.

At a right-angle to the boat’s center-line.

Lashing the helm to the leeward side to ride out bad weather without the sails set.

The center of the deck of the vessel between the fore-and-aft.

Automatic Identification System.

Apparent Wind

The speed and direction of the wind combined with the boat’s movement and the true wind speed and direction.

To look behind the boat while driving in reverse.

Automatic Radar Plotting Aid.


At a right-angle to the aft-and-fore line of the vessel.

The act of measuring the angular distance on the horizon circle in a clockwise method, typically between a heavenly body and an observer.

When the wind starts to shift in an anti-clockwise direction.

Back a sail

Sheeting the sail to the windward direction, so the wind fills the sail on the leeward side.

The stay supports the aft from the mast, preventing its forward movement.


The teased-out plaited rope wound around the stays or shrouds preventing chaffing.

Iron or lead weights are fixed in a low-access area of the vessel or on the keel to stabilize the boat.

A flexible and lightweight strip feeds into the sail leech’s batten pocket, supporting the roach.

Ballast Keel

A ballast bolted to the keel, increasing the vessel’s stability to prevent capsizing.

The widest point of the vessel or a traverse member supporting the deck. On the beam, objects are at a right-angle to the center-line.

Taking the action of steering the vessel away from the wind.

To tag a zig-zagging approach into the wind or close-hauling with alternate tacks.

The object’s direction from the observer measured in magnetic or true degrees.

To fasten the rope around the cleat using a figure-8 knot.

Securing the sail to the spar before hoisting it or connecting two ropes using a knot.

A sleeping quarters on a boat or a slip occupied by a vessel in a marina or harbor.

The loop or bend in a knot.

The round, lower part of the hull where the water collects.

The pulley fixed inside a plastic or wooden casing with a rope running around a sheave and changing to pulling direction.


The narrow-colored stripe is painted between the topside enamel and bottom paint.

The heeling action of the boat when it slews to the broadside while running downwind. Abroach usually occurs in heavy seas.

Broad Reach

The point of sailing the vessel between a run and the beam reach with the wind blowing over the quarter.

The partitioning wall in the vessel athwartship.

A measurement of distance equal to 0.1-sea mile, 185-meters, or 200-yards.


The center of the vessel along the aft-to-fore line.


A board lowers through a slot on the keel for reducing leeway.

The fitting slipping over the boom like a claw. It attaches to the main sheet after you finish reefing the sail.

Chart Datum

The reference level on the charts below which the low tide level. The sounding features below the chart datum. The datum level varies depending on country and area.

The metal, wooden, or plastic fitting used to secure ropes.


The skill of sailing close to the wind, also known as beating.

The lower, aft corner of the sail where the leech and foot meet.

Close Reach

The point where you’re sailing between the beam reach and the close-hauled or when the wind blows toward the forward of the beam.

The direction that you steer the vessel in degrees. Mariners can use true or magnetic readings or use a compass to plot the course.


The act of sailing a boat close to the wind.

The rope loop at either end of the line reef points or an eye in a sail.

The difference between the direction indicated by the magnetic meridian and the compass needle, caused by carrying metal objects aboard the vessel.

Sailing with the wind blowing to the aft, in line with the center-line of the vessel.


The displacement hull design displaces boat weight in the water and is only supported by its buoyancy.

The weight of the water displaced by the vessel is equal to the vessel’s weight.

The rope used to pull down the spar or sail.

To float the vessel with the wind or current. Or the distance covered by the boat while drifting in the current, measured in time.

The distance between the lowest point on the keel and the center-line of the vessel measured as a vertical distance.

The sea anchor thrown over the stern of a life raft or boat or to reduce drift.

Digital Selective Calling (a function on Marine radios ).

A retractable keel drawn into the vessel’s hull.

Emergency Position Indication Radio Beacon.

Estimated Position.

Estimated Time of Departure.

Estimated Time of Arrival.

The fitting adjusting the feeding line allows you to change the direction of the lead line.

The raised border on cabin tables, chart tables, preventing objects from falling off the surface.

Measurement of water depth and rope lengths.

  • 1 Fathom = 6-feet = 1.83-meters.

The vessel positioning plotted by two or more positioning lines.

The vertical distance between the top of the deck and the waterline.

The closest stay running between the masthead and stemhead, hankering the mainsail.

A large-size headsail is available in various sizes, overlapping the mainsail before hoisting in fresh to light winds on all sailing points.

Two concentric rings pivot at right-angles to keep objects horizontal despite the swaying motion of the boat.

Global Navigation Satellite System.

Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.

To change tack by turning the boat into the eye of the wind.

Booming out the headsail in a windward position using the whisker pole to hold it on the opposite side of the mainsail.

The fitting anchoring the mast to the boom, allowing free movement in all directions.

This metal rail surrounds the boat’s edges, allowing easy gripping to prevent falling overboard.

Turning the stern through the wind to change from one tack to another.

The spinnaker guy controls the steadying rope for the spar through the aft-fore position of the spinnaker pole. The foreguy keeps the spinnaker pole in the forward position.

Global Positioning System.

The rope hoisting the lower sails.

Highest Astronomical Tide.

The fitting for attaching the sail’s luff to a stay.

The deck opening provides the crew with access to the berth or cabin interior.

The streamlined surround of a forestay featuring the groove allows for the sliding attachment of the luff sides of the headsail.


When the bow of the vessel points into the direction of the wind.

The forward motion of the vessel through the water.

The toilet.

The action of backing the jib and lashing the tiller to the leeward side in rough weather conditions. The heave-to encourages the vessel to reduce headway and lie quietly.

When the vessel exaggeratedly leans to one side.

International Maritime Organization.

International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.

International Telecommunication Union

The lines on weather maps joining places with equal atmospheric pressure.

The temporary device for replacing damaged or lost gear.

The line running from aft-to-fore on both sides of the vessel. The jackstays allow for the clipping attachment of safety harnesses to prevent being lost at sea when falling overboard.

A secondary, smaller, lightweight anchor.

A dual-masted sailboat featuring a mizzen mast that’s slightly smaller than its mainmast, with a stepped forward position of the rudder post/stock.

The center-line of the vessel features the attachment of the ballast keel, allowing for the lowering of the center-board.

Kicking Strap

The line for pulling down the boom or keeping it in the horizontal position when on a run or reach.

A short length of line attached to an important object that you don’t want to lose, such as the jet ski key. The lanyard can connect to your wrist or lifejacket.

The aft edge of the triangular sail. Both side-edges of a square sail.

Lowest Astronomical Tide.

The shore on which the wind is blowing.

The natural tendency of vessels to bear away from the direction of the wind.

Moving in a direction away from the wind. The direction in which the wind is blowing.

The vessel’s leaning to one side due to improper distribution of weight in the boat’s hull.

The leading edge of the sail. Luffing up is turning the head of the boat into the wind.

The sideways motion off course resulting from the wind blowing on one side of the hull and sails.

The instrument for measuring the distance and speed of a boat traveling through the water. It is also the act of recording the details of a voyage in a logbook.

Marinized engine

A car engine or motorbike motor adapted for use in watercraft.

Maritime and Coastguard Agency.

The keel socket locating the base of the mast.

Measured Mile

The distance marked on charts measures one nautical mile between islands at sea or onshore ranges.

The short after-mast on the yawl or ketch.

This imaginary longitudinal line circling the earth, passing through both poles, cutting at right-angles through the equator.

Mean Low Water Neaps.

Mean High Water Neaps.

Mean High Water Springs.

Mean Low Water Springs.

Maritime Mobile Service Identity.

The rope used for pulling out the sail’s foot.

Overall Length (LOA)

The extreme length of the vessel. The measurement from the aftmost point of the stern to the foremost points of the bow. This measurement excludes the self-steering gear, bowsprit, etc.

An emergency call requesting immediate assistance.

The bowline on a tender or dinghy for towing or making fast.

To gradually let out the rope.

The left-hand side of the vessel when looking forward.

Point of Sailing

The angles of the wind allowing for the sailing of the boat. Or the boat’s course relative to its direction and the direction of the wind.

Your vessel is on its port track when the wind is striking the boat’s port side first, and the mainsail is out to the starboard side.

Line of Position/Position Line

The line on charts shows the bearing of the vessel and the position where the boat mist lie. Or two positional lines providing a location fix.

The steel guard rail fitted to the bow to provide additional safety for the crew when working around the boat’s edge.

The steel guard rail fitted around the stern of the boat to prevent the crew from falling overboard.

The section of the vessel midway between the beam and the stern.

The difference in water levels between the high and low tides is the range of tides. Or the distance at which you can see the light.

The act of reducing the sail surface area through folding or rolling additional materials onto the forestay or boom.

Reefing Pennant

The sturdy line allowing you to pull down the leech cringle or luff to the boom while reefing.

When sailing with the wind blowing onto the beam, with all sailing points between close-hauled and running.

Riding Sail

The small sail you hoist to maintain the steerage way during stormy weather.

The imaginary line cuts through all meridians at the same angle. Or the course of the vessel moving in a fixed direction.

Rigging Screw

The deck fitting allowing for tensioning of the standing rigging.

The act of sailing with the wind to the aft of the vessel and with the sails eased into the wide-out, full position.

The curve in a leech sail extending beyond the direct line formed from clew to head.

Running Rigging

All moving lines like halyards and sheets used for trimming and setting sails.

Search and Rescue.

A vessel with two or more masts and the mainmast featured in the aftermost position.

Search and Rescue Transponder.

The toe-rail holes allowing water to drain off the deck.

The room in which the vessel can maneuver clear of submerged dangers.

The shut-off valve for the underwater outlet or inlet passing through the vessel’s hull.

This is French for “radio silence.” You’ll use it when reporting a distress call or incident at sea.

The act of hoisting a sail. Or how the sails fit or the direction of a tidal stream or current.

A procedure word for identifying safety calls.

A steel link featuring a removable bolt crossing the open end. The shackle comes in various designs, from “S” to “U” shapes and more.

The cables or ropes typically fund in pairs, leading from the mast to the chainplates at the deck level. These shrouds prevent the mast from falling to the side, and it’s part of your standing rigging.

The rope attaching to the boom to the sail’s clew allows for the trimming and control over the sail.

Skin Fitting

A through-hull fitting featuring a hole in its skin allows for air and water passing. The seacock is the accessory used for sealing the cavity when not in use.

A boat with a single-masted design for one headsail and one mainsail.

The general term for any metal or wooden pole on board a boat. The pole gives shape to the sails.

Safety of Life at Sea.

Speed Over the Ground

A lightweight, large balloon-shaped sail for running or reacting.

The horizontal struts attach to the mast and extend to the shrouds to assist with supporting the mast.

The act of joining wires or ropes using a weaving process interlacing the fibers in the cable or rope.

The sail will stall if the airflow over the sail surface breaks up, causing the vessel to lose its momentum.

Standing Part

The part of the line you don’t use when making a knot. Or the part of a rope you use to tie around the knot.

The metal post bolted to the deck in an upright position to support the guard railing.

Standing Rigging

The stays and shrouds provide permanent support to the mast.

Starboard Tack

The vessel is on the starboard tack when the boom is out to post, and the wind strikes the boat’s starboard side.

The right-hand side of the vessel when looking forward.

The rope or wire supports the mast in the fore-and-aft direction. It is a part of the standing rigging for your boat.

The sternward movement of the vessel towards the backward direction.

Steerage Way

The vessel has steerage when it reaches sufficient speed, allowing for steering or answering the helm.

The loop of rope or wire attaches the spar to the block to make a sling.

The railing around the vessel’s stern prevents the crew from falling overboard. Modern yachts do not have the elegant wooden railing of older models. Instead, they feature tubular steel or aluminum railings, called Pushpits.

Telegraph Buoy

The buoy marks the position of a submerged cable.

To pull on the end of the rope or cable, wound around a winch.

The compass mounted over the captain’s berth, allowing for the easy reference to what’s going on in the vessel’s helm.

The metal fitting forming eyes at the end of cables, wires, or ropes.

A description for any small boat, usually inflatable models. These boats will take supplies and people between a larger vessel and the shore.

Thermal Wind

The wind occurring from the difference in the heating of the sea and the land by the sun. The sun heats the land faster than the sea, resulting in the onshore wind from the sea replacing the air rising over the land, causing the “sea breeze” phenomenon.

Thumb Cleat

A small cleat featuring a single horn.

The wooden pegs featuring vertical pairs in the gunwale for constraining the oars for rowing.

Topping Lift

The rope linking the mast to the boom end. It supports the boom, allowing for its lowering and raising.

The progress on the vessel’s journey over the ocean. The trajectory line of the boat.

The sides of the hull between the waterline and the deck.

The netting stretching across the hulls of a catamaran.

A watch period or watch duty at the helm of the vessel.

Traverse beams forming part of the stern and fixed to the sternpost of a wooden ship.

Tricolor Lamp

A lamp displaying red in proper port sectors, green in the starboard sectors, and white astern. Some authorities permit the tri-color light on smaller boats instead of conventional stern and bow lights.

Turk’s Head

A decorative knot featuring variable numbers of interwoven strands that form a closed loop.

The direction and velocity of wind measured by stationary observers. Apparent wind is wind experienced by moving objects.

Sturdy steel fittings used for attaching standing rigging to the spar or mast.

The low, forward corner of the sail. Or the action of turning the boat through the wind to get it to blow on the other side of the sails.

Sailing close-hauled to work windward on an alternate course. The wind is on one side then the other.

The low strip of steel, wood, or strapping running along the edge of the deck. You’ll use it in combination with the hand railing to hold your feet to the deck to prevent falling overboard.

The rise and fall of the ocean are caused by the moon’s gravitational effect on the earth and the ocean.

The line moving from the mast had to the spar or the boom used in raising it.

To adjust the sail angle using sheets to achieve optimal efficiency from the sail. Or it describes the action of adjusting the load, influencing the fore-and-aft angle at which it floats.

The course of the boat making good on its travel plan. A fitting of on the boom or mast to the slide on the sail fit. The fitting along which the traveler runs for altering the sheet tension.

The speed and direction of the wind when anchored, stationary on the water, or land.

Turn Buckle

The apparatus used for tightening the standing rigging on the vessel.

A line used in raising something like a spinnaker pole vertically.

The vessel is underway when it releases it fastening to shore when it is not aground or at anchor.

See kicking strap.

The wind will veer when shifting in a clockwise direction. Veering can also mean paying out anchor rope or cable in a controlled manner.

Velocity Made Good

Very High Frequency

The disturbed water left behind (astern) the boat as it moves forward in the water, usually caused by a motor.

Weather Helm

The tendency of the vessel to turn into the wind.

The distance between the radio waves.

Weather Side

The side of the vessel to which the wind is blowing.

World Geodetic Survey of 1984 (most common chart datum).

A mechanical device featuring a cable or line attached to a motor. The winch pulls the boat aboard the trailer and helps with the vessel’s launch from the trailer. The winch also gives more pulling power to withdrawing nets or other apparatus from the water.

Whisker Pole

A lightweight pole used for holding the clew out of the headsail when on a run.

The winch features a vertical handle and a horizontal shaft used in hauling up the anchor chain.

The parts of the vessel that increase the drag on the boat. Examples would be the spars, rigging, etc.

The direction from which the wind blows toward the wind (the opposite way to leeward).

Cross Track Error. The perpendicular distance between two waypoints off track.

A dual-masted vessel with its mizzen stepped aft of its rudder post/stock.

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John is an experienced journalist and veteran boater. He heads up the content team at BoatingBeast and aims to share his many years experience of the marine world with our readers.

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50 Nautical, Sailing & Boat Terms for Beginners 

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Table of Contents

Last Updated on September 29, 2023 by Boatsetter Team

Boating has its own vocabulary and if you’re going to be spending time on the water, you should understand a few basic boat terms. Knowing these will make you safer as well as more useful whether boating on your own, chartering or helping friends on their boat.

Let’s divide these words into basic nautical terms and specific sailing terms, listed in alphabetical order.

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30 Commonly Used Nautical & Boating Terms

Here are a few expressions you’ll hear aboard both a powerboat and sailboat, or even at the dock before boarding your boat rental or charter.

  • Aft – the direction toward the back or stern of a boat.
  • Ashore – not on a boat but on land or a dock .
  • Ballast – extra weight laid low in a boat to provide stability.
  • Beam – the width of a boat at its widest point, usually the middle.
  • Bow – the front of a boat. Multihulls like catamarans have more than one bow.
  • Bunk – a built-in bed on a boat.
  • Cabin – the sleeping accommodations on a boat .
  • Cockpit – the main seating area of a boat that may also include the helm station .
  • Crew – the people or staff that help drive and manage the boat.
  • Deck – the top or horizontal structure that is laid over the hull of a deck.
  • Dock line – the ropes used to tie a boat to a dock.
  • Fender – a rubber, vinyl or foam bumper used to protect the boat at a dock; often referred to by novice boaters as “bumpers.”
  • Forward – the direction toward the front or bow of a boat.
  • Galley – the kitchen on a boat. It can be inside or out on deck.
  • Head – the toilet or bathroom on a boat.
  • Helm – the boat’s steering mechanism. It can be a tiller or a wheel.
  • Helm station – the area where from which you command or drive a boat.
  • Hull – the body or shell of a boat including the bow and stern.
  • Keel – the longitudinal structure at the bottom of the hull and generally on the centerline. The keel helps with stability and tracking.
  • Knot – either various loops tied in a line or a unit of speed which equals one nautical mile per hour.
  • Line – any rope on a boat is referred to as a line – not a rope.
  • Nautical mile – a unit of measurement used on the water. A nautical mile is approximately 1.2x a statue mile.
  • Onboard – on a boat whether on deck, on the cockpit or below.
  • Port – the left-hand side of a boat when you’re facing forward or toward the bow.
  • Rudder – an appendage below the boat that is controlled by the wheel or tiller to steer the boat. A boat may have more than one rudder.
  • Starboard – the right-hand side of a boat when you’re facing forward.
  • Stern – the place at the back of a boat.
  • Transom – the actual structure of the back edge of a boat.
  • Wake – the turbulence left behind a moving boat.
  • Waterline – the place where the hull of a boat meets the surface of the water.

nautical terms and boat terminology

20 Sailing & Sailboat Terms

Within boating, sailing has its own specific vernacular. You’ll want to understand it before you step aboard a sailboat to help crew or when taking a lesson.

  • Apparent wind – the combination of true wind and the motion of the boat at the time. It’s the wind you feel onboard.
  • Boom – the horizontal pole which extends from the mast aft. It holds the bottom of the mainsail.
  • Ease – to adjust sails outward or away from the centerline of a boat.
  • Halyard – the line used to raise a sail whether a mainsail or a headsail.
  • Headsail – a sail that is forward of the mast. It can be a genoa, a jib, a staysail or a small storm sail.
  • In irons – technically a point of sail when you’re head-to-wind meaning the bow is pointing directly into the true wind and the boat is unable to maneuver.
  • Jibing (also spelled gybing) – changing direction where the stern swings through the eye of the wind.
  • Leeward – the direction away from where the wind is blowing.
  • Mainsail – the primary sail on a boat which is usually attached in some way to the mast and boom. On most sailboats it’s the primary source of power.
  • Mast – the vertical pole that supports the sails. The mast itself is supported by the rigging.
  • Points of sail – the boat’s direction under sail relative to the true wind . The points of sail are: close-hauled, close reach, beam reach, broad reach and dead run.
  • Reefing – shortening or reducing the area of a sail to de-power a sailboat usually used in a strong wind.
  • Sheet – the line that controls the angle of a sail. There are mainsheets, jib/genoa sheets and others.
  • Shroud – a part of the boat’s rigging that supports the mast from side-to-side
  • Stay – a part of the boat’s rigging that supports the mast fore and aft.
  • Tacking – changing direction under sail where the bow swings through the eye of the wind.
  • Trim – to adjust sails inward or closer to the centerline of a boat.
  • True wind – the actual wind that is blowing – both direction and speed.
  • Winch – a rotating drum used to help control lines with a lot of pressure on them. A winch is cranked with a winch handle.
  • Windward – the direction from where the wind is blowing.

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Zuzana Prochazka is an award-winning freelance journalist and photographer with regular contributions to more than a dozen sailing and powerboating magazines and online publications including Southern Boating, SEA, Latitudes & Attitudes and SAIL. She is SAIL magazines Charter Editor and the Executive Director of Boating Writers International. Zuzana serves as judge for SAIL’s Best Boats awards and for Europe’s Best of Boats in Berlin. 

A USCG 100 Ton Master, Zuzana founded and manages a flotilla charter organization called Zescapes that takes guests adventure sailing at destinations worldwide. 

Zuzana has lived in Europe, Africa and the United States and has traveled extensively in South America, the islands of the South Pacific and Mexico. 

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Sailing Terms and Phrases: A Comprehensive Guide to Nautical Jargon

by Emma Sullivan | Jul 19, 2023 | Sailboat Racing

sailboat terms

Short answer sailing terms and phrases:

Sailing terms and phrases refer to language specific to the sport of sailing. They include terms related to boat parts, sailing maneuvers, wind direction, and navigation. Understanding these terms is crucial for effective communication and safe sailing practices.

Understanding the Basics: A Guide to Sailing Terms and Phrases

Welcome aboard, fellow sailors and landlubbers alike, as we embark on a voyage through the mesmerizing world of sailing terms and phrases. Whether you’re an enthusiastic beginner or a seasoned seafarer looking to brush up on your nautical knowledge, this guide will have you speaking like a true sailor in no time.

As with any specialized field, sailing has its own unique language that can bewilder even the most erudite wordsmiths. But fear not! We’re here to break down the basics and shed light on those mysterious terms that have been floating around in your mind like buoys at sea.

Let’s start by hoisting the main sail and diving headfirst into some essential terminology:

1. Port and Starboard: If someone shouts “Hard to port!” during your sailing adventure, don’t panic – they simply mean turn left. In maritime lingo, “port” refers to the left side of a vessel when facing forward, while “starboard” is the right side. Thinking of them as counterparts can help avoid confusion during moments of high-seas excitement.

2. Bow and Stern: Don’t forget where your front and back are while navigating the open waters. The bow is the forward part of the vessel (a great spot for taking epic photos), while the stern is located at the rear. Trust us – being able to differentiate between these two proves invaluable when following directions or describing intriguing sights.

3. Aft vs Forward: Just as knowing which way is up is vital for surviving gravity’s pull, understanding aft (the back part of a ship) versus forward (the front part) is crucial aboard a boat too! Being able to navigate with ease relies heavily on using these terms correctly when maneuvering around onboard.

Now that we’ve set our bearings straight let’s proceed further into more advanced seamanship jargon:

4. Shiver me Timbers: Ahoy, matey! Surely, you’ve heard this catchy phrase in pirate movies or read it in adventure novels. But do you know what it means? “Shiver me timbers” originated from the old seafaring days when wooden ships were prevalent. When they were hit by fierce storms or cannonballs, the creaking and vibrations of the hull made the timber “shiver.” Nowadays, it’s an exclamation expressing surprise or disbelief.

5. Nautical Mile: Avast, ye landlubbers! A nautical mile is a unit of measurement used specifically for sea and air travel. It’s equal to one minute of latitude along any meridian – approximately 1.15 statute miles (or about 1.85 kilometers). So, whether you’re voyaging across vast oceans or navigating through treacherous straits, understanding this term will keep you on course.

6. Windward and Leeward: When sailing the high seas, understanding wind patterns becomes crucial to harnessing their power effectively. Windward refers to the direction from which the wind is blowing (usually against your face), while leeward indicates the sheltered side where the wind is blocked by your vessel or other objects nearby. Skippers who can master these concepts will navigate their vessels with grace and ease.

7. Keelhaul: Now here’s a term that harkens back to darker maritime times! To keelhaul someone often meant dragging them under a ship’s keel as a form of punishment. Luckily for us nowadays, it has mostly been relegated to seafaring folklore and modern-day sailors rarely seek to employ such discipline.

So there you have it – a comprehensive yet entertaining guide to essential sailing terms and phrases that will surely make waves amongst your fellow salts-in-arms! From knowing your port from starboard all the way down to deciphering historical jargon like “shiver me timbers,” embracing these nautical expressions will not only deepen your understanding but also add a touch of maritime flare to your conversation.

So raise your glasses – or rather, yer grog – as you confidently navigate the mighty seas armed with newfound knowledge, humor, and a dash of seafaring slang. Bon voyage!

Exploring the World of Sailing: How Sailing Terms and Phrases Enhance Your Experience

Title: All Aboard! Unveiling the Secrets of Sailing: How Nautical Jargon Enhances Your Pleasure on the High Seas

Introduction: Welcome, fellow sailors and nautical enthusiasts, as we embark on an exciting voyage through the realm of sailing. Beyond the wind in our sails and the wide expanse of water beneath us lies a colorful world steeped in traditions, camaraderie, and rich terminology. In this blog post, we delve into how mastering sailing terms and phrases can elevate your experience on the open seas from ordinary to extraordinary. So hoist your anchor and adjust your compass – let’s set sail!

1) The Lingua Franca of Seafarers: Just as each industry has its unique lexicon, sailing boasts an impressive repertoire of its own jargon. While initially overwhelming to nascent sailors, these terms are not merely maritime buzzwords; they create a sense of belonging among seafaring communities globally. From ‘starboard’ to ‘jib’ or ‘tacking,’ understanding nautical terminology not only facilitates effective communication but also unlocks doors to a world where legends and rituals intertwine.

2) Paint Your Own Nautical Canvas: Imagine being able to articulate intricate details about your surroundings with painterly precision. As you acquaint yourself with sailing lingo, you gain access to an exquisite palette that will enable you to vividly describe cloud formations (cumulonimbus clouds), waves (swell), or even the wonders beneath (bioluminescence). By employing phrases such as “the sea rose like a mighty kraken” or “whispering zephyrs guided our course,” you’ll be painting masterpieces with words.

3) Channeling History’s Echoes: The language of sailing is deeply rooted in history, connecting us to generations past who braved unforgiving waters aboard wooden vessels. Embracing these linguistic relics imbues your journey with a sense of timelessness and reverence for those who came before us. Employing phrases like “avast ye scurvy dogs” or “there she blows!” lets you channel the spirit of earlier sailors, forging an indelible bond across ages.

4) The Poetry of Seamanship: Sailing brings together the precision of a science and the lyricality of art, creating an environment where language emotively intertwines with experience. By embracing sailing terms, you’ll find yourself effortlessly conversing in poetic cadences – from referring to land as the “shores of belonging” to desiring nothing more than catching a glimpse of the “dancing dolphins’ aqueous ballet.” These evocative expressions invite you to craft narratives that rival those crafted by Homer himself!

5) A Flotilla United by Secret Code: Picture yourself amidst a fleet regatta, surrounded by fellow sailors all fluent in this secret maritime lexicon. This peculiar linguistic bond establishes instant connections beyond conventional exchanges shared in mainstream society. An initiation into sailing terminologies is akin to unlocking a secret code, granting you access to new friendships built on shared experiences and mutual appreciation for life’s most elemental forces: wind, water, and adventure.

Conclusion: As we conclude our journey through the oceanic tapestry woven by nautical terms and phrases, it becomes evident that their power extends far beyond mere communication. Sailing lingo elevates your voyage from practicality to poetry, endowing each moment on deck with historical significance and artistic resonance. By embracing these traditions and enriching your sailing vernacular with colorful expression, you become part of a timeless legacy that has inspired dreamers and adventurers throughout centuries. So let us hoist our sails high while whispering tales told countless times before – may our newfound command over nautical terminology enhance our quest for freedom on the open seas!

Sailing Terms and Phrases Step by Step: From Beginner to Pro

Title: Sailing Terms and Phrases Step by Step: From Beginner to Pro – Unleashing the Sailor in You!

Introduction: Ahoy, aspiring sailors! Embark on an exciting journey into the world of sailing, where the wind becomes your silent ally and the vast ocean your playground. Whether you’re a beginner dipping your toes into this majestic realm or a seasoned sailor looking to polish your knowledge, our comprehensive guide will equip you with essential sailing terms and phrases. So batten down the hatches, and let’s sail through this blog together!

1. Setting Sail: Grasping the Basics Before we dive deeper into nautical jargon, let’s start by understanding fundamental concepts crucial for all sailors. We’ll cover key aspects such as wind direction, points of sail (angles relative to the wind), and boat maneuvers—tacking and gybing—to harness the wind’s power efficiently.

2. Navigating Seas of Terminology Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the essentials, it’s time to raise anchor on our expedition of sailing terminology. From bow to stern, we’ll unravel intricate vernacular such as port and starboard (left and right), keel (the underwater part keeping your vessel steady), rigging (the system supporting sails), and many more nautical gems.

3. Anchoring Your Knowledge: Knots & Ropes No sailor can be without a reliable knot repertoire! Discover step-by-step instructions for tying knots like reef knot (square knot), figure-eight knot, clove hitch, bowline, and more. Mastering these techniques ensures safety onboard while securing sails, tying lines around cleats, or attaching fenders effortlessly.

4. Weathering Any Storm: Meteorological Mastery Weather plays an indispensable role in sailing dynamics; understanding its patterns keeps both novices and experts safe at sea. Delve into concepts such as barometric pressure systems, reading weather charts, interpreting cloud formations, and utilizing meteorological apps. Equip yourself to anticipate wind shifts, gauge tides, and discern when a storm is approaching.

5. SOS – Safety on the Seven Seas Safety should always come first! Gain insights into maritime safety procedures, including personal flotation devices (PFDs), harnesses, life rafts, flares, distress signals, and emergency protocols to ensure your sailing experience remains secure and enjoyable.

6. Racing Ahead: Sail Trim & Performance Ready to up your game? Discover the art of sail trimming—the fine-tuning required to extract maximum speed from your vessel. Learn about cunningham lines, boom vangs, halyards, traveler controls—the subtle adjustments that balance power versus pointing ability during a regatta or an adventurous day sail.

7. Navigate Like a Pro: Charting Your Course Navigational skills are the backbone of any sailor’s toolbox. Dive into the world of nautical charts—those intricate maps guiding you amidst an ocean expanse—and grasp concepts such as understanding symbols and markings; plotting courses using latitude and longitude; employing GPS systems; avoiding hazards; and converting true headings into magnetic ones for compass navigation.

8. Tales from the Sea: Maritime Lore and Trivia Immerse yourself in captivating tales woven by seasoned sailors while exploring intriguing maritime traditions like baptizing ships or crossing the equator ceremoniously. Learn lesser-known facts about famous shipwrecks or legendary seafarers who etched their names in history—fueling your passion for adventures beyond imagination!

9. Starboard ahead! Sailing into Greener Horizons In this digital era of sustainable living, embark on a conversation regarding eco-friendly sailing practices aimed at preserving our breathtaking marine ecosystems. Explore tips for reducing carbon footprints while sailing—with alternatives like electric propulsion—and join the movement towards cleaner seas with recycling initiatives that minimize plastic waste onboard.

10 Ahoi, Captain! Mastering the Ropes Congratulations on reaching this stage of our sailing odyssey. Armed with an arsenal of sailing terms, navigational prowess, safety awareness, and a passion for the sea, you’re well on your way to becoming a true sailing pro. So hoist those sails high and brace yourself for limitless adventures that await you—the world is your oyster!

Epilogue: As you set sail on this journey from beginner to pro sailor, remember to embrace the wonders of the sea while respecting its power and beauty. With time, experience, and dedication, you’ll be speaking the language of seasoned sailors confidently. Bon voyage on your nautical endeavors; may fair winds forever fill your sails!

Frequently Asked Questions about Sailing Terms and Phrases Answered

Sailing is a unique and exciting experience that brings together the beauty of nature and the thrill of adventure. Whether you are an experienced sailor or a novice looking to learn more about this captivating activity, it’s important to understand the various sailing terms and phrases that are commonly used in the sailing community. To help you navigate through these sometimes confusing waters, we have put together a list of frequently asked questions answered with detailed professional explanations, sprinkled with witty and clever anecdotes. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of sailing terminology!

Q1: What exactly is a “jib”?

A1: Ah, the jib! This term refers to a triangular sail located at the front of the boat, usually attached to the forestay (the wire that holds up the mast). The jib serves as one of the primary sources of propulsion for sailing vessels. Think of it as the boat’s secret weapon – it catches wind and propels your vessel forward! Just like a jester adding an element of surprise in medieval courts.

Q2: Can you explain what “tacking” means?

A2: Tacking is perhaps one of the most fundamental maneuvers in sailing. It involves turning your boat into or across the wind so that your sails switch sides. Picture yourself maneuvering your way through rush hour traffic – except instead of cars, there are waves crashing against each other! Tacking allows sailors to make headway against windward, zigzagging their way to their destination like Shakespearean characters in a fiery debate.

Q3: I’ve heard people talk about “heeling.” What does it mean?

A3: Ahoy there! Heeling refers to when a sailboat leans over sideways due to strong winds pushing against its sails. This ‘Michael Jackson-esque’ dance move can be quite exhilarating for thrill-seekers, but it requires careful balance and control. Imagine holding a delicate ballet pose on a tilting stage while attempting to impress the judges. That’s what heeling is all about – finding the perfect equilibrium between adventure and stability.

Q4: What is meant by “mainsail”?

A4: The mainsail is the largest and most visible sail on a sailing vessel. It is typically attached to the mast and plays a crucial role in powering the boat forward when the wind hits it just right. This sail can be compared to the lead vocalist of a band – it takes center stage and commands attention, providing maximum power to propel your floating oasis across the water.

Q5: Can you explain what “port” and “starboard” mean?

A5: Ahoy, matey! Port refers to the left side of a boat when facing its bow (front), while starboard refers to its right side. Now, how do you remember which is which? Here’s a clever trick: port has four letters, just like LEFT, so it’s easy to associate them together. And starboard has more letters than port or left, so that must be RIGHT! Remember this little rhyme, and you’ll never steer your ship in the wrong direction again.

So there you have it – some frequently asked questions about sailing terms and phrases answered with detailed professional insight mixed with witty and clever comparisons. We hope this helps unravel some of the mysteries behind those nautical expressions that sailors throw around with ease. Happy sailing!

Mastering the Jargon: Unraveling the Language of Sailing

Sailing, with its long and storied history, offers enthusiasts an escape into a world rich in tradition and adventure. From battling treacherous waves to navigating the vast expanses of the open sea, sailors are no strangers to challenges. However, there is one aspect of sailing that can often leave beginners feeling adrift – the intricate and sometimes befuddling language used in this esteemed practice.

In this blog post, we aim to demystify the jargon of sailing, allowing novices to navigate conversations with seasoned sailors and ultimately feel more at home on deck.

Tacking and Jibing – Oh My!

One of the most fundamental concepts in sailing revolves around changing direction – but don’t call it turning! Sailors use specific terms like tacking and jibing to describe these maneuvers. Tacking involves turning into the wind by steering through a series of tight angles, while jibing entails turning away from the wind in a more fluid motion. So if you hear someone say “Prepare to tack!” or “Jibe ho!”, now you’ll know what they mean.

Hoist That Main Sail!

As you familiarize yourself with sailboats, you’ll swiftly encounter talk about different sails – mainsails being one of them. The mainsail is crucial for propelling your vessel forward and adjusting its position relative to the wind. When you hear someone shout “Hoist that main!” they’re simply telling their crewmates to raise or unfurl this essential sail. Remember, timing is key when hoisting your main as it affects your boat’s performance and maneuverability.

Trimming Your Sails

Ever wondered what sailors mean by “trimming” their sails? No, they’re not talking about giving them a haircut! Trimming refers to adjusting your sails’ position relative to the wind for optimal efficiency – something akin to finetuning your instrument. By playing with the sheets (lines that control sail shape), sailors can harness the wind’s power effectively, propelling themselves along smoothly and efficiently.

The Wind Angle – A Sailor’s Best Friend

Understanding wind angles is paramount for any sailor worth their salt. When sailors refer to “the point of sail,” they are describing the direction they are sailing relative to the wind. Different points of sail include close-hauled (sailing as close to the wind as possible) and running (sailing in the same direction as the wind). Knowledge of these angles determines how a skilled sailor adjusts their sails, achieving optimal speed and stability.

Raising Anchor – Setting Sail!

Embarking on a sailing adventure often begins with raising anchor or setting sail. However, it’s not just about hoisting a heavy object; there is an art to it! The crew works together seamlessly, making sure the anchor is secured safely before preparing to lift it from its watery resting place. With a well-coordinated effort, they can free themselves from shore and set out into open waters to seek out new horizons.

Navigating Lingo Land

As you delve deeper into sailing culture, you’ll soon notice a myriad of unique terms specific to this maritime world – jargon like ‘batten down the hatches,’ ‘hard-a-lee,’ or ‘full-and-by.’ Each phrase has its own charm and colorful history that adds character and camaraderie amongst sailors. Embrace this lexicon with enthusiasm, for it symbolizes connection with centuries-old traditions and ensures clear communication at sea.

So whether you decide to hoist your sails under clear blue skies or undertake epic adventures across stormy seas, mastering the jargon of sailing will undoubtedly enhance your experience. Armed with this newfound knowledge, you’ll be able to hold engaging conversations with fellow sailors while feeling like an old salty sea dog yourself. Fair winds ahead!

Exploring Yachts Sailing in Croatia: A Seafaring Paradise

If you’re dreaming of an unforgettable sailing experience amidst stunning landscapes and crystal-clear waters, look no further than Croatia. With its picturesque coastline, countless islands, and vibrant culture, Croatia offers an idyllic setting for yacht sailing adventures.

Why Choose Yachts Sailing in Croatia?

Croatia boasts over a thousand islands, each with its own unique charm waiting to be explored. From the lively ports of Split and Dubrovnik to the secluded coves of Hvar and Vis, there’s no shortage of destinations to discover. Navigate through the serene waters of the Adriatic Sea, soak up the Mediterranean sun, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of this coastal paradise.

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Taking Your Boating Game Up a Notch with Essential Sailing Terms and Phrases

Are you ready to elevate your boating skills and impress everyone on board with your extensive knowledge of sailing terms and phrases? Look no further, as we’re here to help you take your boating game up a notch!

Sailing has its own unique language that can initially seem daunting to beginners. However, mastering these essential sailing terms and phrases not only enhances your understanding of the sport but also ensures seamless communication with fellow sailors. So let’s dive into this linguistic adventure and emerge as refined seafarers!

1. Bow: This term refers to the front part of the boat. Imagine standing at the bow, with the wind blowing through your hair, as you confidently navigate through the open waters.

2. Stern: The opposite of the bow, the stern is the back end of the vessel. Picture yourself lounging on the stern while basking in the sun, enjoying a leisurely day on your boat.

3. Port: When facing forward towards the bow, port refers to the left side of a boat or yacht. Remember it by associating “port” with “left,” both consisting of four letters.

4. Starboard: In contrast to port, starboard indicates the right side of a boat when facing forward. An easy way to remember is by imagining a bright star guiding you towards success.

5. Tacking: To change direction against or across the wind using sails is known as tacking. It involves turning or pivoting through head-to-wind coordination, allowing your boat to zigzag efficiently while harnessing variable wind angles.

6. Jib: A triangular sail positioned in front of a mast is called a jib and primarily aids in steering when sailing close-hauled or reaching conditions.

7. Mainsail: The largest sail on most boats, attached vertically along a mast toward aft (near stern) direction commands utmost respect – it’s called a mainsail! Mastering control over the mainsail is essential for maximizing speed and maneuverability.

8. Windward: The direction from which the wind is coming is referred to as windward. Sailing toward the windward side can be challenging yet exhilarating, requiring precise navigation techniques for optimal performance.

9. Leeward: The opposite of windward, leeward denotes the side away from the wind or downwind direction. When sailing on the leeward side, you’ll experience smoother conditions with less turbulence — a perfect opportunity for relaxation and enjoying your boating adventure.

10. Rudder: Acting as a ship’s steering mechanism, the rudder controls its movement by changing its course in response to the helmsperson’s commands. Mastering rudder control ensures smooth sailing and accurate navigation.

Now armed with these essential sailing terms and phrases, you can confidently navigate through any boating expedition while impressing your friends with your newfound knowledge! So hoist those sails, trim them accurately, and let these words navigate you towards becoming an impeccable sailor. Fair winds and following seas await you on this exciting journey!

Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to apply these terms during your next sailing adventure. Happy sailing!

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Sail away with these essential sailing terms (or risk walking the plank)

Welcome to our guide to sailing terms! Whether you are a seasoned sailor or new to the sport, understanding the terminology used on the water is essential for safe and effective navigation. In this glossary, we will cover some of the most common and important terms you need to know to communicate with your crew and understand the mechanics of your vessel. From bow to stern and hull to hull, we've got you covered. So grab your captain's hat and let's set sail on a voyage of language learning.

FAQ Sailing Terms

One reason why sailing terms are so different is that sailing has a long history dating back thousands of years, and the terminology that is used has developed over time to reflect the unique aspects of this activity. Another reason is that sailing involves a variety of different types of boats, each with its own set of equipment and terminology. For example, a small sailboat like a dinghy will have different parts and use different terms than a large sailboat like a yacht.

Sailing Basics: 10 Nautical and Sailing Terms to Learn

Sailing offers a unique blend of adventure, relaxation, and skill, but for beginners, the terminology can be a bit daunting. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to brush up on your sailing vocabulary, knowing these key terms will help you feel more confident on the water. In this guide, we’ll cover 10 essential nautical and sailing terms that every new sailor should know, along with some insights into the types of boats and equipment you might encounter, including price ranges and specs for beginner-friendly options.

1. Port and Starboard

One of the most fundamental terms to understand is the difference between port and starboard .

  • Port refers to the left side of the boat when you’re facing forward, toward the bow (front).
  • Starboard refers to the right side of the boat under the same conditions.

These terms are essential for clear communication, especially in navigation and safety situations. Knowing which side of the boat you’re talking about is crucial when maneuvering, docking, or giving way to other vessels.

Price & Specs

Many starter sailboats, like the Catalina 22 Sport, which is popular among beginner sailors, come equipped with navigational aids that indicate port and starboard with colored lights. A new Catalina 22 Sport can range from $25,000 to $30,000 depending on customization, with a length of 22 feet and a beam (width) of 7.67 feet.

2. Bow and Stern

The bow refers to the front of the boat, while the stern refers to the back. This is another critical term to understand, especially when docking or communicating with crew members.

Entry-level sailboats like the Beneteau First 14 have well-defined bow and stern areas, with sleek designs aimed at enhancing speed and maneuverability. Priced around $10,000 , this 14-foot boat is perfect for those learning the ropes of sailing and offers a stable platform for training.

The boom is the horizontal pole that extends from the bottom of the mast, attached to the foot of the mainsail. The boom is critical in controlling the angle and shape of the sail, allowing you to harness the wind’s power efficiently.

A common beginner mistake is not paying attention to the boom’s movement when tacking or jibing (changing direction). The boom can swing rapidly across the deck, posing a hazard if you’re not aware of its position.

For beginner boats like the Hobie 16, the boom is lightweight and easy to control. This catamaran-style boat starts at around $12,000 , making it an accessible choice for new sailors. It has a length of 16 feet and a beam of 7.92 feet.

4. Mainsail and Jib

A sailboat typically has two main sails: the mainsail and the jib .

  • The mainsail is the large sail that is attached to the mast and boom, providing the bulk of the boat’s propulsion.
  • The jib is a smaller sail that is positioned forward of the mainsail, attached to the headstay (a cable running from the bow to the top of the mast).

Understanding how to trim (adjust) these sails to maximize wind efficiency is key to sailing effectively.

A sailboat like the Hunter 15 features a well-balanced mainsail and jib system, ideal for beginners learning sail trimming techniques. Priced around $13,000 , the Hunter 15 has a mainsail area of 108 sq. ft. and a jib area of 34 sq. ft., making it manageable for new sailors.

5. Tacking and Jibing

Tacking and jibing are two essential sailing maneuvers used to change the boat’s direction relative to the wind.

  • Tacking involves turning the bow through the wind, typically when sailing upwind.
  • Jibing is turning the stern through the wind, usually when sailing downwind.

Mastering these turns is crucial for safely navigating different wind conditions.

Learning to tack and jibe is easier on boats like the RS Zest, a compact sailboat priced around $6,000 . With a length of 11.48 feet and a sail area of 71.3 sq. ft., it’s lightweight and designed for training purposes.

The helm is the steering mechanism of the boat, usually a wheel or tiller, depending on the boat’s size. When someone is “at the helm,” they are in charge of steering the boat.

The Laser Performance Bahia, which is perfect for beginner sailors, features a simple tiller-based helm system. This 15-foot boat costs around $12,000 and offers a stable ride, allowing newcomers to focus on steering without worrying about complex controls.

The keel is the structure at the bottom of the boat that provides stability by lowering the boat’s center of gravity and preventing it from tipping over. It also helps the boat sail efficiently by cutting through the water.

Boats like the Catalina 275 Sport feature a fixed keel, providing extra stability for new sailors. Priced around $85,000 , this 27-foot boat is designed for easy handling, with a keel that offers stability in various wind conditions.

8. Sheet and Halyard

The sheet is the rope used to control the angle of the sails, while the halyard is the rope used to hoist or lower sails.

  • The mainsheet controls the mainsail.
  • The jib sheet controls the jib sail.
  • The halyard raises the sail up the mast.

Learning how to adjust the sheets and halyards properly allows you to control the sail shape and boat speed.

Sailboats like the Sunfish come with simple sheet and halyard setups, making it ideal for beginners. With a price tag of $4,500 to $6,000 , it’s one of the most affordable starter sailboats, offering a straightforward rigging system.

9. Windward and Leeward

  • Windward refers to the side of the boat facing the wind.
  • Leeward is the side sheltered from the wind.

Understanding these terms is crucial when adjusting your sails or when navigating in close proximity to other boats, as it helps you determine the wind’s impact on your vessel.

The RS Quest, priced around $10,000 , is designed with wind awareness in mind. With a length of 14 feet and a sail area of 130 sq. ft., this boat is easy to handle, helping beginners get a feel for windward and leeward sailing.

A cleat is a metal or plastic fitting on a boat used to secure ropes. Cleats are essential for tying off the sails, docking, or anchoring. Knowing how to properly tie knots around cleats is a basic sailing skill.

Most beginner-friendly sailboats, such as the Precision 165, come with multiple cleats for securing lines. This model, priced around $18,000 , is designed with user-friendly cleats for easy line management, helping new sailors get comfortable with the process.

Learning the basic nautical and sailing terms is an important step in becoming a confident sailor. As you become more familiar with the terminology, you’ll gain a better understanding of how your boat interacts with the wind and water, making your time on the water safer and more enjoyable. Whether you’re practicing on a compact boat like the Sunfish or progressing to larger models like the Catalina 275 Sport, knowing these terms will help you sail with skill and confidence.

Happy Boating!

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Read Four Reasons to Sign Up for Boating Lessons (And Where to Find Them) until we meet in the next article. 

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Basic Sailing Terminology: Sailboat Parts Explained

Sailing is a timeless activity that has captivated the hearts of adventurous souls for centuries. But, let’s face it, for beginners, sailing can be as intimidating as trying to navigate through a dark, labyrinthine maze with a blindfold on. The vast array of sailing terminology, sailboat parts and jargon can seem like a foreign language that only the most experienced seafarers can comprehend.

Fear not, intrepid sailor, for this comprehensive guide on basic sailing terminology for beginners will help you navigate the choppy waters of sailing jargon with ease. From learning the difference between the bow and stern to mastering the intricacies of sail trim, this article will equip you with all the knowledge you need to confidently take to the seas. So hoist the mainsail, batten down the hatches, and let’s set sail on this exciting journey of discovery!

Parts of a Sailboat

Before you can begin your sailing adventure, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the different parts of a sailboat. From the sleek bow to the sturdy keel, each component plays a vital role in keeping your vessel afloat and propelling you forward through the waves.

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Hull The main body of the boat that sits in the water and provides buoyancy and stability.
  • Bow The front of the boat that meets the water and helps to determine its direction.
  • Stern The rear of the boat where the rudder and motor are located.
  • Deck The flat surface of the boat that you stand on, which can include various features such as seating, storage compartments, and hatches.
  • Cockpit The recessed area of the deck where the skipper and crew sit or stand while sailing, which allows for easy access to the sail controls and provides protection from the wind and waves.
  • Keel The long, fin-shaped structure beneath the waterline that helps to keep the boat stable and upright.
  • Rudder The flat, vertical surface located at the stern of the boat that is used to steer and control the direction of the boat.
  • Tiller or wheel The mechanism used to steer the boat, either in the form of a tiller (a handle attached to the rudder) or a wheel (similar to the steering wheel of a car).
  • Mast The tall, vertical pole that supports the sails and allows you to catch the wind and move through the water.
  • Boom The horizontal pole extending off the bottom of the mast that holds the bottom edge of the mainsail.
  • Mainsail The large, triangular-shaped sail attached to the mast and boom that captures the wind’s power to propel the boat forward.
  • Jib The smaller, triangular-shaped sail attached to the bow that helps to steer the boat and balance the force of the mainsail.
  • Rigging The network of ropes and cables that hold the mast and sails in place and help control their movement.

Sail Terminology

Understanding the terminology associated with sails is critical to becoming a successful sailor. Here are 12 of the most important sail terms you should know, along with brief explanations for each:

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Luff The forward edge of a sail that is attached to the mast, allowing you to adjust the sail’s shape and angle to catch more wind.
  • Leech The aft edge of a sail that is attached to the boom, which helps to control the sail’s shape and release the wind as needed.
  • Foot The lower edge of a sail that is attached to the boom, which helps to control the sail’s shape and power.
  • Head The top of a sail that is attached to the mast and controls the sail’s overall shape and angle.
  • Battens The long, thin strips inserted into the pockets of a sail to help maintain its shape and stiffness.
  • Clew The bottom corner of a sail that is attached to the boom or sheet, which helps to control the sail’s shape and power.
  • Tack The bottom forward corner of a sail that is attached to the boat or a line, which helps to control the sail’s shape and power.
  • Sail Area The total area of a sail, which is measured in square feet or meters.
  • Sail Draft The curve or depth of a sail, which affects its performance and power.
  • Sail Shape The overall form and contour of a sail, which is critical for catching the wind effectively.
  • Reefing The process of reducing the sail area by partially lowering or folding the sail, which can be necessary in strong winds or heavy seas.
  • Furling The process of rolling or folding a sail to reduce its size or stow it away, which is often used when entering or leaving port or in rough conditions.

Wind Direction and Sail Positioning

Understanding wind direction and sail positioning is crucial for successful sailing. Here are the key terms you need to know:

Types of Wind

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Apparent Wind The wind that is felt on the boat, which is a combination of the true wind and the wind generated by the boat’s movement.
  • True Wind The actual direction and strength of the wind.

Points of Sail

You can find a detailed explanation of the points of sail here

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Close-Hauled Sailing as close to the wind as possible, with the sail set at a sharp angle to the boat.
  • Beam Reach Sailing perpendicular to the wind, with the sail set at a right angle to the boat.
  • Broad Reach Sailing with the wind at a diagonal angle behind the boat, with the sail angled away from the boat.
  • Running Sailing directly downwind, with the sail on one side of the boat.

Other Terms

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Windward The side of the boat that is facing the wind.
  • Leeward The side of the boat that is sheltered from the wind.
  • Sail Trim Adjusting the sail and rigging to maximize the power and efficiency of the sailboat.

Navigation Terminology

Navigating a sailboat requires an understanding of a variety of nautical terms. Here are some of the most important terms you should know:

  • Starboard Side The right side of a boat
  • Port Side The left side of a boat
  • Compass A device used for determining the boat’s heading or direction.
  • Bearing The direction from the boat to a specific point on land or water.
  • Chart A map or nautical publication that displays water depths, navigational aids, and other important information for safe navigation.
  • Latitude The angular distance between the equator and a point on the earth’s surface, measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
  • Longitude The angular distance between the prime meridian and a point on the earth’s surface, measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.
  • Course The direction in which the boat is traveling.
  • Plotting The process of marking a course on a chart or map.
  • Waypoint A specific point on a navigational chart or map that serves as a reference point for plotting a course.

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Tacking This maneuver involves turning the bow of the boat through the wind in order to change direction. To tack , the sailor will turn the helm towards the wind until the sails begin to luff, then quickly steer the boat in the opposite direction while adjusting the sails to catch the wind on the new tack.
  • Jibing This maneuver is similar to tacking, but involves turning the stern of the boat through the wind. To jibe, the sailor will steer the boat downwind until the sails begin to luff, then quickly turn the stern of the boat in the opposite direction while adjusting the sails to catch the wind on the new tack.
  • Heading up This maneuver involves turning the boat closer to the wind in order to sail upwind. To head up, the sailor will turn the helm towards the wind while simultaneously trimming the sails in to maintain speed and prevent the boat from stalling.
  • Falling off This maneuver involves turning the boat away from the wind in order to sail downwind. To fall off, the sailor will steer the helm away from the wind while simultaneously easing the sails out to catch more wind and accelerate the boat.
  • Docking This maneuver involves bringing the boat alongside a dock or other fixed object in order to moor or disembark. To dock, the sailor will typically approach the dock at a slow speed while using lines and fenders to control the boat’s position and prevent damage.

Knots and Lines

Learning the right knots and lines to use is essential for any sailor. Here are some of the most important knots and lines to know:

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Bowline This is a versatile knot used for many purposes, including attaching a line to a fixed object, such as a mooring or cleat.
  • Square Knot A simple knot used to join two lines of the same diameter.
  • Clove Hitch A quick and easy knot for attaching a line to a post or piling.
  • Figure-Eight Knot A knot used to stop the end of a line from unraveling.
  • Cleat Hitch A knot used to secure a line to a cleat.
  • Sheet Bend A knot used to join two lines of different diameters.

Basic Sailing Terminology

  • Main Halyard A line used to raise the mainsail.
  • Jib Sheet A line used to control the angle of the jib.
  • Mainsheet A line used to control the angle of the mainsail.
  • Jib Furling Line A line used to furl the jib.

Sailing Safety

  • Personal Flotation Devices (PFDs) These are the life jackets or vests that you must wear when on board to ensure your safety. Choose a PFD that fits you properly and is appropriate for your body weight.
  • Tethers and Harnesses These are designed to keep you attached to the boat and prevent you from falling overboard. Make sure to clip yourself onto the boat when you’re on deck or going up to the mast.
  • Man Overboard ( MOB ) Drill This is a critical safety procedure to practice with your crew. Learn how to quickly identify and recover someone who has fallen overboard.
  • Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) An EPIRB sends a distress signal and your location to rescue services in an emergency. Make sure it’s properly registered and in good working condition.
  • Navigational Lights Ensure your boat has the required navigational lights and know how to use them properly. These lights help other boats see you in low-light conditions.

Remember that safety is always the top priority when sailing, and it’s essential to take it seriously.

Basic Sailing Terminology

Sailing Terminology Conclusion

As we come to the end of our sailing terminology crash course, it’s important to remember that the world of sailing is vast and varied. Learning even the basics can be a daunting task, but with practice and perseverance, you’ll be able to hoist your sails and set a course for adventure.

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or just starting out, understanding the terminology is crucial to ensure a safe and enjoyable voyage. From the parts of the boat to the knots and lines, each aspect plays a significant role in the overall sailing experience.

So, as you prepare to embark on your next sailing adventure, keep in mind the importance of safety, navigation, and proper etiquette on the water. And remember, when all else fails, just hoist the Jolly Roger and hope for the best! (Just kidding, don’t actually do that.) Happy sailing!

What is the difference between apparent wind and true wind?

Apparent wind is the wind felt by the sailor on the boat, while true wind is the wind direction and speed relative to the ground.

What are the points of sail?

The points of sail are the directions that a sailboat can travel in relation to the wind. They include upwind, close-hauled, beam reach, broad reach, and downwind.

What does it mean to be “on a reach”?

Being “on a reach” means sailing with the wind coming from the side of the boat, at a perpendicular angle to the boat’s direction.

What is tacking?

Tacking is the maneuver used to turn the boat’s bow through the wind, allowing the boat to change direction while still sailing upwind.

What is jibing?

Jibing is the maneuver used to turn the boat’s stern through the wind, allowing the boat to change direction while sailing downwind.

What is the difference between windward and leeward?

Windward is the side of the boat that is facing into the wind, while leeward is the side of the boat that is sheltered from the wind.

What is a boom vang?

A boom vang is a line used to control the position of the boom, which helps control the shape and position of the sail.

What is a cleat?

A cleat is a device used to secure a line to the boat, allowing the sailor to adjust the tension of the line without having to hold onto it constantly.

What is a winch?

A winch is a mechanical device used to control lines and adjust sails. It typically consists of a drum and handle that can be turned to wind or unwind a line.

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Glossary of Nautical and Sailing Terms and Abbreviations

Navigating the waters of nautical and sailing terminology can be as challenging as sailing through uncharted waters. This comprehensive glossary covers essential terms and abbreviations, providing a valuable resource for both seasoned sailors and landlubbers alike. The terms are organized alphabetically for easy reference.

  • Aback : When a sail is aback, the wind fills it from the lee side, pushing it against the mast. This is often unintended and can hinder forward motion.
  • Abaft : Refers to a location on the boat towards the stern, relative to another object or position.
  • Abeam : A direction or position on a boat that is at right angles to its centerline. It’s often used to describe the location of an object or another vessel relative to the boat.
  • Aft : Located at, in, or towards the stern of a boat. It is a directional term indicating the rear part of the vessel.
  • A-hull : A method used by sailors to ride out a storm with no sails set and the helm lashed to leeward. It’s a technique for minimizing strain on the boat during severe weather.
  • AIS (Automatic Identification System) : A tracking system used on ships for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships and AIS base stations.
  • Amidships : The central part of a boat, both in terms of length and width. It refers to the area around the middle of the vessel.
  • Apparent Wind : The wind experienced by an observer in motion, combining the true wind and the wind added by the observer’s own speed. It’s important for navigation and sail adjustment.
  • ARPA (Automatic Radar Plotting Aid) : A system that uses radar to track the position and movement of other vessels, assisting in collision avoidance.
  • Astern : Refers to a position or direction behind a boat. It can also describe the action of moving the boat in reverse.
  • Athwartships : A direction or position that is at right angles to the fore-and-aft line of the boat. It’s often used in describing the layout or movement across a vessel.
  • Azimuth : The angular distance measured in a clockwise direction on the horizon, usually from a fixed reference point like north. It’s a key concept in navigation for determining directions.
  • Above Board : Referring to actions or behaviors that are honest, open, and not deceitful. It’s often used to describe dealings or transactions that are legitimate.
  • Abandon Ship : A directive given to leave the vessel immediately, usually in the face of imminent danger. It’s a last-resort order when the ship is no longer safe.
  • Aboard : Being on or within a vessel. The term “close aboard” implies proximity to another ship.
  • Accommodation Ladder : A portable flight of steps down a ship’s side, used for boarding or disembarking.
  • Admiral : A senior naval officer of flag rank, with different levels including Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, and Admiral. This term has historical roots and is key in naval hierarchies.
  • Admiralty Law : A body of law that governs maritime questions and offenses. In the UK, it’s administered by a specific division of the High Court.
  • Adrift : Describes a vessel or object that is not moored, anchored, or otherwise fastened, floating freely. It implies a lack of control and can also refer to misplaced gear.
  • Aground : A state in which a boat or ship is resting on the seabed or ground, often unintentionally. This can occur due to low tide or navigational errors.
  • Ahead : A direction in front of the bow of the boat. Moving ahead means moving forward.
  • Ahoy : A traditional cry to draw attention, often used in hailing a boat or ship. It’s a part of classic maritime communication.
  • Aid to Navigation (ATON) : Devices external to a vessel that assist navigators in determining their position or course, or in identifying dangers or obstructions. These include buoys, lighthouses, and markers.
  • All Hands : Referring to the entire crew of a ship, including both officers and enlisted personnel. It’s often used to summon the whole crew for important announcements or emergencies.
  • Aloft : Above the main structure of the ship, usually referring to the area around the masts and rigging. It’s a term often used when referring to work or lookouts positioned high on the vessel.
  • Alongside : Being next to or by the side of a ship or pier. It’s often used when a vessel is moored or in close proximity to another object.
  • Anchorage : A designated area suitable for anchoring or where ships can anchor. It can refer to a specific part of a harbor or port.
  • Anchor’s Aweigh : This term is used to indicate that the anchor is clear of the sea bottom and, therefore, the ship is no longer secured to its anchoring spot. It signifies readiness to set sail or change position.
  • Anchor Ball : A black shape hoisted at the forepart of a ship to indicate that the vessel is anchored in a navigable area or fairway. It’s a visual signal for other vessels.
  • Anchor Buoy : A small buoy connected to the anchor to mark its position when dropped on the sea floor. It helps in locating and retrieving the anchor.
  • Anchor Chain or Cable : The heavy chain or cable that connects the anchor to the ship, allowing it to be secured to the seabed. It plays a critical role in the anchoring system.
  • Anchor Detail : A group of crew members assigned to handle the ship’s anchoring equipment during anchoring or getting underway. They manage the deployment and retrieval of the anchor.
  • Anchor Light : A white light displayed by a ship at anchor, to be seen by other vessels at night. Larger ships over 150 feet display two anchor lights.
  • Anchor Watch : The duty of ensuring that the anchor is holding and the vessel is not drifting, especially important in rough weather and at night. Many modern vessels use GPS systems with anchor watch alarm capabilities.
  • Armament : Refers to the weapons carried by a ship. Armaments are critical for defense and, historically, for offensive naval actions.
  • Ashore : Describes being on the land as opposed to being on a ship. Often used when crew members leave a ship to go onto land.
  • Astern : The direction toward the back or stern of a vessel. It can also refer to a vessel or object located behind another vessel.
  • Asylum Harbor : A harbor that provides shelter from storms or rough weather. It’s a place of refuge for vessels.
  • ASW (Anti-submarine Warfare) : Activities and equipment focused on combating and defending against submarines. It’s a key aspect of naval warfare.
  • Athwart, Athwartships : Positioned or located at right angles to the fore-and-aft line of a ship. This term is often used in describing the layout of the ship or when something is across the vessel’s centerline.
  • ATON (Aid to Navigation) : Refers to any device external to a vessel that assists in navigation, such as buoys, lighthouses, and beacons. These are critical for safe maritime navigation, providing direction and warning of hazards.
  • Avast : A command to stop or cease what is being done immediately. It’s a traditional naval term used to halt an operation or activity on the ship quickly.
  • Awash : Describes a condition where the deck or surface of the vessel is barely above water, with water washing over it. It can indicate a dangerous situation, especially in rough seas.
  • Aweigh : When the anchor is lifted off the seabed and is no longer holding the ship in place. It signifies the start of a journey or a change in the ship’s position.
  • Aye, Aye : A response indicating that an order has been received, understood, and will be carried out. It’s a common response to commands in naval and maritime operations.
  • Azimuth Compass : An instrument used to determine the position of the sun in relation to magnetic north. It’s crucial for navigation, especially in celestial navigation.
  • Azimuth Circle : A navigational instrument used for taking bearings of celestial objects, aiding in determining the ship’s position and course.
  • Ballast : Ballast refers to material placed in the lower part of a boat or ship to provide stability and improve its handling and balance. It can be water, sand, or other heavy materials, adjusted according to the vessel’s needs to maintain an even keel and optimal performance.
  • Batten : A thin, flexible strip inserted into the sail’s edge, providing stability and shape to the sail, especially in stronger winds.
  • Beam : The widest part of a boat, crucial for stability. It’s a key measurement in determining a vessel’s capacity and handling characteristics.
  • Berth : A sleeping compartment on a boat, or a designated space in a harbor where a vessel can be moored.
  • Bilge : The lowest part of a boat’s interior, where water typically collects and needs to be pumped out to prevent damage.
  • Bilge Pump : A mechanical or manual device used to remove water accumulated in the bilge, essential for maintaining vessel buoyancy and safety.
  • Boom : A horizontal pole attached to the mast, used to extend and control the foot of a sail.
  • Bow : The front or forward part of a boat, often characterized by a pointed shape for cutting through water.
  • Bowsprit : A spar extending forward from a ship’s bow, used to support fore-sails and increase sail area.
  • Bridge : The area on a ship where the command and navigation are conducted, equivalent to a control center on larger vessels.
  • Buoy : A floating device used to mark specific points in the water, like hazards, channels, or anchors.
  • Bulkhead : A structural partition within a ship, dividing various compartments or sections for stability and safety.
  • Back and Fill : A maneuver using the tide’s advantage when the wind is not favorable, typically in narrow channels or during docking.
  • Backstays : Cables or lines extending from the ship’s stern to the masthead, providing support and stability to the mast.
  • Baggywrinkle : A soft covering, usually made from old rope, wrapped around rigging cables to prevent sail chafing.
  • Bar : A large mass of sand or earth formed by sea surges, often found at river mouths or harbor entrances, affecting navigation.
  • Barrelman : A sailor stationed in a crow’s nest, responsible for lookout duties and spotting hazards or other ships.
  • Bar Pilot : A specialist navigator who guides ships through challenging areas like sandbars or river mouths.
  • Beacon : A fixed navigation aid, either lighted or unlighted, attached to the earth’s surface, marking hazards or guiding paths.
  • Bear Away/Down : Nautical terms for steering a vessel away from the wind, often during maneuvers or in response to wind shifts.
  • Bearing : The direction or position of an object, typically another vessel, relative to one’s own position, measured in degrees.
  • Before the Mast : A term referring to the living quarters of enlisted sailors, located in the front part of the ship.
  • Belaying Pins : Rods or bars used to secure ropes or rigging on a ship, typically made of wood or metal.
  • Best Bower : The larger of two anchors on a ship, often the primary anchor used for securing the vessel.
  • Bimini : A protective covering, typically made of weather-resistant fabric, mounted over a boat’s cockpit to shield from sun or rain. It’s a common feature in sailboats and yachts for added comfort.
  • Binnacle : A stand or housing on a ship that holds navigational instruments, including the ship’s compass. It’s essential for maintaining the ship’s course.
  • Bitts : Strong vertical posts on a ship’s deck for fastening ropes or cables, especially important during mooring or towing operations.
  • Bitter End : The final part of a rope or anchor cable. In nautical usage, reaching the ‘bitter end’ means using the entire length of the rope or cable.
  • Boatswain (or Bosun) : A non-commissioned officer on a ship responsible for maintaining the vessel’s rigging, sails, and other equipment.
  • Boom Vang : A device used on sailboats to control the angle and bend of the boom, thereby influencing sail shape and performance.
  • Bow-Chaser : A type of long gun placed at the front of a ship, used for firing directly ahead, especially useful in naval pursuits.
  • Bowline : A type of knot creating a fixed loop at the end of a rope, known for its strength and stability.
  • Bowsprit : A spar extending forward from a ship’s bow, used to increase the area for fore-sails and enhance sailing efficiency.
  • Broaching-To : A sudden veering or turning of a ship, often causing it to face into the wind or waves, potentially dangerous in heavy seas.
  • Bulwark : The extension of a ship’s sides above the level of the deck, providing protection against waves and adding structural integrity.
  • Cabin : Enclosed living space on a boat, offering shelter and accommodations. It can range from basic to luxurious, depending on the vessel.
  • Cable : A large rope or a measure of distance at sea, often used in anchoring or mooring a vessel. It is crucial in various maritime operations.
  • Capsize : The act of a boat turning over in the water, which can be accidental or due to extreme conditions. Capsizing is a critical concern in boating safety.
  • Chart Datum : A reference level on nautical charts, indicating the lowest tide level. It’s essential for safe navigation, especially near shorelines.
  • Cleat : A fitting, often made of metal or plastic, used for securing ropes on a boat. It’s a fundamental piece of hardware for mooring and rigging.
  • Cockpit : The area, usually lower than the deck, where the boat’s controls are located. It’s the primary operating station for steering and maneuvering.
  • Companionway : The set of steps or a ladder leading from the boat’s deck down to the cabin. It serves as the main entry to the interior.
  • Catamaran : A boat with two parallel hulls, offering stability and space. It’s popular for both recreational and racing purposes.
  • Centreboard : A retractable keel that moves vertically, used to reduce sideways movement (leeway) in sailing boats.
  • Clew : The lower aft corner of a sail, where the foot and leech intersect. It plays a crucial role in controlling sail shape.
  • Close-Hauled : Sailing as close to the wind as possible without stalling. It’s a challenging point of sail requiring precise control.
  • Cringle : A reinforced eyelet, often found at the ends of reef lines or on sails, used for securing or adjusting the sail.
  • Daggerboard : A vertically movable fin in smaller sailboats, providing stability and controlling side-slippage.
  • Deck : The top surface of a boat’s hull where crew and passengers stand.
  • Deadrise : The angle formed between the boat’s bottom and a horizontal plane, is important for understanding hull design.
  • Dinghy : A small boat, often used for short trips or as a tender for larger vessels.
  • Dodger : A protective covering over the cockpit area, shielding from wind and spray.
  • Davy Jones’ Locker : Nautical folklore for the seabed, symbolizing the final resting place of drowned sailors.
  • Daybeacon : An unlit navigation marker, visible in daylight, used for identifying locations or hazards.
  • Deadeye : A round wooden block with holes, part of a ship’s standing rigging, used for tensioning shrouds.
  • Deckhand : A crew member responsible for general work on the main deck.
  • Derrick : A lifting device on ships, composed of a mast or pole and a boom, used for cargo handling.
  • Devil Seam : A particularly difficult seam to seal on a ship’s hull, located near the waterline.
  • Dog Watch : A shorter than usual watch period on ships, typically two hours, to rotate duty times.
  • Dolphin : A man-made marine structure of piled beams for mooring or navigational aids.
  • Downhaul : A rope or line used for adjusting the tension on a sail or spar.
  • Draft : The vertical distance from the waterline to the lowest point of a ship’s keel, important for determining navigable water depth.
  • Dredging : The removal of sediments and debris from the bottom of water bodies to deepen them for navigation, environmental cleanup, or land reclamation.
  • Drogue : A device trailed behind a boat to slow it down, particularly useful in heavy weather to control speed.
  • EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) : A crucial safety device that sends out a distress signal in emergencies, helping in the location of vessels in distress.
  • Engine : The power unit used to propel a boat, varying in type and size depending on the vessel.
  • Earrings : Ropes used to secure the top corners of large sails to the yardarms, essential in sail management.
  • Embayed : A situation where a vessel is trapped between headlands, often with winds blowing onshore, posing navigational challenges.
  • Even Keel : Even keel refers to a condition where a boat or ship is perfectly balanced in the water, not tilting to either side. This balance is crucial for optimal performance and safety, ensuring the vessel moves efficiently and remains stable.
  • Extremis : A critical point in navigation rules where vessels in danger of collision must take action to avoid it.
  • EP (Estimated Position) : A navigational term referring to the calculated location of a vessel based on estimations.
  • ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) : The predicted time a vessel is expected to arrive at a destination. Read more: What Is ETA and ETD in Shipping?
  • ETD (Estimated Time of Departure) : The planned time for a vessel’s departure from a port or location. Read more: What Is ETA and ETD in Shipping?
  • Fairlead : A fitting that guides ropes smoothly, preventing friction and wear.
  • Fathom : A unit of depth measurement in maritime contexts, equal to six feet. Read more about fathom as a nautical measurement .
  • Flare : An emergency signaling device emitting bright light, used for distress signaling at sea.
  • Fender : A cushioning device, often air or foam-filled, used to prevent a boat from damaging itself or other objects.
  • Figurehead : A decorative symbol located at the front of older sailing ships.
  • Fireship : Historically, a ship filled with explosives and set on fire, used as a weapon.
  • First Rate : A classification for large, heavily armed warships in the 17th to 19th centuries.
  • Flag Hoist : A series of signal flags strung together to convey messages.
  • Fluke : The wedge-shaped part of an anchor’s arm, essential for securing the anchor in the seabed.
  • Forecastle : A section at the front of a ship, traditionally housing crew quarters.
  • Furl : To roll or wrap a sail around a spar or mast, a common practice in managing sails.
  • Galley : The kitchen area on a boat, equipped for cooking and preparing meals.
  • Genoa : A large jib or foresail, often overlapping the mainsail, used for improved sailing efficiency, especially in lighter winds.
  • Gimbal : A pivoting support allowing an object to remain level regardless of the boat’s motion, commonly used for compasses and cooking appliances.
  • Gudgeon and Pintle : Components of the hinge mechanism connecting the rudder to the boat, crucial for steering.
  • Gaff : A spar supporting the upper side of a fore-and-aft sail, essential in traditional sail configurations.
  • Gangplank : A movable bridge allowing passengers and crew to board or leave a ship, especially at a pier.
  • Garboard : The bottom plank of a boat’s hull, adjacent to the keel, playing a critical role in hull integrity.
  • GPS (Global Positioning System) : A satellite-based navigation system providing location and time information globally, vital for modern navigation.
  • Grapeshot : A type of ammunition used in naval warfare, consisting of small metal balls, effective against personnel rather than structures.
  • Gybe (or Jibe) : A sailing maneuver where the boat turns so its stern passes through the wind, used to change direction.
  • Hank : A fitting used to connect a sail’s luff to a stay.
  • HAT (Highest Astronomical Tide) : The highest level of tide predicted under average meteorological conditions.
  • Hatch : An opening in a ship’s deck for interior access.
  • Head-to-Wind : Position where a boat’s bow points directly into the wind.
  • Headfoil : A streamlined cover around a forestay, with a groove for a headsail’s luff.
  • Heads : Toilets on a boat.
  • Headway : Forward movement of a boat through water.
  • Heave-to : A maneuver in heavy weather to reduce a boat’s headway by backing the jib and lashing the tiller to leeward.
  • Heel : The action of a boat leaning to one side.
  • Halyard (or Halliard) : Line used to hoist a sail’s head or a spar; essential for sail manipulation.
  • Hammock : Canvas bed slung from a ship’s deckhead, used for sailors’ sleeping quarters.
  • Hand Bomber : Historical term for a ship with manually shoveled coal-fired boilers.
  • Hand over Fist : Expression describing steady upward climbing, akin to a sailor ascending a ship’s shrouds.
  • Handsomely : Slow, steady motion, especially when hauling a line.
  • Hank : Fastener attaching a sail’s luff to the forestay, typically featuring a spring-operated gate or snap fastener.
  • Harbor (or Harbour, Haven) : A natural or man-made shelter for ships, providing protection from weather.
  • Haul Wind : Sailing towards the wind’s direction, not the fastest sailing point.
  • Hawse-hole : A hole in the ship’s bow for anchor cables or chains.
  • Hawsepiper : A maritime officer who started as an unlicensed seaman without formal maritime education.
  • Head : The toilet or latrine on a vessel, traditionally positioned at the bow.
  • Head of Navigation : The farthest navigable point on a river for ships.
  • Headsail : Any sail flown in front of a vessel’s foremost mast.
  • Heave : A vessel’s temporary vertical motion, up and down.
  • Heaving to : Stopping a sailing vessel by opposing the helm and sails, causing a leeward drift.
  • Heave Down : Tilting a ship on its side, often for cleaning purposes.
  • Heeling : The leaning of a sailing vessel caused by wind pressure on its sails.
  • Helmsman : Person responsible for steering a ship.
  • Hogging (or Hog) : Hull distortion where the keel’s ends are lower than the center.
  • Hold : The lower part of a ship’s interior, used for storage, such as cargo.
  • Holiday : An unintentional gap in the application of paint or other preservative substances.
  • Holystone : Sandstone block used for scrubbing a ship’s deck.
  • Horn : A sound signal device powered by electricity or compressed air.
  • Horse : Attachment for sheets on a vessel’s deck.
  • Hounds : Attachments for stays on masts.
  • Hull : The shell and structural framework of a ship’s basic flotation section.
  • Hydrofoil : A boat with underwater wings or foils for lift and speed enhancement. Read more about Hydrofoil boats
  • Icebreaker : A ship designed to navigate and break through ice-covered waters, enabling travel in polar regions. Read more about how icebreakers work or the top 10 biggest icebreakers in the world .
  • Icing : A hazardous condition where sea spray freezes upon contact with the ship in cold temperatures (below about -10°C) and high wind speeds (force 8 or above on the Beaufort scale).
  • Idlers : Members of a ship’s crew who are not required to stand watches, typically specialist tradesmen like carpenters and sailmakers.
  • IMO (International Maritime Organisation) : A specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping.
  • Impeller : A rotating component in a pump or engine, used to move water for cooling or propulsion.
  • In Irons : A sailing term for when a boat’s bow is into the wind, causing it to stall and lose maneuverability.
  • In the Offing : Originally meaning in the waters visible from onboard a ship, now refers to something imminent or about to happen.
  • Inboard Motor : An engine mounted inside the boat, typically below the deck, used for propulsion.
  • Inboard-Outboard Drive System : A hybrid marine propulsion system combining features of inboard and outboard motors, often found in larger powerboats.
  • Inclinometer : An instrument used on ships to measure the degree of tilt or inclination, showing the vessel’s angle relative to the horizontal.
  • IRPCS (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea) : A set of international rules governing navigation to prevent collisions between vessels at sea.
  • Isobars : Lines on a weather map joining places of equal atmospheric pressure, crucial for weather prediction and navigation.
  • ITU (International Telecommunication Union) : A United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies, including maritime communications.
  • Jib : A triangular sail set forward of the mainmast of a boat, critical for maneuvering and speed.
  • Jack : In nautical terms, it refers to either a flag, specifically flown at the jackstaff at the bow of a ship, or colloquially to a sailor.
  • Jacklines or Jack Stays : Lines, often steel wire with a plastic coating, running from bow to stern on both sides of a ship, used for clipping on safety harnesses to secure crew while allowing deck mobility.
  • Jack Tar : A term for a sailor, historically dressed in ‘square rig’ with a square collar and sometimes a tarred pigtail.
  • Jib : A triangular staysail set at the front of a ship, important for its maneuvering and speed.
  • Jibe (or Gybe) : A sailing maneuver where the stern of the boat turns through the wind, changing the side of the boat the sail is on.
  • Jigger-mast : The fourth or rearmost mast on a ship, generally the smallest on vessels with fewer than four masts.
  • Jollies : A traditional Royal Navy nickname for the Royal Marines.
  • Junk : Old, unusable cordage on a ship, often repurposed by teasing apart strands in a process called picking oakum.
  • Jury : Refers to a temporary replacement for lost or damaged gear on a ship, often improvised in emergencies.
  • Keel : The primary structural element of a boat’s hull, extending along the bottom and often protruding into the water for stability.
  • Keelhauling : A severe maritime punishment involving dragging a person under the keel of a ship.
  • Kedge : A small, light secondary anchor used for additional anchoring or maneuvering.
  • Kelson (or Kelson) : A timber placed immediately above the keel inside a wooden ship, contributing to the hull’s structural integrity.
  • Ketch : A two-masted sailing vessel with a mainmast and a smaller mizzenmast, the latter stepped forward of the rudder post.
  • Kicking Strap (or Boom Vang) : A line or tackle used to control a sailboat’s boom position, pulling it down to maintain a horizontal orientation, especially useful on a reach or run.
  • Killick : A small anchor, symbolically representing a non-commissioned officer in the Royal Navy, or used colloquially to refer to an able seaman skilled in anchor handling.
  • Kissing the Gunner’s Daughter : A naval punishment where a sailor was bent over a cannon’s barrel for a spanking with a cane or cat-o’-nine-tails.
  • Know the Ropes : A phrase indicating thorough familiarity with the ropes and cordage necessary for operating a ship.
  • Ladder : On ships, most ‘stairs’ are called ladders, typically narrow and nearly vertical.
  • Laker : A vessel that operates exclusively on the Great Lakes.
  • Land Lubber : A person inexperienced or unfamiliar with the sea and sailing.
  • Lanyard : A short line used to secure or tether an object, such as a tool, to prevent loss.
  • Larboard : Archaic term for the left side of a ship, now known as ‘port’.
  • Large (By and Large) : Nautical term referring to sailing both with and against the wind.
  • LAT (Lowest Astronomical Tide) : The lowest level that sea tides can reach, used as a reference in charting.
  • Lateral System : Navigation aids system indicating the sides of channels relative to a conventional direction.
  • Lay : Orders related to crew movement or ship’s course; also, the twisting of rope strands.
  • Lay Down : To begin ship construction in a shipyard.
  • Lazy Jacks : Lines or ropes used to assist in controlling a sail when lowering or reefing.
  • League : A unit of distance, often equated to three nautical miles.
  • Lee : The side of the boat sheltered from the wind.
  • Lee Helm : Tendency of a boat to bear away from the wind, requiring the helm to be pushed leeward to maintain a straight course.
  • Lee Shore : A shore onto which the wind blows, posing a risk for ships being blown aground.
  • Leech : The after edge of a sail, particularly susceptible to twist and controlled by the vang and mainsheet.
  • Leeward : The direction toward which the wind is blowing.
  • Leeway : The sideways movement of a ship off its course due to wind pressure.
  • Let Go and Haul : An order indicating alignment with the wind.
  • Letter of Marque and Reprisal : A government license authorizing a privateer to attack enemy ships.
  • Lifeboat : A small, sturdy boat carried on ships, used for emergency evacuation.
  • Lifeline : A safety line or cable running along the sides of a boat.
  • Liferaft : An inflatable raft used for emergency abandonment of a ship.
  • Line : The correct nautical term for ropes used on a vessel, each with a specific name based on its use.
  • Liner : Originally a term for major warships in a battle line; now refers to large, prestigious passenger vessels.
  • List : The lean or tilt of a vessel to one side due to uneven weight distribution.
  • Loaded to the Gunwales : Having cargo loaded up to the ship’s rail; colloquially, being extremely drunk.
  • Loggerhead : An iron tool for driving caulking into seams; historically, also used in fights.
  • Lubber’s Line : A line inside a compass case indicating the ship’s heading.
  • Luff : The forward edge of a sail; ‘to luff up’ means turning the boat’s head into the wind.
  • Luffing : The condition when a sail is not fully filled with wind, often indicated by flapping.
  • Lying Ahull : A storm tactic where all sails are doused and the boat is left to drift.
  • Mainbrace : The brace attached to the mainmast.
  • Mainmast (or Main) : The tallest mast on a ship, supporting the primary sails.
  • Mainsheet : A line used to control the angle and shape of the mainsail, affecting sail trim and boom position.
  • Man of War : A warship from the age of sail.
  • Man Overboard! : A cry indicating that a person has fallen off the ship.
  • Marina : A facility for docking small ships and yachts, often with amenities.
  • Marines Soldiers Afloat : Royal Marines with duties including guarding ship’s officers; formed in 1664.
  • Marinized Engine : An automotive engine adapted for use in marine environments.
  • Mast : A vertical pole on a ship supporting sails and rigging.
  • Mast Step : The socket or base in the keel where the mast is fixed.
  • Masthead : A platform partway up the mast, used for lookout and access to the main yard.
  • Master : The commander of a commercial vessel or a senior naval officer responsible for seamanship and navigation.
  • Master-at-Arms : A naval non-commissioned officer in charge of discipline.
  • Matelot : A traditional Royal Navy term for an ordinary sailor.
  • MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency) : The organization responsible for maritime safety and regulation.
  • Measured Mile : A nautical mile measured for testing a ship’s speed.
  • Meridian : An imaginary line on Earth passing through the poles, used in navigation.
  • Mess : An area on a ship where the crew eats; also, a group of crew members who eat together.
  • Mess Deck Catering : A system where a mess group collectively manages and prepares meals.
  • Midshipman : A junior officer in naval training.
  • Mizzen : The shorter after-mast on a ketch or yawl; also, the sail on this mast.
  • Mizzenmast (or Mizzen) : The third mast on a ship, typically on larger vessels.
  • Mizzen Staysail : A light sail set on a ketch or yawl, used in moderate conditions.
  • MLWN (Mean Low Water Neaps) : The average lowest tidal height at neap tides.
  • MLWS (Mean Low Water Springs) : The average lowest tidal height at spring tides.
  • MHWN (Mean High Water Neaps) : The average highest tidal height at neap tides.
  • MHWS (Mean High Water Springs) : The average highest tidal height at spring tides.
  • MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) : A unique identification number for maritime communications.
  • Mooring : Securing a boat to a fixed point like a buoy or dock.
  • Monkey Fist : A weighted ball woven from line, used for throwing a line to another location.
  • Moor : To secure a boat to a mooring point or dock.
  • Nautical Mile : A unit of distance in marine navigation, approximately equal to 1.852 kilometers.
  • Navigation Rules : Guidelines, also known as “rules of the road,” for avoiding collisions at sea and determining responsibility in the event of a collision.
  • Nipper : A short rope used to bind a cable to a moving line (messenger) during anchor operations, facilitating the cable’s movement.
  • No Room to Swing a Cat : A phrase indicating a lack of space, historically referring to crowded conditions on a ship during floggings where there wasn’t enough room to swing the ‘cat o’ nine tails’ whip.
  • Oilskin : Waterproof clothing worn by sailors in foul weather.
  • Oar : A long pole with a flat blade, used manually for rowing a boat.
  • Orlop Deck : The lowest deck in a ship, especially in ships of the line, often covering the hold.
  • Orderbook : A record or list detailing the orders placed with shipyards for the construction of new ships. This term is commonly used in the maritime industry to gauge the level of activity and demand in the shipbuilding sector. Related article: What is a Ship Order Book? A Clear Explanation for Traders and Investors.
  • Oreboat : A vessel, typically found on the Great Lakes, used primarily for transporting iron ore.
  • Outboard Motor : A detachable engine mounted on the stern of a boat, used for propulsion.
  • Overall Length (LOA) : The total length of a boat or ship, measured from the foremost part of the bow to the aftermost part of the stern, excluding attachments like bowspritRelated article: What Do Boat Measurements Mean? 11 Terms Explained! .
  • Outward Bound : Departing from a port or harbor, heading towards the open sea.
  • Overbear : Sailing downwind directly at another ship to steal its wind.
  • Overfall : Dangerous sea conditions with steep and breaking waves, often caused by opposing currents and winds in shallow areas.
  • Overhaul : The action of hauling buntline ropes over sails to prevent chafing.
  • Overhead : The ceiling on a boat, technically the underside of the deck above.
  • Overreach : In sailing, maintaining a tack too long before changing direction.
  • Over the Barrel : A phrase referring to the practice of flogging young sailors over a cannon’s barrel.
  • Outhaul : A rope used to control the shape of a sail, particularly the foot.
  • Overwhelmed : A term for a boat that has capsized or sunk.
  • Owner : A traditional Royal Navy term for the captain, originating from the days of privately-owned ships in naval service.
  • Ox-Eye : A cloud or weather phenomenon signaling the potential onset of a storm.
  • Painter : The bow line used to tow or secure a dinghy or tender.
  • Panpan : An urgency call over the radio, requesting assistance but not in immediate danger.
  • Parrel : A movable loop securing the yard to the mast on a sailing vessel.
  • Part Brass Rags : An expression meaning to fall out with a friend; originates from shared cleaning materials.
  • Pay : The action of filling a seam with caulking or pitch, or lubricating rigging.
  • Paymaster : A naval officer responsible for financial matters, including paying and provisioning the crew.
  • Pier-head Jump : A last-minute assignment of a sailor to a warship just before its departure.
  • Pilot : A navigator or person qualified to steer ships through challenging waters.
  • Pilothouse : An enclosed space on a boat from where it is navigated and controlled.
  • Pipe (Bos’n’s Call) : A whistle used by boatswains to issue commands on a ship.
  • Pipe Down : A signal indicating the end of the day, requiring silence and lights out.
  • Piping the Side : A ceremonial salute using the bosun’s pipe to honor important individuals.
  • Pitch : The up-and-down motion of a vessel’s bow and stern, rotating around its lateral axis.
  • Pitchpole : To capsize a boat end over end, rather than by rolling.
  • Pontoon : A flat-bottomed vessel, often used as a ferry, barge, or float for boarding.
  • Poop Deck : A high deck on the aft of a ship’s superstructure.
  • Pooped : Being swamped by a high, following sea, or colloquially, being exhausted.
  • Port : The left-hand side of a ship when facing forward; marked with a red light at night.
  • Port Tack : When a sailing boat has the wind coming from the port side and the mainsail is on the starboard side.
  • Position Line/Line of Position : A line on a chart indicating a boat’s location, derived from bearings or sightings.
  • Press Gang : Groups used historically by the Royal Navy to forcibly recruit men into naval service.
  • Preventer (Gybe or Jibe Preventer) : A line used to prevent or moderate accidental jibes.
  • Privateer : A privately-owned vessel authorized to engage in warfare under a Letter of Marque.
  • Propeller Walk (Prop Walk) : The tendency of a propeller to push the stern sideways, affecting maneuverability.
  • Prow : A poetic term for the bow of a ship.
  • Pulley : A wheel on an axle designed to support movement and change of direction of a taut cable or belt.
  • Pulpit : A metal guardrail at the bow of a boat, providing safety for the crew.
  • Pushpit : A metal guardrail at the stern of a boat.
  • Pusser : A naval term for the purser; responsible for supplies and provisions on a ship.
  • Quarter : The side of a boat between the stern and the beam, roughly midway along the boat’s length.
  • Quarterdeck : Traditionally, the aftermost deck of a warship, reserved for the ship’s officers; often near the stern.
  • Quay (or Quayside) : A stone or metal platform lying alongside or projecting into water for loading and unloading ships.
  • Queen’s (King’s) Regulations : The comprehensive orders governing the Royal Navy of the UK, issued under the authority of the reigning monarch.
  • Radar : Acronym for RAdio Detection And Ranging, an electronic system used for detecting and locating objects using radio waves.
  • Radar Reflector : A device that enhances a vessel’s visibility on radar screens by reflecting radar energy.
  • Range : (1) In navigation, the alignment of two fixed points to guide a vessel; (2) the difference between high and low tide levels; (3) the distance at which a light is visible.
  • Range Lights : Two lights aligned to form a navigational aid or mark a channel’s centerline.
  • Ratlines : Rope ladders on a ship’s rigging to access masts and yards.
  • Reach : A sailing point approximately 60° to 160° off the wind, including close, beam, and broad reaching.
  • Reef : (1) To reduce a sail’s area in strong winds; (2) a rock or coral formation shallow enough to ground a vessel.
  • Reef Points : Cords attached to a sail for securing excess fabric after reefing.
  • Reef-Bands : Canvas strips sewn across sails for added strength.
  • Reef-Tackles : Ropes used in the operation of reefing sails.
  • Reefing Pennant : A strong line used to pull down the sail’s cringle to the boom during reefing.
  • Reduced Cat : A lighter version of the cat o’nine tails, used for disciplining boys.
  • Red Duster : Traditional nickname for the Civil Red Ensign.
  • Rigging : The system of ropes, cables, or chains supporting a ship’s masts and controlling sails. More about Rigging !
  • Rigging Screw : A device used to adjust the tension of a ship’s standing rigging.
  • Righting Couple : The force that restores a ship to equilibrium after a heel alters the relationship between the center of buoyancy and gravity.
  • Rigol : A rim or ‘eyebrow’ above a porthole or scuttle.
  • Roach : The curved part of a sail’s leech, extending beyond a straight line from head to clew.
  • Roll : A vessel’s side-to-side motion, rotating about the fore-aft axis.
  • Rolling Tackle : Pulleys used to secure the yard to the weather side of the mast in rough seas.
  • The Ropes : Refers to the lines used in a ship’s rigging.
  • Rope’s End : A short length of rope used as a tool for summary punishment.
  • Rudder : A flat piece, usually wood or metal, used to steer a ship.
  • Rummage Sale : The sale of damaged cargo, derived from French ‘arrimage’.
  • Running Rigging : The movable rigging of a ship, including lines like sheets and halyards, used to control sails’ position and shape.
  • Sagging : The condition of a ship when a wave trough is amidships, causing the middle part of the ship to bend downward.
  • Sail-plan : A set of drawings showing various sail combinations recommended for different conditions.
  • Sailing Certification : Official recognition of sailing competence by an established sailing educational body.
  • Saltie : A Great Lakes term for a vessel that also sails in ocean waters.
  • Sampson Post : A strong vertical post supporting a ship’s windlass and the heel of the bowsprit.
  • SAR (Search and Rescue) : Operations aimed at finding and helping vessels in distress.
  • SART (Search and Rescue Transponder) : A device used in search and rescue operations to locate vessels.
  • Scandalize : To temporarily reduce the area of a sail without properly reefing it.
  • Scantling : Scantling refers to the set of standard dimensions for parts of a structure or vessel, particularly in shipbuilding. It includes the dimensions for beams, planks, ribs, and other components, ensuring structural integrity and compliance with design specifications and safety standards.
  • Scud : The lowest clouds, observed mostly in squally weather.
  • Scudding : Being carried furiously along by a storm.
  • Scuppers : Openings on the side rails that allow water to drain off the deck.
  • Scuttle : A small opening in a ship’s deck or hull; to sink a vessel deliberately.
  • Scuttlebutt : A barrel for drinking water on a ship; also refers to gossip among sailors.
  • Sea Anchor : A device deployed in water to stabilize a vessel in heavy weather.
  • Sea Chest : A valve on a ship’s hull for water intake for ballast purposes.
  • Seacock : A valve that controls water intake or discharge through the hull.
  • Seaman : A sailor or crew member, often referring to lower ranks.
  • Seaworthy : The condition of being fit and safe for navigating at sea.
  • Securitay : A procedure word indicating a safety-related communication.
  • Seelonce : Request for radio silence during a distress incident.
  • Self-Unloader : A Great Lakes term for a vessel equipped to unload its cargo without external equipment.
  • Sennet Whip : A device used for summary punishment on ships.
  • Shackle : A metal link with a removable pin, used in various shapes for securing items.
  • Sheave : A wheel or roller in a block, over which a rope runs.
  • Sheer : The upward curve of a ship’s lines along its length, viewed from the side. More about Sheers
  • Sheet : A rope attached to the lower corner of a sail for controlling its setting.
  • Ship : A large vessel, traditionally a three-masted vessel square-rigged on all masts.
  • Ship’s Bell : Used for marking time and regulating the crew’s watches.
  • Ship’s Company : The collective term for the crew of a ship.
  • Shoal : Shallow water that presents a hazard to navigation.
  • Shrouds : Part of the standing rigging, running from the mast to the sides of the ship for support.
  • Sick Bay : The medical compartment on a ship.
  • Siren : A sound signal device using electricity or compressed air.
  • Skipper : The captain or master of a ship.
  • Skysail : A very high sail, above the royals, carried by few ships.
  • Skyscraper : A small, triangular sail set above the skysail, used in light winds.
  • Sloop : A single-masted sailing boat with one mainsail and one headsail.
  • Slop Chest : A store aboard a ship selling items like clothing and tobacco to the crew.
  • Slush : Greasy substance from boiling or scraping fat in meat storage barrels, used for greasing rigging.
  • Slush Fund : Money obtained from selling ‘slush’, used for the crew’s benefit.
  • Small Bower (Anchor) : The smaller of two anchors carried at the bow of a ship.
  • Son of a Gun : Originally, children born aboard ship; now used to refer to a mischievous person.
  • Sonar : Sound Navigation And Ranging; a device for detecting objects underwater.
  • Spanker : A sail on the aft-most mast of certain ships, like schooners and barques.
  • Spanker-Mast : The aft-most mast on vessels like schooners and barquentines.
  • Spar : A general term for poles like masts and booms on a ship.
  • Spindrift : Spray blown from wave crests by strong winds.
  • Spinnaker : A large, balloon-like sail used for down
  • Tack (noun) : The lower forward corner of a sail.
  • Tack (verb) : A maneuver where the boat turns so the bow passes through an imaginary line, pointing into the wind.
  • Tacking : Sailing close-hauled on alternate courses so that the wind shifts from one side of the boat to the other.
  • Taking the Wind Out of His Sails : Sailing in a way that steals the wind from another ship.
  • Tang : A metal fitting for attaching rigging to a mast or spar.
  • Tally : The action of hauling aft the sheets towards the ship’s stern.
  • Tailshaft : A metallic shaft connecting the propeller to the power engine, aiding in propulsion.
  • Teazer : A rope used as a punitive device.
  • Tender : A small boat used to ferry people and supplies from a yacht to shore.
  • Three Sheets to the Wind : A term describing a drunken sailor; metaphorically, a ship drifting aimlessly.
  • Tide : The rise and fall of the ocean’s surface due to gravitational forces, mainly from the moon.
  • Timoneer : A steersman of a ship, especially during specific maneuvers.
  • Toe the Line/Mark : To stand in line with toes aligned with a seam on the deck, used in naval parades.
  • Togey : Another term for a rope used as a punitive device.
  • Topgallant : The mast or sails above the topsails.
  • Topmast : The second section of a mast above the deck, carrying the topsails.
  • Topsail : The second sail up a mast, either square or fore-and-aft.
  • Topsides : The part of a ship’s hull above the waterline; also refers to above-water hull.
  • Touch and Go : A situation where the ship’s bottom grazes the seafloor but doesn’t become grounded.
  • Towing : The process of pulling a vessel forward by lines.
  • Track : (1) The course made good by a boat; (2) a fitting on the mast or boom for a sail’s slide; (3) a fitting for a traveller.
  • TrackLink : A GPS tracking app for student logbooks in sailing education.
  • Traffic Separation Scheme : Designated shipping corridors that separate incoming and outgoing vessels.
  • Transom : The flat surface forming the stern of a boat. Read more: What Is a Transom on a Boat? A Beginner’s Guide
  • Travellers : Fittings that slide on a rod or line, commonly used for the mainsheet.
  • Trim : (1) Adjusting the sails; (2) adjusting the boat’s load for optimal fore-and-aft angle.
  • Trimaran : A boat with a main hull and two smaller outrigger hulls.
  • True Wind : The actual wind speed and direction experienced when stationary.
  • Tiller : A lever attached to the rudder, used for steering.
  • Topsail : A sail located above the lowermost sail of a mast, typically in square-rigged vessels.
  • Turtling : A capsizing incident where a sailboat’s mast points straight down and the hull resembles a turtle shell.
  • Turnbuckle : A device used to adjust the tension of a ship’s rigging.
  • Topping Lift : A line used to support the boom of a sailboat when the sail is not raised.
  • Tide : The periodic rise and fall of the ocean’s surface caused by gravitational forces.
  • Toe Rail : A low strip around the edge of a boat’s deck for safety and structural integrity.
  • Under the Weather : Serving a watch on the weather side of the ship, exposed to wind and spray, often leading to feeling ill.
  • In a general sense, a vessel that is moving or navigating, not anchored, moored, or aground.
  • Specifically, a boat is underway when it is not fastened to the shore, at anchor, or aground.
  • Underwater Hull (or Underwater Ship) : The section of a vessel that is submerged in water, typically visible only when the vessel is in drydock.
  • Upper-yardmen : Sailors selected for advanced training or development, often earmarked for higher office or specialized duties.
  • Up Haul : A line used to raise equipment vertically, such as the spinnaker pole on a sailboat.
  • V-berth : A bed or sleeping space located at the bow of a boat, typically in a V-shape.
  • Vang (or Kicking Strap) : A line or rigging used to control the angle of the sailboat’s boom relative to the wind.
  • (1) Describes a clockwise shift in the wind’s direction.
  • (2) To gradually and controlledly pay out an anchor cable or rope.
  • VHF (Very High Frequency) : A radio frequency range used for marine communication.
  • VMG (Velocity Made Good) : A measure of the speed at which a vessel is moving towards its destination, considering both its course and the current.
  • Vanishing Angle : The critical angle of heel beyond which a vessel cannot right itself and risks capsizing.
  • Wake : The trail of disturbed water left behind a boat as it moves through the water.
  • Wales : Thick, strong planks running lengthwise along the lower part of a ship’s side.
  • Watch : A designated period during which part of the crew is on duty, with changes marked by ship’s bell.
  • Watercraft : General term for all types of water transport vessels, including ships, boats, and personal watercraft.
  • Weather Deck : The deck of a ship that is exposed to the weather, usually the main or upper deck.
  • Weather Gage : A favorable position relative to another vessel concerning the wind.
  • Weather Helm : The tendency of a boat to turn into the wind, requiring the tiller to be pulled windward for straight-line sailing.
  • Weather Side : The side of a ship that is exposed to the wind.
  • Weatherly : Describes a ship that sails well into the wind with minimal leeway.
  • Weigh Anchor : The action of lifting the anchor in preparation for sailing.
  • Wells : Sections in the ship’s hold designated for pumps.
  • Wheelhouse : The area of a ship where the steering wheel is located; often synonymous with pilothouse or bridge.
  • Whisker Pole : A lightweight pole used to extend the clew of a headsail, especially when running downwind.
  • White Horses : Waves with foam or spray on their tops, typically formed in strong winds.
  • Wide Berth : Allowing ample space between two moored ships for maneuvering.
  • WGS84 (World Geodetic Survey of 1984) : The most common chart datum used in global positioning systems.
  • Windage : The resistance of a boat to the wind, caused by parts like rigging, spars, and crew.
  • Windbound : Being confined to a particular area due to contrary winds.
  • Windlass : A mechanical device, often horizontal, used for hauling anchor chains or ropes, providing greater mechanical advantage than block and tackle.
  • Winch : A mechanical device with a drum and handle, used to haul or adjust tension on ropes or cables, aiding in sail control.
  • Windward : The direction from which the wind blows; opposite of leeward.
  • Wavelength : The distance between successive crests of radio waves.
  • Vang (or Kicking Strap) : Rigging used to control the boom’s angle, affecting sail shape.
  • X-Band : A frequency band used in radar systems, specifically in the 7.0 to 11.2 GHz range, often used in marine radars for navigation and collision avoidance.
  • XTE (Cross Track Error) : The perpendicular distance a vessel has deviated from its planned track or course between two waypoints. It is a key parameter in navigation to ensure a vessel follows its intended route.
  • Yard : A horizontal spar from which a square sail is suspended on a sailing ship.
  • Yardarm : The outer extremities of a yard. Commonly referenced in phrases like “hanging from the yardarm” or “sun over the yardarm.”
  • Yarr : A traditional acknowledgment of an order or agreement among sailors.
  • Yaw : The motion of a vessel rotating about its vertical axis, causing the bow to swing from side to side.
  • Yawl : A two-masted sailing vessel with the mizzen mast positioned aft of the rudder post.
  • Zincs : Sacrificial anodes typically made of zinc, mounted on a boat’s hull to prevent galvanic corrosion by corroding themselves instead of the more important metal parts of the boat.
  • Zephyr : A gentle, light breeze; often used in nautical contexts to describe mild winds that are favorable for sailing.
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About the author

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I worked as an officer in the deck department on various types of vessels, including oil and chemical tankers, LPG carriers, and even reefer and TSHD in the early years. Currently employed as Marine Surveyor carrying cargo, draft, bunker, and warranty survey.

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150+ Nautical Terms: Illustrated Guide

Sailing and nautical terms have been refined over centuries, forming a unique glossary that can leave even the most seasoned wordsmiths scratching their heads.

Today, we’ll look at the terminology of words and names used at sea to help you through even the saltiest conversations.

Terms for the components a sailboat consists of

Let’s start with terms for the parts a sailboat is put together from. These refer to each component and explain what they are.

The main parts

Mast : The mast is the big, tall spar that holds up the sails! Some boats have more than one mast.

Mainsail:   The mainsail is the sail behind the mast and on top of the boom. Often just referred to as “the main.”

Boom:  The spar that sticks out behind the mast.

Rudder:  The rudder is also a fin sticking down under the boat but is located back towards the stern and connected to the wheel or tiller, enabling you to steer the vessel.

Headsail:  The sail(s) in front of the mast. Many boats have more than one headsail and can be of different sizes and shapes.

Spreader:  The fins or wings that space the shrouds out from the mast.

Hull:  This is the body or structure of the boat. Monohulls have one hull, catamarans have two hulls, and trimarans have three hulls – you get the point.

Keel : This is the heavy fin sticking down under the middle of the boat, allowing it to sail. There are many different keel designs, but they are all heavy, and their job is to keep the vessel stable and track through the water under sail.

Helm: This is the position where you steer the boat. Usually, this is a wheel, but it can also be a tiller on many vessels.

Cockpit: The cockpit is the boat’s steering position and where you will find the helm.

Transom: The flat surface across the stern of the boat.

Bow and Stern: The bow is the front part of a boat, while the stern is the rear end. 

Midship:  By some called amidships – The center of the boat.

Beam: The widest part of the boat. It is also referred to as the sides on the middle of the vessel.

Waterline: This is the part where the hull (body) of the boat meets the water. Many ships have a painted stripe to mark the waterline, indicating the boat’s load. If you have too much stuff on board, the waterline goes underwater, and it is time to do some housekeeping!

Freeboard: The vertical part of the ship side between the water and the deck.

Deck: The deck is the “floor” of the boat when you are outside. You have probably heard the term “All hands on deck!”

Spar: The general term for a pole made of a solid material like wood or metal used to support a boat’s sail. The mast, boom, spreaders, etc., are defined as spars.

Gooseneck:  This fitting connects the boom to the mast and allows it to move horizontally and vertically.

You can read more about the different parts of a sailboat in this article.

The standing rigging which holds the sails

Forestay:  The forestay   is a wire that runs from the bow to the top of the mast. Some boats, like the Cutter rig, can have several additional inner forestays in different configurations.

Furling system:  Most sailboats have their headsail on a furling system, a tube running along the forestay from the bottom furler drum to the masthead swivel. 

Backstay/Aft stay:  The wire that runs from the aft of the boat up to the top of the mast.

Shrouds:  On most common cruising boats, there are usually four shrouds on each side to support the mast from sideways motion. The shrouds are generally made of wire but can also be rods or Dyneema lines. The  cap shrouds  run from the masthead through the tips of the spreaders down to the deck. The  intermediate shrouds  run from the lower part of the mast, through the lower spreaders, and to the deck. The  lower shrouds  run from the mast under the lower spreaders down to the deck – one forward and one aft on both sides. This is called  continuous rigging .

Turnbuckle:  The fitting that connects the shrouds to the  chainplate  on the deck. These are adjustable, allowing tensioning of the rig.

Chainplate:  A fixed strong point bolted on the deck. Usually reinforced with a backing plate underneath. 

You can read more about the standing rigging in this article .

The running rigging which operates the sails

Line:  The running rigging on a sailboat often consists of lines, a type of rope with a smooth surface that works well when used on a winch. 

Halyard:  This is the line you use to hoist and lower the sail. 

Sheets:  The sheet is the line you use to  control a sail . The  mainsheet  controls the angle of the mainsail and is attached between the boom and the  mainsheet   traveler . The two headsail sheets are connected to the sail’s clew (lower aft corner) and run back to each side of the cockpit.

Outhaul:  The outhaul is attached to the clew of the mainsail and used to adjust the foot tension. 

Topping lift:  A line attached to the boom’s end runs through the masthead and down to the deck or cockpit. Used to lift and hold the boom and also function as a spare main halyard.

Downhaul:  A line used to lower with. Typically used to lower the mainsail when reefing and lowering the spinnaker and whisker poles.

Reef line:  Depending on your setup, these lines are used to reduce the sail area of the mainsail.

Shaking a reef: When we sail with a reefed sail and want to increase the sail area back to full, we call it shaking the reef.

Equipment used to operate the running rigging

Block:  A pulley with a sheave wheel. These are used to change the direction of a pull on a line or rope and give a mechanical advantage. 

Mainsheet Traveler:  The traveler is a horizontal track attached to the mainsheet through a series of blocks. The traveler enables you to adjust the boom from side to side or lock it at an angle.

Cars:  The cars are pulleys or blocks attached to a track on the side decks that your headsail sheets run through. They are used to control the angle of the sheet between the clew and the deck. 

Jammer:  The jammer is used to lock a line in place. Most sailboats use these for locking the halyards, mainsheet, outhaul, reef lines, traveler lines, boom vang lines, etc. 

Spinnaker Pole:  A spar used to wing out a headsail when sailing off the wind, particularly the Spinnaker. 

Whisker Pole:  Similar to the spinnaker pole, but typically built lighter and attached to a track on the mast. These can be found in fixed lengths or adjustable lengths. 

Boom Vang/Rod Kicker:  A compression pole is used to tension the boom downwards. 

You can read more about the running rigging in this article.

Deck gear and hardware

In-mast furling:  A furling system that furls the mainsail in and out of the mast as opposed to the traditional way where the mainsail is secured to the boom and is hoisted and lowered on a track behind the mast.

In-boom furling:  A furling system that furls the mainsail in and out of the boom. 

Stack Pack:  Also called  Lazy Bag or Lazy Pack . A bag with a zip attached to the boom where the mainsail is stored when unused.

Lazy Jacks:  A set of lines running from the stack pack to the mast guides the mainsail up and down from the Stack Pack and prevents it from falling on the deck. 

Masthead:  Not to be confused with the term masthead rigging. Out of context, the masthead is the top of the mast.

Winch:  A metal drum that gives you a mechanical advantage when tightening lines.

Sprayhood:  The windshield of the boat that protects the people in the cockpit from sea spray. Some ships have canvas spray hoods that can be folded down or removed. Others have solid sprayhoods, often called a  hard dodger  or a  doghouse .

Bimini:  The cockpit’s roof protects you from the elements and provides shelter from spray, rain, and burning sun rays! A bimini can be made of canvas or hard material. The hard bimini is usually called a  hardtop .

Outboard:  Short-term for an outboard engine, which usually belongs to the dinghy.

Cruisers:  What we sailors often call ourselves. Especially those of us living onboard. Although salty, we are definitely handy to have on board as we are also electricians, mechanics, plumbers, and you name it.

Fenders:  Like Captain Ron said in the movie, the rubber bumper things you hang off the side of your boat to prevent it from scratching against something like the key side or another boat. Conveniently also used to sit on or as a backrest while relaxing on the deck.

Boat Hook:  A long stick with a hook at the end. Used to grab lines, items, and stuff that is too far to reach by hand, like cushions flying overboard. It is also convenient as a tool to push the boat away from another ship or the key. Or to push mud or clay off the anchor . Or catch a wild flying halyard. Most vessels have them on board, and you want one or two. (They tend to get lost at sea).

Guard Rail:  This can be a flexible wire or a solid metal rail surrounding the boat to prevent us from falling overboard. Some also use a net as an addition for increased safety.

Pushpit:  The metal guard rail around the stern of the boat. This is where the guard rail is secured on the stern. A common place to mount the BBQ, life raft, and the outboard for the dinghy. 

Pulpit:  The metal guardrail on the bow. This is where the guard rail is secured onto the bow.

Stanchion:  The metal bar that keeps the guard rail in place around the boat between the pushpit and the pulpit.

Arch:  A big structure usually made of stainless steel on the back of a boat. Often used to mount a variety of items like antennas, radars, solar panels, wind generators, etc.

Ground Tackle:  This consists of your  anchor , your anchor  chain,  the link between the two, and the connection between the chain and your boat. The ground tackle is basically the system that holds your boat to the ground.

Windlass:  The winch that hoists or lowers the anchor and chain. Most boats have one on the bow, and some have one on the stern, too. These incredible things can be electrical or manual (some are both) and are essential to anchor your boat when not in a port or marina. Try to haul the anchor manually once – you’ll put a windlass on the top of your wish list pretty quickly…

VHF   Radio:  Very High-Frequency Radio that broadcasts on the VHF network and makes you able to communicate with others around you. Sadly, you won’t be able to tune in to your favorite radio show on these. Still, they are invaluable at sea for communication.

Chart Plotter:  A navigation computer that shows various information on a screen, like charts, routes, radar images, etc.

Parts below the decks

Companionway:  The “front door” of the boat. This is where the steps lead from the cockpit or deck down below. It is usually opened and closed using a hatch, two doors, or a plate.

Galley:  The kitchen of a boat is never to be called a kitchen. Always use the term galley when you are onboard!

Saloon:  This is the boat’s living room and usually where you find the settee and dinette.

Settee:  The couch in a ship.

Dinette:  This is the area where you can sit down at a table and eat your dinner. It’s also perfect for consuming rum in good company and a game of cards.

Cabin:  These are the “rooms” onboard but might not necessarily be the “bedrooms.”

Head:  There are no bathrooms on a boat, only heads. If your skipper tells you to go and clean the head, getting out the shampoo won’t do you any good.

Nav station:  Usually a chart table and a console with mysterious instruments like radios, chart plotters, radar screens, and all sorts of complicated electronics. This is often where adventures are planned and the skipper’s favorite seat onboard. (At least, that is my favorite and where all this content is created!).

Bilge:  The space in the bottom of the hull where water collects and sometimes a storage space for all sorts of things. It usually contains a  bilge pump  to pump out water that finds its way into the boat in various places. You may have heard the phrase: “Treasures of the bilge.” Now you get it!

Berth:  A place in the boat where you can sleep. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a bed and can often include the sleeping space in the salon. The term  sea-berth  usually refers to a sleeping position where you are tucked well in and can sleep when the boat is heeling over and moving around.

V-berth:  The bed in the front cabin is shaped like a V.

Bulkhead:  A wall inside the boat, usually supporting the structure.

Terms used for directions and navigation

Port and Starboard : Port refers to the left side of the boat when facing the bow (front), while starboard signifies the right side. 

Windward and Leeward : The windward side refers to the side of a boat facing the wind, while the leeward side is the side sheltered from the wind. These sailing terms also apply to geographic features, like islands or coastlines, that offer protection from the wind.

Chart : A nautical chart is a map specifically designed for marine navigation, depicting water depths, shoreline features, navigational aids, and potential hazards.

Compass : A compass is an essential navigational instrument that indicates magnetic north, allowing sailors to determine their heading and steer their vessels accordingly.

Course : The course is a vessel’s intended direction of travel, expressed in degrees from true or magnetic north.

Heading : The heading is the actual direction a vessel points, also expressed in degrees from true or magnetic north.

Latitude : Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies a location’s distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Longitude : Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies a location’s distance east or west of the Prime Meridian, measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

Waypoint : A waypoint is a specific location, defined by its latitude and longitude, that serves as a reference point for navigation.

Bearing:   The angle between the observer’s position and a distant object, measured in degrees from true or magnetic north.

Fix : A fix precisely determines a vessel’s position using various navigational methods, such as bearings, GPS, or visual landmarks.

Dead Reckoning : Dead reckoning is a method of estimating a vessel’s current position based on its previous position, speed, and course over time.

Tide : Tides are the regular rise and fall of sea levels caused by the gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and Sun. 

Current : Current refers to the horizontal movement of water in a particular direction. Currents can significantly affect a vessel’s speed and course, so make sure to consider them when sailing and navigating.

Buoy: A buoy is a floating device anchored in a body of water, such as an ocean, sea, lake, or river, to serve various purposes, including navigation, marking channels, identifying hazards, or indicating mooring locations.

The names of different sails and their parts

Mainsail:  The mainsail is the sail behind the mast and on top of the boom. 

Genoa :  A Genoa is a headsail that extends past the mast and overlaps the mainsail. 

Jib :  A Jib is a headsail that does not overlap the mainsail. 

Staysail:  A staysail is usually found on cutter rigs and is the sail set on the inner forestay.

Yankee:  A yankee headsail is used similarly to a Genoa or Jib but has a high-cut clew and is often used on cutter-rigged boats together with a staysail.

Mizzen sail:  A mizzen sail is typically a small triangular sail set on the aft mast of a boat with several masts, like the ketch rig.

Storm sail:  A storm sail is a small, strong sail to be used in heavy weather conditions where the headsail is furled to the point where its shape doesn’t give you drive anymore or/and when you want a smaller mainsail than your reefing setup allows you. The storm sails provide stability in the vessel in heavy weather sailing.

Spinnaker:  A Spinnaker is a symmetric light wind sail used to sail off the wind at deep angles between 120 and 180 degrees.

Gennaker:  A Gennaker is a cross between the Genoa and Spinnaker. It has the same type of light fabric as the Spinnaker but is asymmetrical like a Genoa with a tack set on the bow and a sheet led back from the clew to the stern of the boat.

Code Zero:  A code zero sail is a cross between a Genoa and a Gennaker. It is also designed for light wind with its lightweight fabric but has a different shape than a Gennaker. This makes it able to be used while sailing upwind, unlike the Gennaker.

Parasailor:  A parasailor is similar to a spinnaker but with some differences. It has a double-layer wing that inflates as the sail gets filled with air. This wing works like a batten and keeps the leech out while generating lift on the bow, making it effective between 70 degrees and all the way down to 180 degrees dead downwind.

The different parts of a sail

Tack:  The tack of the sail is the lower forward corner.

Clew:  The clew of a sail is the lower aft corner.

Head:  The top corner of a sail. 

Foot:  The foot of the sail is logically the bottom part of the sail between the clew and the tack.

Luff:  The luff is the front edge of the sail between the tack and head.

Leech:  The leech is the aft part of the sail between the clew and head. 

Telltales:  Telltales are small ropes, bands, or flags attached to the sail to give you an indication of the airflow around your sail. 

Battens:  Battens are slates or tubes inserted in pockets on the mainsail to help it keep its shape better and increase its lifespan.

Learn more about the different types of sails in this guide . 

Terms used when we talk about wind and weather

Gust : A gust is a sudden, brief increase in wind speed, often accompanied by a change in direction.

Squall : A squall is a sudden, strong wind that typically lasts for a short period and is often associated with rapidly changing weather conditions, such as thunderstorms or cold fronts.

Barometer : A barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. Changes in atmospheric pressure can indicate upcoming weather changes.

High-Pressure System : A high-pressure system is an area of relatively high atmospheric pressure, characterized by sinking air and typically associated with calm, clear weather.

Low-Pressure System : A low-pressure system is an area of relatively low atmospheric pressure, characterized by rising air and typically associated with clouds, precipitation, and potentially stormy conditions. Sailors usually refer to these systems as a “low.”

Front : A front is a boundary separating two air masses of different temperatures and humidity levels. Fronts are associated with changes in weather conditions and can cause sudden wind shifts and varying wind strengths.

True Wind Speed, or TWS: The actual wind speed affecting you at a point when you are standing still.

True Wind Direction, or TWD: The direction the wind is blowing from.

True Wind Angle, or TWA: The angle between your boat’s heading and wind direction.

Apparent Wind Speed, or AWS: The wind affecting the boat while in motion.

Apparent Wind Direction, or AWD: The direction of the wind in relation to your boat underway.

AWA  –  Apparent Wind Angle: The angle to wind while you are underway

Beaufort Scale : The Beaufort Scale is a system used to measure wind speed, ranging from 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane). You can learn more about it at MetOffice here .

Saffir Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale: A scale describing hurricane wind speeds in categories from 1 to 5.

Learn more about the difference between actual and apparent wind in this guide .

Terms we use when cruising at speed under sail

Port Tack:  When the wind blows on the port side of your sails

Starboard Tack:  When the wind blows on the starboard side of your sails

Tacking: When you steer the boat from a starboard tack to a port tack and vice versa  upwind .

Gybing:  When you steer the vessel from a starboard tack to a port tack and vice versa  downwind .

Heeling : When the wind fills the sails and leans the boat over to the side.

NM:  Nautical Miles

Kt:  Knots – A measurement of speed used on boats.

Deg: Short for degrees

SOG: Speed over Ground, usually measured by GPS

SOW:  Speed over Water, usually measured by the boat’s speed log transducer.

COG:  Course Over Ground, the direction your boat is  moving  towards.

HDG:  Heading, the direction your boat is  pointing  towards.

Boom preventer:  A line or rope tied to the end of the boom and led forward of the mast to prevent it from swinging over when sailing off the wind.

Overpowered:  When wind overpowers the boats’ ability to steer a straight course. This typically happens when you try to sail above your boat’s hull speed, carrying too much sail area in relation to the wind, or your sails are poorly trimmed.

Hull Speed: The speed your boat has achieved when its created wave has the same length as the hull’s water length. Many displacement sailboats (the ones that don’t plane on top of the water) get hard to steer when going faster than this. You can learn more about how to calculate your hull speed in this guide:

Pro Tip:  Your COG and HDG will sometimes differ due to wind and current pushing you sideways.

Terms for the boats heading in relation to the wind

These sailing terms are best known as our points of sail and describe the vessel’s heading in relation to the wind:

Close Hauled:  When sailing close-hauled, the vessel’s heading is as close to the wind as possible, typically between 35-50 degrees.

Close Reach:  When sailing at an angle between 50 and 80 degrees, give or take.

Beam Reach:  The wind comes in from the side.

Broad Reach:  When bearing away from 90 degrees to around 135 degrees.

Running:  When sailing downwind.

You can learn more about the 5 points of sails in this guide : 

Final Words

I know there are a lot of nautical words and terms to keep track of, but luckily, no one expects you to know them all right away. You’ve probably already taken note of the most important ones, which means you’ve taken a giant leap in the right direction. Keep at it; you’ll speak like the saltiest seadog before you know it.

Did I forget to mention any terms you know of? Let me know in a comment below!

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Skipper, Electrician and ROV Pilot

Robin is the founder and owner of Sailing Ellidah and has been living on his sailboat since 2019. He is currently on a journey to sail around the world and is passionate about writing his story and helpful content to inspire others who share his interest in sailing.

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My Cruiser Life Magazine

100 Sailing Terms You Need To Know in 2023

Boost your sailing vocabulary with these terms. In compiling this list, we’ve stuck with terms used today. So, you won’t find pirate lingo like, “Avast ye matey, or walk da plank!” Instead, this is a list of a bunch of things a newbie would want to know before stepping aboard a boat.

This list of sailboat terms might look slightly intimidating initially, but it’s only meant as an introduction. A few trips on the water and a few good sailing movies into your new lifestyle will set you straight. Soon, you’ll be “cooking the galley” and “hitting the head” in your Midtown apartment, making your friends wonder what has gotten into you.

Table of Contents

Sailing direction terms – orientation from your boat, basic sailing terms – points of sail from starboard tack to sailing downwind, sail boat terms – types of sailboats by rig, sailing vessel terminology – names of sails and rigging, sail terms for the parts of a sail, sail boating terms for parts of a boat hull, where do sailors rest on a ship down below, sailing lingo out on the ocean, sailing terminology faqs.

sailing terms

Before you can set sail, it’s good to know which direction you’re headed. While sailors love technicalities like north, south, east, and west, it’s usually more convenient to reference the world based on the boat beneath their feet. It’s the same for everyone, no matter where they might be–as long as they’re all in the same boat.

Many of these words, and many words on the rest of this list, might be combined with others. Examples will be included.

Port The left side of the boat when you are looking forward. Port is used to describe anything found on the left side, like the port engine or the port-side dock line.

Starboard The right side of the boat when looking forward. These aren’t confusing once you get the hang of it, but here are a few tips to get you started on how to remember port and starboard .

Fore Anything on the forward half of the boat.

Aft Anything in the back half of the boat.

Amidships Anything in the middle of the boat.

Abeam Something that is right off the side of the boat.

Bow The pointy end of the boat. You can combine it with directional terms, like “Look off of the port bow.”

Quarter The quarters are the aft sides of the boat, as in, “There’s a ship coming up on our starboard quarter.”

Apparent Wind Sailors love using the wind as a reference. The apparent wind is the wind you feel on deck, which is the sum of both the boat’s movement and the true wind.

True Wind What the weather provides, regardless of what it feels like on deck. For example, if there are 10 knots of true wind from the north and you are motoring north at 5 knots, you will feel 15 knots of apparent wind on deck. On the other hand, if you are sailing south, you would feel 5 knots of apparent wind on deck. In either case, the true wind is 10 knots.

Leeward The side of the boat that is downwind or away from the wind. If the boat is heeling, then the leeward side is the lower side.

Windward The side of the boat facing the wind. If the boat is heeling, the windward side is the high side.

Sailors love to talk about the wind, and so each of the points of sail has its own terms for what the sails are doing.

In Irons A boat cannot sail into the wind. If it’s pointed dead into the wind, the sails will flap, and the boat will stop. Sails don’t flap, by the way. They flog or luff .

Tacking Tacking is how sailboats sail upwind. They cruise in a zig-zag course, about 45 degrees off the wind blowing. Each turn through the eye of the wind is called a tack. Tacking is tedious. Sailors sometimes call it “beating into the wind.”

Close Hauled When you’re sailing as close to the wind as the boat can, you are close hauled.

Close Reach If you head down (away from the wind) a little, you are close reaching. The sails ease out a bit, and the boat speeds up.

Reaching or Beam Reach Reaching is when the wind is off the boat’s beam. This is a sailboat’s fastest point of sail.

Broad Reach Continue turning downwind, and you will be broad reaching.

Running Running is when you are sailing downwind.

Heave To Heaving to is a maneuver where you steer the boat into the wind and make it stop. It’s handy to use if you need to fix something or just want to stop to take a break. Sailors should also know how to heave to when heading offshore, as it’s a good storm tactic in many boats.

Reef To reef a sail is to shorten sail, which is handy when it gets too windy for your liking. Reefing allows you to slow the boat down, ride more level, and reduce stress on the rig and the crew. Knowing how to reef a sail is a vital skill for all sailors.

Sailboats are classified based on their rig, so different designs each have their own name. We won’t go into barques and tall ships here since you won’t be seeing those every day.

Rig The masts and booms that hold the sails up.

Mast Head Rig A mast head rig has the forward sail attached at the masthead.

Fractional Rig The opposite of a masthead rig, a fractional rig has the forward sail attached lower than the top.

Sloop A single-masted sailboat with a large mainsail and a large forward sail (the jib).

Cutter A single-masted sailboat with a large mainsail and two smaller forward sails, the jib and staysail.

Ketch A two-masted sailboat with the rear mast being shorter than the main. The rear mast is called the mizzen mast. The mizzen mast is attached forward of the rudder post.

Yawl Two masts, with a shorter mizzen mast rigged behind the rudder post.

Schooner Has two or more masts of equal heights.

We’ve touched on some of these, but individual sails and parts of the rig also have names. We’re only talking about the fore and aft sail inventories found on modern sailboats here, not square-rigged tall ships.

Mainsail The primary sail, which is carried on the main mast. If you want to sound traditional and salty, you could also spell it “mains’l,” since that’s how it’s pronounced anyway. Usually the main is the most important sail and often the one with the most sail area.

Headsail Another word for foresail, or a sail mounted on the front of the boat.

Jib The most common type of headsail. A 100-percent jib fills the foretriangle in front of the mast.

Genoa If the sail extends farther aft than the mast, it is a genoa. 110 and 135 percent genoas are common on sloops. Although, many sailors would still call them jibs.

Staysail A stays’l is a smaller headsail that mounts inside of the jib or genoa. They are a fixture on cutters, but many sloops and ketches have them added for heavy-weather sailing.

Downwind Sails Sails can be designed to be good upwind, good downwind, or okay at both. A downwind sail is usually larger and lighter than an upwind sail. It will have more shape to it, too.

Spinnaker The classic downwind sail is a spinnaker, a huge billowing sail usually made from colorful nylon. Spinnakers can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Most cruising sailors use asymmetrical spinnakers since they require less rigging and can also be used on broad reaches.

Code Zero A code zero is a downwind sail that also does some teaching. It looks like a cross between a giant genoa and a spinnaker.

Mizzen Sail The mizzen sail is a small sail flown from the mizzen mast. If a boat is sailing with its jib and mizzen only, it is called “ jib and jigger .”

Boom Horizontal spars that hold the foot of a sail. Usually on the main and mizzen, but sometimes jibs and staysails have booms, too, to improve sail shape.

What’s that, the “foot” of the sail? That’s right, the parts of each sail has it’s own name, too. A square sail would have a few extra parts, but we’ll skip those since they are pretty rare.

Head The upper point of a triangular sail.

Clew The back lower corner of a triangular sail.

Tack The forward lower corner of a triangular sail.

Foot The bottom edge of a sail.

Leech The forward edge (leading edge) of a sail.

Luff The rear (trailing) edge of a sail.

Enough talking about sails and sailor stuff. Let’s dive into some terms that apply to nearly every kind of vessel.

Fiberglass The main component that modern boats are made of. It is also called FRP, or fiberglass reinforced plastic.

Gelcoat Fiberglass is coated in a colored resin that protects it from water and the sun’s UV rays. Gelcoat is usually white, although it can be tinted any color.

Bow The forward, “pointy end” of the boat.

Bowsprit If the boat has a spar or platform extending forward of the hull, it’s called a bowsprit.

Stern The rear of the boat. On boats that have a flat stern, the flat part is called the transom. (I wrote about it in detail here: What Is the Transom on a Boat )

Beam The widest part of the boat. What is a boats beam is usually a key figure when determining how it will handle.

Keel The center strip of a boat’s hull that runs from the bow to the stern. The shape of a boat’s keel depends on its purpose. A sailboat will have a deep keel to counter the effects of the wind on the sails. A powerboat will have a flat keel to help it get up on plane.

Ballast Weight added to the bottom of a boat (or to its keel) to help make it stable. For example, the keels of sailboats have thousands of pounds of lead ballast built into them.

Sea Cock A rooster stuck on a boat. Ha! No, a sea cock is an underwater valve installed on a boat that lets water in or out through the hull. Most sink drains go out through sea cocks, and the engine and other appliances get water from them.

Rudder Mounted on the stern of a boat, the rudder moves when the skipper moves the steering wheel. The rudder makes the boat turn left or right.

Running Gear The generic term given to the underwater equipment that makes the boat move–the propeller and prop shaft.

Freeboard The height of the sides of the boat above the water. A boat with a lot of freeboard is tall, and the decks farther out of the water.

Coach House/Coach Roof On a sailboat, the cabin area is called the coachroof. However, some boats have a flush deck, so they don’t have a coachroof.

Monohull A vessel with a single hull.

Catamaran A vessel with two hulls of equal size, connected together over the water by a bridge deck.

Trimaran A vessel with three hulls, or–more accurately–a primary center hull with two smaller outboard “amas.”

Now for a tour below decks.

Cockpit The open area on the back of a boat, usually where you drive the boat from. On most boats, there is space to hang out and perhaps even eat a meal in the cockpit. It’s like the boat’s patio.

Helm The location where the operator steers the boat with a wheel or tiller. The helm for a boat could be inside or outside, and many boats have more than one.

Companionway On a sailboat, the main entrance way to the cabin.

Cabin The living space or enclosed area of the boat.

Portlight Windows that open to let air in.

Deadlight Windows that don’t open.

Hatch An overhead window that opens.

Salon/Saloon The main “living room.”

Galley The kitchen on a boat.

Head The bathroom, lavatory, washroom, water closet, WC, loo, or whatever you like.

Stateroom/Cabin The bedroom.

Bunk The bed.

Berth A smaller bed.

Bilge The lowest point of the boat, underneath the cabin sole (floor boards).

Engine Room The room where the engine lives.

Forepeak The part of the inside of the boat that is up in the bow. Most boats have a locker here to store their ground tackle.

Locker A cabinet.

Bulkhead A wall.

Okay, you know all about your boat, its parts, and its rooms. So let’s set sail and talk about why we’re here in the first place. Let’s go boating!

On Passage A passage is a long voyage, usually offshore. When sailors talk about setting off on a long trip, they talk about it in terms of individual legs, or passages.

Off Soundings When the water is so deep that the depth sounder no longer works, you’re off soundings.

On Watch All vessels must maintain a lookout by sight and sound for other vessels at all times. It is the bedrock of safety at sea and the international laws governing preventing collisions ( COLREG s). The person with this duty is “on watch” or “standing watch.”

Bluewater A general term for ocean sailing. A bluewater sailboat is needed to go on a bluewater passage, and anything could happen out there.

Coastal Cruising Near-shore sailing is usually only a few hours away from civilization.

Inland Cruising on rivers and lakes that are not on the ocean. Technically, even most estuaries and bays are “inland.”

Milk Run A term given to an easy passage that is made downwind in good weather. The Coconut Milk Run is the passage from the Americas to the islands of the South Pacific.

Rally Organized passages or longer trips, like the World ARC , an annual around-the-world rally.

Shoal An area of shallow water. It can be a verb, noun, or adjective. As in, “The water shoals near the point,” “There’s a shifting shoal over there,” or “The shoal water comes right up to the channel.”

Bar The common occurrence of shoal water at an inlet. In windy weather, seas can break on the bar and create hazardous conditions.

Channel A deep-water (or deeper, at least) path that boats can take through an area of shoals.

Anchorage A good spot to drop the hook. Some anchorages at shown on charts; others are just made up by folks who like to anchor there. A good anchorage should protect you from waves and wind.

Mooring A mooring is a permanent anchor that the boat can be attached to. It’s usually marked by a mooring ball, a white buoy with a blue stripe.

Buoy A floating marker that indicates a channel, obstacle, or mooring.

Daybeacon A Coast Guard marker that shows a channel, usually green squares or red triangles. Some might also have lights on them. They are shown on charts to help you navigate.

ATON Aid To Navigation, the Coast Guard’s term for buoys, day beacons, and lights.

Nautical Mile or Knot Distance at sea is measured in nautical miles (nm), which differs from the statute miles used on land. One nautical mile is an international standard, so even places that use kilometers would use a nm at sea. 1 nm = 1.15 sm = 1.85 km

A nautical mile per hour is called a knot.

sailing terms on passage nautical miles

What do sailors say when they set sail?

When the boat leaves the dock, it is “casting off” or departing.

What is the term for sailing into the wind?

Sailing into the wind could be called “sailing to weather.” Alternatively, some sailors might call it “beating.” To sail into the wind, a sailboat must “tack”–the act of turning back and forth in a zig-zag pattern. This is because a sailboat cannot sail directly into the wind.

What is it called when you go sailing?

Some people call it a lot of fun, but others have a miserable time–sailing has been called all sorts of things. If you’re going on a trip, most boaters would say that they are going “cruising.” If they’re crossing an ocean or making a long trip, they’re going on a “passage.” But if you’re just on the boat for a day, you’re going “boating” or “sailing.” Sailing would specifically require using sails, so powerboats go on trips, not sails.

sailboat terms

Matt has been boating around Florida for over 25 years in everything from small powerboats to large cruising catamarans. He currently lives aboard a 38-foot Cabo Rico sailboat with his wife Lucy and adventure dog Chelsea. Together, they cruise between winters in The Bahamas and summers in the Chesapeake Bay.

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Top 50 Sailing Jargon You Should Know


“Hey move the Thing! No, you idiot, the Other Thing!” This line from a famous sailing scene in The Princess Bride pretty much sums up how every sailor feels at some point when she’s under way: What in the world is the name of the doohickey that moves that thingamabob?

There are hundreds of arcane words that either were invented for sailing or have a specific meaning or purpose in sailing. But the good news is that you learn the words as you go, on a “need to know” basis. Sooner than you know it, you’ll be absorbing this new jargon and telling your mates to watch the boom as you jibe and to make sure they tack in time to give way to that tanker.

And as soon as you think you’ve learned what you need to know, you find out there are two or three different words that mean basically the same thing! It’s a great way to build neuroplasticity—keep learning new words.

Table of contents

Types of Boats

Let’s start with some of the types of boats out there. There are dozens, but these are ones you’ll here most often while sailing:

  • Yacht . There’s no technical definition of a yacht, but you could say that a well maintained recreational or racing boat that’s more than 45 feet long is a yacht. Yachts can be powered by sail or motor.
  • Cruiser . A sail or motor boat with a cabin between 25 and 44 feet long.
  • Dinghy . Any small boat that fits just a few people. It can be a sailboat or motorized, and is usually less than 18 feet long.
  • Tender . A specific type of dinghy. The tender is usually a motorized dinghy that is lifted onto a cruiser or a yacht. The tender is often a hard-bottomed inflatable boat and is used by sailors to get to shore or explore nearby areas while at anchor.
  • Sloop . Now we’re getting fancy, but you will hear these words thrown around! A sloop is a sailboat with one mast and one headsail, for a total of two sails.
  • Cutter . A cutter has just one mast, but it has two headsails, for a total of three sails.
  • Schooner . These are the pirate-ship looking boats. They have two masts and one headsail, for a total of three sails. The aft mast is taller than the fore mast.
  • Monohull . This is the classic sailboat most people think of — it means a boat that has one hull and in most cases a keel to act as a counterweight to the mast and sail and keep the boat right side up and sailing straight.
  • Catamaran . Much more popular in the last few decades, catamarans have two hulls that are attached either by a trampoline (in the case of a dinghy) or a cabin (in the case of a yacht). They have a keel on each hull, but it does not draft as deep as a monohull’s keel, as the two hulls also act as counterweights to one another.

Main Areas of a Boat

In a house you’ve got a living room, dining room, family room, bedrooms, and so on. A sailboat isn’t all that different, except that for the most part there aren’t any walls separating the areas of a boat. Moreover, some of the areas are overlap! But don’t worry—once you get aboard it all makes sense. Here are the main ones:

  • Bow . This is the pointy front of a boat. Also known as the place where Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio had their “I’m flying” moment in Titanic.
  • Stern . No, this does not mean a grouchy boat—it’s the opposite of the bow—the back of the boat.
  • Fore . This also means the front of the boat, but it’s the general area in front.
  • Aft . You guessed it! The opposite of “fore” — it means the general area in the back of the boat.
  • Starboard . If you’re facing the bow, starboard is on your right. It means anything to the right of the midpoint of the boat
  • Port. Port is the lefthand side of the boat if you’ve got the stern at your behind and the bow in front. A trick for remembering this is that “left” has four letters, and so does “port."

Big Stuff on Boat

This is a handful of the really big and important parts of a sailboat .

  • Mast . This is the large pole that comes out of the middle of the boat that holds the main sail up.
  • Boom . Attached to the mast perpendicularly, this pole stretches out and holds down the bottom of the mainsail.
  • Keel . This is your friend if you’re in a monohull and the reason you don’t tip over. The keel is a heavy blade-shaped structure that juts out from the bottom of the boat and acts as a counterweight to the mast which keeps the boat from tipping over . It also helps the boat steer—it keeps the boat from slipping sideways as the wind pushes into the sail.
  • Centerboard / Daggerboard . In dinghies and smaller boats, this is a rectangular-shaped blade usually a few feet long, that juts out from the bottom of the boat. It keeps the boat from slipping sideways as the wind pushes into the sail.
  • Rudder . A hinged blade-like rectangle fixed to the hull below the waterline at the stern of the boat that allows for steering.
  • Helm . This is where you steer the boat. What you steer it with is, of course, another word! It usually either a wheel or a tiller. A tiller is basically a pole that connects directly to the rudder which allows you to change the rudder’s angle directly. A wheel is also connected to the rudder, but it’s a little more sophisticated.
  • Deck . The horizontal surfaces or areas on the outside of a boat—almost like the floors on the outside of a boat.
  • Poop. It’s not what you’re thinking, silly! Though not used often, it must be included. This means the highest aft deck of a boat.

Not all ropes were created equal on a sailboat. In fact, knowing what each rope does—or at least the most important ropes—and being mindful of the ropes can literally be the difference between whether you part with a finger or keep it attached to your hand. If there’s one thing to take away, it’s to always pay attention to the ropes!

  • Sheet . A rope that is attached to a sail that controls the sail’s angle to the wind.
  • Line . Pretty much any rope on the boat that’s not a sheet or doesn’t have its own super special name.
  • Mainsheet . A rope with a super special name because it’s that important! This is the sheet that’s attached to the end of the boom, and which controls the mainsail’s angle to the boat and wind.
  • Main Halyard . A halyard is a rope that attaches to the top of sail. The main halyard is important especially in big boats because it’s the rope that allows you to remove your sail power. Think of your sail as an engine, and the halyard as the “stop” button on an engine.

Sails and Point of Sail

Sails are the engine of a sailboat—they are what translate wind power to forward power. The vast majority of sailboats—including dinghies—have two principal sails—the mainsail and headsail. Point of sail is a fancy term for talking about the angle of the sail in relation to the wind direction.

  • Mainsail . This is the large sail that’s the main power of the boat—it's attached to the mast and the boom and is hoisted at about the middle of the boat.
  • Headsail . This sail lives at the front (fore or aft) of the boat. The words used for this sail seem to increase every year. There’s the Jib, Genoa, Gennaker, Solent, and Code 0, among others. To be fair, each one of these is a slightly different type of headsail, but be forewarned: this one has many quasi-synonyms.
  • Reef the mainsail. A reef is a mechanism that reduces the surface area of a sail in order to decrease its power. Reefing in high winds is a necessary safety precaution.
  • No Go Zone . Sailboats cannot sail directly into the wind, and there is 30- to 50-degree area that’s off limits.
  • Beating into the wind . A tricky way to get around the no go zone. This basically means zigzagging the boat towards the direction of the wind by staying outside the no go zone but tacking as needed.
  • Sailing upwind . A point of sail that is also known as a close haul or sailing close to the wind. This basically means that you’re sailing as close as possible to the direction that the wind is coming from. While you cannot sail directly into the wind—something about the laws of physics that make that impossible—sailing upwind means pointing the bow as close as possible to the wind direction.
  • Running downwind. The opposite of sailing upwind, the wind is coming from behind the boat if you’re sailing "on a run” or running downwind.
  • Sailing on a reach, broad reach, or close reach . What’s the opposite of up or down? Well, there wasn’t really a good word for that, so what we have is a “reach.” This is somewhere between sailing upwind and downwind, and what kind of reach it is basically depends on the angle to the wind. Suffice it to say that if you know that you’re on a reach, that’s good enough!

Things To Change a Boat’s Speed or Direction

Sailing often involves long periods of chilling out punctuated by brief but very intense moments. Unless you’re an America’s Cup race crew member, in which case it’s probably intense all the time. So what do you do during these intense moments?

  • Tack . This word has two meanings. "Ready to tack?” As a verb, it means you’re going to change both the direction of the boat as well as move the sail from port to starboard or vice versa, and the wind is in front of you. When you’re beating into the wind, you’re tacking frequently. “Let’s stay on this tack.” As a noun, tack means a specific direction and sail angle—it means to stay exactly as you are.
  • Come about . Tacking—turning the bow of the boat through the wind to change direction.
  • Jibe . Jibing is similar to tacking, however, the wind is behind you. This means the sail switches from port to starboard (or vice versa) with a lot of power and really fast. This is more difficult to control than tacking.
  • Ready about? This is a signal that the boat is about to tack or jibe. Ideally the crew will respond with “Aye!” so they get to feel a tiny bit like pirates.
  • Helm to Lee / Lee Ho . This means you’re turning the boat, and it’s going to tack or jibe. When you push the “helm” to the “leeward” (non-windy) side of the boat, the result is naturally a tack or a jibe.
  • Trim the sails! A command to adjust the sails so that they are optimally placed to the wind, which increases the efficiency and speed of the boat.
  • Luff . When a sail isn’t trimmed properly, it will have pockets of fabric that flap. This is called luffing.
  • In irons . This is what happens when you spend too much time in the “no go zone.” Essentially the boat is trapped in the no go zone and unable change directions because it has lost speed. Without speed, the boat cannot be steered. There’s usually a lot of luff in irons.
  • Heeling . You’re heeling when there’s a great wind, the boat leans, and the mast is no longer perpendicular to the water.

Encountering Other Boats (or Land!)

Sailing is really easy when the weather is great, you’re going in one direction, you’re not looking to stop, and there are no other boats around. Even a 5-year-old can be at the helm in those conditions! What happens when you see another boat or you’re done for the day?

  • Rules of the Road / Right of Way. There usually aren’t stop lights or left turn lanes out on the water, so when two boats are at risk of colliding, what’s the protocol? The “rules of the road” are guidelines that describe who yields to whom. In general, the vessel that is most easy to maneuver gives way to a vessel that’s harder to maneuver. Imagine an oil tanker trying to move out of the way of a dinghy—that wouldn’t make much sense. The rules of the road help sort out the pecking order and everyone has a better time when all boats follow the same rules.
  • Give way . This means to yield to another boat—“We need to give way to that boat off the bow to port” means that we need to shift our course to get out of their way.
  • Piloting . This is for larger boats, especially larger charter boats. Piloting means maneuvering a boat carefully through congested or dangerous waters—some charter companies will require that the skipper pick up a professional pilot outside the marina or harbor to bring the boat into its berth safely.
  • Mooring balls . Ready to stop sailing for the day but no marina in sight? That’s where mooring balls come in. Mooring means tying your boat to a rope or chain with a floating ball that is secured to a concrete block at the bottom of the bay or harbor. Mooring is usually more secure and reliable than using an anchor.
  • Berth . A place to sleep, either for you or the boat! The beds in a boat’s cabin are called berths, and so are the slips in a marina where boats can spend the night.

Once you start sailing and learning the ropes, you will get moments of giddiness when you realize how much sailing terminology has infiltrated the English language. Phrases such as “we need all hands on deck,” “he’s been making waves,” “she runs a tight ship,” “we were in close quarters,” “give him a wide berth,” “we’d better batten down the hatches,” and “I’m about to keel over!” all come from sailing. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg--which is a big chunk of floating ice made famous by the Titanic.

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Daniel Wade

I've personally had thousands of questions about sailing and sailboats over the years. As I learn and experience sailing, and the community, I share the answers that work and make sense to me, here on Life of Sailing.

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Sailing Jargon: Understanding Common Sailing Terms

Welcome to “Sailing Jargon: A Glossary of Common Terms Used in Boating” page! If you’re new to sailing, you may have already discovered that sailors have a language of their own. From “ bow ” to “ stern ,” “ port ” to “ starboard ,” and “ tacking ” to “ jibing ,” the terminology can be overwhelming for beginners. Even experienced sailors sometimes encounter a new term or phrase that leaves them scratching their heads.

That’s why we’ve created this page – to help you make sense of the most common sailing jargon. Whether you’re looking to improve your sailing skills, join a local sailing club, or simply want to understand the terminology when watching a sailing race, this page is for you.

We’ve included detailed definitions and explanations of the most frequently used sailing terms, as well as tips and tricks to help you remember and use them correctly. You’ll learn about the different parts of a sailboat, how to navigate and communicate with your crew, and much more.

But our page is not just for beginners – even experienced sailors can benefit from reviewing the jargon to refresh their memory or discover new words and phrases. Plus, knowing the correct sailing terms can help you become a more effective and confident sailor.

So, whether you’re preparing for your first sailing trip or just curious about the world of sailing, our “Sailing Jargon: Understanding Common Sailing Terms” page is the place to start. Happy sailing!

Sailing Jargon: A Glossary of Common Terms Used in Boating

Sailing JargonMeaning
AbeamTo the side of a vessel, perpendicular to the bow or stern
Abeam ReachSailing with the wind coming from the side of the boat at a 90-degree angle
AbreastTwo boats that are side by side
AftToward the back of the boat; also called “sternward”
Aft deckThe deck at the back of the boat
AhoyA nautical greeting or call used to hail another vessel
Am WindSailing with the wind coming from directly behind the boat
AnchorA device used to hold a vessel in place
Anchor WatchA designated person who keeps an eye on the boat and surroundings while at anchor
Apparent WindThe wind that is felt by someone on the boat; it’s a combination of the true wind and the boat’s speed
BackstayA stay that runs from the top of the mast to the stern of the boat to provide support
BailerA device used to scoop water out of the boat
BattenA thin, flat strip of material used to stiffen a sail
Beam ReachSailing with the wind coming from the side of the boat
BilgeThe lowest point in the hull of the boat
BowThe front of the boat
BowlineA knot used to create a fixed loop at the end of a line
CapsizeWhen a boat overturns and ends up with its mast in the water
CenterboardA retractable fin that provides lateral resistance and prevents sideways drift
ChafeDamage or wear on a rope caused by friction
CleatA device used to secure a rope
ClewThe lower aft corner of a sail
Close-hauledSailing as close to the wind as possible
CockpitAn area on the deck where the helm and controls are located
CringleA small metal or fabric loop used to attach a sail to a line
Dead ReckoningA navigation technique that involves using the boat’s speed and direction to estimate its position
DeadheadA floating log or other debris that can pose a hazard to boats
DeckThe horizontal surface of the boat
DownwindSailing with the wind coming from behind the boat
DraftThe depth of a sail’s curve
EasingThe process of letting out a sail or line
EbbThe outgoing tide
EngineThe motor used to power the boat
EnsignA flag used to identify the nationality of a boat
Escape hatchAn emergency exit from the interior of the boat
Eye spliceA type of knot used to create a permanent loop at the end of a line
FairleadA device used to guide a rope or line
FairleadA device used to guide lines or cables
FathomA unit of length equal to six feet, used to measure the depth of the water
FenderA cushioning device used to prevent damage to the boat when it’s tied up
FendersProtective cushions hung over the side of the boat to prevent damage from contact with other boats or docks
FlareThe outward curve of a boat’s sides near the bow
FlukeThe flat, pointed part of an anchor that digs into the seabed
FootThe bottom edge of a sail
ForestayThe stay that runs from the top of the mast to the bow of the boat
ForestayA cable or wire that supports the mast from the front of the boat
FurlingThe process of rolling up a sail and securing it to the boom or mast
GaffA spar used to support the head of a four-sided sail
GenoaA large, overlapping jib that is used for sailing downwind or across the wind
GudgeonA metal bracket that is attached to the stern of the boat to support the rudder
GybeChanging direction by turning the stern of the boat through the wind
HatchAn opening in the deck or cabin top that provides access to the interior of the boat
HeadThe top corner of a sail
HeadwindWind that is blowing directly toward the bow of the boat
HeelingWhen a boat leans to one side due to wind or weight distribution
HelmThe mechanism used to steer the boat
HullThe body of the boat
I-beamA structural element used to support the deck or cabin top
InboardToward the centerline of the boat
InboardToward the center of the boat
InhaulA line used to control the tension of the jib or genoa
In-mast furlingA system that allows the mainsail to be rolled up and stored inside the mast
IORInternational Offshore Rule, a handicapping system for sailboat racing
IronsA situation where a boat is pointed directly into the wind and cannot move
JibA triangular sail at the front of the boat
Jib sheetA line used to control the jib
JibeChanging direction by turning the stern of the boat through the wind
KeelA heavy fin or blade that extends downward from the bottom of the boat to help keep it upright
KetchA two-masted sailing vessel with a smaller mizzenmast behind the main mast
KnotA unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour
KnotmeterA device used to measure the speed of the boat through the water
LeewardThe side of the boat that is away from the wind
LuffThe forward edge of a sail
Mariner’s CompassA device used to determine direction and navigate the boat
MastA tall vertical pole that supports the sails
MastheadThe top of the mast
Nautical mileA unit of distance used in navigation that is equal to one minute of latitude
Navigation LightsLights used to signal the boat’s position and movements to other vessels
OarA long, narrow paddle used for rowing or steering the boat
OuthaulA line used to control the tension in the foot of the mainsail
PFDPersonal flotation device, a life jacket or other flotation aid
PortThe left side of the boat when facing the bow
Port TackSailing with the wind coming from the left side of the boat
QuayA platform or landing place built along the edge of a waterway for loading or unloading vessels
Quick-release shackleA type of metal clasp that can be opened quickly and easily
Reef pointA line used to secure a reef in the sail, reducing its size
ReefingReducing the area of a sail to decrease the boat’s speed or increase its stability
RudderA flat piece of wood or metal that is used to steer the boat
SheaveA grooved wheel used to guide ropes or lines
SheetA rope used to control a sail
StarboardThe right side of the boat when facing the bow
Starboard TackSailing with the wind coming from the right side of the boat
SternThe back of the boat
TackChanging direction by turning the bow of the boat through the wind
TackingA maneuver that involves turning the bow of the boat through the wind to change direction
TillerA handle used to steer the boat
TransomThe flat surface at the back of the boat
True WindThe wind that would be felt if the boat were stationary; it’s a combination of the apparent wind and the wind’s actual direction
UllageThe amount of space between the top of a liquid and the top of a container
UnderwayA term used to describe a boat that is in motion
VangA line used to control the tension of the boom and the shape of the mainsail
VangA line used to control the boom’s position
VarnishA clear protective coating applied to wooden surfaces on a boat
V-berthA bed in the forward section of the boat
V-berthA bed in the forward section of the boat
VentilationThe process of introducing fresh air into the interior of the boat
VHFVery High Frequency, a type of radio used for communication on the water
WakeThe waves or disturbance left behind by a moving boat
WaterlineThe level at which the boat sits in the water
Whisker PoleA pole used to hold the jib or genoa out to one side of the boat
WindwardThe side of the boat that is facing into the wind
X-boatA type of small racing sailboat
XebecA three-masted sailing vessel used in the Mediterranean
X-stitchA type of stitch used in sailmaking
X-tinguisherA type of fire extinguisher that is appropriate for use on boats
XwindA wind direction that blows perpendicular to the boat’s heading
YachtingThe sport or activity of sailing yachts
YawlA two-masted sailing vessel with the smaller mizzenmast behind the rudder post
ZephyrA light, gentle breeze
Zulu timeA standard time used in navigation that is equivalent to Greenwich Mean Time

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Sailing Terms Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide to 14 Common Sailing Terminology

WOS Team

  • May 28, 2023

Sailboats sailing towards the horizon

Ahoy, sailors! If you’re new to the world of sailing, you might find yourself overwhelmed by the myriad of sailing terms that seasoned sailors casually toss around. But fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the mystery behind common sailing terms, providing simple explanations and examples to help you navigate the nautical jargon with ease. Let’s set sail and explore these essential sailing terms.

Table of Contents

Port and starboard.

When on a boat, “port” refers to the left side, while “starboard” refers to the right side. These terms are used to communicate directions and indicate the location of objects or maneuvers. For example, “Please pass me the fenders on the starboard side.”

Bow and Stern

The “bow” refers to the front or forward part of a boat, while the “stern” refers to the back or rear part.

Windward and Leeward

“Windward” refers to the side of the boat or the direction from which the wind is coming. On the other hand, “leeward” refers to the opposite side, sheltered from the wind. Sailors use these terms to plan their course and make tactical decisions.

Tacking and Jibing

“Tacking” is the act of turning the bow of the boat through the wind, changing the side from which the wind is coming. This allows the boat to change direction while sailing upwind. “Jibing” is the opposite maneuver, turning the stern of the boat through the wind to change direction when sailing downwind.

“Rigging” refers to the system of ropes, wires, and other components used to support and control the sails and mast. It includes various elements such as halyards (ropes used to hoist the sails), sheets (ropes used to control the angle of the sails), and shrouds (wires supporting the mast).

“Heeling” describes the leaning or tilting of a sailboat due to the force of the wind on the sails. The boat can lean to one side, causing it to tilt and creating a thrilling sensation. Sailors adjust the sails and shift their weight to maintain balance and control.

“Reefing” is the process of reducing the area of a sail to decrease its surface area and power in strong winds. This is done by partially lowering or folding a section of the sail and securing it, thus making the sail smaller and more manageable.

The “keel” is the central structural element of a sailboat, usually made of heavy material such as lead or iron. It extends beneath the boat into the water and provides stability and prevents the boat from sliding sideways.

Navigational Markers

Navigational markers, also known as buoys, are floating objects that indicate safe passages, hazards, or important locations in the water. They are color-coded and labelled according to their purpose. For instance, a red buoy with even numbers indicates the right side of a channel when entering from the sea.

Points of Sail

Sailboats have different angles at which they can sail relative to the direction of the wind, which are called “points of sail.” The main points of sail include close-hauled (sailing as close to the wind as possible), reaching (sailing at an angle between close-hauled and a broad reach), and running (sailing with the wind directly behind).

By familiarizing yourself with these essential sailing terms, you’ll be able to communicate effectively, understand instructions, and navigate the sailing world with confidence. So hoist your sails, embrace the wind, and embark on unforgettable nautical adventures armed with the knowledge of sailing terminology. Fair winds and smooth seas!

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Sailboat with "a bone in her teeth"

40 Sailing Phrases to Know

By: American Sailing American Sailing , Nautical Trivia , Sailing Fun , Sailing History

In 1983, the American Sailing Association was founded by Lenny Shabes. Over the years, hundreds of thousands of sailors have become certified sailors with the ASA sailing curriculum. This year, we celebrate 40 years as the leading sailing education entity in the United States. So when you get out on the water, you can be sure that ASA-certified sailors are sailing safely and confidently.  

Sailors have a way of speaking, and the sport has its own language. Some sailing phrases are common in everyday language, while others are only really used on a sailboat. The ones common in our everyday language have a nautical origin that will make you a more enlightened sailor, as well. The ones used only on a sailboat? Well, the sailing lifestyle lends itself to a specific language to describe situations and offer comedic relief when we are at the mercy of the conditions, and those will make you smarter and more adaptable in real life as well.

With that, we want to offer 40 sailing phrases you should know, some of which you may already be acquainted with.

Enjoy these sailing phrases, and may the best sailor win at nautical trivia night!

  • Batten Down the Hatches – a phrase used to prepare for a storm, or in everyday language, prepare for a difficult upcoming situation.
  • Aye Aye, Captain – a form of ”aye aye, sir”. It literally means “yes, yes” and is used in the military to show that the person who says it will follow an order that has been given and will follow it before doing anything else. It also shows the person knows the order and what it is requiring him or her to do.
  • Fair Winds and Following Seas – a phrase derived from two original sources that has become a nautical blessing used to wish someone good luck on their journey. Fair winds speak to favorable winds that will carry you home, and following seas speak to the direction of the waves generally pushing you in the direction of your heading.
  • Sheet Happens – a humorous phrase used when something goes wrong on a sailing trip. Sheets are the lines that trim sails.
  • Ship-shape and Bristol Fashion – a term used to describe something that is in good order or condition. The word is of nautical origin, based on the obligation of a sailor to keep his or her quarters arranged neatly and securely due to the limited space typically allotted to service members aboard ship, and against turbulence at sea. Bristol fashion refers to the port’s days as a bustling port of trade.
  • All Hands on Deck – During a storm or other crises, the boatswain’s cry of “all hands on deck” signaled the entire crew to handle the sail. These days it is an entreaty or order for everyone to pitch in and help with a problem or reach a goal.
  • Shiver Me Timbers – in everyday language, an exclamation of surprise or excitement. In nautical terms, a reference to the timbers, which are the wooden support frames of a sailing ship. In heavy seas, ships would be lifted up and pounded down so hard as to “shiver” the timbers, startling the sailors.
  • Walk the Plank – Sailors, usually pirates, set a plank that would hang off the ship’s side and made the punished sailors walk to the end and meet their death in the ocean. Today it’s a metaphor for receiving a punishment or facing a situation beyond one’s control.
  • Keel Over – a term used to describe a boat tipping over on its side so far that it capsizes or turns turtle. In every day language, it refers to someone tumbling or falling over.
  • Even Keel – The phrase even keel describes a ship that is level and balanced with its keel perpendicular to the surface of the water. Figuratively it has come to mean a calm, stable state of mind. The opposite is to keel over meaning to capsize.
  • Taken Aback – A ship is pushed backward when violent winds or a careless helmsman cause the sails to blow rearward against the mast. This sudden predicament could snap the mast or severely damage the rigging. As a figure of speech, taken aback means to be astonished by some unwelcome occurrence.
  • Three Sheets to the Wind – a term used to describe someone who is drunk. The sheets are the lines that control the sails on a sailboat. If the lines are not secured — particularly the three which are the two jib sheets and the mainsheet — the sails flop in the wind, and the ship loses headway and control, like a drunk person.
  • Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea – The “devil” was the topmost plank of the ship’s side closest to the deck. Caulking this long seam in the tight space was a grueling task. One false move and a sailor could find himself plunging into the water. Today someone between the devil and the deep blue sea is in a lousy situation with no good options.
  • Let the Cat Out of the Bag – A whip composed of nine pieces of cord with three knots at the striking end, the cat-o’-nine-tails was one of the authorized instruments of punishment in the British Navy until 1881. It was kept in a cloth bag. A sailor who reported the misdeeds of another let the cat out of the bag.
  • Scuttlebutt – a nautical term for a water dispenser, but also a term used for gossip or rumors on board a ship. A “butt” was a large wooden drinking water cask where sailors gathered around and swapped rumors and stories. On long voyages, water was rationed by carving a hole in the cask’s side so that it could only be half filled. A cask with a hole was “scuttled.” Not much has changed except we now gossip around a water cooler.
  • Anchors Aweigh – a phrase used to describe the moment when an anchor is lifted from the seabed; colloquially it also has come to mean the beginning of a journey.
  • A Bone in Her Teeth – a term used to describe a boat that is moving fast through the water creating a prominent bow wave that looks similar to a dog with a bone in its mouth. Has also come to mean someone who is in a hurry.
  • Tide Over – To tide over was the technique of alternating between sailing and anchoring when battling headwinds and unfavorable tides. This allowed a boat to hold its position until conditions improved. The term now describes enabling someone to get through a difficult period, most commonly by lending money, or with a child, to give a snack to tide them over until dinner.
  • Sailing Close to the Wind – a term used to describe sailing as close to the direction of the wind as possible (any further and you would be in irons and unable to progress). Figuratively, this phrase means to be on the verge of doing something illegal or improper.
  • Cast Off – a term used to describe releasing a mooring line or anchor so a vessel can set sail; in everyday language means to “set free”, for obvious reasons!
  • Dead Reckoning – used in a navigation sense primarily; a method of navigation based on estimating a ship’s position using previous positions and estimated speed and direction of travel
  • Helm’s Alee – a command used when starting to turn the boat through the wind, i.e. tacking. Primarily used on a sailboat, but also an American rock band that started in the early 2000’s in Seattle.
  • Square-rigged, and Squared Away – a term used to describe a ship with square sails. To be squared away, a square-rigged ship had its yards (horizontal bars that held up the sail) positioned at right angles to the deck to best catch the wind. Squared away now means to put things in order or a state of readiness.
  • A Shot Across the Bow – in everyday language, a warning or threat issued to someone. In the 18th century, navies forced oncoming ships to identify themselves by firing a cannon shot over their bow. If the approaching ship hoisted enemy colors an attack might ensue. Traditionally warships had the right to disguise themselves by sailing under neutral or false flags, but once they went into battle they were required to fly their country’s true colors.
  • Crow’s Nest – a platform located high on a mast used as a lookout point. The term is sometimes used metaphorically for the topmost structures in buildings, towers, etc.
  • Jibe Ho – a command spoken when jibing, and the sailboat is heading downwind and across the wind. It is a warning to sit down or be clear of the boom before it swings!
  • Lower the Boom – The boom is the long horizontal pole that controls the movement of the mainsail. It can deliver sailors a knockout blow if it swings wildly or collapses in heavy weather. These days the phrase means to put a stop to, chastise, or rebuke.
  • Headwinds – winds blowing in the opposite direction of the ship’s movement; has also come to mean resistance or opposition to a plan, often referred to as “economic headwinds” in business.
  • Sea Legs – the ability to adjust to the motion of a ship and maintain balance; To “have one’s sea legs” is to be able to walk calmly and steadily on a tossing ship, or to become accustomed to a new or strange situation
  • Run Aground; or High and Dry – to be run aground is when the bottom of the boat hits the sea floor and stops the boat. For a ship to run aground in a receding tide is to be left high and dry. Getting stuck with the check when everyone else has taken off is also to be left high and dry.
  • Dead in the Water – when there is no wind and the water is completely still, giving no chance of any sailing. The phrase also means a proposal or plan with zero chance of success.
  • Fathom – a unit of measurement for depth, equal to six feet. This nautical unit of measurement is based on the span of a man’s outstretched arms. The word comes from the Old English “faedem,” to embrace. Sailors measured ocean depths, anchor chains, ropes, and cables in fathoms. Although marines eventually abandoned fathoms for meters, we onshore still reach for the word fathom to express our ability to comprehend, grasp, or get to the bottom of things.
  • Gunwale – the upper edge of the side of a boat, pronounced “gunnel”, named for where the guns on a ship would sit. To be “full to the gunnels” means to be completely full.
  • In Irons – A sailing vessel is “in irons” when she is trapped in the “No Go Zone”, unable to bear away and begin sailing. The term dates from when criminals aboard old sailing ships were secured to the deck with leg-irons, unable to move.
  • Kedge – a smaller anchor used to move the ship slowly in a desired direction. Used primarily in nautical situations, but can be adapted to mean a clever way of moving in a direction when the obvious method won’t work.
  • The Cut of One’s Jib – “Jib” is the name of the foresail that controls the general performance of a ship. In everyday life, it also means the way one looks or conducts themselves (usually negative).
  • Cup of Joe – The days of rum, beer, and officers’ personal wine supply dried up with the appointment of Josephus Daniels as Secretary of the Navy. In 1914 this stern Methodist and prohibitionist banned “…the use or introduction for drinking purposes of alcoholic liquors on board any naval vessel, or within any navy yard or station.” As a substitute, stewards increased orders for coffee. Naval lore has it that the disgruntled sailors tagged the poor substitute “cup of Josephus Daniels,” and later the shorter “cup of Joe.” That’s one theory, anyway, but one thing we know — any day, aboard a ship or not, deserves its properly caffeinated start!
  • Groundswell – Deep ocean waves grow larger as they move over uneven seabeds and are felt as surface undulations. Colloquially, the term describes a widespread surge of public opinion.
  • It’s an Ill Wind that Blows No Good – While a sailor could be frustrated by an unfavorable wind, it might be a great wind for a sailor going another direction. This translates into everyday life to mean that what’s bad for one person may be good for another.
  • Know the Ropes – Old, tall ships had miles of rigging. Today’s sailboats also have quite a lot of line. Each serves a purpose, and it’s critical for sailors to correctly identify each one. Securing or unlashing the wrong line at the wrong time could be catastrophic, or at least cause you to lose the regatta. In sailing and in real life, to be well versed and familiar is to know the ropes.

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Top 100 Essential Sailing Terms Every Crew Must Know

Top 100 Essential Sailing Terms Every Crew Must Know

In the world of sailing, communication is key. The complex lingo utilized by sailors is far more than just jargon — it's an integral part of safe and effective teamwork. Here Cruisers Directory, we aim to help crew members brush up on sailing vernacular or beginners get a head start with our carefully curated list of the top 100 essential sailing terms everyone should know. Whether you are an experienced sailor or a complete novice, this comprehensive guide is your indispensable companion at sea.

1. Abeam: At a right angle to the length of the boat. 2. Aft: Towards the stern (back) of the ship. 3. Amidships: The middle section of a boat. 4. Anchorage: A designated area where vessels anchor. 5. Astern: Behind the boat. 6. Ballast: Weight added to the boat to increase stability. 7. Beam: The widest part of a boat. 8. Berth: The bed on a boat; also a slip in a marina. 9. Bilge: The lowest part of a boat's interior hull. 10. Binnacle: A casing on the deck that holds the ship’s compass. 11. Boom: The horizontal pole extending from the mast to hold the bottom of a sail. 12. Bow: The front part of the boat. 13. Bowsprit: A pole extending forward from the boat's bow, to which the forestays of a ship are fastened. 14. Broad Reach: Sailing with the wind coming from behind, and slightly to the side, of the boat. 15. Buoy: A floating device that can have many uses, as to mark a channel, anchor a boat or indicate position. 16. Capsize: When a boat turns over in the water. 17. Chart: A map used for navigation. 18. Cleat: A fitting to which lines are made fast. 19. Coaming: A raised lip around a hatch to prevent water entry. 20. Cockpit: Area towards the stern of the boat where the helm is. 21. Crew: The people who operate a ship. 22. Deckhand: A member of the crew who helps perform manual tasks on a boat. 23. Displacement: The weight of water displaced by a floating boat, giving the vessel's weight. 24. Doldrums: A nautical term referring to a calm sea with no wind. 25. Draught/Draft: The depth of water needed to float a vessel. 26. Ebb: The outgoing or falling tide. 27. Fathom: A measurement of depth in the sea (6 feet). 28. Fender: A cushioning device used to protect the boat. 29. Foresail: Any sail set forward of the main mast. 30. Freeboard: The distance from water to the lowest point of the boat's deck. 31. Galley: The kitchen on a boat. 32. Gybe/Jibe: To change direction when sailing downwind. 33. Halyard: A line (rope) for hoisting (raising) the sails. 34. Head: The bathroom on a boat. 35. Helm: The wheel or tiller controlling the rudder. 36. Hull: The main body of the boat. 37. Jib: A sail set forward of the mast. 38. Keel: The boat's backbone; a weighted structure at the bottom of the hull, giving the boat stability. 39. Knot: A measurement of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour. 40. Latitude: The distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees. 41. Leeway: The sideways drift of the boat caused by wind or currents. 42. Longitude: The distance east or west of the prime meridian at Greenwich, England. 43. Main Sail: The primary and largest sail on a boat. 44. Mast: Vertical pole on a boat which holds the sails. 45. Mooring: An arrangement for securing a boat to a mooring buoy or a pier. 46. Nautical Mile: Distance measurement at sea, which is about 1.15 statute miles. 47. Navigation: The science of plotting a course for a boat. 48. Port: When facing forward, the left side of the boat. 49. Quartermaster: The person in charge of steering the ship. 50. Quay: A stone or concrete platform lying alongside water for loading and unloading ships. 51. Reef: To reduce the area of a sail. 52. Rudder: The steering device mounted at the stern of the ship. 53. Sail: Fabric attached to the mast that catches the wind and propels the boat. 54. Salon/Saloon: The living area in the boat, often part of the galley. 55. Seaworthy: A boat able to safely navigate through waters. 56. Skipper: The captain or master of a boat. 57. Starboard: When facing forward, the right side of the boat. 58. Stern: The back part of a boat. 59. Tack: To change the boat's direction by moving the bow through the wind. 60. Tender: A small boat used to ferry people and supplies to and from a larger boat. 61. Tide: The rise and fall of the ocean's surface. 62. Transom: The flat surface forming the stern of a boat. 63. Trim: Adjustment of the sails to optimize performance. 64. Vessel: Another name for a boat or ship. 65. Winch: A device used to pull in or let out ropes or cables. 66. Yacht: A pleasure boat, can be powered by wind, motor or both. 67. Yaw: The swaying motion of a boat moving from side to side off its course. 68. Zephyr: A light wind. 69. Hoist: To raise something, often a sail. 70. Leech: The aft (back) edge of a sail. 71. Jib Sheet: The line that controls the jib. 72. Bowline: A type of knot. 73. Clew: The lower corner of a sail. 74. Fluke: The part of the anchor that digs into the bottom. 75. Gimbal: A device that keeps an object level. 76. Hatch: An opening in the deck to the interior. 77. Heave: The vertical rise and fall of a boat. 78. Inboard: More towards the center of a vessel. 79. Kedge: A light anchor used in kedging or warping a boat. 80. Luff: The forward edge of a sail. 81. Pelorus: A navigational tool used to measure angles between objects. 82. Rhumb Line: A line on the earth's surface that cuts all meridians at the same angle. 83. Sloop: A one-masted sailing boat with a mainsail and jib rigged fore and aft. 84. Telltale: A piece of material attached to a sail to indicate wind direction. 85. Vang: A line used to control the boom's movement. 86. Waterline: Where the hull meets the surface of the water. 87. Xebec: An historic sailing ship with lateen sails used mostly in the Mediterranean Sea. 88. Yawl: A two-masted sailing vessel, similar to a ketch but with a smaller mizzen mast. 89. Zephyr: A light or west wind. 90. Figure Eight Knot: A stopper knot. 91. Genoa: A type of large jib or staysail which overlaps the main sail, sometimes eliminating it. 92. Impeller: The rotating part of a centrifugal pump. 93. Jackline: A line used to clip on a safety harness. 94. Ketch: A two-masted sailboat, the aft mast (mizzen) is shorter and set aft of the rudder post. 95. Log: A record of courses or operation. 96. Mizzenmast: The mast aft of a ship's mainmast. 97. Noon Sight: A sextant observation of the sun at noon to determine latitude. 98. Overboard: Over the side or out of the boat. 99. Pintle: The pin or bolt on which the rudder pivots. 100. Quarter: The sides of a boat between the stern and the midship.

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Dufour 48 sailboat

An innovative luxury yacht of almost 15 metres.

The Dufour 48 yacht offers an unparalleled experience and promotes living in the great outdoors, a return to the ocean. This luxury 15- meter sailing yacht reveals an aft cockpit that guarantees instinctive, safe and convivial sailing. A new feature is a second cockpit with sunbathing areas forward on the yacht, offering unrivalled comfort both under way and at anchor.

With the Dufour 48, the shipyard is continuing to innovate, again and again. The DNA of the Dufour brand has been preserved to offer owners the performance and comfort they deserve. The teams’ extensive know-how and experience promise a robust, efficient yacht for all types of boating.

Dufour 48 - Smart Electric
Smart Elec PackEngines27 Kw
Fixed propeller/
Battery park (lithium battery)27 Kw/h
Generator11 Kw
Interface monitoring/
OptionsImproved batteries32 Kw/h
12V/230V converter6 Kw
Hydrogeneration1,5 kw
Folding propellerTBC
Quick charger6 Kw


The Dufour 48 luxury yacht has been designed for enjoying the fresh air on the ocean. Life on board is comfortable at all times, both below deck and outside.

The aft cockpit has been redesigned to offer significant space. When under way, moving around on board is simple and natural. Two tables provide a splendid spot for enjoying meals or simply relaxing at anchor.

What would a Dufour be without its aft platform? Once again equipped with a plancha grill, it comes with a host of new features. It’s a genuine outdoor galley, equipped with all the essentials.

To complete the layout, the Dufour 48 has a second cockpit, this time, forward. Here, a sun lounger can be installed for unforgettable moments of relaxation at anchor or under way.


The design of the Dufour 48 sailboat has been redrawn by naval architect Umberto Felci of Felci Yachts Design. The lines are fluid and the boat offers a great amount of volume. The usual coachroof glazing has been redesigned as longitudinal windows with integrated opening hatches.


Already a focal point aboard previous models of the Dufour 48, light is once again a major feature. The coachroof’s full-length windows provide constant light, which is diffused throughout the interior saloon and galley.

When the mattresses from the sun loungers are removed from the forward cockpit, large windows are revealed, letting in even more light to the yacht’s interior.


Depending on which version of the Dufour 48 sailboat you choose, all the furniture has been optimised to ensure unrivalled comfort. If you choose the forward or lateral galley, there is always plenty of storage space provided.

Dedicated interior saloon tables have been created by interior designer Ardizio Design. These are optimised for the three- and four-cabin versions.

In the cabins, blackout blinds are integrated directly into the ceiling. So, despite the brightness of the boat, you won’t be disturbed by the very first rays of daybreak.

sailboat terms






2 or 3

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


sailboat terms






2, 3 or 4

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


sailboat terms






2 or 3

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


sailboat terms






2, 3 or 4

Pullman cabin


Skipper cabin


Kitchen style


sailboat terms

Technical specs

sailboat terms


  • Architect: Felci Yacht Design
  • Interior Designer: Ardizio Design
  • Deck construction: Injection

Technical specifications

  • Overall length 50.2 ft - 15.29 m
  • Waterline length 43.10 ft - 12.23 m
  • Hull length 46.12 ft - 14.32 m
  • Max beam 15.11 ft - 4.85 m
  • Light displacement 28 652 lbs - 13 000 kg
  • Draft 5.9 ft - 1.75 m / 7.99 ft - 2.35 m
  • Keel weight 8 375 lbs - 3800 kg
  • Fuel tank capacity 66 gal - 250 L
  • Water tank capacity 140 gal - 530 L
  • Engine power 60 cv / 60 hp
  • Sail area /

In the Press

The dufour 41, a sailboat already acclaimed with 4 international nominations, cruising world – #dufour470 #dufour61 – march 2022 (english), voile magazine – #dufour470 – march 2022 (french), voile magazine – #dufour32 – january 2022 (french), are you interested in the dufour 48 sailboat.

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sailboat terms


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  2. The Only 50 Sailing Terms You'll Need To Know (With Pictures)

    Mainsail. This one is quite self-explanatory. The mainsail is the main, largest sail of the boat, attached to the mast on the side and the boom at the bottom. It has a triangular shape and serves as the most important sail, the first one you should get acquainted with if you are just starting out.

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    Leech: The back edge of a sail. If the sail is square, then this term refers to the outside edges of the sail. Lee shore: The shore onto which the wind is blowing. On an island, the side of the island facing into the wind is the lee shore. Leeward: The direction to which the wind is blowing. If the wind is coming from the north, then south is ...

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    40 terms to help you start talking like a sailor. Aft - The rear section of the boat. Bow - The front section of the boat. Mast - The vertical pole that supports the sails. Boom - The horizontal pole that extends from the mast and supports the foot of the mainsail. Winch - A device used to adjust the tension on a rope or wire, usually ...

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    Close-Hauled. Sailing as close to the wind as possible, with the sail set at a sharp angle to the boat. Beam Reach. Sailing perpendicular to the wind, with the sail set at a right angle to the boat. Broad Reach. Sailing with the wind at a diagonal angle behind the boat, with the sail angled away from the boat. Running.

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  23. 100 Sailing Terms

    Beam: The widest part of a boat. 8. Berth: The bed on a boat; also a slip in a marina. 9. Bilge: The lowest part of a boat's interior hull. 10. Binnacle: A casing on the deck that holds the ship's compass. 11. Boom: The horizontal pole extending from the mast to hold the bottom of a sail.

  24. Nautical Terms

    A good sailor should know their nautical terms inside and out. Or maybe you're trying to impress a sailor, instead. Either way, find what you need with this glossary of sailing terms.

  25. 15m sailing yacht Dufour 48

    AN INNOVATIVE LUXURY YACHT OF ALMOST 15 METRES. The Dufour 48 yacht offers an unparalleled experience and promotes living in the great outdoors, a return to the ocean. This luxury 15- meter sailing yacht reveals an aft cockpit that guarantees instinctive, safe and convivial sailing. A new feature is a second cockpit with sunbathing areas forward on the yacht, offering unrivalled comfort both ...

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  27. Historic peace boat that tried to stop nuclear weapon testing sails

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  28. Eight dead after Channel migrant crossing

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