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Sunfish Mainsheet w/ Shackle

Sunfish Mainsheet w/ Shackle

Sunfish Sail Rings

Sunfish Sail Rings

Sunfish Racing Main Halyard

Sunfish Racing Main Halyard

Sunfish Bridle 3 Loop (Wire)

Sunfish Bridle 3 Loop (Wire)

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Dyneema)

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Dyneema)

Sunfish Mast Top Cap

Sunfish Mast Top Cap

Sunfish Boom Cap

Sunfish Boom Cap

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Wire)

Sunfish Bridle 2 Loop (Wire)

Omniflex Tiller Joint Universal w/ Rope Core

Omniflex Tiller Joint Universal w/ Rope Core

Sunfish Upper Boom

Sunfish Upper Boom

Tiller Saddle

Tiller Saddle

Drain Plug (Allen)

Drain Plug (Allen)

Sunfish Line Kit

Sunfish Line Kit *Standard*

Sunfish Boom Block

Sunfish Boom Block

Sunfish Bow Handle

Sunfish Bow Handle

Sunfish Halyard Line

Pre-Cut Line: Sunfish Halyard (25 Ft)

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Since the 1950s, there has been no better way to play on the water than in a Sunfish. Find out why we're the go to source for dinghy sailing parts and enjoy FREE SHIPPING on qualifying orders . Our staff of Sunfish and dinghy sailing experts is on hand to answer questions about rigging a Sunfish and provide tips. Let us help you get ready to own the water in your Sunfish!

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**Product Availability - Please Read**

Due to changes in the supply chain for new Sunfish and related parts, many one design Sunfish components are currently unavailable. Products we have in stock or are able to source will be listed on this page. Other products that are unavailable may be listed elsewhere on our website for reference. Our team is working hard to find new sources for Sunfish parts and will add those to our catalog as they become available. While our selection may be limited compared to previous seasons, we remain committed to serving Sunfish sailors and will continue to offer as many of the parts, rigging, sails, and accessories you need to keep your Sunfish at its best.

Sunfish Sails & Sail Rings Sunfish sails are recognized all over the world for their bright, fun colors. We stock an extensive selection of popular recreational sails in a variety of colorways plus the classic white racing sail for the hardcore Sunfish racing sailor. Don't forget to replace your sail rings when upgrading to a new sail, and add a set of tell tails for maximizing performance. 

Sunfish Hull & Deck Parts West Coast Sailing is your source for hull and deck fittings for your Sunfish sailboat. Check out our selection of bailers, drain plugs, hiking straps, inspection ports, bridles, gudgeons, bow handles, and more.

Sunfish Covers Protect your Sunfish with a proper Sunfish cover, blade bag, or spar bag. Our covers are waterproof and resist both mildew and UV. They fit snuggly on your boat to provide max protection. Use a blade bag to protect your rudder, tiller, and centerboard, or pick up a spar bag to safely store and transport your mast and booms.

Sunfish Sailboat Lines & Line Kits Sunfish sail boat ropes and lines including mainsheets, sunfish halyards, outhaul lines, sunfish bridles and more.

Sunfish Rudder & Tiller Parts Keep your Sunfish heading the right direction with our selection of Sunfish rudder, tiller, and centerboard replacements and spare parts. We stock sunfish rudder parts, sunfish tillers and tiller extensions, centerboards, sunfish rudder pins and spring posts, pivot bolts, and more.

Sunfish Dollies & Trailers Keep things easy on shore with a Sunfish beach dolly or trailer. We stock dollies and trailers from Dynamic Dollies and Racks, Right-On, and Trailex, all designed specifically for your Sunfish! Sunfish dollies ship via our standard free ground shipping and are easy to assemble. Trailers can be shipping anywhere in the US or picked up fully assembled from our warehouse here in Portland, Oregon.

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sunfish sailboat rack

How To Store A Sunfish Sailboat

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Key Take­aways:

  • Before putting the Sun­fish away for stor­age, it is essen­tial to clean it thor­ough­ly to remove salt, dirt, and debris . Any mois­ture should be com­plete­ly dried off to pre­vent mold and mildew from devel­op­ing on the sail and hull. This includes dry­ing out the cock­pit, stor­age com­part­ments, and any oth­er areas where water could col­lect.
  • The sail should be stored sep­a­rate­ly, ide­al­ly rolled rather than fold­ed, to pre­vent creas­es and dam­age to the fab­ric. The hull should be pro­tect­ed from UV expo­sure , which can degrade the fiber­glass over time. A breath­able cov­er is rec­om­mend­ed to pre­vent mois­ture buildup and to pro­tect the boat from dust and pests.
  • To avoid water accu­mu­la­tion in the cock­pit or on the deck, the Sun­fish should be stored upside down if pos­si­ble , sup­port­ed at the strong points of the hull to pre­vent warp­ing. If it can­not be stored upside down, then a well-fit­ted cov­er that allows for ven­ti­la­tion while pre­vent­ing water pool­ing is nec­es­sary.
  • Choose a stor­age loca­tion that is secure and safe from strong winds or falling debris. If stor­ing out­doors, ensure the boat is secure­ly tied down. If stor­ing indoors, such as in a garage or stor­age facil­i­ty , make sure the space is not prone to dras­tic tem­per­a­ture changes, which could cause the hull to expand and con­tract, poten­tial­ly lead­ing to dam­age.

Ever since its intro­duc­tion in 1960, the sun­fish sail­boat is not only pop­u­lar among the old folks, it is some­thing mil­len­ni­als also grew with. Most of them had their first sail­ing expe­ri­ence in this sail­boat.

The 14 inch­es sail­boat is portable, cheap to pur­chase, and durable.

With the leaves falling quick­ly and the weath­er get­ting hot­ter dai­ly ― win­ter is around the cor­ner. What all own­ers are think­ing of is “how to store a sun­fish sail­boat”.

The method of stor­age is depen­dent on your pref­er­ence and notably the size of the room it will be stored.

Table of Con­tents

Storage During Summer

Dur­ing sum­mer, it is impor­tant to place the sun­fish sail­boat where it can be eas­i­ly accessed. Since you will always be need­ing it for sail most of the time.

Sum­mer’s here and you’ve got a sun­fish boat! You’re ready to make some seri­ous waves, but how do you store that shiny water steed when you’re not using it? Let’s make sure your sun­fish is as bright and ready as you are when you’re itch­ing for the next sail.

  • Cov­er Up : First things first, get a good qual­i­ty boat cov­er. It pro­tects your sun­fish from dam­ag­ing UV rays, rain, bird drop­pings, and pry­ing eyes. Ensure it’s breath­able to pre­vent mold and mildew growth.
  • Out of the Water : If pos­si­ble, it’s best to keep your boat out of the water when not in use. This reduces the risk of water dam­age and unwant­ed growths on the hull.
  • Keep it Dry : If your boat took on some water dur­ing your adven­tures, make sure to drain it before stor­ing. Check the bail­er and drain plug to ensure they are func­tion­ing prop­er­ly.
  • Shady Spot : Find a place that does­n’t get direct sun­light. UV rays can harm not just your boat’s exte­ri­or but its sails too.
  • Sup­port : Use a rack or cra­dle to sup­port your boat prop­er­ly dur­ing stor­age. It helps main­tain the shape and pre­vents any undue stress on the hull.

Storage During Summer

Before you even think about stor­age, give your Sun­fish a thor­ough clean­ing. A mix of warm water and mild soap works won­ders. Just make sure to rinse well to pre­vent soap scum build-up.

Once it’s squeaky clean, check for any need­ed repairs. It’s much eas­i­er to deal with this now than in the rush of the new sea­son. Look for any cracks or holes that need patch­ing, and inspect the rig­ging and sail for wear and tear.

Now onto the actu­al stor­age part. If you can, store your Sun­fish indoors in a dry, shel­tered loca­tion, like a garage or shed. This pro­tects it from the harsh win­ter weath­er and UV dam­age.

Can’t squeeze it into your garage? Out­door stor­age can work too. Just make sure to keep the boat upside down, raised off the ground on blocks or racks to pre­vent water pool­ing and freez­ing in the cock­pit. A stur­dy, well-fit­ted boat cov­er is a must to pro­tect from snow, ice, and any curi­ous crit­ters look­ing for a win­ter home.

Pro tip: Loosen or remove the lines and sails to pre­vent unnec­es­sary stress and pos­si­ble dam­age over win­ter. You might also want to open any inspec­tion ports to let air cir­cu­late inside the hull. This helps pre­vent con­den­sa­tion and the poten­tial growth of mold or mildew.

Ultra­vi­o­let rays are known to be dan­ger­ous to the skin and many oth­er things. Cov­er­ing with a tarp is also impor­tant but not all that is required. Below are some tips on how to store a sun­fish sail­boat.

Storing Right-Side Up

In a small stor­age space, stor­ing sun­fish sail­boats right-side up is okay. It cre­ates space as you can even put your spars and mast on top. To avoid any scratch­ing of the deck fin­ish by the spars, put some padding mate­ri­als in between.

Storing Right-Side Up

Storing Upside Down

Stor­ing upside down is one of the most rec­om­mend­ed meth­ods of how to store a sun­fish sail­boat. It pre­vents the deck from get­ting oxi­dized by the sun­light. Water will also be unable to get retained in the flat places on the tarp and in the cock­pit.

You also do not need to ensure the tarp is tight­ly stretched through­out stor­age. The curve design of the keel makes the water runoff seam­less­ly.

The only thing to avoid is stor­ing upside down with­out any­thing beneath to raise the hull. You can also place some 2x4s across the trail­er as deck sup­port. About two of such is okay. Also, place some mate­ri­als like pad or old tow­els between the boards and deck to avoid scratch­es.

Mount pul­leys at the top (at least two) at the top of the garage to hold the boat. To effi­cient­ly sup­port the weight of the boat, sup­port it with some wood blocks. And add rub­ber in between the blocks and the deck to avoid slip­page.

Multiple Sunfish Side Storage

The mul­ti­ple sun­fish side stor­age is best for stor­ing more than two sun­fish when the space is small for either right-side up or upside-down stor­age. The boats are arranged on their sides tilt­ing at about 20 degrees against each oth­er.

Place foam or any oth­er padding mate­r­i­al between them to avoid the hulls slid­ing against each oth­er.

The key here is to opti­mize your space, and stor­ing your Sun­fish sail­boats on their sides (also known as “edge stor­ing”) is a sol­id strat­e­gy. It’s a com­mon method used by sail­ing schools and rental busi­ness­es, and it can work just as well for you.

You’ll need a stur­dy rack sys­tem that can secure­ly hold each boat on its side. You can either pur­chase a com­mer­cial rack or build one your­self if you’re handy. The rack should be designed so that the boats rest on their gun­wales. This helps dis­trib­ute the weight even­ly and min­i­mizes stress on the hull.

The boats should be stacked close­ly togeth­er, but not so tight that they’re rub­bing against each oth­er. You don’t want any unnec­es­sary scratch­es or dam­age, right? A neat row of Sun­fish­es all cozied up side by side is a pret­ty sight!

Cov­er each boat to pro­tect them from the ele­ments. If you’re stor­ing them out­doors, use a cov­er that’s water­proof and UV-resis­tant.

And just like in indi­vid­ual stor­age, don’t for­get to give each boat a thor­ough clean­ing and inspec­tion before stor­age. Repair any dam­age, loosen or remove the lines and sails, and open any inspec­tion ports to let air cir­cu­late.

Pro tip : If you’re deal­ing with a lot of boats, it can be help­ful to label each boat and its cor­re­spond­ing gear. That way, you won’t waste time in the new sea­son fig­ur­ing out which sail goes with which boat.

Tie the last boat to the wall using its front han­dle and rear bri­dle to avoid any move­ment what­so­ev­er. This will pre­vent the boats from falling over.

How to store A Sunfish Sailboat during summer?

Dur­ing the sum­mer sea­son, it is imper­a­tive that you place a sun­fish sail­boat at a place from where it can be accessed eas­i­ly. This is the time when you’ll need a sun­fish sail­boat most of the time. You may sim­ply tie it to a tree near the lake or the water body and also make sure you cov­er it with a pro­tec­tive mate­r­i­al, which is most com­mon­ly a tarp. Ensure 100% safe­ty when you store the sun­fish sail­boat out­door.

How to store a Sunfish Sailboat during winter?

Run your boat once again after use, drain off the water from the boat, clean the boat, win­ter­ize the engine, lubri­cate the mov­ing parts and then remove the bat­tery. Dur­ing the win­ter sea­son, it is bet­ter to remove the bat­tery and charge it and also remove all sorts of sen­si­tive mate­ri­als. Next, you have to seal all the exhaust­ed ports. While you cov­er and store the boat, don’t for­get to check every 2 weeks. Also change the boat oil, safe­guard the fog­ging oil and fill the tank.

Can I store a sailboat outdoor?

In case you don’t have enough space for stor­ing your boat at home, you can cer­tain­ly keep it out­side. Each park­ing spot is cov­ered with a small roof that offers pro­tec­tion against all weath­er ele­ments. Hence, you can cov­er the boat and make sure it remains pro­tect­ed in the place that you choose for stor­ing the sail­boat.

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2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayak Rack| 2 Small Boat Rack and 2 Canoe Rack| 4 Kayak Storage Rack

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2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayak Rack| 2 Small Boat Rack and 2 Canoe Rack| 4 Kayak Storage Rack

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Canyon Brown

Purchase options and add-ons

About this item.

  • Outdoor Kayak Rack Storage: Organize up to 2 Sunfish sailboats or Small Rowboats and 2 Canoes or Kayaks. Stores Paddleboards, or Surfboards in your garage, dock, backyard, patio, or shoreline.
  • This Wood Kayak Rack can be used as Indoor Kayak Storage or for Kayak Storage Outside.
  • Freestanding Canoe Rack or Canoe Storage in Garage. Can be used as as Paddleboard Rack or Surfboard Rack.
  • Heavy Duty: Made from 100% Northern White Cedar Logs from Northern Michigan. Made with Glued Mortise and Tenon Joinery, making them ideal Boat Racks for outdoor use, and can hold up to 100 lbs. per level.
  • 51"H X 114"D X 53"W, Assembly Required, 1-Year Warranty
  • Freestanding Kayak Rack Stand: Moveable, Freestanding SUP rack. Perfect for your garage, dock, backyard, patio, or shoreline.
  • The perfect storage solution for your kayaks, allowing you to store your board, canoe, or kayak rack outdoors.

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Storage Racks

lkr 2

Log Kayak Rack handcrafts heavy-duty kayak, canoe, and stand-up paddle board (SUP) storage racks from northern white cedar logs. We offer a huge selection of commercial-grade kayak racks that can store and display anywhere from one to eight kayaks at a time. Naturally weather resistant, our storage systems will keep your equipment lasting longer, your property looking cleaner, and get you back out on the water faster.

What materials are used to construct the kayak and canoe storage racks, and what benefits do they offer?

Constructed from quality northern white cedar wood, these racks are durable for both indoor and outdoor storage, lasting beautifully for years even when unfinished. They prevent improper storage issues, keeping boats organized, high, dry, and maintaining their shape and appearance.

What customization options are available?

Racks can be custom-designed and finished to match your home, fence, trim, gate, or dock. Unfinished options are available, and the finish used is easily found at retailers.

Product Description

The 2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayaks storage holder is built with Northern White Cedar from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This outdoor kayak storage rack is designed for functionality and aesthetics by lake home canoe stand owners. It not only cares for and organizes your boats, but it can also be matched to its surroundings, with its natural log construction. With finishing options, you can match dock, house, etc... or let it turn silver/gray with no finish. With the unfinished kayak rack wood option, you can use your own finish if so desired when keeping kayak rack outdoors. This outdoor kayak storage rack holds 2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 of the heaviest of canoes or kayaks and 2 SUPS (Stand Up Paddleboards) or Surfboards. Each boat can weigh up to 100 pounds. This free standing kayak storage rack has up to a 400-pound capacity. We have worked with logs for over 34 years crafting log homes, furniture, canoe racks, and kayak racks. Each joint is glued and screwed for longevity. We use glued mortise-and-tenon joinery wherever possible. Handmade and finished by Log Artisans in Northern Wisconsin.

Product information

Technical details.

Item Package Dimensions L x W x H ‎53 x 23 x 10 inches
Package Weight ‎175 Pounds
Item Dimensions LxWxH ‎114 x 53 x 51 inches
Item Weight ‎175 Pounds
Brand Name ‎Log Kayak Rack
Warranty Description ‎1-Year Warranty
Color ‎Canyon Brown
Material ‎Cedar wood
Suggested Users ‎unisex-adult
Manufacturer ‎Hitch Exclusives
Part Number ‎671875767253

Additional Information

Best Sellers Rank #2,279,019 in Sports & Outdoors ( )
#493 in
Date First Available April 21, 2019

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   Storage Rack with Slide Bunks and Laser Sailboats 
Ample storage space underneath accommodates boats loaded on dollies


Nine B




See Typical Rack Features in this Video




* Users  can also install 2x4's flat side down across the bars   and just bolt them to the rails instead of using the T-Brackets



Racks are weather resistant and can be used indoors or outdoors

  Box - 2 - B* size Sailboats - Stationary
Equivalent to: 72003 & 20016

  Box - 2 - A* size Sailboats - Stationary  Equivalent to: 72000 & 20016

  Box - 3 - A* size Sailboats - Stationary
Equivalent to: 72001 & 20018

Box - 4 - A* size Sailboats - Stationary
Equivalent to: 72002 & 20020
  Box - 3 - B* size Sailboats - Stationary
Equivalent to: 72004 & 20018
  Box - 4 - B* size Sailboats - Stationary
Equivalent to: 72005 &  20020
  BOX Rack For Multiple Optimist Sailboats - Stationary  Equivalent to:  29002-R-Opti     29002-R -Opti
   Optional Rack Pads - Set of Two - 24"
Equivalent to:  78500  & 80030  Red Color Only

   Caster Conversion Kit - Single Bay Wide BOX Racks 
Equivalent to: 74004  & 29996

Weight Capacity for Box Racks is 300 Lbs per level - Example - 3 High Rack Total Capacity is 900 Lbs

# Caster Conversion Kit for  BOX Racks may require some drilling by Customer to Install

*FREE Shipping on Caster Conversion Kits, Only When Ordered At Same Time With Storage Racks

* A size sailboats include - Laser, Sunfish, Opti or  up to 58" beam

* B size sailboats include - Laser 2, Vanguard 15, 420, up to 68" beam

These Racks can be Easily  Modified to Accommodate SUP Stand Up Paddleboards, Pedal Boats, Paddle Boats, and Row Boats






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Sku: 20016s dynamic 2 boat storage rack - small.

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Sunfish Direct

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Use a Harken Hoister to eaily store your Sunfish Sailboat in unused ceiling space in your garage, shop or other location.

Hoister Direct, Small Sailboat Lift System, 75-200 pounds, 10' Lift, 7806

Hoister Direct, Small Sailboat Lift System, 75-200 pounds, 10' Lift, 7806

Ideal storage accessory for small sailboats (Laser, Sunfish, etc.), mount it on the ceiling in your ..

Hoister Direct, Small Sailboat Lift System, 75-200 pounds, 12' Lift, 7806.12

Hoister Direct, Small Sailboat Lift System, 75-200 pounds, 12' Lift, 7806.12

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Sunfish Dolly

PART #:13003-1

Dynamic Dolly, Type 3

  • Dolly style allows bow of boats with a curled gunwale to hang from a specifically shaped handle fitting. Snug-fitting edge trim atop the handle fitting protects the gunwale gelcoat. Type is suitable for Sunfish, Laser 2, JY 15, and more.
  • Boat-specific tube and sling lengths provide a custom fit for each boat, enabling a balanced handle load and easy maneuvering.
  • All joint fittings are through-bolted and designed for increased torque stability.
  • Strong, 3” non-stretch, polyester sling provides wrap-around boat support.
  • Adjustable, flexible V-fittings on bow and tongue tubes provide boat support forward of the sling and prevent boat and aluminum contact.
  • Eyelets on sling and handle fittings facilitate securing boat to dolly in storage, on trailers or in racks. Tie-down with the handle fitting eyelet helps prevent slippage on steep ramps.
  • Easy dolly breakdown using the snap buttons on wheel shaft and tongue tubes, as well as wing nuts on axle tube cross fitting.
  • Pneumatic, non-corrosive, 16” x 4” wheels can be secured on wheel shaft with provided screws for added security. For soft sand conditions, tire pressure can be reduced to increase tire footprint.

Customer Reviews

I bought this to transport a Sunfish from my house to a boat ramp about a 1/2 mile away. The dolly arrived quickly and it took me about an hour to put it together. The instructions could have been more clearly designed, imo, but it was largely intuitive. The quality of parts and finish is excellent. Once it was together, it was relatively easy to walk my boat to the ramp. The dolly feels well-balanced and maneuverable. I did find myself wishing there was a better way to secure the front of the boat to the front of the dolly—or some tips on how to do this—since mine kept getting a little play in it and bouncing around while I walked. Other than that no complaints. This was a bit of a spurge and the product definitely feels worth the price.

User picture

"Do we like them? Yes. We have 6 of them. Great customer service, excellent quality materials that survived our saltwater environment, and we really like the tubed tires and Delrin bearings. Cheers Clark and Skipper Small Boat Restoration"

"Great way to move my Sunfish! As the bow drops off the front when it is pulled, it should have a way to secure the nose of the Sunfish to the trolley."

Excellent instructions

I'm very happy with the dolly. It's easy to assemble. I received my dolly in just a few days after I ordered it.

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Posted 2024-08-24 13:34

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FUN SUNFISH SAILBOAT - $600 (Sarasota)


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FUN SUNFISH SAILBOAT - boats - by owner - marine sale - craigslist

Ready to go play on the water is this easy to sail sunfish . Just load it up in your pickup or car top rack or trailer and launch it just about anywhere. I'll even give you 1 lesson with the sale of...

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sunfish sailboat rack

2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayak Rack

From: $ 951.99

*Choose From Available Finishes Below For Final Price

Free Shipping to the Contiguous United States

  • Holds 2 Sunfish sailboats or Small Rowboats and 2 Canoes, Kayaks or Paddleboards
  • Made of 100% northern white cedar logs with mortise and tenon joinery
  • Made in Manitowish Waters, Wisconsion, Made in USA
  • 1-year warranty, Finished with Transparent Finish
  • 51″H X 114″D X 53″W, Assembly Required

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Our Racks have 207 Five Star Reviews


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2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayak Rack Details

The 2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayaks is built with Northern White Cedar from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This rack is designed for functionality and aesthetics by lake homeowners. It not only cares for and organizes your boats, but it can also be matched to its surroundings being log construction.

With finishing options, you can match dock, house, etc… or let it turn silver/gray with no finish, or you can use your own finish if so desired. This rack holds 2 Sunfish Sailboat, the heaviest of canoes, Surfboard, Kayaks, and SUPS (Stand Up Paddleboards). Each boat can weigh up to 100 pounds. This rack has up to a 500-pound capacity. We have worked with logs for over 23 years crafting log homes, furniture, and kayak racks. Each joint is glued and screwed for longevity. We use glued mortise-and-tenon joinery wherever possible. Hand made and finished by Log Artisans in Northern Wisconsin.

For Do-it-Yourselfers, use a stain or outdoor finish in the color of your choice and follow the instructions on the can. Breathable finishes will extend the life of the rack the most. It is best to let the wood age a bit prior to finishing it. This helps the stain to soak in. You can also choose to leave it unfinished. In this case, it will weather to a gray color and still last for many years.

Easy to lift kayak or canoe in and out. Locking kayak is easy with a cable lock from local kayak store. Durable kayak storage racks, can carry the heaviest of canoes, kayaks, and boat loads! Soft rest UV webbing available and tie down safety straps available now.

We want you to enjoy your Log Kayak Rack for years to come. To ensure it’s longevity, we recommend that the feet are not in direct contact with the ground, but rather raised and set on landscaping block or a similar product.

Our Kayak Racks can be bolted to dock or such or kit can be bought for anchoring to the ground.

We can install strapping to prevent any wind blowing the kayak off (this would be a rare occurrence).

For extra-long kayaks, canoes, or boats we can lengthen cross rails to accommodate. We can customize any rack for your row boat, paddle boat, etc. Several boats, kayaks, canoes, and paddle boats can fit together on the racks. Custom racks can be cemented into the ground or bolted to a platform.

Call for information as to which designs would work best for your assortment.

How will the Kayak Rack arrive?

Kayak racks are shipped unassembled and in a box. Log Kayak Racks products are shipped by UPS ground. You can expect your storage rack to arrive around 2 weeks after payment is received, or within the next 2 ½ weeks after placing the order (unless you call for a specific shipping date). They will come with glue, torx bits and fasteners needed to assemble and will go together in approx. 30 – 60 minutes with a common power drill or screw gun. Instructions are included and are available as a video online.

Can my delivery sit outside until I assemble it?

Yes, the Log Kayak Rack is for indoor or outdoor use, so no damage will occur to the product if it sits out until you can assemble it, or get it to the cabin. The only thing is the box and directions may get wet but there are always the downloadable and printable assembly instructions and assembly video on our website.

How do I Preserve the Life of this Kayak Rack?

We want you to enjoy your Log Kayak Rack for years to come. To ensure its longevity, we recommend that the feet are not in direct contact with the ground, but rather raised and set on landscaping block or a similar product.You can order it with a finish (upgrade) or you can finish it yourself. Use a stain or outdoor finish in the color of your choice and follow the instructions on the can. Breathable finishes will extend the life of the rack the most. It is best to let the wood age a bit prior to finishing it. This helps the stain to soak in. You can also choose to leave it unfinished. In this case, it will weather to a gray color and still last for many years.

Can Canoes, Paddle boards, Wake boards, Surf Boards, Small Rafts, Paddle Boats or Other Small Boats up to 100 lbs. fit on these Kayak Racks?

Yes. If you have a specific model in question contact us directly at 1-715-543-2006 and we’ll let you know if the dimension and size of your boat will fit.

Can I secure this Kayak Rack to the Ground?

Yes. You can bolt it to any wood surface with wood screws. There are also kits you can purchase from our online store, use the following instructions to do so using our kit.

  • Insert the sharp tip of a spiral ring anchor into the dirt near the bottom center of the rack, if you are using one twist anchor. If you are using more than one, evenly space out.
  • Twist the anchor by hand so that it spirals into the soil. Stop when the spiraled section is completely hidden underground and only the ring on top of the anchor is visible.
  • Run a chain, cable or straps through the ring at the top of the anchor, then pass this same line over and around the center cross rail on kayak rack.
  • Secure the cable or chain using a small padlock or combination lock if desired. Tighten straps to keep rack tight to the anchors in the ground.
  • This method can be completed by using a kit purchased from LogKayakRack.com or purchase your own online or from a store. This method can be used to protect the rack from being stolen or from strong winds.

Is there an Alternative way of Ordering a Kayak Rack without using the Shopping Cart?

Yes, you may call to order or send a check in the mail to Hitch Exclusives 660 US Highway 51 Manitowish Waters, WI 54545

sunfish sailboat rack

Each Ordered Product Includes:

  • Feet, Cross Rails, Legs, Upper and Lower Arms, and Lower Support Posts (all labeled)
  • Instruction Pack
  • 3 Inch GRK Screws
  • 4 Inch GRK Screws
  • Two Tips, Green and Black for Drill or Screw Gun (in the bag with 3 inch screws)
  • Decking Screws

What is Needed but NOT Included for Assembly:

  • Rubber Hammer/Mallet
  • Power Drill or Screw Gun
  • Gloves (optional)

1 review for 2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayak Rack

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Jim Burnett – July 17, 2020

Hey! Received my 4 place Kayak Rack three days after I ordered – wow that was fast. Put it together today and am really happy with it. It all went together just as the directions showed, all hardware, glue and bits to drive the screws were included – not was missing, nothing damaged. … it is a really nice product and is perfect for our North Idaho lake house! Great product! Thanks!

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Checklist » From planning to packing, logistics to stoke, Checklist reminds kayakers that planning a kayaking trip is easier than you think.

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Cinque Terre » Three paddlers hop a train to Genova hoping to sea kayak 100km of coastline and explore the five fishing villages that comprise Cinque Terre.

About NRS: Northwest River Supplies

About NRS: Northwest River Supplies

In 1972, with only $2,000 in his personal savings, Bill Parks started Northwest River Supplies with one mission: to help others raft. 42 years later, Bill sold NRS to its employees. Today, the 100% employee-owned business strives to continue Bill’s legacy helping people pursue passions on the water.

At our Moscow, Idaho headquarters you’ll find passionate water-lovers just like you, from rafters to whitewater kayakers, sea kayakers to stand up paddlers, kayak anglers to fly fishermen. Our lives, and livelihoods, are drawn to water.

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  1. Worldwide supplier of Sunfish boats, parts, & accessories

    AeroSouth, Sunfish Mainsheet Hanger Clip (Set of 3, Blue), SNF-MNS-HNG-CLP-B. Set of three Sunfish mainsheet hanger clips. Made of durable PETG plastic. Fitted for the 1.5" diam.. $25.00. Sunfish Direct offers a complete line of sunfish hardware, parts and supplies for the sunfish enthusiasts. One source for all of your sunfish parts and sales.

  2. Sunfish Sailboat Rack

    Low 2 SUP 2 Kayak Canoe Rack with Storage Pegs Details. The 1-Sunfish Sailboat + 3 Canoes or Kayak with boom rack is built with Northern White Cedar from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The Sunfish Boom fits on the back of the rack. This rack is designed for functionality and aesthetics by lake homeowners. It not only cares for and organizes ...

  3. 1 Sunfish Sailboat Plus 3 Canoes or Kayaks with Boom Rack| Kayak Rack

    This rack holds 1 Sunfish Sailboat, the heaviest of canoes, Surfboard, Kayaks, and SUPS (Stand Up Paddleboards). Each boat can weigh up to 100 pounds. This rack has up to a 400-pound capacity. We have worked with logs for over 23 years crafting log homes, furniture, and kayak racks. Each joint is glued and screwed for longevity.

  4. Sunfish Sailboat Parts & Accessories

    Sunfish Sailboat Lines & Line Kits Sunfish sail boat ropes and lines including mainsheets, sunfish halyards, outhaul lines, sunfish bridles and more. ... We stock dollies and trailers from Dynamic Dollies and Racks, Right-On, and Trailex, all designed specifically for your Sunfish! Sunfish dollies ship via our standard free ground shipping and ...

  5. CastleCraftSailboat Storage Racks

    They are available in fixed, wall mount, and with rolling casters. Ideal for storage or display units. Racks ship UPS. * A size sailboats include - Laser, Sunfish, Opti or up to 58" beam. * B size sailboats include - Laser 2, Vanguard 15, 420, up to 68" beam. These Racks can be Easily Modified to Accommodate Pedal Boats, Paddle Boats, and Row ...

  6. How To Store A Sunfish Sailboat

    Sup­port: Use a rack or cra­dle to sup­port your boat prop­er­ly dur­ing stor­age. It helps main­tain the shape and pre­vents any undue stress on the hull. ... Other tips on How to Store A Sunfish Sailboat. Always store the tiler/rudder assem­ble ad dag­ger board indoor to pro­tect them from the sun. Even though the spars and mast ...

  7. Hoister Direct, Small Sailboat Lift System, 75-200 pounds, 10' Lift

    Ideal storage accessory for small sailboats (Laser, Sunfish, etc.), mount it on the ceiling in your garage, apartment or shop and easily lift and store your sail boat in unused space. Also works for truck caps, jeep tops, kayaks, canoes, virtually anything 200 pounds or less.

  8. Sunfish Sailboat Archives

    1 Sunfish Sailboat Plus 3 Canoes or Kayaks with Boom Rack. Rated 5.00 out of 5 (3) ... The options may be chosen on the product page. 2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayak Rack. Rated 5.00 out of 5 (1) From: $ 951.99 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page. 1 Paddleboat + 2 Kayak / SUP Rack.

  9. 2-Sunfish Sailboat + 2 Canoes or Kayak Rack

    This rack holds 2 Sunfish Sailboat, the heaviest of canoes, Surfboard, Kayaks, and SUPS (Stand Up Paddleboards). Each boat can weigh up to 100 pounds. This rack has up to a 500-pound capacity. We have worked with logs for over 23 years crafting log homes, furniture, and kayak racks. Each joint is glued and screwed for longevity.

  10. CastleCraft Sailboat Storage Racks

    Twelve Boat Rack, shown with optional slide bunks and storage space for four launching dollies - ... * A size sailboats include - Laser, Sunfish, Opti or up to 58" beam * B size sailboats include - Laser 2, Vanguard 15, 420, up to 68" beam . These Racks can be Easily Modified to Accommodate SUP Stand Up Paddleboards, Pedal Boats, Paddle Boats ...

  11. Dynamic 2 Boat Storage Rack

    The Dynamic 2 Boat Storage Rack is the perfect solution for storing Sunfish, Lasers, Optimists, Kayaks, SUP's and other small boats. This rack is built to last outdoors with aluminum cross bars, polycarbonate connectors, and stainless steel hardware. Assembly is simple and can be done at home in no time. Made in the USA.

  12. Overhead ceiling storage hoist for Sunfish Sailboats

    Use a Harken Hoister to eaily store your Sunfish Sailboat in unused ceiling space in your garage, shop or other location. Product Compare (0) Sort By: Show: Hoister Direct, Small Sailboat Lift System, 75-200 pounds, 10' Lift, 7806. Ideal storage accessory for small sailboats (Laser, Sunfish, etc.), mount it on the ceiling in your .. ...

  13. Car Racks for Sunfish sailboats

    The bottom end was secured from the center of a chain bridle stretched between two stationary points underneath the truck. The top end was attached to a 3/8" bolt through the Sunfish's gudgeon. The hose was then threaded through a short length of "swim noodle" to protect the truck's finish.

  14. Transportation & storage concerns for a sunfish sailboat

    Sunfish is a 14' boat weighing ~120#. We had one when I was a kid. Used to leave it at the beach all summer, hauled out and chained to a tree. Love those boats... I have enough trouble getting a 50# kayak (slightly longer, but still...) on the roof-rack of my truck. I wouldn't want to tempt it with a sunfish. Certainly not without help.

  15. Sunfish

    Sunfish. PART #:13003-1. 7 reviews. $575.00. This Sunfish dolly allows the bow of the boat to hang from a specifically shaped handle fitting. Snug-fitting edge trim atop the handle fitting protects the gunwale gelcoat. Quantity. Add to cart. 4 interest-free installments, or from $51.90/mo with.


    Just load it up in your pickup or car top rack or trailer and launch it just about anywhere. I'll even give you 1 lesson with the sale of... CL. sarasota > for sale by owner > boats. post; account; favorites. hidden. CL. sarasota > boats - by owner ... FUN SUNFISH SAILBOAT - $600 (Sarasota)

  17. Sunfish Sailboat Storage Rack

    This rack holds 2 Sunfish Sailboat, the heaviest of canoes, Surfboard, Kayaks, and SUPS (Stand Up Paddleboards). Each boat can weigh up to 100 pounds. This rack has up to a 500-pound capacity. We have worked with logs for over 23 years crafting log homes, furniture, and kayak racks. Each joint is glued and screwed for longevity.

  18. boston for sale "sailboats"

    Classic Sunfish Alcort Sailboat & Trailer. $1,200. Winchester 1981 Catalina 25' Tall Rig Used and in Very Good Conditon. $0. north shore Sailboat & trailer. $100. Somerville ... Roof Rack with Kayak Saddles. $600. Framingham cape dory 10. $1,800. Hull 37 ft O'day. $18,000. Dorchester ...

  19. laser sunfish sailboat for sale

    Laser preowned sailboats for sale by owner. Laser used sailboats for sale by owner. Home. Register & Post. View All Sailboats. Search. ... Laser or Sunfish Trailer with Seitech Padded Racks for Two Sailboats: Length: 23' Beam: 7' Year: 2000: Type: other: Hull: steel monohull: Location:... The Sunfish combines easy rigging and manageability for a comfortable and hassle-free sailing experience.

  20. NRS

    Shop raft, kayak and camping gear, SUPs, paddling apparel for men, women & kids and river supplies with the NRS Rock Solid Guarantee and Free Shipping.

  21. Maxim A. Suchkov

    As a journalist, you can create a free Muck Rack account to customize your profile, list your contact preferences, and upload a portfolio of your best work. Claim your profile Articles Mar 07, 2022 | By Maxim A. Suchkov | Polygraph.Info Verified. On March 3, Maxim Suchkov, a professor at the Moscow State University of International Relations ...