Indigo Star

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Indigo Star

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Indigo Star Schiffsdaten 

Indigo Star aktuelle Position

Die jacht indigo star: eleganz auf hoher see.

Die Jacht Indigo Star verkörpert Luxus und Raffinesse auf den Weltmeeren. Mit ihrem einzigartigen Design und exquisiten Details setzt sie Maßstäbe für anspruchsvolle Seereisen. Erfahren Sie mehr über dieses maritime Meisterwerk.

Design und Ausstattung

Die Indigo Star ist ein wahres Kunstwerk der Ingenieurskunst und Designästhetik. Ihre schlanken Linien und das hochglanzpolierte Äußere ziehen die Blicke auf sich, während das Interieur eine Oase der Entspannung und des Komforts bietet. Jeder Raum ist mit feinsten Materialien und handgefertigten Details ausgestattet, die höchste Standards erfüllen.

Technische Spezifikationen

Mit einer Länge von 38 Metern bietet die Indigo Star nicht nur Platz für exquisite Unterhaltungsbereiche, sondern auch für eine beeindruckende Auswahl an Wassersportausrüstung. Modernste Technologie sorgt für eine reibungslose Fahrt, während leistungsstarke Motoren Geschwindigkeit und Stabilität gewährleisten.

Innenausstattung und Komfort

Der Innenraum der Indigo Star vereint zeitlose Eleganz mit modernem Komfort. Großzügige Schlafzimmer mit en-suite Badezimmern, ein geräumiges Wohnzimmer und ein formeller Essbereich bieten den Gästen eine luxuriöse Wohnatmosphäre. Jedes Detail wurde sorgfältig kuratiert, um den Aufenthalt an Bord unvergesslich zu machen.

Die Jacht Indigo Star verkörpert den Höhepunkt des Luxus und der Eleganz auf hoher See. Mit ihrem außergewöhnlichen Design, ihrer erstklassigen Ausstattung und einem unvergleichlichen Service bietet sie ihren Gästen eine Erfahrung, die jeden Anspruch übertrifft. Ob für einen erholsamen Familienurlaub oder eine luxuriöse Feier auf See, die Indigo Star setzt neue Maßstäbe für maritime Exzellenz.

Was Kostet die Yacht der Geissens zur Miete?

Auf der Webseite „“ kann man die Yacht, während der Hauptsaison für 85.000 € zzgl. TVA + APA für eine Woche Buchen. Für Charter Anfragen können sie auf der Internetseite eine Anfrage senden.

Indigo Star Video

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Die Geissens

  • Indigo Star

„Die Indigo Star brachte uns sicher zu jedem Fleck auf dieser Erde. Wir könnten uns keine verlässlichere Yacht wünschen.“ - Familie Geiss

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Start your own Adventure – Indigo Star

Die Indigo Star wurde 1995 erbaut.


Die Motorleistung der Indigo Star beträgt 2×1704

Länge und Breite

Die Maße der Indigo Star:

Länge:  38 m Breite:  7.7 m


Geschwindigkeit max. / Durchschnitt: 

15.9 / 13.3 Knoten

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Luxus-Yacht „Indigo Star“ – darum gehört das Schiff gar nicht den Geissens

Stand: 18.09.2024, 04:58 Uhr

Von: Sarah Isele

Die bekannte Luxus-Yacht der Geissens „Indigo Star“ ist oft bei ihrer Sendung im TV zu sehen. Doch nun stellt sich heraus, dass das Boot gar nicht der Familie selbst gehört.

Wer regelmäßig RTLZWEI schaut, wird diese Familie garantiert kennen. Die Geissens sind schrecklich glamourös – und auch schrecklich reich. Ihren Reichtum stellen sie gerne bei „Die Geissens – Eine schrecklich glamouröse Familie“ zur Schau und nehmen die Zuschauer mit auf ihre Reisen durch die Welt. Die Familie besteht aus Vater Robert, Mutter Carmen und den beiden Töchtern Davina und Shania. Auch die Yacht der Familie ist in vielen Folgen zu sehen und gilt schon als das „Wohnzimmer“ der Familie. Doch das Prunk-Schiff gehört ihnen gar nicht.

Luxus-Yacht gehört nicht den Geissens: Der Reichtum der Familie

Wer die Geissens kennt, weiß auch ganz genau, dass die Familie gerne mal mit ihrem Prunk prahlt. Dabei sollte man auch wissen, dass Vater Robert ein echter Self-Made-Millionär ist, da er bereits in den 80er Jahren zusammen mit seinem Bruder sein eigenes Mode-Label eröffnet hat, welches er neun Jahre später wieder verkaufte. Aber auch Carmen und die Töchter Davina und Shania bringen Kohle nach Hause – so sind die Geissens reich geworden .

Aucht gibt Papa Robert Geiss in einem Podcast des OMR preis: „Die 100 Millionen habe ich voll. Das ist die Rente, das ist die Basis, damit ich auch mit 70 noch ruhig leben kann.“ Tatsächlich ist, laut dem Wirtschaftsmagazin Business Insider , über die Zeit bei den Geissens ein Firmenimperium entstanden. Laut dem Magazin stecken die Geissens aber auch in Schulden in Millionenhöhe und auch die Yacht „Indigo Star“ scheint nicht der Familie selbst zu gehören. Ist alles also mehr Schein als Sein?

Luxus-Yacht gehört nicht den Geissens: Business Insider enthüllt Schuldenlage

Ein Bericht von Business Insider hat enthüllt, dass mehrere Firmen, an denen die Geissens beteiligt ist, in den Jahren 2019 und 2020 keinen Gewinn oder sogar Verluste gemacht haben, wodurch Schulden in Millionenhöhe entstanden. Dabei seien die Familie Geiss und ihr Privatvermögen aber nicht von einer Pleite bedroht. Robert Geiss gilt als cleverer Geschäftsmann, der in verschiedene Firmen investiert. Darunter auch in die CapBridge Ventures GmbH, die sich als Fehlinvestition herausstellte.

Die Frage, ob die Geissens doch nicht so reich sind, wie sie sich in ihrer RTLZWEI -Sendung geben, stellt sich nun. Insbesondere da nun enthüllt wurde, dass die Luxus-Yacht „Indigo Star“, die auch immer mal ein Hauptdarsteller der Show ist, gar nicht der Familie selbst gehört. Doch wem gehört das Prunk-Schiff?

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Luxus-Yacht gehört nicht den Geissens: Schiff ist im Besitz der Ghost Shipping Company S.A.

Das 38 Meter-Boot kann bis zu 10 Gäste beherbergen und auch von Privatpersonen (Tagespreis rund 15.000 Euro) gebucht werden. Auf der Yacht ist ein fetter Werbe-Aufdruck von „Roberto Geissini“, der Modemarke von Rooobert. Auf der Homepage heißt es zum Fashion-Label: „Roberto Geissini ist ein exklusives Fashion-Label vom Besitzer der Indigo Star I: Robert Geiss.“

Wobei das Wort „Besitzer“ hier offenbar stark interpretierbar ist. Denn nach BILD -Informationen ist die Luxus-Yacht im Besitz der Ghost Shipping Company S.A. Der Firmensitz des Unternehmens liegt auf der Isle of Man, ein Steuerparadies zwischen Irland und dem Vereinigten Königreich. Robert Geiss besitzt Anteile an der Firma, doch wie hoch diese Anteile sind, ist unklar. (rah)

Auch interessant

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80m Heesen flagship Genesis delivered under new ownership

Dutch yard Heesen has crowned a new flagship with the delivery of its 80-metre superyacht Genesis . Formerly known as Project Cosmos and Galactica, the all-aluminium yacht was technically completed last year, with sea trials taking place in April 2022.

In a statement Heesen announced that the yacht had been officially delivered to her new owners yesterday (31 August). The yard also confirmed that "the sale and delivery of the yacht had been coordinated with the Dutch authorities". In May last year the yard changed its ownership structure to an independent foundation that ensured it was 100% Dutch and could continue to build and deliver yachts. 

Genesis now supersedes the shipyard's former flagship, the 70-metre Galactica Super Nova , by 10 metres and takes its place as the fastest aluminium yacht in her size class thanks to four MTU 4000 M73 engines totalling 19,000hp

She features exterior styling by British studio  Winch Design while  Sinot Yacht Architecture & Design  was appointed to design the yacht's interiors. The project marks Heesen's third collaboration with Sinot.

Accommodation is for up to 12 guests split across six cabins, including a main deck owner's suite, bridge-deck VIP and four lower deck cabins. The crew quarters will sleep a staff of 19 people. 

Other key features include a certified helideck on the bow beneath which sits the tender garage with room for a Winch-designed custom limousine.

Heesen currently has eight projects in build, according to BOATPro , and Genesis joins three other superyachts expected to be delivered this year, including 60-metre Ultra G.  

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POLE POSITION yacht NOT for charter*

27.43m  /  90' | hatteras | 1997.

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The 27.43m/90' Sport Fisher yacht 'Pole Position' (ex. Bodacious) was built by Hatteras in the United States. This luxury vessel's exterior design is the work of Hatteras.

Guest Accommodation

Pole Position has been designed to comfortably accommodate up to 8 guests in 4 suites. She is also capable of carrying up to 2 crew onboard to ensure a relaxed luxury yacht experience.

Range & Performance

Built with a GRP hull and GRP superstructure, with teak & frp decks, she has impressive speed and great efficiency thanks to her planing hull. Powered by twin diesel Caterpillar (3512) 2,250hp engines, she comfortably cruises at 20 knots, reaches a maximum speed of 26 knots. Her water tanks store around 3,406 Litres of fresh water.

Length 27.43m / 90'
Beam 6.55m / 21'6
Draft 1.9m / 6'3
Gross Tonnage 135 GT
Cruising Speed 20 Knots
Builder Hatteras
Model Hatteras 90 Convertible
Exterior Designer Hatteras

*Charter Pole Position Motor Yacht

Motor yacht Pole Position is currently not believed to be available for private Charter. To view similar yachts for charter , or contact your Yacht Charter Broker for information about renting a luxury charter yacht.

Pole Position Yacht Owner, Captain or marketing company

'Yacht Charter Fleet' is a free information service, if your yacht is available for charter please contact us with details and photos and we will update our records.

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Pole Position Yacht

NOTE to U.S. Customs & Border Protection


Here are a selection of superyachts which are similar to Pole Position yacht which are believed to be available for charter. To view all similar luxury charter yachts click on the button below.

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POA ♦︎

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MS Fridtjof Nansen

MS Fridtjof Nansen cruise ship

Cruise line Hurtigruten Expeditions HX

  • Buenos Aires (Argentina)
  • Reykjavik (Iceland)

MS Fridtjof Nansen current position

MS Fridtjof Nansen current location is at North America West Coast (coordinates 49.28818 N / -123.11079 W) cruising en route to Vancouver. The AIS position was reported 4 minutes ago.

Current itinerary of MS Fridtjof Nansen

MS Fridtjof Nansen current cruise is 16 days, round-trip 17 Night Alaska and British Columbia from Seattle . The itinerary starts on 02 Sep, 2024 and ends on 18 Sep, 2024 .

Date / TimePort
02 Sep     from hotels
02 Sep    flight
02 Sep    
04 Sep    St Matthew Island Alaska
05 Sep    St Paul Island Alaska, Pribilof Islands
07 Sep    
08 Sep    Unga Island Alaska, Shumagin Islands Aleutians
09 Sep - 10 Sep    coastal cruising
11 Sep    
13 Sep    coastal cruising
14 Sep    
15 Sep    
16 Sep    Misty Fjords, Alaska
17 Sep    
18 Sep     in hotels

Specifications of MS Fridtjof Nansen

Year of build2020  /  Age: 4
Flag state Norway
BuilderMontex Shipyard (Gdansk, Poland), Kleven Shipyard (Ulsteinvik, Norway)
Classice-strengthened expedition ship
Building costUSD 220 million
Speed15 kn / 28 km/h / 17 mph
Length (LOA)140 m / 459 ft
Beam (width)24 m / 79 ft
Gross Tonnage20890 gt
Passengers530 - 600
Decks with cabins5
Sister-shipsRoald Amundsen
Christened bySunniva Sorby and Hilde Falun Strom
OwnerHurtigruten AS
OperatorHX Hurtigruten Expeditions
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MS Fridtjof Nansen Itineraries

DateItineraryDeparture PortPrice from
2024 Aug 08 25 days, one-way from Reykjavik to Vancouver Reykjavik $25824
2024 Aug 08 25 days, one-way from Reykjavik to Vancouver Reykjavik $23824
2024 Sep 02 16 days, round-trip 17 Night Alaska and British Columbia from Seattle Vancouver
2024 Nov 01 17 days, one-way from Valparaiso-Santiago to Buenos Aires Valparaiso-Santiago $10969
2024 Nov 18 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9784
2024 Nov 28 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9784
2024 Dec 08 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $11731
2024 Dec 18 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $10384
2024 Dec 28 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $16796
2025 Jan 07 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $13313
2025 Jan 17 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $14237
2025 Jan 27 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $15070
2025 Feb 06 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $11773
2025 Feb 16 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $10721
2025 Feb 26 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $10346
2025 Mar 08 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9496
2025 Mar 18 17 days, round-trip 18 Night Antarctica and Falklands Expedition Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $11438
2025 Apr 23 11 days, one-way from Lisbon to Hamburg Lisbon $4413
2025 May 04 6 days, one-way from Hamburg to Reykjavik Hamburg $2805
2025 May 04 13 days, one-way from Hamburg to Reykjavik Hamburg $6247
2025 May 10 7 days, round-trip 7 Night Elemental Iceland Cruise Reykjavik $4119
2025 May 17 7 days, round-trip 7 Night Elemental Iceland Cruise Reykjavik $4119
2025 May 24 7 days, round-trip 7 Night Elemental Iceland Cruise Reykjavik $4119
2025 May 31 12 days, round-trip 13 Night Discovering Greenland from Reykjavik Reykjavik $8775
2025 Jun 12 10 days, round-trip 12 Night Grand Greenland - Icy Giants of Disko Bay from Reykjavik Reykjavik $9203
2025 Jun 22 10 days, round-trip 12 Night Grand Greenland - Icy Giants of Disko Bay from Reykjavik Reykjavik $9203
2025 Jul 02 14 days, round-trip 16 Night Grand Greenland from Reykjavik Reykjavik $11562
2025 Jul 16 14 days, round-trip 16 Night Grand Greenland from Reykjavik Reykjavik $11562
2025 Jul 30 18 days, round-trip 20 Night Grand Greenland - Farthest North to Thule and Kane Basin from Reykjavik Reykjavik $13725
2025 Aug 17 23 days, one-way from Reykjavik to Seattle Reykjavik $22217
2025 Oct 17 14 days, one-way from Valparaiso-Santiago to Buenos Aires Valparaiso-Santiago $6607
2025 Oct 31 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $8414
2025 Nov 10 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $8619
2025 Nov 20 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $8823
2025 Nov 30 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $8823
2025 Dec 10 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $8823
2025 Dec 20 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9334
2025 Dec 30 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9641
2026 Jan 09 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9334
2026 Jan 19 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9641
2026 Jan 29 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9641
2026 Feb 08 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9641
2026 Feb 18 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9334
2026 Feb 28 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $9027
2026 Mar 10 10 days, round-trip 11 Night Highlights of Antarctica Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $8414
2026 Mar 20 17 days, round-trip 18 Night Antarctica and Falklands Expedition Cruise and Land Tour Buenos Aires $10971

MS Fridtjof Nansen Review

Review of ms fridtjof nansen.

The 2020-built/2021-inaugurated MS Fridtjof Nansen cruise ship is the second in a 2-ship series of hybrid-powered Hurtigruten expedition ships. The two newbuilds ( Roald Amundsen and “Fridtjof Nansen”) were both named after the most influential Norwegian polar explorers from the time when the Hurtigruten company started to offer expedition cruise itineraries.

In 2021, Hurtigruten allocated 4 old ships to its expedition fleet - Spitsbergen (2009), Midnatsol (2003), Trollfjord (2002) and Finnmarken (2002).

MS Fridtjof Nansen is now part of the Hurtigruten Expeditions/HX fleet .

The vessel (IMO number 9813084) is currently Norway- flagged (MMSI 257088070) and registered in Longyearbyen (Spitsbergen Island) . The port registry made MS Fridtjof Nansen the ever-first cruise ship to be registered in Svalbard .

History - construction and ownership

The shipowner Hurtigruten is a Norwegian passenger shipping company specializing in cruise and ferry services. The "Norwegian Coastal Express Route" ( Bergen - Kirkenes ) is a cargo-passenger ferry service along Norway's western and northern coast. Hurtigruten's cruise ferries sail nearly the entire length of Norway and complete this roundtrip itinerary in 11 days. The route also includes Lofoten Islands and Vesteralen Islands .

MS Fridtjof Nansen cruise ship (Hurtigruten)

This cruise vessel class was purposefully designed for Norwegian coastal and Polar expedition cruises (Arctic and Antarctica itineraries). The Rolls-Royce company's Marine division received a GBP 25 million (USD 33 million) from the shipyard to provide the vessel's design and equipment.

The new series of Hurtigruten expedition vessels feature the latest environmentally friendly marine technologies. The new hybrid technology allows cruising with fully electric propulsion for up to 30 min. The main gain is the total reduction in fuel consumption and CO2-emissions. The technology, along with the effective use of electricity onboard and the optimized hull design, reduces bad emissions by nearly 20%.

Building materials used during construction were predominantly Norwegian, with extensive use of granite, oak and wool, among others.

Fridtjof Nansen is Hurtigruten's second liner fitted with the largest at sea LED screen. The 7-deck high screen (with sound) has height 17,5 m (57,5 ft) and is vertically-positioned midship (in the Atrium) facing the glass-walled elevators. The huge LED screen displays live footage (of the surrounding scenery and wildlife) and can also be used for live-streaming lectures and media presentations, or just to create different moods with HD images and videos.

The ship has 4 Lifts (passenger elevators) of which 2 (midship) connect all decks while the other 2 (forward) interconnects only the cabin decks.

Decks and Cabins

Hurtigruten Fridtjof Nansen ship has a total of 265 passenger cabins (all outside, 50% balconied) in 13 categories and 3 main types - EXPEDITION SUITES, ARCTIC SUPERIOR (balcony cabin) and POLAR OUTSIDE (oceanview cabin). The ship has 5 wheelchair-accessible handicap cabins (adapted for passengers with disabilities), but they are also available for general booking.

The boat has 11 decks , of which 9 are passenger-accessible and 5 with cabins.

All staterooms (regardless cabin category) offer as standard (complimentary) amenities Queen-size double bed (under-bed storage for suitcases), bedside cabinets, wall-mounted reading lamps, double sofabed, floor lamps, recessed ceiling lights, mirrored vanity table (writing desk) with chair and magnifying mirror, low table with 2 lounge chairs (with footstools), mirrored wardrobe, electronic safe box (in the closet), coffee/tea making facility (kettle, tray with packed coffee and teas), phone (intercom), smart HDTV (satellite reception, infotainment system, wall-mounted), mini-bar (refrigerator), carpet flooring, individually controlled air-conditioning, en-suite bathroom (WC / wall-mounted toilet, glass shower, single-sink vanity, bathrobes, hairdryer), 220V power outlets, USB ports.

EXPEDITION SUITES are with floor-ceiling windows (some slanted), private step-out balconies, 4-seat dining table, espresso coffee maker (in addition to the kettle with packed teas-coffee). Top-tier suites are with larger bathrooms with double-sink vanities. Aft corner suites have outdoor Jacuzzis (on their balconies).

Categories MA-MB (XL Suite), MD (Large) and MC (Aft) are all corner suites with balconies. Category MC has hot tub in the bathroom. ME-Suites are with balconies, while MF-Suites are with large windows (no balcony). EXPEDITION SUITES (by category) are sized as follows - MA (46-48 m2 / 495-515 ft2), MB (44 m2 / 470 ft2), MC (20-30 m2 / 215-320 ft2), MD (35 m2 / 375 ft2), ME (20-28 m2 / 215-300 ft2), MF (22 m2 / 235 ft2).

ARCTIC SUPERIOR staterooms are balcony cabins (with step-out private verandas) and (by category) are sized as follows - XT and XTD (15-19 m2 / 160-205 ft2), XY (19 m2 / 205 ft2). POLAR OUTSIDE are oceanview cabins without balconies and (by category) are sized as follows - TT (27 m2 / 290 ft2), TY (24-26 m2 / 260-280 ft2), RR (19-23 m2 / 205-250 ft2), RS (17 m2 / 180 ft2).

Shipboard dining options - Food and Drinks

Breakfast and lunch on the Fridtjof Nansen ship are buffet-style and open-seating. The serving area is situated in the center of the ship's restaurant in a square formation. Meals are spread out over a couple of hours, so the dining room is seldom crowded. Some dinners are open-seating, self-service buffets, while others are plated meals served in one or two seatings, depending on how full the cruise ship is.

The Fridtjof Nansen ship has three restaurants.

  • The Restaurant / Aune Main Dining (named after the Norwegian polar expedition supplier Tinus Aune) is the ship's dining room (capacity 234 seats) with large floor-ceiling windows, buffet station in the middle, outdoor seating area (alfresco terrace).
  • The Bistro / Fredheim (capacity 71 seats) is a casual dining lounge named after Villa Fredheim (early-20th-century hunting station on Spits­ber­gen Island ). Fredheim Restaurant offers light snacks and beverages (in a lounge seating) and has a separate buffet dining area.
  • Lindstrom Specialty Restaurant (capacity 62 seats) is named after Adolf Henrik Lindstrom (1866-1939) - Norwegian chef who took part in four polar expeditions (1898-1902, 1903-06, 1910-12, 1914-16). All Suite-category passengers dine complimentary at Lindstrom daily (all-inclusive breakfast and dinner). Other cabin grade passengers can also dine at Lindstrom (breakfast and/or dinner) but at extra charge (a la carte priced menu, premium wine list).

Shipboard entertainment options - Fun and Sport

MV Fridtjof Nansen features innovative Scandinavian design, large observation platforms (on several decks), pool deck with infinity pools, Jacuzzis and bars.

From the moment passengers step onboard the compact Fridtjof Nansen ship, they feel as though they’ve arrived in the polar region. The artwork reflects both the Antarctic and the Arctic with photos of the early expeditions, snow-capped peaks paintings and pictures of penguins. MS Fridtjof Nansen brings her guests close to nature and unforgettable experiences. She offers numerous lounges to relax, as well as a well-equipped gym for the more active passengers.

The vessel has a variety of custom-built expedition equipment, such as a fleet of Blueye underwater drones, large inflatable Explorer Boats (zodiacs) and kayaks. After completing their daily adventures, passengers are able to rejuvenate in the vessels' Wellness area, panoramic sauna, gym, or on the pool deck with an infinity pool, pool bar and jacuzzis. Follows the complete list of Fridtjof Nansen ship lounges, clubs and other entertainment venues for kids, teens and adults.

  • Wardroom (ship officers’ dining room and relaxation lounge)
  • Embarkation/disembarkation area/lobby for easy loading/unloading of passengers going on land expeditions; ship-to-shore tendering is serviced by inflatable boats, used mostly for wildlife watching)
  • Lecture halls (offer expert lectures and multimedia presentations)
  • The Lobby (with floor-ceiling windows, reception, expeditions booking and information), 7-deck high Atrium (with glass-wall elevators)
  • Internet corner (Internet Cafe with 4 Internet computers, combined with a library)
  • Shop (selling hand-made souvenirs, special occasion gifs, Hurtigruten logo merchandise); Video Games Arcade.
  • The ship features a 2-level Observation Deck (indoor viewing area with large windows) located forward (at the ship's bow) on decks 6 and 7.
  • Explorer Lounge (forward on deck 10 / pool deck) is an indoor Observation Lounge (bow-located) with a full-service Bar, slanted floor-ceiling windows (270-degree views), comfortable seating, an outdoor terrace (named ”Passenger Bridge”).
  • Fitness Centre is a large Gym Room equipped with treadmills, exercise bikes, rowing machine, ping-pong table, free weights, yoga mats).
  • On Sun Deck are located two outdoor gym areas, walking/running track and aft Observation Deck (viewing area). Sundeck is also where Hurtigruten holds the special ceremony “Arctic Circle baptism” that includes a Neptune-costumed crew, icy seawater, and a vodka shot for warming up.

Aft on Pool Deck are the ship's outdoor infinity pool (rectangular swimming pool with heated water) flanked by two outdoor Jacuzzis (whirlpools), pool showers, Pool Bar. Two separate Sauna Rooms (unisex) are located midship-starboard.

Hurtigruten new ships (infinity pool)

Nansen Science Centre (deck 6 forward, on the below photo) is a large "scientific lounge" (research lab) packed with high-tech gadgets (including microscopes and touch screens) and latest digital technology equipment. The venue consists of Library, Lecture Halls, Photo Center (photo- and video-processing studio), Conference Room, Expedition Team Room, dedicated areas for themed educational activities (workshops in biology, marine life, geography, photography, etc). Hurtigruten's Expedition Team provides here passengers with scientific information and technology assistance.

Hurtigruten new ships (Science Centre Lounge)

Photos of MS Fridtjof Nansen

MS Fridtjof Nansen cruise ship (Hurtigruten)

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Other Hurtigruten Expeditions HX cruise ships

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  • MS Spitsbergen
  • MV Santa Cruz II Galapagos

MS Fridtjof Nansen Wiki

The Norway- flagged MS Fridtjof Nansen is the second of Hurtigruten's new expedition cruise ships built in Poland (Montex Shipyard in Gdansk , hull and superstructure) and Norway (Kleven Shipyard in Ulsteinvik , marine interior and outfitting). The company signed a letter of intent with the shipbuilder Kleven Verft In April 2016 for 2 vessels, with an included option for 2 more ships of the same class/design. The shipbuilding contract was signed in July 2016. MS Roald Amundsen was scheduled for delivery in July 2018, and MS Fridtjof Nansen - in July 2019.

The vessel was launched (floated out from drydock) at Kleven Shipyard on December 9, 2018, and delivered to Hurtigruten AS on December 20, 2019.

Hurtigruten Fridtjof Nansen cruise ship construction

The ship's inaugural cruise was planned for April 1, 2020 (Norwegian Fjords roundtrip from Hamburg ). Also were planned a series of exclusive pre-inaugural voyages for VIP passengers only (specially invited guests).

MS Fridtjof Nansen cruise ship (Hurtigruten)

The ship's christening was on September 15, 2021, held dockside in Longyearbyen (Svalbard Norway).

  • On Sept 8, 2021, Daniel Skjeldam (Hurtigruten Group's CEO) announced the names of the vessel's godmothers - Sunniva Sorby (Canadian) and Hilde Falun Strom (Norwegian). In 2019-2020, they became the first women to overwinter solo on Spitsbergen Island (Norway's Svalbard Archipelago ). By the "Hearts in the Ice" project, they spent 9 months (August 2019 thru May 2020) at Spitsbergen's Bamsebu (trapper hut) located approx 140 km / 87 mi from Longyearbyen . The 1930-built Bamsebu Cabin is sized 20 m2 (215 ft2) and has no running water. The electricity is provided by a wind turbine and solar panels, the Internet is satellite.
  • The live-streamed naming ceremony included breaking an ice chunk in the hull - instead of the traditional Champagne bottle. The traditional monetary gift given to the boat's godmother was donated to the Hurtigruten Foundation.

Fridtjof Nansen ship technology

The ship's design features an ice-strengthened hull, a wave-piercing bulbous bow, Rolls-Royce Unified Bridge (navigation consoles, software interfaces, etc) for safe and efficient performances. The vessel integrates a DP0 (Bridge Mate dynamic positioning system), Aquarius 100 stabilizers, ACON (integrated automation and control) system. Vessel's max draught / draft is 5,3 m (17 ft).

Hurtigruten new expedition cruise ship (bow view)

Ship's hybrid powerplant combines electric power systems, which efficiency allows fuel reduction by approx 20% and approx 20% lower CO2 emissions (an equivalent of over 3000 tons3 CO2 per year). The vessel is powered by all four "Bergen B33:45L" diesel engines (by Rolls-Royce) plus batteries. The engines are equipped with an SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system to meet IMO Tier III NOx emissions limit.

Hurtigruten new expedition cruise ship (aft view)

Scanship is the supplier of the ship's cleaning systems - food waste processing, garbage handling, wastewater treatment plants. The ship has "Jets Vacuum" systems (for toilets and wastewater collecting). Scanship's blackwater purification system is IMO Marpol certified.

Hurtigruten newbuilds also feature underwater drones (ROV / remotely operated underwater vehicle) developed by Blueye Robotics (Norway). Each drone weights 7 kg and has 4 thrusters for propulsion. The ROV also features a wide-angle video camera (Blueye Pioneer) designed to work in limited-light conditions. It streams true-color live images to all shipboard TV screens, to all cabin TVs and also to the digital diving masks of the passengers cruising on the ship's Zodiac boats. The ship's fully electric propulsion includes two Azipull thrusters (powered by a permanent magnet motor) plus two tunnel thrusters. The permanent magnet motor delivers high efficiency at various speeds.

In November 2018, Hurtigruten announced its fleet will be powered with LBG (liquified biogas) produced mainly from dead fish using organic-waste recycling methods. LBG will be sourced from Norway and other Northern European countries with large fisheries and forestry industries producing large volumes of organic waste. By 2021, the company plans to have six ships powered by a combination of LBG, LNG and batteries. The project (budgeted USD 850 million) will result in creating the world's greenest cruise brand.


Heavy Load Carrier, IMO 9890812

  • VesselFinder
  • Cargo vessels

The current position of YACHT SERVANT is at West Africa reported 11 days ago by AIS. The vessel is en route to the port of Port Everglades, United States (USA) , sailing at a speed of 10.0 knots and expected to arrive there on Sep 21, 06:00 . The vessel YACHT SERVANT (IMO 9890812, MMSI 246132000) is a Heavy Load Carrier built in 2022 (2 years old) and currently sailing under the flag of Netherlands .


Position & Voyage Data

Predicted ETA
Distance / Time
Course / Speed 
Current draught4.6 m
Navigation Status -
Position received
IMO / MMSI9890812 / 246132000
Length / Beam214 / 46 m

Map position & Weather

Recent port calls, vessel utilization, vessel particulars.

IMO number9890812
Ship TypeHeavy Load Carrier
Year of Build2022
Length Overall 213.70
Length BP
Beam 46.00
Gross Tonnage44522
Net Tonnage-
Crude Oil -
Gas )-
Grain )-
Bale )-
Ballast Water )-
Fresh Water )-
Place of Build-
Engine Builder
Engine Type
Engine Power
Fuel Type
Service Speed
Registered Owner
ISM Manager
P&I Club
Classification Society

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YACHT SERVANT current position and history of port calls are received by AIS. Technical specifications, tonnages and management details are derived from VesselFinder database. The data is for informational purposes only and VesselFinder is not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of YACHT SERVANT data.


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