• Beratung & Verkauf
  • Beratung Kauf

Bootsservice & Überführung

Datenschutzerklärung, sie möchten ihr boot verkaufen, sie möchten ein boot kaufen,             bootsservice & winterarbeiten, sie benötigen eine überführung, aktuell im angebot, beratung zum verkauf, schlei-yachting - michael flatau   so individuell wie sie ist auch ihre yacht - mein anspruch ist es, die eigenschaften zu erarbeiten, die ihr schiff auszeichnen, um es optimal für den verkauf vorzubereiten, am passenden markt zu platzieren und anschließend die übergabe erfolgreich durchzuführen. als persönlicher berater in fragen des verkaufs ihrer segelyacht arbeite ich eng mit ihnen zusammen und, grenze den zustand ihres objekts präzise ein, sondiere dessen wert und eigenschaften und steigere durch meine empfehlung zu finish-maßnahmen den verkaufswert  , ich erstelle, warte und pflege für sie eine maßgeschneiderte internetpräsenz für ihre yacht auf verschiedenen plattformen und entwerfe ein ansprechendes exposé als pdf zur analogen verwendung, dazu biete ich ein professionelles shooting für hochwertige verkaufsbilder inkl. deren optimaler postproduktion an. ich koordiniere und moderiere besichtigungstermine und vorgespräche in absprache mit ihnen und kümmere mich um eine vollständige erstellung und bearbeitung aller notwendigen dokumente wie z. b. des individuell gestalteteten kaufvertrages, eintragung in das schiffsregister, oder beantragung eines internationalen bootsscheines umschreibung der frequenzzuteilungsurkunde etc., beratung zum kauf, schlei-yachting - michael flatau   sie suchen das passende schiff und sind sich bezüglich des modells noch nicht sicher, oder sie brauchen eine assistenz bei der besichtigung ob trailerboot oder große segelyacht - ich erörtere ihre ansprüche und erwartungen mit ihnen, sodass wir das richtige objekt für sie finden. auch bei der auswahl lasse ich sie nicht allein: wir untersuchen alle wichtigen teile, und ich assistiere ihnen bei der einschätzung des wirklichen wertes einer yacht, damit sie wissen, woran sie sind..

  • Erörterung und Auslotung von Schiffsytpen in Anlehnung an Ihre persönlichen Ansprüche
  • Recherche und Auswahl erster Vorschläge
  • Besichtigung und Beratung vor Ort am Objekt
  • professionelles "Abtasten" eines Objekts und analytisches Gespräch mit dem Verkäufer/der Verkäuferin
  • Nachbereitung und Nachbesprechung en détail und in Ruhe


              ., auch ohne beratung oder verkauf steht ihnen meine expertise bei der auswahl und umsetzung von bootsbaumaßnahmen, bei der planung sowie bei der durchführung von törns zur überführung und bei allem, was mit der werft zusammenhängt, zur verfügung..

broken image

Nammert Yachtversicherung

Bootsbau - Jan Brügge

Segelmacherei - CO-Segel

Segelmacherei - Sonnensegelmacher

hochwertige Bootspolster nach Maß

Individuelle Portraits Ihrer Yacht

Schlei-Yachting - Michael Flatau - Grimsfeld 3 24376 Kappeln   Telefon: +49 (0) 4642 9643844 Mobil: 0176-10301208   Email: [email protected]


Sailing World Yachtbrokers

Second-hand - first class.

Sailing World Yachtbrokers ist Ihr professioneller und persönlicher Partner, wenn es um den Kauf oder Verkauf Ihrer Segelyacht oder Motoryacht geht! Unser Firmensitz ist an der Ostsee, wir vermitteln Gebrauchtboote jedoch international!

Wir konzentrieren uns auf Yachten von etwa 9 bis 20 Meter, unabhängig von Hersteller und Alter.

Neben skandinavischen Premium-Marken wie Malö, Najad oder Hallberg-Rassy vermitteln wir auch das gesamte Spektrum von Groß-Serienherstellern, wie beispielsweise Beneteau, Bavaria, Dufour, Hanse oder Jeanneau.

Seit langem vertrauen außerdem Händler und Charterfirmen unserer Professionalität. Neben Privatyachten finden Sie daher gepflegte Inzahlungnahme- bzw. Charteryachten bei uns.

Segelyachten kaufen Motoryachten kaufen

Yacht kaufen oder verkaufen

Die eigene Yacht verkaufen

Finden Sie hier Informationen wie Sie Ihre Yacht zusammen mit uns ganz einfach und unkompliziert verkaufen können.

mehr Informationen

Qualität statt Quantität: Full-Service - First Class!

Die Gesamtkapazität unserer Niederlassungen ermöglicht es uns bis zu ca. 250 Yachten zu präsentieren, die wir selber ausführlich besichtigt haben.

Die Konzentration von gepflegten Segelyachten und Motoryachten , verbunden mit der Möglichkeit, die Yachten an sieben Tagen in der Woche zu besichtigen, hat eine enorme Anziehungskraft, die man im privaten Verkauf niemals erreichen kann.

Selbstverständlich beraten wir Sie auch in Fragen zu Gutachten, Yacht-Versicherungen, Yacht-Finanzierungen, Schiffs-Registrierungen und Yacht-Überführungen.

Kauf und Verkauf einer Gebrauchtyacht ist Vertrauenssache - wir nehmen uns Zeit für Sie und beraten Sie seriös und umfänglich. Bei uns haben Sie die Sicherheit, in professionellen Händen zu sein.

Hier erfahren Sie Weiteres über SAILING WORLD .

Rufen Sie uns gerne an oder schicken eine eMail. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Nachricht!

Ihr Team von Sailing World Yachtbrokers

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Alle Segelyachten Alle Motoryachten

Sailing World Yacht Brokers

In Kooperation mit unserer Niederlassung in Lemmer, Niederlande, bieten wir seit 1995 seriöse und erfolgreiche Yacht-Vermarktung! Sailing World Niederlande in Lemmer und Sailing World Deutschland in Heiligenhafen sind rechtlich getrennte, völlig unabhängige Unternehmen. Sie als Yacht-Verkäufer profitieren von der parallelen Darstellung Ihrer Yacht u.a. auf / de / nl. In Lemmer ist Robin de Snoo als ausgebildeter und zertifizierter Yachtmakler für Sie aktiv.

Werner Höner war zunächst für Sailing World viele Jahre als Makler in Lemmer und ist seit 2006 Ihr Ansprechpartner an der Ostsee. Selbstverständlich sind wir auch persönlich seit Jahrzehnten aktive Fahrtensegler.

neue Yachten

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Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei

Mit Topberatung schnell und sicher buchen.

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  • Kappeln an der Schlei

Ob Schweden, Dänemark oder die deutschen Ostseeinseln: Kappeln an der Schlei wartet mit einem romantischen kleinen Hafen auf, der vom Fjord geschützt wird. Von hier aus sind sämtliche Segelreviere der Ostsee leicht zu erreichen.

yachtmakler schlei

Herrliche Landschaften, Erholung am nahe gelegenen Ostseestrand, eine große Anzahl gastronomischer Angebote, Restaurants und Hotels sowie mehrere Anlegestellen für Segelyachten und einen kleinen Hafen – all das bietet Ihnen der Fischereiort für Ihren Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei. Durch die geschützte Lage Kappelns am Fjord und einer hervorragende Infrastruktur vor Ort können Sie Ihren Yachtcharterurlaub sofort nach der Ankunft am Stützpunkt im ruhigen Wasser beginnen. Die direkte Nähe der romantischen Hafenstadt zur Schleimündung in die Ostsee ermöglicht Ihnen anschließend, ihren Urlaub in den wunderschönen Segelrevieren der Kieler Bucht und der dänischen Südsee zu genießen.

Blog | Kappeln an der Schlei

Maasholm (5 km), damp (11 km), eckernförde (22 km), augustenborg (33 km), marina minde (34 km), laboe (34 km), wendtorf (36 km), flensburg (37 km), kiel (40 km), dyvig (insel als) (46 km), top-destinationen, 1a yachtcharter gmbh.

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Alle Preise inklusive Mehrwertsteuer des jeweiligen Ortes der Leistungserbringung, zuzüglich anfallender obligatorischer Kosten. Die Angebote und Rabatte sind freibleibend und unverbindlich. Irrtümer und Änderungen vorbehalten. Es gelten die AGB der 1a Yachtcharter GmbH und des jeweiligen Vertragspartners der Yacht. * Bis zu 50 % Last Minute Rabatt gilt für ausgewählte Yachten und Termine. Die Rabatte sind bereits im Preis berücksichtigt.

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+316-19730566 / +3150-2111780

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We are urgently looking for motor and sailing yachts for sale

Due to the persistent demand, we are urgently looking for yard-built motor yachts and sailing yachts for sale. Please inquire without obligation about the sales options of your motor yacht or sailing yacht.

Read more Contact us

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Mediation based on 'No Cure, No Pay'

Mediation in the sale of your motor or sailing yacht at Beekhuis Yachtbrokers is always based on 'No Cure, No Pay. This means: no sales, then no costs.

Read more C ontact us

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Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Hiswa Recron (thrust account)

The purchase price, divided over a down payment and the remaining payment, will be paid into the bank account number of the Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Hiswa Recron (thrust account)

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Sales from your own mooring

Beekhuis Yachtbrokers takes care of the sale of your motor yacht or sailing yacht from its own mooring

Our inventory

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Westbas 29 Offshore

Motor yacht year built 2002 • Berth Loosdrecht

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Neptunus 133 Flybridge

Speedboat / Sport cruiser year built 1987 • Berth Leeuwarden

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Millboat Kruiser 1250

Motor yacht year built 1985 • Berth Hoogeveen

View inventory

  • sold yachts

About Beekhuis Yachtbrokers

Beekhuis Yachtbrokers work for a predetermined fixed commission, which depends on the price range within which the value of the motor yacht or sailing yacht falls.

Beekhuis Yachtbrokers always works on the basis of 'NO CURE, NO PAY'. Let yourself be informed without obligation.

For more information:

  • Who is Beekhuis Yachtbrokers?
  • Why have your yacht for sale by Beekhuis Yachtbrokers?

Beekhuis Yachtbrokers is member of the Hiswa

Beekhuis Yachtbrokers is a member of the N.B.M.S. and Hiswa and therefore a Hiswa Qualified Yacht Broker.

HISWA Vereniging: Netherlands Association of Enterprises in Water Recreation.

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Our sold inventory

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Zijlmans Eagle 1300 Sundance

Motor yacht year built 2003 • Berth Echtenerbrug

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Motor yacht year built 1997 • Berth Hasselt

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Smelne Kruiser 1140

Motor yacht year built 2002 • Berth Hasselt

View sold inventory


On board we come to market related price for your yacht and we will discuss the sale-strategy


Beekhuis Yachtbrokers always works on a 'No Cure, No Pay' base...

The purchase price, divided over a down payment and the remaining payment, will be paid into the bank account number of the Stichting Beheer Derdengelden Hiswa Recron (thrust account)....


No salesharbour, but still full-service for your yacht at its own berth

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Schlei-Yachting - all boats - buy and sale


De Dood Bremen 6 KR Bill Tripp

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Ake Ameen Seekreuzer "Anna Kajsa" 40 Fuß

De Dood Bremen Swan 42

De Dood Bremen Swan 42


Asmus Hanseat A37


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Hier kann man allgemeinen Small Talk halten. Es muß ja nicht immer um Boote gehen.
  08.06.2020, 18:24
  08.06.2020, 18:32
, neue Themen zu verfassen. , auf Beiträge zu antworten. , Anhänge hochzuladen. , Ihre Beiträge zu bearbeiten. ist . sind . Code ist . .

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adikati Mittelmeer und seine Reviere 6 10.08.2011 05:37
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mmeissner Werbeforum 0 08.08.2009 15:28
- - - -

Harbour Guide

Description of this region.

Explore all harbours, marinas and anchorages along the beautiful Baltic Sea fjord Schlei. A protected area offers a variety of possibilities for everyone. You will find marinas with a wide range of services as well as picturesque and quiet anchorages in the middle of flowering rape fields.

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Schlei Yachting

Grimsfeld 3 - 24376 Kappeln - Germany - +49 4642 9643844 - 176 10301208

De Dood Bremen Swan 42 Sailing boat 1973, with Peugeot engine, Germany

De Dood Bremen Swan 42

129,000 EUR

Sailing boat | Year : 1973 | Country : Germany

Engine : Peugeot

De Dood Bremen Swan 42 Sailing boat 1973, with Peugeot engine, Germany

Ake Ameen Seekreuzer "Anna Kajsa"

Sailing boat | Year : 1952 | Country : Germany

Ake Ameen Seekreuzer

De Dood Bremen 6 KR Bill Tripp

Sailing boat | Year : 1972 | Country : Germany

Engine : Volvo Penta

De Dood Bremen 6 KR Bill Tripp Sailing boat 1972, with Volvo Penta engine, Germany

Asmus Germany Hanseat A37

Sailing boat | Year : 1987 | Country : Germany

Asmus Germany Hanseat A37 Sailing boat 1987, with Volvo Penta engine, Germany

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Explore a World of Possibility

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What makes us different Global vision, local insight

Headquartered in Switzerland with 15 global offices and a team of 125+ seasoned experts, we work together to create a yachting experience as unique as you are.

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Yachts for sale

Having successfully completed over 500 yacht sales and purchase transactions, we offer the benefit and peace of mind of extensive and genuine experience.

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50m (164') - Tankoa Yachts - 2017 - 12 Guests

EUR 26,500,000

yachtmakler schlei

52m (171') - Rossinavi - 2020 - 12 Guests

Price Available on Request

yachtmakler schlei

52m (171') - Feadship - de Vries - 1995 - 12 Guests

EUR 29,750,000

yachtmakler schlei

35m (113') - Sunseeker - 2013 - 10 Guests

EUR 6,500,000

yachtmakler schlei

50m (164') - Heesen - 2021 - 14 Guests

EUR 39,000,000

yachtmakler schlei

50m (164') - Tankoa Yachts - 2022 - 12 Guests

EUR 34,000,000

yachtmakler schlei

32m (103') - Horizon - 2022 - 11 Guests

USD 11,990,000

yachtmakler schlei

40m (132') - Alloy Yachts - 2000 - 8 Guests

EUR 7,800,000

yachtmakler schlei

37m (121') - Benetti - 2022 - 10 Guests

EUR 17,500,000

yachtmakler schlei

50m (165') - Feadship - van Lent - 2000 - 12 Guests

USD 24,950,000

yachtmakler schlei

40m (131') - Custom Built - 2008 - 12 Guests

EUR 7,600,000

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Yachts for Charter

We offer you unparalleled choice with access to every yacht on the market. Year on year, we are responsible for over 5,000 unforgettable days on board.

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50m (164') - Bilgin Yachts - 2024 - 12 Guests

From EUR 334,800 / week

yachtmakler schlei

36m (116') - Amer - 2024 - 10 Guests

From EUR 130,000 / week

yachtmakler schlei

47m (153') - Heesen - 2012 - 12 Guests

From USD 200,000 / week

yachtmakler schlei

23m (75') - Sunreef Yachts - 2021 - 8 Guests

From EUR 60,000 / week

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70m (230') - Benetti - 2020 - 12 Guests

From EUR 700,000 / week

yachtmakler schlei

37m (123') - Oyster - 2019 - 12 Guests

From EUR 120,000 / week

yachtmakler schlei

80m (262') - Yachtley - 2019 - 12 Guests

From EUR 800,000 / week

yachtmakler schlei

46m (150') - Mengi Yay - 2016 - 10 Guests

From EUR 220,000 / week

yachtmakler schlei

54m (177') - Uljanik Shipyard - 1952 - 12 Guests

From EUR 90,000 / week

yachtmakler schlei

59m (193') - Camper & Nicholsons - 1931 - 12 Guests

The best Charter destinations

Choosing the right destination is a key component to creating the perfect yacht charter. We’re here to help you make the right choice.



By far the most popular yachting destination, the Mediterranean offers a whole host of charming cruising areas. Discover the style of the Cote d’Azur, the cultural heritage of the Amalfi Coast, remote Greek islands or the mainland bustle of Dubrovnik. A paradise for foodies and wine connoisseurs – a destination you simply can’t miss.

Caribbean Yacht Charter

With warm gentle winds, white sand beaches set against turquoise waters and secluded anchorages, Caribbean yachting destinations provide exceptional sailing opportunities and exciting island-hopping adventures. Best explored by yacht for the ultimate in freedom and flexibility, embrace island time and soak up the view.

Southeast Asia

South East Asia

A melting pot of different cultures, South East Asia is one of the most exciting and exotic yachting destinations in the world. Remote islands only accessible by boat offer remarkable scenery, stunning shorelines, unique culture and world-class diving – a recipe for something truly special.

North America

North America

With rocky coastlines, deep forests and stunning national parks, the vast cruising area of North America offers a truly diverse luxury yacht charter itinerary. Whether you are looking to visit the famous vineyards of Napa Valley or take an adventurous trip to Alaska, there is an unforgettable location just waiting to be discovered.

South Pacific

South Pacific

Meander between islands strewn with lush tropical rain forests, lofty volcanoes and isolated anchorages. Snorkel turquoise lagoons laden with colourful marine life, savour delicious local seafood or enjoy the vibrant nightlife as the sun sets. Opportunities are endless in the South Pacific.

yachtmakler schlei

For superyacht owners

You want to make the most of yacht ownership without the inconveniences that come with it. With 15 offices, over 125 specialised staff members, and over 500 years of combined experience, we’re here to help you enjoy the yachting lifestyle you deserve.

Crew training

Yacht management

With over 300 years of collective experience, our yacht management division offers expert guidance to maximise the enjoyment of your yacht, without the stress.

A stunning sailing yacht

Sell your yacht

As local experts with global authority, we will find the best possible buyer for your yacht through a combination of our extensive network and cutting edge intelligence platforms.


Charter your yacht

As the trusted choice of the industry, we get your yacht in front of the right audience in a highly competitive charter market. We're here to make your yacht work for you.

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Other owner services

We go the extra mile. Whether you’re looking for yacht berthing, finance, or private aviation solutions, we’re here to help you through the yachting journey from start to finish.

Pursuit - An Online Journal

Ultimate atlas.

Celebrating the new golden age of exploration in yachting and luxury lifestyle, ULTIMATE ATLAS explores new frontiers and unchartered territories. Someone who is synonymous with pushing boundaries and achieving the seemingly impossible is Sir Richard Branson – who we are delighted to feature as this edition’s front cover personality. Sir Richard speaks to Ocean Independence about a project very close to his heart – Virgin Galactic – and bringing commercial space travel to the public.

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Custom Life

CUSTOM LIFE looks at the past, present and future of customisation and features an exclusive interview with the legendary Giorgio Armani, exploring how his eponymous label has evolved from fashion house to lifestyle brand.

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Ultimate Technology

Welcome to Ultimate Technology, the fourth edition of PURSUIT. Our featured partnership with Tesla was borne from a client event we hosted at the iconic Tesla Zurich showroom. With Tesla being synonymous with sustainable technology and the yachting industry making revolutionary advancements in this area, Elon Musk, Tesla’s founder and the world’s most electrifying and famous eco-entrepreneur, is the perfect choice for the front cover feature.

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Ultimate Craft

This eighth edition of PURSUIT explores the ultimate in human creativity, passion, innovation and master craftsmanship, being led by new levels of personalisation in yacht commissions.

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Ultimate Style

This fifth edition of PURSUIT celebrates what can be considered the very epitome of yachting – style. From the intricate design of a yacht, to the choice of interior designer, through to the commissioning of crew uniforms – style is the essential ingredient.

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Bold Innovation

Accepting the status quo is the easy option; making a meaningful change requires bold innovation. This edition of PURSUIT explores and celebrates the exciting advances being made across yachting.

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Leading Legacy

The 11th edition in the series, LEADING LEGACY, celebrates storied brands and pioneering individuals whose innovations will leave the greatest inheritance, featuring an exclusive interview with Laird Hamilton – regarded as ‘the greatest waterman of all time’.

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Future Optimists

The ninth edition in the series, FUTURE OPTIMISTS explores the themes underpinning the future of our industry and features an exclusive interview with Rolls-Royce, unveiling their new Coachbuild commission Boat Tail.

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Featured Events

Our Team will be present at every major yacht show throughout the year. Get in touch now to arrange a VIP tour.

Monaco Yacht Show

Monaco Yacht Show 2024

aerial view of the fort Lauderdale international boat show

Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show (Flibs) 2024

Need help or advice.

The yachting journey can be complex with many decisions to be made. Get in touch with Ocean Independence, and one of our specialist consultants will help you make the right choices.

As a truly global company with 15 offices worldwide, we’re available 24/7 to help with any enquiries.

OI stand

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Sign up to our newsletter to find out about all things yachting, including new listings, global events and the latest news in the industry.

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Four Seasons Hotel Moscow

Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Moscow

Hotel Four Seasons Hotel Moscow


Steps from the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow’s heart, the historic legacy gets a contemporary spin at Four Seasons Hotel Moscow. Discover a bold reimagining of the legendary 1930s-era Hotel Moskva at our modern legend that puts destination dining and decadent spa treatments in the spotlight.


Invite your guests for a one-of-a-kind experience at a Moscow landmark. A modern rendition of the legendary Hotel Moskva, our Hotel is in Manezhnaya Square, just steps from the Kremlin. Whether you’re planning a conference, a state banquet or a can’t-miss social event, let our talented team bring your event to life in one of our glamorous, light-filled venues.


Savour authentic Italian dishes, discover modern Russian cuisine and try signature cocktails by the hotel’s Head Bartender Vadim Panenkov.


Special offers

Immerse yourself in the energy of Moscow with 15% off our Room Rate and more.

My weekend to remember

Hotel St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya

St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya is a luxury 5-star hotel located in the center of the historical part of Moscow, a five-minute walk from the Kremlin.

In the heart of this city, with its inimitable charm, rich historical heritage and culture, the hotel creates an atmosphere that harmoniously combines with these unique features.

The hotel team preserves traditions and maintains high standards and an impeccable level of service, founded by the St. Regis brand.

Virtual tour of the hotel



Area: 35 m 2

Capacity: x 2

Superior Rooms are a unique combination of spaciousness, comfort and sophistication.

Attic room

The rooms of this category have a special atmosphere of comfort and romance.

Deluxe TWIN

Area: 40 m 2

Deluxe TWIN

A spacious bedroom with two single beds, from the windows of which there is a stunning view of Lubyanka Square, Nikolskaya Street or picturesque  Italian courtyard.


The Deluxe Room with a King bed is the perfect combination of elegance and comfort.

Junior Suite

Area: 55 m 2

Junior Suite

Junior Suites at the St. Regis Hotel are a world of luxury and comfort.

St.Regis Suite

Area: 60 m 2

St.Regis Suite

Astor Suite

Area: 75 m 2

Astor Suite

Astor's delightful suites impress guests with attractive bright interior design.

Presidential Suite

Area: 160 m 2

Presidential Suite

The St. Regis Presidential Suite embodies the highest expectations and the legacy of the founders of this prestigious brand.

Royal Suite

Royal Suite

Spectacular and bright Royal Suite St. Regis is the epitome of sophistication.

Attic TWIN

Area: 56 m 2

Attic room with two separate beds is an ideal place for a comfortable stay with family or friends.

Attic Suite

Area: 83 m 2

Capacity: x 4

Attic Suite

Enjoy the luxury and pleasant atmosphere of the attic suite, which is located on the eighth floor of the hotel.

Special offers

Wedding Package

Wedding Package

Long-term accommodation

Long-term accommodation

An exquisite birthday from St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya!

An exquisite birthday from St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya!

Family holidays

Family holidays


The business card of the hotel is the panoramic Rooftop restaurant.

Kandinsky Hall

Kandinsky Hall

A spacious hall with panoramic arched windows, a spacious lobby for a welcome cocktail. The windows overlook Nikolskaya Street.

Vasnetsov Hall

Vasnetsov Hall

The magnificent interior of the chamber hall with lancet windows and elongated shape is perfect for business events: round tables, meetings, presentations.

Vrubel Hall

Vrubel Hall

Adjacent to the Kandinsky Hall. The bright cozy room, made in warm colors, comfortably accommodates up to 20 guests.

Chagall Hall

Chagall Hall

Adjacent to the Kandinsky Hall. Together they make up an architectural ensemble, ideal for holding events.

Hall Malevich

Hall Malevich

The cozy Malevich Hall is decorated with historical arched windows, marble figurines and mirrors that visually enlarge the space.

Special offer on a SPA treatment

Special offer on a SPA treatment

Tea Ceremony at The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya hotel

Tea Ceremony at The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya hotel

Jazz Legends at St. Regis

Jazz Legends at St. Regis

Fall in love with The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya

Fall in love with The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya

IRIDIUM SPA will be closed for preventive maintenance

IRIDIUM SPA will be closed for preventive maintenance

The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya Tea Ceremony

The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya Tea Ceremony

On October 22, The St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya, for the first time in a long time, will host a tea ceremony — a special ritual of the hotel. 

Address: 109012, Russia, Moscow, Nikolskaya, 12

GPS Coordinates: 55.7588,37.6257

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  1. Schlei Princess in voller Fahrt Foto & Bild

    yachtmakler schlei

  2. Yachtcharter Schlei

    yachtmakler schlei

  3. Schlei-Yachting

    yachtmakler schlei

  4. Yachtcharter Schlei

    yachtmakler schlei

  5. Einzelbau: Die neue Alte von der Schlei

    yachtmakler schlei

  6. Der erste Mitsegeltag an Schlei und Ostsee

    yachtmakler schlei


  1. Schlei Fahrt von Kappeln nach Schleimünde und Maasholm

  2. Wochenende auf der Schlei

  3. Schlei Fahrt von Kappeln nach Schleimünde und Maasholm

  4. Ausfahrt aus der Schlei, #dhh , #hansa , #segeln

  5. Wellcraft American 2900 steht zum Verkauf

  6. Рыбалка в Германии 45 Heringsangeln in Kappeln an der Schlei


  1. Schlei-Yachting

    Beratung zum Kauf und Verkauf von Yachten, Yachtmakler, Bootsservice und Yachtüberführungen in Kappeln an der Schlei.

  2. Renz Yachting & Charter

    Renz Yachting und Charter bietet einen Rund-Um-Yacht-Sercie von Charteryachten auf Schlei und Ostsee, Yachtservice und Liegeplätze.

  3. Home

    Sailing World Yacht Brokers ist Ihr professioneller und persönlicher Yachtmakler, wenn es um den Kauf oder Verkauf Ihrer Segelyacht oder Motoryacht geht!

  4. Schlei-Yachting, Germany

    Schlei-Yachting - the portal for boat dealers with contact information, current used and new boats by Schlei-Yachting

  5. Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei

    Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei Herrliche Landschaften, Erholung am nahe gelegenen Ostseestrand, eine große Anzahl gastronomischer Angebote, Restaurants und Hotels sowie mehrere Anlegestellen für Segelyachten und einen kleinen Hafen - all das bietet Ihnen der Fischereiort für Ihren Yachtcharter Kappeln an der Schlei.

  6. Schlei-Yachting, Deutschland

    Schlei-Yachting. Als junges Unternehmen 2017 gegründet haben wir uns auf die Vermittlung von Booten und Yachten spezialisiert. Ausserdem bieten wir Überführungen von Yachten auf dem Seeweg durch erfahrene geeignete Skipper an. Bootsservice Arbeiten runden das Portfolio ab.

  7. Home, Beekhuis Yachtbrokers

    Berth inventory sold yachts Category year built total beds price inventory About Beekhuis Yachtbrokers Beekhuis Yachtbrokers work for a predetermined fixed commission, which depends on the price range within which the value of the motor yacht or sailing yacht falls.

  8. Schlei-Yachting

    Schlei-Yachting. 21 likes. Yachthandel persönlich und individuell Bootsservice Yachtüberführungen durch erfahrene Skipper

  9. Schlei-Yachting, Germany

    Schlei-Yachting - the portal for boat dealers with contact information, current used and new boats by Schlei-Yachting

  10. Schlei-Yachting

    Boats for sale from Schlei-Yachting - your partner for buying and selling used yachts

  11. Yachtmakler Umfeld Schlei

    Yachtmakler Umfeld Schlei Kein Boot

  12. Harbour Guide Schlei

    Schlei Harbour Guide Description of this region Explore all harbours, marinas and anchorages along the beautiful Baltic Sea fjord Schlei. A protected area offers a variety of possibilities for everyone. You will find marinas with a wide range of services as well as picturesque and quiet anchorages in the middle of flowering rape fields.

  13. Schlei Yachting

    Schlei Yachting. Grimsfeld 3 - 24376 Kappeln - Germany - +49 4642 9643844 - 176 10301208 Fisksätra Varv Swede 55. 119,000 EUR. Sailing boat | Year : 1979 | Country : Germany Engine : Beta Marine Schlei Yachting. Schlei Yachting. Schlei Yachting. Schlei Yachting. Schlei Yachting. Schlei Yachting ...

  14. Yacht broker for selling your boat

    With 11 offices in Europe, White Whale Yachtbrokers is the yacht broker for selling your boat, sailing yacht or motorboat.

  15. Scheepsmakelaardij Goliath, international ship broker

    Scheepsmakelaardij Goliath, international ship broker in professional and pleasure craft. Hendrik Bulthuisweg 2, 8606 KB Sneek, tel. 0515 560 410, e-mail: [email protected]. Over 800 boats for sale.

  16. View the range of boats for sale

    White Whale Yachtbrokers offers a wide range of boats for sale, including powerboats and sailboats all over Europe. With now 350 boats for sale.

  17. Home

    Home - Ocean Independence. Having successfully completed over 500 yacht sales and purchase transactions, we offer the benefit and peace of mind of extensive and genuine experience. We offer you unparalleled choice with access to every yacht on the market. Year on year, we are responsible for over 5,000 unforgettable days on board.

  18. White Whale Yachtbrokers

    White Whale Yachtbrokers - WWY, Willemstad, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands. 1,568 likes · 10 talking about this · 8 were here. White Whale Yachtbrokers, your...

  19. Range of sailboats and yachts for sale

    With over 300 sailing yachts and motor vessels on offer from White Whale Yachtbrokers, finding your boat has never been easier. Many boats for sale.

  20. Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5* official website of Moscow

    A few steps from the Kremlin and Red Square, - Four Seasons Hotel Moscow 5*, the heritage of history is perfectly combined with modern design. Discover a refurbished version of the legendary 1930s Moskva Hotel to enjoy panoramic views of iconic landmarks, personalized service at restaurants and spas, and an unforgettable experience for yourself and your loved ones in the heart of the capital.

  21. Battle of Moscow

    The Battle of Moscow was a military campaign that consisted of two periods of strategically significant fighting on a 600 km (370 mi) sector of the Eastern Front during World War II, between October 1941 and January 1942. The Soviet defensive effort frustrated Hitler 's attack on Moscow, the capital and largest city of the Soviet Union. Moscow was one of the primary military and political ...

  22. Crocus City Hall attack

    Crocus City Hall attack. On 22 March 2024, a coordinated terrorist attack against civilians occurred at the Crocus City Hall music venue in Crocus City, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast, Russia. The attack began at around 20:00 MSK (UTC+3), shortly before the Russian band Picnic was scheduled to play a sold-out show at the venue.

  23. Hotel St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya 5* official website

    St. Regis Moscow Nikolskaya is a luxurious 5-star hotel located in the center of the historical part of Moscow, a five-minute walk from the Kremlin. In the heart of this city, with its inimitable charm, rich historical heritage and culture, the hotel creates an atmosphere that harmoniously combines with these unique features.