superyacht helicopter pilot salary

A Day In The Life…Superyacht Pilot!

  • October 25, 2022

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

by Jim Mackay

While there are no reliable numbers, published estimates suggest there are approximately 300 yachts around the world capable of safely supporting helicopter operations. During the summer of 2018, I was fortunate enough to fly from a 50-meter (164-foot) private yacht. The couple who owned the boat are both certificated helicopter pilots, although the husband was no longer actively flying and the wife had fewer than 500 hours total time. My 150-day contract included flying with and instructing the wife – in a meticulously maintained Bell BH-206LIV LongRanger. The cruise plan included departing Seattle, WA on May 1 st to cruise the Inside Passage and Gulf of Alaska, then returning to the Seattle-area at the end of September .

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

When I first saw the position listed on and contacted the boat owner’s aviation manager, he already had another pilot under consideration. I thanked the manager, indicated I was flexible, available, and if the situation changed, asked him to keep me in mind. A couple of weeks later, after the other pilot withdrew, the manager called and said because I had been responsive and professional, he wanted to invite me to Seattle to interview and meet the owners. The interview went very well and I was contracted for the duration of the cruise.

Superyacht flying contracts may include a variety of arrangements. Mine stipulated $450 per day with no benefits. Room and board, uniforms, and travel expenses (to meet the boat in Seattle and return home to Boston at the conclusion of the contract), were also included. At the time I had around 200-hours of BH-206 time but was not current in one. So, I fronted $6,500 for a two-day, -206LIV refresher course and negotiated into my contract the cost would be reimbursed as an expense upon successful completion of the cruise. Onboard, I was not required to complete any duties except those related to flying the helicopter. In fact, the deck crew untied and secured the aircraft for flight operations, washed it, and refueled it (from the 1,000-gallon micro-filtrated Jet A supply onboard). During the course of the summer, we flew once every week or two. About once a week, at the request of the owner, I taught a ground lesson in the main salon or dining room. When not flying or instructing, my time was my own. When we were alongside a dock, after coordinating with the Captain and signing out, I was free to depart the boat and only had to return prior to the scheduled departure time.

Life aboard the boat:

The crew was amazing! Several became friends and our lives continue to intersect. In mid-2019, I airlined to Ohio, joined our boat’s Engineer – a student pilot at the time – and had a great adventure flying a Cessna CE-172 he purchased back to Port Angeles, WA in two days. In February, 2020, the senior deckhand left the boat, returned to England, and is actively pursuing his Commercial helicopter pilot certificate. In August 2020, I briefly reunited with the owner and crew at the Auke Bay, Alaska marina during their August 2020 cruise.

My accommodations aboard were very nice! The day prior to departure, when I first boarded, the Captain offered me a choice of spacious and comfortable guest cabins, instead of berthing me in the much smaller crew spaces.

Of course, put any nine people in a confined space for months at a time, and there will be conflicts and irritations. Working out in the onboard gym, watching a movie in my cabin, or getting off the boat for a walk and meal in town usually put things in perspective.

About two weeks after departing Seattle, when the crew joined the owners ashore for a formal dinner at a resort they had visited on previous cruises, I volunteered to stand anchor watch. Within 30 minutes of the crew departing, the winds off the bow increased to more than 35 knots, the shoreline beginning to move forward in the bridge windows, and the GPS plot appeared to indicate we were dragging the anchor. I texted a picture of the GPS plot to the Captain and spoke with him on the radio. Along with the Boatswain and the Senior Deckhand, they returned to the boat in time to hoist and reset the anchor to keep us off the rocks. No longer the “new guy”, I felt like quick decision making and timely communication cemented my place on the crew.

The food was amazing! Our incredibly talented chef prepared lunch and dinner each day and the meals usually included two or three choices for main dishes. Burger Wednesdays were highly anticipated and fixings for the Kobe ground beef included avocado, fried eggs, bacon, etc. One of our chef’s favorite sayings was; “bacon is like duct tape – it fixes everything.” Since we were cruising Alaskan waters, once the anchor dropped, many days the chef fished or dropped crab pots off the stern and dinner would include seafood not more than a few hours out of the water. Once a week the chef cleaned out the crew refrigerator and we would have leftovers night. Although he would combine and reimagine the food in delicious ways so it never felt like we were eating leftovers. Hungry between meals? The Head Stewardess always kept the crew pantry stocked with water, soda, Gatorade, juice, and both healthy and not-so-healthy snacks.

Life on the yacht:

I usually dropped my laundry off on my way to the 0700 crew meeting. Each morning the Captain, Engineering, Flight, Deck, and Interior departments spent about 15 minutes reviewing the plan for the day. After the meeting and breakfast, I would clean up my cabin and bathroom, changing linens according a schedule posted by the Chief Stewardess (yes, “Yachties” still use that term).

I was accustomed to operating in in austere environments overseas including Angola and Iraq, so I came prepared to be self-sufficient. I brought a travel printer and small bag of office supplies. These were not necessary. Of the six printers on board, I had network access to at least three. The Stewardesses maintained an administrative space stocked with all manner of office supplies.

Because we were cruising north of Seattle and often anchored in deep, narrow fjords, satellite Wi-Fi could be slow or non-existent – certainly there was not enough bandwidth to stream movies. Our talented ship’s Engineer managed the yacht’s IT network and entertainment system including a movie server with thousands of titles loaded. Most of the time onboard Wi-Fi was adequate for email, paying bills, and light browsing. Every two to eight days, we would tie up to a dock for anywhere from a few hours to three days, in order to refuel or reprovision the boat. When on a dock near a town big enough to include a McDonald’s, public library, or a bar, I would often walk there to use free, higher speed Wi-Fi to update iPhone and iPad apps, as well as the Garmin helicopter navigation databases as required.

Flight operations:

During my Air Force career, I had trained for shipboard operations while flying a MH-53J/M Pave Low. While flying for Chevron off the coast of Angola, I had landed on pitching, rolling, and heaving oil tankers. Based on my background, I approached this position with questions about the operating environment and limitations. Although the aft sundeck on the yacht was smaller than anything on which I had landed, we never conducted flight operations in open water or underway, so the deck was always steady with no pitch, or heave. Once we got the aircraft started, in light wind conditions even at idle the torque of the helicopter would cause the yacht to slowly swing around the anchor. In stronger winds, the boat would weathervane. If we wanted to avoid superstructure-induced turbulence, I radioed the Captain to request positioning thrusters in the hull hold the bow steady about 30 degrees off the wind so we could takeoff or land directly into a headwind.

Aircraft Mx:

The size and position of the helideck did not allow for preflight inspection of the tail boom or tail rotor. Several times during the five-month cruise, when we landed ashore for a picnic, refueling, or during one of a couple of training flights, I took the opportunity to inspect the tail and the check gearbox oil level. Although we had a plan to fly a mechanic to a mid-season marina visit to complete a periodic inspection, it turned out not to be necessary. We flew 18.4 hours during the five months of the cruise and the deck crew and I were diligent about keeping the aircraft clean and protected. When I flew the aircraft to the hangar following the cruise, the aviation manager said it had never been in better condition following a cruise.

The 2018 cruise was a great entrance to the exclusive environment of superyacht flying and has led to additional opportunities. The owner has invited me to continue flying and instructing with her, as well as to join the boat for future cruises as my schedule allows.

For more information, here is a link to a good, although dated article, from 2006:

Jim MacKay is a certificated flight instructor in helicopters, airplanes, seaplanes, gyroplanes, gliders, hot air and gas balloons. An Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Assistant Professor for more than 20 years, he holds FAA ATP Helicopter, Single- and Multiengine Land and Sea, and Commercial Lighter-Than-Air, Glider, and Gyroplane certificates. His book;  No Flight is Complete Until the Paperwork is Done , is available from .”

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

Author: Jim Mckay

Pilot and cfii in helicopters, airplanes, seaplanes, gyroplanes, gliders, and hot-air balloons, share this post:, more stories.

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The Helicopter Pilot on a super yacht is a professional with proven experience in aeronautics who performs flying tasks to transport the yacht owner and guests from one point to another, always ensuring safety of passengers and cargoes, by ensuring the proper functioning of the helicopter.

The Helicopter Pilot determines and executes flight plans according to a specific program, ensuring landing and taking off of the helicopter on the yacht, upon agreement with the captain and crew members.

Yacht helicopter pilot

  • excellent physical and mental skills to cope with difficult conditions of a flight and landing on the yacht
  • perfect mastery of air navigation charts and air navigation tools
  • knowledge of the regulations for flying over areas requiring or not requiring particular attention

Helicopter Pilot on a Yacht Salary Guide

The salary can range from 60k to 150k gross a year depending on experience and tasks required

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  • Nov 25, 2021

Helicopter Pilots & Superyachts

. One of the questions we regularly get asked is whether there are specific piloting requirements for landing a helicopter on a yacht and are there particular aspects a pilot must be aware of.

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

The helicopter landing area on a superyacht is known as a ‘shipboard heliport’ which has unique features that can create challenges even for the most experienced pilots. First and foremost, the ‘shipboard heliport’ is hosted on a seagoing vessel which is subjected to variable winds and sea state which causes the yacht to pitch and roll and heave and yaw, so effectively it’s a moving target, so not like land-based heliports or those on offshore fixed installations, such as oil and gas rigs. In addition, the shipboard heliport will generally be a confined area, close to the vessel superstructure which can, in itself, create additional wind turbulence for the pilot to deal with.

Pilots operating to and from shipboard heliports must also ensure that the vessel has undertaken their own ‘preparations for flying’. One particular aspect of this preparation is to ensure ‘FOD plods’ have been carried out. A FOD plod means to walk round and carry out a visual inspection, removing any ‘foreign object debris’ on or around the shipboard heliport that shouldn’t be there, and which has the potential to cause damage to the helicopter.

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

FOD includes all loose articles, such as furniture, cushions, towels, bottles and glasses, books and papers, covers and awnings, and any other type of paraphernalia which is not bolted down, and which must be removed or mechanically secured so that the down wash from the main rotors does not draw these items up into the main rotors causing a catastrophic accident.

It's worth noting, a FOD plod is not limited to the shipboard heliport on a yacht. Other decks and open areas on the yacht must be prepared and checked as the down wash from a helicopter does not stop at the shipboard heliport where it lands and takes off, but travels down stairwells and along corridors, so it is very important to ensure other deck areas are checked to prevent damage to the helicopter as well as precious and often expensive items from being blown overboard and ending up in the water.

Should you have questions about operating helicopters on yachts, please feel free to get in touch at [email protected]

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2023/2024 Superyacht Crew Salary Guide

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Whether you’re continuing a long-standing career, climbing the career ladder, or getting your feet wet for the first time, Dockwalk ’s Salary Guide provides the full picture when it comes to crew compensation. 

Salary is generally one of the top motivators for those looking for jobs in yachting, but it remains a closely guarded secret. Each year, the Dockwalk Salary Survey goes out to thousands of crewmembers and crew agencies across the world, gathering real-time salary feedback with the aim of creating greater transparency and understanding across the industry.

The 2024 Salary Survey is now closed. Check out the results in the September 2024 issue.

The Results of the 2023 Salary Survey

Our annual salary survey provided some unprecedented insights to what captains and crew earned in 2023.

The yachting industry is slowly returning to normal in the wake of the pandemic. Yachts are back to work around the world and many new ones are in the pipeline thanks to the surge in popularity the "social distant" yachting lifestyle has enjoyed. But, while this return to normalcy has opened up new crew jobs this year, crew themselves have been returning to the workplace in large numbers and competition has been fierce.

Many of the crew agents reported that crew wages largely are flat this year compared to last. Salaries went up in 2021 and 2022 when crew were in short supply, but now more crew are available than previously. While crew are demanding higher pay this year, they’re not necessarily receiving it, but some agents have seen salaries continue to rise since Covid. There are many factors that can affect the salary crew can expect, including where a yacht is based and the season.

The tables below show the “agency range,” which gives the average lows and highs of all ranges provided by the agencies, the “poll range,” where results from individual working captains and crew are tallied to show the lowest and highest of all the responses, and the “poll average” calculated from all the responses. Note that our figures do not account for longevity and experience, crew benefit packages, tips, or similar extra remuneration.

Not all positions with corresponding boat sizes had enough poll responses to be considered significant; those categories are marked with an asterisk to indicate if fewer than five crew responded in that size range for that position. Several categories had no or only one response, which is also noted.

To view the full table:

Dockwalk Salary Survey 2023 in USD and Euros

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Has your superyacht helicopter got you in a spin?

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

Serving as everything from a toy to a serious mode of transport for charter guests, a helicopter is high up on the wish-list for many yacht owners. But, playing host to the most complex of flying machines on board comes with more challenges than owners and captains might expect.

A post shared by @yachthelicopters on Oct 2, 2017 at 8:39am PDT

This is a compromise that all but the largest vessels face when trying to accommodate a landing area and the deck space it inevitably eats into (there goes your tender spot). Small yachts with a helicopter squeezed onto the aft sun deck are unlikely to pass muster for commercial flight operations due to the lack of margin for pilot error which may leave them being of little use.

The rules have changed

Nigel Watson of Luviair explains that things are changing for owners who want to fly themselves on board.

Changes in legislation recently introduced should be considered by private owner pilots flying larger helicopters to ensure that the way they have flown in the past will remain appropriate under the new rules. The trend is towards rules and regulations that are more restrictive for the private pilot flying a complex helicopter. – Nigel Watson, Luvicair

Those vessels where a helicopter is integral to daily charter operations are increasingly built with a flag state approved landing area. The upshot is a significant increase in operational capability, due to landings and take-offs being much safer, whilst the downside is an almost certain impact on the yacht’s aesthetic – it’s hard to disguise a helipad!

A post shared by Dean Harrison Videography (@theyachtchef) on May 22, 2017 at 1:29am PDT

Crew are going to need specialist training (no sh*t)

When it comes to crew, any skipper worth his salt will employ a specialist helicopter consultancy to train and equip his team in safe helicopter operations. The Squadron , founded by former US naval aviator Daniel Deutermann, provides this service as well as specialist flight training for pilots. Once trained, crew responsibility for deck operations will be with the yacht’s designated Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) whilst other crew members provide a firefighting detail and assistance to passengers- a serious training commitment for any yacht and one that must be kept current. In some cases, crew are also trained to refuel aircraft, greatly increasing the usability of the aircraft, but adding the safe bunkering of aviation fuel to the list of challenges faced on board.

The owner may want to fly it

When trained pilot owners decide they want to fly helicopters onto their yacht, the boundaries are more ambiguous. There is no legal requirement for the pilot to hold the commercial helicopter licence professional pilots must have or the landing area to be certified; regardless, the crew should be prepared.

There are three main recommendations when it comes to helicopter operations on yachts, an operations manual that has been vetted for content and evaluated for use aboard that specific yacht, formal crew training, ideally with live-flying exercises involved, and a formal risk assessment undertaken by a specialist third party. – Dan Deutermann, The Squadron

Did we mention space (it’s a big deal)?

When it comes to equipping a yacht with a helicopter and landing area, there are minimum standards to be considered too. “The deck should be of an appropriate size, free of obstacles, strong enough to take the dynamic loads of the helicopter under a heavy landing condition, and equipped for any incident that is likely to occur in the event of an accident,” explains Nigel Watson. “The helicopter should be fit for purpose, have ample power reserves, and be equipped for overwater operations.”

A post shared by @yachthelicopters on Jun 5, 2017 at 7:48am PDT

Let’s be honest, they’re handy to have

So, operational considerations tackled, helicopter purchased, landing area certified, crew trained and pilot employed; what’s on offer to the owner and guests? Well, actually quite a lot. At the top end of the market, a twin-engine aircraft (single engine models can only fly in fine weather) will be capable of flying guests up to 600nm from the vessel, in poor visibility, during daylight hours. Transfers to and from land take minutes, whilst those mid-charter arrivals between ports are a logistical nightmare for the captain no longer.

A post shared by Henry Smith (@theyachtguymonaco) on Jan 28, 2015 at 5:42am PST

Inherently complex, but indispensable to owners and guests a well-run helicopter operation takes a yacht to the next level of operational capability.

' src=

William Bruton

Related articles, tender of the week: maori 54, tender of the week: maori 46, tender of the week: bluegame, sea club 53. the 2024 build carrying mind-blowing guest amenities .

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Captains Clients Superyacht Industry Insights

Superyacht Captain salary survey 2023 18 December 2023

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In our biggest salary survey yet, we have uncovered detailed insights into Superyacht Captain salary and leave packages.

Almost 300 Captains responded across a range of yacht sizes from sub-30m to 100m+. In addition to average pay and leave, pay rise and bonus activity, the 20+ page report also compares Captain and Chief Officer experience, ticket level, longevity onboard and comparisons to our 2020 and 2022 survey findings.

Some top-level statistics are:

  • Every yacht bracket has seen a salary rise since 2020 and 2022.
  • Full rotation is also increasing and becoming more prevalent on sub-50m yachts, with an 11% decline overall in Captains with less than 59 days leave.
  • Two-fifths of Captains receive an annual pay rise, although this is not part of their contract.
  • 38% receive a 13th-month bonus, but random and unpredictable bonuses are more commonplace.
  • 70% of Captains have Master 3000.
  • Exactly half of the Captains who responded have more than 10 years’ experience in the role and 32% were Chief Officers for 3 to 5 years prior.
  • A third have been Captains on their current yacht for more than 3 years.
  • Flight allowance improves with yacht size, with 49% of Captains receiving Business Class flights as part of their package.
  • The average age at which respondents first became Captain is 32.5 years old.

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

The full report contains a comprehensive analysis of salaries and leave in each yacht size bracket and also compares full time with rotational roles, as well as explores any correlation between experience and type of ticket.

Simon Ladbrooke, Captain Consultant at Quay Crew, commented:

“In our most detailed salary report to date, we have gained an insight into the real-time compensation Captains receive, broken down by yacht size and with several other comparables too.

“A key takeaway this year is that, despite a slight decline in salaries between 2020 and 2022, the average monthly pay is now higher across all size brackets, representing a median 6.75% increase.

“Time for time rotation has also grown in popularity on all sized yachts, with the exception of <39m yachts which are all full-time at the moment.

“By gathering Chief Officer experience as well as longevity on their current yacht, we can surmise that onboard promotion is on the rise. The average age that someone becomes Captain is now older and the number of years of experience as Chief Officer is higher, suggesting the transition is also taking longer.

“This is undoubtedly down to there being more competition amongst candidates and it being more difficult to make that initial step up.

“Yet, almost three-quarters say it took them less than 6 months to get their first Captain role. This could be, along with the extensive CO experience demonstrated in this survey, largely down to onboard promotion.

Having said that, we were very surprised at this statistic as it doesn’t match at all with our experience. Often, Chief Officers are looking for several years before they finally get their opportunity. It’s something we definitely want to explore further in another survey.”

All HOD salary surveys are available on our client portal, which you can request access to here.

Superyacht Captain salary survey 2023

About the author

Simon Ladbrooke

Compassion at christmas: the yachting edition, interview questions to ask as a captain candidate.

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The Best Helicopters For Superyachts

Airbus ach145.

Just commissioned a beautiful new  superyacht with a helicopter deck ? Whether you're new to the aerial world or an experienced buyer, our guide to the best helicopters for superyachts will give you plenty of options for your next purchase...

Compact in size, this helicopter’s small footprint and large, flexible cabin make it the aircraft of choice for on board. The ACH145 can carry eight to ten passengers depending on desired configuration, transporting guests to shore in style. Choose between a standard or VIP interior designed in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz, or bring your along your own designers. One superyacht owner enlisted the help of London-based design studio Harrison Eidsgaard for two ACH145 helicopters delivered earlier this year. The ACH145 is also the heli of choice for 182.9 metre  REV Ocean , soon to be the largest superyacht in the world, and for 66 metre support catamaran  Hodor ( pictured ).

Leonardo AW169 helicopter

Leonardo’s AW169 helicopter is expanding into new VIP markets. The versatile twin-engine, medium-weight helicopter puts safety first with a crash-resistant airframe, fuel system and seats. It has the latest touchscreen avionics and expansive glass for maximum visibility, plus one engine inoperative (OEI) capability. The cabin can carry five to eight passengers depending on layout and is as luxurious as any jet. There are separate cabin-cockpit air conditioning systems and a wireless cabin control and entertainment system. The variable speed main rotor feature improves efficiency in flight and keeps noise levels to a minimum. At 48 feet in length the AW169 isn't small but if you can find the space you'll be rewarded with a max range of 440 nautical miles. Expect to pay around $8.5 million.

Image courtesy of Andrew Griffiths/Lensaloft Photogrpahy

Bell 505 Jet Ranger X

The 505 Jet Ranger X is a lightweight helicopter that offers speed and manoeuvrability well suited to tight landing spots. It has a fully integrated glass flight deck and Garmin G1000H avionics suite with twin 10.4in LCD screens, which makes for enjoyable, safe piloting. The sleek Italian-designed cabin can carry up to four passengers or be configured for cargo by removing the quick-disconnect rear cabin seats or co-pilot seat. The flat floor cabin design and large rectangular baggage compartment allows for plenty of onboard luggage. If you’re after something nippy and practical, it’s a great choice. You'll pay around $1 million.

Leonardo AW109 Trekker helicopter

Despite a pedigree that dates back to the original AW109, when the company was known as AugustaWestland, the light twin-engine AW109 Trekker still looks fresh and purposeful. Making its European debut at the 2019 Monaco Yacht Show, the AW109 Trekker is capable of carrying up to six passengers in a quiet cabin with luxurious seating that can be arranged in various configurations. It has a range of 450 nautical miles, an altitude ceiling of 16,000 feet and a 175mph cruising ability with fixed landing skids. At 42 feet in length, it’s more suited to gigayachts than mere superyachts, but all that fuselage area does make the ideal blank canvas for an eye-catching paint job. Leonardo has an in-house customisation division, so no two helicopters are created the same. From $4.2 million.

Airbus H175 VIP

The first of Airbus' super-luxe H175 VIP helicopters was delivered in 2016 with Arsenal football club shareholder Alisher Usmanov reportedly installing one on board 156 metre  Lürssen Dilbar . The luxury helicopter can seat eight and has a customisable interior by Pegasus Design meant to rival the finest investment-worthy private jets. Dimmable panoramic windows, mood lighting, TV screens and WiFi all come as standard in the soundproofed cabin and, while Airbus have not disclosed an exact price, the H175 helicopter is thought to be in the range of $20-25 million.

Sikorsky S-76D helicopter

If you have a large family (or lots of friends) the S-76D commercial helicopter could be for you. Capable of carrying up to 13 people, the S-76D is also the helicopter of choice for heads of state, air ambulances, and search and rescue missions. The "D" model is powered by 1,050 hp Pratt & Whitney Canada PW210S engines, providing increased horsepower compared to its siblings, without increasing fuel consumption. Executive and deluxe configurations feature a cockpit cabin divider, tinted windows, leather upholstery and retractable boarding steps.

Looking for a helicopter with a royal seal of approval? Sikorsky is the current heli of choice for the British Royal Family.

Airbus H160 helicopter

If you want to be at the cutting edge of helicopter design, put your name down for the recently unveiled H160. It features a fully composite airframe, twin Turbomeca Arrano turboshafts and a shrouded tail rotor for silent travel. It will carry 12 passengers and cruise at 185mph for 500 miles. First deliveries are due in May 2020, POA.

Robinson R44 helicopter

One of the most popular full-sized, entry level helicopters – almost 6,000 have been sold. Powered by a single six-cylinder piston engine, it carries four people, cruises at 135mph, and has a range of 350 miles. In 1997 Jennifer Murray used one to become the first woman to circumnavigate the globe by heli. It costs from $375,000.

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Helicopter Pilot Salary in the United States

Helicopter pilot salary.

How much does a Helicopter Pilot make in the United States? The average Helicopter Pilot salary in the United States is $106,844 as of July 29, 2024, but the range typically falls between $90,617 and $137,336 . Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education , certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target. 

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Percentile Salary Location Last Updated
10th Percentile Helicopter Pilot Salary $75,844 US July 29, 2024
25th Percentile Helicopter Pilot Salary $90,617 US July 29, 2024
50th Percentile Helicopter Pilot Salary $106,844 US July 29, 2024
75th Percentile Helicopter Pilot Salary $137,336 US July 29, 2024
90th Percentile Helicopter Pilot Salary $165,097 US July 29, 2024


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What skills does a Helicopter Pilot need?

Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.

Communicates Effectively: Effective communication is the process of exchanging ideas, thoughts, opinions, knowledge, and data so that the message is received and understood with clarity and purpose.

Aviation: Aviation is the activities surrounding mechanical flight and the aircraft industry. Aircraft includes fixed-wing and rotary-wing types, morphable wings, wing-less lifting bodies, as well as lighter-than-air craft such as hot air balloons and airships.

Safety Procedures: Establishing and implementing rules and procedures to prevent potential hazards and risks to ensure a safe and productive working environment.

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Job Description for Helicopter Pilot

Helicopter Pilot is responsible for operation of helicopter. Ensures flight is conducted in the safest manner possible. Being a Helicopter Pilot determines flight routes, speed, and take off and landing times to fulfill scheduling requirements. Must stay current with federal and local flight regulations. Additionally, Helicopter Pilot requires 1,000 hours of helicopter flying time. May require an associate degree. Requires Commercial Pilot license for helicopters - CPL (H). Typically reports to a supervisor. Helicopter Pilot 's years of experience requirement may be unspecified. Certification and/or licensing in the position's specialty is the main requirement. (Copyright 2024 View full job description

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  • HELICOPTER PILOT - HAA Med-Trans Corporation - Portales, NM Job Description. If your passion is flying and you want to work in an environment where every second counts, contact us today. We're hiring a. Helicopter P... - 4 Days Ago
  • HELICOPTER PILOT - HAA Med-Trans Corporation - Plainview, TX Job Description. If your passion is flying and you want to work in an environment where every second counts, contact us today. We're hiring a. Helicopter P... - 4 Days Ago
  • HELICOPTER PILOT - HAA Med-Trans Corporation - Seminole, TX Job Description. If your passion is flying and you want to work in an environment where every second counts, contact us today. We're hiring a. Helicopter P... - 4 Days Ago
  • AEL HELICOPTER PILOT - HAA Air Evac Lifeteam - Del Rio, TX Job Description. We invite you to join a team of highly skilled emergency medical experts, pilots and mechanics. Our mission of providing care to the world... - 4 Days Ago

Career Path for Helicopter Pilot

A career path is a sequence of jobs that leads to your short- and long-term career goals. Some follow a linear career path within one field, while others change fields periodically to achieve career or personal goals.

For Helicopter Pilot, the first career path typically progresses to Chief Helicopter Pilot.

Additionally, the second career path typically progresses to Chief Pilot I.

What does a Helicopter Pilot do?

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Helicopter Pilot Pay Difference by Location

Helicopter Pilot salary varies from city to city. Compared with national average salary of Helicopter Pilot, the highest Helicopter Pilot salary is in San Francisco, CA, where the Helicopter Pilot salary is 25.0% above. The lowest Helicopter Pilot salary is in Miami, FL, where the Helicopter Pilot salary is 3.5% lower than national average salary.

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5 + High School
2 - 4 Associates - 2.9%
2 - 4 Bachelors
4 - 7 Bachelors

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Helicopter Pilot Salary by State

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Skills associated with Helicopter Pilot: Risk Analysis , FAA Regulations , OSHA Standards & Compliance , Risk Assessment ... More

Recently searched related titles: Naval Aviator

Recently searched companies with related titles : U.S. Army Helicopter Pilot

Salary estimation for Helicopter Pilot at companies like : Jer Trs Holding Company Inc , sankara holdings Inc , Sarasota Sky Pilots

Jobs with a similar salary range to Helicopter Pilot : Air Ambulance Pilot , Line Pilot , Utility Helicopter Pilot

Helicopter Pilot Salary in United States

Helicopter Academy What is a Helicopter pilots yearly salary?

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Helicopter pilot salaries

how much do helicopter pilots make, and the factors involved?

An excellent question. There are many factors involved. Number of pilot in command (PIC) hours, location, type of flying you will be doing, and many more.

Have a professional pilot career! Fill out a pilot training application today! Call 561-346-2816 (Call or text)

Below are pilot salaries from different leading sources.


As of July 2024, helicopter pilot salaries in the United States can range from $71,500 to $218,905 annually, depending on the type of pilot and their experience:

Private helicopter pilot: The majority of private helicopter pilots earn between $90,000 and $112,000 annually, with top earners making up to $117,000.

Civilian helicopter pilot: The average salary for a civilian helicopter pilot is $100,249 per year, or about $48.20 per hour.

Military helicopter pilot: Salaries for military helicopter pilots can vary by city, with some earning over $120,000 annually.

EMS pilot : EMS piloting is one of the highest paying helicopter pilot jobs, with starting salaries of $60,000–$70,000 and potential to earn up to $150,000 annually.

Factors that can affect a helicopter pilot's salary include their skill level, location, and years of experience. For example, flight school instructors typically earn around $66,000 per year.


The estimated total pay for a Helicopter Pilot is $208,627 per year in the Florida area, with an average salary of $129,874 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $78,753 per year. Additional pay could include cash bonus, commission, tips, and profit sharing. The "Most Likely Range" represents values that exist within the 25th and 75th percentile of all pay data available for this role.


How much does a Helicopter Pilot make in the United States?

The average Helicopter Pilot salary in the United States is $106,617 as of June 27, 2024, but the range typically falls between $90,430 and $137,053. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target.

Pilot testimonial

"I started flying for Boatpix in December 2008 and it was a whole new experience for me. During my previous jobs as a CFII I had experienced this type of flying. Boat scan was my favorite, where we where doing a more commercial type of flying. From December 2008 to April 2009 I gained about 300 flight hours, and even more important, it opened my eyes for real helicopter flying which you don't see at a conventional helicopter school."

Serious about a career in aviation? Please fill out an application.

Superyacht Crew Salaries: First Report Released 

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Written by Maria Korotaeva

Many life-long careers in the yachting industry have begun as a seasonal job or gap year with a desire to visit exotic destinations. The continual change and challenges that come with each new charter group make the positive feedback even more satisfying and those with lifelong wanderlust have a rare opportunity to see some of the world’s most incredible cities and scenery .  

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Seahwak’s Crew

Working on a luxury yacht isn’t without its drawbacks, however: Weeks at a time spent away from home, long working hours in the peak seasons and ensuring that everything runs smoothly when you’re far from the port can all take their toll. When performing tasks that can be as equally trying as they are rewarding, crew members want to assure that their pay reflects the professionalism and high degree of detail that they put into each day.  

Following the launch of free salary-sharing platform in March 2016, YPI CREW has revealed its first report into the salaries paid to the crew on luxury yachts of various sizes.  

Covering the period between 2016/2017, the results not only provide transparency to crew members but help employers to attract and retain individuals with exceptional skills. The occupations covered range from captains to deckhands and compare pay for permanent, private, rotation and charter crew: Find out how the charter industry measures up to the other sectors.  

446 captains submitted information to, and the data revealed that 13% worked on sailing yachts and the other 83% on motor yachts. Captains on larger yachts earned more per month than captains of smaller vessels to create an upward trend, although M/Y captains of 35m-51m superyachts fared particularly well, with a jump in salary from €9,000 per month for 41m-50m yachts up to €13,000 p/m for larger luxury yachts. Private and permanent captains tended to earn the most for their size category, with permanent captains coming out slightly ahead.  

Sailing yacht captains tended to earn the same as on motor yachts for the 0-35m and 35-40m vessels, earned more than motor yacht captains in the 41-50m category by €2,000 per month, and earned less than motor yacht captains by €2,000 in the 51-65m category.  

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

Crew aboard Crose Del Sud

Technical Crew  

239 of the 434 technical crew surveyed were chief engineers, and on charter yachts, they earned an excellent salary compared to private, permanent and rotational counterparts on the same-sized yacht: In the 0-35m size category, they earned €6,000 per month compared to €5,500. Salary levelled off in the 80-100m category, with chief engineers on charters earning slightly less than others with a salary of €9,500.  

Second engineers were the most stable across the sectors and received a steady pay of between €48,000, rising to €70,000 on the largest yachts. Second engineers on charter yachts were paid considerably more per month than permanent and private second engineers within the 51-65m and 66-80m categories, earning between €5,000-€10,000 more in the former category and €2,000-€5,000 per month more in the latter.  

Third engineers earned between €2,500 and €5,000 per month, with the pay scale raising incrementally based on yacht size.  

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

Luxury superyacht crew

Deck officers

69% of the 224 deck officers who took part in the survey were permanent and 31% rotational. Second and third officers had a greater chance of occupying a rotational position (50% and 70%), making deck officers the most likely crew members to have rotational work. Deck officers on charter yachts tended to earn less than counterparts on similarly-sized vessels, and private and permanent positions provide the most stable throughout.   

Salaries for chief officers on charter yachts ranged from under €4,000 per month on 0-35m vessels to over €8,000 on 81-100m vessels and dropping slightly in the category of 101+m  

Data for 2nd and 3rd officers was more sporadic, and charter position salaries ranged from €3,800 for both positions on yachts 51-65m and upwards.  

Although 127 chefs participated in the survey, results were varied both for yacht sizes and sectors, producing the unusual graph where the head chefs on a 0-35m and 66-80m yacht were earning approximately the same (€4,000 per month) while on other sized charter yachts the head chefs were earning between €5,000 and €8,000. Of the head chefs who submitted data. 85% were permanent and 15% on rotation.  

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

Dining aboard superyacht SuRi

Vessel size seemed to play a part in the salary of sous chefs, with each type of employees earning more on larger yachts. 71% were permanent, and 29% were temporary.  

Pursers, Stewards and Stewardesses  

For the 2016/2017 report, only 27 pursers, 68 chief stewards/stewardesses and 27-second stewards/stewardesses provided information, and there are therefore too few results to make solid conclusions about industry salaries in this area. Of the pursers, salary varies from €5,000 per month to €7,000 and remuneration did not have any correlation with the size of the yacht and salary was stable regardless of the type of employment, although results were the most unstable in the 66-80m category.  

superyacht helicopter pilot salary

Excellent service onboard

Chief stewards and stewardesses received greater salaries for working on larger yachts, with rotation, permanent and private employment having the most stable salaries and charter crew the most variable: salary on a 51-65m superyacht was €6,500 per month, whereas under €6,000 was paid to stewards and stewardesses aboard 66-80m vessels and smaller yachts.  

The results of the second stewards and stewardesses had the most variability, with charter and rotation crew earning under €3,000 for 66-80m vessels while private and permanent crew earned €5,000.  


Deckhand salaries tended not to vary depending on the size of the vessel, and 93% were permanent and 7% on rotation aboard motor yachts, while sailing yachts had 100%, permanent crew. From the 87 deckhands that contributed to the study, data revealed that salaries tended to range between €2,100 – €3,000 per month, regardless of whether the yacht was a charter, private or permanent. Deckhands on rotation earned €3,000-€9,000 less depending on the size of the yacht.  

The website currently has 2,857 searchable salaries and includes other professions such as bosun and helicopter pilot, as well as the full comprehensive report. Results are searchable at any time, and the next report is due in November 2018.    

Please contact CharterWorld - the luxury yacht charter specialist - for more on superyacht news item "Superyacht Crew Salaries: First Report Released ".

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Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1983

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1974

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1969

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 2000

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1968

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1980

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1975

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1972

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1981

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1984

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1987

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1976

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1966

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1962

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1957

Qualification [1]HELICOPTER-PILOT
Date of Birth 1970

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Viking Crew are looking for a sole engineer to join a 35m motor yacht in the Middle East. Start Date: 1st of September 2024  Salary:  EUR Annual Leave: 45 Days   Additiona...

Service Stewardess needed for 100M+ private yacht

Viking Crew is looking for a Service Stewardess for a 100M+ private Sailing Yacht. Candidates should have at least 1 year in yachting, preferably more, large yacht experience is a bonus, cand...

2nd Engineer 70m+ Private Motor Yacht

Viking Crew are looking for the following Position: Relief 2nd Engineer for 70m+ private yacht, currently in the Med.  Start Date: ASAP End Date: End of September (TBC) Salary: ...

Experienced Deckhand - 80m special purpose vessel

We require a  Deckhand for a 80m+ Commercial Vessel in the Caribbean  Start Date: ASAP Candidates must have: STCW  ENG1 EDH B1/B2 /C1/D Visa  Commercial experience a bonus Cran...

Nail Technician / Hairdresser needed for 100M+ private yacht

Viking Crew is looking for a Nail Technician / Hairdresser for a 100M+ private yacht, currently based in the Middle East. Candidates must be confident in manicures & pedicures (Dry Manicure/R...

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superyacht helicopter pilot salary


  1. The Superyacht Crew Salary Guide 2022

    superyacht helicopter pilot salary

  2. Superyacht Helideck Pilot

    superyacht helicopter pilot salary

  3. A day in the life of a superyacht helicopter pilot

    superyacht helicopter pilot salary

  4. How Much Superyacht Crews Really Get Paid

    superyacht helicopter pilot salary

  5. Is The Helicopter Employment Site For All

    superyacht helicopter pilot salary

  6. Helicopter Pilot Salary (Actual 2024

    superyacht helicopter pilot salary


  1. A Day in the Life of a Superyacht Helicopter Pilot

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  2. Yacht Helicopter Pilot : presentation, missions and salary

    The salary of a yacht helicopter pilot can vary widely depending on their experience, skills, and the type of yacht they work for. On average, a yacht helicopter pilot can expect to earn around $150,000 to $250,000 per year. However, those with more experience and working for high-end yachts can earn upwards of $500,000 annually.

  3. [Mil] H145 Yacht Pilot

    H145 Captain - Yacht. Applications are invited for an experienced and dynamic ex-military pilot for a private helicopter operation supporting a globally cruising yacht. The helicopter is the H145 D2 from Airbus Helicopters. The position will offer a generous package commensurate with experience. The roster is developed on an equal time on ...

  4. A Day In The Life…Superyacht Pilot!

    Pilot and CFII in Helicopters, Airplanes, Seaplanes, Gyroplanes, Gliders, and Hot-air Balloons. by Jim Mackay. While there are no reliable numbers, published estimates suggest there are approximately 300 yachts around the world capable of safely supporting helicopter operations. During the summer of 2018, I was fortunate enough to fly from a 50 ...

  5. Yacht Helicopter pilot

    The Helicopter Pilot on a super yacht is a professional with proven experience in aeronautics who performs flying tasks to transport the yacht owner and guests from one point to another, always ensuring safety of passengers and cargoes, by ensuring the proper functioning of the helicopter. ... Helicopter Pilot on a Yacht Salary Guide. The ...

  6. Helicopter Pilots & Superyachts

    The helicopter landing area on a superyacht is known as a 'shipboard heliport' which has unique features that can create challenges even for the most experienced pilots. First and foremost, the 'shipboard heliport' is hosted on a seagoing vessel which is subjected to variable winds and sea state which causes the yacht to pitch and roll ...

  7. Just Helicopters > Articles and News > Jobs

    The ideal candidate would be a pilot seeking an entry level yacht-based helicopter position who wants to be a part of a team in a dynamic environment. This position would require being involved in other marine activities such as driving tenders and other marine equipment, and willingness to help out onboard where needed.

  8. 2023 Superyacht Crew Salary Survey

    The Results of the 2023 Salary Survey. Our annual salary survey provided some unprecedented insights to what captains and crew earned in 2023. The yachting industry is slowly returning to normal in the wake of the pandemic. Yachts are back to work around the world and many new ones are in the pipeline thanks to the surge in popularity the ...

  9. Yacht Helicopter Pilot Jobs & Vacancies

    Welcome to the Yacht Crew Agency's job listing page for Yacht Helicopter Pilot Jobs! We are excited to offer you the opportunity to join our team of skilled yacht crew members. As a Yacht Helicopter Pilot, you will have the chance to combine your passion for flying with the breathtaking scenery of the open sea. Our clients are seeking ...

  10. Has your superyacht helicopter got you in a spin?

    When trained pilot owners decide they want to fly helicopters onto their yacht, the boundaries are more ambiguous. There is no legal requirement for the pilot to hold the commercial helicopter licence professional pilots must have or the landing area to be certified; regardless, the crew should be prepared. There are three main recommendations ...

  11. Yacht Crew Salary Guide 2023

    A Superyacht Captain will have outstanding nautical expertise, repairs, electronics, professional procedures and accounting, Finance and administrative records knowledge. A captain must have a cool, charismatic demeanor and must be exceptionally competent to work with men, staff and visitors. Average monthly salary : 60ft (18m) à 2,200 ...

  12. Superyacht Captain salary survey 2023

    Every yacht bracket has seen a salary rise since 2020 and 2022. Full rotation is also increasing and becoming more prevalent on sub-50m yachts, with an 11% decline overall in Captains with less than 59 days leave. Two-fifths of Captains receive an annual pay rise, although this is not part of their contract. 38% receive a 13th-month bonus, but ...

  13. H145 Yacht Pilot

    H145 Yacht Pilot - Panama. Jul 1, 2020 - Rotorwing, Operations, Pilot - Worldwide . H145 Yacht Pilot - Panama [Please be vigilant when applying. ... All Other Helicopter Jobs. Manages Others No. Experience Required Yes. Degree Required No. Security Clearance Required No. Pay From $150,000 To $150,000 Per Year. Employment Type Employee.

  14. The Best Helicopters For Superyachts

    Robinson R44 helicopter. One of the most popular full-sized, entry level helicopters - almost 6,000 have been sold. Powered by a single six-cylinder piston engine, it carries four people, cruises at 135mph, and has a range of 350 miles. In 1997 Jennifer Murray used one to become the first woman to circumnavigate the globe by heli.

  15. Helicopter Pilot Salary

    The average Helicopter Pilot salary in the United States is $106,844 as of July 29, 2024, but the range typically falls between $90,617 and $137,336. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills, the number of years you have spent in your profession.

  16. What is a Helicopter pilots yearly salary?

    The estimated total pay for a Helicopter Pilot is $208,627 per year in the Florida area, with an average salary of $129,874 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The estimated additional pay is $78,753 per year.

  17. Superyacht Jobs

    Sole Engineer 35m private motor yacht. Middle East. Posted 12 / 08 / 2024. Viking Crew are looking for a sole engineer to join a 35m motor yacht in the Middle East. Start Date: 1st of September 2024. Salary: EUR. Annual Leave: 45 Days.

  18. Salary: Helicopter Pilot in United States 2024

    Total pay range. $165K - $307K/yr. $221K/yr Median total pay. Pay breakdown. $102K - $188K/yr Base pay. $64K - $119K/yr Additional pay. The estimated total pay for a Helicopter Pilot is $220,620 per year, with an average salary of $135,725 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary ...

  19. commercial helicopter pilot jobs in Meridian, CA

    21 Commercial Helicopter Pilot jobs available in Meridian, CA on Apply to Pilot, Mechanic, Operations Associate and more! ... As a helicopter pilot joining our team, you will ensure the safe, compliant, on-time and efficient air transport of the clients we serve. ... Overwater / Yacht experience Airbus H135/H145 CFI rating.

  20. Superyacht Crew Salaries: First Report Released

    Salaries for chief officers on charter yachts ranged from under €4,000 per month on 0-35m vessels to over €8,000 on 81-100m vessels and dropping slightly in the category of 101+m. Data for 2nd and 3rd officers was more sporadic, and charter position salaries ranged from €3,800 for both positions on yachts 51-65m and upwards.

  21. Helicopter Pilot Yacht Crew Jobs Turkey & Greece

    I have professional helicopter pilot or pursuing a private rotorcraft pilot's license, flying helicopter... HOME. REGISTER; SIGN IN; Your Cv; YOUR PROFILE; LOST PASSWORD; MCA 3000 GRT. MCA 500 GRT; MCA 200 GRT; Chief Mate; ... Yacht Crew Jobs Turkey & Greece. Yacht Crew Jobs in Turkey and Greece

  22. Yacht Jobs

    Helicopter Pilot. 0 jobs found Jobs on Yachts Deck Jobs (315) Engineering Jobs (140) Galley Jobs (135) Interior Jobs (330) Specialist Jobs (53) Beautician; Hairdresser; ... For Yacht Crew Job Search Training Tax Relief Register Log In Career Advice Companies A-Z. For Recruiters Information for Recruiters Crew Search Post your Jobs Register

  23. Superyacht Engineering Jobs

    Posted 12 / 08 / 2024. Viking Crew are looking for a sole engineer to join a 35m motor yacht in the Middle East. Start Date: 1st of September 2024. Salary: EUR. Annual Leave: 45 Days. Additiona... Find Out More Share This Job Save This Job.